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An inservice inspection (ISI) program began monitoring the Uniform Piping with a minimum wall thickness greater
thickness of critical lines in the early 1960s to detect thinned Thinning: than the minhnum uniform wall thickness required
lines that could challenge reactor safety. Acceptance criteria
1 Greg E. Mertz
by the code-of-record, local buckling criteria and in these systems was less than the size of observed weld
fracture criteria is acceptable, defects. Thus, weld defects are conservatively postulated as
crack initiation sites.
Local Piping with an average wall thickness greater than
Thinning: the minimum required uniform wall thickness In the early 1980s, as part of the SRS L-Reactor reactivation
divided by a local thinning reduction factor is effort, an assessment of the carbon steel piping was made to
acceptable, determine their suitability for continued service. Much of this
piping had been installed during the plant erection in the early
Pitting: Piping with a base thickness greater than the 1950s and is similar in construction to the piping in the K
minimum required uniform wall thickness divided Reactor. In accordance with the codes of construction, the
by a pit density reduction factor is acceptable, carbon steel piping welds were accepted by visual inspection.
Radiographic examinations were not required.
ASTM A53 piping and pipe fabricated from ASTM A285 Since axial flaws are shop welded under controlled
plate are used in the K-Reactor cooling water piping. These
systems were designed to the 1950s B31.1 code with larger conditions
is believed asto opposed
be betterto than
field field
the quality
and theof weld
shop defect
diameter piping designed in accordance with the ASME Section
VIIY., Unfired Pressure Vessel code. Modifications to the data measured during the L-Reactor reactivation effort is not
piping system after 1981 are based on the B31.3 code. Recent applicable to axial welds. Two flaw postulates, consistent
with the flaw postulates used in ASME Section XI [3], were
as built piping stress analyses include pressure, deadweight, chosen for the design axial flaw postulate.
and seismic loading. The 1950 vintage piping codes did not
include seismic loading. Thermal loading on these piping The design flaw postulates are based on nominal wall
systems is insignificant, thickness. Since the majority of the flaws observed were
interior surface flaws, the relative flaw depth (flaw depth
Dearadation divided by the actual wall thickness)decreases when corrosion
- is on the inside of the pipe. Exterior corrosion removes the
A systematic assessment of degradation mechanisms was remaining ligament from an interior surface flaw increasing
conducted to determine the potential for rapidly propagating the relative flaw depth and increasing the potential for fracture.
failure or gross rupture. The degradation assessment Since exterior corrosion cannot be discounted on some lines, a
considered the effect of fluid-material compat:,bility, operating compromise between the two thinning assumptions is made.
conditions, and service history. General attack, galvanic Wall thinning is assumed to occur equally on both the inside
corrosion, pitting corrosion, and microbiologically-induced and outside surfaces. For the vast majority of lines, this
corrosion (MIC) were identified as potential degradation assumption is conservative, as thinning and surface flaws are
mechanisms. The cooling water piping is not susceptible to both on the inside of the pipe. The flaw length is assumed to
erosion corrosion, primarily because of the high oxygen remain unchanged.
content of the river water.
For the purposes of these acceptance criteria, damage caused SCREENING CRITERION
by corrosion, regardless of the mechanism, is classified as The screening criterion used in ASME Code Case N-480 is
either uniform thinning, local thinning, or pitting, adopted, and piping with a minimum wall thickness greater
than 87.5% of the nominal wall thickness is acceptable. This
screening criteria is consistent with the piping fabrication
Weld Defect Characterization tolerances.
An initial crack or defect is required to initiate fracture.
Cracks in the carbon steel piping systems have not been
observed during the long operating history of the SRS UNIFORM WALL THINNING CRITERIA
reactors. Two potential fracture initiators are pits and weld The minimum required uniform wall thickness is the
defects. Pits and weld defects subject to fatigue may develop minimum thickness that satisfies (1) the code-of-record
cracks which could initiate fracture. An assessment of thermal allowable stresses, (2) local buckling criteria, and (3) fracture
and mechanical fatigue in the piping concluded that fatigue criteria.
c_'ackil_g was unlikely. Additionally, the largest pit observed
2 (;reg E. Mertz
The piping forces for SRS low pressure, low temperature where SE is the product of the allowable stress and joint
piping are typically dominated by seismic loading, which are a efficiency.
function of the pipe's natural frequency. As a pipe thins, the
stiffness and natural frequency also decrease, possibly causing
an increase in the magnitude of piping forces. One possible, Local Buckling
but cumbersome, solution would be to reanalyze each piping Local buckling is not a limiting failure mechanism in
system using the actual measured wall thicknesses to obtain common pipe sizes with R/t ratios ranging between 5 and 20.
the thinned piping forces. Another, more tractable solution, Contrarily, large diameter low pressure piping may have R/t
is to adopt the as-built reconciliation methodology [4], which ratios near 50, and severe thinning of this piping could raise
accepts frequency shifts less than 10% and allows reanalysis the R/t ratio to 150. Reference 9 summarizes test data which
using simple structural models to bound the increase in pipin_ demonstrates that local buckling of straight pipe section can
forces when the frequency shift exceeds 10%. The later reduce the ultimate load capacity of A53 piping with an R/t
approach is used in this analysis to conservatively increase ratio above 120. Thus, the minimum thickness is limited to
the thinned piping forces, as required, preclude local shell buckling (compressive wrinkling) of
thinned pipes by limiting the longitudinal compressive stress
to the allowable stress for cylinders subject to axial
Analysis 9f Record compression.
The minimum uniform thickness that meets the code-of-
record allowable axial stress is the thickness that satisfies the The maximum compressive stress is conservatively assumed
following three equations for dead, dead + seismic and thermal to be constant over the entire cross section. Bending stresses
loading, are not intensified at tees and elbows because the intensified
stresses are peak stresses developed to predict fatigue life and
P DO 0.75i Ma ") act over a small area. ASME Section III, NC-3133.6 is used to
P 4---_
Do + 0.75i Z (Ma <+ SAllowable Normal _> determine the allowable compressive stress for pipes in axial
+ Z < SAllowable Upsetf (1) Fracture Criteria!
i Mc
Z < SAllowable Thermal J For the SRS cooling
transition temperature
water system, the nii ductility
of archival A53 and A285 pipe is
equal to the minimum operating temperature.
Previous fracture assessments have demonstrated that brittle
where P is the internal pressure, D O is the outer diaJneter, t fracture is not credible zt the minimum operating temperatures,
is the minimum uniform thickness, i is a stress intensification based on the nominal pipe wall thickness [2].
factor, Z is the section modulus, M a, M b and Mc are the dead
load, seismic and thermal moments, and SAllowabl e is the The applied stresses in the remaining ligament of a pipe
allowable stress for a given loading, as defined by the code-of- increase with wall thinning. A weld defect located in a region
record, with increased stresses could result in brittle fracture, ductile
tearing, or yielding through the remaining ligament,
An alternate form of the pressure term in Equation 1, depending on the stress, flaw size and material properties. In
p di 2 this analysis, the CEGB/R6 failure assessment diagram (FAD)
D° 2 - di 2 , where d i is the inside diameter, may also be used. is
in used
failureto through
determinea weld
the minimum
defect [5, thickness
6]. that will not result
The aJternate pressure term is more accurate and provides lower
stresses for thick wall piping. The stress strain curves for both A53 and A285 piping are
ela:_tic-plastic below 1.5% strain, as shown in Figure 1. A
Both the section modulus and stress intensification factor material specific FAD is used in this analysis, as shown in
vary with the minimum uniform thickness. At tees, the Figure 2 and is given by
amount of wall loss in the header is assumed to be equal to the
The minimum uniform thickness that meets the code-of- where eref is the true strain corresponding to the true stress
record allowable hoop stress is Lr x Oy, Oy is the 0.2% yield stress, _3f is the flow stress, and E
p Do is Young's modulus. Also shown in Figure 2 is an evaluation
t=2 (SE + 0.4 P) (2) point (Kr, Lr) where
3 Greg E. Mertz
80 I- _ _",,,,,,,,_ Unsafe
70. 0.8 .: _ -
Safe • (Kr,l_.r) 1
Flow Stress 0.6
. ,...4
_. 50 Flow Stress
30 " "1
A53 0- . ..
10 .-tb-. A285 Lr
True Strain (in/in) burst tests of corroded pipelines performed by Battelle in the
early 1960s [7, 8]. This criteria has been adopted in the ASME
FIGURE 1 STRESS STRAIN N-480 code case with an additional limitation on the amount of
R ELATIO N SHIP transverse wall thinning to preclude bending induced failure.
The limitation on transverse thinning imposed in the N-480
code case is not adopted in the current local wall thinning
Kr = Applied Stress Intensity "_ criteria, because the current criteria explicitly checks axial
Applied Stress
Lr = Limit Load KIC l (4) stresses.
Stress /B,xial Stress Criteria
Axial bending and pressure stresses are checked using the
The applied stress intensity includes both applied and actual thinned cross sectional geometry and the code-of-record
residual stresses. For the part throughwall design weld defects allowable stress
used in this analysis, a local limit load stress that causes
plasticity across the remaining ligament is used for the limit
load stress in the definition of Lr. Applied stresses in Equation P rc R 2 + Moment + P r_ R 2 Y < Sallowabl e (5)
4 are multiplied by the ASME Section XI Appendix tl factors of Athinned Zthinned
where Y is the distance between the neutral axis and the
Evaluation points corresponding to progressively thinner
pipe walls are determined. The last evaluation point below the centroid, and the thinned cross sectional area is equal to
FAD failure surface is the minimum wall thickness that will not rc taverag e R2. A parametric study of piping with a sinusoidal
result in failure through a weld defect, variation in wall thickness [Appendix A] shows that the
section modulus of a thinned pipe is conservatively given by
4 Greg E. Mertz
0.4 .................................................
,' , ,i wn
1LA• • , •
il w
acts over tens of cycles, and that this local thinning
acceptance criteria is appropriate for the K-Reactor cooling
0.3 [b=l i,,,, water piping. A detailed fatigue analysis would be indicated fox'
piping dominated by thermal expansion.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
FIGURE 3 LOCAL THINNING remaining ligament. Using the idealized rectangular pits
REDUCTION FACTOR, RLT A array, as shown in Figure 4, the pit density, p, is given by
p (111
P R (1__ Y /R'_ Moment -4 g2
t,-verage_.2 + _)+ rc taverag e RLT A R 2 <; Sall°wable(7) The plastic capacity oi the pitted section is Tpi t = N 2(g-
As shown in Appendix B, Equation 7 can be approximated rp)Oy, while the plastic capacity of an unpitted section is Tpit
by = N 2g Oy, where N is the number of pits on the section, 2g is
the pit spacing, rp is the pit radius and Oy is the yield stress.
P R + Moment Define Rpit as the ratio of the plastic capacity of the pitted to
2 taverag e RLTA _ taverage RLTA R2 < Sall°wable (8) unpitted section and substituting in Equation 11, yields
The allowable
fracture criteria axial stress criteria,
are satisfied local thinned
on a locally bucklingarea
if and Rpit = 1 _ ,_]2__ (12)
treq uniform axial < taverage RLTA (9) A pitted section is acceptable if the product of the unpitted
base thickness and Rpit is greater than the minimum required
or uniform wall thickness.
The local stresses on the rema:'ning ligament of a locally For field applications, the pit density, p, can be determined
thinned area will be elevated, and a fatigue assessment of these by direct measurement of the pitted piping, or by
elevated stresses should be performed. A fatigue assessment of conservatively estimating the average pit radius and counting
the K-Reactor cooling water piping demonstrated that thermal the number of pits in a given sample area,
and pressure cycling are minor, that the seismic loading only
$ Greg E. Mertz
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
6 Greg E. Mertz
, , 9
1 N.G. Awadalla,
Probabilistic D. A. of
Assessment Crowley, and W. in
Weld Quality F. Steel
Yau, taverage _
Piping Under Seismic Conditions, International tmin \
7 ANSI/ASME B31G, Manual for Detennining the where Y is the distance from the center of the section to
Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines. 1984.
the neutral axis, R is the nominal radius, taverag e is the
8 T.L. Gerber, P. C. Riccardella, A. Y. Kuo, and D.R. average thickness, and t(0) is the angular variation in wall
Pitcairn, Acceptance Criteria for Structural Evaluation thickness. A parametric study is performed which varies the
of Erosion-Corrosion Thinning in Carbon Steel thickness as a sinusq)idal function:
Piping, EPRI NP-591 lM.
A= _dA=2 Rt(0) d0=2ittaverage R (A.I) region with a thickness less than the average thickness is
Of Since the circumference of a pipe is ltD, the length of a
n Lt<taverage = "_-c (A.6)
AY = IydA = 2
j R t(0) R Coso d0 (A.2) section modulus,
compact form as
Equation A.4, can be rewritten in
7 Greg E. Mertz
q _ 0
° 9
I.I tmax
taverage ._
1. 5
o.s J /I
[R + {"y-]]_R2taverage /b=l
2! 4 6 8 10
corresponds to the thinned geometry in Figure A.3. Note that [.2
.1 0.9 I c
as the size of the thinned area decreases (increasing c), the _ \
effective average thickness, RLT A taverag e, approaches the
average thickness, taverag e. A conservative, lower bound 0.8 \ 1
envelope of the thin shell analytical solutions for RLT A is
given in Figure 3.
. Thick shell solutions, with double integration of Equations FIGURE B.1 PRESSURE MULTIPLIER
A.1 to A.3, for 24" Schedule 20 (R/t=48) and Schedule 160
(R/t=5) pipe yield RLT A within 3% of Figure A.2 for c=1.3 and
b=0.5. This limited study suggests that the reduction factor for
local wall thinning may also be used for thick wall piping. At elbows and tees, the intensified pressure term is
/R) RL'I'A+_ (B.1) accurate to about 10%. For larger intensification factors the
taverage_,'2 --Y
+ RL'I'_'A) = 2 RLTAp tR
a verage (2_-) wall thinning,
accuracy or this bapproximation
< 0.5, thendegrades.
the approximation
The accuracy will be
of this
approximation is a secondary issue for low pressure piping
The term RLTA+ 2 Y lR is shown in Figure B.I for b=0.5 systems, where the pressure term represents less than 10% of
the allowable stress. Equation B.3 can be used as the pressure
value b=l. This when
term isc=1.3
and less
b=l.0.than Recall
1.10, with
that a b=l.0
peak term for high pressure systems. Note, regardless of the
of 1.13
pressure, as the size of the locally thinned area becomes
corresponds to tmi n = 0, which is only of academic interest, smaller (large c), then the distance to the neutral axis
Accepting up to 10% error in the pressure term, allows approaches zero and the approximation is valid.
Equation B.1 to be approximated by
e R (! v/R) PR
taverage\ 2 + RUI,Aj=2 RLTA taverag e (B.2)
8 Greg E. Mertz