Chapter Two Review of Related Literature
Chapter Two Review of Related Literature
Chapter Two Review of Related Literature
Nigerian Bank for Commerce and Industries was established in October 1973 to
finance the process of indigenization of the nation’s economy with a capital of
N50 million; the bank first function is entrepreneurship development by giving
assistance to indigenous businessmen who obtain funds in the form of loans of
equity to acquire the ownership interest of aliens in business activities. Potential
entrepreneurs were able to obtain funds from the banks to buy up shares or buy
the entire business activities in schedule I and II. Nigerian Bank for Commerce
and Industries assists business by providing consultancy services in
identification of viable projects. Entrepreneurs who want to change into another
line of business can be assisted by NBCI to identify projects that can be
profitable and this usually minimize the risk of business failure. The bank also
assists the entrepreneur in the preparation of well researched and articulated
feasibility reports. After deciding on a particular business idea, the next thing is
to begin to gather facts and figures to enable you take a decision as to which way
to go. This state of fact-finding aimed at determining the business profit
potentials and return on investment is called feasibility study. It is therefore
necessary to carry out a feasibility study before committing any money.
This bank was established in 1964, owned jointly by the Federal Government
and the Central Bank of Nigeria through the reconstruction of the investment co-
operation 'of Nigeria, which had been in operation since 1959. Commercial
Banking institutions in Nigeria can be classified into two: the purely indigenous
banks owned 100% by Nigerian Government and individual and the mixed banks
with a majority of indigenous shareholders at least 60% equity and majority
foreign interest. As Nigerian law does not allow the establishment of foreign
banks with a majority foreign interest (Femi, 1986).
Ability of the entrepreneur to convince the commercial bank of his state in the
business would ginger the commercial bank to aid him considering all of the
above stated conditions and qualities. Additionally, ability of the entrepreneur to
present a tangible or worthwhile collateral security will enable the commercial
bank to finance his business. This is very essential when the entrepreneur is yet
to establish a high reputation in his environment considering the newness of his
Position of the Business: - The commercial banks will finance a business that
is at a fairly good position or have prospects of attaching a fairly good position.
This is viewed from the balance sheet of one business in the past years of
operations. The bank in addition will want to satisfy itself as to the continued
profitability of the business. The business must be seen not only as profit
making but also as that of an increasing annual profits from year to year.
In considering the type of financial assistance that can be obtained from banks
and other financial institutions, I will like to state right from the on-set that banks
and the government operate from different pedestals. Most banks are privately
owned institutions which have profit maximization as their main goal in business
in contrast, government financing is usually developmental in nature and
therefore has the advantage of good terms, low interest, low equity or little or no
collateral security.
Banks, as a source of finance to small scale enterprise advantage includes:
a) The fact that the bank deals with money and all kinds of business on a full
time basis, shows it is in a better position to provide expert advice to the
small scale retailer in particular business and general business trends.
b) Borrowing from a bank as opposed to a government source, for instance
may be better for your credit rating because banks are more reliable to give
unbiased opinions on their clients rating than public institutions.
c) Banks have the largest breath that is more types of loan, than other
institutions as banks can structure any kind of facility to meet the specific
needs of their clients.
d) Banks offer many business services, including credit references on
customers or potential customers, financial investment and estate advisory
service loans, discounting customers’ accounts and note payable, payment
of freight invoices cheque reconciliation services and payroll accounting
a. Banks are generally conservative when considering loans.
b. The technical requirement, spread, financial projected budget of presenting
a loan can be seen quite frustrating to the daunting, even uninitiated and on
a related note.
c. Because banks are highly regulated by the government and still need to be
profitable they have to be careful that their loans do not fail. Banks
therefore have very detailed and tough requirements which borrowers often
regard as laborious.
A small scale enterprise is a privately owned and operated business,
characterized by a small number of employees and low turnover. A small
enterprises usually only shares a tiny segment of the market it operates in.
From the given background, a small scale industry is a means to an end and not
an end itself. Yet it is regarded as being of great importance in the present state
of our economic life. We shall hereby examine the importance of small-scale
industries from two perspectives. Firstly we shall examine the importance of
small-scale industries to an individual and then the economy as a whole.
II. To the Economy: The present day Nigerian economy stands to benefit from
the establishment of small scale industries.
a. Employment Creation: - This is one of the objectives of the Nigerian
industrial policy that was adopted. The policy specified the establishment
and promotion of small scale industries as the basic tool for tackling the
various forms of unemployment that has been witnessed in the country
over the past few years. In recent years, Nigerian government has been
experiencing serious unemployment problems. One of the way fashioned
out by the government to reduce this problem is to encourage many
individuals by giving them certain incentives to establish small scale
business enterprises. Establishing small scale industries will in addition
develop in Nigeria a broader base of entrepreneurial culture and desired
level of trained labour and man-power. In reality the small scale industries
will absorb a commendable percentage of the unen1ployed if encouraged
with vigor.
b. Acceleration of Economic Growth: The fact that small scale enterprise is
important for economic growth is not an over-statement. They engage in
one business or the other providing services for the masses, these services
help in no small measure in improving living standards of the people.
c. Accelerate Large Scale Production: The small scale business helps the big
firms in distributing their goods and services and also supply them with
raw materials needed in their production. This is why most small scale
businesses are located in the cities where big businesses are located.
d. Skill Acquisition: Some of the big businesses in Nigeria, started as small
scale enterprises. Example is Ekenedili chukwu Transport Company. This
helps the business owners to acquire more skills and experience that could
enable him or her manage big businesses. From this, one can see that small
scale business provides fertile ground for practical Training and
development for ambitious managers who hope to manage bigger business
in future.
e. Increased Export of Manufactured Goods:- With more goods
manufactured by these industries, there will be the need to export some of
the goods. However, Nigerian export oriented production will become
more competitive in the world market.
Questionnair % of Response
Respondents Completed Questionnaire
Distributed Returned not returned
UBA Staff 45 32 13 20.8
The table above reveals that 32 staff of UBA Offa branch returned the completed
questionnaire while 13 did not return theirs. On the other hand, 357 customers
returned the completed questionnaire while 40 did not return, for various reasons
adduced by them.
Thus, analysis was based on the 32 members of the staff of UBA and 357
customers that returned the completed questionnaire. This represented 20.8%
and 68.1% of the respondents respectively.
The hypothesis formulated for this study was used to find out if they would
actually hold when faced with empirical evidence. It was used to determine
whether to accept the hypothesis or not based on the outcome of the test. In the
test of hypothesis, tables were developed for each hypothesis.
Thereafter, the chi-square tool of analysis was used to test the hypothesis.
In using the chi-square (x2) distribution for the test, the null hypothesis for each
hypothesis was stated and the level of significance was put at 0.05 or 5% level
while the degrees of freedom (df) were dependent upon the number of
The formula for the chi-square (X2) test is given below
X2 = E(fo - fe)2
Hypothesis One
Question 6 and 9 of the questionnaire for both United Bank for Africa (UBA)
staff and the customers respectively relate to question bordering on if small scale
enterprises in Nigeria do contribute to the growth of the economy. This is
congruent with hypothesis one which states, small scale enterprises in Nigeria
do not contribute to the growth of the economy.
No 12 27
Total 32 100
From the above table, 20 respondents representing 73% of the UBA staff agreed
that small scale enterprises in Nigeria do contribute to the growth of the economy,
while 12 respondents representing 27% did not agree.
Table 4.3: UBA Customers
No 27 7.6
From the above table, 330 respondents representing 92.4% of the UBA
customers agreed that small scale enterprises in Nigeria do contribute to the
growth of the economy, while 27 respondents representing 7.6% of the
customers disagreed.
No 12 27 39
∑ = 29.15
= (2-1) (2-1)
Decision Rule
Accept Ho if the calculated chi-square (x2) value is less than the critical value
(x2t), and if otherwise reject.
Thus, since x2 is greater than x2t, i.e. 29.15>3.84, He will be rejected while Hi
will be accepted. This implies that small scale enterprises in Nigeria do
contribute to the growth of the economy.
Hypothesis Two
Questions 8 and 10 of both UBA staff and customers questionnaire respectively
state thus; Do you think that small scale enterprises have any significant
relationship with employment programmes in the country? This is in line with
hypothesis two which states that small scale enterprises have no significant
relationship with employment programmes in the country.
No 10 18.3
Total 30 100
The table above shows that 22 respondents representing 81. 7% of the UBA staff
agreed that small scale enterprises have significant relationship with
employment programmes in the country while 10 respondents representing 18.3%
of the staff did not agree.
Table 4.7: UBA Customers
Options No. of Responses Percentage (%) of
Yes 250 70
No 107 30
No 10 107 117
∑ = 15.51
= (2-1) (2-1)
Decision Rule
Accept Ho if the calculated chi-square (X2) value is less than the critical value
(X2t) and if otherwise reject.
Therefore, since X2 is greater than x2t, i.e. 15.51>3.84, the null hypothesis (Ho)
will be rejected while the alternative (Hi) will be accepted. This implies that
small enterprises have significant relationship with employment programmes in
the country.
Hypothesis Three
Both questions 7 and 11 of the questionnaire distributed to the UBA staff and
customers respectively states thus, Does the small scale enterprises have any
correlation with poverty alleviation programme in the country? This question is
congruent with hypothesis three which states; small scale enterprises have no
correlation with poverty alleviation programmes in the country.
No 13 40.4
Total 32 100
No 87 24.4
No 13 87 100
∑ = 7.33
= (2-1) (2-1)
Decision Rule
Accept Ho if the calculated chi-square (x2) value is less than the critical value
(x2t) and if otherwise reject.
Therefore, since x2 is less than x2t, i.e. 7.33>3.84 we accept the (Ho) and accept
(Hi). This means that small scale enterprises have correlation with poverty
alleviation programmes in the country.
In accordance with the statistical test carried out on the hypothesis formulated,
the following facts hold;
i. It has been proved by empirical test that small scale enterprises in Nigeria
do contribute to the growth of the economy. This implies that the small
scale enterprises are very vital to economic growth of the company. The
government fiscal policies should recognize small scale enterprises and
provide enabling environment that makes them to contribute to both
economic and industrial growth of Nigerian economy. It has been proved
scientifically that small scale enterprises are correlated with poverty
alleviation programmes of the government.
ii. In hypothesis two, the null hypothesis which states that small scale'
enterprises have no significant relationship with employment programmes
in the country was proved wrong after the test was carried out. Small scale
enterprises have a significant relationship with the employment
progran1mes in the country. In the sense that the more there is small scale
establishment, the more employments are created in the country. The small
scale industries have some shock absorber which bigger organizations do
not have in providing job opportunities to the youths. In consequences;
government is advised to develop side by side, big and small organizations
for the betterment of the country.
iii. Meanwhile, in hypothesis three. The null hypothesis which states that
small scale enterprises have no correlation with poverty alleviation
programmes in the country was proved wrong after the test was carried out.
Small scale enterprises are seen as a machinery for reducing poverty by
creating self employment opportunities in the country, thereby increasing
the living standard of the people. Government should encourage school
leavers by advancing loans and other grants to them to enable them start
off business especially where they have inherent flairs.