Hypothesis, Vision and Mission 2012

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Understanding Organization Visions and Missions

Practices in Community Development, SSSNY November 6, 2012

Review from Goals, Strategies, & Tactics

What is a goal? A goal something that you want to do or achieve. What is a strategy? A strategy is the plan you make to get to your goal. What are tactics? Tactics are the specific actions you do to carry out

your strategy.

Review from Goals, Strategies, & Tactics: Another Example

I am a very smart and curious child. My goal is

to learn how to read.

My strategy is to practice reading every day. My tactics are:
To find a book in the library. To read that book, and to ask questions about

any words that I dont know.

To ask my parents or my teacher to help me. To read at least one chapter from a book every


Organization Similarities
Though organizations have many differences,

there are some important similarities.

In order to be effective, organizations need to

Organization Vision Organization Mission Organization Goals Organization Objectives

So what are these things? And why do they help make an organization effective?

Basic Structure of an Organization: Hypothesis

Before we start learning about the vision, mission, goals, and

objectives, we need to talk about the organization hypothesis. how we think we can solve this problem.

A hypothesis is a statement that explains the problem and It is a little bit like our strategy. We always write it in this form: If we provide this service, then we will see this change. After that we write the outcome, which is what will happen in the end as a result of the change.

Basic Structure of an Organization: Hypothesis

Some examples If we give education to youth about the dangers of drugs, then they will know clearly about the effects of drugs.
OUTCOME: Less young people will use drugs.

If we provide mosquito nets and cream to the

community, then people will have better protection against malaria.

OUTCOME: Less people will get malaria.

If we teach people how to use the computer, then

they will have good computer skills such as typing and Internet use.
a good job.

OUTCOME: The people will have an opportunity to get

Basic Structure of an Organization: Hypothesis

Try writing a hypothesis! Work with a small group

and write a hypothesis for the following problem situations:

with HIV/AIDS. In the village there is no school.

A community has many people who are infected

After you finish, we will share these examples with the class. We will talk through any questions you might have. When we understand what our hypothesis is, including what the problem is and how we hope to solve this problem, then we can start to think about our vision

Basic Structure of an Organization: Vision

All organizations have a set of beliefs or values that help them

decide what type of work to do.

We call these beliefs and values the vision. A vision is a statement made by the organization about how they

want the world or community to change. It is the big dream or goal of people in the organization. Some examples of vision statements are:
No child in our town will go to bed hungry. Every child in our country will have the opportunity to go to school. Human rights in society will be known and respected by all people.

Basic Structure of an Organization: Vision

Vision is for the people within the organization,
to keep them inspired and motivated, even when things are difficult. The vision can be reviewed every few years to make sure that people still connect with it and it is still meaningful.

Activity: Thinking About Our Vision

People can also have visionsactually, it is quite important for us to

connect to and understand our own vision!

Use the worksheet to answer the question, In the future, I see For example, my answers are
In the future I see myself: Developing trainings and working with

the community to build capacity and energy for change.

In the future, I see my organization: Building strong, smart activists

who will bring down the regime and bring change to Burma
In the future, I see my community: Living freely in their home

country and enjoying peace, while sharing strategies for change with other nations in trouble.

Basic Structure of an Organization: Mission

The mission of the organization is one sentence that explains

what the organization is doing for community or society. It should answer the question, Why is your organization here?
The mission statement can be longer if you want, but its good

to try and keep it shorter.

The mission statement should be clear and easy for everyone to

understand and remember.

Basic Structure of an Organization: Mission

Some examples of missions are:
Our mission is to improve the health and lives of people from

Shan State. Our mission is to make sure that every child has the opportunity to read. Our mission is to make our community beautiful and healthy for the environment.

Final Summary
Please review hypothesis, vision, and mission tonight. If

you have any questions about these ideas, please ask them in class tomorrow.
Also review and remember the following vocabulary words:
Hypothesis (noun) Vision (noun) Mission (noun) Inspire (verb) Motivate (verb)

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