NWI Hearing Notes, Day 19
NWI Hearing Notes, Day 19
NWI Hearing Notes, Day 19
Order of Appearances ..................................................................................................... 1 Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Panel #2......................................................... 1 Examination by Chris Peter for C.J. Peter Associates Engineering ............................... 1 Line pipe ..................................................................................................................... 2 PHMSAs Keystone vs Northern Gateway................................................................. 2 Wall thickness then and now ...................................................................................... 2 Peter piques the Panels interest ................................................................................. 3 Examination by Tim Leadem for the Coalition .............................................................. 3 Water crossings........................................................................................................... 3 Construction phase...................................................................................................... 3 Hunter Creek............................................................................................................... 3 Continual changes....................................................................................................... 3 Clore and Hoult tunnels .............................................................................................. 4 SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition .................................................. 4 Construction................................................................................................................ 5 Examination by Jesse McCormick for the Haisla Nation............................................... 5 SQRA: Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment .............................................................. 5 ALARP: As low as reasonably practicable ............................................................. 5 ALAWTIOK:As Low As We Think Is Okay ......................................................... 6 Pacific Trails Pipeline ................................................................................................. 6
Order of Appearances
Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Panel #2 Pipeline and Terminal Design and Engineering Panel Ray Doering Peter Acton Barry Callele Drummon Cavers Tom Fiddler Shane Kelly Clive Mackay James Mihell Peter Wong Examinations Chris Peter for C.J. Peter Associates Engineering 6975 Tim Leadem for the Coalition 7217 Jesse McCormick for the Haisla Nation 7695
Northern Gateway Pipelines Joint Review Panel Hearing Notes Presented by Northwest Institute for Bioregional Research, www.northwestinstitute.ca
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Line pipe Mr. Peters questions and many of the answers are technical and detailed. Readers with a particular interest in the subject are invited to read the transcript directly. Enbridge is specifying a pipe steel referred to as EES102, the details of which are confidential, but it is based on the public standard CSA Z245.1-07. Mr. Mihell says that EES102 is a more stringent standard. At one point, NGP was considering using X80, a higher strength, thinner wall steel. According to Mr. Doering, they decided instead to use X70 heavier wall pipe in response to general concerns. 7011 The toughness of steels begins to decrease below certain temperatures, and above certain temperatures, according to Mr. Mihell. He referred to upper shelf and lower shelf. 7101 PHMSAs Keystone vs Northern Gateway Mr. Peter pointed to a document entitled Recommendations for Keystone XL from the U.S. Pipeline Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA). He noted that the US regulator is specifically addressing toughness requirements, where that does not appear to be the case in Canada. Mr. Mihell speculated: It begs the question why might a regulator impose minimum toughness requirements on an oil pipeline. I can only speculate that perhaps Keystone was wanting to hydrostatically test with air. 7130 Mr. Peter proposed instead that this may have something do to with weather, rather than air testing. Mr. Cavers says NGPs design temperature is minus five because it is for the most part a buried pipeline, and not subject to substantial temperature variation. 7141 Wall thickness then and now In its original application, Northern Gateway included nine different wall thicknesses. These were required for pressure containment of the operating pressure in that segment of pipe at a design factor of 0.8. Mr. Doering confirmed that this was correct. 7165 Mr. Peter said that Northern Gateway is now showing only two wall thicknesses for its oil pipeline, thicker than before, wall thicknesses which correspond to design factors of .72 and .80 respectively. Mr. Doering confirmed this, too. 7169 Mr. Mihell explained that NGP had moved to a two-wall thickness design to address a commitment by the project to move to heavier wall pipe, to address and mitigate some of the potential risks on pipelines, to make that pipeline safer and to address some of the concerns of citizens and to reduce the potential of a rupture on the pipeline in environmentally sensitive areas. Weve moved to a two-wall thickness design pipeline for that reason, not for any reason that might have been stipulated by PHMSA. 7184
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Peter piques the Panels interest Mr. Peter said that Keystone went to a single-wall thickness because of PHMSA, and suggested that Enbridge appears to be moving in the same direction, thereby containing the maximum operating pressure on all segments of the pipeline rather than containing the individual segments for the maximum operating pressure for that segment of the pipe. Why would Enbridge not be willing to follow Keystones XL lead, and use Category II pipe (pipe with proven notch toughness) for its Northern Gateway project? 7187 NGPs Ms. Estep objected. But this time, the Chairperson said, Wed like to hear the answer to the last question that you asked. 7193 Mr. Doering cited NGP response to JRP IR3.1(c) in Exhibit B32-2: Category II pipe will be considered [] during detailed engineering 7199
Mr. Leadem asked questions about HDD, problem conditions (such as granular material), practical lengths (2000 m), need for a water supply, and the possibility of hydraulic fractures. 7387 Clore and Hoult tunnels He also asked a series of questions about the Clore and Hoult tunnels and the methods of construction, location and size of waste dumps, temporary bridges. Mr. MacKay said that two methods of construction are being considered: boring, or drill-and-blast. 7411 Mr. Leadem asked about acid generating rock and acid rock drainage (ARD). Mr. Leadem and Mr. Cavers explained that of 119 samples selected with visible pyrite thus most likely to exhibit ARD, tests shows less than 5% potential for acid generation. The conclusion is that they will not encounter potentially acid generating (PAG) rock. 7444 During construction they will examine the rock that comes out and test with an onsite lab. Mr. Leadems questions about construction methods and design begin at 7500.
SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition SCADA employs a number of remote terminal units (RTUs) which will feed data to Enbridges Edmonton control centre and to the Kitimat terminal. At least one, but usually two, programmable logic controllers (PLCs) will be implemented at each pumping station. There will be a controller at the valve sites, and pressure transmitters. 7538 Extensive discussion of testing and commissioning begins at paragraph 7564. Mr. Leadem asked if NGP would be willing to have its SCADA and leak detection systems (LDS) open for inspection by independent non-regulatory bodies. Mr. Callele said the company would comply with regulations, but does not want to set a precedent by agreeing to do this. It tends to ripple throughout the industry one way or the other. 7588
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Construction Mr. Leadem began this section asking about construction planning and strategy, including contracting & contractors, importing workers, quality assurance, welding. 7598 He asked, Are you confident that youll be able to find the crews and the actual personnel to carry out that work here in Canada? Mr. Fiddler replied, We will work with organized labour as well as the contractor community to manage foreign labour if necessary. 7617 Mr. Fiddler pointed to NGPs response to JRP IR11.5 Exhibit B101-2 in which the company provides details on welding methods, tests, and inspection. Mr. Leadem asked, We see incidents such as what happened in construction at Wisconsin. Can you really assure the people of Canada that youre to be trusted, your company can be trusted to do this job? Mr. Doering and Mr. Fiddler replied, to which Mr. Leadem said, I suppose the good people of Wisconsin were told more or less the same thing before construction debris was placed in their wetlands. 7666
ALARP: As low as reasonably practicable Mr. Mihell described the ALARP process that is used in risk based design As low as reasonably practicable. Mr. McCormick determined that monetary costs do factor into ALARP. Then he asked who determines what is reasonable and what is acceptable. 7758 Mr. Doering replied that It is the responsibility of the Proponent. 7766
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Mr. McCormick then asked, Has Northern Gateway determined context-relevant acceptable risk targets for the overall project? The extensive discussion of this and related questions, with numerous examples related to geotechnical hazards, begins in the transcript at paragraph 7770 Mr. McCormick returned to the SQRA and asked whether the risks, as identified in this document, are acceptable to Northern Gateway. 7833 In his reply, Mr. Cavers said, As geotechnical engineers, we tend to concentrate on the hazard or the frequency of occurrence, and he drew attention to the risk matrix by which every kilometer segment of the pipeline is ranked for risk. Wed like to be in the dark green side with most of our risks, though some might go into the light green. Mr. Doering said that the risk levels are not acceptable to Northern Gateway, but as presented in the SQRA, mitigation has not yet been applied. Mr. Mihell said that the SQRA is not to try to claim social license, its to inform design. The SQRA deals with technical, quantifiable matters. ALAWTIOK:As Low As We Think Is Okay Mr. McCormick summed up what he has heard as, Northern Gateway has identified ALARP, As Low As Reasonably Practicable, as the driving objective of its risk assessment. Whereas, to many, I believe it would sound more like ALAWTIOK, which would be, As Low As We Think Is Okay. 7857 Pacific Trails Pipeline Clearing of the PTP right-of-way is underway, but no date to begin construction has been announced. If PTP is built before construction begins on NGP, and if the currently proposed centre line of NGP happened to be over top of the PTP, there would need to be a small adjustment made to address that, said Mr. Doering. There would be no sharing of right-of-way. I expect there will be a number of areas where the Northern Gateway pipeline will be constructed parallel and adjacent to the PTP pipeline. Mr. McCormick asked if geotechnical work would need to be redone because of the construction effects or presence of PTP, and if NGP has a contingency plan if the corridor becomes unable to sustain further pipelines because of PTP. Mr. Cavers said that the geotechnical work is ongoing, and they dont see why the corridor would become unable to accommodate NGP. Among his final questions of the day, Mr. McCormick asked about forest fires as a risk to the pipeline. Mr. Mihell said the right-of-way is cleared and the pipeline is buried a forest fire is not expected to initiate a loss of containment event.
Northern Gateway Pipelines Joint Review Panel Hearing Notes Presented by Northwest Institute for Bioregional Research, www.northwestinstitute.ca Page 6