Curiculum Vitae: Formal Education
Curiculum Vitae: Formal Education
Curiculum Vitae: Formal Education
Name Place, Birth date Adress E-mail Mobile No. Status Gender Religion Identification No. : Rika Andriani : Tasikmalaya, Oktober 5th 1991 : Jalan Gunung Jambu : : 085221527697 : Single : Female : Moeslem : 21101133
Formal Education 2010-2014 2007-2010 2004-2007 School of Pharmacy, Bandung One Public Senior High School, Tasikmalaya One Public Junior High School, Tasikmalaya
Informal Education 2009-2010 2009-2010 2008-2010 2008-2009 2004-2005 2004-2007 English Course TOEFL, Tasikmalaya Chemistry Course, Tasikmalaya Ganesha Operation, Tasikmalaya Mathematic Course, Tasikmalaya Computer Course, Tasikmalaya English Course, Tasikmalaya
Organization 2011-till now 2011-till now 2011-till now 2008-2009 Member of SPDP, School of Pharmacy, Bandung Treasurer of DKM, School of Pharmacy, Bandung Member o ISMAFARSI, School of Pharmacy, Bandung Division of Mathematic, Science Community, One Public Senior High School, Tasikmalaya
Awards 2010 2010 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2006 2006 The 8th place, Chemistry Olimpiade, Tasikmalaya Semifinalis of Chemistry Olimpiade, Tasikmalaya The first place, PRAMUKA Contest, Tasikmalaya Semifinalis of PASIAD, Mathematic Olimpiade, Tasikmalaya Participant of English Speech Contest, Tasikmalaya National JAMBORE, Jatinangor, Bandung The first place, PBBAB contest, Ciawi The first place, PRAMUKA contest, Tasikmalaya Participant of Student Model Contest, Tasikmalaya The first place of KARAWITAN and Singing Group Contest, Tasikmalaya
Seminary/Training 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 Health Seminary, ISMAFARSI, School of Pharmacy, Bandung Health Seminary, IAI, School of Pharmacy, Bandung Health Seminary, HISFARMA, Bio Farma, Bandung Java Coference, BKLDK and DKM UNPAD, Bandung Leadership Training, ISQ, School of Pharmacy, Bandung
Manjada Wajada, UIN, Bandung P2SP, BEM and BPM, School of Pharmacy, Bandung Cosmeceutical Seminary, IAI, UNPAD, Bandung Beauty Class, Sari Ayu Martatilaar, UNPAD, Bandung Leadership Training, ISQ, One Public Senior High School, Tasikmalaya Training Motivation, Galih Prawesti, Tasikmalaya Education Seminary, Ganesha Operation, One Public Senior High School, Tasikmalaya
Education Seminary, Edlinx Conect, One Public Senior High School, Tasikmalaya
Skill I can speak German Language I can speak English Language I can count fluently I can use computer fluently I can write fast and nicely I can operate several office tools