XXX. MCQ Cardiovascular System Book 315-336
XXX. MCQ Cardiovascular System Book 315-336
XXX. MCQ Cardiovascular System Book 315-336
4) Select the causes of atrioventricular dissociation due to slowing of atrial impulses with
emergence of a subsidiary pacemaker:
A) Beta-blocking drugs
B) Sinoatrial exit block
C) Diltiazem
5) Select the causes of atrioventricular dissociation due to acceleration of the rate of a subsidiary
A) Digitalis toxicity
B) Postoperative state
C) Atropine.
A) Pulmonary hypertension
B) Aortic stenosis
25) Select the major criteria used in positive diagnosis of infective endocarditis:
A) New partial dehiscence of prosthetic valve
B) Typical microorganism for infective endocarditis from 2 separated blood cultures.
26) Select the minor criteria used in positive diagnosis of infective endocarditis (IE):
A) Fever > 38,0
B) Roth spots
C) Major arterial emboli.
29) Select the true statements concerning prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE):
A) The risk is the greatest during the initial 6 months after valve surgery
B) Resistance to antibiotic therapy is common
C) Microorganisms implicated in PVE reflects the nosocomial infection
34) Diastolic blood pressure which increases in orthostatism with more than 15 mm Hg may suggest:
A) Renovascular hypertension
35) To establish the cardiovascular risk factors in hypertensive patients, some initial tests are
recommend, such as:
A) Total cholesterol
B) HDL cholesterol
44) Positive diagnosis in pregnancy systemic hypertension is made in the presence of the following
A) Edema
B) Proteinuria
45) A 32 years old patient is having the following signs and symptoms: palpitations with tachycardia,
inappropriate increased perspirations, weight loss. Paraclinical investigations: ECG –
repolarization changes, hyperglicemia, VMA in urine – 80 mg/24 h. TA – 195/100 mm Hg. Your
positive diagnosis is:
A) Pheochromocytoma
46) Positive diagnosis of AMI takes into account the following types of criteria:
A) Enzymatic criteria
B) ECG criteria
48) Select the true statements concerning AMI:
A) Hypertermia is a severity indicator
B) Nausea and vomiting are frequent
51) Associate any localization of the AMI with one of the following ECG criteria:
A) Anterolateral AMI ---3
B) High lateral AMI-----4
C) Anteroseptal AMI----1
D) Inferoposterior AMI----2
52) The “mirror image” in V1 and V2 (ST depression) may be seen in:
A) Inferoposterior AMI
1. systolic failure
2. diastolic failure
61) The consumption of alcohol may result in myocardial damage by the next mechanism:
A) Direct toxic effect
B) Nutritional effects
C) Additives in the drinks
64) Clinical features in arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia are the following:
A) Normal physical examination
B) Palpitations
68) Select the true statement(s) concerning clinical features in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:
A) Dyspnea is the most common symptom
73) Physical examination in restrictive cardiomyopathy reveals following signs of global heart
A) Presence of S3
B) Presence of S4
C) Peripheral edema
D) Palpable apical impulse
74) The cardinal symptom of angina is the chest pain, having several characteristics:
A) Retrosternal, rarely precordial pain
B) It usually lasts 3 – 5 min, maximum 15 min
77) Cardiac arrhythmias are characterized by some abnormalities of heart sounds, such as:
A) S2 splitting: bundle branch block
79) Select the true statements concerning sinus bradycardia:
A) The rate usually decreases during administration of atropine
B) The rate increases during exercise
C) Sinus bradycardia is due to decreased vagal influence on the normal pacemaker
D) Sinus bradycardia can occur also in healthy individuals
81) The most common mechanism for paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia is:
A) Reflection
B) Abnormalities of impulse conduction
C) Re-entry
D) Accelerated automacity
85) The ECG criteria of the atrial flutter are the following:
A) The atrial rate 400-600/min
B) Usually there is a 2:1 AV block
C) The ventricular rhythm is about 150/min
D) Carotid sinus massage: “button – like effect”
87) The ECG criteria of the Wolf – Parkinson – White syndrome are:
A) Right QRS axis deviation
B) PR interval < 0,12 s
C) Supraventricular rhythm
D) Narrow QRS complexes
90) Causes for long QT interval and torsades de pointes tachycardia include:
A) Hypercalcemia
B) Mitral valve prolapse
D) Central nervous system disease
91) Select the false statement(s) concerning physical examination of the heart:
A) The chest should be examined from the patient’s left side
B) An epigastric pulsation suggests aneurysm of the arch of the aorta
C) A slight pulsation can be seen over the lower left parasternal area in adult patients with thin
chest walls
97) The major risk for atherosclerotic coronary artery disease are:
A) Stress
B) Physical inactivity
C) Arterial hypertension
D) Genetic factors
98) Effects of cigarette smoking on the cardiovascular system are the following:
A) Decreased platelet aggregation
B) Reduced levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
C) Increased fibrinogen levels
D) Decreased alpha-adrenergic tone
101) The most definitive investigation in angina (“the gold standard”) is:
A) ECG during attack
B) Exercise ECG
C) Coronarography
E) Pressure catheterism
103) In rheumatic fever, the following connective tissues are in particular affected:
A) Myocardium
B) Endocardium
C) Synovial membranes
D) Ascending aortic wall
E) Pericardium
104) All of the following statements concerning rheumatic fever are correct, EXCEPT:
A) The onset may be sudden with pain, swelling and stiffness in one or more joints, fever,
sweating and tachycardia.
B) The large joints are principally affected, e.g. knees, ankles, shoulders and wrists
C) The disease is often preceded by a streptococcal gr. A tonsillitis or pharyngitis, one to three
days before.
D) Tachycardia tends to be out of proportion to the degree of fever and may persist after the
latter has settled.
E) The commonest ECG changes in rheumatic myocarditis are prolongation of the PR interval
and abnormalities of ST segment and T wave.
108) The normal mitral valve orifice is about 4 to 6 cm2 in diastole. In tight (severe) mitral stenosis,
the orifice is
A) 1—1,5 cm2
B) < 2 cm2
C) < 1 cm2
D) 1,5—2,5 cm2
109) In mitral stenosis etiology are included the following diseases, EXCEPT:
A) Rheumatic fever
B) Congenital lesions
C) Syphilis
D) Systemic lupus erythematosus
E) Cor triatriatum sinistrum
111) The heart murmur characteristic for mitral stenosis is: (select the best definition)
A) Rumbling, apexian, diastolic murmur, starting after opening snap
B) Rumbling, apexian, diastolic murmur, radiates in axilla
C) Soft blowing, decrescendo diastolic murmur in 5th left i.c. space, Erb area and 2nd right i.c.
D) Pansystolic apexian murmur and loud 1st heart sound
E) Middiastolic apexian murmur diminishing in left side position of the patient
113) The mitral stenosis simptomatology includes the following features, EXCEPT:
A) Systemic embolism
B) Hemoptysis
C) Hoarseness
D) Dyspnea
E) Cough
F) Palpitations
G) Dysphagia
H) Syncope
I) Sudden death
J) Jugular veins distension
114) In mitral stenosis, the echocardiography may show the following aspects, EXCEPT:
A) Thickening of the mitral valve cusps
B) Left atrium enlargement
C) Estimation of transvalvular gradient
D) High-frequency fluttering of anterior mitral valve leaflet
E) Mitral valve area
F) Anterior motion of the posterior mitral valve leaflet
117) The severity of mitral regurgitation is defined by the quantity of blood that regurgitates from
the L.V. to the L.A. Select the correct volume related to severe mitral regurgitation:
A) < 10 ml/systole
B) 10 ml/systole
C) 20 ml/systole
D) > 30 ml/systole
118) Physical examination in mitral regurgitation includes the following features, with one
A) Wide splitting of 2nd heart sound in expiration period
B) 3rd heart sound
C) Loud apexian holosystolic murmur
D) Loud 1st heart sound
E) Systolic thrill over the apex
119) Investigations in mitral regurgitation may show the following features, EXCEPT:
A) X-ray: left atrium & left ventricular enlargement + pulmonary congestion
B) Phonocardiogram: soft blowing, decrescendo diastolic murmur
C) Phonocardiogram: harsh, mid systolic, diamond shape murmur
D) ECG: left ventricular hypertrophy
120) Select the possible etiology of the aortic regurgitation (aortic incompetence):
A) Infective endocarditis
B) Rheumatic fever
C) Syphilis
D) Congenital
E) Dissecting aortic aneurysm
F) Ischemic heart disease
127) Ferrer`s definition (1968) of sick sinus syndrome includes the following components
A) Severe persistent sinus bradycardia
B) Apparent sinus arrest
C) Slow rate atrial fibrillation
D) Sinoatrial exit block
E) Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome (alternation of paroxysms of rapid regular or irregular
atrial tachyarrhythmias and periods of slow atrial and ventricular rates)
F) Wandering pacemaker
G) Atrial flutter
129) Left bundle branch block diagnostic criteria are the following, EXCEPT:
A) Supraventricular rhythm
B) QRS complex duration > 0.10 seconds
C) Enlarged, monophasic R wave in D1, aVL, V5 & V6 leads
D) ST-T opposition
E) Left axis deviation
131) Silver wiring of retinal arteries & kinking of veins at arteriovenous crossings, means:
A) Retinopathy grade I
B) Retinopathy grade II
C) Retinopathy grade III
D) Retinopathy grade IV
132) A 28 years old patient is admitted in the hospital, having the following sings and symptoms:
headache, tinnitus,epistaxis, coldness & pallor in the lower half of the body, intermittent
claudications in the lower limbs. Pulsating intercostal arteries in the interscapular area especially
when the patient bends with the arms hanging down. Femoral pulse is weaker & delayed than the
radial. EKG : left ventricular hypertrophy. Blood pressure: 180/95 mm Hg. Heart rate :
100/min. Your positive diagnosis is:
A) Systemic hypertension due to a congenital cardiac malformation
B) Da Costa syndrome
C) Coarctation of aorta
D) Renovascular hypertension
E) Essential hypertension
F) Pheochromocytoma
134) Tamponade refers to compression of the heart by a large or rapidly developing effusion,
which interferes with diastolic filling. Positive diagnosis includes:
A) Pulsus paradoxus: diminished pulse volume during inspiration
B) Pulsus paradoxus: diminished pulse volume during expiration
C) Jugular venous pressure increased
D) Hypertension
E) Enlarged tender liver (hepatomegaly)
F) Tachycardia
G) X-ray: pulmonary stasis
H) “Water-bottle configuration” of the heart (increased size of cardiac silhouette)
I) Cough, change of voice, dysphagia & dyspnea
135) The ECG features in pericardial effusion stage I (Braunwald) includes the following, except:
A) Elevated, concave upwards ST segment in DI,II,III, V2-6, aVF (concordant)
B) S wave is kept
C) T wave is not included in ST elevation
D) Amplitude of elevation > 4 mm
139) Acute mitral regurgitation & interventricular septum rupture caused by myocardial infarction,
have the following common consequences:
A) Systolic apexian murmur
B) Acute heart failure
C) Acute pulmonary edema
D) Cardiogenic shock
E) Systemic hypertension
F) Acute lower limbs edema
34) B 75) BCD 116) D
35) ABD 76) ABC 117) AB
36) BC 77) C 118) ABDE
37) BCE 78) BC 119) D
38) ACE 79) BD 120) D
39) BCDE 80) ABD 121) BC
40) AE 81) C 122) ABCDE
41) BCE 82) C 123) BE
42) BD 83) AC 124) ACF
43) ACE 84) B 125) ACDEF
44) CD 85) BCD 126) BC
45) B 86) A 127) ABE
46) BD 87) B 128) A: ECG: left ventricle
47) ABC 88) BD hypertrophy +/- left atrium
48) AC 89) BCD enlargement
49) AB 90) BCD B: Phonocardiogram:
50) BC 91) AB reversed splitting of S2
51) A3, B4, C1, D2 92) AB (during expiration) + S4
52) C 93) ABE C: Duchosal time > 0,06
53) BCD 94) BC s
54) C 95) CD D: Echo: valvular
55) BD 96) ABC opening < 8 mm, aortic
56) B 97) C valve area < 0,75 cm2
57) AC 98) BC E: Pressure gradient: LV
58) ACD 99) AC – AO > 80 mm Hg
59) ABCD 100) B 129) F
60) A1, B2, C2 101) C 130) A
61) ACD 102) ABC 131) BE
62) AC 103) ABCE 132) CD
63) BCE 104) ABDE 133) B
64) CD 105) ABDE 134) C
65) A 106) ABDF 135) BCDE
66) ABC 107) A 136) ACEFHI
67) BCD 108) C 137) D
68) A 109) C 138) ABC
69) AC 110) BDE 139) AB
70) BC 111) A 140) E
71) A 112) C 141) AB
72) AD 113) HI 142) B
73) ABCD 114) ACD 143) BC
74) AB 115) ABCE 144) ABC