Lucanus Leaflet

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A color photo-catalogue of all known African species and subspecies

of Stag Beetles. This book treats the whole African continent, including
Madagascar and small islands: 125 species of 16 genera from tropical
Africa and North Africa are listed and figured. For all species and
subspecies the detailed distribution is given, and for some species
photos of habitats and living specimens in the field are included.
In addition, portraits and short biographical information about
entomologists and explorers who worked particularly with the African
lucanid fauna are also given. The species richness of the various
countries and the perspectives for further research are discussed.
For each African country all the known species are listed, together
with the number of endemisms. Author, year, publication, synonyms,
size, type locality, abundance, remarks, and distribution are given for
every taxon.The label data of all the illustrated specimens are cited,
as well as the acronym of the collection where the specimen is held.
Many of the type specimens from the most important entomological
museums (Berlin, Pretoria, Eberswalde, London, Paris, Cape Town,
Munich, Dresden, Tervuren, Vienna, Florence, Genova and Basel)
are illustrated. A large amount of bibliographical references are given
at the end.

More then 400 color photographs of all the species

and subspecies from the African continent,
as well as photos of living specimens and habitats
- 192 pages, luxurious hardcover edition, large
format 23x31, text in English
Hermann Julius Kolbe
Henry Boileau
` Séguy
Bernard Benesh
Sebastian Endrödy-Younga
Hugues Eli Bomans
Marc Desfontaine
Philippe Moretto
Jean Michel Maes
Tetsuo Mizukami
Shinya Kawai

fig. 1 fig. 2

fig. 3 fig. 4 fig. 5

fig. 1 - Hermann Julius Kolbe, fig. 2 - Henry Boileau, fig. 3 - Eugene

` Séguy, fig. 4 - Bernard Benesh, fig. 5 - Sebastian Endrödy-Younga

fig. 6

fig. 7 fig. 8

fig. 9 fig. 10

fig. 6 - Jean Michel Maes, fig. 7 - Hugues Eli Bomans, fig. 8 - Marc Desfontaine (on left) and Philippe Moretto, fig. 9 - Tetsuo Mizukami,
fig. 10 - Shinya Kawai (on right) here together with Robert Lízler (on left) and Karl Werner

Oonotus ( Macroonotus ) rex Endrödy-Younga

Publication: ENDRÖDY-YOUNGA, 1993: 34

Type locality: South Africa, Transkei, Port St. Jones
Size: m 19.1, f 15.7
Rarity: very rare
Remarks: only the type specimens are known.
The genus Oonotus has been revised by Endrödy-Younga (1993). R. Müller (pers.
comm.), who was with S. Endrödy-Younga when he collected the holotype, told us
that the specimen was slowly wandering on the bark of a tree in thick forest.
Distribution: South Africa (Transkei)

fig. 17 fig. 18

fig. 17 - m, 19.1 mm, South Africa, Transkei, Port St. Jones, 2.XII.1987, Endrödy-Younga leg., TMP, HOLOTYPUS
fig. 18 - f, 15.7 mm, South Africa, Transkei, Port St. Jones, 2.XII.1987, Endrödy-Younga leg., TMP, ALLOTYPUS

Figulus sublaevis (Palisot de Beauvois)

Publication: PALISOT DE BEAUVOIS, 1805: 3 (Lucanus)

Synonyms: anthracinus Klug, 1833: 85
ebenus Westwood, 1834: 119
nigritus Westwood, 1838: 261
monilifer Parry, 1862: 113
vulneratus J. Thomson, 1862: 433
lettowi Kriesche, 1921: 113
nossibenus Kriesche, 1921: 114
Type locality: “Regne Oware”
Size: 11.4 -17.4
Rarity: common
Remarks: according to Maes (1992a: 53) F. decipies is a subspecies of F. sublaevis
inhabiting only Sao Thomé Island, but according to Bomans (1992: 251)
and Monte & Bartolozzi (2004, in press) F. decipies is a valid species.
F. anthracinus seems to be a valid species too, but further studies are required.
On several occasions individuals of Figulus sublaevis were collected at light
by the second author and R. Lizler in open forests of southern and eastern Africa.
Distribution: Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo (ex Zaire),Gabon,
Guinea, Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo

fig. 42 fig. 43 fig. 44

fig. 42 - 15 mm, Principe Isl., AKC fig. 43 - m, 17 mm, ex Coll. Borel, AKC
fig. 44 - m, 13 mm, Tanzania, Morogoro Prov., Uluguru Mts., 8. - 9.XII.1996, Werner & Lizler leg., KWC

Luca Bartolozzi & Karl Werner ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE LUCANIDAE FROM AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) Figulus 37
Amneidus godefroyi Coquerel

Publication: COQUEREL, 1866: 326

Type locality: Is. Bourbon
Size: m 13.0 -15.0, f 12.0-15.0
Rarity: rare
Remarks: interesting remarks on this species are given by Paulian (1959, 1973).
Distribution: La Réunion Is.

fig. 26 fig. 27

fig. 26 - m, 15 mm, Réunion, I.1996, AKC fig. 27 - f, 15 mm, La Réunion, Kerveguen, 10.I.1962, AKC

Nigidius gnu Kriesche

Publication: KRIESCHE, 1921: 109

Type locality: D. Ost Afrika, Pangani, Pugu c/o Daressalam
Size: 13.0 -18.0
Rarity: very rare
Remarks: close to N. bubalus. Bomans redescribed this species
and established the lectotype.
Distribution: Tanzania

fig. 73

fig. 73 - 17.5 mm, D. O. Afrika, Pangani, ZMB, LECTOTYPUS

Luca Bartolozzi & Karl Werner ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE LUCANIDAE FROM AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) Nigidius 53
fig. 119

fig. 120 fig. 121

fig. 119 - Madagascar, Marojejy, March 2001 fig. 120 - Madagascar, Ankarana, March 2001
fig. 121 - Madagascar, “Andasibe (Périnet)”, May 1998

fig. 123

fig. 122

fig. 124 fig. 125

fig. 122 - Madagascar, Morondava, April 1998 fig. 123 - Madagascar, Beza Mahafaly, April 1998
fig. 124 - Madagascar, Ranomafana, March 1998 fig. 125 - Madagascar, Ranomafana, March 1998

Luca Bartolozzi & Karl Werner ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE LUCANIDAE FROM AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) Ganelius
Dendezia renieri Basilewsky

Publication: BASILEWSKY, 1952: 37

Type locality: Rwanda, Dendezi
Size: m 23.0 -25.0, f [size not indicated in the description]
Rarity: very rare
Remarks: this species is very peculiar for the presence of a medial cephalic horn.
We are grateful to A. Drumont (IRSNB) for the fine pictures of this rare species.
B. Gill (pers. comm.) found a dead specimen of Dendezia renieri on a dirt road in
the Kibale forest of Uganda in October, 2001.
Distribution: SE Democratic Republic of the Congo (ex Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda

fig. 127

fig. 126

fig. 126 - m, 25 mm, Ruanda, Ihembe, 11 km E de Dendezi, 2000km, 19.IX.1951, H. RENIER leg, IRSNB, PARATYPUS
fig. 127 - m, 24 mm, Zaire, Kahuzi, km 82, 1-15.IX.1951, legit H. Bomans (in coll. G. Taroni)

Colophon berrisfordi Barnard

Publication: BARNARD, 1932: 173

Type locality: South Africa, Zwartberg Range, Meiringspoort Berg
Size: m 19.0 - 22.0
Rarity: very rare
Remarks: the genus Colophon has been revised by Endrödy-Younga (1988)
and Mizukami & Kawai (1997). R. Lizler (pers. comm.) collected a single male
of C. berrisfordi among several specimens of C. whitei under stones.
Distribution: South Africa (Swartberg)

fig. 137

fig. 137 - m, 19 mm, Rep. of S. Africa, Cape, Swartberg, IX.1993, Lizler leg., AKC

Colophon cassoni Barnard

Publication: BARNARD, 1932: 172

Type locality: South Africa, Zwartberg Range, Meiringspoort Berg
Size: m 16.0 - 24.0, f 16.0 - 17.0
Rarity: very rare
Remarks: the genus Colophon has been revised by Endrödy-Younga (1988)
and Mizukami & Kawai (1997). This species is active only during proper weather
Distribution: South Africa (Swartberg)

fig. 140 fig. 141

fig. 140 - m, 17.5 mm, Rep. of S. Africa, Cape, Meiringspoortberg, I.1994, AKC
fig. 141 - f, 16 mm, Rep. of S. Africa, Cape, Meiringspoortberg, I.1994, AKC

fig. 142

fig. 143 fig. 144

fig. 145 fig. 146

fig. 142 - Swartberg Mts., Rep. of S. Africa, March 1993 fig. 143 - C. haughtoni - m, Rep. of S. Africa, Cape, Hexriver Mts., Matroosberg, I. 1993
fig. 144 - C. eastmani nagaii - m, Rep. of S. Africa, Cape Province, Langeberg, Dassie'shoek, 29. I. 1993,
fig. 145 & 146 - C. izardi - m, Rep. of S. Africa, Cape Province, Langeberg, Boosmansbos, 27. XII. 1992

Luca Bartolozzi & Karl Werner ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE LUCANIDAE FROM AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) Colophon
Prosopocoilus kasaiensis Maes

Publication: MAES, 1990: 13

Synonym: swanzianus sensu Auctorum (partim)
Type locality: Congo Belge, Dekese, Kasai
Size: m 28.0 - 32.0, f 20.0 - 22.0
Rarity: very rare
Remarks: this species was described as a form of P. swanzianus, then elevated
to subspecies by Maes (1992b); according to Desfontaine & Moretto (2003)
it is a valid species, very close to P. demeyeri, and can be separated only
by the examination of the genitalia.
Distribution: Democratic Republic of the Congo (ex Zaire)

fig. 268 fig. 269

fig. 268 - m, 32 mm, Congo Belge, Kasai, Kondue, Leohard leg., MRAC, PARATYPUS
fig. 269 - m, 28 mm, Congo Belge, Kasai, Kondue, Leohard leg., MRAC, PARATYPUS

Prosopocoilus katanganus Bomans

Publication: BOMANS, 1967a: 392

Type locality: Rép. du Congo, Kafakumba
Size: m 31.0 - 34.5, f 20.0 - 26.0
Rarity: very rare
Remarks: this species is close to P. congoensis.
Distribution: Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo (ex Zaire)

fig. 270 fig. 271

fig. 270 - m, 34.5 mm, Kamerun, 1968, AKC

fig. 271 - f, 26 mm, Kamerun, 1968, AKC

Luca Bartolozzi & Karl Werner ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE LUCANIDAE FROM AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) Prosopocoilus
Prosopocoilus umhangi (Fairmaire)

Publication: FAIRMAIRE, 1891b: 192 (Cladognathus)

Synonyms: hacquarti Oberthür, 1880: 119
wentzelheckmannae Kolbe, 1901: 71 (Metopodontus)
elizabethae Waterhouse, 1905: 375 (Metopodontus)
Type locality: Zanzibar
Size: m 28.2 - 69.1, f 26.0 - 38.0
Rarity: not rare
Remarks: P. umhangi specimens were collected in numbers by the second author
and by R. Lizler on trees of rain forest in central Tanzania.
Distribution: Malawi, Tanzania

fig. 334 fig. 335

fig. 334 - m, 69 mm, Tanzania, Uluguru Mts., IV.1997, Werner & Lizler leg., KWC
fig. 335 - f, 38 mm, Tanzania, Uluguru Mts., IV.1997, Werner & Lizler leg., KWC

fig. 336 fig. 337 fig. 338

fig. 339 fig. 340 fig. 341

fig. 336 - m, 34 mm, Tanzania, Usambara, AKC fig. 337 - f, 26 mm, Tanzania, Usambara, AKC fig. 338 - m, 37 mm, Tanzania,
Uluguru Mts., IV.1997, Werner & Lizler leg., KWC fig. 339 - m, 67 mm, Tanzania, Uluguru Mts., IV.1997, Werner & Lizler leg., KWC
fig. 340 - f, 32.5 mm, D.O.A., Nkonda Uguro, 1910, AKC fig. 341 - m, 57 mm, Tanzania, Uluguru Mts., IV.1997, Werner & Lizler leg., KWC

Luca Bartolozzi & Karl Werner ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE LUCANIDAE FROM AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) Prosopocoilus
Lucanus tetraodon Thunberg

Publication: THUNBERG, 1806: 188

Synonyms: for the long list of synonyms see Krajcik (2001)
Type locality: Italy
Size: m 26.1- 50.0, f 25.8 - 37.2
Rarity: common
Remarks: L. tetraodon is a palaearctic species occurring in oak forests. In North
Africa the species is quoted only from Algeria.
Distribution: Algeria; Balkan Peninsula, France (including Corsica),
S Italy (including Sicily)

fig. 360 fig. 361

fig. 360 - m, 45 mm, Italia, Basilicata, Gallipoli-Cognato, 7.VII.1997, B. Cecchi & B. Carletti leg., LBC
fig. 361 - f, 32 mm, Sicilia, San Fratello, Messina Prov., 1.VII.1984, Aliquó leg., LBC

fig. 362 fig. 363 fig. 364

fig. 362 - m, 38 mm, Italia, Calabria, Capistrano, Catanzaro Prov., 800 – 1000 m, VIII.1990, I. Bonato leg., LBC
fig. 363 - m, 28 mm, Italia, Calabria, Capistrano, Catanzaro Prov., 800 – 1000 m, VIII.1990, I. Bonato leg., LBC
fig. 364 - m, 42 mm, Sicilia, Messina Prov., P. Femmina Morta, 9.VII.1983, Aliquó leg., LBC


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