Bulletin01 30 11
Bulletin01 30 11
Bulletin01 30 11
Bob Wiley, Pastor 770.826.9133 bob@hapevillefbc.com Tom Howard, Minister of Music/ Financial Administrator 404.245.9272 tom@hapevillefbc.com Sue Harris, Secretary sue@hapevillefbc.com Kay McWatters, Organist Charlie Clark, Building Superintendent
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Mon - Thurs Phone: Fax: Email: 404.767.8211 404.762.7363 info@hapevillefbc.com cafe@hapevillefbc.com Website: www.hapevillefbc.com
M o r n i n g Wo r s h i p
We gather to worship . . . Greetings and The Church Program Bob Wiley, pastor Prelude Toccata Johann Pachelbel Call to Worship Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing John Wyeth Hymn # 456 How Firm a Foundation FOUNDATION (please stand) Invocation John Travis, Deacon of the Week (please be seated) Hymn # 506 In Christ Alone IN CHRIST ALONE
Responsive Reading # 524 Hymn # 524 Seek Ye First LAFFERTY Hymn # 522 In His Time IN HIS TIME Offertory Prayer Usher (please be seated) Offertory Adagio Peter Tchaikovsky Choral Anthem All Creatures of Our God and King arr. Marty Parks Message Prayer for a Clean Heart Psalm 51 Bob Wiley, pastor Invitation Hymn Hymn # 433 I Surrender All SURRENDER
Benediction Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow LASST UNS ERFREUEN
The Young-in-Heart is excited to have Betty T. Smith, author of Around the World in Seventy Years and Nothing Wasted speak at their meeting Tuesday, February 1, at 11:30 am. Bettys family moved to Hapeville when she was 5 years old and she graduated from Hapeville High School in 1952. She has a Masters degree in Christian Counseling from Logos Christian College in Jacksonville, Florida. She is a retired legal secretary.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; O praise Him! Alleluia! Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, O praise Him, O praise Him! Since 1999 Betty has been a volunteer with Family Life Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Postlude O God, Our Help in Ages Past arr. Hal Hopson We depart to serve . . . ................................................. We welcome everyone today, and we rejoice that you have chosen to worship with us. We pray that you have experienced the presence of God and a warm welcome from our church family during our worship time together. We hope that you will return to worship with us agai n
Ministries in East Point and serves as a prayer counselor. She also teaches Sunday School in Powder Springs United Methodist Church, where she worships with her family. She is scheduled to be the Bible Teacher at the 33rd Lay Witness Retreat at Epworth by the Sea in St. Simons, Georgia. She has participated in sixteen mission trips to places near and far, including New York City, Mexico, China, and Siberia, and we look forward to hearing many stories of her writings and retreats. Betty is the mother of two sons and one daughter, and the grandmother of five, and she considers this to be her greatest legacy. Come enjoy a time of great fellowship and hear the stories Betty Smith will share Tuesday, February 1