Clackamas County Voters' Pamphlet

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The document discusses the mayoral candidates for the City of Canby and a candidate for Wilsonville City Council. It provides biographical information and priorities for each candidate.

Randy Carson has lived in Canby for 37 years and has prior experience as a City Council member and Mayor of Canby from 2011-2013. He emphasizes business expansion, job growth, infrastructure projects, fiscal responsibility, and community pride in Canby.

Brian Hodson is currently a City Councilor for Canby. He emphasizes providing clear direction and goals for Canby, strengthening the economic engine, and managing growth while maintaining a small town sensibility.

City of Canby Mayor Randy Carson Nonpartisan

Occupation: Purchasing Manager Occupational Background: Columbia Helicopters, Inc. Educational Background: Washington State University, General Studies; Big Bend Community College, Associates Degree, Applied Science; Portland Community College, Aviation Mechanics Prior Governmental Experience: City Council 1999-2009; Canby Mayor 2011-2013 RANDY CARSON Proven Leadership, Experience and Trust I have lived in Canby for 37 years. I belong to Canby Rotary, Canby Rod & Gun Club; Canby Historical Society; Friends of the Library; Canby Adult Center. I have the same concerns as everyone else: The economy, jobs, livability and good schools. I have listened to Canby citizens, property and business owners and have based my decisions on their concerns and for the good of all Canby. BUSINESS EXPANSION AND JOB GROWTH New businesses have created 200+ family-wage jobs. Canby has implemented resources to support business, and has established a Quick Response Team to work with new businesses. INFRASTRUCTURE AND URBAN RENEWAL The streets around Wait Park and 4th Avenue have been repaved, with new sidewalks at the Clackamas County Event Center. The new Police Facility is in operation. First Avenue is being revitalized as an attractive incentive for business and tourism. CITY BUDGET AND ACCOUNTABILITY Canby has stayed within budget and is fiscally sound without sacrificing city services or police protection.. COMMUNITY PRIDE With business and community partnership, the Vietnam Era Veterans Memorial and the September 11 Memorial were completed and dedicated in 2011. We take our livability very seriously here in Canby. Im enthusiastic and optimistic about Canbys future. We have a responsible and dedicated Council, efficient city staff, a business community that sustains Canbys growth, community organizations which bring us all together, and citizens who choose to live here because Canby provides a healthy environment, safe schools, recreational facilities and friends running into friends on every street corner in town. We have it all right here in Canby! Lets keep it going! I would be honored to continue to serve as Canbys Mayor! Information furnished by: Committee to Elect Randy Carson

City of Canby Mayor Brian D. Hodson Nonpartisan

Occupation: Starbucks Coffee Company, Store Manager, 1999-2004, 2006-Present; City Councilor, City of Canby, 2009-present Occupational Background: District Manager, Starbucks Coffee Company. Nordstrom, Sales and Stockroom. JWL Landscaping, Demolition; Drummer/music teacher. Linfield College, BA Psychology Educational Background:

Prior Governmental Experience: City Councilor, Appointed, 2009; City Councilor, Elected 2010; Clackamas County Coordinating Committee; Planning Commission Liaison Community Involvement: Canby Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 2008-Present, Vice President; 20092011, President 2011- Present; Attend Canby Alliance Church; S.M.A.R.T Volunteer; Operation Snuggle; Metro Toy Drive, Local Heroes Program; Various School Supply and Book Drives; My fellow citizens, I, Brian Hodson, would be honored to be your next Mayor of Canby. As Mayor, I will be your voice. I will set and provide direction after listening to all the voices of the city citizens, businesses, city staff and the Council. Our city deserves strong leadership and I am dedicated to that cause. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader. -John Quincy Adams. Clear Direction: Our direction and goals needs to be re-established. What do we want and need as a city? With citizens, businesses, city staff, and the council, we wilI work as a dedicated team to accomplish this. One-on-one commitment to discussing the needs of our citys future with families and business owners. Stronger Economic Engine: Canby is the crown jewel of business and economic growth in the County. To capitalize on this, we must: Be fiscally focused, making sound decisions with a clear vision. Spur new small business growth. Improve transportation within and through our city. This will draw investment, create jobs, and make our local economy thrive Growth With A Small Town Sensibility: With direction set and the engine roaring, where we take Canby is crucial. Sensible yet innovative planning of homes, parks, local and county roads, and businesses. I have worked with businesses and their challenges, like design codes. I will continue this direct involvement. Information furnished by: Brian D.Hodson

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Official Clackamas County 2012 General Election Voters Pamphlet

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City of Canby Councilor Tim Dale Nonpartisan

Occupation: Product Development Engineer Occupational Background: Engineering and engineering management Educational Background: Warner-Pacific College, 16, BS, Business Admin; Canby Union High School, 12, Diploma Prior Governmental Experience: City Council, City of Canby, 2011-2012 Canby is a great place to live, and we want to keep it that way. Not just for today, but for our children, grandchildren, and generations to come. Sustainability is not just for the environment. It is also about economics and livability. Economics. Just like the small businesses, retirees, and working families that fund it, the city must live within a tight budget. Every tax dollar is precious: l We must stay focused on the essentials l Be effective at getting them done l Do them with ever-increasing efficiency Every dollar spent on urban renewal is long-term debt that is paid for by deflecting property taxes from the things that help make Canby livable: schools, streets, parks, fire, and police. Each UR expenditure needs to be scrutinized for its contribution to building an economic engine that powers Canby into the future. Livability. We love the feel of Canby. We love living here. We like wide streets and parks. We like living next to rivers, trees, and farms. We like our cars and our bicycles, convenient shopping and quiet backyards, concerts and rodeos. We are not a suburb. We dont like regional governments telling us how to live. We are Canby. City Hall must be vigilant to protect our treasured livability and community values while we gently grow from a small town into a larger family. I ask your permission to continue serving you on city council as we together keep Canby great and vibrant, and build a bright future. Endorsed by Clackamas Leadership Fund. Information furnished by: Tim Dale

City of Canby Councilor Traci Hensley Nonpartisan

Occupation: 2002-present: Self-Employed, direct sales Occupational Background: 1990-2001: Stanley Hydraulic Tools Inventory Control, Chair of Safety Committee, CNC Mill operator Educational Background: Milwaukie High School, graduate Prior Governmental Experience: 2011-present: Canby City Council I have been a City Councilor in Canby since May 2011, serving as council liason to the Canby School Board, Library Board and Riverside Neighborhood Association. I also serve as a Commissioner of the Canby Urban Renewal District. Areas of focus for the next term: Budget I believe government should live within its means and I will work diligently for responsible spending, building a more comfortable contingency and advocate appropriate use of Urban Renewal funds. Economic Development I support the Canby Main Street Programs efforts to strengthen the downtown core. I see the completion of the Canby Pioneer Industrial Park and improvements to 99E as priorities for attracting new businesses and jobs to Canby. Community Community involvement is vital to the process. I encourage citizen participation and, as a dedicated defender of the citizens right to vote, I will continue to do all I am able to protect their voice and let them be heard. I have lived in Canby, with my family, for 16 years and I love its small town feel. I enjoy serving the community and look forward to another term, working with the citizens to grow our garden spot the Canby way. Endorsed by Clackamas Leadership Fund Information furnished by: Traci Hensley

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Official Clackamas County 2012 General Election Voters Pamphlet

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City of Damascus Mayor Andrew Jackman Nonpartisan

Occupation: Retired Occupational Background: Educator/College Teacher and Administrator; Vice President of Education for OMSl; Dean of Science at Mt. Hood Community College; Faculty Oregon State University Educational Background: Oregon State University, 24, PhD, Forestry; California State University, 18, MS, Environmental Studies; California State University, 16, BA; Orange High School, 12, High School Diploma Prior Governmental Experience: 6 years (2 terms) City Council, Damascus I am very pleased to place my name as a candidate for Mayor of Damascus and I ask for your support. I believe that my background, experience and professional training make me well qualified to help develop an atmosphere of collaboration, and to re-focus priorities back to the creation of a Comprehensive Plan that truly reflects the Core Values of our Community. My background began in private business. I owned and operated a family business before returning to college to pursue my professional career in teaching and education. The thesis subject for my Masters Degree relates to the Interrelationship between Urban Development, Environmental Quality and Wildlife Sightings. My Doctorate in Forestry is from the College of Forestry at OSU. Go Beavs! For the past six years I have served as a City Councilor in Damascus. If elected I will make these the primary focus of my term:
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City of Damascus Mayor Steve Spinnett Nonpartisan

Occupation: Small Business Owner Occupational Background: None Educational Background: None Prior Governmental Experience: Current Mayor Defending the people I know Steve; he is a man of integrity with great leadership skills. First and foremost Steve has demonstrated again and again that he is a defender of the people. Dr. Larry Franks, Damascus Citizen Limited Government We need to reform city government and limit local taxes. Steve is well known in the region for demonstrating his commitment to these values and will continue to do so. Jason Williams, Taxpayers Association of Oregon PAC Property Rights Steve is a person that recognizes governments intrusion into our backyards and businesses. He has demonstrated his commitment to the cause of freedom, especially with private property rights. Dale Hunnicutt, Director, Oregon Family Farms Association PAC The only elected official in Damascus to publicly support the initiatives you overwhelmingly passed. I supported the No new taxes and fees without your approval, the referendum on the Comprehensive Plan and the measure which requires your vote on the comprehensive plan before it is submitted to the state and Metro. My opponents were unsupportive of these measures. Limited government means limited spending! I support the measure in this election that limits city spending. This measure is with the intent to refund the balance back to you. I know who I work for! The current city council has repeatedly cited state and Metro rules. The state is not the problem; council policy goes far beyond state regulations. The Metro philosophy of high density development is embraced by our city council. The reality is we CAN push back on Metro and produce a plan that will be acceptable to you. I work for you! Local control The reason we incorporated as a city is the same today as it was then. The problem is you havent been represented by council. Its time for new leadership! We have three great city council candidates, who have similar values and will represent you! Dan Phegley Mel Obrien Bill Wehr! Information furnished by: Steve Spinnett, Take Back Damascus

Maintain Rural Character, Small Town Feel Make Damascus a Sustainable 21st Century City Protect Special Places by Concentrating Development Design Mixed use Walkable Neighborhoods Compensate Land Owners for Set-asides Developer Pays the System Costs Protect Habitat, Create Parks and Gathering Places Economic Fairness, Local Control

I believe that Damascus is and should continue to be the best place to live in Oregon. Our rural character, local farms and forests, together with our proximity to Portland and Mt. Hood add to our desirability as a place to live and do business. Now is the time to move ahead, and I am asking your support to help make it possible. Thank you! Information furnished by: Andrew Jackman

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Official Clackamas County 2012 General Election Voters Pamphlet

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City of Damascus Mayor Mary Wescott Nonpartisan

Occupation: Wescotts Auto Restyling, Office Manager 1994 to present Occupational Background: British Steel Alloys, Administrative Assistant 1989 - 1994; Sears Roebuck and Co, Supervisor Customer Service 1978 - 1988 Educational Background: Newberg High School, 12, Diploma Prior Governmental Experience: Budget Committee, City of Damascus 2010; Committee for Citizen Involvement, City of Damascus, Chair 2010; City Councilor, City of Damascus 2011 present I was born and raised here in Oregon, Ive got 3 sisters and one brother, we grew up on a working farm, raising many animals, I learned how to care not only for the animals but also the land. Family: Married to Karl Wescott, we have one son Ben whos 15, Ive been a resident of Damascus for 20 years - married into a family thats around since the late 1800s. Community Organizations/Volunteer Experience
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City of Damascus Councilor Pos. 1 Kevin Reedy Nonpartisan

Occupation: Owner; Reedy Enterprises llc Occupational Background: Construction Management Educational Background: 6229th US Army Reserve School, Certificate, Engineering; US Army Training Center, Certificate, Supply Management; 6229th US Army Reserve School, Certificate, Leadership; US Army Quarter Master School, Certificate, Logistics Prior Governmental Experience: Committee for Citizen Involvement (Damascus, Or.) Member 1 term; Committee for Citizen Involvement (Damascus, Or.) Chairman 1 term; Various Ad-hoc Committees I am running for Damascus City Council Position #1 with no agenda other than to ensure that the majority of the citizens of the city of Damascus are accurately represented. I do not support the influence any outside agencies, Corporate or Governmental. My sole interest is to pursue the opinions of Damascus citizens in all matters that affect them, and then use this information to make decisions and accurately represent the citizens of Damascus. I believe that we need to stop the personal attacks, engage in respectful dialogue and act in a manner the community will be proud of. I will do all that I can to reduce the rhetoric, and repair the citys reputation and influence. I intend to promote a minimalist planning strategy in order to; ease the transition for the current residents, allow future residents to realize their own visions, and expedite the current planning processes. During my term, I hope to complete the planning process that has been bogged down with lofty ideas that, apparently, contradict the vision of the majority of the people who live here. I accept no campaign contributions or endorsements. Although I owe allegiance to no one, my campaign is fiscally modest (you wont see a lot of fancy signs from me) A vote for me is a vote for you. Information furnished by: Kevin Reedy

Good Morning Damascus - Chair, 2005 - present Day in Damascus (community festival) Chair, 2007 & 2010 Damascus/Boring Kiwanis Club Charter Member 2007, President 2008 & 2010, Lt. Governor Division 66, 2011/2012 Mt Hood Kiwanis Camp, Walk Roll or Stroll - Fundraiser Chair 2008 & 2009 Boy Scout Troop 204 (for special needs kids) Charter Rep, 2009 to present

I believe in giving back to the community and have volunteered hundreds of hours doing just that. We need to support and listen to our citizens and do whats right for the community as a whole, not just a few. There is no us and them, the city council members are our neighbors - they are us. I married into a family that community involvement very seriously - my husband has served as a volunteer firefighter for over 35 years, my father in law served the fire service for 50 years as well as serving on several boards and was the first mayor of Damascus, hes a huge example for me. Please vote for Mary Wescott for Mayor Endorsed by:Lori DeRemer, Mayor Happy Valley Information furnished by: Mary Wescott

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Official Clackamas County 2012 General Election Voters Pamphlet

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City of Damascus Councilor Pos. 1 Bill Wehr Nonpartisan

Occupation: Retired Occupational Background: Financial Services Educational Background: City University Of Seattle, Master of Business Administration; Linfield College, Bachelor of Arts Prior Government Experience: Damascus City Budget Committee Family and Community: Damascus is special place to live with its naturally beautiful setting and with the people that live here. My wife and I have lived in Damascus for 36 years of the 47 years of our marriage. Our children went through the local school system from 1st grade through high school. For years we have been active with a multiple sclerosis support group. This group has been an opportunity to serve and understand the concerns of people from various backgrounds. Challenge: I have attended Damascus City Council meetings regularly and eventually was appointed to the City Budget Committee. Through these I became aware of the areas that need to be worked on to make our city thrive and grow yet maintain the special place that it is. What Will I Do?

City of Damascus Councilor Pos. 2 Don Arbuckle Nonpartisan

Occupation: None Occupational Background: 20 years United States Air Force Firefighter - Retired Master Sergeant; Fire Inspection and Training Assistant - Port of Portland Fire Department; Division Chief of Training Boring Fire District Educational Background: Community College of the Air Force, 14, AA, Fire Sciences Prior Governmental Experience: None Family and Community: Married to Leslie Carson Arbuckle. My wifes family crossed the Barlow Trail in 1852 and purchased property on Tong Road, on Highway 224, and in the southeast Portland area. We currently live on the Carson-Heald-Brown-Wise homestead, became the fourth generation living on the family farm along Highway 224 east of Carver. We have two daughters, and a new grandson. Major Challenge: Bringing together our community after two years of untruthful, calculated personal attacks against the current city council for political gain to take over our city government during this election. Leadershlp: Non-Commission Officer USAF Leadership Positions: Assistant Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, and Fire Chief. Haunted House Project Manager for a non-profit that raised over $20,000 for local charities. What I will Do: I will provide honest leadership without hidden agendas I personally support decreasing our citys footprint, but more importantly, I support the will of the citizens of Damascus and will always honor their vision. Protect the rural character of Damascus against those who want to over develop Vision A local government that protects all private property rights, not just those who want to develop. Unless there is a vote for disincorporation, the city needs to navigate forward. An attractive and strong city center that meets local shopping needs and honors our rural character. Our buildings and streets should be planned for both efficiency and aesthetics with the center of Damascus a pedestrian-friendly main street. A countryside that offers a more harmonious and less congested living environment. Endorsed by: Karl Wescott - Owner Wescott Auto Mary Wescott - Co-owner Wescott Auto and Damascus City Councilor Dr. Marlo Dean - Damascus City Councilor Information furnished by: Don Arbuckle

Businesses and jobs: I pledge to change our City Council from being business unfriendly to business friendly. I welcome entrepreneurs who provide real jobs for local families. Local Control: I will work to complete a Comprehensive Plan that will make sense for our citizens that want local control rather than dictated control from outside our City. Private Property Rights: I will pass no unnecessary and/ or redundant ordinances. The rights of property owners are foremost as we complete the Comprehensive Plan. Responsible spending and taxation: I insist that every property tax dollar be accounted for and justified. I support a YES vote on measure 3-404 which will limit city spending, taxes and debt. I endorse Mayor Steve Spinnett for reelection, Dan Phegley for council position # 6 and Mel OBrien for council seat #2, as they also fully support measure 3-404.

Information furnished by: Bill Wehr

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Official Clackamas County 2012 General Election Voters Pamphlet

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City of Damascus Councilor Pos. 2 Michael Hammons Nonpartisan

Occupation: Realtor Occupational Background: Realtor since 1989; Ski Resort Management; Drilling Rigs Educational Background: Klamath Union High, 11; GED Prior Governmental Experience: Transportation TST; C3 Committee; Damascus/ Boring Concept Plan Committee; Committee for the Future of Damascus; Sandy City Council
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City of Damascus Councilor Pos. 2 Mel OBrien Nonpartisan

Occupation: Registered Nurse; Small business owner Occupational Background: United States Army veteran Educational Background: St. Joseph High School, 4, Diploma, College Prep; Contra Costa Community College, 3, AA, Registered Nurse Prior Governmental Experience: Taxpayer Family and Community: My wife of 18 years, Jane, and I chose Damascus as our home in 2004, rooted in special rural neighbor and community atmosphere. Jane is also my best friend, my anchor. Challenge: Damascus faces unprecedented challenges to preserve the community we enjoy. Growth is inevitable, however citizens of Damascus must strive to manage growth that maintains the quality of life we cherish; and a city in which all voices are heard and not silenced. What Will I Do? What will WE (all citizens of Damascus) do! l Private Property Rights: Damascus citizens have inherent rights to the private enjoyment of their homes and properties. Unnecessary city ordinances, permits, and taxes threaten our rights. I will not support actions to undermine private property rights of Damascus citizens. l Responsible Spending and Taxation: Damascus citizens cannot afford unrestrained spending by city government. Each tax dollar must be spent wisely l Businesses and Jobs: I will work to create a business friendly Damascus, resulting in opportunities for local employment while being mindful of the impacts growth has on our community. l Local Control: Outside interests are invading our community, silencing our voices and imposing Portland like visions of growth that will irrevocably change Damascus to resemble cities that have befallen Portland Creep. WE are unique. WE will stay unique. This is OUR community and WE must have the sovereign right to forge our future. l Vote YES on Measure 3-404, limiting city spending, taxes, and debt. l I also whole heartedly endorse Mayor Steve Spinnett for re-election, Dan Phegley for City Council (Position #6) and Bill Wehr for City Council (Position #1). Information furnished by: Mel OBrien

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Seasoned Community representative providing over 20 years of civic and real estate service. Strong understanding of community processes, timelines, policies and procedures on the City, County and State levels. Appointed member of the Damascus Community Coordinating Committee (C3). Present member of the Damascus Transportation Topic Specific Team (TST). Have worked to bring citizens a thorough understanding of the processes that ultimately provide citizens a voice regarding governmental bodies and outside agencies.

It has been my privilege in the past to serve on several committees to try to make Damascus not only a great place to live but to make our city livable for everyone that will join me to make Damascus truly great. I do not represent one side or the other; my job as your city council member will be to represent you. I have a clear and genuine understanding of how property owners feel about their land. I will continue to fight for your right to have a voice as to how and where your property will fit within the development of our new city. As your council member, I will represent you first. I will promote sustainability, a livable environment, and a pro-active plan for every voter that lives here in Damascus. I will create an open platform in which each and every citizen will have a voice in every aspect of how we can make this city great! And I can assure you that with my qualifications and your vote, we can team up to make Damascus the model that every new city in Oregon will choose to follow in the future. Thank you in advance for your vote! Sincerely, Mike Hammons Damascus City Council Position #2 Information furnished by: Mike Hammons

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Official Clackamas County 2012 General Election Voters Pamphlet

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City of Damascus Councilor, Pos. 6 Jim De Young Nonpartisan

Occupation: Professor, Western Seminary; author Occupational Background: Bible Instructor; sales; teaching abroad; mini-farm of nursery stock and beef; Kids Kingdom day-care with wife Educational Background: Moody Bible Institute, diploma; East Texas Baptist College, BA; Talbot Theological Seminary, MDiv, ThM; Dallas Theological Seminary, ThD Prior Governmental Experience: with wife elected Damascus precinct committee person COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT:

City of Damascus Councilor, Pos. 6 Dan Phegley Nonpartisan

Occupation: Insurance Agent Occupational Background: Family owned independent insurance agency 30 years. Educational Background: Mount Hood Community College, 14, Business Prior Governmental Experience: US Army 1972 - 1974 I believe Governments should govern at the convenience of citizens. People are more important than planners, people are more important than the convenience of city councils or Metro boards. Our family supports My Fathers House which succeeds in helping Families recover from adversity without government funding. I am founder of Ask Damascus which successfully advances citizen involvement in issues facing our city. Damascus citizens are proud of their city charter which contains provisions such as; New taxes and tax increases require voter approval Private property may not be condemned for transfer to a developer City plans and costs must be approved by voters before being submitted to Metro or LCDC for approval. I am proud to have led in passage of each of the above measures and am proud of the hundreds of Damascus volunteers that helped on each one. My opponent has not supported any of these measures including the measure restoring our initiative process from limitations placed by our council. You cannot control taxes and debt without first controlling spending. I am chief petitioner and I support Measure 3-404, the city spending limit. While we need changes in Damascus we should not dis-incorporate and give Metro control of our city and property. We need councilors who believe in Damascus, not another messenger from Metro ! Vote Dan Phegley for position 6. In April, 2012 a majority of our council including Mary Wescott and my opponent held a secret meeting to decide how to thwart our Mayor and dis-incorporate our city all behind locked doors. This kind of decision making must stop. It is time for citizens to show government how to lead. Dan Phegley for council position 6. Please also vote for William Wehr, Mel OBrien and Steve Spinnett ! YES ON 3-404 Information furnished by: Get Metro Out of Damascus Committee

Damascus Community Churchs Fourth of July Celebration, Cruise the Road to Damascus cruise-in, Harvest Festival Day in Damascus outreach and relief work in Afghanistan and Mexico Damascus Community Association community organizing public road maintenance

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PERSONAL: married 47 years to Patricia; resident of Damascus 41 years; family of 4 children with 12 grandchildren; VISION FOR DAMASCUS: a fresh start, leaving behind old ways and discovering new ways

Embracing Damascus heritage as the end of the Oregon Trail where peoples hopes and dreams for a NEW BEGINNING are realized A NEW BEGINNING for the Comprehensive Plan, supporting our concerns for less density, open lands, protection of natural resources, respect for property rights, lower taxes, and restricted development (shadow zoning; reimbursement for transfer of development rights) A NEW BEGINNING for the City Council, functioning with integrity, openness, respect, freedom of expression, optimism, constructive compromise, fiscal responsibility, unity, and a heart for listening to Damascus residents A NEW BEGINNING for the community, attracting young families, jobs and commerce, and caring for our youth and aging population Vision for the Damascus of the future: (1) Youth Center joined with a Senior Citizen center; (2) Veterans Memorial in Damascus Park; (3) park-trail system along the Clackamas River; (4) sister memorial to the Gateway Arch in St. Louis to mark Damascus as the approximate end of the Oregon Trail. All funded without taxes.

For additional information go to Information furnished by: Jim De Young

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Official Clackamas County 2012 General Election Voters Pamphlet

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City of Estacada Councilor Sean Drinkwine Nonpartisan

Occupation: CEO of a service related company in Estacada Occupational Background: General manager, District Manager and CEO Educational Background: Tintic High School, 12; National Restaurant Association, Certificate HACCP; League of Oregon Cities, Certificate, Legal Powers & Impedim.; League of Oregon Cities, Certificate, Commun & Media Relatio Prior Governmental Experience: Estacada City Council 2009 - present Councilor Drinkwine was sworn into office in January 2009 and has served graciously for nearly four years. He has also been involved with a variety of community organizations such as: Cazadero Heights Home Owners Association (president), Estacada Area Chamber of Commerce (director), Main Street Design Committee, Estacada Budget Review Committee, the Tourism Board of Clackamas County (director), Estacada Area Community Events (director), and has been a council liaison for the Estacada Library Board of Trustees, Parks and Rec Commission and the Estacada Area Arts Commission. Councilor Drinkwine wants to continue helping Estacada development into a thriving community that attracts visitors and promotes a wide range of business opportunities while maintaining its unique character and small town charm. Information furnished by: Sean Drinkwine

City of Gladstone Councilor Pos. 4 Neal Reisner Nonpartisan

Occupation: Teacher Occupational Background: Football Coach; Security Officer; Alarm Center Coordinator; Alarm Center Supervisor, Assistant Store Manager; Warehouse Person; Coach Operator (Bus Driver); Police Officer, Community Service Officer; Ski Rental Shop Boot and Ski Fitter, Ski Patrol Educational Background: Portland State University, Graduate, MEd, Secondary Education; Eastern Oregon University, Bachelors, BS, Political Science/Business Administration; Clackamas Community College, Associates, AS, Criminal Justice Administration Prior Governmental Experience: Gladstone Planning Commission [Chairman] (1990 to 1993 and 1999 to Present; Gladstone Budget Committee (2012 to Present); Gladstone School Board (1992 to 1997); Gladstone Parks and Recreation Board (1990 to 1991); Clackamas County Democratic Central Committee (1990 to 1992); State Representative Larry Sowas Office (1993); Civil Air Patrol (1985 to 1987) Family: Tina (Wife of 30 years), Adult Children - Heather and Justin I am running for Gladstone City Council to Put Gladstone First, To Establish Priorities and Accountability. My business experience and education will be an asset. As a member of the Budget Committee, I know the budget process, and suggested several changes to this years budget. The city needs to establish a plan to repair and replace its infrastructure, which includes the city hall, police station, sewer system, fresh water system and library. I support citizen involvement, citizen committees, and respect their input. I will listen and process every available informational resource and will keep an open mind while making informed decisions. Having raised two children in our community and having been a member of the School Board I know how special we are sharing a common boundary with the school district. I will continue to work to keep Gladstone unique and special. The City Council has a number of paramount decisions to make soon and we need the most experienced candidate, to move this city forward. I ask for your vote and support. Additional information at: Information furnished by: Neal Reisner

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Official Clackamas County 2012 General Election Voters Pamphlet

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City of Lake Oswego Mayor Greg MacPherson Nonpartisan

Occupation: Employee benefits lawyer, Stoel Rives LLP Occupational Background: 34 years creating retirement and health plans Educational Background: Georgetown Law School JD; Harvard University AB; Albany High School Prior Governmental Experience: State Representative for Lake Oswego; Oregon Law Commission; Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission Restore Civility to our Civic Life Greg Macpherson will bridge the divisions in our City Council. As our representative in Salem, he showed he could find common ground with others, earning this description: Fearless problem-tackler. Sees the big picture. Savvy, hardworking, deeply respected across political lines. The Oregonian, 9/18/05 Strengthen our Schools Greg Macpherson knows that strong schools are the key to Lake Oswegos future. Hell make sure City services support the mission of the School District and there are housing options to attract young families. Greg served on the Board of the Lake Oswego School District Foundation and as Honorary Chair of its annual Phon-a-thon. He has repeatedly shown his commitment to the kids of this community. Kevin Robertson, 2011-12 President of LOSD Foundation and father of two LO students Protect our Parks and Open Spaces Greg Macpherson will maintain our parks and extend bicycle/pedestrian paths. He will combat invasive species threatening Lake Oswegos open spaces. Greg supports community gardens and leads hikes through Lake Oswego parks to build awareness of the communitys natural treasures. His leadership of the City will assure that new generations can enjoy the landscape we have today. Debbie Craig, Lake Oswego parks advocate Keep our Neighborhoods Safe Greg Macpherson will make sure Lake Oswego continues to have one of the lowest crime rates around and prompt emergency response. In addition to supporting police and fire fighters, hell use innovation to improve safety at lower cost. Greg was a key player in Oregons successful shutdown of home meth labs by restricting access to the raw material from which meth is cooked - Rob Bovett, Lincoln County District Attorney A New Leader for Lake Oswego Information furnished by: Friends of Greg Macpherson
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City of Lake Oswego Mayor Kent Studebaker Nonpartisan

Occupation: Retired Occupational Background: US Marine Corps 1970-1973 Multnomah Co DAs Office 19731976 Louisiana Pacific Corporate Law 1976-1985 Small Business Owner G/S Associates 1985-2006 Educational Background: Graduated Lake Oswego High School 1963 B A. Economics. University of Oregon 1967. Juris Doctor of Law University of Oregon 1970 Prior Governmental Experience: US Marine Corps. Multnomah County DAs Officice Community Involvement: Chair Lake Oswego Cltlzens Budget Committee, Member NW lndustrlal Neighborhood Assoclatlon, Former member Junior Chamber of Commerce Personal: Married to Kim for forty three years, two daughters. Kent Studebaker - Preserving and Serving Lake Oswego Kent Studebaker- Spending Restraints Together we can build a dynamic, affordable, well educated community without leaving a burden of debt with our children. l Must have a long term plan with agreed upon priorities l Spend first on roads, pathways, police, fire, parks and other infrastructure l Stop the tremendous increase in Lake Oswego debt Kent Studebaker- The Rights of Citlzens I will lead, not dictate. City government must work in tandem with the citizens it serves l Allow citizens full enjoyment of their property without over-reaching regulations l Re-instate the bi-annual community survey to solicit your opinions and concerns l Lets not chase families out of Lake Oswego because of skyrocketing fees and costs of living here Kent Studebaker - A Balanced Approach I want Lake Oswego to progress towards a dynamic future in a fiscally responsible way that preserves its character. l Enhance and preserve what we have l Keep zoning consistent with our residential character, not re-zone to allow high density infill l Make sure our environment is buslness friendly with a well educated work force Kent Studebaker Is Endorsed by (Partial List) Councilor Mary Olson Councilor Mike Kehoe Richard Ackerman, former school board member Alice L. Schlenker and Bill Klammer Peter Sweet Barry Cain Tom Coffee Michelle Dorman Ann B. Miller Lake Oswego Citizens Action League (LOCAL) L O Stewards PAC Vote Kent Studebaker Information furnished by: Kent Studebaker
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City of Lake Oswego Councilor Karen Bowerman Nonpartisan

Occupation: Business and management education; community volunteer Occupational Background: Dean, College of Business and Public Administration; Dean Emeritus, California State University, San Bernardino; author on leadership; manager of finance company. Educational Background: Texas A&M University, Ph.D.; Kansas University, M.A.; Wichita State University, B.A. Prior Governmental Experience: Lake Oswego 50+ Advisory Board; U.S. Secretary of Commerce appointee, District Export Council; Executive Director, Office of Texas Governor, Commission on Status of Women PERSONAL: Married 34 years to Earl, Professor of Plant Science. Four children, three grandchildren Karen Bowerman - Passion for Lake Oswegos future l With enthusiasm for community spirit, uphold our family-friendly culture with safe neighborhoods and open green spaces l Foster collaborative and transparent relationships with citizens, while offering experience in strategic management, innovation and budgeting Karen Bowerman - Priorities Spend carefully l Prioritize spending responsibly to ensure needed funding for essential city services including police, fire and infrastructure l Minimize tax and fee burden; fees on utility bills are like taxes without citizen vote Ensure citizen vote on proposed future debt l Rapidly rising long-term debt should be kept in check by those who must pay for it - the voters l Be accountable for spending commitments of both todays and tomorrows taxes and fees Treat all citizens with respect l Ensure that our residents, including business owners, have meaningful voice with a Council that is by the people and for the people l Value both citizens property and environmental stewardship Value and serve Lake Oswego l Preserve Lake Oswego neighborhoods, without dictates from outside agendas that override our values l Keep zoning consistent with our local community character, without city support for high density subsidized housing infill ENDORSEMENTS include: Mike Kehoe, Lake Oswego City Councilor; Mary Olson, City Councilor; LO Citizens Action League (LOCAL); LO Stewards PAC; Tom Coffee, Lake Oswego Planning Director, Community Development Director and Assistant City Manager 1991-2001; Dixie B. Powers, Founder and former CEO, Baggallini Inc; Lauren Hughes; David Streiff, DMD Karen Bowerman for Lake Oswego City Council Information furnished by: Karen Bowerman
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City of Lake Oswego Councilor Jon Gustafson Nonpartisan

Occupation: Partner/Owner, Beals Design-Build Inc. Occupational Background: Architectural Designer, Builder, Developer, Real Estate Broker Educational Background: Portland State University, BS, Architecture Prior Governmental Experience: Chair, Lake Oswego Planning Commission; Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership Citizen Sounding Board; Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan Citizen Advisory Committee Work Group on Housing & Economic Development Planning for Our Future Jon recognizes that to continue the great progress Lake Oswego has made in the last decade requires planning and investing in our future in a fiscally responsible manner. Chuck OLeary Proven Results As Chair of the Planning Commission, Jon restored trust and civility within the group and improved its ability to discuss complicated and controversial issues. Jon will use those skills on the City Council to restore the publics confidence in city government. Sally Moncrieff, Lake Oswego City Councilor Supporting our Schools As the only candidate with a young child in Lake Oswego schools, Jon understands that we must keep Lake Oswego attractive and attainable to the young families we need to support our school district. Sarah Howell, parent, Lake Oswego School District Local Priorities are Jons priorities The City Council must be good stewards of the public money and trust. City spending must match local priorities: unique neighborhoods, quality schools, beautiful parks and a vibrant downtown. As your City Councilor Jon will l Restore Trust and Civility l Prioritize Spending and Fiscal Responsibility l Preserve Neighborhoods l Support High Quality Schools l Attract and Support Businesses l Protect Natural Resources WE STRONGLY ENDORSE JON GUSTAFSON! Congresswoman Darlene Hooley State Representative Chris Garrett Judie Hammerstad Robert LeChevallier Donna Jordan Matt Levin Mike Buck Bruce Brown Mary Puskas Linda Brown Doug Cushing Mary Beth Coffey Don Irving Tracey Elliott Bob Barman Mary Ann Kunkel Ken Sandblast Bill Gaar And many more Debbie Craig Oregon League of Conservation Voters Basic Rights Oregon PAC (Green Light) Keep Lake Oswego Great PAC Information furnished by: Friends of Jon Gustafson
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City of Lake Oswego Councilor Terry Jordan Nonpartisan

Occupation: Owner and Instructor - EastWest Reiki Association, LLC, Lake Oswego, OR; Preschool Teacher - Village Home Education Resource Center, Beaverton, OR; Volunteer - Hospice Care of the Northwest, Portland, OR; Volunteer - Lake Oswego Library, Lake Oswego, OR; Martial Arts Instructor - World Champion Tae Kwon Do, Lake Oswego, OR Occupational Background: Board of Trustees, Fundraiser, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Portland, OR; Fundraiser, Educator, Lobbyist, American Lung Association, Burlington, MA; Health Educator, Shady Grove Adventist Hospital, Rockville, MD; Board of Directors, Village Home Education Resource Center, Beaverton, OR; School Volunteer, Hallinan, Waluga and Lakeridge, Lake Oswego, OR Educational Background: Northeastern University, 1983, B.S., Health Education Prior Governmental Experience: None Terry Jordan, 54 Spouse, Mom, teacher, small business owner Lake Oswego is the most beautiful and livable city my husband Bob and I have ever called home. We moved here nine years ago to raise our son, Timothy. I am running for city council to take an active role in our community. I envision exceptional schools, thriving small businesses, diversity in housing, sustainable practices, and a results-driven, fiscally responsible government. My priorities include:

City of Lake Oswego Councilor Skip ONeill Nonpartisan

Occupation: Lake Oswego Business Owner and Community Volunteer Occupational Background: Owner ONeill Builders; CoFounder Leading Technology Inc. Educational Background: Michigan State University, 16, B.A., Adverstising Prior Governmental Experience: None COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Lake Oswego Soccer and Lacrosse Club Coach, Lake Corporation Board, Lake Oswego Chamber, Lake Oswego School Foundation PERSONAL: Wife Lynda ONeill, and three daughters Lauren, Katie, Kelly have lived in Lake Oswego community for 30 years. Skip ONeill - Future of Lake Oswego ONeill - A Lake Oswego Plan - Not Portlands Agenda l Elect Council members driven by your needs not by metro area projects l Plan Lake Oswegos future by listening to citizens input l Rein in spending so high taxes and fees do not drive families away Skip is about retaining the character, reassessing priorities and having Lake Oswego distinguished by financial stability, great schools and affordability. John Stirek, Community Activist ONeiII -The Expertise To Take Us Forward l Prioritize Police, Safety, Fire Dept., Roads, Pathways, Parks and Schools l Determine that citizens can be good environmental stewards of their land l Seek and encourage tax-generating business to fund development City Council needs adjustments in their thinking. Skip ONeill will bring a mix of balance, inclusiveness and decisiveness. Steve Dodds, Co-Chair Parks & Recreation Advisory Board ONeill - Vision and Focus l A big picture game plan, assessing where projects fit l A new city manager and reductions in size of city government l Stop residential density in neighborhoods Skips ability to bring diverse views to the table and get consensus is just what we need on City Council. Renee Kerr, Co-Founder Down Syndrome Network of Oregon Skip ONeill is Endorsed by: Professional Firefighters of Clackamas County, IAFF Local 1159 LOCAL - a non partisan organization for better government Bill Swindells, Past Lake Oswego School Board President LO Stewards PAC - a grassroots organization respecting citizens property and the environment Information furnished by: Skip ONeill

Investing in the safety and health of all our citizens with the necessary maintenance of infrastructure Supporting family-friendly neighborhoods through cultural and recreational resources for all ages Working with our surrounding communities to create a prosperous region while maintaining our unique identity.

I bring a fresh perspective to city council free from past issues and agendas, ready to listen to my fellow citizens and collaborate with city councilors on every issue that comes before us. Together we will work to keep Lake Oswego thriving and adapting to the needs of our current and future generations. I am excited by the prospect of representing you and I ask for your vote. Information furnished by: Terry Jordan

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City of Lake Oswego Councilor Bill Tierney Nonpartisan

Occupation: Manager, Portland General Electric Occupational Background: President, North Sky Communications; VP, TCI Cable Educational Background: University of Connecticut, 18, MPA, Public Administration; Fairfield University, 16, BA, Economics Prior Governmental Experience: Lake Oswego Council 2008-present; Council President 2011; LO Development Review Commission 2001-2008 A Moderate Who Listens Lake Oswego is a uniquely vibrant city. it must balance the needs of the residents (present and future), the businesses that fuel its tax base, its extraordinary schools, and the cultural web that contributes so richly to the experience. Bill Tierney has proven that he looks at all sides of each issue and weighs its impact on the city both today and years from now. Independent Thinker Bill understands the importance of acting independently. Hes flexible, continually seeks new information, and adjusts accordingly. Look no further than Bills decision to end discussion of the Streetcar. He was Councils moderate voice seeing there was not enough money and the community divided. Lake Oswego Review (1/22/12) called it a courageous act and The Oregonian (1/22/12) said Bill was dead right. Business Approach A city must be accountable for its expenditures. Bills grasp of the city budget is without peer. He pushes hard to invest in our City, keep our triple A bond rating and provide top quality services while knowing citizens pay the bill. The health of the Lake Oswego schools is vital to the health of the city. Bill Tierney values efforts to keep Lake Oswego affordable and attractive to young families. -John Stirek, Civic and School Leader Bill balances economic growth, livability and city purse strings to make LO a better place. - Chuck OLeary, Business Leader Bill is the only councilor who cut through the streetcar impasse by deciding to shelve the project and the citywide acrimony along with it. - Roger Martin, Former State Representative Top-notch schools are important to Lake Oswego, to our state and especially to our kids. The school district couldnt ask for a better advocate than Bill. - Mary Puskas, Civic and School Leader Information furnished by: Bill Tierney

City of Lake Oswego Councilor Dan Williams Nonpartisan

Occupation: Wood Products Executive - Do It Best Corp.; Business Owner; Founder/ President, NeighborLink Occupational Background: Lumber Trader - Buckeye Pacific Educational Background: University of Oregon, BS, Business Admin/Finance Prior Governmental Experience: Lake Oswego Citizen Budget Committee 2009-2011; Vice Chairman 2011 STRONGER TOGETHER Citizens are concerned regarding important issues including housing density, debt and future direction of our city. We are at our community best when we listen to and respect each other. I will work to enable us to become stronger together. Strong Neighborhoods I will preserve our quality of life Maintain the unique character of our neighborhoods Preserve livability by avoiding high-density infill Maintain parks and natural areas Listen to and address neighborhood concerns Strong Community I will promote solutions that benefit all citizens Identify cost saving opportunities in the LO/Tigard water project to limit ratepayer impact Partner with and support a stable school district Prioritize spending to maintain existing infrastructure: streets, pathways, water and sewer Support and promote local businesses by addressing concerns and streamliming processes Protect citizen property rights Strong Finances I am committed to protecting a strong fiscal foundation Maintain our AAA bond rating Department and program accountability for taxpayer benefit Prioritize needs within existing resources Focus on completing needed existing projects Involve citizens in major decisions About Dan Over 30 years of private sector business experience Citizen Budget Committee Member, 2009-2011, Vice Chair 2011 Founder and President of NeighborLink a non-profit serving transportation needs of LO Seniors Endorsements Include: Firefighters of Clackamas County proudly support Dan Williams. As part of the Budget Committee, Dan came forward to save the EMS Coordinator position from budget cuts. We support Dan for City Council and thank him for his efforts and guardianship of public safety. Mark Oelschlager VP, Professional Firefight ers of Clackamas County, IAFF Local 1159 Adelle Jenike, Jenike Real Estate & Jenike Development Richard Akerman, Past Lake Oswego School Board Member and Chairman Mike Kehoe, Lake Oswego City Councilor LOCAL LO Stewards PAC Information furnished by: Dan Williams

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City of Milwaukie Councilor Pos. 1 Richard S. Cayo Nonpartisan

Occupation: Retired Occupational Background: President of 9 companies -- all sold except Dicks Dirt Educational Background: 2 Years of College at Ore. State & Portland State Prior Governmental Experience: None Information furnished by: Richard Cayo

City of Milwaukie Councilor Pos. 1 Scott Churchill Nonpartisan

Occupation: Business Consultant, strategic planning and project management Occupational Background: Business Consultant for strategic planning, facilities, design, project management, real estate and operations planning. Companies include Providence Health and Services, Kaiser Permanente, Microsoft, Macromedia and others 28 years Educational Background: Bachelor of Science - Washington State University, Bachelor of Architecture - Washington State University, Graduate Studies - University of Copenhagen Prior Governmental Experience: Current Planning Commissioner, City of Milwaukie for more than six years, Current Chairman of the Milwaukie Library Expansion Task Force, Current member Board of Directors Ledding Library of Milwaukie Foundation, Current member of the Tacoma Area Planning Committee, past member of the Milwaukie South Downtown Study Group As a Milwaukie Planning Commissioner and small business owner, I have fought hard to protect the quality of our neighborhoods, respect the rights of property owners and to ensure the safety of our citizens. My experience and leadership are based on listening, gathering information, and being a positive force in shaping solid, reasonable decisions that reflect the needs of Milwaukie residents. I support open, transparent government and keeping taxes low while balancing the citys budget. I will work to make sure citizens have a vote and are clearly listened to at all public hearings. I am against wasteful spending on excessive planning studies which do not support the will of the citizens. With your vote, I will continue to make sure Milwaukie remains an affordable, safe and secure city in which to live. Endorsed by: Mike Miller - Councilor City of Milwaukie David Hedges - Councilor City of Milwaukie Information furnished by: The Committee to Elect Scott Churchill

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City of Milwaukie Councilor Pos. 3 Scott Barbur Nonpartisan

Occupation: Attorney Occupational Background: Paralegal Educational Background: Lewis & Clark Law School, J.D.; Portland State University, B.S., Geography; Rex Putnam High School Prior Governmental Experience: City of Milwaukie Design & Landmarks Committee Community Involvement: Vice President, Milwaukie Rotary Club; North Clackamas Chamber of Commerce; Milwaukie High School ASPIRE Program Mentor I am a Milwaukie native and have a family history of civic leadership. In the early 1900s, Portland Commissioner A.L. Old Man Portland Barbur helped lead a growing city to prosperity. I promise to continue the legacy by increasing communication and trust and restoring the accountability from city council that we, the citizens of Milwaukie, deserve. My focus is on issues important to us, not just to council. As your City Councilor I will work to: Promote fiscal responsibility and integrity. As a small business owner I understand the need to get value out of every dollar spent. The city should not be spending money it does not have on projects that are not priorities. I will promote an environment where the dollars of hard-working families are not wasted on pet projects and pipe dreams and are dedicated first to necessities such as safety, roads and utilities. Increase city revenue by encouraging business development. The complexity of Milwaukies current tax structure and regulations discourage business growth and property improvements. I will work to simplify burdensome regulations and reduce excessive fees to promote job creation and encourage small business entrepreneurship. Improve safety and livability throughout all neighborhoods. While much of the attention of the city revolves around downtown, many of Milwaukies neighborhood streets are left dangerously in disrepair and too often the needs of neighborhoods are left unattended. I will work to prioritize, maintain and improve our current transportation infrastructure and promote the needs of all Milwaukies neighborhoods. Milwaukies motto is that it is A Great Place to Live, Work and Play. Lets get to work together to make this vision a reality. Information furnished by: Scott Barbur for Milwaukie

City of Milwaukie Councilor Pos. 3 Mark Gamba Nonpartisan

Occupation: Commercial Photographer, Cinematographer Occupational Background: Lifeguard; EMT; Land Surveyor Educational Background: Colorado Mountain college, AAS Prior Governmental Experience: Milwaukie Planning Commission June 2010-Present; Milwaukie Arts Committee Spring 2008-June 2010; South Downtown Steering Committee Summer 2010 When I moved my family and my photography business to this area nine years ago, I chose Milwaukie because it had so many things to offer: small town charm, cozy homes on lots big enough for kids and gardening, a beautiful riverfront, and proximity to Portland. As my roots here deepened, I decided it was time to give back to my community. Inspired by so many other Milwaukie citizens, I began to volunteer my time, serving on several committees and commissions. This November I am asking for the honor of serving Milwaukie as a City Councilor. I love this town and I believe that Milwaukie is at an unprecedented crossroads in its history, a time when people of strong vision can come together to inspire dramatic improvements for our town. I am a big believer in thinking outside of the box and looking for new solutions to problems that have existed for years because the city cant afford to address them. Some projects I intend to see brought to fruition:

Creation of more livable neighborhoods by supporting neighborhood-serving businesses within walking or biking distances Preparations for Milwaukie to benefit from Light Rail Removal of Kellogg Dam Completion of Kronberg & Milwaukie Riverfront Parks

l l l

With the right vision, I believe our City Council can help to recreate the thriving community that Milwaukie once enjoyed and leverage that into a bright future for all her citizens. Marks supporters include: Jim Bernard Clackamas County Commissioner Carlotta Collette, Metro Council Lisa M. Batey Carolyn Tomei, State Representative Deborah Barnes Jeremy Ferguson, Mayor of Milwaukie Jeff Davis, Ardenwald NDA Co-Chair David Aschenbrenner, Board Member, Celebrate Milwaukie, Inc Jean Baker, Co-Chair Historic Milwaukie Neighborhood Assoc. Information furnished by: Mark Gamba

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City of Molalla Mayor James G. Needham Nonpartisan

Occupation: Molalla City Councilman; Clackamas County Community Action Board, Social Services Joint Advocacy Committee, and Homeless Advisory Board. Occupational Background: Drafting and Network Manager, Parker Buildings, Inc.; Autocad and Drafting Technology Instructor at Pioneer Pacific, Portland Community College; Clackamas Community College; Telecommunications Subject Matter Expert; Owner, Vector Graphics Enterprises; Package Containers, Inc., Machinist & Press Operator. Educational Background: Benson Polytechnical High School, 4, Diploma; Clackamas Community College, 2, AA; Portland State University, 3, BS Pending, Political Science Prior Governmental Experience: Molalla City Budget Committee Chair; Clackamas County Coordinating Committee Delegate & Reserves Policy Advisory Committee; Molalla River School District Board of Education & Budget Committee; Carus School Board; Community Adviser to Clackamas County Roadmap to Healthy Communities; MRSD Online School Advisory Committee; IAM&AW Steward & Auditor; Molalla Kiwanis Club President and Pacific Northwest Builders Club Administrator.

City of Molalla Mayor Deborah Rogge Nonpartisan

Occupation: Co-owner/ Manager Key Carpets LLC Occupational Background: Key Carpets, Store Manager 2006-2008; 30 Years Nursing Louisiana, Retired. Multiple positions: Cirtical Care, Emergency, Nursing Administration; USAF 2nd Lt. 1975-76, Honorable Discharge. Registered Nurse Wright Patt AFB, Ohio; Molalla Centennial Board; Past TEAM Board; Past Molalla Area Chamber of Commerce Board Educational Background: Loyola University, Continuing Education, Management; Louisiana State University, Continuing Education, General Studies; Our Lady of the Lake School of Nursing, Diploma, Nursing Prior Governmental Experience: Elected President Molalla City Council 2011-Current; Appointed Molalla City Council 2011; Appointed Molalla Planning Commission 2010 My focus for Molalla for 2013-2017 Job creation and retention with aggressive recruitment of new businesses and light industry through hands-on approach and in cooperation with the Molalla Area Chamber of Commerce, Team for Economic Action in Molalla (TEAM) and county and state partners. Address the city budget with common sense and a business style approach of checks and balances. Help revitalize downtown with diversified businesses, public art and landscaping. Encourage vocational training to increase skill sets to enable participation in light industry job opportunities. Keep money moving towards road repairs and improvements. Information furnished by: Deborah Rogge

Established record of ensuring open, transparent & accountable local government. With the humility to recognize & focus upon what could be accomplished as a member of City Council, before undertaking a Mayoral candidacy, my goals are and were to continue proactively engaging in community activities and improvements begun in 1999: o Represented Molalla at other levels of government; o Revitalize commerce in our community participating in the only joint TEAM-Council Meeting and service as liaison to TEAM Board; o Advocated for the Main Street Program which led to Council approval; o participated in the Main Street Organizing Committee which introduced the Ford Family Foundation and organized the Molalla Business Summits; o Submitted and gained approval of the City Economic Development Policy, Energy Policy, and Annual Gratitude Month; o Proposed City Water & Sewer refinancing which will save rate-payers $1,091,156 in interest costs; o Proposed and participated in Transportation Advisory Commission; o Proposed and participated in the 2010 Community Summit (now the Livability Summit) which won Molalla statewide recognition by the League of Oregon Cities; Initiated and host Conversation with a Councilor meet and greet Town Hall meetings for 3 years September 28, 2012.

Information furnished by: James G. Needham

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City of Molalla Councilor Glen Boreth Nonpartisan

Occupation: District Operations Manager, Canteen Vending Occupational Background: Food Service, Restaurant, and Landscaping Educational Background: University of Hartford, Junior, Business Management; Springfield High School, 12, High School Diploma, General Prior Governmental Experience: Molalla Planning Commission; Molalla City Council Accomplishments: 1) One of a few city councilors to work with the city manager to balance the city budget with no internal borrowing. 2) One of three city councilors to help create the Molalla Community Garden. 3) Worked to recruit targeted businesses to relocate in Molalla. 4) Donated 100% of my city council stipend to local community organizations. 5) Became the First Molalla Homeowner to install an Energy Trust of Oregon approved grid tied Solar Electric System. Future Goals: 1) Provide stimulous and incentive to create job growth in Molalla whenever feasible and practical. 2) Move Molalla in a positive direction by moving forward with common goals and creating a better quality of life for future generations. 3) Support local businesses and recruit targeted businesses to relocate to Molalla. Information furnished by: Glen Boreth

City of Molalla Councilor Jason Griswold Nonpartisan

Occupation: Molalla River School District; Lead Custodian; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Molalla All American Post Commander; 2nd year; Molalla Buckeroo Association; Grounds Committee Chair; 3 years Occupational Background: United State Military; United States Navy; 25 years; 19832008; Chief Petty Officer; Fleet Reserve Educational Background: Olympic College, Bremerton, Washington, AA Prior Governmental Experience: Precinct Committee Person; 111 My commitment to Molalla: l We will live by a budget that is within our means l We will bring leadership skills and professionalism to work for a more unified council. l We will oppose frivolous ordinances l We will welcome and support private enterprise, adding to our tax base and employment opportunities. l We will maintain our roads and explore all options to resurface those in need l We will develop and implement a plan to utilize our citys historic areas to share our small town values and history. I am a second generation Willamette Valley Oregonian. My family has a long history of serving in our military, a tradition I proudly continued with a honorable career in the United States Navy for 25 years. As a son of Naval heritage, I have learned that nothing is handed to you, you must work hard for what you believe in; when you do, you will find success. After my family settled in Molalla in 2008, I became involved with the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3973 and earned the position of Post Commander and am commanding for the 2nd year running. During this time I received the highest recognition awarded by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the All American Post Commander. I was honored to receive this prestigious award and I look forward to bringing my passion and work ethic to the City Council. The Buckeroo is a major part of Molalla history and culture of which I have been and will continue to be actively involved. Veteran WW II; R. Virgil Dorsett Molalla River School District School Board Member Linda J. Eskridge Information furnished by: Jason Griswold

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City of Molalla Councilor Jimmy L. Thompson Nonpartisan

Occupation: Management Analyst Occupational Background: Credit Manager/Cost Accountant, Pacific Seafood Educational Background: Marylhurst University, MBA; Warner Pacific College, BS, Business Administration; Heald College, AAS, Business Administration Prior Governmental Experience: Member of Molalla City Council since July 2010 Our city has been dealing with some significant issues. As a member of Council since July of 2010, I did not take part in creating these problems. I have, however, been a part of finding the solutions. A number of the issues are financial in nature. As a Management Analyst in Salem responsible for writing and managing a budget similar in size to our own, and an MBA graduate with substantial finance/accounting experience, I feel I am in a unique position to continue to be of great benefit to our city while we work through these trying times. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to serve our community the past few years. Over that time, our city has taken significant steps forward. We need to continue forward on the path. We need continued focus on right-sizingour services with our revenues, and we need to make sure the money goes where it is supposed to. Public Safety, Streets, Public Works, and the necessary administration to provide those services are the primary responsibilities. Once the financial fires are put out, together we can begin an envisioning process for what we want our city to become and put together a strategic plan to get there. With your vote for me as City Councilor I will continue to be an engaged an integral part of the process. Information furnished by: Jimmy L. Thompson

City of Oregon City Commissioner Pos. 2 Tim Powell Nonpartisan

Occupation: Director of Retail Sales - Classic Pool Spa & Hearth Occupational Background: Founder & President, Accounts Manager, Retail Sales, Field Representative, Product Manager -Olympic Distributors Educational Background: Arapahoe Community College, 14, St Francis de Sales High School, 12 Prior Governmental Experience: Oregon City Commissioner (1995-99); South Fork Water Board (1995-99); Metro Enhancement Trustee (1997-1999); Co-chair & Chair McLoughlin Neighborhood Association (1999-2007, 2011-present); Chair, Citizen Involvement Council (2002) & Chair,Oregon City Planning Commission (2007-11) COMMUNlTY LEADER: Clackamas County Historical Society Board (President 2002-03); Clackamas Fire District Budget Committee(2009-current); Carnegie Re-Use Committee; 7th Street Corridor Committee PROBLEM SOLVER: Organized local churches and neighbors to lead the successful fight to remove a local porn shop. LEADERSHIP - INTEGRITY - VISION Tim Powell and his wife Delpha have lived and worked in Oregon City for over 20 years, raising their two daughters. Tim Powell will put his many years of community service and business experience to work for Oregon City.

Lets not miss any more opportunities for job growth in Oregon City - like Cabelas! Lets keep Oregon Citys unique character with a balanced approach to growth! Community vitality and business growth mean healthy schools and stable city services. Community services, such as parks, police and library, need solid support and stability.

Tim has a track record of listening fairly to everyone and solving problems. Tim understands Oregon City from many angles. He has been a community advocate, elected leader, volunteer, and a positive voice in our city. Tims business experience, commitment to accountability and willingness to fight for Oregon Citys economic advantage make him an ideal choice for city commission. TIM POWELL: A PROVEN LEADER with strong community values and business expertise. Information furnished by: Tim Powell

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City of Oregon City Commissioner Pos. 2 Rocky Smith Nonpartisan

Occupation: Art Teacher, Oregon City High School, 2001-Present; Owner/Tour Guide, Northwest Walking Tours LLC. 2010-present Occupational Background: Youth Advisor, Atkinson Memorial Church 2008-2011; Artist in Residence, Doernbecher Childrens Hospital 2000-2003; Oregon City Parks and Recreation Counselor, 1998-2000 Educational Background: George Fox University, Master of Arts in Teaching; Pacific Northwest College of Art, Bachelor of Fine Art; Oregon City High School, Graduate Prior Governmental Experience: City Commissioner, City of Oregon City, 2009-2012; Commission President 2012; Oregon City Urban Renewal Commission/Budget Committee, 2009-present; South Fork Water Board, 2009-present, Vice Chair 2011; Metro Enhancement Committee, 2009-present; Oregon City Civic Improvement Trust, 2009-present; Oregon City Tourism Council, 2011-present. Rocky Smith has lived in Oregon City for all his 35 years and teaches Art at his alma mater, Oregon City High School, where he was named Teacher of the Year in 2006 and 2007. Rocky has always immersed himself in civic activities and has coordinated the annual Pioneer Family Festival since 1998. Rockys community involvement includes: Oregon City Heritage Coordinating Committee, 2001-present; Oregon City Optimist Club, 1996-present, Vice President 1999- 2000; Oregon City Tourism Team/Council, 1998-2010; Oregon City Art Commission, 2000-2004; Oregon City School Bond Steering Committee, 1998-1999; Friends of the Ermatinger House, Board of Directors 1998-1999. Rocky has a strong commitment to our community and his understanding of Oregon Citys residents and history motivate him to work for the good of everyone. Rocky brings people with various perspectives together to find solutions to tough challenges. Rocky has worked hard the last 4 years on the City Commission, fighting to keep Oregon Citys unique sense of place and working to preserve its heritage. Rocky has been a strong advocate for public safety and has pushed for increased citizen involvement. With Rockys continued leadership, Oregon City will become an even better place to live, work and raise a family. Rocky is endorsed by: Former Mayor Ed Allick and Former Mayor Don Andersen Re-Elect Rocky Smith for City Commissioner, Position #2! Information furnished by: Rocky Smith

City of Oregon City Commissioner Pos. 3 Michael Tristan Berman Nonpartisan

Occupation: Small Business Owner Occupational Background: Business Management Educational Background: Oregon City High, 12; Clackamas Community College, Course Work, Business, Communication Prior Governmental Experience: Oregon Citizen Involvement Committee C.I.C. Why Michael Berman for Oregon City - City Commission TRADITION: As a local boy raised and educated in Oregon City many life experiences provided me insight and understanding of Oregon City people and our community. I grew up attending Mt. Pleasant Grade School, Gardner Middle School and Oregon City High School. I belonged to Scout Pack 188 and Troop 220. I enjoyed Little League at Kelly Field and AAU Swimming. St. Pauls was a Sunday event. These experiences taught me much. Our Family, all 5 kids, were raised by a Paper Makers wage. Dad worked at the Mill for 40 years! I love Our City and want to restore its rich heritage. EXPERIENCE: State Manager for a financial Company. It was my duty to listen to the needs and concerns of over 900 small and large businesses and their individual Banks. Learning what made them successful. Decision maker for several business, start up teams. Board of Director of a regional annual Music Festival. Small Business Owner From Berry Picking at Chapins Farm as a child, to High Level Corporate Decision Making, I gained knowledge of what is important in business development. We need Quality JOBS and I will do everything I can to restore the vitality and vibrancy of Our City. We are blessed with opportunities in Tourism, Technology, Agriculture, Industry, Retail, Education and more. We must develop our assets and not be afraid of opportunity. PART OF THE COMMUNITY: With the closure of Blue Heron Paper Mill and The Oregon City Bridge and constant Street construction I have demonstrated the drive that it takes to succeed as a Small Business Owner and Employer, in the toughest times. Let me take these skills and drive to City Hall. It is these experiences that give me the insight and understanding of Oregon City people. Information furnished by: Michael Berman

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City of Oregon City Commissioner Pos. 3 Carol Pauli Nonpartisan

Occupation: Small business owner Occupational Background: 20 years, food/beverage industry Educational Background: Portland State University, B.S., Speech Communications Prior Governmental Experience: Commissioner, City of Oregon City; Commissioner, Oregon City Urban Renewal; Board Member, Main Street Oregon City; Committee member, Metro Enhancement Our family chose to establish our home and small business in Oregon City over sixteen years ago. Our two children are thriving here. We believe it is important to give back to Oregon City through community involvement and public service. I will work to build a stronger more balanced Oregon City

Election Results on Cable Television

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I pledge to do my homework on issues, listen carefully to citizens, and to work with fellow Commissioners to find workable solutions for Oregon City. I pledge to encourage citizen involvement and provide informed answers to citizens questions and concerns. I pledge to support efforts to make Oregon City a more livable community by strengthening library services, promoting neighborhood security, improving parks, streets and sidewalks, and helping to build a network of safe bike/ ped trails. I pledge to build a vibrant and diverse economy by attracting new business investments (and jobs!) to our city. I pledge to be a good steward of taxpayer dollars and increase our tax revenue base by balancing short-term needs with long-term investment goals.

The following cable television channels will broadcast Clackamas County election results:
Beavercreek Telephone ..............Channel 98 Canby Telephone Assn. ..............Channel 21 Comcast .....................................Channel 30 Comcast (Milwaukie) ...........Channel 29 / 30 Clear Creek Television................Channel 20 Colton Cable ...............................Channel 21 Frontier Communications ...........Channel 40 Reliance Connects (Estacada) ...Channel 75 Wave Broadband ........................Channel 15 Wave Broadband (Sandy) .......... Channel 9

Every citizen has the opportunity to help make Oregon City a more wonderful place to live and work. As neighbors, I believe we can do great things for our city through positive public discourse and citizen involvement. It was an honor to be appointed by our Mayor and the City Commissioners to serve with them these past several months. I deeply appreciated their vote of confidence and am looking forward to the possibility of continuing in my role as your elected representative. Join me in building a more unified, livable, and economically vibrant Oregon City. Please visit Thank you for your support. Endorsements include: Mayor of Oregon City, Doug Neeley Information furnished by: Carol Pauli for Oregon City

Additional Clackamas County cable television channels may broadcast returns. Check local schedules for the most up-to-date listings.

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City of Portland Mayor Charlie Hales Nonpartisan

Occupation: Senior Vice President, HDR Engineering Occupational Background: Small Business Owner, Friends of Trees, Portland Parks Foundation, Hayhurst Neighborhood Association Educational Background: Lewis and Clark College; University of Virginia Prior Governmental Experience: Portland City Commissioner The Progressive Mayor We Can Count On Charlie doesnt just have Portlands values - he makes them work. Hes the one who will really move Portland forward. Former Mayor Vera Katz The city needs a mayor who can work with others and get things done. Charlie has the character and good judgment to make the right decisions for Portland. Governor Ted Kulongoski Hell deliver community policing, improve police accountability and get illegal guns off our streets. Rosie Sizer, Former Police Chief Charlies the proven choice for schools: he protected school days and teaching positions across Portland. As Mayor hell get more resources into our classrooms. School Board Member Bobbie Regan Charlie is the only one with a real record of protecting our water, natural areas, air and quality of life. And hell do it again. Bill Bradbury, founder, For the Sake of the Salmon The difference? Charlie has a real jobs plan. Tom Kelly, Neil Kelly Company Hell champion equity as a real and meaningful value in our city. Former State Senator Avel Gordly Hell provide basic services to every neighborhood for less money and more accountability. As Commissioner, he paved 5 times the streets at half todays cost. Hell control water and sewer rates. Sarah lannarone, Owner, Arleta Library Bakery Cafe How You Lead Matters Charlie matches progressive values with his respect for others. Hes demonstrated real leadership and effective management. With Charlie, well be proud of our city and our Mayor. Were with Charlie! (Partial list) Basic Rights Oregon PAC (Green Light) SEIU 503 & 49 United Food and Commercial Workers 555 Amalgamated Transit Union Pacific NW Regional Council of Carpenters Joint Council of Teamsters No. 37 Oregon Art PAC Primary Endorsements: The Oregonian, Willamette Week, Portland Mercury, The Skanner, NW Examiner Information furnished by: Charlie Hales for Mayor
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City of Portland Mayor Jefferson Smith Nonpartisan

Occupation: State Representative, East Portland Occupational Background: Founding Executive Director, Oregon Bus Project; Community Organizer; Clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals Educatlonal Background: Grant HS; University of Oregon; Harvard Law School Prior Governmental Experience: Oregon House of Representatives; House Democratic Leadership; Oregon Transparency Commission The 2011 Small Business Champion Oregon Microenterprise Network Dear Neighbor, Im running for mayor to get Portland working better for everyone. My priorities were shaped growing up in Portland, building a successful organization, and serving Portlanders in tough times: Homegrown Jobs: As Mayor, III help local businesses grow and thrive, boost workforce training, and spur smart infrastructure, sustainable building retrofits and balanced transportation. Safe & Healthy Families: Ive worked to preserve vital services as budgets tightened, and led on MAX safety and curbing human trafficking. Ill foster community-focused public safety and protect air and water for our childrens health. All of Portland: As our first mayor living east of 82nd Ave, Ill address needs for all neighborhoods, even those traditionally overlooked. Prioritizing Portlands Values: Ive championed government transparency and reforming tax breaks. III keep standing up to powerful interests against wasteful giveaways to developers and unaffordable proposals like the $4Billion CRC mega-bridge. I deeply value your vote, Jefferson Smith Endorsed by: Sierra Club, Oregon League of Conservation Voters, BikeWalkVote The environmental candidate for mayor. Doug Moore, OLCV Portland Association of Teachers The best choice for schools. Suzanne Cohen, Teacher Portland Firefighters and Frontline City Workers An experienced, responsible budget-manager. The only candidate who will prioritize vital services. Jim Forquer, Portland Firefighters Association The Mother PAC The progressive vision, compassion, and commitment to equity to make the city work better for all our families. Andrea Paluso, The Mother PAC Thousands of Supporters, including: Oregon AFSCME, Independent Party of Oregon, Progressive Party, Portland Police Association, Basic Rights Oregon PAC (Green Light), Representatives Lew Frederick, Carolyn Tomei, Mitch Greenlick, Michael Dembrow, Portland City Cornmissioner Randy Leonard, Multnomah County Commissioner Diane McKeel Learn more: Information furnished by: Forward with Jefferson Smith
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City of Portland Commissioner, Position 1 Amanda Fritz Nonpartisan

Occupation: City Commissioner Occupational Background: Registered Nurse, 27 years. Parent volunteer, Portlands public schools, 17 years Educatlonal Background: BA/MA, Cambridge University Prior Governmental Experience: Portland Planning Commission; Co-founder, Tryon Creek Watershed Council She thinks more like a citizen than a politician. Oregonian endorsement, 4/5/42 Amanda keeps her promise to spend taxpayers money wisely. She knows its your money. A former OHSU nurse, Amanda works hard for hard-working Portlanders. Amandas priorities as the Councils fiscally responsible watchdog: Support job growth initiatives to increase family-wage jobs Reduce water rates. Amanda saved ratepayers $6 million by successfully fighting wasteful projects Cut lower-priority spending, while protecting funding for public safety and basic services Improve school funding, internships and scholarships to increase graduation rates Reduce police interactions with people experiencing mental illnesses Equity in City jobs, contracts and services Trust, transparency, accountability Amanda limits campaign contributions - shes Voter Owned Gateway Area Business Associations 2011 Citizen of the Year. Amanda is an independent, principled leader. Fred Sanchez, Realty Brokers Amanda works well with the County. Shes our active partner on the Sellwood Bridge, health care, and the library. Multnomah County Chair Jeff Cogen Equity for all Portlanders matters. Amanda is the leader we all need. Former Senator Avel Gordiy Amanda represents us, not special interests. Shes Portlands voice of common sense. Tom Potter, former Mayor Amanda stands up for our environment and communities Bob Sallinger Amanda strengthens public safety by improving 9-1-1 services. Her nursing experience is crucial to coordinating community care. Sheriff Daniel Staton I trust Amanda Shelda Holmes, former NARAL Foundation Board Member Supporters: Oregon Nurses Association Oregon Progressive Party Portland Association of Teachers Portland Green Party Basic Rights Oregon PAC (Green Light) Oregon ARTPAC Sierra Club UFCW 555; CWA 7901 City Commissioners Nick Fish, Dan Saltzman Gretchen Kafoury, Mike Lindberg Metro Councilor Shirley Craddick County Commissioners Loretta Smith, Diane McKeel, Deborah Kafoury Senator Rod Monroe Andrew Frazier, Annette Mattson, Bob Boyer, Kayse Jama, Mike Roach, Mike Verbout, Shelli Romero, Stephen Ying, Tony Fuentes Information furnished by: Amanda for Portland 2012
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City of Portland Commissioner, Position 1 Mary Nolan Nonpartisan

Occupation: State Representative Occupational Background: electronics; financial management Educational Background: Dartmouth College; public schools Prior Governmental Experience: Democratic Majority Leader; Chair, NASA innovation council; Consumer Advocate, Construction Contractors Board; Environmental Services Director *It takes more than good ideas to make a difference at City Hall. Mary Nolan reaches out to people even those who disagree to build bridges instead of walls. Her effective leadership makes Mary Nolan our choice for city council. Mayor Vera Katz, Governor Barbara Roberts, Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici Progressive Grassroots Leader Who Gets lmportant Results As a longtime Portland community activist, small businesswoman and legislator, Mary Nolan: l Protected school funding, expanded college scholarships, saved 3,000 teacher jobs. Endorsed by Portland Association of Teachers, David Douglas Education Association President Bob Gray, Portland School Board members Martin Gonzlez, Matt Morton, Bobbie Regan (Portland); Robert Lee (Reynolds), James Woods (Parkrose Board of Education) l Created good middle class jobs and fights for economlc fairness. Endorsed by Governor Vic Atiyeh. Oregonians for Affordable Housing, Oregon Small Business for Responsible Leadership, Columbia Pacific Building Trades Council l Led the initiatlve to protect and clean-up the Wlllamette and launched Portlands pioneering recycling program. Endorsed by Sierra Club; Representative Jules Bailey; Councilor-elect Bob Stacey; Bike! Walk! Vote! l Co-founded Oregon NARAL to protect womens rlght to choose and flghts for equallty and dlgnity for everyone. Endorsed by Planned Parenthood Advocates, Basic Rights Oregon PAC (Green Light), NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon l Built health clinlcs for low-income families, delivered health Insurance for 80,000 Oregon children, protected homecare for seniors. Endorsed by Gregg Coodley MD; Janet Stein RN; Kurt Ferr DDS; Oregon State Council of Retired Citizens We ran agalnst Amanda and Mary in May. Now were votlng for Mary Nolan! Bruce Altizer, Teressa Raiford Effective, Tough, Accountable Manager Mary Nolan saved millions of dollars managing City agencies while significantly improving services. l Shell focus on the rlght priorltles and do better with less. Endorsed by former Auditor Anne Kelly Feeney, Portland Firefighters Association, Portland Police Association Information furnished by: Mary Nolan
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City of Sandy Mayor Bill King Nonpartisan

Occupation: President / Owner Bills Automotive Repair Inc. 2/88 to present Occupational Background: Auto Technician - Carlson Chevrolet; Autobody Technician- Sandy Autobody; General mechanic / Painter Motorcoach Enterprises Educational Background: Benson Polytechnical High School, 12, Diploma Automotive Major Prior Governmental Experience: Current Mayor - City of Sandy; Past president - Sandy Kiwanis Club As Mayor of Sandy I will continue to work towards making Sandy a great place to raise a family in a safe and secure environment. I will continue to support and encourage business development and growth through city zoning and development code changes that allow more flexibility for the city and its businesss. I will work to maintain and/or improve levels of service for our youth and senior citizens and all of Sandys citizens. As a 35 year resident I have a love for this community and want to see our community thrive and prosper Sandy- a great place to live, work and play. Information furnished by: Bill King

City of Sandy Councilor Pos. 3 Brian Adams Nonpartisan

Occupation: Firefighter/ Paramedic Occupational Background: Firefighter/Paramedic Educational Background: Multnomah University, 15, Near Completion BA; Portland Community College, 14, A.A.S. Prior Governmental Experience: Sandy Planning Commissioner; Sandy Parks Board; Governmental Affairs Committee (Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce) I am a fourth generation Oregonian and no stranger to the values of a small town such as Sandy. I grew up on a tree farm in the Hood River Valley where I learned value and self worth through an honest days work. I believe in common sense and support living wage jobs that make up the structural fabric of our local community. Trust-Stewardship-Accountability As a Professional Firefighter/Paramedic, I have learned the value of public trust, stewardship, and integrity in serving our community. I believe in the accountability of elected representatives as well as transparency in thier decision making process. Jobs/Business/Economic Development As our economy moves forward, Sandy is in a great position to capitalize on qualitative and sustainable growth. We can work together to develop a vibrant downtown corridor with businesses that are able to compliment and cohesively contribute towards a thriving City Center. It is my hope to not only attract transient vehicle traffic, but also foster an environment of local eatery, shopping, and social venues for local residents. We need to create an atmosphere that keeps business in Sandy rather than drives it out. Residential Cross Section I support a cross section of residential and neighborhood housing opportunities. Through the Citys planning and future vision, it is important to maintian a balance of options for not only first time home buyers, but also for residents seeking larger lot sizes and dwelling upgrades. This diversity further attracts prospective residents from a larger pool who wish to relocate to our beautiful community. State Senator - Chuck Thomsen District 26 Sandy Professional Firefighters, IAFF L-1660 Former Mayor - Linda K. Malone Andrew Brian - Board Member Sandy Fire Dale Clarke -Volunteer Association President Sandy Fire Information furnished by: Brian Adams

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City of Sandy Councilor Pos. 3 Kelly Allen Nonpartisan

Occupation: Web Design & Marketing Professional; Small Business Owner Occupational Background: Member/Owner, Spruceworks Cooperative; Owner, Alphabetix; Instructor, Small Business Development Center at MHCC; Store Management, Target Corporation Educational Background: Pacific Lutheran University, BA Political Science/Scandinavian Studies Prior Governmental Experience: City of Sandy Planning Commission, 2001 - present; City of Sandy Sign Review Committee; Sandy Main Street, Economic Development Committee Community Service: Sandy Chamber of Commerce, Shop Sandy Small Business Advocate: As an adviser to hundreds of businesses, I am a tremendous advocate for retaining and growing local businesses, while utilizing smart approaches to attracting new ones. I know what it takes for businesses of all sizes to survive and thrive in any economy. I want to attract the industrial jobs of today and tomorrow, that will help residents enjoy a living wage income closer to home. Likewise, I will offer a fresh perspective to how Sandy can be a destination for local shoppers, thruway travelers, and our rural neighbors who wrap our borders. Community Orientated: As a parent of young children, I know that Sandy is a great place to live, work, and play, and I intend to ensure that the parks, open spaces, and amenities that Sandy has to offer continue to prosper. My privilege, if elected, would be to ensure that every citizen has equal access to making our community better. I want to hear from you, and I will listen! Consensus Builder: If elected, I will serve at the pleasure of you, the voter, and I will execute this position with the utmost moral and ethical character. My goal as your public servant will be that of a consensus builder, because there is always more that unites us than what divides us. I will be a constant advocate for fiscal responsibility, transparent governance, and supporting a high quality of life for all our citizens. I humbly ask for your vote. Information furnished by: Kelly Allen

City of Sandy Commissioner Pos. 3 Jason E. Davis Nonpartisan

Occupation: Oregon Army National Guard 2Bn 218 FA (1993 - Present), Volunteer for the Special Olympics Occupational Background: Have been in a few units with various Military Occupations, been deployed to Iraq with Troop F 82nd Cav. I have worked as an Electrical Worker with the Oregon Military Dept., and as an Armorers Specialist. I have also worked as a Components Specialist with the American Red Cross for six years. I have had the great opportunity to volunteer with the Sandy Volunteer Fire Dept as well. Educational Background: Mt Hood Community College Psychology (2009). Portland State University Psychology (2011) Prior governmental experience: None Optional Information: I have volunteered with the Sandy Volunteer Fire Dept. I am also a Volunteer with the Oregon Trail School Dist. Information furnished by: Jason E. Davis

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City of Sandy Councilor Pos. 4 Grant Baker Nonpartisan

Occupation: Owner / Operator of Awards and more Trophies, Plaques, and engravings & The Buzz at Bakers Babershop Occupational Background: Columbia Steel Casting Co. Journeyman machinist; Evraz Oregon Steel mills. Certified heavy equipment mechanic GT Racing Enterprise. Driver, racecar design, co-owner Oregon Iron Works, Machine Shop apprentice/mechanic Educational Background: Sandy High School, 12, diploma; Overton Crane / Forklift Saftey, Certificate, Crane/forklift safety/ operation; Oregon Iron Works Apprenticeship, Certificate, machine shop mechanic Prior Governmental Experience: None prior, but Sandy City Council would be were I would like to make a start. I have had the privilege of growing up right here in Sandy, along with my wife. We are currently raising our two children here, because this is where we feel we belong. We want them to have the same small town upraising that we had. Enjoy Sandy for all it has to offer. With this being said I feel it is time that I step up and be more a part of decisions that are being made that affect all of us as a community. I am a dedicated individual who is pro small business. My Wife and I currently operate two local businesses in the downtown Sandy area, Awards and More and The Buzz at Bakers Barbershop. We work very hard to keep them very family friendly. We support local clubs and events. We want to be a part of the community in every way possible. I have strong family values. I am an outgoing and friendly person who enjoys family time and local events. I believe that hard work and dedication can go a long way. If elected I would do my best to represent the people of the city of Sandy.

City of Tualatin Councilor Pos. 2 Monique Beikman Nonpartisan

Occupation: Wife, mother Occupational Background: YMCA preschool teacher, substitute teacher, and daycare provider, city councilor. Educational Background: University of Wyoming, 16, BA, Elementary Education Prior Governmental Experience: Tualatin City Councilor, Community Action Organization Board, Core Area Parking Board, Metro Policy Advisory Committee Alternate, Tualatin Tomorrow past Co-chair, Basalt Creek Transportation Planning Committee. It has been my privilege to serve as your city councilor and to work toward making Tualatin a more livable and healthy community. During my service as your city councilor, Ive helped to create new parks and recreation opportunities for every citizen, participated in planning for new jobs and housing and worked to improve the health of our children. I am asking for your vote because I am passionate about our community and want to continue to serve our citizens. As your city councilor, I have worked to: Improve Communication: l Improved and enhanced communication between the city government, its neighborhoods and citizens. Create Healthy Communities: l Partnered with the school district to start Safe Routes to School program in our city. Developed programs to combat childhood obesity and provide healthier ways for our children to learn and grow. Enhanced Parks and Recreation: l Worked to expand our parks and recreation facilities and programs as adopted by Tualatin Tomorrow and implemented plans for expanding walking trails and bikeways. Monique Beikman has worked hard to make Tualatin a better place to live, work and raise a family! Endorsed by: Washington County Chair Andy Duyck Roy Rogers Washington County Commissioner Lou Ogden, Mayor Tualatin Nancy Grimes, Tualatin City Council Tony Weller, former Tualatin City Councilor Yvonne Addington, former City manager Mary Lyn Westenhaver, Mom,TuHS Packbacker Board Jerilyn Lundskog, Mom, TuHS TSO Board Committee Rob Cornilles, Business owner Allison Cornilles, mom, business owner Marianne C. Kelly, Resident Tualatin Tomorrow Chair Delilah R. Judy, resident Joseph H. Lipscomb, Jr., resident Kathleen Graham, resident Stephen Ricker, TPARK member Information furnished by: Committee to Elect Monique Beikman

Information furnished by: Grant Baker

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City of Tualatin Councilor Pos. 2 Jan Giunta Nonpartisan

Occupation: Insurance Marketing Occupational Background: Commercial Real Estate; Real Estate Finance Educational Background: Colorado State University, BS, Masters of Education Prior Governmental Experience: Port of Portland; Tualatin Transportation Plan Task Force Representative COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE: Chair, Ad Hoc Committee Citizen Involvement Organization; Board member: Tualatin Farmers Market, Washington County Citizen Action Network; President, Tualatin Riverpark Citizen Involvement Organization Together - A Better Direction for Tualatin! Increase opportunities for effective citizen involvement Ensure a transparent and accountable City Council Promote livable neighborhoods along with economic vitality Protect our natural environment for ourselves and our children Tualatin Neighborhood Leaders Support Jan Having served as Mayor for a city similar to Tualatin, I understand the importance of balancing neighborhood needs while encouraging a vibrant business environment. Jan, a 22 year Tualatin resident with extensive real estate experience, has the knowledge and skills to do just that. Paul Sivley: Former Chair: Tualatin Planning Commission and Clackamas County Budget Committee; Mayor, San Carlos, CA I have had the privilege to see Jan fight relentlessly for the voices of everyday citizens to be heard at City Hall and form our Citizen Involvement Organizations, which Councilor Beikman voted against. Julie Makarowsky I appreciate Jans dedication to defeat City Councils 2010 Urban Renewal Amendment saving us taxpayers from $120 million of unwise spending. Alex Simshaw, President, Citizen Involvement Organization #3 As an Oregon attorney, I value Jans integrity and leadership experience. As our next City Councilor she will represent Tualatins residents and businesses and not powerful outside interests. Patti Powell County Leaders Support Jan You can expect Jan to push for transparency and accountability of City Council. A vote for Jan is a vote to work together for a better direction for Tualatin. Dick Schouten,Washington County Commissioner Jan works hard for the livability of Tualatin neighborhoods, protecting Tualatins parks and natural areas. Jan understands what makes good communities where people want to live and raise families. Walter Gorman, Oregon League of Conservation Voters, Washington County Chair Information furnished by: Committee to Elect Jan Giunta

City of Tualatin Councilor Pos. 4 Ed Truax Nonpartisan

Occupation: President, Truax Consulting, Inc. Occupational Background: Financial Consultant, Small Business Owner Educational Background: Oregon State University, Bachelor of Science Prior Governmental Experience: Tualatin City Council, Position #4 2001-2012; Tualatin Basin Natural Resources Goal 5 Coordinating Committee; City of Tualatin Architectural Review Board; Washington County Coordinating Committee; Bull Run Regional Drinking Water Agency; Willamette River Water Coalition; Regional Water Providers Consortium My wife Nancy and I have been part of the Tualatin community for over 25 years. Our work to support Rotary, Tualatin Schoolhouse Food Pantry, Tualatin Chamber of Commerce, Oregon Dog Rescue, Tualatin Historical Society, and Friends of the Library make a difference in the lives of many Tualatin residents. I have worked hard to make Tualatin a better place to live and raise a family. During my tenure on your City Council, we have built a new library and a home for the Tualatin Historical Society. We have improved our sports fields, our parks, and added the Ki-a-Kuts pedestrian bridge to our trail system. Our Citizen Involvement Organizations are up and running. We received an international award recognizing one of our citizen involvement programs. Our City operates in a fiscally responsible manner. We operate efficiently today and maintain reserves and budget policies for the future, which should allow us to serve the needs of our community for decades to come. We must remain involved as decisions are made about the manner in which our region expands. Growth must be managed in a fiscally responsible manner while protecting the livability of the community we have created. Our Transportation System Plan must result in common sense, community-based solutions to both residential and business transportation needs. Our Citizen lnvolvement Organizations must be strengthened. I am proud of what we have accomplished together and hope you will allow me to continue to serve you as a member of the Tualatin City Council. Information furnished by: Ed Truax

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City of Tualatin Councilor Pos. 6 Joelle Davis Nonpartisan

Occupation: Executive Director- Association of Engineering Employees of Oregon, Executive Director, Monarch Public Affairs, LLC Occupational Background: Small Business Owner, Labor Relations & HR Public Affairs Consultant Educational Background: Linfield College, BS, Liberal Arts; California State University, Bakersfield, MS, Administration Prior Governmental Experience: Tualatin City Councilor 2008-present; Tualatin Budget Committee 2008-present; Tualatin Development Commission 2008-present Community Involvement: Community Action of Washington County Board Member; Human Rights Council of Washington County, Vice President; Washington County Consolidated Communications Agency, Board Member; Real Experience- A True Local Voice Joelle is committed to serving and improving our communities because she understands the issues our families face. Bringing jobs close to home, encouraging economic development that benefits our community, ensuring comprehensive transportation planning driven by citizens and confirmed by experts, improved training for public safety officers, and protecting our unique and beloved environment are at the core of Joelles commitment to serve Tualatin. Joelle has earned the endorsement of the Oregon League of Conservation Voters because of her commitment to the environment. Real Results - Not Just Promises In her work on the Tualatin City Council, Joelle has consistently voted to support bringing jobs and business to Tualatin, to preserve our historical legacies, and to work effectively with members of our community to hear their concerns and find solutions. She served a key partner in the successful implementation of Tualatins new Citizen Involvement Organization plan, and believes strongly in citizen participation in government at all levels. Joelle has earned the endorsement of the Washington County Citizen Action Network because of her commitment to citizen involvement in Tualatin and beyond. During the 2009 Legislative Session, Joelle worked to help achieve comprehensive reforms to state contracting laws and to require that the State of Oregon improve the public transparency of state spending. Joelle will continue to push for smart fiscal policies and reforms like these for the City of Tualatin. Citizens & Leaders Agree: Re-Elect Joelle Davis. Oregon League of Conservation Voters Washington County Citizens Action Network Information furnished by: Friends of Joelle Davis

City of West Linn Mayor John Kovash Nonpartisan

Occupation: Retired Investment Officer. Retired Army Colonel Occupational Background: Managed large investment portfoilo for a major insurance company (20 years); United States Army: command, staff and general staff officer assignments (25 years) Educational Background: Arizona State University, MBA, Management; Oregon State University, BS, Engineering Prior Governmental Experience: West Linn Mayor, City Council President, City Councilor, Planning Commission Chairman. I have been the Mayor of West Linn for over two years and much has changed. The business of your city is now conducted with less drama and more professionalism and reason. We are now known for our integrity and willingness to work cooperatively with individuals, groups and other governments. The city is a $35,000,000 a year business, and four members of the council have business backgrounds. This has allowed us to work together to make the city a great place to live, and I want to continue my work to: Plan our future l Build a vision for Highway 43/Willamette Drive. l Continue the Leadership Academy we started to develop city leaders. l Support the work of our new Economic Development Director. l Help keep Stafford rural. Secure our infrastructure l Increase funds to maintain/improve streets. l Build a safe, updated police facility. l Ensure our drinking water is safe and our water pipes and reservoirs are adequate. Keep our government effective, efficient and transparent l Install electronic records management. l Ensure our finances continue to be well managed. l Make city information available to citizens. I have led the city through difficult times and we now have momentum toward a solid future. I brought to the office of Mayor a career of working with budgets and finance and decades of experience managing organizations. I am now running for re-election, and I believe I can continue to provide our city with credibility, sound leadership and good judgment. I ask for your vote. Endorsed by: Jenni Tan, West Linn Council President West Linn City Councilors, Jody Carson and Mike Jones Visit: Information furnished by: John Kovash for Mayor

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City of West Linn Mayor Ron Le Blanc Nonpartisan

Occupation: Owner: Le BIanc Photography - 20 years Occupational Background: Deputy Sheriff: Ventura County Sheriff Department - 22 years Educational Background: Mount San Antonio College, 14; Ventura College; Ventura County Criminal Justice Training Center: Basic Peace Officers Standards Training, Intermediate Peace officers Standards Training, Advanced Peace Officers Standards Training Prior Governmental Experience: West Linn Chamber of Commerce: Bylaws and Ethics Director; Precinct Community Person An Advocate for Accountability Ron believes the Mayor and City Council must he accountable for their actions. Ron will recommend that each member of the City Council explain for the record the reason for their vote during council meetings. This will ensure that each member of the council has cast their own vote based upon reason and rule, not following along as part of a group. I truly think West Linn needs Innovation, Thinking outside of the Box and new blood. It truly seems that Ron Le Blanc knows what West Linn Needs!!! VOTE - Tena Olson A Watchdog for West Linns Fiscal Management Ron has the leadership experience to ensure the City Council both develops additional revenue for West Linn and limits wasteful and unnecessary spending. Ron supports local arts and businesses. With his leadership, our community and businesses will benefit. Kerry Yu Shanks Owner, OPearl Brand LLC A Supporter of Small Businesses Ron envisions a support system for our business owners which will provide information, education, and services. This will aid our current business owners and attract additional businesses to fill our empty commercial buildings. Mr. Le Blanc is a great supporter of small businesses which are the pulse of a strong community. Dr. Ann S. Woods Optometrist/Owner, Modern Eyez Vision Clinic Also Supported By: Rob Wheeler Former Mayor of Happy Valley Linda Neace Owner, Bullseye Coffee See all endorsements at Information furnished by: Friends of Ron Le Blanc

City of West Linn Councilor Thomas Frank Nonpartisan

Occupation: Teaching Faculty, Marylhurst University, Clackamas Community College, University of Phoenix; CFO, Frank Companies Occupational Background: Controller, James Frank General Contractors Educational Background: University of Portland, Masters of Business Administration; Portland State University, Bachelor of Business Administration Finance. Prior Governmental Experience: Planning Commission, 2012; West Linn Police Station Steering Committee, 2011-2012; West Linn Budget Committee, 2009-2012; Community Police Facility Development Committee, 2010-2011; Transportation Advisory Board, 2007-2009; Tri-City Service District Budget Committee, 2007-2009, Clackamas Community College Campus Use & Development Committee, 2007-2010 West Linn has been a great community to my wife and young daughter. Im running for city council because we need to make it even better for our current and future generations. Ive also served our communitys citizens in need by delivering food and other needed supplies. As a resident, parent, and 6 years of local governmental experience, I have the qualifications and experience to serve you well. Economic Development: Retain our existing local businesses and actively attract and recruit new business to join our community. Transportation: Address street and sidewalk infrastructure deficiencies. Water: Address our aging infrastructure and ensure a safe water system for West Linn. Financial: Maximize the taxpayer value within our City. Increase citizen involvement in the budget process. Citizen Involvement: Listen and respect citizen viewpoints. Continue to reach out to all citizens of West Linn to provide input on key issues. Youth: Continue to partner with the West Linn-Wilsonville School District and support positive opportunities for our youth. Public Safety: Continue to support our police officers, fireman, and other first responders and support they need to ensure safety in our community. Ensure we have an adequate police and fire presence within our community and improve emergency preparedness. Environment: Protect our natural and historic resources. Continue to make West Linn a sustainable community. Proudly Endorsed By: Former West Linn Mayor Norm King State Representative Julie Parrish Bill Hill Troy L. Bowers Dennis Richey Alice Kelledjian Richmond Karen E. Hensley Glen Friedman Thomas Frank for City Council Information furnished by: Friends of Thomas Frank

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Official Clackamas County 2012 General Election Voters Pamphlet

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City of West Linn Councilor Jenni Tan Nonpartisan

Occupation: City Council President, West Linn; Board of Directors Treasurer, Clackamas Womens Services; Board of Directors, Providence Milwaukie Foundation. Occupational Background: CPA licensed in California, inactive status; Arthur Andersen, LLP; Exelon Corporation; Solo Cup Company; Farmers Insurance. Educational Background: Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management, MBA; UCLA, BA in Business Economics Prior Governmental Experience: West Linn City Council (2010-Present); West Linn Audit Committee (2011-Present); Planning Commission (2010). Community Service: Classroom volunteer, Sunset School; Former President, West Linn MOMS Club. Personal: Jenni and her husband Dennis, M.D., have two children - Summer attends Sunset and AJ attends Trillium Creek. Working to make West Linn a better place, Jenni brings solid financial experience, strong consensus-building skills, and passion for serving the community. Positive Vision for West Linn l Working with the School District to achieve excellence in public education. l Partnering with community organizations to keep kids safe and healthy. l Protecting the Stafford area from rampant development. l Developing new design and function plans with the community for Highway 43 and Willamette Falls Drive. l Supporting acquisition of additional library parking using grant funds. Champion for Economic Development and Financial Sustainability Safeguarding financial resources while making strategic investments for the future. l Supporting a strong local economy. l Working for solutions to our complex water, sewer, and road issues. l Working with the County to properly take advantage of the Blue Heron opportunity.

City of Wilsonville Mayor Richard Goddard Nonpartisan

Occupation: Engineering Manager Occupational Background: Electric utility engineering/ management Educational Background: Washington State University, B.S.E.E.; Portland State University, M.B.A. Prior Governmental Experience: Wilsonville City Council; Wilsonville Planning Commission; Wilsonville Seniors Board; Wilsonville Library Board; Clackamas County Economic Development Commission Community Service: Wilsonville Youth Sports Coach; Wilsonville Schools Volunteer; Clackamas County Business Alliance Board ELECT RICHARD GODDARD MAYOR OF WlLSONVlLLE Trusted Leadership Demonstrated Experience Responsible Vision What has RICHARD GODDARD accomplished as your city councilor? l Cut the citys budget by a million dollars without impact to essential services l Facilitated council decision to site a skate park after a decision had languished for three years l Saved more than $3 million in interest payments, keeping utility rates lower than projected l Promoted an economic development policy that doesnt turn away businesses such as Cabelas l Hired a new city manager who is bringing a customer service atmosphere to City Hall What will RICHARD GODDARD do as your Mayor? Seek out and listen to the concerns of our community l Support reducing the citys urban renewal debt-returning critical funding to police and schools l Investigate the feasibility of a pool and community center for our youth and seniors l Advocate for a more balanced housing mix and community control over density l Give priority to updating aging infrastructure

Advocate for Responsive City Government Holding regular meetings outside city hall in a successful outreach program l Initiated a fresh Citizens Leadership Academy.
l l l l l l l l l l

As a parent of three school-aged children, RICHARD GODDARD is in touch with the Wilsonville community. He shares a strong commitment to family, quality schools, great neighborhoods and safe streets.

ENDORSEMENTS Brian Grant, Brian Grant Foundation Mike Jones, West Linn City Councilor Earle Chiles Mike Lindner, Past President, West Linn Lions Foundation Mike Watters, Community Volunteer Betty Reynolds, Past Executive Director, Oregon Government Ethics Commission Julie Edwards, West Linn Community Task Force, President and Co-Founder Melinda Robinson, Community Volunteer Tualatin Valley Fire Fighters Union, IAFF Local 1660

Information furnished by: Friends of Jenni Tan

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We support RICHARD GODDARD for MAYOR: Scott Starr, Wilsonville City Councilor Julie Parrish, Oregon State Representative John Davis, candidate for House District 26 Paul Savas, Clackamas County Commissioner Keith Mays, Sherwood Mayor Oregonians for Affordable Housing Wilsonville Area Chamber of Commerce Wendy Veliz Buck, Lowrie Primary PTA Doris Wehler, former Chamber President Lonnie Gieber, Budget Committee Dennis & Lisa Burke Chris Roche Jim Barnes & Delaine Barnes Debi Laue Eric Postma Dick Spence & Leanne Spence - Charbonneau Vern Wise - Charbonneau Information furnished by: Friends of Richard Goddard
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City of Wilsonville Mayor Tim Knapp Nonpartisan

Occupation: Business, Property Manager-- Old Town Village Small Business Center Occupational Background: Casualty Insurance Claims-Representative, Staff Manager Branch Manager- 10yrs.; Auto Accessories - Manufacturer, Distributor- 18yrs.; Business Center-- Builder, Manager- 14yrs. Educational Background: Indiana University, Business; Colorado College, General; Marshall High, Portland, General Prior Governmental Experience: West Side Task Force: 199496; Future Search, Visual Preference Survey, Design Standards Review, Boozier Property Planning, School Facilities Summit: 1995-01; Development Review Board, City Office Task Force: 2003; City Council, Budget Committee: 2004-08; Wilsonville Mayor, Budget Committee: 2009-12 RE-ELECT OUR MAYOR TIM KNAPP With 9 yrs. CITY COUNCIL EXPERIENCE: Independent of Special Interests, working for All citizens. Proven record bringing Quality Growth, Major Road Improvements, Economic Vitality. Achieved Record $139+ million new building investment in 2011. Guided City on New Primary School, Wastewater Plant upgrade, Fred Meyer Square: all producing JOBS. Supported balanced hold the line City budget. Ensured Wilsonvilles unique Quality of Life is maintained. Promotes thoughtful, balanced Planning for OUR Future. RECENT CITY SURVEY SHOWS WILSONVILLES SUCCESS: 94% say an excellent/great place to live. 94% say parks are excellent/good. 92% say overall quality of life is excellent/good. 92% say an excellent/good place to raise children. PROUDLY ENDORSED BY, WORKING FOR POSITIVE FUTURES WITH:
Officials: Peter Truax, Mayor City of Forest Grove Lori DeRemer, Mayor Happy Valley Jerry Willey, Mayor Hillsboro Jack D. Hoffman, Mayor of Lake Oswego Bob Andrews, Newberg Mayor Doug Neeley, Mayor Oregon City Keith Mays, Mayor City of Sherwood Craig Dirksen, Mayor of Tigard Lou Ogden, Mayor of Tualatin John Kovash, Mayor West Linn Charlotte Lehan, Clackamas County Chair Organizations: Northwest Oregon Labor Council AFL-CIO United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 555 T - Thoughtful I - Independent M - Motivated KNAPP for MAYOR Community Leaders: Paul E. Bunn Anne Easterly Julie Fitzgerald Council Candidate Anthony Holt Alan Kirk Laura M. LaJoie, DC Al Levit Wayne Lowrie Marta McGuire Mark Pruitt Michelle Ripple Weldon R. Sloan Bryan Smith Simon Springall Alan L. Steiger Susie Stevens Council Candidate

City of Wilsonville Mayor Stanley Wallulis Nonpartisan

Occupation: Semi-retired Consulting Engineer, Licensed in Oregon to practice: Civil Engineer Environmental Engineer Control Engineering Land Surveying Certified Energy Auditor by the Oregon Department of Energy. Previously licensed to practice in: California; Washington; Alaska & Florida.

[No photograph submitted]

Occupational Background: Engineering; Surveying; Water Rights Examiner; Energy Auditor and Project Management l 2 years as Assistant City Engineer for Pendleton l 3 years as Utility Engineer for the City of Corvallis, Water and Waste Water Divisions l 55 years Owner of Engineering Consulting Firm, providing services to, or interface with: Individuals; private entities; cities; county; state and federal governments and/or acting as their representative to others. Projects included but not limited to: l Streets; storm drainage; waste water; water and waste water treatment plants; surface and groundwater source developments; land developments; a variety of structures; surveying and energy audits. Educational Background: Astoria High School, Senior, Diploma; Oregon State University, Senior, BS, Science Prior Governmental Experience: l Pendletons Fringe Area Committee l Pendletons Building Appeals Committee l Pendletons Off-Street Parking Committee l Chair of the Umatilla County, Oregon Planning Commission. l Blue Mountain Community College Advisory Board l Governors Umatilla Sub-Basin Committee (Water resources). l Clients Representative to State Agencies: OWRD; DEQ; ODH & DOL l Clients Representative to Federal Agencies: EPA; DOE; COE; DOT; EDA; BOR & FHA Information furnished by: Stanley Wallulis

Information furnished by: Tim Knapp for Mayor Committee

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City of Wilsonville Councilor Julie Fitzgerald Nonpartisan

Occupation: Development Director Occupational Background: Director of Philanthropy, The Nature Conservancy in Oregon; Assistant Vice President, Medicine, OHSU Foundation Educational Background: Oregon State University, B.S.; Gold Beach High School Prior Governmental Experience: None Community Experience: Silverton Chamber of Commerce and Rotary; Continuing Education Chair, Northwest Planned Giving Roundtable; Senior Housing Board, Twilight Court; Oregon President - International Association of Fundraising Professionals, 4-H Leader. Vote for Julie Fitzgerald Dear Neighbors, Wilsonville is a great place. As a parent and grandparent, Im proud to live in a place with such beautifully planned neighborhoods, welcoming businesses, successful schools, safe parks and proximity to urban and rural areas. Wilsonville needs a City Council that will preserve its unique character, work to attract new jobs, and help position us for sustained, disciplined growth. We need neighbors and businesses involved in how we make decisions that both preserve our quality of life and attract new industries and jobs to the community. Im not a politician. Ive served as a non-profit fundraiser, business leader and an engaged parent, working to make Oregon a better place to live. Ive lived in Oregon most of my life and in Wilsonville since 2007. And it is my pledge to you that I will always provide an independent voice on the Council, looking out for the community. All of us can be partners in helping Wilsonville businesses thrive and attract the kinds of new industries we need here by getting involved, listening to those in the community, and supporting local merchants. I hope that I can earn your vote this November! Julie Julie Fitzgerald is Endorsed by: Tim Knapp, Mayor of Wilsonville Charlotte Lehan, Ciackamas County Chair Marta McGuire, Wilsonville Planning Commissioner Alan Kirk. Senior Vice President of Orepac Building Products Simon Springall Gina Nikkel, Ph.D., Community Leader and Educator LaRue Williams Robert Renfro, Librarian Jhuma Chaudhuri, M.D.. City of Wilsonville Development Review Board Member; mother in West Linn-Wilsonville School district Information furnished by: Friends of Julie Fitzgerald
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City of Wilsonville Councilor Monica Keenan Nonpartisan

Occupation: Project Manager, Slayden Construction Group Occupational Background: Construction Management specializing in waste water treatment projects Educational Background: Arizona State University; Montana State University Prior Governmental Experience: City of Wilsonville Development Review Board six years, four as chair Volunteer involvement: member of the Old Town Plan Steering Committee serving as liaison to the city and representative for the plan during the public review process at the city. Monica Keenan has been a resident of Wilsonville for ten years living in both Charbonneau and Old Town. For six years she has volunteered on the Development Review Board, reviewed proposals for new and existing projects, and worked with the city planning department and council while considering the effects of these changes on Wilsonville schools, neighborhoods, families, youth, and seniors. Monica was active in developing the Old Town Plan as a member of the neighborhood steering committee. The city and residents collaborated on a plan aimed to preserve the nature and history of the neighborhood. Monica feels that strong business supports the community and encourages growth. As Wilsonville moves through the next four years, she will focus on continuing the work of the economic development plan. As project manager for a large construction company, Monica oversees multi-million dollar public works projects. Building for other cities has given her experience working with a variety of municipalities. Her responsibilities include coordinating schedules, priorities and budgets. This foundation will serve her well on City Council As a middle school parent whose family participates in year round athletic programs, Monica understands the challenges of Wilsonville parents. She supports building a community center for family and youth activities. Most importantly, Monica wants to hear from residents and businesses in Wilsonville and convey their concerns to Council. Supporters: Celia Nunez, City Council President Scott Starr, Wilsonville City Council Richard Goddard, Wilsonville City Councilor Peter Hurley Dick Spence, Charbonneau Lonnie Gieber, Budget Committee Julie Parrish, Oregon State Representative Wilsonville Area Chamber of Commerce Doris Wehler, Former Chamber President Information furnished by: Friends of Monica Keenan

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City of Wilsonville Councilor Eric Postma Nonpartisan

Occupation: Attorney Occupational Background: Law Clerk; Audio Visual Technician Educational Background: Willamette University College of Law, JD; California State University, Fullerton, BA Prior Governmental Experience: Wilsonville Development Review Board, 2004-2011; Wilsonville Mayoral Compensation Task Force, 2011; Wilsonville Planning Commission 2011-Present Community Service: Rebuilding Together; Wilsonville Chamber of Commerce Economic Vitality Committee Family: Carrie (wife); Carson, Ben and Amelia (children) ERlC POSTMA: Experience, Trust, Accountablllty As your Wilsonville City Councilor:

City of Wilsonville Councilor Susie Stevens Nonpartisan

Occupation: Executive Director. Occupational Background: Administrator; Event Director Educational Background: University of Oregon; BA; summa cum laude Prior Governmental Experience: Graham Oaks Stakeholder Advisory Committee Community Service: President, Parents & Staff for Students, Wilsonville Primary; Treasurer, Parents & Staff for Students, Boones Ferry Primary; Government Affairs Committee, Wilsonville Chamber of Commerce Ill manage growth to make sure sufficient infrastructure is provided to support new development: Wilsonville is poised for its next big growth spurt. Development of the Coffee Creek industrial area will bring jobs and grow our business sector. Villebois housing construction continues and soon residents there will total over 4,000. Additional development is planned for Basalt Creek and Frog Pond areas. It is critical that Wilsonvilles leaders are cognizant of the impact this growth will have on our community. I will be that leader. Ill protect Wilsonville citizens values: Wilsonville citizens value their quality-of-life. I will work hard so Wilsonville remains a vibrant, active community with amenities and recreational opportunities current citizens enjoy while attracting new home-buyers and businesses. I pledge to enhance our schools through innovative partnerships, advocate for maintaining and enhancing city parks, continue to connect neighborhoods with safe pedestrian and bike paths, support SMART transit, promote Wilsonvilles library, support sustainable growth, and make certain our road system keeps pace with development. I have lived in Wilsonville for 16 years and worked here for 20. I will keep Wilsonville a place to be proud of, now and into the future. A few of my many supporters: Mike Tannenbaum, Past Deputy Superintendent, West Linn-Wilsonville School District Betty Reynolds, Past Executive Director, Oregon Government Ethics Commission Oregon Supreme Court Justice, Retired, Richard William Riggs Charlotte Lehan, Clackamas County Chair Tim Knapp, Wilsonville Mayor Marta McGuire, Wilsonville Planning Commissioner Karen Lowrie Marcie Lake Dennis and Lisa Burke Alan Kirk Michelle Labrie Ripple, Former Wilsonville City Councilor Diane Rader, Attorney and Past Pres. of the Clackamas Bar Assn. Dick Spence Terrie Stokes Wally and Audrey Falkenstein Kathy Fuller Tony Holt Information furnished by: Susie Stevens
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ERIC POSTMA will protect Wilsonvilles reputation as a great place to live, work and raise a family. Eric has children in Wilsonville primary and middle schools and understands our local values. ERlC POSTMA will be accountable to the residents and businesses of Wilsonville. ERlC POSTMA will pursue changes to make Wilsonville an affordable place to live. He will work to streamline the city code, and seek ways to make the city more efficient -- saving time and money for city staff and businesses that provide employment in the city. ERlC POSTMA will prioritize fiscal responsibility. As a steward of your tax dollars, he will examine each proposed measure to insure that money is spent prudently.

We endorse Eric Postma for City Council: Wilsonville Area Chamber of Commerce Oregonians for Affordable Housing Julie Parrish, Oregon House of Representatives John Davis, Candidate for Oregon House of Representatives Celia Nunez, City Council President Scott Starr, Wilsonville City Council Richard Goddard, Wilsonville City Council Doris Wehler, former Chamber President Lonnie Geiber, Wilsonville Budget Committee Vern Wise Debi Laue Eric Postma is the most experienced candidate for the city council with years of service on several boards and knowledge of how the city works. More importantly, I am very impressed with his intellect, values, and strong desire to be a good steward of your tax dollars. I urge you to vote for him as your next Wilsonville City Councilor. -- Scott Starr, Wilsonville City Council For more information, visit Information furnished by: Eric Postma
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