Cardiothoracic Surgery
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Multiple choices Which of the following responses are true? 1) a) Lobectomy involves the removal of a whole lung b) Lobectomy involves a thorocotomy to allow for the resection of a lobe c) The patient i placed so the unaffected lung is uppermost? d) The affected lung doesnt expand to fill the empty space 2) a) after a pneumonectomy it is usually safe to use PEP, CPAP and suction b) pnemonectomy is the removal of a lobe c) Only 1 drain is usually placed in (apical) d) Affected side (side of lung removal) is made the dependent side when positioning 3) which of the following is not an indication for Cardiac surgery a) angina pectoris b) valvular defects/stenosis c) congenital abnormalities d) electro physical abnormalities 4) which of following is not a necessary pre-operative assessment when undergoing a Cardiac surgery? a) ECG b) Palpitation/SOB/Angina symptoms c) Auscultation d) Angiogram 5) Which of the following is false regarding cardioplegia a) Uses a cardioplegic solution Stops the heart beating b) Protects the myocardium c) All the above d) None of the above 6) Which of the following is true regarding cardioplegia a) Can be retrograde b) Can be antigrade c) Creats an environment at 4-80 celcius d) All the above Short answer 1) List the different types of thoracic incisions and the type of surgery that uses them. 2) What are the indications for thoracic surgery? 3) Explain two types of pleural surgery and encorporate the physiotherapy consideration during post operative care. 4) What type of physio is required for someone who has undergone Lobotomy/ Pnemonectomy
5) Explain what chest drains are used for, how they are used and the features of a chest drain. When and how is it safe to remove one? What physio might be required after removal? 6) Explain what the process of Cardiopulmonary bypass and describe the machine involved. What are the components and complications are involved? 7) What is cardioplegia?