Bulletin - October 7, 2012

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Cyril & Methodius Parish

608 Sobieski Street, Lemont, Illinois 60439

Parish Staff
Rev. Lawrence Lisowski

Pastoral Ministry
Rev. Marcin Szczypula Associate Pastor Deacon Michael Ciciura Deacon Norbert Lesnieski

Mrs. Shirley Tkachuk Parish School Principal Mrs. Trish Nickleski Sacramental Prep
Religious Education Coordinator

October 7, 2012 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Kim Zajec Religious Education Secretary

Liturgy Coordinator
Marietta Vargo

Music Ministry
Miroslawa Sojka-Topor Music Director

Youth Ministry
Michael Lundberg

Denise Duda Business Manager Lynn Bailey Assistant Business Manager Alicja Szczepanik Unity Coordinator Monika Bochenek Beth Rachwalski Peggy Sniegowski Ann Zajec Parish Secretaries Cheryle Long Debbie Grand Evening Receptionists Dennis Sepessy Facility Manager Kay Manning Bulletin Editor

Our Parish Mission Statement

We are a family of faith, entrusted with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Rooted in a rich tradition of worship, service and prayer, we foster the unity and faith of this community. Enlivened by the Spirit, we share our gifts, talents and resources to bring about the Kingdom of God.

Page Two

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 7, 2012

All of Us - #568 by Fr. Larry Year of the Sunday Mass A few months ago, the Archdiocese of Chicago launched the Year of the Sunday Mass as part of the second year of the Strategic Pastoral Plan, entitled Reflect Christs Light. (Last year, our attention was directed to evangelizing and reaching out to our teens who represent the future of our Church.) The Year of the Sunday Mass signals the initiative to reclaim the center of our faith our weekly encounter with the living, risen Christ in the Eucharist. With the Year of the Sunday Mass, we stand at the center of who we are as believers, united in faith, as the very Church of God. The Year of the Sunday Mass was prompted by some very important statistics gathered as part of the research phase of the Strategic Pastoral Plan. The majority of Catholics in the Archdiocese do not attend Mass regularly. Of those who were raised Catholic, 68% still claim their affiliation with the Catholic Church. Of this group, 23% say they attend Mass weekly and 21% attend Mass at least once a month, while the remaining 56% participate only a few times a year. The first aim during the Year of the Sunday Mass is to strengthen the understanding and motivation of those who do attend Mass weekly or at least once a month. It is my hope that we can create a sense of renewed faith in the Eucharist and a clear witness to its power in our lives. The Eucharist is truly the heart of the life of our parish. Parishes are using several initiatives to help promote our awareness of the Year of the Sunday Mass, as well as deepen our understanding and appreciation for the Eucharist we share as the Body of Christ. You may have noticed that each week in our bulletin we have included articles entitled, Know the Mass, One Word at a Time. These are simple articles that explain what happens at Mass. The one word chosen every week is usually a verb, describing actions like, bless, sing, praise, and adore. These various actions collectively help us to offer praise and thanks to God through this sacred meal. Please take the time to read these brief articles that have the ability to spiritually enlighten and guide us in our prayer at Mass. Also, our bulletin every week offers reflection questions that refer to the Sunday readings and homily. This is a great way to allow the Word of God to stay in our minds and hearts throughout the week. Sometimes we are blessed by new insights to our familiar Sunday readings long after we walk out of church. (I believe that

this is often the work of the Holy Spirit.) The weekly reflection questions help us to hold onto the Word of God wherever we go, Monday through Saturday. Also in the bulletin over the next several weeks, our Pastoral Staff and members of our Parish Council will share their reflections on the significance of the Eucharist in their lives. They will give witness to various ways that the Sunday Mass has been important to them. We will be able to see through the testimony of our fellow believers how they value the Sunday Mass. Wow! One of my earliest memories of attending Sunday Mass goes back to the early 1960s when I was little kid. A few family rituals were tied into our Sunday morning. This was a good thing, because as a kid, you always knew what was going to happen on Sunday morning. There was no guessing. Going to church was the plan, and my parents made sure the plan was always in place. This is the one experience I am very fortunate to have received from my parents in my childhood. I would call it spiritual clarity. My parents instilled in my older brothers and me the notion of, This is who we are, and this is what we do on Sunday. There was a sense that we need to be somewhere, and church was that somewhere. Sunday morning always felt a little different than the other days of the week. The morning always seemed to move slowly in a quiet and graceful way. I am sure a big part of this was due to the fact that there was no school, no work and no organized sports for kids on Sunday morning. Sunday gave us a chance to be together and pray together as a family. There were few interruptions, and that was nice. I always knew what to expect on Sunday because the routine never varied. As a family, we usually went to the same Mass. We walked to church, St. Wenceslaus, which was only a few blocks away from our home. My parents, brothers and I always sat in the same pew, in the same order. We saw the same families in church every week, always in the same pew. When you are six years old, its hard to follow along with the Mass, even with the best worship aides that tried to explain what the Latin prayers were about. But for me, as a young kid, it was neat to be in the pew next to my mom and dad and watch them pray. I saw an inner goodness about them that was revealed when we prayed together as a family. These moments also fostered within me a sense of peace and security. Church was a good place to be on Sunday, and God always seemed really close to us.

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 7, 2012

Sunday Mass also carried with it a sense of mystery and awe. Back then, everything seemed larger than life big statues, long sermons and solemn processions that the Felician sisters would orchestrate for the May Crowing. People looked to the priest to be connected to the divine. He was the messenger of hope, reminding people that God did not give up on them, and was still very much a part of their everyday lives. Some twenty years later, I walked into St. Wenceslaus to celebrate my first Mass as an ordained priest. This was a very moving and humbling experience to come to the very place where the Catholic faith was handed on to me by my parents. I was very conscious of the people in my life that walked with me on my journey of faith, and who helped me to answer Gods call to serve in the Church. It was an honor and a privilege to stand at the altar and be able to feed those before me with the Bread of Life. I remember being overwhelmed by the love of God as I held the consecrated bread and wine in prayer, and at the same time looking out into the congregation and seeing the faces of family and friends. I knew what St. Paul meant; for us to be the Body of Christ. The best part of Sunday Mass for me is the opportunity for us to share in the Body of Christ, so that we live as the Body of Christ. I realize how we need to be connected to Christs presence in our lives, and how Christ desires to be close to our hearts. How Many Are Here? During the month of October, the Office of Research and Planning for the Archdiocese of Chicago asks every parish to count the number of people who attend Sunday Mass. This helps to identify and track current trends and patterns in regards to how parishioners practice their faith. It also can reflect if a parish is spiritually growing. As our ushers gather this information during these next few weeks, please keep in mind the importance of your presence here on Sunday. It is not uncommon for some St. Cyrils parishioners to attend Mass at a neighboring Catholic parish. I pray that St. Cyrils will be your spiritual home and your primary place of worship. This way, our numbers will be truly accurate and give me a sense of how we are doing overall. Respecting Life October is designated as Respect Life month. Please take the time to read the helpful information provided by our Tri-Parish ProLife Committee. Also, throughout the month, various activities will be offered to help us pray and support the sanctity of all human life that comes from our good and gracious God.

Welcome to SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish

The Parish Staff of St. Cyrils welcomes all to our historic parish that has carried on the mission of Jesus since 1884.

Parish Information
608 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL Denise Duda, Business Manager (630) 257-2776; (630) 257-9372 Fax email: rectory@stcyril.org website: www.stcyril.org 607 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL Shirley Tkachuk, Principal (630) 257-6488; shirleyt@stcyril.org Trish Nickleski D.R.E. (630) 257-9314; religed@stcyril.org


Religious Education:

Mass Schedule:
Saturday: Sunday: 7:00 AM & 5:30 PM 7:00, 8:30 (Polish), 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM (Polish) 5:00 PM (St. Patricks - English)

Special Masses:
Weekdays: Tuesday PM: First Friday: 7:00 AM 8:00 PM Polish 7:00, 9:00 AM (Fall) & 7:00 PM (Polish)

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday: 4:30 - 5:00 PM First Fridays: 5:00 - 6:30 PM Also available by appointment.

Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick:

Following the Monday morning 7:00 AM Mass.

Rectory Office Hours: Each weekday the Rectory

will be closed between the hours of 12 PM-1 PM. Monday through Wednesday Thursday and Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Closed

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith Religious Education News By Trish Nickleski, D.R.E. Dear Parents,

October 7, 2012

The religious education program has gotten off to a great start. We currently have 540 students enrolled that attend our program on a weekly basis. All of our staff positions have been filled and we have met with the students for four sessions. Classes are spending time in prayer, learning about their faith and getting to know each other. We have begun to participate in our first service project which is the Baby Bottle project. Each student has been give a baby bottle that is empty and they have been asked to fill it with change to help moms and babies in need at the Womens Center. I am truly blessed to have the staff that I do volunteer each week and I just want to say thanks for all your hard work and dedication. We do not have classes today or Monday but we do have class on Wednesday! Reminder: There is a parent meeting next Sunday, October 14th at 3:30 PM in the church for all parents who have a second grader who will be making their First Reconciliation this year. Our parish welcomes all with a developmental or intellectual challenge, down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders or learning problems. SPRED is a wonderful small faith sharing program which children, teens, young adults and adults can benefit from and have, since 1967 in 156 parishes. All interested people and parents are invited to a SPRED Informational Gathering on Monday, October 15th at 7:00 PM in our schools teachers lounge. Please consider this ministry! We need three more adult volunteers to join Guadalupe, Richard, Marianna, Carolyn and Anita who have said Yes! We also want to know the parents who have a son/daughter with special needs no matter their age or abilities. Please feel free to contact Anita Koch SPRED Chairperson with questions: (630) 243-8970 or akoch99@comcast.net

I would like to congratulate all of the students who participated in the Providence High School Academic Bowl on Saturday, September 29th. They competed against 20 other schools. Our seventh grade team finished in 4th place overall. We are very proud to acknowledge the following students: Nick Bratkiv: 2nd place Language Arts Elise Viz: 3rd place Math Patrick McMahon: 4th place Social Studies Thank you to the talented and dedicated team of Junior High teachers who prepared them so well for this event, and to the parents of the competing students for their help. Our entire school is so very proud of them! We have had some great projects and activities happening within our school. I have seen our students in preschool listen to some good stories involving the letters of the alphabet. They also took part in their first fire drill! Our kindergarteners are hard at work developing their reading and listening skills. All students from grades 1-8 recently completed their first Reading Probes. These are very short tests done on an individual basis with the teacher. We also have new English books being used in our school. These were purchased at the end of our last school year. Teachers and students alike are enjoying the books and happy to try some of the new activities they contain. Recently, our 7th graders were busy using our new iPads to learn their new vocabulary words. We are a very busy place! Dont forget to mark your calendars for Friday, November 9th. Thats the date of our Mothers Club annual fall fundraiser. Many, many things we have in our school are the result of the Mothers Clubs hard work and commitment to our school. This years theme is Double Down on Dreams, and it promises to be a fantastic evening. All of the proceeds from this evening directly benefit our school. As always, thank you for your continued help and support. Mrs. S. Tkachuk Principal

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 7, 2012

Thank You to the 721 families who have supported our campaign with their pledge.
Those choosing to be acknowledged will be listed in our bulletin.

Pew reinstallation complete, September 25, 2012

Our Faith, Our Gift, Our Home Capital Campaign Goal $1,000,000 Pledged $ 811,600

Our Faith, Our Gift, Our Home Capital Campaign Parish Pledge Confirmation
I/We wish to pledge a gift of: Total Amount of Gift or Pledge Amount enclosed Balance by May 2013
Method of Payment: Public Acknowledgment:

$ __________________ $ __________________ $ __________________

Frequency of Payments:

Single payment Installment payments


Electronic Fund Transfer

I/We wish to be acknowledged

I/We wish to remain anonymous

Name(s) __________________________________________________

Parishioner Envelope #: _________________

Address _______________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _________ Zip _______________

EFT Authorization: Name of Bank _______________________________ (9) Digit Routing Number: Name(s) on Account: ________________________________ Account Number: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Type: Checking Savings

Phone _____________________

Email ____________________________

Signature _______________________________________________________________________________________________

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 7, 2012



Maggie Rybka & Robert Tylka Married September 29, 2012

Kristen Regan & Stuart Montgomery Married September 29, 2012

Double Down for Dreams!

St. Cyrils
S.S. Cyril & Methodius School Fall Fundraiser

Evening of Reflection
On Thursday, October 18th, we will have our annual evening of reflection which consists of a prayer service and a guest speaker. We welcome back Friar Johnpaul Cafiero, OFM, who will be the speaker for the evening. Friar Johnpaul gave our Pre-Lenten mission in February. This year the Archdiocese of Chicago is celebrating the Year of the Sunday Mass. In keeping with this theme, Friar will give a reflection on the Eucharist: They recognized him in the breaking of the bread. Where do you recognize him? Friar Johnpaul is the oldest of an Italian/Polish family and was born and raised in the New York area. Friar holds numerous degrees and has lectured and preached internationally. In addition to his preaching ministry, Friar is also a pastoral associate at Holy Family Parish in Inverness and is a chaplain for the Illinois State Police. Thursday, October 18, 2012, 7 PM in Church All are welcome!

Friday November 9th, 2012 Lithuanian World Center 14911 E. 127th Street, Lemont 7 PM-11 PM $50 per ticket includes, open bar, appetizers and funny money to gamble with (amount TBD). Tickets will NOT be sold at the door To purchase tickets or make a donation please contact Heather Tomala at (630) 309-2467 or Htomala22@gmail.com Or refer to the school website stcyril.org

Page Seven

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith Lemont Parishes ProLife Ministry
St. Alphonsus, SS. Cyril & Methodius, St. James, St. Patrick

October 7, 2012

Who Becomes a Catholic Today? Who are the people who join the Catholic Church today? You or someone you know may be in one of the following life situations:
i Young people who are engaged to

How do we strengthen our faith and resolve today, as our country marks forty years in the wasteland of the culture of death? Providentially, Pope Benedict XVI has declared a worldwide Year of Faith, beginning on October 11, 2012 and concluding on November 24, 2013. In introducing the Year of Faith, the Holy Father spoke of the grave difficulties of our time, and the need for the Church to lead people out of the desert and clasp sinners to its bosom. He suggested a path of penance and renewal and called for authentic conversion and witness to charity so the Church might be the visible community of Gods mercy. USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activitie

marry Catholics who want to share their faith.

i Young parents who are expecting their first born and

want to join a faith community that will help them find God in their lives and establish moral values in their family.
i People who are baptized either in the Catholic faith or

ProLife Sunday Tri-Parish Procession

Sunday, October 7th - 3 PM Begins at St. Cyrils Grotto All are invited to join us as we honor the sanctity of life. Led by the Knights of Columbus, we process from the St. Cyril's Grotto past St. Patrick Church praying the Rosary. From there we walk up to St. Alphonsus Church praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. The procession will end in St. Alphonsus Church with prayer service. For those who find it difficult to make that journey we invite you to be at St Alphonsus Church and pray with us simultaneously. If bad weather, then prayer service will be held in St. Alphonsus Church.

another Christian religion. As the years go by, they may seek to return to their Christian roots.
i People from all backgrounds that are seeking God in

their lives. How Does a Person Become Catholic? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a process by which the Catholic Church welcomes new members into its communal life. It is for non-Christian men and women; for Christians that are not Catholic; for Catholics who are baptized, but have no religious training. The Catholic churches in Lemont work together in this experience. Contact Fr. Larry or Doreen at (630) 2572414.

Please join the Pro-Life Ministry for a Peaceful Vigil of Prayer Saturday, October 13th Anytime from 8 AM to 10 AM Access Health Center 1700 75th St. in Downers Grove www.40daysforlife.com/downersgrove Why White Crosses on the Lawns of Lemont Churches? The white crosses you will see throughout Lemont in the next few weeks represent the lives lost through abortion. Since the advent of legalized abortion, over 53 million children lost their lives, and their parents and family members have been forever, unalterably changed. These crosses also remind us of the message that Christ died for all sins and his forgiveness is for all.

The Holy Name Society Men's Club will be sponsoring a clothing drive to benefit the St. Vincent DePaul Society. The collection will be held on October 27th and 28th following each Mass at St Cyril's. We hope you can begin collecting your clothing for this worthwhile society. Donations will need to be boxed in order to be accepted.

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 7, 2012

Fr. Larrys hitting the road and traveling south to the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Reminder About Background Checks and Protecting Gods Children Workshops Please remember that the Archdiocese of Chicago is requiring all volunteers who work with children in our parish, parish school, school sports program and religious education program to go through a background check and attend the Protecting Gods Children workshop. The background check and the workshop are two separate things and are found at two different websites. Several of these workshops are being held at nearby parishes over the summer and in the fall. The dates and times are listed below. Please remember that you need to register online at www.virtus.org before attending the workshop. If you cannot make one of these workshops then you will need to go to a different parish than the ones listed below to attend the workshop. A complete listing of the different sites for these workshops can be found at the VIRTUS website. If you have any questions or would like a packet of information to help you register for the background check and the workshop please call Trish Nickleski at 630-257-9314. St. George, Tinley Park 10/9/12 at 6:30 PM Our Lady of the Woods, Orland Park 10/20/12 at 9:00 AM Please note that if you do not complete the above requirements by October 31st you will not be allowed to volunteer with children at the school and the religious education program. This also includes all who volunteer in the sports program at the parish school. This is a requirement of the Archdiocese and all parishes are being required to have their volunteers complete these two requirements along with paper work that can be obtained by contacting your program coordinator or calling Trish in the Religious Education office at (630) 257-9314. Hed like to get together with all the U of I students from SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish on Sunday, October 28th, 2012 Meet at the Illini Union in the main lobby at 4:30 PM. Join Fr. Larry for Mass at 5 PM at the Newman Center and pizza at 6 PM. Make sure to pass the word... Free Pizza! Please R.S.V.P. to Peggy before Friday, October 26th at secretary@stcyril.org.

College Connection
Lemont Tri-Parish Youth Ministry has introduced a new program called the College Connection. The program is designed to keep a connection to students leaving home and their parishes through mail that will be sent to them while they are away at school. Students will receive bulletins, care packages, prayers and other surprises sent to their mailboxes while away at school. To be a part of the program email Mike Lundberg, Tri-Parish Youth Minister, at lemontyouthm@sbcglobal.net with the name and school address of the student that would like to participate.

Public Action to Deliver Shelter It is a new PADS year already! And because we are starting a new year we need some supplies for the women and children at the PADS shelter in Palos where we volunteer. If you have the time and the money, would you please bring some cold cereal, cans of soup, womens underwear (plain) in all sizes. Also feminine products; and of course socks, socks, socks; there can never be enough socks! At the St. Lukes site we dont need the small, sample sizes of things. It will really be a big help to get us started. Thanks so much and if you have any questions please feel free to call. Doreen (630) 257-2414.

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 7, 2012

Senior Expo (for the over 55 crowd & caregivers) Free Admission Box Lunch $3.00 Services-Screenings-Information Tuesday, October 9, 2012 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Lemont Park District @ the CORE 16028 127th Street, Lemont, IL Collecting eye glasses, cell phones, unwanted medication (no needles or mercury thermometers) Lemont S.A.L.T. P.O. Box 251 Phone: 630-257-2522 x 24 Lemont, IL 60439 E-mail: lemont.salt@gmail.com

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

Margaret Frass Margie Dorothy Wesolowski Kathy Moran Margaret Finnegan Anna Van Orden Anna Zoltek Lebrenda Case Clara Povalish Frank Polli Florence Kazich Sandi Merlo Joseph Perry Delores Bromberek Eleanor Povalish Genevieve Barbagallo Delores Beltrami -Lucchini Marion Galante Nick Hernandez Stella Troc Rose Miller Jozef Kopinski Regina Madeja Victor Splitt Jim Bailey Marianne Danko Art Danko Pat Salerno Mrs. Hindo John LaSota Alexandria Stojanov Gerry Pytlewski Mari Cleary Maria Bobowski Micaela Martinez Susan Baley Joel Falco Jim Christmann Don Barcza Edmund Povalish Patrick Nickols Joanne Novak Louie Novak John E. Rutkowski Dan Mulligan Linda Palmer Rose Kureja Dennis Lucheon James Lapansky Vivian Hinson William Stenz Bob Smith Samuel Tavolino Valentine Slachetka Dr. Edward Matuga Sr. Joan-Marie Kryszak Carol Krajewski Michael Bromberek Lloyd Hoster, Jr. Janina TylkaSuleja Irene Zaremba Pam Brickey Olivia Buciak Ralph Johnson

October 7, 2012

Czym yje nasza parafia...

Lucille Handorf Stanley Chrzanowsky Angie Knopinski Nathan S. McKenna Lottie Bylina James McNamara James Hanley Lillian Kuzak Kim Bromberek Lynn Porter Janet LaSota Eleanor Twardowski Betty Bolino Milda Praninskas Lucy Lejeaunesse Anne Orlowski Stephanie Langheld Sam Caruso Cheryl Povalish Dale Chappell Dolores Langheld Virginia Kozlowski Allen Govic Nancy Hoinacki Richard Cieski Deana Gozder Katherine Boyle Marie Kasl

Zapisy do Zespou Giewont

Zesp Giewont na nowo rozpocz swoje lekcje ta ca i piewu gralskiego. Zapraszamy oraz zach camy wszystkie nowe dzieci oraz modzie do zapisw do Zespou Giewont. Prby odbywaj si w ka dy czwartek w Lithuanian World Center o godzinie 7:00 wieczorem w Lemont. Wiecej informacji mo na znalez na stronie internetowej zespou www.ZespolGiewont.com.

To add a name or have someone visit you in the hospital or in your home, please call us at (630) 257-2776.

Polskie Przedszkole
Polskie Przedszkole Akademia Przedszkolaka w Orland Park ogasza zapisy na nowy rok szkolny 2012/2013. Akademia Przedszkolaka to miejsce dla dzieci w wieku od 15 miesi cy do 5 lat. Jest to miejsce, gdzie dzieci ucz si , bawi i rozwijaj w bezpiecznej i radosnej atmosferze. Aby dowiedzie si wi cej, prosz dzwoni pod numer 708-528-4146.

St. Patrick Employment Ministry: H.O.P.E. Helping Our People seeking Employment The next meeting of the H.O.P.E. Employment Support Ministry to help those who need to find employment will take place on Tuesday, October 9th at 7 PM in the St. Patrick Parish Ministry Classroom (Cass Street building). From 7-8 PM we will cover basic job search process skills for first time attendees such as writing effective resumes, cover letters, and job search strategies. From 8-8:30 PM, we will give perspectives on what HR managers look for in resumes and interviews, and answer your questions about job searching. All are welcome to attend. This is a free seminar.

Alicja Szczepanik unity@stcyril.org

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 7, 2012

Wtorek, 9 Pa dziernik
Wieczr modlitw do Matki Bo ej Cz stochowskiej..7:00pm

Niedziela, 14 Pa dziernik
Msza w..8:30am.1:30 pm

Pa dziernik Adam Ziemianin

Jesie po lesie chodzi sie spowiada Na ucho bukom szepcze co po cichu I za si kr ci w oku pa dziernika Gdy li - za pokut - opada po li ciu Dzie w noc przechodzi nie wiadomo kiedy Powi zani ze sob niewidzialnym mostem I tyle smutku jest w pustych konarach Gdy jesie daje swj deszczowy concert

7- Naj wi tsza Maryja Panna R a cowa Uroczysto ta jest zwi zana z bractwami r a cowymi, ktre zakada b.Alan de la Roche. Modlitwie r a cowej przypisano uproszenie zwyci stwa nad flot tureck w bitwie pod Leopanto. wi to ustanowi papie Grzegorz XIII. 9- Wincenty Kadubek, biskup. Na dworze Kazimierza Sprawiedliwego peni funkcj kanclerza. Kierowa rwnie szko katedraln . W tym czasie rozpocz pisa dziea swego ycia-Kronike polsk . Zosta mianowany biskupem krakowskim.Diecezj rz dzi krtko, ale dokona wiele.Bra czynny udzia w synodach i zjazdach przygotowuj cych i wprowadzaj cych zamierzone reformy, popiera rozwj ycia zakonnego, zwaszcza cystersw, hojnie uposa a ko cioy i klasztory. Uczestniczy w soborze latera skim, na ktrym wyst pi z wasnymi propozycjami przygotowanymi na zjazdach duchowiestwa. Sobr ten wprowadzi obowi zek dorocznej spowiedzi i komunii wielkanocnej, sprecyzowa przepisy dotycz ce sakramentu ma e stwa i celibratu duchownych.B.Wincenty wszed do literatury narodowej jako pierwszy polski historyk. Zarz d Klubu Polskiego na rok 2012-2013

Po okolicy w biaych konierzykach Brzozy odchodz - za las - samotnie A Matka Boska w dziurawej kapliczce Przez cay czas z dzieci tkiem moknie Nie naprawi daszku miejscowi anieli Na motorach musz jecha na dyskotek Nie naprawi - bo ju zapomnieli Wi c jeszcze tylko chc przekrzycze jesie Jesie po lesie chodzi zagadkowa Na ucho buka piewa pie mio ci I za si kr ci w oku pa dziernika Bo dzi pa dziernik umiera z zazdro ci. Ks. Marcin D. Szczypula

Kapelan Vacant Prezes- Ryszard Witkowski V-ce prezes do spraw religijnych- Jan tek V-ce prezes do spraw kulturalno-rozrywkowych Alina Kimel Skarbnik- George Maslanka Sekretarz - Adriana Swiderek Marszakowie - Lodzia Cislak, Jzef Kocioek Chor y- Tadeusz Las Podchor y- Edward Miko Komisja Rewizyjna- Jan Lichacz, Wadysaw Para, Marek Zelek Telefon Klubowy 630-863-9304 Zapraszamy na Zebrania Klubowe w ka d 1-sz Niedziel po Mszy w.8:30 do sali Fr.Sivore Kawa, ciasto du o ciekawych tematw ZAPRASZAMY !!!

Page Twelve

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 7, 2012

Mass Intentions
Monday October 8th 7:00 AM LITTLE FLOWER SOCIETY FOR THE MOST HOLY ROSARY Tuesday October 9th 7:00 AM LITTLE FLOWER SOCIETY = EDDIE BLAZONCZYK by Tish Blazonczyk 9:00 AM SCHOOL MASS 8:00 PM (Polish) = STANISAW & MARIA PARA by Walter & Wiktoria Para = JOANNA LICHOSYT by Family Wednesday October 10th 7:00 AM LITTLE FLOWER SOCIETY by His Wife, Helena = HARRY KIELMA by Don & Ilene Moos 9:00 AM SCHOOL MASS 6:30 PM (Polish) = Z PODZI KOWANIEM ZA OTRZYMANE ASKI by Barbara = AUGUSTYN PR DKI by Marek Pr dki z rodzin Thursday October 11th 7:00 AM LITTLE FLOWER SOCIETY = JOHN & MARK MADDEN by Tim & Anne Madden Friday October 12th 7:00 AM LITTLE FLOWER SOCIETY = MIKE MORTIMER by The Guzior Family Saturday October 13th 7:00 AM FATHERS DAY NOVENA OF MASSES = JANINA & WADYSAW GORYL by The Nowobilski Family 1:00 PM WEDDING: Monica Krzyminski & Aaron Orozco 5:30 PM = IGNATIUS J. KORELC by Sandra Korelc, Richard & Beverly Otto = ROSE LASH by Tuzim & Madeja Families Sunday October 14th 7:00 AM = DONALD HEEG by Harold & Nancy Volrath = ALBERT GRACZYK (Anniv.) by his Children 8:30 AM (Polish) = WADYSAW LIGAS by Zofia Ligas = EDWARD KIPTA by Anna & Mike 10:30 AM = THOMAS C. PATZIN by Family = STEVE KUSH by Glenn Kobylarczyk Family 12:00 PM = JANINA SPIEWAK by Stanley & Irene Ciesla = JOSEPH SIUCIAK & BILL JANIK by Family 1:30 PM (Polish) = HELENA & WADYSAW CISON by the Hodurek Family = JZEF & JERZY HODUREK by the Hodurek Family

Beat the Lotto Parish Raffle Tickets $100 each

Representatives will be in back of Church this weekend distributing tickets for our only parish-wide fundraiser. Get your paid tickets in before Friday, December 8th for our Early Bird Drawings with prizes totaling $5,000. Your ticket goes back into the drum for the BIG Drawing on February 10, 2013. Only 1500 Tickets sold. Winner need not be present.

Grace Saleh & Dino Pastore Joanna Kowalczyk & Krystian Marek Violetta Malacha & Tomasz Bendyk Elizabeth Dabrowski & Davide Risiglioni
Helping Hands Needs Your Help
Helping Hands collects food to distribute to members of the Lemont community. Grocery bags are available in the back of church to remind you to consider picking up items on your next grocery visit. Monetary donations are also greatly appreciated. We are always in need of non-perishable foods like canned soups and vegetables, pasta, sauces, chili, tuna, cereal and baking and pancake mixes; also non-food items such as paper towels, napkins, soaps (hand, dish and laundry), shampoo, mouthwash and toothpaste. Thank you for your support and generosity! Front Cover:
Christ with Children Joachim Anthonisz Wtewael Oil on panel, 1621 State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

Page Thirteen

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 7, 2012

Upcoming Events:
Sunday, October 7th: Bake Sale after all Masses Altar & Rosary Mtg., 8 AM, Cog Hill Polish Club Mtg., 9:30 AM, Fr. Sivore Hall Tuesday, October 9th: Mothers Club Mtg., 6 PM, Fr. Sivore Hall Saturday, October 13th: Market Day, 8:30 AM, Gym Sunday, October 14th: First Reconciliation Parent Mtg., 3:30 PM, Church

Tuesday, October 9th: Weekly devotions at 7 PM which consist of the Rosary, Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, Pro Life Prayers, Benediction and Sacrament of Reconciliation. After devotions, a Mass in Polish will be celebrated at 8 PM. Wednesday, October 10th: Polish Mass at 6:30 PM followed by Rosary at 7:30 PM. Saturday, October 13th: Rosary after 7 AM Mass, Fatima devotions at 7 PM.

Please pray for

We ask you to please keep in your prayers the following parishioners who are on active duty in the military:

May Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them

In your prayers please remember the souls of John Kaczmarski, Robert Weck and Michael Sniegowski. May their souls and the souls of all our faithful departed family and friends rest in everlasting Peace. Fall is such a beautiful season of change! The Altar Rosary Society's first meeting of the year is scheduled for today, October 7th. Please consider joining us for the 6:40 AM rosary devotion and the breakfast meeting at Cog Hill following the 7:00 AM Mass. New members welcome !

Bogumila Bielanska, Sgt.; LCPL Matthew Gill; Josh McManus, USMC; Stephan Staniulis, USMC, Gunnery Sergeant; LCPL Robert Stasiak; Don Tabron, CWO 5, US Army; George T. Burke, Staff Sergeant, USMC, Iraq; LCPL Cassie Leja, USMC, Iraq; Matthew Waugh, USMC, LCPL, Afghanistan; Capt. Catherine R. Chappell, Pilot HC130, U.S. Air Force; Frank Romanowski, Army Combat Medic; Mark Zajac, U. S. Navy; Keith Zajac, U.S. Navy; LCPL David Ehle, USMC; Jason Hoster, Sergeant National Guard, Kuwait. Electronic Fund Transfer Electronic Fund Transfer, (EFT), is the process of automatically having your contribution offering transferred from your checking or saving account to St. Cyrils account. What will EFT do for you? No more check writing No more looking for the correct currency Automated record keeping Once you have signed up for Electronic Fund Transfer you will no longer need envelopes except for special second collections. If your financial situation changes, you may change or stop your payment at any time by calling the parish office. Return the completed form by mail or place it in the collection basket marked ATTN: Annie. You will be sent an EFT form with more information about the EFT process. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Annie at (630) 257-2776.

Parish Contributions September 29th & 30th, 2012

Envelopes Childrens envelopes Electronic Fund (weekly) Total 713 19 64 $ 11,828 45 1,113 12,986

713 envelopes plus weekly EFT donations represent 31% of our parishioners. Your donations help meet our immediate needs, repairs and improvements. We sincerely appreciate your generosity.
Currently, Electronic Fund Transfers are being used by 64 families on a weekly basis and 114 families on a monthly basis. For September 2012, monthly electronic donations amounted to $7,326

Electronic Fund Transfer Request Form

Name: __________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City/ST/Zip: _____________________________________ Phone:_____________________ Envelope Number _____

Page Fourteen

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 7, 2012

Liturgical Ministers Weekend Schedule

October 13th & 14th 5:30 PM English Mass Celebrant
Fr. Zake

N. Johnson S. Wolniakowski

Eucharistic Ministers Host Cup

T. Nickleski D. Arenberg D. Paloian C. Walschlager A. Wozniak J. Cisek M. Zelek J. Baluch B. Bogun N. Schneider K. Jenner E. Neubauer K & J. Gonsch J. Blickhahn K. Depa B. Depa T. Karpiesiuk C. Barcus L. Harbison R. Schmidt T. Ziebell D. Baranoski C. Diaz Deacon Lesnieski A. Cieslinski J. Koziol J. Johnson R. Niemiec S. Antonopoulos F. Romanowski J. Wilczewski K. Batistich N. Batistich A. Rimbo C. Maturlak K. Maturlak

Altar Servers
Elizabeth B. Nicole K. Andrea P. Kevin T. Jason R. Zachary S. Michal C. Piotr C. Peter B. Devin B. Joe P. Jonathon B. Jonathan M. Matthew G. Kelly N. Matthew O. Karina M. Mateusz J.

7:00 AM English Mass 8:30 AM Polish Mass 10:30 AM English Mass 12:00 Noon English Mass 1:30 PM Polish Mass 5:00 PM St. Patrick

Fr. Kutch

L. Kulpinski K. Purvin M. Sniezko M. Predki N. Gonsiorowski R. Perisin

Fr. Szczypula

Fr. Lisowski

Fr. Lisowski

R. Wilczewksi C. Long

Fr. Szczypula

W. Zelek A. Szudzinski

Fr. Szczypula

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