Ansys Upf

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The presentation discusses how to write and compile a custom material property for use in ANSYS Mechanical simulations.

A custom material property can be defined by writing a user subroutine (usermat.f) and compiling/linking it for use in ANSYS simulations.

ANSYS Mechanical APDL can be accessed and modified through APDL macros, the APDL Math interface, user-defined subroutines, and the FORTRAN API.

Writing and Compiling a Custom Material Property in ANSYS Mechanical APDL

Eric Miller
Co-Owner Principal, Simulation and Business Technologies
09/27/2012 PADT, Inc.

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Note: This presentation is being recorded Introductions Background and Requirements Compiling & Linking The User Material routines Simple Example Thoughts

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PeDAL The APDL Editor

Side-by-side editor and help viewer layout. Instant help on any documented APDL command by pressing F1. Full syntax highlighting for ANSYS v12 Mechanical APDL. Auto-complete drop downs for APDL Commands. APDL Command argument hints while typing commands. Search ANSYS help phrases and keywords. Multiple tabs for the editor and html viewer. Full capability web browser built in allows for rich web experience and web searches.

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Background and Requirements

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ANSYS Mechanical APDL = OPEN

MAPDL is the most open FEA commercial program on the planet
Designed and built that way in the 90s

Several ways to access:

APDL Macros command based programming language APDL Math Access to the matrices in MAPDL User routines write and link user routines
Including utilities needed for routines

No longer fully documented

You either compile a custom executable or you use external commands

We will do custom executable today External commands link dynamic libraries at run time
Used for user commands and such

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User Routines
Can be C or FORTRAN
But we recommend only FORTRAN Provided user subroutines are all FORTRAN

Referred to as User Programmable Features, or UPFs Different types:

Database access User calculated loading Modify or monitor existing ANSYS elements Create a new element Specify your own material behavior Set up ANSYS to run as a subroutine in another program

We are covering materials today, but most is applicable to all the other uses Note: Some routines wont work correctly with Parallel
Verify parallel on test cases.

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What you Need to Know

If you dont know FOTRAN, you can figure it out, but it will be a lot of debugging.
Find a grey haired person to help you.

How the ANSYS solver works

The theory guide is a good place to start For the area you are using, you need to know what equations ANSYS uses and how it applies them. Things like substeps, loadsteps, PREP7 vs POST1 vs SOLU, solver types, etc

The math behind the thing you want to model

Know this math inside and out because you probably will have to morph it to fit within how the solver needs it specified.

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What you Need

A full load of ANSYS MAPDL on your machine:
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v140\ansys\customize\user /ansys_inc/v140/ansys/customize/user/ Should have full include and user directories

Read and Write access to the vNNN directory and all sub folders The Programmers Manual
Mechanical APDL >Programmers Manual


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The Most Important Thing You Will Learn Today..

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The number one problem we see with user routines is people using the wrong compiler!!!!!
It says it everywhere in the help, and still, it is a problem. No maybe, no it kind of works. You must get the right one Visual studio and compilers

// Installation and Licensing Documentation // Windows Installation Guide // 2. Platform Details :: 0

Bottom of the page:
Compiler Requirements for Windows Systems All ANSYS, Inc. products are built and tested using the Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (including the MS C++ compiler) and Intel FORTRAN 11.1 compilers.

// Installation and Licensing Documentation // Linux Installation Guide // 2. Platform Details

Table 2.1

It sometimes says or newer

Nope, you need the one listed

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Intel Compiler
ANSYS has been using the Intel compiler for some time Start at the Intel website:

You may have to contact them to make sure you get the right version
Be very careful on this, ANSYS usually uses an older version because it is more stable and QAd

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But First!
Do you really need a UPF?
Dig a little deeper into the material models and make sure you cant use what is already there

Will your material model work in ANSYS

Does it use the proper formulation and approach Does it fit within the element and solve architecture

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Some Advice
Before you get deep into your model get the system working
Compiler, ANSYS, environment variables, etc

Take the standard usermat.f routine and get it to compile and link.
It has the basic TB, BISO model built in as a demo.

Test it
I like to build two beams and run one with a standard BISO and another with the use routine

Get everything working. Then make a small difference to the calculations and make sure you can see it Keep the test routine
If something stops working, you can go back and verify where you are.
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Compiling and Linking Your Routine

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Windows vs Linux, USERMAT vs Other

You can do all of this on both platforms
We will cover Windows because it is the most common Linux is very similar, just need to do things slightly different in syntax and such

Same goes for other UPFs

Method used for USERMAT works for most other routines

Documentation can be used to see the differences Also: we will talk about USERMAT, it works for creep, hyperelasticity and all other user material UPFs.

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Two Ways: Custom Executable and Dynamic

Old Way: Custom Executable
Use a supplied script to compile and link a custom ansys.exe Accessed at run time by command line or launcher options Pros:
Easy to deploy to other machines You know you have a working executable No special setup required, just the options when your run Takes longer to compile, a pain during debug loops Big file to move around


Newer Way: Dynamic

Use supplied script or APDL command to link at runtime Can reside anywhere on the solver machine Accessed through environment variable and/or an APDL command Pros:
Quick compile time, great for debugging You can have multiple versions of your routines, pick at run time Using APDL command, you can actually compile at solve time Less control. DLLs all over the place Setup for users can be confusing, Environment variables and paths and such If using compile at run, if the compile fails you dont get real good feedback


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Using DLLs at Run Time

Decide on a working directory (workdir) and get your usermat.f routine in that directory
Dont change the name!

Copy ansusershared.bat to workdir from:

C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v140\ansys\custom\user\winx64

Open up the FORTRAN command line window CD to workdir Run ansusershared.bat

Enter the name of the routine you want compiled Enter a blank return to get out of the script

To use the DLL you made:

Set the environment variable: ANS_USER_PATH=workdir
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Using DLLs at Run Time

Recommended method Use different directories for each version of routines and change environment variable to access what you want Robust, you either have a DLL or you dont

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Using /UPF
First, set up some environment variable letting the program know you are going to use /UPF
Make sure that your ANSYS executable directory is in your PATH
It needs to run a script called findUPF.bat


From your working directory, launch the FORTRAN command line Add /upf,usermat.f to your input command file Run ansys in batch mode from the command line shell A DLL will be made, reuse it just like when you make the DLL

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Using /UPF
Im not a fan of this method
Have to run ANSYS from the FORTRAN shell
If you set up paths so any routine can compile/link you can run without shell

Need compiler on machine you are solving on If your compile fails you are kind of screwed Added because ABAQUS allows for compile at run

Only works with batch mode

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Making a Custom ansys.exe

Open up the FORTAN command line shell You can do this in the custom\user\winx64 directory or in your own directory
I prefer your own. If so, copy: anscust.bat, ansys.lrf, ansysex.def from custom\user\winx64 to your directory

Copy your routine to the workdir CD to the workdir Run anscust.bat

It looks for any UPFs and if it finds them, compiles them You will get an ansys.exe

To use it, specify the path in the launcher (customization/preferences) or with the custom <path> switch
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Making a Custom ansys.exe

Takes a while to compile but when it is done, it works. No need for environment variables. Note: Do not rename the executable, must be ansys.exe
Use directories to have different versions

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Compiling Recommendations
Debug using the DLL If it is just you, keep using the DLL If you deploy to others, when everything is working, make a new ansys.exe and deploy that Remember to do everything from the FORTRAN shell

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The User Material Routines

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The Basics
Standard FORTRAN, nothing fancy Well documented Comes with the TB, BISO model Contains several subroutines
Doesnt do much, just figures out dimension of element and calls proper routine:

Usermat1d: 1D truss Usermat3d: 3D elements Usermatbm: beam elements Usermatps: plain strain

Works on current element technology only

Does not work with legacy elements

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The Basics
The routine gets called for every integration point in your model that is assigned the material number that is defined by a TB, User Stress, Strain, state variables, time increment, strain increment are passed in Your routine updates values and passes them back Read documentation on math
// Programmer's Manual // II. Guide to User-Programmable Features // 2. UPF Subroutines and Functions // 2.4. Subroutines for Customizing Material Behavior

Lots of helper routines provided to make your job easier

General routines you will need Vector utilities Matrix utilities // Programmer's Manual // II. Guide to User-Programmable Features // 4. Subroutines for Users' Convenience

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Standard call, all the info that gets passed to the routine is listed

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Input Arguments
Documented in the comments

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These go in and out, so be careful. Note the VARn is not used right now State variables: Important
These for your use to pass things back and forth How you supply values that you can change
As opposed to properties that dont change Unique to each integration point

Also how you store any specific result or intermediate values at each integration point that you want to plot or list Very powerful See TB info at end of this section

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Stuff that is passed out

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Important details
Ncomp: Number of terms for each type of element Vector orders Matrix order

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Rest of Routine
Declares types Then has and If-then-else to call the proper subroutine for the dimension of the element
Just pass everything through They do this so that the logic of the program is not full of if-then-else statements.

Header info repeats for each subroutine

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This is where you would do your own thing Simple example for biso is here
Get values Calc elastic and plastic slopes Our first helper function: vmove (copies vectors)

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This is where you would do your own thing Simple example for biso is here
Get values Calc elastic and plastic slopes Our first helper function: vmove (copies vectors)

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Calculate the elastic stiffness matrix

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At this point, if the inputs and outputs sound confusing you need to back up and understand ANSYS non-linear solving and how their elements work
Theory manual Hughes, Thomas J.R. and James Winget. Finite Rotation Effects in Numerical Integration of Rate Constitutive Equations Arising in LargeDeformation Analysis. [International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering]. 15.9 (1980): 1413-1418.
Book that was used by ANSYS

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Calculate the stresses Note use of get_ElmData to get elmement call
Documented as part of usermat documentation Used to get info that is not passed in

Get yield

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Next section checks for yield
If no, use a goto (yes, a goto!) to skip plastic stuff

Do plastic calcs

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Clean up and get out
Note the 500-600 elastic portion

Simple calcs, yours will probably be much more complex
But steps are the same Gather your properties Branch if needed to for different equations Figure out strain/stress Return the info

Didnt use a lot of calls to other routines Remember it gets called for every integration point
You need to be efficient
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Current-technology elements only If you want to plot state variables, you need to use /graph, full Not enough hooks in/out for incompressible materials
Special routine (UserHyper) for that

Only one usermat per model

There is a way around this, use one of your material properties as a flag to access different models Check the flag then call a subroutine for the proper material

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Mat is material number NTEMPS is number of temperature points you will provide properties at NPTS, number of property values tb,user,1,2,4 tbtemp,1.0 tbdata,1,19e5, 0.3, 1e3,100 tbtemp,2.0 tbdata,1,21e5, 0.3, 2e3,100

TB, State, Mat,,NPTS

Specifies the material and number of state variables you will use NPTS max is 1000, yes, 1000 Plot/list with ETABLE, ESOL

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Simple Example

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Modified Slightly from the Help

Two elements, pull on them One is TB,BISO, the other TB,USER Files will be on The Focus Blog tomorrow Modified usermat.f
Scale yield by 0.75

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Using the User Mat

Mat2 is the user mat Same properties, just a different table

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1: Modify usermat.f
Make sure ANS_USER_PATH is pointing to my user directory Copy to my working directory Edit and in usermat3d subroutine change sigy0 line to:
sigy0 = prop(3)*.75

Save file Launch FORTRAN command line shell ansusershared.bat Run ANSYS with demo input file as input Check output: BISO and USER stresses and strains are different

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Note that it tells us we are using a user mat

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Lets try it live

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Things get tricky with parallel You can get it to work Compare parallel and non-parallel on all hardware options
Make sure they match

For shared memory parallel: All UPF s are supported in parallel But dont use Common Block variables.
Each core may have a different value. You dont want to set them different on each core You can usually read them if they are not something that is changed by a solve But dont write to them

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Convert UPF into ANSYS

ANSYS does convert customer/university supplied material UPFs into the solver A few things needed:
More than just one user out there wants it, need to show need You have published test results/and or theoretical papers to verify your accuracy The model is free of all legal claims You have time to work with ANSYS development to work out any issues and help with testing

Contact your support provider

If they cant help, contact me.

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Use state variable to set flag for first time used, write something to output that says HEY, Im BEING USED!
Maybe even give more info on the routine Use iout= wrinqr(2) to get output unit

User erhandler() to send out notes, warnings, errors

Could use it rather than write above

User /UNDO to write a *.db file at ansy point Crawl, Walk, Run

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