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Similarly a concern engaged in providing services, it may not have to keep inventories but it may have to provide credit facility to its customers. Thus all enterprises engaged in manufacturing or trading or providing services require finance for their day-to-day operations, the amount required to finance day-to-day operation is called working capital
The assets & liabilities are created during the operating cycle are Page 2 of 47
When entrepreneurs for financing working capital requirements approach the banks, the bank has to examine the viability of the project before agreeing to provide working capital for it. Financial institutions & bank while providing term loan finance to unit for acquisition of fixed assets does a detailed viability study. They have to ensure that the project will generate sufficient return on the resources invested in it.
Technical feasibility : This aspect involves a detailed assessment of the goods and the services needed for the project land, building, raw material, transportation, technology etc. The important feature regarding technical feasibility relates to the type of technology to be used for the project. The project needs to be examined with particular reference to the following points regarding the technical feasibility. Land and Building Plant and Machinary Technical Competence Financial feasibility : The institution while advancing loan is quite
keen about the financial feasibility of the whole project. In finding out financial feasibility, the following facts should be taken into account: Cost of Project Means of Financing Cost of Production and Profitability Cash Flow Estimates Proforma Balance Sheets.
Flash report
to gauge whether it is feasible to provide the cash credit to the applicant. It determine the amount of money that the bank will earn by providing the cash credit
Credit analysis :
applicant to borrow and his willingness to repay the debt in time according to the agreement. To analyse the creditworthiness of the applicant there are five C s of credit. Character (Good Citizen) Capacity (Cash Flow) Capital (Wealth)
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Sensitivity analysis :One measure which expresses risk in more precise terms is sensitivity analysis. It provides information as to how sensitive the estimated project parameters, namely, the expected cash flow, the discount rate and the project life are to estimation errors. The analysis on these lines is important as the future is always uncertain and there will always be estimation errors. Sensitivity analysis takes care of estimation errors by using a number of possible outcomes in evaluating a project. The method adopted under sensitivity analysis is to evaluate a project using a number of estimated cash flows to provide to the decision maker an insight into the variability of the outcomes.
Sensitivity analysis provides different cash flows estimates under three assumptions The worst (most pessimistic) The expected (the most likely) and The best (most optimistic)
it is necessary to make a proper assessment of total requirement of the working capital, which depends on the nature of the activities of an enterprise & the duration of its operating cycle. It has to be ensured that the unit will have regular supply of rawmaterial to facilitate uninterrupted production. The unit should be able to maintainadequate stock offinished goods for smooth sales operation. After assessing the total requirement of working capital, a part of working capital requirement should be financed for the long term & partly by determining MAXIMUM PERMISSABLE BANK
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BANK OF MAHARASHTRA Shop No. 3,4,5, Sicily Marvel Apartment, Sector No. 12/B, Koperkhairane, Navi Mumbai.
: : :
Bank of Maharashtra is a nationalized bank with a standing of more than 7 years. The bank has branch officesacross the length and breadth of the country. In the state of maharashtraitself it has the largest network of branches. All the branches of the bank are under CORE BANKING SOLUTION (CBS). branches, It has three tier
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The bank wishes to cater to all types of needs of the entire family, in the whole country. Its dream is "One Family, One Bank, Maharashtra Bank".
To ensure quick and efficient response to customer expectations.
To build proactive, professional and involved workforce. To enhance the shareholders wealth through best practices and corporate governance.
To be a vibrant, forward looking, techno-savvy, customer centric bank serving diverse sections of the society, enhancing shareholders' and Page 7 of 47
The 3 M's
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Bank is
of State
Bank has signed a MOU with EXIM bank for co-financing of project exports Bank offers Depository services and Demat facilities in Mumbai. Bank has captured 95.25% of its total business through computerization.
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Mahabank YuvaYojana MahabankLokBachatYojana Mahabank SwasthyaYojana NRI Ordinary Account NRI External Account
o o o o o o o o o
Mahabank SulabhJamaYojana Monthly Interest Deposit Scheme Mahabank SheetalJamaYojana Mahabank Trust Deposit Scheme FCNR Account Cumulative Deposit Scheme (CDR) Quarterly Interest Deposit Scheme Mixie Deposit Scheme Mahasaraswati Scheme
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LOANS o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Educational Loans Loans for Corporates Loans for Exporters Loans for Professionals Loans for Agriculturists Loans for Individuals Housing Finance Scheme Mahabank Platinum Housing Loans: Festive Offer MahabankAdhar Scheme Mahabank Gold Card Scheme for Exporters Mahabank Salary Gain Scheme Mahabank Vehicle Loan Scheme Mahabank Renewable Energy Equipments Mahabank Realty Finance Personal Loans Mahabank Solar Home Systems Mahabank Consumer Loan Scheme OTHER SERVICES o ATM Services o Demat Services o Bank assurance o Credit Card o Mahabill Pay o MahabankInsta Remit Scheme o NEFT
To substantially increase the Savings Bank Deposits. Bank is planning setting up of overseas representative offices in New York , London, Singapore & Dubai.
Bank of Maharashtra registered a net profit of 430.83 crore during the financial year ended on March 31, 2012, comparing to a net profit of 330.39 crore in 2010-11 by recording a growth of 30.40%.
year 2012 profit in crores year 2011 0 100 200 300 400 500
Net worth of bank has also increased form 2709.24 crore in FY 201011 to 3775.52 crore in FY 2011-12.
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On the business front , total business of the bank registered a growth of 16.77% to Rs. 133508 crore in MARCH 31, 2012 as compared to Rs. 114332 crore in MARCH 31.
year 2012 total revenue in carore year 2011 100000 110000 120000 130000 140000
Current Ratio 0.03 Quick Ratio 21.52
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If the bank credit is to be linked with production requirements, it is necessary to assess the requirements on the basis of certain norms. The study group to frame guidelines to follow-up of bank credit (Tandon Study Group) appointed by Reserve Bank of India had suggested the norms for inventory and receivables regarding:Major industries on the basis of company finance studies made by Reserve Bank process periods in the different industries, discussions with the industry experts and feed-back received on the interim report. The norms suggested by Tandon Study Group are being reviewed from time to time by the Committee of Direction constituted by the Reserve Bank to keep a constant view on working capital requirements. The committee has representatives from a few banks and it generally once in a quarter. It also consults the representative from industry and trade. It keeps a watch on the various issues relating to working capital Page 17 of 47
requirements and gives various suggestions to suit the changing requirements of the industry and trade.
Banks make their own assessment of credit requirements of borrowers based on a total study of borrowers business operations and they can also decide the levels of holding each item of inventory as also of receivables which in their view would represent a reasonable built up of current assets for being supported by banks finance. Banks may also consider suitable internal guidelines for accepting the projections made by the borrowers regarding sundry creditors as sundry creditors are taken as a source of financing current assets (inventories, receivables, etc.), it is necessary to project them correctly while calculating need of bank finance for working capital requirements.
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a. Bank can work out the working capital gap. i. e. total current assets less current liabilities other than bank borrowings and finance a maximum of 75per cent of the gap; the balance to come out of long-term funds, i.e. owned funds and term borrowings
b. . Borrower should provide for a minimum of 25 per cent of total current assets out of long-term funds, i.e. owned funds and long term borrowings. A certain level of credit for purchases and other current liabilities inclusiveof bankborrowings will not exceed 75 per cent of current assets. It may be observed from the above that borrowers contribution from long term funds would be 25 per cent of the working capital gap under the first method of lending . The above minimum contribution of long-term funds is called minimum stipulated Net Working Capital (NWC) which comes from owned funds and term borrowings.
Above two method of lending may be illustrated by taking the following example of a borrowers financial position, projected as at the end of next year. CURRENT LIBILITES AMT CURRENT ASSETS AMT
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of It may be observed from the above that in the first method, the borrower has to provide a minimum of 25 per cent of working capital gap from ling-term funds and it gives a minimum current ratio 1.17:1. In the second method, the borrower has to provide a minimum of 25 per cent of total current assets from long-term funds and gives a minimum current ratio 1.33:1.
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OVERDRAFT Under this arrangement, the borrower is allowed to withdraw funds in excess of the actual credit balance in his current account up to a certain specified limit during a stipulated period against a security. Within the stipulated limits any number of withdrawals is permitted by the bank. Overdraft facility is generally available against the securities of life insurance policies, fixed deposits receipts, Government securities, shares and debentures, etc. of the corporate sector. Interest is charged on the amount actually withdrawn by the borrower, subject to some minimum(commitment) charges. LOANS Under this system, the total amount of borrowing is credited to the current account of the borrower or released to him in cash. The borrower has to pay interest on the total amount of loan, irrespective of how much he draws. Loans are payable either on demand or in periodical installments. They can also be renewed from time to time. As a form of financing, loans imply a financial discipline on the part of the borrowers.
BILLS FINANCING This facility enables a borrower to obtain credit from a bank against its bills. The bank purchases or discounts the bills of exchange andpromissory notes ofthe borrower and credits the amount in his account after deducting discount. Under this facility, the amount provided is covered by cash credit and overdraft limit. Before purchasing or discounting the bills, the bank satisfies itself about the creditworthiness of the drawer and genuineness of the bill.
LETTER OF CREDIT While the other forms of credit are direct forms of financing in which the banks provide funds as well as bears the risk, letter of credit is an indirect form of working capital financing in which banks assumes Page 23 of 47
only the risk and the supplier himself provide the funds. A letter of credit is the guarantee provided by the buyers banker to the seller that in the case of default or failure of the buyer, the bank shall make the payment to the seller. The bank opens letter of credit in favour of acustomer to facilitate his purchase of goods. This arrangement passes the risk of the supplier to the bank. The customer pays bank charges for this facility to the bank.
WORKING CAPITAL LOAN Sometimes a borrower may require additional credit in excess of sanctioned credit limit to meet unforeseen contingencies. Banks provide such credit through a Working Capital Demand Loan (WCDL) account or a separate nonoperable cash credit account. This arrangement is presently applicable to borrowers having working capital requirement of Rs.10 crore or above. The minimum period of WCDL keeps on changing. WCDL is granted for a fixed term onmaturity of which it has to be liquidated, renewed or rolled over. On such additional credit, the borrower has to pay a higher rate of interest more than the normal rate of interest.
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Particular lien is a right to retain property until the claim associated with the property is fully paid. On the other hand, General lien is applicable till all dues of the lender are paid. Banks usually enjoy general lien. MORTGAGE Mortgage is the transfer of a legal or equitable interest in a specific immovable property for the payment of a debt. In case of mortgage, the possession of the property may remain with the borrower, while the lender enjoys the full legal title. The mortgage interest in the property is terminated as soon as the debt is paid. Mortgages are taken as an additional security for working capital credit by banks. CHARGE Where immovable property of one person is made security for the payment of money to another and the transaction does not amount to mortgage, the latter person is said to have a charge on the property and all the provisions of simple mortgage will apply to such a charge. A charge may be created by the act of parties or by the operation of law. It is only security for payment.
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In the past, working capital financing was constrained with detailed regulations on how much credit the banks could give to their customers. The recent changes made by RBI in the guidelines for bank credit for working capital finance are discussed below:
1. The notion of Maximum Permissible Bank Finance (MPBF) has been abolished byRBI and a new system was proposed by the INDIAN BANKINGASSOCIATION (IBA).This has given banks greater freedom and responsibility for assessing credit needs andcredit worthiness. The salient features of new system are: For borrowers with requirements of uptoRs. 25 lakhs, credit limits will be computed after detailed discussions with borrower, without going into detailedevaluation. For borrowers with requirements above Rs. 25 lakhs, but uptoRs. 5 crore, creditlimit can be offered upto 20% of the projected gross sales of the borrower. For large borrowers not selling in the above categories, the cash budget systemmay be used to identify the working capital needs.
However, RBI permits banks to follow Tandon/Chore Committee guidelines and retain MPBF concept with necessary modifications.
2. Earlier RBI had prescribed consortium arrangements for financing working capital beyond Rs. 50 crore. Now it is not essential to have consortium arrangements. However, banks may themselves decide to form consortium so that the risks are spread. The disintegration of consortium system, the entry of term lending institutions into working capital finance and the emergence of money market borrowing options gives the best possible deal. Page 27 of 47
3. Banks were advised not to apply the second method of lending for assessment of MPBF to those exporter borrowers, who had credit export of not less than 25% of there total turnover during the previous accounting year, provided that their fund based working capital needs from the banking system were less than Rs. 1 crore. RBI has also suggested that the units engaged in export activities need not bring in any contribution from their long term sources for financing that portion of current assets as is represented by export receivables.
4. RBI had also issued lending norms for working capital, under which the banks would decide the levels of holding of inventory and receivables, which should be supported by bank finance, after taking into account the operating cycle of an industry as well as other relevant factors. Other aspects of lending discipline, viz maintenance of minimum current ratio, submission and use of data furnished under quarterly information system etc. would continue through with certain modifications, which would make it easier for smaller borrowers to comply with these guidelines.
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Bank provides working capital finance to their customers through funded facilities like CASH CRDIT (Running account facility) Against the collateral security.
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Obtain loan application: Customer who wants to avail the cash credit facility should submit complete application form along with requited information. The information generally required to be submitted by the customer along with the application form are: Audited balance sheet and profit and loss account for previous three years along with income tax or sales tax returns. Estimated balance sheet for the current year. Projected balance sheet for the next year. CMA report Industry exposure restriction and related risk factors Government regulation and its impact on the industry. Memorandum and articles of association of the company/ partnership deed of partnership firm. Assets and Liabilities of the guarantors along with latest income tax returns file. In case of takeover of advances, section letters of facilities being availed fromexisting bankers. Project report containing details of all the assets, name of suppliers, capacity of utilization, production , sales , projected profit and loss and balance sheet for next 7 to 8 years till the loan is paid. Photocopies of lease deed/ title deeds of all the properties being offered as primary and collateral security. Position of accounts from the existing bankers and confirmation about the assets being standard with them. (in case of takeover)
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F 260 F273
Receipt for amount of loan Loans/advances/facilities granted/ to be granted to (Right of set-off) (Required for guarantor as well as borrower)
RF 46/47
Guarantee bond (franking of Rs. 100 required) Composite deed of hypothecation for all facilities (0.2% of the amount)
MORTAGAGE Format A Memorandum declaration (Rs.100 franking is required) and notary also Format B Memorandum of record of equitable mortgage (Franking of 0.2% of total amount of loan) Format C Mortgage of letter of conformation It consist of Form I : (Creation and modification) includes: Title deed Third party mortgage
Form I
security interest
Form III :
Form IV :
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Help to measure liquidity and financial strength, indication of availability of current assets to pay current liabilities. The higher the ratio betters the liquidity position. Generally it should be at least 1.33.
Indicate size of stakes, stability and degree of solvency. Indicates how high the stake of the creditors is. Indicate what proportion of the company finance is represented by the tangible net worth. The lower the ratio, greater the solvency. Anything over 5 should be viewed with concern.
This ratio indicates operating efficiency. Indication of net margin of profit available on Rs. 100 sales. Trend for company over a period should be encouraging.
It indicates the number of times total debt service obligation consisting of interest and repayment of the principal in installment is covered by the total fund available after
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taxes. With the help of this ratio (popularly known as DSCR), we can find out whether the loan taken for acquisition of fixed assets can be rapid conveniently.
We have already touched upon depreciation as non-cash expenditure and since the funds are available with the enterprise to that extent. It is in order to ask for this sum in reduction of loan.
The ratio indicates adequacy of profit to cover interest. Higher the ratio more is the security to the lender.
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This is an analytical research area where we analyse information with cause and its effects relationship. This analysis leads to the simple conclusion of weather to lend to the institutions for their working capital needs. Research Type Source Of Data Sample Sample Technique Analysis Tool Used Analytical Primary And Secondary Case Study Allocation of cases Financial analysis
Primary Data
Secondary Data :
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Liabilities 31.03.04 31.03.05 31.03.06 Assets 31.03.04 Audited Audited Prov. Audited Capital 17.53 18.41 84.84 FA 23.15 Reserves Depr. 5.85 Net NW 17.53 18.41 84.84 17.3 Block Cash & TL 12.43 15.98 2.98 1.47 Bank Unsec Ln TL from BOM TL(car) 1.76 Scred Bk Borr 9.11 OCL 0.09 TCL 9.2 13.08 0.15 13.23 15 15 2.46 1.88 81.46 0.38 RM WIP FG RecDom Export OCA TCA Inv Tot NCA Acc Loss Tot.Intan g Ass. Tot Ass 40.91 12.77 8.18 1.19 23.61
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17.5 3
18. 41
84. 84
0.5 7 1.0 1%
0.8 9 0.9 3%
8.6 2 4.7 9%
17. 53
18. 41
84. 84
1.3 3
1.8 2
1.1 8
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14. 41 2.5 7
18. 47 2.4 0
40. 35 .69
SALES: As partners have been engaged in marketing the new technology to various users for the initial 2/3 years vigorously and their efforts are started yielding results. During the year 2012 the firm has obtained approval from BHEL, NTPC, and HAL for use of its products DSC & ESC. Agreement with NTPC through BHEL (Hardwar) is exclusive supply (not to any other companies) for annual turnover of Rs. 250.00 Lac. The orders are of repetitive nature. Besides BHEL (Hid) have also started placing sample orders. The firm has also been able to secure orders from HAL (Koraptut) for DSC & ESC. During the year up to Nov11 the firm has already done sale of Rs. 100.00 lac besides the job work. Orders worth Rs. 150.00 lac from BHEL (Hardwar) are on hand scheduled to be completed before March13. Completion of this of these orders will enable the firm to achieve a sale of Rs. 250.00 lac by this year end. This is acceptable.
PROFIT: Hitherto the net profit in terms of sales has been about 1.00%. Against this backdrop the estimated profitability of 4.79% in the current appears unreasonable. During discussion it is clarified that as the firm has shifted its focus from mare job work to direct selling the margin will be high. In fact it has set up its own machining plant and has secured approval from BHEL for the Quality of its own materials. It used to pay for job works to other companies/firms for the machining purpose. This payment was to the tune of 25% (apt) of the Page 41 of 47
job work revenue. For the year 2011 as the job work is being done inhouse the expenses are estimated to be hardly 5%. Besides, margin of direct selling of its materials is better. Moreover with increased sales the marginal revenue would be proportionately high adding to the increased yield. In view ofthe above factors we may accept the profitability estimates made by the firm. In the coming 7 years the firm has estimated profitability ranging from 8.5% to 12.5%. This appears to be on the higher side. As the sales are estimated to stabilize at Rs. 312.00 lac we may accept the profitability of 4.79% as acceptable for the year 2005. Accordingly the net profit for the 2nd year would be Rs. 13.70 lac and then Rs. 14.95 lac p. a.
CASH ACCRUAL: With addition to fixed assets the depreciation shall be high. Thus with accepted profitability the accrual would be Rs. 30.00 lac for the year 2012 followed by Rs. 32.03 lac, Rs. 30.62 lac respectively. The position is acceptable.
TNW: Up to 2011-12 the TNW has been increasing with retention of profits. In the year 2012 for the expansion plan the partner have agreed in bring in additional capital of Rs. 46.00 lac, Remaining Rs 20.00 lac from internal accrual. We have discussed the issue of infusion of capital by partners. It is informed that depending upon the advice of their auditors they would be either increasing the amount of individual capital and/or brings in unsecured loans from friends/relatives to be converted to capital over a period of time. Since the existing work is being carried out from their own sources the branch is advised to obtain a CAs certificate certifying the amount investing that will beconsidered as their contribution. Since the cash accrual for the year 2012
is accepted at Rs. 30.00 lacs the remaining contribution of Rs. 20.00 lac from partners appears reasonable.
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TOL/TNW: The ratio has been below 2.00 up to 31.03.12 and with proposed capital infusion the same is estimated to be about 1.18 which is acceptable being well within benchmark level.
NWC & CURRENT RATIO: Both the parameters have been well above their respective benchmark levels and are estimated to improve further over the existing levels. It may be mentioned that even though the firm is increasing its production capacity and consequently sales it has not requested any additional working capital. During discussion it is gathered that with direct selling the payment term would be 90 % against supply of materials which would improve its cash flow and hence there will not be additional requirement of working capital. However the partners have informed that after the expansion is completed in March 13 they may approach us for additional working if required at that point of time. Thus the overall financial position of the firm is satisfactory.
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same to be 2.33 months. It is clarified that as the firm would be executing Rs150.00 lac worth of orders from BHEL in next 4 months ( At least Rs 80.00 lac as accepted by us) there will be concentration Hence the estimates appear reasonable. Creditors estimated to be nil too. Against this background MPBF is calculated as under. of debtors at the year end. have been nil and are
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23.61 0.09
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Hypothecation and mortgage are generally used to create securities for the bank.
If the applicants have banking with bank since inception stage then they are given preference as creditable and loyal party over their financial indication.
The documentation part used by Bank of Maharashtra is very prompt and is as per the guidelines of RBI.
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Closely monitoring and inspecting the activities and stock of the borrowers from time to time can avoid the misuse of working capital.
The bank must further secure themselves by holding a second charge on the fixed assets of the borrower so as to ensure the safety.
Statement of financial transactions should be review at regular interval to minimize losses due to irregular payments and defaulters.
Sensitivity analysis should be done before sectioning cash credit facility to get the insight into the variability of the outcomes.
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