Jataka Parijata Vol 3
Jataka Parijata Vol 3
Jataka Parijata Vol 3
( \ilTni qrfuilril )
Witlt An Ettgl Trartslatiort Coltious islr attd Expl trttonl rtotes u utrLl Erontpl as
V . S u b r a n t a n y a s t r iB . A . Sa ,
( A s s t t .S e c r c t a rtyo 1 l l c i o v t .o 1 ' M y s o r cl { c t d . ) ( a u t lT r a n s l a t oo l ' S r r p a tli, a d d l r t i[,] r i h a tJ a t a k a r I I o r a s a r a . t t u l k a l l n r r i tc t c . U a
Vol. III
1 6 ,A n s a rR o a d D a r y a a n j N e wD e l h i - ' l 1 0 0( l 2 D t A ) i , G , 0N
CONTENTS Adhyaya XI Adhyaya XII Adhyeya XIII .{dhyaya XIV Adhyaya XV Adhyaya XVI Adhyaya XVII Adhyaya XVII t ERRATA Page The effects of the Ist and the 2nd 709 Bhavas The effects of the 3rd and the 4 t h 748 Bhavas The efifects the 6th and the 6th of 755 Bhavas Thc effects of the ?th, the 8th and S45 the 9th Bhavas T h e e f f e c t so f t h e l O t h . t h e l l t h a n d g 9 6 the l2th Bhavas Female Horoscopy Kalchakra l)asas 935 965 l00ir
q6rllq 166
et{ e.E{
rTlrTsorft il sTst tl
Adtryaya XI.
T H g e n t . n c T s o t . 't t t n 1 s T A N r ) T H I ' 2 w D B t t A V A S .
il{rdurrgrq{$eqq.s1ffi wtfh gqi qqwoE{rrcrrit {-{Fq I e-qgrirgqrfr ilii qr t i ,THn fkeurtlluqitf\r tgm {iflq-cr qr.t{eT Ifmr.G gqsoil qfrhnGtg trttt {
S/oArl 1. I am to treat of the good and other effects which are the chief source of adornment to the science of astrology just as they arise in the several bhavas appertainingto men owing to the prepondera, ting influence of planets. Among ttre Lagnaand other bhavas, such as are occupied or aspected by Venul, Mercury, Jupiter or the rrtccfk(Bhavapathi-the lord of the bhava concerned),but unaspected or trnassociated by with thc rest, produce llappy results.
cf . s({qt{t1.r{
.r ilgsqTqqwGiFr qrKa)ftedgts R tf I
Adh. XI.
Stoka Z. When the Lagna and some of the other have banefic planets appaaringin them or are bhavag by occupiedor aspected their lords, a wealth of the said bhavasmay be declared to exist provid:d they are uni; by or aspected unoccupied malef planets.
qqrlrlsftdtqeii W] EIda'{{qfd I tft.E ilfrrqHF1qrCIe qr fafifi.i'lt rr qr&g'{qd} qHqq\qqT fiIqrln: art+tsfi q;qlqril qqtrqrqfinqftgf,}fif*'+ ri'qEd I qii qilq qrqgfz'isfa flq* {'tuo*4i gl} qr q qafi ed\qrqrqqrtd iigdtq'aq'r'\ ilfi: lt qi qtqfi { f}qite qR qt q: atsfi rrT{f{q: qq'reil-qeR*nqqit ql{"qrr' 1 ae: lTrqsl|frqi a flRn qG qarrrfqii q,ftwit
qrnarrftiigftrw;i gfqrnfrqaqqfufrEIt
sl. 6-6
the properties of a bhava If such a bhava be aspected by a benefic planet, the effect will be different.
- l v t v - - - - - - - - - - -
Adh. xI.
Slok,t 8. Planets occupying a bhava cannot ad' vance it when its lord is in a g:vra (Duhothana-6th' or in a 8th or 12th placefrom it) or an inimical house or stateof ecliPsc imPotencc
qr qTqTiitrqimtgfr t gsfu* ilsit qEI;T$tqr <n( gifh?irr '{G dlqar llq ll EI ftggnett$ilfbgfir
or Slofrrr 9' A planet mly even be badly placed inimical occupya <qit (Navamsa)owned by a mrlefic, prove sign; ir will nevertheiess or its orvn dcpression occupiedby it is bemficialwhen the Navausa or Rasi or of a friendly its own, or that o[ its exaltation sign it' planetno leseti.ranwhen bene{icplanetsaspect
Sloha 10. \l/hen ttrc p&rnerowning the sign occupied the lord of a bhava iii badly placed, by the bhavabecoilegweak. Btrt wheo the planet rdarsi to aboveis in its exaltation,in a frietrdly sign c in itg own house,the astrologermay pronounce bhavr to the be ffourishing.
SloFc 11. When the lord of a bhava,rhe friends of the fiw lbhavapa) and the lord of rhe emltation sign of the, r+rqq (bhavapa) occupy the llth, the Znd and the 3rd placesin respect to the tr{rava,those plarreo advancethe strength of rhe bhava, provided they be not eclipsed in an unfriendly sign or in depreosion. or
qE[rriilqgdfi (Iiirt-;fi6 1
t-a frqfi-drrr qqqfrqqi mi(fl qTfircTr qTqnt{iEr t "qqfiqnftgrqT<{tm B,Fqr: I t ,rrqq rfr{df,}sfruqq gfu i{qf{a errqrR q--qFqrqrciim: {aft rq;}q qil;qql qr( ll sg
tt trti
Sltha Ll. A planet producesthe full effect of the bhava in which ir is when its distance from the bhava, saadhi ie equal to that of the bhavamsa(rrrst{r= Eemi, bhava). When the planer has a less or greater dietance from a bhava,sandhi than a bhavamsa,itd ef{.ectmuat be alcertained by a rulc-cf-three procecs. NbIts. This slokais takenfrorr,afiqfffi 90 (Sripotpddneroi,).
Adh. n.
ll enl QA +tlq"ha+t tl
qttgursngeTgaTft, ffi u tl tt Mqorfrwq{qF{rFilr
Sloha L3. The body, its hue, irs form, its charac, teristics, fame, qualities, happiness or unhappiness, residenceabroad,splendour,strength and weakness are the products,Eaythe wise a$trologers, the lst bhava. of
NorBs. This sloka appears in stil{(d The thrrd qr< (Padl) reads thus : d{rqfrrilrq-d-6,foil?.
ftl ert o'q{qd nftrqqqqil d"t qffE qtg: qsiq afqaRnffigl.iifrriqTfi r gt ru<ng: qA ftRa$ qffi rag,rlagn
aseng<q).t eaefafig!:qrl<lgfl*qT( 1 gqq-q}-qqSr{tga} o?TrsT{t{ eqea Efr
.ls 16
qrtqrEg*nflffrrut qroi{Eitqr -ganrrfiRaqrqqq i<druq6fr6cr.t qggqtuqgqlee{ nElgiqr{ tt qulq,rnfqosat,t ngr{i{gq&*q e} t qqqFa =g gudgaq rD {drTTg: Sfir;a: r urriiaq d EIfi: ila4lTeqrg{rfifrq r qEqq sqii fi* fti f,atgrrqlq 11 qtoaeqr&ow qaqr{Tfi f{qqqirrr, fiqrqraq,il fiolflnqqr der:g\al gfli: I s{tg:gs4:arrrvpry'frt} qilQqi gr, qr\,iqfla flTr*q';qqwrgiewftt, sqr( u efrdt +oqd){qmlga' er.if =qfqa}qril qr;q n] q'.\rqoihqnfaga] q o'j nqt r qqqdlrqrg: qfiqrrftq: qivi I qon-e argriulrflegqriaa*6;qflc qros ft tt
sn{ f}esjf qFHrTli{ q qq{{ |
Adh. xI.
goodaod evil in the life of the per$onis to be ascertain' ed through the Lagna.
Nores. cJ,III-76 supra.
for qrrwnrrc.rt'
cf. also the following sloka from thesame work'
frqQs RimttukcrffiFqt
st. 18-le
ao{Tf{i dGfiRirilqqr-
Bloha 19. If the lord of the lst bhava occupy the 5th or the 9th or being irr conjunction with the lord of the 5th or the 9th occupy the Lagna, the father of the person bcrn will be a famous man. If the lord of the 3rd bhava be in the Lagnaor the +rw (Karaka-Mars) as well as the lord of the l*r{rnir (Bhratrubhava)be together in one houeeand posseosstrength, a brother of the personborn will becomerenowned. Norss.
has For the latter half of this sloka, ;rldefi'(f the following:
Adh. xI.
S|oku 21. If the lords of the grh and the lst bha, vas from the Lagna be in thei'r respective bhavasor if the lords of the 1scand tlre 9th occupy the 9th and the lot respectively, and if the planets in their several pooitions be aspected or associaredwith Jupiter, rhe by personborn will enjoy good luck for a long time,
Slohu 27. A person wiil abide in the placeof his birth when a planet occupyingthe l2th place from that of the lord of the Lagna happens to be in exaltation or by in a friendly house or is aspected a planet that is friendly or is in exaltation or when that Rasi ie occupied by a friendly planer.
ftqc.oi itosrfrqr-
Sloka 23. When the lord of the l2th house from that occupied by the lord of the Lagna is the latter'E enemy or is in depression or vreak,the person born goesto a foreign country. He will abide permanently there if the "qqq(Vyayapa) referredto abovebe aspected by Venus in the capacity of a friend. His haunt will (Vyayapa) be be a small township if the same6zT{FI (Vyayapa) be posseesed eclipaedby the Sun ; if the aqqq of strength,the haunt will be a wealthy municipality'
ancl its lord is in a moveable Rasi and aspectedby pla' netr occupying moveable Rasis,the person born will have his fortune in a foreign country. When an sign is the Lagnaand its lord is algoin an immo'veable by sign and aspected planetsoccupying ia' immoveable signs,the personwill be in his own country; moveable exceedingly prosperous and possessed of abundant wealth' Norss.
This sloha appears also in clild{d.
s* qafrgrrtfr
dtqgflE{F(t milr,
Stoka 29. When the Lagna is a watery sign and declarestout, is occupiedby benefic planets,astrologers neesof perscn as the effect thereof. When the lord of the Lagna occupies a watery sign and is in conjunction the personborn, say tfieaetrologera, with beneficplanets, will have a sound constitution. Norrs.
alq.ld ls the reading adopted in srad{d for ilqei stt of this sloka. iq the 3rd
qsllt Ftgstrgqfr qrnjsftrft,ir r+r *d oqqisqilqiqqfig$ froirft\ r ilint aqiiuuiffi tutqG qtn oi ttrqfrqiur'.qcrgr Ere{rq Q tl u t iaaot
Sloka SL When rhe iord of the Lagna is between two inimical planets, the person born will be in dread of enemies. lf Keru or Rahu be in the l.agna and the lord thereof be in a 6'elrq (Dusrhhana dth, flth or l2th), the personwill suffer privatit_rn some limb in the of ripening of thc dasaof the lord of the T_ragoa in the and antardasa the lord of the {ich irnr:se of (ir.m the lord of the Lagna). If the lord of tire 6rh house from the Lagna occupy it in conjuncticln with Rahu or Ketu. an ulcer will breakout in the bodv.
NorBs. f iris appearsi' ."1{ri4i{r.;t. the 3r<iql,i, tiT'j.l:Jrs the reading ln l a d o l ; t e <tlh e i c f , . r r e 1 1 1 1 , tt h r : t e r t .
12th, 6ch or 8th bhava (from the Lagna) in conjunction with a maleficplanet destroys the bodily health of the personborn. He will be ailing if the lord of the lst bhava in conjunction wich the lord of the 6th occupies a grtflil (Dusthhana)or the Lagna.
Adh. xl.
s{dEft.rttrt?q gt wtrsftrfiS}.qt
Stoha 37. If the lord of the Lagna occupying the 12th bhava be in conjunction with the lord of the 6th bhava from that occupied by the Sun, the personborn by will get readily married,b: characterized much hair his person,have a slim f igur.: lnd a hue composed about of red and whire. If the iord of the 6th bhavafrom the Lagnabe also in conjunctionwith th: lord of the Lagna in tbe aboveposition, the personboru will be dark in personal appearancebut if Rahu be with the lord ol ; the Lrgna,the perscn concern:dwilI surelyrun the risk or of treachery poison.
t tqdmtfi s* onitrnirgdrr*
S/oic 39. A personwill be happy in the middle and concludingportions of his life if, at the time of hie (rririr Adhyuya L birth, Venus hasattainedDevalokamsr (aidt ArIhya. ,5/.46),the lord of thc Lagnaa Gopuramsa ya I . S/. 45) and benef phneto aspectthe rising sign. ic
st. 40-44
S l o f t c 4 1 . W h e n t h e lord of the Lagna occuPiesa by beneficsign and is asPected a beneiic planet or har attained a Gopuramsa,the person born will be h.PPY after his 16th year.
Adh. xI.
his father; if the Moon, he will engage sea-borne in tradeand be opule.t; if Mars, he will be virtuousand bavea brgmembrumztirile; if Mercury, he will have Iearning, artistic skill and fame; if Jupiter, he will be Lonoredby his sovereignand devoutry observant of religious vows; if Venus,he will beaddicted women to of ill,fame, opulentand voluptuous.
t{u Zfr u*( r sd orf ETr@ grn wi x?Tt trsil gf(fi rnq{ilGtq!ll 8s fl
Sloha 47. When the Lagna is aspected by two or more beneficplanets,the person.bornis happy. When it ia aspected all the beneficplanets,he wifl be a king. by When there are three benefic planetsin the Lagna,th"e effect on the per$on born is, he wiil make a good ting.
sr 48-60
itqfuei grrtqin{drfiqri: r
n{ g0{gffitruoprr n Bdtl
Sloha 48. The lord of the rising sign when poc, gessedof great strength and unaspectedby malefic planets, but aspected by benefic ones rnd occupying a Kendra position wards off death and secures to the child long life gracedwith the strong virtues of a vigo, rouE Bovereignty. Norrs.
See Adhyaya lV. Sloka 83, supra.
ll srE Udqt?1qsoqll
Irtv AT gd Rq ilqgril{:fil? Rii ai Rqr q I
frHiqenffqrfi tri*fttilfid
figr n B\ ir
Sloka 49. Wealth, visual power, ease, learning, speech, householdand food-these, the astrologerE re, cognise ao regularly derivablefrom the ZnJ bhava.
llth bhavar are in the IIth lsr&ofthe?ndandthe bhava and happen to be in q*a (swakehetra), lneiu (Mithrakshetra) or in ereltation: (3) wheo the lorJs of the llth and the Znd bhavas, being friendly planete' occupy the Lagna and lastly (4) when the lord of the Lagnair in it in conjunction with the lordt of the 2nd and the tlth bhrvdq. Norrs.
Tbis sloka is also in sEl6{(t' Tbe following wealth'prbducing yogas are extracted frqm
{l} cqtcr-I{r(
qilqoft+fatft {\' {q'Tltqrq*fi t saii rr,ptf+n: S+q qtqi ll +ehegrlm ftgqft{rtrrrfk{rq FrdI frftm qftft} qr+f,qd' {ft, r frar qR qT urcfitft?fiqrqqgt;qFqflqnrdftuqr
emqqn4ilqqilqT a&*l dafi q{ tl
Safgq"ftq(FqgarNoqfFqil 1 gla uf4qtfril g{g* {a gs5sq arntgrat fit atSg'qiaql'no qrEfi ti&( dqfq+ Tiq( tt. *riuegirm figgfinrig onte<r
qiaiFrrftaal .reqfr qsf*w 46qqqI
fqfaal<*{6i{t&ni:1 mq&qnrfi*qift
::;1qfi: qrya)tql'e$6fia ;r;.frn'rftft :,tlFqql
s. cr
ilfr H {ilil qg sn{. ffia nild' n qfrn:wfi +FsfrR qq ds g e.{rr qaqft: aqlrr6+lf*ftfeaaugtfr\ I
qRa'I fttqr qftipg.I qqqRqfR
qrff qt qT qrqswftilrigffifr: I
(z) qkTifi(r
qord ofraneqiqlqfitxrftqsfrqatnrftqil t .qtini qrlsil tt tilfr+tt uR qsrrt q-qrftt q qrqogaqia* r oriq\q ffit urufrrqrt+i=qFqt tt alt tilfqdmgt gqefgg+ eg-.exaolqfiilgnql: t illftqeqaqqrqqefrg* Gtq\q nRt qqd{rqrq tt tiR*aryi qrqlqqrtiri agravaorqfiilgnql: t elaifFqnq-qt{rqiitq\q +qiftti nfqt qq<rftqrt qlA gtrefz*il mil ag.anqort{gtfd tt Ebqggqttir orrtorq,rqtgqAfr+ dli ge.e,Riraf{iTfrniiiI e! gqiril qqqfrFnqinqr\ +geuaolr$ftqr* tt eexoigtr daat uati rawg orit ef\+ituatra e]"efq*qei gqdgtqI qrf,:e{t'iqqifrrgx+ft:tt t q{qt'{frqelqGeratq: *'qfFqafuqlqftangara fat titqfiqrmgilvqtrftrat* ef iqeilifiaqqtqt' tt flx: e.irsgraqiwfirqaftra* qtq sfto] qqqFg I qtn: *-efi+]qsQteqQurtfi eqtiqiift egr+lt:tt
the planet owning it. In the ripening of the dasasof theseplanets will the perlon concerned get his vtealth through a source indicated by the Varga attained by the wnrrfir (Dhanakaraka).
the 2nd bhava in strength, the person born will pessess a treaEure If the planet in question be weak and asso, ciated with a malefic planet, the person concernedwill suffer the consequence of deception or other trick practisedupon him.
sl. 65-5?
Nores. (Dhanaprada) may also rrean the lord of the znd s-{tr{
S/ofur 56. When the lord of wealth occupies the Lagnaand the lord of thrt bhava occupics the Znd, wealth comesto the person born without any effort at all. Whatever bhava the lords of the lst and ?nd bhavasmay together occupy, it is through that bhava that acquisition of wealth on the part of men usually takesplace.
AdL )n.
the lord of the Znd bhava is without strength and the Lagnais not aspected benefic planets,the astrologer by shouldpredict loss of wealth.
t o*rqqalTFi{rs q(IlJqiqrrigets
t oainrrqqrlrn, KqlqinRgar:
q|Eqi qsq*
g*;gaqnmtiu$rcitqrrqr: I
q{gtfrt}tre*,fi'qeilq1 ll q\ ll
SloAa 65. A person b:comes night,blind when Venus, the Moon and the lord of the 2nd bhava are together in one bhava. When the Sun, Venus and the lord of the lst bhava are invisiblc (beingin that portion of the zodiacwhich compriscs thc bhrvas from 2 t o 1 , b o t h i n c l u s i v e ) ,t h c p e r s o n c o n c c r n e d i l l h a v e w eyeeof medium, visual power.
NorEs. This ( s+ in qm:) in the liglrt of Sloka 5s of Adhyaya 6 s h o u l db e t a k e n t o r e f e r t o t h e l s t b h a v ao r t h e L a g n a . cf . qRIdtd+K
q5qqrfi rfdsit: ll
I ftsqftTrnilqsgtil ftWqqfbruiil'Tlnils
nRhfqerq nqrfiarql oia adlq faouattt qril: rl atq ,{}ti fiitfr+ iaqromlqla{i
Sloha 68. When Saturnand lvfarsare togetherin by the 2od bhavawhich is occupied its lord in conjrnction with crFE(Mandi), the effectwill be eye-diseare. If therebe several planets in the Znd bhavaand malefic Saturn aapect the same,the person born will have dieeased eyes(will be blear,eyed).
NotBs. a rofe' This sloka appearsboth in IH{{RT and eel*iii-dtqfi. rence to these two works enablesus to get at the antecedent of dT in the above slolia as referring to the 2nd bhava.
SioA<r69 Wh:n the lord of the Znd bhava is by associated with or acpected benefic planetsor occu, pies a Navamsa owned by them, the person born will have fine eyec.
cf. qRffi(6
Adh xL
Sloha 70. When a benefic planet is in the Znd bhava occupying its exaltationand other benefic vargas, the person born will be fair-faced. If the Znd bhava consiet of the vargasof an auspicious planet, he will without doubt acquire the faculty of speakiogwell. If by Mars aspected the Sun cccupy the uawn (Dhanabha' (Ajyasparsa). If Rahu w), the person gets sTrEI{tq* by aspected a malefic planet occupy the 2nd bhava, he will have to subsist chiefly on the coarse grain called *qq (Kodrava). Norps.
This sloka appearsto have beenpatched up out of two slokas from qftd{d. The following is the latter half for the 6rst two lines.
cf , sclifi.{rcft
oqremWsil St qrrcifkt t
Sluka 71. When one of the two planets-the Sun or Mars,-occupy the Lagr:a the 7th, the 2nd or the 8th and is aspectedby the other, errcctt{i(Ajyasparsa) cr risk of fire or small,poxmay happen. Norr,s.
Cornparethe follorving two lines frour "ilr{d{Rfwhich constitute the latter half of the last trvr: lines of the previous sloka.
Adh. xI.
Sloka 74. When the lord of the Znd bhavaasso, ciated with Rahu occupiesa g:eiliT (Dusthhana) and is in conjunction with the lord of the Rasi occupied by Rahu, the pereon born will have tooth diseasein the ripening of the dasaof the lord of the 2nd bhava and in the eub-periodbelonging to that planet, and a tongue malady in the sub,period of Mercury.
cf . ;lEr;n{Gt
ilgGiltqufi wfrTgdt
,frqTt* ffiarM
Slahu 7i. If Rahu and tbe lord of the 2nd bhava be in conjuncrlon with the lord of the 3rd bhava, the person born will become iiable to a throat dieease a of 'fhe bhava severe type. Sun and Saturn in the 2nd poverty. Mars and Saturn in the samebhava engender produce every kind of disease.
Sloka.'16, When the lord of the 2nd bhava is in the 8th place therefrom in conjunction with Jupiter, dumbnees will be the consequence. In every casein which a planet is in exaltation or in its own houre, it doee not produce the evil referred to above. .Norris.
Comparewith this the trrst'half of sloka 79 infra"
sl. 77-80
*ttqq F$F. Ut qqriwqi q qil | {r${Ri d.qgt fHrtr knft'rt n tqt q irFdt tl
Sloka 79. When the lord of the 2nd bhava occu, pies the 8th placefrom it in conjunction with Jupiter, the peraon l;orn will be a mure. A person *tuta U" eloquent wherr thc lord of the 2nd bhava, occupies a Trikooa or Kendrafrom it in conjunction rrith a benefic planetand is also itself benefic.
! v v v t r v ! v v v t v v t Y w v v v v v v v v Y v v v ! v v r !
! ! Y ! l @
Adh, XI.
a Slofa 81. A person will becc'me mathematician Mer' when Jupiter is in a Kendraor Trikona, and when cury owning the 2nd bhava or Venus is il) exalratiorl'
qr({dtdrsqrit a*gfilqilrms ll dQ ll
Stofra 83. When the Sun or Mars bcirig the lord by Jupiter and Venus or of the 2nd bhava is aspected (Paravathamsa),the person has attained the qRreai{t of born will be devotedto the science argttmentatioll'
Sloha 84. Vy'hen Jupiter in full strength is the by the Sun irnd lord of the 2nd bhava and is aspected Venus, the personborn will becomea grammarian'
cf . iKI4'(q
sr 85-89
Sloha 85. A person will be devoted to Ontology when Jupiter occupying a Kendra or Trikona is aspecl, ed by Mercury and Venus, and Saturn is in a qnr.rai?r (Paravathamsa).
Sloha 86. A person becomes proficient in the a six sciences whcn Jupiter is in a Kendra, Venus hrs attaineda fhareci{r(simhasanamsa) Mercury, owning and Navamsaoccupied by the planetin the 2nd bhava the is in a wgti'r (Gopuramsa).
cf . qTftfi(d
qEilTafqlh;q{is,rsit{ gt q nrqr;irrdg} q ll
ilrfh iflwfti
g grtus qt qln n cd tl
sloko 88. The ratter harf of tbis sloka is missing in arl tbe manuscriptsavailable and the sloka cannot thereforebe made our_
Adh. xI.
Sloka 89. The lords of the ?th and the 2nd bhavas with Venus or malefic planets and badly if associated placed,will causethe loss of one or more wives accord. ing as one or more planets in conjunction with them are g:vr< (Dusthhana). But if the lord of the 2nd in the or the 7th bhava be strong occupying ite exaltation and other beneficVargas,only one wife will fall to tlre lot of the personconcerned
Sloka 90. If the lord of the 2nd blravaoccupy the Iagna or other Kendra in conjunction wich Venus and the Moon, the person born will have a silver plate to eat out of. lf the lord of the gfktuta (Bhukthisthana) b: in the above circumstances in conjunction with the Moon and Venus, tltc eatiuqplate will be Juprter, and the 2nd bhava be gold. If the lords of the LagLra of in conjunctionwith Satrrrn,the astrologcr may declare the plate to be of iron or otber less costly metal. If by an evil planet occupy the 2nd blrava Mars aspected the personborn will haveto suhsiston bad or unwhole' somefood. Nores.
This as well as the next sloka are found in qlnqi((.
Slofta 91. When rhe lord of the Znd bhavaasso' ciated with a malefic planet is io the 60th portione
sl. 92-95
(Shashtyamsa) termed qrErfr (Davagoi) qqgs (f)andayu, (Kala) and in a depression Navamsa and da) or +ro aspected aleo by a malefic planet, the person born will be a glutton. If the planet owning the 2nd bhavabe conjoined with or aspected benefic planets,the evil by rnentionedabove will not follow.
Slohu 92. If a beneficplanetoccupythe 2nd bha, va and the lord thereof be in conjunction with a benefic planet and if the bhava or the lord of the sameor both be aspected a beneficplanet,the personborn will eat by agreeable meals.
Adh. XI.
S/oAn 95. of palatable food "when the gfo.arw (Bhukthinarha)is in an auspicious housein exaltation, aspected a benefic by planet and occupies a bene{ic Erei{r (Shashty,amsa) such as is termed qg (Mridu)
gdt,.ft $qilfr qor& eleftqh qr qslfh*qTI gqqQr: ft;qmra ed waq g$sarft+ grqq.ll
Sloha 96. When the lord of the Znd bhava is Saturnor in conjunction with Saturn,or is aspected in depression Saturn,the person born will be continu, by ally eatingin Sraddhas.
itarqqtirqR iqt"i {*;qil niT$l{Inrg* r qqi qor6rGrrflrfftrieqri\otq*r qs twdir Rrr( ll tfr clltsrlftsrriqqrfiilsrqrqill
Sloku 97. When Jupirer is in a iirarsrriar (Simha, sanamsai, Venus in a drgrtn lGopr,ramsa) the lord of and the 2nd blravabeing possessed strength occupiesan of tmaia (Iravathamsa), the person born will maintain an untold number of dependents,
Nortis. This sloka is also rn .dkt{(fr.
n UftqrC{}TrEsrfr tl
^A,dhyaya XlI.
-h-ti ngaves. TttE. ultt.uc'fs or.- rrti- -Jnu AND 1'rIl..
u srq e diqilq$o{ tl
siergqiadtqilmqsTaqn? roaerqi(qrwtqirutii t
\a ^Q9 tr{Tq {rrdoq[o50T{rilTFr
qS ildiq{firr( 5qqi1s^rr?tt t tt
Sloka 1. I am going to treat of the following which are deduciblefrom thc 3rd bhava in the order of : their enumeratio,'r Ihe welfare of the elder and youngerbrothers, enterprisg,darir,g,voice, tone, ear, articles of apparel, steadiness, valour, selectornaments, strength,edibleroots and fruits.
Sloku 2. The placewhere a brother can be look, ed for is the 3rd, the gth, the l lth or the ?th bhava from the Lagna. In the dasa period of the lord of any one of the several bhavas named, men may have an acquisition in the form of a brother.
qEr r6{Tdq ({r irdEtdET il 1 rl
Sloku 3 Find which of these three is srrongeEt : alz. (1) the lord of the 3rd bhava ; (t) the lord owning the Rasi occupied by the same; (3) the planetoccupying the 3rd bhava. The dasa of the strongest of these planets will lead to the increaae brothers. of
dt roaHi{qf$dq} utq t
M rd qq rrrsfis ltus (tfdsil I t,l rT
Sloha 4. If Mars occupying the 3rd bhava be without strength,the person will have long lifa Il the cnt (KaraLa) of the uqrrra (Bratrubhava) i.e. Mars be in the Lagna,the person will be powerful.
sl, 6-f
{rd.rfr*frKqqr r
Sloha 6. If the lord of the 3rd bhavaand Man occupythe Sth, there will be loss of brothers' If the with ic t*o ll-.ts be in a malef sign or in conjunction into etisteoce a maleficplanet,they will bring brothers aod takethem away.
1. If the lord of the 3rd bhava and it! eire (Karaka i.e. Mars ; ztide Adhyaya II' sf' 5t) occupy their depression signs or depressionNavansag' or Le in conjunction with malefic planets or in malefic of 60th portions sqtt (Shashtyamsa) a sign srtrch ": T (Krura) and others, their influence will be to bring brd' thence ih.r, into the world and to remove them premattrrely. Norns.
The 6rst rI( reads thus in ntd6(q'
vget6ilftf'la' gaF5ftfan,i
gtq {q;'{,lTssfi fiqqnrf}qt tl
Adh. xrl.
.sl. rl-13
born. Saturn in such a pcsition removes the next younger brother; and Mars, if in the same position, dcesaway with all the youngerbrothers. Norss.
This and the next nine slol<as lrre also found in f,kTdtiT.
Adh. XH.
wwrfi oGn Rqr\ s{uat sasrr&nt I qrdTgqeilrR qr( $qrttesqt et* tr tB tl rqw:
Sloku 14. If the lord of the 3rd bhava occupy ao invieible sign or be in the ?rh bhava in conjunction with a malefic planet, the person born will have one younger brother and no more. The gamewill be the caseif the lord of thc rrr{qr{ (Bhratru,bhavr)occupy a male ei {Varga) in a visible sign and be alao in con, junction wirh a maleficplaner.
ftrq$ gqtqifrrdgi*.dlaffit
.Sloha 15. If the lord of the 3rd bhava be Ia a malesign (aide Adhyaya l, S/. l3), the owner of the horoecopewill have a your.tgerbrother born after him, If the planet in question should tje associatedwith or acpected Venus and rhe Moon in an even sign, or if it by occupy a Kendra or Trikona identicalwith an auepiciouc sign in conjunction with or aspected a benef planet, by ic the after-born brother will b: long.lived, healthy and continuously happy.
rrfrsrq]q;ilrq<rsilftilitirRrrilsqil il-t{ n tq tl
Slola 16.- lf the lord of the 3rd bhava be in the I"agnaor in conjuncrion with its lord, the child born ncxt to t}re native will be securefrom danger. If the
r I
*4 -
oTrrFnrnq{ilqqillrqgq{ttaq{-dqdTs$cil T{Fd I
'L7. Sloha A personmay have as many elder born as there are planets in the I I th and the t2rh bhavas from the Lagna taken together. The after,born will be as many ae the number of planets in the 3rd and the 2nd bhavasfrom the Lagna.
srqsntqqrqrdf+qait;?r^qqrqaftqgllcnrf sqqFil(qu! 11 ll ls
Trqq[ril{R*frilgm ffiqffi
S/ofra 18. The gistersand brothersthat a persoD mayhaveborn after him will be as many,at all eventa, as thereare planets in his horoscopeconjoined with the lord of the Tr{}rriT (Bhratrubhava,) urrc (Karaka), its the planetaspecting and the one occupyingit, proviit ded out of thesefour an accountis taken only of those that may predominace strength. If the four planetr in already mentioned be depressed, eclipsed or in an ini, micalaign, their influence witl be to do away with everybrotheror sisteras they are born. In case these planetsbe friendly and posseosed strengtb, they of secure long life to every one of the person's youoger brothersand sieters.
Adh. XII.
qtrdililcifEraqgsqtrff{aqrgqr! || qq ||
Sloha 19. If two out of the 4 planets,viz. the urq +n+ (Bhratru,karaka), the lord of the 3rd bhava, the planet aspectingthe last-mentioned bhavaand the one occupying it - if two out o{ thesefour planetsbe strong, their preservative well as destructive influence on as the bhavawill be equal. If three of the four planetsbe a strong,they will cause slight diminution in the num, ber of brothers. If someout of the three strong planets be leminineand occLrpybad places, they would add slightly to the number of younger brothersand sisters possibleunder the othcr iroroscopic conditions and the number of such aftcr-born will be the number of whole traversedby the lord of the xrqrrrtt(Bhratru, Navamsas bhava)in the sign it is in.
qi\+ q{Ert ?Trqili qoq.I i}qi qef,rqd elircnilHft! {tws {Tils il Roll
Sloka 20. Ascertain how many planetshavebenefic dots in the 3rd place from Mars in that planet's Ashtakavarga. From this list deduct those that are inimical or depressed. The remainder will give the number of brothers and sisters to be born aggregate
same circumstances will be auspicious the sisters to that the Jatakawill have.
gt didrqrqrgEttrtur ft urgutiiorrq t
Adh; XIL
Find the number signified by ( t ) tt Navamsa occupied by the lord " of the 3rd bhava (2) the Navamsa occupied by Mars and (3) the Navamsa where the lord of the 3rd house' from l\Iars is posited. Add theseand take a third. This will represent the numher of after-borns,
o}ttgqsktqn qrrftEgqqilf u R\ tl
Sloha 75. It is with reference to the ?th place from the xrqrilir (Bhratru bhava) in a person's horoscope should ao astrologer make a prediction regarding his brother's wife. Thc planetsthat inf luencethe brother's fortunes for the worse or the better are (l) the lord of the Lagna(2) Mars and (3) the lord of the llrd bhava.
q.,fi;qftefrgdg {ilflqt
olugqatqsl ff qtt?H;fr;qffi q*
6t 87-99
mqfr{aq[qr({oi eqFrq$wi
mfreiqrr*qtgno{darRt{ tt Retl dq
Sloha 27. If the lords of the Lagnaand the 3rd bhava be weak and mutually inimical, or if the planet occupying the 3rd bhava and its ort+ (Karaka) be weak is and occupy a g:tsri (Dustbhana),the astrologer to say, the dasa (wo'Paka)of there will arise at the time when the weak, inimical or ill-placed pl.rnet maturesitself, quarreland confusion along the brothers, their ruin, waste of wealth, culminating in rankling feuJ or closing reconciliation and other such events according to the nature of the planets associated with those that bring about a breach among the brothers.
gtEtsgi g* argtuutinq(r I
Adh. xII.
Sloha 30. Subtractthe figuresfor the lord of the 3rd bhavafrom thosefor the lord cf the Lagna. When Saturnarrivesat the asterism indicatedby the remrinder in the abo';e process,the astrologer is to divine the deathof a brother or sister of the person bcrn. Again, from the figuresobtainedabove,subtractthe figuresfor the lord of the 10th bhavaand Mars. The resuk indi, catesrhc Rasi which when Saturn occupies, sirnilar a event is likely to take place. Thirdly, add rhe figures forlthe 4 planets mentioned above; when Saturncccu, pies the *tt (Amsa) denoted by the aggregate,the same event may happen. NorBs.
(gied: fl'tzr(qfi is the reading adopted {Fzf,-g qiqTari in the 3rd qtr of this sloka. in rlddtq instead of
sl. 32-33
planet presiding over the star will be greatly productive and prosperity to the younger brothers. of happiness
Slolta 32. Subrract the figuresfor Rahu from thoce for Mars. When Jupiter passes rirrough the triangular signs indicatedby the remainder, there may be the logo of a youngerbrother or sister. Subtractthe figuresfor Mars frorn those lor Rlhu. When Jupiter passer t h r o u g ht b c p a r t i c u l a r a s i a n d N a v a m s a o r r e s p o n d i o g R c t o t h c r c m a i n d e rt,i r e r cm r v b e t h e l o : s o f a n c l d e r b r o , t h e r o r s i s t c r . F i n d t h e l { a s i c o r r e s p c n . l i nr o t h e s u m g t o t a l o f t h e f i g u r e sf o r t l r c l o r d s o f r h e r i s i n g s i g n a t t h e time of birth or conccption and of the 10th bharn. 'When s Jupiter traverse this llasi, the birch of a younger broth,:r or sister mav b,i rrxDeCtrtd. ' Nores.
I r r t i r e i a s t q r l t l r e r i ; r , i i : r ' 1l ) . r ri i , j ' . r i s s l i q l r t l y t l i r l e r c r r t , r . r f a . r
Adh. IfiI.
grrenfi.rrntiiiqt ftaiEl u iB tl
Sloha 3+. If, whcn the +R* (karaka) of the jtd bbavais either weak or associated with a malefic60th portion of a sigrr,the lord of rhe samebl-rava either be by aspected or in conjunctionwith a beneficplanet, the personborn will prove victorious in war.
with Riahu, he will bc a great coward; and lastly if with IGtu or Mandi, he will suffer from the torpor due to heart-disease and will be outside the pale of othet people.
Nolrs. Thesqas well as slol'as 38, 39 and 4l are also ir: cK;6(Qt'
ot gt ftqilqgk
qr{gilGarq ll Bo ll {reedtqnqwrqliE{iqffit
Slota 40. At the time the three planetsmention(Apahara) or ed in the previous sloka have their crv-trt cm rPaka) laide Adhyaya 18 infra) of a dasa, will come the enjoyment of fruits, roots and other Eweet
A dh. XII
edible thingo, edifying speeches such aEit is a pleasure and privilege of the auditory organs to hear, ,rrd h"ppy events re*rlting in the accessionof brothers,:sisters, song, daughters,etc.
n c srcdt Bt tl
Sloko 41, lf the lord ol the 3rd bhavahas attain ed beneficvargasand is stror)g,the personbornlwill be virtuour; bur he will be rash if that plancc be in depre'ion or eclipsed occupyan inimical or malefic or rign and also associatedwith a malefic planet.
$ 1{i
# . v - t - - - t
- t - - '
tr*trgs udqfr.ilrrtffi t
Sloha 44. The lord of the 3rd bhavaand Jupiter occupyingthe Lagna in coniunction with Rahuor the by lord of the eign occupied Rahu point to risk from kine.
NorBs. c/. sloka 38 supra.
Sloka 46. If the 3rd bhavabestrongand be either by occupied or aspected Mercury and Jupiter, or if to Jupiterand Mercury occupya Kendrain respect the an person born will poEsecs 3rd bhavain question,the fine voice. exceedingly
Adh. xtl.
Sloha 48. When Venue is in th: 3rd bhava.the ear ornahent will consist of a pearl if ir be ; Jupiterr the ear ornament wiil be a Tulasi, i. e. oI the form ot Tulaai leaf; if it be the Sun, the ornrr"n, will be a red Etoneset iq a ground of blue; if it be the lvloon possess, ed of abundantstrengrh, there will be a multipiicity of ornamentg. Thetatterhatf of ,,r,. .r)*oJ.""]ros in qn*drd. thus
sl. 61-55
in conjunction with a benefic planec, the personborn will get ao article of attire incomparablybeautiful. If a beneficplanet be in the 3rd bhava, his wearing apparel will be of a superior kind. Venus and the lord of the of 3rd birava when possessed abundantstrength produce clothing and decoration; when associated abundant with or aspectedby Mercury and Jupiter, they secure the advantages listening to sweet discourses on reli' of gion and nrorality.
NorEs. -fhis as well as sloka 52 appear in ;iir{{{d-
Adh. XII
malefic sign in conjunction with Mars, ir will brced cowardice in the person born. But if the lord of that bhava possess strength and occupy a Kendra or Trikona in conjunction with Venus, the person concernedwill be endowed with superior courage and shine conspi. cuously by his great capacity for enjoymenr.
dtqlf\t qR srffiGft
qr I
qrd((Isqso{otqfrql qq il \\ tl
Sloha 65. If the lord of the 3rd bhava occupy a Raci, Navamsaor Drekkana owned by Jupiter, or be aspected by that planet, and if Mars occupy in great etrength a Kendra or Trikona with respect to the lord of the 3rd bhava,the person born will be fond of roors, fruits, radishes and syrups.
sl. 6?-6,9
Sloha 57. If in the 2nd bhava the lord thereol become associated with Jupiterand Venus,or being in by conjunction with or aspected a benefic planetbe powerfully aspected another benefic planet, the by personborn will dispense food to many.
il sTqqg{}Trqsoq u
r$il ftqrqiqtgqrfi gwurfu;gqiqqft t qdqqrnRffiEtrFrqgd,Tr{{wrftilt{rf u \3, ll
Sloha 59. The acquisition of learning, the welfare of the mother, happiness, sweet-smelling subatanceo, kine, relations, mental attributes, royal vehicles, Iands and houses ariee from the 4th bhava,sav the sapieat astrologers.
cl. sld;n{<f
Adh. xII.
r{I{6rn}1u-4} eue agq;dFq fqga} gqr qqlnl I ael gs] g\A<v vft g*i*'iEqqTli qi as mqriefiR aargnqgsdqrgqG ft} vruqrqlrTq flfa+ qnflr:qeqfig: tl
gQ irg"ar} 'r,i qqq(af,+ fi{rqrr}a qqfla g'irirqrEfeft I i{rq}t fqiliqrqZfa g:r\ mqmlRqaq{t qft q ac&at ftfrga q-aq itd qt( tl alt e-E iduar dir q-i.et qt 6qt qTq1qdgiI
Sloka 64. When the waning Moon is asgociated with a maleficplanerin the 8th,6th, or the lZth bhava and when the 4th bhava is occupiedby a malefic planet, there will be loss of the mother undoubtedly.
qr{STqtqft qrflittsftffi
d*q tRer$wRnr'fr
-TfiM silitqrpr uirPe fta t {rrqrftt{ (ffi qR qrfirql fr?i dqqlUfr Gilasqr s'tlt tt qs h
Sloko 67, The lord of the 4th bhava occupying the 9th bhava in conjunctionwith the lord of the 6th hasthe effectof maling the fathera voluptuary. The lord of the 4th bhavaoccupyingit in conjunctionwith the lord of the 9th producesthe same effect upon the father.
qrdirilfGitiufii 'Iwilerril qd ll
Sjola 68. The lords of the 6th and the 4th bhavas in the 9th bharra produce profligacy in the father. If the lords of the 4th, 9rh,6rh and the lct bhavas be togetherin one bhava, the personborn has beenbegot, ten in the motherby one other thanher husband.
{r qRffi
Tt gt
qA U,il{r W
qm}Eqn r a*r
Sloha 70. Wheo the 4th bhava is represented by a malefic Rasi and the Moon or Venus occupying a Kendra is aspected a malefic planer, the percon born by will commit incest with the mother or becomeaddicted to the wife of a venerableelder. The same effect is producedwhea the Moon and Venus happcn to be in a malefic 4th bhava and are arpected by a malefic planet.
gA snri+ qA qrdrs;*gfir
Slolas 72-73. When the Moon, in the porition with (1) Rahu or in deacribed sloka 71, is associated Ketu,the mother intrigues with a low'born Person; (2) if wich Saturn, the intrigue is with a Sudra; (3) if with Mercury,it is with a Vaisya (4) if with the Sun, the paramourwill be a Kshatriya;(5) if with Jupiter or Venus, the lover will be a Brahmin. The Moon with aecociated Mars and the lord of the 6th bhavain in specified will produccthe effect the way described cases' the several NorEs,.
In this conttection, compare the follovving f rorrr-{f'T{rG.
sElciksqqEr+ qrtxrtgrgt gqFt I qr qfifht qrqgrrrqi ;n{rRqBaqrsqFqisfq tt are& {Egt sqrqnta\qrfi fsqr+\qt qriTr;qflsr gq+rrfiqrqqg.nfimftlnl rr dq gQt.itorrrd qId gfi=1*<rruFfral aEr iifr*,irt gq?|efrilqfiqatds {AFHia*ll rita+} sile} +di nRft qE dtsqor r ,rqr{q} qta grt sfr dtqqoliria fii6t dlf{gqgt tt gt t {6qrFqtafruerfrgqr e'iEa faqgg4a {fr: gtarfi aqrfi}q qr.q'i dle{qr Hil{ ll
utft t
st. ?4*??
position in conjunction with the lord of the 3rd bhava forces the person born to suck the brerst of a woman other than his mother If the lords of the 4th and the 9th bhavas be in a grwra (Dusthhana)and the lor.dof the LagnaI :rong, the yog:, will lead to the death of the parents.
Notle>. This as well as slokas 79 80, 86, g8, g9 & 90 appearin qp6{,q6.
fieEqhttgr&olt {odgt I
Hnfrewt urq frq-il(ffisqil n \e\ tl
S/:ta 75. When the lcrd of rhe lOrh placefrom the Rq{rs (Pithrubhava 9th) is in a g:rqr.r(Dusthhana) and the lord of the Lagna is possessed strength, the of person born is either to become the bane of his pareJrts or has had no dtc;frrir+rr (Seemantha samskara).
. ! u l r w v v v Y w v Y : v
Y i v v v v v ! v v u v v : - f f i v v Y ! r
Y v r w !
e{mqegt il fidrfj'il{tn ll ee ll
S/ot r 78. The Sun and the Moon occupying res pect,ively the 9th and the 4th bhrvas will lead to the mother of the perEonconcerned following the father in death. Ihe sameie the casewhen the bhava associated in with the Sun has the presence or the aspecton it of 4th bhavas. the lords of the 9th and the
t rqrwfurmffi{*flffqrddirmffq*fr*n:
qrr'trfrqqsod ftqfirfqrfwe
ililril diffq+
r (Et rft tt do tl
SJoAa80. Subtract the figurea of the Moon from thoseof the Sun; find what Rasi the remainderrepre, sents. When Saturn and Jupiter pass through that Rasi and Navamsaor through the triang,rlarpositions cqrrcuponding thereto, the deachof the mother may
sr . 8r-83
take place Again, find the remainder rerulting from the subtractionof qq{qz6(Yamakantaka) from the lord of the 8th bhavafrom the Moon. This remainder should indicate certain Rasi and a Navamsa a thereof. When Saturnpasseo through the Resi and the Sun through the Navamsa question, motherrnaypassaway. in the
gqs&gifrct fr.qqrqqtsenr I
Sloha 82. When the 4th bhava has upon it the aspectof Mercury or is b:tween two benefic planete or occupiesa Navamsaowned by Jupitar, the person born will be ever engaged holy worke. in
gcfuerdrrilrffir qail
S/oAa 83. If the planet in the 4th bhava be atrong and occupies a benefic Rasi and if its strength b; enhanced by an advantageousconnection with the Lagna,then the person concerned will enjoy uninter, rupted eaae through the instrumentality ot'" people belongfng to the class which the planet represenrE (aidc
Adh. XII.
Adhyaya I-s1.2)) aud will possess wealth of the metal a pianetQtideAdhyavr 1, sl, 24) to appertaining the same
qrt(fTqGftiErqrg!il c8 ll eeq*qTE ry,a{tT{{R
!loh,.t 84. If the lord of an untoward bhava from the Legna,occupying its depression or inimical sign in the 4th bhava, be an enemy of the lord of the Lagna, say that, through the dire influence of the astrologers rhis adverseplanet, the personconcerned will be bereft of bodily and other comforts.
qgtqr{fu(qitqnw qod}qilqqfr(tcqtgsn t
qfrEil ftqsqilWfif gtr girngqq;qft*l ll c\ ll
S/ofta85. If the planetin the +th bhava, the one it, aspecting and its Karakabe all strong, they will pro' duce much happiness to the person concerned if those ; or inimical signs or be be in their depression planets th:y will produceunhappiness-the rule being eclipsed, planetand miaery by that joy is occasioned an auspicious ones. by tho inauspicious
Slo&rr 86. If the lord of the 9th bhava occupying predominant the 4th in conjunction with Venus possess and opu' etrength,the personborn will live in pleasure aforesaid lord of the lence for a long time ; but if the gth bhava occupying the 6th. 8th, or the 12th place from tbe Laqna, be associatedwith a berrefic planet, the happiness of tne person concerned will be but shqrt' lived.
s[ 8?-8e
grrai l16lf{r}-{i{trrT$rryor{lt de tl
Siotc 87. Every calculation,firstiy, in respectto one's easeand comfort should be with referenceto the 4th houseand Jupiter ; 2ndly, every thing concerning the mother should be thought of from the 4th bhava and the lrloon ; 3rdly, all fragranceas w:ll as cloth, vehicle to in and ornamentsshould be gueesed reference the 4th bhava and Venus. cf , nslti-lomqrGl
qt it gqui{alqiqrfi.qtq {;nidtn;gerrftil
iqifrt {iqiBqi n"inqi srit.q} dide s{q \, dirq* ufiqgtq rafq{ rch {T{FTIC 5saq lrc3,ll
thc person Slola 89. When the Moon is strot'tg, if tl-relr4oonbe horn wiil have good clothes to wear; with Rahu or Ketu, his ciothing will be associated with Jupiter, the apparel will bc tattered; if associated of silk; if with Venus, it will be variegated with jewels; and if with Saturn,it will be of a dark colour.
u\;gniuiii gwrftalt
ghoraiediar qfrtihi il t
7 76
qrqqt4twqlqolfaqaqqqtGfrttrqr ar r
frgtr{qqrtrt=il{qtt, q6ffi I
qrait qogtqmtrfiqurFqt t
SloAa 96. When the 4th bhavaand its lord por by sessstrengthanil are appctrted a beneficplanet, tlre 98
aotrologer may declare the person born will vehiclesor similar conveniences"
{Uqtqrttgt qgts"{{Tai{ ll qq rl
Sloho 99. When the Moon, in conjunctionwith a beneficplanet, occupies the Znd or the 4th bhava, identical with a behefic l{asi, the person born will have a horse conveyance.
qgqff\qf, ftoi oil*qrfq gisEorril I qr( Str gt qfa EElt iarilqi EREEr{d n loo tl
Slohu 100. When the lord of the +th bhavaoccupies the Lagna in conjunction with its (Lagna's) lord and the Moon, the person born will have a horse; but if the lord of the .ith bhava occupies the Lagna in con, junction with Venus, the perscn concerned will have an elephantto ride on.
sl. 10t-102
qFfrf$qrwurql ft'd{ttkd
{i6'rnRITKEf: S{q&ffw
Slof* t0l. Venus ancl the full Moon having strength and occupying a Kendra or a Trikona poaition, will give to the person born under their influence the honor of being conveyed in a palanquin" When the Moon occupyinga Rasi belonging to jupiter is either bv aspected or in conjunction with lupite: will lead tc acquisition of a red apparelor jewel. the
Adh. xII.
Sloka 103. When the lord of the 4rh bhava is associated with Jupiter, rhe p3rson born will. have a vehicle bordered on all the four sides. When the lord of the 4th bhava occupiesthe t0th place in conjunction with a benefic planet, the person born will have the of appendages a chowrie and an umbrella.
dlft nrrta{ir rr
sl. 105-107
Sloka t05. When the lord of the 4th bhava is in the llth orthe 4th, and when Mrrs is in shl (Swakshetra)or in the I tth bhava, the yog.rwill undoubtedly leadto the acquisitionof a kingdom'
cf , qq|ri?E;a1qtq
Eq onrertrRrftqacfqqmek eqI
d gd .niorwrgrugqCat,iftfqe'
grrE{Tr{t ffi;qwaft firti qif:{*' drdt q il
t rqfrsfhinirsgirr taurqt\q*u*ft i{go g{or gilf egfI N ft{ ftitgqftqEl sr(* rTlqqrPfr
Sloka 112. If the four planets (mentioned the in previoussloka)havesuperiorstrengthand bc connected with the Lagnain someway, all this will rake placeon a large scale; if they be all weak, they will produce misery. The effect will be mixed if their strength be of a mixed character. If the Karakaof the bhava conccrned,its lord and the planet occupyingit be inimical to the lord of the Lagna and be weak, they will prove exceedinglytroubl eoome.
ggqtaili{rfrqoqreqerfr t tQtt nl
Sloka 113. When the lord of the 4th bhava being in an inimical or depression sign, occupiesa g:wrd (Dusthhana) and is aspectedby the lord of the 9th bhava, there will be acquisition of a vehicle which will be either unsteadyor prove a very bad specimenof ite kind. cf. ssf'ih.mqlq
qrfi ! ufRo'rqrKglqqgqlnil |
m{qrqfiar?g s}oqqil''fFqm, }a t
q{ (ffih
qFdtrsrtaor{tt\ rr furgq n
Sloka 115. If Jupiteror the lord of the 4th bhava with a benefic planetoccupya beneficRasi associated identicalwith the 9th bhavafrom the Lagna, person the will moveaboutin royal splendourin a vebi, coocerned cle borReby men during the gteaterportion of bir life.
sl. 116-119
to referred above occupyinga g:wrn (Duo' If the planets or thhaoa)be eclipsed, depreesed in an inimical houee, be no vehicle or other such meano of plea' there will locomotion; if they be in their own houseand surable strength,there will be a long apellof poEEeEs superior in in culminating progress a palanquin. enjoyment
qR qq\rearratd det{qFqft I
tt rmirroGqy,q.I tz ll dar
Sloha 1l8. Jf the lords of the 9th and the 4th bhavaebe related to the Lagna in someway and be a!' pectedby or in conjunction with Jupiter, the person born will have the capacity to ingratiate himself into the favor of a king and other such ornamental accomplishments, Nores.
Adh. xll.
-t *"*"
bhavasbe strong and associated with benefic planets. the person born will bc opulent and in crmmandr:f a numetous armv.
c/. omfic
qrddtqrfqgas,rrr r nleqrf\qqhqrGq\q r(
dangci fl'qlfaeni qciirirqiolri.Trqq tl
flfliiqrqggqilrilor{aqtar r t
s[ 123-126
rurilfr Rm qloqdqrrqtgt I
t orh;nfutfirt qTewqariqi
Sloko L24. if a benefic planetbe in tlrc Lagna-Ken' dra,i.e.L:gna itself, and the 9ch irhavabc occupied by a planetin exaltation anJ when the lord of thc Znd to bhava is in a Kendra,thc yogr is c;rlcttiatcd leadto a throne.
cf. _rtil.f,.c{
Adh. xII.
Sloka 126, If the lords of the lrt, 4th and the 9th bhavasbe in the iOth, and the lord of the latter occupy or aspect the Lagna, the effect of the yoga will be a throne.
cf. fl.ffi{d
qR gwtgqmtilr *;quiurFTril I
qtsqrirreqqi qosonfur?rfiqtRd tl u
Sloka 178. If Jupiter, Venus and the lord of the 9th bhavabe in a Kendra or Kona position, or in the l1th bhava,the person born will have an abundance of vehiclesand becomea monarch,
the lst bha Stttka131. If the lords of che9th and the latter be in the vas occupy the 4th and tl're lord of person born Lagnaidentical with a beneficRasi' the i{ the lord of the 4th will always enjoy happiness' Rrrt tire other conditions bi"rr^ happen io bt in the 6th and will be overtaken by obtain as in the above Yoga, he be{allsan enemy or a misfortune-a fate th'rt usually
hostile person.
Adh. )ilI.
with the lord of the 4th bhava, the whole fortune of the person concerned will be with the enemy during the whole of the dasaperiod of tlre latter planet. But il the planetary conjunction be malefic, the fortune vrill return to ite former owner at the concluding portion of the daaaof the lord'of the 4th bhava.
trqri girQ*Tdirg{rtgt I
wtTrs'sifut.niimr{rq. I
qralnmFqgngrkurftgrt{Q il il
Sloka 136. If the planet ownrng the sign occupied by the lord of the Lagna be an enemy,there wili be lose of land and houre when, in the dasaperiod of the planer,
sl. 137-1s8
its own gfo (Bhukti) sets in When the Bhukti of thc lord of the 4th bhava in the main drsa referred to approaches, person concernedwill becomebereft of the some relative ; and the Bhukti, in the same dasa,of a planet in conjunction with Saturn, Mars or Mandi will occasiondisasters.
r v v ! ! v v v ! ! v v v v v v v v i v v v v v v v r - . v . ' r ! t v v - Y ! . #
Adh. xII.
Sloha 140. lf the planetin the 4th bhavabe depres' the Dersouborn will slip into a well or sed or eclipsed, eomesuch reservoir. If there be a maleficplanet in the 4th bhava,he will experiencemisfortunes. If Saturn occupy it, there will be loss of comfort and happiness.
sl. 143-146
acguisition of a house. If the lord of the 4th bhava occupy a g:rrrrT(Dusthhana)or if the planet occupying the 4th bhavahasstrengthfor evil (as an adversaryt,the housefalling to the lot of the p:rson brrn will b: either cra\y or haunted.
oamq+fr,tETqrrrowFqilt I
ilrqitaqstrtrd qdlqtq qiaq: ll tsg ll
Slokn 144. Awise astrolog., -iy assertthe sound condition of as many housesas there are planetsin the Trikonas and Kendrasfrom the Lagna. cf . q-{Fr{
*-afi+;iotgfjqq gi ndla'tarJ(rf\ofiq: r
Sl<thu. 145. If thc lord of the 4th bhava occupy the 12th from the Lagna,the personborn will have a dilapi. dated house: but if the planet be in a Trikona or a great strength, the house would be Kendra and possess lovely and of many hues.
Adh. XIL
a che personborn will possess strong house; the same will be the casewhen the lord of the 4th bhava has attainedGopura and othcr benefic Vargas.
Sloha l4'1. If. the lord of thc lOth bhavaassociated with a malefic planet occupy the 4th, the astrologerg say the perscn born will become bereft of lands and obedient service. The samee{fect is producedif the lord of the 10th occupy the 4th in a malefic Navamea xs and in such a baneful shashtyamss filiur (Mrityukara) and be at the sametime in conjunctionwith the lord of the 8th bhava.
qn1qatut git;gq1pqtr ircnt , qTsft uiiwrrf{r+ it*t .&q&tq ll lsq ll rqr rfr a'iaq*aa tqarqft{Ri
|| ErrfffiqrRqft ar(dls'.qrqs
SlokLti49. If the lord oJ the 4th bhava be in a q'rtrqaifi' (Paravatamsa),or being aspected by Jupiter and the Moon has attained Gopura or other em (amsa), the possessionon the part the astrologershould declare of the personborr"rof a divine abode (Temple ?). Thus ends the XIIth AdhYaYa,&c',
qfrqflsuuFt: crrcrirqftqrfr
ll il qerqgrtHFqrHr
THa nrnecrs oF tttr
ll qq[ q{grrir$o{
qhir{{'-d+(ll q li
Sloka 1. It is from the 5th bhava that an astrologer should think about a person's tutelary deity, oovereign, son, father, intelligence and religious merit. A pilgrimage has to be guessed with reference to the ?th, the 6th, the 2nd and the l0th bhavas. Any wan' from the dering to a far-off placeshould be ascertained bhava. The father's happinessmay be known l?th with reference to the lst and the 4th bhavasand the Sun. The acquisition of children is to be determincd 'Ihe in connection with Jupiter and che 5th bhava. wife's accomplishments,the astrologer may predict through the 7th birava,the lord of the Znd and Venus.
cf" qrd$I{<ot
:I g&*+erewr;rfladitln&ft'rfiftfinsq
gdrfil{rAqaqqriqi t}nqqt, qftRoaf,tqq tt
Adh. XIII.
sq silfr{rrqtftegtftqmii=sfr t
thc infinice graceof the lord of che 5th bhrva, secure that deity.
ilneri gegqi{tfiiki qgi {r (il{iri {oitit tqffiwqfttft t qrqltrt ft.raqfifi qrfift fiI{ri
qrdi frqrft{qgqdittet;mtrdql ll B ll
Sloha 1, If the 5th bhavabe occupiedor aspected by Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, and if the lord of that bhava be strong, the personborn will qet into the good gracesof hts sovereign. But if the 5th bhava be occu' pied by a malefic planetan.l its lord being void of strength,occrlpya malefic pcrtion o[ a sign, the person born will be void oi lcarning, dducation; virtues, and royal favor. intelligence
g *: oi qraqdl tgqdtsirsq{t
ftffqrfrkgfu{ qia{tq-tqet gt
Sloka 5. If the lord of the 4th bhava be in the Lagna and the lord of the latter occuPy the 4th and be by aspected or in conjunction with other planets, the birth of a quadruped will take place. If the planets, aspectingor in conjunction, be Rahu or Ketu, the crea' cureborn will be a goat; if those planets be Jupiter, Venus or the Moon, the birth vuill be of a cow; the or creatureborn will be a buffalo if the planet,asPecting in conjunction with the lord of the Lagna be Saturn. If the lord of the Lagn:r ba in the 10th and Rahu in the Lagna,the creature will come out from the womb with the lego foremost.
q*sft ffiqift
Sloha 7. When the Drekkana referredto in the precedingsloka is aspected Saturn and Mercury, the by birth will be somethingin the from of a lump or a round mass. If Jupiter in conjunction with Rahu be united there and be aspected by a weak planet the personborn will be of the Brahmana caste and will his birth. If Jupiter, rtoop to do vile acts not becoming Rahu and Saturn be united there and be aspected by Venus and Mercury, the person born though a Sudra will attainto equality with a Brahmin, and as a twice, born will receive inscruction in everv science.
ormsroorhgqqft{rtsqq so}i*t ts q;ilet qR s.qqihfr aqrH*sqrswrnsI qrqHqqtqfi fqgir *aie.ril] ilrar g*s{if.B'fr il d tl sranirn{ gxqroi
Sloku 8. A person can have prosperitv (sons, wife, etc.),according as the 5th or the 7th hous" calcu' lated from the Lagna or the Moon at the time of his by birth is occupiedor aspected a beneficplanec or by its lord;.if otherwise,he can have no son or wife' II, Vrrgo identicalwith the rising when the Sun occupies sign,Saturnis in Pices,the latter planetwill cause the deathof his wife. And Mars in the 5th house in the previous yoga brings about the deathof the son. NorBs.
This sloka has been taken fronr gEsildin (Brihat Jatakar. I f t h e r u l e r o f t h e 9 t h h o u s ei s p l a c e d i n t h e 5 t h o r t h e 7 t h bhava from the Lagna, it will bring atl liinds of prosperity. The sameholds goc'dfor the Moon. This is one interpretation. Here g{ (Subha) is taken tc mean the 9th house. Second interpretation. It Jupiter, the \Iaster of Benefics (qxai qfn:-Subhanampatihi) is placed in the 5th or the 7th house fronr the Lagna or the X{oon, the yogir causesalso every kind of prosperity. (Ishta' Third interpretotion. If planets rrrling the ttrtzrt<l: stthanas,uiz., placesother tharr the 3rd, the 6th, the 8th and the lZth) be placed in the 5th and 7th houses from the Lagna or t h e M o o n , t h e n a l s o p r o s p e r i t yi s i n d i c a t e d . Fourth interpretotion. If the ruler of the bouse occupied by Venus be placed in the 5th or 7th bhava fronr the Lagna o' the Nloon, it leads to prosperity. Here glrvfr (Subhapati) is split up (Sukra), u (Bha):qi11(Itasi) and qii (Pati). into { (Su;:* Atnther uiew. It the ruler or nakshatraoccupied by Venus be placed in the 5th or the 7th from the Lagna or tbe Nfoon, then also prosperity is indicated. (The rulers of Nakshatrasare accord' ing to iEli'lnt-Vimsottari System). In all the above interpretzrtions' the planet or planets con' cerned may take the role of aspectdng instead of occupging.
In the absence of the above yogas, the
Adh. XIII.
nran is sure ,to be
unhappy. If Virgo is tr.rrise with the Sun in it and Saturn be in Pisces, the native witi kilt many rvives. If Virgo is to rise witl, l\lars in Capricorn, such a peison wili lose nlany sons who are born. It may however be asked "Why does Saturn in The Pisces with
as ruler of tho t'th, in the 7th aud in opposition to the ruler of the l2th is bad. To be mo.re explicit, the rulers of bacl houses sh<luld not be in Subha Sthanas igqtqta) or good houses. T h e S u n a n d S a t u r n i n o p p o s i t i o n w i l l i n c l i c a t en r o r e t h a u o n e wife especially in dual signs. j \ I a r s i n t h e 5 t l r n r a y l ' r sg o c d f o r l i n : r . n c e ; b u t i t i s c e r t a i u l y b a d f o r i s s u e sa n d r v i l l a l n ' a y s l i i l l c h i l d r e n .
l;ilS+: gdr,eaqtqarqdrtfn?r uQhdqqrfaq I I R: ftqlqi sfiaft erils*gi qrqiqfi:Ud?ft:gail gr: sr(u fiqwq q;q1 e qff,rct'-ligur rnatqr{ q,rf}dI
c{ \ n qlrqHrEqnQ$sFE: \ ggls;qqr qK{aI lQ {ra: ll
T,-qtot{q{ (Kalyana Varr.nan), the author of qtrrqe,t(Saravali). s a y s t h a t t h e r e a r e 12 k i n d s o f s o n s w h i c h a p e r s o n m a y b e d e s t i n e d to have. They are (t).rltg (Aurasa) a son born to a iawfully married wife; (Z) *ac (Kshetraja), one that is born to a wife through a brother or other kinsman of her husband duly appointed
to raise up issue for him ; (:) r< (Datta)' one tlrat has been receivedas a gift from his natural parents for being adopted; for purposes of the (+) *iiie(Kreeta), one that has been purchased (Kritrima)r a srown-up son o continuance f the family; (5) flTq adoptedwithout the consentof his natural parents; (6) 3{qqcrr{ (Adhamaprabbava), an offspring born to a low'caste woman (7) rtqx (Gudhotpanna), a son born through a Brahmin; secretly of a woman when her husbandis absent, the real father being unknown ; (8) 3{ciaq(Apaviddha}' a son that is abandoned by the father or mother, or by both, and adopted by a stranger; (s) ficrfi-{(I'auuarbhava),a son of a widow rernarried; (10) 6tdia (Kaneena),the son of an unmarried wornan; (l l) {il6 (Sahodha)' (Dasi' the son of a rvoman pregnant at rnarriage; (12) <rtci{a 'l'he particular kind of son female slave. prabhava), the son of a tbat one may get is thus describedin Saravali'
gd{qn {qgiir gfrd1r wqlfit }rrq t tt tqi qsq: gsi qqsq{qq faqiTh qfidi Utqil grruara\nl qq.gx: t qr *Iff4lqqqT q?iifialfeffisft n]+i: ll
\.\^ flFqI iql{Tqqt flIFqI{ dlqil flqI eel I
r mt n\Xqfgq{eigr$qr*,erq1q:
fr*qg{ qiqfa q}'iisft.iu} {aqee: tl
Adh. XIII.
gr: ifiebssqq qrqta: sfRt Rqqfa il qfrrfiqoqqrit, qo4uqngt gatt r g*.n eenriga:*fin: n*aa tt qai diarr$+ qrqd HEr | {rrft
c \ ^\ qldlsgr: gQq:HFqq{ilqKIiT ll .\
graai{ nfuag},or Aflfht eqqsda r qtdiqqqrfr ala'qrqfQ *fiqrqrqt'tt fsaerfuqi nr"qiels'rqrfq I Srt frg-i qt+q+.oq*T: qrqw fg:.gqtrfrrrr;tsfr g{r: tl
or S u c h o f t h o s e i n w h o s e h o r o s c o p e st h e 5 t h h o u s e i s o c c u p i e d s p e c t e d b y l r e n e { i cp l a n e t , so r r : ; i t s e l f a u a u s p i c i o u s s i g n ( b e i r : g o n ' n c - db y b e n e l i t : s ) ,w r l l c e r t a i l l y b e b l e s s e d w i t h o n e o r o t h e r o f t h e l < i n d so f s o n s d e s c r i b e d a b o v e . I f i t b e o t h e r w i s e , t h e r e w i l l be no issue. If the 5th hr.ruse, couuted either from the Lagna or the lloon u h i c l r c i e r i s s t r o u g c r ' ,b a p p e n t o b e a \ - a r g a o f J u p i t e r a n d s h o u l d also bc a benelil sign or be aspected by benefic planets' the person (Aur;,sa) son. concerned rvlll have an ctfo{(i The numl,rer olt sons that a person may lrave is that signihed
by the number of benefic Navamsas that have elapserdin the 5th bhava. This nurnber will be doubled if the bhava be also aspected by benefics. 'fhe numbcr lost will be ascertained through the number of malefic Navamsas traversed, and tbe number will be
doubled if the bhava be also aspected by mate6cr. Also ff' XIII-+6, *7, infra. If the 5th housebelong to a Varga of Saturn and be aspected bv Mercury but not by Jupiter, Mars or the Sun, the person concerned will have a ta; (Kshetraja) son. The same will be the case if the house in question belong 1e 3. Varga of Nlercury, be by aspected Saturn and be at the same time devoid of the aspect or of Jupiter, IVIars the Sun. I f S a t u r n s h o u l d o w n t h e 5 t h h o u s ea n d a l s o o c c u p y i t a n d i f w t h e M o o n s h o u l d a s p e c tt h e s a i d h o u s e , t h e p e r s o nc o n c e r n e d ' i l l get a (({ (Dattal.a) son. If }Iercurv should take the role of S a t u r n i n t h e a b o v ey o g a t i r e n a t i v e w i l l g e t a f t t ( l i r e e t a ) s o n . o I f t t r e 5 t h h o u s ew i t h S a t u l n i n i t b e i n t h e S a p t a m s a f \ l a r s any of the renaining planets' the b a n c lb e n o t b e a s p e c t e d y (Kritrirna) son. person concernedn'i11get a SrQt If the 5th housebe in a Varga of Satu-'n or be occupiedby the Sun, with the aspect of i\{ars on it, the son of the personcon(Aclhamaprabhava). cerned will be an 3Tqqqif4 lf the Moon should occupy in the 5th houseanamsa of Mars a n d b e a s p e c t e db y S a t u r n a n d n o t b y a n v o f t h e o t h e r p l a n e t s will be a lf,aiiq{(Gudhotpanna). the son of the personconcernerl If Mars occupy the 5th house identical with the \rarga of by Saturn anrl be aspecterl the Sun, the personconcerned will get (Apatidclha)class ; so declares sageKaruna' a son of the aqiia The son of a pdrson will be fiqii+ (Pounarbhava) when, in his nativity, the l\'Ioonis in the 5th house in a Varga of Saturn and in conjunctton with that planet, and is also aspected b1' Venusand the Sun. tf ttre 5tU bhava be in the Shodasamsaof the Sun and be w b o o c c u p i e d r a s p e c t e d v h i m , t h e s o n o f t h c p e r s o nc o n c e r n e d i i l (Kaneena). be a da}< If the 5th house belong to a Varga of the Sun br the Moon and be occupiedby the Moon or the Sun respectively and if the bhava be at the same time aspectedby Venus' the native will bave a son of the t{Eid (Sahodha)class.
Adh. XIII.
If the 5tl house being a malefic sign be occupied by three or more malefics in strength and has no benertc aspect on it' the person concerned will not bave any sc,n. I f t t r e S t t r b h a v a l r a p p e n st o b e i n t h e N a v a m s e o f V e n u s a n c has the aspect of that planet on it, the issues will be of the atdi. qlt4 (Dasiprabhava) c1ass. Sorne sey that the srnre should be predicted through the \Toon also , i.e., whert tlre 5th bhava is in the Navamsa of the Moon and is also aspected by that planet. If the 5th bhava beiug in a Varga of Venus or the tr{oon be at t h e s a m e t i m e a s p e c t e ' 1o r o c c u p i e d b 1 ' t h e s e p l a n e t s , t h e i s s u e s w i l l g e n e r a l l y b e < l a i r g l r t e r s .T h e s a m e w i l l l r c t l r e c a s e i f t h e s i g n r e p r e s e n t i n g t l r e V a ' r g : ri n c l u e s t i o n b e e v e n . O t h e r w i s e , t h e i s s u e sq ' i l l b e a l l s o r r s . The author of Sar:rvali gives some detarls regarding one's wif e, ai,z.:-
g*;g*enfiri' qtaibfla atuqi{?flqq{ q n}'fihl I ll qqt qtsfi s qfts't faAfn( EI flf:d fe* qEqqfirrFlqrll:
u3$dril' asiq;qrfiqaqq,iiqnI afirrfiq,it,rai qn?gqi gq.i: tI( ll qef}d qqqdtqi{r(eqT qril f;iitflqlarsfE I qrfii tt qlq qfauqiir utgqqlarR qftq ffafha,irii ghsnarfiqlfqi I qqFn fii\or tt eEar eg'l:o,it ui {!{m'it: aaui ifiSaaftqrgi'ia-F{ir: htqTolql: ll gh turrrqal-isfi aafln
st 9-10
Sloha 9. When the lord of the 5th bhava or of the 9th from the Lagna occupies the 7th bhava or an even Rasi and is aspected by or ia conjunction sith the Moon or Venus, a gooJ number of daughterswould be born. If the two planetsreferred to above occupy a by male varga and be aspectcd or in conjunction with male planets,the number of children born will cootain a majority of sons. The question of obtaining irsuer, an astrologermust propound, with referenccto Jupiter and the 5th bhava. Nortls' cf. noffi.r1
If the 5th house or its lord be posited in a rnale sign or Amsa or be in conjunction with or aspccted by rnale planets, the children will be all rnales. fhe birth rvill be of dirughters if the said house or its lord be in a fcnrale lt:rsi or Arnsa, or be associated with or aspected by fctnale planet:. o,-, r-rrrins in the last gta of the Ilalalthadrzr,tal;es it{;qriqtlii: -lupitor'" " fronr the 5th place reclioned frorn and sloka to nrean quotes the fol1ou'ing :
Adh. XIII.
the children. But'if SatutnandMars shouldasPect Sth bhava. wili be bereftof children. he
eft*q{t c g{utilfrsaqg*qt(
aqrtgr(ffifuagt ffitsun
Sloha l'1, A person will have a grandsonif the ?th plscefrom the 5th bhrva be in the Rasi and Amsr o[ a beneficplanet, or if the lord of the 7th place afore' said be aspected by or in conjunction with a bene{ic planetand occupy a K.endra or a Trikona' If the lord nf the Sth bhava be in <wa (Swakshetra), the person born will not have many sons. If the planet owning the Navamsa occupied by the lord of che 5th bhava be the astrologer may give out that in its own Navamsa, will havc but one son. the personconcerned
s[ 19-14
NorBs. the following For the lst {l{ (paaa)of this sloka compare from qoaliiqt\ '. \ \ ^\
q C<risd sr&ldtRfi q( t
rJ6rR ll Eqffi4qreqfraq tl ll
SJofta13. If the lords of the 1st and the 5th bha' (Dusthhana) and be aspected by a vas occupy a g:<nrT ic benef planet, the person born will have a legitimate son as well as a scn by adoption. Find the vargar of the planet occupying the Rasi repreeentiogthe Stir bhavaanCalso thoseof the Karakaof the game. Find again which of the several Rasis to which theeevargas b.long are unoccupiedby planets; from someone of the class of people irldicatedby these Rasis will the adoPta son. personconcerned
gdt{: grTd
Sloha L4. If the lord of the 5th bhavain conjunc' tion with a benelic planetbe in a Kendra or Trikona porition in a benefic Rasi, the person born will havea son in his carly yearo. lf the lord of the 5th bhava be in conjunction with Rahu, the son born in the Bhukti (girn) of the former wrll be short-lived while the one yoga born in the gi* (Bhukti) of Rahu in the sanae will attain long life.
qnnF Rilt
qrejffit gilIqritfr qqtl qR dcq!1T Wqtqfiim qtshT q{qrE {r qbtaiiitiqi gilEdi tqrqi n t\ tl qriur
Sloka 15. If the lorde of the 5th and the Znd bha, vas be weak and if malefic planets aspect the bth bhava, the person born even when he has many wiveg will certainly have no children. But if his wife be born under a yoga which makesa Bon possibleand if the 5th bhava be aspected a benefic planet or the lord of the by 6th place from the 5th bhava, she will become the Eother of a son by a paramour.
NorEs. With this, compare XIV-I6 infra.
Slaho t6. If the 5th bhava, its lord or Jupiter be aepected or in conjunctionwith a benefic by planet,the personborn will undoubtedlyhave a Eon. cf. so{tfi+r Norrs.
t-t:-t-t----.*,--.,.-ff*'-,.-. - -*".- Y
cf . also the following from SITIKER
erflneilgtr x rrq)friqeulqqfi qggir: ga' u}ril rGg{tuqTllgecq*if t tt s,*q)gu{: ensai wg,trrw* ng'r}ir s{iit q=uq61qEqgle{ vn r q-.q).d gee+1q.JEtiq geft il r il a qtq ed r'ilqrq"q'il g,fir\ g,rw I'i t
wa, gegai$q{isq' gaa qmt{h qnhra<e rflag qt ftAr-nfleilqfi:I qlrqqnar,i 'qqfigfauaq Rrq ftq* i{ia
q;*;q{i-fnaeq6gwra} +trqnfi qtq( | H geardieaOq: qqfrR aw n+qfi<Fufi(rl erai dfiiriqfd q gftfir* arqgvn<afi n 'a'iring* qrcq{ qnfP{fi girsq r rrqrfi-qqErin] drgnl ad glal a'rrr qfi ,{raa} qlf}a:qaqfi'tfltgfi{ig'<nrgi<rq Het{Tq tl ti t6oflalrafr
qrftn;sA I XIEtf
Also q-ffiE;I
extinction: (l) tho a*ilv t*-tas"ta t"t"-* t" 4th, the 7th and the lOth houses in aoy nativity beiog occupied (2) the respectively by a malefic planet, Venus and the Moon; l2th, tlre 8th, the 5th and the first houses being occupied bv malefics: (3) Venus and Mercury in the 7tir, Jupiter in the 5tb and malefics in the 4th houses; and (4) the Nloon in the 5th and rnale' fics in the 8th' the l2th and t\e lst"
qrqfl$ | onrrHqw{heltrfum:
*{it-Gffiftor: lt 1q ll ${anftErte{r
Sloka 22. If maleficplanetsbe in the 18t, ?th, gth and the 12th bhavasand occupy the vargas of inimical the extinction of the family signe,they will cause Norrs.
The following yogas leading to the same eflect are fronr dtd4(4.
onFsgfllErrilktgfrIqlqq{terrfiarufg: t
gti{ a;gfieafi:s'E{rqfi"}'i{iie qtr: tl g*art {tqqeufi:$eriq\ q;Egiq gft t qTqqQI fi:sgauttrt: q{s ft"}miia {ta: i,
qK: t* .nnrgr(Rt q vrQ irre fa"beprlq ll qrt fiort geil n{rr} e,r}'s\wruflrgt r qAfidiiqft orart qatqfi-Frqqiia tl qrd:
gtolnntrrgeqlrilfr\Sq r
u{s qo-di?g EtraqrFfidxretiil i,B tl il
Sloba 24. When Jupiter and the lords of the lst, the ?th and the 5th bhavas are all weak, childlessness ahould be pronounced. Notns.
This sloka is taken from I'arasara.
'When Sloha 25, a maleficplanet is in the bth bltava and its lord is depressedand without benefic arpect,childlessness must be pronounced. cI. q{rf.{qt Norrs'
If the lord of the 5th housebe in depression in an inimical or houseor be eclipsed,or be in conjunction with the lords of the l 2 t h ' t h e ( r t h a n d t h e 8 t h h o u s e s ,t h e r e s u l t w i l l B e l o s s o f c h i l d ren, say the astrologers. The same will be the case wl.renthe lord of the 5th is posited in the 5th antl is not aspected benefrcs. bv
qttscrliq e
Adh. XIII.
trqafrsnqeqwildqtqqs EiwRrftr I
qg_..(fr1 ll $CIRdrdlql Srl iT {T;<tRi 1o ll
n gnTrr&g!ll
Tho causeof shildlessness,
qgTfqrgi RqaTqq$ffiqr ll 11 tl st
Sloka 32, When Jupiteroccupying 5th bhava the resultsin by is seen a maleficplanet;the loss of issues If Jupiterbe in conjunc, of consequencea deity'scurse. by tion q'ith or aspected the lord of the 6th bhava,the lossof children is dueto the curseof Brahmins.
Nolrs. With this and the next four slohascorllpare the followiug from slld;[((f.
glils'qftrigt ga.It *.ilRg+ aqr gar,geqfsuil ggt sqfforqFgft: 1 dtoqGqoqn fid m snt aa:
ll tdw rarorqqrTflnq1rflFqrnrgrq{
snir$qffi ftgqrttflf\t t
Adh. XIII.
U of the 5th be by unacpected any planet, then the person concerned will have eonaby adoptionand other ways. Norns.
There are two other readings, rtiz.(l) cc$ Sr<rla end Ql;ng:s"ilq4q.
qrqtnrtq* Setq{rrfuit
qr wfrEt grilq{e+qntfrsft t
ll Bo ll
Sloka 40. When the rising sign is an even Rast and the lord of the 5th bhava occupies the 4th or has attained a Navamaao[ Saturn, there will be a son by adoption.
qI Wqiirqt5qRr giqilsirgwfuerI
Sloka 41. If the lord of the 5th bhava in conjunc' tion with the Sun and Mercury be in a Navamsa owned'by an even Rasi or by Saturn, there will be a son by adoption.
Also nu{'nr*r
St ,f6-46
! v Y v u ! v v v v v v Y v v v v v t u
r v vvvvr ! r ! v ! vY uvvvvv v U v UvurY vff
planets stationed io the Lagna; the person concerned will have a child late in life and that too, after a great eflort' qa{irci is thus explained by e-'iar in his s'oirfqfl'
The signs Vrischika, Vrishabha, Kanya and Simha are termed Childlcss Rasis. (vide also Adhvava XVI, 29 and 43 infra')
gfr ohfrfrq(ait;mqnrril r
Sloha 45. When Saturn is in the Lagna,Jupiter in the 8th, Mars in the l:.th, and the 5th bhava is weak' a the peroonborn wrll ha'.'e son late in life' cl, {ru<e '
Also c({r(
Adh. XIn
q flaftdeldqrs,lqqian}sR ET gdqEi{HrTTfQ
61se |nr;46;a
gdFt I
rwinicqrsgils I S*rft:siEtf]ear$eg(
Adh. luII.
of irrues of the perloD concerned. Two nore alternative methodsfor ascertainingthis oumber are: (1) edd tfre ligurea of the lords of the 5th, the ftb and the 4th a8 bharns and ascertain, in the above care, tbe number in of.part Navamcac the Rasi fouod. Thic will be the required: (2) add the figuresof the planetaif oumber any in the 6th, the 9th and the 4th bhavas. The nunn, ber of childrenwill be the numberof elapaed Navamcag in the Rasi found.
Norns. Ihe following from qodfrqt givesa clue to ascertain when may be possible: conception
sl. 49
the lord of the 5th or the 7th bhava will prove to be child-producing.
Notes. fhis as well as the next one are in el{'d(fl. The following additional information from q?tlicmt about (Putrabhava) glrqg will be found to be interesting :
qil, arfr Auir gafttierurfrqr( qq{.i}' q ;t qfrfuqfiqi fafr{tQ' rrq ftqnet $d: rr
Subtract llve tinres the ligures for the Sun from five times the figures for the \'Ioon, If the Tithi representedby the result be ru one in ,6" f1;ght half of a month, prqfeny is assureC auspicious to the native (even) without nruch exertion. But if it be ooe of the dark half of the month there is no such possibility. It rt by * close examinationof the strength of tbe Titbi-whcther it rs aus. picious or otirerwrse-rn both the Pahshas-bright and darlr-thai
Adh. xlil.
ono hiurto divine the possibility of the nativc being blessed with issues.During au Amavasya, a *fii4 (chhidra) tithi, the ftB (Visntl) Karana or any one of the it Karanas, there will be no issue at all_ *Chhidra Tithis are (l) qg'ff (Cnaturthi), (2) sO(Shashti), (t) eisdt (Ashtami), (4) TTnl (Navami), (5) <rtal (Dwadasi), and (6) .r$ht (Chaturdasi). These six ane generilly avoided for any auspicious function. There are I I Karanas distributed over the 30 Tithis of the Lunar month at the rate of 2 Karanas for each Tithi. Four of these viz., (l) Chatushpatthr, (2) Naga,ra, (3) Kimsthuehna and (4) Sakuna are called (Stthira) Karanas and are so named as they permanently hold sway over the four hatf Tithis commencing Chaturdasi. The other seven from the 2nd half of Krishnapaksha (l) Bava, (2) Balava, (3) Kaulava, (4) Taitula, (5) Garaja, (6) viz., Vanija and (7) Vishti or Bhadra are called Chara or moveable Karanasand occur in 8 cycles to preside over the remaining 56 h a l f T i t h i s o f t h e l u n a r m o n t h b e g i n n i n gw i t h t h e l a t t e r h a l f o f Suklapaksha Prathama. ct. frrgITqrRffiI gglftr$r!:IilwzT 4{ult: 4qTE 1
sqGqarr fqw;arr egnwgrif,riiorr rr ai q srsi *s Slnoq'*qo avr r rrrei afirq] isi!: stti firorr:s'qr( tl qss.rtqct iiiers{"i q{rrrrre: t {*rqlqi ci iaiE: qi qdc{iq rr qdiqrqi si gri qwqi q{'qmar t q{r{rcq? iiieagftqt E qia: rr trSi q1Fcqqrrt i*TXEiq ilt{ a I fuuiq ;Fwr;lq qgitccrr'.id: rr g-gsias-{-saicd-ii a'rw?ete t rq ageqt ari frrgi flgii nerrtl hwi lSitgx*nifir qrcunFAg ffqAE I q eS a 6rErii aur tr affi "g?it qe{l cedt *a ccT.ls6"r: cdtftdrt tl
,q,dh. xlil.
aDy of thc,g:gFrrfr (Dustthanas, ajz., tbe 6th, the gth or lZth); or thc planet occupying thc 5th house be similar.ly situatd or happeo to be the lord of any one of the three houses, viz., lhe 6th, gth or the i2th' one ought to declarechildlessnessas an inevitable resultHe ought to divine tbe source of the same by an examinatiorr of the particular deity, tree and animal represented by the sign occupied by that planet.
B4qlqgqrk{t{qq{rs}qrofr r s}qd,
gRRsil wrq frqfrtqdr Fgrq*qrroi {IqfaroiFar( aftfrsgeilqrgt fdqreqqa: lt
q-tsEplqqr6$ frqft: ii: ftffq1fift: rr qlil aail gtvnftt s{e {rT'rrirrtT hal qrqomqda gfot \alqm{ qi( r
st {9
hsrrn done to the hereditary Brahmin family'priest or thc dcstruc' tion (cutting asunder) of a tree full of fruits; if the trord of thc 5th or the planet posited therein be Venusg the ceu* df child' lessocss will be due to the cutting oft of a tree full of .flowcrs, or an iojury caused to a virtuous lady or to tho cow-kind or a sinful dced to people that ought to be rcvered; if Saturn be tha planol under advertance, it will be due to the destruction of an qrtttl (Aswatthe) trre or on account of Yama's ire or through tlepartcd Spirits, Goblins and the like ; if Rahu should occupy the gth,beu c bo ersociated with the lord of that house, it will be dnt to tb curce of a serpont; in the case of Ketu, it will bc owing to thc curso of a Br4hmin. if it be Mandi, it will be due to a cursc from departed Spirits. If Venus and the Moou in conjunction with Mandi should be in such a positiou, the cause will br attributed to the murder of a damsel or the killing of a cow. Tf Jupiter or Ketu in conjunction with Mandi be in tho 5tb bdfl, the son-lessnesswill be oo account of the murdcr of a Brehmin
ftE gtfrEtu
Tbus have been detailed the several sins accrued by oue's acti,ous in his many previous births and now revealed in his present nativity which lead to childlessaess and to ward off which and to secure a son persoDs versed in the Astrological sciencc have recommended (appropriate) particular Japas, gifts and such other good actions prescribed for the several planets.
Adh. XIII.
Slofrn 50. If the lord of tire 5th bhalva, Karaka. its the planetaspectinqth;tt bhava, and the on,: occupying it, own a g:ttttr (Dristthrna) or be wcak or be posited in (Dustthana), tb,: astrologer Inay prcdict the loss a gserrrr of a son during the ,Jasaor bhukti of rany or-re those of planets. But if these {our planetsbe srrong and benefic, in their dasa,bhtrkti a.nd antara, they lead t<_r acquiche sition of chrldren, tl'reir prosperity and thc favor of men in power. cf. mea'lhmr
gt 60
F i n d w h i r : ho f t h e f o l l o w i r : gi s s t r o n g: ( t ) ' l t r e l o r d o f t h e 5 t h o h o u s e( 2 ) , J u p i t e r ,( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) & l 6 ) I h c l o r d s r e s p e c t i v e l y f t h e (l) & (2). l)uring the Dasaor R a s i sa n d N a v a n r s a s c c u p f e d b y o of Apahara of this strong planet, ;rr:qr-risition a son is possible.
. Adh.xlu.
qR.riqtr rrftqrng.fifr
Slofra 51. If at any time Jupiter or Saturn moviog in their ceveralorbits arrive at the Rasi aod Navamsa indicatedby the total of the figuresthen for (l) the lcrd of the 5th bhava, (2) its K.rraka,(3) the planet occupying that bhava and (+) the one aspecting the same,they will causethe birth or dearh respectively of a lon to the perrbn concerned.
sL 46-5?
or be in its own, exaltation friendly anEar, the or astrologer may announce long life to the father.
q;qqFqgw+it{gsd frtdf*tE u \B tl
Sloka 54. When the lord of the 5th bhava and its Karaka is in a maleficor depression amsaand ic in conjunction with Saturn, Maridi or Rahu, the aetrologer may announcethe father'sunhappiness.
fr{wqrfrqderdr fteEurlrqs rl n \E
S/ota 56. A person will have the characterirtics of the father when born in a Lagna corresponding to thc l0th bhava of his fathcr. He will be dutiful to his father when his rising sign corresponds the 3rd bhava to in the father's horoscope.
itqrrrst qrdrftu{eqhc{Rt
\ a. \ a .o\ \--
Adh. xln.
orrr gt 4r qG {;qrttri}qoit-qgfr}fQe6sqru: I
This sloka appearsin dtit4.rG'. I should think that the three planets ulz., saturD, Rahu should ail be trosited in one or other of the two in both to bring :r.bout the eHect. I wo alone will not produce the fateful effect. Similztr rernark applies to given in the 2nd qti of the sloka. I\,Iars and bhavasor be able to the yoga
{Vedha,) sign in each c:rse is left unoccupred by any planet at the trnre of consideration. If there should be a planet in the \redha posrtron,hc Irres to nullrfy the orrginal eflecl' that would clther. r v r s e t e ' u l t , r n : t ) ' ,t : v c r r b r i n g a b o u t : r q u i t e c o n t r a r y e i l e c t s h o u l d be happeu to be strong at tirat tirrre. W h a t t h e s e s e ( \ , e d h . r ) p o s i t r o n sa r e , r v i l l b c c l e a r f r o m t h e f ollowing slolias frorn +,tsqdti'{{t
t-t T
tl # d.fr's"id;i&t'fi, tn-r$ffi,q}, *u'+-ii,it{.\ 1
rr",,t.r i t' i
.u,'!'lr )
ilarc llercury
-l slrr
I !
I Juniter
Vetruo I
! I
There rs no iq (Vedba) betrveen the lrather and the son. C o n s e q u e n t l y( l ) t h e M o o n a n d l l e r o r r y , ( Z ) t h e S u r r a u d S a t u r n , do not affect each other through Vedha. 'I'he Take for exarnple the uativity referrerl Lo rn p. 657. i I l o o n a t b i r t h i s i n l l e e n a . S u p p o s et i s r e q u i r e dt o h n d o u t r f t h e S u n ' s t r a n s i t t h r o u g hN l a k a r ai n . f a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y ! ' . 1 3 3w i l l prove propitious. X'Iakarahappeningto be the llth from l\leena (the Janma Iiasi), the Vedha sign for tl'reSun is the 5th from NIeena, that is, Kataka. This is not occupiedby any planet. So the good pecunrarygain, due to the Sun's Lransrtthro' lrlaliar* affects,'uee..
sl. 61-89
. v v v r v u v v ! r ! r v v v e v v v
r v v v v r ! v ! ! v v Y v v v ! v v v v v v v v i r ! ' w r
the llth housefrom the Moon will happenin their entirety. Simi' lar is the case with the other planets.
ll qt ll ftTtltgqtf,qrgR'3tqtqrdqHord
SloAir. 61. Examinethe strength of the Rasi aE well as the am:a occupied by the Sun. Find the stronger of thesetwo. When thc Strnoccupiesa Kona pooition from thence,the firther'sdeathmay be expected. By " similar processascertainrvhethcr the Rasi or the amsa occupiedby the Moon is stronger. The mother's death may be predicted with rcference tliereto, i, c. when thc Sun passes through the Kona of the amsaor Rasi that is stronger.
.ft qa q+Fgqhrtt*{qrnq{ lt ql ll
occupied S/olo. 62. Find the lord of the Navamsa and Dwadasamsa by cheSun. Find next the Navamsa occupiedby thc planetfound. When the Moon passeg found, the deaths and through the Navam.sa Dwadasamsa will take place. respectivelyof the mothcr artd fatirer
qrdhqffiriq{ lq-{i$rwort ll ql ll
Slola. 63. [f, wherr the Sun occupies a g!ili, a peraon hau his birth in tl^e Dwadasamsaoi Simha or Meena he lnust iravc causedthe death of his father prior to coming into the world.
Norps" For ttre sarueeflect the followiug is another yoga quoted in
..i I6{'i{Q o
tri ecqrre tqfqi eigai{irqt r qrftd ttn"eu'rgagi ililRrdiilgil tri aafiiq+sffi ilKr<r q n EBtl ani
Slola. 64. Subrract the figuresfor the Sun from those for Mandi. The resrrh will iudicate a cerrain Raei and amsa. When Saturnpasses throughthe Kona of the Rasi found, the fatherof the person concerned will fall ill ; deachwill supervencwhen Jupiter passeg through the amsafountl alrcady. Add the figures for to Yamakantaka thosr for the Sun. Thc result will give a certain Rasi and a Navamsa. When Jupiter paEoes through that Rasi or its Trikona, rhe father of the person concerned will fall ill ; and hc will die when Jupiter passes throrrghthe amsaforrnd.
Nol:r:s. 'llre Tlris sioka al)pearsin lrtd4;{FT. lrd qt( tlrr:re rcedr thu: :
*t ftrtd fi +( igndfhdrorrlE\ tl tt
Slohu, 65. When thc Sun or the \4oon occupies a Kendrain a moveable sign, [he son will not burn thc father'sor mother's corpsehimseif. lf cheSLrnor the Moon occupyinga Kendra b: in a dual sign, th: death and burning will not be in the uame period of time. qqlq't-r.TrqFr cf .
sl. 66-68
u qs tl
S l o k o . 6 7 . I f t h e l o r d o f r h e 5 t h b h a v ao c c u p y a g!(crrd be in the invisible portion of the hemisphere, or the personborn will have a rather dull understanding. But if the planet in question be associated with Mercury or Iupiter in a Kendra or Kona oosition and have strength,the person born will be-incc,rigent andfcapable rtf shrewdly guessing the thoughtsof others (bv their geotures artd other expressivcsigns)
Adh. XIII.
Slohu. 69. When malefic planets occupy the 5th and the 4th bhavas and when the former bhava ig in a without being acpected by or in maleficShashtyamsa the pcrson born will conjunction with beneficplanets, ouffer from heart,degeage.
qqEr{qtfrei qs}t'g{ttr* t
Urr*wt{gh qft} tq$itrf ll uo 11
.Slofta. 70. When the lord of the 5th bhava is in a beneficamsaand Mars occupyinga Kendra is in conjunction with benefic planets' the person born will ever devorehimself to rhe dutiesof hospitalitv rnd the relief of the hungry and the famished'
il qq q$il{s'oq ll
t gt trrtt drqftst dit tililrfiriqq qdr;firrgd olrrwqflqfr Rg.gEsdt
r S l o k a 7 1 . A n a s t r o l o g e o u g h tt o d i v i n e d i s e a s e e ' bad habits and hurts that a p.rsorr may have, enemies, from the 6th bhava and Mars' What relrtes to has diseases beentreatedalready (Vtde Adhyayas V' & VI). When Jupiter is in the 6th bhava, the person will overcomehis enemies. lf che lord of concerned the 6th bhava and Mercury be in conjunction with Rahu and connectedin someway with the lord of the Iagna, the personconcerned will be impotent' Mars occupving the 6th bhava together with lord of the to Lagna will produce damage the organ of generation by an ulcer.
sl, 7s-?3
,t. nrdifr'(a
lqkdsrqrq: Norrs.
eTR.rqqrqft*rq{nG"qtflgE{tlffi. I irr
qgilGqgqqrtTt qilI{gf4ar-qtrqlflrr :
For the Znd ,nt, cf, ,Trtquoted by <oU4 in his fprcq.
rign, be inimical to the lord of the Lagnaand have no strength, the person born will have to associate with of the enemies his father's party. But when the Sun irt the 6th bhava is fritndly to the lord of the Lagna and in a friendly sign and has attainedits own, cxaltation say or friendly varga, the person concerned, the sages, will be distinguished among his relatives for being unhurt by enemies.
Sl. ?6-77
.";;; ;'.
, tr;;,; ;;";";";;;".*t
beoefic, then the effect will be wealth of cattle, horses and other beastsof burden, royal food with condimentr of of every sort and the disappearanee ailmenteand enemies.
urr g.ii enqrqtqrfr qfd h;(ffi ErqdT I ilgrrq. afrdi qd{rfbfi nR egaqtw{Gani
Sloha 76. If two out of the three planetsmentiotl' ed in the preceding sloka be exceedingly beneiic and 'Irikona or the l tth bhava in great occupy a Kcndra, of strength, tlrey will quickly causethe disrppearance etc., spokcn of before. If even one among them diseasc, be very strong, the trouble froln ulcers, enemiec, etc' will operate only to a small extent; and all that war said about the evils be:etting the bhavas of which the planetsundcr cortsidcrationare thc Karakas rvill be belied or rcplaccdbY haPPiness.
iro+ geQitqgefrrguqi qrcs Rqr t qui q+& sit qrgoqqafreerg,qq ll urrrt e ffilrqq fttri qrfr gEtii q+{ tt \e\e
Stohu 77. A malefic planet in conjunction with the lord of the 6th bhava in the Lagna afflicts with an ulcer or vsound the person concerned;in the 5th bhava, his father or Bon or both ; in the 4th, his mother; in the ?th, his wivee; in the 9th, his maternal uncle; in the 3rd, his youngerbrother; in the llth, his elder 106
Adh. XIII.
brother; and lastly, if the malefic planetappearin the 8th aEEociared with the lord of the 6th, the person concernedwill suffer from pain in the anus. NorBs.
This sloka as well as the next one are in "ild4ir.d.
olur dtlr
Bloka 78. If the planet capable producingthe of ulcer be the Sun, it will break our in the head if ,t," , Moon, in the |ace; if Mars, in the neck; if Mercury in the lower part of the navel; if Jupiter be in such a position,there will be exemption from aiiments. lf Venus be eimilarly situated, the consequence will be 6ore-eyet. Saturn as well as Rahu in thc position abovedescribed produceflatulencc, and Ketu, disease of the stomach. The lord of the Lagna aspectedby or associated with Mercury and occupylng a sign belong, ing to the sameplanet (in the 6th bhava) generates an ulcer in the privities. cf . T(r{(
qsrft,irsfE qnAet qTscqsh I fF,lf,, qoii,ref{ #rurqscq{fqfu:tl f,qT qd fQqrfaqrqwEa<i*rr,+rigm: 1 qqlftqgdTqrfr wergdT qfa u iqrqfr asiil"qq'fqrqqftqjqqqr Fgil q gQ *,oi *qq iq ifqg n
SJofta81. When the lord of the 6th bhava is in a g:trrn (Dustthana)and is depressed,eclipsed or in an of inimical sign, and the lord of the Lagnais possersed should divine the d,' "l''lction strength,a wige asrrologer of all enemies. Norps.
tg-ff(qr(I{( says Inlthis connection compare what the author of about this bhava:
Adh. )ilrl.
qimTil g:Fqngrrdtg* qif*ii} il {trAE a$qTe Ed qGg,rflflai 1l3T6d-{i | qq+qgt{il ? qqfrR rqr ft'rgm,g}Aa Ed'{Bre}{rqgrag'ii o-oe;,Rirdq rl
vuEiafigf{nqf{qr: qhmeerfq,ir ?rqqJF,mrqmi r efsgfug qqFnR qeU"aglqol;qlqfirqgeqil-n, rr qq ftqt Gqrisfi str agmrA cqrFaR flqfiqrqpqilqr, I agrail R gtqr rzgw gai*)a. qrf-l rF}r qq<ilfi, il rtr;ar
Su ntgol.nd REmiatft.ar
ll Hrgr[eT{TTiiltttb"{FT: tf
Adhyaya XtrV.
1 . g r , -g L r l I ] I I A V A S , THE EIrFE(]TSOIr 'lutr 7'ru, flTlt ,t\u
l l q q { T f r ql i { s o q f l f
* cn?Tglirwrrntq df+r;qlqttffrr( qfbsi v* gegr*rg{arrrqqd q qqai( t tf cttt:inlqqf ft{i qqq.tilR'..Tiqr (en
qirq ffiiki
Slok"t l. It is frorn the ?ch bhava that an astro_ loger can divine all about any journey a person mav undertake, his sons. his wives and his .nioym"ni. what has beensaid in rcsardto scn'sworrdry comfort or misery as the effect accruing from the preceding bha_ vas may also be predicted from this bhava.When V.nu, is in the 7th bhava or the rord thereof is in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, the person born will become an adulterer. But this effect does nor follcw when the ?th bhava is a benefic sign and is also occupied or arpected by Jupiter, cf . crdfrnr<rr
Also sfliFfitq
Adh. xlv.
gr0wwfl g qrqg{tqrifkteeil
ilqqr{rfr fttq dRt qrqdinqqtr slrq{ grfiefiftNgt qmritaterqtq n R tl
S | o h a Z . I f t t r el o r d o f t h e ? t h b h a v ao c c u p y i n g a ![:anrt(Dustthana)be in a malefic house aud aspected with a maleficplanet,the effectof thc by or associated 7th bhavawouid be irut m':diocrc. If theseconditi,rns be reversed,the effrct of the bhava would be wholly auspicious. If the lord of the 7th bhavabe in conjunction with Venus and occupya malefic sign,the person born will be lustfully inclinbd; if it be in a benefic by ic with or aspected a benef planet, sign and associated get a white umbrellawhich the person concerned will ra the emblemof royalty. NorBs.
are in This andthe next threeslokas (RrclKl-{tt ^ \ -d1,1;n{d.
sl. g
qg: firrTqrTritrftgfiqFnrFqilq iFfti-q'ioqs lGzrdi) {diqdisfq qG qr s*afka'ti\: r qlqR: Rqgrfqar fbrgnoit*i flqq*eiltdtrtilri]{aagilirs rqz: feu: 11
orftqar fia+.eru3irrlr:H{sr qG flqgifi.l:t nra: q{a'igtil: $qrrif grlftrada dqT qqq ll qng+ uf| erwra: q{efig{d: afl-rfiq] $qrif I
qltfi,tfrt qrg(r{iFd tl +dnfi.irlq;,zqruq titq&rr,iiq+us'rr.i E:Frrrrirt tr<u.i Ulr{ I et ga Eriq.q.itil-.rqf,iil{ giqi .Tqfh n
sl. 6
cf ' ftrrc
rrruqqi:qr\:qftil{trt fru+t r
r 1i San,itdqid' goil qi&neqR: qftw",iqf}etlqq {te{Fqadqi rr qr\: frft A{rd\ {td I cralrqrflFi: et{tai rrcfril, q}s fisfiir qlq rr
Alm c'd(lft{r
in which the Moon is be either occupied or aepected by l>oth male and female planets, ehe will be of a mixed a6pect.
fuir {r qirrrfi Rarrr( {rqwi ffq{ {r {TTrq I qrn ilCi *qarcttr EsT qrdql qfftn tt,ett il
SloAtr 7. tf the ?th bhava from the Lagna in the caseof males,or the lst bhava in the caseof women, be either in Mars' house or amsa and if the planet own, ing the amsaof the ?th bhava be either w,:ak or eclipee.J, the woman concerned rvill be a servant mard or will becomevrciousin her vonth, arrd will bt: a[xn6nnedbv her husband.
qft gqi{Rr{ft ffiorrdl gtfkt qrwi sorq I qqi{rh g{uqrqirnleilil qltdi qde c {rsqln d tl
S/;Aa 8. If the ?th or the lst bhrva adverredto in the precedingslol<abe in thc Rasr or amsa o{ e beneficplanct,thc wife rvill be virtr:ous; rf ,rspcctcd by bene{icplanets also,she rvill be ami.rble th.: ffiof,rr. all tf the bhavabc in thc Rasior arnsrowned by the N{oon without strerrgth,the womair wili cause the deatiroi her husband but if the Moon he strong, shc will bc a ; faith{ul wifc.
sr 10-11
nchaste; (2) in its , pla own or exaltationhouse and aspectedby a benefic or net, shewill be virtuous; aoC (3) in its depression malefic inimical houseor in a state of eclipse or in a or Drekkana termed a'i'Sarpa, qig{-Pakshin, {rfl-Pasl' hrre-Nigada, (Vide supra Adhyaya r'1,sloka 55) or in-a position foiming the t{ii{ Riksha sandhi, the wife either insentinentor widowed' will become
g{wrmraq t ilS qqi Ru'{tqur 'sqgumsii q $rd qd$Id-mEtt ll $qiqnuqarsRrt{ift {qrersdlll t "
SloAa 10. lf the lord of the Lagna be in the ?th the bhava and in conjunction with e b:nef ic planet, But personborn will get a wife born of a good farnily' fu ,n. 7th blrava occupiedby the lord o[ th: Lagna be a mrlefic sign, the wife will be a base-bornwoman' Her bue, form, attributes, fcatures etc' tht astrologer should declare from those prescrib:d for the sigrt constitutingthe ?th bhava. The woman finds pleasure are in the man whose features in conformity with those of the planet impelling her to evil coutses'
Adh. xlv.
wqrtstfraTqt ftturrn**tsgerlr rr n
Sloka LZ. If the Tth bhava be occupied by lvlars, tbe wife will die ; if by Sarr:rn,she will be ,Jisliked by her husband; if by Raliu, rhe husband ,vill take ro sromennot hie owr, a'd wiil fi.d no delight in bis wife and will have ro chird bv her becauseof the ahsence cohabitationwith her. of
,\loku 13. If the 7th btravabe in ttre ae (Dhuma), personborn will have no marriage if it be in ordr ; (Karmuka),he or his wife will die ; if in qftic (paii veeha) wife will be ill-be haved; if in Ketu, she the will be barrenbut virtuous.
Sloku 14. If the ?th bhava be in oro (Kala), tbe personborn wiii be wifeiess. if a marfic pianeu te in that bhava,the wife wiil have miscarriase.If it be occu. pied by the Moon getting full, she will be virtuous and bring forth children. \
Sloka t5. lf Mercury be in the 7rh bhava, che wife will beargood offspring; if Jupirer,she wiil be virtuousand haveexcellent progeny. If the 7th bhava be occupied Venusin srrengrh, wife wiil eniov by the a happywedded life anclwill be highly proEperous.
sL 18-17
sL t8-r0
Slola 18. If a malefic planet occupy the 7tb or 8ih bhava and Mars be in the t2th, and if the lord fie thereof be invieible, tbe personborn will have anotha wife. NorBs.
Tho followrng sloka from qa*fu{l having two wives: gtvos some rnorc yogae fot
lf Venus and the Moon are in opposition to Niars and Saturn in any nativity, the person concerned will be either wifeless or issueless; when there is a hermaphrodite planet in the 7th houso, and the llth house is occupied by two planets, the person will have two wives. If the lord of the 7th house:lnd Venus be each posited in a dual Rasi or Amsa, the person will have two wives, Generally one ought to predict the number of wives in such cascs through the number of the planets in t'onjunction with those two riz.. the lord of the 7th and Venus'
Adt XrV.
*-ffi*fr Efttdqitee{,ft t
Sloka 7I. Wben the lord of the 7th bbavaoccupyrnga Kendra or Kona is in its own, eraltation, oi by friendly sign or is aspected the lord of the l0th perronborn will be associated with many bbawa, the wiver.
sa;n{trdl sqftikfrlqt t *d
Sloka 77. When the lord of the ?th bhava is in a Kendra and is aspectedby a benefic pianet or is in a benefic Navamsaor Rasi, the wife will be devoted to the observanceof vowr
fiiftt N
Sloftc 13. tf the lord of the ?th bhavabe Mercury or with a in a depression inimical vargaand assocrated planet,and if it also c.cupy the 6th or the Erh rnalefic bhava, in the midst of two malefic planets and aspected
st. 24-26
and planel, the wife will kill her hucband by a nnalefic ruin his familv' NorES.
This as well as slokas25, 26, 27, 28,29t 30,31, 32,34, 37 3 8 ' 3 9 , + 0 , 4 1, + 5 & . + a r e i n s f i T 4 , t.G f 'Ihe same efiect is ascribed to a different yoga in fRtt<f
{osfrqtrqrir$q.rrrq tl
Sloka 26. How many weak planetsthere may be that are in conjunction with the lord of the ?th or of the Znd bhava and are at the sametime the lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhava ( g:un-Dustthana), so many will be the wives to be destroyed by them. The more there are benefic strong planetsassociatedwith the lordg of the two bhavacabove named,the more will be the wives with whom the person born will live happily. If a single planet possessinggreat srrength be associated with the lord of the ?th or of the Znd bhava, the personconcernedwill have but one wife. NorEs' cf. wo{tfrmr
sl. 27
Also cf. ciliTfi(<r
*t o{rasqfttshqu{i fr'{ri{t(
Sloha 27. Add together the f igures for the lorde of the Lagna and the ?th bhava. Find the Rasi, etc., indicated by the result. When Jupiter traverses the Rasi, etc., above fo':nd, the astrologer may predict a person's marriage. The time of marriage may also be determined in the same way in respect to the total of the figures for the ruler of the stars occupied by the Moon and the lord of the ?th bhava. If the Navamsa occupiedby Jupiter belongto a friend, the person concernedwill have but one wife. tf the amsain'question be Jupiter'sown, the number of wiveg will be 2 or 3If the amsabe that of Jupiter's,exaltation,the perroq will be the lord of many wives. concerned
Norps. According to qodiqfi the probable time for marriage is thus : ascertained
of the planet (l) posited in the 7th house, or (2) aspectingthe 7th house. The same may also happen when the lord of the Lagna in his orbit cornesto the Rasi signifying the 7th house.
It is, perhaps, implied here that each succeeding alternative is to be resorted to when the preceding one is found to be not pro' m i s i n g b e c r u s e o f t h e w e a k n e s s ,e t c . , o F t h e p l a n e t c o n c e r n e d '
S/oAa 30. lf the planet powerful for producing ic marriage beneficand in a benef house, it will bring be of commencement its Dasa. on the h"ppy event at the ic, lf the planet,being itself benef shouldoccupy a male' fic house, the marriage and other such h.ppy eventg wiil takeplacein the middle of its Dasa. If the planet and the house it occupiesbe both malefic, the event in question will happenat the end of irs Dasa. But if the plan:t in question occupy a b:nefic house and be in conjunction with a benefic planet at the sametime, ito for good will prevail during the whole of its influcnce Dasaperiod.
| aq gt;qtw q i[-sToIrT{
is whenthe Moon and Jupiteroccupya Kendra.
ilsr6t ueftibr{q(dr sailqild uiq r oqrfiilfr uffirq*grtriu* tq{r qt {TI qtqq:qrEwurt ntq fru: n QR rct tl
.S/oln 32. An auspicioustime for men'smarriage (other than what has been mentioned before)occurs in the yearof their lifc indicated by the numbermadeup of 8 and thc figure dcnoting the order from Mesha ol the sign representing 7rh bhava: this year b:ing in the the natureof things subsequent the investiturewith to the sacredthread generally preceding marriage (in the caseof the twice-born class). Add the figures for the lordg of the Tth and the tst bhavas and find our the Rasi and amsa indicated by the sum total. The girl born in the Rasi and amsathus found is the one to win the heart of the person concerned. The husband,elect must equallyprove acceptable the wife. to
country of the bride will bc that of the lord of the 7th bhava from venus' Norss.
According to Mantresrvar:r, the direction of the country of the rvife will be that signified by the ltasi orvrted by any one of (2) owning the the three planets, viz., (l) occupying the 7th house 7th house and (3) Venus. Cf,
ifirrrFq{rqTfqqqlfieriru4i {infa ds q-.ql: ll fst q*fqfrd{Fqrrft.qir EI a.l{tlq{:I g.Fclfi{di qrfqqitaq firilsqqt tt ;na1Fqq ndin+s affra2;t{q 1;zit EI I qsEffi,oa f<qarawa tqtsatqt*l qfi d'is tt gileqfi fift"q qitqqm, du g r nrqffrqlR(rqitqinot;q+,af+qit rt
qit ta Eqt uq{ qgfg qrrfa{i r sTft+riqq ftqr.gqg+ fiilqa,tt qsrEitl:wta ngatGtr{ilq-dl r an*+g+uafi*q.tt Bt)ilorftqsn;qi I af{.'fr ql{saq: *S tg solfq+q ;o*qfAqtat:lt qi\nrFqnrr{nif
erqqr g{frgffrnrifluqt fqR;ah t
qilqqfFquittftnwndn'rq tt
U ll qCdb{nTildd+rr:
wr{riliwqft qarilGI I qG rh t-.qr-wawqo{fr eqregfis(! qis ll 18 ll
Stoka 34, Mars occupyingthe 2nd, the 12th, the
\ ilrcccrftrrt
Adh. xlv.
wife. If Mars occu, py the sameporition in respectto the horoscopeof the wife tp be selected, the planet will prove injurious to the husband.
ffi!$grqrf,i \
R qrfiqnfaqiqqgrt*sft fi |
ilretrfrqqnrga{efrtft gfq{Gsil{ n tQ rr
Slota 36. If there be maleficplane1s the 2nJ as in well as in the ?th bhava,thcy causedistressby bringing about a bereavement of the wife. If tfe pers(\)n conjoined in wedlockro a woman born in a yoga cernedbe such as has been describedabove,he lives possessed oi children,wealth and other blessings.
Sl. g8-39
t v vvvvvvvv : ! l g v v vvv
rgtdt qrrt
vv-vvvvvvvvvv!vv r g !!1.'/.#
Great astrologers have recognised the Rasi occupied by the q'T(It?r lord of the 7th bhava in the husband's horoscope as the (Janmarasi) his wife. The exaltation and the depression signs of as of the lord of the 7th bhava in the male horoscope well as the the 7th bhava forn.r the t:onstituent parts of the triad re' Rasr of presentingU1g"r;q{tfr (Janmarasi) of the +oa (.Katatra) or wife.
Slofta 38. If the Sun be in the 7th bhava,the wife will have breastsexceedingly strong. when the lord of the 7th bhavaoccupiesa Kendra in conjunction with Venus, she will have a Jupitt:r, the Moon, Mercury or tro"d and awellirrg bosom; i{ Mars appear in the ?th bhava,her bogom will be shrunken' If the 7th bhava be occupied by Mandi, Srturn, Rahu or Ketu she will have fat pcndent breaste. If Dhuma and other invieible planetsbe in the ?th bhavaor if the lord thereof occupy will bc ill-shapcn. her breasts a g:wra (Dustthana).
perEon'E birth, the object of hie love and dalliance will be r barrenwoman; if the Moon, a womanof the same claosas himself; if Mars, it will be a woman in mens, truation or a barren wedded wife ; if Mercury, a courtezan if Jupiter,a womanof Brahmanic extraction; ; if Venus,he will havea liaison with a womanalready enceinte. If the planet occupying the ?th bhava be Saturn,Rahuor Ketu, the objectof his affectiono will be a low,bornfemale one in her periode. or
*i St+{riqrcqit Rql
S/oft"240. lf the Sun occupy the 4rh bhava the person born will prelerably have the society of his wife housein a forest region ; if it be the Moon, in a pleasure room in his own residence;.if Mars, a snug place a fine encloaedby walls; if Mercury, a theatre or similar placeof public entertainment; if Jupiter, a temple ; if Venue, a retreat in water ; if Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, the favourite haunt of the deity fuflgt (Hariharaputra) as described the offspring of Siva and Vishnu conjoined,
grtir rqqftsqitgt qrqlfqiqert qTqrftsut{t smqh qr* mu{rriqrq t qqgfi gkffiqlfr S EI grd uru6grqft
Sloha 41. If lr,fars occupy a Navamsa owned by Venus in the ?th bhava, and if the lord of that bhava be in the 6th, the perEon born will suffer bereavement
sL 42-44
in the deathof his weddedwife. If the planet occupy, with iog the ?th bhava be the Sun, he will be bleseed wife and wealth. If the lords of the Znd and the 7th with Venus in a g,wn (Dustthana) bhavas associated be he or in the 3rd bhava, will have the ill.luck to loceso manywives ; but if the lords of those bhavas strong, be his wife will continue aliveduringhis life time.
ET d{q ffftnwtugqFEt I
, It will be moist i[ the Moon occupying the ?th bhava by be aspected Venus; but if the Moon in the position ic vrith a malef planet, it will be describedbe associated void of moisture.
sr 4?-48
th place be prede t minant in strength and unaspected by or unassociated with malefic planets,the wife dies simultaneouslywith the husband. Her death will occur during the period of the dasa or qcEK (Apahara) of a fte (Ch.idra) planet @ide Adhyaya 5, slokas 52-53) with referenceto the ?th bhava,when Saturn occupiesthe Rasi ascertained to be fatal to the wife through the Ashtakavarga of Venus (vide Adhyaya 10) an.J when Jupiter ig in a owned bY this fatal Rasi. Navarnsa
$gegilt qrtrdqr|qti t
{E gfuf\ilq qrcfir.Trgtftu Be tl
Sloka 47. If the lord of the 7th bhava attaining a crRqra (Parijatha) or a higher varga occupy a benefic by with Jupiter, the placeand be aspected or associated will have at his mealsfood of a refined and personborn by excellentsort accompanied such appetiaingeubstances milk and seasoned as curd, honey,clarified butter, sauce, ind he u'iil in ,rcidirion e blessed ith a b r:ondiments; w r:harmingirelpmate.
11 ll sTeTlwrileffircq
effirtdsoiqqft ftqi{ri q{$ g{s I qeqrga{qisqqr ftgqt qrqriR {;Ht
life as affected by the untoward .rr"rt, due to ihe positions of the lords of the l st, the 10th arrd the gth bhavasand of the planet Saturn; but as it crops up again in connection with fka (Nidhana) or the gth bhava now under treatment, it is to ba dealt with once more If the lord of the 8th bhava being associated with a maleficplanet occupy the l2th or the 6th bhava, the person concerned will be short-lived. The same effect is produced when the lord of the gth bhava being weak happens be 4ssociatedwith the lord of chl to Lagna in one of the two bhavasabove-named (zie. the 6th or the l2th).
NolBs. For things to be deducedfrom the gth bhava, aide the following from (t) qraa,cd.
1;q6s141;f,fEi dlr-q+ar{ea;arRfrq{r gaiil rTRq qrqt iqqx tt E qo-e ds fq: fiar rTr
Q) qki+rrrror
aqf,rilil;dtqFqgi'in<i Erg: es.t tfa sqq.r 5-spu1d *qfrq qr*anmrflqr fld+H: tt sier
the lst and the 8th bhavagin a Kendra, a Trikona or the llth bhavalead to long life. But if they be weak and in conjunction with Satrrrn,the astrologer may declarelife to be ehort; Norps.
T h i s ' r s w e l l a s s l o k a s5 2 , 5 3 , 5 4 , 5 5 , 5 6 , 6 0 & 6 - j a r e f o u n d i n
S / o A r r5 1 . I f t h e l o r d o f t h e , g t h b h a v a b e i n g in conjunction with a maleficplaner occupya malefic (Dustthana--6th, gth or tzth), the life sign or Grrqrc of the person concerned will b: short But if the planet owning the 8th bhavabe associotedwith o, by a benefic one or occupya beneficsign or".p.cted gth t^he bhava rtself, the life of the person born will be long.
xlv. Adh.
Stoka 52. If the lord of the Lagna be in the 8th bhava or if the lord of the latter bhava in conjunction by with or aspected a maleficplanet become invisible by its too great proximity to the Sun or be in the 6th bhava,the penon born will be void of vitality. But if the lord of the Sth place from the Lagna be in its exalta' tion or in conjunction with a beneficplanet or in a Kendra or a Trikona or in the Sth bhava itself, the personborn will be blessed with long life' The eame by will be the casewhen the rising sign is occupied its lord.
onrrs{arfqt {Efr qd fiilgr gdi ui{r} qR Gqqqqiir* *-nttrfr iqw t qtqrfrEqdtre] ssquar;t wr{ gut
Sloha 53. If thc lord of the 12th bhavafrom the Lagnaoccupy a q&a (Swakshetra)and be strong' the p"r-ronborn will live long in comfort' The sameeffect are iollows when the iords of the lst and the Sth bhavas strong and occupy a Kendra. If Venus, Mercury or place or the 10th Jupiter occupy or aspi:ctthe Ntloon's from the sign of conceptionor birth or from the 8th wiil enloy healthand long bhava,the personconcerned life.
Sl. d4-66
6th, the 8th or the 12th bhava, the aatrologer nrY (t) predict the demise of the person concerned during the dasa and bhukti of the lord of the 8th bharn; or (8) during the dasaof the planet owning the Rasi occupied by Saturnwhen the bhukti of the lord of the 8th bharn ic in progreEs or (3) during the dasaof the lord of the ; 8th bhava when the bhukti of the planet next in order of to tbe aav (Randhrapa-lord the 8th bhava) is takiog place-the questionof " which of the three alternatives ia to be chosen as applicableto any particular case " dependingupon a nice balancing the etrensthaod of weakness the severalplanetsconcerned. of
{wrrlrrcrqf}rarqrfirqqt Tqr( n \\ tl
S/o&a 55. If the lord of the Lagna occupy the 6th, tbe 8th, or the l2th bhavain conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, the fatal daea to the person born is that of the planet which is associated with the lord of the Lagna or of the Sth bhrva. (If there be no planeteo aesociated) the dasaof the planet owning the Rasi occupied by the lord of the Lagna or the 8th bhava will prove fateful. The death of the person concerned will occur during the bhukti and apahara of Rahu in the fatal dasa when Rahu takes precedence other planetsin ripening that of portion ol the fatai dasa.
rQ iig;gqfe nqsqd ur I
Sloha 57. If the lord of the 8th bhavaoccupy the s&rDrthe person born will suffer from ailment during the dasaand bhukti of the lord of the 8th bhava. If the Lagna be occupied by its lord, the dasaand bhukri of the latter will bring on bodily suffering; but the person concernedwill survivc in eachcase, regain health and be happy. If the lord of the 8th bhava be strong, the dacathat brings on death is that of the lord of che Lagna.
aod the 8th bhava. Surviving thia, he will haveexceed ing happiners. In the casein which the lord of the Lagnais strong, the death of the personconcerned will occur during the dasaof the lord of the 8th bhava.
Sloftrr 59. If the lord of the Lagna identrcal witF' the lord of the 8th bhava be strong and occupy a Kendra or Trikona position, the person born will suffer from diseage be exposedto public censureduring the or dasa of the planet if &oy, aesociated with the lord aforesaidof the Lagna and the 8th bhava. If the lords of the Lagna and the 8th bhavas occupy a Kendra or Trikona in conjunction with another planet, the person will surely have his demise during the dasaof the planet if any occupying the 8th bhava.
rqffi(q} ud q FE qiq il Qo tl
Sloftzr60. But if there be no planet in the 8th bhava (in the case considered in the latter part of the previoussloka),the deathof the personconcernedehould be divined by meansof the planet occupving the Lagna. The event will happenduring the dasaof the last-nentioned planet when Saturn arrives in its progress through the orbit at the Lagna or the 8th bhava. lf the
Adh. )(V.
, with other planets,then find out which of the agaociated planeto is weak ; and it is during the dasaand bhukti of this weak planet that the aetrologer should declareas probable the death of the person concerned.
{qmt-dfdnM FE fA"A,ufr r
St 6g-6t!
Sloka 62- If the lords of the 9th, lst and 4th bhavas should occupy a Kendra or Trikona, the aager say the mother of the pergonbcrn will followithe father in death during the dasaand bhukti ofone of these pla, nets (which one of them 7 should be determined from other sources). lf the Moon in the 8th bhava be associatedwith Mars, Saturn or Rahu, the person concerned will become liable to epilepsy, and death conseguences will result from that disease. The sarne follow if the Mcon on the wane be associated with the above mentioneciplanets. NorBs. Cf. V-- 8t' supru. Cf. eei*iiq;mfir
gol qqr aeqftqrffiItfter Rarggft q {r(: tl rh qt{I* rfharug* {ti rawrrg6: sqt I
Stofrc 63. When the Moon is in the 2nd or the 8th bhava, the personborn will be liable to excesgive perspiration. If Mars occupying the l0th bhava be associated with Mercury, the person's body wilt emit foul smell. When a_malefic planet occupying the 8th
Adh. xIV.
bbava ig aeeociated with another marefic planet, the person born will suffer from a multitude of discasee and dietractions. But if the planet occupying the gth bhava be benefic and be associatedalso with a benefic planet, the pereon concerned will live in ease and comfort.
qtnRsRwe {ftmEts
UirEi qiR ildqrnurqe
Sloha G4. When a person is born with a cfidEq rr&r (seershodaya Rasi) for the rising.sign, his death'will occur in the dasaand apahara the lord of the znd, lst of or of Rahu accordingas' the dilq+ (seershodaya) rising sign is moveable, immoveable of a dual kind. If the or Lagnabe a yii<< (Prishtodaya) Raqi, the death will happenduring the dasa and apahara of the rord of the Lagna,drekkanaif the Lagna be a moveable sign if it ; be an immoveableoD,the event will take plac-e during the dasaand apahara the pranetaspected rhe of by rord of the Lagna,drekkana; a dual Rasi, during the if dasa and apahara the planet in conjunction with the of rord of the Lagna,drekkana.
sl. 66-67
good works, strict observance of duty and general welfare. When the lord of the 9th bhava and Jupiter are in aurpicious vargas and the 9th bhava is occupied by a beneficplanet, the person born meetswith good fortune. Nores.
cf , ;tRFfitrrwl
qrqlsit gffiq{rit
Sloka 67. The fth bhavaoccupied aspected or by a benefic planetor its own lord recureEhappinecc to
Adh. xtv.
the persons concerned. The planet owoing the Rari occupied by the lord of the 9th bhava is the author of the good fortune mentioned above. It is the lord of the 9th bhava that maturesthe same. The lord of tbe 5th place from the 9th bhava ia its awakener. If tbese planetsbe in exaltation or in their own signs, they producelong,lastinghappinees.
gl. s-70
the by aspected its lord or a beneficplanet, personborn poseessed good fortune. If of doesaseuredlybecome the Moon or Venus be in the 9th bhava asauciated will become concerned the with a maleficplanet, person elders. If tddicted to women belonging to venerable by Jupiter(in the 9th bhava?) be aspected the Sun,the peroon concernedwill becomea lordly person; if ae' by pected Mars, he will be a minister; if by MercwY, he will be wealthy; if by Venue, he will command cavalry if by the Moon, he will be happy; and laetly ; of by if aepected $acurn,he will come into poceetsion md camels suchotherriding animale.
Norrs. quarterof the slcka, cf. qril{c For the second
gfr frErtil{rr+$sqd-{rft;rt;g}
ilqwr{a(ffir{r{qt frt oqr*flqtt a i tii r ftqrEr{F{ilcR go qteg nirrffi
gfrftsfi{iht italtq il} aqrqratlt so 11
Sloho 70. If Jupiter occupying the 9th bhavabe by aspected both the Sun and the Moon, the person con' of cernedwill be wise and in possession elephants, cowE,horses and wealth ; if by the Sun and Mare, he will have ?,oorrDlr vehicles and precious Etoneo if by ; himself with learn' the Sun and Mercury, he willamuse ed discussione and have abundance of wealth ; if by the Sun and Venue, he will be polite in his addrees.
?tr ll a
Adh. xlv.
sl. 73-?4
KffiEfrqqlirTrercrttqqsgr1ffifr I
g:r*lqr{mr$ti Rt rrrfrilrsflqr tf sl tt
Sloka 73. If the Moon occupying the 9th bhava be aspected Saturn, Mercury and Mars. the person by b o r n w i l l b e a k i n g ; t h e s a m e t h i n g h a p p e n sw h e n a planetin its exaltation in the 9th bhava is aspected by a benefic one. If the Sun in conjunctionwitli the Moon occupythat bhavr, the pcrson b,rrn will be wealthy but afflicted with Ophthalmia. lf the Sun and Mars be togetherin the gth bhava,the personconcerned rvill be i l l a t e a s ed i s p u t a t i o u sb r r t l i k e d b y k i n g s . , .
qrfr kgg( {qil{gdrgretwrr{s ttfl enr nrltta gt ftqfq{rsft ed ftT{rd t e'qr ftrit grgil tfr qriagi iqil gite E
q;( RI.TFFF(i g GTA{iE;itt ll WIRTITIiTI{ s8 ll
S l o k u 7 4 I f t h e S i t na n d M e r , . : u r ye p p e a ri n c o n , junction in the 9th bhava,the person born will hav.: enemies, will be unhappy.rndaiways suffering numerous from someailrneirt. It the Sun in the qth Frhavabe born will be wealthy essociated with Jupiter,'theperEon a and do what will please father. If the planet in conjunction with the Sun in t,re 9th bhavabe Ventte, the effectof it on the person born will be to make him sick. But if chcSuir arrd Saturn occrrPYthe 9th bhava wiil be ailing ae a father together,the peraonconcerned ancithat ilom a stomachic complaint. If there be the Moon and Mars associatedtocether in the gth bhava,
Adh. xrv.
born will perpetrate matricideand will have the peroon his to renounce wealth.
Sloha 75. If the Moon and Mercury be together in the 9th bhava,the person affecred by the yoga will be eloquent and conversant with many sciences. If Jupiter occupythe 9th bhava in conjunction with the Moon, the perron born will be firm.minded, illustrious and prosperous. When the Moon and Venus are in the 9th bhava,the pereon concerned will have a strum, pet for his wife and will be in favour with his step, mother. If tbe Moon in the 9th bhava be associated with Saturn, the peroonborn will be void of all religiouo merit and hie mother will be caBr out of hic hmily.
ghq kqqftr F{ $}-{rElftid m! | iqqt qr{i rdtrer di qr-gwT{i{t tt fitt mwd\i qgqitit{r{ qdi qFEal \eqtl
Sloka 76, If Mare andMercury betogether the in in 9th bhava, personborn will be learned the eacred the to and bookganddevoted pleasure ease if Mars combine ; with Jupiterin that bhava, will the person concerned be wealthyand respected.The effectof Marr being with Venus in the 9th bhava is that tbe aseociated pcraonborn wrli irave two wives and will be an ex-
sl. ??-?8
pounder of law in a foreign land. If the planetcombining with Mars in the 9th bhava be Saturn, the influence of the yoga on the person born is to makehim wicked and addictedto women not his own. When Mercury and Jupiter are found rogerher in the 9th bhava, the person born will be keen-witted, wise, wealthy and learned. Norrs.
Iror the 2nd qK, c/. first quarter of sloka 5, supro,
Sloha 77. When Mercury and Venus combine in the 9th bhava,the peraonborn will be wise, devoted to music and pleasure, and learned; when Meicury and Saturn are found together in rhat bhava, the pereon concernedwill be sickly, surprssingin wealth. but un_ truthful ; when Jupiter and Venus occupy the 9rh bhava together,their influence on the personborn will b e t o m a k eh i m l o n g - l i v e da n d e x c e e d i n g l y r o s p e r o u s ; p when lupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in the 9th bhava,the person born will cuffer from djseaee will and be rich in jewels; when Venus is aseociated ith w Saturn in that bhava,the person born will becomea king's corDpeer.
phan and have an impaired limb , if three planets occupying the 9th bhava be the Suo. the Moon and Mercury, the personborn will be cruel and engaged in forbidden actt ; if the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter be found togethetin the 9th bhava, the person will enjoy much ease and will be rich in vehicles.
qnqdrftateqtrffi' utqiftfrqtrn{ |
Sloirr 80. ii the Sun and Mars appearin conjun' crion wich Venus in che9th bhava, thc effect of the
'ogaon the person born will be to make hin disputa, ioue,irritable and rakishly inclined to the seduction of vomen. If the Sun and Mars be associated with Saturn, he personbcrn wiil be friendlessindigent and will be, ,omea parricide If the planetsin thc 9th bhava be the iun, Mercury and Jupiter, the person born will be a o1'alfavourite and own large wealth. If the Sun, Mer:ury and Venus be together in that bhava, they will nakethe person born equal to a king ; if the planet :ombiningin the 9th bhava with the Sun and Mercury >eSaturn, the lxrson born will be wicked and addicted ,o women not his own.
S l o f t a8 1 . T h e S u n a n d J u p i t e r c o m b i n i n g w i t h Venus in the 9rh bhava makethe person born rakish, wealthy and learned. lf the sametwo planets become rssociated wirh Satuqnin the 9th bhava, the person born will becomea notorio,rs libertine. When the Sun, Venus and Saturn appeartogether in the 9th bhava, the perEon born will becomea vile convict. The Moon, Mars and Mercury conjoined in the gth bhava give birrh to one who, thoughatflictedin childhood,will becomehappy in later life.
3Trqr{il ll wrEr{RUqrwqtirq{aErfttr cl rr
| . @ @
v v v r r v v v v v r r
e v ! v ! t l v y $
Sloka 82. lI the Moon, Mars and Jupiter be to, getherin the 9th bhava, the pereonborn will devote himselfto divine worship. The combinationin the 9th bhavaof the 3 planets Moon, Mars and Venus the will make person the concerned bereft of his wife and him to accidente rubject resulting in bodily hurt; if the Moon, Mars and Saturnbe the trio planetsin the 9th bhava,the personborn will be of a base disposition,looehis motherbut will become king'epeer; tbe a Moon, Mercuryand Jupiterappearing the rmq (Bha, in gya,9th) makethe person born a teacher a wealthy and lord.
*1a6il*fi I
3 planete,the person born attains prosperity, If the combination includes Mercury, the person concerned gete regal power ; but if the combination be without Mercury or Jupiter, the person born getsevil fortune for his lot.
{Fqrftt fiqrrr0ilwxr*+pq1 ,
qtqrr u cq fl mttirflqurqr* lTFqdfr
Slota 89. If the lord of the 9th bhavaoccupying tlre 8th be apectedby a depressed inimical planct ,i or be itself in depreosion in a nralefic or (ldr,Shaetv, amsa amsa?), pernonborn will bc unluckv the
{rrqrfqtgrrgilgry{fttlqt r
ilSri gqqr{;} F.stffiqrqrq{r{ ft lo tl
BloAo 90 When thc lord of thc gth bhavars as sociatedwitir a beneficplanetand ie aspected an,cher bv beneficplanet and the gth bhava itserf has a be'efic planet in it, the person born will enjoy good fame, wealth and prosperity. Norr,s.
The additional information in the ncxt pago from vtrCtRi{K will bc found usoful I
sl. 90
I f t h e t w o l u r n i n a r i e s( t h e S u n a n d t h e M o o u ) b e i n t r i n e t o by Saturn and Mars, the child will be abantloned both the parents. b If the 9th bhava be aspected y Jupiter, the child will be long. lived and happy.
If Saturn owning the 9th house occupy a moveable sign and be unaspectedby benefics,and if the Sun be in n E:TTa, child the concernedlives under the care of a foster-father.
gft ilmTilug+;HM{rftilril |
qm Smqil gegrgqhrQ r
Sloho 91. lf the lord of the 9th bhava occupy a Kendra or Trikorra in great strength and if the Lagna be aspectedby its lord, good fortunes come in a crowd. The same result will follow wlren the lord of the lOth
*w! tvvt !vv t u vv! vr-@vvvvv
Adh. xIV.
bhavaoccupiesa Navamsa,a.TrimoamEa a Drekkana or of Jupiter. But in either case, the person concerned will not indulge in enjoymenrsbur will devote himself to a strict austere life
sl. 101-108
the Moon be otrong and should either occupy the 6th bhavaor be in conjunctionwith irs lord,, the deathol the father will take place ac night time. If the Moon bc eliminatedfrom the planetarypositionsnanred above yoga points to the father dying in thr: day timc, the
S / o A a 1 0 3 .W h e n t l i e l o r d o f t h c g t h b l r a ' r a e i n g b a in conjunction with Jupirer has att,rirrcd Paravatamsa and the lord of the Lagnais aspectcdby Jupitcr, the personborn will bestow grcat gifts.
srrrTifinffi qEqq{fr$qFr:
Adhyaya XV.
llttr aNo T U E E r I ; D c l ' s o F T t r u l 0 ' l ' r r ,t r r r Tge lZ't'u f_iuAV,\s.
} t t er{ifq u{tuagc'otqrgeet fu
q?rcqnqfidilqqq{il'ftilnftwr | Tr{r(
S/otrr 1. Ap,rrt from rvh,tt has bccn etatedprer viouely, an astrologe may asccrtain pcrsoll's a authority, rank, ornamcnts, apparel, his honorablc activities,slecp, retircmcnt from thc world, beneficent agriculture, acts sanctioncd in scriptures, nrear)l; of livelihood, farne, arts and lcarning gencrally,by of knowledge the special lord of thc lOth bhava, thc Sun, Mercury, of mean$ the Jupiter and Saturn. Whcn thc l0th bhava is inauspicious, the perron born will bc void of honor or prrde.
cf , stdiilr{tur
qfrqq erR fqgcil t 6qTqr(gElzq{trFq rt(irrqrft: niiatr ilcqlftqfi {qi fqqriq tt eg qq.qrsgGnqfrq{qhqnt
firrrrqfiEeil ilftrQzqr{ri:
u{t roqlfrt qqo{luidr gr<rcq rrfrwnsai qr} u* iqi}sr{r {hit qter {li qfitr q;Nrr{$iei r gu}rrtqrrr rr
Sloha Z, tf the lord of the iOth bhavahave no strength,the personborn will be fickle-minded and ill, behaved; Jupiter, Mircury, Sarurnand the Sun if badly placed lead the person concerned to viciour acts. When Rahu or the Sun occupies the l0th bhava, the peraon born will get the benef of bathing in the it Ganges. \l/hen Meena foims tbe 10th bhava and is occupiedby Mercury and Mars, the per;on born will attain final cmancipation.
NorEs. fhrs ,.r ds fell as slokas 3 to l0 are found tn dlf+{(i,
xv. Adh.
fiqr gffi
filllilr mqdft.,isqr:
RafrIIfiqqflqt;z{{I{144!luq?qTI44q.IqIrq}..qfqafiq {8l'qr1{{qtq:
^ (\ .
$?4 { ict,ll: ll
S/ofra 5. If the lords of the lfth and thc lst havc clne bhavasbe in one placeor if tltcsctwo bhavas iord the person born will perform sacri' e.ndtne samE iices and other such meritorious acts with the help of money acquireci fairly by hi,nself. If tire lord of the lOth bhava be aesociatedwith Saturtt, tirc meritorious acts will go on with the help of money contributedby
st. 6-7
Stdras. If the sameplanet be associatedwith Rahu or Ketu, the sacrificial acts of the person concernedwill take placeby meansof moneycontributed by deopicable people; if with Jupiter the sacrifices, etc., of the person born will be set on foot by contributions lrom kings ; if with the Sun or any other of the remaining planets, the rites will take place with the help of the money supplied by those relations whose karakathe planetin conjunction with the lord of the lOth bhava may happento be.
When the 10th bhavais occupiedby 5l.,A,r 6 rnany benefic planets,the peroon concernedwitl attain the merit of performing a Vajapeva sacrifice. But If the lords of chc signs occupiedby Venus and Mercury icial works eveo wherr Lre void-o{ strength,his sacrif a advanced grcat rvay will suffer interruption and will in he lost. He will passoff ior a perstlnengaged works hy ,,f thc highest merit being characterised the practice Asttra ..ommunitv: viz. hyplcrisy and nature o, tht: s , r n J o s . e n t a t l o uc l i s p l ; r y .
q{rd}qiq t qrrriiq giikt ii rrG{I ft efiq{rgtKi}(fueuart{itr nri TrilI qai risos{ilaft 6dt sii{ri nu.rq ll e ll
Sloha 7. When a sttong beneficplanet occupier
Adh. xv.
tbe lOth placefrom the Moon, and being in exaltation or other beneficVarga is associated with or aspected by the pereon born will be a personof imporrance Jupiter, performing cacrificer and of wide celebrity. If che lords of the housesoccupied Jupirer, Mercury and by Venusbe in the 8th bhava, peroon the born thoughper. forming meritoriousworkswill not attaintbe glory, the rank or dignity whicb the authors of cuchworks decerve.
qf,ftseuqilr qogdr
sqEI sqlfrq|eTisieteiigtqr,.iiqqlt u{erihf} qFqt q qgni rnrrrftsisdqrt t silir ftqgsi gq3i il{Ki iltsm}t rfr ltttlEi;rrTa rymi qrdr{Tirt gqq il q tl
sr s-11
ssociateC with Rahu or Ketu is in exaltation or in the 9th bhava, and gthr rhe when the lord of the 10th bhava occupies the of in perton born will be engaged the performance sacri" iices and other merirorious works, When the lord of the 1Othbhava occupiesits exaitation and is associated with Mercury, cr when the latter planet occupying the Trhrbhava ie in its exaltation at the sametime, the personborn gets assuredly the b:nefit of performing sacrificial works
SJofta l0. If Mercurv ba in the lOth bhava, the but if in personborn wiil engage srcrilicial works ; with Rahu il4.r.ury in tfre abrve fosition be associared destroy rcligious or Ketu, the person concerned will rites.lfthelordofthelOtbbhavabeinthe6th,Sth rites' If Rahu or the 12th, he woulC irnpede religious from Mercury idanticrl wich the occupiesthe lrrth place born would be a lord of tha tOth bhava, th: person 'lord of the lOth bhava deatroyerof sacrifices" Th< eveninexaltationwillleadtothedestructionofa houseof religious work undertakenwhen tha exaltation (Dustehana)' the*planethappensto be a gr$Tta
err,{l{a{wt g}TAee*
dqrerqiqilgfl ir$I?A&A t
Adh. xv.
S/oAc 11. If the 10th or the gth bharra occupied be by beneficplanetland the lords of thosebharns well as ae Jupiter,and the lord of the Lagna be strong, the person born will be imbuedwith faith born of the performance such excellent works as are baged o{ on customand moralityand will be reckoned the foreas rno8tarnong sacredotal the class.
frwf*qffis{rregqqft$ tR rt n
.S/oArr 12. lf the gth, 10rh, 7th,5th and lst bhavas be occupied or aspected by benefic planets, and the lords of the five bhavas in guestion possessstrength, the person born will surpassin iris knowledge of all truths and be rvidely celebratedfor the complete excell l e n c eo f h i s s a c r i f i c i a w o r k s .
ffiirqlqrwircqoidrrrr{rai}rqrfi{r u li tl enq
Sloha 13. lf the occupants the tra (Gnana-5ttr, of +th and the Znd ?) and the 10th bhavasas well as the Iords of the lst, the 9th and the lOth, be posseseed of abundant six,fold strengtb (sgq - Shadbala),the person born will be conversant with the six gcieuceg and know all the Vedas and will receiveinitiatioo iu sacredknow, edge lrr th: rtu (Paka) and. crc(R (Apahara) of tbe lords of the 9th, l0th and lgt bhavas, of Mercury and
s[ 14-16
of Jupiter, he will beco.me mine of sacredkoowledge a and science securing to him the benefitof performing sacrifices all descriotionand all kinds of beneficenc of works.
ll {E$e|tzffi; fl
q-{,{i: t;qfidluriuicfril r{srirgfi r
q+il lrsrriToiKfraffiq'r t
qiaqqfrqrqi\gqtsr: {ITq}ffi+.n: n l\ tl
.SloAai5 If at a birtlr, 4 or 5 plarretspoasessed of 'T'rikona, strenqthoccupy togethera Kendra or a thc peroorl born will attain the stageof life indicated by the strongestof the planets. According aathe Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, tlic Moort or Mercury posse$seg Juprter, qrcatest strcngth will the person concerned become a (Vanaprasttha),a iien{ (Vivasa) a lug (Bhikshu) ?tilr(er ;r q{s (Charaka), a lrFrrrlSakva), a gr (Guru) or a *E+ (.leevaka). Norss.
Iror the erplanatiiur of these ternls, see tne le,rt sloka.
xv" Adh"
ftfi-qr-qt$at,t rn*qr{ft+ftgTqqt+,T
: rrlqgqTqrrrfFaqrqr+,iti ffi{Iq qfrf*: H{r: rqpft*csrfhfit:qigfrt: ll qqFrrT
qrdx$Icqdlq-dflrfr fddq]ffi {ftfr ftErq$ rr{riw i i\gr eiiuqod trcegqfnq-fi{iig} qmr{Irft sdld rnrkqmrel qr{qfilq13 w*qtq q{di gqrmdr qaq* dtqE:qm. {l
Stoka 16. A slq*q (Vanaprrsttha) is a religious mao gngagedin the practice of rigorour and devout 6 itere (Vivasa) is a naked ascetic dwellirrg p.oro.J in hille and forests. A f\g (Bhikrhu) is an illustriou.u evi:r" aeceticwith a ringle ctaff for his symbcl engaged of the and anon in the ccntemplation of the truths qr* (charaka) ir a religious mendi eacredscripturee. A A rml (srkyr) cant wandering over many countries. Buddhist class' A g" is an ill,behaved asceticof the teacher erdowed witb royal lGuru) ie a celebrated and glurto' is ,plendo,.rr. fi dtao'(Ieevaka) a garrutous nous mendicant.
sl. 18-tr9
or an ascetlc a personof similer habite. But if the lord of the t fth bhavabe without $trength and occuPythe 7th placefrom the Lagna,the person concernedwilt be ill-behaved. trf the lords of the 2nd and the ?th bhavas the the l-'cannidst threeplanetscauoing arceticyoga,the ilersonwill be lustfully inclined.
H?qrd Wtft fffidaqdd*fr {rr*f I *e qrqRfr{t {qfr il qrd qfrd {+il llqull
.9lo&a 18" lf the planeteproducing an asceticyoga with the Sun, Saturn and Maro, a perEon |re aneociated of taker to ttre aoceticorder because hia being without ,,'realth, sons or wife. If the Sun occupying a benefic ameashould aspect the planet cauoingthe aecetic yoga and occupying ite highert exaltation point, the person .:oncernedwill becomea lordly ascetic in his youth or cven at a much earlier age.
S{,oka \9. When the lord of the lst bhava is weak and aspectedby Venus and the Moon, the person born will be without wealth; and he will becomea mendicant if a planet in an exaltation sign or amsa should tire Moon. if the lord of the Lagna be.aopected anpect by several grlanets conisined in one sign, the Praon born will co$secratehimcelf for asceticisflo. The effect 114
of eachyogawill takeplacein the bhukti of the Karaka the of the bhavathat produces yoga.
d} orTrq{.ri tqfnftsftfr-f6( ll lq ll
Sloka 2L. Whenever the Lagna is owned by Jupiter, Mars and Saturn and has on it the aspectof the last,mentioned planet, and Jupiter is in the 9th bhava from the Lagna, even a Rajayogathat may poasibly exist under these conditions will have the effect of making the personconcerneda ** (Tirthha) or a holy man.
:rqqrqntq-i a*tahdtftt r
{qffisfr ffi
ll {iqfr Trfrrfrt( Rl ll
Sloka 22. When the Moon occupying the gth bhava is not aspected by any planet, the personborn of even when poosesced Rajayoga, beeomes an ascetic prior to becoming a lordly person.
qd Wgeqitnilqtfrsrg
st. 23-24
ffiqqqadd FEtsftr.t
'When Sloko 23. Jupiter, the Moon and the Lagna are aspected by Saturn, and Jupiter occupies the fth bhava, the person born in the Rajayoga will become a holy illuctrious founder of a system of philosophy' Wherr..Saturn occupies the 9th bhava and is not a$pectof ed by any planet,the person posoes$ed Rajayogawill betakehimself ro rhe holy order beforebecoming a lord of men. Notns.
This slol<ais from Brihat Jatalia. The following two <:harts illustrate the two yogasgiven in the sloka.
nuse Sun,lvlars and Saturn; (2) Jupiter,Mars, rhe the Sun and Saturn: (3) Mars, the Moon, .fupiter and Saturn.
This as well as slokas 26-39 are from lr<nsol.
9traha25. When the lord of the 10th bhava con, joincly occupiesa Kenclra or Trikona position with four cther planett, the person born wiil attain emancipation. If four pianetn be in the X.Oth bhava the effect ol rhe yoga will be, say the astroiogicalsages, that the person concernedwill take to a life of asceticism. NorBs.
This as well as slokas 23,2+, 26-41 are in skf;fi'ftr.
wil'$i{f,qrdqiqffie: fqr*qqrcqqffEqr{tr r
26. When (l) Mars, the Sun, the Moon, "5loAn Saturn and Jupiter, {2} Mars. the Sun, Mercury,Saturn and Venusor {3) the Sun, the Moon, Mars,Saturnand Venus combinein one bhava, the persons that are born Ltecome devoteea.
q*eg{Klhqqnstr {trrgq+gqgfr{ftfrs I
r rfr;gft;gr$tnwffi! gqrs(RrfrWr{rtuiI
| ftilffi*qr*qqrge}q*r fsfugmqr*q{rW}Gft r
qs&rilsrrrft qq q'frfierdt{anoqitmt u Ql tl
S/ofta 33. A person will becomean ascetic clad in barks of forest treesand wearing stripes of ashesif at his birth one of the four-fold groups of planetsmentioned below appcarin one bhava: (1) Mars, the Sun, Mercury and Venus ; (2) Mars, the Moon, Iupiter anj Mercury.
q{t.gqgfitw*ger gq{qrgrMil ! |
ffff*{rrtE{tdtrggil qRAr
friggrfuil{rcrcF+ilur I
sl. 36-38
Sloha 35. Four planets of grear power in one bhavamadeup in the following wise invariablybring into beingascetics harmlesslife dressingthemselves o[ fruits: (l) The in barksof treesandsubsisting fallen on (Z) Mars, Mer, Moon,the Sun, Vcnus and Mercury; the cury, Venusand Saturn (3) Saturn, Moon, Jupiter ; and Venus.
gsqta;gvttr t iqrt-
t {fratrqrtqqq;n*tr fqrfttteqftt;gg+r
Adh. XV.
Sloha 38. Asceticg clad in a tree-bark and wear, ing mattedlocks come into existencewhen one of the following five,fold groupsof planets appearE in one bhava: (1) Mars, Saturn,Jupiter, Venus and Mercury ; {2) Saturn,the Sun, Mercury, the Moon and Mars.
wFeqQ;gcqfrqgtr@r q{-g.TiqsgtRi{rgir r
flsrctErqg6 ilqa$Fltrt
\ A \A
n li tqft.lqaqfrr?rrqerq! tt
39. Wlren the Sun,thc Moon Mars, Jupiter SdoAa and Venus conrhitrc ln onc and thc same bhava with either Mercury or Saturn, the perron born necessarily thc assunoes habit of a devotee and bccomesgifted wrth long sight.
Skrio 40. If the iord of the Lagna having no as Saturn,or if Saturrr pect of other planetson itself,aspect a6pectthe lord t-r{the Lagnadevord of strength, there rs the yogaleadingto the assumptionof aeceticism.
Ncrtps. 'fhis as iie1l rs Iire tre.rt slolia are itl ,lld"{,{8f. Also {(lJI{'J, .\dh1a1'a.\V, slolia -1.
ffqirs;q,iardts'fig{qeqstffii;q'iel er$irqr
qitgatmmqrf q;AlTrggir?ri eqt Eiigddorigniir t fr* f,qK,f;oEfhiifrh ffqrwEtq{r {gftr*r qrRq* {r qfr q-dht n ut tt q{q 6tft frqalqrt *qt{ihqrs
st 4t-4n
a Drekkana Stoku 4i. When the Moon occupies planec' the yoga iea"Js bv of Saturn and is aspected that The sameis the case to the renunciation of the worid' of Saturrror \{;rrs when the Moon occupying an amsa planet leadinq to the is aspected by Saturn' if the wich Rahu' Keltr be ssgumptionof aeceticism associated ic occupy a malef 1ms-a' or Guiik" and at the same time the holy will hre guiltv of apostasyfrom ,i.-o.rron order' Nores'
vl CY
g;gilFqff* c'i-.|*d qlgfiiaqlg: t "aer*tt .1ftgainh il q;tfa{a ff?'gk atq tt q.qiah gb r saqrmilllrffi wrtl qdarfi sI gloli q* qiae glf*$i tt H;qrfltffiqqqrQrfcn
oi leading to SIoha 4L. lf strong plarrets capable Sun'r (uitte Sl.lS sipru'l be obscured by the arce.ticiEm lor greatreverence aecet"tt, ,f," personsborn will have initiated into the tics,"tttouilt they may not become to above be overcome tofy ota.t. If the'planetsreferred aspectedby other planets' the in planet:ry *r,''nd intn the holrr .on..rntO will seek admission ;;;; order without $ucces6' Norrr.
T'hissloka is fronr Brihat Jataka' p l a n e t sa s r n s l o k a I f t h e S u n f o r n r s a c o n j u n c t i o nr v i t h o t h e r a Sanyasin at all' irecclme \5, supro theu tlre tuan does tlo" \vbatthcSunactualh'doesis,heimprovestircdevotionalsid't the stroug planei but doei' d i n t b e s c h o o l o f p h i l o s o p h y e n o t e db v thought' If the 1''iant1 not make hinr a Saoyasinof that school of
Adh. xv
that is defeatcd (by conjunction as abovo) bo aspccted by any planet, then the man makes persistent efiorts for atteining tho in view. ";l
P R O F E S S I O NL M L I H O O D . ,
the Legnaas well as from the Sun, and thereare no'plauetsin the l0th house from the Moon. The Moon is tberefore the only planet that influenceshis income. According to the other view, the lords of the lOth places reckoned from the Lagna, the Sun and the Moon are Saturn, Saturn and Venus respectively. Saturn and Venus are in Dhanurnavamsa and Simha Navamsa respectively. The lords of these are Jupiter and the Sun; and the stronger of them is the Sun. The Sun is therefore the planet that influences the profession. cf , gqr6r
miq {?qrq+qfiq*: mqf,tqT: I eEnPfaliflqT$r: enr;n q6\:
6fu6rterilfizaeqiaqt,lqttqt tl
Arso {RAdT
sqqr;aftrr)qrsR q6rqflrrf$qir: t I
Adh.xv "
qd qdildr
m{wqqt{rlfrlq{5lrdf{ wgeftg I t
st. {6
nance of the Lagna or the Mocln as tbe caseEay be in his horoscope. As to the profession that he is likply to folJow,those that are proficient in the subjectgay, it rs to be determin:d through the lord of the sign owning the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the lfth bharra. lf the Navamgareferred to in the above belong to ttle Sun, the person concerned will earn a living by dealing in medicine,nrool, grtssr water, grain, work in gold, pearlsand the lihe, as aiso by playing the part of an emissarybetween peoplervishirrgto approacheachother. Norns.
The occrrpationscoming under ttre Sun are: iolue hoaorablc :mploymeut either under the State or under some public body ef irren,kings, princes, emperors,dukes, earls, baronsretc., all titled a l , L ' o i n t m e n t su n d e r t h e . ' r o v , ' n , j e w e l l e r s , g o l d s m i t b s , g i l d e r s , owners of woollen mills or workers there, minters or moa.rqpioy. eciin rnints, :rnd tbe like.
uiq qgqffiqqrttq r
rrtrErfrqrfl s\ tl trdGan+qqf+ffiqnRrrmqtil tt
S/ofra 45. If the Navan sa under referencebe thar of the Moon, the person concerncd gaios a living by dealing in things derived from water euch as coochs, pearls, etc., bv agriculture, earths of various kind, by indulging in interesting controversies, by purchaseof articles of apparelin which the wealth of lordly women is wont to be laid out.
Nott:,s. srguified by thc Moc,u generall,y ioclude The cnrprloyments sailors,, roariners, navig,rtors, fisherinen, watermen, boatmeu, dealers in pearls, those working io oearl fisheries, rrridwives, PErsSr.Atc.
Adh. xv.
rtc)i*1ta(orrrsrr( crqftrqrcu rrn I e{t qrawrlqr( qilg.dft *rrrn ft Bqtl qfA ffi
Sloho 46. If the Navirmsa in question belong to Man, tbe person gains a livelihood by metallurgy, by war, by exhibiting tricks in which the operation of fire rE apparentlyarrested(wireru - Agnisthambha) and by engagingin other people's quarrels,in any act of daring, aod laetly by resorting to the professionof a robber.
NotBs. The professions indrcatedby Mars are all kinds of rnilitary rnen, sucb as soldiers, generals,colonels,captains, doctors, physi. :iaas, apothecariei,chemists, butchers, executioaets engine dri, 'crs'and tha like---generally all workers in rron, steel or fire.
\ e\ q{r{qoqrilcqqn gtiiamrsq{stgtfrl u Be ll
belong to Mercurl the Sloka 47, If the Navamsa will try to earnhis livelihood by p,;,'' perron concerned ouing the arts,by poe$y, by the -'..,i ;;ion of traditicnal doctrines,by a knowledgeof the stars.by the reciration of the Vedas or muttering of prayerson behalfof others of at the rnEtance the priest thar has to dirccc their religious ceremonies. Nores.
Mercury's employments denote literary authors, translators, wrltcrs. accountants, fstrol ogers, school masters. nrathematicians, pocts' lawyers, book.sellers,printers, postmen, etc.
8c tl
Slofra48. If the Navamsa belong to Jupiter, the s.ry percoo concerned, the astrologert, will not trcsort .to
sl. 4e-60
utury a6e Eource living, but will Eupport himcelf of with what he can earnby playing the role of an ins' and by tructor in the serviceof Brahmine and deities, teachingduties in the dcmainof moralsand traditional observances baeedon scripturecandother old authorita' tive works
Norrs The occupaticns denoted by Jupiter include judgcs, priosts, loarned men' senators, preachers, clergymen, bishops, ministcrs and bankers.
F{{rt gftmur.iruriqani(irflqi*qrtr r
kqnqnraqii{qusfl c.ir;qiil{r{qFr{oq || \ o ff
Sloha 50. [f Saturn be the owner of the Navamsa occupiedby rhe lord of the iOth placefrom the Lagna or the Moon, the personconcernedwill live by engaging in some vile pursuit, by works of art, etc,, executed in etc., inflicted wood, by the carrying out of puniahments, .of burdens and by the on criminalo, by the bearing overreaching of other peopledue to their being murully at variancc.
A&. xv.
grav63aturn's employments includs shoe'makers' scavcDgets' persons engaged in similar vile pur' diggEfs, rmdcrtakets and all srtits; tboy also include gardeners, miners, brick-layerg etc,,
q*qurtr(qaffi{fqrilqrtilrr finm t
qetr q{fiq{ftqatsr! wWfrqr! lrcls q!\t
at Stoha 51. Persona whosebirch maleficplanets occupythe four Kendraeconcern themselveswlth the of Eitesand uoages the low vulgar people,haveno prothencelves of other people't wo$en rnd pertg, poeaes$ rredth, are ignorant,and by evincing heroirm occelton' objectsof royai favor. ally become
'bc found Thie as well as slokas 52' 55. 56, 58 and 66 ate to iD ctt$fi{.t.
Sloka 53. If benefic planete be in the l0th bhava reckoned from the Lrgna or the Moon or in a Navamea owned by the Raei of the l0th bhava, the person born will alwaye be beneficent. But if malefic planeta be in
s[. 64-86
* Prsoa born
I T*tnd{fr qx eqtqr*1q&qqr
Sloka 54. If the tord of the Rasi occupiedbv ttr* thereofbe rnale' planetowning the t0 bhavaor an amsa with an srcir lUpagraha) such as fic and aseociated Dhuma,the personborn will be wicked'
S/oftrr 56. If the Sun occupying the lOth place {rom the Moon be associated with Mars. the persort born will be addictel to wine and to femrlesbalonqing position b: essoto otber people; if the Sun in the same ciated with Mercury, the person bcrn wili h.lve a knowledge of tbe stare aod will evince a fondn':ss f'rr ruch obiects as valuable articles obrained fror6 satir' womca an"d ornaments; if Jupiter be a*ociated wich
xv. Adh,
tne Sunin the position referredto, the person born will be guccessful all his undertakingsand enjoy the in esteem his sovereign;if Venus be in conjunction of with the Sun in the t0th bhavafrom the Moon,b: will enjoy royal favcr and will havea wife with increasing wealth; if Saturnbe togetherwith the Sunin tire posi to tion adverted above, the persotr born will be poor and dejected.
Slofra 5?. [f Mars and Mercury occul]ythe l0th place from the Moon, the perEonborn will earll hin ; livelihood by rneansof his scibntific knowledge il dominatc Marg and Jupiter occupythat place, he will over the vulgar people; if Mars be asgocirtedwith Venugin the 10th place from the Moon, the personwill become merchant trading in foreign lands; if Mart a and Saturnbe in that pceition; the perEonconcerned in will engage daringdeeds will be childless. If and Mercury and Jupiterbe togetherin the l0th placefrom the Moon, the peroon born will be barren,od dejected renownedand in royal favor. opeecb,
st. 69-81
placefrom the Moon, the personboro will be blecsed with leaming, wife anC weatth; if Mercury occupy that placewith Saturn, the person will be either a wayc' himselfto unbgcoming copyistof bcoks or betake Venus in the t0th bbava If Jupiterbe combined with from the Moon, the perron brrn dill be a protectorof m:d by his sovereign community,estee the Brahminical associated learning. If the planet of and possessed great born posttionbe Saturn, pereon the with Jupiterio thac will ckilfully contrive to trouble every body and wrll adhere his undercakings. to tenaciourly
Adh. xv"
Eloha 82. \Vhen the Moon occupying the sigrr Cancer and aopected by Jupiter and Venug attains a Paravata or other higher Vaiseshikamsa, the per$on born will enjoy good reputation and af{luenee.
qrdlsqildftqnri{qrar s e{diqhq{1ffi{tar nq tl
S/ofta 64. When the l0th bhava is occupied 1s well as aspected a maleficplanet and the lord of that by bhava is reduced in strength, the person born will be .t slanderer,without self respect, with oo name,Power! influenceor act that he can call his own.
uftnq{ttni qriifr-qdg*r
S/ofta 65. If the lord of the lOth bhavaae aleoof the Navamsa vlhich it occupies-if theee two planets be as:ociated with Saturn and in conjunction wirh or aspectedby the lord of the 6th bhava, the person born will have many .rrives.
Erfdreqdu! w
SJofra66. If Mars and the lord of the 4th bhava beingstrongoccupya Kendra. a Trikona or the llth bhava,and if the lord of the 10th bhavabe aspected by or in conjunction with Venusand theMoon,the peroon in such pursuitr as agricultureand will will engage with havewealth of cattle. If Mercury be connected the 10th bbava,the peroon concernedwill alwayc be and transactions, according the as in engaged merca4rtile occupying the 10thbhavaare benefic, planetor planets maleficor both, he will be vigorouo,slothful ot of a oired nature.
n qq orsrfli[$oq il
qil orrqneailqmt{sqfi qfl flfli\Eoi}il
Sloha 67. It is through the llth bhava irom the Lagna that every accumulation of inconing wealth is expected; the planet in the I tth bhava when poecerred of of full strengtlris capable giving wealth. If the Sun be such a planet, much wealth is derived by the perroo coqcerned from paternal kinsfolk ; if the Moon, froo maternal relations ; if Mars, froro personll exetcion; if Mercury be the planet occupying the llth bhava in full utrength, wealth comes to the person concernedfrom a dear master,a discerning friend or a maternaluncle. Norns
This as well as tbe uext five slokas apPear iu g315gq.
Adh. 1ff.
ooeva is thus statco b
unlttqlnfr qnrEfiqn{oift;ili q I
qKrqfil? {giary1s}glt a{ftm;q{rtq 1s
lrlso qromrqcq
rraFrtqpqrcrrTTarTrdBorqf, aqqs{rfi t
fuKqr iitcr n qc rl
Slo},z 6f. Jupiter in the l'l.th bhava when in fuil sffength gives wealth through the inscrumentality of rcriptl.rral learning, observanceof sacrificial rites and position, worthy sons. Venuc in the sane advantageous of seeuru accesEron fiches through femalesand knowl"dg. of the fine arts such as poecry, dramar and music. Saturn when thua placed gives abundanceof wealth and corn producedftom agriculture through the exertionsof asPrctq^de and temaleElaves. The casteof tbe p.lanets ing or occupying the bhava in question indicates the claseof personc from whom the income of the rteroon concernedis derived.
I wrRggHrfrsriv{iad orqail;Fre
qrfrqqitwwrrtaqitr{frqrRnr tt it tt
sl, ?0-?t
the llth bh.av1 Slofta 69. If the planet occupyiog acquired be beoefic,tbe person born will have wealth if the planet will be illgctten by fair means;ihe same in the bhavabe malefic; and mixed if the occupanto-of acrolothe bhavabe of u ti*"d' nature' This fact' thc horoscope' ger ehould clearly state as revealedby the prep:n' if ,n planet in the llth bhava be strong and every posEess deratingly friendly, dre pereonborn will with omiablJquality and will be surpassinglybleesed of '*o-"", every means enjoyment such as vehicles' ornamento' arid luxuriotts appliances articlesof "pp"r"l, learnirig.
ll so }t
Slofra 7Lr. If the lorde qf the 2rrd urd the lJth be Lrhavas friendly to the lord of the Lagna' the aetrolo' ger may declare that wealth of the person 'Joocerned oQ will be given awav to be trsedbeneticently behal{ .oi the good*Jrka, Gods and Brahmins' If tbe planetin wlrr itth bhavabe weak or overthrown in planetar! or depretsedor owtting att inimicalsign or a StTt atorim (Rekayogavide A:dh'VI' (Dustthana) produce or will have to go abeggiog concerned the supra), person dai[y for hic subaistence.
A&. XS.
Sloh.a 71"" If the lord of the llrh bharnbe the Sus or the Moon, the personborn will acquireaffluence by servinga king or one like him; if it be lvfara, wealth will be gor through the instrumentalityof royal minis, tcn, an elderor an younger brother or by agriculture ; if it be Mercury, the means acquiring wealth will be of knowledge,relationeor sons;.if it be Jupiter, it ie tbrough the obaervance hio religious duties that the of perton concernedwill attain to prooperity; if Venus the own the I tth bhavan rrchesof the peroonconcerned will comethrough women, preciouoBtones,elephante and other valuablequadrupeds; and rastly,if Sarurn be tfie owner of the I lth:bhava, the:perEon born will have to acquirehis wealth by purouing ignobleoccupation. an
Norps, t5qisq-rr Ra\s'l-ct rn the 6rst gqarter rrf for Somebookss616 thc stoka.
iqrdeflrq[Rtqt.fni liilqfr ll sl 1s
Sloha72. lf the lord of the llrh bhava be in a Kendraor Trikona from the Lagna, if there be a or ualefic planet in the I tth bhava or if the tord of the latter occupya Rasi or amsa whicb ie ita eralcationits own or a friend'a, the person born will be wealtby. Tbc predrctionin regard to wealth ahould made be in with the strength of the planet asrociated accordance with tbe bbava or its lord, andir will come from the claecof personswhosekarakathe aseociated plurcr oay reprGsent, during its dasa and and apahara.aod frgm the qu.tter belonging thereto-
sl. ?8-?4
ll ll eTq6rr{r}Tr?il5eTl
rri$tfr oqrEr-nmd{qrggd'ft
fffm {qnrftqMq,i R-{qqfuilt( | ftffit q* qr'& g;mmntsvn gfosqiltsdftt \el ffTrt{tr{tefr ft {rFtqr
Stoka 73. [t is through the lZth bhava, its lord and Saturn that an astroiogcr should divine a Person's wandering far, misfortung or evil doom, liberality, tbe comforts of bed, etc.; dignity and waste of wealth. When the planet in the 12th bhava owns as well ar occupiesa moveablesign, or is the lord of a Dustthana or is in conjunction with or aspectedby Saturn, the person born will indeed have to roam over many lands and forest regions. Norns.
This sloka as also slokas 74-79 and 82 & 83 are in qn{ct. from the 1Zth bhava is stated in the What can be asc:ertained same work thus :
qaq qqqq;Traaqqf(t arfrsRftaq{ I qrqrfhqugqii{Frqfqrq frfif4frcqtf,, tt qoe}fri;q qq q I {fiqii 6rrr4rrfr s{{aaqqFqrtft.ndti qqffid: n
gt Rrmrrrrrrt gqgtfrrqlufrfrfr
ilflt iqresfiffi
fit* ^
qodt aqqisftqnr-
q[rafg\ Eiqqrfuiiar{Iinqq I
tita t{qgus{i{arutft sE rr tt
Sloha 76. When a maleficplanet owning the 6rh or the 8th bhava oicupies the l2th bhava in strengch,
sr 77-78
to resar& ag.cur-
ture and monetrry trangactions. when the 12th bhava being a quadrupedor a biped aign (aide Adhyaya 1, sloka 16) ie occupied by a planet of a quadrupedor biped character(aide Adhyeya 2, sloka 12), the person concernedwill suffer the total loes oi all oervantr and cattle.
qffin< ewftcqlqgt t
Enilrg{Gst{E{IqTqlrriftll s\e ll
Stoha '17. A person will have his wealth consumed by peopleof the Brabmanaand other castesaccording as the planets in the 12th bhava represent these' If female planets be in that bhava, it is through femalee that his wealth will go out ; if male planets be in the bhava,loss of wealth will be brought about by an enemy' If the bhava in questionbe owned by a friendly planet, the person concernedwill have to lay his money out on account of his friends.
qrtsE{RT{te itqrE{fior t
(qqftrqEa g qirqwftll ec ll
Stoka 78. If the lZth bhava be occupied bv " beneficplanet, the personborn will be liberal, virtuous and engaged in agriculture. If a malefic planet be in that bhava,the person concernedwilt be captious, suffer' flatulent, restlessand roving. If ing fron eye'disease,
the planetin the 12th bhavabe in exaltation,in its own or in a friendly sign,the person will be beneficent.
Sloka 79. If rhe Sun ,rr,the waning Moon be in the l2th bhava, the wealth of the person born will be liable to be seizedand confrscated the rulers. Mars by occupyingthat bhava in conjunction with or aspected by Mercury destroys the wealth in various ways" Jupiter, the Moon and Venus in the lZth bhavahelp to conoervewealth. When Mercury occupies that bhava in conjunction with or aspected by Venus, the people concerned will have the comforts connected with the bed.
S/oia 80. If the lord of the l2th bhava be in its own or exaltation sign and has attained beneficvargas by and is aspected a beneficplanet,the personborn will enjoy tfie comforts of a bed on the couch.
sl. 82-83
S il Garqt Rqsi GqiHqRrt dtt ftrfuollltqrni cTTiIRr ffii r qr{ri}ri qr,ii flqrqiuturq.rlibhof
fit Fsqq{rHgqgi arar'{(0r uiq l dR tl
Stoha 82. When Venus, Satrrrnor the Moon occupiesa Trikona position in respect to the gth bhava and when the house representing the bhava occupied has Ketu in it, the person born will easily become liable to the misfortune called (Narapatana,i. e",a "{ftrET aleeping man falling on him which is regarded a dire as portent). If Venus in the position abovereferredto be associated with a mllef ic planet,the portent may be the fall of a sleepi'g woma. or a chameleonlizard on the personconcerned. If Mars be so associated, the portent may take the form clf the presenccof a tortclise in the house. If Merc.ry combine wirlr lvlarsintheposition indica:ed, the person horn may be bit by a dog and srrfft:rfrom tlre rabics. Norr.s.
'l-lre n b o v e n r e : r n i r r qs l t r r t r e n t l t i v e . \ ' . S . i
ff (riiqerr{gf g ii*rae{Hrfq}rri}qt fr:t gt?rqfr qsqfhilbsqil qr;r{: I qrq'iqrihqi qt wuir oi u'ft srqt s;qr0 tqdlsi qfq qg$l q iid{rt n dl tl
.Slotn 83. If the 1,lth bhav.r, with Saturn and. Rahu or Ketu in it, is occupiedby the lorcl of the gth bhava or aspected by the lord of the 6th, the person born goesto hell. If Jupiter bc in rh,: Lagna, identical rvith Dhenus and with the Mesha Navamsa rising,
Venus occupy the ?th, and the Mooo the sign Kanya, the perscnborn wrder this yoga reeche;the seatof the at highesthappiness last.
qrglqrl;T$ft q:r ffi aalqqrdew t g Td oiqr gnMftil(giil rrgrqqTfr qfr dtaqq{Eqqrr tqnqiffit
qe[(tirsqtqt ll
S/ofta 84. If a planet owning a malefic house occupy a g:(sn" (Dustthana)in strength' the bhava re' present"dby the malefic house is said to be advanced' But if the lord of the 8th bhava be weak in any sign, by the bhavarepresentecl that sign is said to be impaired. If the lord of the Lagna occupied or aepectedby a benefic planet occupy any bhava in strength,that bhava rom. The caseis different much benefit thercf receives when the lord of the Lagna is in depression,or in an inimical house. Thus endsetc.
Adhyaya XVI.
{iqlgrgn,Itdwfiso*diffiqrfu,Fqt I ff tf
Adh..xv r.
Stoka 3. The female horoscopeis to be written in a fine neat eheet of paper with correct planetary for and exhibiting thc alma' tablesserviceable reference nac (of the day of birth in question). lt is to show also the Ashtakavargas(Adhyaya 10) of planets,their positional and other six.fold strcngth (e-<3o-Shadbala) the length of life of the person concerned, the rllqrwdt r.4, (Gocharaphala) the effectsof the progressof planets in their orbits, the frrrso (Yogaphala, Adhyaya 7) and the rrr*ss (Bhavaphala,Adhyayas f t-15). The horo scopeshould give at the same timc the DasaTables mentioningthe number of children destinedto live to a great age, the happiness of the husband, the great prosperityand fame which the whole family is to enjoy.
Sloha 4. effect may accrue from the of horoscopes females that is applicable only to mcn, shouldbe ascribed to the husband The goodand evil affecting thcir per$on should be calculated from thc Moon and the Lagna whir:hcverof them is stronger" It is from the ?th place front thc l-agna or the Moon that all that is worthy or unworthy in thc husbando and the deatli of thc husbandsis ehould be ascertained, foretold tirrough the Sth bhava (from chc Lagnaor thc Moon). Ail this should be well weighcd by the strength of or weakness the planets, herreficand malefic, bcfore an announcementis macie.
c/. n"oa?rt+t
qqisqqi flq aqftd dqi &+ il qt( rTrqeq fiqqrt gaia aang*riliqrcf,T{ | rrflttgqrnrrqqircHH rf,tri gerq
Hof,dgg{qElFgrtil: s(r<{ti fial tt
Whatever eflect nray accrue fronr the horoscopeof a female that is applicable only tct men should be ascribedto the husband. Het prosperity and happinessiras to be deducedfrom the 8th house (from the Lagna or tbe Moon rvhichever is strong). Children should be declared through the 9th house and matters rolating to her appearance,beauty, etc. should be deternrined from thc I*gna. It is fronr the 7th place that her welfare and tire (nature of the) and chastity husband should be ascertained while her association should be predictedfrom an exatninationof the 4th houso. Benelics in these housesproduce good results, while malefics in thc above houses are productive of evil unless they happen to or*'n [ h e h o u s e si n r v h i c h t a s e t h e e f l e c t w i l l b e g o o d .
ohz\ilqq&* g{sfr ftiqrusiftfi qt* t arii itqgqruftttrrtqfrruqtt g Wqr{ncrfr qHffifi qft{t* n e{fl
ffirfr{gtasq{olElEs tilId R(l tt c tl
Sloht 8. If, in an odd sign, both the Iagne aut{ the Moon b: associacedwith or aspectcdby a benafic planet, the qualities, the aspect,the positio'n, the glit and the intelligenceof the fcmale born will bc of a mix, ed kind; but if, in an cven sign, both the Lrgna and the with or aspected a malefic planet, by Moon be associated of character thc femaleborn, say the wise astrologers, the will be shaped wholly by the influence of the plrnec with or aspecting thc lord of thc even siqn associated under reference.
Rreqrmflqo{neruftgwr fr mnftqft n tt rl
Slofrc i1. Wiren Saturnhasbut mediumstrength; when the Moon, Venus and Mercury are weak; and of when the remainingplanetsarepoo$essed realstrength, is born in an odd Lagna will associate the femalethat with many.men. When Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Venus are strong and when the rising sign is an even one, the woman born will become celebratedfor her koowledge of every science developing ultimately into an expounder of the scriptures.
NorES. T t r r sr l o k a i r f r o r t rR l i l r a t l a t a k e .
n ftiluqq tt
qgaoil fiq.ri qt rrftft qrdtqiftrh
ioqr qrggct{* gqtrd ilfi q diqtq*
gilqRr{{ff {+( | ffitqqqrsqor rT{A
sl. 12-13
Sloka 12. When the Lagna or the Moon, which' is ever of them is stronger, in ;r Rasibelongingto Mars. born in a Trirnsamsa of Mars will be ill' the female behaved she will be a menial or slave if born in a ; Trinsamsa of Saturo ; worthy and virtuous if in that rif lupiter ; depravedif born in that of Mercury ; addict' t:d to a paramour if the Trimsamsa of trirth bc that clf Venus. c/, no4ftell
q+ rM omfrrftaftaia*g *qra
6EIErqriit gfieftr+r qlqrflf,t ?quft| g=q1 {sfr TE{tTqFqqfitn g{tf{',11r qr''rftgqrdlrgil ll nfr aq{dt qgs+Rqr
firftqfrT{rgq:tr tr;qr nfirrti-dirft agnr qr+ it gqI@I fq{Atfiuqr ilaftreqtftstu{t fi"q{ql*,t rq {Ft Ere-qnwf}mfirs.ft
{.thf {q-{nl q$tqftqr{: gfiteFqqffi tt
by Venus, ehe will be fond of wiec nen, a fxlorite of and het husband, liked by people.
R,{rilrGqq iiffirqrg1ornrranr
sr 16-11
Slola 16. When the Lagna or the Moon happens to be in a sign owned by the Suo,and the Trimsamsa of birth that of Mars, the femaie born will have a mas' culine dicposition. If the Trimsamsabelong to Saturn, she will b: unchasteand unhapPy; if to Jupiter, she will be the beloved of a royal husband and endowed with good qualities ; if the same belong to Mercurv, she would be masculine in her ways and vicious ; and lastly if born in a Trimsamsa of Venus. she will be attachedto an unworthy husband and will suffer from
Sloku 18. When the riaing sign belongs to Saturn and ie strong, the fcmale born in a Trimsamsa of Mare will be distreesed; if her birth be in a Trimsamsaof Saturn,shc will be dialiked by her husband; if in that of Jupiter, she will strictly adherc to the cuEtoma or of uEage her family ; if in Mercury's, she will know all things but unchaste; if in a Trimgamsaof Venue, she will be barren and profligate; the effectsdue to Trim, ahould be announcedafter correctly weighing the EamEa influenceof the Lagna and the Moon.
st. 20-21
dftrft 'rt qft eriri{I qqutmqal ufrq r slei q tlwrrlt 5+rl: {t5il gar ll 1" ll
Slohu 2ll, A femalc rs styled wanton when sh" caste loreakeshcr lrusband;rnd resorts to anothelrf her her from lust. A womatt rs said to bc temarriedwhetr' (anew) organo{ gcneratiunbcing unbrokcu,she is takcn aB a wife auother tirnc with tl"c prop(:rmatrimonial
{trn{ onrrkgg* qrrl wd g{ot qrqs}| EsIil *i".it frfrtn-aqrttfrfiqleqiuri Wit llRtll
Sloku 21. When a sign of Srturn or lvlars is the Lagnaanil the Moon or Venus (according as the birth by ie by night or day) aspccted a maleficplanet ctccupies in thc yoga will lead an unchaate it, thc femaleborn life rvith thc mother; when the scttirrg Navamsa be by longsto Mars and is aspected Saturn,she will havc II the Navamsa under reference diseasedwomb ; " belongsto .r l>enefic planet, slrc will havc irandsomc h i p s a n d b c r n u c hl i k e d b y h e r h u s b a n d . 'l'hrs ts IrotttUr,,,-fi'Jl;t;. :,1t-rl,ir
Cf , itcl;hlr(qi
r ites.
Adh. xvl.
$ q gu*it afriareDqii'rqYf:d r
lllother is indicated !y Venus in rray-births and by the Nroorr in night-births (Chapter l1l_l 5 su1tra). f.agna rnust be one of Arres, Scorpio, Cepricorl and Aquarius; Venus or f.he Moon a1 the case may be should occupy the Lagna aud be aspectecl bv a n r a l e f i cp l a n c t ' T h e f e m a l e o w n i n g t h i s n a t i r r t y b e c o m e s imm.r a l a l o n r g i t h t h e r n o t h e r . r f a N a ' a r n s eo f \ I a r s b e w s e t t i n ga ' d be aspectedby Saturn, she suffersfrom diseased organs. tf the Descenda,nt rn a giutaeia (ubhergrahanavamsa) be be cr occupied by be.nefics, the ruler is aspected benefics or in or by Exirr igu. bhamsa), she is loved by her husband. T h e f i r s t q t < ( P a d a )o f t h e s l o k ah a s b e e nr n t c r t r r c t e t l by Bhatt o t p a l a i h u s : " w h e n a s i g n o f S a t u r n o r ' M a r si s t h c Lagnaa.d the Moon and Venus aspected (both of them) by a malefic"lrlanet o c c t r p yi t . " T h i s i s n r - ' ta c c e p t a b l e .
sl. 23-24
sqgl qfiiqt ffi {HqErdRt i{,{trr{fri qquorqir'fiofrig il r qenr+i qwr g-{.tlufi ri'rrqrstrqgft
SYcAa?3. If thc Sun occr:pyingthe ?th bhava be by inimical planets,the female born will be aspected cast away ; if Mars occtlpy'r similar poaition' she will become a wtdow ,-rr her husband and herself will becomemutuallv embittered ; when goodand bed planets will remarry; concernad occupythe ?th bhava,the female by an inimical when saturn io the Trh bhavais lspectec planet,she will atcainto a good old ageand yet have her husbandalive.
cf. Uqsqtnn
Also qr{{J{{o{
along with her husband. if the Moon and Venus occupy the lst bhava identical wi,h a sign o.wnedby Saturn or Mars and if a malefic pla.rer be in the 5th bhava,the femaleconcernedwill be barren.
c/ Norps ,tti.,iteq, 11lote{ irr fttpq.
sr. 2?-28
voluptuous; if thc Moon, Mercury and Venus combine in the Lagna under referen:e, she will posseso every comfort; if Jupiter be in the Lagna aforesaid, she will bear good sons, be intelligent and have ornaments.
'rTqlrilolf*iI wtft qrqrrE+ Gluitrqfr q$ q frqqrfartw lTrfhfl ft.t r".r.ft! t}ft deuft qtlt qil tt Retl nfrq
Sloka 27. If the benefic planets in their exalta, be tion, but the 8th bhava containing a maleficplanet be represented a maleficslgn and aspected a malefic by by planetat the sametime, the female born in the yoga will be afflicted with widowhood; when the lord of the I{avamga occupied by the owner of the 8th bhava is also malefic,the woman concerned will without doubt becomea widow; if several benefic planets be in the Sth bhava,the female will die prior to her husbandir, the prime of her life.
xvt. Adh.
will become poor and distressed by bearing manv ohildren to hcr hucband. Nores.
-4t41. c/. -ro4turoliitl (by :1'{a1
lirqFqr+ Rt* qcrqsraseisft I 4T fkd .r{: gagil:qrf,, iiq+rq *{i tt '{g"+furtla{a grfig:qa.Ir .u{,
lra qR(Pada). Accordingrto Mantreswara the eflect of rnale{ics occupying the 4th house is to make the female unchaste. q-dAlic+t Qf. o n^
sl. g0-32
*'qqtwfqfi, q{qrerrtquratt
t qtqt ge'K qaqqqqG+E
$infro' Ftrr 6rst qt< (Pada), uide slr-rlia
30. lf all the malefic pianets be in the 7th S/r.rAa e bhavafrom the Lagna, the female born will become rrridow; if the planets in the ?th bhava be mixed' the femaleconcernedwill remarry ; if malefic planetsoccu' pying the ?th bhava be weak, shc would be repudiated by her husband.
Nolrs. Vide slaka l') supra.
gilffigilfictil ""t
Sloha 37. When planets in the Raeis or Ancas ics and are of Saturn and Mars are aspected by malef
or the Moon (if the birth be in the night), the female born will abandonthe traditional virtue of her caEte, taking to harleggu companywith her mottrer. in Norns.
T h i s s l o k a s h o u l d b e r e a da l o n g w i t h l l l _ 1 5 s u p r a . , \ c c o r d _ ing to the latter, venns and tl'reil{o,' rc:;pectively play the role of mother during the day and night. Cf. also sloka 21, Eupra.
sr. 36-36
the femaleconcernedwill become the favourite wife of a king's minister; when there are three such planets in that bhava,she will becomethe queen of a ruler of tbe earth.
qrfr;qirrqfr ftrcr&naqrE.--fr;qesl s il
grdt tr"qlw( FUR ll 1\ ll
Slofta 35. When Venus and Saturn occupy each other's Navamsaor aspect mutually, the femaleborn in the Eth rising Navamsaof Kumbha will be afflicted with too much lust; she will becomea widow when a malefrcplanet occupies the ?th place from the Moon; if the planet in the ?th bhava from the Moon be auspicious, the yoga will $ecureto her sovereign authority (a royal domain).
It will be seen that the 8th Navamsa of Kumbha is Vrishabha Navanrsaand is owneclbv Venus. c/. 'lrtedt
Adh. xvr.
Sloka 36. When the rising sign at the birth of a by femaleie occupieC the Moon and Venus,shewill be and comfort. In every and live in ease rhort,tempered case wherethe Lagua is occupied by the Moon, the female born generally lives in easewith no craving for carnalenjoymentand is amiable.
NorEs' c/. fcqa* quotedin arcrte.
q firqnggdT I
ffqgfTEtu t qgrnftrrnilotq.dt
fl-{Tqdl i{qq{q*;R{A
sl. 39-40
qRg{s6urF{frrfr g.{funr
Slola 39. If the Lagna at the time of birth of a she by femalebe aspected beneficplaneta, will be skilled modestat all times,handsome, in the arte, pure-minded, bearingworthy sonsand have muchwealth and enjoy' and ment; shewill be highly in favor with her husband become recipientof a thousandblessings' the
snfr{qil ftosrmrqffetrffir
Sloha 40. When the Moon occupiesKataka iden' tical with the ricing sign and when Venuc, Mercury, born will Jupiter an,J the Moon are strong, the female be profoundly learnedin the several sciencesand artt, and renowned for her spiritual influence. When a malefic planet is in the ?th bhava, the female concerned will devote herself to asceticism corresponding to the planete if any in the fth bhava. The yogas enumerated hitfierto are to be considered in connection witb the time of birth and the time of gift of a girl in marriage. Norns.
The readiug fiqe}<q{t is hopelossly corrupt. something likc lft q'qqt Qf. snr+el quoted in inlct' It ought to bc
1t qrffi
Adh. XVI.
qrt eTrh qtqrnqdtniqa;qi d qrft fi:ea*q r qrilert sInnIAgi,i fioel F{ dfihqa ginEr ll
sl. 42-43
q;qsrt fiaft a ft=mqiq{il aqt r fi=.q elqi a q.dl*rsrr-t nrqfruefi tt ffiq;giltslu q i*eiqi i{dr ilenI tt diqi h'm gHrt qei arqftuqiq BRtl
Sloh:t 42. Tlre {orcgoinq inquiry in regard to is females applicrblc, is saidby a wisc sagc, the time to as of their birth, the time of thcir marriagc, the time of query and th'- time of going in qucst of them and may leadalso to the revelation of the character of their htrsbands.
ll 81 ll
Slohu 43. When the 8th bhrva is occupied by a maleficplanet,the woman conccrnedbecomes widow a and the widowhood will occur at the age(period after marriage) signified by thc ruler of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house; when benefic planets occupythe Znd houseat the sametime, the woman herself will,die before her husband and she will have few children wfen the Moon is in Virgq Scorpio, Taurus or Leo. Norrs.
The period given for eaclt planet in tlre Naisargikayurdaya (vide V-2 supra) system is the period meant here when widowhood
Taurus, Leo and Scorpio as the Lagna and a malefic pianet in the 8th bhava and a benefic planet in the Znd bhava, she dres without undergoing widowhood and without issuer
qR ffqT@qqfte ftrfttq{Qseqg1r I
r-qeTdt \qaqereqnQEseq* frftqil qq qtt I nl*drqrtil: er.e{ R u cg:qT*6q qFfr5il.{rqr, qhqraft ileqgtr I rqrfr,ilffi sg {mT*
Also q-ir{irtl
sr 44-46
will be without wealth.
Slohu 44. When the 8th bhavahas strengthof a or owing to its beingoccupied aspected mixedcharacter aE by auspiciouo well as inauepiciousplanetc, the pair will die at one and the $ame time, say the astrologe$ unanimously. When the lords of the 7th bhava and the Lagnaare together in one bhavaor when the lotd of the ?th bhava is in the Lagnaand the lord of the latter occupies the ?th bhavain conjunction with an planet, the husband and the wife will die auspicioua simultaneously.
Adh. xvl.
Sloho 45. Wben auspicious planets occupy the 2nd bhava,say the reveredseniors,the femaleconcerned will haveher death ar the time of the ripening of their Dasasand during the Antardasa and Apaharaof the planetoccupyinsthe 8th bhava, its lord or tlre lord of the Navamsa wherein is the lord of the 8th bhava (whicheverof them may have predominant strength).
Sloko. 46. Wl'ren thc krrd of the 3rd bhavalrap, pens to be a male planct of predbminant strength occupyinga malesign idcnticalwitn'the 2nd, a Kcndra or a Kona bhava ;rnd is aspectcd' or in conjunction by with a male planct,the girl born will have a brother deetinedto enjoy much wcaltir and happiness,
'f of Slofut.17. hc girl at whose birth the lor..Js the Lagna occupy the 5th ird and th: llth L:havas from thc bhavawill havc a brother endowed with thc spirit, the v i r t u e s a n d t h c m a j c s t i cm i e n o f a r u l c r o f m e n .
il srEqfronqrq. tl
qQil Ir,qEqF(( rtitiTo{Fq troTon{d
A \ \A' \ \ \
sl. 48-49
Sloka 48. When the ?th bhava is without streugth, unoccupied and aepected not by a benefic but by a malefic planet, the female born will bave a contemptible wretch for her hueband; when Mercury is in the 7th bhava, the husband will be impotent ; if Saturn be a6so' ciated with Mercury in the same bhava,the woman will be barren or loathed by her husband; when a the moveablesign representE 7th bhava, he will alwaya be awaY from home' Nores.
Porhaps the readiug must be xai qlq +mt: (*rar={lgtv). C/, rr.iqld-{ quoted in tinw.
n)'qcrar{t} qat flgo* qq( tt q gqqFqgisFt qft: frqsil, ql:q I q;ErTr gffi qrsfrHi q fre qqlfrdi ll qr
q* q-qqqflq\qda?df+a friil qrorql: qrqfiigftq\, {Ttq: dlfia, t flm'e qqfrfad arfr* gqq-{q}qfiUq qos} aa] a* dt-fqtvrftrrit aqk q f{rrRqfa:tl q;+ +Tge{isqes<qq{ {i'i'qq(4lqti tl *frseh gur-{taittJ-tfi* qsffitf}aa:
r\lso fEsslil{
xvl. Adb.
Sloka 49. Wben the Sun occupiesits own Na' in vamEa the 7th bhava, the female born will havea playful' husband gentleand diverting by his excessive neEE. When the Moon occupiessucha position, she position,the will be h.ppy; when Mars is in the same will be devotedto his wife though playingthe husband gallanttowardsother women; if the planetoccupying its own Navamsa in the Tch bhava be Mercury, the will be learned if Jupiter be in that bhava,the huaband ; will who will haveall his concerned get a spouse female if it be Venus,the hueband will undercontrol; senseg he and be handcome voluptuous;lastly,if it be Saturn, will be an old dolt.
aTFt*eint eq{qaiffiqt T: r ffesril eaiil qiif f,w{{r:qR: ll *tsri eiq|* *} dAA ftdq' qft' r sl"iset eiah de qnlfqarqq(gsl rr qiisFt qirrh eii gqqr{f+Fitfuq: r E*sFt i{r+ d} +qrfrITrnril(gS n qtsrt tql* &} z*irWl ,ria.qR:t qqssqrrfddiSqtelq non tl qt;qItEIS\ gurEr{qrr-.* qrftflIt{{ssil g rnsttls I
(sd qq.Irrnfqir .Iai qilgtiEq e 4qb{T{rqfMkffiErqGl Rett mfi{rai{ffifr qnt*fi qtqr qR qqfgrEqqisfr rqorilttqr*nq tl \t ll
will haver decrepithusband Slola 61. A female when the lorcl of the 9th bhavarnd lupiter happento occupya g:<llct(Dustthana) at her birth; hc will be occupya Tri' tong,titt.Jancl wealthy if the two planets ko-oraKendrabhava.Iftheybeassociatedwiththe will be lord of the 4th bhavaor Mercury, the husband with Mars of a perEon learning; if they be associated o, S",.rrn,he will be an agriculturist; if with Rahuot Ketu, a villain; if with the lord of the 6th bhava, he a will become robbepchi'eftain.
,furr: qffi
Rautqr$ qttqurt
lustful will befair'limbed, Sloha 52. Thehusband occupies the ?th and have fiery eyes when the Sun horoscope;if the Moon be in that bhavain a femrle's bhava the husband o[ the female concernedwitl be and troubledwith voluptuous worthy, spare, handaome, ghe ailmeots if Mars be in the ?th bhava, will have for ; delightingin a her apouse, man humble in appe:'rance, crueliy, rudolent,with a ready tongue and of a ruddy hue; if Mercury occupy the bhava in question, the hurband will be a man of taste, amply endowed with gualities. learning,wealth and excellent
qA r{ut{trsftrrcgrqr{tqfrrfiqt
n* ErfrfUfr fW qk*flqlsrn
Slohu 5:J. If the plarer occupying the ?th bhava be Jupiter, the husbandof the femaleconcernedwill be a peraonblessedwith long life, with wealth and power equalto a king's,and lustful in his youth ; if Venuo, he will be lovely, ever playful and diverting and gifted with the highestpoeticalfaculcy; if Saturn, hc will be old, infirm and wicked; and lastly if Rahu or Ketu be in the ?th bha'.ra, the hueband of the femaleconcerned will be a low, evil,mindedwretch or somesuch person,
gifiweds w*qtatagrnrgar: stit d urqqftr ilgo raqmsr&ffi{rttull tq-crqffit qrffiqrRqrt rft diaEqairq{il
dtqr(il.qrrT:qt{l tl
S/oArr54. In thie chapter on FemaleHoroscopy, we have given accurately with reference to hucbands the sameinformation which we gave while treating of men's horoscoperegarding wives such as the regions from which they may come,their status,the frrotection of their virtuc and the quaiities evincedin their acts. The numberof childre will correspond tire number n to of Navamsas attainedby the powerful amonqthe planets c;ccupying the ?rh bhavaor its Amsa. The lord of that bhavawhen occupying a Kendra will producc m':cl: jubilation on marriageand otb.crfestal occagions.
Thur endr&c.
qrfrfiqtftilra egq{frsdlrTlr:
il sl${t$,Etl[ttffi3
Adtryaya XVII.
KetacnnxRADASA. The (qtuqm) kalacbakra'system of ayurdaya rsferred to elrady in Adhyaya 5, stoka 33, is based on the Moou's position in a ;fqFfqr{ or quarter of an asterism. For the purposes of this ayur' daya, the 27 stars from Aswini to Revati are classified into nine groups of three eacb, the five odd groups or triads beircg' strled ttq (Savya) or aRtol (Dakshina) and the four even ones ae slrrflal' (Apasavya) nq (Vama) or iIfi (Uttala). The peculiaritv of a n{ (Savya) triad !s that its l2 padas (qta) are assigned to the l2 Rasis from Mesha onwards. [n an l,r{e{ (Apasa''ya) triad, the t2 padas belong to the I 2 Rasis reckoned in a reverse order from
zia6 gou*'
qq (Savya) The 12 Naksbatra'lradas (a{Tqa) whether of a or of an 3{qA-C (Apasavyal triad can be brought under the four triangular signs according to the Rasis to which they are severally assigoed. Iu accordance with this classification,four kinds of c{qER (paramayus) or maximum life will be shown to result. (Yide sroka l2). (Kalachakra nakshatrapadayus) iu its Each qnqrqfi-qqaqt<l1rr. nine rnahadasas ( qcKal ) presided ovgr eotire length comprises by nine Rasis aod their lords. The orCer in which the saveral is Naksbatra padas got each its nine rnahd.dasas indicated in the (Savya) and qcsq (Apasavya) rnnemonic formulas for the w4 cbakras respectively. These formulas are expressod by couvcs' tional letters qaqqft (Katapayadi) referred to already in page 696. Two additional letters S aail Ft used in the formulas denote the numbers I I and l2 respoctively
Adh. xvII,
The following hints may give a clue to ths law govorning tho essignment of the rnRhqrlagss to.the sovoral Naksbatra padas. In I (qqfi (Savya cbakra) tbe mahadasas begin from Mesha onwards to Meena and thence they pass on to Vrischika and go in a rcvcrse order up to Dhauus and thence revert to Mesha and cad is Mccna. 'Thus wc have bad 3 cycles reprcsentiug 36 mabadrsss for the first four Rasyamsas ( <r+it ) or the first nakshatre of a triad. Thc 4th cycle begins with Vrischika and passing on in a reverse ordcr ends in Dhanus. The 5th cycle ruus from Mesha to Meena ; thc 6th from Vrischika backward to Dbaous, These three cycles' give the kalachakra dasas to the four nakshatra padascomprising the sccond star of a $;q (Savya) triad. The 7th' 8th, and 9th cycles are identical with the lstr 2nd and 3rd cycles-respectively -that the four padas of the 3rd star of a tfat Thus it will be seen (S*wa) triad have the same mahadasasas those of the first. Tbore are uine cycles also corresponding to the twelve padas of an s{cEq(.\pasavya) triad, but with this difference. The cycles in this cbakra run in an order exactly the opposite of what obtains in the Sdzfqfi (Savya chakra!. The first cycle begins with Dha' nus aud ends with Vrischika. The second runs from Meena to Mcsha in tbe reverse order. The third passes from Dhaous to Vriscbika identically with the lst. These three cycles assign tbe mabadasato the first four padas comprising the first oakshatra of an r|{q6q (Apasavya) triad. The 4th and the 6th cycles are idcttical with the 2od, i, e., from Meena in a reverse ordcr to Mcsha while the 5th is with the lst or the 3rdr i. 8., from Dhanus of to Vrischika. These three enable us to find the mahadasas the star of an qqat (Apasevya) middle four padas forming tbe second triad. It is a peculiarity of the agqpq*q5 {Apasevva chakrr) that tbe hst four padas bave the same mehadasas as the middle ones; tbat is thc 7th, 8th and 9th cycles eortespond to thr 4th' 5th and 6tb rcopoctivety in an arqq6{qfr (Apasavya chakral' For tbe lengths of the rnahadasa periods of the several Rasis and their lords, thr reader is reierred to stolra 6.
that thc iraximum length of the life of any person whether born in the beginning, middle or eud of a qETTqK (nakshatra pada) should not exceed the length of the nine mahadasas (for that pada) reckoned from that at birth. For a knowledge of the terms,fu (OeUa), jils (Jeeva), cuEF{IR (lvlandukagati), c{.{rft (Markatagati), (Simbavalokua), iMrr the reader should refer to slokas gg_.g2. In connection with the 16grn5 qoEfirrfil (Mand"La gati) and rtaqfr (Markata gati), it will be interesting to note that in a Hqa;6 (Savya chakra), the trvo movements take place from Kanya to Kataka and Simba to Mi. thuna rospectively, while in an aTq-o{qrf,(Apasavya chakra) they are invariably from Kataka to Kanya and Mithuna to Simha and these occur only in the cycles which run from vrischika to Dhanus and tice acraa. A reason for this wiil appear wheu we remember that it is only by such an arrangement the order of planets iu both the cycles can be made identical.
lfi snq I
'- -------* t - t -
Adh' XVU
Adh. xVlI.
F, hs
(n c.I
I*' i
I_ r
roin'- sl
wn rEb
,"8 I ':v
6 zleeiitsl'rol6"-ns"zlu"ru*-tol+artr- s
s llq2lqrltrl^ I ln lrs: tolal5u- zl*e{"- lc f.dr{cE:i iag"-"u- rlrvuuml-it( 5lcr4lmllctI I l,i,slr+aa- ztla<nu- t lr'tr+m:srw: im=qo- sifir."RI ttt--_-t-.1--l
I I la-uwr:I rt
zlrrlqttl** sloolzlf"gn-rolag"*-si,nr<asj+z+a-<zrl-
,ll: "1*
j--.1 ",*]
I z[ts'frrtollDrma- 2fr"<'g{- I
Easwara saidSloha 3. ' I
xvl[. Adh.
am of the nature of the Sun eod thou art declared to be the Moon. The whole universe coneistingof mobile and immobile things is brought about by the conjunction and opposition (separation) of the Sun and the Moon.
l l
qqFeq?il tt \ tl nfrrnqrtu,tuqt*ft
Sloha 6. Wise mensay that Mars, Venuo,Mer, cury, the Moon, the Sun,Mercury,Venus,Mars, Jupiter, the $aturnand Jupiterare respectively lords of Saturn, the signs from Meshaonwards and also of their
lsg?q(qc5risnGs r
d{Tr{ qqHqnnER.qsi *[ tt s tt
mdqqi{Rd.q{rftg \S q r
SJaftas 7-8. In the 5 triads of stars beginning Mula and Hasta, reopectively with Aswini, Punarvasu, quarters from \{ecba in reckonthe Purvaprorhtapada, four triads com' (Pradakshina) order. ln tl're the cd*ut with Rohini, Maktra, Visrkha, and S'ravana, mencing from Vrischika in the sull6o (Apreckonthe quarters pradakehina) order.
Slokas 9-10. The qx (chakra) consisting of a qftq (Dakshina) triad of stars should be cast in the cfiq (Pradakohina)order from Mesha to Meena among the 12 Rasis to which the Navamsas composing the triad belong. Again, the 12 quarters of the triad called lm (Utara) (in contrast with qf*qr (Dakshina) of the previous sloka) are to be assigned to the 12 Rasis in the slrqftq (Appradakehina) order from Vriscbika to Dhanuo. Thuc, qftq (Dakshina) and Ytt (Uttara) have to be apprehendedas distinct each from the other.
q*i qEiMrfs {}ard ii;q*.gar ll q ll gtKrxqreil{ gt}rfirqqcthorq r 6Gnqrqri(**qftrt {rd6t qiQrira tt t " ll
I erq{tqrs{rP{g EQtorrfrffiqt
of Raois. In the q:c (Savya)triad the reckoningbegins with it (Deha). In the qq6q(Apasavya)triad it beginewith ** (Jeeva).
q+ q nrqiqrc rnm*qt u tl tl k
fi{s do-fiMqril frsrqqqsaqqt
Slolas 13and t3l. There.canthus be a thorough knowledge the ageof a person when what are called of are previously settled. Io |6 (Deha) and sfra(Jeeva) (Savyachakra) the first division of every ihg f,cqqs Rari is called|6 (Deha) and the last is termed dr (Jeeva). In the q$rtqrx (Apasavya chakra) this is reversed.
qfirg3qitildiafrfr {s'arqq I
Slohas 13+-14+. When Rahu, Ketu,Maro,or the Sun happen be in the conjuncrion of tr (Deha) and to ilr (Jeeva),there will be deathin conoequence thereol. If they happento be in tc (Deha) alone, disease setc in. Cy. ntrrrr
tt*qnqrfril*n,srRqrfift: r
Sl. 16-17
qu qgil+Onr iilt tl
ce n$qtfrt dq{rqu da. rr *q,itt k+t rTQTqril E Euq: I rt{q: tl epqi sfrtrqrlq eqil qTx dti ff+ T{rng: n}ft{m} ftqd:I .P' g<lanfifr tt ?gfirqft arFn wqr
qoq.{rrftdqt t
qqqigq'{ftq qrqiffiuF,qt lt ls u
Bloha L7. At the time tfere ic a lHra gimhavalokana, backward glance a lion, aidc infra cloka of 89-91)or a rcqqqft (Mandukagati,a frogleap)happens, there ic danger of untimely death from which one ic released an expiation. by af. 'm{t
ir{nql: m+}qrt rr6+gftrrttr{.tt f{<tsftgi qTtfaqi ;qrftrliqEq, r nznrs qA q*,,ffiR d rr M frErgIffi frqrnqr*,iqt gq:rr
\e o qrftr( u*tr trt qr{t;5{qgft! n td tl
fiRTrqt qrsR *$t ffreirfqgisR q I qrg+qfafiflr medrlqmnqq t rr qrsfr i\ &q q r qlt ffi g r&+ q fkrqdsi iq ar{i st ota. rr ftaffiqri q qp-qfiqfrtiqq, r efirgqfut qrqfhnHlilqrd tl
Sloic 18. When there is a transit from Meena to Vrischika, fever attacksthe personsconcerned. When there is a paosage from Kanya to Kataka, the death taker place of one'gmother, relation or wife.
SJofta19. When there is wiae irtroto $inha (after a qqssd - Mandukapluti), a wound' iog* .t o,tld predict a iir.".t due to an ulcer or from Simhato Mithuna' there When there is a passage or will be diseaee deathof one'sown wi[e'
g{ft"fuqqti qIqqESqq{ ll 1o ll
Dhanus Sloka ZO. When the transit ir from relative is to to Mesba, the death of a son or other such When an auspicious planet occupiet L. "ppr"t "nded. when it has the houre of trangit, there is no risk; but a malefic planet, there is danger'
to Stoka 71. When there ig a transit from Kanya great during the becomes Ketakathe personconcerned portion of it, and goesupona happytrip towardo ;;;;; the north.
to Sloka 22. When there i$ a transit from Simtra M it hu n a , t h e f o r me rp o rti o n th e re o fsh ouldbeshunn ; of at as inauspicious the commencementan undertaking will be auspicious' but :r trip then in the southwest
Stoha. 73 When tbere is a transit from Kataka of to $imha in a qq (savya) movement, there is failure one's business and sickness comes in its wake ; and 123
, in plain Englioh, there is a paEsag from Simha towards Vrishrba through Mithuna,
qrqrit qriqrrr6qrft+gftfu',, tl 18
Sloha 24. When there is a passage from Meena to Vrischika, i. e. in the northern direction, croubledigappearo. When the transit is from Dhanus to Mesha, the parcage risky ; disease ancl cleathof a relaticin is may occur.
dr {qfaqnG g{ qEfrqfq\ |
il (r3{rls il
*qe q qd tfr trsffq:q+lffin: t : ulrg*-ii-e&*'qurqtcTfb,{ tI q$q qEii tq] ftgi frq e=qhr q-* u* g*fro*-6*gqrwrr tl figqs z,ittt' q{ fiq: qft1ffia: t gsq-s] sdd s$l}d ustq, tt t odqq e'i qd frii frq, q-*1ff,c'
qgf,rq) gd-q} gQKqIll Q;a&flr
** ws* gngva<r&fr*qry, tt
6]66rqr: e,i iq: ffqr frq qt]=qt r
fiiltFwnqrt I d{srqr* [
gfrre -sdid ftit *q {ft rqd' r $i-* gofiq'gsd"+ {ft: ffi ,, flgae q,i *+ sqfrt( s;qt t
*Fq1TqrqqlftFt;qqr rugqrtt1 tqer qmtlki fqgq ffq g'qt r tl ffi"Sdgnngerr<diq{r' I iq c eq t* qu{q: q-+tHn: gqkRilil"qrtf yg*'uRat: g;q: tl
sL q?-30
(Savyachakra),the lotd of Sloha 2'1. ln the 6tTcs dfa Jeevais Mer' k (Deha) is Venus and the lord of to cury in the caEe of the ?s (Chrkra) belonging ct to Miitr,tn",'fhula and Kumbha' With resPect the by Kataka, Vrischika and Meena' the iAh;k;;i;ned iord, of dta lJeeva) and Q6(Deha) are respectively Jupiterand the Moon.
qtoiqu*it a {wt ll qc lt
the Sun and Rahu Stoha 28. When Mara,Saturn, death is occupy tt (Deha)and sftq(Jeeva)separately' when to b.-f.rr.d' Of this there can be no doubt severalof them occupytheseplaces'
Sloku 29. The planet occupying the ta (Deha) producesa dangerous;nalady while the one occupying tf both the tt ih. ,tru (Jeeva) brings on great riak' unu(Jeeva)bc occupied by the malefic pla' (Deha) "nd netsnamed(intheprevioussloka),then'undoubtedl a becomec victim' the personconcerned
qtEffi q+rflrqlqruqfrftft t
qgtt{Rtrqqrffiffi ll 1o lt
qt Slofta 30, With two malefic planets in the (Deha)or frq (Jeeva) there will be growing diseae; or with ihree of rhem,there oughtto besudden untime deathretc in. ly death. when all the four are preaent,
Adh. XVII.
sloaa 31. If ?a (Deha) and sfis (Jeeva) be simul_ taneouell occupied.by a malefic planet, there is danger to be leared from the king, robb"., o, other such aqency, but if they be simultaneously occupied by two malefic planers, dearh will undotrbtedly happen.
Slokas 32-33. Damageby fire will resulr when the Sun ir in such a maleficposition. The Moon in the game position will cause injury by conflagrrrion. will bring on hurt inflicted by a deadly Y"rr i""pon Mercury will producetroLrble due to flatul.rr.", J";;;;, in such an inauspicious position will cause trolUi. in the ctomach. Ventrs will bring on risk by f ire; Saturn produces olic; Rahu gives birth tc c a i l m e n t sd u e t o venomousbites.
qft-qrqr fa{rq;} qaFHFtir{ tfr | qli {rquil ftq {ruiilqqili rt-ir rt st gft qtqFn wq g*sftqqn1ry( |
Fn{ n tt tl
sr. 37-38
the ?th, Saturn i' the natal star, Rahu in the 9th house, the Moon in the :th, the Sun in the l2th, Mercury in the 7th and Vcnus in an inimical hotrse are eaehof them c{qten;T (Maranastthana) or death occasioners. When the planetwhicir is ihus cermedTT{orrqH (Maranastthana) in conjunctior)with a malefic is pla.et or aspect, ed by one such or occupies an inimical or clepressicrn houseor ie destitute of strength, the person concerned comesto grief.
rrtafrqqoq tl
qEt sirft fiiiqrqficiqni
eili{eqflfiqnqiftqwgfr q r
qErftE;gwui swrf*ilrJ{ lt ls tl
Sl,,ku i7. The Sun, whcrr in ie (Deha) or cft-d (Jeeva)causcsadversities of various sorts, loss of weaitit, disease, frrVsr, r isk f rom enemies, loss of one.s placc,biliotrs affcctiorrs, sPlcen, diarrhoca, ct_lrrsumption, ,r.rr, tlisc,r.-*c thc rlg,lsll ol catcle.rrrd l.:inclrerj the of and loss of brother or cithel Jt-arrclation-
Adb. xvil.
gift and to the propitiation of Gode and Brahmins at and meals. bathsin holy waters; to soft rePo$e pleasant
Sur6tr6 firilqwrB+(-
geqrtt$Efrq{rqq Ssftr ll lq fl
Stoha 39. Mars in a bad position, produces inflammationof the body, diseaseand dread of fire and robbers,quarrel with kindred, death of a brother or other dear relation, loss of land and treasure, falling off in rank, policy leading to war, colic, piles, leprosy, dangerfrom venomousreptiles and foemen.
MlqrqqkftEqqifr qtaqr ll 8o ll
Sloka 40, Fever, amall,pox, biliousness, knotty tumour, dangerfrom venomous reptilee, fire, wcapons, robbers, foes and thc king should a wiae astrologer predict in addition, with rcspectto Mars.
SloAa 41. Mercury secures favor of benevolenc, the knowledge of worldly a{fairs, good trusty great men, a an manoers, insight into Vedas,phrlosophy and science; the acquisition of wonen, progeny, wives, royal orna' ments, kine, elepharrtsand horseg; thc irrcrcaEc of diecernment,wealth, intellect and fame.
sL 48-44
------v----. - -'----'---'--
the Stoka 43. Venus secures sexual delight and societyof{inewomen;thepleasures'ofpictorialart' precious fine aiparel, wealth, cattle, vehiclee, gemsand magni' ,rorr., ; musical concerts'dancing parties,lordly with ficence,good fame,great liberality and association the virtuous.
- *\ \. ^ ^
umfiffi{tqrfrruqr+rfcdieaq r
lt {fr iatrmil{ rr
fl eted q!fi'EflT$"cTqll
oETqi[E{tFFrb iarip'i Tr(g{{q I dritqyorcr-'qr?ig(il$qrrqftq Bs fl || gqti gli sri srqdqoq;qqr I ilenTrq{qrg* glTg* gqriqu{ il Bc tl eqrcgfhdq{tq nqi}qt i fiomxqrt C TrGrrrli ?q1qaqfr Bq tl
n1tqarfirrirrercqiq Rqflqtr
sl. 51-53
wealth, children, wives and apparel may be aonounced. If tbe Lagna be in an auspicious sign, everything will come off auspiciously; it will be otherwise when the Lagna is in a malefic sign and also when occupied by a malefic planet. When the Lagna being in a benefic sign is also occupied by a benefic planet, the result will be exceedinglyhappy. If the planet in the Lagna be in its swakshetra,in its exaltation or in a friendly house and the emqtrr(Chakradasa)of the Lagna be in progress,dominion, wealth and honor from the sovereign will accrue. If, on the other hand, the planet in the Lagnabe depressed,cclipsed, or in an inimical house, there will be loss of children, wife and such other dear objects; if the Lagna and its occupants be of a mixed character,the astrologershould declare the effect to be of a mixed nature.
g if<ii.rtrfoq*; uaw;qiiqdaqI qlqi gd(rrdiikr.riZqtffiq n \l tl q flqrfi Er{qgi;i q-dgqrirroqrr{{ | grrd u.oii ailirTrq* $owqqT \R ft n
Slokt 5l-52. During the a;6q,rrr (Chakradasa) of the 2nd Rasi may be expected increaseof wealth and corn, good food, acquisition of children and wives, lands, cattle, honor by the sovereign, attainment of knowledge, eloquenceand amusement good company in When the Rasi in question is auspicious, such gooo effectas has been said above will follow: it will be otherwise when the Rasi is malefic.
Adh. xvtrI.
qurftRlrqqrfr r wgr[qsrqrqft{
qqqnrikiqfr gqtrfi g,i l\( ll \u ll
of S/ofras 53-54. When the qrn{m (Chakradasa) the 3rd Rasi ripens, it will be the good fortune of the person concerned to enjoy much happinesa, to get in to fruits edible and palatable, display heroisrn, abundance presentedwith ear-rings, firmoess and self-control,to be to appareland neck-ornaments, attain to dignity and to possessfood, drink and other good things of life in abundance. The astrologeris to announcegood effects when the Rasi is good.
qadiqrfu4rgqiqurq \c ll ll 6tgarffi
t sTqili qotorri qta;ErGqqtiqqq ll sqq&qqqift qrtarrd{Worq \1 i;
6l-63. Dtrring tire ripening of the ?*{f,t SJo*a.s of (Chakradasa) the 6th liasi, the person coocerned has to apprehend danger from fire, trouble froro thieves' of from enem-bs,from poiso.n, frorq the sovereign, loss
qnari qagqq. lt tt ll airriiiivqqtffi qiageqqug +rq r?mufiqqi I qqatffisoxdgffi;gitawr\ ll qRll q;wi iqrronit ruqOftF{dsrs.. I qfr tl Ql tt $q{ qo+i qrf}q{ qiTrlt
Adh. XVIr.
place,great risk due to gonorrhoea, colic, jaundice and kindredailments, dia*hoea and consumption, ill,fame, loss of wives, wealth, childrenand relatives, captivity, being put in irons, ha.rassment a.ccountof debts and on poverty. These will be the effects when the Rasi is malefic. The effect will be mixcd when rhe 6th Rasi is benefic.
ncreihqnq qiiqTi irrrr6:I digq gzorli q u(Rqgsrftr.q qs tl u qrq\Fi q'Er{: aRninwqvrfii I \. gqildi qo qei girfrnq{fvttt qq rr
Slolas 64-55. During rhc ripening oi the q$E{rr (chakradasa) the 7th Rasi may be expecced of marriage; the joy with a weddcd consorr; the birrh ,rf u .oo, tlr. pleasures of the tablc-such as ghee, dhal and sugar; success agriculturt:,acquisition of cattle, elephants in and ornaments, hon,tr by the sovercign and great rcnown. when thc Tth Rasi is beneficand is occupierJ by a benefic planer, the gord cffecrs spoken 'f will surely follow.
EgqT(tttisd qEq:dqmrqq t
sr. 68-72
F[qT,OqaIzt TiT{IdtrE{aqt ll ul 11
Slofta.s 70--71 When the sxEar (Chakradasa)of the Rasi of the 10rh bhavais in progressand when that Rasi is propitious, rhe following goodthings may be predicted by :r, competent astrologer*acquisitionof a kingdom,honor by a king, qood fame,greacrejoicing in the society of one's wives, children and relatives,possessionof authority, sound health, pleasarrt recreaticns in companywith good people, the fruit of good works and supremacy.
S/oftas 72-73. During the ss-qdn(Chakradasa) of the Rasi of the llth bhava, the pers)n concerned will come into possessionof money, health, ornlsents and have an accession of varied property and household 'When good planets appear in the Rasi in furniture. questicn, the astrologers declare there will be, as the reeult hereof, comfort and happiness securedto the the children and the relatives, return from re' females, productive investments,real prosperity, royal favor and good fellowship.
74-75. When the qxqm of the Rasi of thc SJofrus 'happ.ot 12th bhava is in progress and when that Rasi to be malefc, the followirtg evils may without doubt crop up-bodily suffering, loss of place,encormterwith nobibers,fire, royai diepleasure and the like I ffsuble hom relatives from women and from tlre king ; obatruc' tion of activity, lassittrde, loss in agriculture, in csule and in lands; poverty and watrt of occupation.
ll il {fr qsEttTsCIq
wflai q,o{iEir{ |
speciallypointed out.
tt rrfr* qogt<imfqreqrfr se ll
qofisft?tqQifrqrfiftts( ll rgcll
q$sqaqqqtl qrq{rrkftfut t \eq $c-.ll ll eqlfu\ e q{i {d fu
with the strengthof S/ofras77-'lg. In accordance the planetowning a particular Rasi under consideration ; st o,rld the astrologer use suitably the rule enunciated of question is possessed when the lord o{ thc Rasi in strength occupying a varga belonging to its exaltation hourq to a friendly sign or to itself and when the asso' benefic' ciated planetsare friendly and thc aspectingones But the gooJ effects statedalready may be announced' its *h"n thc lord of tl-rellaei has no strenqtli bcing in in depression, an inimical houscor cciipsedby the Sun's thc 6tir, tl'r'riith clr the l?th .rf, o. when it occupies planctsard nrilcflc or unfrienciiy bhava.rndthc aspectinq -when such is at birth the st;ttt:ol the planet owning cffcct produccd by it the Rasi under consideration---th,-r will be pain{ul.
qfuqq q(i aFi qiq.qn?iqlsqr{ll eo ll qftqq qilfilfli ffigfiqsai gqq I qii i{Ggui frt{ sodq q t{qt ll el tt
Adb. xvn.
two sorts: bad as well as good. If the lord of the Rasi be without strength, the person concerned will suffer the evil effects. If the planet owning the Rasi predo, minate in strength, the effect of the Rasi will be good ; and if the Rasi be capableof producing good as well as evil, while its lord continues predominant,the good will undoubtedly come to pass.
qffi{Is,i qm iiiuq$T{Eq. n a1 11
Sloha t2. If the lord of the Rasireferredto in the preceding slokas be in a movaablesign or occupy a Navamsa owned by ; moveable sign and if the iloqx (Kalachakra) that produced be by a moveable sign, the person concerned will haveto go to a foreigncountry.
sL 84-gg+
Sly&as87-83+. Lay our upon the floor a diagram rf the qiqrqam (D;rkshinaCliakra) which begins *irr, deshaand ends with Mecna. Draw arso a'other dia, lram on the ground, of thc strrqs lUttara Chakra) rcginning with Vrischika and endirrg with Dhal rus in th: reverseorder. Success failure and or whether
can ascertain as pointed out by the Rasis and the planets in a horoscope according to their strength. Every body can have such things foretold in respectto his life in the way that has been pointed out.
sroqfirrft*qriii\m t{qRftr ll cq ll
qrdqrrqdiq g8i,rqqd ffn I ft{rqdwi;TIrr gnlrlm rriq ll io ll
S/oAas 89-90' The progress of 'steq* (Kalachakra wheel of time) has beenascertained by encient sagesto take placein three ways-(1) liqq'trlcn(Mandukagamana) (Prishtatogamana) going a a frog's leap; (2 ) 1ud'ruua backward in view to the sarnemovement; (3) ihersa;i$i (Simhavalokana)the glancing a lion which consistsin of returning by the way traversedalready.
Slofrr.s 9l-9i l. Ihe s,:cond of the three move, m e n t i o u c Ji n t l r c p r c v i o u ss i o k ao c c u r si n r e s p e c t mi:nts to the signs KatakaanCSimha, The third, r.e.,fharadrbetween Meena and Vrischika, as *a is a direct passagc alsobetwecnDhanusand M,:shacither way. The frog's leap is the dircct passagebetwccn Karrya and Kataka, as well as Simha and Mithuna (avoiding in each case sien). the intermediate
ll qR frHqolurqi cq11ftaffiHru;Tq tl
raguqlRqniq wnsnifiqt{ |
sl. 9r-96
itfrqt itqrrqrfte{tirilihn{f*q t
(Mandukagama, Sloha 93L. At the time a ccqdrlc?r na) occurs, the death of a revered person or of one'c parentsmay happen; or there may be danger from poison, deadly weapons, f ire, fever or incendiary brigands.
quqsqiq6t s{Hqn{tsq il qq rf
SJoAa 96. If the qqRitrr{n (Mandukagamana) referg to a Eqs:6(Savyachakra),there will be distress to per-
sonsin the family holding equal status with the owner of the horoscope.
ffignqq'q* qqfturqdttq I
qwtwfrfr q diqntr.tqq.;1 ll \u
Sloka 97. When the wq+nil (Mandukagaci) is between Simha and Mithuna the astrologermay predict a the deathof the mother or of the person concernecl, fevcr or dangerfrom a liing or {oemcn. complicated
having Sloka 98-93'. ln a fkqradr+'(Simhavaloka) qElrqis(Srvya chakra), the evil cropping reference to a up will be danger from a quadruped or fire. When in there is a gusmna (Prishtatogamana) a q64qr (Savya there wilI be loss of wealth, grain and cattle, chakra), or disease deathoi a fathcr, or thc demise of persons of equalstanding.
sl. 101-104
t 0 Z . T h e s t a r sA s w i n i , K r i t t i k a , p u n a r v a s u , Aslesha,i'l.rsta, Ilevari, Moola. Purvaproshtapada, Utta_ rashrdaand Swati conf..rrm, th.. sages as sry, to the firsr four of the forrnulas for the quqq* (Savya chakra.
sloAri r04- The first four of the formuras the for a{q6qqs (Apasavya chakra)are apoiicable the stars to Visakha, Rohini, Makhaand Sravana.
xvu Adh.
qqt ll
Anuradha' Jyesh' Sloha 105. ThestarsSathabishak, Uttara phalguni,Purvaphalguni ta, Mrigagira,Sravistha, and Ardra conform to the last four formulasfor the qrrs.{!:E ( A pasavYa chakra)'
I qq (|6qq$q|itqtlit ll
to their Astrologersare divided into two schools according One class explain that each manner of applying these formulas' a particular type and gives formula applies to a nakshatra'pada of comp:sing the entire life reprethe order of the Rasi-mahaclasas and that the subsidiary portions of sented by the nakshatra'pada Rasis mentionedin the formula. *"t, R."i.*ahadasa belong to the that each formula is The aslyologersof the other class say Rasi owning the corres' of tbe concerned only with the mahadasa pondingnakshatra.pada(1..e._towhichtheformulahasreference rule indicate the order and the and the letters in the mnemonic in of the subsidiaryperiods of the mahadasa iroportion"te lengths such Rasi-malradasas qourtion i and that a life consists of several order of the nakshatra-padas' fottowing oue another in the natural
sl. 105
the initial rrlahedasa being that of the quarter asterism occupied by the Moon in theilhoroscopeunder examination. An illustration will make the whole thing clear. Talie for irrstance the case of the horoscopt given in page 237 sdlrfd. 'Ihe Moon's position is 9 :igns, 14 degrees, 29 minutes, 39 seconds. These when reducedto rninutes give 17,069'65. Divi. ding this by 800 (the number of minutes of a star), we get 2l stars and 269'65 minutes. Ihe person was born after 169'65 minutes had passed in the 22nd star acz, Tqq (Sravaua) ld. e. after 69'65 minutes had passedin the 2ud quarter of the star, and the llasFbwning this nakshatra.pada is Tula in the Apasavya chakra. The mnemonic formulalcorresponding to this padais arqRagfrlt-.lvt which when translated into figures will become 6-7-8-12-11 ul=9f 10-9-8-7. According to the lirst school 83 years or 200 " 28'90+75 years having expired before birth, about 3 years of Vris. chika Kuja d^sa (qia65s({n) still remain to be passedat the time of birth of the person concerned. The rnahadasathat follows next will be that of Sc-gt, then $uAfr<rJr, q{11ffit{r, qEfe.(tft, qf*mssiitr and gor{fmtqrr follow in their order. fhe subsidiary portions of each of these mahadasasbelong to these 9 Rasis. e. /., the bhuktis of the l0 years of {trgnttr will be (l) {rrgt l-O3 . l 0 ' , 2 j _ . - _ . ^ 4 x l 0 y e a r s ; ( 3\) * _ _ _;.I^ 4 x l 0 ," qdwl gx y e a r s; ( . \, g i r T i l l a J: ;rj Vears;
(+) q-g,jr
g x 16 1 6x l 0 // _y e a r s ; ( _/r { q l_ -t_ . _ - U , - y c a r s ; ( 8 ) g o r g * t 6 x 1 0 $ T 83 -years ; and (9) lie*r,$',1t{f Sinrilarly for the other dasas. ,."rr. Thc secondschool will nraintain that the initial mab.adasa of the horoscope under reference is that of Eotgm out of whicb * 16 or 5'57 years baving elapsed already, there is still l0'43 years to be,passed and the mahadasasto follow are those of q,.-4lgq, f.l(h, ih4{Tq, fhTagq, Zcqgm and so on. The order of the subsidiary periods in each mabadasais that of tbe Rasis of tbe Ictters in the corresporldiogor*rula; e. g. the bhuktis of thc5 f
years; (6)gdqgn
years of fk{+fin
be (l)
qxs 2 11 , - , _ _ - - -1005 ^5x5 (a) lqgq-g{ v"".r; (5) kfia=1jj r"tts; (6) +etqq ffi
^ faffiOs
7x5 v""rr. The astrologers of Southern India belong fj to this latter class. r'iry< in his qoPiil\+t refers to both the schools in the two following slokas :
.fhe initial rnahaclasa a life belongs to the lord of the Iiasr of owning the nakshatra-padaoccupiedby the N'loclnat the time of to birth, being so tnuch of the liasi'mahadztsaas corresponds the and the order of the ghatikasthat yet remain of the nakshatra-pada mahadasas follows the natural order of the nakshatra-padas reckoned from the aforesaid one. This is the opiuioo, say the sages,held bY the other school.
Sloka106. 5, 21,7,9,10, 16 and 4 are the years respectivelyof the 7 planets reckoned from the Sun. The yean of tlre signs corresPond to the years of their
ffiii*-irs{I6qq i I
st 10?-109
il sr'(zrifiq. tl
<qt q{Fq{goqiwtgrteqqr *( | oeqqril&ntqr q{fl{Ftri{*rr ( os !l
of Sloha 107. The period of antardasa a planet in a rrtrfirr (Mahadasa)is found out by multiplying the iatter to by the number of yearsassigned the planetand dividing the product by the number of years constituting the entire Ayus cf the Chakra. The result will consist of years,monttrs,days &c.
*ci qar(tqiid'qtlcir Woq ilil;ililql il{r I ll SqqRfrl rtqlg(atqd {rlFd{ftrili q16"q1s I "q ll
^ \ \ Co Qa
of Sloha 109. "I he subdivisions (watqt:-antaraJaha) (bhukti or antardasa treatedin its turn aEE a eubpericd whole) are to be obtainedby multiplying the number of days composing the particular bhukti chosen by the number of years of the mahadasa of the planet whoge antara is required, and dividiug the product by th
figure representiog the orxinum Ayus in years for the quarter abterism concerned. The quotient will be in dayr etc. In this way, the big, small and smallerclivi, sions of a planetary period styled Dasa, Antarclasa, Antara and Vidasa may be obtained.
S/oArl 2. A person attains to a voga good or bad exactly in accordance with the strength of planetary pocitions ; and the cbaracterof the dasa that he will L*re is dependenton the character of the yoga; and all that men experience in the world is comprehendedin the good and evil cropping up in ttre dasas; and the dlatiib,rtion of this good and evil should be declared ruitably to the conditions of the four castes'
ffiru fraqqtilewqfr-qtililrGqm,flffi"qts tt l tl
Sloha 3. Count the etarsfrom Krittika in groups of nine. The planets presiding over the dasae belonging to the nine srars composing each group are reEpectiveiy the Sun,the.Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter,Sarurn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus respectively and their years a r e6 , 1 0 , ? , 1 8 , l F , 1 9 , I 7 , 7 a n d 2 0 .
qft{iqfrfqs{rEgeqfr;afqqn q{q+flan r t
qrqtagdqrenTFqqr nfrrsilqoqqrtEfisilf n \ tr
Sloku 5. But planetsproduce evil when ( l) they own the Rasi occupiedbv Mandi; (2) they occupythe containingMandi; (3) they are asgociated bhavag with the averagenumt er of benefic dots ; (a) they fewer than or are in inimical, depressed eclipsedsigns ; (5) they are in a rrrEsFt (bhava sandhi) or associated with malefic planets; and lastly when they occupl' portions of Rasi, Sandhi (which have been termedinauspicioua).
NorE.. For the ternr {l{HFq (bhava-sendhi), see Sripatipaddhati,
r ffi<rfrrqitqdlq{qrrr ercqf+9fr$fiqqilr! |
sl. 6-8
Adhyaya I, Sloka 8.
'Ihe icial effects Moon produces benef Slctho T. of the lord of the dasaI when in the houseo[ a friend or in the exaltation hou.se of the lattcr or in the ?th 'frikona houseor in any one of the scec (Upahouae,a to chaya) houseswith reference the qtttanr(Daeanathha). 14.) (atde inf ra, sloka
dsrqaftuqtemiNql ll c ll
Sloka 8. In the favorable positions mentioned tu the previous sloka, the Rasi occupiedby the Moon
Adh. xylr,
*"ld r-r.*t, Wealth, etc.,at the time of birth. Thc Moon in one gf these favorablepositions promotes prosperity in respect the bhava represented the Rasi oCcupied. to by In the unfavourable positions, bhavarepresented the by the Rasi(occupied the Moon) suffers by damage.
Sloia i l. Men experience good when the Es (Ishta)portionof a planet'sinfluence greatly is in .*..s, gf the +u (Kashta)portion. But when ih" lrir., i, pr", dominant,evil has to be mostly suffered. n", *i.. the {r (lshta) and +u (Kashta) even,the effects are are
sl. 12
I sq\fie '{q T+qGuq kt';qrt qe qqg'rgrfi lltlll qrr{milds+iiat q ffiffi{ ilq irc{ E{rq.n
is mentionedas Sloho 12. Wha'tever substance on Definitions) belonging to a planet in the (ch;rpter q6cwr+-Brihatjataka Adh' t t*oio iS"ngn"an y avt. t:i d e Adhyaya II sloka 20)' and what' lI, sloka 12 aLo ';tr.-ttt. a planet in the ever catling is declared appropriate to Adh,' X' chapter on*Profession (aiii 1' w'-Brihatjataka whatsloka I etc. also er.cr. AdhyayaXV,slokas'13-50)' of the presence ever has been spokenof as'the e{fecto[ XVIII-1 etc' planetsin bhavas (ui'Je1' wr' XK'1, etc' *'or' VIII'slokas 3C-ll7) anclo[ their being aseoci"l*o and of their ated witir or aspected by otlrcr planets' yogas)' all this combinations o[ yogas (exceptNabhasa in their must bc duly assign.d to the planetsconcerned several dasas. NorB,s.
Adh. xvtn.
in tbe rasi occupied,to its assocration with other planets, to ths bencfic dots obtained in its Ashtakavarga, to its occupation of any particular decanate, Navamsa and orher vargas, etc. Ari these eflects will also havc to i.,e suitlrbl). atltlecl on. Thc Jrarticular constitueot of the I(alapuruslra reprcscnterl L,l, tlrc planet, tlte p o l i t i c a l g r ' d e t 1 ' p i i i c dl ^ , i t , t b r ; l r a r t i c u l i l rr . o l , u r a s c r i b e d o i t , t t h c s u b s t a n . c t y D i t l r r r l ,r ' e g e t a b l om i n c r a l a r r r l a r r i u r a l , kingdol' r e p r e s e n t e b y i t , t h c p r e c i o u ss t o n c t v p r f i e db y i t , t h e a r t i c l e d of apparel, thc cor:stituent eleruent of the body represented by it; the particular flavor ascribecr to it, trre efiects crue to ail these have to be 6ttingiy brought in during the dasa of the planet under consideration. l-or instance, in the sun's <rasa, shourd the Sun be ausl:iciousin thc narivity, royal favour, self satisfaction, acquis i t i o n o f r e d s u i r s t a n c c s ,o f c o p p c r : r u t l t h c l i l i e , c q 1 1 1 p a n y ef peopie of the ['.slratriv' r'aste, the ,1u.rlit5' of ;Jot..rtlncs:r, possessio' o f g o o d r " i t a 1 n e r g y ,e t r : , a l l t h e s ew i i l h a v c t o b e p r c c l i c t e t l e . I{, the Sun be bad, the losr; of thrse has to be thought of siur.ilarty ; rn thc c:ar,e thr: l.Ioo' and other planots. F'or fnrthcr infornraof tion tlre readet is rr.,ltcrre,l thc a,alriiur (tra:ndhyayee) ,,o'1'lelt. to t a r l ' o n t h r : ;: , 1 t . r k a .
glrrfi"oE Etrrqtarciql;tRKrrr
sl. 14
the irnet sotil Should the dase perioclof anl' planet lre bad' and nrisery aod loss ot a ossunles ruaiellc character fol tlie tiure wealthwill be the result'
iger qqflnjEqci qtmEte{ itt'rqJq qrqfi qldls;q$ lltBll qqr isuiiqnia gti
a planet Sl,,,ftrli'l' When the lorcl of a dasa' or the dasa; f riendly to the sameis in the Lagna'initiating lord of the .rrrqu of this Lagnais owned by the *i.n " Lagna afore' dasas when a benefic pi.,t"t oc:upies the ; in an srae (Upa' aaid: or when th: lorcl .of a dasa is lth) with respect chaya)position, viz', (ird' l)th' 6th' l prlve pros' ,o ttt. Lagna; the dasa in question will rfurt.n the Rasi occupiedbv the M;on happenc ;;;.. of the daga'or a to b" the exaltation sign o[ thc lord or th3 ?th friendly house, an Ufachaya, a Trikona' dasa' the effects housewith respect to the lord of the different' the wiil be h"ppy. If the Moon's plac: he will be lar from haPPY' effects
N()Ttr,5. C/' slolias 6 and 7 suqrL(' Also c/. ir.trt+qtq
Sloia 15. When the lord of r dasa ripe for frui, tion happensto be in a swakehetraor in its exaltation or in a friendly houseor in an sqar (Upachaya) place from the Lagna or has the aspecton it of a benefic or a friendly planet, its dasa and bhukti will be favourable. When a Kendra or a Kona is occupied by an exceeding, ly benefic planet and the 3rd, the Grhand the llth bhavasby malefic ones,there will be prosperity during the dasaof those amongthem that are $trongand occupy their exaltationor other such scqq (Upachaya)places. Cy. qodirqqr
gi a)t{qqrfr}Rqqil qqcqq,iqaJ: I
Sl. 16-18
q-qfi qrfrnpj\ q,irfqi+r ilaE *i-l ftgqfla.tqr r qlaa qarqgili errrtrddrqnr{i il4rdiqtl sr,il qqt* ilf,r{q;ri.Eg{ 6irit {TSrETrir: g{ qr t
{frr4rr:ir{rrfniinrqdqlqqtdrfisflfr S{lq I
S/ota 18. The dasaof a planecwiil be very auspicious wh':n it is in conjunction with a beneficpianet. If it be in.conjunctionrvith e nralefic when one,its dasr. ripening will be berrenof cifecr. If thc plarrct concern' ed be asscciatedwith one of rnixed nature ar:d be will ba neither weak nor strong, ite dasa and apair;rr.r characterized effectsof mixed nature. by
Slohu2A. f)ririn,-1 ilasaof a planet lssocirted thr: o w w i t h a h o s t i l e n e ,e n , 3 m i e si l l m u l r i p l y a n da l l u n d c r , t a k i n g sw i l l l a i l . O f r v h l t e v c r b u s i n c s so r c o n c e r n a planetis a karaka(promotcrl,tliat concern r,vrllsucceed. as the wise say, dtrring th: d;rsr o{ thrt i-''irnet.
lt Rl ll
Sloka 22-. Royal favor is usually sccuredduring the dasaperiod of the planet that is the karlka of royalty (viz. Jupiter) or owns the bhava representing it (6th bhava). The worship of the deity represented by a planet comeson o?rcl)cs during the period of the ripen' ing of its dasa. Perfection in the practice of religious austerities,good works. etc., may be predicted to come on during the advent of the dasaof the lord of the thh bhava. The palmy time for sacrifices and other metitorious rrtes will be during the dasaand apaharaof the lord of the 10th bhava.
Sloku 23. During thc Pakalu,J bhukti of a pianer, the predominant qurlity chlracterisingic whether siE ( S a t v a ) e l R a j a s ) a n d a r < ' . I a m a s ) ( u i r i eA d h y a y a 2 , w itself. Tnis manifestation sloka 26) generaliymanifests io(eruns or inaugurates che davaof the planet in caseit should occupy one of the I asterisuls lroln the nrccl (-ianmarksna).But if the pianec'sposition be in one of (Karmarksha), maniiesthc from the +:Sqi tire 9 astcrisnas
tation advertedto will takeplace some time after the dasa set in. When the placeof the planetis among bas the niile stars from the onqrd (Adhana), the manifesta_ tion in questionwill not takeplace, if it takesplace or at all, it will be only so long as the dasa lasts. Norrs.
For q;rrqi, +riqiand ql.qrn dde supra Adhyayag, Sl. Zg.g0.
Sloka,Z4. A planet in a Sirshodaya sign yields fruit at the initial portion of the period of life influenced by hirn. But the samc planet in a Prishtodaya sign does it at the final stage. Bur if lre shouid be in a sign which bas both the characterisrics, becom:s fruitful he at all times. c/. lro,.'ifr+t
miq uinqscrtqqf+'lfts-sqsqqligr+ir; ll
itqmqilrufuwtrqrsqifiqtn rrr\ tl
Sloha 25. The dasa of the lord of the 6th bhava may leadto waiiing and lamentation. During the paka or the apahara thc lord of the [Jth bhava, dcath may of set in. When the dasaor apahara of thc lord of tlrc ?th bhava is in proqress, a near relative may be lost. Without overlooking the above, the astrologer may predict prosperity in general during the apaharaor bhukti of planerspresiding ove: the asterisms termed pat), trr'** f Sa raq (Sam a dhaka),'ii ( Ma i rra),ntnie (Parama maitra)and hrl (Kshcma).
sr. 26-2?
have been explained already in n;q, ;6q and orltTtd The terrr.rs Atlhyaya 9, slokas 78-80. The nine stats counted from any one of ( theabove three are termedrespectively t) ilq(z)t'{t(l)Rqq
ii{mrqqilfitarftn {itlsoxil ll 1\ell
o;' .'t,"rrg a Sloha27. When the dastof a planet a is t{ia{ lRiksba,Sandhi) in progreEs, pergLr'"may Wben a planet be afflictedwith sorrow and diseare. of no has progreseed further than the 30th desree a Rasi, may producedeath. its daea 128
n{ tsrmmqqdfieqqqirf}ih}iqiq rrQotl
S i o h a 3 0 " T h e d a s ap e r i o d o f a p l a n e t o w n i n g a flqrtrlFr(Eadhasthana) well as of rhe one associated as t h e r e w i t hl e a d st o d i s e a s ed i s t r e s s n d o t h e r s u c he v i l s . , a During the dasaand apaharaof a planet occupyinga Kendra from the srweilq (Badhasthana), sorrow and tcreign travel wiii crop up. lf two planetsoccupy the
Sth and the 8rh pl4cesin respectto each other, the untoward exile or some mry prediccdanger, astrologer eventduringtheir paka and apehrra but if the planeto i be ic in question benef and friendly,th: effect will be m ix ed.
and sir{rr2nd qrs-i^r" n"o"::l;:. '*
qi 3Ti6(rlii eTlqirqii q qrqrqrt faft;err fi'n n,iiqt drqrJtqqr{i 4;1g \trf}ft *Rqrg: 1g qiftqitql qri' ert{qqt<\'mrrq t ?'trstiffdflF-\*t et{xtg"qi1 11
'ilrrherr i h c I - a g n a ( * l i c t l r e i c , i l ) i 1 ' t ho r o f q u e r y ) i s a r n o v e a b l e , rrnmor"ealrlor dual sign), tlre I I th, the 9Lh and the 7th places e ihc:-efrorn talien in order arc tertrletl :it{JBfl{{: or troublous positions. 'l'hc a planet orvning a'{lrllq-iiiT s u'ejI ls thc one occupf ing it or its 'uidc .'\tlhl'al'a 2' s/. *8). I{en<ira iq caliecl 1t'{.1i. (,\iso
prosperity, will be exemption from ailments, happiness, the goodwill of the rulersand a spirit of errterprise.
{tGaqrr({r I
erq ilt ilit'{ tr,i ftffiq{firr nirtirnrlqr Pqqb{n urq dtr?qqFitriia0atq fiftr 1R
S/oAo 32. Whcn thc drsa of a planct tcrmedton (Saktha) is in fruition, a person rvill evincda predilec, tion for learning,educrtion,money,religiousausteritiee, porversand works of charity. acquieitionof supernatural During the proqress of the dasaof a planet called,ftfla (Peedita), person may hav,:to apprehenddangerfrom a robbers,enemies and the rulers of the land, or lose an younger brother. Distrcss is all the legacy that a {ta (Deena) planet could leave. The dasa of the ill-condi, tioned planet termed iaoo (Vikala) leads to distress and disease that of a ,ao (Khala) produces mental ; anguish; and laetly,the planet in the dfa (Bheerha) state keeps the person urrder its infuence irr dread of adversariee.
ftoeeildrrilqdnut*;grqrqtg q& r
qurftsftEr[rriur d g,i iTrsgqqEtql!n QQ tl
S l o f r a 3 3 . N o t e d o w n t h e s ef o u r s t a r s : v i r . ( l ) the cne occupied by the Lagna; (2) that occupied by the Moon ; (3) that indicatedby the name of the perEon concerned: and (4) that occupiedby the Moon at the time of the query. Ascertain which of theseis Etrongest. Starting with the dasa of the lord of this predominant star and following the order of the aakehatra dasas,
sL 34-35
astrologersof eminence annQuoce th: good or evil falling to the lot of the person concerned'
Slofta 35. Ascertain the 5th, the Sth as well ag i' the ,{th star from ate* (Janmarksha), e' the star occttbirth' Cycles pieclby the Moon at the time o{ a person's o{ dasas arc calculated {rom every one of these as the counted from the 5th is called starting point. Tlre ,Jasa vua (Utpanna) ; that from the 8th, $Itsrt (Adhana); tl',at fiom the 4th, &u (Kshema). It the dasas in these cycleahave their ends iallying with eachother or with s"cQt the end of the dasataken in the same order from (Janmarkoha),f. e. giving the same number of yeart' monthe,etc., it is a sign that the life of the person con' cerned is to end with the dasa. In the case of people endowed with short, long and mediumlives, the denise
will happen the closeof the 3rd, the ?th and the 5th at dasarespe:tively.
cf , sil{rd
n frqfurd{Tr rr
u Sib*qrrr rr
sl. 38
R T[sqil ll
iiirrrRrg* q ilqrir inttflf {Eilf I irrsrRr ii*ud Tfl q{ii lrr Errrll lc ll | | iqilsnsi ft a'qreqriqqE{Isqldng
5i c,ta 38. The lords of chetwo eighth piaces urg: <ari (Ayusthaney),the Suuand Venus, as alstltire Moon a n d M a r s a r e c a l l e d K a r a k a s ;t h e f i r s t t w o , o f t h e the native'sqq-Ayus (.:{riretrg:-Jathasyayuhu); second pair, of the iather ; the thjrd, of tire mother' Firrd the dasacorresponding to that one amongthe three r{otrr?r (SoolaRasis)of a Karaka,wirich tl're conditions of the may pclintto and f ind also unclerexamination horoscope i w h e n t h e d a s am a y b e i n p r o g r e s s . T h i s d a s a , " e . t h e Rasi) pointed to by dasar:f the iord of the qorrflr (Soola may prove gr (Mrrtyuda) or fatal. the horr-rscope
NoTri:. l T l r c s l o k a r s l e r l ' l e r s c . 1 4 . t r t c u o r d t n go t h e + z c f l i e d e q t (l(atapayarli sankhl.:rlsigni{iestire nurnber8. Iiere tire dual fhT{r thc lords oi the trvo r\r'usl ) o i n t st o t h e t W o p l i i n e t s t l r a t u rc *{aqeqt{gi -r a7j, t'i2., t}rc stl ^nd the 3rci thanas (-lui ralqr: 'I'he g i u t e r p r e t a t i o l l i v e n a b o v ci s t u r t h e r p J a c e sr o r n t h e 1 a g n a . f s r r p p o r t eb Y t h e f o l l o r , r ' i n g : - d
qtufteq;fi:I t;qn{iiiqdt" (ifqdt). " r[ag*,,ii: ', q,i,tpie'iifi"q qajiq fiq*nr, @l(.r uii q;e*q{liil qfr g qrq{Iifi:" (n1e+oa).
The qe{t-{t
, : 1 ; E { o f t h e s c c c n c lh a l f i s d l ( ' T g f i q g { q l { ? l i R l d i l t 'I'he word rir'1er is brought in fronr i{l q(l qrfr ott 6g{r ll
the preceding sloka. {,oqi (Soolarksha) is the 8th Rasi from the place occupiedby the I{aral<a or its 7th, whichever of them is found to be stronger. flWi meansthe {Loli and its triangular signs. Soola dasasare helpful to {ind the if,ch (Niryana) of auy particular relative signilied by tbe liaraka under consideration.
ilffirffifuilUtGS dtg
frqiFqis fu sqsEgts
qrsfrs{ n lq tl dtqrftwqgetg
SJoftc39. Shouldthe signs representing Rasi the (Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, and other Vargas etc.,) by the Karaka occupied under consideration happen to be etrong either by the aseociation or aspect of, by, benefice, may predictgoodresulte the yearsigni, one at fied by tbe numberof years allotted to the lord of thc respective signrepresenting Varga(according the the to Udu dasa system) increased 6. But if the sign happens by to be eitlier the debilitation or inimical house of the planet, be also occupiedor aspected karaka or by a planet, hasto divine only evil duringthc malefic onq oaidyears. Norts.
The above uieaning is only tentative. "orfrq{tot{cqiFtiigig" has been taken to nreanas " rvith 6 years added." As it is not explicit as to to what uunrber this ti sli,..ruld added, it is interbe preted as the years accordiug tu lhe Udu dasa systeur allotted to the lords of the several vargers occppiedbl' the karaka in questiou.
ll TlarE{rfhtqr tl
qr liild{qaf {d eqi\QqroJ{*iir Se-
sl. 40-42
\\ \ \ n.
^\ A .
qrfrftorUuirqfi aqurqt
qililqERwri rgrriutrnq t
fitqf,i Tq{rqilwi.Rruri *.qq ftqqftfti rr{d}( tt;itsu Bt tl
Sloha 41. If a malefic planer occupy the Lagna, aotrologers thrt during the progrcst of its dasa,there say will be much distress and disease,loss of wealth,and risk from rulers and foes, when the apahara belonge to a maleficplanet. The effeccwill be wholly mixed in the apahara a benefic planet. of
q{ qqFe affiffir{FTq Bq tt n
Sloha 42. Durirg the rime of the dasaof the lord of the Lagnaand the bhukti of a male{icplanet therein,
aEtroiogersunanimously say that there will be much evil to be apprehended taking in the form of disease, death or loss of place.
sl. 47.-4s
lity of foes,weapons and tbieves during rhe antardasa 'Ihis is not an unlikely result even of maleficplanets. when the lord of the 3rd bhavain questicnis associated with a beneficplanet.
qD{qmrqi glmui g
qr* qoeurqtqrqorqili
g$'r tnqo{{ 6q(i I t}rq t qffffituqet q fiqt qEF( tr \o tl
S/o&c 50. .Wise rstrologers say that in the dasa of the lord of the 6th bhavaand in the bhukri of planets not benefic. a perBon has to apprehend danger from a king or from fire ; he may suffersome misfortune or become liable to disease In the dasaof the lord of the ?th bhava and in the apaharaof a planer in the <qq (Khala)state,the personconcerned nray lose his wife and becomea wanderer.
qft qM{qtq
Sloho 51. During the dasaof the lord of the 8th bhavaand in the apaharaof a malefic planet, rhe astro, loger may prerJictrisk from foes, loss of life, of wealth, of fame, rambling about or ejection from a placeof honor. Durins the bhukti of a malefic planet in the dasaof the lord of the gth bhava,the evil cropping up may be deathoF parents, accrualof iniquitieE,imprison, ment and waste of wealth.
10th bhava in the co (Khala) state ripens, there will crop up, during the gftn (bhukti) of maleficplanets,sicknessto those that are dearly loved, removal from office, loes of comfort and fame, and waste of money. In the dasaof the lord of the 1lth bhavaand during the bhukti Mars, the Sun or Rrhu, th:re may be affliction' of Saturn, ruin of aqricultural and other opsrations' danger from tire sovereign and loss of wealth.
Slohu 5i). When the dasa of the lord of the l2th bhava is in progress and when the bhukti of the Sun, Saturn or Mars has set in, the persrn concerned, $&Y the astrologers,will be at variance with his wife, sons and relations,and will suffer loss of strength,of honor and of wealth. During the bhukti of Rrhu, he may be t e x p o s e do r i s k f r o m P o i s o n .
ll qrqfrattqlqsru 6g Efifrow?ofrtg \8 ll
Slokrt.t';4. During th" d".i and bhukti of planets which occupy the 6th or the 8th placefrom each other, men suffer loss of place or lose of life. During the dasa and antara of two weak planetsoccupying the samebha' va, the death of the person concerned may be preCicted.
I src*R{rr<tqnrri
qrqi mq sttffiqrri{6qit a tmt ll \\ ll
Stohu llt. When the drsa of a maleficplanet is in of progress,and the antardasa a planet likewise malefic
ffitqr*gfirffqEnqt fr.t+( tt \q tt
Sloka 56. If malefic planetsoccupy a malefic Rasi and be asaociated with or aspected by inimical planets, thc dcath of the person concerned will happenduring the daEa such malefic planets. of
ll {Rqffi({rrwilq'6ut tl
il eTeTr;a{{tt(5olfr tl
srrr d(frrnrrrt *dqnTeil+fqqd-d-qgsqrdrwirpNitFts I
S/ofta 60. During the progress of the Sun's dasa, the generaleffects to be noted will be-money,making by stealthy rnining and other ways, trouble from fire and beasts, inflamnation of the eyes,illness affecting the stomach and teeth,separation from wife and children, loss among reverend seniors and parentsand general kine and propsrty. decay among Eervants, qf. ara+ru<n
iqqrq} t EttIE{ttr(Iqmrtinatr{
qsetdilgitrd iEarqret{rrqr Et ll u
Sloka 6L. Mulciply the yearsof a }lahadasa by the yearsof the planet whose antardasais required. The product when divested of the f igure in the unit's placewill repreEent rronthscomposing antardasa. the the Multiply the figure in the unic's place omitted in the last operationby 3. The result will be the numberof required. daya forming part of the antardasa
ar-iltumsridrr il {Frq{rFTi
qdira.ii d u qRtl Ri{qqdqrri
Sloka-62. During tlie dasa and bhukri of the Surr, a personmay .rcquireweaith through Brahming Ksha, <-rr triyar, or by a resort to arms or other ways ; he may at the eame time have much mentai suf{ering and leada wanderinglife through a foreignwild counrry. Cf, qodirQ+t t{tatrgolasfqt qqii qltqat,tz?Hfn qnrIIq( |
sr. 64-66
sion of wealth through the instrumentality of relatives and friends, indulge in idle paatimes the companyof in intimate and respectablepeople and guffer oevetely f r o m j a u n d i c ea n d k i n d r e d a i l m e n t s . Af . ro{riqmr
6qH{{T+ rJ(firut ftgq{q} E?Frrr: t ofqf*,qr Uegrfr: qqr q{qrfqeqfA(frr&qTq'ft Erft qe}qqrQi: tl {{ft
A.lso ;itil+F{tsl
qqfirr{te.r eoiiqq' qlrrq: egeaX*tfYcr r qtllii qqft qq ua;gfidar qrft aqr&q.trtq rr uq]
Also qTildl+l1''ri
trouble from relatives ag also from enenies, loee of place or mental mioery may be expectedin the bhukti of Rahu in the Sun's mahadasa. c/. sodftrr
qil(ft: gnfitq: feqr ri gelrr: flqf4qfiq;gfi: r qRHr qqfhqqqftsa rila\ sfrEgqn-di tt rti
sl. 68-?0
a lso qrfr{l{ol
firrdi fiqfEtrftedg5'edrqdr qs{{frq{tsn{| qqnqrf}'it, Uo qifa Gqqrdqr'{ r-{rq{qfqqqil tt qqfi tt qq'q{rqTfi ilrsqa fi*' gt '{Tgqai
Also nmEn{WI
qorqrfrqnqni I Sdisrrfr\{urq.
Slt ka 70. Acquisition of pearlsor other produca and pofitof the sea, fatigue, addiction to bad females
qEF+{ +frfA terffrdi qrsq{iqqrd: qrfE fis ll Eil* ftqilqtn ftEqj.i qtqqt I utqtqffit qr\ q{rct g(rqlsqq u st tl
Sloka 77. In the inirial portion of the Sun'sdasa, the father of the person concernedrvill fall ill, and there will be much expense. In the middle, there will be trouble to every one whether biped or quadruped in the household. In the end, there may be ease and comfort.
Slaha. 72. During the progress the Sun,emahaof daraoccupyingthe deprcssion Navamgain its exaltation person has to apprehend ill,fam:, danger,the house,a deathof a eon, a wife or somepaternalrelationand loss of property in connection with agriculture and other purruits. But in the dasaof the sameplanetoccupying the exaltation Navamsa in the depressionhouse, the perBon concerned will attain regalprosperity,happiness, though towards the end thereof there day occur loss of wealth or his own demige,
sl. 73-74
: f18 SUITEH4TqITFqNIqT{fl
r ffirfrn{aqfrdtqq*eftk'
q1ft rsgfqilqeffil qnilq: ll
qqqilqFFiTt{rrsorfr ll il eTq
qgEqrttfuR Rqrd.ft(ilao*n{{fr{qd r.sti{ d'fqlil fiarfr Grgi gritir ir'i q
I ffiu* tadqt "{qdtEq{nrq*r qsqqrqq.
Sloka 74. Devotedattention to learning,love and gilk and muaic--vocai as rvell as instrumental-suits of in other articles of attire which succe$E these purauito
gGnerallyEecures, refined society-sound health-good renown such ae even royal ministers and army leaders and places ecteen and envy-journey to sacredsLreams in company with f,rmily and friends-and lastly what ie dear to the heart, the acquisition of lands, cows and horces-abundant wealth and power-these are what the Moon will give in the ripeningof its own dasaand bhukti. c/.weiifq*t
petulance, loss of place, wa$te Sloha 75, Disease, of wealth, trouble from friends and brothers may be expectedto crop up in the bhukti of Mars in the Moon'r mahadasa.
c/. q.,a{i/Q-q;t
qaqiqqfta=qii{qaodris{iilrhsa*t r
qrnrmfiqqrftrrqh fta')qRgtfrq-ga{ r
qrnrRfr?{qrEtft EtttwoTwqEs I
Adh. xvlll,
SI. 8243
c/. m'oatQ-+r
. ll
sl. 86-83
qnqFqftil{ilq I
ll gssqtftrdfkRr cqE{rftft zq ll nd
Slofra 86, During Rahu's bhukti in Mars' dasa from rulers, robbers thereis peril to be apprehended of andthelike; destruction wealth andcorn andsuccess in evil purauits.
Cf, qotfq*t
rql gsqr Glfi gqs E1'l gH{r glfi{Tfi1fr: I n-anrfifQaw srqq$rfiqrr tuqr],il-siiqr
qqfi $qinl;c: RSf 11qfro1 ll
Also qtfrqtqtq
{ggrrr Frraqrf{qiiqttirfqnr
q?qqqqffi {r* Sqq{il?d ll dd ll
SJoAa88. Illness leading to much misery, evil threatenedby enemies,robbers and kiogs and loss of
wealth are what a person has to put up with in the bhukti of Saturn in Mars' mahadasa. c/. wodrt+r
sv{rfi fiqtt: qtFllidgcoli qqfslnfaq{< g:eq'iiqerf}:t EUQ{qIT ritfitnqrfiqrf}rRu,ii ,iqfi gqq{lqw+,i q'qqlh ll
Also :il{;[l+{t'rl
AIso slddtlT{ur
'l 353: "-" "-Y*T:"-* "".-"---Yj "-"..-",-and oppoeition of bad people have to be apprehendod when Ketu has its interval in Mars' dasa. c/. mo<tfr+t 3TttfAqqrTft hnqq{tet eEf
Adh. XVIil.
{qiFnqRWTgq;qqqn: qRqEqaqrqfrqEia:g{e I
Sloha 93. Various comfr:rts that wealth affords, cloths, pearls,precious stones, orname!)ts,heavy aleep and ardent passion may mark the Moon's bhukti in ,Marg" mahadasa. c;. m-cdrfQmt
sl. 96-96
ffiqrrrar q(otg(frilqq t
ati g eWqqili'{qirar ER wqntqftq-{.rrdqgci {Ef}il n q\ tl
S/r,rArt 95. If Mars occupy the d:pression Navam, sa in its exaltation house,there will be according to the astrologers, death among the children and brothers of the personconcerned, during the dasa of the planet. If it be in the houseof depression and occupy the exaltation Navamsa, the effect will appear in the success agriof culture and other operations and in the accession to l a n d s ,w e a l t h ,g r a i n a n d m a t e r i a lc o m f o r t s .
q ftG'{Gfrqtkiiara{ morgnftfr*rrgsq( |
{{uilqR{: ftqqqqR{ter
(G{rdi gn{ ti trg.flert tt q'sll
Sloku 97. Illness of a wife, a controversy, failure qf the intellect, waste of wealth, roaming in a far'off lrad and dietreas will be the characteristicfeaturesof Bahu'l bhukti in Rahu'e dasa. cf. wiRtr
I ftngegsgqst{t{ qwsrngfiqgfi;gfr:
rfigqTrgsqiaprrin fiygf4pqt e<rR tr
q ilqffit T{r{rq(l
qM gFor$
gft n5fin-n\ll qc ll
Slofta 98. Total disappearanceof ailments and of enenies,royal favor, accession wealth, acquioitionof children and great perseverencewill mark Jupiter'o bhukti in Rahu's dasa. Cf. co/.tfq-{r
qQ{rfr{rd q {* ffSE{rrd il qq tl
Slola 99, A diseasedue to wind and bile, the distresr of relatives, friendaand well wishers, and residencein a remote foreign land are what may crop up during $aturn's interval in Rahu's dasa.
c/. qtrdfq-dr
q/. cioilR-dr
ttqiiqqKat gffir{IiT$qtfl{Irl{: I
tqnt{r{iqrirtfr ngqffiai ll t ol tt
Sloka 103. Love of charitable acts, contentment, of cessation all violence ancioutrage and the spreadof will mark the Sun's bhukti in Rahu disease a contagious dasa. c/. q-o.drt{T
qegRrfrtrrrql r *.rqtqcfrfqei
sl, l0B-103
Cf. ssfrRnr
Sloha 106 Rahu occupying Cancer, Taurus or Aries, aay the astrologers, will secure to the person concernedduring the ripening of its dasa wealth and corn, edification and arnusement,honor from the sove, reign, wives, servants and dependants happy and well-off.
qrfrn{tnqtrdqtra}{fliiqrt gaqnor{q. I
.ilrr{_glloetl trnftqs il{Ei q E{nE{rtE$[o<r
Sloha 107. Astrologerssay that Rahu in Kanya, Meena,or Dhanus givesto the personconcerned during its dasa wife and children, lordehip of lands and a carriage drawn by men. All theseare liableto be lost at the conclueion of the dasa.
qqqfltEqffqr**zqle qr}-
rr-qgFrqqqr v{*q}qsrt
I u Y Y V V Y V V Y r Y U - r
: r Y - ! ! v v ! v v v Y I Y U U - ! v v u v v r v v t
- @
qtfhqrfsqfr;qgri{v< a H;dnftlfiqafflfrXga t
ruF-qFqgf,iraig tt uarannqrftq{qdggfdfteft&q. sTrnga fer64t i{rqn'qrtqtfi{fr : qftqaqRqKft riln{ I qrfd gdqqgQilffr: flIgqTe{H{fl gftfrrr' *&itq: {flffi:ll
il{lfr TrM tffidcrqa{ r
ttt tl
Sloha 111. Royal favor, great diligence, achieve' ment of everything attempted. learning and scienceare what a perEonmay expect in Jupiter'e dasa and bhukti. c/. q6{R6r
*qrrqtrFo{gqnu0itqq:<rn flrgaffrfa{dlqfAqlliq I
St. 12-l 14
Sloka I12. A feeling of aversion, mental anguish' waEteof wealth through the sons,failure of businessare what a perEon may have to be prepared for during Saturn'sinterval in Jupiter's mahadasa' c/. qoeiii+t
Also std{F{(rt
ll ttl ll
of Sloka1L3. Acquisition of wealthby means the trading community, royal favor leading to material of comfoits and perfectpractice hospitalitywill mark Mercury'sbhukti in Jupiter'smahadasa'
c/. ured&mt -
frqR, dqaqqqrTQFqqa *ftaqFeftq h{qsorfr:t Ettitq* rt <adordagmtgedi'itqhfqdsrrt uqgkilneqg{qrfi sRfqilcFqrqilfr t qqa: ll qa moryxlRgt*rfr sqfqgt dt+sai f&nqrqqefiatRfolFsllK:fm q{tert
gftA{Hi qdt-gg} hqifitqra qd fitq ll
Also slil{frRot
Sloha 114. Acquioition of pearl and coral orna_ ments, pilgrimages holy shrines, increase wealth to of and sufferingfor the aake reverendse'iors and the of king will mark Ketu's intervalin Jupiter.smahadasa. c/. r.odfi+r
q Aifdq],ilstfqqrili tlsnfioqrfE+ftqrrs: I
rrcf{{Kqrtr{rfr 61qqur;atttq tl il
Sloha 116. Flight of enemies, victory, ease,great diligence, coming in of wealth, royal favor and sJund health are what a per$onmay expectin the sun'a interval io Jupiter's mahadaga.
sl. 11?-118
c/. qodficT -
v v v v v v v v v v v v v ! Y v ! Y ! r v v ! v Y i Y v ! ! v v v v r Y v v v Y g v v t _ d
Also skf$Tl{(ul
Sitr&a 1l?. Power acquired under femaleimpulse' of royal favor leading to material comforts, acquisition are what a person may look fine appareland ornaments, for in the Moon'g interval in Jupiter's mahadasa'
Also qkFnF{{st
Also 'fRFffrKE
Adb" xvm.
Sloka 120. Jupiteroccupying depression a Navam_ sa in its exaltationsign bringson during the progress of ite dasa dangerthrough robbers, foesand rui.rr] th" hatredof wife and sonsand bad luck generally;Uut when the planet is in the exahation Nivamsa'in its depression sign, it Eecures during its dasato the p.r.* concerned, royal favor, material comforts,learning, wis, dom, fame, wealth and the influence which uu.t iling, carry; and it may even be the lordehip of the whj" country.
swrdiqat uiMrqnr \
sr. 121-182
qd iroft$qrqqaTitTqnr{ Nfielt
the Sloka 121.Astrologers declare that during of posseseion of dasa Saturn, a person may come into grain ..tut., old women,birds and coarse ;;;;t, a$ses' of guild' townlnd g.t *.rlrh by int administration a ruler of a ship or village community and becomethe low tribe.
o/. sa-fi|q-fiI
ffinraqtfqnqi$i q qriw\ri{gfirmnqt q;qr tt rpnrift*mr;rtni m'frit <trquri t1l ll
Sloha 127. ln its own dasaand bhukti, Saturn may and suffering through the trouble,and bring on disease torment which thd personunder its influenceis madeto undergo; by exciting his envy and pride, it leadsto much sorrow and mental anguish; by exposing him to it the rapacity of kings and freebooters' depriveShin pf hie wealth aod store of grain. c/. wo4iR-tt
GearfiIrqiqrqart ffi{
gt UftqlfrrEnrqrsiftq=Eq{rr.ft tRBtl rt
Sloka 124. Increase happiness, of wealth and fame, the benefitsaccruingfrom acLs piety and customary of religious observances, agriculture and commerce, a" person may expect to have in Mercury.s interval in Saturn's dasa. c/. no<?r?mr
gt*lffiqtfiE& s-.qqfqrtrrqEr I
sl. 126-127
, Saturn's mahadaea. c/. n-c<lft*r
etu's interval in
Sfritqqrqqfiadqq' t gq$qlf,qqnTF{{f,:
: t *vrfirprg{*oqoGq: aitqiqtnTGsf,eqg+
qm: tt qqr;qfiTv:frsR$a fl*tqtrqrgqrq,qivl
Alsd qkHiTrRqt
Adh. XVI[.
Sloha 128. Death of a revered matronly female, sorrow, dislike of reirtives, coming in of money and wind disease may bz expccted during the M:cn's bhukti in the daeaof Saturn. c/. ncalft-*r
efirkrnarqfqiq{ rfaagufinfd{ftgt rr
Also qrc*rr{wr
sl. 130-132
ffiistqwilr,{ *tReqftsrq t
rq+ilRmlR qr* qtqc{fiFilttl llo ll
Stoha 130. The anguish of diseaee in every [imb, the devastation wrought by robbers, foes and rapacious rulers, and the deprivation of wealth are what a person may have to suffer during Rahu's bhukti in the dasaof Saturn. c/. q'oelft-+t
efiflfrqnqgfqfiG Hq{Tqkgrgeqq{q I
*+ ffiqrfr
qrfl* g fln{flffiqt
fraughtwith woe to the creatures concerned, If the planetoccupythe exrltationNavamsa in its depression Lour., the end of the dasais hrppy while in the initial portion there may be evil to be fearedfrom robbersand muchmiseryand roan'ing in foreignlands' err.mier,
ry:-""-"---"-""" "
Sloka 13j. During the period that Mercury's influ' the encetakeseffect,a person will earn money through relatives and instrumentality of reverend seniors' ; he will go iriends; he will have fameand happines$ dealing in gold on an embassy, derive an income by ware and suffer from wind ailment' c/. s-cdft*r -"
sl. 136-13?
t g:({tilfi{oISerqdlrlFrnEwfqfteflgfr:
r tqfrqtltt[qqflfiqi qFIqfrqKKIIIFIItI
I figvwgaailiftstEt:guil{iegtinTrFtn: gqq{T;ifl}sfi '{rrli tt Gfru<efiryulqT${l nnlqqriarfiiiqlqt ftriltar qISftil{tfiIqrtt I hfiq. tt tilfi qrqi figw-ntrt fha:qqn: qqqfld
frRgrgrwiT{utqqf,qffIqflqlqgt I
lTqEfld hiiq tt
rMtqqa.i q*firqi+{rr{{|
miscarriage ill'will of enemies, Sloka 138. Diseases, of every concern,risk from quadrupeds await a person during the Moon's interval in Budha dasa. Cf. woq'lfq{r
q<fidrrFnqflqrqiei Sg4grgmo6{fgq*,
tqrftqqild n goq56n6fitt I
st' 14G141
fte$gqq{rfr gt*ffifiWsTqt
ffqCtfrqilsiRrAM ll tgo ll
a Sloha 140. During Rahu's bhukti in Budhadasa, and secureE persongetswealth from friendsand relatives and learning,ornaments royal favor' to himselfhappiness,
c/. s-s-<itt-qt
tgt ll
Stoha141. When Jupiter hasits bhukti in Budha a daaa, personwill incur the hatredof friendo,relatives and elders; will haveadditionsto wealthand children, and end will be liableto risk from diseases the like.
c/. s-ddiftml
xv[I. Adh.
edqdqfigfrt*ihq'intRq'FqqGqTq : r
sqttfbqarfrrqj ffiqffiqftqr
I nHrqqrsoft{Rfreilqs
ftfiftgd q fufr*arqRqrdffitll t8\ ll
sl. 146-14?
nfluence Utgi"' to ; his ripen and yield fruit, a person feels distressed ,*r" and judgment fail; he becomesafflicted with variousdiseaseshis physical torments grow; his evil ; his life ie oneof greatmisery' His com' actsmultiply ; forts, if any, are but slight.
c/. ncclfQ*t
*nttmqrqft*ri\,{iei q {atRgsqt.q.t
ll fquqrqqrq $uqp66iqk+iqqhulq6qt{rrq
I soxsd{fli g(dfrdttnEriq til ftsqtftq{H}fr tsqwili ll tBE ll
Sloka 146. When Ketu 6as its intervalin its own a daoa, person hasto apprehendthe death of his wife and wealth and evil an.l children, loss of happiness from his enemies. c/. nu<lfttt
q3q gefitqeeqqqEq: tErgEI(( l Rgqqooq qffiqq{qrft Rtara f{fbfi otn qil Trt ltqr( ll
I *g{fursot rftrGq111tu.
cttrfteitqm}ft gh *gffird
tt t8uelf
Sloka l4?. Illnessof wife and children, qtrarrels, loss of relatives and friends, fever and dysentery ate what one should be preparedfor in Sukra's bhukti in Ketu daaa.
Tirqi {ffi
{qq Rt1ttrlr-i I
Sloha148. Diaappointment, ptrysicalpain, exile in a foreigncountry, peril and obstruction io every busi' neEs are likely to crop up during the Sun'sinterval in Ketu's dasa. c/. u'o<t?rr
$qrrrui Fq6616ri14nin*RnqrrotqqI
$Kilqq{Tfrfrq-Afuqlllf,rt il t8q tl
Stoha.L49.Ennui affecting wife, children and dertruction of wealchaud corn, and dietress attendantg, of mind are to be lookedfor in the Moon's bhukti in Ketu dasa. c/. n-e(lftm
T;S{EIq{rmftSi*-gqqrdll t\o lt
Sloka 150. During Kuja's bhukti ia Ketu dasa, a perton hagto incur the oditrm of his sono, wife and foeo youngerbrothera,to sufferpain from diseaoes, and relatives. bad rulers,artd to losetome
Sl. 161-l5s
-""""'"----""' c/. n-e<lfitt
rq-+r$4grdtfitnfftnrrrq t
sorrow' ruin Sloka151. Fearof kingsand robbers, and altercation with bad peopleare of every business to te e"p"ct"d in Rahu'sbhukti in Ketu dasa'
c/. q-ddR-dr -
aod Sloha152. Approbation of Gods'Brahmanae from ailments and king's good will, exemption eldere, for in ,.qoisiciorr'oflands and children may be looked Jupiter'sbhukti in Ketu'sdasa'
Cf. s'o{irtdl -'go**i
1 gt"qg q(ftqqrflHqnqfifrfq: ll qar.rqiqq{ilqrrt qqft qts* gfr ftrd;qaJqq q4prq T{Rr'{ gq;gil{Rffi{ |
Sloha153. Misgiving in the heart,mentalanguish of dif ference with kith and kin and the abandonment native countrv will mark Saturn'sinterual in Ketu dasa'
c/. qddftdr
{rfr tqsrqffiETmft M
ll t\1 ll
=l13:]"T" " :S'T: "-"""---"""'--"lTl " ""","-, acquisito Sloha 158. Venus in its dasa leads the exceediog comfort' tion of wife, children, wealth, vehiclesand other ornaments, fragrantwreaths,apparel, fortune and fameequalto a king't' of meanE locomotio-n-,
c/. q-dfri\6r
q'itar' t tlq I *tergdq?npll dqil{t'il ta*pofif\qqqr arRqlqr(|I ft ffi f*qrR qqrqsft {l ffi i *aqrqqfqgqrqfr
wqrdwmflffi qqtRgwqq!|
weatth females' Stoha159. Acquisitionof conches, of goodwork and other auchmeans securing and apparel, and of disappearance enemies attainperfect-b"ppiness, in its mahadasfl. ,.nt of famewill mark sukra's bhukti
c/. wc<lR-tt
I qffitqqqrflqFqilqgqq: qqETgqHrqq:
q Efrrllkffirqq{|
of bhukti in the daga Venuo' Slokul60. ln the Sun's affectingthe head' a personbecomesliable to diseases to in damage respect tt. U.tty and the eyes; he sustains proptrty and incurethe displea' agriculrur",cattle "nd sure of the rulere.
c/. wc<?ft*r
Stoha I6L. When the Moon hasits interavl in the dasaof Venus, a person suffers much pain from a disease due to an inflammation in the nervous tissuesand from lust and other evil passionsof human nature and what' ever easehe can feel under the circumstaoces must be small or slight. sd{tft'drcr{
qftiqd{qftsagi:rmes{dlffie ftn{ t
qlq-qrq& q qilqi {r{qr-il{rrt feq{Til ff t{{
sL 163-164
" Bappifu ipi q " reading.
rogam cha)
is anot'her
Ct. soEtqTI
c/, q-o-qlft*l
Adh. XVilI
Also qlil{f}rol
q{ft qr.qqlrrrglfiqq: I
Tqdqili,iloi wtrqiFrrr{ |
Sloha L65. Liaison with females that are past their prime, accession houses, lands and wealth and the of of disappearance enemies will mark Saturn's bhukti in Sukradasa. Cf. q-o-fifrmr
qrndlqz+mexra miifQqer{hr,{f r il
fifiqfqrqfi;ri3{i: fifiqdqaqrq'rir tt ni}
Also sld{Iqwt
Re{ t flxlafiqiqgirftqciiffirs?Ttftq?itq
\n \ \ \ qflql q{lTql {rqal(qT;d{ql EilI q( ll .
sl. 16?-1?0
; tt*t-*
ll tt tE\e
Sloka16T.Discord,deathofrelatives,injuryin, and depriva' flicted by enemies, misgiving in the heart for be prepared tion of wealth are what a person should of in Ketu's bhukti in the mahadasa Venus'
c/. radiff+;t
sqtrfiqnrgfr frqtuffiqF{di I
Sloka 169. Venus in its exaltation sign but in the loss of depressionNavamsa causes loss of wealth and statu* in its dasa.
-,-- - l*i"*i919-",--""-
Sloha 1?0. As regardsthe crop of fruit borne, the dasaof a planet having full strength or in its exaltation is termed full or complete; that of a planet without strength is termed emPty. The dhs.aof a planet in a or depression inimical Navamsa is to be understoodas untoward. Norns.
Thislsloka is from Brihat Jataka. q{fr (Prasuti) means Radix position; Chart at birth tinre. tlwi (Sarnnurna) is the name given to a dasa of the planet n'irich is in exaltatiorrand is well-placed too.
frqlttae qdlqqnsq t
q d{ifielqe dtqnftiqas t
fiil q1qqai iqr qqlilrufqaifqjil tt
dtqirftrrnsrq f+fqeegilqq I
tqi ilq (nr iqr qETfii{,fi gt{I ll qifiqqi{* t rI: aT.9{{frqFqkl'll rt alq astfqesaT 6qtr:q?qfiqfk'it
Also Uult{t
SL r?1-1?3
- v - - - - v -
- - - - - - v
fiitqqrtrsQat:g,reBgtn: )tei qni fi'.qfi qqq:g ({il' tl t dtq{E1acwt: {lsfqait,trd'ri, qTqqq;qT stq{}qqt{ tl q{ri flqorl,
qio+ qR tituart t
qsq{ruzTrf}fis{irr1qUqi qK{qTiicII( |
consistsof 18 Adhyayas,the whole subjectof astrology beginning with the nature of the lodiacal signs and periods ending with the fruit of the drsas or pianetary of has beentrcated by me under the auspices thc Sun and other planets T h u s e n d s& c .
SL 176-L77
r0 79
Slohas175-116.The natureand the quarter of the zodiacal signs; (zl) the motions of the planets, their place, their character and forms ; (3) the conception invoived in the birth of every crea' and otiier proc('sses (4) tl'',e ture ; ni:merousills that overtake children and (5) voung peclilein a stittc of adolescence; the length of lrii:; (6) the rule rcgarding planetary conjunctions that mar the f c rtunes o[ the horoscopesin which they y o c c u r ; ( 7 ) k i n e . m a k i n g o g a s ; ( f t ) b e n e f i c i a lc o m b r n a tions of two, three or more planets; (9) the effectsof Mandi, year, etc., in their order ; (10) next in order the Ashtakavarg;r and the reckoning of benefic dots ; ( l l ) t h e e f f e c t s { t h e l s t a n d t h e 2 n d b h a v a s ;( 1 2 ) o { o the 3rd and the +th ; ( I 3) of the 5th and the 6tL ; ( 1't) o f t h e T t h ,t h e t r t h a n d t h e 9 t h ; ( 1 5 ) o f t h e l O t h , t h e s l l t h a n d t h e l 2 t h ; ( l n ) t h e h o r o s c o p eo f w o m t - n ; ( 1 7 ) at what reiatesto the Moon's pla.ce birth and (f8) the dasas and their subdivisions-these havebeentreatedof' in the work.
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