Targeted Individuals - Psyops - Thewhiterose's Blog
Targeted Individuals - Psyops - Thewhiterose's Blog
Targeted Individuals - Psyops - Thewhiterose's Blog
Have you gured it out yet! Astonishing Revelations and Press to Israel pg 613-May 2010 pg 14.
Sibel Edmonds gagged, Ariel Sharon comatosed, as I, DC swept covertly as NY pre-911 TYRANNY pretex to SURRENDER CIVIL LIBERTIES decoys (illnesses in Directed energy) zaps, and NSA Russell Tice threatened and discredited, as I. Why hasnt the pressaside from MSNBC--covered NSA Tices revelations! CANCER NEURO NLP; Science and humanity under SIEGE! Behavioral Science and Technology-Sound and Seismic Waves inltrations. For the Suspension of the Constitution to Communism and the LAUNCH of a NEW Holocaust in manifest on U.S. Soil Mission a er surveillance implementation. [Presco Bush, slides] IF you knew ALL this, you would NOT be making these CHOICES! SSP, Patriot Act, Mass Control Human Engineering: Beam Warfare, Electronic Mind Control, Psi War, One World Brain, Dreamscape, Hardwiring Humans, and Information Warfare. The Persinger Plan, illegal WARRANTLESS mind taps intercepted thoughts, Engineering Consent. Paranormal Activities: Thomas Drake NSA Whistleblower Espionage Case Exposes Psychic Spy Connection. Projects Spacestar DARPA (Trailing 50 yrs behind science/tech)-Project Voice of God, playing GOD, Cult of Intelligence, and laws of a raction, breeding Power & greed! All linked (Bear Stearns, Israel) PsycheLeaks looks at the relationship between UK psychic Chris Robinson and indicted NSA whistleblower and former Senior Intelligence Ocial Thomas Drake. Other sources claim US National Security Agency inherited Americas STAR GATE psychic spy program from CIA. Futurist, STARstream Research Share , SpaceStar| Spies, Lies, & Polygraph Tape- Gary S. Bekkum May 25, 2011- Mind to Mind Communication. And, why has NSA whistle-blower Thomas Drake been charged with espionage?) I watched CBS 60 Minutes story with great interest Focused on wrong WMD!
ALL 2nd Level CIA covert Weapon of Mass Destruction Psychoenergetics, Synthetic Telepathy miscommunications! Neurology under Siege, shadowing computer use entrainment! Giord Shooting assassinations surreptitiously and Black Cancer. CIA is Sued Decades Later: BAY OF PIGS!!!!!!!!! Operation MHCHAOS, ominous psychological warfare arsenalPlans to Psychocivilize You, Macrocosm Process; Americas Leaders & worse.
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warfare arsenalPlans to Psychocivilize You, Macrocosm Process; Americas Leaders & worse.
The National Security State and the Assassination of JFK The CIA, the Pentagon, and the Peace President by Andrew Gavin Marshall
(1959)Among the recommended provocations and pretexts to justify a war, the Joint Chiefs suggested that, a series of well coordinated incidents will be planned to take place in and around [the US military base at] Guantanamo to give genuine appearance of being done by hostile Cuban forces, including starting rumours, landing friendly Cubans in uniform outside of the base to stage a ack on base in Cuban uniform, capturing friendly saboteurs inside the base, and have friendly Cubans start riots near the base main gate.[30] Further recommendations were to blow up ammunition inside the base; start res, as well as burning aircra on the base, or sabotage a ship in the harbor, or to even, sink [a] ship near harbor entrance. Conduct funerals for mock-victims.[31] One startling recommendation was that, We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba, or that, we could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in the Cuban waters, and blame Cuba, and that, casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.[32] However, the most disturbing aspect of Operation Northwoods was the recommendation that: We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. Honolulu fake documents! (Like all else: shark in Egypt waters blamed on Israel, 911, Rumors, etc)
With no danger to American Society, the entrapment from Bush /Obama MANIPULATORS. The object is to terrify the American Public, so that they will surrender their civil libertiesPossibly the greatest extortion scheme in U.S. history. Its only the BEGINNING! See below creating subservient civilians, assassinations and torture goes on illegally anyway. Legalizing it is only for us civilians N.W.O. All 2nd LEVEL CIA-Sorcerer-NSA transmissions-current Assassinations: NSA, DOD Directed Energy Weapon frying life & earth; Taking us and Israel down duplicitous decoy.
The New (1975) weapon of war (mass destruction duped diversions) is out and was in the hands of Cult of Intelligence! HOW & WHY 911 mastermind/CONTROL ELF WEAPON! The root of all problems must be exposed and stopped before too late! See history collectively repeating by design! Cryptocracys Plan to Psycho-civilize you. Emulating, inducing the Scriptures. Duping ALL- Thomas Drake case Psychic Spy Programs hiding behind Dragnet and SSP since 1947! Macrocosm OFFICIALS and Corp. LEADERS
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CIA JOHN LOFTUS on 2 videos of ISRAEL, CIA BUSH/HITLER DoD Yale Secret Society, CIA John LOFTUS DEPT of JUSTICE belong in JAIL funded Prescott Bush and RECRUITED NAZIS and FUNDING TERRORIST GROUPS with BRITISH- To crush ISRAEL- BEFORE DULLES ARAB NAZIS in CIA-911 to AGENDA next & since 1920. THE SECRET WAR AGAINST JEWS and more. THE WITNESS TREE.Part I and II /money-madness/how-america-lost-its-way-.html -
ALL HIDING BEHIND SSP, Patriot Act since 1947 conspiracy take over slowly being introduced as New World Order MASS Brainwash-chunked to accept! The launch of a New Holocaust in manifest a er trickery and the peoples CONSENT of balancing LESS FREEDOM, Civil Rights and a suspension of the Constitution, a er MISSION of COMMUNISM and Middle East. Tyranny inltrations in the guise of 911. [Pg 9, 213] DARPA (trailing 50 yrs behind/suppressed) on BUDGET old CIA SCIENCE. CYBERSYN; The COUP for the Communist World: It is said Henry Kissinger was the one who intervened to put an end to the GRAND experiment. Salvador Allende was assassinated by Chileans who are reported to have been in the PAY of CIA, and Cybersyn went by the wayside. They thought! Today FCC coup to regulate the INTERNET; COMMUNISM inltrations and a empts, KGB/Gestapo style Domestic Surveillance mind manipulations a er the fact & covertly hacked www & humans. One World Brain Pg 241. N.S.A. has a ve-thousand-acre campus at Fort Meade protected by iris scanners and facial-recognition devices. The electric bill there is said to surpass $$$ seventy million dollars a year. For civility and DNA cloning and/or data-mining, etc. It does not protect. CYBERNETICS; Helms; can be used in molding of a childs character Subdue & Ripping senses while there. odd series of events ARTICLES for decades on Ordinary folks Nationwide-leading to A ached. -Strange cases and deaths on my website with other documents from this weapon of MIND Control events & tricks on whistleblowers & Civility especially CIVIL rights agenda.
Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Officer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated Rumors were untrue until the telling of rumors made them true. This is how they do it (Project Stargate/Spacestar research DUPED by 2nd LEVEL as all else, and playing psychics). Then, GAO report (INVOKED TO
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as all else, and playing psychics). Then, GAO report (INVOKED TO SELL by FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD), PLANS selectively REDISTRIBUTING/TRANSFER OF WEALTH from Jews, and agenda unwittingly. (odd/strange series of events on individuals across Country/Globe) and CONGRESSMAN KUCINICH AGAIN how the TRANSFER OF MONIES with WARS after presenting a bill for SPACE PRESERVATION ACT to ban this mind control WEAPON. Including Mark Zuckerburg Facebook. Donation of millions for Science & Tech while setting him up for years.
The CIA succeeded in developing a whole range of psycho-weapons to expand its already ominous psychological warfare arsenal. With these capabilities, it was now possible to wage a new kind of war: a war which would take place invisibly, upon the ba leeld of the human mind [p. 19]
1997 DoD Brieng: Others can set o earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using electromagnetic waves By Lori Price 28 Feb 2010 Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, 28 April 1997: There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus [OMG! Who would do such a thing?], and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeer has wri en about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specic so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others [LOL ] are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specic crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate , set o earthquakes , volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves . Just switch yours, others and they with U.S., U.S. and U.S.. Imagine, a er eight years of George W. Bush turbo-funding these lunatics, what they can do now.
(WAVES, Seismic, radio frying us ) BP mind control transmi ed human error! Tried to warn CONGRESS in 2008 and dismissed by disbelief. ELF CANCER directed energy at INDIVIDUALS being covered up as if from lame excuses and now Natural Disasters Corruptions inltrated as all else. WATERFRONT Properties FL to NYunder a ack! Induced Climate ELF & Seismic Waves to De-populate and redistribute wealth/again. 2nd LEVEL CIA (Terrorists) Mind CONTROLLING GLOBALIST to do THEIR MISSION for them. HUMANS are all PAWNS used in their U.S. Matrix since Alien Hallucinations to going Global! Invisible Empire is bad enough; imagine the covert ops of ELF warfare arsenal and NSA transmissions Invisible WEAPON of Mass Destruction! See Military Complex Spending and horric CRIMES & ills for Decades-Press Release and
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Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity. Marshall McCluhan
If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllablewhat then? George Orwell
Published 1985 MACROCOSM: NEW WORLD ORDER MILLIONS Will go THROUGH The PROCESS (brainwash programming) INCLUDING MOST OF AMERICAS CORPORATE LEADERS and OFFICIALS from Navy/ EDUCATION-It was estimated that Millions of persons were (1985) put through this type of PROCESSING Breaking down of personalities and recondition Many already manipulated into their oce long ago. College manipulations no one knows about. Weird things happen when you join the bureau. Their shadow. Collectively-What do you think theyve been doing and how we got here! Making sense of 50 years in the manifest-Wake up America! Wake up Washington! NSA transmissions Article, Leading psychiatrist, Dr. Walter BOWART pg 4 and more. It was either invisible warfare or PEACE, and everyone seemed to agree the economy would suer from peace. Without war, it was believed, the economy would falter and depression would be the dividend of peace. Thus the advisors to the president began to think about what might motivate the U.S. economy as well as war did. They came up with several possibilities, the most fantastic of which was to fake an invasion from outer space Resource Tab 1973-90% JFK believed CIA conspiracy today BUT IT IS UNWITTINGLY mind controlled!!! Dr. Walter Bowart Pg 6 #21, 39. The Weapon of Mass Destruction: DoD, Psychotronics, Synthetic Telepathy, DOE and a CIAs-2nd LevelSpinning our wheels and pu ing out res/band aids for yrs wont solve humanitys mind control at the root. THE FORCE BEHIND THE FORCES! Unveil them. Their own shadow is within (1973). Teslas Chinese wall of defense Information warfare psyops transmi ed thoughts, Article on MIND manipulating our SENATE STILL decades later2nd level CIA FOIA 1972, His God lurks Behind the electronic curtain, we nd: The SORCERER, MANIPULATOR, CYBERNETICIST, the weaver of the DREAMscape Jim Keith pg 245 Brilliant video below. They all said Abolish CIA and NSAct 1947. See Russia slide. Its ALL about you, it AFFECTS YOU daily and un-wit.
OPERATION MIND CONTROL: CRYPTOCRACYS PLAN TO PSYCHOCIVILIZE YOUWITNESS in COURT NO Plane hit PENTAGON, TANGIBLE coupled with fear TRANSMISSIONS to manipulate and BRAINWASH you to VOTE for PATRIOT ACT is one exampleBEWARE! Facts below and on line with Appendices! There is a 18 U.S.C. 241 Conspiracy against rights since MLK, JFK unwi ing false blame Puppets/Ants/Robots Everybodys doing the LOCOMOTION as ObamaMaxwells Silver Hammer Chapter The Body Electric Operation Northwoods repeated under new psyops and HOOVER warned too Horrible to imagine. Jerry E. Smith was an author, lecturer, poet, & editor. dies March 08, 2010 Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy (The Mind-Control Conspiracy Series) Lt Col Tom Bearden, Russia WARNED worse! ELF SICKO American accelerated ills and newcomers. French scientist Kervran Russian scientist Kaznacheyev, who proved that any disease could be TRANSMITTED electromagnetically. (1975) Immune. Page 8.
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CIA are NAZIS: Magnus Olsson; Below CIA Vet Milt Beardon states; That you know of 911 etc, They play a lot with Memory and make you invest to lose or win $$$ -inventing ills, Aliens, and enemies. Magnus Olsson Sweden also stated CIA has NAZIS. A plan to fascism for another Holocaust in MANIFEST if the CONSTITUTION IS NOT restored. 90 Billion Hadassah Jerusalem HospPg 7 ALL RELATED TO PATRIOT ACT, disarming etc. DUPLICITOUS plans to take down Israel and WWIII still being manipulated behind the scenes duping everyone. This 2nd level CIA is behind the electronic CURTAIN on Long Island Tower inception and JP Morgan funding
Bush was to be assassinated in the 1980s by Duncan OFinioan; didnt know why, but was intercepted, overridden by CIA & (triggered) to cancel mission (shoot) as ALL ELSE. CIA were the Aliens among us We are not alone since big Brothers watching was the buzz. Toggling between families homes. French civilians were transmi ed Bush was controlled by Aliens for psyops. Bowart, Walter, Leading Psychiatrist Blows Whistle on Profession: Proves 50 + years of Mind Control Were we Controlled? JFK Adventures and False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Schizophrenic oshoot since HITLER Weapon of Mass pg 9 Synthetic ills and Crimes & AZ. Cancer Jim Keith-Mass Control Human Engineering. (Pushed/fell??? to his death) Cults in sheep skin! Duplicitous sabotaging behind the scenes APA and AMA (while in bed with DoD; Amy Goodman Standing up to the Madness) enemies close to take them down, to Medical books also for 50 years. FALSE RECORDS & Character/Perception ETC! And JFK no ocial of my Administration Psychotronics-Psychotechnologies, Psychoenergetics WARFARE also on APA & AMA in your doctors oce/Lawyer skewed medicine, list of ills below. (1975) Planted false memories in psychologists patients and blamed them as with medical manipulations in Hospitals & oces. VIDEO Mossad Microbiologist Joseph Moshes Baxter Ukraine Plague Warning . Posted by labvirus on November 7, 2009 Bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish u, causing global sickness and mass death. The next day, this happend (see video)
THE STRANGE CASE OF JOSEPH MOSHE: This Joseph Moshe arrested in L.A. is likely a MOSSAD agent with a CONSCIENCE and has apparently been extradited immediately to Israel. Now his testimony, whatever it would have been, is still secure. Notice, the federal agents used an electro-magnetic pulse which knocked out his car, as well as any cell phone so he couldnt contact the U.S. A orney he was obviously going to meet with. (As I)ELF immune scapegoats to hide as all else with propaganda mind controlled. The immune system is so overloaded by the presence of the shadow diseases that its eectiveness is thinned out.In short, alter the internal wavestructure, and one creates a curved spacetime engine that acts on mass in any fashion one chooses to design including initiate diseases . . . Now visualize one of these vacuum engines or spacetime curvature engines that acts on mass to generate the exact eects produced by anthrax. (Or any other disease one wishes) . . . Call the virtual state of a disease engine the disease pa ern in the shadow state, just prior to becoming observable. . Tom Bearden Army Lt. Col. ( for all articles with notations)
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Has America become a nation of psychotics? You would certainly think so, based on the explosion in the use of antipsychotic medications. In 2008,while old people with dementia are dosed, in large numbers, with drugs once reserved largely for schizophrenics. Americans and bipolar Mass psychosis in the US Opinion Al Jazeera English Pzer -(Drugs (Rx tax)-ITS ALL FOR TAX REVENUE & POWER) as USA 1970s deployed VETS non-traced, GULF war & Ground 0. Research Links Rise in Falluja Birth Defects and Cancers to US Assault Defects in newborns 11 times higher than normal War contaminants from 2004 a ack could be cause by Martin Chulov enclosed Published on Friday, December 31, 2010 by The Guardian/UK
Speaking of the scalar wave induction of disease by longitudinal wave patterns Bearden refers to work by French scientist Kervran Russian scientist Kaznacheyev, who proved that any disease could be transmitted electromagnetically. How to Broadcast Diseases Longitudinal EM Biowars
Bearden explains how the new quantum potential weapons can be used to induce diseaseat-a-distance in a population, or to spread the immune system so thin that a conventional bio-a ack would be greatly potentiated. By broadcasting virtual disease pa erns over a population, the immune system is so overloaded by the presence of the shadow diseases that its eectiveness is thinned out. In short, alter the internal wavestructure, and one creates a curved spacetime engine that acts on mass in any fashion one chooses to design including initiate diseases . . . Now visualize one of these vacuum engines or spacetime curvature engines that acts on mass to generate the exact eects produced by anthrax. (Or any other disease one wishes) . . . Call the virtual state of a disease engine the disease pa ern in the shadow state, just prior to becoming observable. . . (see June 13, 1975) 7. In 1967, a er Ramparts magazine exposed secret CIA funding of the National Student Association and numerous nonprot organizations, President Johnson forbade CIA support of foundations or educational institutions. Inside the Agency there was no notion that this order meant ending relationships, such as the one with Geschickter. In his case, the agile CIA men simply transferred the funding from the foundation to a private company, of which his son was the secretary-treasurer. 8. Lying to Congress followed the pa ern of lying to the press that some MKULTRA veterans adopted a er the rst revelations came out. For example, former Human Ecology Society director James Monroe told The New York Times on August 2, 1977 that only about 25 to 30 percent of the Societys budget came from the CIAa statement he knew to be false since the actual gure was well over 90 percent. His untruth allowed some other grantees to claim that their particular project was
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over 90 percent. His untruth allowed some other grantees to claim that their particular project was funded out of the non-Agency part of the Society. Pentagons source selection Board repeatedly recommended a bid by Boeing as both be er and cheaper DoD awarded to Gen. Dynamics 2nd level manipulated. DoD: McNamara, wrote in March 1969, issue of Washington Monthly Mag.; Few Americans are aware that about 90 % of the Major weapons systems that the defense Dept. procures ends up costing the Country at least twice as much as was originally estimated. The American Tax Payer is not ge ing their moneys worth???????? SAIC FBI lawsuit & Pursuant with Lawsuit by BOEING. 2 dierent thoughts etc; transmi ed at the same time to create arguments, chaos, dis-information! Thoughts interfering on your speech, hearing, decisions for decades. First they build TRUST while set up. Your destinies are being led or misled, mostly no coincidences and YOUR THOUGHTS are NOT your own. Dumbed down, Obese, busy, De-sensitized & Dehumanized robots by mind control individuals. Immigration mind controlled Americans as dumbed down and lazy to justify immigration; part of agenda.
SOA: Mind Manipulated in law impeding truth, creating doubts, inltrations, and worse-GEORGE GREEN, ROBERT BAER CIA bomb makers. COVERT FEMA camps and Thousands built caskets under guise of HR 645 UNWIT. Massive ops wiki and brainwash underway! American homes and jobs, with our children since Apollo13 but with shadow Apollo 11 documented-7 witnesses never returned (Satellite) REMOTE VIEWING 24/7 spying is manipulating. Armies trained by our School of AMERICAS and set up mind controlling their people; South America now Working on ASIA. All Invaded Countries Breaking The SOUND Barrier; Democracy NOW! pg 214+. BEAM WARFARE. SOAIts everywhere including CIA VALERIE PLAME technology weapons, Bay of Pigs invasion, and Juan Cole Scandals. RIK and Air Force waste as SAIC etc. AGNAs Contract guards behaviors, linguistics and security in Embassies, F-22 waste DC, Govt lock down, & impeded, information warfare, in (bubble) kept in dark for yrs. during process and false beliefs! Why is Palestines economy growing 10% a yr. with new Malls and we cant Revolution in mass accordingly!
Death Ray for planes was Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000.00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an Invisible Chinese Wall of defense was built around the Country, no ma er how large an a ack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible war). (Dr. Becker, Naomi Wolf, and Sharon Weinberger Imaginary Weapons)., this Warden cli Tower is in full action in Long Island NY, along with 36 other stations or sites as GWEN, Globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York Times, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News) One COSTLY energy zap causes by NLP suggestion transmi ed to individuals; confusion, mistakes, trip/fall, body temp-freeze, heat, miscommunication, fatigue, focus/ concentration, radio-sleep (Kucinich-US patented under MKDELTA), and stalling any engine. HAARP, Body Electric, and Mass Control Human Engineering. Dr. MILTON FRIEDMAN- Freedoms ARE THE moral of HUMANAbolish most Agencies and WHY. h p:// FB. ECONOMIST (5 segments post-humously-2006) Israel-framed while dividing all people to conquer! CIA predicts, (no creating) to carry out- water (WAR) and pricing shortage, 2015-mind control transmissions zaps dry heat in body and energytaking us down, Israel, Africa. De-population Pentagon video staging us for next invasion ASSASSINATED Allison Des Forges in Hudson River mind control plane Crash-Staged and Senator Ed Ted Kennedy zapped. Both Civil Rights Africa, Water and Dry Land zapped already
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Senator Ed Ted Kennedy zapped. Both Civil Rights Africa, Water and Dry Land zapped already planning to invade them and brainwash one world govt. Emulating the Torah scriptures! Manchurians, and IRS, CIA bldgs/les in WT7! Surreptitious!
Major cities experiment to increase crime in the 70s by mind control EVOLVED never ceased GENERATING BIGGER GOVT, INDUCING MISHAPS-MISFORTUNES, entrapment and now TERRORISM? Inltrations of BRAINWASHING SCHOOLS-WEAKEN their ARMY take down ISRAEL and America going Global Agenda. Inltrated Palestinians-Wars provoked still in manifest; Under the Auspices/Scapegoating Drugs they brought in Conspiracy. NOT from drugs or your TVSEE TIME photo/Article (Oct 1971) below Inltrations and excuses on all aspects of ELF a acks. Egypt largest Military, Turkey Sibel gagged SSP created doubts and to hide conspiracy agenda of NWO) CIA masterminds. A public brainwashed to allow it unwi ingly, in the White House, to next calamity and Global Domination Conspiracy of the minds! Connecting 50 yrs of dots! ie; General Anthony Zinni (wikepidia)Changed minds! (Brainwash on the job as many others, see how its done) CIA Predicts The Future 2015 Water Resources. 2007 video/comments. (Unwi ing agents channeled to Inltrate) Waging War since the Church Commi ee 1974! Charges were made 2 administrations concerned and NEVER ABOLISHED. May be drawn into the ght trying to stop it John McWethy. Taking over the Globe under the disguise of helping others tactics. An unwi ing population targeted in advance! DARPA (trailing Science 50 yrs as new MKULTRA) Psyops deployed 50 yrs on civilians. ELECTRONIC WARFARE! h p:// /view?i=bb0_1180923539 Mc Wethy video Larry Silverstein OWNER of 911 TOWER 7, set up in advance to get insurance and transmi ed forced speech/DECISION to pull to reghters as if involved-NSA transmissions-SABOTAGED as Russell Tice Article Is the NSA conducting war on Americans (YES, tip of iceberg) 2006 and Media asked, why press didnt pick it up other than NBC? Operation Mockingbird propaganda unwi ingly, updated remote viewing and impairment mind control as misunderstandings. Sunsteins Report-Cognitive impairment inltration is unwi ing NOT hired Gangs, creating illusionUn-realized Kinesthetic! Creating false perception for decades on civilians. Reagan erased with Alzheimer mind control (NLP) CIA programming. OPERATION MIND CONTROL (1973) Plans to Psycho civilize you and MACROCOSM Americas Corporate Leaders and Ocial, AND civilians. Un-Covered documentary CONGRESS MARIONETTES not READING info zapped, to invade Iraq. Mind controlled Out-Foxed video for years-media mockingbird unwi ingly, UNREALIZED, updated! The joke culture, mists in the pentagon cult of intelligence and a dysfunctional country! Allen Dulles 1957 Berle wrote in his diary. If the scientists do what they have laid out for themselves, men will become manageable ants. Below FULL disclosures. Hadassah 90 Billions in Ponzi sabotage away from Jersusalem HOSP (Laser/vision) funding. Re-Distributing the WEALTH from Jews manipulating our economy further than Corporations. Always keeping their enemy close, destroying les & buildings. They took down the economy behind the scenes! Ariel Sharon zapped into coma (as I), Directed Energy Weapons as planes; because he knew the CIA was corrupt Sabotaging Israel. Kay Griggs Military whistleblower with MIND JABBING a acks (Secret Societies) 1910 Yale Presco Bush FUNDED NAZIs soldiers, KKK etcDoD. 1967 USS liberty-Project Philadelphia (Hallucinations) blaming ISRAEL- mistake in identity set up-framed, cu ing o investigations & news coverage (as usual until exposed 2008 as the shu le satellite cover up, Aliens, public corruption admissions, etc) Start of Anti-Semitism fanned unwi ingly since 1947 Act.
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Alien UFO Hallucinations Scapegoating with LSD (that CIA brought in and sold to kids). Making Million o the Pharmaceutical (Rx) TAXES (as ALCOHOL INDUCED URGES), now being sued from synthetic side eects and transmi ed Synthetic illnesses. A er they mind controlled you and your teacher, professor to push prescriptions and the greed transmi ed to make commercial on your drug inducement on Americans- VETS Agent Orange non-traceable! Military CANCER and Leukemia, lumps, to all under the disguise of microwaves cells inltrating crimes & wars! GROUND 0. Playing GOD (Project Voice of GOD) & devil-The CIA Cult of Intelligence born with National Security Act in 1947, Weapons Stations need to be dismantled ASAP. Buzz in Pentagon Synthetic Telepathy and Psychotronics predicted in 1967 video instant communication in the news un-wit, a er Public Speeches Repeatedly staying the course to brainwash invaded Countries with (excuses), GULF war, The ENERGY will be just ne, (Not at all)we will help one soul at a time. Hillary I will not channel my husband (as in ghost-like transmissions sabotaged Clinton Rumsfeld: There is what you know, you dont know.. Didnt mean to say that or thats not what I meant Obama dividing the people to conquer with They like to do that, one against the other Called JACKETING in psyops. (Side eects of brainwash, and Mind Control conictions). America; The Remote Cult of Intelligence! SEARCH for MANCHURIAN ego statesuch as an imaginary childhood playmateand build it into a separate personality, unknown to the rst. The hypnotist would communicate directly with this schizophrenic oshoot and command it to carry out specic deeds kamikaze pilot. Manchurian crimes creating a subservient society was not out of sight- by mind control waves. And worse.
GUANTANAMO scapegoats displays and focused on the wrong Weapons of mass destruction, brainwash and intelligence masterminded. (Nano thermal debris removed quickly). Cathy OBrien, Book TRANCE-formation SSP impeding truth. Never getting to full truthINNOCENT and display for false blame. TIME/DELAYS for false confession Brainwash out memory & PLANT new before public contacts.
How the CIA Missed Stalins Bomb, 1946-50-printed 2007 but updated 2008. Remote Viewing and surveillance CANNOT prevent anything as London Subway Bombing-(Staged)!!! Water and Odd/even days Petrol, CIA sabotage since 70s as drugs and crime all un-natural-inducing more plans for Florida. Judge Napolitano, Lies the Government told you unwi ingly until 2008 cover up pre-empted allegations with political and media transparency DELUSIONS, RE-READ, and CONDONED
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allegations with political and media transparency DELUSIONS, RE-READ, and CONDONED corruptions! ILLUSIONS OF CRIMES statistics for 5 decades and mis perceptions mind controlled. Market inations and real estate pricing and gouging was all induced from the mind on each individual and as a mass, and part of conspiracy agenda. Corrupting American Minds. And, the suicide??? of a Jewish CFO a er 3 months as interim accountant at FANNIE MAE fraud.
Jewish Aaron Russo died of Cancer recently after going public that Rockefeller told him the only reason the WOMENS liberation was allowed to occur successfully was to COLLECT TAXES from them. They also manipulate couples lives as The Firm John Marks also wrote only the participant knows of this and is not only army. Invading Countries Under pretex of oil etc. for take over of humanity.
Did you know CIA operates on the ground wearing Yamacas & M.C. soldiers to frame Jews, destroying fruit trees and crops against the Torah scriptures +, as with our organic natural farms in the U.S. Why? Did you know that the ISRAELI ART STUDENTS were framed and mind controlled where to live and accepted only in the areas to live as guided to set up and look involved? CONTRARY OF CIA GUILT CREATING DOUBT and so much more BEARING FALSE WITNESS from a neighbor, false memory, fake Govt help spinning their wheels. INTERNET & Google lawsuit, libraries, false accusations & false detainments? Capable and do manipulate all Internet remotely with passwords and minds from spying surveillance. As with False imprisoned masses. Sabotaged 911 Commission never to see the light, as 9 DOJ A orneys asking questions-Fired at once when they could not be brainwashed to go along, and Generation GAPS again. (see Bay of Pigs framing College Students in air recommendations in 1959 etc) Did you know Mind Controlled People and Media is set up with tricks of false thoughts transmi ed during conversation and output of wri en documents to put a SPIN on JOURNALISTS & civilians thus unknowingly creating PROPAGANDA, until now covering their tracks with blatant lies from our government? Decades of news from misunderstanding mind games, disputes, & slanders. No one high enough Q clearance! The behavioral sciences (Modication). Nevertheless, the nal result is not the whole story of the CIAs a ack on the mind. No one knows except the PARTICIPANT. He called it Pain-Drug-Hypnosis and said it is a vicious war weapon The extensiveness ofthe use of this form of hypnotism in espionage work is now so widespread that it is long past the time when people should have become alarmed about it. [p. 75] Report
Duplicitous-Framing ISRAEL & piggybacked shadowing to scapegoat and set up! See how CIA tab +. INJECTED IDEOLOGY covertly INFILTRATING WORSE OVER TIME TO CHUNK & ACCEPT. BRAINWASH society and worse yet if
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& ACCEPT. BRAINWASH society and worse yet if not stopped and reversed. AND everything is being mis-applied!
Israel, Seismic Energy to part sea & leave crevice, Israel small land & surrounded by 50 yrs of vast constant a acks, Israel has Palestinians who were EVICTED by their own people, Israel cant have chicken or cow suer with Kosher scriptures and suering2nd level shadow CIA proven Diabolical! STOP Shadow CIA a acks-50 yrs PRESS FANNING Anti-Semitism and spinning all 2nd level CIA, Goldstone Report and 911, SS liberty dis-info, hallucinations, cognitive inltrations, illusions, wearing Yamacas on the Ground in disguise, psyops on Israel and cover-ups. Catherine Fi s Whistleblower Cracks everywhere now. Leave Israel alone and we will have world peace! (Tice Article on SABOTAGE on all aspects of life.) Inducing mind control on rioters coupled with funding them in Egypt to take them down WW3 as planned every time we invade a Country- see also George Green link video. 9/2010 Press release in SUPREME COURT below this one of ISRAEL whistleblowing CIA to take them down (1947 to current activities fanning opposites) as all our NEWS for decades by design. Information Warfare [1973]. DATA-MINING, why and SINCE 1973 FOIA includes genetics & 2nd Level CIA See Lt. Col Bearden slides and more of NEW frightening weapon the World has ever seen! RUSSIAN SCIENTIST SLIDE.
Mind Control-Directed Energy Weapons are responsible for MOST ILLNESSES, NEURO, Obesety, Immune, Central Nervous System. See Wired & Tice Article, 5 SENSES) KINESTHETIC wikipedia) Elec. Magnetic Fields. (MEMORY Mind/Body BLOCKS-ALZHEIMERDIMENTIA as back to the future), Agent ORANGE, ADDHD, Equilibrium, Bladder, Colon, Leukemia, Numbness/ MS, Anesthesiology, AIDS, FIBROMALGIA, PULMONARY, Bi-Polar, CONFUSION extra thought transmissions, MEMORY, DYSLEXIA, opposites suggestions to confuse, SKIN/BLOOD Flow/DISEASES, EPSTEINS BAR, Vision Sight, HOLOGRAMS, HALLUCINATIONS, Parkinsons, MIGRAINES, CANCER, Anthrax, Valley Fever, Flu like symptoms, Insomnia is sleep deprivation, Thyroid, Short Term Memory, (intercepted thoughts)COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS, UN-Necessary procedures, Bi-polar/ADD (most misdiagnosed in America, Accidents, slip & falls, STROKES, Williams Syndrome Motor Coordination, Autism. & disorientation. False ALARMS all from the MIND; UNREALIZED forced speech emotions & mistakes, Epilepsy! (Dr Bearden) MORGELLANS! LIVER dialysis, kidney failures rampid in U.S. Hemorrhage energy heat pressure, Vaccine synthetic, ELF ills hiding behind PHARMACEUTICAL side eects, RLS jolts of ELF light/elec, DIABETES II, and worse. HIDING BEHIND MSG or ASPERTAME including RETARDATION, Toure e, MUSCLE Controls, ELF reproduction and sweats on both male/female, STD, ARTHRITIS much worse. INFLAMATION, Burning feet (Lasers usually seniors), BLISTERS, SPLIT PERSONALITIES is a shi technique of NLP using remote electronic hypnosis, mood transmi ed urges to act amplied thoughts, suggestions, thoughts back and forth, mind jabs-interrupt thoughts, with triggers of memory blocks, INDUCED ERASURES & DELAYS IN YOUR LIFE etc. Misplacing items in trash mind games. Programmed MISFITS Diabolic, playing mind games since milk carton missing children recruited by coercion called Handlers. They cant see from your eyes but tell you to LOOK rst and take the credit. Seniors mostly, HEARING DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and PANACEAS. Responsible for much worse, would never sit on this kind of power with Weapons nicely tucked away, knowing no threats by Russias or Chinas and never was by ELF.__Jerry Smith
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Russias or Chinas and never was by ELF.__Jerry Smith Have you been mind controlled not to believe? Diabolical did not stop with what you already know today, that, I assure you, was the burned part. Targeted for 5 years, tortured, and a empts to recruit for the CIA, now trained in NLP and the so ware from NASA with Woodpecker Scalar Waves that reach Russia but SHIELDED. It is intercepted in our air space as all else. I am a witness in danger and need to come forward and be heard to WARN the grave dangers, cover ups and every excuse possible for doubt including medicinal, that are in manifest.
Is the PENTAGON Science CRAZY ENOUGH? Mind manipulations-Not just on Senators-See Articles/ Speeches Bo om Le . Remote Control Heart A ack Anyone! Explosions Decades ago. WITHOUT A TRACE -Millions emails missing from WHITE HOUSE servers. Failed backups $2.5 mil in taxes to recover and NOTHING-2005 unwitPentagons Unit: The Cult of Dead Cows! Also see CIA Stuxnet. CIA cyber crimes, ID the , stalking, viruses, HACKERS..! covering up, pawns since 2009. CIA cyber crimes, THEFT & Vandalism selectively, ON ALL CIVILITY, stalking, specic MS viruses creation, HACKERS, tampered communications, muting, redirected, manipulations, intercepted thoughts day or night..! LOS ALAMOS LABS; STUXNET creation. AGAIN in the AUSPICES of losing your FREEDOMS inltrations Dr. Warlo and Moret.
Mysteries solved! Remote Viewing is upon you 24/7 since 1973-Science and Humanity under Siege with DoD Secret Society Psychotronics, Synthetic Telepathy DIRECTED ENERGY- (2nd Level CIA); THE WEAPON of MASS DESTRUCTION-ELF miscommunications Duping everyone today! It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, however, was small and ignored the larger issue. Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Then Reported in 75, said the New York Times on July 16, 1977. .Zombie is a quaint, old-fashioned folklore word but its meaning becomes obscene when our childrens minds are being controlled [p.17][Note:1] Pentagon Mists- programming civility since 50% of milk carton children kidnapped ARRESTED EMOTIONS AGGRANDIZEMENT (NARCISSISM)! To RAMPID crimes, corruption, to AGGRANDIZEMENT OF GOVERNMENT justications FOR TAX REVENUES and Fascism teensuicides, Diabetes, ECO. & ills-Bombers-erupted, CANCER, ALZHEIMER, Fibromyalgia, Immune See List (Project Montauk below L) The cult of Intelligence, documents. DRUGS do not make you commit crimes; the WILL does! How America was/is Mind Controlled behind scenes to Police crimes inltrations and drugs, Politicians Military, Media, Channeled Hollywood minds, UN-REALIZED! Ron Paul says: CIA runs Everything but this website content is HOW: SHADOW/2nd level took o (1973) one year prior Church Commission Report with psyop MHchaos-FOIA- NO WONDER BIG BROTHER has been into every ASPECT and PROFESSION of AMERICANS. Keeping enemies close. Picking up on everyone and their genetics and events or cults or investigation, TAMPERING with MINDS NOT JUST OUR CULTURE. Mistakes, Accidents, coincidences, your soul/ karma. ELF directed energy weapon of mass. Spread the word. We need a Revolution Abolish CIA 2nd level and NSAct. BP framed to cover up Govt Lab Venice FL RED TIDE-ELF infects since 1947 below Democracy NOW Air Force paralysis with a decision made one way or other. TRIED TO WARN CONGRESS in 2008 with dismissed manipulations, sabotage, and disbelief. 911 Kamikaze Pilots Mind Controlled robots on US Soil (Manchurians) suicide bombers as are Globalists. Bohemian Grove culture burning babies etc
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Bohemian Grove culture burning babies etc Our ENGINEERED CULTURE of INFILTRATIONS, COVER UPS and WHITEWASH (2008) The ROOT of ALL Problems, still in manifest! The Matrix began long ago and the spying is a er the fact of CIA 2nd level-took o in 1973 one year prior. How you are le ing mind control happen with brainwashing of disbelief trickery of your will! Beliefs of their thoughts planted/transmi ed as your own-daily manipulations. The rest of the world didnt ask until 1976 the type of questions we were facing in 1965. Everybody was afraid of building the supersoldier who would take orders without questioning, like the kamikaze pilot. 70s Manchurian crimes Creating a subservient society was not out of sight- by mind control. FBI HOOVER clandestine warfare avowed objective had been WORLD DOMINATION by whatever means and COST! FBI Director expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of these movements and their leaders. Hoover disclosed how horric these weapons were thus, hard to believe INVENTING/INDUCING and APPLIED (NLP) Paranoid Schizophrenia, Moods, Mental BLOCKS, Grandeur Aggrandizement, etc. is only a thought from a trigger and anchors NSA CIA shadow transmissions, amplications. Tavistock: Best kept secret in America and Govt RAND Corp primary function Brainwash -CIA NLP not Freudian mind control ills! AMA-Synthetic telepathy, false memory syndrome/ confession/ bearing false witness. Montauk Project (1943) A group which has as its prime goal the further acquisition of ever-greater raw, oppressive power over the actual lives of its own continued aggrandizement and enrichment at the expense not only of Earths people but most certainly of the planet itself and all its many life formsStart of a LOCKED DOOR SOCIETY transmi ed fears Pretex for Tyranny Giord Shooting always a new law to inltrate the whitewashing of The Constitution & Human Rights. FREEDOM! Giord decoy/ EXPLOIT of Manchurian Synthetic ills and CRIMES- Surreptitious ASSASSINATION of a FEDERAL JUDGE by Manchurians crimes. Civil rights African crops and surreptitious cover up-CIA MASTERMINDS/CONTROL. Surveillance under the AUSPICES of and in disguise of existing remote viewing from Satellite Engineered a Human Matrix! Suggested Moods, pre-and post Manipulations.
Civil rights Africa CIA MASTERMINDS of AGENDA too busy, to dismiss this, & sensory deprivation unrealized stress induced and another year goes by of 50 with unwi ing cognitive inltration un-wit in disconnects in White House to next calamity. ITS not the PRESIDENT, its MIND CONTROL!
Mind Control-answer to all mis-information DC, GAZA disconnects 2009, RHETORIC, lies, dis-information GAPS, illusions, non-sense. GOLDSTONE REPORT, USS Liberty SET UPS Mind Control Root of ALL problems. Talk about it FAN it! Looking beyond the messengers! CASES NEVER PROVEN in CRIMES AND SCIENCE se led!
God Bless America, God Bless Humanity! Assange Secrets are for a reason and secret abuses are impossible to correct unless you know they aregoing on. Knowing their plans before they are implemented to oppose before they occur. If they are
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on. Knowing their plans before they are implemented to oppose before they occur. If they are exposed by the people already suering by the abuse, then the abuse has already occurred and it is too late.
M. Monroe mind control suicides! Mind Control redistribution of wealth. [See Home Page]
When even one American -who has done nothing wrong- is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Harry S.Truman JFK speech The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is li le value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is li le value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of ocial censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no ocial of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stie dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know. PLANNED WARS TO INFILTRATE COMMUNISM! Dividing all to conquer! Brainwashing & WHITEWASHING HISTORY is underway! THE MOTHER OF ALL EVIL-CIA Technology Changing minds and hearts, including Presidents! And vice versa CONTROLLING MENTAL BLOCKS. Disarming you-Gun Control, for a manipulated REVOLUTION hacked passwords, www in the 90s, 911, now Exec. Order 11005 take over waterways martial law Katrina Massacres, Plans, to HR 1955 reversed freedom of thought! Unwi ingly inltrating NLP tactics Psyops. OPPOSITES! Dr. Robert Becker was the major researcher and writer on health dangers from electromagnetic elds; he died a few months ago, in summer 2008 warned INDUCED ELF/EMF-disconnects in White House to next calamity. JUDICIAL SYSTEM, AND SCHOOL BOOKS WITH FALSE MEDICINE and FALSE TESTS RESULTS and Engineered lives all from the mind! Voting, www. and all tests can and are tampered. Have you read Lies the Government told you? READ twice- Perceptions in AMERICA-LONDON Subway CIA- INSIDE JOB- Remote Viewing, Surveillance and SearchesSTAGED! John Marks-CIA BUILDING/Search MANCHURIANS since Hitler (who had electronic epilepsy himself) and MKULTRA on German Soldiers-h p:// Our Soldier admits guilt to representation of TERRORISM. Press release below June 2008 was impeded from going out in Boston. The sender reported Disappeared; A growing number of Americans have reported symptoms that include but are not limited to severe physical trauma such as shocks, stings, burning, nausea, and sleep deprivation. Targeted individuals of domestic terrorism originate from many dierent backgrounds and are aected in a physical, psychological, social, and nancial manner as a result of directed energy weapons assaults. The average American would be astonished to learn the extent to which secret surveillance technology has advanced from remote viewing and manipulation; torture of the human mind and body horrendous abuses. Measures must be taken to freeThe mind control examined in this book is
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technology has advanced from remote viewing and manipulation; torture of the human mind and body horrendous abuses. Measures must be taken to freeThe mind control examined in this book is the control of ONE individuals mind by ANOTHER! Guided, misled, by the public UNWITTINGLY used as pawns (jacketed) one against the other with everything the OPPOSITE, manipulated, and dysfunctional! (1973) First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a trade-unionist. Then they came for the Jews. I didnt object bc I wasnt a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one le to help me. We must hang together or we will surely hang separately Ben Franklin This website information is awakening debunking/educating raising awareness, on humanity, a FULL DISCLOSURE Correction of 5 DECADES of 2nd level CIA mind controlled DIS-information, MIS-COMMUNICATION, non-sense, blinders/blocks, unconsciously, manipulating YOUR conversations, not on same wavelength) or/ sabotage created by Mind Control ELF waves & Energy, (1974) CIA Neuro-linguistic Programming. Directed ENERGY Weapon used nefariously deployed on ALL people as pawns UNWITTINGLY, illusions, robots, every bodys doing the locomotion, CANCER. Information Warfare tactics and the new ways to ASSASSINATE civilians currently. Not the Patriot ACT a er THE FACT as ALL else. SURREPTITIOUSLY! SLOW KILLSLegal! 130 Facts and Examples, see induced ills; LIST on bo om le and (Pharma (Rx) Taxes; Tab)Collectively by a Mind Control victim Expert Witness (NLP) Federal Whistleblower 1st hand, Warning We the People Impeded, Gagged, tortured, squashed, disrupted, threatened, for 5 years, now being set up +. Never believe anything until it is ocially denied. Illusions scapegoating our Media a er 50 yrs victims of created spin, dis-information WARFARE etc by mind control UNREALIZED & cognitive impairment inltrations on all people. Why hasnt the pressaside from MSNBC--covered NSA Tices revelations! Or mine. Let the people decide; Millions would come forward. BREACHED contracts OVERSEAS SPYING to manipulate. Massive brainwash also in manifest! Another layer! Dr. Robert O Becker was the major researcher and writer on health dangers from electromagnetic elds, he died a few months ago, in summer 2008 warned INDUCED ELF/EMF-John Wayne and Susan Hayward died CANCER decades a er movie and unexpecded wind shi and MONSETTO wind? FARMING cases! ANY ADDICTION, and FRAMING Tobacco Co. Page 307/347 THE BODY ELECTRIC DoD!
Summary information: CIA brainwashing We the People for decades engineering our lives and culture unwittingly with mind and body control, corruptions to destroy humanity (jacketing) one against the other divide and conquer world Domination selecting who will live. Wake up America. Wake up Washington! The secret holocaust & WWIII in MANIFEST. Un-realized and
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h ps:// THIS video is about the PROCESS. WASHINGTON will be shot a er the CRISIS step 4 of mind control Brainwash over decades- slow kills Do you believe a RUSSIAN or are you targeted? They always kill you when you are done serving. See below creating subservient civilians and torture goes on illegally anyway. Legalizing it is only for us civilians and what is coming (N.W.O. a silent holocaust) with no recourse or redress available on civil rights. Illusions, transmi ed false thoughts, crimes inltrated now Making it REAL. A er 50 yrs of spy devices being installed and a ached today overtly as all else shadowed. The White Rose, was formed by students at the University of Munich in 1941 a er serving the GERMAN ARMY, and executed by guillotine shouting Long Live Freedom-dropping leaets in Revolution for SOCIAL JUSTICE h p:// CIA bomb makers & Mind Controlled Magnus Olsson Swede; CIA Nazis h p:// /watch?v=EQQv-mfCUeg&feature=share Memory Mind control to $ invest & lose ALL, and they play with the MEMORY A LOT. Former Hitler Youth Whistleblower Warns Of Americas Nazi Future on line videos This is how they will KILL us! ISRAEL rst! h p:// /watch?v=VNJTiUhZxaY&NR=1 V For 911 Vende a Past Present and Future brilliant!!!! George Green and Israel rst Plans for WW3 EXPLOSIONS of: Alien hallucinations, ill list pg. 9, crimes, corruption culture, CANCER, obesity, dumb down bureaucracy, zombies, surreptitiously and unrealized inltrations until 2008 explosions made overtly! Number of American civilians who died worldwide in terrorist a acks last year: 8 Minimum number who died a er being struck by lightning: 29. Spinning their wheels freeing 6,000 terrorists falsely accused, while assassinating who they really want, and BILLIONS a YEAR just to surveil us nefariously and worse agendas still, un-wit. Mind control planted ideas in advance as Hollywood and RUMORS of Bear Stearns, and Bay of Pigs starting them in advance including musicians. Playing psychics and mind games ### Tags:911, Alex Jones, americans, Cancer, Corruption, Crimes, culture, Israel, mind control, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, psyops, torture, US Government, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Spying for mind control, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, Wiretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment
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are being sought, independent researchers are fully engaged in seeking positive uses for the technology. The potentials of the technology, like all technology, are great as both a destructive or constructive force for change. The idea of enhancing physical and mental performance while bypassing what heretofore was a long and arduous road to achieve the same results is exciting. Maintaining the research in the open literature and ensuring that constructive uses are encouraged is critical. I began looking into technologies for stimulating brain performance about een years ago. At the time, there were limited tools available compared to what is now possible. Now it is possible to obtain light and sound, electrocranial and biofeedback tools for use in this exploration. moreover, there are audio materials also available for use with most of these tools. These audio materials can be used for learning languages, behaviour modication or enhanced performance. The biofeedback side of the new technology is being used to train people to reach specic desired brain states for optimum performance. The use of light and sound devices for stimulating brain activity which is conducive to accelerated learning and relaxation is a growing area of interest to many people. Moreover, the use of these tools in conjunction with biofeedback has been the subject of quickly evolving research. The combined technologies of brain state inducement and biofeedback oer exciting possibilities. It has been found with the combination that a person, in a ma er of several weeks, can learn to modify purposefully his/her brain activity in a way which would have taken a Zen master twenty years to accomplish. It has been shown that some children with a ention decit disorders can be taught to regulate their brain activities so that they can learn eciently without chemicals. It has been demonstrated that recovering stroke victims can more rapidly recover when working with brainbiofeedback practitioners and these new tools. The research is also teaching us a good deal about our suggestibility in terms of inuences which have an impact on our behaviour. The underlying message that comes with the new technology is the necessity of providing safeguards against misuse. Additionally, recognition of the everyday stimulation we all get and the eect of these information inputs on our learning processes becomes more clear. The suggestibility of humans, particularly when in a fatigued condition, has been exploited by terrorists, cults and others in pursuit of their own aims. The passive suggestibility of radio and television as we weave in and out of the semi-sleep states is for the most part not even recognised. The passive learning situations become even more relevant when we consider how we receive the news in our daily lives. The ability to inuence thinking, behaviour and performance is indeed a two-edged sword. The 1980s and 1990s were focused on building up the physical body. The 21st century will see a focus on building the mind and optimising mental performance. The idea of merging the new technologies into education is interesting and also calls into question who will decide what is to be learned. In the interim, the possibilities are incredible for those interested in such pursuits. The control of our mental function is no dierent than the control of the muscles in our bodies. Learning to control or coordinate the activity of our minds will propel our bodies through a much more productive and fuller life. The new tools may oer just such opportunities. On the other side of the issue is the potential for misuse and exploitation of the science. Military planners, law enforcement ocials and others are now seeking the covert use of these technologies for controlling the ultimate information processorthe Human Being. MK-ULTRA Dr Go lieb, born August 3, 1918, was the CIAs real-life Dr Strangelovea brilliant bio-chemist who designed and headed MKULTRA, the agencys most far-reaching drug and mind-control program at the height of the Cold War. Though the super-secret MKULTRA was ended in 1964, a streamlined version called MK-SEARCH was continuedwith Go lieb in chargeuntil 1972. During this period, substantial interest in mind control was stimulated by Soviet use of microwaves. In 1988, thirty-ve years a er security ocers rst noticed that the Soviets were bombarding the US embassy in Moscow with microwave radiation, the US Government still has not determined conclusivelyor is unwilling to revealthe purpose behind the beams. The US government did know what was happening. The Soviets had developed methods for disrupting the purposeful thought of humans and were using their knowledge to impact diplomats in the United States embassy in Moscow. In 1994, a report concerning the MKULTRA program was issued, containing the following information:
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In the 1950s and 60s, the CIA engaged in an extensive program of human experimentation, using drugs, psychological, and other means, in search of techniques to control human behavior for counterintelligence and covert action purposes. In 1973, the CIA purposefully destroyed most of the MKULTRA les concerning its research and testing on human behaviour. In 1977, the agency uncovered additional MKULTRA les in the budget and scal records that were not indexed under the name MKULTRA. These documents detailed over 150 subprojects that the CIA funded in this area, but no evidence was uncovered at that time concerning the use of radiation. The CIA did investigate the use and eect of microwaves on human beings in response to a Soviet practice of beaming microwaves on the US embassy. The agency determined that this was outside the scope of the Advisory Commi ees purview. The Church Commi ee found some records, but also noted that the practice of MKULTRA at that time was to maintain no records of the planning and approval of test programs. MKULTRA itself was technically closed out in 1964, but some of its work was transferred to the Oce of Research and Development (ORD) within the DS&T under the name MKSEARCH and continued into the 1970s. The CIA worked closely with the Army in conducting the LSD experiments. This connection with the Army is signicant because MKULTRA began at the same time that Secretary of Defense Wilson issued his 1953 directive to the military services on ethical guidelines for human experiments. Throughout the course of MKULTRA, the CIA sponsored numerous experiments on unwi ing humans. A er the death of one such individual (Frank Olson, an army scientist, was given LSD in 1953 and commi ed suicide a week later), an internal CIA investigation warned about the dangers of such experimentation. The CIA persisted in this practice for at least the next ten years. A er the 1963 IG [Inspector-General] report recommended termination of unwi ing testing, Deputy Director for Plans Richard Helms (who later became Director of Central Intelligence) continued to advocate covert testing on the ground that positive operational capability to use drugs is diminishing, owing to a lack of realistic testing. With increasing knowledge of state of the art, we are less capable of staying up with the Soviet advances in this eld. Helms a ributed the cessation of the unwi ing testing to the high risk of embarrassment to the Agency as well as the moral problem. He noted that no be er covert situation had been devised than that which had been used, and that we have no answer to the moral issue. They did have the answers to the moral questions on human experimentation but chose to ignore them, destroy the records, hide the truth and still continue in their eorts. Nothing has changed as each participating organisation, using national security laws, avoids disclosure and accountability. The records which were destroyed contained the evidence necessary perhaps to send some participants to jail for societys version of behaviour modication. Once again, there was no accountability and no recognition of the rights of the individuals damaged by these experiments. Mind Wars For the rst time in some 500 years, a scientic revolution has begun that will fundamentally change the world as much as the Renaissance and Enlightenment did. A handful of extraordinary new advances in science are taking humans quickly and deeply into areas that will have profound implications for the future. One of these areas is control of the human mind. The issues surrounding behaviour modication, mind control and information warfare become crystal clear as the facts unfold. The following is taken from a current military document, The Information Revolution and the Future Air Force by Colonel John A. Warden III, USAF, which claries their position in the emerging area of research, taking a much dierent direction than the one described above: Were currently experiencing, on an unprecedented global basis, three simultaneous revolutions, any one of which would be more than enough to shock and confound us. The rst revolution, a geopolitical revolution, sees a single dominant power in the world for the rst time since the fall of Rome. The opportunities that are inherent in this situation are extraordinary, as are the pitfalls. Unfortunately, there is no one around that has rst hand experience in how to deal with that kind of single power dominant world. The second revolution, and theres a lot of discussion about this so far, is the information revolution. As other people have mentioned, it is following inexorably in tandem behind Moores law of computing power. A endant to it, though, is not the creation of new ideas and technologies, but also an exponential growth in the velocity of information dissemination, and for us that is of extraordinary
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an exponential growth in the velocity of information dissemination, and for us that is of extraordinary importance. A key part of this information revolution has an awesome impact on competition. The business that introduced a new product ten years ago could count on probably ve years before it had to look seriously at potential competitors based overseas. Today, youre lucky if you can count on ve months or even ve weeks before you are facing the overseas competitor. In todays world, success simply demands rapid introduction of successively new products or military systems. Success now goes to the organization which exploits information almost instantly, while failure is the near certain fate of the organization which tries to husband or hide ideas. Real simpleuse it or youre going to lose it. The third revolution, which is a li le bit more complex, is the military/technological revolution, or in some places called the revolution in military aairs. Im convinced that this is the rst military technological revolution ever because we now have, for the rst time, a conceptually dierent way to wage war. We can wage war in parallel now. In the past, communications and weapons technology, especially weapons accuracy, have constrained us to waging serial war. This changes almost everything. Biological Process Control: As we look forward to the future, it seems likely that this nation will be involved in multiple conicts where our military forces increasingly will be placed in situations where the application of full force capabilities of our military might cannot be applied. We will be involved intimately with hostile populations in situations where the application of non-lethal force will be the tactical or political preference. It appears likely that there are a number of physical agents that might actively, but largely benignly, interact or interfere with biological processes in an adversary in a manner that will provide our armed forces the tools to control these adversaries without extensive loss of life or property. These physical agents could include acoustic elds, optical elds, electromagnetic elds, and combinations thereof. This paper will address only the prospect of physical regulation of biological processes using electromagnetic elds. Prior to the mid-21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of knowledge in the eld of neuroscience. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the human brain works, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can be manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. This will open the door for the development of some novel capabilities that can be used in armed conict, in terrorist/hostage situations, and in training. New weapons that oer the opportunity of control of an adversary without resorting to a lethal situation or to collateral casualties can be developed around this concept. This would oer signicant improvements in the capabilities of our special operation forces. Initial experimentation should be focused on the interaction of electromagnetic energy and the neuromuscular junctions involved in voluntary muscle control. Theories need to be developed, modeled, and tested in experimental preparations. Early testing using in vitro cell cultures of neural networks could provide the focus for more denitive intact animal testing. If successful, one could envision a weapon that would render an opponent incapable of taking any meaningful action involving any higher motor skills (e.g., using weapons, operating tracking systems). The prospect of a weapon to accomplish this when targeted against an individual target is reasonable; the prospect of a weapon eective against a massed force would seem to be more remote. Use of such a device in an enclosed area against multiple targets (hostage situation) may be more dicult than an individual target system, but probably feasible. It would also appear to be possible to create high delity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the gigahertz range strikes the human body, a very small temperature perturbation occurs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast enough to produce an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create an internal acoustic eld in the 515 kilohertz range, which is audible. Thus, it may be possible to talk to selected
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acoustic eld in the 515 kilohertz range, which is audible. Thus, it may be possible to talk to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them. In comparison to the discussion in the paragraphs above, the concept of imprinting an experience set is highly speculative, but nonetheless highly exciting. Modern electromagnetic sca ering theory raises the prospect that ultra-short pulse sca ering through the human brain can result in reected signals that can be used to construct a reliable estimate of the degree of central nervous system arousal. The concept behind this remote EEG is to sca er o of action potentials or ensembles of action potentials in major central nervous system tracts. Assuming we will understand how our skills are imprinted and recalled, it might be possible to take this concept one step further and duplicate the experience set in another individual. The prospect of providing a been theredone that knowledge base could provide a revolutionary change in our approach to specialized training. How this can be done or even if it can be done are signicant unknowns [sic]. The impact of success would boggle the mind! The above report was a forecast for the year 2020. However, the reality is that these technologies already exist and there are a number of patents in the open literature which clearly show the possibilities. This research is not new but goes back to the 1950s. A new class of weapons, based on electromagnetic elds, has been added to the muscles of the military organism. The C3I [Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence] doctrine is still growing and expanding. It would appear that the military may yet be able to completely control the minds of the civilian population. The targeting of civilian populations by the military is a signicant departure from its history. In the past, the military has used persuasion through real information rather than using deliberate deception and mind manipulation to win populations over. A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with properly modulated low power microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing, clicking, or hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the persons position in the eld) within or just behind the head. The phenomena occurs [sic] at average power densities as low as microwa s per square centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz. By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be created. Before this technique may be extended and used for military applications, an understanding of the basic principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only required to optimize the use of the concept for camouage, decoy and deception operations but is required to properly assess safety factors of such microwave exposure. Actual testing of certain systems has proven that movements, sensations, emotions, desires, ideas, and a variety of psychological phenomena may be induced, inhibited, or modied by electrical stimulation of specic areas of the brain. These facts have changed the classical philosophical concept that the mind was beyond experimental reach. The rst widespread interest in the subject of mind control hit the mainstream of military think-tanks a er the Korean War when returning prisoners of war exhibited signicant behavioural changes. In 1956, the following was wri en into the United States Congressional Record: Reports of the treatment of American prisoners of war in Korea have given rise to several popular misconceptions, of which the most widely publicized is brainwashing. The term itself has caught the public imagination and is used, very loosely, to describe any act commi ed against an individual by the Communists. Actual brainwashing is a prolonged psychological process, designed to erase an individuals past beliefs and concepts and to substitute new ones. It is a highly coercive practice which is irreconcilable with universally accepted medical ethics. In the process of brainwashing, the eorts of many are directed against an individual. To be successful, it requires, among other things, that the individual be completely isolated from normal associations and environment. The ethical considerations have not changed, but the militarys position on the ethics has changed as it has gained signicant capabilities in these areas. Psychological warfare is becoming increasingly important for US forces as they engage in peacekeeping operations. In the psychological
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increasingly important for US forces as they engage in peacekeeping operations. In the psychological operations area, were always looking to build on our existing technologies, so much of this is evolutionary, [military planner] Holmes said. It is critically important that we stay ahead of the technology curve. The temptation to dabble in this area has now overcome the ethical considerations. A Russian military article oered a slightly dierent slant to the problem, declaring that humanity stands on the brink of a psychotronic war with the mind and body as the focus. These psychotronic weapons aim to control or alter the psyche, or to a ack the various sensory and data processing systems of the human organism. In both cases, the goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium. According to a US Department of Defense directive (S-3600.1, December 9, 1996), information warfare is dened as an information operation conducted during time of crisis or conict to achieve or promote specic objectives over a specic adversary or adversaries. An information operation is dened in the same directive as actions taken to aect adversary information and information systems. These information systems lie at the heart of the modernisation eort of the US armed forces and manifest themselves as hardware, so ware, communications capabilities and highly trained individuals. Information warfare has tended to ignore the role of the human body as an information or data processor in this quest for dominance, except in those cases where an individuals logic or rational thought may be upset via Dis-information or deception... Yet, the body is capable not only of being deceived, manipulated or mis-informed but also shut down or destroyedjust as any other data-processing system. The data the body receives from external sources, such as electromagnetic, vortex or acoustic energy waves, or creates through its own electrical or chemical stimuli, can be manipulated or changed, just as the data (information) in any hardware system can be altered. If the ultimate target of information warfare is the informationdependent process, whether human or automated, then the denition implies that human data-processing of internal and external signals can clearly be considered an aspect of information warfare. On a much grander scale, the use of mind control was contemplated as far back as 1969 by a former science adviser to President Johnson. Gordon J. F. Macdonald, a geophysicist specializing in problems of warfare, has wri en that accurately timed, articially excited strokes could lead to a pa ern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period.. This capability exists today through the use of systems which can stimulate the ionosphere to return a pulsed (modulated) signal which, at the right frequency, can override normal brain functions. By overriding the natural pulsations of the brain, chemical reactions are triggered which alter the emotional state of targeted populations. Subliminal Messages and commercial Uses One of the areas where this new technology is being used is in systems to dissuade shopli ers, using sound below the range of hearing. Japanese shopkeepers are playing CDs with subliminal messages to curb the impulses of the growing band of shopli ers. The Mind Control CDs have sound-tracks of popular music or ocean waves, with encoded voices in seven languageswarning that anyone caught stealing will be reported to the police. A number of devices have been developed to inuence behaviour in this way, and patents have been awarded. The following summations are taken from some of these patents dealing with both audio and video programmingonly this time, we are the program: An auditory subliminal programming system includes a subliminal message encoder that generates xed frequency security tones and combines them with a subliminal message signal to produce an encoded subliminal message signal which is recorded on audio tape or the like. A corresponding subliminal decoder/mixer is connected as part of a users conventional stereo system and receives as inputs an audio program selected by the user and the encoded subliminal message. Ambient audio signals from the customer shopping area within a store are sensed and fed to a signal processing circuit that produces a control signal which varies with variations in the amplitude of the sensed audio signals. A control circuit adjusts the amplitude of an auditory subliminal antishopli ing message to increase with increasing amplitudes of sensed audio
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auditory subliminal antishopli ing message to increase with increasing amplitudes of sensed audio signals and decrease with decreasing amplitudes of sensed audio signals. This amplitude controlled subliminal message may be mixed with background music and transmi ed to the shopping area. Data to be displayed is combined with a composite video signal. The data is stored in memory in digital form. Each byte of data is read out in sequential fashion to determine: the recurrence display rate of the data according to the frame sync pulses of the video signal; the location of the data within the video image according to the line sync pulses of the video signal; and the location of the data display within the video image according to the position information. This invention is a combination of a subliminal message generator that is 100% user programmable for use with a television receiver. The subliminal message generator periodically displays user specied messages for the normal television signal for [a] specic period of time. This permits an individual to employ a combination of subliminal and supraliminal therapy while watching television. The above points may seem a bit complicated; however, they can be summarised. These patents are designed to provide a way to hide messages in video or audio formats, masking any suggestions that the programmer wishes to convey. These kinds of messages bypass the conscious mind and are acted upon by the person hearing them; they are not sorted out by the active mind. Although these technologies are being developed for personal use and as security measures, consider the possibilities for abuse by commercial interests where the messages might be buy, buy, buy, drink more, dont worry, or some other self-serving script. Should these systems be regulated? By whom and under what conditions? New Standards for What is a Memory Nevada is currently the only state to allow witness testimony of a person who has undergone hypnosis. As of October 1, 1997, courts hearing both civil and criminal cases can take a hypnotically refreshed testimony, as long as the witness, if a minor, has had the informed consent of parent or guardian, and the person performing the hypnosis is any of the following: a health care provider, a clinical social worker licenced in accordance with 641B of Nevada Revised Statute, or a disinterested investigator. This issue will surely become more complex as technology advances in terms of evidence. When the day arrives that it is possible to change or alter memory completely, as suggested earlier by military ocers, what then? How will we separate the real from the unreal? What will be the impact on the burden of proof in courts as it relates to reasonable doubt? Again, the emergence of the technology has rst to be recognised as real before laws can be constructed and systems established for controlling misuse. Think how long it has taken the courts even to recognise hypnotherapy as valid science. We are hopeful that we will not have to wait so long for legislative bodies to take the initiative to address these issues. Auditory Eects The questions which this section raises are profound. Is it possible to transmit a signal to the brain of a person, from a distance, which deposits specic sounds, voice or other information which can be understood? Is it possible to transfer sound in a way where only the targeted person can hear the voice in the head and no one else hears a thing? Is it possible to shi a persons emotions using remote electromagnetic tools? The answer to each of these questions is a resounding Yes! The state of the science has passed even the most optimistic predictions, and the capabilities are here now. Military literature suggests that this is possible. A series of experiments, patents and independent research conrm that this technology exists today. While giving testimony to the European Parliament in 1998, I demonstrated one such device to the astonishment of those in a endance. This particular device required physical contact in order to work and was nearly forty years old. This area of research is one of the most important because it points to the ultimate weapon of political control: the ability to place information directly into the human brain, bypassing all normal ltering mechanisms. In 1995, the US Department of Defense put forward the contract, Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Eect; Awarding Agency: Department of Defense; SBIR Contract Number: F41624-95-C-9007. The description of this technology, which would be used for direct communications with military personnel, is wri en as follows: Title: Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Eect Description: An innovative and revolutionary technology is described that oers a means of low-probability-ontercept Radio Frequency (RF) communications. The feasibility of the concept has
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low-probability-ontercept Radio Frequency (RF) communications. The feasibility of the concept has been established using both a low intensity laboratory system and a high power RF transmi er. Numerous military applications exist in areas of search and rescue, security and special operations. The feasibility was not only demonstrated in the laboratory but also in the eld using a radio-frequency carrier. In the case of the Gulf War, we had always suspected that the reason the Iraqis gave up in mass was not because of the heavy bombardments but because they were being hit with new nonlethal systems which created fear and perhaps even worse. Our research uncovered reports which now conrm our suspicions as fact. What the Voice of the Gulf began broadcasting, along with prayers from the Koran and testimonials from well-treated Iraqi prisoners, was precise information on the units to be bombed each day, along with a new, silent psychological technique which induced thoughts of great fear in each soldiers mindThis makes a great deal of sense today, given what has become increasingly known about mind-control weapons. According to statements made by captured and deserting Iraqi soldiers, however, the most devastating and demoralizing programming was the rst known military use of the new, high tech, type of subliminal messages referred to as ultra-high-frequency Silent Sounds or Silent Subliminals. The use of these new techniques, we believe, went well beyond the injection of fear and may have involved more powerful signal generators which caused the other symptoms which the world observed, including head pain, bleeding from the nose, disorientation and nauseaall possible with so-called nonlethal weapons. The questions which now remain: Are they still using the techniques like an electronic concentration camp in order to control the population? Is this part of the way in which modern governments will suppress rogue nations? The development of the technology followed a very traceable history which began in the early 1960s at the height of the Cold War. In 1961, Dr Allen Frey wrote: Our data to date indicate that the human auditory system can respond to electromagnetic energy in at least a portion of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. Further, this response is instantaneous and occurs at low power densities, densities which are well below that necessary for biological damage. For example, the eect has been induced with power densities 1/60 of the standard maximum safe level for continuous exposure. This observation had incredible ramications because it meant that within certain ranges RF could create a sound within the brain of a person at energy concentration levels considered too small to be signicant. Later that year, a patent was issued to Henry K. Puharich and Joseph L. Lawrence which stated in part: The present invention is directed to a means for auxiliary hearing communication, useful for improving hearing, for example, and relates more specically to novel and improved arrangements for auxiliary hearing communications by eecting the transmission of sound signals through the dental structure and facial nervous system of the user.24 This crude device produced a signal which could be heard in the brain by inducing a vibration which was transferred through the bone into the inner ear, where it was then carried to the brain via the nervous system. Puharich continued researching along this line, gaining an additional patent in 1965.25 Both of these inventions required physical contact with the head of the subject. By 1962, Dr Allan Frey had advanced his work and was able to create sound at a distance from the subject, using a pulsed (modulated) radio transmi er. Using extremely low average power densities of electromagnetic energy, the perception of sounds was induced in normal and deaf humans. The eect was induced several hundred feet from the antenna the instant the transmi er was turned on, and is a function of carrier frequency and modulation. What was occurring in this research were the rst a empts to tune into the brain of a human in the same manner as tuning into a radio station. The same energy was being used; it was just at a dierent frequency with a slight vibration (modulation) on the carrier wave which delivered the signal. In 1968, G. Patrick Flanagan was issued a patent for a device which also required physical contact with the skin of the subject. This invention relates to electromagnetic excitation of the nervous system of a mammal and pertains more particularly to a method and apparatus for exciting the nervous system of a person with electromagnetic waves that are capable of causing that person to become conscious of information conveyed by the electromagnetic waves. This invention was much dierent than what others had created by that time, because this device actually sent a clear, audible signal through the
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others had created by that time, because this device actually sent a clear, audible signal through the nervous system to the brain. The device could be placed anywhere on the body, and a clear voice or music would appear in the head of the subject. This was a most unbelievable device which had actually been invented in the late 1950s. It had taken years to convince patent examiners that it worked. The initial patent was only granted a er the dramatic demonstration of the device on a deaf employee of the US Patent Oce. In 1972, a second patent was issued to G. Patrick Flanagan a er being suppressed by the military since 1968. This device was much more ecient in that it converted a speech waveform into a constant amplitude square wave in which the transitions between the amplitude extremes are spaced so as to carry the speech information. What this did is establish the code of modulation or timing sequences necessary for ecient transfers into the nervous system where the signals could be sent to the brain and decoded as sound in the same way that normal sound is decoded. The result was a clear and understandable sound. The military interest in auditory eects was present since the rst inventions were patented, but in 1971 came a system which would allow troops to communicate through a radio transmi er which would render the enemy deaf and disoriented while allowing friendly combatants to communicate at the same time. The device is described as follows: Broadly, this disclosure is directed to a system for producing aural and psychological disturbances and partial deafness of the enemy during combat situations. Essentially, a high directional beam is radiated from a plurality of distinct transducers and is modulated by a noise, code, or speech beat signal. The invention may utilize various forms and may include movable radiators mounted on a vehicle and oriented to converge at a desired point, independently positioned vehicles with a common frequency modulator, or means employed to modulate the acoustical beam with respect to a xed frequency. During combat, friendly forces would be equipped with a reference generator to provide aural demodulation of the projected signal, thereby yielding an intelligible beat signal while enemy personnel would be rendered partially deaf by the projected signal as well as being unable to perceive any intelligence transmi ed in the form of a modulated beat signal. What this says simply is that ata-distance personal communication could be achieved by ones own forces while denying it to others and disabling adversaries at the same time. In 1974, it was noted that using a microwave a signal was changed (transduced) by the receiver into an acoustic signal. This signal was heard inside or just behind the head. The report stated: it was noticed that the apparent locus of the sound moved from the observers head to the absorber. That is, the absorber acted as a transducer from microwave energy to an acoustic signal. This observation, to the best of our knowledge, has not been described in the literature and may serve as a mechanism mediating the hearing of pulsed microwave signals. By 1989, the science took another leap forward with the combination of the modulated signal on a microwave carrier. This provided a much more ecient delivery of the sound. It was reported: Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated. Two other patents awarded that year addressed this breakthrough. The rst invention related to devices for aiding hearing in mammals: The invention is based upon perception of sounds which is experienced in the brain when the brain is subjected to certain microwave radiation signals.32 The second invention conrmed the earlier observations: Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. In 1992, another patent was issued with the following description: A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. This device had limited practicality in that it required the person to be in contact with or in close proximity to the sending device. When examined together, each of these patents is seen to be a discrete step toward a new weapon system. In 1995, it was reported that in the early research, clear sound signals had been sent and received. It is dicult
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together, each of these patents is seen to be a discrete step toward a new weapon system. In 1995, it was reported that in the early research, clear sound signals had been sent and received. It is dicult now to determine what level of military or other research was being advanced in these areas. The history is clear from congressional reports that this entire area was of great interest to the intelligence communities. According to Scientists for Global Responsibility: Drs Alan Frey and Joseph Sharp conducted related research. Sharp himself took part in these experiments and reported that he heard and understood words transmi ed in pulse-microwave analogs of the speakers sound vibrations. Commenting on these studies, Dr Robert Becker, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, observed that such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices, or deliver undetectable instructions to a potential assassin. Then, in 1996 came another development, a wireless communication system undetectable by radio frequency methods for converting audio signals, including human voice, to electronic signals in the ultrasonic frequency range, transmi ing the ultrasonic signal by means of acoustic pressure waves across a carrier medium, including gases, liquids, or solids, and reconverting the ultrasonic acoustical pressure waves back to the original audio signal. Although this was meant to be used with both receiving and sending hardware, what was determined were the modulation methods for transferring the signal. The real work was yet to be made public in the form of patents. However, the military claims in the area were starting to surface. What was known from experience was that patents were being held back by the government and conscated by the military. When this intellectual property was seized, the inventors were given a choice: work for the government, or you cannot continue research or even talk about your invention under a national security order. Those who did not cooperate could have their work eectively shut down. Brain-to-Computer Connections Major steps are being made to connect biology to information technology. In 1990 came the news that [s]cientists have succeeded for the rst time in establishing a colony of human brain cells that divide and grow in laboratory dishes, an achievement with profound implications for understanding and treating a wide range of neurological disorders from epilepsy to Alzheimers disease. According to a report in the Wall Street Journal in February 1994: Researchers said they took a key rst step toward creating electronic microchips that use living brain cells. The researchers said they had learned how to place embryonic brain cells in desired spots on silicon or glass chips and then induce the brain cells to grow along desired paths. The other possibility is that both brain cells and computer hardware could be built in the laboratories, creating, perhaps, the rst biologically augmented computers. Whats on Your Mind? A signicant initiative was started for use in creating counter-drug measures: the Brain Imaging Technology Initiative. This initiative establishes NIDA [National Institute on Drug Abuse] regional neuroimaging centers and represents an interagency cooperative endeavor funded by CTAC [Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center], Department of Energy (DOE), and NIDA to develop new scientic tools (new radiotracers and technologies) for understanding the mechanisms of addiction and for the evaluation of new pharmacological treatments. Through neuroimaging, not only could the stated objective be achieved, but through imaging a persons emotional states could be mapped, chemical inuences determined and perhaps even specic thoughts read. Back in 1975, Physics Today reported: Developments in ways to measure the extremely weak magnetic elds emanating from organs such as the heart, brain and lungs are leading to important new methods for diagnosing abnormal conditions. In 1995, a system for capturing and decoding brain signals was patented which includes a transducer for stimulating a person and EEG transducers for recording brainwave signals from the person. It also includes a computer for controlling and synchronising stimuli presented to the person and at the same time
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controlling and synchronising stimuli presented to the person and at the same time recording brainwave signals, and either interpreting these signals using a model for conceptual, perceptual and emotional thought to correspond to the EEG signals of the persons thoughts or comparing the signals to normal brain signals from a normal population to diagnose and locate the origin of brain-dysfunctional underlying perception, conception and emotion. In other words, the device reads your mind by comparing your brain activity to other peoples. In 1996 came this Orwellian development: a method for remotely determining information relating to a persons emotional state, as waveform energy having a predetermined frequency and a predetermined intensity is generated and wirelessly transmi ed towards a remotely located subject. Waveform energy emi ed from the subject is detected and automatically analyzed to derive information relating to the individuals emotional state. Physiological or physical parameters of blood pressure, pulse rate, pupil size, respiration rate and perspiration level are measured and compared with reference values to provide information utilizable in evaluating [an] interviewees responses or possibly criminal intent in security sensitive areas. This technology could be used for determining what a person might do, given his totally discernible interior emotions. This technology walks through any behaviour wall a person can erect and goes straight to the brain to see what may be on a persons mind. Inducing behaviour rather than just reading a persons emotional state is the subject of one scientists work in Canada. Scientists are trying to recreate alien abductions in the laboratory The experiment, to be run by Professor Michael Persinger, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University, of Sudbury, Ontario, consists of a converted motorcycle helmet with solenoids on its sides that set up magnetic elds across a subjects head. This experiment was carried out and was the subject of a Canadian Broadcasting System expos on mind control. The segment ran on a program called undercurrents in February 1999. This author also appeared in that program, along with several others interested in this eld. A 1993 report said that for over 20 years Dr Persinger has been working on a theory that connects not only UFOs and earthquakes, but also powerful electromagnetic elds and an explanation of paranormal beliefs in terms of unusual brain activity. He has also found that stimulating another area, the temporal lobes, can produce all sorts of mystical experiences, out-of-body sensations and other apparently paranormal phenomena. This doctors work suggests that these experiences may be the result of activity in the brain and not the actual experiences of the individuals. He has had some measure of success in re-creating many of these experiences in his subjects. Dr Persinger is also known for his work in studying the eects of ELF [extra-lowfrequency waves] on memory and brain function. In 1991, a method for changing brain waves to a desired frequency was patented. A 1975 patent discussed a similar technology: a device and method for sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of dierent frequencies are simultaneously transmi ed to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subjects brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is retransmi ed by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplied. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and then routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmi ed back to the brain to eect a desired change in electrical activity therein.47 In simple terms, the brains activity is mapped in order to read a persons emotional state, conceptual abilities or intellectual pa erns. A second signal can be generated and sent back into the brain which overrides the natural signal, causing the brains energy pa erns to shi . This is the brain entrainment which causes the shi in consciousness. There are many uses of a positive nature for this kind of technology, as was mentioned at the front of this section, the important factor being who controls the technology and for what purpose. In January 1998, the following encapsulating statement appeared in the leading scientic journal Nature, quoting Pasteur Institute neuroscientist Jean-Pierre Changeux, chairman of the French national bioethics commi ee: But neuroscience also poses potential risks, he said, arguing that advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy immenseit will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance, he predicted. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing. Dancing to the Tune of an Unknown Drummer In a dramatic demonstration of mind reading, neuroscientists have created
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Unknown Drummer In a dramatic demonstration of mind reading, neuroscientists have created videos of what a cat sees by using electrodes implanted in the animals brain. Trying to understand how the brain codes information leads to the possibility of replacing parts of the nervous system with an articial device, he said. The scientist commenting on this technologyGa e Stanley, assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Harvardsaw the future possibility of brain activity mapping being used in creating electronic components to replace damaged parts of the system. The use of mind-mapping had other possibilities as well. Similar research in controlling the behaviour of humans and animals was pursued by Dr Jos Delgado at Yale University, one of the leading research institutions in the United States. Actual testing of certain systems proved that movements, sensations, emotions, desires, ideas, and a variety of psychological phenomena may be induced, inhibited, or modied by electrical stimulation of specic areas of the brain.50 By 1985, Dr Delgado was able to create these eects using only a radio signal sent to the brain remotely, using energy concentrations of less than 1/50th of what the Earth naturally produces. This discovery implied that frequency, waveform and pulse rate (modulation) were the important factors rather than the amount of energy being used. In considering this, it makes sense because the human body does not require high electromagnetic power concentration to regulate its normal functioning. The key was in nding the tuning mechanisms for locating the right receiving station in the brain. By 1993, publicly released information was being discussed as a result of information openly owing out of Russia. Meetings were held to assess the threat: the main purpose of the March meetings was described in the Psychotechnologies memo as to determine whether psycho-correction technologies represent a present or future threat to US national security in situations where inaudible commands might be used to alter behavior. The threat assessment was likely to begin to condition Americans for the public acknowledgement of one of the governments long-held secrets: that the human mind and body can be controlled remotely, without a trace of evidence being le behind. In another quote, one of the leading researchers in this area, Dr Igor Smirnov, began to announce his ndings. But psychological warfare experts on all sides still dream that they will one day control the enemys mind. And in a tiny, dungeon-like lab in the basement of Moscows ominously named Institute of Psycho-Correction, Smirnov and other Russian psychiatrists are already working on schizophrenics, drug addicts and cancer patients. The results of this research have been investigated and demonstrated to members of the intelligence community in the United States, and have even been demonstrated by Dr Smirnov in an interview for the Canadian television documentary Undercurrents. This issue is also an interesting one, as can be seen in this 1999 article excerpt. Fantasies are thought processes involving internal monologues and imaginative sequences which can motivate healthy people to constructive behaviour; likewise, they can inspire unbalanced individuals to destructive or dangerous behaviour. One conclusion from that research was that fantasy played a major role among violent criminals. Researchers learned that criminals o en daydreamed their fantasies, and then practiced elements of those fantasies before commi ing their crime. FBI agents determined that violent criminals o en exhibit telltale signs as children and as adults. Hence, disturbed employees or students may demonstrate signs of violent fantasies to close observers. Troubled individuals may be obsessively interested in music with violent lyrics, or may have a drug or alcohol problem. When these signs reveal themselves, they should be reported to a threat management team, which can then neutralize the threat, either by therapy, if rehabilitation is possible, or by ring the employee. Workplace and school Violence is usually preceded by warning signs. The ability to determine a predisposition for a behaviour does not mean that a person will make the choice to act on the feelings and internal thoughts. Every person on the planet can remember times when his thoughts were dangerous, immoral or otherwise unacceptable, falling below the standards set by societal and cultural norms. Yet, we can have these thoughts in the privacy of our own mind. The trend in the application of mind control technology now would make our most private internal thoughts, as we wrestle with the temptations and choices of everyday life, subject to scrutiny by Government and employers. Who will dene the rules for psycho-correction? Who will decide what is ethical and right in this area as it develops over the next decade?
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ethical and right in this area as it develops over the next decade? Control of the Mind and Body The predominant brain wave frequencies indicate the kind of activity taking place in the brain. There are four basic groups of brain wave frequencies which are associated with most mental activity. The rst group, beta waves (1335 Hertz or pulses per second), is associated with normal activity. The high end of this range is associated with stress or agitated states which can impair thinking and reasoning skills. The second group, alpha waves (812 Hertz), can indicate relaxation. Alpha frequencies are ideal for learning and focused mental functioning. The third group, theta waves (4-7 Hertz), indicates mental imagery, access to memories and internal mental focus. This state is o en associated with young children, behavioural modication and sleep/dream states. The last group, ultra-slow delta waves (0.53 Hertz), is found when a person is in deep sleep. The general rule is that the brains predominant wave frequency will be lowest in terms of pulses per second when a person is relaxed, and highest when a person is most alert or agitated.54 External stimulation of the brain by electromagnetic means can cause the brain to be entrained or locked into phase with an external signal generator. Predominant brain waves can be driven or pushed into new frequency pa erns by external stimulation. In other words, the external signal driver or impulse generator entrains the brain, overriding the normal frequencies and causing changes in the brain waves, which then cause changes in brain chemistry, which then cause changes in brain outputs in the form of thoughts, emotions or physical condition. As you are driven, so you arrive. Brain manipulation can be either benecial or detrimental to the individual being impacted, depending on the level of knowledge or the intentions of the person controlling the technology. In combination with specic wave-forms, the various frequencies trigger precise chemical responses in the brain. The release of these neurochemicals causes specic reactions in the brain which result in feelings of fear, lust, depression, love, etc. All of these, and the full range of emotional/intellectual responses, are caused by very specic combinations of these brain chemicals which are released by frequency-specic electrical impulses. Precise mixtures of these brain juices can produce extraordinarily specic mental states, such as fear of the dark, or intense concentration. The work in this area is advancing at a very rapid rate, with new discoveries being made regularly. Unlocking the knowledge of these specic frequencies will yield signicant breakthroughs in understanding human health. Radiofrequency radiation, acting as a carrier for extremely low frequencies (ELF), can be used to entrain brain waves wirelessly. The control of mind and body by using various forms of electromagnetic energy including radio signals, light pulsations, sound and other methods has resulted in several inventions and innovations. The positive health eects and uses have been pursued by private researchers round the world. In 1973, an apparatus for the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic disorders herein light, sound, VHF electromagnetic eld and heat sources, respectively, are simultaneously applied by means of a control unit to the patients central nervous system with a predetermined repetition rate. The light radiation and sound radiation sources are made so as to exert an adequate and monotonous inuence of the light and sound radiation on the patients visual analyzers and auditory analyzers, respectively. This results in the brain following the external stimulating source in triggering brain pa ern changes which aect the brain immediately and directly. A simple invention patented in 1977 provides a device for improving upon the aforesaid application [see patent for full text] in assisting the induction of natural sleep. As stated above, this invention is concerned specically with an improvement that will permit the creation of several waveforms such that an analgesic noise device can approximate soothing sounds of nature, i.e., waves, rain, wind. These kinds of devices are available everywhere and are noted for their calming eects in helping people relax and sleep. In 1980, another patent was issued which disclosed a method and apparatus for producing a noise-like signal for inducing a hypnotic or anesthetic eect in a human being. The invention also has application in crowd control and consciousness level training (biofeedback). The invention may also be used in creating special musical eects. This device would have a profound eect in
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also be used in creating special musical eects. This device would have a profound eect in controlling individuals to a point otherwise only achievable through the application of hypnotherapy or drugs. A couple of years later, another device was engineered to create these types of eects, again using very subtle energy: Brain wave pa erns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject are gradually induced without deleterious chemical or neurological side eects. Various systems were perfected and patents issued for controlling brain activity. These inventions generated a whole array of breakthroughs for controlling a persons emotional state, concentration and pain levels and creating other eects as well. In 1990, the results of a study strongly indicated that specic types of subjective experiences can be enhanced when extremely low frequency magnetic elds of less than 1 milligauss are generated through the brain at the level of the temporal lobes. Vestibular feelings (vibrations, oating), depersonalization (feeling detached, sense of a presence) and imaginings (vivid images from childhood) were more frequent within the eld exposed groups than the sham eld exposed group. In a 1996 new age invention, quartz crystals are used to create stress relief by slowing brain activity. Physiological stress in a human subject is treated by generating a weak electromagnetic eld about a quartz crystal. The crystal is stimulated by applying electrical pulses of pulse widths between 0.1 and 50 microseconds each at a pulse repetition rate of between 0.5k and 10k [500 and 10,000] pulses per second to a conductor positioned adjacent to the quartz crystal thereby generating a weak magnetic eld. A subject is positioned within the weak magnetic eld for a period of time sucient to reduce stress. It is interesting that New Age thinkers have played on crystal magic as a way to get in tune with oneself and relax, and here is a quartz crystal being included as a component of this invention. Again, the crossovers between ction and science continue to appear. Consciousness training is also a big theme in cults, religious organisations and others pursuing the New Age. Science has now gained a greater understanding of how the mind and brain work, so that what used to take years or even decades to achieve can now be mastered in weeks, days or even minutes. For instance, in 1996 a method and apparatus for the use in achieving alpha and theta brainwave states and eecting positive emotional states in humans was developed. Three years before, a patent was issued for a device which could create desired consciousness states: in the training of an individual to replicate such states of consciousness without further audio stimulation; and in the transferring of such states from one human being to another through the imposition of one persons EEG, superimposed on desired stereo signals, on another individual, by inducement of a binaural beat phenomenon. Thought transference? This is interesting in that it speaks to the ideas alluded to earlier by the military in changing the memory of a person by imposing computer-manipulated signals which would integrate with the normal memory of a person. The possibility for abuse is obvious, and the opportunity for personal advancement is great. Imagine gaining education by the transfer of data directly into the human brain by these new methods rather than by the standard methods of learning. A serious consideration in developing these types of memory transfer systems is that they bypass normal intellectual lters: information is deposited into the brain as fact, without question or careful consideration. What happens when the new information conicts with existing information? Would it be possible to include hidden information meant to unduly inuence things like religious beliefs, politics or consumption of goods and services? The possibilities are immense and the ethical and moral questions surrounding these ma ers are equally large. We can no longer avoid the debate. In fact, the debate is lagging far behind the scientic advances. In the interim, there are some simple things we could all do to enhance our own, or our childrens, learning capacity by applying simple and available knowledge. For instance, researchers at the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at University of California, Irvine, have determined that 10 minutes of listening to a Mozart piano sonata raised the measurable IQ of college students by up to nine points. This is a simple thing of great use to anyone seeking self-improvement. Weapons of the Mind A 1984 paper titled The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conict said much about the
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A 1984 paper titled The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conict said much about the militarys interest in EMR: The results of many studies that have been published in the last few years indicate that specic biological eects can be achieved by controlling the various parameters of the electromagnetic (EM) eld. A few of the more important EM factors that can be manipulated are frequency, wave shape, rate of pulse onset, pulse duration, pulse amplitude, repetition rate, secondary modulation, and symmetry and asymmetry of the pulse. Many of the clinical eects of electromagnetic radiation were rst noticed using direct current applied directly to the skin. Later the same eects were obtained by applying external elds. Electromagnetic radiation has been reported in the literature to induce or enhance the following eects. 1. Stimulation of bone regeneration [in fractures] 2. Healing of normal fractures 3. Treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis 4. Healing of wounds 5. Electroanesthesia 6. Electroconvulsive therapy 7. Behavior modication in animals 8. Altered electroencephalograms in animals and humans 9. Altered brain morphology in animals 10. Eects of acupuncture 11. Treatment of drug addiction 12. Electrostimulation for relief of pain 13. Altered ring of neuronal cells These are but a few of the many biological eects and uses that have been reported over the past decade. They are not exhaustive and do not include many of the eects reported in the Soviet and East European literature. As with most human endeavors, these applications of electromagnetic radiation have the potential for being a double-edged sword. They can produce signicant benets, yet at the same time can be exploited and used in a controlled manner for military or covert applications. This paper focuses on the potential uses of electromagnetic radiation in future low-intensity conicts. Potential Military Applications of EMR The exploitation of this technology for military uses is still in its infancy and only recently has been recognized by the United States as a feasible option. A 1982 Air Force review of biotechnology had this to say. Currently available data allow the projection that specially generated radio frequency radiation (RFR) elds may pose powerful and revolutionary military threats. Electroshock therapy indicates the ability of induced electric current to completely interrupt mental functioning for short periods of time, to obtain cognition for longer periods and to restructure emotional response over prolonged intervals. Experience with electroshock therapy, RFR experiments and the increasing understanding of the brain as an electrically mediated organ suggested the serious probability that impressed electromagnetic elds can be disruptive to purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing and or interrogating such behavior.
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disruptive to purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing and or interrogating such behavior. Further, the passage of approximately 100 milliamperes through the myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death, again pointing to a speed-oight weapons eect. A rapidly scanning RFR system could provide an eective stun or kill capability over a large area. System eectiveness will be a function of wave form, eld intensity, pulse widths, repetition frequency, and carrier frequency. The system can be developed using tissue and whole animal experimental studies, coupled with mechanisms and waveform eects research. Using relatively low-level RFR it may be possible to sensitize large military groups to extremely dispersed amounts of biological or chemical agents to which the unirradiated population would be immune. The potential applications of articial electromagnetic elds are wide ranging and can be used in many military or quasi-military situations. Some of these potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, controlling breeches [sic] of security at military installations, and antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare One last area where electromagnetic radiation may prove to be of some value is in enhancing abilities of individuals for anomalous phenomena. Quite the papers for the 1980s. Stimulating anomalous phenomena was another interesting point revealed in the Air Force review. What could this mean? In one press report in November 1995, the interest of the CIA was disclosed when it was announced that for 20 years, the United States has secretly used psychics in a empts to help drug enforcement agencies track down Libyan leader Moammar Gadha and nd plutonium in North Korea, the CIA and others conrm. The ESP spying operationscode named Stargate were unreliable, but three psychics continued to work out of Ft Meade, at least into July, researchers who evaluated the program for the CIA said It is also worth pointing out that this report coincided with the public disclosure by military personnel of this project. The story was revealed in David Morehouses book Psychic Warrior. Col. John Alexander, working out of Los Alamos and a major proponent of this area of research, was quoted as saying: there are weapons systems that operate on the power of the mind and whose lethal capacity has already been demonstrated The psychotronic weapon would be silent, dicult to detect, and would require only a human operator as a power source. According to a paper on non-lethal weapons: An RF weapon currently under development is the high powered, very low frequency (VLF) modulator. Working in the 2035 kHz spectrum, the frequency emits from a 12 meter antenna dish to form into a type of acoustic bullet. The weapon is especially convenient because the power level is easily adjustable. At its low se ing, the acoustic bullet causes physical discomfortenough to deter most approaching threats. Incrementally increasing the power nets an eect of nausea, vomiting and abdominal pains. The highest se ings can cause a persons bones to literally explode internally. Aimed at the head, the resonating skull bones have caused people to hear voices. The weapon was researched by the Russian military more extensively than by the US. Indeed, the Russians actually oered the use of such a weapon to the FBI in the Branch Davidian stando to make them think that God was talking to them. Concerned with the unpredictability of what the voices might actually say to the followers, the FBI declined the oer. Another RF weapon that was ready for use back in 1978 was developed under the guise of Operation PIQUE. Developed by the CIA, the plan was to bounce high powered radio signals o the ionosphere to aect the mental functions of people in selected areas, including Eastern European nuclear installations.The use of the ionosphere in the CIAs experiments reminds one of the possibilities now available with systems such as HAARP, which was developed 15 years later. What is clear in all of this is that these systems have been developed and hidden from public view. The practice continues to this day. The next area of non-lethal weapons is primarily used against machinerythese devices can either cause the machinery to stop functioning or to render it vulnerable to further, more lethal a acks. In addition to this eect, man has become very dependent upon the use of machines and is o en rendered helpless in a situation when they become dysfunctional. Therefore, it is only
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and is o en rendered helpless in a situation when they become dysfunctional. Therefore, it is only appropriate that they are covered here. The primary anti-machinery arsenal includes the microwave weapon, the non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse, and the laser weapon. US Special Operations Command has in its arsenal the portable microwave weapon. The capability of such a weapon is varied in that it can not only disrupt enemy communications, but can also superheat internal organs. Of course, directing this type of weapon towards personnel eliminates it from the non-lethal classication. Developed in the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the weapon forms its signal similar to the RF weapons discussed above in that it directs the energy into a high-powered pulse and destroys transistors and other electrical equipment On an even smaller scale, a portable EMP weapon could be carried by ground forces to destroy the electrical components in an armored vehicle or tank. This capability is being developed with police forces to emit a pulse that would stop a car almost immediately. These systems oer both promises and risks as we move into the new century. What will be the public reaction to these systems? We suggest that the reaction will cause a signicant change in the uses and further developments of these technologies. Additionally, we suspect that monitoring systems would be developed which would allow for the detection of these technologies in order to control abuse. Mind Control Victims Sometimes referred to as wavies or beamers, these individuals are usually dismissed when asserting that they are the victims of mind control weapons testing. In fact: University of South Florida researchers have published a study showing that fears of the Internet are replacing the CIA and radio waves as a frequent delusion in psychiatric patients. In every case of Internet delusion documented by the researchers, the patient actually had li le experience with computers. The problem is that it is dicult if not impossible to sort out which people might be victims and which are delusional. A empts to determine the reality of the complaints are o en the bu of jokes and fear. For example, the University of Albany has shut down the research of a psychology professor probing the X-Files world of government surveillance and mind control. At conferences, in papers and research over two semesters, Professor Kathryn Kelley explored the claims of those who say they were surgically implanted with communications devices to read their thoughts. Since the release of our rst book, Angels Dont Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, we have heard from hundreds of people making such claims. We cannot sort out what might be real experimentation from that which resides only in the minds of these people. We believe that the claims should be taken seriously and that people should have some place to go in order to nd the truth or gain the medical treatments they otherwise deserve. The history of the United States is li ered with examples of people being exploited by scientists working under the cover of darkness provided by black budgets. Could these reports have a factual basis? We believe that some do. Government control of the mind in order to impose its will on people is best summarised on the wall of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial with an inscription that reads: They [who] seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulerscall this a new order. It is not new and it is not order. Endnotes 1. US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century Ancillary Volume, Scientic Advisory Board (USAF), Washington, DC, Document #19960618040, 1996, pp. 89-90. EPI402 2. Foster, Sarah, Cold War legend dies at 80: Famed as CIAs real-life Dr Strangelove, Worldnetdaily, March 9, 1999. EPI279 3. Reppert, Barton, The Zapping of an Embassy: 35 Years Later, The Mystery Lingers, AP, May 22, 1988. EPI1112 4. Advisory Commi ee Sta, Commi ee on Human Radiation Experiments, Methodological Review of Agency Data Collection Eorts: Initial Report on the Central Intelligence Agency Document Search, June 27, 1994. EPI579 5. Petersen, John L., The Road to 2015: Proles of the Future, Waite Group Press, 1994, ISBN 1-878739-85-9. EPI849 6. USAF, New World Vistas, ibid. 7. US EPA, Summary and Results of the April 26-27, 1993 Radiofrequency Radiation Conference, Volume 2: Papers, 402-R-95-011, March 1995. EPI728 8. Oscar, K.J., Eects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood ow of conscious rats, Army Mobility Equipment Command, June 1, 1980. EPI1195 9. Delgado, Jos M.R., Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society, Harper & Row Publishers, New York, 1969. EPI850 10. US Senate, Communist Interrogation, Indoctrination and Exploitation of American Military and Civilian Prisoners, Commi ee on Government Operations, Subcommi ee
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American Military and Civilian Prisoners, Commi ee on Government Operations, Subcommi ee on Investigations, 84th Congress, 2nd Session, December 31, 1956. EPI1131 11. Cooper, Pat, US Enhances Mind Games, Defense News, April 17-23, 1995. EPI1154 11a. Chernishev, I., Can Rulers Make Zombies and Control the World?, Orienteer, February 1997, pp. 58-62. 12. Thomas, Timothy L., The Mind Has No Firewall, Parameters, vol. XXVIII, no. 1, Spring 1998. EPI525 13. Brzezinski, Zbigniew, Between Two Ages: Americas Role in the Technetronic Era, Viking Press, New York, 1970. EPI787 14. McGill, Peter, Mind Control Music Stops Shopli ers, The Sydney Morning Herald, February 4, 1995. EPI95 15. US Patent #4,777,529, October 11, 1988, Auditory Subliminal Programming System; Inventors: Schultz et al.; Assignee: Richard M. Schultz and Associates, Inc. EPI265 16. US Patent #4,395,600, July 26, 1983, Auditory Subliminal Message System and Method; Inventors: Lundy et al. EPI26417. US Patent #5,134,484, July 28, 1992, Superimposing Method and Apparatus Useful for Subliminal Messages; Inventor: Willson, Joseph; Assignee: MindsEye Educational Systems, Inc. EPI290 18. US Patent #5,270,800, December 14, 1993, Subliminal Message Generator; Inventor: Sweet, Robert L. EPI288 19. Hall, E. Gene, Watch Carefully Now: Solving Crime in the 21st Century, Police, June 1999, vol. 23, no. 6. Source: NLECTC Law Enforcement & Technology News Summary, June 17, 1999. EPI944 20. US Department of Defense (awarding agency), Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Eect, SBIR Contract Number F41624-95-C-9007. EPI277 21. ITV News Bureau, A Psy-Ops Bonanza On The Desert, 1991, h p:// tm. EPI568 22. ITV News Bureau, High Tech Psychological Warfare Arrives in the Middle East, 1991, h p:// m. EPI567 23. Frey, Allan H., Auditory System Response to Radio Frequency Energy, Aerospace Medicine, December 1961, vol. 32, pp. 1140-1142. EPI370 24. US Patent #2,995,633, August 8, 1961, Means for Aiding Hearing; Inventors: Puharich et al. EPI256 25. US Patent #3,170,993, February 23, 1965, Means for Aiding Hearing by Electrical Stimulation of the Facial Nerve System; Inventors: Henry K. Puharich and Joseph L. Lawrence. EPI1119 26. Frey, Allan H., Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy, Journal of Applied Physiology 17(4):689-692, 1962. EPI544 27. US Patent #3,393,279, July 16, 1968, Nervous System Excitation Device; Inventor: Flanagan, Gillis Patrick; Assignee: Listening Incorporated. EPI261 28. US Patent #3,647,970, March 7, 1972, Method and System of Simplifying Speech Waveforms; Inventor: Flanagan, Gillis P. 29. US Patent #3,566,347, Feb. 23, 1971, Psycho-Acoustic Projector; Inventor: Flanders, Andrew E.; Assignee: General Dynamics Corporation. EPI260 30. Sharp et al., Generation of Acoustic Signals by Pulsed Microwave Energy, IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory And Techniques, May 1974. EPI817 31. US Patent #4,877,027, Oct. 31, 1989, Hearing System; Inventor: Brunkan, Wayne. EPI1124 32. US Patent #4,858,612, Aug. 22, 1989, Hearing Device; Inventor: Stocklin, William L. EPI270 33. US Patent #4,877,027, Oct. 31, 1989, Hearing System; Inventor: Brunkan, Wayne B. EPI262 34. US Patent #5,159,703, Oct. 27, 1992, Silent Subliminal Presentation System, Inventor: Lowry, Oliver M. EPI285 35. Scientists for Global Responsibility, Non-Lethal Defence: The New Age Mental War Zone, issue 10, 1995. EPI810 36. US Patent #5,539,705, July 23, 1996, Ultrasonic Speech Translator and Communication System; Inventor: Akerman, M. Alfred et al.; Assignee: Martin Marie a Energy Systems. EPI293 37. Specter, Michael, Scientists make brain cells grow, Anchorage Daily News, May 4, 1990. EPI527 38. Bishop, Jerry, Nervy Scientists Move Toward Union Of Living Brain Cells With Microchips, Wall Street Journal, February 1, 1994, p. B3. EPI49 39. ONDCP, CTAC, Counterdrug Research and Development Blueprint Update, h p:// 40. Cohen, David, Magnetic Fields of the Human Body, Physics Today, August 1975. EPI1179 41. US Patent #5,392,788, Feb. 28, 1995, Method And Device For Interpreting concepts And Conceptual Thought From Brainwave Data And For Assisting For Diagnosis Of Brainwave Dysfunction; Inventor: Hudspeth, William J. EPI1129 42. US Patent #5,507,291, April 16, 1996, Method And An Associated Apparatus For Remotely Determining Information As To Persons Emotional State; Inventors: Stirbl et al. EPI1130 43. Wa s, Susan, Alien kidnaps may just be mind zaps, The Sydney Morning Herald, November 19, 1994. EPI816 44. Opall, Barbara, US Explores Russian Mind-Control Technology, Defense News, January 11-17, 1993. EPI818 45. Persinger, M. et al., Partial Amnesia for a Narrative Following Application of Theta Frequency EM Fields, Journal of Bioelectricity 4(2):481-494 (1985). EPI372 46. US Patent #5,036,858, Aug. 6, 1991, Method And
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Bioelectricity 4(2):481-494 (1985). EPI372 46. US Patent #5,036,858, Aug. 6, 1991, Method And Apparatus For Changing Brain Wave Frequency; Inventors: Carter et al. EPI1127 47. US Patent #3,951,134, April 20, 1976, Apparatus And Method For Remotely Monitoring And Altering Brainwaves; Inventor: Malech, Robert G.; Assignee: Dorne & Margolin Inc. EPI1122 48. Advances in Neuroscience May Threaten Human Rights, Nature, vol. 391, January 22, 1998. EPI116 49. Kahney, Leander, A Cats Eye Marvel, News, October 7, 1999, at h p:// story/22116.html. EPI832 50. Delgado, Jos M.R., Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society, Harper & Row, New York, 1969. EPI850 51. DoD, Intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control Technology, Claims, Defense Electronics, July 1993. EPI538 52. Elliot, Dorinda and Barry, John, A Subliminal Dr Strangelove, Newsweek, August 21, 1994. EPI542 53. Depue, Roger L. and Depue, Joanne M., To Dream, Perchance to Kill, Security Management, vol. 43, no. 6, July 1999. Source: NLECTC Law Enforcement & Technology News, Summary, July 8, 1999. EPI932 54. Hutchison, Michael, MegaBrain: New Tools and Techniques for Brain Growth and Mind Expansion, 1986. EPI1235 55. US Patent #5,356,368, Oct. 18, 1994, Method and Apparatus for Inducing Desired States of Consciousness, Inventor: Monroe, Robert; Assignee: Interstate Industries, Inc. EPI286 56. Hutchison, MegaBrain, op. cit., p. 114. EPI1235 57. US Patent #3,773,049, Nov. 20, 1973, Apparatus for the Treatment of Neuropsychic and Somatic Diseases with Heat, Light, Sound and VHF Electromagnetic Radiation; Inventors: Rabichev et al. EPI257 58. US Patent #4,034,741, July 12, 1977, Noise Transmi er and Generator; Inventors: Adams et al.; Assignee: Solitron Devices Inc. EPI267 59. US Patent #4,191,175, March 4, 1980, Method and Apparatus for Repetitively Producing a Noise-Like Audible Signal, Inventor: Nagle, William L. EPI269 60. US Patent # 4,335,710, June 22, 1982, Device for the Induction of Specic Brain Wave Pa erns; Inventor: Williamson, John D.; Assignee: Omnitronics Research Corporation. EPI292 61. US Patent #4,717,343, Jan. 5, 1988, Method of Changing a Persons Behavior; Inventor: Densky, Alan. EPI284 62. US Patent #4,834,701, May 30, 1989, Apparatus for Inducing Frequency Reduction in Brainwave, Inventor: Masaki, Kazumi; Assignee: Hayashibara, Ken. EPI266 63. US Patent 4,889,526, Dec. 26, 1989, Non-Invasive Method and Apparatus for Modulating Brain Signals Through an External Magnetic Or Electric Field To Reduce Pain; Inventors: Rauscher, Elizabeth A. and Van Bise, William L.; Assignee: Megatech Laboratories, Inc. EPI268 64. US Patent #4,227,516, Oct. 14, 1990, Apparatus for Electrophysiological Stimulation; Inventors: Meland et al. EPI283 65. US Patent #4,883,067, Nov. 28, 1989, Method and Apparatus for Translating the EEG into Music to Induce and Control Various Psychological and Physiological States and to Control a Musical Instrument; Inventors: Knispel et al.; Assignee: Neurosonics, Inc. EPI282 66. US Patent # 5,123,899, June 23, 1992, Method and System for Altering Consciousness; Inventor: Gall, James. EPI289. 67. Patent # 5,352,181, Oct. 4, 1994, Method and Recording For Producing Sounds and Messages to Achieve Alpha and Theta Brainwave States and Positive Emotional States in Humans; Inventor: Davis, Mark E. EPI291 68. US Patent #5,289,438, Feb. 22, 1994, Method and System For Altering Consciousness, Inventor: Gall, James. EPI333 69. Ru an, Leslie A. et al., Enhancement of Temporal Lobe-Related Experiences During Brief Exposures To Milligauss Intensity Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields, Journal of Bioelectricity 9(1):33-54 (1990). EPI311 70. US Patent #5,562,597, Oct. 8, 1996, Method and Apparatus for Reducing Physiological Stress; Inventor: Van Dick, Robert C. EPI294 71. US Patent # 5,586,967, Dec. 24, 1996, Method and Recording or Producing Sounds and Messages To Achieve Alpha and Theta Brainwave States in Humans, Inventor: Davis, Mark E. EPI296 72. US Patent #5,213,562, May 25, 1993, Method of Inducing Mental, Emotional and Physical States of Consciousness, Including Specic Mental Activity in Human Beings; Inventor: Monroe, Robert; Assignee: Interstate Industries, Inc. EPI287 73. Hotz, Robert Lee, Listening to Mozart a real but temporary IQ builder, study says, Anchorage Daily News, October 15, 1993. EPI529 74. Tyler, Capt. Paul E., MC, USN, The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conict in Lt. Col. David Dean (ed.), Low-Intensity Conict and Modern Technology, Air University Press, June 1986. EPI709 75. Cole, Richard, ESP spies, Stargate are psychic reality, Saint Paul Pioneer Press, November 30, 1995. EPI491 76. Morehouse, David, Psychic Warrior, Michael Joseph Ltd, UK, St Martins Press, USA, 1996. 77. A ergood, Steven, The So Kill Fallacy, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, September/October 1994. EPI281 78. Suhajda, Joseph M., Non-Lethal Weapons for Military Operations Other Than War, at
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Suhajda, Joseph M., Non-Lethal Weapons for Military Operations Other Than War, at h p:// EPI348 79. ibid. 80. Internet Feeds Delusions, Associated Press, July 5, 1999. EPI123 81. Brownstein, Andrew. U. Albany Suspends implants research, Times Union, August 25, 1999. EPI833 82. Begich, Dr Nick and Jeane Manning, Angels Dont Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, EarthPulse Press, Anchorage, 1995. 84. Lalli, Anthony N., Human Research Subject Protection, at h p:// BillSite_analysis/paper_web.html. EPI619 EPI259 Filename: Mind Control.doc Directory: D:\epulse\test\epulseuploads\articles Template: E:\Documents and Se ings\raja\Application Data\Microso \Templates\ Title: Subject: Author: Keywords: Comments: Creation Date: Change Number: Last Saved On: Last Saved By: Total Editing Time: Last Printed On: Mind Control Dr. Nich Begich 1/7/2007 1:48 PM 31/15/2007 10:34 AM Daphine 8 Minutes 1/15/2007 11:18 AM As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 66 Number of Words: 12,883 (approx.) Number of Characters: 73,434 (approx.) Tags:911, Alex Jones, Cancer, Corruption, Crimes, culture, government, Israel, mind control, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, psyops, torture, US Government, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Spying for mind control, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, Wiretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment
Pentagon War on ALL CIVILIANS not just CANCER- its not the Sun not God!
April 3, 2011 Home Hack Your Nervous System
More updated information and full disclosures at This is the rst of a two-part series on plasma and electromagnetic weapons by David Hambling , author of Weapons Grade: How Modern Warfare Gave Birth to Our High-Tech World . The brain has always been a ba leeld. New weapons might be able to hack directly into your nervous system. Controlled Eects (see image, right) is one of the Air Forces ambitious long-term challenges. It starts with be er and more accurate bombs, but moves on to discuss devices that make selected adversaries think or act according to our needs By studying and modeling the human brain and nervous system, the ability to mentally inuence or confuse personnel is also possible. The rst stage is technology to remotely create physical sensations. They give the example of the Active Denial System people zapper which uses a high-frequency radiation similar to microwaves as a non-lethal means of crowd control. Other weapons can aect the nervous system directly. The Pulsed Energy Projectile res a short intense pulse of laser energy. This vaporizes the outer layer of the target, creating a rapidly-expanding expanding ball of plasma. At dierent power levels, those expanding plasmas could deliver a harmless warning, stun the target, or disable them all with pinpoint laser precision from a mile away. Early reports on the eects of PEPs mentioned temporary paralysis, then thought to be related to ultrasonic shockwaves. It later became apparent that the electromagnetic pulse caused by the expanding plasma was triggering nerve cells.
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apparent that the electromagnetic pulse caused by the expanding plasma was triggering nerve cells. Details of this emerged in a heavily-censored document released to Ed Hammond of the Sunshine Project under the Freedom if Information Act. Called Sensory consequence of electromagnetic pulsed emi ed by laser induced plasmas, it described research on activating the nerve cells responsible for sensing unpleasant stimuli: heat, damage, pressure, cold. By selectively stimulating a particular nociceptor, a nely tuned PEP might sensations of say, being burned, frozen or dipped in acid all without doing the slightest actual harm. The skin is the easiest target for such stimulation. But, in principle, any sensory nerves could be triggered. The Controlled Eects document suggests it may be possible to create synthetic images to confuse an individual s visual sense or, in a similar manner, confuse his senses of sound, taste, touch, or smell. In other words, it may be possible to use electromagnetic means to create overwhelming sound or light, or indeed intolerable smell which would exist only in the brain of the person perceiving them. There is another side as well. The sensory consequences document also notes that the nervous system which controls muscles could be inuenced to cause what they call Taser-like motor eects. The stun guns ability to shock the muscles into malfunction is relatively crude; we might now be looking at are much more targeted eects. Tomorrow: Moscow moves in. Remote-controlled heart a acks, anyone? David Hambling February 13th, 2006 | Bizarro , Lasers and Ray Guns | Comments (211) Democracy Now! Interview: BP oil spill EMPLOYEES. And it didnt fail because people wereyou know, wanted something bad to happen or were not trying to do the best that they could, but what we discovered was that there was a kind of paralysis that gripped this vast rig in critical places at critical times. And what it resulted in is it resulted in people not taking the steps, not deploying some of these safety systems, or trying to deploy them but deploying them too late, when the damage had already been done. And the net eect of this paralysis is that for nine minutes, from when the blowout rst hit the rig until these crippling explosions that basically le this a dead ship, those nine minutes, there was no alarm, general alarm, issued to the 126 people who were on this rig. So, for most of the people on the rig, the rst time they really understood that there was a major crisis going on was when the explosions ripped through this oil rig, in many cases injuring people, in some cases quite, quite devastating injuriesburns, broken bones, that kind of thing. JUAN GONZALEZ: Well, David, it is a fascinating account. And as I told you before the show started, its not every day that I read a full New York Times multi-page story. But this one really read like a novel, in terms of what actually happened. And especially, as you say, it wasnt just a failure of the equipment, but there were several moments when key decisions were made by these experienced people that, had they made a decision one way-Barstow-YES These are not in the weapon only but the suggested anger and sensations all triggered from mind control messages transmi ed.
Pentagon Science: Crazy Enough? Is fringe science good for military technology? Sharon Weinberger is, to put it mildly, skeptical
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Sharon Weinberger is, to put it mildly, skeptical . Her book, Imaginary Weapons [being discussed tonight in New York ed.], tells the tangled story of the struggle between the isomer believers who think a Hafnium bomb it can be made to work, and the doubters who think is based on impossible science. Im not so sure. Fringe science is a label that history applies a er the event to failures; successes are immediately transferred to the mainstream. What looks like ridiculous like fringe tinkering at the time may later be seen as pioneering genius. It struck me while writing my book, Weapons Grade , that revolutionary advances tend to come from outside the mainstream. This is pre y much true by denition: if a concept is already in the mainstream then it will not be revolutionary. Lets look at three cases of kooks who came good a er years in the wilderness: the Spaceman, the Flyboy, and Mr. Death Ray. Case one is the Spaceman, who spent his career dreaming of travel to other planets. He was suspicious other others and tended to work on his own, refusing to publish many of the details of his work. His report on how he spent a $5,000 grant from the Smithsonian was roundly mocked in the press especially the New York Times, which said he should go back and learn some high school physics. His biggest success was to send a cra a distance of 184 feet into a cabbage patch. The Spaceman took his plans for giant weapons based on his space drive to the military, but nobody was convinced they were feasible. Twenty years earlier his idea for an infantry weapon using a music stand had also been shelved. The Spaceman was in fact Robert Goddard , pioneer of the liquid-fuelled rocket. NASAs Goddard Space Center is named in his honor. Three years a er the military turned him down, German V-2 rockets started raining down on London. The V-2 directly drew on Goddards work from the 1920s; the Nazis had rounded up amateur rocket enthusiasts, who called themselves Societies For Space Travel and set them to building a weapon based on his liquid-fuelled design. Goddards portable rocket was also resurrected the shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, or Bazooka, became an important infantry weapon. On July 17th 1969, the day a er Armstrong and Aldrin set foot on the moon, the New York Times published a correction to its 1920 story, accepting that Goddard was right: it is now denitely established that a rocket can function in a vacuum as well as in an atmosphere. The Times regrets the error. Case two is the Flyboy, a 22-year-old airman who was convinced he could build be er aircra engines than anything that existed at the time. When he took his designs to his superiors, he was told they were nothing new, and that be er men with more experience had failed to get similar plans to work. The working temperatures were too high for any known material, the eciencies required were too great, and the fuel consumption would be far too high. Very interesting my boy, one distinguished aeronautics professor remarked, but it will never work. The ocial rejection was scarcely less patronizing: It must be remembered that a tremendous amount of work is being done, and you may rest assured the criticisms made of your scheme were made with the full knowledge of the results achieved by actual experiment. The design was going nowhere. Five years later the patent lapsed; the military did not think it was worth renewing, and Flyboy could not aord the fee. He kept working at it though, building prototypes in a tiny workshop on a shoestring budget scraped together from family and friends. The Flyboy was Frank Whi le , the jet engine pioneer, whose designs form the basis for almost all modern jet engines. He only started to get taken seriously when it became clear in 1939 that the Germans had own a jet aircra and were storming ahead in development. The RAF had thrown away a lead of several years: if Whi le had been taken seriously in 1929, the Ba le of Britain might have been fought with jet aircra instead of Spitres. Hans Von Ohain, who developed jets in Germany, even suggested that WWII might not have happened if Britain possessed jets, as Hitler would have doubted the Lu waes ability to win. Case 3 is the radio Death Ray. Rockets and jet engines may have a racted some ridicule, but death rays were even more absurd. When Marconi developed a directional radio transmi er in 1924, it seemed every crackpot in the word was building one. One of the most notable self-publicists was Harry Ma hews known to the media as Death Ray Ma hews who claimed his apparatus could kill mice and shrivel plants at a distance, and that a weapon based on it would
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his apparatus could kill mice and shrivel plants at a distance, and that a weapon based on it would have a range of up to eight miles. Although radio waves could do serious damage at close range, anything beyond a few feet was less plausible. In the US, the Armys Aberdeen Proving Ground oered a standing reward to anyone who could produce a death ray capable of killing a tethered goat. Britains Air Ministry put up a similar prize to the inventor whose ray could kill a sheep at a range of a hundred yards. Neither animal was ever seriously endangered. So great was the public clamor for death rays in Britain that the Air Ministry appointed a commi ee to look into them. A er considerable research, Dr. Robert Watson-Wa reported on February 4th, 1935 that although in theory it was possible to bring down an aircra with a radio beam, the power required was far in excess of what was possible in practice. Having done the work, the Ministry then asked Watson-Wa whether, in the absence of death rays, anything useful could be done with these radio beams. Watson-Wa had found that aircra reected radio waves, and he drew up a paper entitled The Detection and Location of Aircra by Radio Means.Three weeks a er the Death Ray paper, the rst test was carried out, showing conclusively that an aircra could be located from the radio waves it reected. Radio direction nding, later known as Radar, became one of the RAFs most important tools and was kept strictly secret. In each of these cases the breakthrough has come from outside the mainstream, and each of them has had a lasting impact. Goddards rockets paved the way for satellite technology, global communications, GPS, and space imaging (can you imagine weather forecasts without satellite maps?). Whi les jet engine revolutionized air travel, and we now take for granted out ability to y the world quickly and cheaply. An although the death-ray enthusiasts were on the wrong track entirely, they were responsible for radar and the related rise in radio-frequency technology, including everything from microwave ovens to lasers. Revolutionary progress is always going to involve going beyond the mainstream, because if something is in the mainstream already it is part of the slow process of incremental change. It is only the outsiders o en working alone and without sucient funding who can bring in those radical innovations. Its easy to laugh at new ideas, whether they are space rockets, giant electronic brains or manned ight. Supposed experts in the relevant eld o en reject such ideas out of hand, not bothering to look closely at the data, and dismiss them as impossible. But its surprising how quickly these impossible things become commonplace. We live in an age where robotic terminators taking out terrorists by remote control from thousands of miles away with laser-guided weapons are a routine news story. Look at the cu ing edge of military technology and you see plenty of ideas which are derided by the established authorities. Ive covered lots of stories where this has been the case: The supercavitating penetrator is said to be impossible, as is plasma stealth , not to mention the Slingatron space launcher and radio-frequency devices which hack the human nervous system . Small incremental improvements based on existing ideas are never going to produce the weapons which give decisive advantages like ballistic missiles, jet engines and radar. To paraphrase the great physicist Niels Bohr: We all know the Pentagon has some crazy ideas. The question is, are they crazy enough? David Hambling Tags:911, Alex Jones, Cancer, Corruption, Crimes, culture, government, Israel, mind control, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, psyops, torture, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Spying for mind control, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, Wiretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment
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April 3, 2011 WARNINGS to We the People FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Mireille Torjman Mobile 954.529.8684 Sibel Edmonds gagged, Ariel Sharon comatosed, DC swept covertly as NY pre-911 (illnesses in energy) zaps, and Russell Tice threatened and discredited, as I. INFILTRATING INDUCED SEISMIC waves/ATTACKS ON WATERFRONT PROPERTIES EAST COAST & WATER WARS WITH TURKEY, EGYPT Largest Military TAKING ISRAEL DOWN BEHIND THE SCENES! Exec Order 11005- to take over WATERWAYS East Coast a er Climate and Piracy inltrations! Whats going on and how its been done, duping We the People for Communism, Tyranny and Fascism! Creating Red Tape, Bureaucracy from the minds. CIA-NSA transmissions-current Assassinations: NSA Directed Energy Weapons frying life & earth-2015 planning to invade Egypt and Turkey under the disguise of a Water Shortage War, building behind scenes since 2007. Taking us and Israel down duplicitous decoy. The new weapon of war (mass destruction duped diversions) is out and was in the hands of the CIA Cult of Intelligence! September 13, 2010 Federal Whistleblower
HOW & WHY 911 masterminded! The root of all agendas must be exposed and stopped before too late! See history collectively repeating by design!
APPEARING and available for radio, testimony, or interviews. Petitioning US Supreme Court, under threat with proof CIA covert ops behind scenes SSP & black budgets! Remote Viewing started in the American homes and jobs, and with our children since Apollo 7 witnesses never returned (Satellite)!
Death Ray for planes-Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000,00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an Invisible Chinese Wall of defense was built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new Invisible war (Dr. Becker, Naomi Wolf, and Sharon Weinberger Imaginary Weapons). Warden cliff Tower in
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Weinberger Imaginary Weapons). Warden cliff Tower in full action in Long Island NY, as 36 other stations globally, that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York Times, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News) One costly, energy zap causes confusion, mistakes, trip, fall, body temp-freeze, heat, fatigue, focus, mis- communication, concentration, sleep (Kucinich-US patent MKDELTA), stalling any engine. HAARP, Body Electric, and Mass Control Human Engineering.
Israel-framed while dividing all people to conquer! CIA predicts, (no creating) to carry out- water (WAR) and pricing shortage, 2015-mind control transmissions zaps dry heat in body and energytaking us down, Israel, Middle East, Africa. Overpopulation video from Pentagon staging us for the next invasion-ASSASSINATED Allison Des Forges in Hudson River mind control plane Crash-Staged and Senator Ed Ted Kennedy zapped IN 2008. Both Civil rights Africa, Water and Dry Land zapped already planning to invade them and brainwash one world govt. Emulating the Torah scriptures! Manchurians, and IRS, CIA bldgs!
Major cities experiment to increase crime in the 70s by mind control never ceased since MLK GENERATING BIGGER GOVT, INDUCING MISHAPSMISFORTUNES, entrapment and now TERRORISM?
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MISFORTUNES, entrapment and now TERRORISM? Infiltrations of BRAINWASHING SCHOOLS-WEAKEN their ARMY take down ISRAEL and America going Global Domination.
Egypt largest Military, Turkey Sibel gagged SSP created doubts and to hide conspiracy agenda of NWO) CIA masterminds. A public brainwashed to allow it unwittingly, in the White House, to next calamity and Global Domination Conspiracy of the minds! General Anthony Zinni (wikepidia) and changed minds! (Brainwash on the job as many others, see how its done) CIA Predicts The Future 2015 Water Resources. 2007 video comments. (Unwitting agents channeled to Infiltrate) Waging War since the Church Commission 1974! May be drawn into the fight trying to stop it John McWethy. Taking over the Globe under the disguise of helping others tactics. An unwitting population targeted in advance! DARPA deployed for 50 yrs. PSYOPS DEPLOYED ON CIVILIANS!
Bowart, Walter, Leading Psychiatrist Blows Whistle on Profession: Proves 50 + years of Mind ControlWere we Controlled? JFK Adventures and False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Cancer Jim Keith-Mass Control Human Engineering. (Pushed/fell??? to his death) Cults in sheep skin! Duplicitous sabotaging behind the scenes APA and AMA to Medical books also for 50 years. FALSE
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AMA to Medical books also for 50 years. FALSE RECORDS and Character/Perception!
Larry Silverstein OWNER of 911 TOWER 7, set up in advance to get insurance and transmittedto pull firefighters as if involved-NSA transmissionsSABOTAGED as Russell Tice Article forced speech of Is the NSA conducting war on Americans (YES, tip of iceberg) 2006 and Media asked, why press didnt pick it up other than NBC? Operation Mockingbird propaganda unwittingly, updated remote viewing. CIA OFFICES were among WTC 7.
Sunsteins Report-Cognitive impairment infiltration is unwitting NOT hired Gangs, creating illusionUn-realized Kinesthetic! Creating false perception for decades on civilians. Reagan erased with Alzheimer mind control (NLP) CIA programming.
Un-Covered documentary congress marionettes not reading info zapped,to invade Iraq. Mind controlled Out-Foxed video for years-media mockingbird unwittingly, UNREALIZED, updated! The joke culture, misfits in the pentagon cult of intelligence and a dysfunctional country!
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Hadassah 90 Billions in Ponzi sabotage away from Jersusalem HOSP funding. Re-Distributing the WEALTH from the Jewish People manipulating our economy further than Corporations. Always keeping their enemies close and destroying their CIA files & buildings. How they took down the economy behind the scenes!
Ariel Sharon zapped into coma (as I), Directed Energy Weapons as planes; because he knew the CIA was corrupt Sabotaging Israel. Kay Griggs Military whistleblower with MIND JABBING attacks (Secret Societies)
1967 USS liberty-Project Philadelphia (Hallucinations) blaming ISRAEL- mistake in identity set up-framed, cutting off investigations & news coverage (as usual until exposed 2008 as the shuttle satellite cover up) Start of Anti-Semitism fanned unwittingly since 1947 Act.
Alien UFO Hallucinations Scapegoating with LSD (that CIA brought in and sold to kids). Making Millions off the Pharmaceutical now being sued from synthetic side effects and transmitted Synthetic illnesses. VETS Agent Orange non-traceable! Military Cancer and Leukemia, lumps, to all under the
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Cancer and Leukemia, lumps, to all under the disguise of microwaves. Science under Siege and infiltrating crimes and wars! (Explains FDA corruptions)
Playing GOD (Project Voice of GOD) & devil-The CIA Cult of Intelligence born with National Security Act in 1947, Weapons Stations need to be dismantled ASAP. Buzz in Pentagon Synthetic Telepathy and Psychotronics predicted in 1967 instant communication, after
Public Speeches staying the course to brainwash invaded Countries with (excuses), GULF war, The ENERGY will be just fine, (Not at all)we will help one soul at a time. Hillary I will not channel my husband (as in ghost-like transmissions sabotaged Clinton Rumsfeld: There is what you know, you dont know.. Didnt mean to say that or thats not what I meant
Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Officer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated rumors were untrue until the telling of rumors made them true. This is how they do it (Project Stargate research and playing psychic).
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1997 DoD Briefing: Others can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using electromagnetic waves By Lori Price 28 Feb 2010 Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, 28 April 1997: (WAVES, Seismic, radio frying us) BP mind control transmitted human error!
GUANTANAMO scapegoats displays and focused on the wrong Weapons of mass destruction, brainwash and intelligence masterminded. (Nano thermal debris removed quickly) and Cathy OBrien, SSP impeding truth. Never ge ing to the truthMINDS! Time for false confessions with thoughts transmi ed. Press release below June 2008 was impeded from going out in Boston. The sender reporteddisappeared; A growing number of Americans have reported symptoms that include but are not limited to severe physical trauma such as shocks, stings, burning, nausea, and sleep deprivation. Targeted individuals of domestic terrorism originate from many dierent backgrounds and are aected in a physical, psychological, social, and nancial manner as a result of directed energy weapons assaults. The average American would be astonished to learn the extent to which secret surveillance technology has advanced from remote viewing and manipulation; torture of the human mind and body horrendous abuses. Measures must be taken to free How the CIA Missed Stalins Bomb, 1946-50-printed 2007 but updated 2008. Remote Viewingand surveillance London Subway Bombing-Staged!!! Water and Odd/even days Petrol, CIA sabotage since 70s as drugs and crime all un-natural-inducing more plans for Florida and NY. Judge Napolitano, Lies the Government told you unwi ingly until 2008 cover up pre-empted allegations with political and media transparency DELUSIONS and CONDONING corruptions! Summary information: CIA brainwashing We the People for decades engineering our lives and culture unwi ingly with mind and body control, corruptions to destroy humanity (jacketing) one against the other divide and conquer world Communism selecting who will live (Covert condos built miles underground and worse). Jesse Ventura-Ron Paul. Wake up America. Wake up Washington! Whats going on! Our future and every life targeted one way or another wi ing or unwi ing in what is known as, the secret holocaust. Un-realized and programmed not to believe! DATA-MINING, why and SINCE 1974 admi edly? Tortured, Impeded, Staged, pre-empted (2008), gagged, and threatened for 4 years. Please keep freedom of speech alive not the Opposite News of truths for decades unwi ingly se ing up the Media in its role. Market inations and real estate pricing and gouging was all induced from the mind on each individual and as a mass, and part of conspiracy agenda. Corrupting American Minds. And, the suicide??? of a Jewish CFO a er 3 months as interim accountant at FANNIE MAE fraud. Did you know CIA operates on the ground wearing Yamakas to frame Jews, destroying fruit trees and crops against the Torah scriptures, as with our organic natural farms in the U.S. Why?
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Did you know that the ISRAELI ART STUDENTS were framed and mind controlled where to live and accepted only in the areas to live as guided to set up and look involved. CONTRARY OF CIA GUILT CREATING DOUBT and so much more BEARING FALSE WITNESS from a neighbor, false memory, fake govt help spinning their wheels. INTERNET & Google lawsuit, libraries, false accusations & false detainments? Capable and do manipulate all Internet remotely with passwords and minds from spying surveillance. As with False imprisoned masses. Sabotaged 911 Commission never to see the light, as 9 A orneys asking questions-Fired. Did you know Mind Controlled People and Media is set up with tricks of false thoughts transmi edduring conversation and output of wri en documents to put a SPIN on JOURNALISTS & civilians thus unknowingly creating PROPAGANDA, until now covering their tracks with blatant lies from our government? Decades of news from misunderstanding mind games, disputes, & slanders. No one high enough Q clearance! ### Tags:911, Alex Jones, Cancer, Civilians, Corruption, culture, Israel, mind control, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, psyops, torture, US Government, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Spying for mind control, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, Wiretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment
Mind Control at work 24/7 Cult of Dead Cows Pentagon Unit-Humanity under SIEGE!
March 8, 2011 LIST OF PARTIES January 10, 2011 DC Appeal Exhibits MIREILLE TORJMAN Plainti V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION et al. 935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20535-0001; CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 1000 Colonial Farm Rd-Legal Counsel Gate 5 Washington, D.C. 20505; NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY 9800 Savage Road, Suite 6711 Fort Meade, MD 20755-6711; DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 950 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Rm 5614 Washington, D.C. 20530; DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE for
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1000 Defense Pentagon Rm 3E880 Washington, DC 20301-1000; DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 1000 Independence Ave Washington, DC 20585; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Defendants TABLE OF CONTENTS OPINIONS BELOW 1 JURISDICTION ..1 CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY PROVISIONS INVOLVED 2 STATEMENT OF THE CASE ..2 I. Facts REASONS FOR GRANTING THE PETITION This Case Presents an Important Question of our Amendment Laws That the District Court Has Decided in a Way That Conicts with Petitioners proof and Public Admissions from United States Ocials which warrant for National Importance, and grave risks for the American Judicial System and Public WELFARE AND SAFETY. An American citizen has a Constitutional right to petition. CONCLUSION 42 INDEX TO APPENDICES AND EXHIBITS Jim Keith Photo-CIA Mass control Dumbing down America, Death-Pushed/Fell? (2) Judge Napolitano The Lies the Govt told you photos-(6) Article Judicial System example of ordinary citizens perception and concerns of Truth-(7) Le er from A orney (Petitioner warned class action suit non-gang related)-(5) Articles Media and public concern Unwi ing Media and sample-(17) Article of Bush Family Patriarch statement in 1966 (Congress-Media)-(3) Le er Judiciary Commi ee Patrick Leahy July 2010 and email January 2009-(5) Press Release September 17, 2010-(14) Memorandum Opinion Dismiss Jul 20-(3) Order denied Venue with Appeal Sept 9-(3) CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY PROVISIONS INVOLVED U.S. Const. Amendments: As in Complaint and; I. Freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition. IV. Interdiction of unreasonable searches and seizures; VIII. Bans cruel and unusual punishment, and excessive nes or bail IX. Unenumerated rights
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IX. Unenumerated rights XIII. Abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude, (ELECTRONIC WARFARE) IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MIREILLE TORJMAN CASE NO.: 10-cv-01211 AP 10-5302 Plainti V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS, et al. Defendant ____________________________________/ INFORMAL PETITION, MOTION FOR REHEARING EN BANC Comes now, Appellant, hereby moves this court for rehearing and of the Appeal for remand. The proceedings involve one or more questions of exceptional importance regarding Appellants presentation to proceed, and the conict in the citation of neitzke v. williams. A record and presentation should not prevent a victim from justice. Appellant provided explanation why she could not get representation and does not know law. The Appellant also requested a motion of leave for various reasons. Appellant is sabotaged in all ways and told what is being done to torment further. These are techniques or tactics admi ed in the Church Commission report and other sources as NSA sabotage to Americans, in Complaint. Mind Control in America is prevalent, (non mainstream news) and admi ed, thus should not be thought of as frivolous or implausible any longer. (Even worse, is George Green video subsequently, of the conspiracy end result.) Just 4 years ago, Appellant also thought this was plausible. Appellant can prove a Shadow Govt, Secret Society is engineering our society; from seismic wave inductions, to daily crime inltrations, and Bear Stearns rumors making things real/happen a er inltrating mind control transmissions on every profession including Wall Street. No one should underestimate the power of this weapon and how far they are going to cover it up as we speak, (January 2, 2011). A orneys are inuenced with coerced fear, work load, deleting Appellants emails unread, and numerous other excuses, unrealized. This occurred with Appellants A orneys, the former Class Action A orney, and other A orneys, not solely Richard I. Fine and civil rights a orneys who are targeted. This form of coerced sabotage is also illegal (pg 5). This again started with the FBI and the Church Commission reports of admissions targeting Civil Rights, Human Rights, A orneys, dissent, activists, and millions more. There has been an inltrated obey Orwellian culture as with dysfunctional Americans. Million not thousands as quoted by NSA who are in or out of Hospitals, complain of decades of mind control from our DOD. This case represents much more. However, Appellant showed the motive exists, the weapon exists, and the witnesses exist. Everything rests on this Weapon of Mass Destruction; the minds of the people, which control the daily events tricking one is choosing. No progress can be made if the courts cant recognize this as a signicant factor. Most unrepresented Americans (pro se), in the Judicial System fail by design for decades. This ongoing impeded and sabotaged record and presentation was included in the Appellants Complaint. Many other A orneys have le the Country. As in the Richard I. Fine A orneys case in California who was jailed when trying to expose some corruption, was too late a er 18 months impeded from nding out what was really happening in that court. He is suing the bar for his mistreatments, but no one would come to his aid, including the ACLU
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court. He is suing the bar for his mistreatments, but no one would come to his aid, including the ACLU for reasons of contradiction, no resources, excess workload and other excuses, because we the people are being manipulated unwi ingly in a Matrix created decades ago. Appellant has spent 4 years with this and hundreds of dollars in postage, travel and expenses, and wasted legal fees just to keep from exposing full disclosure truths until it is too late. A orneys were inuenced, some overnight, some ingrained. Appellant was inuenced and transmi ed to omit names and make numerous errors, among some of the other impediments from the public described throughout complaint and brief, tangibly, and non-tangibly. Because of this circumstance and the nature of the case, Appellant should be granted opportunity to proceed and seek justice, redress, and due process, or rule of law, with corrections. Appellant was unsure of summary judgment, prima facie law or trial on May 28, 2010 when threatened before delays began. Additionally, false scientic theories from this weapon have everyone duped and it is ingrained in the people for decades as disbelief and much worse. Yet, the weapons existed, admissions existed, millions agree and are suppressed, with the proof in the pudding all the way to American health and economy. Those days were gone when MKultra and cu ing edge technology got in the hands of Shadow CIA covertly deployed. What did NOT exist before MKultra technology and Secret Societies, now widely known, were urges to eat, do drugs, crime, cold and stupid, childish, juvenile targets, and media joke culture, corrupt, Cancer is ELF virus, Heart A acks, Alzheimer, paranoid schizophrenia, Immune, neuro diseases of NLP, suicide, inventing sociopaths and synthetic Fibromyalgia, Morgellons, and the list goes on as in (endnotes of Complaint), always blamed on something else. More layers of brainwashing dis-information have been launched since Operation wiki brainwash as the tool to twist/spin another layer of history. All these issues are out in the open now and must start to enter the court rooms and media for accountability and to cease or dismantle. Appellant is pre-empted. Had this case or weapon and mind control been fanned in 2008 or decades ago, America would not be bankrupt and worse today. Crimes have unwi ingly fallen under aiding and abe ing, framed, falsely accused with these weapons behind the scenes since Pa y Hearst or any type of Manchurian for behaviors and beliefs. That set precedence for crimes to hide behind drugs, broken homes or movies, as alien hallucinations and bearing false witness. However, the law did not recognize that or the brave whistleblowers that try to report any corruption to this day and age. The law must defend transmi ed inuence and coercion to discover to ALL the conspiracies. Dr. Rauni-Leena, Dr. Robert Becker on dangers of ELF induced from Govt before his death, and numerous other prominent Doctors Globally as Dr. Byron T. Weeks, MD, July 31, 2001 nd this case not implausible any longer, but Americas best kept secrets. Coercion (pronounced /k-o-r-r-n/) is the practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner (whether through action or inaction) by use of threats, intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. This force was also described by outsiders in various Countries as in the energy but not just by mass. An exception or acceptance to this case should be allowed at least to amend or remand. This weapon is so evil and inuences and coerces unwi ingly any form of LIFE. This must not be condoned but recognized, and dismantled. Appellants defense should be granted with leave, or there is no injunction or justice for any of us. This case represents importance coming from a voice of we the people who are what ma ers and who our Government services. Had others prevailed for decades in regards to mind-body motor control, weapon, lives would have been saved, accountability and injunctions would have been in place and 911 would have been prevented etc. There are 54 prominent whistleblowers ignored on 911 commission and thousands more over the years with twisted versions of truth in news brainwashing Americans. Opposite news for decade conspiracy in all topics to add false sense of needed security when people do not want this tyranny in disguise. Creating more Govt tax dollar DHS agencies one a er the other, most unnecessary ineective for decades by design and Corporations taking away jobs by outsourcing overseas trends. Enough is enough; this cannot continue or be swept under the rug for more deaths, calamities, with humanity and science under siege. Selective urges, pre-post suggestions, pain killer, prisons, rehabs, food, any addictions, behaviors modications, inventing the ying and yang, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS and rhetoric, opposites
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modications, inventing the ying and yang, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS and rhetoric, opposites wave length conversations, all under NLP to engineer CHAOS, corruption and oppression. An APA and AMA framed at DOD and in books of false sciences, always staying close to their enemies to take them down. According to the Revolution Grass Roots of America going on today, millions of citizens and victims in the system, there has been no justice for decades. Appellant will provide evidence and proof. The ow of FOIA was wri en about 1966-1974 with intended delays and only partial disclosures or loop holes. Millions of dollars and hours are spent by tax dollars, employees, a orneys and their fees, and court cases, just in ghting for months for documents from our Govt and discovery. This tactic was snuck in the system as well according to the Church Commission Report. This weapon is not new technology but can no longer be ignored or dumb us down further. People complain of the Judicial system not working for its people and being corrupt, the Constitution being disrespected when it is Supreme, not the Courts. Non-prots ba le it for decades through political organizations and no change was eective. This case represents how and why we the people are duped. Redress and the rule of law has been a problem on its own people by its own people. Why would anyone want to prevent such importance because of presentation with good valid reason, especially when lives are being saved, but no one to care of Appellants eorts and risks? It is non-sense that a Judge would not want to hear this case as soon as possible, when making decisions every day about American lives for their justice. Voice of people not power. Where is the caring justice that the oath motivated our Judges to practice law and rule on human beings? Is Washington still in a bubble (suspension from realizing what is really going on in Americas ordinary people? Where is a media of thousands of reporters at their desks that wont take a story and allow the public to make their own minds? Appellant is hung up before saying her name and cut o from discussion. Whistleblowers are blocked, quashed, impeded, discredited, detained, discouraged, threatened, and the Medias DUTY to report Government actions to we the people to help suppress the conspiracy from mind control leading corruptions, crimes and terrorists. There is a revolution on exposing the CONSPIRACY before its too late. Every eort is being made to cover up mind control with tangible excuses and to discredit and set up Appellant since 2008. Appellant can identify a matrix of brainwashing media and of mind controlled 5 senses on Americans not living in REALITY or real world events. Brainwash cannot occur without a tangible and environment. Both are required, however Transmissions trick one to believe their thoughts and senses are organically grown unwi ingly, including any behavior. Appellant witnessed much worse with crimes and illusions of crimes (inltrating paranoia in Americans-1970s) from mind controlled others in high rankings and unwit. Appellant is under threat and tortured by her own Government. The Appellant has been a healthy law abiding citizen doing charity work and has the right to due process. Dened as: Due process is the principle that the government must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person according to the law. Due process holds the government subservient to the law of the land protecting individual persons from the state. When a government harms a person, without following the exact course of the law, then that is a due process violation which oends the rule of law. Due process has also been frequently interpreted as limiting laws and legal proceedings (see substantive due process), so judges instead of legislators may dene and guarantee fundamental fairness, justice, & liberty. Appellant stated having numerous overwhelming records, evidence, proof, witnesses, and condent she can prevail. Other counts with FOIA have also been made that should not be denied because of their importance. A victim of her Government has the civil right to justice and the criminal right to an immediate injunction. This was also presented in the Complaint. There was ruling against the record and presentation and this should not supersede or get in the way of justice and redress. There was however, reason and accusations of a acks psychologically by transmissions and induced pressure, coercion tactics, and threats to le immediately and to err constantly to impede and self destruct and to change Appellants mind to her detriment and that of the humanity. The Appellant had to move 3 times in October 2010, while preparing the brief and its presentation. Appellant was unable to receive Verizon internet for weeks and hours on the phone for weeks again, with constant unwi ing delays
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Verizon internet for weeks and hours on the phone for weeks again, with constant unwi ing delays from everyone. Appellant is constantly impeded with printing, transportation, and postal capabilities and these repugnant a acks, threats, and tactics to sabotage, were part of the allegation in complaint inclusive of the accusations of 2008 and should not be discounted. This sabotage was also admi ed by NSA Russell Tice in the complaint and (Appendix N). These are transmi ed a acks to targeted victims and are escalated at time of importance to unbearable suering. This is the sabotage of Cointelpro NSA Electronic Warfare on Americans that should not be ignored as it is exploding for massive whitewashing. This is an extraordinary cause, to grant rehearing and/or trial and be able to proceed. The tangible aspect of the case also includes FOIA, blocked selective emails including resumes, and communications, sabotage and isolation. Appellant was harassed out of her house by these various tactics and is injured by her Government with this weapon. Victims are disbelieved nationwide, and victims unable to obtain representation or assistance including class action suits and the ACLU has been a problem to bring this weapon to light misused on its own civilians and allowed this Country to self destruct over 50 yrs unwi ingly. It allowed crime experiments in the 70s on major cities evolve to 911 false terrors, provocations, playing voice of God and ET, Aliens/UFO hologram projects, tax dollars to build spaceships and cover ups. This Weapon of mass Destruction includes Quantum Physics MATTER that eect autos, appliances, objects, Directed Energy body mass, functions, and gravity, according to targeted individuals class action, however Appellant has also witnessed its use for plumbing and water/sewer clogging and tampered manipulations. A massive propaganda and dis-information operation was launched in this Country, since subliminal marketing discoveries. It started with Cointelpro and DARPA, by a Shadow CIA covert ops and proven inltrated wars, with cult-like diabolic, sadistic programmed mists (MAD scientists) targeting Americans they dis-like behind the scenes. These were alluded to as scientists in the Pentagon claiming ways to gure out how to (program) humans by investigative journalist televised interviews and literature (Space and technology, Pentagon Science: CRAZY ENOUGH and DEATH RAYS by Sharon Weinberger, Journey to Pentagons Scientic Underworld, and Imaginary Weapons), successfully quashed or suppressed. (Exhibit A, B) Sensory manipulations and much worse inltrations have been reported as examples discussed in 2006 Articles (Air Force Plan: Hack Your Nervous System) Weapons Grade: How Modern Warfare Gave Birth to Our High-Tech World.) This is inclusive of mental confusion, heart/muscle a acks, and entire body surreptitiously activated remotely from the mind. CIA tactics have always been, rst do then tell. By May 9, 1973 a second level of CIA went discreet with program MHCHAOS, shadowing CHAOS. Program CHAOS included the possible manipulation of American citizens by anyone found negative. Today POLICE are being blamed and killing many people across Country with the GUN VERSION of taser-like motor control, but patented as NON LETHAL. (App. N of Brief) NSA stated the same EMF/ELF warfare that can cause subject to be diagnosed with mental ill health was also overlooked. Today there is so much talk with a Nuremberg code and Trials from prominent folks and agents themselves. It is already proven that our CIA has been most corrupt and inhumane in their torture and crimes, and STAGED CRIMES to lose freedom, yet a Judicial system cannot realize what else is going on, even with admissions and whistleblowers from within who claim worse from this Secret Society. (Exhibit A, B new evidence) Former CIA, Bankers, Remote Viewers, George Green also stating a plan for WWIII is Fais de Complit in Israel, as Appellant alleged in August. Reducing Middle East population plans, while focused on wrong weapon of mass destruction inltrating de-population occurring without Nuclear needs. This is called so kill or slow kill. Jesse Ventura censored out documentary on FEMA labeled Enemy camps with children behind barb wires, covert caskets built in thousands, under the guise of HR 645 and other Exec. Orders to self-destruct, under the guise of terrorism, also being inltrated, as claimed in brief, a take over of WATERWAYS with HR 11005 and Katrina highway blockades for massacres. The CONSPIRACY is bigger than 911 yet to come. WASHINGTON was DUPED! One former elites video (h p:// /watch?v=VNJTiUhZxaY&NR=1 of numerous types of warnings from we the people if we dont do something now.) Charlo e Iserby is another familial Whistleblower on 100 year Secret Society plan on dumbing down U.S. education system. Corrupting the minds books, and teachers to implement this, and CIA bomb makers, just for starters. The actual selection of individuals for poverty, as Appellant
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and CIA bomb makers, just for starters. The actual selection of individuals for poverty, as Appellant had discovered with choosing destinies and ills with mind control individually. The judicial system cannot ignore this weapon in the law, due to disbelief and transmi ed manipulations of misapplied decisions to this point in history. A Country usurped is by its own mind controlled pawns. Developing psychological warfare, Project Montauk since 1942, again on Long Island, has subterranean installations, and perhaps Ground 0. Appellant has been and is being tortured, and cut o from society and communications, whereas cannot get an a orney to assist or to ask questions. Appellant is sabotaged in her career and livelihood. Appellant nds others complain of the same blocks in place not only for a orneys and work, but journalists who complain of computer internet and phone a acks. Appellant makes no mistake; these are calculated, selective, directed and timely while guided for years and told as with the well known Harland Girard target. In Complaint and Article App. N, whereas the NSA can and does control persons lives by guiding and using the public to control their choices as well as the target. This is not new or few but suppressed for decades. Appellant was experimented with twice and brings facts and accusations from personal experience, family and others under a ack still unwit. Appellant has additional hard evidence and medical records to provide for all accusations duping a Country nefariously more than a Global economic topple. (Appendix N) i.e.: Appellant made wri en accusations of winds blowing seeds on farmer to cause lawsuit by Monsanto by Shadow CIA. Today wiki leaks seem to have Monsanto tied to CIA via Blackwater funding, as Nazis were. Appellant alleged Monsanto was not aware of induced winds to grow seeds on farmer and have him sued. These inltrated tactics are far more evil and sick than the bio-warfare Government corruption, labs, and cannot be seen/detected BP blamed cover up of labs in Venice FL with Red Tide killing sh since 1947 by ELF/EMF further cover ups and whitewashing inltrations must be stopped. New evidence obtained today with paralysis on more employees and beyond imagination of the ills caused by this weapon. Appellant gave recorded testimony to BP in Alaska (drilling/oil prices) on August 26, 2010 and to Secret Service. (See Exhibit B, Air Force pg.1, BP employees pg. 2) Physical sensations in Article are hallucinations of NSA transmissions on civilians. Recent Repugnant Discoveries of this are beginning but kept behind the eight ball in technology discovery, and too late. Also, according to the AHRP, the CIA has not only been preventing VETS in the thousands from treatment of mind control (not Agent Orange) but also DESTROYED their atomic records, denying all targeted individuals and guinea pigs of same. These victims and worse torture in history rarely get news coverage as the Gitmo few hundred have for years on display by design to thwart o guilt, as in Complaint. Our own Americans are tortured much worse by the thousands and millions of mind-body control, quashed unwit by design. It was stated long ago by FBI Hoover and many Government physicists so horric you cant imagine. This makes it more dicult to believe until one is addressed personally with this DOD terminology, synthetic telepathy psycho-tronics transmissions, also causing one trauma when used in conjunction with the public. The technique is of cults, NLP Remotely picking up on groups of civilians spread over the decades since Tesla discoveries. Appellant called the police few times when the power is cut o with loss of internet connection, laptop (3) is cut o and the next morning an intruder or virus had been a empted. This also occurs o en including intercepted by agents on Google and on instant messaging in the wiki leak server a empting to send case information on August 29, 2010. Years of cyber crimes alleged in Complaint ndings under psytek ops and investigations under The CULT of the DEAD COWs Pentagon Unit, should be an indication of even worse. Appellant gave information to Secret Service in September before leaving Florida and others while under threat. This goes beyond a few (misguided) incidents, coincidence, or just few victims. Appellant was also sheltered and unwit of this matrix for 45 years and can prove every accusation made since 2008. (pg 17) JFK warns Generation of Secret Societies with de-population beliefs and superiority. Appellant was denied a trial to prove case based on delusional belief a er corrections to make a claim. Appellant was denied base on frivolous citations. Appellants case is to the contrary, whereas it is NOT the public conspiring, but the public mind controlled unwi ingly, with the illusion of conspiring. The public is un-consciously aiding to a ack based on innocent synthetic dierent thought transmissions, thus sabotaging lives using their environment. These tactics to impede and sabotage EXIST admi edly and downplayed from full disclosure unwi ingly. To rephrase Thucydides, I blame those who are resolved to misrule, but I place more blame on those
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To rephrase Thucydides, I blame those who are resolved to misrule, but I place more blame on those who show an even greater readiness to submit. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its inuence in dealing out oces, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. - JAMES MADISON Political Observations April 20, 1795 Rule According to Higher Law A conundrum is presented when the government acts in strict accordance with well-established and clearly dened legal rules and still produces a result that many observers consider unfair or unjust. Before the Civil War, for example, African Americans were systematically deprived of their freedom by carefully wri en codes that prescribed the rules and regulations between master and slave. Even though these slave codes were o en detailed, unambiguous, and made known to the public, Govt enforcement of them produced negative results. Do such repugnant laws comport with the rule of law? The answer to this question depends on when and where it is asked. In some countries the political leaders assert that the rule of law has no substantive content. These leaders argue that a government may deprive its citizens of fundamental liberties so long as it does so pursuant to a duly enacted law. At the Nuremberg Trials, some of the political, military, and industrial leaders of Nazi Germany unsuccessfully advanced this argument as a defense to Allied charges that they had commi ed abominable crimes against European Jews and other minorities during World War II. In other countries the political leaders assert that all wri en laws must conform to universal principles of morality, fairness, and justice. These leaders argue that as a necessary corollary to the axiom that no one is above the law, the rule of law requires that the government treat all persons equally under the law. Yet the right to equal treatment is eviscerated when the government categorically denies a minimal level of respect, dignity, and autonomy to a single class of individuals. These unwri en principles of equality, autonomy, dignity, and respect are said to transcend ordinary wri en laws that are enacted by government. Sometimes known as Natural Law or higher law theory, such unwri en and universal principles were invoked by the Allied powers during the Nuremberg trials to overcome the defense asserted by the Nazi leaders. Since the timely fanning of wiki leaks, the ACLU and the Country is focusing more on SSP law, civil rights, rule of law, and redress, which is due to come up in the Supreme Court this year. These individual rights have been increasingly taken away, not a er 911 but a er the Church Commission and Cointelpro. We must obey the Constitution and restore function for all of us. It is time to allow our people, ordinary civilians, and victims of human rights torture to obtain redress when under psychological a acks and mind wars for all of us. The biggest threat and concern is time and delay to change minds and inuence decision unwi ingly. The remark of one A orney is true for cases with the opinions or bias of Judges in other rulings: Nothing has been more emblematic of the cancer they have been in this regard than the posture they have relentlessly fought for on unfe ered and unilateral ability of the Executive Branch to impose the state secrets doctrine to shield the government from litigation, even when it is concealing blatant and wholesale government criminality. Another American of many wrote: First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a trade-unionist. Then they came for the Jews. I didnt object bc I wasnt a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one le to help me.< famous statement a ributed to Pastor Martin Niemller (18921984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group a er group.
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group. peasantrock2, its not about loving or hating the ACLU, its about the Govt arbitrarily stiing free speech of America citizens. We must hang together or we will surely hang separately..Ben Franklin Secrets are for a reason and secret abuses are impossible to correct unless you know they are going on. Knowing their plans before they are implemented to oppose before they occur. If they are exposed by the people already suering by the abuse, then the abuse has already occurred and it is too late. (Assange 2009) JFK SPEECH: Secret Society Speech Gives Future Generations Dire Warning The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is li le value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is li le value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of ocial censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no ocial of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stie dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know. A victim should never be further victimized by the system, especially when it has not been working for decades, again, according to millions and Judges themselves. Appellant is being tortured by her own Government, is reporting the demise of humanity, and no ruling should prevent redress and justice when record and representation are not faulty, but psychological sabotage and coercion of the very weapon abuses, in the accusations themselves. Every eort is being made to pre-empt and discredit the Appellant with cover ups publicly since late 2008, a er reporting it in writing to the authorities. Appellant also noted this Operation launched in complaints (endnote #129) working on covering up each and every fact since then engineering events and false news behind scenes unwi ingly using media reporters and we the people. This is a real weapon and valid defense which has been noted publicly whereas victims of electronic warfare mind controls are kept on the move to sabotage and impede their a empts to defend themselves. These psyops tactics a acking dissent to impede and stie was also noted since the Church Commission Report and should be recognized. There has been disconnects of information/ communication, duplicity, unsolved mysteries for decades, new and unknown ills, that FULL DISCLOSURES would be factual with this case if redress was honored or allowed. Investigators have been spinning their wheels for decades. Appellant has her own records and experience while in manifest not just what she was informed of, or gured out and investigated. Even if Appellant was delusional of this weapon of power in the hands of evil men behind the scenes, Appellant still has a case of injunction and injury, to bring to fact and should be granted to proceed and redress. Whether one person, one class action, or all humanity, without accountability and punishment, neglecting this case will allow Defendants to get away with horric crimes of covert ops encouraging the abuse to continue and every American is in peril, when one is quashed or gagged. (Harry S Truman) America declined with induced inltrations, engineering society from the minds, with this weapon since JFK era. Appellant is a victim and only the messenger of these repugnancies and modern technology kept secret, inexcusably; a weapon and panacea. The neitzke v. williams case is outdated, inapplicable, and does not take into account this secret weapon. This case is on point explaining how delusion is created and a conspiracy. Appellant was never jailed or forma pauperis and far from frivolous. Appellant has 4 years of blocked communication, medical, police, and judicial records as a target before showing how widespread it became to this point in America. Now, John P. Wheeler in technology, Boeing, Aero, DOD, VETS supporter, is also gone, as Dr. Robert Becker and
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Wheeler in technology, Boeing, Aero, DOD, VETS supporter, is also gone, as Dr. Robert Becker and others in CIA warned of Govt ELF/EMF, and hundreds more of surreptitious murder and programmed crimes selectively by the millions. Former Govt Physicists now harassed severely, are claiming Americans are dropping like ies for 50 years not by microwaves and mobiles, etc. There is crimes, abuse and torture daily for decades that are accepted desensitized robots: WHY would anyone not believe the abuse can occur in this fashion ESPECIALLY when by Govt who think they cant be seen or caught and can get away with it? America is synthetic by design and food is not where synthetic uses stop. Appellants public storage unit with evidence has been threatened and damaged by laser to roof as with private parts of her clothing, and wants to prove more, not fanciful, but exactly what Russell Tice article called it, Electronic Warfare. Appellant knows it as psyops (mind control, mind wars, mind games) beyond experiments, deployed on US soil and Americans and demands justice. FINALLY, Appellant is harmed by a DOD weapon, NSA transmissions, and demands EMERGENCY preliminary injunction (pending appeal), to enjoin their ABUSE AND UNLAWFUL activities, and the right to Petition for redress and grievance from her Government under Constitutional Civil Rights laws. The court has the right to direct and take control of the proceeding. Under the circumstances in this case, a judge can aid a disadvantaged pro se litigant to allow, rehearing, or restore, to proceed and achieve true justice. CONCLUSION Wherefore, Appellant respectfully requests for REVIEW including Complaint endnotes #7, rehearing, amend, redress, remand, due process, and rule of law to proceed under these extraordinary circumstances, at the direction of the court. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing brief has been furnished in person at 333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20001Court of Appeals Clerk, and via regular Mail to US A orney Civil Division, Craig Lawrence at 555 4th Street NW, Washington DC 20530, on January 10, 2011. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on January 10, 2011. Respectfully submi ed, Mireille Torjman PRELIMINARY STATEMENT This case was also presented to the U S Supreme Court under Federal rule 11. Writ of Certiorari was denied November 1, 2010 before judgment with new occurring events. (10-419) Tags:911, Cancer, Crimes, culture, government, Israel, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, psyops, surveillance, torture, US Government, ventura, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, Wiretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment
OPERATION MIND CONTROL-NY Dell Publishing Co since 1978 LOCOMOTION Remote Controlled Beings
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by Dr. Walter Bowart, New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1978 2011 for updated FULL disclosures in Absentia!
Please keep fearfully in mind that the astonishing information published in this seminal work of investigative reporting, concerning avenues taken to decision and execution by our secret police to fracture or dissolve human minds, then to operate those minds as a small boy, might operate a Yo-Yo, for purposes of counter-intelligence military eciency, and the destruction of democratic institutions, was drawn directly from federal records and from ocial laboratory archives of the highest educational purposeas well as from the reviving memories of those who had already undergone the dehumanizing process. [p. 14]
Zombie is a quaint, old-fashioned folklore word but its meaning becomes obscene when our childrens minds are being controlled [p. 17][Note:1]
It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, however, was small and ignored the larger issue. Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Than Reported in 75, said the New York Times on July 16, 1977.
The testing of drugs by the CIA was just a part of the United States governments top-secret mind-control project, a project which had spanned thirty-ve years and had involved tens of thousands of individuals. It involved techniques of hypnosis, narcohypnosis, electronic brain stimulation, behavioral eects of ultrasonic, microwave, and low-frequency sound, aversive and other behavior modication therapies. In fact, there was virtually no aspect of human behavioral control that was not explored in their search for the means to control the memory and will of both individuals and whole masses of people.
The CIA succeeded in developing a whole range of psycho-weapons to expand its already ominous psychological warfare arsenal. With these capabilities, it was now possible to wage a new kind of war: a war which would take place invisibly, upon the ba leeld of the human mind [p. 19]
The psychological techniques described in The Manchurian Candidate were to become a reality less than a decade a er Condon saw his story set in type. As if Condons ction had been used as the blueprint, a group of hypno-programmed zombies were created. Some were assassins prepared to kill on cue. Others were informers, made to remember minute details under hypnosis. Couriers carried illegal messages outside the chain of command, their secrets secured behind posthypnotic blocks. Knowledge of secret information was removed from the minds of those who no longer had the need to knowthey were given posthypnotic amnesia. [p. 21]
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The objective of Operation Mind Control during this period has been to take human beings, both citizens of the United States and citizens of friendly and unfriendly nations, and transform them into unthinking, subconsciously programmed zombies, motivated without their knowledge and against their wills to perform in a variety of ways in which they would not otherwise willingly perform. This is accomplished through the use of various techniques called by various names, including brainwashing, thought reform, behavior modication, hypnosis, and conditioned reex therapy. For the purpose of this book the term mind control will be used to describe these techniques generically. REF
Mind control is the most terrible imaginable crime because it is commi ed not against the body, but against the mind and the soul. Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo expresses the a itude of the majority of psychologists in calling it mind rape, and warns that it poses a great danger of destruction of the spirit which can be compared to the threat of total physical destruction . . . [p. 23]
I can hypnotize a manwithout his knowledge or consentinto commi ing treason against the United States, boasted Dr. George Estabrooks in the early 1940s. Estabrooks, chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University, [p. 58] From one such think tank, the Rand Corporation, came a report [1949] [p. 67]
a hypnotized subject will o en accept and confess to an implanted memory as a real event in his own past life. A number of experienced hypnotists had been able to train their subjects to perform in such a way that observers could not tell that the subject was in a trance or that he was acting under hypnotic suggestions. [p. 69]
To induce hypnosis in an unwilling subject, the report suggested any of three possibilities which were then well supported by research ndings: 1. As part of a medical examination, talk relaxation to the subject, thus disguising the hypnotic induction. For example, the person could be given a blood pressure test, told that he must relax completely in order to give an adequate test record, and then be given suggestions to go to sleep which would result in a hypnotic trance. 2. Induce hypnosis while the person is actually asleep from normal fatigue. This could be done by simply talking so ly into the sleepers ear. 3. Use injections of drugs to induce hypnosis. The hypnotic drugs would relax the subject and put him in a twilight state where the subconscious mind is very susceptible to suggestion. Subjects who refuse or resist the simple talking methods of hypnotic induction could be given a few grams of paraldehyde or an intravenous injection of sodium pentothal or sodium amytal. Subsequently the subject could be allowed to practice carrying out posthypnotic suggestions. He could then be re-hypnotized, still without his conscious cooperation, but this time without the use of drugs.
Another important use of hypnosis the report said, would be the induction of amnesia: Once a deep hypnotic trance is achieved, it is possible to introduce posthypnotic amnesia so that [a subject] . . . would not know . . . that he had been subjected to hypnosis, to drugs, or to any other treatment.
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The report then said, Conceivably, electroshock convulsions might be used as an adjunctive device to achieve somnambulism in a very high percentage of the cases. It is conceivable, therefore, that electroshock treatments might be used to weaken dicult cases in order to produce a hypnotic trance of great depth. In 1958 the Bureau of Social Science Research (BSSR), a subcontractor to the Rand Corporation, issued a technical report on hypnosis to the air force
it is conceivable . . . that these techniques could have been used and covered up so successfully that they might be impossible to recognize . . .
All of these techniques, involving drug-induced hypnosis and electroshock convulsions, were eventually developed and used to reduce some of our own citizens to a zombie state in which they would blindly serve the government. Regardless of the Constitution and the laws which supposedly protect the individual against government coercion, zombies were covertly created to do the governments more unsavory bidding. Such zombies asked no questions about the legality of their assignments. O en their assignments were never consciously known. And if they were ever questioned about their own actions, amnesia protected them from self-incrimination. [p. 70-73]
In 1951, a former naval ocer described a secret of certain military and intelligence organizations. He called it Pain-Drug-Hypnosis and said it is a vicious war weapon The extensiveness of the use of this form of hypnotism in espionage work is now so widespread that it is long past the time when people should have become alarmed about it. [p. 75]
Mind control arranges that slaves of the intelligence communitywitnesses, couriers, and assassinsare protected from their own memories and guilt by amnesia.
These slaves may be le alive, but the knowledge they possess is buried deep within the tombs of their own minds by techniques which can keep the truth hidden even from those who have witnessed it. It is the ultimate debrieng, the nal security measure short of assassination[p. 148]
Jos Delgado was a neurophysiologist at the Yale University School of Medicine. By 1964, he had already been experimenting with electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) for nearly two decades. His work, supported by the Oce of Naval Research, [p. 250]
A number of government agencies were actually at work on projects similar to Delgados, and through these projects the cryptocracy had gained the technology for direct access to the control of the brain and through it, the mind. [p. 251]
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ESB, however, used in conjunction with psycho-surgery and behavior modication, oered unlimited possibilities. A er experiments on laboratory animals met with success, human experimentation was enthusiastically undertaken in quest of the most reliable and absolute method of remote control of the mind. [p. 253]
ESB has, meanwhile, been strikingly successful in other areas. It has been used to modify mental mechanisms, to produce changes in mood and feelings, to reinforce behavior both positively and negatively. It has been used to activate sensory and motor regions of the brain in order to produce elementary or complex experiences or movements, to summon memories, and to induce hallucinations. It also has been used to suppress or inhibit behavior and experience and memory outside of the conscious control of the owner of the brain. [p. 256]
And, in 1974, the rst victim of Parkinsons disease treated by ESB walked gracefully out of a San Francisco hospital under his own power, thanks to portable ESB. He had a stimoceiver implanted in his brain The stimoceiver which weighed only a few grams and was small enough to implant under his scalp, permi ed both remote stimulation of his brain and the instantaneous telemetric recording of his brain waves. [p. 256-257]
And by the late 1960s, the remote control of the human brainaccomplished without the implantation of electrodeswas well on its way to being realized.
A research and development team at the Space and Biology Laboratory of the University of California at the Los Angeles Brain Research Institute found a way to stimulate the brain by creating and electrical eld completely outside the head. Dr. W. Ross Adey stimulated the brain with electric pulse levels which were far below those thought to be eectual in the old implanting technique. [p. 257]
In 1975 a primitive mind reading machine was tested at the Stanford Research Institute. The machine is a computer which can recognize a limited amount of words by monitoring a persons silent thoughts. This technique relies upon the discovery that brain wave tracings taken with an electroencephalograph (EEG) show distinctive pa erns that correlate with individual wordswhether the words are spoken aloud or merely subvocalized (thought of).
The computer initially used audio equipment to listen to the words the subject spoke. (At rst the vocabulary was limited to up, down, le , and right.) At the same time the computer heard the words, it monitored the EEG impulses coming from electrodes pasted to the subjects head and responded by turning a camera in the direction indicated. A er a few repetitions of the procedure, the computers hearing was turned o and it responded solely to the EEG thoughts. It moved a television camera in the directions ordered by the subjects thoughts alone! [p. 258]
While Dr. Reed conceded that it was conceivable that thoughts could be injected into a persons mind by the government, he indicated that he did not believe it had already been done. [p. 259]
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Typically, the scientists have not been vigilant enough, for the cryptocracy already has developed remote-controlled men who can be used for political assassination and other dangerous work, [p. 260]
In 1967 a writer named Lincoln Lawrence published a book [Were We Controlled? presented] a sophisticated technique known as RHICEDOM Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control Electronic Dissolution of Memory.
Under RHIC, a sleeper can be used years later with no realization that the sleeper is even being controlled! He can be made to perform acts that he will have no memory of ever having carried out. In a manipulated kind of kamikaze operation where the life of the sleeper is dispensable, RHIC processing makes him particularly valuable because if he is detected and caught before he performs the act specied . . . nothing he says will implicate the group or government which processed and controlled him.
according to Lawrence, during the operation a small electrode was implanted inside [the persons] mastoid sinus. The electrode responded to a radio signal which would make audible, inside [the persons] head, certain electronic commands to which he had already been posthypnotically conditioned to respond.
In 1975 the RHIC-EDOM story surfaced again. The journalist, James L. Moore, said that the papers in his possession described the details of a military technique of mind-control called Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral ControlElectronic Dissolution of Memory.
According to Moore, in the initial (RHIC) stage of programming the [person] is put into a deep hypnotic trance, and conditioned to go intro trance at the sound of a specic tone. A person may be placed under this control with or without his knowledge, programmed to perform certain actions and maintain certain a itudes whenever he hears the tone.
The second part of the process, electronic dissolution of memory (EDOM), Moore said, By electronically jamming the brain, acetylcholine creates static which blocks out sights and sounds. You would then have no memory of what you saw or heard; your mind would be a blank.
The claims of James L. Moore would sound fantastic were it not for the abundance of information to support the possibility of their validity. [p. 261-264]
The cryptocracy has gone to absurd lengths to develop remote-controlled beings. Victor Marche i revealed that the CIA had once tried to create a cyborg cat. He said that the Agency wired a live feline for sound in an a empt to use the pet for eavesdropping purposes. The cat was rst altered electronically so that it would function as a listening device in areas where potential enemy agents
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electronically so that it would function as a listening device in areas where potential enemy agents would be discussing covert plots.[Note:2]
A er the electronic feline was at last ready for its assignment, it was turned loose on the street and was followed by a CIA support van loaded with electronic monitoring gear. [p. 273]
The cryptocracy has used mind control for the past thirty years. It has used it on its own agents and employees, on enemies and friends alike. It has used it on thousands of Americans without their knowledge or consent. The CIA has programmed assassins and couriers by it. The CIA has even openly confessed to its conspiracy of mind control.
Many people will believe that since the CIA has publicly disclosed its interest in mind control, it has now ceased its activities. The earlier CIA records, however, contain a number of termination dates for aspects of Operation Mind Control, yet evidence clearly suggests that it continued past those dates.
In 1975, following the release of the Rockefeller Commission Report and the subsequent investigations by Senator Churchs and Congressman Pikes commi ees, a public accounting was given and apologies were made. The intelligence community was reprimanded and small changes made. [p. 275]
Recent history documents the fact that the CIA, as the whipping boy of the cryptocracy, covers up and routinely lies about its activities, heaping one lie on another, in a labyrinthine network of falsehood. It stretches credibility to believe, therefore, that the CIA and especially lower-prole members of the cryptocracy have terminated the mind-control research and development that has been going on for thirty years. If it has ceased, it has ceased only because it is obsolete and the new technology of radiation and electronic brain stimulation has given the cryptocracy a more powerful form of control. [p. 276] With advancements in electronic technologyincreasingly sophisticated microphones, transmi ers, and surveillance devicesthe erosion of privacy becomes a mudslide. [p. 280]
Mind control remains above United States law, making it a most a ractive tool for clandestine operators. [p. 281] [Note:1] Richard Condon, author of The Manchurian Candidate (1958), the forward to Operation Mind Control (1978).
REF The mind control examined is this book is the control of one individuals mind by another.
[Note:2] Jos Delgado, M.D., conducted experiments (circa 1961) that a ached an electrode to the eardrum (middle ear) of a cat. The device picked-up peoples whispered conversations and transmi ed them to a receiver for monitoring. The CIA a ached their tiny radio implant to the cats cochlea (inner ear).
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Notes on this synopsis: Bowarts 1st release of Operation Mind Control was back in 1978. In an interview, in 1995 [ Richardson, TX] Walter said, It went into print and made it to the where houses (we think) few made it to the book stores -I got paid <chuckle> nice of them, to pay me for what they took. Then Mr. Bowart went on to other books and a life of a pre y hip journalist -one of the few people that Frank Zappa gave an interview to! Many say Bowart forgot more than most now know! About the Format These are e-mail down loads, that I later cleaned up for this format. Amicus humani generis, Eric Heimstadt
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 00:52:21 +0000 From: Freedom of Thought Foundation Subject: (Fwd) OPERATION MIND CONTROL-2 OPERATION MIND CONTROL: THE CRYPTOCRACYS PLAN TO PSYCHOCIVILIZE YOU By W.H. BOWART In response to demand here is a synopsis of W.H. Bowarts seminal work without notes, illustrations and additional material. This synopsis is composed of the rst few paragraphs ( some abridged) of each of the 42 chapters of Operation Mind Control, the Limited Researchers Edition which has been published in a numbered edition of 500 copies signed by the author.
It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, however, was small and ignored the larger issue. Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Than Reported in 75, said the New York Times on July 16, 1977. What it should have said is U.S. Develops Invisible Weapons to Enslave Mankind.
The testing of drugs by the CIA was just a part of the United States governments top-secret mind-control project, a project which had spanned thirty-ve years and had involved tens of thousands of individuals. It involved techniques of hypnosis, narcohypnosis, electronic brain
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thousands of individuals. It involved techniques of hypnosis, narcohypnosis, electronic brain stimulation, behavioral eects of ultrasonic, microwave, and low-frequency sound, aversive and other behavior modication therapies. In fact, there was virtually no aspect of human behavioral control that was not explored in their search for the means to control the memory and will of both individuals and whole masses of people
Through the gray waters of amnesia he dri ed, coming back from blind coma. First the echoes, like electronically amplied voices speaking from a deep, deep well then, far o, the dim pink molecules of light Davids body lay still in the military hospital bed. Only his eyes rolled beneath the lids. For several hours he lay that way, perfectly still -just eyes u ering. The u ering became more intense. Then his eyes opened. When I woke up, David said, I couldnt remember anything. I couldnt remember how Id go en there or why I was in the hospital. He asked nurses and aides why he was there. They told him hed have to ask his doctor. When David nally saw him, the doctor said, You tried to commit suicide
Davids own assessment of his mental confusion a er his air force experience was that he had not been brainwashed. By the time David had his mind controlled, brainwashing had become a catchall phrase, but what David had suered was a much more subtle and hideous form of tyranny. George E. Smith was a POW during the early days of the Vietnam War. Unlike David, George did not have a good education. It can even be said that he was a li le naive, and therefore a good candidate for brainwashing of both the American and the NLF (Viet Cong) varieties. He was one of the rst of the Green Berets captured in the Vietnam conict in 1963
I can hypnotize a man without his knowledge or consent into commi ing treason against the United States, boasted Dr. George Estabrooks in the early 1940s. Estabrooks, chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University, was called to Washington by the War Department shortly a er Pearl Harbor. Since he was the ranking authority on hypnosis at the time, they wanted his opinion on how the enemy might be planning to use hypnotism. Two hundred trained foreign operators, working in the United States, Estabrooks told the military leaders, could develop a uniquely dangerous army of hypnotically controlled Sixth Columnists
In 1951, a former naval ocer described a secret of certain military and intelligence organizations. He called it Pain-Drug-Hypnosis and said it is a vicious war weapon and may be of considerably more use in conquering a society than the atom bomb. This is no exaggeration. The extensiveness of
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more use in conquering a society than the atom bomb. This is no exaggeration. The extensiveness of the use of this form of hypnotism in espionage work is now so widespread that it is long past the time when people should have become alarmed about it Pain-Drug-Hypnosis is a wicked extension of narcosynthesis, the drug hypnosis used in America only during and since the last war That naval ocer was none other than L. Ron Hubbard. Before the war an explorer and prolic science ction writer he went on to found one of Americas fastest growing if controversial religions, Scientology. (In an exchange of le ers, Hubbard told me that he had wri en a book called Excaliber which had been stolen. The information in the book, he said, had all been subsequently published in his many other books. Excaliber, was, he intimated, the guts of what would be published as Dianetics, a work which takes all the mind control insights Hubbard was exposed to both in his travels in the east and in Naval Intelligence, and applies them to empower the human spirit the exact opposite of mind control as it came to be. He was subsequently kidnapped, and of course we know that he, and The Church of Scientology were hounded by the government much as others like Will helm Reich had been hounded, for spreading the truth about technologies which may have the potential to liberate, rather than enslave. Several years a er Hubbards death, The Church of Scientology was granted, in 1993, ocial recognition by the Internal Revenue Service. It nally granted them the tax-deductible status which run-of-the-mill religious groups have li le trouble obtaining.)
In June, 1975, it was revealed publicly for the rst time what many had suspected that the CIA and a number of government agencies under its direction had actually been giving behavior-inuencing drugs to citizens within the United States for more than twenty years. I was in Washington at the time, searching the catalogue card les at the National Technical Information Service. A previous search by friends in military intelligence of the M.I. Classied Index had revealed nothing but peripheral references to the object of my study: government research in drugs, hypnosis, behavior modication, and related subjects. The NTIS le is supposed to contain a complete numerical listing of all government contracts, by contract number, whether or not they are classied. The contract cards were indeed numbered in consecutive order, but the ones I was looking for were missing; the index simply skipped over them and continued on in numerical sequence. Other cards in the index were marked classied, and I would not have been able to obtain the papers to which they referred. But the reports I was looking for were not even cited in the index, although references to them in scientic journals indicated that they had once existed. Classied or not, these documents had been removed from the record
Following the release of the Rockefeller Report, John D. Marks, author and former sta assistant to the State Department Intelligence Director, led a Freedom of Information Act appeal on behalf of the Center for National Security Studies requesting documentation from the CIA. I led an identical request at about the same time. Marks and I both requested documentation for the evidence cited in the Rockefeller Report on the CIAs mind-control activities conducted within the United States. Seven months later, Marks was given more than 2,000 pages of top-secret and eyes only documents by the CIAs Information Review Commi ee. A short time later I began to receive what Marks had go en. These pages were said to be the bulk of the information upon which the Rockefeller Commission had based its report. Exempted from release were portions of or entire documents which contained information said by CIA ocials to pertain to intelligence sources and methods which the Director of the Central Intelligence has the responsibility to protect from unauthorized disclosure pursuant to section 102 (d) (3) of the National Security Act of 1947. But in the photo-copied pages obtained was
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section 102 (d) (3) of the National Security Act of 1947. But in the photo-copied pages obtained was a statement to the eect that within a few hours of his resignation (forced by the disclosures of the Watergate and Church Commi ees), Director Richard Helms ordered the records shredded and burned
Candy Jones was a sex symbol during World War II. Born Jessica Wilcox, with her catchy stage name and shapely legs she rose to a standing second only to Be y Grable as Americas most popular pinup girl. She was a favorite of the troops at the front, and she felt it a duty to entertain them near the ba leelds. A er her advertised beauty faded and she could no longer serve to raise the morale of the troops with her appearance, she served her country in another way. She served under MKULTRA as a hypnoprogrammed CIA courier for twelve years. While on a USO tour in the Pacic in 1945 Candy contracted a case of undulant fever and, shortly therea er, malaria. On top of that, she caught the contagious fungus known as jungle Rot. Within a week, her hair had begun to fall out, and her complexion had turned a sickly yellow. The combination of these diseases sent her to a military hospital in Manila, where she met a young medical ocer whom she identies only by the seudonym Gilbert Jensen. Later, he would oer her the opportunity to become a CIA courier
Due to the volatile nature of the information contained in her story, I am withholding this victims identity. The evidence is still being uncovered. Others are coming forward with corroborating information. While details of her testimony is still being checked, we do know, that what she describes in her story is entirely possible, so, from the perspective of students of mind control this story has great value as it is here presented. Future editions may contain more. Well call her O. She was born in 1957. Her rst memories are of being suocated by her fathers penis in what was to be a childhood of continual sexual abuse. A er six years of deprogramming with Mark Phillips, O has come to reintegrate her fragmented personality and has gained access to most of the shocking memories of her abuse by, among others, high government ocials
In 1981, Major Michael A. Aquino collaborated with Colonel Paul E. Vallely to produce a paper entitled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory. The paper was submi ed to Military Review and Parameter, the publication of the U.S. Army War College. It was widely circulated among the psyop community and among mind control researchers without a copyright notice. Finally it appeared in its entirety in Milton WIlliam Coopers Behold A Pale Horse, a 1991 work that deals largely with the question of Unidentied Flying Objects. LTC John Alexanders Military Review article in supportof psychotronics intelligence and operational employment of ESPwas decidedly provocative. Criticism of research in this area, based as it is on existing frontiers of
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decidedly provocative. Criticism of research in this area, based as it is on existing frontiers of scientic law, brings to mind the laughter that greeted the Italian scientist Spallanzani in 1794 when he suggested that bats navigate in the dark by means of what we now call sonar. If they see with their ears, then do they hear with their eyes? went the joke, but I suspect that the U.S. Navy is glad someone took the idea seriously enough to pursue it
Project Monarch, according to Mark Phillips, is a U.S. Defense Department project begun in the 1960s. He says its code name was assigned to a subsection of the CIAs Operation Artichoke which later became Project MKULTRA So-called Presidential Models, the most highly prized products of the Project Monarch mind control factories have a distinct (conditioned) habit of si ing very erect with their legs daintily perched. They serve kings and presidents and high ranking government ocials as sex slaves. They are controlled by invisible reins. The Presidential Models have u ered about the White House and European hideaways which, in another day, would have been the courts. While they appear to be lighthearted and inconstant sex slaves, they are trained at the art of pillow talk and do, in fact, have memories like human tape-recorders
I met Lois rst in Palm Springs, when I was the editor of Palm Springs Life. She was si ing, looking pre y, at one of the many events that bear Bob Hopes name, the Bob Hope Classic golf tournament or the Hope Center which houses the Palm Desert opera. Her real name was not Lois and I was not introduced to her, but when I saw her again, several years later, she had come along with a Project Monarch survivor just to watch the interview I was doing with their deprogrammer. I knew Id seen her before, but at rst, couldnt remember where or when..
A number of friends and fellow researchers cant bring themselves to believe the story of O nor Lois. Neither in the beginning could I. Both dropped too many famous names. Both had witnessed too many important events in history. Both told hideous stories of abuse. How could our high government ocials fall to such low perversions? Would they violate the human spirit just for lust? Greed? A er a li le thought, once one has processed the horror, one realizes that in each case, celebrities and high government ocials vices were fed by the cryptocracy using one of Project Monarchs programmed presidential models. In this case Ms. Os remarkable gi s, which were the invisible reins of control the cryptocracy held over Senators, Presidents, and Kings. In fact, it looked as if our executive branch of government is now controlled by new innovations in the usual Machiavellian options: bribery, blackmail, threat of death, and/or ultimately assassination. Then, again come the doubts. Here we are taking the word of a reintegrated person whos suered a lifetime of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) which is a relatively new idea in itself. One doesnt want to believe this
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Heinrich Himmlers Lebensborn program may have been the grandparent of Project Monarch. Monarch sought to create junior Manchurian Candidates with multiple personalities, each trained to perform a specic specialty. The kids were programmed to respond to codes, mnemonic cues, and audio-reversed triggers and tones. They were trained in killing techniques and the rapid assembly and de-assembly of exotic weapons. They were educated about poisons, explosives, languages and computers, then programmed to forget it all or remember only selected areas upon command. Monarch produced a cadre of child spies who were directed to prey upon high placed military, government and high society paedophiles, sometimes hauling them into blackmail situations. As in the Nazi Lebensborn program there is evidence of selected breeding, adoption of the children, and a peculiarly large number of twins among them. There is mounting evidence that the directors of Project Monarch were former Nazis, and that, like Nazism, the Monarch program was interlaced with Satanism
According to a Customs Service memorandum, the CIA and FCIA (Foreign Counter Intelligence Agency a distinct and autonomous organization within the FBI ) were both involved in a mysterious group with behaviors similar to the one in Nebraska. Known as the Finders, CIA ownership of this organization was kept secret for seven years a er local law enforcement uncovered its practice of child abduction, kiddie-porn, ritual abuse, and slavery. In early February 1987, an anonymous tip to the Tallahassee, Florida police brought cops out like bloodhounds. The caller said two well dressed men seemed to be supervising six disheveled and hungry children in a local park. The two men were identied as members of the Finders. They were charged with child abuse in Florida. In Washington, D.C., police and U.S. Customs Service agents raided a duplex apartment building and a warehouse connected to the group. Among the evidence seized were detailed instructions on obtaining children for unknown purposes. Several photos of nude children were found, one of which appeared to accent the childs genitals
Had I not heard this story, in essence, from a half dozen other survivors of this kind of mind control, I would not have included it here. But we video taped a number of credible people talking about these voices in their heads. People who experience this are what Martin Cannon referred to in his book The Controllers as wavies. Cannon wrote: Every Senator and Congressional representative has a wavie le. So do many state representatives. Wavies have even pled their case to private institutions such as The Christic Institute. And who are the wavies? They claim to be the victims of clandestine bombardment with non-ionizing radiation or microwaves. They report sudden changes in psychological states, alteration of sleep pa erns, intracerebral voices and other sounds, and physiological eects.
Most people never realize how many wavies there are in this country. Ive spoken to a number of wavies myself. I dont like the term Wavie. Its a hard-hearted term which does not show any sympathy for the people who are suering this way. Theyre suering just as much as the people who
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sympathy for the people who are suering this way. Theyre suering just as much as the people who have survived the so-called Project Monarch. Giving them the benet of the doubt, Ill term them E-M Targets, E-M for electromagnetic spectrum, since the technical possibilities exist that they are experiencing bombardment by ELF, VLF, SHF microwaves, magnetic waves and other radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum which can be modulated so that voices can be heard inside the head, without implants, without speakers. Most of them have been diagnosed as being Paranoid Schizophrenic
The CIA uses thought reform, programming, and indoctrination on its own employees. Patrick J. McGarvey, a veteran of fourteen years in U.S. intelligence service, described the cryptocracys more ordinary indoctrination procedures in his book CIA: The Myth and the Madness. McGarvey said that his indoctrination was carried out in a classroom which was right out of The Manchurian Candidate. It was a cavernous room not unlike a nineteenth century surgical exhibition pit. That training, he said, consisted of an admixture of common sense, insanity, old-time religion, and some of the weirdest lectures you can imagine. The most important result of this early training, as far as the CIA was concerned, McGarvey said, was the a itudes they managed to inculcate among the recruits
The cryptocracys search for reliable mind control methods was one of the most far-reaching secret projects ever undertaken. In addition to research and development in drugs and hypnosis, CIA funds and cryptocracy guidance gave impetus to a number of behavior modication projects carried out in federal prisons and mental institutions. Most of the projects were arranged secretly so recipients of the funds would have no way of knowing that the CIA was backing the research. Even if they had known of the CIAs involvement, their interest in behavior modication probably would not have been dampened. Previously called conditioned reex therapy, behavior modication, in the sixties and seventies, was becoming the most popular tool of psycho science since Sigmund Freud asked his rst patient to lie down on the couch. Behavior modication is based on conditioning, but conditioning is a big word for a simple form of learning in which a reaction is evoked by an outside action. The reaction is called a response; the outside action is called a stimulus. In 1927 Pavlov won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of a method of making dogs salivate at the ringing of a bell. Salivating dogs were not much good to anyone, and it was not for making dogs drool that Pavlov was so honored. He was honored with the worlds most prestigious award for making dogs drool on cue. He called his process conditioning. The dogs involuntary response, he called a reex. Pavlovs discoveries provided the breakthrough which behavioral science needed to begin to control the human mind
The cryptocracy recruited their assassins from among people who had already demonstrated a violent nature, people who had few reservations about taking human life. No homicidal maniacs were recruited because they could not be controlled. The cryptocracy needed killers who would not murder on impulse, but only upon command. Once selected, the assassin candidates were turned over to the military, where, under the guise of combat readiness training, they underwent a complete program
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military, where, under the guise of combat readiness training, they underwent a complete program of conditioning. Graduates of the program would forever a er act with ruthless eciency. They would eliminate local political leaders in a foreign country, or undertake search and destroy missions in violation of national and international laws. They would be given a cover allowing them to enter the Foreign Service; or they would pose as embassy marine guards. In July, 1975, the Sunday Times in London quoted a U.S. Navy psychologist who admi ed that U.S. Naval Intelligence had taken convicted murderers from military prisons, conditioned them as political assassins, and then placed them in American embassies around the world. This admission came shortly a er the Senate Intelligence Commi ee had scolded the CIA for plo ing a number of political assassinations around the world. From the congressional reports, however, one got the feeling the cryptocracy was being chastised not for the assassinations it had successfully accomplished, but for those which it had a empted, but failed. The a empts on the life of Fidel Castro drew the greatest notice from the congressional commi ees and the press
On March 2, 1967, Luis Angel Castillo, age twenty-four, was arrested by the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on suspicion of conspiring to assassinate President Ferdinand Marcos in Manilla. In a series of interrogation sessions, the NBI and Philippine Army investigators gave him truth serum (at his request) and put him under hypnosis. During one of these sessions, Castillo revealed he had been involved in an assassination four years earlier. Castillo told the NBI, both under hypnosis and truth serum and also in a normal state, that he had been hypnoprogrammed to kill a man riding in an open car. Although Castillo did not know the identity of his target, the scene of hissupposed hit was Dallas, Texas. The date was November 22, 1963
MKULTRA was fully operational when Luis Castillo was programmed. It was active that same decade when events blamed on three lone assassins changed the course of history. In a well executed, mass indoctrination campaign employing all the honor, prestige, and power of the U.S. government, Americans were told over and over again the lives of John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy were all taken by lone assassins -men operating without political motivation. These three assassins Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, and Sirhan Sirhanconveniently le diaries, underlinings in various books, and other self-incriminating clues to establish their guilt. The evidence gathered on the assassinations remains fragmented and incomplete. Any event of such magnitude as political assassination is bound to invite a large number of interpretations. While in 1978 when the rst edition of this book appeared there was not any conclusive proof of a conspiracy, more than eighty percent of the American public then believed there was a conspiracy. Today, a er Oliver Stones masterful lm JFK, more than ninety percent of the public believe that John F. Kennedy was murdered by conspirators working with the U.S. intelligence agencies. While Congress did cite Richard Helms for contempt, and declared that the FBI and the CIA did not cooperate with the Warren Commission, the murders of Kennedy, Kennedy and King remain unsolved mysteries in the publics opinion. A string of circumstantial evidence, and a knowledge of the fundamentals of mind control invites further speculation. In each case the method was the same death by the bullet. In each case the circumstances were the same murder in a public place in view of many witnesses. All three assassins were men whose personal histories can be interpreted to indicate they were mentally unstable. Evidence suggests all three had been hypnotized at one time or another
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Only an understanding of the techniques and applications of mind control could begin to bring meaning to the fragmented ramblings of Jack Ruby. On June 7, 1964, Jack Ruby was questioned in jail in Dallas, Texas, by Earl Warren and Gerald Ford. In that session Ruby continually pleaded for a lie-detector test or for sodium pentothal. He desperately wanted to prove his honesty so Warren and the commission would know he was telling the truth. Said Ruby: I would like to be able to get a lie-detector test or truth serum of what motivated me to do what I did at that particular time, and it seems as you get further into something, even though you know what you did, it operates against you somehow, brainwashes you, that you are weak in what you want to tell the truth about, and what you want to say which is the truth
On April 4, 1968, Nobel laureate Dr. Martin Luther King was murdered on a second oor balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis Tennessee. Half of the six thousand man FBI force was assigned to the task of bringing the killer to justice. The FBI should have had an easy job. There was an abundance of evidence le behind on the second oor of a rooming house a block from the Lorraine Motel. There were ngerprints on the window ledge of a bathroom next to a room which had been rented to an Eric S. Galt. On the sidewalk in front of the house was a weapon, a high powered assault rie with telescopic sight. Neighbors said they had seen a white Mustang roar away moments a er the shooting
The circumstances of Robert Kennedys death are well known. On June 5, 1968, at 12:15 a.m., Sen. Robert Kennedy was shot in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Karl Uecker grabbed the gun, a .22 caliber Iver-Johnson revolver. It was smoking in the hand of Sirhan Beshara Sirhan, a Palestinian refugee. The Los Angeles police immediately took Sirhan into custody. At rst they appeared to be taking every precaution so they wouldnt make the same mistakes the Dallas police had made. They taped every interrogation session with the suspect and kepthim under surveillance through a closed-circuit TV camera in his cell. They took every measure to protect the life of this man, the second lone nut to gun down a Kennedy. Trying to avoid anything which would be an infringement on the rights of the alleged assassin, the police carefully informed Sirhan of his legal rights before trying to interrogate him. They did not inform his alter personalities of their rights, however. Through the rst hours of questioning, Sirhan chose to remain silent. For some time, no one knew who the curly-haired, swarthy man in custody was Police immediately went to his house and searched his bedroom. On the oor next to Sirhans bed was a large spiral notebook. On the desk was another notebook. There was a third small notebook, a good deal of occult literature, a brochure advertising a book on mental projection, and a large brown envelope from the Internal Revenue Service on which someone had wri en, RFK must be disposed of like his brother was. At the bo om of the envelope was scrawled Reactionary. In one of the notebooks there was a page which was used later in the trial to prove premeditation: May 18, 9:45 a.m. 68. My determination to eliminate RFK is becoming more the more of an unshakable obsession RFK must die RFK must be killed Robert F.
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becoming more the more of an unshakable obsession RFK must die RFK must be killed Robert F. Kennedy must be assassinated Robert F. Kennedy must be assassinated before 5 June 68 Robert F. Kennedy must be assassinated I have never heard please pay to the order of this or that pleas pay to the order of Also drawn on the page were spirals, diamonds, and doodles. While Los Angeles mayor Sam Yorty ignorantly told the press Sirhan was a member of numerous Communist organizations, including the Rosicrucians, Sirhans neighbors told a dierent story. One said he was very religious. Another reported that he was just a normal kid. He took cars and bikes apart and put them back together again. Neighborhood kids said he was nice. When asked if Sirhan was the angry type, a black girl in his Neighborhood said, He didnt show it. Arthur Bean, another neighbor said, Someone talked that kid into gunning down Kennedy. When Irwin Garnkel, a deputy a orney in the public defenders oce, asked Sirhan about the shooting, he said,
I dont remember much about the shooting, Sir. Did I do it? Well, yes, I am told I did it. I remember being at the Ambassador. I was drinking tom collinses. I got dizzy. I went back to my car so I could go home. But I was too drunk to drive. I thought Id be er nd some coee. The next thing I remember I was being choked and a guy was twisting my knee. George Plimpton, editor of the Paris Review, was in the hotel pantry when Kennedy was shot. He was one of the men who wrestled Sirhan down. According to Newsweek, Plimpton oered some eloquent testimony that appeared to some to support the defenses contention that Sirhan Beshara Sirhan had, in fact, been in a trance during the shooting. He was enormously composed, recalled Plimpton. Right in the midst of this hurricane of sound and feeling, he seemed to be almost the eye of the hurricane. He seemed purged
All the assassins in the cryptocracys army of hit men are not, by any means, programmed. There are other ways besides mind control to motivate the commission of murder. In 1298 Marco Polo returned from his Asiatic travels with a tale of assassins who were motivated by an unusually clever technique. Polo described a fortress he had visited in the valley of Alamut in Persia. He said the valley was the headquarters of a notorious group known as the Ashishin, from which the word assassin evolved. Polos story echoed numerous legends about an Old Man of the Mountain, named Allahudin, who used subtle and elaborate psychological tricks to motivate simple country boys to undertake fearless acts of murder. The Old Man had created an inescapable valley between two mountains by building up high walls at both ends. He turned the valley into a beautiful garden, the largest and most beautiful that had ever been seen. In this valley he planted every kind of fruit tree and built several elaborate, ornamented pavilions and palaces which were said to be of such elegance they could not be described in words. Everything that could be, was covered with gold. The buildings housed the most exquisite collection of paintings and sculpture in the known world. Man-made streams owed wine, milk, honey, and water
Joe called me one day from Australia. I was still working on Grub Street as editor of Palm Springs Life. He told me what most of the victims of mind control have told me: I read your book. You saved my sanity. I know now that Im not crazy. Thanks so much for writing it. That was reward enough for doing it, I suppose, but I didnt want to do it again. I wanted nothing more to do with mind control. I
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doing it, I suppose, but I didnt want to do it again. I wanted nothing more to do with mind control. I was burned out on the subject, so Joe got a polite but disinterested reception from me. He kept up a correspondence with me anyway from the outback. At rst his le ers were fragmented, disjointed, mine were polite, encouraging, brief. I couldnt tell where he was coming from, but, what do you expect from a victim whose mind has been scrambled? He began by talking about some missing British Scientists
Jose Delgado stood sweating in the center of a bull ring in Madrid. He was sweating from the heat of the sun reected on the sand. He felt a twinge of natural fear as the door at one end of the walled ring swung open, and a huge black bull lunged forth from the darkness into the plaza de toros. This was a very good bull, one the best matador would have desired. It charged as if on rails, straight at Delgado. In front of a ton of black beef, two sharp horns aimed to gore the vital parts of his body. Delgado stood face to face with the charging Andalusian toro. But Delgado was no matador. He stood in the ring alone in his shirtsleeves. He wore no suit of lights and he carried no cape. Instead of a sword, he held only a li le black box. He wanted to wait until the last possible moment, but he could not contain his fear. When the bull was thirty feet away, he pressed the bu on on the box. The bull immediately quit his a ack and skidded to a halt. Toro looked right, then le . Then, as if bewildered, he turned his broad side toward Delgado and tro ed away
In 1967 a writer named Lincoln Lawrence published a book which asked the question: Was Lee Harvey Oswald a robot-assassin programmed by a sophisticated technique known as RHIC-EDOM? The le ers stood for Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory. Lawrence speculated that Oswald had been behavior-controlled and prepared during his defection to the Soviet Union as a sleeper agent programmed to return to the United States and murder on cue. It was the Manchurian Candidate theme, with one exception. Lawrence insisted that the Russians had not masterminded the RHIC-EDOM plan. It had been masterminded, he thought, by an international cartel of commodities merchants who sought to make millions by driving the market with the assassination of a president any president. Lawrence wrote, Lee Harvey Oswald was to be utilized as (and now you must clear your brain and put aside your preconceived notions of what espionage and sabotage are today) an RHIC controlled person somewhat like a mechanical toy. An RHIC controlled person can be processed (as Oswald was in Minsk, allowed to travel to any country and be put to use even years later by the application of RHIC controls. In short, like the toy, he can in a sense be wound up and made to perform acts without any possibility of the controller being detected
Since this book rst appeared in 1978 there has been a rapid acceleration in public awareness about mind control. It has largely replaced the term brainwashing in the press, appearing with some regularity on the front pages of your local daily newspaper. If you are laboring under the impression that the Church Commi ee hearings stopped Operation Mind Control, in these pages you have
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that the Church Commi ee hearings stopped Operation Mind Control, in these pages you have learned of evidence to the contrary. Instead of halting mind control, a whole new kind of warfare as developed around it. The new technology makes the old Project Monarch style classical conditioning obsolete. It is the reason so many survivors are remembering and are allowed to talk. They are no longer needed, and theres a be er way to control minds. Public awareness has been outrun by the progress in mind control technology. It has gone from drugs and hypnosis to the eects of microwaves, ELF waves, gravity waves, and modulated signals of all kinds. The basics are the same in all techniques the government programmers sneak into the subconscious mind of individuals and the masses and inuence them without their knowledge or consent
The rst evidence of the use of hypnosis as a reliable operational tool of the cryptocracy, according to John Marks, can be found in the work of Morse Allen in 1954. Of course hypnosis itself had been used by shamans and fakirs to manipulate and control people for centuries. Marks explains that Allens work came at the height of the Project ARTICHOKE explorations in which the spooks a empted to use hypnosis to programme an assassin. CIA documents also reveal that in 1959 John Gi inger recommended the use of hypnosis in operational experiments. (Of course our latest evidence shows that Navy Intelligence had been using mind control in the 1940s, at least.) The CIA les contain a translation of a Soviet research project entitled Unperceived Manifestations of Mental Processes in Deep Hypnosis which described the success of their psychoscientists: We succeeded in programming not only the subject of dreams ( I would like to visit Africa in my dream), but to program color perception (let my dream be blue), as well as inducing a specic mood a er sleepin
John Alexander is a busy man these days, not only is he one of the moving forces behind PSITECH, a company that sells military developed remote viewing skills (RVS) to private enterprise, he is the program manager for nonlethal defense at the Los Alamos (N.M.) National Laboratory, an author (The Warriors Edge), and a practitioner of the gem of mind control arts Neuro-linguistics Programming. Today, a er 32 years of military service this retired Colonel has the responsibility of drawing together and nurturing many nonlethal weapons devices which could disable key electronic equipment, blind weapons sensors or shut o the power to a capital city. He has drawn upon a variety of disciplines involving polymer chemistry, microbics, kinetics, acoustics, electrical engineering, materials science and information science, just to demonstrate their feasibility, in the burgeoning science called Nonlethal defense, at least so said Aviation Week & Space Technology. As the concept has evolved, Alexander is reported as saying, we have come to focus our eorts on anti-material systems. If you can stop the machines of war, you can inhibit the prosecution of conict.
In 1990 spychiatrist Dr. Louis Jolyon West, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, pet
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In 1990 spychiatrist Dr. Louis Jolyon West, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, pet shrink of the cryptocracy gave a speech on cults. As usual it was so on fact and hard on the cryptocracy line: It is estimated that there are more than 2500 cults in the United States Now there must be a lot more cults than that since, the Oxford English Dictionary said the word cult meant: 1. worship 2. a particular form of religious worship; esp. in reference to its external rites and ceremonies 3. devotion to a particular person or thing Some would say that includes the Moose, Elks, Shriners, Optimists, Boy Scouts, certain football teams, religions of all denominations, hang gliding clubs, sky diving clubs, James Joyce reading groups and on and on. But without further argument, Wests comments on CULTS-PSYCHIATRIC ASPECTS
Perhaps not since the Reichstag re in Nazi Germany have ames leaped so visibly onto the pages of history. The ames in both Waco and the Reichstag res were fueled by mind control. At least thats the impression you get when you read a orney Paul D. Wilchers le er to A orney General Janet Reno Dated May 21st, 1993 the le er begins with no salutation, the phone numbers of Ms. Reno, Justice Department Communications Director Carl Stern, Appointments Secretary Melissa Muller, Assistant A orney General Richard Scruggs, and James Kramarsic, Special OpsCIA. With a typical lawyerly lack of style the le er begins: RE: (1) Vital NEW information concerning the conagration at David Koreshs Branch Davidian compound, Ranch Apocalypse, outside Waco, Texas, on Monday, April 19th, 1993, which is now being kept from you and covered up _ i.e., that what happened was NOT a mass suicide, but rather a MASS MURDER the le er then reads:
DEAR ATTORNEY GENERAL RENO in caps. The purpose of this le er is for me to deliver to you extremely sensitive information about the deaths of the 86 men, women, and children who perished at the Branch Davidian compound on Monday, April 19th, 1993, and the truth about how it all happened But even more important, my purpose here is to demonstrate how the Waco tragedy ts into a much bigger (and far uglier) The subject of mind control is introduced on page four when Wilcher writes: David Koresh had an extensive CIA backgroundhe was known in CIA circles as a sleeper _ someone who had been subjected to extensive CIA mind control training and programming Wilcher said that it was not a coincidence that all these events were occurring in or near Waco, Texas _since Waco is a major center for such CIA mind control experimentation and programming _ with much of this activity occurring at the CIAs Leadership Management Institute in Waco. Wilcher pointed out that similar CIA-sponsored cults are located across the country including in such places as Salt Lake City, Utah; Provo, Utah; Logan, Utah; Boise, Idaho; and San Francisco, California, and that one or all of these other cults can likewise ` xplode onto the front pages of the press at any time the CIA deems e appropriate, in order to accomplish its pre-determined, hidden, right-wing political agenda.
Mind Control and Memory Blocks to Ease the Consciences of the CIAs PROFESSIONAL killers: Thus far, we have been discussing mind control and memory blocks in the context of the CIAs M ` anchurian-Candidate-type robot assassins _ those low-level individuals _ like Sirhan Sirhan, David Hinckley, Mark David Chapman (who assassinated the Beatles lead singer/songwriter John Lennon), and the six (6) Black men murdered in Pershing Park _ persons who are programmed by the Agency to be used only once then `hrown away and discarded _ i.e., persons who are destined either to be killed t or imprisoned for the rest of their lives, once they have performed their pre-ordained secret mission. In
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or imprisoned for the rest of their lives, once they have performed their pre-ordained secret mission. In other words, these low-level individuals are highly expendable _ particularly when ge ing rid of them will preserve the plausible deniability that the Agency had anything to do with their training, conduct, ` or activities. In the context of these low-level individuals, the mind control programming we have been discussing is used not only to condition the desired robotic response to a pre-ordained secret signal, but also to prevent the subject from remembering anything to do with their training, conduct, or activities. In the context of these low-level individuals, the mind control programming we have been discussing is used not only to condition the desired robotic response to a pre-ordained secret signal, but also to prevent the subject from remembering anything
Not far from the melted sand and globs of green Trinitite at the Trinity site beneath the tower that exploded the rst atomic bomb, just across the desert sands from the Los Alamos National Laboratories where Invisible Weaponry is being developed at an alarming rate, is a private company, Consumertronics, which specializes in all things electronic. Headed by a weapons engineer, John J. Williams, the company oers for sale all sorts of VLF, SHF, VHF, ELF devices and designs for devices to produce a variety of waves. It sells both oensive generators and defensive countermeasures for research purposes only. It is the only company in the world which advertises this kind of expertise. His ads might as well say: Have Buck Rogers Ray Gun, Will Travel, because Williams will travel to your home with a van full of scanners, meters, measurers and monitors and tell you what your electromagnetic environment looks like 24 hours a day. All it takes is money
Harlan E. Girard, one of the most level-headed researchers into the lore of mind control has, himself, been an E.M. target for years. He doesnt like to talk about his personal experiences because hed rather let others tell their stories, but he admits he still has handlers and hears disembodied voices. Like so may of the other so-called Wavies Girard is no wild-eyed maniac. He is distinguished, auent and quietly articulate. The brief abstract printed below sets the overview for this chapter and oers a look at the high quality of the human beings reporting this E.M. Target phenomenon. Ill introduce Girard to you, the way I met him, through his paper: OFFENSIVE MICROWAVE WEAPONS: Developments in the Technology of Political Control: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has developed a technology which can make the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame walk. It will never be used this way because the technology is central to the domestic policy and foreign ambitions of the United States Government, whether that government is nominally headed by George Herbert Walker Bush, William Jeerson Clinton, or any possible successor. The eects of these microwave weapons are many and varied, but the most insidious couple with the central nervous system to produce eects which might be described as Satanic possession. remote motor control of human locomotion and movement (including speech) has become possible. Remote motor control can be used to murder by suicide, accident, suocation, asphyxiation and heart a ack, or to simply neutralize the victim by making words come out of his/her mouth which he/she had no intention of speaking Consequently, a situation is created in which the victim appears to be free to uninformed third parties, but at the same time is incarcerated as securely as if he/she had been conned to a maximum security prison. In this manner, human beings can be and are being sadistically tortured in the privacy of their own homes. The bizarre objective of this treatment is to mentally and physically torture the victim until his/her own personality collapses, and he/she becomes something lower than a slave. In science ction, this computer driven human being is called a cyborg
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lower than a slave. In science ction, this computer driven human being is called a cyborg
Operation Mind Control has brought the mental health profession to the verge of a nervous breakdown. A acked by cryptocratic peers in such organizations as the Cult Awareness Network and False Memory Syndrome Foundation on the one hand, and grappling with the techniques of psychiatry and psychology which the cryptocracy has leapfrogged with new technology on the other, the profession can only make the mentally tortured comfortable while it looks desperately for a way to heal them. The healing techniques are in the hands of a few. Some of them are deprogrammers who once worked for the cryptocracy, learned the codes, cues, and triggers, and know practically how the classical conditioning technology of the cryptocracy comes to work like hypnosis. The mental health professionals, as we know them, are learning to completely rethink their approaches to healing the victims of the crytpocracys mind control projects. While insights into what is state-of-the-art mind control today begins with a study of physics, it is still built upon well-tested pa erns of brain functions. But, the traditional lets get in touch with our feelings kinds of therapy are not especially helpful
Almost simultaneous with the founding of the modern cryptocracy and the passing of the National Security Act in 1947, if the rumors are to be believed, there came to be a faction working within the secret agencies of government to restore the Constitution. It is claimed that this group has been ghting a resistance from within the cryptocracy against the Nazi group known as the Aquarius Group (AG) which came to cluster around the Gehlen/Nazis taken to the breast of the American intelligence community at the end of World War II. While our sources beg for anonymity, they tell us they have been known as the Guardians of the Eternal Flame or The Rowboat Magicians. To my knowledge, only twice has this group communicated with the general public, then not ocially but through documents leaked or planted in the samisdat. Then they called themselves Com-12
As early as 1961, advisors to the late President Kennedy recommended that with the threat of nuclear war hanging over the future, civilized nations could no longer risk overt confrontations that would lead to war, since even conventional war could escalate to Armageddon. If war was necessary it would have to be invisible. It was either invisible warfare or peace, and everyone seemed to agree the economy would suer from peace. Without war, it was believed, the economy would falter and depression would be the dividend of peace. Thus the advisors to the president began to think about what might motivate the U.S. economy as well as war did. They came up with several possibilities, the most fantastic of which was to fake an invasion from outer space
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Memory is illusive in some cases, vivid in others. A Roper poll conducted in 1993 suggested that up to 20 million people in North America may have memories of alien abductions. In 1994 Dr. Colin Ross said that he heard someone on a CBC radio broadcast say that they had evidence that 750,000 babies had been ritually sacriced. FBI ritual abuse debunker Kenneth Lanning in 1992 said that there were 50,000 missing children in the U.S., which law enforcement reports said people believed were being murdered in human sacrices Incest and child sexual abuse reached epidemic proportions. The generally accepted statistics in 1993 were as follows: * One out of three girls and one of ve boys would be sexually molested before the age of eighteen. * A child was sexually abused every 2 minutes with over 95% of the abusers being someone the child knows and trusts. * For every case reported, there were twenty-ve cases that went unreported. * Only 5% of all sexual abuse cases ever went to court. In 50% of those cases the child was returned to the abuser. * Approximately 97% of child prostitutes were incest victims. * Child sexual abuse was a major cause of teenage suicide. * One in ten homes were involved in child sexual abuse. * A high percentage of abused children develop dissociative identity disorders. Then, just as the legions of abused children (now grown to adulthood) were beginning to remember satanic abuse, (the ranks of diagnosed cases of Multiple Personality Disorder had reached 25,000 in the U.S.) and Harvard Universitys Dr. John Mack was enjoying celebrity as the author of a book on alien abductions, and about twenty percent of those diagnosed as suering from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) were being discovered to have military or intelligence backgrounds, a robust and adroit public relations eort was mounted against those who were beginning to remember all sorts of details which related to their abuse as children. Groups were quickly formed to debunk such nonsense. One was spearheaded by a woman who was herself named by her daughter as a child abuser. Her name was Pamela Freyd and her organization was the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) which sprang suddenly up from nowhere
In an undisclosed location, at a secret conference, an emergency panel of ve psychiatrists and clinical psychologists met to discuss the alarming data they were gathering about mind control, satanic ritual abuse, and alien programming from patients diagnosed as suering from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) also called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Due to what is, by the standards of a conservative profession, the controversial content of this conference, and due to the fact that many of the doctors have already received the strongest criticism from their peers and threats on their lives, their identities must remain undisclosed youll understand why as you read more. Although delivered in a conversational tone without footnotes and scientic documentation, there is a lot of technical information in this round-table conference which should be of great use to therapists. For the lay reader a study of the works of Milton Erickson or at least NLP would be helpful in explaining what the doctors are talking about. The term bloodline refers to the practice of satanic ritual abuse which carries on generation a er generation under the belief that a er several generations of conditioning a genetic memory or a blood memory carries on the information which has been programmed. This belief in blood memory can be found in a variety of secret societies and not just in satanic cults. A person who is of the bloodline is the ospring of parents who are in the cult, and o en the great, great, great, great grandchildren of cult members. Some survivors have reported that the sophisticated form of programming described in this conversation goes back more than 100 years and has been co-opted by the intelligence agencies only within the past y-odd years. Suce it to know that the assembled doctors, men and women, are among the most qualied in their profession. They are recipients of the top honors, awards and degrees, members of all the most prestigious societies, editors of the most inuential journals. Researchers who are aware of the literature may think they are able to identify some of the doctors by the content of their speeches, but its important that they just ignore any failing on my part as an editor, overlooking any speech pa erns which may reveal their identities. For the sake of their safety, and at their request, I have done my best to re-write this
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identities. For the sake of their safety, and at their request, I have done my best to re-write this transcript not for content, but for style so that these doctors can never be identied. A er some preliminary remarks the host of the conference, Dr. A, began: Dr A: I have been looking forward to this exchange for quite some time and I hope we can cut right to the chase and talk specically about ritual abuse and about mind-control programming and brainwashing how its done, how to get on the inside of it. Dr. B: Until only recently I didnt believe it. I wasnt willing to discuss it with colleagues such as you before, and Im still not willing to speak about it publicly. Dr. C: I have done that in small groups and in consultations, but recently I decided that its time that somebody started doing something about it. Dr. D: So were going to talk about specics today? Dr. E: At the international congress I heard about these details for the rst time. I thought, how weird. Interesting but weird.
I watched C-SPAN once again to celebrate the birth of our country. It was the rst time Id watched C-SPAN since the Clinton campaign. I watched just for a couple of synchronistic hours. They were showing programs theyd taped on June 28 and 29. First there was a program called Project for the Republican Future. On that program the famous political consultant and pollster, Dr. Frank Luntz told us that his polls showed that the people in the U.S. today believe the quality of life has gone down since the previous generation and, the majority believe that the next generation will have even a lower standard of living. He said that the polls showed that the average American believed that there was a moral decline in this country. He said, For the rst time in American history, Americans are pessimistic about their future
Is the profession of psychiatry beginning to rival the legal profession as having the most useless information, the most know-nothing, corrupt and mercenary practitioners of any profession?
The proof of the psychiatric pudding might be that doctors who once easily earned $300,000 or more a year are having a hard time pulling in $100,000 a year these days. This could be due to the cuts in national health care payments, to the competition that has been created by the lower prices of the HMOs, and/or it could be partly caused by the accumulative eects of the CIAs y years of covert manipulation of that profession.
Almost every psychiatrist of the aged generation (especially those who also hold diplomas in psychology) worked for the CIA or another branch of the cryptocracy in one or another dirty project
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psychology) worked for the CIA or another branch of the cryptocracy in one or another dirty project which tested drugs, hypnosis, brain stimulation and a variety of other things on unwi ing humans o en employees of the government whod already signed their lives away. These psychiatrists were hell-bent on seeing that this government cha el would, since they hadnt given their lives for their country, give their minds and souls and too o en their childrens minds and souls for it.
In any of the professions its hard to nd a whistle blower. Seldom will one lawyer speak ill of a peer. Even harder is it to nd justice in the self-regulated profession of health -especially mental health. Doctors seldom bear witness against other doctors. A good example of the insular a itude which sees regulatory board members looking the other way was the case of Dr. William Jennings Bryan III (WJB3). Great grandson of the great orator William Jennings Bryan, WJB3 was the director of the American Institute of Hypnosis in Los Angeles from the ies to his death in the seventie.P 1of 9
Mind Control: (Please be aware mind control is all thoughts to the 5 senses in suggestions 24/7 and not all physical eect of ELF/EMF, but have been nefariously abused secretly before patents. The Ultimate Brave New World
Technologies for stimulating the brain and controlling the mind can have benets, but they have a dark side that military and intelligence planners have been exploiting for decades.
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 13, Number 2 (February March 2006 & April-May 2006) PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
by Nick Begich, MD 2006 Extracted from: Controlling the Human Mind 2006
It would also appear possible to create high delity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction Thus, it may be possible to talk to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them. US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century The idea that the brain can be made to function at a more ecient and directed level has been the subject of research by scientists, mystics, health practitioners and others for as long as mankind has contemplated such ma ers. In the last decade, advances in the science of the brain have begun to yield signicant results. The results of the research are startling, challenging and, if misused, will be frightening. The certainty to be expected from the research is that it will continue to proceed. The idea that people can be impacted by external signal generators which create, for example, pulsed electromagnetic elds, pulsed light and pulsed sound signals is not new. The following information demonstrates some of the possibilities and gives hints of the potentials of the technology. On the positive side, researchers in the eld of light and sound are making huge progress in a number of areas, including working with learning disabilities, a ention decit disorders, stroke recovery, accelerated learning, drug/alcohol addiction and enhanced human performance. The research has
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accelerated learning, drug/alcohol addiction and enhanced human performance. The research has shown that certain brain states can be inuenced in a way which causes changes within the brain itself. These changes allow individuals the possibility of inuencing specic conditions in the mind and body otherwise thought beyond our direct control. The military and others interested in such things have also focused a large amount of research into this area for the purpose of enhancing the performance of soldiers while degrading the performance of adversaries. What is known is that great strides in the area of behaviour control are now possible with systems developed and under development by most sophisticated countries on the planet. These new technologies represent a much dierent approach to warfare which our government is describing as part of the Revolution in Military aairs. While these new technologies oer much for military planners, they oer even more to citizens generally. Their potential use in military applications and peacekeeping creates the need for open debate of this new realm of intelligence-gathering, manipulation and warfare. The most basic ethical questions regarding use of these technologies have not been adequately addressed. At the same time that defence and intelligence-gathering capabilities are being sought, independent researchers are fully engaged in seeking positive uses for the technology. The potentials of the technology, like all technology, are great as both a destructive or constructive force for change.
Speech: First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a trade-unionist. Then they came for the Jews. I didnt object bc I wasnt a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one le to help me.< famous statement a ributed to Pastor Martin Niemller (18921984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group a er group. peasantrock2, its not about loving or hating the ACLU, its about the govt arbitrarily stiing free speech of America citizens. We must hang together or we will surely hang separatelyBen Franklin John Marks-CIA BUILDING/Search MANCHURIANS since Hitler and MKULTRA on German Soldiers..Click here! h p:// 1997 DoD Brieng: Others can set o earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using electromagnetic waves By Lori Price 28 Feb 2010 Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, 28 April 1997: There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus [OMG! Who would do such a thing?], and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeer has wri en about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specic so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others [LOL ] are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specic crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate , set o earthquakes , volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves . Just switch yours, others and they with U.S., U.S. and U.S. This was in 1997. Imagine, a er eight years of George W. Bush turbofunding these lunatics, what they can do now. CIA COVERT OPS and Bio Warfare now Electronic war
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Tags:911, Alex Jones, Cancer, Corruption, culture, government, Israel, mind control, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, psyops, torture, ventura, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans | Leave a Comment
17.10.2012 17:06
Hospitals, complain of decades of mind control from our DOD. This case represents much more. However, Appellant showed the motive exists, the weapon exists, and the witnesses exist. Everything rests on this Weapon of Mass Destruction; the minds of the people, which control the daily events tricking one is choosing. No progress can be made if the courts cant recognize this as a signicant factor. Most unrepresented Americans (pro se), in the Judicial System fail by design for decades. This ongoing impeded and sabotaged record and presentation was included in the Appellants Complaint. Many other A orneys have le the Country. As in the Richard I. Fine A orneys case in California who was jailed when trying to expose some corruption, was too late a er 18 months impeded from nding out what was really happening in that court. He is suing the bar for his mistreatments, but no one would come to his aid, including the ACLU for reasons of contradiction, no resources, excess workload and other excuses, because we the people are being manipulated unwi ingly in a Matrix created decades ago. Appellant has spent 4 years with this and hundreds of dollars in postage, travel and expenses, and wasted legal fees just to keep from exposing full disclosure truths until it is too late. A orneys were inuenced, some overnight, some ingrained. Appellant was inuenced and transmi ed to omit names and make numerous errors, among some of the other impediments from the public described throughout complaint and brief, tangibly, and non-tangibly. Because of this circumstance and the nature of the case, Appellant should be granted opportunity to proceed and seek justice, redress, and due process, or rule of law, with corrections. Appellant was unsure of summary judgment, prima facie law or trial on May 28, 2010 when threatened before delays began. Additionally, false scientic theories from this weapon have everyone duped and it is ingrained in the people for decades as disbelief and much worse. Yet, the weapons existed, admissions existed, millions agree and are suppressed, with the proof in the pudding all the way to American health and economy. Those days were gone when MKultra and cu ing edge technology got in the hands of Shadow CIA covertly deployed. What did NOT exist before MKultra technology and Secret Societies, now widely known, were urges to eat, do drugs, crime, cold and stupid, childish, juvenile targets, and media joke culture, corrupt, Cancer is ELF virus, Heart A acks, Alzheimer, paranoid schizophrenia, Immune, neuro diseases of NLP, suicide, inventing sociopaths and synthetic Fibromyalgia, Morgellons, and the list goes on as in (endnotes of Complaint), always blamed on something else. More layers of brainwashing dis-information have been launched since Operation wiki brainwash as the tool to twist/spin another layer of history. All these issues are out in the open now and must start to enter the court rooms and media for accountability and to cease or dismantle. Appellant is pre-empted. Had this case or weapon and mind control been fanned in 2008 or decades ago, America would not be bankrupt and worse today. Crimes have unwi ingly fallen under aiding and abe ing, framed, falsely accused with these weapons behind the scenes since Pa y Hearst or any type of Manchurian for behaviors and beliefs. That set precedence for crimes to hide behind drugs, broken homes or movies, as alien hallucinations and bearing false witness. However, the law did not recognize that or the brave whistleblowers that try to report any corruption to this day and age. The law must defend transmi ed inuence and coercion to discover to ALL the conspiracies. Dr. Rauni-Leena, Dr. Robert Becker on dangers of ELF induced from Govt before his death, and numerous other prominent Doctors Globally as Dr. Byron T. Weeks, MD, July 31, 2001 nd this case not implausible any longer, but Americas best kept secrets. Coercion (pronounced /k-o-r-r-n/ ) is the practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner (whether through action or inaction) by use of threats, intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. This force was also described by outsiders in various Countries as in the energy but not just by mass. An exception or acceptance to this case should be allowed at least to amend or remand. This weapon is so evil and inuences and coerces unwi ingly any form of LIFE. This must not be condoned but recognized, and dismantled. Appellants defense should be granted with leave, or there is no injunction or justice for any of us. This case represents importance coming from a voice of we the
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injunction or justice for any of us. This case represents importance coming from a voice of we the people who are what ma ers and who our Government services. Had others prevailed for decades in regards to mind-body motor control, weapon, lives would have been saved, accountability and injunctions would have been in place and 911 would have been prevented etc. There are 54 prominent whistleblowers ignored on 911 commission and thousands more over the years with twisted versions of truth in news brainwashing Americans. Opposite news for decade conspiracy in all topics to add false sense of needed security when people do not want this tyranny in disguise. Creating more Govt tax dollar DHS agencies one a er the other, most unnecessary ineective for decades by design and Corporations taking away jobs by outsourcing overseas trends. Enough is enough; this cannot continue or be swept under the rug for more deaths, calamities, with humanity and science under siege. Selective urges, pre-post suggestions, pain killer, prisons, rehabs, food, any addictions, behaviors modications, inventing the ying and yang, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS and rhetoric, opposites wave length conversations, all under NLP to engineer CHAOS, corruption and oppression. An APA and AMA framed at DOD and in books of false sciences, always staying close to their enemies to take them down. According to the Revolution Grass Roots of America going on today, millions of citizens and victims in the system, there has been no justice for decades. Appellant will provide evidence and proof. The ow of FOIA was wri en about 1966-1974 with intended delays and only partial disclosures or loop holes. Millions of dollars and hours are spent by tax dollars, employees, a orneys and their fees, and court cases, just in ghting for months for documents from our Govt and discovery. This tactic was snuck in the system as well according to the Church Commission Report. This weapon is not new technology but can no longer be ignored or dumb us down further. People complain of the Judicial system not working for its people and being corrupt, the Constitution being disrespected when it is Supreme, not the Courts. Non-prots ba le it for decades through political organizations and no change was eective. This case represents how and why we the people are duped. Redress and the rule of law has been a problem on its own people by its own people. Why would anyone want to prevent such importance because of presentation with good valid reason, especially when lives are being saved, but no one to care of Appellants eorts and risks? It is non-sense that a Judge would not want to hear this case as soon as possible, when making decisions every day about American lives for their justice. Voice of people not power. Where is the caring justice that the oath motivated our Judges to practice law and rule on human beings? Is Washington still in a bubble (suspension from realizing what is really going on in Americas ordinary people? Where is a media of thousands of reporters at their desks that wont take a story and allow the public to make their own minds? Appellant is hung up before saying her name and cut o from discussion. Whistleblowers are blocked, quashed, impeded, discredited, detained, discouraged, threatened, and the Medias DUTY to report Government actions to we the people to help suppress the conspiracy from mind control leading corruptions, crimes and terrorists. There is a revolution on exposing the CONSPIRACY before its too late. Every eort is being made to cover up mind control with tangible excuses and to discredit and set up Appellant since 2008. Appellant can identify a matrix of brainwashing media and of mind controlled 5 senses on Americans not living in REALITY or real world events. Brainwash cannot occur without a tangible and environment. Both are required, however Transmissions trick one to believe their thoughts and senses are organically grown unwi ingly, including any behavior. Appellant witnessed much worse with crimes and illusions of crimes (inltrating paranoia in Americans-1970s) from mind controlled others in high rankings and unwit. Appellant is under threat and tortured by her own Government. The Appellant has been a healthy law abiding citizen doing charity work and has the right to due process. Dened as: Due process is the principle that the government must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person according to the law . Due process holds the government subservient to the law of the land protecting individual persons from the state . When a government harms a person, without following the exact course of the law, then that is a due process violation which oends the rule of law . Due process has also been frequently interpreted as limiting laws and legal proceedings
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and legal proceedings (see substantive due process ), so judges instead of legislators may dene and guarantee fundamental fairness, justice, & liberty. Appellant stated having numerous overwhelming records, evidence, proof, witnesses, and condent she can prevail. Other counts with FOIA have also been made that should not be denied because of their importance. A victim of her Government has the civil right to justice and the criminal right to an immediate injunction. This was also presented in the Complaint. There was ruling against the record and presentation and this should not supersede or get in the way of justice and redress. There was however, reason and accusations of a acks psychologically by transmissions and induced pressure, coercion tactics, and threats to le immediately and to err constantly to impede and self destruct and to change Appellants mind to her detriment and that of the humanity. The Appellant had to move 3 times in October 2010, while preparing the brief and its presentation. Appellant was unable to receive Verizon internet for weeks and hours on the phone for weeks again, with constant unwi ing delays from everyone. Appellant is constantly impeded with printing, transportation, and postal capabilities and these repugnant a acks, threats, and tactics to sabotage, were part of the allegation in complaint inclusive of the accusations of 2008 and should not be discounted. This sabotage was also admi ed by NSA Russell Tice in the complaint and (Appendix N). These are transmi ed a acks to targeted victims and are escalated at time of importance to unbearable suering. This is the sabotage of Cointelpro NSA Electronic Warfare on Americans that should not be ignored as it is exploding for massive whitewashing. This is an extraordinary cause, to grant rehearing and/or trial and be able to proceed. The tangible aspect of the case also includes FOIA, blocked selective emails including resumes, and communications, sabotage and isolation. Appellant was harassed out of her house by these various tactics and is injured by her Government with this weapon. Victims are disbelieved nationwide, and victims unable to obtain representation or assistance including class action suits and the ACLU has been a problem to bring this weapon to light misused on its own civilians and allowed this Country to self destruct over 50 yrs unwi ingly. It allowed crime experiments in the 70s on major cities evolve to 911 false terrors, provocations, playing voice of God and ET, Aliens/UFO hologram projects, tax dollars to build spaceships and cover ups. This Directed Energy Weapon of mass Destruction includes Quantum Physics MATTER that eect autos, appliances, objects, body mass, functions, and gravity, according to targeted individuals class action, however Appellant has also witnessed its use for plumbing and water/sewer clogging and tampered manipulations. A massive propaganda and dis-information operation was launched in this Country, since subliminal marketing discoveries. It started with Cointelpro and DARPA, by a Shadow CIA covert ops and proven inltrated wars, with cult-like diabolic, sadistic programmed mists (MAD scientists) targeting Americans they dis-like behind the scenes. These were alluded to as scientists in the Pentagon claiming ways to gure out how to (program) humans by investigative journalist televised interviews and literature (Space and technology, Pentagon Science: CRAZY ENOUGH and DEATH RAYS by Sharon Weinberger, Journey to Pentagons Scientic Underworld, and Imaginary Weapons), successfully quashed or suppressed. (Exhibit A, B) Sensory manipulations and much worse inltrations have been reported as examples discussed in 2006 Articles (Air Force Plan: Hack Your Nervous System) Weapons Grade: How Modern Warfare Gave Birth to Our High-Tech World.) This is inclusive of mental confusion, heart/muscle a acks, and entire body surreptitiously activated remotely from the mind. CIA tactics have always been, rst do then tell. By May 9, 1973 a second level of CIA went discreet with program MHCHAOS, shadowing CHAOS. Program CHAOS included the possible manipulation of American citizens by anyone found negative. Today POLICE are being blamed and killing many people across Country with the GUN VERSION of taser-like motor control, but patented as NON LETHAL. (App. N of Brief) NSA stated the same EMF/ELF warfare that can cause subject to be diagnosed with mental ill health was also overlooked. Today there is so much talk with a Nuremberg code and Trials from prominent folks and agents themselves. It is already proven that our CIA has been most corrupt and inhumane in their torture and crimes, and STAGED CRIMES to lose freedom, yet a Judicial system cannot realize what else is going on, even with admissions and whistleblowers from within who claim worse from this Secret Society.
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crimes, and STAGED CRIMES to lose freedom, yet a Judicial system cannot realize what else is going on, even with admissions and whistleblowers from within who claim worse from this Secret Society. (Exhibit A, B new evidence) Former CIA, Bankers, Remote Viewers, George Green also stating a plan for WWIII is Fais de Complit in Israel, as Appellant alleged in August. Reducing Middle East population plans, while focused on wrong weapon of mass destruction inltrating de-population occurring without Nuclear needs. This is called so kill or slow kill. Jesse Ventura censored out documentary on FEMA labeled Enemy camps with children behind barb wires, covert caskets built in thousands, under the guise of HR 645 and other Exec. Orders to self-destruct, under the guise of terrorism, also being inltrated, as claimed in brief, a take over of WATERWAYS with HR 11005 and Katrina highway blockades for massacres. The CONSPIRACY is bigger than 911 yet to come. WASHINGTON was DUPED! One former elites video (h p:// /watch?v=VNJTiUhZxaY&NR=1 of numerous types of warnings from we the people if we dont do something now.) Charlo e Iserby is another familial Whistleblower on 100 year Secret Society plan on dumbing down U.S. education system. Corrupting the minds books, and teachers to implement this, and CIA bomb makers, just for starters. The actual selection of individuals for poverty, as Appellant had discovered with choosing destinies and ills with mind control individually. The judicial system cannot ignore this weapon in the law, due to disbelief and transmi ed manipulations of misapplied decisions to this point in history. A Country usurped is by its own mind controlled pawns. Developing psychological warfare, Project Montauk since 1942, again on Long Island, has subterranean installations, and perhaps Ground 0. Appellant has been and is being tortured, and cut o from society and communications, whereas cannot get an a orney to assist or to ask questions. Appellant is sabotaged in her career and livelihood. Appellant nds others complain of the same blocks in place not only for a orneys and work, but journalists who complain of computer internet and phone a acks. Appellant makes no mistake; these are calculated, selective, directed and timely while guided for years and told as with the well known Harland Girard target. In Complaint and Article App. N, whereas the NSA can and does control persons lives by guiding and using the public to control their choices as well as the target. This is not new or few but suppressed for decades. Appellant was experimented with twice and brings facts and accusations from personal experience, family and others under a ack still unwit. Appellant has additional hard evidence and medical records to provide for all accusations duping a Country nefariously more than a Global economic topple. (Appendix N) i.e.: Appellant made wri en accusations of winds blowing seeds on farmer to cause lawsuit by Monsanto by Shadow CIA. Today wiki leaks seem to have Monsanto tied to CIA via Blackwater funding, as Nazis were. Appellant alleged Monsanto was not aware of induced winds to grow seeds on farmer and have him sued. These inltrated tactics are far more evil and sick than the bio-warfare Government corruption, labs, and cannot be seen/detected BP blamed cover up of labs in Venice FL with Red Tide killing sh since 1947 by ELF/EMF further cover ups and whitewashing inltrations must be stopped. New evidence obtained today with paralysis on more employees and beyond imagination of the ills caused by this weapon. Appellant gave recorded testimony to BP in Alaska (drilling/oil prices) on August 26, 2010 and to Secret Service. (See Exhibit B, Air Force pg.1, BP employees pg. 2) Physical sensations in Article are hallucinations of NSA transmissions on civilians. Recent Repugnant Discoveries of this are beginning but kept behind the eight ball in technology discovery, and too late. Also, according to the AHRP, the CIA has not only been preventing VETS in the thousands from treatment of mind control but also DESTROYED their atomic records (not Agent Orange), denying all targeted individuals and guinea pigs of same. These victims and worse torture in history rarely get news coverage as the Guantanamo few hundred have for years on display to thwart o guilt. Our own Americans are tortured much worse by the thousands and millions of mind-body control, quashed unwit by design. It was stated long ago by FBI Hoover and many Government physicists so horric you cant imagine. This makes it more dicult to believe until one is addressed personally with this DOD terminology, synthetic telepathy psycho-tronics transmissions, also causing one trauma when used in conjunction with the public. The technique is of cults, NLP Remotely picking up on groups of civilians spread over the decades since Tesla discoveries. Appellant called the police few times when the power is cut o with loss of internet connection, laptop (3) is cut o and the next morning an intruder or virus had been a empted. This also occurs o en including intercepted by agents on Google and on instant messaging in the wiki leak server a empting to send case information on August 29, 2010. Years of
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messaging in the wiki leak server a empting to send case information on August 29, 2010. Years of cyber crimes alleged in Complaint ndings under psytek ops and investigations under The CULT of the DEAD COWs Pentagon Unit, should be an indication of even worse. Appellant gave information to Secret Service in September before leaving Florida and others while under threat. This goes beyond a few (misguided) incidents, coincidence, or just few victims. Appellant was also sheltered and unwit of this matrix for 45 years and can prove every accusation made since 2008. (pg 17) JFK warns Generation of Secret Societies with de-population beliefs and superiority. Appellant was denied a trial to prove case based on delusional belief a er corrections to make a claim. Appellant was denied base on frivolous citations. Appellants case is to the contrary, whereas it is NOT the public conspiring, but the public mind controlled unwi ingly, with the illusion of conspiring. The public is un-consciously aiding to a ack based on innocent synthetic dierent thought transmissions, thus sabotaging lives using their environment. These tactics to impede and sabotage EXIST admi edly and downplayed from full disclosure unwi ingly. To rephrase Thucydides, I blame those who are resolved to misrule, but I place more blame on those who show an even greater readiness to submit. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its inuence in dealing out oces, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. JAMES MADISON Political Observations April 20, 1795
Rule According to Higher Law A conundrum is presented when the government acts in strict accordance with well-established and clearly dened legal rules and still produces a result that many observers consider unfair or unjust. Before the Civil War, for example, African Americans were systematically deprived of their freedom by carefully wri en codes that prescribed the rules and regulations between master and slave. Even though these slave codes were o en detailed, unambiguous, and made known to the public, Govt enforcement of them produced negative results. Do such repugnant laws comport with the rule of law? The answer to this question depends on when and where it is asked. In some countries the political leaders assert that the rule of law has no substantive content. These leaders argue that a government may deprive its citizens of fundamental liberties so long as it does so pursuant to a duly enacted law. At the Nuremberg Trials , some of the political, military, and industrial leaders of Nazi Germany unsuccessfully advanced this argument as a defense to Allied charges that they had commi ed abominable crimes against European Jews and other minorities during World War II . In other countries the political leaders assert that all wri en laws must conform to universal principles of morality, fairness, and justice. These leaders argue that as a necessary corollary to the axiom that no one is above the law, the rule of law requires that the government treat all persons equally under the law. Yet the right to equal treatment is eviscerated when the government categorically denies a minimal level of respect, dignity, and autonomy to a single class of individuals. These unwri en principles of equality, autonomy, dignity, and respect are said to transcend ordinary wri en laws that are enacted by government. Sometimes known as Natural Law or higher law theory, such unwri en and universal principles were invoked by the Allied powers during the Nuremberg trials to overcome the defense asserted by the Nazi leaders. Since the timely fanning of wiki leaks, the ACLU and the Country is focusing more on SSP law, civil rights, rule of law, and redress, which is due to come up in the Supreme Court this year. These individual rights have been increasingly taken away, not a er 911 but a er the Church Commission and Cointelpro. We must obey the Constitution and restore function for all of us. It is time to allow our
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and Cointelpro. We must obey the Constitution and restore function for all of us. It is time to allow our people, ordinary civilians, and victims of human rights torture to obtain redress when under psychological a acks and mind wars for all of us. The biggest threat and concern is time and delay to change minds and inuence decision unwi ingly. The remark of one A orney is true for cases with the opinions or bias of Judges in other rulings: Nothing has been more emblematic of the cancer they have been in this regard than the posture they have relentlessly fought for on unfe ered and unilateral ability of the Executive Branch to impose the state secrets doctrine to shield the government from litigation, even when it is concealing blatant and wholesale government criminality. Another American of many wrote: First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a trade-unionist. Then they came for the Jews. I didnt object bc I wasnt a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one le to help me.< famous statement a ributed to Pastor Martin Niemller (18921984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group a er group. peasantrock2, its not about loving or hating the ACLU, its about the Govt arbitrarily stiing free speech of America citizens. We must hang together or we will surely hang separately..Ben Franklin Secrets are for a reason and secret abuses are impossible to correct unless you know they are going on. Knowing their plans before they are implemented to oppose before they occur. If they are exposed by the people already suering by the abuse, then the abuse has already occurred and it is too late. (Assange 2009) JFK SPEECH: Secret Society Speech Gives Future Generations Dire Warning The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is li le value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is li le value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of ocial censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no ocial of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stie dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know. A victim should never be further victimized by the system, especially when it has not been working for decades, again, according to millions and Judges themselves. Appellant is being tortured by her own Government, is reporting the demise of humanity, and no ruling should prevent redress and justice when record and representation are not faulty, but psychological sabotage and coercion of the very weapon abuses, in the accusations themselves. Every eort is being made to pre-empt and discredit the Appellant with cover ups publicly since late 2008, a er reporting it in writing to the authorities. Appellant also noted this Operation launched in complaints (endnote #129) working on covering up each and every fact since then engineering events and false news behind scenes unwi ingly using media reporters and we the people. This is a real weapon and valid defense which has been noted publicly whereas victims of electronic warfare mind controls are kept on the move to sabotage and impede their a empts to defend themselves. These psyops tactics a acking dissent to impede and stie was also noted since the Church Commission Report and should be recognized. There has been
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stie was also noted since the Church Commission Report and should be recognized. There has been disconnects of information/ communication, duplicity, unsolved mysteries for decades, new and unknown ills, that FULL DISCLOSURES would be factual with this case if redress was honored or allowed. Investigators have been spinning their wheels for decades. Appellant has her own records and experience while in manifest not just what she was informed of, or gured out and investigated. Even if Appellant was delusional of this weapon of power in the hands of evil men behind the scenes, Appellant still has a case of injunction and injury, to bring to fact and should be granted to proceed and redress. Whether one person, one class action, or all humanity, without accountability and punishment, neglecting this case will allow Defendants to get away with horric crimes of covert ops encouraging the abuse to continue and every American is in peril, when one is quashed or gagged. (Harry S Truman) America declined with induced inltrations, engineering society from the minds, with this weapon since JFK era. Appellant is a victim and only the messenger of these repugnancies and modern technology kept secret, inexcusably; a weapon and panacea. The neitzke v. williams case is outdated, inapplicable, and does not take into account this secret weapon. This case is on point explaining how delusion is created and a conspiracy. Appellant was never jailed or forma pauperis and far from frivolous. Appellant has 4 years of blocked communication, medical, police, and judicial records as a target before showing how widespread it became to this point in America. Now, John P. Wheeler in technology, Boeing, Aero, DOD, VETS supporter, is also gone, as Dr. Robert Becker and others in CIA warned of Govt ELF/EMF, and hundreds more of surreptitious murder and programmed crimes selectively by the millions. Former Govt Physicists now harassed severely, are claiming Americans are dropping like ies for 50 years not by microwaves and mobiles, etc. There is crimes, abuse and torture daily for decades that are accepted desensitized robots: WHY would anyone not believe the abuse can occur in this fashion ESPECIALLY when by Govt who think they cant be seen or caught and can get away with it? America is synthetic by design and food is not where synthetic uses stop. Appellants public storage unit with evidence has been threatened and damaged by laser to roof as with private parts of her clothing, and wants to prove more, not fanciful, but exactly what Russell Tice article called it, Electronic Warfare. Appellant knows it as psyops (mind control, mind wars, mind games) beyond experiments, deployed on US soil and Americans and demands justice. FINALLY, Appellant is harmed by a DOD weapon, NSA transmissions, and demands EMERGENCY preliminary injunction (pending appeal), to enjoin their ABUSE AND UNLAWFUL activities, and the right to Petition for redress and grievance from her Government under Constitutional Civil Rights laws. The court has the right to direct and take control of the proceeding. Under the circumstances in this case, a judge can aid a disadvantaged pro se litigant to allow, rehearing, or restore, to proceed and achieve true justice. CONCLUSION Wherefore, Appellant respectfully requests for REVIEW including Complaint endnotes #7, rehearing, amend, redress, remand, due process, and rule of law to proceed under these extraordinary circumstances, at the direction of the court. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing brief has been furnished in person at 333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20001Court of Appeals Clerk, and via regular Mail to US A orney Civil Division, Craig Lawrence at 555 4th Street NW, Washington DC 20530, on January 12, 2011. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on January 12, 2011. Respectfully submi ed, Mireille Torjman IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
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IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MIREILLE TORJMAN Plainti V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS, et al. Defendant ____________________________________/ INFORMAL PETITION, MOTION FOR REHEARING EN BANC Comes now, Appellant, hereby moves this court for rehearing and of the Appeal for remand. The proceedings involve one or more questions of exceptional importance regarding Appellants presentation to proceed, and the conict in the citation of neitzke v. williams. A record and presentation should not prevent a victim from justice. Appellant provided explanation why she could not get representation and does not know law. The Appellant also requested a motion of leave for various reasons. Appellant is sabotaged in all ways and told what is being done to torment further. These are techniques or tactics admi ed in the Church Commission report and other sources as NSA sabotage to Americans, in Complaint. Mind Control in America is prevalent, (non mainstream news) and admi ed, thus should not be thought of as frivolous or implausible any longer. (Even worse, is George Green video subsequently, of the conspiracy end result.) Just 4 years ago, Appellant also thought this was plausible. Appellant can prove a Shadow Govt, Secret Society is engineering our society; from seismic wave inductions, to daily crime inltrations, and Bear Stearns rumors making things real/happen a er inltrating mind control transmissions on every profession including Wall Street. No one should underestimate the power of this weapon and how far they are going to cover it up as we speak, (January 2, 2011). A orneys are inuenced with coerced fear, work load, deleting Appellants emails unread, and numerous other excuses, unrealized. This occurred with Appellants A orneys, the former Class Action A orney, and other A orneys, not solely Richard I. Fine and civil rights a orneys who are targeted. This form of coerced sabotage is also illegal (pg 5). This again started with the FBI and the Church Commission reports of admissions targeting Civil Rights, Human Rights, A orneys, dissent, activists, and millions more. There has been an inltrated obey Orwellian culture as with dysfunctional Americans. Million not thousands as quoted by NSA who are in or out of Hospitals, complain of decades of mind control from our DOD. This case represents much more. However, Appellant showed the motive exists, the weapon exists, and the witnesses exist. Everything rests on this Weapon of Mass Destruction; the minds of the people, which control the daily events tricking one is choosing. No progress can be made if the courts cant recognize this as a signicant factor. Most unrepresented Americans (pro se), in the Judicial System fail by design for decades. This ongoing impeded and sabotaged record and presentation was included in the Appellants Complaint. Many other A orneys have le the Country. As in the Richard I. Fine A orneys case in California who was jailed when trying to expose some corruption, was too late a er 18 months impeded from nding out what was really happening in that court. He is suing the bar for his mistreatments, but no one would come to his aid, including the ACLU for reasons of contradiction, no resources, excess workload and other excuses, because we the people are being manipulated unwi ingly in a Matrix created decades ago. Appellant has spent 4 years with this and hundreds of dollars in postage, travel and expenses, and wasted legal fees just to keep from exposing full disclosure truths until it is too late. A orneys were inuenced, some overnight, some ingrained. Appellant was inuenced and transmi ed to omit names and make numerous errors, among some of the other impediments from the public described throughout complaint and brief, tangibly, and non-tangibly. Because of this circumstance and the nature of the case, Appellant should
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tangibly, and non-tangibly. Because of this circumstance and the nature of the case, Appellant should be granted opportunity to proceed and seek justice, redress, and due process, or rule of law, with corrections. Appellant was unsure of summary judgment, prima facie law or trial on May 28, 2010 when threatened before delays began. Additionally, false scientic theories from this weapon have everyone duped and it is ingrained in the people for decades as disbelief and much worse. Yet, the weapons existed, admissions existed, millions agree and are suppressed, with the proof in the pudding all the way to American health and economy. Those days were gone when MKultra and cu ing edge technology got in the hands of Shadow CIA covertly deployed. What did NOT exist before MKultra technology and Secret Societies, now widely known, were urges to eat, do drugs, crime, cold and stupid, childish, juvenile targets, and media joke culture, corrupt, Cancer is ELF virus, Heart A acks, Alzheimer, paranoid schizophrenia, Immune, neuro diseases of NLP, suicide, inventing sociopaths and synthetic Fibromyalgia, Morgellons, and the list goes on as in (endnotes of Complaint), always blamed on something else. More layers of brainwashing dis-information have been launched since Operation wiki brainwash as the tool to twist/spin another layer of history. All these issues are out in the open now and must start to enter the court rooms and media for accountability and to cease or dismantle. Appellant is pre-empted. Had this case or weapon and mind control been fanned in 2008 or decades ago, America would not be bankrupt and worse today. Crimes have unwi ingly fallen under aiding and abe ing, framed, falsely accused with these weapons behind the scenes since Pa y Hearst or any type of Manchurian for behaviors and beliefs. That set precedence for crimes to hide behind drugs, broken homes or movies, as alien hallucinations and bearing false witness. However, the law did not recognize that or the brave whistleblowers that try to report any corruption to this day and age. The law must defend transmi ed inuence and coercion to discover to ALL the conspiracies. Dr. Rauni-Leena, Dr. Robert Becker on dangers of ELF induced from Govt before his death, and numerous other prominent Doctors Globally as Dr. Byron T. Weeks, MD, July 31, 2001 nd this case not implausible any longer, but Americas best kept secrets. Coercion (pronounced /k-o-r-r-n/ ) is the practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner (whether through action or inaction) by use of threats, intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. This force was also described by outsiders in various Countries as in the energy but not just by mass. An exception or acceptance to this case should be allowed at least to amend or remand. This weapon is so evil and inuences and coerces unwi ingly any form of LIFE. This must not be condoned but recognized, and dismantled. Appellants defense should be granted with leave, or there is no injunction or justice for any of us. This case represents importance coming from a voice of we the people who are what ma ers and who our Government services. Had others prevailed for decades in regards to mind-body motor control, weapon, lives would have been saved, accountability and injunctions would have been in place and 911 would have been prevented etc. There are 54 prominent whistleblowers ignored on 911 commission and thousands more over the years with twisted versions of truth in news brainwashing Americans. Opposite news for decade conspiracy in all topics to add false sense of needed security when people do not want this tyranny in disguise. Creating more Govt tax dollar DHS agencies one a er the other, most unnecessary ineective for decades by design and Corporations taking away jobs by outsourcing overseas trends. Enough is enough; this cannot continue or be swept under the rug for more deaths, calamities, with humanity and science under siege. Selective urges, pre-post suggestions, pain killer, prisons, rehabs, food, any addictions, behaviors modications, inventing the ying and yang, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS and rhetoric, opposites wave length conversations, all under NLP to engineer CHAOS, corruption and oppression. An APA and AMA framed at DOD and in books of false sciences, always staying close to their enemies to take them down. According to the Revolution Grass Roots of America going on today, millions of citizens and victims in the system, there has been no justice for decades. Appellant will provide evidence and proof. The ow of FOIA was wri en about 1966-1974 with intended delays and only partial disclosures or loop holes.
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of FOIA was wri en about 1966-1974 with intended delays and only partial disclosures or loop holes. Millions of dollars and hours are spent by tax dollars, employees, a orneys and their fees, and court cases, just in ghting for months for documents from our Govt and discovery. This tactic was snuck in the system as well according to the Church Commission Report. This weapon is not new technology but can no longer be ignored or dumb us down further. People complain of the Judicial system not working for its people and being corrupt, the Constitution being disrespected when it is Supreme, not the Courts. Non-prots ba le it for decades through political organizations and no change was eective. This case represents how and why we the people are duped. Redress and the rule of law has been a problem on its own people by its own people. Why would anyone want to prevent such importance because of presentation with good valid reason, especially when lives are being saved, but no one to care of Appellants eorts and risks? It is non-sense that a Judge would not want to hear this case as soon as possible, when making decisions every day about American lives for their justice. Voice of people not power. Where is the caring justice that the oath motivated our Judges to practice law and rule on human beings? Is Washington still in a bubble (suspension from realizing what is really going on in Americas ordinary people? Where is a media of thousands of reporters at their desks that wont take a story and allow the public to make their own minds? Appellant is hung up before saying her name and cut o from discussion. Whistleblowers are blocked, quashed, impeded, discredited, detained, discouraged, threatened, and the Medias DUTY to report Government actions to we the people to help suppress the conspiracy from mind control leading corruptions, crimes and terrorists. There is a revolution on exposing the CONSPIRACY before its too late. Every eort is being made to cover up mind control with tangible excuses and to discredit and set up Appellant since 2008. Appellant can identify a matrix of brainwashing media and of mind controlled 5 senses on Americans not living in REALITY or real world events. Brainwash cannot occur without a tangible and environment. Both are required, however Transmissions trick one to believe their thoughts and senses are organically grown unwi ingly, including any behavior. Appellant witnessed much worse with crimes and illusions of crimes (inltrating paranoia in Americans-1970s) from mind controlled others in high rankings and unwit. Appellant is under threat and tortured by her own Government. The Appellant has been a healthy law abiding citizen doing charity work and has the right to due process. Dened as: Due process is the principle that the government must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person according to the law . Due process holds the government subservient to the law of the land protecting individual persons from the state . When a government harms a person, without following the exact course of the law, then that is a due process violation which oends the rule of law . Due process has also been frequently interpreted as limiting laws and legal proceedings (see substantive due process ), so judges instead of legislators may dene and guarantee fundamental fairness, justice, & liberty. Appellant stated having numerous overwhelming records, evidence, proof, witnesses, and condent she can prevail. Other counts with FOIA have also been made that should not be denied because of their importance. A victim of her Government has the civil right to justice and the criminal right to an immediate injunction. This was also presented in the Complaint. There was ruling against the record and presentation and this should not supersede or get in the way of justice and redress. There was however, reason and accusations of a acks psychologically by transmissions and induced pressure, coercion tactics, and threats to le immediately and to err constantly to impede and self destruct and to change Appellants mind to her detriment and that of the humanity. The Appellant had to move 3 times in October 2010, while preparing the brief and its presentation. Appellant was unable to receive Verizon internet for weeks and hours on the phone for weeks again, with constant unwi ing delays from everyone. Appellant is constantly impeded with printing, transportation, and postal capabilities and these repugnant a acks, threats, and tactics to sabotage, were part of the allegation in complaint inclusive of the accusations of 2008 and should not be discounted. This sabotage was also admi ed by
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inclusive of the accusations of 2008 and should not be discounted. This sabotage was also admi ed by NSA Russell Tice in the complaint and (Appendix N). These are transmi ed a acks to targeted victims and are escalated at time of importance to unbearable suering. This is the sabotage of Cointelpro NSA Electronic Warfare on Americans that should not be ignored as it is exploding for massive whitewashing. This is an extraordinary cause, to grant rehearing and/or trial and be able to proceed. The tangible aspect of the case also includes FOIA, blocked selective emails including resumes, and communications, sabotage and isolation. Appellant was harassed out of her house by these various tactics and is injured by her Government with this weapon. Victims are disbelieved nationwide, and victims unable to obtain representation or assistance including class action suits and the ACLU has been a problem to bring this weapon to light misused on its own civilians and allowed this Country to self destruct over 50 yrs unwi ingly. It allowed crime experiments in the 70s on major cities evolve to 911 false terrors, provocations, playing voice of God and ET, Aliens/UFO hologram projects, tax dollars to build spaceships and cover ups. This Directed Energy Weapon of mass Destruction includes Quantum Physics MATTER that eect autos, appliances, objects, body mass, functions, and gravity, according to targeted individuals class action, however Appellant has also witnessed its use for plumbing and water/sewer clogging and tampered manipulations. A massive propaganda and dis-information operation was launched in this Country, since subliminal marketing discoveries. It started with Cointelpro and DARPA, by a Shadow CIA covert ops and proven inltrated wars, with cult-like diabolic, sadistic programmed mists (MAD scientists) targeting Americans they dis-like behind the scenes. These were alluded to as scientists in the Pentagon claiming ways to gure out how to (program) humans by investigative journalist televised interviews and literature (Space and technology, Pentagon Science: CRAZY ENOUGH and DEATH RAYS by Sharon Weinberger, Journey to Pentagons Scientic Underworld, and Imaginary Weapons), successfully quashed or suppressed. (Exhibit A, B) Sensory manipulations and much worse inltrations have been reported as examples discussed in 2006 Articles (Air Force Plan: Hack Your Nervous System) Weapons Grade: How Modern Warfare Gave Birth to Our High-Tech World.) This is inclusive of mental confusion, heart/muscle a acks, and entire body surreptitiously activated remotely from the mind. CIA tactics have always been, rst do then tell. By May 9, 1973 a second level of CIA went discreet with program MHCHAOS, shadowing CHAOS. Program CHAOS included the possible manipulation of American citizens by anyone found negative. Today POLICE are being blamed and killing many people across Country with the GUN VERSION of taser-like motor control, but patented as NON LETHAL. (App. N of Brief) NSA stated the same EMF/ELF warfare that can cause subject to be diagnosed with mental ill health was also overlooked. Today there is so much talk with a Nuremberg code and Trials from prominent folks and agents themselves. It is already proven that our CIA has been most corrupt and inhumane in their torture and crimes, and STAGED CRIMES to lose freedom, yet a Judicial system cannot realize what else is going on, even with admissions and whistleblowers from within who claim worse from this Secret Society. (Exhibit A, B new evidence) Former CIA, Bankers, Remote Viewers, George Green also stating a plan for WWIII is Fais de Complit in Israel, as Appellant alleged in August. Reducing Middle East population plans, while focused on wrong weapon of mass destruction inltrating de-population occurring without Nuclear needs. This is called so kill or slow kill. Jesse Ventura censored out documentary on FEMA labeled Enemy camps with children behind barb wires, covert caskets built in thousands, under the guise of HR 645 and other Exec. Orders to self-destruct, under the guise of terrorism, also being inltrated, as claimed in brief, a take over of WATERWAYS with HR 11005 and Katrina highway blockades for massacres. The CONSPIRACY is bigger than 911 yet to come. WASHINGTON was DUPED! One former elites video (h p:// /watch?v=VNJTiUhZxaY&NR=1 of numerous types of warnings from we the people if we dont do something now.) Charlo e Iserby is another familial Whistleblower on 100 year Secret Society plan on dumbing down U.S. education system. Corrupting the minds books, and teachers to implement this, and CIA bomb makers, just for starters. The actual selection of individuals for poverty, as Appellant had discovered with choosing destinies and ills with mind control individually. The judicial system cannot ignore this weapon in the law, due to disbelief and transmi ed manipulations of misapplied decisions to this point in history. A Country usurped is by its own mind controlled pawns. Developing psychological warfare, Project
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Country usurped is by its own mind controlled pawns. Developing psychological warfare, Project Montauk since 1942, again on Long Island, has subterranean installations, and perhaps Ground 0. Appellant has been and is being tortured, and cut o from society and communications, whereas cannot get an a orney to assist or to ask questions. Appellant is sabotaged in her career and livelihood. Appellant nds others complain of the same blocks in place not only for a orneys and work, but journalists who complain of computer internet and phone a acks. Appellant makes no mistake; these are calculated, selective, directed and timely while guided for years and told as with the well known Harland Girard target. In Complaint and Article App. N, whereas the NSA can and does control persons lives by guiding and using the public to control their choices as well as the target. This is not new or few but suppressed for decades. Appellant was experimented with twice and brings facts and accusations from personal experience, family and others under a ack still unwit. Appellant has additional hard evidence and medical records to provide for all accusations duping a Country nefariously more than a Global economic topple. (Appendix N) i.e.: Appellant made wri en accusations of winds blowing seeds on farmer to cause lawsuit by Monsanto by Shadow CIA. Today wiki leaks seem to have Monsanto tied to CIA via Blackwater funding, as Nazis were. Appellant alleged Monsanto was not aware of induced winds to grow seeds on farmer and have him sued. These inltrated tactics are far more evil and sick than the bio-warfare Government corruption, labs, and cannot be seen/detected BP blamed cover up of labs in Venice FL with Red Tide killing sh since 1947 by ELF/EMF further cover ups and whitewashing inltrations must be stopped. New evidence obtained today with paralysis on more employees and beyond imagination of the ills caused by this weapon. Appellant gave recorded testimony to BP in Alaska (drilling/oil prices) on August 26, 2010 and to Secret Service. (See Exhibit B, Air Force pg.1, BP employees pg. 2) Physical sensations in Article are hallucinations of NSA transmissions on civilians. Recent Repugnant Discoveries of this are beginning but kept behind the eight ball in technology discovery, and too late. Also, according to the AHRP, the CIA has not only been preventing VETS in the thousands from treatment of mind control but also DESTROYED their atomic records (not Agent Orange), denying all targeted individuals and guinea pigs of same. These victims and worse torture in history rarely get news coverage as the Guantanamo few hundred have for years on display to thwart o guilt. Our own Americans are tortured much worse by the thousands and millions of mind-body control, quashed unwit by design. It was stated long ago by FBI Hoover and many Government physicists so horric you cant imagine. This makes it more dicult to believe until one is addressed personally with this DOD terminology, synthetic telepathy psycho-tronics transmissions, also causing one trauma when used in conjunction with the public. The technique is of cults, NLP Remotely picking up on groups of civilians spread over the decades since Tesla discoveries. Appellant called the police few times when the power is cut o with loss of internet connection, laptop (3) is cut o and the next morning an intruder or virus had been a empted. This also occurs o en including intercepted by agents on Google and on instant messaging in the wiki leak server a empting to send case information on August 29, 2010. Years of cyber crimes alleged in Complaint ndings under psytek ops and investigations under The CULT of the DEAD COWs Pentagon Unit, should be an indication of even worse. Appellant gave information to Secret Service in September before leaving Florida and others while under threat. This goes beyond a few (misguided) incidents, coincidence, or just few victims. Appellant was also sheltered and unwit of this matrix for 45 years and can prove every accusation made since 2008. (pg 17) JFK warns Generation of Secret Societies with de-population beliefs and superiority. Appellant was denied a trial to prove case based on delusional belief a er corrections to make a claim. Appellant was denied base on frivolous citations. Appellants case is to the contrary, whereas it is NOT the public conspiring, but the public mind controlled unwi ingly, with the illusion of conspiring. The public is un-consciously aiding to a ack based on innocent synthetic dierent thought transmissions, thus sabotaging lives using their environment. These tactics to impede and sabotage EXIST admi edly and downplayed from full disclosure unwi ingly. To rephrase Thucydides, I blame those who are resolved to misrule, but I place more blame on those who show an even greater readiness to submit. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its inuence in dealing out oces,
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In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its inuence in dealing out oces, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. JAMES MADISON Political Observations April 20, 1795
Rule According to Higher Law A conundrum is presented when the government acts in strict accordance with well-established and clearly dened legal rules and still produces a result that many observers consider unfair or unjust. Before the Civil War, for example, African Americans were systematically deprived of their freedom by carefully wri en codes that prescribed the rules and regulations between master and slave. Even though these slave codes were o en detailed, unambiguous, and made known to the public, Govt enforcement of them produced negative results. Do such repugnant laws comport with the rule of law? The answer to this question depends on when and where it is asked. In some countries the political leaders assert that the rule of law has no substantive content. These leaders argue that a government may deprive its citizens of fundamental liberties so long as it does so pursuant to a duly enacted law. At the Nuremberg Trials , some of the political, military, and industrial leaders of Nazi Germany unsuccessfully advanced this argument as a defense to Allied charges that they had commi ed abominable crimes against European Jews and other minorities during World War II . In other countries the political leaders assert that all wri en laws must conform to universal principles of morality, fairness, and justice. These leaders argue that as a necessary corollary to the axiom that no one is above the law, the rule of law requires that the government treat all persons equally under the law. Yet the right to equal treatment is eviscerated when the government categorically denies a minimal level of respect, dignity, and autonomy to a single class of individuals. These unwri en principles of equality, autonomy, dignity, and respect are said to transcend ordinary wri en laws that are enacted by government. Sometimes known as Natural Law or higher law theory, such unwri en and universal principles were invoked by the Allied powers during the Nuremberg trials to overcome the defense asserted by the Nazi leaders. Since the timely fanning of wiki leaks, the ACLU and the Country is focusing more on SSP law, civil rights, rule of law, and redress, which is due to come up in the Supreme Court this year. These individual rights have been increasingly taken away, not a er 911 but a er the Church Commission and Cointelpro. We must obey the Constitution and restore function for all of us. It is time to allow our people, ordinary civilians, and victims of human rights torture to obtain redress when under psychological a acks and mind wars for all of us. The biggest threat and concern is time and delay to change minds and inuence decision unwi ingly. The remark of one A orney is true for cases with the opinions or bias of Judges in other rulings: Nothing has been more emblematic of the cancer they have been in this regard than the posture they have relentlessly fought for on unfe ered and unilateral ability of the Executive Branch to impose the state secrets doctrine to shield the government from litigation, even when it is concealing blatant and wholesale government criminality. Another American of many wrote: First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a trade-unionist. Then they came for the Jews. I didnt object bc I wasnt a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one le to help me.< famous statement a ributed to Pastor Martin Niemller (18921984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group a er group. peasantrock2, its not about loving or hating the ACLU, its about the Govt arbitrarily stiing free
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peasantrock2, its not about loving or hating the ACLU, its about the Govt arbitrarily stiing free speech of America citizens. We must hang together or we will surely hang separately..Ben Franklin Secrets are for a reason and secret abuses are impossible to correct unless you know they are going on. Knowing their plans before they are implemented to oppose before they occur. If they are exposed by the people already suering by the abuse, then the abuse has already occurred and it is too late. (Assange 2009) JFK SPEECH: Secret Society Speech Gives Future Generations Dire Warning The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is li le value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is li le value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of ocial censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no ocial of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stie dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know. A victim should never be further victimized by the system, especially when it has not been working for decades, again, according to millions and Judges themselves. Appellant is being tortured by her own Government, is reporting the demise of humanity, and no ruling should prevent redress and justice when record and representation are not faulty, but psychological sabotage and coercion of the very weapon abuses, in the accusations themselves. Every eort is being made to pre-empt and discredit the Appellant with cover ups publicly since late 2008, a er reporting it in writing to the authorities. Appellant also noted this Operation launched in complaints (endnote #129) working on covering up each and every fact since then engineering events and false news behind scenes unwi ingly using media reporters and we the people. This is a real weapon and valid defense which has been noted publicly whereas victims of electronic warfare mind controls are kept on the move to sabotage and impede their a empts to defend themselves. These psyops tactics a acking dissent to impede and stie was also noted since the Church Commission Report and should be recognized. There has been disconnects of information/ communication, duplicity, unsolved mysteries for decades, new and unknown ills, that FULL DISCLOSURES would be factual with this case if redress was honored or allowed. Investigators have been spinning their wheels for decades. Appellant has her own records and experience while in manifest not just what she was informed of, or gured out and investigated. Even if Appellant was delusional of this weapon of power in the hands of evil men behind the scenes, Appellant still has a case of injunction and injury, to bring to fact and should be granted to proceed and redress. Whether one person, one class action, or all humanity, without accountability and punishment, neglecting this case will allow Defendants to get away with horric crimes of covert ops encouraging the abuse to continue and every American is in peril, when one is quashed or gagged. (Harry S Truman) America declined with induced inltrations, engineering society from the minds, with this weapon since JFK era. Appellant is a victim and only the messenger of these repugnancies and modern technology kept secret, inexcusably; a weapon and panacea. The neitzke v. williams case is outdated, inapplicable, and does not take into account this secret weapon. This case is on point explaining how delusion is created and a conspiracy. Appellant was never jailed or forma pauperis and far from frivolous. Appellant has 4 years of blocked communication, medical, police, and judicial records as a target before showing how widespread it became to this point in America. Now, John P. Wheeler in technology, Boeing, Aero, DOD, VETS supporter, is also gone, as Dr. Robert Becker and others in CIA warned of Govt ELF/EMF, and hundreds more of surreptitious murder and
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and others in CIA warned of Govt ELF/EMF, and hundreds more of surreptitious murder and programmed crimes selectively by the millions. Former Govt Physicists now harassed severely, are claiming Americans are dropping like ies for 50 years not by microwaves and mobiles, etc. There is crimes, abuse and torture daily for decades that are accepted desensitized robots: WHY would anyone not believe the abuse can occur in this fashion ESPECIALLY when by Govt who think they cant be seen or caught and can get away with it? America is synthetic by design and food is not where synthetic uses stop. Appellants public storage unit with evidence has been threatened and damaged by laser to roof as with private parts of her clothing, and wants to prove more, not fanciful, but exactly what Russell Tice article called it, Electronic Warfare. Appellant knows it as psyops (mind control, mind wars, mind games) beyond experiments, deployed on US soil and Americans and demands justice. FINALLY, Appellant is harmed by a DOD weapon, NSA transmissions, and demands EMERGENCY preliminary injunction (pending appeal), to enjoin their ABUSE AND UNLAWFUL activities, and the right to Petition for redress and grievance from her Government under Constitutional Civil Rights laws. The court has the right to direct and take control of the proceeding. Under the circumstances in this case, a judge can aid a disadvantaged pro se litigant to allow, rehearing, or restore, to proceed and achieve true justice. CONCLUSION Wherefore, Appellant respectfully requests for REVIEW including Complaint endnotes #7, rehearing, amend, redress, remand, due process, and rule of law to proceed under these extraordinary circumstances, at the direction of the court. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing brief has been furnished in person at 333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20001Court of Appeals Clerk, and via regular Mail to US A orney Civil Division, Craig Lawrence at 555 4th Street NW, Washington DC 20530, on January 12, 2011. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on January 12, 2011. Respectfully submi ed, Mireille Torjman PO Box 57282 Washington, DC 20037 (954) 529.8684 Tags:911, Alex Jones, Cancer, Civilians, Corruption, Crimes, culture, government, Israel, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, psyops, torture, US Government, ventura, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Spying for mind control, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, Wiretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment
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THE BODY ELECTRIC AND DOD JURISDICTION CASE BEING CONSIDERED FOR TREATMENT PURSUANT TO RULE 34 (J) OF THE COURTS RULES. The date on which the highest state court decided this case 10-1211 was by Orders on July 20, 2010 and September 9, 2010 appealable within 60 days. Copies of those to Appeal are at Appendices J through M. The court has jurisdiction to entertain this ma er because all claims brought herein relate to alleged violations of the United States Constitution and Federal Statutes, including 5 U.S.C., 42 U.S.C., 18 U.S.C. 142 U.S.C., 28 U.S.C., 22 U.S.C. 50. The District Court of Appeals has jurisdiction to entertain this appeal pursuant Notice of Appeal led on September 7, 2010 and was denied change of venue. CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY PROVISIONS INVOLVED U.S. Const. Amendments: As in Complaint and; I. Freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition. IV. Interdiction of unreasonable searches and seizures; VIII. Bans cruel and unusual punishment, and excessive nes or bail IX. Unenumerated rights XIII. Abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude, Click here.Keith Cover (ELECTRONIC WARFARE) See appendice A book cover by Jim Keith also deceased a er publishing. OPINIONS BELOW The opinion of the District court to review the merits appears at Appx J. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT
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This case was also presented to the U S Supreme Court under Federal rule 11. Writ of Certiorariwas denied November 1, 2010 before judgment with new occurring events. This case was ruled frivolous and fantastic when noble with factual dangers. Appellant has the right to an immediate Injunction Relief from Government torture protection, and for redress and grievance. The opinion made no mention of NUMERUOUS Political Ocials and Agencies admissions of these allegations (subsequently below), with weapons patented and proven to be in use nefariously and covertly against We the People, inclusive of our own Government falling victim. Appellant requested a leave of court, FOIA request, investigations, right of review, proper media warning, emergency hearing, protection, and an injunction to cease immediately. Appellant was denied justice and the right to defend herself and prove her case, and/or opportunity for accountability and discoveries with Critical Agency Admissions and information provided seemingly Un-read or Un-realized, and to cause subject to be diagnosed with ill mental health. (Compl 15 p 10- Appx N exhibited) STATEMENT OF THE FACTS On July 7, 2010, Appellant had her Complaint above said case taken from the counter before mailing, and upon arrival at court house, Complaint was unwi ingly switched on Chief Judges desk regardless of calls and wri en instructions. Prior Complaint unwi ingly switched was missing names of current high prole individuals and current assassinations. Days later, Appellant also caught Case Complaint which was unwi ingly switched with Pharmaceutical case when loaded by Pacer electronically, as with numerous other obstacles for 4 years in a empt to expose and warn what she has gured out. On or about August 12, 2010, Appellant went on the air and provided a recorded 45 minute interview but no one in DC or across North America and Canada stations had heard the interviews and had been redirected, all week to another phone line to impede communication and full disclosures while building discredits and wars, (as incorrect websites and phone calls misdirected). Appellant notied radio host, a Former Police Ocer (working on crimes and the paranormal) and found it was a technical diculty and/or human error. Appellant has also been heavily blocked by an unwi ing public, daily in this fashion tangibly and non-tangibly, from electronic transmi ed communications, with heavy mind and body control experimentations, and recruitment a empts for CIA using Remote Viewing (satellite apparatus) today called NSA transmissions, which include transmi ed synthetic illnesses to millions. RUSSELL TICE case, an NSA agent blew the whistle on all accusations and torture of Electronic Warfare on Americans. (See Subsequent Public Statements quoted to the Press) Appellant had to amend Complaint and had not made monetary claims originally. (Motion for Relief 1 through 8 ) Appellant was then denied claims for damages in 2nd (Compl 255), Injunction, surveillance and spying, privacy, torture, along with the civil rights violations, witness protective plan, media request, Intl tortures, and 27 Counts of violations. Appellant is further retaliated against for a empting to WARN the public or le suit. Appellant is under threat, without delusion or doubt and has proof of all allegations, being pre-empted, impeded from the minds from others to block her, and is threatened as many other prominent radio hosts and activists by our Govt in a empts to expose conspiracies carefully masterminded behind the scenes (un-witunrealized). One mind, one life, one threat, one CANCER has been too many for another decade or another day, at the hands of mind control disbeliefs programmed for years eyes wide shut. This case should be heard and investigated by all. Appellant has proof, trying to save lives, and is under threats to relocate to DC. Neuro-Directed Energy Weapons of Mass Destruction have been around admi edly for decades in Covert Govt hands. Citations are uncontested law and one can no longer ignore these patented facts by our Govt, DARPA projects and others, nor slander anyone as delusional fanciful, with the subsequent USA information below including Russell Tice article stating
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delusional fanciful, with the subsequent USA information below including Russell Tice article stating such and a esting to Appellants experience and knowledge with what has been discovered since 2008. (EMF Insulin, Blood, NLP, and Liver disease) The covert Intelligence is with Malice and should be stopped immediately. Media is now publishing a Government has gone amuck to whitewash, and much worse with opposite news fanned for years. Lies the Govt told you by Judge Napolitano, a system that has not worked, for these reasons failing millions of our own people, suggesting to re-read and deceptions. Ie: Whistleblower Griggs calling it mind jabbing and Dr. Bowart False Memory Syndrome, unwi ing APA. (Appx B and Democracy Now Stop the Madness) It has been our own programmed disbelief for years and hidden advanced Technology that has enabled this Country to arrive at this point unwi ingly from behind the scenes, and must be stopped and dismantled. People are starting to wake up. Architects and Engineers Movement and Congressman Ron Paul Supporters want to know, former Govt Ocials, Unsolved Mysteries, Phenomenon, Alex Jones and massive events across the Nation under Brian Glick reports want the truth, know that MKULTRA mind control is in full operation, and so should every one with sound minds and realization of this sense. Pledges and admission statements made by U. S. Ocials since 1976 and over the years recent, to dismantle these powerful mind control Neurological Directed Energy Weapons have been proven thus, continue for decades to todays 911 false terrorism in the guise of Muslims to manifest war worse than before on US Soil, and INDUCED seismic waves as other energy waves to cause contaminations, economic manipulations, trends, and population control induced behind the scenes. (Appx H) Appellant also has witnessed redirected phone calls, websites, and email communications tangibly and as done to A orneys leaving Country just to work on Iraq ma ers here, without further impediments. (Compl Counts III and IV) Appellant has been impeded and blocked with emails, specic selective viruses, faxes, deliveries, voicemails and phone lines/calls while with various Communication Companies across the Country including DSL lines and can provide records showing activities for years behind the scenes un-wit from remote viewing, and password access to www. private CORPORATION servers with tips to VERIZON and other lawsuits. FALSE accusations as one case example, untraceable. (Compl 32 and 201 and (NSA, Verizon joined with AT&T M06-1791 VRW) individuals, google, and EFF). Appellant has statements of Federal Employees and Government Ocials, Presidents with ADMISSIONS of Non-Fanciful Weapons of Electronic WARFARE over the years as to MILLIONS of Americans targeted unwi ingly. A class action suit with its a orney (married to the DA in CO, and funded by a Silicon Valley University on Mind Control NSA transmissions impeded and no longer available for the very reasons of this Lawuit (non-gang related conspiracy, but an unwi ing public used in all professions that We the People have a responsibility to stop before too late, by power in numbers to dismantling this Mother of all Evil Weapon, or suer future catastrophic consequences more than Seismic WAVES, Cancer, or free will). (Compl 50, Appx E). Appellant is being denied her rights, and the Judicial System has not connected the dots yet, on prior crimes from these technology weapons that blighted the Courts 40 years ago to bring us to this point and a corrupted Country and inltrated Culture. Appellant will show mind manipulations in this Country are created with transmi ed hallucinations on the public to cover up an agenda against humanity collectively, since Big Brother Technology spying. This began in HOLLYWOOD and GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS and which some outsiders already realized the masterminds in the U.S. by DIA. Appellant has records of unwi ing transmi ed victims within DOJ, Congress (Un-covered documentary) unread to invade Iraq to set up and brainwash their people as other Countries for mass control inltrations, and mind controlled (Out-foxed media video) jacketing one against the other, psyops techniques for years with the use of all waves and resonance of frequencies. TruTV and media experiencing various pressures not to air any Govt Conspiracies and quash all related topics. Appellant reviewed her Quantum Physics Governmental studies from 2007 with information to support the new ndings found at (Appx N highlighted with O) and her prior allegations, since under a ack by this Directed Energy Weapon. Appellant a empted to receive assistance from Congress and the Intelligence Commi ee Senator Bill Nelsons Oce and Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite and was told that they had only been able to cease some not all victims seeking help, as it is selective Directed Energy Weapons. Appellants
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to cease some not all victims seeking help, as it is selective Directed Energy Weapons. Appellants case was closed a er a visit with other ocials in DC. (Dennis Kucinich bill, Space Preservation Act 2005 in part-was quashed with citations of Remote viewing manipulations on millions of Americans so far. (Compl 21 and PARTIES). Today, according to former NSA employees and NY congressional commi ee volunteers, the burden of proof on victims should be on the defendants. Appellant is with proof, witnesses, interviews and reports, from Leading Psychiatrist Dr. Walter Bowart (before his death and his son silenced), who blew the whistle on 50 years of mind control and FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION, (and worse-by CIA remote viewing), and in our courts and streets, Russ Tice statements of NSA transmissions in use to sabotage lives, other CIA whistleblowers, of mind control including Operation Mockingbird (updated remotely) but publicly admi ed brainwash mis-information (with a divided CONGRESS) permeating our Media unwi ingly from these transmissions for decades creating our propaganda mass COMMUNICATION CHAOS, (2 opposite thoughts at once), DISPUTES, and A SYNTHETIC engineered culture. (Covert Propaganda inltrated as psyops on US Soil). Appellant is with the device (intercepted) and military patents, science, documents of CIA MKULTRA and statement of Manchurians to assassinate G. Bush in the 80s, and these very Technology Weapons of Mass Destruction (diverted focus created) in use for 911, as well as 9 DOJ a orneys red for asking too many questions of what would have been to be uncovered. On August 5, 2009 Associated Press printed that the CIA denies faking Al Qaida Iraq le er, which agents are un-wit of within their own and of their missions with erased memory etc. (Press release Sept 13, Appx H) Everyone spinning their wheels too busy to REALIZE and dumbed down. (Jim Keith and Operation Mind Control, an engineered culture) On March 31, 2008 at 10:30 am, a le er in strong opposition wri en to JUDGE JOHN ROCKEFELLER IV intelligence Commi ee, regarding S. 2035 free ow of information act from ROBERT GATES at DOD is condoning unwi ingly DUPLICITOUS, MASSIVE CRIMES generated against AMERICAN CIVILIANS and conspiracy hiding behind SSP as QUITE the CONTRARY on all counts that is headed into GRAVE DANGERS. Mind Control has been inltrated psyops on civilian culture and population since 1947 and the 70s deployed Remote Viewing. BREACHED contracts of spying in EU, AU, UK, Israel, and other invaded Countries with spying and manipulating mind wars. Appellant is heavily tortured, pre-empted, framed, staged and sabotaged, with cover ups in the media and building discredit with tangible events whitewashing history with each accusation, to discredit, since 2008 in eorts to go public, to the FBI, and to le suit. Appellant has made further discoveries of corruptions with these weapons of psyops against humanity, as Government Physicist Lieutenant Tom Bearden warned the dangers many decades ago for your thoughts may not be your own creating a matrix covertly for Power and Control, ULTIMATELY. (Compl 20) Appellant does not know how to present this case with so much information to provide and obtain EMERGENCY injunction relief or a hearing, as DEMANDED in Complaint and Motion for relief to verify documents, with continued DANGERS to travel or come to DC again or ever take the witness chair. Appellant is praying for legal and procedural assistance of this court to be heard, prove her case and warn We the people. Appellant does not know if Complaint has been read or realized in full by JUDGE JOHN D BATES with NO mention of SABOTAGE HALLUCINATIONS MKULTRA DEPLOYED for 50 YEARS to MILLIONS OF AMERICANS at 15, 16, 17 and much worse by others throughout. (Compl 23 through 50 victimized, and below page 14 quoted by Mr. Tice), whereas Appellant was comatose for 72 hours (as Ariel Sharon) in her home to start THE PROCESS for CIA espionage, sexual slavery in the White House and Behavior modications, recruitment and brainwash programming via Remote Viewing. As with the Obama Sunsteins report of cognitive inltration, Appellant will prove this has been inltrated in our society causing all accusations since Church Commi ee never ceased as promised by Ocials. Appellant a empted to tell DOJ in 1996 when targeted for 5 years as Imaginary Friend/Enemy to obey, experimenting for Combat, robots, on the ground communications, and has years of copious notes for feedback and intent, with numerous others complaining of mind control at the same time emerged, and at a time when BUDGETS were of great concern at DOD in SAN DIEGO and Pres. Clintons public (partial) apology. DIA has done a
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great concern at DOD in SAN DIEGO and Pres. Clintons public (partial) apology. DIA has done a terric job at keeping it to a minimum if complete disbelief brainwash since the 70s. The 911 Pilot training in connection with HAARP stations The Ultimate Weapon of Conspiracy by Jerry Smith also died of CANCER March, 2010 and Appellant has been threatened with zaps to her body, organs, hair, etc, as other credible victims and politicians claim is going on, with experiments in full action and Science under Siege. Physicist Dr. Bill Nelson and Dr. Nick Begich ALASKAN Political family Angels dont play this HAARP also asking questions and was impeded. Another impeded resolution was from John Herschel Glenn Jr., 1974-1999, former astronaut on CANCER and radiation, and U.S. politician who Introduced a Bill (Compl 14 and 25) As with AIPAC related framed (cases), Kevin Trudeau and FDA mass corruptions via NSA transmissions with scapegoats for all their shadowing conspiracies, and OJ Simpson to murder his wife and get away with it in advance, sabotaged cases tampering with minds not just evidence, from many minor criminal cases to highest dollar cases and victims. The most sabotaged cases were the ones TELEVISED with sensory deprivations, and in front of the world (inltrating humans into cold robots and locked doors culture is not organically grown but agenda). Millions are victims and are concerned! Whats going on? Wake up America! Wake up Washington! The answers are N.O.W. nefariously, toppling the ECONOMY and 911, the creations of 50 years of ignoring, neglecting MIND CONTROL WAVES and ELF, Ultimate Weapon behind the scenes and hiding behind SSP (1947). The Sibel Edmonds case and linguistic accusation of impaired translations were NSA transmissions communication chaos; another case never came to light and its true ndings of 911. Both Muslim and Jew framed. Larry Silverstein of WTC 7 framed well in advance with insurance and transmissions to PULL topple building, and government oces. Appellant will demonstrate and tie major historic events as Allison Des Forges staged plane crash in Hudson River with Death Rays for planes (Warden Cli Towers) and Senator Kennedy zapped Cancer. (CIA Predicts The Future 2015 Water Resources.) General Zinni changed minds, Water Wars in manifesting with Turkey and Egypt, false natural resource shortage, as with Seismic induced East Coast INFILTRATIONS as predictions for WATERFRONT properties, and warnings to Congress ignored of Piracy and Florida EMF Red Tide to cover up with BP transmissions of human errors. Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000,00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an Invisible Chinese Wall of defense was built around the Country, no ma er how large an a ack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible war Imaginary Weapons). Warden cli Tower is in full action in Long Island NY, as 36 other stations, globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York Times, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News). One energy zap is COSTLY, causes confusion, trip, fall, body temp-freeze, heat, mis-communication, fatigue, focus, concentration, sleep, mistakes, (Kucinich-US patent under MKDELTA), and stalling any engine. All hiding behind the scenes and SSP, a le er to Judicial Commi ee was sent in July prior to this writ of information. The a ached email from 2009 was never responded to and was unveriable as numerous other communications for years. (See App. G3) Press release was impeded and forwarded to Al Gore on September 17, before revisions, Bear Stearns manipulations, and Famous Public Speeches. The Energy will by just ne. (App. H) Appellant was traumatized and is suering and would like to provide medical records, police, Judicial court records (staged to appeals with delays to change minds with TIME, and other credible witness information and testimonies to prove, manifest how, what this world is coming to (prior to 2008). Appellant requested a leave of court to amend as Appellant is under immediate threat (as family and car accidents) and cannot obtain counsel. Appellant has become increasingly realized of the severity and magnitude of these weapons in use nefariously and globally on civilians and is growing. On September 3, 2010, Appellant woke up with loud ringing in the ears to nd further a acks are a empted currently to penetrate her auditory cortex if continued eorts are made to expose and cease. From CLASS ACTION suit members, this type of a ack can be deadly in various ways, and is TORTUROUS. It included sleep depravation until 4AM and loud alarms and outside extreme motor noises, for days prior as well as by phone, voice mail,
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and loud alarms and outside extreme motor noises, for days prior as well as by phone, voice mail, electronic intrusions and transfers and 5 hours to obtain a ight ticket by phone to DC and blocked internet account set up with providers, (WITH AMPLIFIED SUGGESTIONS or modulations) and sensitivities to entrain and channel further connectivity sound waves during tired sleep not to awake programming. In the Jawad case No. 05-cv-2385 (RMU) GUANTANAMO prisoners are kept tired to be programmed during sleep and not wake up with interruptions techniques. This sleep disorder goes on in AMERICAN homes with sleep disorders that began 40 years ago or so. Appellant was able to record and video these awful events and suspects is being entrained mentally to accept such intrusions. Appellant is harassed and sabotaged daily, to impede her expert witness testimonies and WARN the people how and where this Country is being taken down behind the scenes and by an unwi ing public timed in advance to sabotage lives. More than what Tice stated in full article and more than each of my accusations are already being investigated by analysts since my eorts have been taken to several authorities; the NSA began searching for an A orney upon my threats and lawsuit on May 28th. Historically, numerous citizens, have not been amongst just Ocials but anyone who dares to expose and prevent the corruption, abuse of power, and conspiracy underway, unsuccessfully because they are under the inuence of mind controls UNREALIZED, always missing the mark and as Sunsteins Report with Cognitive Inltrations is not gang related but psyops on the American Ordinary People. (Quoting what Appellants accusations are from years of her documented Government torture, sabotaged life in front of a Sheri Department, and framed with the exact events below which are that of cults and Church Commi ee tactics going on today. Russell Tice, a Hero Under GOD, Jim Keith and Dr. Walter Bowart not gone in vein. This Country is not only being usurped legally or Constitutionally, but psychologically one mind and soul at a time allowing it to evolve from 50 years of transmi ed Americans and criminal. Currently experiencing additional unpleasant a acks as follows, with full article at (Appx N) that should not be discounted; Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare on Americans?
Russ Tice, former NSA intelligence ocer and current Whistleblower, was to testify before the Senate Armed Services Commi ee this week. Apparently the testimony, Mr. Tice wanted to give, makes General Haydens phone surveillance program look like very small potatoes. Mr. Tices testimony is expected to reveal further illegal activity overseen by General Michael Hayden which even loyal and patriotic NSA employees view as unlawful. I think the people I talk to next week are going to be shocked when I tell them what I have to tell them. ITS PRETTY HARD TO BELIEVE, Tice said. NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSAs domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. The operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law. LONG-TERM CONTROL AND SABOTAGE OF TENS OF THOUSANDS OF UNWITTING CITIZENS BY NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations TO CAUSE SUBJECTS TO BE DIAGNOSED WITH ILL MENTAL HEALTH. National Security Agency Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a persons bioelectric elds etc The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. An example of EMF Brain Stimulation: Brain Area-Bioelectric Resonance Frequency Information Induced Through Modulation Motor Control Cortex 10 HZ Motor Impulse Co-ordination Auditory Cortex 15 HZ Sound which bypasses the ears Visual Cortex 25 HZ Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes Phantom Touch Sense Imposed Subconscious Thoughts
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This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from SUBLIMINAL TO PERCEPTIBLE. Each persons brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a persons brain at the frequency of another persons auditory cortex would result in that audio information not being perceived. Additionally, A 1994 congressional hearing reported that nearly HALF A MILLION AMERICANS were subjected to some kind of cold war era tests, o en without being informed and without their consent. In addition, experimentation law is well grounded in constitutional and international law. It is an under-reported fact that two major reports on human rights and torture in the U.S. recently listed illegal radiation experiments. Many more facts are documented below. Therefore, human research subject protections should be a high priority and are just as signicant as current issues of torture and illegal wiretapping. It is time for America to wake up. It is time for America to protect its Whistleblowers who are our last line of defense against dictatorship and despotism. It is time for America to take responsibility for oversight of its tax dollars and elect leaders who will assume such responsibility now. Yes, the war on terrorism is important. It is even more important and fearful if the terrorism is from within and unknowingly funded by hard working American citizens. There is no Special Access Program beyond the oversight of political leaders elected by the people and for the people. If these political leaders jeopardize national security then that shall be handled in a court of law. But to tell America, to tell the American people, to tell the political leaders elected by the American people that America does not deserve to know what happening in the NSAs dark, black rooms, with billions of dollars, behind closed doors, when we know that privilege has already been abused; that is the true denition of terrorism. That is the true denition of Communism and a Police State, no oversight. So fellow Americans, you may hem and haw in the face of truth but know that one day you will realize that your country has been usurped from the very principles upon which it was founded. Godspeed, Russ Tice, the Patriots are with you. RUSSELL TICE: If that was done and, you know, I use a big if here, and, remember, I cant tell you what I know of how N.S.A. does its business, but I can use the wiggle words like if and scenarios that dont incorporate specics, but nonetheless, if U.S. gateways and junction points in the United States were used to siphon o information AMY GOODMAN: Do you expect you are being monitored, surveilled, wiretapped right now? RUSSELL TICE: Yes, I do As a ma er of fact April 1, 1976, A orney General Levi announced the establishment of a special review commi ee within the Department of Justice to notify COINTELPRO victims that they were the subjects of FBI activities directed against them. Notication will be made in those instances where the specic COINTELPRO activity was improper, actual harm may have occurred, and the subjects are not already aware that they were the targets of COINTELPRO activities. 315 Further, the Department will have acknowledged nally that COINTELPRO was wrong. Ocial repudiation of the programs is long overdue. (Wiretapping began with Hoover in 1940) The American people need to be assured that never again will an agency of the government be permi ed to conduct a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order. Only a combination of legislative prohibition and Departmental control can guarantee that COINTELPRO will not happen again. The notication program is an auspicious beginning. This rough, tough, dirty business included inltration of political groups, psychological warfare, legal harassment, and extralegal force and violence. The FBI and police threatened, instigated and conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object was to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements, write Mike Cassidy and Will Miller . They used secret and systematic methods of fraud and force, far beyond mere surveillance, to sabotage constitutionally protected political activity. The purpose of the program was, in FBI Director J. Edgar Hoovers own words, to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit and otherwise neutralize specic groups and individuals. Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Ocer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated rumors were untrue until the telling of rumors made them true.
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Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Ocer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated rumors were untrue until the telling of rumors made them true. Fannie Mae interim Jewish Accountant suicide a er 3 months on fraud Framed as Larry Silverstein to redistribute wealth away from Jews to topple the economy agendas and framing Israel Conspiracies uncovered! March 31, 2010 in the Islamic Foundation v Obama case, Judge Walker ruled the TSP as unlawful and violated FISA NEW CASE Dr. Orly Taitz V. Obama with Judges courage, NON-SENSE and responsibility necessary to dismantle this covert CIA ops and weapons of mass destruction with many deaths like Prosecutor Ted Stevens articles Obama staer wants cognitive inltration of 9/11 conspiracy groups
Posted by sakerfa April 14th, 2010-Journal of Political Philosphy in 2008 Why hasnt the pressaside from MSNBCcovered Russell Tices revelations on the governments massive spy apparatus that according to Tice illegally surveys every US citizens purchasing records, emails, phone calls, bank transactions, etc. and maintains the information in massive databases for nefarious uses? DNA and why A er the Church Commi ee exposed COINTELPRO, the government report claimed it had dismantled the program. However, in the 1980s, the Reagan administration legalized the tactics (a er the fact) by signing Executive Order 12333 . FOLLOWED by FALSE and LOSS Memory! Posted: March 4, 2010 12:42 PM A Terrible Mistake: H.P. Albarellis Investigation into CIA Scientists Murder, at the Crossroads of Mind Control and Assassination Whats Your Reaction: Read More: A Terrible Mistak Conventions e, CIA Geneva , CIA Missions , CIA Untied States Constitution , Books News
Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest. George Hunter White, U.S. Federal Bureau of Narcotics For well over half a century, the CIA (and its predecessor, OSS) has been violating the Geneva Conventions and the United States Constitution, subjecting the guilty and innocent alike to cruel and unusual treatment. H.P. Albarellis A Terrible Mistake The Murder of Frank Olson and CIAs Cold War Experiments, a fascinating and important new work of unprecedented depth (10 years in the making and involving numerous rst hand interviews), pulls back the curtain on the AGENCYS DIABOLICAL MIND CONTROL Experiments and EXTENSIVE EFFORTS to assemble and analyze every known substance that could kill a person relatively easily, quickly and SURREPTITIOUSLY. A Terrible Mistake is the true story of how the CIA drugged one of its own scientists and, when the li le bird ew through a closed window on the 13th oor of the Statler Hotel in Manha an,
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li le bird ew through a closed window on the 13th oor of the Statler Hotel in Manha an, proceeded to publicly insist, for decades to come, that Dr. Frank Olson was mentally unstable and had commi ed suicide. Albarelli takes us with him as he investigates the question: did Frank Olson jump, or was he pitched? (Followed by sudden memory losses!!!!!!!!!) This compelling tale not only reveals the wherefore and how of Frank Olsons murder, but looks behind the scenes at CIA and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, deliciously acquainting us with some of the Agencys darkest characters, including: Dr. Sidney Go lieb, head of the notorious MKULTRA program, whose mind control techniques included extensive use of LSD; the evil psychiatrist Dr. Harold Abramson; various Corsican maa kingpins; and the ultimate spy, Pierre La e. La e was not only glamorously descended from the famous pirate captain, Jean La e, he was also a CIA assassin, who just happened to be working as a bellman at the Statler Hotel the night Frank Olson crashed through a closed window and dropped to his death. A Terrible Mistake reads like the most gripping of spy novels, as it lays out the roadmap to the drug culture of the 1960s and beyond. Since the 1940s, CIA had been hell-bent on perfecting mind control techniques, including the creation of a truth drug, for use in interrogation of captured enemy operatives and to root out the enemies within. These pursuits began with Project BLUEBIRDs creation of synthetic THC (the active ingredient in maruana), evolving into Project MKULTRA, in which Agency scientists conducted human experiments with LSD and hypnosis (frequently on American citizens held captive in mental hospitals); and ultimately led the Agency into a close associa-tion with international heroin trackers. Dr. Frank Olson was a research scientist in the Chemical Branch of the CIAs Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort Detrick, Maryland, where he was involved in a wide variety of chemical warfare experiments. Some of these experiments took him to exotic destinations in the Caribbean, where the U.S. Armys Chemical Corps conducted tests resulting in the deaths of thousands of animals, not to mention the supposedly unintended consequences to the health of the residents of an island near the watery test site. In the summer of 1951, Dr. Olson and other members of the SOD research team traveled to France, in particular, to the village of Pont St. Esprit, for an operation code named Project SPAN. On August 16th of that year, the entire town of Pont St. Esprit was stricken with a mysterious malady. One Parisian reporter described. h p:// ACLU Says Government Used False Confessions 02 Jul 2009 The American Civil Liberties Union yesterday accused the Obama administration of using statements elicited through torture to justify the connement of a detainee it represents at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The ACLU is asking a federal judge to throw out those statements and others made by Mohammed Jawad, an Afghan who may have been as young as 12 when he was captured. His a orney argued that Jawad was abused in U.S. custody, threatened and subjected to intense sleep deprivation. The governments continued reliance on evidence gained by torture and other abuse violates centuries of U.S. law and suggests the current administration is not really serious about breaking with the past, said ACLU lawyer Jonathan Hafetz, who is representing Jawad in a lawsuit challenging his detention. Military prosecutor abruptly quit his post, saying that the case was riddled with problems and that the prisoner had suered physical and psychological mistreatment while in custody. U.S. again [third time] delays releasing CIA torture report 02 Jul 2009 The U.S. government on Wednesday once again delayed the release of a full report on CIAs controversial interrogation program. The government had intended to complete its review of the 2004 report and release it two weeks ago. But continued interagency debate about how much of the secret report could be made public pushed back the deadline. [See: US wants to [again] delay release of CIA report
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deadline. [See: US wants to [again] delay release of CIA report 26 Jun 2009 and Delay in Releasing CIA Report Is Sought 20 Jun 2009.] U.S. spy says just followed orders in Italy kidnap 30 Jun 2009 A former U.S. spy at the center of a kidnapping trial in Italy appeared to acknowledge a role in the abduction of a Muslim cleric but said he was only following orders, according to a rare interview published on Tuesday. Robert Seldon Lady is one of 26 Americans, almost all believed to have been working for the CIA, who are accused along with Italian spies of grabbing a terrorism suspect o the streets of Milan in 2003 and ying him to Egypt. There, Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr says he was tortured and held for years without charge. Army faces 20 more torture and abuse claims from Iraqi civilians Numerous cases have BLIGHTED THE COURTS for decades since 1947 Securities Act and these weapons to be researched and experimented about the time Aliens and Apollo hit the Media, and crimes lled the jails with hallucinations, entrapment, and bearing FALSE WITNESS behind the scenes, MILLIONS made by PHARMACEUTICAL with the start of a communication chaos dis-information Operation Mockingbird, FBI Grandeur delusions, in our books, synthetic illness with the AMA, song writing, DYSFUNCTIONAL non-sense corrupt culture, EVOLVED. Now duped and the EMERGING, explaining so many airport cases and others falsely paranoid using an unwi ing public. Appellant will show that the above article from Sunsteins Report is not hired help or gang-related conspiracies, but what has been impeding A&E 911 truth investigation for 9 years with CIA Jacketing to divide and ghting (crimes) on the streets, on line www, turning anyone against the other manifestations unwi ing, as Countries creating wars as pawns behind the scenes, Stalking, ID the , the and vandalism. Generating false news; OBAMA speech (they like to do that, against each other (diving culture). Stay the course to Brainwash, repeatedly Bush speeches (for oil?) and many more duped, (Appx H)), Generating Buzz, FEARS over the years, FLORIDA, and ECONOMIES, Generating Propaganda, Generating Illnesses since missing children on milk cartons, (mists) in the Pentagon. Journalist, Sharon Weinberger, a er PENTAGON interview wrote (Imaginary Weapons) and Wired Magazine, and a Globe who saw our Media and Judicial System as a Joke culture, and injustice from within, all with COSTLY zaps as they call it. Appellant purchased from NASA Physicist, the device for $21,000. 00 with Woodpecker scalar waves to Russia and China being used when paranoid Russia had launched theirs breaching airways spying contracts. Appellant had to learn CIA techniques of NLP taught to FBI early 70s and became certied in Hypnosis in 2008. (Neuro-linguistic Programming which some details were provided of Ft Hood victim, in the (Compl pages 19 and 78)) NLP (1974) is the absolute mind control creations of cognitive impairments, Alzheimer and Dementia, Memory back in timelines, targeting former President Reagan a er signing executive order 12333, ADD Scientology and emotional disorders, highest mis-diagnosed ills in America among many new synthetic creations inltrating Science nefariously for the next generation. New side eects and illnesses plague Americans with no names or traces are endless and documented, as many illusions, delusions, and/or deceptions. Appellant has knowledge the JUDICIAL SYSTEM has been preventing to save these CRIMES OF HUMANITY, from the MINDS, unwi ingly. These activities and other covert programs are being abused with a pa ern of experiments and crime corruption on the street since the 1970s using weapons of technology and Neurological that has investigators spinning their wheels and folks exclaiming, What is this world coming to, pre 911? (Tesla Invention and energy 1940) Furthermore, testimonies made in 1977 to U.S. Courts and Congress by whistleblowers Cathy Obrien and CIA Mark Phillips were blocked for reasons of National Security. This 1947 SSP LAW and disbelief and/or forgo en event had unwi ingly allowed the crimes and evil corruption to continue in AMERICA at the hands of the most powerful TECHNOLOGY WEAPON of the mind. Too many years of death and
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the hands of the most powerful TECHNOLOGY WEAPON of the mind. Too many years of death and torture include every one in this Country somehow. Today some are nally seeing the same has continued to bigger Government crimes and corruption with technology to take over humanity for mass control, Step #9 of 10 (Naomi Wolf, Yale) closer to legalizing Fascism, eyes wide shut: LOSING OUR FREEDOM under the DISGUISE of 911 (nano-thermite ndings as ELF-EMF warfare and its speedy debris removal and silenced, etc). Part of a gradual process in REVERSING an entire AMERICAN CIVIL WAR and JUDICIAL SYSTEM. Appellant assures the Court that as Access Denied, Trance-formation of America, among many neglected slandered and discredited Whistleblowers instead of Courageous Heroes; Naomi Wolf, CIA retirees, and NSA employees, reported being hypnotized on the job, are part of GUANTANAMO innocent scapegoats used as Public display tricks to decoy. ACLU reports of false statements of confessions a er sending them my information of psyops inltrations brainwash over time, again reason for delays, and covert sweeping of DC and NY pre 911, whitewashed AFTER 2008 inltrated to Mosques as Shu le and much more. Numerous investigations with missed fact -ndings at the hands of mind control behind the scenes. Covert condos built underground reports by Jesse Ventura currently in the MIDWEST and false threat of war on US Soil created in the process of being manifested with 911. Mind controlled Pawns, Manchurians and staged London Bombings, as domestically. (App.E3) Appellant does not consent to the espionage information being transmi ed against her will to her discoveries today and should not have been targeted with this experiment and beyond torture and information. Remote View Projects that REQUIRED HUMAN EXPERIMENTING and The Cult of Intelligence-occults covertly. Numerous DARPA and Military projects, Pandoras Box, Voice of GOD. Former United States Government Physicist! 1981-Lt Col. US Army Retired, Pentagon analyst McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martins Press, 1984, p 127, Psychic Weapons) and synthetic telepathy, (creating wars and crimes on our streets) and the new buzz words in the Pentagon, Operation Northwoods, Project Stargate, Spacestar, (CIA Psychic Remote Viewing and FBI Virtual Project, 1996 respectively), Project Paperclip (Space Medicine), Remote Accupuncture (ELF) electrosis, Project Hybrid Insects & Polar Bears and hallucinations), for abusive powers. Appellant will also provide evidence to the connection of numerous sabotaged court cases, our economy manipulations, and 911 with this WEAPON of technology mind wars used on most Americans for decades. We the People had, and have a powerful sturdy foundation to disbelieve MKULTRA and the Church Commi ee is still active and/or part of the brainwash with massive investigations and CASES diverted for years. Appellants quashed and impeded warnings ignored by Congress leading to many deaths, BP oil, ELF EMF Red Tide, Labs-1947, VETERANS un-traceable Agent Orange etc, and many calamities including non-sense, mis applied dysfunctions, delays, sabotaged people and cases from the mind. Henderson v. Veterans Aairs 09-1036, VVA v, CIA cv 09 0037 CW, which has pleadings with mischaracterized discoveries, delays, denials, and refusals, with mind control throughout. On Oct 13, 2010, declarations made by CIA and DOD agents who do not have top secret clearance of covert ops today and who are themselves unwi ing victims as other agents and Govt Ocials as Whistleblower Russell Tice himself. The basis of Appellants case and point. Their Adavit states in 1973 the programs went under severe tight guard secret, which is about when they deployed psyops on the Public for power upon this discovery, which is evolving outside the U S now as a result of no TRANSPARENCY and SSP with a new DHS and revamped FBI, WHITEWASH and lost in generational GAP. Furthermore, Plainti has obtained 20,000 pages of documents and videos, and more from Canada before CIA destructions, and went public Aug, 2010. There is no documentation of current NLP, Remote mind control or viewing made available and EXPERIMENTS are REQUIRED especially since patented and Ops admi ed by former and current agents, as well as other prominent folks. In addition, there is talk from outsiders of DOD and across the Nation, of CointelPro MIND CONTROL as admi ed in the 70s and with crimes under Operation CHAOS with skepticisms in the White House for 2 Administrations, charges for electronic spying were made back then with data minding since then. (CIA Church Commi ee Report Page 682, 687 and 1947 Act, and Compl page 5, 7 paragraph 7)They did not cease or abolish this Act, but went black according to Tice and Millions of
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7 paragraph 7)They did not cease or abolish this Act, but went black according to Tice and Millions of People so far including those victimized which Appellant interviewed and those with Cancer. Appellant provided the VA with the non-traceable ills of Americans at the hands of this Directed Energy Weapon also used in the Gulf War (Compl Footnote 7 and 36, Appx H, N, P-) San Francisco Firm Press Release Media Advisory. Julianne McKinney, Director of these Military Ops is still ba ling Oversight. (Compl 36) Appellant prayed for an immediate injunction relief and has been under urgencies, demanding JUSTICE, to prove this case.
SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT I. This Case Presents an Important Violation of our Amendment Laws and the future ROLE of the Judicial system. (Compl 28) II. There is an immediate and serious impact on the Appellant and publics safety with severe and alarming corruption and crimes to cease. III. Analogously, in history of these crimes and violations cases involving Cointelpro, Church Commi ee and MKULTRA, knowledge of the illicit nature is imputed to the defendant, further victimized and traumatized by the publics disbeliefs, even though technical and credible testimony have been made unrealized, as in United States v. Lindauer Case No. 03 Cr. 807, falsely accused, slandered, delayed, detained, for 2 years as most whistleblowers to impede truth until too late to ma er. (Church Commi ee full report-went black, Compl page 5) IV. Additionally, because the majority has not been appropriately made aware of the extent of surveillance for the uses of spying, data-mining, breached contracts, treason, and nefarious misuses to humanity, millions more victimized, that would indeed come forward for immediate dismantling of Covert Remote Viewing, making liars of Public Govt Ocials, unwi ingly. (USSID 18, Compl Page 12) V. The Appellant made demands for FOIA, damages physical and psychological (with irreparable harm, monetary losses, witness protection, proper media coverage, and an injunction, and has not been free to exercise her rights to speech against the government crimes and to leave her house for the past 4 years and has been retaliated upon in various ways including experimentation of mental GAG orders and House Arrest as with other (ORDINARY UNWITTING PUBLIC, non-gang). These blocks coupled with detainments by law enforcements in all eorts to WARN while DELAYING and covering up accusations. Part of Appellants harmful damages is too vexing and mind controlled transmits to err. Appellant was traumatized and is writing pro se with privacy concern. Medical records will be provided for physical and psychological evidence. (Compl page 16, 17, 30, 35, 61, 65, 68, and 23, 33 63) Symptoms are that of VETS-D.E.W. Neurologic torture, picking up behaviors, illnesses hiding as if organically grown, as cults and synthetic addictions on civilians. Aecting emotions and 5 senses, and this case to prove all, from being targeted to wars. VI. This Case depicts important Violations of our Amendments that has caused mass chaos, Population Control, and a Society to be disillusioned, misled, along with disbeliefs at the hands of mind control TRANSMISSIONS behind the scenes pawns to create dis-information, mis-understandings and cognitive impairments, to divide and conquer people and to procure and produce exact OPPOSITES (FANNED) of events and harassment. Appellant was extremely Pro-Government 4 years ago, as is the Honorable JUDGE John D Bates, thus has the right to an impartial trial and the public at large needs to know and has the right to know including and especially JUDGES. One should not let a rule prevent truth and crimes if justice and truth is our goal to begin with. JUDGES cannot make correct informed decisions WITHOUT this KNOWLEDGE. VII.
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Hazel OLeary of the DOE and Presidents and others that Electronic Warfare on US Soil is taking place toward Millions of innocent UNWITTING Civilians included continued operation of COINTELPRO MKULTRA as opinions conrms the allegations dating years back to Church Commi ee CIA diabolical tactics and NSA transmissions for Electronic Warfare on Americans and humanity. For nothing in the history of humanity and our judicial system can ever be resolved or accountable UNTIL this case and its WEAPON at hand is heard, considered, and ruled, thus bringing CONSPIRACY THEORISTS TO FACT. The American Judicial system needs to recognize these issues and hold this covert shadow Government accountable to successfully CEASE ITS OWN DEMISE as part of the humanities and We the People duped and brainwashed within our own CIA terrorists. We are ALL in DANGER, and notice DC that is kept in a Bubble. VIII. No act of Congress can authorize a violation of the Constitution. The
Constitution cannot be interpreted safely except by reference to common law and to British institutions as they were when the instrument was framed and adopted. In the 2nd case, Plainti provided additional names of Assassinations and did have claims for damages, with an added claims made and documentation that this does exist by our own DIA shadow Govt. The District court dismissed case as fanciful instead of grounds for repugnancies that can be proven, urgently, and is warranted with merit as victim, target and injured party. (Compl 23) IX. As in the ACLU v. NSA Nos. 06-2095/2140-07a0253, this pa ern of Constitutional Violations and torture is victimizing civilians for decades and Appellant is a target of this technology weapon kept covert for nefarious uses and conspiracies. THERE WAS AN ABUSE OF DISCRETION with ALARMING, overwhelming historical facts and admissions of these weapons in use nefariously. Appellant is under a acks and is seeking assistance, and leave of court again to amend, risking her life and family, trying to warn the people, and oered to testify before Congress, a er years of torture and courage with enough resources to help her to survive and also demanding discoveries and investigations as to where HUMANITY is heading un-wit, if JUDGES dont stop them NOW. CONCLUSION When even one American -who has done nothing wrong- is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Harry S. Truman God Bless America, God Bless Humanity! In light of the foregoing, the court should reverse the District courts Order to dismiss and remand this ma er for expedited further proceedings. Respectfully submi ed, MIREILLE TORJMAN Appellant is Pro se Endnotes 1 United States v. Lindauer Case No. 03 Cr. 807 Whistleblower agent remote viewing falsely accused and detained delays until too late to use her
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Whistleblower agent remote viewing falsely accused and detained delays until too late to use her information and the 911 brainwash. 2 In Katz v. United States 347 (1967) Supreme Court ruled that a search occurs only when 1) a person expects privacy in the thing searched and 2) society believes that expectation is reasonable . In Katz, the Supreme Court ruled that a search had occurred when the government wiretapped a telephone booth .[21] The Courts reasoning was that 1) the defendant expected that his phone booth conversation would not be broadcast to the wider world and 2) society believes that expectation is reasonable. 3 Skilling V. United States, No. 081394 Opinion of Sotomayor, J. In sum, I cannot accept the majoritys conclusion that voir dire gave the District Court a sturdy foundation to assess tness for jury service. Cf. ante, at 29. Taken together, the District Courts failure to cover certain vital subjects, its supercial coverage of other topics, and its uncritical acceptance of assurances of impartiality leave me doubtful that Skillings jury was indeed free from the deep-seated animosity that pervaded the community at large. [R]egardless of the heinousness of the crime charged, the apparent guilt of the oender[,] or the station in life which he occupies, our system of justice demands trials that are fair in both appearance and fact. Irvin, 366. Because I do not believe Skillings trial met this standard, I would grant him relief. 4 Constitutional Provisions, Statutes And Policies At Issue First Amendment to The United States Constitution Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress. 5 Justice Sandra Day OConnor-Frank Olson case-Opinion No rule cra ed shall insulate from liability unknowing subjects. OLSON also pushed or fell 9 (by mind control neuro) in strange death as quoted family case and Jim Keith death without LSD cover up IMPORTED by our CIA and sold to kids, and censored book out as Cult of Intelligence sold in Nice. The CIA COOPER report was a complete WHITEWASH and history repeating itself by Agenda. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE As required by this Court of Appeals F.R.A.P.P. 25, 28 and 32 (a)(7)(b)(iii), 32 (a)(5), and (6) typeface requirements. I certify that this brief contains 8304 words at in 14 pt Times New Roman. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing brief has been furnished in person at 333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20001Court of Appeals Clerk, and via regular Mail to US A orney Civil Division, Craig Lawrence at 555 4th Street NW, Washington DC 20530, on November 12, 2010. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on November 12, 2010. Respectfully submi ed, , 389 U.S.
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Mireille Torjman
IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MIREILLE TORJMAN PO Box 8083 Delray Beach, FL 33482 Plainti V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS, et al. 935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20535-0001; CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Oce of Public Aairs Washington, D.C. 20505; NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY 9800 Savage Road, Suite 6711 Fort Meade, MD 20755-6711; DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 600 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530; DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 1400 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1400; DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 1000 Independence Ave Washington, DC 20585; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Defendants COMPLAINT 1. Plainti, Mireille Torjman hereby brings this action for injunction relief, damages, and tort damages, FOIA, and the right of review, based on personal knowledge and belief, as a victim and expert witness, to the serious information provided, as to all other ma ers, as to which allegations Plainti, without doubt or delusion, will provide proof, un-refuted evidence, overwhelming evidentiary
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without doubt or delusion, will provide proof, un-refuted evidence, overwhelming evidentiary support, witnesses, substantial facts, documents, videos, records, research, and investigation that exists and disclosed to the press by NSA on item 15, and as follows: PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 2. This case is about the wiretapping, surveillance, civil rights violations, privacy, communications technology, and crimes of humanity, in use by the Intelligence Community. With the advanced technology unknown to most, of shadow network of surveillance and spying, including, defendants are, transmi ing, storing, tampering, and blocking or intercepting the content of a signicant portion of the Plaintis phone calls, emails, instant messaging, text messaging, Internet, Skype, electronic and wireless communications, and other communications harassment, both internationally and domestic, including Plaintis family and practically every American, for the past 4 years, beginning on or about January 2007. 3. Plaintis records will show communications are intercepted, manipulated, tampered with, stored, (data mining), harassed, and impeded. Plainti will provide numerous and countless, emails hacked, fabricated, UNREAD, manipulated, deleted, including mail UPS, facsimile, and internet manipulations, since 2007. Plaintis numerous impeded electronic communications with all her service providers were debilitating to her work and she had no resolve available from providers who were unable to detect or correct the situations. This includes manufactured emails, phone calls, and government employees unwi ing involvement. In 2008, Plainti was also accused legally of false communications during her service with Qwest, by using wiretapped calls and disconnects to create false records with her utilities company, including defamation to her character. On information and belief, Whistle Blower Kay Griggs, Military wife of former Chief of Sta Lt. Col, Black-Ops and underground she called Secret Societies, was also harassed, impeded with and isolated, by COMMUNICATION CHAOS tactics that she called mind jabbing ,cut and paste, with automobile sabotages, upon testifying, as same with Plaintis various a empts and events. 4. Plainti is not delusional and has provided her records to DOJ in early 2009, with documents from many other credible sources and whistle blowers. Plainti requests that the Russell Tice case and Articles below underlined are read with disclosures being made as to her allegations, injunction relief, various separate counts, and tort damages throughout. Plainti has demonstrated courage, risked her reputation, risked her life, and familys, and has been threatened, prior to receiving an anonymous email of the NSA article (below) in February 2009 and retaliated against. Plainti tried to blow the whistle to the DA late 2007, and was not aware what NSA was or government corruption, but knew she had to report what was going on; as quoted by Mr. Tice and others; Statement by NSA, is THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG and WIRETAPPING SURVEILLANCE LOOK LIKE SMALL POTATOES. Most recently, Plainti was able to meet with the FBI in early 2010, and provided some information for investigation by various FBI analysts. Plainti was impeded to testify at a NY senate hearing in February 2009. 5. Plainti is suing defendants to enjoin their unlawful activities of all electronic communications, tangible and intangible and all allegations below and to require the inventory and destruction of those that have already been seized., and to obtain appropriate statutory, actual, and punitive damages, to deter future illegal activities. Plainti is also suing for injunctive relief, personal injury tort and damages, the right of review, and FOIA records. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 6. This court has subject ma er jurisdiction over the federal claims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1331, 18 U.S.C. 2712, and 5 U.S.C. 702. 7. Plaintis are informed, believe and thereon allege that Defendants have sucient contacts with this district generally and, in particular, with the events herein alleged, that Defendants are subject to the
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district generally and, in particular, with the events herein alleged, that Defendants are subject to the exercise of jurisdiction of this court over the person of such Defendants and that venue is proper in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391. 8. Plainti is informed, believe and thereon allege that a substantial part of the events giving rise to the claims herein alleged occurred in this district jurisdiction, and Defendants and/or agents of Defendants may be found in this district, nationally, and internationally. PARTIES 9. Plainti, Mireille Torjman is an intelligent native French speaking refugee from Marrakesh, Morocco. Plainti is a divorced woman of 48 years of age and was an accountant for 25 years. Plainti comes from a religious background, disciplined and educated, has spent 25 years in the Philadelphia area, currently staying in South Florida. 10. Defendant Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) is an agency under the direction and control of the Department of Justice and the Pentagon that investigates and protects the Nation with Programs of CointelPro joined by CIA operating on U.S. Soil. 11. Defendant Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an agency that protects the Country in rst line of Defense and collects information that reveals the plans, intentions and capabilities of our adversaries and provides the basis for decision and action. 12. Defendant NSA Defendant National Security Agency (NSA) is an agency under the direction and control of the Department of Defense that collects, processes, and disseminates foreign signals intelligence. It is responsible for carrying out the Programs challenged herein. 13. Defendant United States is the United States of America, its departments, agencies, and entities. Including DOJ, and Congresswoman Ginny Browne-Waite as the current Florida Congress Representative of the United States, who Plainti a empted to warn on numerous occasions since early 2008 and Senator Bill Nelson, currently on Floridas Intelligence Commi ee. BACKGROUND 14. Counter Intelligence Program was a series of covert , and o en illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political organizations within the United States . The FBI used covert operations from its inception; however formal COINTELPRO operations took place between 1956 and 1971. The FBIs stated motivation at the time was protecting national security , preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order. According to FBI records, 85% of Cointelpro resources were expended on inltrating, disrupting, marginalizing, and/or subverting groups suspected of being subversive, such as communist and socialist organizations; the womens rights movement; militant black nationalist groups, and the non-violent civil rights movement , including individuals such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and others associated with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference , the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People , the Congress of Racial
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, the Congress of Racial , the American Indian Movement , and other civil rights groups; a broad , including
, the National Lawyers Guild , the Weathermen , almost all groups protesting the Vietnam War , and even individual student demonstrators with no group aliation; and nationalist groups such as those seeking independence for Puerto Rico . The other 15% of Cointelpro resources were expended to marginalize and subvert white hate groups, including the Ku Klux Klan and National States Rights Party . The directives governing Cointelpro were issued by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover , who ordered FBI agents to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of these movements and their leaders. Hoover disclosed how horric these weapons were thus, hard to believe. MKULTRA mind control experiments began at the end of WWII and then became public in the 1970s, however imperfectly, and went black again because of Senate hearings, but these experiments have continued to this day. The only reason that MKULTRA was ever brought into the light of day was that a dissident group stole government documents and released them to the press, which initially refused to publish them. The MKULTRA archive was destroyed because of the seriousness of the crimes perpetrated by the intelligence communities. If it became public knowledge that the intelligence agencies had allowed Nazi war criminals to experiment upon American citizens, including children, and then replicated these techniques themselves, the damage to their reputation could never be undone. The only aspects of CIA criminal activity in general, or MKULTRA in particular, that the intelligence community ever admi ed to were the ones that were already public, or details that had very li le to do with the current capabilities of mind control weapons and techniques. Microwave weapons and remote inuence of the Human Central Nervous System are the crown jewels of the intelligence community. The DEFENDER and AGILE Programs formed the foundation of DARPA sensor, surveillance, spying, and directed energy R&D, particularly in the study of radar, infrared sensing, and x-ray/gamma ray detection. During the late 1960s, with the transfer of these mature programs to the Services, ARPA redened its role and concentrated on a diverse set of relatively small, essentially exploratory research programs. The Agency was renamed the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1972, and during the early 1970s, it emphasized direct energy programs, information processing, and tactical technologies. Today we know we have had the Technology as warfare and/or medicine, coupled with the Conspiracy theories of HAARP, (Dr. Hubertus Strughold, space medicine-project paperclip-The Jewish Telegraphic Agency 1995; Dark Moon; Apollo and Whistleblowers Second cra 11, shadowing Apollo 13 and technical diculties with no witnesses returned. Issues of Mind Control reported by Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde with 50 year old technology from our government being disclosed as new, have consistently been deceiving the public, intentionally and with malice, while mapping out a grid across the Country. DUPLICITOUS and INDUCED manipulations of grave mass control escalations have been documented and quashed over the decades. MKULTRA Experiments for Behavior Modication using the public as pawns for war, also became corrupted for tax gains and global domination, with massive funding to LEAA Law Enforcements while Crimes were induced in major cities in 1968 alone by 50% (FBI, Newsweek reports). Unwi ing citizens blighted the courts with lawsuits, prisons and Hospitals in this Country with complaints of mind control that the Media refused to cover. This erupted suddenly and massively over one year and remote viewing was used for entrapment and hallucinations for bearing false witness. Today this continues is still uncovered by media with false statistics and disinformation fanned unwi ingly by the media (Project Mockingbird and Spying). A dysfunctional America engineered at the hands of its own secret government. Forty years later the COURTS are blighted with cases of civil/privacy rights, War,
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secret government. Forty years later the COURTS are blighted with cases of civil/privacy rights, War, torture, and Technology combined if we dont stop them with so many warning for AMERICANS TO WAKE UP. An agenda for larger government, and world domination, with CONGRESS spinning their wheels; instead of meeting once a year as intended in the Constitution, and invisible weapons to help hacked this country since a 1910 secret meeting on Jekyll Island to create a blank check for The Federal Reserve. (Church Commi ee 1970 called NSA transmissions today) Most people are not ready to handle this kind of information. CHURCH COMMITTEE Reports: By the early years of the 1970s, the unpopularity of the Vietnam War and the unfolding Watergate scandal brought the era of minimal oversight to an abrupt halt. Congress was determined to rein in the Nixon administration and to ascertain the extent to which the nations intelligence agencies had been involved in questionable, if not outright illegal, activities. A series of troubling revelations started to appear in the press concerning intelligence activities. First came the revelations of Christopher Pyle in January 1970 of the U.S. Army s spying on the civilian population[1] [2] and Sam Ervin s Senate investigations that resulted.[3] The dam broke on 22 December 1974, when The New York Times published a lengthy article by Seymour Hersh detailing operations engaged in by the CIA over the years that had been dubbed the family jewels . Covert action programs involving assassination a empts against foreign leaders and covert a empts to subvert foreign governments were reported for the rst time. In addition, the article discussed eorts by intelligence agencies to collect information on the political activities of US citizens.[4] These revelations convinced many Senators and Representatives that the Congress itself had been too lax, trusting, and naive in carrying out its oversight responsibilities. The Church Commi ee learned that beginning in the 1950s; the CIA and FBI intercepted, opened and photographed more than 215,000 pieces of mail by the time the program called HT Lingual was shut down in 1973. This program was all done under the mail covers program. A mail cover is when the government records without a warrant or notication all information on the outside of an envelope or package, including the name of the sender and the recipient. The Church report found that the CIA was zealous about keeping the Postal Service from learning that mail was being opened by government agents. CIA agents moved mail to a private room to open the mail or in some cases opened envelopes at night a er stung them in briefcases or coat pockets to deceive postal ocials.[5] On April 1, 1976, A orney General Levi announced the establishment of a special review commi ee within the Department of Justice to notify COINTELPRO victims that they were the subjects of FBI activities directed against them. Notication will be made in those instances where the specic COINTELPRO activity was improper, actual harm may have occurred, and the subjects are not already aware that they were the targets of COINTELPRO activities. 315 Further, the Department will have acknowledged nally that COINTELPRO was wrong. Ocial repudiation of the programs is long overdue. (Wiretapping began with Hoover in 1940) The American people need to be assured that never again will an agency of the government be permi ed to conduct a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order.
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permi ed to conduct a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order. Only a combination of legislative prohibition and Departmental control can guarantee that COINTELPRO will not happen again. The notication program is an auspicious beginning. This rough, tough, dirty business included inltration of political groups, psychological warfare, legal harassment, and extralegal force and violence. The FBI and police threatened, instigated and conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object was to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements, write Mike Cassidy and Will Miller . They used secret and systematic methods of fraud and force, far beyond mere surveillance, to sabotage constitutionally protected political activity. The purpose of the program was, in FBI Director J. Edgar Hoovers own words, to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit and otherwise neutralize specic groups and individuals. A er the Church Commi ee exposed COINTELPRO, the government claimed it had dismantled the program. However, in the 1980s, the Reagan administration legalized the tactics by signing Executive Order 12333 . There is every reason to believe that even what was not legalized is still going on as well. Lest we forget, Lt. Col. Oliver North funded and orchestrated from the White House basement break-ins and other dirty tricks to defeat congressional critics of U.S. policy in Central America and to neutralize grassroots protest. Special Prosecutor Walsh found evidence that North and Richard Secord (architect of the 1960s covert actions in Cambodia) used Iran-Contra funds to harass the Christic Institute, a church-funded public interest group specializing in exposing government misconduct, Cassidy and Miller continue. In addition, North worked with FEMA to develop contingency plans for suspending the Constitution, establishing martial law, and holding political dissidents in concentration camps. Since the false ag a acks of September 11, 2001, the government has worked incessantly to ne tune plans to impose martial law. It has also worked to federalize and militarized law enforcement around the country. Brian Glick (War at Home) argues that COINTELPRO is a permanent feature of the government. The record of the past 50 years reveals a pa ern of continuous domestic covert action, Glick wrote in the 1990s. Its use has been documented in each of the last nine administrations, Democratic as well as Republican. FBI testimony shows COINTELPRO tactics already in full swing during the presidencies of Democrats Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman. COINTELPRO itself, while initiated under Eisenhower, grew from one program to six under the Democratic administrations of Kennedy and Johnson A er COINTELPRO was exposed [by the Church Commi ee], similar programs continued under other names during the Carter years as well as under Nixon, Ford, and Reagan. They have outlived J. Edgar Hoover and remained in place under all of his successors. 15. Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans? Jonas Holmes May 19, 2006 CHRONICLE ARTICLE Russ Tice, former NSA intelligence ocer and current Whistleblower, was to testify before the Senate Armed Services Commi ee this week. Apparently the testimony, Mr. Tice wanted to give, makes General Haydens phone surveillance program look like very small potatoes. Mr. Tices testimony is expected to reveal further illegal activity overseen by General Michael Hayden which even loyal and patriotic NSA employees view as unlawful. I think the people I talk to next week are going to be shocked when I tell them what I have to tell them. ITS PRETTY HARD TO BELIEVE, Tice said. I hope that theyll clean up the abuses and have some oversight into these programs, which doesnt exist right now. According to Mr. Tice, what has been disclosed so far is only the tip of the iceberg. What in the world could Russ Tice be talking about! To gure it out let us take a look at Russ Tices work at the NSA. According to the Washington Times and numerous other sources, Mr. Tice worked on special access programs related to electronic intelligence gathering while working for the NSA and DIA, where he took part in space systems communications, non-communications signals, electronic warfare, satellite
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took part in space systems communications, non-communications signals, electronic warfare, satellite control, telemetry, sensors, and special capability systems. Special Access Programs or SAPs refer to Black Budgets or Black Operations. Black means that they are covert and hidden from everyone except the participants. Feasibly there would be no arena with a greater potential for abuse and misuse than Special Access Programs. Even now Congress and the Justice Department are being denied the ability to investigate these programs because they dont have clearance. To put it in CNNs Jack Caertys words a top secret government agency, the NSA, the largest of its kind in the world, is denying oversight or investigation by the American people because investigators lack clearance. To add a layer of irony to the Black Ops cake this travesty is occurring in America, the supposed bastion of Freedom and Democracy, which we are currently trying to export to Iraq. It just gets scarier. The Black Ops that Mr. Tice was involved in related to electronic intelligence gathering via space systems communications, non-communications signals, electronic warfare, satellite control, telemetry, sensors, and special capability systems. For greater insight as to the impact of these programs readers should review decades old FOIA authenticated programs such as MKULTRA, BLUEBIRD, COINTELPRO and ARTICHOKE. Radar based Telemetry involves the ability to see through walls without thermal imaging. Electronic Warfare is even scarier if we take a look at the science. NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation. NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MKUltra program of the early 1950s, which included neurological research into radiation (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the National Security Archives as Radiation Intelligence, dened as information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation. Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs of the U.S. government. The NSA monitors available information about this technology and withholds scientic research from the public. There are also international intelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret. The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in the brain continuously. The NSA records and decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-computer link. (In military ghter aircra , for example.) For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subjects verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brains auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia. Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subjects brain and show images from the subjects brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subjects eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subjects brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes. Individual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance by independently operating NSA personnel NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSAs domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. The operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law. Long-term control and SABOTAGE OF TENS OF THOUSANDS OF UNWITTING CITIZENS by NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health. National Security Agency Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a persons bioelectric elds. The NSAs Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely and non-invasively monitor information in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 hz,.5 milliwa electro-magnetic emissions from the brain. Neuronal activity in the brain creates a shi ing electrical pa ern that has a shi ing magnetic ux. This magnetic ux puts out a constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliwa electromagnetic (EMF) wave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission
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constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliwa electromagnetic (EMF) wave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and pa erns called evoked potentials. Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event, and visual image in the brain has a corresponding evoked potential or set of evoked potentials. The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subjects brain. NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmi ed Brain Stimulation as a communications system to transmit information (as well as nervous system messages) to intelligence agents and also to transmit to the brains of covert operations subjects (on a non-perceptible level). EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a complexly coded and pulsed electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brains neural circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a persons brain-states and aect motor control. Two-way Electronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural audio-visual information while transmi ing sound to the auditory cortex (bypassing the ears) and transmi ing faint images to the visual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes, the images appear as oating 2-D screens in the brain). Two-Way Electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric information in the human brain) has become the ultimate surveillance system. It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community. RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specic brain area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose information in that specic brain area. The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. An example of EMF Brain Stimulation: Bioelectric Resonance Frequency Motor Control Cortex 10 HZ Auditory Cortex Visual Cortex 25 HZ Somatosensory Cortex 09 HZ Thought Center 20 HZ 15 HZ Brain Area Information Induced Through Modulation Motor Impulse Co-ordination Sound which bypasses the ears Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes Phantom Touch Sense Imposed Subconscious Thoughts
This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from subliminal to perceptible. Each persons brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a persons brain at the frequency of another persons auditory cortex would result in that audio information not being perceived. Additionally, A 1994 congressional hearing reported that nearly half a million Americans were subjected to some kind of cold war era tests, o en without being informed and without their consent. In addition, experimentation law is well grounded in constitutional and international law. It is an under-reported fact that two major reports on human rights and torture in the U.S. recently listed illegal radiation experiments. Many more facts are documented below. Therefore, human research subject protections should be a high priority and are just as signicant as current issues of torture and illegal wiretapping. IT IS TIME FOR AMERICA TO WAKE UP. It is time for America to protect its Whistleblowers who are our last line of defense against dictatorship and despotism. It is time for America to take responsibility for oversight of its tax dollars and elect leaders who will assume such responsibility now. Yes, the war on terrorism is important. It is even more important and fearful if the terrorism is from within and unknowingly funded by hard working American citizens. There is no Special Access Program beyond the oversight of political leaders elected by the people and for the people. If these political leaders jeopardize national security then that shall be handled in a court of law. But to tell America, to tell the American people, to tell the political leaders elected by the American people that America does not deserve to know what happening in the NSAs dark, black rooms, with billions of dollars, behind closed doors, when we know that privilege has already been abused; that is the true denition of TERRORISM. That is the true denition of Communism and a Police State, no oversight. So fellow Americans, you may hem and haw in the face of truth but know that one day you will realize that your country has been USURPED
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haw in the face of truth but know that one day you will realize that your country has been USURPED from the very principles upon which it was founded. Godspeed, Russ Tice, the Patriots are with you. 16. Why hasnt the pressaside from MSNBCcovered Russell Tices revelations on the governments massive spy apparatus that according to Tice illegally surveys every US citizens purchasing records, emails, phone calls, bank transactions, etc. and maintains the information in massive databases for nefarious uses?
17. In the Interview of January 03, 2006 the following statements were revealed:
AMY GOODMAN: That was Sibel Edmonds. Russell Tice, you are a member of her group, the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition. AMY GOODMAN: What do you think of the Justice Department launching an investigation into the leak, who leaked the fact that President Bush was spying on American citizens? RUSSELL TICE: Well, I think this is an a empt to make sure that no intelligence ocer ever considers doing this. What was done to me was basically an a empt to tell other intelligence ocers, HEY, IF YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS, IF YOU DO SOMETHING TO TICK US OFF, WERE GOING TO TAKE YOUR JOB FROM YOU, WERE GONNA DO SOME UNPLEASANT THINGS TO YOU. So, right now, the atmosphere at N.S.A. and D.I.A., for that ma er, is fear. The security services basically rule over the employees with fear, and people are afraid to come forward. People know if they come forward even in the legal means, like coming to Congress with a concern, your career is over. And thats just the best scenario. Theres all sorts of other unfortunate things like, perhaps, if someone gets thrown in jail for either a witch-hunt or something trumping up charges or, you know, this guy who is basically reporting a crime. AMY GOODMAN: Were you ever asked to engage in this? RUSSELL TICE: No, no, and if I did so, I did so unwi ingly, which I have a feeling would be the case for many of the people involved in this. More than likely this was very closely held at the upper echelons at N.S.A., and mainly because these people knewGeneral Hayden, Bill Black, and probably the new one, Keith Alexander, they all knew this was illegal. So, you know, they kept it from the populace of N.S.A., because every N.S.A. ocer certainly knows this is illegal. AMY GOODMAN: What do you mean if you did so, you did so unwi ingly? RUSSELL TICE: Well, there are certain elements of the aspects of what is done where there are functionaries or technicians or analysts that are given information, and you just process that information. You dont necessarily know the ni y gri y as to where the information came from or theits called compartmentalization. Its ironic, but you could be working on programs, and the very person si ing next to you is not cleared for the programs youre working on, and theyre working on their own programs, and each person knows to keep their nose out of the other persons business, because everythings compartmentalized, and youre only allowed to work on what you have a need to know to work on. AMY GOODMAN: What about the telecoms, the telecommunications corporations working with the Bush administration to open up a back door to eavesdropping, to wiretapping? RUSSELL TICE: If that was done and, you know, I USE A BIG IF HERE, AND, REMEMBER, I CANT TELL YOU WHAT I KNOW of how N.S.A. does its business, but I can use the wiggle words
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CANT TELL YOU WHAT I KNOW of how N.S.A. does its business, but I can use the wiggle words like if and scenarios that dont incorporate specics, but nonetheless, if U.S. gateways and junction points in the United States were used to siphon o information, I would think that the corporate executives of these companies need to be held accountable, as well, because they would certainly also know that what theyre doing is wrong and illegal. And if they have some sort of court order or some sort of paper or something signed from some government ocial, Congress needs to look at those papers and look at the bo om line and see whose signature is there. And these corporations know that this is illegal, as well. So everyone needs to be held accountable in this mess. AMY GOODMAN: When you come on board at these intelligence agencies, as at the National Security Agency, what are you told? I mean, were you aware of the Church hearings in the 1970s that went into the illegal spying on monitoring, of surveilling, of wiretapping of American citizens? RUSSELL TICE: Well, thats something thats really not drummed in your head. Thats more of a history lesson, I think. And the reasoning, ultimately, for the FISA laws and for whats called USSID 18, which is sort of the SIGINTers bible of how they conduct their business, but the law itself is drilled into your head, as well as the tenets of USSID 18, of which the number one commandment is Thou shalt not spy on Americans. But ultimately, when were using that onif were using that with U.S. databases, then ultimately, once again, the American people aretheir civil rights are being violated. AMY GOODMAN: Do you expect you are being monitored, surveilled, wiretapped right now? RUSSELL TICE: Yes, I do. As a ma er of fact, AMY GOODMAN: Youre saying in the leadership of your own agency, the National Security Agency? RUSSELL TICE: Thats correct, yeah, because certainly General Alexander and General Hayden and Bill Black knew that this was illegal. AMY GOODMAN: But they clearly had to have authorization from above, and Bush is not contending that he did not know. RUSSELL TICE: Well, thats true. But the question has to be asked: What did the President know? What was the President told about this? Its justtheres just too many variables out there that we dont know yet. And, ultimately, I think Congress needs to nd out those answers. If the President was fed a bill of goods in this ma er, then thats something that has to be addressed. Or if the President himself knew every aspect of whats going on, if this was some sort of vacuum cleaner deal, then it is ultimately, I would think, the President himself that needs to be held responsible for whats going on here. AMY GOODMAN: This investigation that the Justice Department has launchedits interesting that Alberto Gonzales is now A orney General of the United Statesthe latest story of The New York Times: Gonzales, when he was White House Counsel, when Andrew Card, chief of sta, went to Ashcro at his hospital bedside to get authorization for this. Can he be a disinterested party in investigating this now, as A orney General himself? RUSSELL TICE: Yeah, I think that for anyone to say that the A orney General is going to be totally unbiased about something like this, I think thats silly. Of course, the answer is No. He cant be unbiased in this. I think that a special prosecutor or something like that may have to be involved in something like this, otherwise were just liable to have a whitewash. AMY GOODMAN: What do you think of the term police state? RUSSELL TICE: Well, anytime where you have a situation where U.S. citizens are being arrested and thrown in jail with the key being thrown away, you know, potentially being sent overseas to be tortured, U.S. citizens being spied on, you know, and it doesnt even go to the court that deals with
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tortured, U.S. citizens being spied on, you know, and it doesnt even go to the court that deals with these secret things, you know, I mean, think about it, you could have potentially somebody ge ing the wrong phone call from a terrorist and having him spirited away to some back-alley country to get the rubber hose treatment and who knows what else. I think that would kind of qualify as a police state, in my judgment. I certainly hope that Congress or somebody sort of does something about this, because, you know, for Americans just to say, Oh, well, we have to do this because, you know, because of terrorism, you know, its the same argument that we used with communism years ago: take away your civil liberties, but use some threat thats, you know, been out there for a long time. Terrorism has been there forcertainly before 9/11 we had terrorism problems, and I have a feeling its going to be around for quite some time a er whatever we deem is a victory in what were doing now in the Middle East. But, you know, its just something that has to be addressed. We just cant continue to see our civil liberties degraded. Ultimately, as Ben Franklin, I think, had said, you know, those who would give up their essential liberties for a li le freedom deserve neither liberty or freedom, and I tend to agree with Ben Franklin. AMY GOODMAN: And your colleagues at the N.S.A. right now, their feelings, the National Security Agency? RUSSELL TICE: Boy, I think most folks at N.S.A. right now are just running scared. They have the security oce hanging over their head, which has always been a bunch of vicious folks, and now theyve got, you know, this potential witch hunt going on with the A orney General. People in the intelligence community are afraid. They know that you cant come forward. You have no protections as a whistleblower. These things need to be addressed. AMY GOODMAN: What do you mean you have no protection? RUSSELL TICE: No. No, I do not. As far asof course, Im not wi ing of anyone that was told they will spy on an American. So, ultimately, when this was going on, I have a feeling it was closely held at some of the upper echelon levels. And youve got to understand, I was a worker bee. I was a guy that wrote the reports and did the analysis work andyou know, the detail guy. At some point, your reports have to get sent up up the line and then, you know, the management takes action at some point or another, but at my level, no, I was not involved in this. RUSSELL TICE: I sent it to the chairs of the Senate Intelligence Commi ee and the House Intelligence Commi ee, the SSCI and the HPSCI. 18. The CIA and the cult of intelligence (1974) Reviewed by JamesRMacLean on 2007-04-09. Incompetence leads to Monstrosity Marche is expose of the CIA was published on the EVE OF THE CHURCH COMMISSION, at a moment when domestic outrage at the culture of duplicity and domestic interference had reached its peak. Since that time, successful public relations have greatly enhanced the image of intelligence services. Marche is thesis is that, contrary to widespread public belief, the USA was not locked in an existential struggle with Soviet or Chinese subversion, and never really was. Soviet intelligence u erly surpassed the CIA in eectiveness, initiative, and recruitment of allied agents abroad. In fact, the CIA was eective only against 3rd world intelligence organizations, and there, spectacularly so. This extreme Soviet edge in espionage was more than oset by the superior resources of the conventional Western militaries and the impossibility of waging a direct confrontation owing to the nuclear stalemate. Worse, this advantage was not seriously mitigated by the abundance of high-tech gadgets, such as satellites; such tools merely facilitated the collection of large amounts of raw data, with virtually no practical usefulness. Far from rendering the US intelligence community harmless, however, it made the agency focus on a campaign against 3rd world allies, and ultimately, against the US population. The CIA tried its hand at WAGING SECRET WARS in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa; it developed a vast group of businesses to serve as cover for illicit shipping and arms supplies; and it became u erly habituated to corrupting legislators in the Free World. The CIA became an eager tool for an unaccountable executive branch, provided that the executive had a air for covert action; and it tended to create an echo
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branch, provided that the executive had a air for covert action; and it tended to create an echo chamber of self-deception that threatened the entire national security establishment. At the very top of its list of priorities was the urgent need to defend its mission publicly, and validate its immense budget. Marche i spends a modest amount of time discussing the inability of the CIA to confront the Soviet KGB. When he mentions it, he avers the KGB and its allied bureaux are indeed odious, but also defensiveby necessity. He dwells in somewhat greater detail on the CIAs structure and specialized elds of performance. He includes a broad-brush description of the overall US intelligence community, before turning to an analysis of the separate divisions and their respective behavior. This included covert operations (such as the Bay of Pigs invasion), proprietaries (such as Interarmco and Air America), propaganda and disinformation, and espionage/counterespionage. In all of these enterprises, the same motivation prevails: the CIA seeks self-perpetuation and inuence WITHIN the Western world, but lacks will or ability to seriously combat the Soviets. Towards the end, he discusses the increasing tendency of the CIA to interfere in regular US politics, chiey to ingratiate itself with the president. Marche is criticisms of the intelligence community were surprisingly mild. I should mention in passing that his book had about 170 or so passages deleted by court order; the CIA had earlier demanded well in excess of 300, and the court awarded it half of what it demanded. Some of the deletions are downright silly (as where it refers to a base in [DELETED] granted by Haile Selassie!), and elsewhere I was amused to observe the most numerous deletions in the part dealing with funding appropriations. The extreme secrecy of the intelligence community with respect to funding has greatly intensied since this book was published, and usually the motivation is quite obviously to conceal how much money these agencies actually waste. However, Marche i concludes that the CIA is essentially past reform, useless, and so incompetent at its mission as to have become narrowly focused on extorting billions from the nation. 19. Former United States Government Physicist! 1981-Lt Col. US Army Retired, Pentagon analyst (McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martins Press, 1984, p 127, Psychic Weapons) 20. In a slide Bearden illustrates how a Scalar War would involve a psychoenergetics a ack on the operators of the enemy scalar installation, entraining their minds into hypnogogic trance and ge ing them to shut down their systems. And ultimately psychoenergetic warfare goes to the very heart of human identity itself. For if my thoughts might no longer be mine, then who and what am I? Can my very sense of being me be hacked by some nefarious psychoenergetic scheme? One paper to begin with is Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions This is such serious stu that Bearden includes a strong warning about misuse of this knowledge. Psychoenergetics weapons can MENTALLY MAIM AND PHYSICALLY KILL. 21. PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS-SPACE PRESERVATION ACT-House Resolution bill 2977-Brain manipulation from a distance-2001-2002 Last year, in October, the Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich introduced in the American Congress a bill, obliging the American president to get engaged in the negotiations aimed at the ban of space based weapons. In this bill the denition of a weapon system includes: any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations (12). As in all legislative acts quoted in this article the bill counts with sound, light or electromagnetic stimulation of human brain. Psychotronic weapons remain, at least for a layman uninformed of secret military research, in the sphere of science ction, since so far none of the published scientic experiments was presented in the way which would allow for its replication. That it is feasible to manipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal, either sound or visual, messages is now generally known. This is why in most of the countries the use of such technologies, without consent of the user, is banned.
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why in most of the countries the use of such technologies, without consent of the user, is banned. Devices using light for the stimulation of the brain show another way how the light ashing in certain frequencies could be used for the manipulation of human psychic life. As for the sound, a report on the device transmi ing a beam of sound waves, which can hear only persons at whom the beam of sound waves is targeted, appeared last year in the world newspapers. The beam is formed by a combination of sound and ultrasound waves which causes that a person targeted by this beam hears the sound inside of his head. Such a perception could easily convince the human being that it is mentally ill. The acts presented in this article suggest that with the development of technology and knowledge of the functioning of human brain new ways of manipulation of human mind keep emerging. One of them seems to be the electromagnetic energy. Though in the open scientic literature only some 30 experiments were published, supporting this assumption (1),(2), already in 1974, in the USSR, a er successful testing with military unit in Novosibirsk, the installation Radioson (Radiosleep) was registered with the Government Commi ee on the Ma ers of Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR, described as a method of induction of sleep by means of radio waves (3), (4), (5) 22. Dear Senator-A orney Le er included: We seek your oces assistance in initiating hearings and a fact-nding congressional inquiry into the government agencies and/or private companies that are targeting citizens. Many citizens are desperate to be freed from the disturbing, intrusive and oppressive targeting. Evidence supports the conclusion that weapons exist that could be used against individuals, based on U.S. Patent and Trademark Oce lings, public releases by agencies, and other technologies that indicate the level of technological sophistication. The weapons are believed to be based on electromagnetism, microwaves, sonic waves, lasers and other types of directed energy, and were characterized as psychotronic in Rep. Dennis Kucinichs dra of House Resolution 2977, the Space Preservation Act of 2001. Furthermore, it is undeniable that government agencies have tested citizens without permission in the past; for example, the CIAs human experimentation discussed in Orlikow v. U.S., 682 F.Supp. 77 (D.D.C. 1988), secretly administered lysergic acid diethylamide discussed in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669 (1987), and military chemical experimentation as discussed in Congressional Commi ee Report 103-97, 103d Congress, 2d Session, S. Prt. 103-97 (Dec. 8, 1994). Lastly, the sheer numbers of people complaining of being targeted, including people with post-graduate degrees and a lifetime of achievements, and the similarities in symptoms tend to outweigh a dismissive response based on charges of anecdotal evidence or group paranoia. there is a certain risk of sounding too conspiratorial, however, common denominators such as physical symptoms and medical reports, surveillance scenarios, harassment techniques, and more can be readily established. ALLEGATIONS AND FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS RELATED TO ALL COUNTS 23. Plainti, in her Florida home, on or about January 2007, naive and without knowledge of corruptions, wars, military weapons, or MKULTRA projects, was comatosed for 72 hours in her room and recruited for experimental remote mind control ESPIONAGE, SEXUAL SLAVERY, AND BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION, (Operation MHCHAOS-brainwash). Plaintis memory began to be wiped out daily and corrupted with new transmissions. Plainti ran away TERRORIZED a er being transmi ed to start THE PROCESS, over time using the public to trigger her anchors/transmissions. Plaintis electronic communications began to be tampered with and impeded as she began to her research and a empts to report this corruption and abuse of powers under the programs. During Plaintis travels around the world, Plainti was transmi ed to keep daily copious notes of her torture for her feedback. Plainti was a acked daily in International Airways and for no reason by UNREALIZED, innocent, unwi ing public of children, doctors, lawyers, animals, insects, until her recent visit at the local FBI to whistle blow these activities again. Plainti was held hostage in a food establishment in Nice when on her way to whistle blow the information to other embassies. Plainti had crimes commi ed against her to keep her homeless and hacked her house contents numerous times to sabotage her life and impede her work and falsely detained upon each a empt to report this.
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times to sabotage her life and impede her work and falsely detained upon each a empt to report this. A er already having been to the local FBI oces with this surveillance information, in 1996, Plainti was told they were already on it Plainti was terminated from her job the next morning and chased down the turnpike to deter her until 2007. Plainti was transmi ed to send a le er to FBI Director Mueller, demanding to cease and invert her family in May of 2008 and was informed that it was too late as they had already go en to him and she would never be believed. Plainti, upon warnings and threats, and family a acks, and brainwash, to stop her, was informed of, and demonstrated a doomed life called obstacles, mishaps, or bad luck in their cult or process. One year later in February 2009, someone unknown sent Plainti an email of the Russell Tice article and Plainti IMMEDIATELY drove to DC in April 2009 to talk with DOJ Ocials and their A orneys. Plaintis various computers and car ba eries, zapped en route to DC, constant power outages and car damages. Plaintis communication chaos using NSA transmissions to the unwi ing public were used to sabotage her life, against her, and including her own Family isolating her into a remote cult of intelligence with physical events called brainwash. In January 2010 Plainti was told her surveillance/spying recordings could be sold overseas and that the FBI had joined forces with the Shadow Government to suppress her further and blaming the FBI. Plaintis process resembled what she found on u-tube in the 911 brainwashing process to the public of Weapons of Mass Destruction (the opposite of most news reports). Media showing Halloween le ers of TERROR across our screens on 9/11/01, to induce fear unwi ingly, on the public, and remarks of disgust from foreigners on our media and culture were made. Plainti was to obey their commands as robots, and was jacketed (one against the other with people) and kept isolated during the 4 year process coupled with threats, family, accidents, psychological and physical harm, numerous illnesses, sabotage, bribes, and blackmail. Plainti was informed how and when she and America were mind controlled since her arrival in 1971 and was able to conrm these discoveries during the process. Plainti was, and is transmi ed that they will stop if she does, and realizes today that was not true. Plainti will show and established pa ern of these surveillance projects and corruptions subsequently and in relation to the Plaintis claim. Plainti called Lt. Col. Tom Beardon in 2007, and spoke to his wife as he was on a respirator, Kathleen Sullivan (Mind Controlled CIA child whistleblower) who was frantic about nursing her husband with CANCER. Plainti researched other retired government employees, victims, spies, using remote viewing and countless victims with the same complaints and tactics used. With surveillance technology, spying, and the already disclosed NSA Transmissions used for MKULTRA, projects are still operational and conducted by top secret, Q clearance on the public. Plainti hereby makes these serious accusations against the United States Secret Government for the past 40 years on U.S. Soil. When even one American -who has done nothing wrong- is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Harry S. Truman In early 2008, a er 25 years of being an accountant, and raised in the Mediterranean, Plainti purchased the Non FDA device from a NASA physicist at $21,000.00 with Scalar waves, (Russian Woodpecker frequencies), and Military Patents. Plainti became a certied practitioner to protect herself and a empt to de-program. Plainti was intercepted by this HAARP and NSAs SIG-INT Satellites, thus became a certied hypnotist trained in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming; CIA taught techniques, to deprogram. (Bandler and Grinder 1976) and (Project Paperclip; Dr. Strughold Space Medicine 1963) 24. In her travels, Plainti witnessed these transmissions used in Israel, Australia, England, and most European Countries, and was further impeded when a empting to whistle blow the nefarious uses and crimes of humanity by our CIA, to the embassies. Plainti will show documents and/or connections to MAFIOSO, KGB, and AL Qaeda, within the CIA, as with DONALD RUMSFELD and his banking ties. World Banks-(1910) J.P. Morgan Chase, Black Budgets, and Nikola Tesla 1940). Plainti will reveal how scary the power of these people and these invisible weapons of technology are, and our utmost threat, involving every life. Plainti will reveal that media coverage or focus on Nuclear weapons and torture of Guantanamo are shi ed by manipulation and dumbing us down. Plainti motions the court to compel, the safety of WE THE PEOPLE by dismantling these Weapon
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Plainti motions the court to compel, the safety of WE THE PEOPLE by dismantling these Weapon Stations and the CIA, born with the National Securitys Act in 1947, when our troubles began. 25. Plainti was informed that 911 Pilots were mind controlled in advance in San Diego and the U.S., and that 911 was created to lose our FREEDOMS with the 911 commission sabotaged. (Naomi Wolf (Yale Journalist)-10 Steps-Freedom to Fascism, 2007- also harassed by and on no y zone list in her a empts) Plainti ew to Atlanta in the height of the new steel door installation and high security climate, wondering why she was invited to sit in a co-pilots chair on the runway, while waiting to take o from snow on the ground, unrealized but with no real fears or threats from Bin Laden (yet) until provoked. Death Ray for planes was Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000,00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an Invisible Chinese Wall of defense was built around the Country, no ma er how large an a ack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible war). Today, this Wardencli Tower is in full action in Long Island NY, along with 36 other stations or sites as GWEN, Globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York Times, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News) One energy zapping causes confusion, mistakes, trip, fall, body temp-freeze, heat, miscommunication, fatigue, focus/concentration, radio-sleep (Kucinich-US patented under MKDELTA), and stalling any engine. On or about January 3, 2009, upon contacting the United Nations African Human Rights; provided her information of these weapons in use for mind control overseas and found Alison Des Forges, senior Africa adviser for Human Rights Watch was deceased in the Bualo NY crash in February 2009. On or about May 2008, the same occurred a er contacting Senator Ted Kennedy for assistance, he became unavailable with Cancer. Today FBI reports he had been threatened. When Plainti agreed to testify anonymously, at a NY senate hearing scheduled out for February 2009 with Senator Eric Adams, he was delayed with a busy nation in transition, until his second home caught re and the hearing never occurred. Plainti interviewed many individuals complaining of hearing the tuning in of these satellites in small towns and CIA agents abandoned on the job in Italy and other Countries upon retirement, leaving them unaware and misinformed. Plainti had numerous impediments of busy delays from everyone she contacted daily to block her and has more disclosures and deaths not included in this complaint involving prominent and famous Hollywood victims over the years along with her own daily events. 26. Under the disguise of SURVEILLANCE, some aspects of the Programs of MKULTRA were publicly acknowledged by President Clinton with partial apologies on October 3, 1995 as past tense and not being done currently to down play their uses. The Pentagon has new buzz words SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY-Psychotronics. However, Plainti spoke with many other victims, and the latest FT Hood Mind Control soldier in November 2009 is not an isolated incident that is commonly known as Building Manchurians experimenting on many civilians today. Psychotronics also has a non-prot organization of former scientists and whistleblowers of same. (Lynn Surgella-Cancer; Central Nervous System diseases and Immune System-Ariel Sharon and comatose, Massive FDA drug corruptions and synthetic illnesses) Twice recommended for a Nobel Prize Dr Robert Becker was the major researcher and writer on health dangers from electromagnetic elds, he died a few months ago, in summer 2008, but his works and warnings live on. I have no doubt in my mind, that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the Earths environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic elds. I consider that to be far greater on a global scale than warming and the increase in chemical elements in the environment. 27. The President and other executive ocials have described some activities of surveillance and spying which are conducted outside the procedures of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and
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which are conducted outside the procedures of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and without authorization by the Foreign Intelligence Court, Communities, Commi ees, Senate, or Congress. 28. As with The A orney General and the Director of National Intelligence having since publicly admi ing that the TSP was only one particular aspect of the surveillance activities authorized by the Programs. On March 31, 2010 in the Islamic Foundation v Obama case, Judge Walker ruled the TSP as unlawful and violated FISA. These activities and other covert programs are being abused with a pa ern of experiments and corruption on the public since the 1970s using DOD weapons of technology. (Tesla Invention and energy) (Jewel v United States, United States v Yahoo) On or about January 2007, Plainti witnessed people and companies pointing the nger at each other, and creating a doubt to sabotage lives and the LEGAL SYSTEM further with the use of Communication Chaos techniques. What the courts should also know. Today, Societys Chief complaints are demanding AUDITING FEDERAL FUNDS, OVERSIGHT, and TRANSPANCY. Plainti has knowledge that it is the CORRUPTION and the bigger Agenda to change the Constitution that has been HIDING behind SSP and high prole cases and others, never coming to light. (OJ Simpson, A orney selections, Sibel Edmonds) SSP has been preventing Remote Viewing Mind Control Transmissions and corruptions from coming to light, not Intelligence as a weapon and U. S. tactics. Furthermore, testimonies made in 1977 to U.S. Courts and Congress by whistleblowers Cathy Obrien and Mark Phillips were blocked for reasons of National Security. This SSP RULING and disbelief had unwi ingly allowed the crimes and evil corruption to continue in AMERICA with these TECHNOLOGY WEAPONS of the mind Too many years of death and torture include every one in this Country somehow. Today we are nally seeing the same has continued to bigger Government crimes and corruption with technology to take over humanity for mass control. Step #9 closer to legalizing Fascism, eyes wide shut: (Access Denied, Trance-formation of America 2003). The Judicial System has not connected the dots yet, on prior crimes from these technology weapons that blighted the Courts 40 years ago to bring us to this point and a corrupted a Country and Culture. Plainti will show that smokescreens are created through propaganda to cover up what is going on in this Country from We the People, collectively, since Big Brother Technology that outsiders already noticed or realize. Plainti does not consent to the espionage information being transmi ed against her will to her discoveries today and should not have been targeted with this experiment, torture and information. 29. In addition to eavesdropping on or reading specic communications, Defendants have intercepted the communications contents across the United States and overseas, and targeted the Plainti with intense continuous sabotage and impediments, Electronic Stalking, Slander, including Internet Communications, censored and continuously intercepted from blogging, blocked her searches for a orneys, blocked her web site from google others cannot view except her, with Googles Access Portals and/or passwords. Plainti wrote to Google to let them know what was going on behind the scenes with remote viewing Americans INCLUDING most CORPORATIONS, password access, and covert data-mining for purposes, in SG3 dating back prior to 911 (EFF v Google Street-view). DODs ELF transmi ers were already in full scale by 1981 in Australia and Africa, followed by additional superior covert Projects in the U.S. (Combat Zones under DARPA formerly ARPA). 30. With suspicious FBI allegations and $122 Million Virtual Case File Project gone wrong in 2001, prior Board Members and Government Ocials, the new Parent Company SAICs (C I A Spacestar) servers and the (Occult Connections). Chief of Sta Jack E Thomas Air Force Intelligence, 1997 ties with DOD, NSA, CIA, and former Executives, Directors, Secretaries, Army Generals, all had knowledge of REMOTE VIEWING experiments spy biz, SPAWAR at the Naval Electronics System Command in San Diego and Los Alamos National Labs for Medical Oversight to American Intelligence
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Command in San Diego and Los Alamos National Labs for Medical Oversight to American Intelligence Agencies (1996). A surge of Federal Spending raised Multi-Billion dollar Defense concerns with SAIC and Titan (moon) (2004) in the mid 1990s on technology projects that REQUIRE HUMAN EXPERIMENTING. 31. Joseph McMoneagle, eventually revealed as such, but for the purposes of the Armys psychic intelligence unit, he was simply Remote Viewer No. 1. In his Memoirs of a Psychic Spy is a look at the most remarkable exploits in a most astonishing career of military service. Remote Viewer 001 in Armys Stargate Project reports this as still classied. The top secret intelligence gathering initiative launched at height of Cold War- David Morehouse 1998. This project was rst used to retrieve intentions in a criminal or terrorists mind. (The Lucid View, Investigations in Occultism, 2004-MK ULTRA includes Project VOICE of GOD and Church Commi ee) This is used for unexplained phenomenon and to manipulate religion and/or to compel a crime, command or order. It is undeniable that government agencies have tested citizens without permission as The Manchurian Candidates in the United States. Cognitive Sciences Laboratories CIA research 24 years ago when Tom Beardon warned about these weapons and activities as serious dangers. These weapons in use by police have already started to kill and maim overtly. 32. As history repeats itself, duping the legal system condoning Government horric corruptions and crimes in a free country, the core component of these Programs is Defendants nationwide network of sophisticated communications surveillance and spy devices being installed and a ached today overtly and nefariously in front of the world. NSA transmissions and NASA Remote Viewing have been in place and are being connected to the key facilities of telecommunications with advanced technologies like that of HAARP stations and Satellites for many years prior and covertly. As Quantum Physics (sound and/or radio WAVES) and subliminal are being used for Spying predominantly on CIVILIAN POPULATION, as well as breaching contracts with other Countries and Embassies, HAARP is used for Earth and human manipulations. (Jerry Smith, Jim Keith; Politician and Dr. Nick Begich, Alaska; HAARP; THE ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY 1998) The Method of Inducing Mental Emotional and Physical States in Human Beings was patented for the CIA in Virginia in 1993. Each zapped transmission or hallucination is extremely harmful and polluting as it is costly. Plainti has knowledge why black budgets are not held to higher accountability, the public slowly sickened and killed selectively with social security funds, and the missing $125 Billion on Iraqi Reconstruction fraud and the U.S. Army in February 2009. 33. These projects of CointelPro, Psyops experiments for drones, and Surveillance/spying have continued covertly to develop weapons that were rst patented by Russia and China. Since the 1950s, rst revealed to the public were the Alien UFO Projects, and the subliminal cravings of coca cola, movies and pop corn. Shortly therea er as technology advanced, mass control continued to this day nefariously against all Americans, called NSA transmissions today. This created and induced IMMORAL dysfunctional corrupt and synthetic unhealthy culture. Since 1974 under the Pentagon, DOD funded the ELF radio broadcasting in conjunction with hypnotic control and prior to that Doctors Bill Nelson and Tom Beardon had their own patents at NASA on Medicinal Energy and Biofeedback, already in use in other Countries with the same remote scalar waves and frequencies. (Apollo and Whistleblowers second cra 11, shadowing Apollo 13 and no witnesses returned a er the Shu le) Furthermore, under DOD, Combat Zones That See, or CTS, project of the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA-1957) whose goal was to track everything that moves in a city by linking up a massive network of surveillance cameras to a centralized computer system. (Russell Tice called Spy Apparatus.) Articial intelligence so ware will then identify and track all movement throughout the city. In 1958, immediately a er Sputnick, DARPA began to secure our space and airways with these Directed Energy Weapons. (Project AGILE-1966 Pentagon meeting).
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In an undisclosed report dated March 9, 2005, eight more projects with strategic thrusts included Bio-Revolution, DIRECTED ENERGY, and Urban Operation of sensors on the existing Airborne Video Surveillance, all under the Iraq theory, also data mining all information from the Human. CTS is described by DARPA as intended for use in combat zones, to deter enemy a acks on American troops and to identify and track enemy combatants who launch a acks against American soldiers, under Martial Law for a Police State and to legalize Fascism. DARPAs current Projects, XG, Robotic assured Military communication, CALO; Cognitive Impairment forced, speech, ADDHD, and Optical), and Silent Talk; A planned program a empting to identify EEG pa erns for words and transmit these for covert communications. Telepathy were part of the tests the Plainti was sent for, including warming her blood without the Doctors consent and was checked for Immune Systems without cause (ELF disease),and her eyes physically taken over by an MRI, unexplained by Director (optic pa ern, DNA, and more). This computer-mediated telepathy allows user-to-user communication through analysis of neural signals. The research aims to detect and analyze the word-specic neural signals, using EEG , which occur before speech is vocalized, and to see if the pa erns are generalizable. As of 2009 the research is focused on military uses. Plainti, an unwi ing guinea pig of these programs went for UN-Necessary tests. Plaintis hair has not grown since 1996, with induced rapid loss, a skin condition from the blood unknown to the doctors. (Leukemia) In addition, since 1962, ARPA initiated the Oce of Information Processing Technique and Behavior Sciences for Articial Intelligence, Command and Control, known today as Behavior Modication or BRAINWASH for army combat purposes. 34. Plainti has knowledge that a er this project was eld-tested with experiments on Vietnam VETERANS disguised as Agent Orange. Plainti spoke with many suering from ELF induced nervous central system a acks and complaints of mind control in the VA, all reporting the same as civilian victims. One of many victims is suing the Bar due to the VA computer systems uses with no counsel available. 35. Julianne McKinney, 1994 former Military Intelligence Ocer and Director of these very PROJECTS is still ba ling with it today, demanding oversight and cease and desist for all Microwave Harassment. (The Classic Mind Control Operation Revealed June 2003, surveillance and neurocybernetics systems, which DOD refers to as psychotechnologies. (Former Pentagon Reporter, Sharon Weinberger (mists scientists, remote viewing; internal emails, 1996) Also known as HANDLERS. 36. John Herschel Glenn Jr., 1974-1999, former astronaut and U.S. politician who Introduced a Bill and Joint Resolutions (Page S645) Human Research Subject Protection Act, stated In fact, our own Constitution says, The right of the people to be secure in their persons . . . shall not be violated., and compared it to the Nuremberg Code. His own experience and knowledge of unwi ing civilians with Radiation experiments has already been proven that Directed Energy Weapons increased CANCER rates DRAMATICALLY in this COUNTRY thus far. Furthermore, patients have discovered leaving the Country for natural cures worked without further Chemotherapy. During Plaintis brief volunteer work at the ACLU, Plainti learned that calls were made from patients complaining of being electrocuted while in Hospitals and transmi ed innocent sta not to believe them. The reason knowledgeable professionals warn against this Technology as the terrorists within, and keeping their enemies close, unfortunately. Plainti met with FBI and Congress on two occasions and warned them of her discoveries, and the Gulfs Red Tide in Florida before the spill as corruptions at the hands of our Shadow Government, and did same with Documentary Un-Covered as Marione es. ELF Waves used in ge ing a war by Congress not reading full documents to invade Iraq. (Judicial Watch various lawsuits, FBI 2008 also spinning their wheels) 37. Plainti also has knowledge that the manipulations to the media and miscommunications for the use of quashing, fanning, suppressions, and propaganda including block exposing the governments advertising and news corruptions are the reason for spying with these mind control technology weapons. Spying on media was revealed last year as NSA transmissions which includes
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weapons. Spying on media was revealed last year as NSA transmissions which includes communication chaos or not to care unwi ingly and omit important news, unrealized. (Operation Mockingbird Media, also began in the 1950s, and creating a synthetic culture). HAARP stations were set up reaching Woodpecker waves with Russia about the time space activities began 1970 when Big Brother was watching today known as Big Brother gets a Brain. Whereas Russia was in fact only deployed with these Weapons on the U.S. or on its own people. Paranoid, our Intelligence, DIA launched against its own people in 1983. Astronomical Defense budgets developed as black budgets, and SPYING nefariously went covert from media and publics knowledge. (Jerry Smith, CARABAS Coherent All Radio Band Sensing, HAARP printed in Canada 1998) (Operation Mockingbird) 38. Plainti and Plaintis family members are ordinary Americans who were initially picked up in the Big Brother radar unwi ingly in 1971, whereas Plainti was informed others who have ties with Military, Minorities, Government employees and buildings, all being picked up in radar with data mining human information for world domination powers. Dumbed Down and red tape bureaucratic culture induced unrealized 39. Plainti is also suing Defendants for treason, crimes, violations, and threats a empted on her and her family, when disseminating the information and ARTICLE, and reporting it to the Authorities. Plainti has knowledge other Countries are being scapegoated and blamed for CIA crimes in disguise. 40. Plainti was and is being discredited, sabotaged, pre-empted since on or about Sept. 2008 and the Inauguration, with these Serious Accusations to whitewash history and each one of her accusations, brainwash the public, and keep Washington in their bubble, as being too late. (CIA techniques; Jacketing- against each other or one against the other, and changing minds, of Presidents-Dr. Walter Bowart, False Memory Syndrome Foundation 1992, Hallucinations, and Reagan-Alzheimers disease-like memory loss. 41. These are unconstitutional programs under Cointelpro divisions (Operation Mind Control and DIA Remote Viewing experiments and NSA transmissions under electronics communications) as described to include Monarch-The New Phoenix Program, MKULTRA (Constantine-Virtual Government, CIA Mind Control Operations in America, 1997), Project Philadelphia, Echelon, Clear eyes, Mockingbird media), and Military Pandoras Box, Voice of GOD, Operation Northwoods (creating wars), Project Stargate and Spacestar, (CIA Psychic Remote Viewing and FBI Virtual Project, 1996 respectively), Project Paperclip (Space Medicine), Project Hybrid Insects HI-MEMS, Polar Bears, along with many others), and include corruption crimes of abusive powers. 42. Plainti is suering from the violations of her constitutional rights, and privacy acts, (US code 5, and 18) at the hands of, the direction of, or with the knowledge of, Defendants. Defendants in concert with other Intelligence agencies and/or service providers, and means are set forth in paragraphs below). 43. January 2003, the NSA designed and implemented a program THE DRAGNET in collaboration with AT&T to build a surveillance operation at AT&Ts Folsom Street Facility, inside a secret room known as the SG3 Secure Room. In February 2003, the Spli er Cabinet split diverting to and from Qwest, XO, PAIX, Allegiance, and many more Service Providers at the SG3 Location. (EFF v VERIZON) 44. As some X or zero les kept covertly in Silicon Valley and NSA and Data Mining with SIG-INT Satellites used as the scapegoat of illegal covert spying of 50 years, making it legal. Plainti received communication through Qwest and T-Mobile, and many other carriers that were tampered with, Plainti found her computer les wiped out for over one year (2007-2008 of all her Government research and email communications to the public, since she began a empts for help, and notied Qwest of the activities behind the scenes as they had found them undetectable. Plaintis communications verbally and electronically, including facsimiles, muting one party in conversation to sabotage meaning, emails were intercepted and manipulated, as destroyed documents, videos, and photographs, preventing the reporting her story and the torture and abuse to non-conspiring authorities and individuals.
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photographs, preventing the reporting her story and the torture and abuse to non-conspiring authorities and individuals. 45. Defendants daily tortures are being done without judicial, statutory, or other lawful authorization, in violate on of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 46. Defendants daily tortures are being done without probable cause or reasonable suspicion to believe that Plainti has commi ed or are about to commit any crime or engage in any terrorist activity, or is of foreign powers or agents thereof and these activities are crimes of humanity. 47. Defendants daily tortures are with intent and malice, are being done without any reason to believe that the information is relevant to an authorized criminal investigation or to an authorized investigation to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities. 48. On information and belief, Defendants daily tortures against her will and religion is directly performed, and/or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced or procured, by Defendants. 49. On information and belief, Defendants will continue to directly target the Plainti and the Public and/or will continue to aid, abet, counsel, command, induce or procure that conduct. (Mind Control and the American Government; Prevailing Winds 1994) Since Teslas Directed Energy Weapons were invented and launched or picked up by The Pentagons covert ops, The United States unlike the rest of the Globe, rapidly began down a culture of Cancer, CIA drugs, corruptions, crimes (another experiment in 1968 on crimes in major cities hidden behind LSD, as aliens) paranoia, immoral behaviors, AIDS, ANTHRAX, obesity, sicker Americans, division, Trash TV and education, paranormal phenomenon, and a greater necessity of guinea pigs for technology experimentation, followed by power, corruptions, terrorizing and harassing anyone they chose covertly on the streets without accountability and justice and without knowledge of a dictatorship or executive order. 50. Plainti seeks costs, legal fees, and damages applicable by law with protective measures for all COUNTS. Plainti was represented under a class suit, before transmissions sabotaged the a orney and his contact information has been disconnected and tampered with. On information and belief, the former a orney may have had brain surgery from Migraines while preparing the Complaint granted by and San Francisco University, a er my visit, to Denver in July of 2008. Counsel may be abroad at this time. ALLEGATIONS and VIOLATIONS 51. Pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Title 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50, Plainti Mireille Torjman brings this action on behalf of herself, and to a est to her family and the publics victimization, unwi ingly and/or unrealized at the hands of, the direction of, or the knowledge of the Defendants: (a) TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 37 793. Gathering,
transmi ing or losing defense information, (b) 18 U.S.C. 241 . Conspiracy against rights, (c) 18 U.S.C. 373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence, (d) 18 U.S.C. 1091. Genocide, (e) 18 U.S.C. 1341. Mail fraud, (f) 18 U.S.C. 1512
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(f) 18 U.S.C. 1512 . Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, (g) 18 U.S.C. 1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant, (h) 18 U.S.C. 1583 (2). Enticement into slavery, (i) 18 U.S.C. 1692. Foreign mail as United States mail, (j) 18 U.S.C. 1801. Video voyeurism, (k) 18 U.S.C. 1812. Statement of exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and interception of certain communications may be conducted, (l) 18 U.S.C. 2242. Sexual abuse, (m) 18 U.S.C. 2332 (a) Terrorism, and (h). Use of weapons of mass destruction, (n) 18 U.S.C. 2339. Harboring or concealing terrorists, (o) 18 U.S.C. 2422. Coercion and enticement, or are currently doing so; (p) Defendants have subjected the public to electronic surveillance, in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809 and 1810, or are currently doing so; (q) Defendants are intercepting communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2510 and 18 U.S.C. 2511; (r) Defendants have transmi ed Plainti and the public in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703, Required Disclosure of communications records, or are currently doing so; (s) Defendants have transmi ed civilians, and non civilians, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2381. Treason, or are currently doing so; (t) Defendants have harassed and transmi ed the public to stalk and harass the Plainti inclusive of electronically and tangibly, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2261: US Code 2261A: Stalking (u) Plainti was violated with her civil rights with the use of electronic communications under 18a U.S.C. Rule 41. Search and Seizure (v) Defendants have violated the Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., or are currently doing so; (w) Defendants have violated the constitutional principle of separation of powers, or are currently doing so; (x) Defendants have Tortured Plainti, her family, and the public electronically in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2340A, or currently doing so: (y) Plainti is entitled to injunctive, declaratory, and other equitable relief against defendants and freedom from spying activities; (z) Defendants have Tortured Plainti, her family and the public electronically in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2422, or currently doing so: (aa) Plainti is entitled to Civil Damages 18 U.S.C. Rule 2520 in violations of her First, Third, Fi h, and Thirteenth Amendments; 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2512. (ab) Plainti is entitled to Grants and Health Care Assistance as a victim in accordance to 22 U.S.C. 2152: US Code Section 2152: Assistance for victims of torture.
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(ac) United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Crel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, G.A. res. 39/46, annex, 39 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 51) at 197, U.N. Doc. A/39/51 (1984), entered into force June 26, 1987; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, G.A. res. 217A (III), U.N. Doc. A/810 at 71 (1948); International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 9.99 U.N.T.S. 171, entered into force Mar. 23, 1976. (ad) Defendants have Tortured Plainti, her family and the public and the prohibitions against torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment and the conspiracy to oppress, torture, rape, suppress, is a violation under 142 U.S.C. 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with United States Civil Rights. (ae) Defendants have Tortured Plainti, her family and the public and the prohibitions against malicious intent to torture, rape privacy rights, brainwash, and enslave with severe psychological in-humane damages to ones spirit, and libel is actionable under Tort Claims of damages found under civil and criminal trials. (af) Plainti has made at least 2 requests to the FOIA and both dossiers were denied under the violation of 5 U.S.C. 552; claims under and 18 U.S.C. 2707 and 5 U.S.C. 702 52. Adequacy: Plainti and family members are suering great harm arising from Defendants violations of law, as alleged herein. Plainti intends to prosecute this action vigorously. Plainti hereby demands injunctive relief and damages. COUNT I Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures AND War and National Defense Including Titles 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 53. Plainti repeats nd incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 54. Plainti is seeking protection for her and for all family members under the law TITLE 18 U.S.C. 3521. Witness relocation and protection. COUNT II Violation of First and Fourth Amendments, 42 U.S.C and 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures AND War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 55. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 56. Plainti motions the COURTS and Defendants to cease and desist and/or injunction for relief, immediately from grave dangerous damaging electronic harassments and that of a religious and personal nature, all other allegations of surveillance, spying, manipulations, torture, censorships, daily sabotage, and blocks electronically and otherwise, retaliations, death threats, thereby violating the constitution and privacy acts, (US code 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50) at the hands of, the direction of, or with the knowledge of, any and all government and aliations. Plainti seeks declaratory relief against all allegations and all counts. Defendants actions described herein violated Plaintis rights under the Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses of the United States Constitution, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, 42 U.S.C. 2000bb et seq., the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a, and Air Force
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Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses of the United States Constitution, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, 42 U.S.C. 2000bb et seq., the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a, and Air Force Instruction 37-132; and all other freedoms and rights under the Law. COUNT III Violation of 18 U.S.C., 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures AND War and National Defense Including Titles 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 57. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 58. Plainti numerous a empts sabotaged, hereby requests to compel the court for Defendants to conduct proper and thorough investigations (not failing to include fundamental steps of interviews and psyops techniques on U.S. Soil) even when seemingly undetectable and/or prior to 2008, with all accusations and agencies with full cooperation, including Sports, Cloning, ENGINEERED PovertyBankruptcies with individuals with Cancer, also to sabotage economies, under the Law. COUNT IV Violation of First AmendmentDeclaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures, War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 59. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 60. Plainti has been sabotaged with coverage and expose to warn the public. Plainti moves to compel the court for Defendants to provide the Constituents WE THE PEOPLE with un-tampered accurate news, appropriate warnings with Main Stream Media to heed caution, be AWARE with knowledge, and choice of action or recourse, under the law of Constituents rights and United States Constitution. COUNT V Violation of Fourth AmendmentDeclaratory, Injunctive, and Equitable Relief 108. (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 61. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; and all allegations under the law and aforementioned Amendments of the Constitution, as stated above. 62. Plainti is seeking protection for her and for all family members under the law. 63. Plainti and have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their communications and/or records, mail communications, as forementioned above, DNA, brain waves, brain activities, brain manipulations, brain recordings, data mining, collected, and/or stored by these activities. 64. Plainti have expectations of complete privacy to the intrusions of their minds and bodies, threats and fears, blackmail and choice, thus freedom of thought, emotion, will, and destiny. 65. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to,
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encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of the above-described acts of spying, torture, interception, and/or use of Plainti and her activities, by Intelligence, covertly without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 66. At all relevant times, Defendants commi ed, knew of and/or acquiesced in all of the abovedescribed acts, and failed to respect the Constitutional rights of the Plainti by obtaining judicial or other lawful authorization and by conforming their conduct to the requirements of the respective Amendments, under the Law of the United States Constitution. 67. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have violated Plaintis reasonable expectations of privacy and denied Plainti her right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. By the acts alleged herein, as a victim of the Programs, Defendants violated Plaintis rights of the Fourth Amendment to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. 68. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plainti and her family. 69. Defendants conduct was done intentionally, with malice and deliberate indierence, against her will and religion, and/or with reckless disregard of, negligent, forceful, trickery, pleasure, premediated conspiracy, in gross violations of Plainti constitutional rights. 70. On information and belief, the Count V and all other pertaining Counts Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the above-described violations of Plaintis constitutional rights, and are thereby irreparably harming Plainti. Plainti has no adequate remedy at law for the Count V and all other pertaining Counts to Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count V and all other pertaining Counts Defendants will continue to violate Plaintis legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 71. Plainti seeks that this Court declare that Defendants have violated their rights and the rights of the public; enjoin the Count V Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintis rights under the Fourth Amendment and respective Amendments, to the United States Constitution; and award such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT VI Violation of Fourth AmendmentDamages (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 72. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 73. Plainti have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their communications and/or records, mail, communications, Transmissions, intrusions, spying, by all means including electronics and waves as forementioned by Defendants. 74. Plainti have expectations of privacy to the atrocious intrusions and gross negligence. 75. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition, interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their communications transmi ed, collected, DNA and
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communications, and records pertaining to their communications transmi ed, collected, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, and/or stored, spying, torture, by Defendants without judicial or other lawful judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 76. Defendants, and/or the use of electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plainti mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintis records or other information. 77. At all relevant times, Defendants commi ed, knew of and/or acquiesced, enjoyed all of the abovedescribed acts, and failed to respect the Fourth Amendment rights of Plaintis by obtaining judicial or other lawful authorization, and by conforming their conduct to the requirements of the requirements of the respective Amendments. 78. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have violated Plaintis reasonable expectations of privacy and denied Plaintis their right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. 79. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plainti. 80. Defendants conduct is being done intentionally and with malice, with deliberate indierence, or with reckless disregard of, Plaintis constitutional rights. 81. Plainti seeks an award of her actual damages and punitive damages against the Counts III and V Defendants, and such other or further relief as is proper. COUNT VII Violation of First AmendmentDeclaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 82. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 83. Plainti use of communications anonymously and to associate privately and securely with freedoms as their Constitution Rights. 84. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition, interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plainti and Plaintis communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their communications transmi ed, collected, DNA and brain waves from any Data Mining and remote transmissions, and/or stored, spying, torture, by Defendants without judicial or other lawful judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 85. Defendants, and/or the use of electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition
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direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition interception, disclosure, divulgence, and/or use of Plainti and communications, mind and body, DNA and brain waves, Data Mining and remote transmissions, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their communications transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintis records or other information without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion. 86. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants violated Plaintis rights to speak and receive speech anonymously and associate privately under the First Amendment. 87. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct proximately caused harm to Plainti. 88. Defendants conduct was done intentionally, with malice and intent, with deliberate indierence, with reckless disregard, and negligence, Plainti constitutional rights were grossly violated. 89. On information and belief, the Count VII Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the above-described violations of Plaintis constitutional rights, and are thereby irreparably harming Plainti. Plainti has no adequate remedy at law for the Count VII Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count VII Defendants will continue to violate Plainti legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 90. Plaintis seek that this Court declare that Defendants have violated their rights; enjoin the Count VII Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plainti rights under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution; and award such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT VIII Violation of First AmendmentDamages (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 91. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 92. Plainti use of communication with privacy to speak or receive speech anonymously and to associate privately. 93. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition, interception, spying, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plainti and Plaintis communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their communications transmi ed, collected, DNA and brain waves from any Data Mining and remote transmissions, and/or stored, spying, torture, by Defendants without judicial or other lawful judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of statutory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 94. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants violated Plaintis rights to speak and receive speech anonymously and associate privately under the First Amendment. 95. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct proximately caused harm to Plainti. 96. Defendants conduct was done intentionally, with malice and sadistic pleasure, with deliberate indierence, or with reckless disregard of, Plainti constitutional rights. 97. Plainti seeks an award of her actual damages and punitive damages against the Counts IV and
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97. Plainti seeks an award of her actual damages and punitive damages against the Counts IV and VIII Defendants, and for such other or further relief as is proper. COUNT IX Violation of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance ActDeclaratory, Injunctive and Other Equitable Relief (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 98. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 99. In relevant part, 50 U.S.C. 1809 provides that: (a) Prohibited activitiesA person is guilty of an oense if he intentionally(1) engages in electronic surveillance under color of law except as authorized by this chapter, chapter 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 or any express statutory authorization that is an additional exclusive means for conducting electronic surveillance under section 1812 of this title; or (2) discloses or uses information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through electronic surveillance not authorized by this chapter, chapter 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 or any express statutory authorization that is an additional exclusive means for conducting electronic surveillance under section 1812 of this title. 100. In relevant part 50 U.S.C. 1801 provides that: (f) Electronic surveillance means (1) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any wire or radio communication sent by or intended to be received by a particular, known United States person who is in the United States, if the contents are acquired by intentionally targeting that United States person, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes; (2) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any wire communication to or from a person in the United States, without the consent of any party thereto, if such acquisition occurs in the United States, but does not include the acquisition of those communications of computer trespassers that would be permissible under section 2511(2)(i) of Title 18; (3) the intentional acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any radio communication, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes, and if both the sender and all intended recipients are located within the United States; or (4) the installation or use of an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device in the United States for monitoring to acquire information, other than from a wire or radio communication, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes. 101. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance, as dened in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted. (Emphasis added.) 102. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.)
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(Emphasis added.) 103.Defendants intentionally acquired, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acquisition, by means of a surveillance and spying devices, the contents of one or more wire and wireless communications to or from Plainti or other information in which Plainti has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the consent of any party thereto, and such acquisition occurred in the United States and overseas. 104. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition of Plaintis communications, interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plainti mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining, remote transmissions, communications records, and contents of communications, pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and individualized suspicion of Plaintis records and information. 105. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants acting in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations have intentionally engaged in, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of, electronic surveillance (as dened by 50 U.S.C. 1801(f)) under color of law, not authorized by any statute, to which Plainti were subjected in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809. 106. Additionally or in the alternative, by the acts alleged herein, Defendants acting in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations have intentionally disclosed or used information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through electronic surveillance and spying not authorized by statute, including information pertaining to Plainti, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acts. 107. Defendants did not notify Plainti of the above-described electronic surveillance, disclosure, and/or use, nor did Plainti consent to such. 108. Plainti have been and are aggrieved by Defendants electronic surveillance, and spying , disclosure, and/or use of their wire communications. 109. On information and belief, the Count IX Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the above-described acts resulting in the electronic surveillance, spying, disclosure, and/or use of Plainti wire communications, acting in excess of the Count IX Defendants statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations, including 50 U.S.C. 1809 and 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f), and are thereby irreparably harming Plainti and Plaintis family. Plaintis has no adequate remedy at law for the Count IX Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count IX Defendants will continue to violate Plainti legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 110. Pursuant to Larson v. United States, 337 U.S. 682 (1949) and to 5 U.S.C. 702, Plainti seeks that this Court declare that Defendants have violated Plaintis rights; enjoin the Count IX Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintis statutory rights, including their rights under 50 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.; and award such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT X
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COUNT X Violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809, actionable under 50 U.S.C. 1810Damages (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 111. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 112. In relevant part, 50 U.S.C. 1809 provides that: (a) Prohibited activitiesA person is guilty of an oense if he intentionally(1) engages in electronic surveillance under color of law except as authorized by this chapter, chapter 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 or any express statutory authorization that is an additional exclusive means for conducting electronic surveillance under section 1812 of this title; or (2) discloses or uses information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through electronic surveillance not authorized by this chapter, chapter 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 or any express statutory authorization that is an additional exclusive means for conducting electronic surveillance under section 1812 of this title. 113. In relevant part 50 U.S.C. 1801 provides that: (f) Electronic surveillance means (1) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any wire or radio communication sent by or intended to be received by a particular, known United States person who is in the United States, if the contents are acquired by intentionally targeting that United States person, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes; (2) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any wire communication to or from a person in the United States, without the consent of any party thereto, if such acquisition occurs in the United States, but does not include the acquisition of those communications of computer trespassers that would be permissible under section 2511(2)(i) of Title 18; (3) the intentional acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any radio communication, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes, and if both the sender and all intended recipients are located within the United States; or (4) the installation or use of an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device in the United States for monitoring to acquire information, other than from a wire or radio communication, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes. 114. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance, as dened in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted. (Emphasis added.) 115. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.) 116. Defendants intentionally acquired, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to,
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encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, (negligent), facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acquisition, by means of a surveillance and spying devices, the contents of one or more wire and wireless communications to or from Plainti or other information in which Plainti has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the consent of any party thereto, and such acquisition occurred in the United States. 117. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition of Plaintis communications, interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plainti mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintis records or other information. 118. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally engaged in, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, (negligent), facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of, electronic surveillance (as dened by 50 U.S.C. 1801(f)) under color of law, not authorized by any statute, to which Plaintis were subjected in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809. 119. Additionally or in the alternative, by the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally disclosed or used information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through electronic surveillance and spying not authorized by statute, including information pertaining to Plaintis, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acts. 120. Defendants did not notify Plainti of the above-described electronic surveillance, spying, disclosure, and/or use, nor did Plaintis consent to such. 121. Plaintis have been and are aggrieved by Defendants electronic surveillance, spying, disclosure, and/or use of their wire communications. 122. Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1810, which provides a civil action for any person who has been subjected to an electronic surveillance and spying or about whom information obtained by electronic surveillance of such person has been disclosed or used in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809, Plainti seeks from the Count X Defendants for each Plainti their statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XI Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2512Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 123. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 124. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2510 provides that:
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(1) Except as otherwise specically provided in this chapter any person who (a) intentionally intercepts, endeavors to intercept, or procures any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any wire, oral, or electronic communication . . . (c) intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . [or](d) intentionally uses, or endeavors to use, the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . shall be punished as provided in subsection (4) or shall be subject to suit as provided in subsection (5). 125. 18 U.S.C. 2511 further provides that: (3)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, a person or entity providing an electronic communication service to the public shall not intentionally divulge the contents of any communication (other than one to such person or entity, or an agent thereof) while in transmission on that service to any person or entity other than an addressee or intended recipient of such communication or an agent of such addressee or intended recipient. 126. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance, as dened in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted. (Emphasis added.) 127. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.) 128. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully intercepted, endeavored to intercept, or procured another person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, Plaintis wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(a); and/or 129. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully disclosed, or endeavored to disclose, to another person the contents of Plainti wire or electronic communications, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(c); and/or 130. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully used, or endeavored to use, the contents of Plainti wire or electronic communications, while knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of wire or electronic communications and spying in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(d). 131. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully caused, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, participated in, contributed to, negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired to cause unwi ing subjects, Plainti, and the public, divulgence of Plainti wire or electronic communications to Defendants while in transmission by various service providers, and there of tampering with, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(3)(4)(5). 132. Defendants have commi ed these acts of interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of
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132. Defendants have commi ed these acts of interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plainti communications directly or by aiding, abe ing, counseling, commanding, inducing, procuring, encouraging, promoting, instigating, advising, willfully causing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, facilitating, directing, controlling, assisting in, or conspiring in their commission. In doing so, Defendants have acted in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations. 133. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintis mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintis records or other information. 134. Defendants did not notify Plainti of the above-described intentional interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their wire or electronic communications, nor did Plainti consent to such. 135. Plainti has been and is aggrieved by Defendants intentional and willful interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their wire or electronic communications. 136. On information and belief, the Count XI Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the above-described acts resulting in the intentional and willful interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintis wire or electronic communications, acting in excess of the Count XI Defendants statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations, including 18 U.S.C. 2511, and are thereby irreparably harming Plainti. Plaintis have no adequate remedy at law for the Count XI Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count XI Defendants will continue to violate Plaintis legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 137. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2520, which provides a civil action for any person whose wire or electronic communications have been intercepted, disclosed, divulged or intentionally used in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511, to Larson v. United States, 337 U.S. 682 (1949), and to 5 U.S.C. 702, Plainti seek equitable and declaratory relief against the Count XI Defendants. 138. Plainti seek that this Court declare that Defendants have violated Plaintis right; enjoin the Count XI Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plainti statutory rights, including their rights under 18 U.S.C. 2511; and award such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT XII Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2512 actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2520Damages (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 139. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 140. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2511, and 18 U.S.C. 2510 provides that: (1) Except as otherwise specically provided in this chapter any person who (a) intentionally intercepts, endeavors to intercept, or procures any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any wire, oral, or electronic communication . . . (c) intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . [or](d) intentionally uses, or endeavors to
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electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . [or](d) intentionally uses, or endeavors to use, the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . shall be punished as provided in subsection (4) or shall be subject to suit as provided in subsection (5). 141. 18 U.S.C. 2511 further provides that: (3)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, a person or entity providing an electronic communication service to the public shall not intentionally divulge the contents of any communication (other than one to such person or entity, or an agent thereof) while in transmission on that service to any person or entity other than an addressee or intended recipient of such communication or an agent of such addressee or intended recipient. 142. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance, as dened in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted. (Emphasis added.) 143. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.) 144. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully intercepted, endeavored to intercept, or procured another person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, Plaintis and Plaintis family members wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(a); and/or 145. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully disclosed, or endeavored to disclose, to another person the contents of Plaintis wire or electronic communications, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(c); and/or 146. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully used, or endeavored to use, the contents of Plaintis wire or electronic communications, while knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(d). 147. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully caused, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, participated in, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired to cause divulgence of Plaintis and Plaintis family members wire or electronic communications to Defendants while in transmission by various service providers, and there of tampering with, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(3)(4)(5). 148. Defendants have commi ed these acts of interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintis communications directly or by aiding, abe ing, counseling, commanding, inducing, procuring, encouraging, promoting, instigating, advising, willfully causing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, facilitating, directing, controlling, assisting in, or conspiring in their commission. 149. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing,
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149. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plainti mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintis records or other information. 150. Defendants did not notify Plainti of the above-described intentional interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their wire or electronic communications, nor did Plainti consent to such. 151. Plainti has been and is aggrieved by Defendants intentional and willful interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their wire or electronic communications. 152. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2520, which provides a civil action for any person whose wire or electronic communications have been intercepted, disclosed, divulged or intentionally used in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511, Plainti seeks from the Count XII Defendants for Plaintis statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XIII Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511, actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2712Damages (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 153. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 154. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2511 provides that: (1) Except as otherwise specically provided in this chapter any person who (a) intentionally intercepts, endeavors to intercept, or procures any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any wire, oral, or electronic communication . . . (c) intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . [or](d) intentionally uses, or endeavors to use, the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection . . . shall be punished as provided in subsection (4) or shall be subject to suit as provided in subsection (5). 155. 18 U.S.C. 2511 further provides that: (3)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, a person or entity providing an electronic communication service to the public shall not intentionally divulge the contents of any communication (other than one to such person or entity, or an agent thereof) while in transmission on that service to any person or entity other than an addressee or intended recipient of such communication or an agent of such addressee or intended recipient. 156. 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(f) further provides in relevant part that procedures in this chapter or chapter 121 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance, as dened in section 101 [50 U.S.C. 1801] of such Act, and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted.(Emphasis added.) 157. 50 U.S.C. 1812 further provides in relevant part that: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and
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(a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the procedures of chapters 119, 121, and 206 of Title 18 and this chapter shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications may be conducted. (b) Only an express statutory authorization for electronic surveillance or the interception of domestic wire, oral, or electronic communications, other than as an amendment to this chapter or chapters 119, 121, or 206 of Title 18 shall constitute an additional exclusive means for the purpose of subsection (a). (Emphasis added.) 158. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully intercepted, endeavored to intercept, or procured another person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, spy, Plainti wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(a); and/or 159. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully disclosed, or endeavored to disclose, to another person the contents of Plainti wire or electronic communications, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(c); and/or 160. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully used, or endeavored to use, the contents of Plainti wire or electronic communications, while knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of wire or electronic communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(1)(d). 161. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally and willfully caused, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, participated in, contributed to, facilitated, spied, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired to, negligently conspired to, cause unwi ing subjects, Plainti, and the public, divulgence of Plaintis wire or electronic communications to Defendants while in transmission by various service providers, and there of tampering with, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(3)(4)(5). 162. Defendants have commi ed these acts of interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of Plaintis communications directly or by aiding, abe ing, counseling, commanding, inducing, procuring, encouraging, promoting, instigating, advising, willfully causing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, facilitating, directing, controlling, assisting in, or conspiring in their commission. 163. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plainti mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintis records or other information. 164. Defendants did not notify Plaintis of the above-described intentional interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their wire or electronic communications, nor did Plainti consent to such. 165. Plainti has been and is aggrieved by Defendants intentional and willful interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of their wire or electronic communications. 166. Title 18 U.S.C. 2712 provides a civil action against the United States and its agencies and departments for any person whose wire or electronic communications have been intercepted, disclosed, divulged or intentionally used in willful violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511. Plainti has complied fully with the claim presentment procedure of 18 U.S.C. 2712. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2712, Plainti seeks from the Count XIII Defendants for Plaintis statutory damages or actual damages, and such other and further relief as is proper.
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COUNT XIV Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) & (b)Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 167. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 168. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2703 provides that: (a) Contents of Wire or Electronic Communications in Electronic Storage. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communication service of the contents of a wire or electronic communication, that is in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for one hundred and eighty days or less, only pursuant to a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the oense under investigation or equivalent State warrant. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communications services of the contents of a wire or electronic communication that has been in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for more than one hundred and eighty days by the means available under subsection (b) of this section. (b) Contents of Wire or Electronic Communications in a Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of remote computing service to disclose the contents of any wire or electronic communication to which this paragraph is made applicable by paragraph (2) of this subsection (A) without required notice to the subscriber or customer, if the governmental entity obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the oense under investigation or equivalent State warrant; or (B) With prior notice from the governmental entity to the subscriber or customer if the governmental entity (i) uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena; or (ii) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; except that delayed notice may be given pursuant to section 2705 of this title. (2) Paragraph (1) is applicable with respect to any wire or electronic communication that is held or maintained on that service (A) on behalf of, and received by means of electronic transmission from (or created by means of computer processing of communications received by means of electronic transmission from), a subscriber or customer of such remote computing service; and (B) solely for the purpose of providing storage or computer processing services to such subscriber or customer, if the provider is not authorized to access the contents of any such communications for purposes of providing any services other than storage or computer processing. 169. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abe ed, counseled, induced, commanded, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, surveillance, spying, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the disclosure to Defendants of the contents of Plainti communications while in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication service, and/or while carried or maintained by an AT&T, Qwest,
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other electronic communication service, and/or while carried or maintained by an AT&T, Qwest, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, any other carrier, or WIFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) and/or (b). In doing so, Defendants have acted in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations. 170. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plainti mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintis records or other information. 171. Defendants did not notify Plainti of the disclosure of her communications, nor did Plainti consent to such. 172. Plainti have been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plainti. 173. On information and belief, the Count XIV Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the above-described soliciting and obtaining of disclosure of the contents Plaintis communications while in electronic storage by Defendants and/or NSA and any of their agents electronic communication service(s), and/or while carried or maintained by any remote computing service(s), acting in excess of the Count XIV Defendants statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations, including 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) and (b), and are thereby irreparably harming Plainti. Plainti have no adequate remedy at law for the Count XIV Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count XIV Defendants will continue to violate Plainti legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 174. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2707, which provides a civil action for any person aggrieved by knowing or intentional violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703, to Larson v. United States, 337 U.S. 682 (1949), and to 5 U.S.C. 702, Plainti seeks equitable and declaratory relief against the Count XIV Defendants. 175. Plainti seeks that this Court declare that Defendants have violated Plaintis rights; enjoin the Count XIV Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintis statutory rights, including their rights under 18 U.S.C. 2703; and award such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT XV Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) & (b), actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2707Damages (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 176. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 177. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2703 provides that: (a) Contents of Wire or Electronic Communications in Electronic Storage. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communication service of the contents of a wire or electronic communication, that is in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for one hundred and eighty days or less, only pursuant to a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the oense under investigation or equivalent State warrant. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a
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investigation or equivalent State warrant. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communications services of the contents of a wire or electronic communication that has been in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for more than one hundred and eighty days by the means available under subsection (b) of this section. (b) Contents of Wire or Electronic Communications in a Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of remote computing service to disclose the contents of any wire or electronic communication to which this paragraph is made applicable by paragraph (2) of this subsection (A) without required notice to the subscriber or customer, if the governmental entity obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the oense under investigation or equivalent State warrant; or (B) with prior notice from the governmental entity to the subscriber or customer if the governmental entity (i) uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena; or (ii) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; except that delayed notice may be given pursuant to section 2705 of this title. (2) Paragraph (1) is applicable with respect to any wire or electronic communication that is held or maintained on that service (A) on behalf of, and received by means of electronic transmission from (or created by means of computer processing of communications received by means of electronic transmission from), a subscriber or customer of such remote computing service; and (B) solely for the purpose of providing storage or computer processing services to such subscriber or customer, if the provider is not authorized to access the contents of any such communications for purposes of providing any services other than storage or computer processing. 178. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abe ed, counseled, induced, commanded, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the disclosure to Defendants of the contents of Plainti communications while in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication service, and/or while carried or maintained by an AT&T, Qwest, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, any other carrier, or WIFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) and/or (b). 179. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plainti and mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, surveillance, spying, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintis records or other information. 180. Defendants did not notify Plainti of the disclosure of their communications, nor did Plainti consent to such. 181. Plainti and family have been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and
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communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plainti. 182. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2707, which provides a civil action for any person aggrieved by knowing or intentional violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703, Plainti seek from the Count XV Defendants for Plaintis statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as may be proper. COUNT XVI Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) & (b), actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2712Damages (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 183. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 184. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2703 provides that: (a) Contents of Wire or Electronic Communications in Electronic Storage. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communication service of the contents of a wire or electronic communication, that is in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for one hundred and eighty days or less, only pursuant to a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the oense under investigation or equivalent State warrant. A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communications services of the contents of a wire or electronic communication that has been in electronic storage in an electronic communications system for more than one hundred and eighty days by the means available under subsection (b) of this section. (b) Contents of Wire or Electronic Communications in a Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of remote computing service to disclose the contents of any wire or electronic communication to which this paragraph is made applicable by paragraph (2) of this subsection (A) without required notice to the subscriber or customer, if the governmental entity obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the oense under investigation or equivalent State warrant; or (B) with prior notice from the governmental entity to the subscriber or customer if the governmental entity (i) uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena; or (ii) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; except that delayed notice may be given pursuant to section 2705 of this title. (2) Paragraph (1) is applicable with respect to any wire or electronic communication that is held or maintained on that service (A) on behalf of, and received by means of electronic transmission from (or created by means of computer processing of communications received by means of electronic transmission from), a subscriber or customer of such remote computing service; and (B) solely for the purpose of providing storage or computer processing services to such subscriber or customer, if the provider is not authorized to access the contents of any such communications for purposes of providing any services other than storage or computer processing.
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purposes of providing any services other than storage or computer processing. 185. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abe ed, counseled, induced, commanded, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, surveillance, spied, assisted in, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the disclosure to Defendants of the contents of Plainti communications while in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication service, and/or while carried or maintained by an AT&T, Qwest, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, any other carrier, or WIFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703(a) and/or (b). 186. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plainti mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintis records or other information. 187. Defendants did not notify Plainti of the disclosure of her communications, nor did Plainti consent to such. 188. Plainti has been and is aggrieved by Defendants above-described soliciting and obtaining of disclosure of the contents of communications. 189. Title 18 U.S.C. 2712 provides a civil action against the United States and its agencies and departments for any person whose communications have been disclosed in willful violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703. Plaintis have complied fully with the claim presentment procedure of 18 U.S.C. 2712. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2712, Plainti seek from the Count XVI Defendants for each Plainti their statutory damages or actual damages, and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XVII Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 190. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 191. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709 provides that: 2702 Voluntary disclosure of customer communications or records, and 2709 Counterintelligence access to telephone toll and transactional records, and 2703 Required disclosure of customer communications or records (c) Records Concerning Electronic Communication Service or Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service to disclose a record or other information pertaining to a subscriber to or customer of such service (not including the contents of communications) only when the governmental entity (A) obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the oense under investigation or equivalent State warrant;
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(B) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; (C) has the consent of the subscriber or customer to such disclosure; (D) submits a formal wri en request relevant to a law enforcement investigation concerning telemarketing fraud for the name, address, and place of business of a subscriber or customer of such provider, which subscriber or customer is engaged in telemarketing (as such term is dened in section 2325 of this title); or (E) seeks information under paragraph (2). (2) A provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service shall disclose to a governmental entity the (A) name; (B) address; (C) local and long distance telephone connection records, or records of session times and durations; (D) length of service (including start date) and types of service utilized; (E) telephone or instrument number or other subscriber number or identity, including any temporarily assigned network address; and (F) means and source of payment for such service (including any credit card or bank account number), of a subscriber to or customer of such service when the governmental entity uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena or any means available under paragraph (1). (3) A governmental entity receiving records or information under this subsection is not required to provide notice to a subscriber or customer. 182. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the records, disclosures, and/or other information pertaining to Plainti communications while in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication services, and/or remote computing services oered to the public and/or while carried or maintained by, AT&T, Qwest, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, or WIFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709. In doing so, Defendants have acted in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations. 193.. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of these acts of disclosure and/or use of Plaintis mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion Plaintis records or other information. 194. Defendants did not notify Plainti of the disclosure of these records or other information pertaining to them and their use of, nor did Plainti consent to such surveillance and spying. 195. Plainti have been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication
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195. Plainti have been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plainti. 196. On information and belief, the Count XVII Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the above-described soliciting and obtaining disclosures of records or other information pertaining to Plainti, acting in excess of the Count XVII Defendants statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations, including 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709, and are thereby irreparably harming Plainti. Plainti and have no adequate remedy at law for the Count XVII Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count XVII Defendants will continue to violate Plaintis legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 197. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2707, which provides a civil action for any person aggrieved by knowing or intentional violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709, to Larson v. United States, 337 U.S. 682 (1949), and to 5 U.S.C. 702, Plainti seeks equitable and declaratory relief against the Count XVII Defendants. 198. Plainti seeks that the Court declare that Defendants have violated their rights; enjoin the Count XVII Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plainti statutory rights, including their rights under 18 U.S.C. 2703; and award such other and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT XVIII Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2703(c)(d)(e) 2709, actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2707 and 2712 Damages (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 199. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 200. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2703 (c)(d)(e) 2709 provides that: 2702 Voluntary disclosure of customer communications or records, and 2709 Counterintelligence access to telephone toll and transactional records, and 2703 Required disclosure of customer communications or records (c) Records Concerning Electronic Communication Service or Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service to disclose a record or other information pertaining to a subscriber to or customer of such service (not including the contents of communications) only when the governmental entity (A) obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the oense under investigation or equivalent State warrant; (B) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; (C) has the consent of the subscriber or customer to such disclosure; (D) submits a formal wri en request relevant to a law enforcement investigation concerning telemarketing fraud for the name, address, and place of business of a subscriber or customer of such provider, which subscriber or customer is engaged in telemarketing (as such term is dened in section 2325 of this title); or
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2325 of this title); or (E) seeks information under paragraph (2). (2) A provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service shall disclose to a governmental entity the (A) name; (B) address; (C) local and long distance telephone connection records, or records of session times and durations; (D) length of service (including start date) and types of service utilized; (E) telephone or instrument number or other subscriber number or identity, including any temporarily assigned network address; and (F) means and source of payment for such service (including any credit card or bank account number), of a subscriber to or customer of such service when the governmental entity uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena or any means available under paragraph (1). (3) A governmental entity receiving records or information under this subsection is not required to provide notice to a subscriber or customer. 201. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in soliciting and obtaining from various service providers, the records, disclosures, and/or other information pertaining to Plainti communications while in electronic storage by NSA and/or other electronic communication services, and/or remote computing services oered to the public and/or while carried or maintained by, AT&T, Qwest, Western Broadband, Brighthouse, Verizon, any other, or WIFI remote computing services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709. In doing so, Defendants have acted in excess of their statutory authority and in violation of statutory limitations. 202. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of these acts of disclosure and/or use of Plaintis mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, surveillance, spying, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion Plaintis records or other information. 203. Defendants did not notify Plainti of the disclosure of these records or other information pertaining to them and their use of NSA and/or other electronic communication service, nor did Plainti and members consent to such. 204. Plainti has been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plainti. 205. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2707, which provides a civil action for any person aggrieved by knowing or intentional violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709, Plainti seek from the Count XVIII Defendants for Plaintis statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as may be proper.
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COUNT XIX Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 and 2703, and 2709 actionable under 18 U.S.C. 2707 and 2712Damages (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 206. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 207. In relevant part, 18 U.S.C. 2702 and 2703 and 2709 provides that: 2702. Voluntary disclosure of customer communications or records, and 2709. Counterintelligence access to telephone toll and transactional records, and 2703 and 2703(c) Required disclosure of customer communications or records (c) Records Concerning Electronic Communication Service or Remote Computing Service. (1) A governmental entity may require a provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service to disclose a record or other information pertaining to a subscriber to or customer of such service (not including the contents of communications) only when the governmental entity (A) obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the oense under investigation or equivalent State warrant; (B) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section; (C) has the consent of the subscriber or customer to such disclosure; (D) submits a formal wri en request relevant to a law enforcement investigation concerning telemarketing fraud for the name, address, and place of business of a subscriber or customer of such provider, which subscriber or customer is engaged in telemarketing (as such term is dened in section 2325 of this title); or (E) seeks information under paragraph (2). (2) A provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service shall disclose to a governmental entity the (A) name; (B) address; (C) local and long distance telephone connection records, or records of session times and durations; (D) length of service (including start date) and types of service utilized; (E) telephone or instrument number or other subscriber number or identity, including any temporarily assigned network address; and (F) means and source of payment for such service (including any credit card or bank account number), of a subscriber to or customer of such service when the governmental entity uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena or any means available under paragraph (1). (3) A governmental entity receiving records or information under this subsection is not required to
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(3) A governmental entity receiving records or information under this subsection is not required to provide notice to a subscriber or customer. 208. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained from NSA, and/or other electronic communication service, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the soliciting and obtaining from NSA and/or all other electronic communication services, the disclosure to Defendants of records or other information pertaining to Plaintis use of electronic communication services and/or remote computing services oered to the public and/or other electronic communication service, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709. 209. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of these acts of disclosure and/or use of Plainti and Plaintis mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion Plaintis records or other information. 210. Defendants did not notify Plainti of the disclosure of these records or other information pertaining to them and their use of, nor did Plainti consent to such. 211. Plainti has been and is aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of soliciting and obtaining disclosure of records or other information pertaining to Plainti. 212. Title 18 U.S.C. 2712 provides a civil action against the United States and its agencies and departments for any person aggrieved by willful violation of 18 U.S.C. 2702 2703 2709. Plainti have complied fully with the claim presentment procedure of 18 U.S.C. 2707. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2712, Plainti seeks from the Count XIX Defendants for the Plaintis statutory damages or actual damages and such other and further relief as is proper. COUNT XX Violation of 18 U.S.C. 201. Bribery of public ocials and witnesses (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 213. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 214. Plainti has expectations of complete safety from United States Government and free of bribes and blackmail with threats to her life and/or family. Furthermore, Plainti is risking her life daily in a empts to defend herself and report the use of these weapons. 215. Plainti has been violated under Title 18 U.S.C. 201. Bribery of public ocials and witnesses. COUNT XXI Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures, AND War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional, AND TORT CLAIMS-Intentional Iniction of Emotional Distress (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 216. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein;
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of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 217. Defendants intentionally and willfully solicited and obtained from Defendants, and/or other electronic communication service, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the soliciting and obtaining from Defendants and/or NSA transmissions and/or all other electronic communication services, the tortures and controls of Plaintis, mind and body with the use of electronic communication services and/or remote computing services oered to the public by Defendants and/or other electronic communication service, in violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. inclusive of each count itemized below, separately. 218. Defendants and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of these acts of torture and/or use of Plainti mind and body, DNA and brain waves, brain activities, brain manipulations, brain recordings, from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion Plaintis records or other information. 219. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have violated Plaintis reasonable expectations of privacy and denied Plainti her right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants violated Plaintis rights to speak and to receive speech anonymously and associate privately physically and psychologically, under the First, Fourth, Fi h, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Amendments, privacy, to speak or receive speech anonymously and to associate privately. 220. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plainti and family. 221. Defendants conduct was done intentionally, with malice and deliberate indierence, against her will and religion, and/or with reckless disregard of, negligent, forceful, trickery, pleasure, premediated conspiracy, in gross violations of Plaintis constitutional rights. 222. On information and belief, the Counts Defendants are now engaging in and will continue to engage in the above-described violations of Plaintis constitutional rights, and are thereby irreparably harming Plainti and family. Plainti have no adequate remedy at law for the Count V Defendants continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count V Defendants will continue to violate Plaintis legal rights unless enjoined and restrained by this Court. 223. Defendants did not notify Plainti of the torture of these records or other information pertaining to them and their use of, nor did Plainti consent to such. 224. Plainti has been and are aggrieved by Defendants and/or other electronic communication services aforementioned in this complaint, above-described acts of torture and intrusions aforementioned allegations under each count itemized below, pertaining to Plainti. 225. Titles 22, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional, provides a civil and criminal action against the United States and its agencies and departments for any person aggrieved by willful violation of 18 U.S.C and 50 U.S.C. Plainti seeks from each Counts below Defendants for the Plaintis statutory damages or actual damages and such other and further relief as is proper. 226. Plainti, hereby has been aggrieved and violated as the aforementioned allegations under each count below of the US codes, during this process and as a victim of the Intelligence Communities of the United States of America as found below. Plainti seeks relief as permi ed by law for each count below separately:
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(a) 18 Gathering, transmi ing or losing defense information, (b) 18 U.S.C. 241 . Conspiracy against rights, (c) 18 U.S.C. 373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence, (d) 18 U.S.C. 1091. Genocide, (e) 18 U.S.C. 1341. Mail fraud, (f) 18 U.S.C. 1512
U.S.C. 793.
. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, (g) 18 U.S.C. 1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant, (h) 18 U.S.C. 1583 (2). Enticement into slavery, (i) 18 U.S.C. 1692. Foreign mail as United States mail, (j) 18 U.S.C. 1801. Video voyeurism, (k) 18 U.S.C. 1812. Statement of exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and interception of certain communications may be conducted, (l) 18 U.S.C. 2242. Sexual abuse, (m) 18 U.S.C. 2332 (a) Terrorism, and (h). Use of weapons of mass destruction, (n) 18 U.S.C. 2339. Harboring or concealing terrorists, (o) 18 U.S.C. 2422. Coercion and enticement, or are currently doing so; (p) Defendants have subjected the public to electronic surveillance, spying, and mind and body transmissions, in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809 and 1810, or are currently doing so; (q) Defendants are intercepting communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511; (r) Defendants have transmi ed Plainti and the public in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2703, Required Disclosure of communications records, or are currently doing so; (s) Defendants have transmi ed the Plainti and public domestically and internationally, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2381. Treason, or are currently doing so; (t) Defendants are violation of 18 U.S.C. 2261: US Code 2261A: Stalking (u) Plainti was subjected to electronic surveillance, spying and harassment, violating 18a U.S.C. Rule 41. Search and Seizure (v) Defendants have violated the Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., or are currently doing so; (w) Defendants have violated the constitutional principle of separation of powers, or are currently doing so; (x) Defendants have tortured, and violated, Plainti, and the public electronically in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2340A, or are currently doing so:
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U.S.C. 2340A, or are currently doing so: (y) Plainti are entitled to injunctive, declaratory, and other equitable relief against defendants and freedom from further harm, in violation of tort laws domestically and internationally. (z) Defendants have tortured Plainti and the public electronically in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2421, or currently doing so: (aa) Plainti is entitled to Civil Damages 18 U.S.C. Rule 2520 in violations of her First, Third, Fi h, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Amendments; (ab) Plainti is entitled to Grants and Health Care Assistance as a victim in accordance to 22 U.S.C. 2152: US Code Section 2152: Assistance for victims of torture. (ac) United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, G.A. res. 39/46, annex, 39 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 51) at 197, U.N. Doc. A/39/51 (1984), entered into force June 26, 1987; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, G.A. res. 217A (III), U.N. Doc. A/810 at 71 (1948); International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 9.99 U.N.T.S. 171, entered into force Mar. 23, 1976. (ad) Defendants have intentionally and with malice premeditated the Tortured of the Plainti and is a violation under 142 U.S.C. 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights. (ae) Defendants have Tortured Plainti, is actionable under tort claims of damages found under civil procedures and criminal trials. COUNT XXII Violation of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq. Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 227. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 228. The Programs and all various programs violates the Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., because Defendants actions under the Programs exceed statutory authority and limitations imposed by Congress through FISA, and through Chapters 119, 121 and 206 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code (the Wiretap Act, the Stored Communications Act, and the Pen Register Statute, respectively) and in violation of statutory rights under those laws ; are not otherwise in accordance with law; are contrary to constitutional rights, including the Fourth Amendment, First Amendment, and separation of powers principles; and are taken without observance of procedures required by law. 229. Plainti is aggrieved by these violations because, as described previously in this Complaint, Defendants actions under The Program and various other Programs has resulted in the interception, acquisition, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of the contents of their wire and electronic communications, communications records, and other information in violation of their constitutional and statutory rights. 230. Plaintis seek nonmonetary relief against the Count XXIII Defendants, including a declaration that Defendants have violated Plaintis rights; an injunction enjoining the Count XXIII Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintis rights; and such other and further nonmonetary relief as is proper. COUNT XXIII
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Violation of Separation of Powers Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 231. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 232. The Programs violates the principles of separation of powers because it was authorized by the Executive in excess of the Executives authority under Article II of the United States Constitution, in excess of statutory authority granted the Executive under FISA and under Chapters 119, 121 and 206 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code (the Wiretap Act, the Stored Communications Act, and the Pen Register Statute, respectively) and exceeds the statutory limits imposed on the Executive by Congress. 233. Plainti is aggrieved by these violations because, as described previously in this Complaint, Defendants actions under the Programs has resulted in the interception, acquisition, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of the contents of their wire and electronic communications, communications records, and other information aforementioned in violation of their constitutional and statutory rights. 234. Plaintis seek nonmonetary relief against the Count XVIII Defendants, including a declaration that Defendants have violated Plaintis rights; an injunction enjoining the Count XVIII Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintis rights; and for such other and further nonmonetary relief as is proper. COUNT XXIV Violation of the h and eighth amendment prohibitions Other Equitable Relief (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 235. Plainti advances ve causes of actions on premised on tort liability for violations of (1) the Fi h and eighth Amendment prohibitions against cruel and unusual punishment, (2) the law of nations prohibition against torture (3) the law of nations prohibition against cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment, and (4) the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians Persons in time of War, Aug. 12, 1949, 6 U.S.T. 3516, T.I.A.S. No. 3365 (Geneva Convention IV. The Plaintis h cause of action seeks declaratory relief for Violations of the law of Nations Geneva Convention IV and the United States Constitution. With regards to the Constitutional violations, the Plainti argue that the Courts should infer cause of action for tort liability pursuant to Bivens vs. six unknown named agents of the Fed. Bureau of Narcatics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971). The Plainti asserts that the Defendants are liable for the treatment of a non-enemy combatant and retaliation. COUNT XXV Violation of 5 U.S.C. 552.FOIA records request
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(Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 236. Plainti made several requests to the FOIA over the years, and was denied existence of any dossier or documentation. Plainti was also provided with protected rights under terrorism to deny access if any to her records in violation of 5 U.S.C. 552. 237. Plainti hereby makes demands to grant such reliefs as the court may deem just and proper under the law 5 U.S.C. 552. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(C) and 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(E)(ii)(I), Plainti shall be deemed to have exhausted its administrative remedies with respect to its request to Defendant. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(3), Plainti has a right of access to the information and documents requested in its FOIA request, and Defendants have no legal basis for refusing to disclose this information and these documents to Plainti. COUNT XXVI Violation 5 U.S.C. 702 Right of Review-Unlawful Agency Action (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 238. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 239. Plainti has been violated with unlawful agency action and is suering legal wrong and is entitled to review. Plainti is seeking Injunction Relief. COUNT XXVII Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures, AND War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional, DAMAGES AND TORT LAW claims-Intentional Iniction of Emotional Distress-DAMAGES (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 240. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 241. In a relevant part, of ALL COUNTS listed in Count XXI, Plainti hereby under the law and CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES seeks from the Counts and allegations Defendants statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. 242. Defendants intentionally acquired, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, (negligent) to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acquisition, by means of a surveillance and spying devices, the contents of one or more wire and wireless communications to or from Plaintis or other information in which Plainti has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the consent of any party thereto, and such acquisition occurred in the United States. 243. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition of Plaintis communications, interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plainti mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, its contents, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintis records, and other
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authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintis records, and other information. 244. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plainti and her family. 245. Defendants conduct was done intentionally, with malice and deliberate indierence, against her will and religion, and/or with reckless disregard of, negligent, forceful, trickery, malice, premeditated conspiracy, in gross violations of Plainti and family constitutional rights. 246. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally engaged in, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, negligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of, electronic surveillance (as dened by 50 U.S.C. 1801(f)) under color of law, not authorized by any statute, to which Plaintis were subjected in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809. 247. Additionally or in the alternative, by the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally disclosed or used information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through electronic surveillance not authorized by statute, including information pertaining to Plaintis, or aided, abe ed, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, spied, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acts. 248. Defendants did not notify Plainti of the above-described electronic surveillance and spying, torture, disclosure, and/or use, nor did Plaintis consent to such. 249. Plainti has been and is aggrieved by Defendants electronic surveillance, spying, torture, disclosure, and/or use of their wire communications. 250. Pursuant to the United Constitution and its Amendments, which provides a civil and criminal for any person who has been subjected to the aforementioned crimes and torts, Plainti seeks from the Counts above Defendants their statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. CAUSE OF ACTION (Plainti vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all aliations 251. Plainti repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 252. In a relevant part, of ALL COUNTS listed in Count XXI, Plainti hereby under the law and CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES seeks from the Counts and allegations Defendants statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and further relief as is proper. 253. Beginning on or about January 2007 and continuing through the present, Defendants intentionally intercepted Plaintis electronic communications under numerous programs and projects with malice and violated numerous laws aforementioned in this lawsuit. 254. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2521. Injunction against illegal communications in all counts. Plainti is tortured daily and demands interception of communication transmissions to cease and desist immediately. Whenever it shall appear that any person is engaged or is about to engage in any act which constitutes or will constitute a felony violation of this chapter, the A orney General may initiate a civil action in a
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or will constitute a felony violation of this chapter, the A orney General may initiate a civil action in a district court of the United States to enjoin such violation. The court shall proceed as soon as practicable to the hearing and determination of such an action, and may, at any time before nal determination, enter such a restraining order or prohibition, or take such other action, as is warranted to prevent a continuing and substantial injury to the United States or to any person or class of persons for whose protection the action is brought. A proceeding under this section is governed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, except that, if an indictment has been returned against the respondent, discovery is governed by the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure 255. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2520, Plainti is entitled to the following: (a) Statutory damages of which ever is the greater of $100.00 a day for each day of violation or $10,000.00; (b) (c) (d) Punitive damages in the amount to be determined by the jury; Equitable or declaratory relief as is deemed appropriate; and Reasonable a orney fees and other litigation costs reasonably incurred;
256. Pursuant to tort damages Plainti hereby makes monitory demand for damages, punitive damages, and pain and suering allowable under the tort law and personal injury of $3,500.000.00 million dollars. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Plaintis respectfully request that the Court: A. Declare that the Programs and crimes as alleged herein violates without limitation Plaintis rights under the First, Fourth, Fi h, and Thirteenth Amendments to the Constitution; their statutory rights, including their rights under 5 U.S.C. 552, 18 U.S.C. 2511, 18 U.S.C. 2703, 50 US.C. 1809, and the Administrative Procedures Act, 18 U.S.C. as stated above allegations, all inclusive; and their rights under the constitutional principle of Separation of Powers. B. Award Plaintis and relief, including without limitation, a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the applicable Amendments to the United States Constitution prohibiting Defendants continued use of the Programs and Projects, and a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the Fourth Amendment requiring Defendants to provide to Plainti an inventory of their communications, records, or other information that was seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment, and further requiring the destruction of all copies of those communications, records, or other information within the possession, custody, or control of Defendants. C. Award Plainti their statutory, actual, and punitive damages to the extent permi ed by law and according to proof. D. Award to Plaintis reasonable a orneys fees and other costs of suit to the extent permi ed by law. E. Award Plainti equitable relief, including without limitation, a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the Fi h and Thirteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution prohibiting Defendants continued use of the Programs, and a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the Fourth Amendment requiring Defendants to provide to Plainti an inventory of their communications, records, or other information that was seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment, and further requiring the destruction of all copies of those communications, records, or other information within the possession, custody, or control of Defendants. F. WHEREFORE, Plainti prays that this Court: (1) declare that Defendants refusal to disclose the information and documents requested by Plainti is unlawful; (2) order Defendants to make the requested information and documents available to Plainti; (3) grant Plaintis request for a fee waiver;
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requested information and documents available to Plainti; (3) grant Plaintis request for a fee waiver; (4) award Plainti its costs and reasonable a orneys fees in this action; and (5) grant such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. G. Grant such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. H. Plainti, as pro se requests permission for Leave of Court to amend for the purpose of immediate and imminent threat on May 28, 2010 if Plainti does not cease with this Complaint. Due to the nature and severity of this Complaint, Plainti requests time to seek counsel. FOOTNOTES and REFERENCES DEATHS, CANCER, THREATS/BLACKMAIL, QUASHED MEDIA AND DOCUMENTARIES DR. WALTER BOWART, False Memory Syndrome Foundation-radio interview, available in CAN. JIM KEITH banned books, Strange death and Body Electric AARON RUSSO of Rockefeller ALEX CONSTANTINE and the CIA and MEDIA, Operation Mockingbird and Major Universities The New Dark Ages Conspiracies1980-1995 Carol White and Too Secret Too Long EIR, Volume 14, No 23. DR. NICK BEGICH, Alaskan Politics and family targeted- TERRORIST HUNTER, anonymously KAY GRIGGS, Military wife and current MIND CONTROL whistleblower (Secret Societies) DR. BILL NELSON, Tom Beardon Govt Physicists and the INVISIBLE GOV/WAR Naval Ocer L. Ron Hubbard (1964) Wikepidia Mockingbird Operation Mind Control DR. ROBERT DUNCAN, Partial knowledge-JAY KIMBALL torture in MS DR. DOUG ROKKE, DR IGOR LEDOCHOWSKI-Street Hypnosis and NLP Richard Bantler and John Grinder former CIA Sharon Weinberger, Targeting Imaginary Weapons MIND GAMES Pentagon investigative reporter Un-Covered video documentary for MARIONETTES-Public is used as PAWN in Chess game WARS Julianne McKinney, Military Intelligence and WHISTLEBLOWER Senator Eric Adams, NY delayed then prevented from Senate hearing for victims in 2009 with home re KATHLEEN SULLIVAN (Shackled) Cathy OBrien and Daughter Kelly BRICE TAYLOR, Thanks for the MEMORIES Lynn Surgella Le er from President of Psychotronics Association and former Government Scientist John Glenn, Former NASA astronaut, Military, and Senator le er 1997 Michael Scheuer, CIA 117 slides on 911 and most still dont have clearance of these weapons on civilians, Ted Gunderson, Bob Levin, Former agent, and OUTFOXED documentary, Dixie Chics INDUCED BUZZ Sibel Edmonds, See her story, public articles and court pleadings John Marks, Mark Phillips, Everyone a empting the truth with MASS CHOAS creations from the top
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Jesse Ventura-Former Seal, Covert CIA on US Soil against Mission, and changed web site since. The former CIA site linking it to Hollywood and Scientology involvements revamped when I wrote about it Thomas Tamm, DOJ and 9 a orney terminations Tom Beardon, Larry Klayman, Leuren Moret, CHARLES VIAR CIA Pandoras Box-American hysterias Duncan OFinioan, CD interviews Abducted Manchurian assassin for former President Bush in 1980s Police Barry Cooper, TX-doesnt know why he did it CIA Ray Mc Govern Whistleblower Partial 911 John Perkins book on his story as one of the Federal Elite murderer. OPEC Pastor LINDSEY WILLIAMS-Energy Non Crisis S/Be $1.50 a gal. World Bank Prot to collapse 1910 secret meeting on Jeckyl Island Fed Reserve! NOW whitewashing History with more overt crimes Naomi wolf, Give me liberty, and FREEDOM to FASCISM 10 stepsNSA employees all claim being hypnotized on the job (Mind Control) SAME as others Naomi Wolf Jim Guest Le er on Mind Control to Senate, Senator Patrick Leahy (A divided and less civil Country) Ron Paul Wake Up Americans, Kevin Trudeau FDA lawsuits-Britney Spears, Dixie Chics Amy Goodman Stop the Madness, APA & AMA, Natl whistleblowers Judicial Watch, Freedom Watch, Institute for Accuracy, Citizens for legitimate gov. George Bush-Yale Member SKULL and BONES and New World Order, Proof of Conspiracy-A new American View Matrix III, Val Valerian, ed., 1992 Constantine, Bowart: Acid Dreams-Human Rights Law Journal, Freedom of the Mind Vol. 3, No. 1-4 Ross MD; Dr Colin The CIA, Military Mind Control Building the Manchurian Candidate. April 18, 1996 Bowart, Walter, Leading Psychiatrist Blows Whistle on Profession: Proves 50 + years of Mind Control MindNet Journal, Vol. 1, No. 94 and Were we Controlled? JFK Adventures Unlimited Press, IL, 1997 December January 1993 Mind Control Techniques and Tactics of New World Order Nexus Connecting the dots! How we got here perfecting 50 years of MIND CONTROLLED AMERICANS
WE CANT STOP SHADOW GOVT UNTIL WE BELIEVE DEPLOYED MIND CONTROLLED-40 Years until now 2008 a mad world emerging to cover up their chaos and non sense, now with tangible excuses! FALSE MEMORY TRANSMISSIONS DAILY unconsciously with our
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TRANSMISSIONS DAILY unconsciously with our money since 1910 secret meeting on Jekyll Island Fed Reserve! NOW whitewashing History with more overt crimes.
Market inations and real estate pricing and gouging was all induced from the mind on each individual and as a mass, and part of conspiracy agenda. Corrupting American Minds. How America was Mind Controlled to corrupt minds of Criminals, Police, Politicians, Military, Media, Hollywood, UNREALIZED, for 40 years! How AMERICA got here taking us down and the next generation wont know. CIA Whistleblower Slides on Fraudulent war as Conspiracy to re-open 911 Commission h p:// Bearden h p:// Former Govt Physicist. Monarch-The new Phoenix Program taking us down with secret street hypnosis as mind control-Igor Ledochowski! John St. Clair Akwei vs. NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA John Mecca & Don Friedman, John Finch, Google cases How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)-SEE ARTICLE BELOW-Since WATERGATE & Russian/China Energy Weapons-MIND MANIPULATIONS ON CIVILIANS UNAWARE OF SABOTAGED LIVES & FAMILY! Promoted to Headline (H2) on 1/30/09: Tice Revelations Ignored: Spying on Journalists? Why the Silence? CORRUPTION RAMPID TO COVER UP Mind Control used in the PAST & NOW! WHY SPY at ALL if not to mind control innocent civilians? Submi ed by Amanda Lang ALL WHO TRY TO EXPOSE TRUTHS-Destroyed 911 truths u-tube Europes knowledge of dynamite and quashed witnesses, MARCH IN BRUSSELS and so much more. ALL to CONTROL the PLANET one mind at a time guiding your life, words, feelings, actions, illness, thoughts, death, destiny and all those around you. They want you sick and poor with disinformation. Sibel Edmonds & the State Secrets Privilege (creating wars and disinformation trickling down) The New Thought Police: The NSA Wants to Know How You Think Maybe Even What You Think. by James Bamford (See public hallucinations for miscommunications and motive or intentions)
A new silent war/HOLOCAUST! Domestic surveillance! Nuremberg & Michael Scheuer Former CIA. Filegate developed when President Clinton and Hillary Clinton were accused of violating the privacy rights of their perceived political enemies by wrongly accessing and misusing the FBI les of Reagan and rst Bush Admin. In an eort to discredit the women who charged President Clinton with sexual misconduct, personal
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In an eort to discredit the women who charged President Clinton with sexual misconduct, personal les and papers were illegally obtained and released. The courts found, under the Privacy Act-Jesselyn Radack Was the Justice Department Ocial Who Knew Too Much -A BuzzFlash Interview Whistleblowers have been blacklisted at best, and completely terrorized at worst. War on Citizens! Jesselyn Radack/Sibel Edmonds former Justice Department ethics specialist feeling watched! Tom Tamm) Mistranslated, part of mind control sabotage and more! Plus Data Mining your health info; and starting trends in our schools! In fact, its not apparent that the A orney General is even clued into the program. And Tice even has doubts as to whether your Ostensible President has any idea what was going on. Its no wonder that they all nd themselves tripping the linguistic fantastic. The following was sent to me by Will Filer on July 27, 1999. It oers a new explanation for government mind control. Will has stated to me that he is a former consultant to the U.S. National Security Agency, asked me to post this information immediately. He also believes hes in immediate danger because of this information. Subliminal Implanted Posthypnotic Suggestions and Scripts Using Acoustically Delivered and Phonetically Accelerated Posthypnotic Commands without Somnambulistic Preparation in the Subject for Intelligence and Counterintelligence Applications by the United States National Security Agency. A University of California at Berkley student that went into a bar on or around November 27, 1990 took hostages and insisted to the police that the CIA Director talk with him so that he could get relief from the suering. The young man had sent le ers to the president and the CIA but the requests had fallen on deaf ears. A er the young man panicked and shot a customer in the bar, a SWAT team fatally shot him, the San Jose police found copies of the le ers wri en to the President referring to people that could read minds and that he had learned how they do it. The NSA had been unsuccessfully brainwashing him and had no alternative but to terminate him to assure their security. It is interesting that what was originally broadcast on the news The gunman was demanding to talk with the Director of the CIA etc. disappeared quickly (suppressed?) from later news accounts. NSA Initiated Execution to Cover-up in Music: Curt Cobain of the musical group Nirvana was another victim of NSA brainwashing and was terminated by NSA. Cobain had started writing clues to the NSA activities into his music to communicate it to his music followers. He referred in music to the NSA as the Friends inside his head. Once the NSA puts on the highest level of brainwashing pain, the subject expires quickly. Cobain used heroin to numb and otherwise slow the eect of the brainwashing. CULT-FORT HOOD MASSACRE MIND CONTROL Among these experiments conducted on US Soldiers by their government, and according to FSB les was a research specialty of Major Hasans. One was one called Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control Electronic Dissolution of Memory (RHIC-EDOM). Pioneered for the US Military in the 1960s, New York University Professor J. Anthony Deutsch: Indicated that the mind is a transmi er and if too much information is received, like too many vehicles on a crowded freeway, the brain ceases to transmit. The Professor indicated that an excess of acetyl choline in the brain can interfere with the memory process and control. He indicated excess amounts of acetyl choline can be articially produced, through both the administration of drugs or through the use of radio waves. The process is called Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM). The memory transmission can be stopped for as long as the radio signal continues.. The NSA combines hypnosis and thought labels to interrogate people without the subject being aware of it. How can hypnosis be used? you might ask. The subconscious mind operates at a speed of about 1200 to 1400 words per minute. This is many times faster than the conscious mind that operates at 250 to 450 WPM (words per minute). The posthypnotic script can be spoken at fast conversational speed approximately 250 WPM and a recorder or a computer speeds up the message up to approximately 1200 to 1400 WPM. Remember what happens when you play a 33 rpm record at 78 rpm? The resulting voice sound like the old American cartoon characters the Chipmunks. This is only slightly past doubling (2X) the delivery speed. At speeds as high as 1400 WPM, the voices would sound like a high pitched cha ering whine. Remember when the
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high as 1400 WPM, the voices would sound like a high pitched cha ering whine. Remember when the words Drink Coca Cola were wri en on one frame of a movie in a theatre back in the 1960s? The frame rate in movies is played at 30 frames/second. At 1/30th of a second the conscious mind could not recognize the message but the subconscious mind could read it clearly. The audience increased their Coca-Cola consumption by 65% that night resulting in the Federal Government prohibiting subliminal advertising. The following probable reasons for not achieving a higher percentage of subliminal delivery eectiveness (> 65%) are described as follows. In that 1/30th of a second some people were blinking, some people were looking around the theatre, looking at spouses, children, candy, popcorn, etc. or they had suciently poor eyesight that they could watch the movie but could not distinguish the small writing clearly. In the early years of this technology, the NSA originally recorded a spoken posthypnotic suggestion message into a tape deck and sped it up by speeding up the tape. This process was labor intensive, required each ocer to have excellent diction and mastery of the language and dialect required, and was of poor quality due to background noise and the delay in timing during recording and processing. It also required extensive training to assure that each ocer spoke at the same rate of speed so that the resulting sped-up script was delivered at the correct speed. Now computers are used to append digitized samples of optimized, ideal phonemes together to form words and the words are sped-up to the correct delivery speed. Where dialects are present, a dierent set of base phonemes is used. Currently, to optimize eciency and accommodate the variety of languages on the planet, phonetic elements from each language and distinct dialect are sampled, digitally edited to optimize them, and appended during delivery to form words and words arranged to make sentences in the from of scripts that resemble hypnotic suggestions. The empty space between words is minimized and pitch rise is compressed and ltered. Repetitive sine waves are also removed from the phonetic elements acoustic wave train thus reducing the actual number of sine waves making up a word by 50% or more. This reduces the actual length of the time it takes the phoneme to be delivered prior to accelerating (speeding-up) the delivery (like fast forward). This helps the message to be played at higher speeds and reduces the subjects ability to recognize it as accelerated speech. The technique of using optimized digitally sampled and edited phonemes appended together to for words and then sentences structured as hypnotic suggestions can be termed computer simulated subconscious speech language. (Forced Speech) APPLICATIONS: 3.1. Intelligence: 3.1.1. Used on foreign and domestic diplomats, spies, and citizens to gather intelligence, steal advanced technology for US Defense applications. Surveys of citizens opinions to government events and propaganda. Heavy survey use during times of war, economic strife and political elections. War against drugs. Used to identify investments that have high yield to support clandestine operations. Used to direct eld agents without the agents having to carry communications hardware and encryption devices. 3.2. Counterintelligence: 3.2.1. Used on foreign and domestic diplomats, spies, and citizens to identify intelligence operations; scope, participants, communication methods, and weaknesses in individuals, systems, equipment, or signals that can be exploited. Additional applications include misinformation dissemination, confusing and confounding leaders during critical decision moments, distorting signicance of various facts to sway decisions and actions in US favor, behavioral modication of foreign spies to betray their loyalties, self initiated executions (suicides). 3.3. Behavior Modication and Accelerated Resocialization: 3.3.1. This technology is used to develop and control spies, political candidates, and other public gures through psychological intimidation, fear and extortion. Being a acked for his knowledge-not to talk about the nefarious massive uses beyond experiments but
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Being a acked for his knowledge-not to talk about the nefarious massive uses beyond experiments but for chosen POPULATION CONTROL/Genocide & Producing OPPOSITE NEWS of how EVIL SHADOW GOV really is hiding as wolves in sheeps skin! Your thoughts are not your own! UNAWARE FORCED SPEECH by- passing memory, Channeled DREAMS, Split personalities etc. computer simulated subconscious speech language. Dr. Colin Ross, a globally recognized expert on trauma related disorders and author of The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists. Dr. Ross provides proof, based on 15,000 pages of documents obtained from the CIA through the Freedom of Information Act, that there have been pervasive, systematic violations of human rights by American psychiatrists over the last 65 years. In August 1951 a small French village near Marseilles became a part of CIA funded experiment with drugs. As a result 500 people were aected, there were at least three suicides and 40 people were taken to a nearby psychiatric institute. Thats according to Hank Albarelli, an American writer who spent over ten years looking into who was behind the secret tests. RTs Marina Portnaya met the author in New York. They were never stopped because we never believed -NEVER CEASED BUT PERFECTED mind control, kept to a minimum and pardoned! WHITEWASHING and ERASING with tangibles! This tells all why some u er What is this world coming to? WAKE UP AMERICA! FOR DID YOU KNOW THAT: 1 AMERICANS cant wake up a er 50 years because they have been transmi ed not to, & to Strongly disbelieve this could ever be ALL shockingly true. A known hypnosis suggestion called Mind Control! Eyes Wide Shut & always missing the mark because it is not tangibles controlling THE PEOPLE but also coupled with directed sound waves to your mind in a DYSFUNCTIONAL AMERICA! SELF DENIALS & mind controlled individuals! 2 ELF waves Mind Control is how they got by CONGRESS NOT READING full documents. See Video Uncovered! Hypnosis is the tool for Mind Control psyops used on govt & red tape. Always claiming to discontinue wrong doing is the CointelPro lies and CIA culture! WHO RUNS THE GLOBE, THE BOHEMIAN GROVE trickling down in culture behind the scenes with the book IMAGINARY WEAPONS The New Silent War with our money gone and the world banks. See Bin Ladens CIA set ups video to CREATE WARS. 3 Mind Controlled Media is set up with tricks of false thoughts transmi ed during conversation, false memory of events, and output of wri en documents to CREATE SPIN on JOURNALISTS & civilians thus unknowingly creating PROPAGANDA, until now covering their tracks with blatant lies from our government. But decades of news from misunderstanding mind games, disputes, & slanders. 4 Mind Controlled Media is NOW being engineered overtly to WHITEWASH with tangible excuses & discredit these truths since the Obama transition late 2008. Transmi ed NOT TO READ OR BELIEVE THIS, engineered too busy and pre-empt! 5 Facts showed since the 70s mind control was experimented with COINTELPRO in major cities to increase crime for tax revenues. This never stopped and we were lied to as MKULTRA when AMERICA started to change and we could not live without locking our doors anymore, etc. Changed realities from propaganda standpoints lifestyle! 1968 crime just JUMPED! 6 In 1910 the Rockerfellers and JP Morgan Chase met secretly in Jeckyl Island to create the Federal Reserve with a blank check in Millions to start this. 7 Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons cause and are responsible for MOST ILLNESSES, and KINESTHETIC (SENSES wikipedia) and Elec. Magnetic Fields, which cant be traced or cured. See ALZHEIMER and DIMENTIA (once called back to the future), ADDHD, Equilibrium,
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or cured. See ALZHEIMER and DIMENTIA (once called back to the future), ADDHD, Equilibrium, Vision, Bladder, Colon, Leukemia, Numbness/ Anaesthesiology, FIBROMALGIA, PULMONARY, Bi-Polar, CONFUSION extra thought transmissions, MEMORY, DYSLEXIA, opposites suggestions to confuse, SKIN/BLOOD DISEASES, EPSTEINS BAR, VISUAL, HALLUCINATIONS, MIGRAINES, HOLLOGRAMS, and CANCER, Anthrax, Valley Fever, Flu like symptons, Insomnia is sleep deprevation, Short Term Memory erasures, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS, UN-Necessary procedures, Bi-polar/ADD (most misdiagnosed in America!) Accidental falls, Williams Syndrome Motor Coordination & disorientation. False ALARMS all from the MIND; UNREALIZED forced speech emotions & mistakes! (Dr Beardon) 8 SPLIT PERSONALITIES/DEMENTIA is a brainwashing technique of NLP using remote electronic hypnosis, suggesting thoughts back and forth & shi s, once called BACK TO THE FUTURE with triggers of memory losses, INDUCED ERASURES & DELAYS IN YOUR LIFE! Misplacing your own items in trash, etc. Programmed MISFITS playing mind games since milk carton missing children recruited by coersion called Handlers. (Dr. Bowart and Ross) 9 Secret Govt CointelPro has been responsible for much worse crimes and torture covertly and would never sit on this kind of power with weapons nicely tucked away, even knowing that we are not threatened by Russia and Chinas Mind Control Weapons. (not launched) 10 Growing exponentially! Brian Glick calls it Guiding your Life without your knowledge (Spying & Disruption by Brian Glick-War at Home! Leading the witness, & PLAYING GOD (Project The Voice of God under MKULTRA) DEVIL in PEOPLEs minds, directing souls & destinies. (Duncan/Bowart) 11 Your life is engineered and sabotaged, your family, illnesses, CANCER, with directed energy weapons! POPULATION CONTROL, CHEMTRAILS with Barium, as being good in our childrens books, FDA conspiracy-murders, mind control, and a acks to most CIVILIANS. 12 Like CIA, radio hosts and media news, etc are transmi ed with false information to leak as they do to combatants in case they are captured and tortured and they think it is the truth. 13 Pre-suggesting media radio hosts to appear psychic at times when Mind Control games are being used to emulate ancient predictions in the bible as natural. ie 2012 emulations and more. 14 Most CRIMES are mind controlled and innocent people are induced or transmi ed to act and/or produce false witness. As with OJ using Mind Control in court cases, Judges, and prisons, tampering with minds not just evidence. 15 Our shadow Govt created the fake illness paranoia fear that the FBI is doing this mind control, as a scapegoat, giving it a name and a place in psychology, when it has been SYNTHETIC transmissions all along, with no mental illness or psychosis now in our books. 16 Millions of people were transmi ed with Mind Control thoughts and hallucinations of Alien/UFO Shams making Millions on the drug and then projecting it onto the next generation. 17 THE MATRIX, BOURNE series, THE ISLAND, EAGLE EYE, BREACH, THE INTERNATIONAL, and ENEMY of the STATE, have much truths to them from CIA transmissions to Hollywood minds, and who really controls this Country in DISGUISE. 18 Being dumbed down, bureaucracy, decreased MORALS in this country is individual MIND CONTROLS for years to seem as more GOVT CONTROL is necessary. 19 Gulf Coast of Floridas Red Tide is not natural but Govt corruption and manipulations killing people and animals, set ups, coverups, excuses-creating crimes unaware. Not telling the public of the Earths Natural cleansing capabilities. (tried to warn Congress since 2008 before the spill)
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20 These weapons were used on the GULF WAR and unaware they surrendered under Mind Control without ring any shots. Today we are still in the Middle East because we need time to work on them and brainswash them. The new SILENT WARS. 21 that GUANTANAMO is big news and also a smokescreen/diversion to brainwash the public to pin responsibility on others in front of the World AGAIN, instead of themselves, OUR GOV/CIA, and why they want Patiot Act, Martial Law, and Fascism legal on US Soil with FEMA CAMPS. Mind Controlled Prisoners to be triggered from anchors of amplied fears to enhance them over time, trigger them for their intentions, mind read for answers & implant FALSE MEMORIES of guilt and publically provoking the world to wars. 22 Your instinct and thoughts of your poor judgment on others & your feelings are not your own true self, their miscommunication are synthetically transmi ed for sabotage & WARS. 23 ANTHRAX & contaminated FERTILIZERS Cross-Country is in our SOIL. First created sex, drugs, rock-n-roll corruptions to AIDS! Obama said it as many others and should, as all else! 24 DC was swept covertly for radiation and reporters wondered why it was quashed from media now overtly sweeping mosques! 25 The 13 AGENTS to testify for 911 Commission were cut o and MIS-communication electronic and verbal from SYNTHETIC COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT chaos not to complete/SABOTAGED investigation. 2 separate thoughts transmi ed in same conversation to cause misunderstandings, false hearing, reading, and never receiving info! 26 In 1996, MOST politician speeches Mind Ccontrolled by these Weapons, before I knew about these weapons or Congressman Kucinich Space Preservation Act. The French believe Aliens control G. Bush, but just another scapegoat to blame and CointelPro project to raise pharmaceuticals as Prozac the Happy Pill epidemic, for example & VIAGRA from weapons. 27 CIA and Al Queda have a contract to the pipeline. The real conspiracy why we are there and the videos of se ing up Bin Ladin and tampered evidence to the contrary! 28 The CIA claims mistakes and no agendas from DOD/Pentagon, while Rumsfeld board status with Bilderberger Group is being sued by Germany where they protested Freedom of thought is all part of CIA disguise and corruptions. Scapegoating elite groups instead of their weapons controlling them unconsciouly. CIA took over completely with their weapons for power. 29 Wiretapping includes visuals in your home, work & streets, most dont know yet.
30 The CIA operates on the ground wearing yamakas to frame Jews, and destroyed fruit and crops against the Torah scriptures, as with our organic natural farms in the U S. Why? 31 That if, WE THE PEOPLE (CONSTITUENTS) compared notes, collectively from the beginning, and got together undivided, we would easily identify this has been going on as set ups behind the scenes of transmi ed Mind Control individuals, that is already in the Millions. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for our next generation and our HUMANITIES! 32 911 was engineered to lose our freedoms, introduce population controls, Police State, Martial Law, suppressions, and cover ups on U S Soil with Fema camps nefarious agendas. They didnt STOP or PREVENT 911 because they CREATED to provoke WARS on the streets as crimes in the U S in the 70s. THE REAL AND CLEVER REASONS FOR ALL THE SURVEILLANCE is to justify change to the CONSTITUTION. Connecting the dots to Conspiracy to World Bank Fed ReserveEconomy, for FASCIM AND GOVERNMENT GLOBAL MIND and MASS CONTROL or SLAVERY. As with Technology, just now and always disclosing to the public years later how they have already launched Martial Law on citizens and are now trying to make it legal to get away with it. They never tell you until its too late techniques.
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tell you until its too late techniques. 33 WHISTLEBLOWERS and Activists who report the same hypnotic Mind Control activities of COINTELPRO/NSA are targeted with no work/livelyhood manipulations, diculties in their lives, Cancer, Car accidents, discrediting/smearing campaigns, & misfortunes they call BAD LUCK. To suppress EXPOSURE for years! BUILD DISCREDIT SLANDER & Isolate! 34 Mind Control transmission are used to harass civilians and oppress the public against each other or take wrong paths since creating a synthetic Culture from PATTI HEARST, ALIENS, EXORCIST, JAWS, MOVIES and POPCORN, COVERT PROJECTS CAME OUT IN THE LATE 60S AND WAS SUPPRESSED , as John Lennon, and now many others claimed, and were all true. Kennedy and Monroe found out. Since Watergate and Deep Throat! 35 CIA in disguise are the computer hackers, virus, spam creators, and ALWAYS CREATING ENEMIES THEY NEED, AS IN OIL PIPELINE CONTRACTS WITH AL QAEDA and so many other wars and ghts and crimes they create and induce or continue. 36 ISRAELI ART STUDENTS were mind controlled where to live and accepted only in the areas to live as guided to set up and look involved as the CONTRARY OF CIA GUILT and to CREATE DOUBT and so much more BEARING FALSE WITNESS, false memory syndrome, fake gov help, INTERNET & google lawsuit, libraries, false accusations & detainment. Owning the www back door access & with your passwords & spy/surveillance-A hacked www. 37 VETERANS MIND CONTROL AND DREAMS AS FALSE POST TRAUMATIC STRESS (Manchurian called Lucid Dreams as virtual reality)with Agent Orange VIETNAM LAW SUIT emulated by mind control NSA a acking the Nervous System! 38 911 was created and engineered with Mind Controlled Pilots during training US Soil (San Diego), and Dynamite at the bo om by CIA covered up even with witnesses suppressed. 39 911 FRAUDULANT WAR was investigated in Europe for scientic proof on the toppling buildings of the Financial District in the Bible/Torah and now the Bankruptcies. 40 Mind Controlled MEDIA ashed spooky Halloween like le ers of TERROR , across our TVs to reinforce Mind Control & false brainwashing fears/paranoia on U S Soil. 41 Outsiders comment about the media in the U S not serious & synthetically created Culture with genuine disgust and REALIZATIONS of this manipulated culture and corruptions because of Mind Control. This has been transmi ed to Corp/individuals and down the line! 42 CLASSIFIED BUDGET of Mind Controlling Humans and the use of DEW Electromagnetic Waves for Climate and Natural Disasters Manipulations take us down. 43 Ariel Sharon was zapped with Directed Energy Weapons (as others) because he knew the CIA was corrupt Sabotaging Israel and not happy to shake hands with G. Bush and more. 44 Neurological Psychotronics can make one catatonia, seem in shock induce stroke and heart a acks & comatose anyone as long as wanted, in your homes or streets. 45 The initial 24 series, keeps going in his role, with no emotion as Seals conditioned & Mind Controlled unknowingly, Military cu ing o sensory (deprevation/disorientation)also unable to react, among other weapon symptoms, now adding robotic hardware as other cover ups. 46 SECRET Govt is swaying public opinion and Mind Controlled triggers to be good with rescues because they created in the rst place and are hiding the fact that they are the Mother of Evil & extremely sadistic beyond imagination. 47
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47 Our life is being manipulated & engineered with Mind Games, illnesses, & costing Millions in secret COINTELPRO budgets. EXPERIMENTS turned into MASS CONTROL! (Jim Keith) 48 Our Parents and Grandparents are targeted with these weapons of Mass Destruction on US Soil, in being the Country with the most Doctors visits from SENIORS as a result of these Neurological Weapons, Mind Control Hallucinating false issues, lasers & D.E.W. 49 If you see or nd yourself in weird communication misunderstanding and or audacity of people today, it is because of mists in the Pentagon playing mind games on their laptop with the use Remote control Quantum Physics from NASA. Communication CHAOS! (Dr. B. Nelson) 50 Many years ago, the APA was in bed with the Military Intelligence to Mind Control them closely against belief of these weapons and torture. See Standing up to the Madness by Amy Goodman (The same as with AMA and FDA) Neuro Weapons & fake diseases! 51 Mind Control has been used for decades on MEDIA folks, coupled with intentional False thoughts causing misunderstandings and wrong PERCEPTIONS to create propagandized non-reality people live called COVERT Psyops. Also used on MILITARY personnel to think Jews are the EVILS at Silent/War GAMES and the NEW Silent Holocaust! 52 Most targeted ON THE JOB with Mind Controlled CIVILIANS who are Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Pilots, Engineers, Activists, Media, Govt Employees, Drivers, Elders, Hollywood, SCIENTOLOGY, Polititians with sabotage from errors to intentional corruption. 53 Hoover was also quite eager to use his new authority to bring Hollywood into line with what he thought was their proper role in society (propaganda organ for the government) and while Senator McArthy grabbed the headlines, Hoover was busy behind the scenes recruiting various people to inform on each other and factionalizing the Hollywood community so that it could not resist him. Where there is MONEY thus POWER and IMMORALS, there is Mind Control rst experimental then N. W. O. 54 WE THE PEOPLE need to expose Mind Control (CIA directed sound waves NLP hypnosis in your sleep & anytime) since MK ULTRA COINTELPRO & before NSA and NASA Astronauts. (See Bandler & Grinder former CIA tought to FBI & mass control) 55 You cannot be brainwashed with TV alone and Transmi ed thoughts, beliefs, and feelings have to be planted rst and triggered in your environment. This also explains 50 Years in the making New World Order coming for EVIL CONTROL and ROGUE FASCISM! 56 HAARP/HIPPA (The ultimate WEAPON and Conspiracy should be dismantled as should the secret CIA. Cu ing o as OUT-FOXED video of media culture developments. 57 Most of the times if it doesnt make sense, or someone turns mean or against you, it is due to Mind Games manipulated with false thoughts transmi ed around you. 58 (A New Breed by DR. John Hall & The Herric Mind Control in America! Satellite Terrorism in America. & Dr Walter Bowart radio interview, & I have seen no one yet with high enough CLEARANCE to know how its being done behind the scenes. 59 The plane going down in Bualo, NY was a cover up of 911 mind controlled pilots creating false terrorism on US Soil again, Congress shock cover up, the recent 2009 madness to cover up wireless Mind Control WEAPONS, Spying Satelite installations & mission, accomplished. Knowing Arabs not are sophisticated or smart enough for these master minds! 60 Triggers and anchors transmi ed to people is creating a laundry list of false illnesses and illusions. TV can only trigger you a er being transmi ed for eective brainwashed people who are anchored.
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anchored. 61 Morgellons disease (u-tube/CNN) for mind controlled doctors against the truth as the APA; So when doctors tell the People, ITS ALL IN THEIR HEAD, it is in a way true because THE SECRET GOVT has been pu ing it there synthetically for decades. 62 Millions are Mind Controlled into un-necessary medical procedures from direct Mind Games and mistakes by transmi ing false thoughts to doctors and hallucinating pains to patients with a simple hypnotic radio wave to think and feel anything. 63 These transmi ed Mind Control thoughts give you false perceptions about anyone you know or anything, changing your realities since MKULTRA in the 60s. 64 Most people are set up with MISCOMMUNICATIONS, rudeness, ngerpointing, & non sense, engineered TO DIVIDE your relationships, & created ANTI-SEMITISM covertly. Inducing a paranoid Country, SUPPRESSING HISTERIA! 65 Millions of Christians were Mind Controlled with Devil fears & Exorcism as a scapegoat, like Aliens because THEY ARE THE DEVILS. Billions made in Pharmaceutical &Healthcare . 66 Mind Control and LASERS of DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS in your home are killing you slowly and TRANSMITTING FEARS, ANXIETY, and PARANOIA of CRIMES on AMERICANS. This is easily done by transmi ing ANCHORS & TRIGGERS on the public! 67 Others Countries are not paranoid of terrorism because their Govt didnt spend BILLIONS on transmi ing their people with PARANOID thoughts of crimes and hallucinating thoughts. And made Millions along with FDA, and Healthcare! 68 In the 1960s First AMERICA was MIND CONTROLLED with intense CRIME increases on our streets & prisons with Paranoias they blamed on drugs, which the CIA brought in covertly and now, Today the same with Mind Control transmi ed people to induce ghting CIA WAR they created AGAIN, and GLOBAL FASCISM mentality and conditioning, while changing laws to get away with it. 69 Govt has been creating, and releasing intentional lies to the media with hardware tangibles electronics to cover up Mind Controlled false thoughts and unaware of swayed facts as well. An intentional blend of lies, false perceptions & threats, since 2009. 70 Part of the Coup Detat was to take Jews out of powerful nancial positions and topple Banking as in the Bible/Torah and Secret Govt is creating Messiah simulations. 71 Sharon Weinberger was another witness to these evil mists behind powerful computer technologies using Quantum Physics and energy scalar waves for Mind Control. 72 We are just hearing about Mind Control from NSA Russell Tice and others because he accidently found out and the Govt Censored all Books, Videos & Media successfully for 50 years with even more Mind Control DUMBING US DOWN one at a time & in mass. 73 Millions of PEOPLE thinking their bad luck or accidents are naturally occuring when they did not have to happen at all and someone is behind the scenes engineering their life events and accountable for it daily from simple mistakes to catastrophy, crimes & much worse. 74 These Weapons of Mass Destruction are wireless, undetectable, and are numbing and freezing body parts, throat, private parts, limbs, used with REMOTE VIEWING in homes or streets to immobolize humans for hours or days at a time, more intense than anesthesiology, or morphine, or hypnosis used on the public unwi ingly. 75 CIA/Elites have been Anti-Semitic since funding Hitler & Cointelpro funding the KKK etc.
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76 The OUTRAGEOUS Truths collectively & connecting the dots! Why the Media CANT wake up, focus or expose the TIPS of the ICEBERG diversions! Manipulated events, news, just like the economy and health in AMERICA. THE MYSTERIES OF UNSOLVED CRIMES & MEDICINE by Secret Govt! HOW sick do they want you in AMERICA! Those calling the ACLU from Hospitals saying our government is using DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS to electrocute them, & add organ pain during KEMO! Puppets in our daily lives and events with mind transmissions! AS EVIL AS UNBELIEVABLE and WHY didnt the ACLU or anyone ever hear of RUSSELL TICE in DC who was in the legal eld during my visit in 09? 77 CIA is spreading anti-semitism covertly behing the scenes with Mind Control as their marione es. We are almost all robots being led & misled. 78 PALESTINES were rejected from their own surrounding Arab Countries that america will use for more martial law war excuses for WARS THEY GENERATE and CREATE TO JUSTIFY FASCISM COMING AND TYRANNY, while looking like the humanitarian saviors due to the new signed executive order to bring them here, and denying it a erwards. 79 Most non-sense and Un-solved Mysteries are due to Mind Control Manipulations, as created COPY-CATS who are also programmed or induced to commit Crimes. 80 Mind controlled lies toward genocide of Jews and new world order! Debra Small says conspiracy of forces is Mind Control trickling down since the 70s when Americans use to say its in the water. Most feel it & never knew! Add ANTHRAX AIDS & SWINE. 81 Sco McCullen and G. Bush used propaganda and brainwash (utube demo) to sell the war and most still dont know 911 was also an inside job for fears and fascism, & bringing it home on US SOIL to start changing the Constitution of freedoms for EVIL TAKE OVER. 82 The use of Mind Control Psychotronic, Acoustics, Neurological Weapons, and Synthetic Telepathy uses on the Public, also the major cause of Global warming Manipulations. 83 CHEMTRAILS are in children SCHOOL books as good chemicals helping.
84 There should have been a revolution to overthrow this Secret Govt since the Bombing of our own buildings agenda, the installed satellites & spreading joke of Need Another Seven Astronauts, and the agenda of our economy, & oil crisis since 1973, etc when Big Brother started watching and Manipulating with Mind Control and brainwashing the Country with the opposite, and how good and successful it was and now covering their tracks with false fears yet again using Russia rst and today Terrorism they created and provoked for U S Soil laws. 85 The public was deceived since 2007 when we struck Oil in North Shore of Alaska enough for 200 years that never made every front-page newspaper. Now comes excuses to scapegoat. 86 You have been directly transmi ed not to believe this wicked Shadow Govt has been corrupting to rape human rights, dignity, privacy, & Gods will with this Mind Control. 87 The 1967 USS liberty-Project Philadelphia HALLUCINATIONS, blaming ISRAEL- mistake in identity set up, cu ing o investigations (as usual) and the Start of ANTI-SEMITISM INDUCEMENTS born with the 1947 Act and CIA! Israel always defending itself against Shadow Govt mind control induced anti-semitic propaganda they create and fan covertly. 88 CIA has been ge ing away with INTENTIONAL WAR CRIMES & ATTACKS on CIVILIANS since they were created with the 1947 ACT. Brainwashing students, NOT TO JOIN THE ARMY. 89 Theres NO cure for skin CANCER (Blocked cures, because they create it all) , no known cause of blood/skin diseases because peoples organs are being irradiated with ELF and EMF. Not just
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cause of blood/skin diseases because peoples organs are being irradiated with ELF and EMF. Not just lame cell phones & microwaves! 90 The CIA brought the drugs in from South America, selling to kids, creating need for DEA generating crimes-tax dollar, and scapegoats to many other Secret Govt Crimes. Now broadening Homeland Security and BIGGER government Control. 91 Katrina did not cause the walls to come down without a li le help/push & sabotage from our friends/heros (FBI/CIA Secret Govt. Fema not responding appropriately to later justify Blackwater/Martial Law, rebuilding with golf courses, & infrastructure Govt Work, etc. 92 Mind Control and D.E.W. contribute largely to false test results, tampered electronics in homes, public buildings and automobiles. If you are targeted as an innocent civilian, these could appear as natural causes or malfunctions. 93 Victims report these are like demented children who play mind games behind a computer like playing in trac all day with peoples lives and electronic communications which ARE THE KIDNAPPED CHILDREN we see on MILK CARTONS for decades like programmed DUNCAN OFINIAIN & quashed from exposures, now HANDLERS. 94 Mind Control experiments are being conducted with your life, for Behavior Modications, dumbing down individuals, bad customer service and tyranny conditioning. 95 Mind Control is responsible for many tempers, suppression, fears, anxieties and suicides with transmi ed suggestions alone, and blame drugs or economy, etc. The Agenda! 96 Mind Control is also used for population control and genocides deciding who lives and how they live covertly. Angels dont play this HAARP. THE ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY! 97 Mind controlled kids to commit shootings in schools is no dierent than those in the military, CIA creating sex, drugs, & rock n roll through Hollywood minds (then AIDS), other covert projects. 98 Even with terrorism in other countries, they feel safer on their streets & homes than AMERICANS because paranoia is added to TV with Mind Control since Crime was induced. 99 PYRAMID diet was created but not promoted on purpose while transmi ing AMERICANS TO EAT & BE OBESE with Mind Control Urges, while encouraging Doctors & others to create unhealthy diets & eat synthetic foods, diet pills, INSTEAD OF GOD CREATED NATURAL FOOD FROM THE GROUND for ULTIMATE HEALTHY AMERICANS. ALL AGENDA OF FDA as well! YOUR mental addictions are induced by the transmissions! Same as drink coca cola evolved. 100 Govt Mind Control is for ULTIMATE Global POWER and will be ACCOMPLISHED WITH PHYCHOTRONICS if we THE PEOPLE dont stop them. 101 The average American would be astonished to learn the extent to which secret surveillance technology has advanced today with 100% remote manipulations, a acks, changed minds, bodies, of the human and animal, good or bad. They harass, manipulate, and kill and they dont approve the panacea to energy medicine, as we already know lasers are, & used Globally! 102 Military, Julianne McKinneys, Director, Electronic Surveillance Project-1994 le erresponse. A er Clintons partial admission and apology as past tense is the NSA caught red handed with Mass Remote Mind Control for evil New World Order Global mass control, brainwashing as a good thing. 103 Threats from CIA in July of 2007 where Muslim and Christians will try to bring down a new Holocaust of Jews and minorities. A sadistic Trouble-Making Cult & Culture!
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Holocaust of Jews and minorities. A sadistic Trouble-Making Cult & Culture! 104 All tangible hardware surveillance, are being a ached to already existing spying satellites are for human oppressions and controls with Directed Energy Weapons into ROBOTS still covert today. One religion, One Cult, THE CIA-Book only found in France! 105 Mind Controlled Americans as more dumb and lazy and also conveniently justied the public to outsource overseas to save money. 106 Since the trades for cheap plastic products and cars, many were mind controlled as well as brainwashed with propaganda to buy. I wont tell you about mind controlled women and plastic surgery rampid, chivalry, and women dierences because this would never end as womens lib to pay taxes. 107 These weapons experimented on Civilians and war can be used for good or bad, illness or panacea, but are used for New World Control. 108 When weird things happen like ID the , Cyberspace, & stalking, phone & internet issues, electronic, etc, it is mostly Mind Games and Mind Controlled operatives called handlers. 109 Our Govt that start epidemics and sets trends, culture, and shapes us with the use of Mind Control weapons on a mass level including Population Control. 110 Most Americans are not dumb or obese, just because theyre born on US Soil. Just induced nefariously! 111 Mind Control Psychotronics and MKULTRA experiments have been growing into Mind Control since The Manchurian Candidate original Movie 1962, suppressed, and programmed not to be believed, as all else of mind control when discovered technologies. 112 You are being a acked with the use of these weapons that turn anyone or any animal against you by targeting the Central Nervous System with false negative tests. 113 Mind Control is also used to induce the public with obstacles to have an abundance of good books, documentary videos, & education, with immoral corruptions transmits. 114 Mass population who turned against Dixies Chics, (video), Britney Spears and others would not have happened if not induced with NSA transmissions and sabotaged events, memories, thought/feelings, and miscommunications. Using us as pawns against each other. 115 Some are suing Corporations and Airlines when they should be suing the CIA.
116 White House Sexual Slavery goes on with women under Mind Control as CATHY OBRIEN, (Brice Anne Collins, The Sleep Room and satan child prostitution. HOW SICK & EVIL DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE YOUR GOVT IS. CointelPro is known to pick up on cults, fund them, and continue, and inducing them to appear natural and organically grown over time when exiting. Dr. Ross Institute and why its so prevalent & yet suppressed. Allegations to tempt individuals to crimes and corruptions as with tempting Clinton- scandall to be used against him for Blackmail! General Michael AQUINO/CIA/DIA. 117 If you drive a safe, well made car as BMW (as if we should not have the esteem to deserve the best) WHEN poor Countries had Mercedes for TAXIs and could expect a well made car until OUR Government STEPPED IN and promoted not condoned, lessor manufacturers of American made cars in America, promoting illegal speeds to pass law when illegal, thus creating more tax collections, health care, and deaths on the roads! MATERIALISTIC & PLASTIC SURGERIES also induced as CHANGED MINDS AND EMOTIONS! 118
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We labor more hours per person per year than any other country with less vacation and
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118 We labor more hours per person per year than any other country with less vacation and pension benets and THEY CALL US SPOILED. The Mind Game Manipulations of CIA! 119 We are in danger of our secret govt from these weapons and oppressions, losing civil rights mentality or on paper, and not so much Terrorism threats at all, on US Soil. 120 Your money is being spent in Millions on these experiments turned to Mass Mind Control CREATING JEWISH DIVISIONS as well as other targeted individuals or groups. 121 Hollywood has been the most Mind Controlled to corrupt television, thus the American morals and have been puppets individually controlled one way or another. 122 You everyone is directly induced with Mind Controlled thoughts and suggestions transmi ed one at a time not to be healthy with food urges & no exercise, to commit immoral behaviors, and crimes, alcohol, depending on your weaknesses or genetics. 123 Everything about your genetics is being collected in a massive database and used nefariously without your knowledge including your entire prole. DATA MINING-your destiny! 124 These Mind Games include GUIDING YOUR LIFE and also manipulating and playing with psychics readings, which are also in their target used to help solving crimes. 125 Individuals are transmi ed with this Mind Control thoughts to produce false controversial opposite lies on line and otherwise, to create doubt and discredit the truth tellers. 126 G. Bush said that our energy will be just ne and that he will help one soul at a time. WOW! Not even oceans! Why was his assassination a empt in the 80s called o. 127 That if you nd yourself in a war with your neighbors or at work with harassment, it is because of Mind Control Games to create and engineer wars. 128 The joke that went around in the 70s GO PLAY in TRAFFIC came not only from Mind Control but from trac lights being purposely tampered with as Power outages. 129 That since I started writing this, Mind Control has been more rampid creating more false news to discredit these facts with doubt and endless excuses & covering their tracks. 130 We are isolated and suppressed from bringing this to light and know EXACTLY HOW AMERICA GOT THIS WAY! Dysfunctional, dumbed down, controlled, sickened, set up, framed, raped in many ways, destined for oppressions, bad luck and much worse! AMERICAN FEARS & PHOBIAS & RETIREES addicted to SLOT MACHINES & PILLS-Experiments to induced Gay and Lesbian desires for experiments, revolting pleasures, and overseas sales of remote views, induced women for breast augmentations and side eects of hormones in agriculture for premature growth have been underway as with experimented with bees to a ack man as with animals or to sedate remotely! A synthetic America where our own Government does not want us healthy because they are engineering it and creating it as war on our streets! Kay Griggs Military Wife and Whistleblower and Jim Keith-Mass Control Human Engineering (robots and drones) August 2008 (Howard Hughes) CIA Richard Barlows SSP case involved four administrations: Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush. The case involved both parties; Democrats & Republicans. When I contacted Mr. Barlow and asked for his view on the troubling trend by the media and Congress in packaging SSP related information to mislead the public and destroy any chance of reform, this is what he had to say: Long before the Congress even begins to address issues relating to the use of SSP in court cases involving private charities, foreigners, suspected terrorists, or any private parties, it clearly needs to rst address the use of SSP by the Executive Branch to conceal crimes, abuses, or fraud by the Executive Branch against the Congress itself or against federal intelligence ocers or other federal employees [who] are the victims, and especially when it involves issues [of] Congress being lied to or willfully misled regarding intelligence information. He then added the following: The media
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or willfully misled regarding intelligence information. He then added the following: The media must go further than merely reporting the actions and inactions of CONGRESS and the COURTS: we need investigative reporting on why the Congress has failed to address cover-ups of illegal activity by the Executive Branch and what Members of Congress are responsible for this abdication of Constitutional responsibility, particularly if Obama continues to break his campaign promises on SSP and follow in the footsteps of Bush on this and other national security ma ers. JURY DEMAND Plainti hereby requests a Jury Trial for all issues triable by jury including, but not limited to those, issues and claims set forth in any amended complaint or consolidated action. I certify that a true copy of the foregoing has been furnished via Certied mail on July 1, 2010 to the Court Clerk for Summons Service. Respectfully submi ed, Mireille Torjman PO Box 8083 Delray Beach, FL 33482 954.529.8684 Tags:911, Alex Jones, americans, Cancer, Civilians, Corruption, Crimes, culture, government, mind control, NSA, psyops, torture, US Government, ventura, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, Wiretap Nefariously | Leave a Comment
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I. Freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition. IV. Interdiction of unreasonable searches and seizures; VIII. Bans cruel and unusual punishment, and excessive nes or bail IX. Unenumerated rights XIII. Abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude, (ELECTRONIC WARFARE) ________________________________________ This case was ruled frivolous and fantastic when noble with factual dangers. Appellant has the right to an immediate Injunction Relief from Government torture protection, and for redress and grievance. The opinion made no mention of NUMERUOUS Political Ocials and Agencies admissions of these allegations (subsequently below), with weapons patented and proven to be in use nefariously and covertly against We the People, inclusive of our own Government falling victim. Appellant requested a leave of court, FOIA request, investigations, right of review, proper media warning, emergency hearing, protection, and an injunction to cease immediately. Appellant was denied justice and the right to defend herself and prove her case, and/or opportunity for accountability and discoveries with Critical Agency Admissions and information provided seemingly Un-read or Un-realized, and to cause subject to be diagnosed with ill mental health. (Compl 15 p 10- Appx N exhibited) STATEMENT OF THE FACTS On July 7, 2010, Appellant had her Complaint above said case taken from the counter before mailing, and upon arrival at court house, Complaint was unwi ingly switched on Chief Judges desk regardless of calls and wri en instructions. Prior Complaint unwi ingly switched was missing names of current high prole individuals and current assassinations. Days later, Appellant also caught Case Complaint which was unwi ingly switched with Pharmaceutical case when loaded by Pacer electronically, as with numerous other obstacles for 4 years in a empt to expose and warn what she has gured out. On or about August 12, 2010, Appellant went on the air and provided a recorded 45 minute interview but no one in DC or across North America and Canada stations had heard the interviews and had been redirected, all week to another phone line to impede communication and full disclosures while building discredits and wars, (as incorrect websites and phone calls misdirected). Appellant notied radio host, a Former Police Ocer (working on crimes and the paranormal) and found it was a technical diculty and/or human error. Appellant has also been heavily blocked by an unwi ing public, daily in this fashion tangibly and non-tangibly, from electronic transmi ed communications, with heavy mind and body control experimentations, and recruitment a empts for CIA using Remote Viewing (satellite apparatus) today called NSA transmissions, which include transmi ed synthetic illnesses to millions. RUSSELL TICE case, an NSA agent blew the whistle on all accusations and torture of Electronic Warfare on Americans. (See Subsequent Public Statements quoted to the Press) Appellant had to amend Complaint and had not made monetary claims originally. (Motion for Relief 1 through 8) Appellant was then denied claims for damages in 2nd (Compl 255), Injunction, surveillance and spying, privacy, torture, along with the civil rights violations, witness protective plan, media request, Intl tortures, and 27 Counts of violations. Appellant is further retaliated against for a empting to WARN the public or le suit. Appellant is under threat, without delusion or doubt and has proof of all allegations, being pre-empted, impeded from the minds from others to block her, and is threatened as many other prominent radio hosts and activists by our Govt in a empts to expose conspiracies carefully masterminded behind the scenes (un-wit-unrealized). One mind, one life, one threat, one CANCER has been too many for another decade or another day, at the hands of mind control disbeliefs programmed for years eyes wide shut. This case should be heard and investigated by all. Appellant has proof, trying to save lives, and is under threats to relocate to DC. Neuro-Directed Energy Weapons of Mass Destruction have been around admi edly for decades in Covert Govt hands. Citations are uncontested law and one can no longer ignore these patented facts by our Govt, DARPA projects and others, nor slander anyone as delusional fanciful, with the subsequent USA information below including Russell Tice article stating such and a esting to Appellants experience and knowledge with what has been discovered since 2008. (EMF Insulin, Blood,
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Appellants experience and knowledge with what has been discovered since 2008. (EMF Insulin, Blood, NLP, and Liver disease) The covert Intelligence is with Malice and should be stopped immediately. Media is now publishing a Government has gone amuck to whitewash, and much worse with opposite news fanned for years. Lies the Govt told you by Judge Napolitano, a system that has not worked, for these reasons failing millions of our own people, suggesting to re-read and deceptions. Ie: Whistleblower Griggs calling it mind jabbing and Dr. Bowart False Memory Syndrome, unwi ing APA. (Appx B and Democracy Now Stop the Madness) It has been our own programmed disbelief for years and hidden advanced Technology that has enabled this Country to arrive at this point unwi ingly from behind the scenes, and must be stopped and dismantled. People are starting to wake up. Architects and Engineers Movement and Congressman Ron Paul Supporters want to know, former Govt Ocials, Unsolved Mysteries, Phenomenon, Alex Jones and massive events across the Nation under Brian Glick reports want the truth, know that MKULTRA mind control is in full operation, and so should every one with sound minds and realization of this sense. Pledges and admission statements made by U. S. Ocials since 1976 and over the years recent, to dismantle these powerful mind control Neurological Directed Energy Weapons have been proven thus, continue for decades to todays 911 false terrorism in the guise of Muslims to manifest war worse than before on US Soil, and INDUCED seismic waves as other energy waves to cause contaminations, economic manipulations, trends, and population control induced behind the scenes. (Appx H) Appellant also has witnessed redirected phone calls, websites, and email communications tangibly and as done to A orneys leaving Country just to work on Iraq ma ers here, without further impediments. (Compl Counts III and IV) Appellant has been impeded and blocked with emails, specic selective viruses, faxes, deliveries, voicemails and phone lines/calls while with various Communication Companies across the Country including DSL lines and can provide records showing activities for years behind the scenes un-wit from remote viewing, and password access to www. private CORPORATION servers with tips to VERIZON and other lawsuits. FALSE accusations as one case example, untraceable. (Compl 32 and 201 and (NSA, Verizon joined with AT&T M06-1791 VRW) individuals, google, and EFF). Appellant has statements of Federal Employees and Government Ocials, Presidents with ADMISSIONS of Non-Fanciful Weapons of Electronic WARFARE over the years as to MILLIONS of Americans targeted unwi ingly. A class action suit with its a orney (married to the DA in CO, and funded by a Silicon Valley University on Mind Control NSA transmissions impeded and no longer available for the very reasons of this Lawuit (non-gang related conspiracy, but an unwi ing public used in all professions that We the People have a responsibility to stop before too late, by power in numbers to dismantling this Mother of all Evil Weapon, or suer future catastrophic consequences more than Seismic WAVES, Cancer, or free will). (Compl 50, Appx E). Appellant is being denied her rights, and the Judicial System has not connected the dots yet, on prior crimes from these technology weapons that blighted the Courts 40 years ago to bring us to this point and a corrupted Country and inltrated Culture. Appellant will show mind manipulations in this Country are created with transmi ed hallucinations on the public to cover up an agenda against humanity collectively, since Big Brother Technology spying. This began in HOLLYWOOD and GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS and which some outsiders already realized the masterminds in the U.S. by DIA. Appellant has records of unwi ing transmi ed victims within DOJ, Congress (Un-covered documentary) unread to invade Iraq to set up and brainwash their people as other Countries for mass control inltrations, and mind controlled (Out-foxed media video) jacketing one against the other, psyops techniques for years with the use of all waves and resonance of frequencies. TruTV and media experiencing various pressures not to air any Govt Conspiracies and quash all related topics. Appellant reviewed her Quantum Physics Governmental studies from 2007 with information to support the new ndings found at (Appx N highlighted with O) and her prior allegations, since under a ack by this Directed Energy Weapon. Appellant a empted to receive assistance from Congress and the Intelligence Commi ee Senator Bill Nelsons Oce and Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite and was told that they had only been able to cease some not all victims seeking help, as it is selective Directed Energy Weapons. Appellants case was closed a er a visit with other ocials in DC. (Dennis Kucinich bill, Space Preservation Act 2005 in part-was quashed with citations of Remote viewing manipulations on millions of Americans so far.
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was closed a er a visit with other ocials in DC. (Dennis Kucinich bill, Space Preservation Act 2005 in part-was quashed with citations of Remote viewing manipulations on millions of Americans so far. (Compl 21 and PARTIES). Today, according to former NSA employees and NY congressional commi ee volunteers, the burden of proof on victims should be on the defendants. Appellant is with proof, witnesses, interviews and reports, from Leading Psychiatrist Dr. Walter Bowart (before his death and his son silenced), who blew the whistle on 50 years of mind control and FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION, (and worse-by CIA remote viewing), and in our courts and streets, Russ Tice statements of NSA transmissions in use to sabotage lives, other CIA whistleblowers, of mind control including Operation Mockingbird (updated remotely) but publicly admi ed brainwash mis-information (with a divided CONGRESS) permeating our Media unwi ingly from these transmissions for decades creating our propaganda mass COMMUNICATION CHAOS, (2 opposite thoughts at once), DISPUTES, and A SYNTHETIC engineered culture. (Covert Propaganda inltrated as psyops on US Soil). Appellant is with the device (intercepted) and military patents, science, documents of CIA MKULTRA and statement of Manchurians to assassinate G. Bush in the 80s, and these very Technology Weapons of Mass Destruction (diverted focus created) in use for 911, as well as 9 DOJ a orneys red for asking too many questions of what would have been to be uncovered. On August 5, 2009 Associated Press printed that the CIA denies faking Al Qaida Iraq le er, which agents are un-wit of within their own and of their missions with erased memory etc. (Press release Sept 13, Appx H) Everyone spinning their wheels too busy to REALIZE and dumbed down. (Jim Keith and Operation Mind Control, an engineered culture) On March 31, 2008 at 10:30 am, a le er in strong opposition wri en to JUDGE JOHN ROCKEFELLER IV intelligence Commi ee, regarding S. 2035 free ow of information act from ROBERT GATES at DOD is condoning unwi ingly DUPLICITOUS, MASSIVE CRIMES generated against AMERICAN CIVILIANS and conspiracy hiding behind SSP as QUITE the CONTRARY on all counts that is headed into GRAVE DANGERS. Mind Control has been inltrated psyops on civilian culture and population since 1947 and the 70s deployed Remote Viewing. BREACHED contracts of spying in EU, AU, UK, Israel, and other invaded Countries with spying and manipulating mind wars. Appellant is heavily tortured, pre-empted, framed, staged and sabotaged, with cover ups in the media and building discredit with tangible events whitewashing history with each accusation, to discredit, since 2008 in eorts to go public, to the FBI, and to le suit. Appellant has made further discoveries of corruptions with these weapons of psyops against humanity, as Government Physicist Lieutenant Tom Bearden warned the dangers many decades ago for your thoughts may not be your own creating a matrix covertly for Power and Control, ULTIMATELY. (Compl 20) Appellant does not know how to present this case with so much information to provide and obtain EMERGENCY injunction relief or a hearing, as DEMANDED in Complaint and Motion for relief to verify documents, with continued DANGERS to travel or come to DC again or ever take the witness chair. Appellant is praying for legal and procedural assistance of this court to be heard, prove her case and warn We the people. Appellant does not know if Complaint has been read or realized in full by JUDGE JOHN D BATES with NO mention of SABOTAGE HALLUCINATIONS MKULTRA DEPLOYED for 50 YEARS to MILLIONS OF AMERICANS at 15, 16, 17 and much worse by others throughout. (Compl 23 through 50 victimized, and below page 14 quoted by Mr. Tice), whereas Appellant was comatose for 72 hours (as Ariel Sharon) in her home to start THE PROCESS for CIA espionage, sexual slavery in the White House and Behavior modications, recruitment and brainwash programming via Remote Viewing. As with the Obama Sunsteins report of cognitive inltration, Appellant will prove this has been inltrated in our society causing all accusations since Church Commi ee never ceased as promised by Ocials. Appellant a empted to tell DOJ in 1996 when targeted for 5 years as Imaginary Friend/Enemy to obey, experimenting for Combat, robots, on the ground communications, and has years of copious notes for feedback and intent, with numerous others complaining of mind control at the same time emerged, and at a time when BUDGETS were of great concern at DOD in SAN DIEGO and Pres. Clintons public (partial) apology. DIA has done a terric job at keeping it to a minimum if complete disbelief brainwash since the 70s. The 911 Pilot training in connection with HAARP stations The Ultimate Weapon of Conspiracy by Jerry Smith also died of CANCER March, 2010 and Appellant has been threatened with zaps to her body, organs,
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also died of CANCER March, 2010 and Appellant has been threatened with zaps to her body, organs, hair, etc, as other credible victims and politicians claim is going on, with experiments in full action and Science under Siege. Physicist Dr. Bill Nelson and Dr. Nick Begich ALASKAN Political family Angels dont play this HAARP also asking questions and was impeded. Another impeded resolution was from John Herschel Glenn Jr., 1974-1999, former astronaut on CANCER and radiation, and U.S. politician who Introduced a Bill (Compl 14 and 25) As with AIPAC related framed (cases), Kevin Trudeau and FDA mass corruptions via NSA transmissions with scapegoats for all their shadowing conspiracies, and OJ Simpson to murder his wife and get away with it in advance, sabotaged cases tampering with minds not just evidence, from many minor criminal cases to highest dollar cases and victims. The most sabotaged cases were the ones TELEVISED with sensory deprivations, and in front of the world (inltrating humans into cold robots and locked doors culture is not organically grown but agenda). Millions are victims and are concerned! Whats going on? Wake up America! Wake up Washington! The answers are N.O.W. nefariously, toppling the ECONOMY and 911, the creations of 50 years of ignoring, neglecting MIND CONTROL WAVES and ELF, Ultimate Weapon behind the scenes and hiding behind SSP (1947). The Sibel Edmonds case and linguistic accusation of impaired translations were NSA transmissions communication chaos; another case never came to light and its true ndings of 911. Both Muslim and Jew framed. Larry Silverstein of WTC 7 framed well in advance with insurance and transmissions to PULL topple building, and government oces. Appellant will demonstrate and tie major historic events as Allison Des Forges staged plane crash in Hudson River with Death Rays for planes (Warden Cli Towers) and Senator Kennedy zapped Cancer. (CIA Predicts The Future 2015 Water Resources.) General Zinni changed minds, Water Wars in manifesting with Turkey and Egypt, false natural resource shortage, as with Seismic induced East Coast INFILTRATIONS as predictions for WATERFRONT properties, and warnings to Congress ignored of Piracy and Florida EMF Red Tide to cover up with BP transmissions of human errors. Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000,00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an Invisible Chinese Wall of defense was built around the Country, no ma er how large an a ack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible war Imaginary Weapons). Warden cli Tower is in full action in Long Island NY, as 36 other stations, globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York Times, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News). One energy zap is COSTLY, causes confusion, trip, fall, body temp-freeze, heat, mis-communication, fatigue, focus, concentration, sleep, mistakes, (Kucinich-US patent under MKDELTA), and stalling any engine. All hiding behind the scenes and SSP, a le er to Judicial Commi ee was sent in July prior to this writ of information. The a ached email from 2009 was never responded to and was unveriable as numerous other communications for years. (See App. G3) Press release was impeded and forwarded to Al Gore on September 17, before revisions, Bear Stearns manipulations, and Famous Public Speeches. The Energy will by just ne. (App. H) Appellant was traumatized and is suering and would like to provide medical records, police, Judicial court records (staged to appeals with delays to change minds with TIME, and other credible witness information and testimonies to prove, manifest how, what this world is coming to (prior to 2008). Appellant requested a leave of court to amend as Appellant is under immediate threat (as family and car accidents) and cannot obtain counsel. Appellant has become increasingly realized of the severity and magnitude of these weapons in use nefariously and globally on civilians and is growing. On September 3, 2010, Appellant woke up with loud ringing in the ears to nd further a acks are a empted currently to penetrate her auditory cortex if continued eorts are made to expose and cease. From CLASS ACTION suit members, this type of a ack can be deadly in various ways, and is TORTUROUS. It included sleep depravation until 4AM and loud alarms and outside extreme motor noises, for days prior as well as by phone, voice mail, electronic intrusions and transfers and 5 hours to obtain a ight ticket by phone to DC and blocked internet account set up with providers, (WITH AMPLIFIED SUGGESTIONS or modulations) and sensitivities to entrain and channel further connectivity sound waves during tired sleep not to awake programming. In the Jawad case No. 05-cv-2385 (RMU) GUANTANAMO prisoners are kept tired to be programmed during sleep and not wake up with interruptions techniques. This sleep disorder goes
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be programmed during sleep and not wake up with interruptions techniques. This sleep disorder goes on in AMERICAN homes with sleep disorders that began 40 years ago or so. Appellant was able to record and video these awful events and suspects is being entrained mentally to accept such intrusions. Appellant is harassed and sabotaged daily, to impede her expert witness testimonies and WARN the people how and where this Country is being taken down behind the scenes and by an unwi ing public timed in advance to sabotage lives. More than what Tice stated in full article and more than each of my accusations are already being investigated by analysts since my eorts have been taken to several authorities; the NSA began searching for an A orney upon my threats and lawsuit on May 28th. Historically, numerous citizens, have not been amongst just Ocials but anyone who dares to expose and prevent the corruption, abuse of power, and conspiracy underway, unsuccessfully because they are under the inuence of mind controls UNREALIZED, always missing the mark and as Sunsteins Report with Cognitive Inltrations is not gang related but psyops on the American Ordinary People. (Quoting what Appellants accusations are from years of her documented Government torture, sabotaged life in front of a Sheri Department, and framed with the exact events below which are that of cults and Church Commi ee tactics going on today. Russell Tice, a Hero Under GOD, Jim Keith and Dr. Walter Bowart not gone in vein. This Country is not only being usurped legally or Constitutionally, but psychologically one mind and soul at a time allowing it to evolve from 50 years of transmi ed Americans and criminal. Currently experiencing additional unpleasant a acks as follows, with full article at (Appx N) that should not be discounted: Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans? Russ Tice, former NSA intelligence ocer and current Whistleblower, was to testify before the Senate Armed Services Commi ee this week. Apparently the testimony, Mr. Tice wanted to give, makes General Haydens phone surveillance program look like very small potatoes. Mr. Tices testimony is expected to reveal further illegal activity overseen by General Michael Hayden which even loyal and patriotic NSA employees view as unlawful. I think the people I talk to next week are going to be shocked when I tell them what I have to tell them. ITS PRETTY HARD TO BELIEVE, Tice said. NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSAs domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. The operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law. LONG-TERM CONTROL AND SABOTAGE OF TENS OF THOUSANDS OF UNWITTING CITIZENS BY NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations TO CAUSE SUBJECTS TO BE DIAGNOSED WITH ILL MENTAL HEALTH. National Security Agency Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a persons bioelectric elds etc The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. An example of EMF Brain Stimulation: Brain Area-Bioelectric Resonance Frequency Information Induced Through Modulation Motor Control Cortex 10 HZ Motor Impulse Co-ordination Auditory Cortex 15 HZ Sound which bypasses the ears Visual Cortex 25 HZ Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes Somatosensory Cortex 09 HZ Phantom Touch Sense Thought Center 20 HZ Imposed Subconscious Thoughts This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from SUBLIMINAL TO PERCEPTIBLE. Each persons brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a persons brain at the frequency of another persons auditory cortex would result in that audio information not being perceived. Additionally, A 1994 congressional hearing reported that nearly HALF A MILLION AMERICANS were subjected to some kind of cold war era tests, o en without being informed and without their consent. In addition, experimentation law is well grounded in constitutional and international law. It is an under-reported fact that two major reports on human
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without being informed and without their consent. In addition, experimentation law is well grounded in constitutional and international law. It is an under-reported fact that two major reports on human rights and torture in the U.S. recently listed illegal radiation experiments. Many more facts are documented below. Therefore, human research subject protections should be a high priority and are just as signicant as current issues of torture and illegal wiretapping. It is time for America to wake up. It is time for America to protect its Whistleblowers who are our last line of defense against dictatorship and despotism. It is time for America to take responsibility for oversight of its tax dollars and elect leaders who will assume such responsibility now. Yes, the war on terrorism is important. It is even more important and fearful if the terrorism is from within and unknowingly funded by hard working American citizens. There is no Special Access Program beyond the oversight of political leaders elected by the people and for the people. If these political leaders jeopardize national security then that shall be handled in a court of law. But to tell America, to tell the American people, to tell the political leaders elected by the American people that America does not deserve to know what happening in the NSAs dark, black rooms, with billions of dollars, behind closed doors, when we know that privilege has already been abused; that is the true denition of terrorism. That is the true denition of Communism and a Police State, no oversight. So fellow Americans, you may hem and haw in the face of truth but know that one day you will realize that your country has been usurped from the very principles upon which it was founded. Godspeed, Russ Tice, the Patriots are with you. RUSSELL TICE: If that was done and, you know, I use a big if here, and, remember, I cant tell you what I know of how N.S.A. does its business, but I can use the wiggle words like if and scenarios that dont incorporate specics, but nonetheless, if U.S. gateways and junction points in the United States were used to siphon o information AMY GOODMAN: Do you expect you are being monitored, surveilled, wiretapped right now? RUSSELL TICE: Yes, I do As a ma er of fact April 1, 1976, A orney General Levi announced the establishment of a special review commi ee within the Department of Justice to notify COINTELPRO victims that they were the subjects of FBI activities directed against them. Notication will be made in those instances where the specic COINTELPRO activity was improper, actual harm may have occurred, and the subjects are not already aware that they were the targets of COINTELPRO activities. 315 Further, the Department will have acknowledged nally that COINTELPRO was wrong. Ocial repudiation of the programs is long overdue. (Wiretapping began with Hoover in 1940) The American people need to be assured that never again will an agency of the government be permi ed to conduct a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order. Only a combination of legislative prohibition and Departmental control can guarantee that COINTELPRO will not happen again. The notication program is an auspicious beginning. This rough, tough, dirty business included inltration of political groups, psychological warfare, legal harassment, and extralegal force and violence. The FBI and police threatened, instigated and conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object was to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements, write Mike Cassidy and Will Miller. They used secret and systematic methods of fraud and force, far beyond mere surveillance, to sabotage constitutionally protected political activity. The purpose of the program was, in FBI Director J. Edgar Hoovers own words, to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit and otherwise neutralize specic groups and individuals. Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Ocer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated rumors were untrue until the telling of rumors made them true. Fannie Mae interim Jewish Accountant suicide a er 3 months on fraud Framed as Larry Silverstein to redistribute wealth away from Jews to topple the economy agendas and framing Israel Conspiracies uncovered! March 31, 2010 in the Islamic Foundation v Obama case, Judge Walker ruled the TSP as unlawful and violated FISA. NEW CASE Dr. Orly Taitz V. Obama with Judges courage, NON-SENSE and responsibility necessary to dismantle this covert CIA ops and weapons of mass destruction with many deaths like Prosecutor Ted Stevens articles Obama staer wants cognitive inltration of 9/11 conspiracy groups Posted by sakerfa April 14th, 2010-Journal of Political Philosphy in 2008 Why hasnt the pressaside from MSNBCcovered Russell Tices revelations on the governments
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Why hasnt the pressaside from MSNBCcovered Russell Tices revelations on the governments massive spy apparatus that according to Tice illegally surveys every US citizens purchasing records, emails, phone calls, bank transactions, etc. and maintains the information in massive databases for nefarious uses? DNA and why A er the Church Commi ee exposed COINTELPRO, the government report claimed it had dismantled the program. However, in the 1980s, the Reagan administration legalized the tactics (a er the fact) by signing Executive Order 12333. FOLLOWED by FALSE and LOSS Memory! Posted: March 4, 2010 12:42 PM A Terrible Mistake: H.P. Albarellis Investigation into CIA Scientists Murder, at the Crossroads of Mind Control and Assassination Whats Your Reaction: Read More: A Terrible Mistake, CIA Geneva Conventions , CIA Missions , CIA Untied States Constitution , Books News Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest. George Hunter White, U.S. Federal Bureau of Narcotics For well over half a century, the CIA (and its predecessor, OSS) has been violating the Geneva Conventions and the United States Constitution, subjecting the guilty and innocent alike to cruel and unusual treatment. H.P. Albarellis A Terrible Mistake The Murder of Frank Olson and CIAs Cold War Experiments, a fascinating and important new work of unprecedented depth (10 years in the making and involving numerous rst hand interviews), pulls back the curtain on the AGENCYS DIABOLICAL MIND CONTROL Experiments and EXTENSIVE EFFORTS to assemble and analyze every known substance that could kill a person relatively easily, quickly and SURREPTITIOUSLY. A Terrible Mistake is the true story of how the CIA drugged one of its own scientists and, when the li le bird ew through a closed window on the 13th oor of the Statler Hotel in Manha an, proceeded to publicly insist, for decades to come, that Dr. Frank Olson was mentally unstable and had commi ed suicide. Albarelli takes us with him as he investigates the question: did Frank Olson jump, or was he pitched? This compelling tale not only reveals the wherefore and how of Frank Olsons murder, but looks behind the scenes at CIA and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, deliciously acquainting us with some of the Agencys darkest characters, including: Dr. Sidney Go lieb, head of the notorious MKULTRA program, whose mind control techniques included extensive use of LSD; the evil psychiatrist Dr. Harold Abramson; various Corsican maa kingpins; and the ultimate spy, Pierre La e. La e was not only glamorously descended from the famous pirate captain, Jean La e, he was also a CIA assassin, who just happened to be working as a bellman at the Statler Hotel the night Frank Olson crashed through a closed window and dropped to his death. A Terrible Mistake reads like the most gripping of spy novels, as it lays out the roadmap to the drug culture of the 1960s and beyond. Since the 1940s, CIA had been hell-bent on perfecting mind control techniques, including the creation of a truth drug, for use in interrogation of captured enemy operatives and to root out the enemies within. These pursuits began with Project BLUEBIRDs creation of synthetic THC (the active ingredient in maruana), evolving into Project MKULTRA, in which Agency scientists conducted human experiments with LSD and hypnosis (frequently on American citizens held captive in mental hospitals); and ultimately led the Agency into a close associa-tion with international heroin trackers. Dr. Frank Olson was a research scientist in the Chemical Branch of the CIAs Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort Detrick, Maryland, where he was involved in a wide variety of chemical warfare experiments. Some of these experiments took him to exotic destinations in the Caribbean, where the U.S. Armys Chemical Corps conducted tests resulting in the deaths of thousands of animals, not to mention the supposedly unintended consequences to the health of the residents of an island near the watery test site. In the summer of 1951, Dr. Olson and other members of the SOD research team traveled to France, in particular, to the village of Pont St. Esprit, for an operation code named Project SPAN. On August 16th of that year, the entire town of Pont St. Esprit was stricken with a mysterious malady. One Parisian
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of that year, the entire town of Pont St. Esprit was stricken with a mysterious malady. One Parisian reporter described. h p:// ACLU Says Government Used False Confessions 02 Jul 2009 The American Civil Liberties Union yesterday accused the Obama administration of using statements elicited through torture to justify the connement of a detainee it represents at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The ACLU is asking a federal judge to throw out those statements and others made by Mohammed Jawad, an Afghan who may have been as young as 12 when he was captured. His a orney argued that Jawad was abused in U.S. custody, threatened and subjected to intense sleep deprivation. The governments continued reliance on evidence gained by torture and other abuse violates centuries of U.S. law and suggests the current administration is not really serious about breaking with the past, said ACLU lawyer Jonathan Hafetz, who is representing Jawad in a lawsuit challenging his detention. Military prosecutor abruptly quit his post, saying that the case was riddled with problems and that the prisoner had suered physical and psychological mistreatment while in custody. U.S. again [third time] delays releasing CIA torture report 02 Jul 2009 The U.S. government on Wednesday once again delayed the release of a full report on CIAs controversial interrogation program. The government had intended to complete its review of the 2004 report and release it two weeks ago. But continued interagency debate about how much of the secret report could be made public pushed back the deadline. [See: US wants to [again] delay release of CIA report 26 Jun 2009 and Delay in Releasing CIA Report Is Sought 20 Jun 2009.] U.S. spy says just followed orders in Italy kidnap 30 Jun 2009 A former U.S. spy at the center of a kidnapping trial in Italy appeared to acknowledge a role in the abduction of a Muslim cleric but said he was only following orders, according to a rare interview published on Tuesday. Robert Seldon Lady is one of 26 Americans, almost all believed to have been working for the CIA, who are accused along with Italian spies of grabbing a terrorism suspect o the streets of Milan in 2003 and ying him to Egypt. There, Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr says he was tortured and held for years without charge. Army faces 20 more torture and abuse claims from Iraqi civilians Numerous cases have BLIGHTED THE COURTS for decades since 1947 Securities Act and these weapons to be researched and experimented about the time Aliens and Apollo hit the Media, and crimes lled the jails with hallucinations, entrapment, and bearing FALSE WITNESS behind the scenes, MILLIONS made by PHARMACEUTICAL with the start of a communication chaos dis-information Operation Mockingbird, FBI Grandeur delusions, in our books, synthetic illness with the AMA, song writing, DYSFUNCTIONAL non-sense corrupt culture, EVOLVED. Now duped and the EMERGING, explaining so many airport cases and others falsely paranoid using an unwi ing public. Appellant will show that the above article from Sunsteins Report is not hired help or gang-related conspiracies, but what has been impeding A&E 911 truth investigation for 9 years with CIA Jacketing to divide and ghting (crimes) on the streets, on line www, turning anyone against the other manifestations unwi ing, as Countries creating wars as pawns behind the scenes, Stalking, ID the , the and vandalism. Generating false news; OBAMA speech (they like to do that, against each other (diving culture). Stay the course to Brainwash, repeatedly Bush speeches (for oil?) and many more duped, (Appx H)), Generating Buzz, FEARS over the years, FLORIDA, and ECONOMIES, Generating Propaganda, Generating Illnesses since missing children on milk cartons, (mists) in the Pentagon. Journalist, Sharon Weinberger, a er PENTAGON interview wrote (Imaginary Weapons) and Wired Magazine, and a Globe who saw our Media and Judicial System as a Joke culture, and injustice from within, all with COSTLY zaps as they call it. Appellant purchased from NASA Physicist, the device for $21,000. 00 with Woodpecker scalar waves to Russia and China being used when paranoid Russia had launched theirs breaching airways spying contracts. Appellant had to learn CIA techniques of NLP taught to FBI early 70s and became certied in Hypnosis in 2008. (Neuro-linguistic Programming which some details were provided of Ft Hood victim, in the (Compl pages 19 and 78)) NLP (1974) is the absolute mind control creations of cognitive impairments, Alzheimer and Dementia, Memory back in timelines, targeting former President Reagan a er signing executive order 12333, ADD Scientology and emotional disorders, highest mis-diagnosed ills in America among many new synthetic creations inltrating Science nefariously for the next generation. New side eects and illnesses plague Americans with no names or traces are endless and documented,
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New side eects and illnesses plague Americans with no names or traces are endless and documented, as many illusions, delusions, and/or deceptions. Appellant has knowledge the JUDICIAL SYSTEM has been preventing to save these CRIMES OF HUMANITY, from the MINDS, unwi ingly. These activities and other covert programs are being abused with a pa ern of experiments and crime corruption on the street since the 1970s using weapons of technology and Neurological that has investigators spinning their wheels and folks exclaiming, What is this world coming to, pre 911? (Tesla Invention and energy 1940) Furthermore, testimonies made in 1977 to U.S. Courts and Congress by whistleblowers Cathy Obrien and CIA Mark Phillips were blocked for reasons of National Security. This 1947 SSP LAW and disbelief and/or forgo en event had unwi ingly allowed the crimes and evil corruption to continue in AMERICA at the hands of the most powerful TECHNOLOGY WEAPON of the mind. Too many years of death and torture include every one in this Country somehow. Today some are nally seeing the same has continued to bigger Government crimes and corruption with technology to take over humanity for mass control, Step #9 of 10 (Naomi Wolf, Yale) closer to legalizing Fascism, eyes wide shut: LOSING OUR FREEDOM under the DISGUISE of 911 (nano-thermite ndings as ELF-EMF warfare and its speedy debris removal and silenced, etc). Part of a gradual process in REVERSING an entire AMERICAN CIVIL WAR and JUDICIAL SYSTEM. Appellant assures the Court that as Access Denied, Trance-formation of America, among many neglected slandered and discredited Whistleblowers instead of Courageous Heroes; Naomi Wolf, CIA retirees, and NSA employees, reported being hypnotized on the job, are part of GUANTANAMO innocent scapegoats used as Public display tricks to decoy. ACLU reports of false statements of confessions a er sending them my information of psyops inltrations brainwash over time, again reason for delays, and covert sweeping of DC and NY pre 911, whitewashed AFTER 2008 inltrated to Mosques as Shu le and much more. Numerous investigations with missed fact -ndings at the hands of mind control behind the scenes. Covert condos built underground reports by Jesse Ventura currently in the MIDWEST and false threat of war on US Soil created in the process of being manifested with 911. Mind controlled Pawns, Manchurians and staged London Bombings, as domestically. (App.E3) Appellant does not consent to the espionage information being transmi ed against her will to her discoveries today and should not have been targeted with this experiment and beyond torture and information. Remote View Projects that REQUIRED HUMAN EXPERIMENTING and The Cult of Intelligence-occults covertly. Numerous DARPA and Military projects, Pandoras Box, Voice of GOD. Former United States Government Physicist! 1981-Lt Col. US Army Retired, Pentagon analyst McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martins Press, 1984, p 127, Psychic Weapons) and synthetic telepathy, (creating wars and crimes on our streets) and the new buzz words in the Pentagon, Operation Northwoods, Project Stargate, Spacestar, (CIA Psychic Remote Viewing and FBI Virtual Project, 1996 respectively), Project Paperclip (Space Medicine), Remote Accupuncture (ELF) electrosis, Project Hybrid Insects & Polar Bears and hallucinations), for abusive powers. Appellant will also provide evidence to the connection of numerous sabotaged court cases, our economy manipulations, and 911 with this WEAPON of technology mind wars used on most Americans for decades. We the People had, and have a powerful sturdy foundation to disbelieve MKULTRA and the Church Commi ee is still active and/or part of the brainwash with massive investigations and CASES diverted for years. Appellants quashed and impeded warnings ignored by Congress leading to many deaths, BP oil, ELF EMF Red Tide, Labs-1947, VETERANS un-traceable Agent Orange etc, and many calamities including non-sense, mis applied dysfunctions, delays, sabotaged people and cases from the mind. Henderson v. Veterans Aairs 09-1036, VVA v CIA cv 09 , 0037 CW, which has pleadings with mischaracterized discoveries, delays, denials, and refusals, with mind control throughout. On Oct 13, 2010, declarations made by CIA and DOD agents who do not have top secret clearance of covert ops today and who are themselves unwi ing victims as other agents and Govt Ocials as Whistleblower Russell Tice himself. The basis of Appellants case and point. Their Adavit states in 1973 the programs went under severe tight guard secret, which is about when they deployed psyops on the Public for power upon this discovery, which is evolving outside the U S now as a result of no TRANSPARENCY and SSP with a new DHS and revamped FBI, WHITEWASH and lost in generational GAP. Furthermore, Plainti has obtained 20,000 pages of documents and videos, and more from Canada before CIA destructions, and went public Aug,
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of documents and videos, and more from Canada before CIA destructions, and went public Aug, 2010. There is no documentation of current NLP, Remote mind control or viewing made available and EXPERIMENTS are REQUIRED especially since patented and Ops admi ed by former and current agents, as well as other prominent folks. In addition, there is talk from outsiders of DOD and across the Nation, of CointelPro MIND CONTROL as admi ed in the 70s and with crimes under Operation CHAOS with skepticisms in the White House for 2 Administrations, charges for electronic spying were made back then with data minding since then. (CIA Church Commi ee Report Page 682, 687 and 1947 Act, and Compl page 5, 7 paragraph 7)They did not cease or abolish this Act, but went black according to Tice and Millions of People so far including those victimized which Appellant interviewed and those with Cancer. Appellant provided the VA with the non-traceable ills of Americans at the hands of this Directed Energy Weapon also used in the Gulf War (Compl Footnote 7 and 36, Appx H, N, P-) San Francisco Firm Press Release Media Advisory. Julianne McKinney, Director of these Military Ops is still ba ling Oversight. (Compl 36) Appellant prayed for an immediate injunction relief and has been under urgencies, demanding JUSTICE, to prove this case. ________________________________________ SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT I. This Case Presents an Important Violation of our Amendment Laws and the future ROLE of the Judicial system. (Compl 28) II. There is an immediate and serious impact on the Appellant and publics safety with severe and alarming corruption and crimes to cease. III. Analogously, in history of these crimes and violations cases involving Cointelpro, Church Commi ee and MKULTRA, knowledge of the illicit nature is imputed to the defendant, further victimized and traumatized by the publics disbeliefs, even though technical and credible testimony have been made unrealized, as in United States v. Lindauer Case No. 03 Cr. 807, falsely accused, slandered, delayed, detained, for 2 years as most whistleblowers to impede truth until too late to ma er. (Church Commi ee full report-went black, Compl page 5) IV. Additionally, because the majority has not been appropriately made aware of the extent of surveillance for the uses of spying, data-mining, breached contracts, treason, and nefarious misuses to humanity, millions more victimized, that would indeed come forward for immediate dismantling of Covert Remote Viewing, making liars of Public Govt Ocials, unwi ingly. (USSID 18, Compl Page 12) V. The Appellant made demands for FOIA, damages physical and psychological (with irreparable harm, monetary losses, witness protection, proper media coverage, and an injunction, and has not been free to exercise her rights to speech against the government crimes and to leave her house for the past 4 years and has been retaliated upon in various ways including experimentation of mental GAG orders and House Arrest as with other (ORDINARY UNWITTING PUBLIC, non-gang). These blocks coupled with detainments by law enforcements in all eorts to WARN while DELAYING and covering up accusations. Part of Appellants harmful damages is too vexing and mind controlled transmits to err. Appellant was traumatized and is writing pro se with privacy concern. Medical records will be provided for physical and psychological evidence. (Compl page 16, 17, 30, 35, 61, 65, 68, and 23, 33 63) Symptoms are that of VETS-D.E.W. Neurologic torture, picking up behaviors, illnesses hiding as if organically grown, as cults and synthetic addictions on civilians. Aecting emotions and 5 senses, and this case to prove all, from being targeted to wars. VI. This Case depicts important Violations of our Amendments that has caused mass chaos, Population Control, and a Society to be disillusioned, misled, along with disbeliefs at the hands of mind control TRANSMISSIONS behind the scenes pawns to create dis-information, mis-understandings and cognitive impairments, to divide and conquer people and to procure and produce exact OPPOSITES (FANNED) of events and harassment. Appellant was extremely Pro-Government 4 years ago, as is the Honorable JUDGE John D Bates, thus has the right to an impartial trial and the public at large needs to know and has the right to know including and especially JUDGES. One should not let a rule prevent truth and crimes if justice and truth is our goal to begin with. JUDGES cannot make correct informed decisions WITHOUT this KNOWLEDGE. VII. VARIOUS ADMISSIONS from Military OFFICIALS, Secretary Hazel OLeary of the DOE and Presidents and others that Electronic Warfare
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Hazel OLeary of the DOE and Presidents and others that Electronic Warfare on US Soil is taking place toward Millions of innocent UNWITTING Civilians included continued operation of COINTELPRO MKULTRA as opinions conrms the allegations dating years back to Church Commi ee CIA diabolical tactics and NSA transmissions for Electronic Warfare on Americans and humanity. For nothing in the history of humanity and our judicial system can ever be resolved or accountable UNTIL this case and its WEAPON at hand is heard, considered, and ruled, thus bringing CONSPIRACY THEORISTS TO FACT. The American Judicial system needs to recognize these issues and hold this covert shadow Government accountable to successfully CEASE ITS OWN DEMISE as part of the humanities and We the People duped and brainwashed within our own CIA terrorists. We are ALL in DANGER, and notice DC that is kept in a Bubble. VIII. No act of Congress can authorize a violation of the Constitution. The Constitution cannot be interpreted safely except by reference to common law and to British institutions as they were when the instrument was framed and adopted. In the 2nd case, Plainti provided additional names of Assassinations and did have claims for damages, with an added claims made and documentation that this does exist by our own DIA shadow Govt. The District court dismissed case as fanciful instead of grounds for repugnancies that can be proven, urgently, and is warranted with merit as victim, target and injured party. (Compl 23) IX. As in the ACLU v. NSA Nos. 06-2095/2140-07a0253, this pa ern of Constitutional Violations and torture is victimizing civilians for decades and Appellant is a target of this technology weapon kept covert for nefarious uses and conspiracies. THERE WAS AN ABUSE OF DISCRETION with ALARMING, overwhelming historical facts and admissions of these weapons in use nefariously. Appellant is under a acks and is seeking assistance, and leave of court again to amend, risking her life and family, trying to warn the people, and oered to testify before Congress, a er years of torture and courage with enough resources to help her to survive and also demanding discoveries and investigations as to where HUMANITY is heading un-wit, if JUDGES dont stop them NOW. ________________________________________ CONCLUSION When even one American -who has done nothing wrong- is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Harry S. Truman God Bless America, God Bless Humanity! In light of the foregoing, the court should reverse the District courts Order to dismiss and remand this ma er for expedited further proceedings. Respectfully submi ed, MIREILLE TORJMAN Appellant is Pro se Endnotes 1 United States v. Lindauer Case No. 03 Cr. 807 Whistleblower agent remote viewing falsely accused and detained delays until too late to use her information and the 911 brainwash. 2 In Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967) Supreme Court ruled that a search occurs only when 1) a person expects privacy in the thing searched and 2) society believes that expectation is reasonable. In Katz, the Supreme Court ruled that a search had occurred when the government wiretapped a telephone booth.[21] The Courts reasoning was that 1) the defendant expected that his phone booth conversation would not be broadcast to the wider world and 2) society believes that expectation is reasonable. 3 Skilling V. United States, No. 081394 Opinion of Sotomayor, J. In sum, I cannot accept the majoritys conclusion that voir dire gave the District Court a sturdy foundation to assess tness for jury service. Cf. ante, at 29. Taken together, the District Courts failure to cover certain vital subjects, its supercial coverage of other topics, and its uncritical acceptance of assurances of impartiality leave me doubtful that Skillings jury was indeed free from the deep-seated animosity that pervaded the community at large. [R]egardless of the heinousness of the crime charged, the apparent guilt of the
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community at large. [R]egardless of the heinousness of the crime charged, the apparent guilt of the oender[,] or the station in life which he occupies, our system of justice demands trials that are fair in both appearance and fact. Irvin, 366. Because I do not believe Skillings trial met this standard, I would grant him relief. 4 Constitutional Provisions, Statutes And Policies At Issue First Amendment to The United States Constitution Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress. 5 Justice Sandra Day OConnor-Frank Olson case-Opinion No rule cra ed shall insulate from liability unknowing subjects. OLSON also pushed or fell 9 (by mind control neuro) in strange death as quoted family case and Jim Keith death without LSD cover up IMPORTED by our CIA and sold to kids, and censored book out as Cult of Intelligence sold in Nice. The CIA COOPER report was a complete WHITEWASH and history repeating itself by Agenda. ________________________________________ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE As required by this Court of Appeals F.R.A.P.P. 25, 28 and 32 (a)(7)(b)(iii), 32 (a)(5), and (6) typeface requirements. I certify that this brief contains 8304 words at in 14 pt Times New Roman. ________________________________________ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing brief has been furnished in person at 333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20001Court of Appeals Clerk, and via regular Mail to US A orney Civil Division, Craig Lawrence at 555 4th Street NW, Washington DC 20530, on November 12, 2010. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on November 12, 2010. Respectfully submi ed, Mireille Torjman Tags:911, Alex Jones, americans, Cancer, Crimes, culture, government, Israel, mind control, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, NSA, psyops, torture, ventura, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Spying for mind control, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans | Leave a Comment
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Eugenics Human Radiation Studies Elmer Allen Granddaughter Testimony Agent Orange THREE: Cold War Dooli le McCarthyism Operation Paperclip Reinhardt Gehlen Operation Mockingbird Operation Northwoods FOUR: MKULTRA-1950s Brainwashing- USSR, China, US Helms, Go lieb Allen Dulles Estabrooks Cameron MKULTRA-1960s, 1970s Helms, Aldrich Pandora Delgado Jolly West MKULTRA VICTIM TESTIMONY: Valerie Wolfe, Claudia Mullen, Chris DeNicola Programming levels FIVE: Nonlethal weapons Greenham Common DOD/DOJ Iraq SIX: CULTS Aquino Moon FMSF Remote viewing SEVEN: Trojan Horse EIGHT: Cointelpro NINE: CIA Blowback: Golden Triangle Ed Wilson Katherine Griggs Guatemala organ donors TEN: Directed Energy Weapons USSR Woodpecker ELEVEN: Directed Energy Weapons Scientists TWELVE:
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TWELVE: SDI/HAARP THIRTEEN: Military Doctrine MindWar The Aviary FOURTEEN: Patents/Spin-os Implants ADS Milliwave radar FIFTEEN: CIA/Corporate Proprietaries SAIC Hadron DynCorp Operation Cyclone SIXTEEN: Law Girard John Glenn Akwei Milgram Street Theater TI experience Weed and Seed SEVENTEEN: End Game MONARCH: THE NEW PHOENIX PROGRAM Phoenix Program: The Phoenix Program, created by the CIA in 1967, was aimed at neutralizingthrough assassination, kidnapping, and torture, the civilian infrastructure that supported the Viet Cong insurgency in South Vietnam. It was a terrifying nal solution that violated the Geneva Conventions. The Phoenix Programs civilian targets of assassination were VC tax collectors, supply ocers, political cadre, local military ocials, and suspected sympathizers. Faulty intelligence o en led to the murder of innocent civilians, rival Vietnamese would report their enemies as VC in order for US troops to kill them. In 1971, William Colby, head of CIA in Vietnam, testied the number killed was 20,857. South Vietnamese government gures were 40,994 dead. CIA ocer Ted Shackley managed (600 military and (40-50) CIA liaison ocers) who were working with South Vietnamese ocers in 44 provinces. Ted Shackley and Robert Komer played key roles in recruiting Phoenix Program personnel. Many Covert Action ocers were Cuban refugees from the Bay of Pigs asco. They ran the CIAs Counter-Terror (CT) Teams, which were in fact assassination squads. Colby, Komer, and Shackley reported to DCI Richard Helms and the White House. From the beginning the Phoenix Program was conceived by the White House and supported by the CIA. Phoenix called for neutralizing 1800 targets a month. About one third of VC targeted for arrest were summarily executed. Green Berets and Navy SEALs would assassinate suspected VC sympathizers or cadres, as well as South Vietnamese collaborators and double agents. In 1982 an Ex-Phoenix operative revealed that sometimes orders were given to kill U.S. military personnel who were considered security risks. He suspects the orders came not from division, but from a higher authority such as the CIA or the Oce of Naval Intelligence. The following is testimony of Vincent Okamoto, combat ocer (Lieutenant) in Vietnam in 1968, and recipient of Distinguished Service Cross, the second highest award conferred by the US Army. Wounded 3 times. The problem was, how do you nd the people on the blacklist? Its not like you had their address and telephone number. The normal procedure would be to go into a village and just grab someone and say, Wheres Nguyen so-and-so? Half the time the people were so afraid they would say anything. Then a Phoenix team
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so-and-so? Half the time the people were so afraid they would say anything. Then a Phoenix team would take the informant, put a sandbag over his head, poke out two holes so he could see, put commo wire around his neck like a long leash, and walk him through the village and say, When we go by Nguyens house scratch your head. Then that night Phoenix would come back, knock on the door, and say, April Fool, motherfucker. Whoever answered the door would get wasted. As far as they were concerned whoever answered was a Communist, including family members. Sometimes theyd come back to camp with ears to prove that they killed people. Penetrations into the Viet Cong Infrastructure was accomplished by blackmailing or terrorizing a member of a targeted individuals family to gathering information. Every Vietnamese 15 and over had to register and carry identity cards, these records were computerized and eventually it evolved into a highly computerized and statistical means of generating 1800 names a month for the target list, coordinating the information on suspects from 30,000 plus informants. When the strategic Hamlet program failed, CIA and military intelligence concentrated on the Phoenix Program, a terror campaign aimed at the civilian population. Instead of winning hearts and minds, using the threat of assassination and a state of terror to defeat the NV. Many non-political Vietnamese were arrested and tortured and in eect forced into the resistance army. Phoenix Program architect Robert Komer, a er leaving the Pentagon said, I would have done a lot of things dierently and been more cautious about ge ing us involved. He called the war a strategic disaster which cost us 57,000 lives and a half trillion dollars. Phoenix USA: The Vietnam War was the formative experience for a generation of CIA and military intelligence personnel involved in the Phoenix Program. They viewed the military defeat in Vietnam as a betrayal on the home front, a loss of will by domestic political enemies, not a military failure against a nationalist revolution fought as a guerilla war. The Phoenix Program, assassinating suspected VC sympathizers in a systematic manner, worked well and is the blueprint for the current black op targeting thousands of loyal Americans using state of the art microwave (MW) and radio frequency radiation (RFR) weapons. The motivation to suppress domestic dissidents and to assassinate loyal American opposition stems from the perception of dissent against the war as treason. This philosophy is stated very clearly in the MindWar paper wri en by NSA General Aquino. The DOD has a huge stake in futuristic technology that kills by ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, leaving li le or no trace. The indiscriminant killing of the Phoenix Program continues on American soil. The terms so kill, slow kill and silent kill refer to the new way of killing the enemy in conicts short of war and the small wars of the future. The counterinsurgency doctrine has now been applied to the home front, so that the perceived betrayal of the military in Vietnam will not be repeated. The generation of CIA and military intelligence led by Shackley, Helms, Casey, Abrams, Singlaub, Secord, John B. Alexander, Michael Aquino, Paul Vallely, and others have built the perfect beast, using selective assassination that leaves no trace. The ability to cull the human herd with Silent Kill technology allows a few personalities to remake the entire society in their own image. Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) technology kills with ionizing and non-ionizing radiation or slowly drives the target crazy with silent sound, similar to CIA MKULTRA psychiatrist Ewen Camerons psychic driving technique used to break down the targets personality. The new buzzwords at the Pentagon are silent kill, synthetic telepathy and psychotronics. Another means of a ack on targets is the Smirnov patent that uses subliminal suggestion to manipulate human behavior. This patent was purchased by the remote viewing company Psi Tech Corporation. Military intelligence ocers involved in developing these non-lethal weapons include Col. John B. Alexander, NSA General Michael Aquino, Harold Putho, and others, also control Psi Tech. Emotional manipulation is accomplished using Dr. Michael Persingers work to remotely project emotional states that the brain entrains or locks onto and emulates. One can broadcast rage or fear at an individual target to manipulate and control them. As if these methods were not enough to torture and murder people, add to this nightmarish toolbox, active gang stalking. CIA created cults and other cause-oriented groups are used to induce further trauma in the target by actively harassing them in public in a neutralization technique described in counterintelligence operations manuals that are aimed at enemy agents. In the race to develop a new weapon system it has always been necessary to test it on human beings. Perfecting the latest weapons designed to kill slowly and silently as well as perfecting the process of controlling the human mind are no dierent. Once the weaponry has been perfected on these few thousand people the same techniques will be applied en mass to the general population, and then to humanity as a whole. Col. John B. Alexander stated in an interview with the Washington Post in 2007,
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Col. John B. Alexander stated in an interview with the Washington Post in 2007, The military and intelligence agencies were still scared by the excesses of MK-ULTRA, the infamous CIA program that involved, in part, slipping LSD to unsuspecting victims. Until recently, anything that smacked of [mind control] was extremely dangerous because Congress would simply take the money away, he said. Alexander acknowledged that there were some abuses that took place, but added that, on the whole, I would argue we threw the baby out with the bath water. But September 11, 2001, changed the mood in Washington, and some in the national security community are again expressing interest in mind control, particularly a younger generation of ocials who werent around for MK-ULTRA. Its interesting, that its coming back, Alexander observed. While Alexander scos at the notion that he is somehow part of an elaborate plot to control peoples minds, he acknowledges support for learning how to tap into a potential enemys brain. He gives as an example the possible use of functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, for lie detection. Brain mapping with fMRI theoretically could allow interrogators to know when someone is lying by watching for activity in particular parts of the brain. For interrogating terrorists, fMRI could come in handy. Alexander also is intrigued by the possibility of using electronic means to modify behavior. The dilemma of the war on terrorism, he notes, is that it never ends. So what do you do with enemies, such as those at Guantanamo: keep them there forever? Thats impractical. Behavior modication could be an alternative, he says. Maybe I can x you, or electronically neuter you, so its safe to release you into society, so you wont come back and kill me, Alexander says. Its only a ma er of time before technology allows that scenario to come true, he continues. Were now ge ing to where we can do that. Where does that fall in the ethics spectrum? Thats a really tough question. HISTORY OF US GOVT HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION: In order to understand the current state sponsored human experimentation, it is necessary to begin with previous programs that began in the early 1900s, and continued to the present day. EUGENICS MOVEMENT Eugenics originated in England with the work of Francis Galton who studied hereditary traits in families and began the nature versus nurture debate and its ultimate focus on twins to answer the question of what was more powerful heredity or environment. He proposed positive Eugenics, encouraging the reproduction of eminent men and families. He cautioned against drawing premature and harmful conclusions from his work, but like his cousin, Charles Darwin, his work was used as justication for some of the greatest crimes in history. Negative Eugenics is the application of means to discourage the breeding of the unt, including anti-race mixing marriage laws, segregation (institutionalization), sterilization, and euthanasia. Eugenics is not a true science and though it is dressed up in mathematics to give it legitimacy it has more in common with the quack science of Phrenology. Phrenology was the study of the head size and shape to determine intelligence and character. The industrial age had thrown millions of people o the farm and into the city to work in low paying factory jobs. The sheer scale of the problems of mental illness, alcoholism and crime seemed overwhelming. Added to this, millions of Eastern Europeans and Italians came to America and made native the population uneasy. They were viewed as bad stock compared to the more Nordic types that made up earlier waves of immigration from Western Europe. Suggestions for solving these problems took the form of segregation, sterilization, and mass euthanasia, however the Eugenics movement leaders were smart enough to realize that America was not prepared for euthanasia. The Eugenics movement took shape in America with the founding of the Eugenics Recording Oce at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in 1910 by Charles Davenport with money from the Carnegie Institution. The ERO compiled millions of les on ordinary Americans. The adherents of Eugenics included some of the most inuential doctors and scientists of the era, including Alexander Graham Bell, Luther Burbank, W.M. Kellogg, David Starr Jordan, the President of Stanford University, William Welch of Johns Hopkins University. Professors at Harvard, Columbia, Yale, and other universities taught 375 courses on Eugenics. The hypothesis that mental illness, crime, and poverty were inherited factors and could be cured through negative Eugenics had by the 1920s been accepted by American Society as fact. Contests for Fi er family were common at state fairs and Eugenics publications and ideas were widespread. This could not have been possible without the hard work of many eminent men and the application of large amounts of money. The great fortunes of The Carnegie Institution, The Rockefeller Foundation, Harriman family, Ford
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The great fortunes of The Carnegie Institution, The Rockefeller Foundation, Harriman family, Ford foundation, Milbank Memorial Fund, and others funded the ERO, The American Eugenics Society, The American Eugenics Party and others. The American Eugenics movement actively encouraged foreign countries to participate, concentrating most heavily on Germany. The opening address of the Second International Congress of Eugenics in 1921 was repeated in German. Only 3,000 people had been forcibly sterilized by the time the famous case of Buck vs. Bell reached the Supreme Court. Carrie Buck was a 17 year old girl who became pregnant out of wedlock in 1920s Virginia. She was ostracized by her community and her baby Vivian Buck, was reported to the ERO as appearing not normal. Carrie and her mothers les were examined, both had previously been classied as MORONS and court proceedings were begun to have Carrie forcibly sterilized without examination. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes delivered the verdict of the court in 1927. It is be er for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate ospring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unt from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cu ing the Fallopian tubes. Jacobson v. Massachuse s, 197 U.S. 11, 25 S. Ct. 358, 3 Ann. Cas. 765. Three generations of imbeciles are enough. This decision validated Virginias Eugenical Sterilization Act and set in motion the forced sterilization of 30-60k American citizens. Eventually similar laws were passed in 34 other states. Carrie Buck was not a promiscuous and disruptive moronic slut as she had been portrayed at trial by the testimony of her school superintendent. She had been raped by her foster familys son. She had been on the honor roll. Her forcible sterilization was a result of lies, incorrect diagnosis, and a plot to pass the Virginia Law. A review of the case uncovered a conspiracy between Carries defense lawyer and the Colony of Virginia to ensure the constitutionality of Virginias new law. The state was trying to save money by sterilizing the growing population at its mental health facilities. The greatest impact of Buck vs. Bell was in Germany. In 1933 the Nazi government adopted the Prevention of Hereditarily Ill Ospring Act which was based on Buck vs. Bell and led to the forced sterilization of 375,000 people and the banning of marriage and sexual relations between Germans and Jews. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the Eugenicists at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute including the work of Ernst Rudin, a leading psychiatrist who became an architect and prime director of the murderous medical experimentation programs conducted on thousands of Jews, Gypsies, and others. American money also endowed the work of Otmar Freiherr von Verchuer who headed the Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. He wrote in his Eugenics Journal that Germanys war would yield a total solution to the Jewish Problem. Verschuer had a longtime assistant. His name was Josef Mengele. On May 30, 1943, Mengele arrived at Auschwitz. Verschuer notied the German Research Society, My assistant, Dr. Josef Mengele (M.D., Ph.D.) joined me in this branch of research. He is presently employed as Hauptsturmfhrer (captain) and camp physician in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Anthropological testing of the most diverse racial groups in this concentration camp is being carried out with permission of the SS Reichsfhrer (Himmler). Mengele began searching the boxcar arrivals for twins. When he found them, he performed beastly experiments, scrupulously wrote up the reports and sent the paperwork back to Verschuers institute for evaluation. O en, cadavers, eyes and other body parts were also dispatched to Berlins eugenic institutes. Several doctors who had been sent to Auschwitz for aiding Jews were forced to work as his assistants and described him thusHis experiments and observations were carried out in an abnormal fashion. When he made transfusions he purposely used incorrect blood types. He would inject substances and then ignore the results. He did what he pleased and conducted his experiments like a mad amateur. He was not a savant. He had the mania of a collector. He was also fascinated with gypsies and dwarfs as human specimens. His experiments, lacking scientic value, were no more than foolish playing and all his activities were full of contradiction. In other words, he was a hack with an MD and a Ph.D. in Eugenics, a quack science. The toll of Eugenics Laws would fall heavily on non-Jewish Germans as well. The chronology of events is instructive. First patients in German mental facilities were sterilized, then it was decided to gas them. CO gas was used in the beginning but was discarded in favor of Zyklon B gas for reasons of economy and eectiveness. Next all the residents of the old age homes in Germany were either starved, given lethal injection, or gassed and then cremated. Finally German citizens who had physical
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starved, given lethal injection, or gassed and then cremated. Finally German citizens who had physical disabilities, many quite mild or correctable, were euthanized. Between 50,000 and 100,000 were eventually killed. The program was referred to as a mercy death however nothing could be farther from the truth. Witnesses said that the oor, walls, and even ceiling of the gas chamber were stained with blood, vomit, urine and feces. At the center of the room would be an enormous pile of bodies in the general shape of a pyramid as people struggled to climb on top of each other to reach the last remaining breathable air near the ceiling. American Eugenics movement leaders went underground and changed the name of their organizations. The lifelong friendships between people like Verschuer and the leading members of the American Eugenics Movement continued even a er the Holocaust. He and many others were never punished and remained inuential men in society. Their portraits hang in many major universities, both in Germany and America. The names of their victims are mostly lost to history. They included the powerless, people who couldnt ght back. Carrie Bucks daughter died at the age of 8 years old due to an illness. In her short school career she had made the honor roll. Human radiation studies: In December 1939 as Europe was poised on the brink of war, two German radiochemists split the uranium atom in their Berlin laboratory. They conded the results to Lise Meitner and O o Fritsch who calculated the released energy at 200 million electron volts for one atom. The signicance of the event was understood immediately in scientic communities in all nations. Virtually unlimited energy could be produced in a controlled reaction and an uncontrolled reaction would yield an explosive of incredible power. The University of California at Berkeley was where plutonium 238 half life 86 years and plutonium 239 half life 24,000 years were rst created. Seaborg, Segre and McMillan used cyclotrons to produce one microgram of plutonium. A er months of work their product could be detected but was too small to be seen. Plutonium was described as a crazy metal, small amounts spontaneously combust in air so it must be handled in an environment free of oxygen. Depending on the chemical form it might be blue, green, purple, yellow, red, brown or pink. Seaborg said under some conditions it might be bri le like glass or so like lead. It will disintegrate at room temperature, undergoing ve phase changes between room temperature and the melting point. It is endishly toxic, even in small amounts. Robley Evans who studied women exposed on the job to radium wrote that as li le two micrograms, two millionths of a gram, was fatal. Ernest Lawrence told government ocials that plutonium 239 could be used to make a super bomb. It was 1941 and the United States would be in the war in a ma er of months. Albert Einstein, Leo Szilard, and Arthur Compton were instrumental in persuading FDR to study the feasibility of building a nuclear bomb. The Manha an Project was the secret eort to build the atomic bomb. It was a gamble that represented several billion dollars and a signicant percentage of the war time budget. The Oak Ridge plant in Tennessee was 56,000 acres devoted to making uranium-235 and the Hanford Washington site made plutonium. These facilities had taken the bench scale process and increased it a billion fold. General Leslie Groves was tapped to head the massive project. He appointed Robert Oppenheimer to be in charge of the design, construction, and testing of the weapon. Los Alamos, New Mexico was chosen as the site of the facility to build and test such a weapon. Quantum Physics was a science that had been invented by twenty year olds and the sta Oppenheimer assembled for the Manha an Project reected that. The bomb might not work and if the high explosive failed to ignite the ssion reaction $2.5 billion dollars (1945) worth of plutonium would be sca ered across the Jimenez Mountains. Jumbo was the largest fabricated object ever built, designed to contain the plutonium if ignition failed. At dawn on July 16, 1945 the Trinity site witnessed the detonation of the device code named Gadget. The remaining two devices, named Li le Boy and Fat Man, were used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9th killing approximately 200,000 people. WWII terror bombing of civilians began with the London Blitz killing 30,000 people and culminated in the rebombing of Dresden Germany and Tokyo. Napalm was used in 1,000 plane raids that incinerated approximately 200,000 people. The atomic bomb did not add to the scale of mass murder of civilian populations, but it certainly made it more ecient. Many of the scientists were appalled at the result, some had urged a demonstration shot. The scientists declared publicly that the U.S. possessed only a few years head start before another nation followed suit. Many of the scientists and some generals advocated international control and the eventual banning of nuclear weapons.
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and some generals advocated international control and the eventual banning of nuclear weapons. Those that tried to head o a nuclear arms race in the end failed as events and personalities took on a momentum of their own. Edward Teller advocated the super-heavy, the Hydrogen bomb. Oppenheimer objected to the development of the Hydrogen bomb and stated that these were genocidal weapons. He was promptly replaced. Teller assumed the scientic leadership of the weapons program and remained inuential for the entire Cold War. The largest Hydrogen bomb ever tested by the U.S. was around 40 megatons, 4,000 times more powerful than the 10 kiloton Hiroshima bomb. The nuclear arms race that followed has resulted in the doctrine of MAD, mutually assured destruction. If either the US or USSR launch any or all of their half of the 20,000 nuclear weapons they have aimed at each other, then they can rest assured that they too would be completely destroyed in a retaliatory strike. The nuclear arms race consumed much of the wealth of the US leaving the civilian population living in very real fear that the world could end in a ma er of minutes. Nuclear testing began in the Pacic and the continental US. Residents of the Marshall Islands were forcibly relocated and dozens of devices were tested there, some so enormous they obliterated large parts of the islands. Captured and obsolete ships were placed in the blast zone with test animals on board. A er the detonations thousands of observers and military moved near ground zero to decontaminate equipment. The military brass wanted to know how equipment and men would fare in a nuclear war. At what point are the ships too hot or the men too poisoned to continue to ght. The Air Force sent planes into radioactive clouds that registered 800 rad per hour or higher adopting lead helmets and special shielding in an eort to protect the pilots. The Army placed troops in trenches 1,000 yards from the blast and immediately a er the explosion walked them on line through ground zero in an eort to prepare them psychologically for ghting with nuclear weapons. General James Cooney was the foremost advocate of testing and took authority away from the AEC Atomic Energy Commission for the responsibility of se ing exposure limits on troops. Scientists were allowed exposure of no more than 3 rad for a 13 week period while limits for military personnel were ocially set at 5 rad per test. The badges given to troops to wear measured only external beta radiation and were not used extensively. The scientists working for the AEC wore protective gear while the troops did not. The health eects of radiation were fairly well known to the scientists involved due to their animal studies, industrial accidents, and the very public deaths of Madame Curie and others. By the 1920s it was known that hundreds of the early pioneers in radiation studies were dead. A single dose of 350 rad was the human LD-50, the dose that caused death to half those exposed. One millionth of a gram, once inside the human body could cause death. A nuclear explosion immediately produces Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and X-ray radiation. Hundreds of dierent radioactive isotopic particles are formed as residual contamination that is absorbed into dierent body tissues with varying degrees of longevity and toxicity. One example is radioiodine that collects in the thyroid. This kaleidoscope of sources make it dicult to gage what dose has been delivered and to what eect. Inhalation of a small particle of plutonium would collect in the bone marrow and emit energies on the order of 200 million electron volts. The normal energy level of the human cell is 10 electron volts, and under such an assault the cell either dies, becomes inoperable, or grows uncontrollably, in other words, cancer. Arthur Compton and the other physicist knew what had happened to the earlier experimenters with radioactive materials. Compton chose Robert Stone in Berkeley and Joseph Hamilton at Chicago to research the biological aspects. The scientists who conducted these experiments were not from the inner sanctum trying to build the Bomb, they reported their ndings to them. Joseph Hamilton began to study radiation eects in rats in the summer of 1942. In 1943 the rst human test subjects would be used without their knowledge or consent. All the experiments were conducted for the express purpose of answering the unknowns, how much radiation could kill a man? Could blood tests detect exposure? Are there treatments for exposure? Long before radiological warfare was used on enemy populations in war it was purposefully tested on American civilians. By 1945 the war was over but these questions remained unanswered. The experiments would have to continue for the next thirty years. Admiral James Cooney became the leading advocate for an experiment on 200 healthy volunteers using up to 150 rad or more. Col. Shields Warren opposed the idea as did other civilian scientists. He argued that 200 was too small a number to base a study on, a real study would have to include 10,000
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argued that 200 was too small a number to base a study on, a real study would have to include 10,000 or more subjects. While this argument raged the School of Aviation Medicine in San Antonio, Texas quietly began to do the tests for the Air Force. Randolph Lee Clarke, the director of the MD Anderson, oversaw the rst study irradiating sick cancer patients with hundreds of rads using TBI or total body irradiation. Human subjects were chosen with tumors that did not respond to treatment with radiation. Patients that would have been helped by radiation would have shown altered levels of blood cells, amino acids, enzymes, plasma proteins and lipids that would have clouded the results in the search for a biological dosimeter. Col. Shields Warren did not object to the use of cancer patients but many of these people were not very ill or had been misdiagnosed. At least two of the twenty people injected with plutonium had been misdiagnosed as having cancer when they did not. Many of the others were not cancer patients but suered from illnesses such as scleroderma or Cushings disease. These errors were repeated in the Total Body Irradiation experiments that were sponsored by the military. Many of the cancer patients had been well enough to work and live normally. A er doses of 100 to 2,000 rad many died within days or weeks and had in fact been killed by radiation poisoning. Those that lived were o en debilitated and in constant pain. Surprisingly or not, 34 Nazi scientists were employed at Randolph AFB in San Antonio and involved in these lethal experiments. These were just a few of the thousands of Nazi scientists who had secretly been smuggled into the US under operation Paperclip to help the US destroy the USSR. Dr Hubertus Strughold was their intellectual and spiritual leader in radiation studies. He brought in Dr Herbert Gerstner who had used human subjects during the war to study at what point human hearing is completely destroyed due to explosions from shelling. He also used people to study the exact cause of death in cases of electrocution. He found that death resulted from a tremendous increase in blood pressure that forced blood from the peripheral vessels into the heart and abdominal cavity. These men had all experimented on Jews, gypsies, intellectuals, homosexuals, allied pows, and others and were now in San Antonio doing lethal TBI experiments on American citizens for the military. Gerstner and Eugene Saenger collaborated on the TBI studies, Gerstner did the rst one and Saenger did the last one. The locations included MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Sloan-Ke ering in New York, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and Oak Ridge Tennessee between the years 1951 and 1974 studying about 500 patients. The TBI experiments were only a subset of the radiation experiments on human subjects that included plutonium injections, radioactive isotope studies, and many others. Vanderbilt University Hospital Prenatal Clinic hosted 850 pregnant women to a secret study using radioactive isotopes iron-55 and iron-59. The pregnant women were given a cocktail and told it was vitamins for their unborn child. Free health care was the lure used on the economically disadvantaged women. Helen Hutchison was 6 months pregnant and visited the clinic in July, 1946 seeking treatment for nausea. She was given a cocktail by the doctor and told to drink it, that it would make her feel be er. Several months a er the birth of her daughter her hair fell out and she developed blisters, anemia, and later had life threatening complications a er several miscarriages. Her daughter Barbara was always tired as a child, developed an immune system disorder and skin cancer. Many of the mothers and children exposed to radioactive iron developed strange aictions, rashes, anemia, blood disorders, and cancer. Paul Hahn, the principle investigator in the study, was a protg of Staord Warren and had worked with Robly Evans. Hahn wrote that iron-55 with a half life of 5 years was too hazardous to be given to humans and had no therapeutic value, yet he used it in this study which was partially funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Helen Hutchisons husband had landed in Europe on D-Day, and had personally helped liberate Buchenwald concentration camp. The Nazi doctors who worked in the camp may have been some of the very men who participated in the radiation experiment on his wife and unborn child. One study conducted at the Fernald State School in Waltham, Massachuse s used radioactive iron and calcium secretly given to 74 orphans in their oatmeal using the ruse of a nutrition study. Robley Evans produced the radioactive isotopes in the MIT cyclotron and supervised the experiment. The lure used by the MIT scientists was membership in a science club that went on school outings to baseball games and even Christmas parties at the MIT faculty club. The scientists may not have believed that the amount of radiation involved was harmful, but they would not have allowed this experiment to be conducted on their own families.
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conducted on their own families. At Washington State Penitentiary and Oregon State Prison about 200 prisoners had their testicles irradiated with 8 to 600 rads with the lure of a li le money and extra privileges. Carl Heller, one of the worlds leading endocrinologists, and his protg C. Alvin Paulsen ran the two studies from 1963 until 1971. These and similar experiments on thousands of people continued for 30 years in the vain search for a biological dosimeter. The identities and ultimate fates of the test subjects will never be known, most going to their graves never knowing they had been used as human guinea pigs by their government. Elmer Allen was designated experimental test subject CAL-13. On July 18, 1947 in a San Francisco Hospital he was injected with plutonium in the le leg. Three days later the leg was amputated at mid thigh. Elmer was a porter for the Pullman Company who injured his leg while stepping o a train. He was diagnosed with a fracture that developed into a cyst. The rst test for cancer was negative, a second test indicated cancer. Unable to work a er the amputation, he was forced to return to Italy, Texas with his wife and three children. His wife recalled that he began having epileptic seizures, he would chew the spoon to pieces, his tongue too. Elmer began drinking heavily and told his best friend that he had been used as a guinea pig, but no one not even his family doctor believed him. The doctor later diagnosed him as a paranoid schizophrenic. During an eort to collect the bodies of the people injected with plutonium it was discovered to their amazement that 4 of them were still alive. In 1973 Austin Bues, from the Center for Human Radiobiology wrote to Elmer and asked him to be in a metabolism study. He and his wife were brought to Chicago and Elmers urine and feces were collected for two weeks. The trip was paid for and Elmer received $140 plus $13 a day expenses. X-rays revealed bone damage consisted with radiation. One year a er Elmers death the family was contacted by a reporter and learned that Elmer had been a human experimental subject and the family had been lied to for 44 years. Elmer Allen died in 1991, his head stone reads Elmer Allen 1911-1947 CAL-13 1947- 1991 One of Americas nuclear guinea pigs. On 7 December 1993, Secretary of Energy Hazel OLeary ordered her department to open classied les covering projects that had involved the use of human beings as guinea pigs since WWII. A major project was initiated to identify relevant documents. The index itself runs to 150 pages. The following is testimony from Elmer Allens granddaughter before the Presidents Advisory Commi ee on Human Radiation Experiments, March, 1995. I saw him as a depressing sight. Joyless, unanimated, with a damaged head and a broken spirit. During his lifetime, I saw him as a burden rather than as an asset to my grandmother, as she waited on him, pampered him. My mother, I recall, resented this treatment while she contended that he didnt do his share for the family. She recalled a life of living with a father who, when not on an alcoholic binge, suered from frequent seizures which had to be endured by the rest of the family. My uncle, on the other hand, did not seem resentful, but I o en felt he must have been disappointed in a father incapable of playing a simple bat and ball game or merely oering a positive life outlook. My grandmother said it wasnt always like this. She said my grandfather was once a vibrant and handsome Pullman porter, a hard worker who wanted only the best for his family. When I was younger, I liked to do puzzles from the newspaper, where you nd words hidden among randomly-arranged le ers. Since my grandfather spent most of his time si ing alone, he would sometimes complete these puzzles we would sometimes complete these puzzles together, and eventually he began saving them in a neat stack and worked on completing them himself. In the springtime, I saw him take brown paper bags and make kites for the kids down the street. He once made a pen for
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make kites for the kids down the street. He once made a pen for my pet rabbit. He o en talked of feelings in his missing leg and would shudder and make comments like they must be working on my leg today. Years later, when I was home on breaks from college, the sight of my grandfather was horrible. He seemed useless and frail. He had lost more of lifes joy. He seemed angry and sad. The pain was obvious, and he was sometimes furious and irate, mean and spiteful. I o en have dreams about my grandfather. Before his death, I had a dream that he was in his old house in a con, open with the body in full view, dead, but alive somehow. A er his death, another dream revealed him through a doorway, si ing in his wheelchair, looking feeble, yet in good spirits. He seemed to have a newfound joy, laughing and joking with male friends. When Eileen Welsome presented my family with the fact that this man was indeed CAL-13, a human nuclear guinea pig, I wondered, could this be the reason, the origin, the root cause of this depressed character that I considered all along to be my grand-father. He lived over 40 years without a zest for life and with a pain I imagine was without equal. For I understand that the reality of life for the African American man of the 1940s was already a pre-determined bleak one, dictated by the white mans tyrannical power of economics, politics, and, to a certain degree, basic freedom. Being born a black male was already a handicap, having a limited education was a further handicap. Then to add a physical handicap, due to being basically tricked into donating a body limb for science. With all of this in mind, I now understand how alcohol could relieve his reality, how depression and schizophrenia could take control of his life, how his feelings of hopelessness sha ered such a promising future. In my most recent dream, I saw my grandfather with both legs, standing with condence and strength of character I never saw in real life. He had a young appearance. He had a look of joy on his face, and he seemed content. This statement is signed April D. Whiteld, granddaughter of Elmer Allen, March 15th, 1995. Good a ernoon. My daughter, April Whiteld, and the other survivors of Elmer Allen are determined that the truth about his plutonium injection and subsequent leg amputation be made a part of the public record. We continue to be appalled by the apparent a empts at cover-ups, the inferences that the nature of the times, the 1940s, allowed scientists to conduct experiments without ge ing a patients consent or without mentioning risks. We contend that my father was not an informed participant in the plutonium experiment. He was asked to sign his name several times while a patient at the University of California hospital in San Francisco. Why was he not asked to sign his name permi ing scientists to inject him with plutonium? Why was his wife, who was college trained, not consulted in this ma er?
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was college trained, not consulted in this ma er? It is my hope that history will not be rewri en in commi ees who claim that they do not understand the actions of the scientists of the 1940s, those who claim that poor and disenfranchised African American men could not be hoodwinked by his doctors. I hope you will understand that just as Jewish fathers were placed in the ovens at Auschwitz, my father, Elmer Allen, was placed in his own private oven here in the United States of America. He was le there for 44 years, and the scientists occasionally took a peek inside to see if he was still alive. His survivors are pledged to tell the truth about this experiment for the next 50 or even 100 years, if necessary, so that future generations will have more than lies, half truths, and inconclusive reports, when a empting to recount this reallife horror story. Thank you. I didnt know I had 10 minutes because I would have a lot more to say, but I thank you. While these secret experiments on thousands of Americans were going on in hospitals, the very public testing of nuclear weapons lasted from 1945 until the Test Ban treaty in 1963. Approximately 253 above ground tests were conducted in the Pacic and the US. In which nearly 400,000 military personnel took part. The external dose of beta radiation was measured by badges but these were not distributed in signicant numbers. The badge did not measure the dose from other external particles such as Alpha, Gamma, or X-ray radiation, nor did it measure the ingestion of small particles that lodge in tissues and do continuous damage. Some of the troops felt immediate eects of radiation poisoning and developed lifelong complications while others became sick many years later. Bill Sco of Camarillo, California was a former army air force photographer who lmed some of the nuclear tests. According to Helena, his widow, Starting in 1955, Bill had nosebleeds, backaches, and coughing a acks, followed by vomiting, nausea, and upset stomach. His nosebleeds would last for days at a time. His teeth rapidly decayed and his feet became dry and scaly. In 1971, he was hospitalized for tests that found bone cancer that spread rapidly and six months later he was gone. The Atomic Veterans Newsle er published the following statement. We were the victims of radiation experiments too. They exposed over 200,000 of us in over 200 atmospheric atomic and hydrogen bomb tests between 1945-1962. They deliberately bombed us with nuclear weapons and exposed us to deadly radioactivity to see how it would aect us and our equipment in nuclear warfare on land sea and air. They didnt need our informed consent because we were under military discipline. They devalued our lives too! They made us sterile! They crippled and killed our children! They made widows of our wives! Then denied repeatedly and publicly that there was ever any danger! Say the lie o en enough and people will believe it. The third group of experimental human subjects are the Down Winders. This term refers to all the people exposed to radiation as a result of atmospheric testing. This group in essence comprises the entire US and in fact the entire world. Fallout from all 2,000 nuclear tests has deposited plutonium and other radioactive substances in the bodies of every human being on earth. At what point this experiment would prove fatal for all human life is unknown, but it is known that the human embryo is very vulnerable and that 1-2 rads is sucient to produce deformity or death. A quick look at radiation fallout maps show that this much radiation and more has been deposited across the continental US. Brenda Weaver lived most of her life seven miles from Hanford in an area known as Death Mile. Her family always seemed sick, she was developed thyroid disease at 12 and had an ovary removed at 14. Her brother had to be taken to the hospital with his eyes bleeding. In the early 1960s the sheep on her farm were born with missing legs, body parts, missing eyes. Her daughter, Jaime, was born in 1965 without eyes. Says Weaver, She has eyelashes and eyelids and tear ducts, but no eyes. It makes life dicult, its hard to be blind. One study documents an unexplained increase in child mortality in the US that began shortly a er testing began and decreased when atmospheric testing ended. It was acknowledged that a full scale
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testing began and decreased when atmospheric testing ended. It was acknowledged that a full scale nuclear exchange could have ended the Human Race but it is also possible that continued testing could eventually accomplish the same result. It should be noted that underground tests do vent radiation and that these tests are ongoing. The government held hearings in the 1990s and gave monetary compensation to several individuals injected with plutonium but not the hundreds of thousands of others injured in secret testing. The governments report is largely a whitewash, few victims were compensated, and no scientist or government employee was ever punished. The institutions involved all claimed ignorance or that the patients were fully informed, which was patently false in all cases. They have largely dodged their responsibility for participating in these acts. A er the Advisory Commi ees nal report the children of the deceased plutonium victims had the following statements: I guess the government really won, all the culprits that planned and executed this thing got away with it. For them to say that a li le apology is enough is just beyond belief. I do feel betrayed and I feel abused by this commi ees report. Nuclear explosions produce plutonium oxide which is deposited in the lungs and lymph nodes and cannot be detected in the urine. The human experimental subjects were injected with plutonium citrate or nitrate which does show up in the urine. Thirty years of testing urine from those exposed in above ground tests has led to thousands of useless tests that show a false negative and false evidence that could be used to claim that these human exposures were low or non-existent. The search for a biological dosimeter lasted 30 years at dozens of labs costing many millions of dollars and produced no answer. Just how much radiation is a safe dose in the human body, and how to measure the amount the body has received is still unknown. The current answer in science is that there is no such thing as a safe dose of radiation. Mary Jean Connell , the only living victim of the plutonium experiments, when asked how she felt a er receiving $100,000 dollars, merely replied Im afraid its going to happen again, you know Agent Orange: Operation Hades was developed by the Pentagons Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) as a scheme to defoliate guerilla controlled areas of Vietnam. Objectives of defoliation were to destroy the triple canopy jungle that would ush out the guerilla ghter for conventional warfare, to clear the waterways and roads of areas of concealment for ambush, establish elds of re around bases and to avoid inltration and surprise a acks, and nally, to deny food to the enemy. The Vietnamese charged that defoliation was a weapon of mass destruction and ecocide that was not aimed at the ghter, but employed against the entire people and their environment, causing death by poisoning and starvation. C-47 aircra sprayed 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D on 5,000 acres in 1962. In 1967 1.5 million acres of jungle and 221,000 acres of crop land were sprayed. Spraying ended in 1971 with 6 million acres covered with 107 million pounds of herbicide. About 10 to 15 percent of the total area sprayed was crop lands. Annual sales of herbicide increased from 12.5 million in 1966 to 79.8 million in 1969. Dow, Hercules, Monsanto, Diamond Shamrock, and seven other companies shared the war time prots. The name of the spray operation was changed to Operation Ranch Hand but the insignia patch retained the satanic symbol of a devil with a pitch fork. During WWII the University of Chicago studied chlorophenols for their aect on plant metabolism. A small application will promote rapid growth while a larger dose will make the plant grow so fast it literally explodes and dies. The special mixture of Agent Orange used in Vietnam consisted of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D in equal amounts. The mixture was thirteen times more concentrated than that used domestically. Agent White added Picloram which was made by DOW but so long lasting in the environment it was never allowed to be used on US soil. Agent Blue contained highly poisonous cacodylic acid and was 54 percent arsenic. The aects of spraying 2500 acres and 1000 inhabitants were reported by a doctor in October 1964. At rst the people felt sick and had some diarrhea, then diculty breathing followed by low blood pressure; some cases had trouble with their optic nerve and went blind. Pregnant women gave birth to still born or premature children. Most of the aected ca le died from serious diarrhea, and river sh oated on the surface of the water belly-up, soon a er the chemicals were spread. Reports of human poisoning brought diplomatic pressure on the US from other nations to respond. The US State Dept replied in March 1966 stating, The herbicides used are non-toxic and not dangerous to man or animal life. The land is not aected
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The herbicides used are non-toxic and not dangerous to man or animal life. The land is not aected for future use. The National Academy of Sciences received 80% of their money from the DOD and was considered an arm of the government. The elite organization determined that it was inconclusive whether Agent Orange caused human deaths and that it was important that the ma er receive further scrutiny in the future to determine the question. In response Professors Pfeier and Orians from the University of Washington independently obtained funding and did a eld study on their own in Vietnam at the height of the war. They reported on cases of illness in humans and animals living in sprayed areas, widespread ecological damage and permanent destruction of ancient forests, commercial timberlands and rubber tree cultures. In late 1969 the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) formed a commi ee headed up by Mathew Meselson, a Harvard biologist with a mandate to study Agent Orange in Vietnam. Through their eorts LBJ received a petition with 5,000 signatures of scientists urging him to stop spraying on the grounds of establishing a dangerous precedent in chemical and biological warfare. The Food and Drug Administration had nished a study in 1965 but the report was concealed. In 1969 the report was leaked to Meselson. It showed that in 1964, the prestigious Bionetics Research Laboratory tested industrial compounds for carcinogenic and fetus deforming aects in lab animals. The tests showed small doses of 2,4,5-T caused birth defects in rats and mice. The FDA, DOD and DOA knew about the report but no one else saw it. DOW Chemical had applied pressure to the FDA to bury the report. The strategy that DOW chemical used to combat the now public report was to claim that chemical impurities in the test batch were responsible for the alarming results. The contamination was an impurity produced during manufacture referred to as 2,3,7,8tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin, or simply Dioxin. The newly formed EPA issued a ban on the use of 2,4,5-T in the US and the military claimed they would use other agents for defoliation when available, then continued spraying Agent Orange. DOW claimed that Agent Orange normally contained none or a few parts per million of Dioxin. Domestic stocks tested at approx. 13 ppm Dioxin while the chemical used in Vietnam contained 47 ppm or higher. Scientic reports that showed evidence of harm were either ignored or actively suppressed while studies that were inconclusive were used by the government to justify continued spraying. Dioxin is the most toxic man made chemical on earth. FDA researcher Dr. Jacqueline Verre proved that only 1 part per Trillion was sucient to cause deformity in embryos and if it were diluted one million times it would still be as toxic to a fetus as thalidomide, using the same tests. There is no safe dose of dioxin, no ma er how small. The agents 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D were shown to cause cancer in lab animals by themselves, without the dioxin present. DOW chemical agreed to a temporary halt in the use of 2,4,5-T but was ghting to protect the pervasive domestic use of 2,4-D. Dow was able to go to court and successfully ght the ban on 2,4,5-T and thus saved their lucrative sales in the American market as well as worldwide sales of both herbicides. The burden of scientic proof was successfully shi ed from the manufacturer of the toxic chemicals onto the plaintis who were forced to prove conclusively that dioxin and the herbicides caused disease and mutation in humans. Studies funded by industry showed 2,4,5-T without dioxin was safe while independent studies such as the Bionetics study showed that pure 2,4,5-T without dioxin was mutagenic. The 1970 Meselson report carried the greatest weight in the scientic community because of its thoroughness. In one heavily sprayed province still births and miscarriages were disproportionately high. In Saigon there was an epidemic of spina bida, a birth defect linked to Agent Orange. This prestigious report prompted congress in 1970 to fund a new study by the National Academy of Sciences which would be administered by the DOD. The result would again be inconclusive on the question of human illness and death. The Rand Corporation is a government think tank that in 1967 estimated 325,000 Vietnamese villagers had been aected by spraying. Millions had been forcibly relocated by the spraying and bombing into Strategic Hamlets or rese lement camps under US control. Strategic Hamlets had been designed to separate the civilian population from the guerilla ghters and deny them support in the eld. The program had been a dismal failure as the hamlets themselves were inltrated. When victory began to turn to stalemate and defeat, the defoliation operation was used as a means of punishment. The Rand study indicated that one answer to wars of liberation was to force farmers into urban centers. Conventional military victory and counter-insurgency techniques did not ensure victory. By driving the people o the land the spray program would not allow rural revolutionary movements
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urban centers. Conventional military victory and counter-insurgency techniques did not ensure victory. By driving the people o the land the spray program would not allow rural revolutionary movements to gather sucient strength to succeed. Air Force General Curtis LeMay advocated using nuclear weapons to bomb the Vietnamese back to the stone age. This same psychology was the driving force behind the strategy to drive people o the land in order to achieve victory. The ba le for hearts and minds had long been given up. Rand estimated that 88 percent of the villagers blamed the US for the destruction of their crops and 74 percent expressed outright hatred. Agent Orange was a used as a chemical warfare agent to drive the people into the cities and deny the enemy recruits and support. Industrial accidents with Agent Orange manufacture had occurred with some regularity since 1937. DOW was the site of the rst such accident that poisoned plant workers and caused a primary symptom, chloracne. DOW refused to fund a company doctors request to test the chemicals on lab animals. In 1949, 228 workers at the Monsanto plant in Nitro, West Virginia developed chloracne, severe pain in skeletal muscles, shortness of breath, intolerance to cold, swollen liver, loss of sensation in extremities, fatigue, irritability, insomnia, loss of libido, and vertigo. These symptoms are virtually identical to those of the Vietnam veterans. An accident in Germany in 1954 led to the identication of dioxin as the cause of illness and the results on its toxicity were made known with the publication of the results in scientic journals in 1957. In 1964 as the major phase of spraying was about to get underway an accident at a DOW facility led to an investigation that identied dioxin as the source of poisoning and illness. Results of the accident were not published but were communicated to the other manufacturers of the herbicide. 1964 is the date at which it can be proved that DOW knew about the chemical toxicity of dioxin and suppressed this information. DOW and the other producers COULD have known about dioxin decades before the war. The scientic and medical literature was clear by 1957 and DOW SHOULD have known about the toxicity. By 1964 DOW DID know about the health eects of dioxin and chose to conceal this information even though it knew US armed forces were spraying millions of Vietnamese people and 3 million GIs sent to ght for their country. Since the end of the war, science has continued to progress despite obstructions. Sweden showed that exposed workers had a much higher cancer mortality rate than unexposed workers. University of Wisconsin found that rats fed on a diet containing 5 ppt Dioxin, half developed malignancies. In Vietnam, a type of liver cancer that was unknown before Operation Ranch Hand is now the second most common type of cancer in the country. The Meselson report substantiated the aect of miscarriages and still births in Vietnam, but the 2,4,5-T poisoning of Alsea, Oregon was proof positive. In March 1979, the EPA ordered suspension of some uses of 2,4,5-T a er studies of pregnant women in Alsea, Oregon linked increases in miscarriages to periods of defoliant spraying. These unnecessary events are the result of the vested interest industry has in the use of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol in consumer products. Manufacture of paper, adhesives, paints, varnish and lacquer incorporates dioxin contaminated chlorophenols. Today Dioxin is found by scientists in mothers milk and beef near sprayed range lands and forest woodlands. Nearly 3 million Americans served in Vietnam and many thousands of veterans and their families have paid a terrible price for that service. A study of these vets concluded that 40 percent had serious emotional diculties such as alcohol or narcotics abuse and 75 percent complain of nightmares, problems maintaining relationships or jobs. Routine exposure to dioxin was more deadly than war itself and may have already claimed more American lives than the war. Mike Asman was eighteen when he enlisted in the marines in 1966. He was living in a small town in Texas, feeling restless, wanting to get way. He le Texas for basic training and was immediately sent to Danang. He was a weapons repairman who went out on patrols, sat inside fortied rebases, and generally tried to learn how not to get killed. On his rst night in country he and his buddy from basic were in separate fox holes when several Vietnamese children approached selling cokes. The Marines overpaid in a gesture of generosity. One of the children, no more than eight years old, dropped a grenade in his buddys foxhole and killed him. He rarely spoke of his experiences in Vietnam, but he did note that a lot of the people who got killed were the best people around him, death it seemed, did not play favorites. When Mike returned home a er his tour in Vietnam he returned with a heroin habit and an inability to sleep. When family members entered a room where Mike was sleeping he would roll
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and an inability to sleep. When family members entered a room where Mike was sleeping he would roll out of bed and reach for the .45 under the pillow that was no longer there. Occasional brushes with the law, marital trouble and an ongoing drug and alcohol problem followed him for the next 20 years. Mike eventually came to terms with the demons that haunted him from Vietnam, he beat his addictions and moved his family into a house in the country. Time, group therapy, and family helped Mike to turn his life around. About 5 years later Mike began to feel tired all the time. Mike Asman was told he had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, due to an error reading an x-ray it had been found too late, and he had 6 months to live. Before he became too weak, Mike sold his house and all his belongings and moved his wife and ve young children to Utah to be near his wifes parents for emotional support, then he prepared to die. In six months his 62 frame had shrunk to a skeletal form and Mikes face was barely recognizable. He was being given morphine and oxygen around the clock. Mike died on November 11th, on his 51st birthday leaving a wife and 5 children. His name does not appear on the Vietnam Memorial, nor do the names of thousands of others. Shortly a er his death the government program set up to compensate the veteran victims of Agent Orange related disease was shut down, and compensation was no longer available. Since most Agent Orange related disease takes 20-30 years to emerge, the vast majority of aected veterans were never compensated. DOW Chemical continues to sell 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D all over the world. Danang remains a heavily contaminated hot spot to this day. THREE: Cold War 1945-1995 On the eve of the Cold War with Russia the mood was grim and the evaluation of the American military was summed up in the words of General Dooli le. It is now clear that we are facing an implacable enemy whose avowed objective is world domination by whatever means and at whatever cost. There are no rules in such a gameif the United States is to survive, long-standing American concepts of fair play must be reconsidered. We must develop eective espionage and counterespionage services and must learn to subvert, sabotage and destroy our enemies by more clever means than those used against us. It may become necessary that the American people be made acquainted with, understand and support this fundamentally repugnant philosophy. General Dooli le stated the post war environment between the US and USSR when he declared that a dirty war was going to be waged using the most un-American of methods to achieve victory over the USSR at any cost. The American public, should they examine these methods would repudiate them, so these methods must be kept from them, the alternative being the risk of losing the war against Communism. In short a secret war had begun between desperate men who would stop at nothing to win. The most obvious results of the 50 year war were the tens of thousands of nuclear warheads aimed at US and USSR population centers and military installations and the trillions of dollars spent to create the strategy of Mutually Assured Destruction. The most important legacy of this undeclared war are the patriotic crimes carried out in our name without the knowledge of the American people, and the erosive eect of a sustained war on democratic institutions. The declaration by Barry Goldwater that, extremism in defense of liberty is no vice may have been a bit premature in its conclusion. The nature of these patriotic crimes are largely unknown due to the cult of secrecy created by US intelligence agencies, but certain crimes against the American people and crimes against humanity can be identied, namely, the subversion of democratic institutions and the race to control the human mind. A revolution in military aairs has occurred that has driven a mini-Manha an Project in the quest for total domination of our enemies. Using human beings as guinea pigs has been the fallout of all modern weapons development, from the radiation studies, biological weapons, chemical weapons, all necessitated their testing on unwi ing human beings to understand how they kill and how to apply them. The race to create mind control, the ultimate weapon, what one scientist involved referred to as more dangerous than atomic destruction, has led to thousands of human beings again being used as one uses laboratory animals. McCarthyism: A climate of incredible fear was instilled in Americans during the McCarthy hearings that sought to root out communist inltration of American government and society. This witch hunt that ruined the lives of thousands of loyal Americans was in essence a counterinsurgency operation waged against elements of society that were deemed as disloyal, or red. The anti-Communist hysteria was whipped up in a time of uncertainty and fear of the USSR. Loyal Americans who held dissident or
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whipped up in a time of uncertainty and fear of the USSR. Loyal Americans who held dissident or le ist leanings were targeted for destruction, in eect an American purge in the style of the show trials and purges in the USSR during the 1930s. State Department employees and progressive writers in Hollywood were the primary targets of public and private smear campaigns that painted moderate and liberal personalities as disloyal and treasonous. High prole personalities like actors and directors, as well as loyal progressive citizens trying to promote positive change in society were singled out and accused of being communist agents engaged in an eort to subvert Democracy. Society was lled with the fear of being singled out as disloyal or of being perceived as insuciently anti-communist in a itude. Loyalty oaths were mandatory for many people to sign in order to keep their jobs. The conformity of thought demanded by the anti-communist purges were eerily similar to those imposed on communist Totalitarian societies that the US was in opposition to. Senator Joseph R. McCarthy was a li le-known junior senator from Wisconsin until February 1950 when he claimed to possess a list of 205 card-carrying Communists employed in the U.S. Department of State. From that moment Senator McCarthy became a tireless crusader against Communism in the early 1950s, a period that has been commonly referred to as the Red Scare. As chairman of the Senate Permanent Investigation Subcommi ee, Senator McCarthy conducted hearings on communist subversion in America and investigated alleged communist inltration of the Armed Forces. His subsequent exile from politics coincided with a conversion of his name into a modern English noun McCarthyism, or adjective, McCarthy tactics, when describing similar witch hunts in recent American history. The dictionary gives the denition of McCarthyism as: 1. The political practice of publicizing accusations of disloyalty or subversion with insucient regard to evidence. 2. The use of methods of investigation and accusation regarded as unfair, in order to suppress opposition.] Senator McCarthy was censured by the U.S. Senate on December 2, 1954 and died May 2, 1957. Operation Paperclip: Following the conclusion of the war, the U.S. Naval Technical Mission was tasked with obtaining pertinent industrial and scientic material that had been produced by the Third Reich and which may be of benet to U.S. interests. Following a lengthy report, the Navy instigated Project CHATTER in 1947. Many of the Nazi scientists and medical doctors who conducted hideous experiments were later recruited by the U.S. Army and worked out of Heidelberg prior to being secretly relocated to the United States under the Project PAPERCLIP program. Under the leadership of Dr. Hubertus Strughold, 34 ex-Nazi scientists accepted Paperclip contracts, authorized by the Joint Chiefs of Sta, and were put to work at Randolph Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. By 1953 the CIA, U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps were conducting their own narco-hypnosis programs on unwilling victims that included prisoners, mental patients, foreigners, ethnic minorities and those classied as sexual deviants. The Nuremberg Tribunal brought to light that some of the most respected gures in the medical profession were involved in the vast crime network of the SS. Only 23 persons were charged with criminal activity in this area, despite the fact that hundreds of medical personnel were involved. The defendants were charged with crimes against humanity. They were found guilty of planning and executing experiments on humans without their consent, in a cruel and brutal manner which involved severe torture, deliberate murder and with the full knowledge of the gravity of their deeds. Only seven of the defendants were sentenced to death and hanged, others received life sentences. Five who were involved in the experiments were not tried. There were 200 German medical doctors conducting these medical experiments. Most of these doctors were friends of the United States before the war, and despite their inhuman experiments, the U.S. a empted to rebuild a relationship with them a er the war. The knowledge the Germans had accumulated at the expense of human life and suering, was considered a booty of war, by the Americans and the Russians. The Americans tracked down Dr. Strughold, the aviation doctor who was in charge of the Dachau experiments. With full knowledge that the experiments were conducted on captive humans, the U.S. recruited the doctors to work for them. General Dwight D. Eisenhower gave his personal approval to exploit the work and research of the Nazis in the death camps. The German doctors were brought to the U.S. and went to work for Project Paperclip. All these doctors had been insulated against war crime charges. The Nuremberg prosecutors were shocked that U.S. authorities were using the German doctors despite their criminal past. Under the leadership of Strughold, 34 scientists accepted contracts from Project Paperclip, and were moved to Randolph Air Force Base at
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scientists accepted contracts from Project Paperclip, and were moved to Randolph Air Force Base at San Antonio, Texas. The authorization to hire these Nazi scientists came directly for the Joint Chiefs of Sta. The top military brass stated that they wished to exploit these rare minds. Project Paperclip, ironically, would use Nazi doctors to develop methods of interrogating German prisoners of war. As hostilities began to build a er the war between the Americans and the Russians, the U.S. imported as many as 9,000 former Nazi scientists and technicians. In 1969, Americans landed on the moon, and two groups of scientist in the control center shared the credit, the rocket team from Peenemunde, Germany, under the leadership of Werner von Braun, these men had perfected the V-2s which were built in the Nordhausen caves where 20,000 slave laborers from prison camp Dora had been worked to death. The second group were the space doctors, lead by Dr. Hubertus Strughold, whose work was pioneered in Experimental Block No. 5 of the Dachau concentration camp and the torture and death of hundreds of inmates. The torture chambers that were used to slowly kill the prisoners of the Nazis were the test beds for the apparatus that protected Neil Armstrong from harm, from lack of oxygen, and pressure, when he walked on the moon. Despite our lessons from Nuremberg and the death camps, the CIA, U.S. Navy, Air Force, and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps targeted specic groups of people for experimentation who were not able to resist, prisoners, mental patients, foreigners, ethnic minorities, political dissidents, sex deviants, the terminally ill, children and U.S. military personnel and prisoners of war. They violated the Nuremberg Code for conducting and subsidizing experiments on unwi ing citizens. The CIA began its mind control projects in 1953, the very year that the U.S. signed the Nuremberg Code and pledged with the international community of nations to respect basic human rights and to prohibit experimentation on captive populations without full and free consent. (Harry V. Martin) (Marks) Reinhardt Gehlen: Hitlers spy chief for the eastern front created a network of agents inside Russia and the Eastern Block during WWII. According to Victor Marche i, former CIA chief of Soviet strategic war plans and capabilities, The Gehlen Organization was the one group that did have networks inside Eastern Europe, and that is why we hired them. Hiring Gehlen was the biggest mistake the US ever made. Our allies said, You are pu ing Nazis at the senior levels of your intelligence, and they were right. The Gehlen organization was the primary source of intelligence that claimed that, The Soviets were about to a ack West Germanythat was the biggest bunch of baloney then and it is still a bunch of baloney today. Gehlen had to make his money by creating a threat that we were afraid of, so we would give him more money to tell us about it. In my opinion, the Gehlen Organization provided nothing worthwhile for understanding or estimating Soviet military or political capabilities in Eastern Europe or anywhere else. The Gehlen organization had been penetrated by Soviet intelligence and many of the US Nazi assets were now double agents, taking CIA wages and turning around and selling information to the enemy. Gehlen had a major sponsor in CIA director Allen Dulles who facilitated the Paperclip rat lines that brought former Nazis into the country. Gehlen wrote out the equivalent of the daily presidential brieng for Dulles who o en placed it directly before Truman with few changes. The tenor of the Cold War owes much to this very inuential source of information. Gehlen was instrumental in the early formation of the CIA and did not retire until 1969. Geheln set up and ran the West German CIA (BND) that used his contacts in secret Nazi organizations like the Thule and The Spider to sell arms to third world hot spots. O o Skorzeny (Scarface) was a hero of the fatherland and an agent of Gehlens who set up arms smuggling operations as well as murder incorporated type operations. Skorzeny helped found the Merex Company to peddle arms and had close ties to the Virginia-based Interarms Company run by the CIA. US special forces were formed and trained by Skorzeny to emulate the Nazi special forces known as werewolves. When the OSS was disbanded and the CIA formed, it was married to the Eastern Block network of Nazi sympathizers run by Gehlen, in eect the CIA at that point was the Gehlen organization. (Christopher Simpson, Blowback pg 55) Operation Mockingbird: The National Security Act of 1947 was wri en by Democratic insider Clark Cliord in an eort to contain Communism and save Democracy. The 1947 NSA Act has in fact undermined the Republic to an extent unimaginable. Part of this sabotage of Democracy was the subversion of the free press by Operation Mockingbird. The CIA was charged with controlling the public debate and thus controlling public opinion in the US. The CIA began a very expensive operation to buy up the corporate press and in eect, program public opinion. Early in 1955, 25 newspapers had consented to act as sources of right
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in eect, program public opinion. Early in 1955, 25 newspapers had consented to act as sources of right wing propaganda. Men with reactionary views that agreed to front for the CIA propaganda mill included William Paley (CBS), C.D. Jackson (Fortune), Henry Luce (Time), A.H. Sulzberger (N.Y. Times). The Congress of Cultural Freedom (CCF) was the CIA cut out that began operations in June 1950. Respected liberal journalist Tom Braden was the founder of CCF and later became a co-host of CNNs Crossre opposite Ultracon Pat Buchanon. In Europe the CIA nanced about 20 periodicals, driving many legitimate ones out of business. In 1967 the source of CCF funds (CIA) and its inuence over intellectual life was made public in Europe, exposing a literary bay of pigs. Melvin Lasky, a former Army captain and editor of the inuential magazine named Encounter had, for the last 32 years, shaped the careers of many inuential foreign policy experts and intelligence ocers. In 1965 the CCF was renamed Forum World Features and purchased by another CIA cut out, the publisher of the International Herald Tribune. The CIA, in collaboration with USIA published over a thousand books of anti-Soviet propaganda by 1967. Global propaganda cost the CIA one third of their covert operations budget. Disinformation cost taxpayers $265 million a year by 1978, a budget larger than the expenditures of Reuters, UPI, and AP, engaging 3,000 salaried and contract CIA employees. Only the largest advertisers on television spend these vast sums of money, so the CIA may have only General Motors and a few others to compete with. In 1954 CapCities (ABC) was formed by investors with Maa and CIA connections, whose chief council was William Casey, a former director of the CIA. In 1952, at MCA, Actors Guild president Ronald Reagan allowed the Mob controlled company a labor monopoly and in exchange Reagan was made part owner of MCA. In 1987 the N.Y. Times reported that Reagan fed the names of suspect people in his organization to the FBI secretly and regularly enough to be assigned an informers code number, T-10. His FBI le indicates intense collaboration with producers to purge the industry of subversives. Fox television has its roots in Metromedia Co., founded by German born John Kluge, an Army intelligence ocer in WWII. Kluge bought his rst radio station in 1946 and went on to become one of the worlds richest men with a personal fortune of $5.6 billion. Franklin Murphy is the CEO of Times Mirror Square, the parent company of the Los Angeles Times. He is also a member of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, Federal Commission on Government Security, National War College, and US Air Force Air University. His ties to the CIA and Pentagon are conicts of interest. The editorial pages of the paper are planted with scholars from think tanks cranking out opinions to program public opinion for military industrial clients. The American Enterprise Institute draws heavily on scholars from the intelligence pool. The Asian studies director is James Lilly, a veteran of the NSC and director of operations at CIA with 27 years experience. Former DCIA William Colby of the Phoenix Program was an old friend. The CIAs inltration of the press by the late 1950s was such a success that the executive branch established a propaganda machine of its own, Operation Candor, for creating a national will in support of military objectives. The Pike Hearings revealed the takeover of the American press by the CIA virtual government and was told by the CIA special council Pike will pay for this-you wait and see. Any political ambitions that Senator Pike had in N.Y. are through. We will destroy him for this. Pike and Church, who investigated the CIA, were both defeated in bids for re-election, due largely to adverse publicity from MOCKINGBIRDs Op-Ed branch. (Constantine VG pg41) Operation Northwoods: The Joint Chiefs of Sta was the source of the plan known as Operation Northwoods. General Lemnitzer, who was considered a master planner, was upset with the Kennedy Administrations stance towards Communism in general, and Cuba in particular. In the name of anticommunism they proposed launching a secret and bloody war of terrorism against their own country in order to trick the American public into supporting an ill-conceived war they intended to launch against Cuba. The plan which had the wri en approval of every member of the JCs , called for innocent people to be shot down on American streets in a sniper campaign, people would be framed for bombings they didnt commit, civilian airliners would be hacked, and much more. Lemnitzer and the other Chiefs knew that there was only one option le that would ensure their war. They would have to trick the American public and world opinion into hating Cuba so much that they would not only go along, but would insist that he and his generals launch their war against Castro. World opinion and the United Nations forum, said a secret JCS document, should be favorably aected
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opinion and the United Nations forum, said a secret JCS document, should be favorably aected by developing the international image of the Cuban government as rash, irresponsible, and as an alarming and unpredictable threat to the peace of the Western Hemisphere. This was one of the most corrupt plans ever created by the US government. Lemnitzer and the JCS were heavily politicized, joining Far Right Wing political organizations and holding seminars on bases. The Senate Foreign Relations Commi ee, in a report on the problem of right-wing extremism in the military, warned that there was considerable danger in the education and propaganda activities of military personnel. Running through all of them is a central theme that the primary, if not exclusive, danger to this country is internal Communist Inltration. The thesis of the nature of the Communist threat o en is developed by equating social legislation with socialism, and the la er with Communismmuch of the administrations (Kennedy) domestic legislative programs, including graduated income tax, social security, Federal aid to education, etc. under this philosophy would be characterized as steps toward Communism. Finally the commi ee specically pointed to General Limnitzer and called for an examination of the relationship between him, his Chiefs, and the extreme right groups. McNamara demoted Lemnitzer and transferred him to Europe as chief of NATO, Gerald Ford promoted the darling of the Republican right to the Presidents Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, while his Cuba chief, General Craig, became chief of the NSAs military arm, the Army Security Agency. (Bamford pg83) FOUR: MKULTRA: Soviet and Chinese Brainwashing techniques: By the end of the Korean War, 70% of the 7,190 US POWs signed confessions, 15% cooperated fully, and only 5% steadfastly resisted confession or indoctrination. Wolf and Hinkle submi ed a secret report to Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles, about communist methods of brainwashing that was the denitive work on the subject in 1953. It stated that no magical weapons were used, no drugs, exotic mental ray-guns, or machines were used. Intense psychological pressure and human weakness were the key, beginning with solitary connement. Guards constantly reminded the prisoner that he was totally cut o from outside support, ordered him to stand for long periods, dictated the position allowed for sleep, waking him if he moved while sleeping, banned all outside stimuli such as books, conversation or news of the outside world. A er 4-6 weeks the prisoner would break down, He weeps, he mu ers, and prays aloud in his cell. At this stage the interrogation began in a special room. The guard told him that he knew his own crimes-all too well. The prisoner is in the position of trying to prove his innocence to he knew not what. The interrogator and the prisoner bond in their shared ransacking of the captives soul. As the interrogation proceeded the prisoner realized that he could end his ordeal only with a full confession. The prisoner feels the something must be done to end this, He must nd a way out. According to a KGB man, more than 99 percent of prisoners sign a confession at this stage. Then the subject was either shot or sent to a labor camp a er sentencing. Chinese techniques would move on to re-education of prisoners by moving them into a group cell for political indoctrination. Incessant study of Marx and Mao, lectures, and self-criticism led to conversion by group pressure. Prisoners demonstrated their commitment by ferociously a acking any deviations. Constant intimacy with prisoners who reviled him for his resistance pushed the prisoner beyond his emotional endurance. As the prisoner conformed, cellmates gave increased acceptance and esteem, which reinforced his commitment to the Party, for he learned that only his acceptance allowed him to live successfully in the cell. The American mind control eort was a mini Manha an Project with the conviction that the keys to brainwashing lay in technology. The Agencys brainwashing experts gravitated to people in the mold of the brilliant and sometimes mad scientist, obsessed by the wonders of the brain. (Marks) MKULTRA USA 1953: In 1953 CIA ocer Richard Helms chose Dr. Sidney Go lieb to run the TSS, (Technical Service Sta). TSS was given the job of developing poisons to assassinate political opponents, truth serum drugs for interrogating spies, and mind control techniques to create robot assassins, or unwi ing double agents. Go lieb used Nazi scientists and their state of the art mind control techniques that had been perfected in concentration camps using victims of the Holocaust. Operation Paperclip recruited 9,000 Nazi scientists to help the US destroy the USSR. Some of these scientists were known as programmers, people skilled in the art of breaking down and controlling the human mind. Joseph Mengele and others
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people skilled in the art of breaking down and controlling the human mind. Joseph Mengele and others experimented extensively with children and adults using mescaline, electro-shock therapy, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, torture, rape, starvation, and trauma bonding. Mengele was so successful using the technique of trauma bonding that survivors today still exhibit a profound aection for their torturer, referring to Mengele as beautiful Joseph. Dr. Greenbaum (Dr. L. Wilson Greene) was a Jewish doctor who the Nazis coerced to participate in their experiments at Auschwitz. This individual, whose code name was Dr. Green, came to the US a er WWII and began to experiment on adults and children for the military and CIA. The military and CIA copied the Nazi methodology and began numerous programs of their own. The rst CIA program was known as MKULTRA, the MK is an abbreviation for the German words for mind control. To avoid confusion, the dozens of mind control operations will be referred to generically as MKULTRA. According to MKULTRA documents and sources, the methodology of mind control works best when severe trauma is administered by the age of three years old. Severe trauma, such as rape, applied at the age of three will cause the personality to split or dissociate in an a empt to shield the mind from memories of events too painful to endure. The psychiatric term is dissociative identity disorder and can be produced accidentally or purposefully. The Three Faces of Eve is the story of multiple personality disorder or MPD (DID) that had been created by childhood abuse. The Palle Hardup case is an example of a purposefully created MPD that was used to create a robot assassin. MPD can be created by a therapist in an eort manipulate the human mind. Psychic trauma and creation of multiple personalities may be caused by the ritual sacrice of animals and humans, trauma causes the dissociation. The programmer will use triggers and hypnosis to call forth the created personality, known as an alter personality. Only 20% of the general population is easily hypnotizable, but trauma at an early age makes people vulnerable to dissociation, and thus hypnotizable. Typically the programmer might wear a rabbit suit and sacrice a rabbit in front of the child victims. The image of the rabbit, a phrase from Alice in Wonderland, or similar paired images are used as the triggers to call forth the alter personality. The method works best when the trauma is repeated around six years of age. A few years later the child victims IQ test and personality tests are evaluated to determine whether the child may be trained in assassination, sexual blackmail, drug courier, or other role. Years later, the subject may be hypnotized and used for operations but would be consciously aware of the sense of lost time only. Go lieb concentrated on the use of LSD for mind control, and exotic poisons and drugs for political assassinations. He gave LSD to an unknowing fellow scientist Frank Olsen, who worked for the Army Chemical Corps Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort Detrick, developing biological weapons. Olsen commi ed suicide by jumping through a window on the 10th oor of a hotel. Go lieb concealed his actions and the Olsen family was unaware of the cause of his suicide until 27 years later when the facts emerged during hearings on CIA abuses. The link between Go lieb and Olsen illustrates how the development of dierent elements of mind control are intertwined with biological and chemical weapons development, radiation testing, and the building of Manchurian Candidates. (Ross pg 101) During hearings in the 1970s Congress uncovered the fact that the CIA gave LSD to thousands of unwi ing US adults and children for 11 years in an eort to perfect mind control techniques, before dropping the technique in favor of more technologically advanced methods. Besides the death of bioweapons expert Frank Olsen, the death of the worlds best tennis player (Harold Blum) resulted from a mescaline overdose administered by doctors experimenting in mind control research. How many other deaths and injuries resulted besides these high prole cases will never be known. MKULTRA had 149 subprojects that encompassed nearly every aspect of human behavior and social science. In the 1977 Senate hearings former CIA director Stanseld Turner stated that the program took place at 80 institutions, including 44 universities, 15 private companies, 12 hospitals and 3 prisons. The areas explored included radiation, electroshock, paramilitary devices and materials, anthropology, graphology, psychiatry, psychology, and sociology. (Marks) MKULTRA Subproject 119 was the foundation of all non-lethal weapons programs currently active and included a summary of ve areas: A: Bioelectric sensors: sources of signicant electrical potential and methods of pick-up. B: Recording: amplication, electronic tape and other multi-channel recording. C: Analysis: autocorrelators, spectrum analyzers, etc., and coordination with automatic data processing equipment. D: Standardization of data correlation with biochemical, physiological and behavioral indices.
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D: Standardization of data correlation with biochemical, physiological and behavioral indices. E: Techniques of activation of the human organism by remote electronic means. This memo was dated August 17, 1960 and when viewed with other evidence that was not destroyed, shows signicant interest in radio frequency (RF) weapons and direct control of human behavior at a distance. This aspect of the research is where the greatest modern emphasis has been, rather than chemical or biological agents, both of which violate existing treaties. (Begich pg67) (Ross pg105) Allen Dulles: Allen Dulles and his brother, John Foster Dulles designed the CIA for Clark Cliord, the author of the NSA act of 1947. Allen Dulles had been the top OSS agent in Switzerland during the war, where he met frequently with Nazi ocials and monitored US investments in Germany. He held an executive position with Standard Oil. The Dulles brothers were both partners in the Wall Street rm of Sullivan and Cromwell, still the most powerful rm of its kind. John Foster would go on to be Secretary of State for Eisenhower, while Allen was head of the CIA. Allen Dulles was red by Kennedy in 1961 a er the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. Allen Dulles became the lead investigator of the Warren Commission that found Oswald to be the lone gunman. (Rupert pg53) Dr. George Estabrooks was prominent in the American hypnosis scene from the 1920s to the 1970s, head of Colgate Universitys Department of Psychology. He published over sixty articles and several books on hypnosis. Estabrooks expertise was used by both the OSS and the FBI. As soon the OSS began, George Estabrooks (b. 1885, d. 1973) started traveling to Washington, D.C. Estabrooks viewed persons who were susceptible to hypnosis, 20% 0f the general population, as fodder for any hypnotists notion of higher purpose, be it research, prot, patriotism, or his own personal entertainment. His a itude echoed that of Dr. Cook who, in 1927, advised beginning hypnotists to boldly develop a stable of hypnotic subjects: First secure a good subject and practice upon him until you can hypnotize him with absolutely no diculty, and then place him in the profound [somnambulistic/amnesic] stages of hypnosisNext secure two or three more subjects and develop them, and thus gradually add to the number. (Cook, p. 125) The hypnotic state is referred to as somnambulistic/amnesic by Dr. Cook, because the subject was unaware of the missing time and unknowing of his other life, the time he spent under hypnosis. Estabrooks promoted the use of hypnoprogrammed spies by both the military and police. He suggested that police agents could gather information from the criminal class. If allowed a free hand, the authorities could proceed to plant such prepared subjects always with the idea of obtaining information which might, sooner or later, be of real use to the police. (Hypnotism, p. 191) During WWII, Estabrooks claimed to have created unwi ing couriers. US soldiers were hypnotized and a second shell personality was created and given a detailed message. The soldier reported to his contact, was hypnotized again, and gave his secret message. The couriers were unaware of their mission and could not knowingly divulge its contents. Estabrooks stated that this and other mind control programs were operational during WWII. Estabrooks envisioned an elaborate inltration operation of a foreign government, targeting key ocials who could control events in that nation. Unknowing hypnotic subjects could be placed in key positions and could be controlled without their being aware. Assassins who were programmed to kill, would do so with no memory of the act or their motivation. This was veried by an MKULTRA subproject that put two 19 year old girls under hypnosis, Convincing one of the girls that she was to wake her friend, and if she did not wake, to pick up a pistol and shoot her. The girl did exactly that and denied the deed when she was brought out of hypnosis. Estabrooks described in detail what it would take to program an unknowing subject. He estimated that ten hours of programming would be enough to accomplish his basic intention, but he recommended a ten month regimen for personalities that were to be highly split and specially trained. He described a method for programming a double agent, whose unconscious mind would be loyal to his country, but whose conscious mind would be loyal to whatever country that was being inltrated and reported on. In his normal waking state, which we will call Personality A, or PA, this individual will become a rabid communist. He will join the party, follow the party line and make himself as objectionable as possible to the US authorities. Then we develop Personality B (PB), the secondary personality, the unconscious personalityis rabidly American and anticommunist. It has all the information possessed by Personality A, the normal personality, whereas PA does not know about the shell personality B. My super spy plays his role as a communist in the waking state, aggressively, consistently, fearlessly. But his PB is a loyal American, and PB has all the memories of PA. As a loyal
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consistently, fearlessly. But his PB is a loyal American, and PB has all the memories of PA. As a loyal American, he will not hesitate to divulge these memories. (Ibid., p. 200) Dr. Ewen Cameron Dr. Ewen Cameron was president of the American and Canadian Psychiatric Associations. He ran the Allan Memorial Institute, which was founded in 1943 with funds from the Rockefeller Foundation. Cameron studied the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials and eventually became one of most inuential and powerful psychiatrists in the world. Nazi Paperclip scientists made their way into the CIA and military sponsored mind control programs here in the United States and Canada. Some of these scientists according to Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, were friends of Dr. Cameron. If you get a hold of a directory for the American Psychiatric Association in around 1956 or 1957, youll be surprised to nd that an enormous percentage of the individuals listed are foreign-born. Mostly they came out of Germany and Eastern Europe in a big wave. They were all called technical specialists, but really they were psychiatrists. They went into jobs at universities mostly, but many were working on these unconventional mind control programs for U.S. intelligencethese would go to people like Dr. Cameron in Canada. (Constantine pg3) Money for Camerons operation came from the CIA funneled through Cornells Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology. The systematic annihilation, or depa erning of a subjects mind and memory was accomplished with overdoses of LSD, barbiturate sleep for 65 days at a stretch and ECT shocks at 75 times the recommended dosage. Psychic driving, the repetition of a recorded message for 16-20 hours a day, programmed the empty mind. The Grid Room was where the patient was forcibly strapped to a chair, paralyzed with a dose of curare, head covered in electrodes and transducers. The subjects brain waves were beamed to a nearby reception room lled with radio receivers, voice analyzers, and recorders. Camerons employee, Rubenstein was serious when he said that Dr. Cameron and himself would one day become the worlds authorities on continuous radio telemetry of human activity. The lanky twenty-eight-year-old ex-Army signalman envisioned the time would come when there would be no secrets of the mind that we cannot probe electrically. All the psychiatrist had to do was ensure a continuous supply of patients and the wisecracking Cockney would create the electronic equipment that would enter the deepest corners of their minds. Dr. Cameron had accepted the technicians claim without quibble. Cameron had nally given the go-ahead for part of the institutes basement to be turned into a radio telemetry laboratory. Rubenstein enthused that its purpose would be not only to measure behavioral activity of patients more closely, but would also provide the groundwork for a system that could be used to monitor human activity at a point remote from the subject under study. In other words, Rubenstein had added, well develop a system that will keep tabs on people without their knowing what were ge ing from them. Cameron and Rubenstein considered this telemetry lab the foundation of a sprawling psycho political Apparat that will keep tabs on people without their knowing. (Gordon Thomas) The Canadian government se led a class action lawsuit by 250 former patients of Dr. Cameron, but no person or institution has ever been disciplined or punished for these activities. Linda McDonald was 25 years old in 1963 when Dr. Cameron treated her for mild post-partum depression. She received 102 ECT treatments, 80 days of drug induced sleep, and emerged completely depa ernedtotally incontinent, unable to state her name, recognize her husband and children. She had to relearn how drive, cook, read, and use a toilet. Eventually, unlike many patients of Cameron, she made a complete recovery, but still has no memory of the rst 25 years of her life. Cameron was the premier psychiatrist of the 20th Century and having studied Nazi scientists at the Nuremberg trials, replicated many of their methods and sought their assistance in the race to control the human mind. Camerons mind control experiments were one program out of many programs run by the CIA, Navy, Air Force, Army and others. (Kieth pg 91) MKULTRA-1960s, 1970s: Richard Helms was picked by CIA director John McCone to run the dirty tricks department a er the Bay of Pigs. Helms became DCI in 1966, destroying the archive on MKULTRA when he le in 1972. Helms was a product of the eastern establishment, his grandfather was president of the Federal Reserve and had interviewed Hitler as a UP reporter. Helms, in the tradition of Go lieb, was a Machiavellian character that used Paperclip scientists, and would stop at nothing to win. He advocated low intensity warfare transmi ing strategic subliminal messages to the brains of enemy populations. He advocated the use of high frequencies to aect memory and the
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brains of enemy populations. He advocated the use of high frequencies to aect memory and the unconscious mind. In a 1964 memo to the Warren Commission he mentions biological radio communication: Cybernetics can be used in molding of a childs character, the inculcation of knowledge and techniques, the amassing of experience, the establishment of social behavior pa ernsall functions which can be summarized as control of the growth processes of the individual. (Begich) Dr. Stephen Aldrich Dr. Stephen Aldrich took control of the Oce of Research and Development (ORD) in 1962 from Go lieb. Aldrich started Operation O en, an investigation into the occult with the help of Houston sorceress Sybil Leek. CIA behaviorists carefully studied every aspect of the occult underground. In 1972 the Scientic Engineering Institute (SEI) sponsored a course at the University of South Carolina in rituals of demonology and voodoo. SEI was a CIA cut out that had been set up in 1956 to study radar. In 1962 SEI set up a lab to study the eects of electrodes deep in the brain. Aldrich focused on remote brain manipulation and the occult, the thread that runs through SEI. In 1963 a CIA manual focused on Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control (RHIC) that was developed by the Pentagon. When a part of your brain receives a tiny electrical impulse from outside sources, such as vision, hearing, etc., an emotion is produced-anger at the sight of a gang of boys beating an old woman, for example. The same emotions of anger can be created by articial radio signals sent to your brain by a controller. You could instantly feel the same white hot anger without any apparent reason. The term Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM) refers to the ability to erase memory at a distance. Dr. Jose Delgado announced on May 6, 1965 at a closed lecture at the American Museum of Natural History science has developed a new electrical methodology for the study and control of cerebral function in animals and humans. Project Pandora: In 1965 it was discovered that the US embassy in Moscow was being hit with electromagnetic radiation in the microwave spectrum, but the fact was kept secret from the embassy employees. Ambassador Stoessel contracted a blood disease, bleeding eyes, nausea, and eventually lymphoma. He and other employees eventually died as a result of the microwave a ack. Henry Kissinger sent a secret memo giving hazard pay to embassy personnel in the 70s a er the secret was exposed in a Jack Anderson column. It is possible that the US government used the embassy sta as microwave guinea pigs. The DODs Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) set up a lab at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and participated in Project Pandora. Scientists began by zapping monkeys to study the biological eects of highly concentrated microwave frequencies. (Constantine pg9) Similar studies were conducted at the V.A. hospital in Kansas City, Univ. of Rochester, Brooks Air Force Base in Texas, Johns Hopkins, MIT, the Mitre corp., Univ. of Pennsylvania, and many other domestic and foreign research labs. The CIA began experimenting with other forms of directed energy in the EM spectrum. Dr. Jose Delgado experimented on four human subjects using radio waves, reporting they experienced dierent emotions, sensations, and colored visions. Delgado stated that these weapons were more dangerous than atomic destruction. With knowledge of the brain, he said, We may transform, we may shape, direct, robotize man. I think the great danger of the future isthat we will have robotized human beings who are not aware they have been robotized. Delgado was in fact responsible for the development of a brain transponder that was used to robotize human subjects. Dr. Jose Delgado: Delgado came to Yale University in 1950 and received CIA funds through the Oce of Naval Intelligence. He perfected the stimoceiver, an electronic brain implant used to transmit electrical impulses directly to the brain, one version of which uses a radio signal to remotely deliver electrical stimulation of the brain. In one experiment Delgado remotely stimulates the brain of a normal eleven year old boy who becomes confused about his sexual identity, and proceeds to tell Dr. Delgado he wants to marry him. In 1975 Delgado published Two way Communication with the Brain that explained his success at linking the implants directly to computers with the ability to perform simultaneous recording and stimulation of brain functions, thereby permi ing the establishment of feedbacks and on-demand programs of excitation with the aid of the computer. This allowed Long-term EEG in unrestrained patients, provide information directly to the brain, circumventing normal sensory receptors, Communication from the brain to computer and back to the brain, Clinical applications to humans of on-demand programs of stimulation, triggered by
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the brain, Clinical applications to humans of on-demand programs of stimulation, triggered by predetermined electrical pa ern. (Kieth pg100) By the 1980s Delgado emphasized changing brainwave pa erns and physiology through electromagnetic broadcasting that could be utilized at up to three kilometers. In an interview he stated This new knowledge is so important that I think is should radically change the philosophy of our education system, which believes in the sanctity of individuals, thinking that an individual exists at birth. This belief is not true and this science is going to prove the fallacy of democracy in the sense that we talk about the rights of the individual; this democratic belief is not true. Looking into the future, it may be predicted that telerecording and telestimulation of the brain will be widely used. (Kieth pg 101) Dr. Louis Jolyon Jolly West Air Force Major Louis Jolyon Jolly West joined MKULTRA early, concentrating on LSD studies, the most famous of which was a lethal LSD overdose injected into an elephant named Tusko. West lived in Haight-Ashbury in 1967, ostensibly to study the hippie in his native habitat. West was in charge of the Dept. of Psychiatry at UCLA, and director of the Neuro-Psychiatric Institute until his death in 1999. From 1948 until 1956 he was Chief, Psychiatry Service, 3700th USAF Hospital, Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texasnot far from Brooks AFB, which houses the Albertus Strughold Library. In 1973 West proposed to then Governor Reagan the creation of a Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. Abandoned missile bases were to be the location for programs for the alteration of undesirable behavior. West identied the factors of violent behavior as sex (male), age (youth), ethnicity (black), and urbanicity. West planned for the California State Police to share a database that would keep track of pre-delinquent children in order to treat them before they became delinquents. One critic at UCLA said, Theyre employing the psychiatric armamentarium and a new technological tool set-what has come to be known as psycho-technology. Under the guise of therapeutic behavior modication theyre applying anything from (the terror drug) Anectine and other aversive drugs to psychosurgery. West examined Jack Ruby a er the Kennedy assassination and pronounced him mentally ill despite Rubys claims of a conspiracy. Dr. West was the chief medical ocer involved in remote viewing projects such as Project Grill Flame. Late in life West became associated with the Cult Awareness Network, which was founded by a former aide to Reagan. MKULTRA VICTIM TESTIMONY: Presidents Advisory Commi ee on Human Radiation Experiments March, 1995 MS. WOLF: Okay. Im going to start. My name is Valerie Wolf. In listening to the testimony today, it all sounds really familiar. I am here to talk about a possible link between radiation and mind-control experimentation that began in the late 1940s. The main reason that mind-control research is being mentioned is because people are alleging that they were exposed as children to mind-control radiation drugs and chemical experimentation, which were administered by the same doctors who are known to have been involved in conducting both radiation and mind-control research. Wri en documentation has been provided revealing the names of people and the names of research projects in statements from people across the country. It is also important to understand that mind-control techniques and follow-ups into adulthood may have been used to intimidate these particular research subjects into not talking about their victimization in government research. As a therapist for the past 22 years, I have specialized in treating victims and perpetrators of trauma and their families. When word got out that I was appearing at this hearing, nearly 40 therapists across the country, and I had about a week and a half to prepare, contacted me to talk about clients who had reported being subjects in radiation and mind-control
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who had reported being subjects in radiation and mind-control experiments. The consistency of peoples stories about the purpose of the mind-control and pain-induction techniques, such as electric shock, use of hallucinogens, sensory deprivation, hypnosis, dislocation of limbs and sexual abuse, is remarkable. There is almost nothing published on this aspect of mind-control used with children, and these clients come from all over the country, having had no contact with each other. What was startling was that therapists reported many of these clients were also physically ill with auto-immune problems, thyroid problems, multiple sclerosis, and other muscle and connective tissue diseases as well as mysterious ailments for which a diagnosis cannot be found. While somatization disorder is commonly found in these clients, many of the clients who have been involved in the human experimentation with the government have multiple medicallydocumented physical ailments, and I was really shocked today to hear one of the speakers talk about the cysts and the teeth breaking o, because I have a client that thats happening to. Many people are afraid to tell their doctors their histories as mind-control subjects for fear of being considered to be crazy. These clients have named some of the same people, particularly a Dr. Green, who was associated with clients reports of childhood induction of pain, mind-control techniques, and childhood sexual abuse. One of my clients, who had seen him with a name tag, identied him as Dr. L. Wilson Green. A person with this same name was the scientic director of the Chemical and Radiological Laboratories at the Army Chemical Center, and that he was engaged in doing research for the Army and other intelligence agencies. Other names that have come to light are Dr. Sidney Go lieb and Dr. Martin Orne, who, it is reported, were also involved in radiation research. [REPEAT: ...WERE ALSO INVOLVED IN RADIATION RESEARCH] It needs to be made clear that people have remembered these names and events spontaneously with free recall and without the use of any memory-retrievable techniques, such as hypnosis. As much as possible, we have tried to verify the memories with family members, records and experts in the eld. Many a empts have been made through Freedom of Information Act lings to gain access to the mind-control research documentation. These requests have generally been slowed down or denied, although some information has been obtained, which suggests that at least some of the information supplied by these clients is true. It is important that we obtain all of the information contained in the CIA and military les to verify or deny our clients memories. Although many of the les for MK Ultra may have been destroyed, whatever is le , along with the les for other projects, such as Bluebird and Artichoke, to name only two, contain valuable information. Furthermore, if, as the evidence suggests, some of these people were used in radiation experiments, there might be information in the mind-control experiment le on radiation
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information in the mind-control experiment le on radiation experiments. We need this information to help in the rehabilitation and treatment of many people who have severe psychological and medical problems which interfere with their social, emotional and nancial well-being. Finally, I urge you to recommend an investigation into these ma ers. Although there was a commission on mind-control, it did not include experiments on children because most of them were too young or still involved in the research in the late 1970s to come forward. The only way to end the harassment and suering of these people is to make public what has happened to them in the mind-control experiments. Please recommend that there be an investigation and that the les be opened on the mind-control experiments as they related to children. Thank you. The following is MKULTRA victim testimony by Claudia Mullen about mind control given to the Presidential Advisory Commi ee on Human Radiation Experiments March 15, 1995. Good a ernoon. Between the years 1957 and 1984 I became a pawn in the governments game. Its ultimate goal was mind control and to create the perfect spy, all through the use of chemicals, radiation, drugs, hypnosis, electric shock, isolation in tubs of water, sleep deprivation, brainwashing, verbal, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. I was exploited unwi ingly for nearly three decades of my life and the only explanations given to me were that the end justies the means and I was serving my country in their bold eort to ght communism. I can only summarize my circumstances by saying they took an already abused seven year old child and compounded my suering beyond belief. The saddest part is, I know for a fact I was not alone. There were countless other children in my same situation and there was no one to help us until now. I have already submi ed as much information as possible including conversations overheard at the agencies responsible. I am able to report all of this to you in such detail because of my photographic memory and the arrogance of the people involved. They were certain they would always control my mind. Although the process of recalling these atrocities is not an easy one, nor is it without some danger to myself and my family, I feel the risk is worth taking. Dr. L. Wilson Greene received $50 million dollars from the Edgewood Chemical and Radiology Laboratory as part of the TSD, or Technical Science Division of the CIA, once described to Dr. Charles Brown that children were used as subjects because they were more fun to work with and cheaper too. They needed lower prole subjects than soldiers and government people so only young willing females would do. Besides, he said, I like scaring them. They in the Agency think I am a God, creating subjects in experiments for whatever deviant purposes Sid and James could think up (Sid being Dr. Sidney Go lieb; James is Dr. James Hamilton). In 1958 they told me I was to be tested by some important doctors from the Society, or the Human Ecology Society and I was instructed to cooperate. I was told not to look at anyones faces, and to try hard to ignore any names because this was a very secret project. I was told all these things to help me forget. Naturally, as most children do, I did the opposite and remembered as much as I could. A Dr. John Gi inger tested me, Dr. Cameron gave me the shock, and Dr. Greene the x-rays. Then I was told by Sid Go lieb that I was ripe for the big A meaning ARTICHOKE. By the time I le to go home, just like every time from then on, I would remember only whatever explanations Dr. Robert G. Heath, of Tulane Medical University, gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head, ngers, and even the genital soreness. I had no reason to think otherwise. They had already begun to control my mind. The next year I was sent to a lodge in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to sexually please men. I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves. It was Richard Helms, who was Deputy Director of the CIA, Dr. Go lieb, Capt. George White, Morris Allan who all planned on lling as many high government agency ocials and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible so that later when the funding for mind control and radiation started to dwindle, projects would continue. I was used to entrap many unwi ing men including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was only nine years old when the sexual humiliation began. I overheard conversations about
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camera. I was only nine years old when the sexual humiliation began. I overheard conversations about part of the Agency called ORD which I found out was Oce of Research and Development. It was run by Dr. Greene, Dr. Steven Aldrich, Martin Orne and Morris Allan. Once a crude remark was made by Dr. Go lieb about a certain possible leak in New Orleans involving a large group of retarded children who had been given massive doses of radiation. He asked why was Wilson so worried about a few retarded kids, a er all they would be the least likely to spill the beans. Another time I heard Dr. Martin Orne, who was the director then of the Scientic Oce and later head of the Institute for Experimental Research state that in order to keep more funding coming from dierent sources for radiation and mind control projects, he suggested stepping up the amounts of stressors used and also the blackmail portions of the experiments. He said, it needed to be done faster, then to get rid of the subjects or they were asking for us to come back later and haunt them with our remembrances. There is much more I could tell you about government sponsored research including project names, sub project numbers, people involved, facilities used, tests, and other forms of pain induction, but I think I have given more than enough information to recommend further investigation of all the mind control projects, especially as they involved so much of the use of the radiation. I would love nothing more than to say that I dreamed this all up and need to just forget it. But that would be a tragic mistake. It would also be a lie. All these atrocities did occur to me and to countless other children, and all under the guise of defending our country. It is because of the cumulative eects of exposure to radiation, chemicals, drugs, pain, subsequent mental and physical distress that I have been robbed of the ability to work and even to bear children of my own. It is blatantly obvious that none of this was needed, nor should ever have been allowed to take place at all, and the only means we have to seek out the awful truth and bring it to light is by opening whatever les remain on all the projects, and through another Presidential Commission on Mind Control. I believe that every citizen of this nation has the right to know what is fact, and what is ction. It is our greatest protection against this ever happening again. In conclusion, I can oer you no more than what I have given you today the truth. And I thank you for your time. MS. DeNicola: Good a ernoon. Im Christine DeNicola, born July 1962, rendering me 32 years of age. I was a subject in radiation as well as mind-control and drug experiments performed by a man I knew as Dr. Green. My parents were divorced around 1966, and Donald Richard Ebner, my natural father, was involved with Dr. Green in the experiments. I was a subject from 1966 to 1976. Dr. Green performed radiation experiments on me in 1970, focusing on my neck, throat and chest in 1972, focusing on my chest and my uterus in 1975. Each time I became dizzy, nauseous and threw up. All these experiments were performed on me in conjunction with mindcontrol techniques and drugs in Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Green was using me mostly as a mind-control subject from 1966 to 1973. His objective was to gain control of my mind and train me to be a spy assassin. The rst signicant memory took place at Kansas City University in 1966. Don Ebner took me there by plane when my mom was out of town. I was in what looked like a laboratory, and there seemed to be other children. I was strapped down, naked, spread-eagle on a table, on my back. Dr. Green had electrodes on my body, including my head. He used what looked like an overhead projector and repeatedly said he was burning dierent images into my brain while a red light ashed aimed at my forehead. In between each sequence, he used electric shock on my body and told me to go deeper and deeper, while repeating each image would go deeper into my brain, and I would do whatever he told me to do. I felt drugged because he had given me a shot before he
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I felt drugged because he had given me a shot before he started the procedure. When it was over, he gave me another shot. The next thing I remember, I was with my grandparents again in Tucson, Arizona. I was four years old. You can see from this experiment that Dr. Green used trauma, drugs, post-hypnotic suggestion and more trauma in an eort to gain total control of my mind. He used me in radiation experiments, both for the purposes of determining the eects of radiation on various parts of my body and to terrorize me as an additional trauma in the mind-control experiments. The rest of the experiments took place in Tucson, Arizona, out in the desert. I was taught how to pick locks, be secretive, use my photographic memory, and a technique to withhold information by repeating numbers to myself. Dr. Green moved on to wanting me to kill dolls that looked like real children. I stabbed a doll with a spear once a er being severely traumatized, but the next time, I refused. He used many pain-induction techniques, but as I got older, I resisted more and more. He o en tied me down in a cage, which was near his oce. Between 1972 and 1976, he and his assistants were sometimes careless and le the cage unlocked. Whenever physically possible, I snuck into his oce and found les with reports and memos addressed to CIA and military personnel. Included in these les were project, sub-project, subject and experiment names with some code numbers for radiation and mind-control experiments, which I have submi ed in your wri en documentation. I was caught twice, and Dr. Green ruthlessly used electric shock, drugs, spun me on a table, put shots in my stomach and my back, dislocated my joints, and hypnotic techniques to make me feel crazy and suicidal. Because of my rebellion and growing lack of cooperation, they gave up on me as a spy assassin. Consequently, the last two years, 1974 to 1976, Dr. Green used various mindcontrol techniques to reverse the spy assassin messages, to selfdestruct and death messages. His purpose. He wanted me dead, and I have struggled to stay alive all of my adult life, all of my adult life. I believe it is by the grace of God that I am still alive. These horrible experiments have profoundly aected my life. I developed multiple personality disorder because Dr. Greens goal was to split my mind into as many parts as possible so he could control me totally. He failed. But Ive had to endure years of constant physical, mental and emotional pain even to this day. Ive been in therapy consistently for 12 years, and it wasnt until I found my current therapist two and a half years ago, who had knowledge of the mind-control experiments, that I nally have been able to make real progress and begin to heal. In closing, I ask that you keep in mind that the memories I have described are but a glimpse of the countless others that took place over the 10 years between 1966 and 1976, that they werent just radiation but mind-control and drug experiments as well.
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experiments as well. I have included more detailed information of what I remember in your wri en documentation. Please help us by recommending an investigation and making the information available so that therapists and other mental health professionals can help more people like myself. I know I can get be er. I am ge ing be er, and I know others can, too, with the proper help. Please help us in an eort to prevent these heinous acts from continuing in the future. Thank you very much. Programming Levels: Dr. Corydon Hammond spoke to fellow psychology professors at the Fourth Annual Eastern regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality in Alexandria, Virginia on June, 25, 1992. The title of the lecture was Hypnosis in Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD): Ritual Abuse. Hammond says he interviewed other psychologists and psychiatrists who were encountering the same types of cases, without leading or contaminating. Hammond states that as many as two-thirds of the ritual abuse cases had been subjected to a highly developed and uniform technology of mind control. O en these will be persons programmed by their parents who are involved in cultic practice such as Satanism, or in intelligence agency programs. Hammond believes there are several levels of programming that can be accessed by le ers in the Greek alphabet. The rst level, ALPHA, is generalized mind control, base level programming characterized by augmented memory and the spli ing of the mind into le and right brain divisions. BETA is apparently programming of sexuality and the destruction of moral inhibitions. GAMMA is a level providing mind control system protection involving deception and misdirection. DELTA is the assassination programming level, and includes killers trained to perform ritual sacrice. THETA is termed the psychic killer level OMEGA is the level of programming dictating self-destruction, and is intended to cause the subject to commit suicide when they are interrogated or begin therapy. It is dicult to substantiate that a vast mind control underground exists, but the reports of people who believe that they have been victims of mind control coincide with Dr. Hammonds information. (Dr. Colin Ross) FIVE: Non-lethal Weapons The concept of non-lethal weapons is not new; the term appears in heavily censored CIA documents dating from the 1960s. But research and development in non-lethal technologies has received new impetus as post-Cold War Pentagon planning has shi ed its focus to regional conicts, insurgencies, and peacekeeping. The proponents concede that non-lethal weapons are not necessarily non-lethal, they are still called that because the term is politically a ractive. Various names were considered and are still sometimes used: so kill, mission kill, less-than-lethal weapons, non-injurious incapacitation, disabling measures, strategic immobility. Having been through a number of names, I can say that nothing has had the impact of non-lethal, avers Alexander. The growing prominence of the non-lethal program tends to validate this strategy. Rebelling against the programs marketing spin, analysts across the political spectrum have rejected the assertion that non-lethal weapons represent a new development in war ghtingor even a fruitful area for investment. Alexander writes, Major political benet can be accrued by being the rst nation to announce a policy advocating projection of force in a manner that does not result in killing people, Non-lethal weapons disable or destroy without causing signicant injury or damage, asserted Undersecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz in a March 1991 memorandum. This is an important misconception. Nevertheless, Wolfowitz wrote, A U.S. lead in non-lethal technologies will increase our options and reinforce our position in the post-Cold War world. Dozens of non-lethal weapons have been proposed or developed, mostly in laboratory-scale models. They encompass a broad range of technologies, including chemical, biological kinetic, electromagnetic, and acoustic weapons, as well as informational techniques such as computer viruses. The hazards of unaccountable government, from secret wars to secret radiation experiments, are well known. And yet the system continues. The Clinton administration has made progress toward reforming it, but measurable results still have not materialized. The nominal justication for secrecy in
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are well known. And yet the system continues. The Clinton administration has made progress toward reforming it, but measurable results still have not materialized. The nominal justication for secrecy in non-lethal weapons is that developing them on a totally unclassied basis would enable potential adversaries to duplicate the eort or develop countermeasures. This is a valid concern that is exploited beyond all justication to the point of concealing the budgets and even the very existence of many programs. (Steven A ergood) Federation of American Scientists For hundreds of years, sci- writers have imagined weapons that might use energy waves or pulses to knock out, knock down, or otherwise disable enemieswithout necessarily killing them. And for a good 40 years the U.S. military has quietly been pursuing weapons of this sort. Much of this work is still secret, but now that the cold war has ended and the United States is engaged in more humanitarian and peacekeeping missions, the search for weapons that could incapacitate people without inicting lethal injuries has intensied. Police, too, are keenly interested. Scores of new contracts have been issued, and scientists, aided by government research on the bioeects of beamed energy, are searching the electromagnetic and sonic spectrums for wavelengths that can aect human behavior. Weapons already exist that use lasers, which can temporarily or permanently blind enemy soldiers. So-called acoustic or sonic weapons, like the ones in the aforementioned lab, can vibrate the insides of humans to stun them, nauseate them, or even liquefy their bowels and reduce them to quivering diarrheic messes, according to a Pentagon brieng. Prototypes of such weapons were recently considered for tryout when U.S. troops intervened in Somalia. Other, stranger eects also have been explored, such as using electromagnetic waves to put human targets to sleep or to heat them up, on the microwave-oven principle. Scientists are also trying to make a sonic cannon that throws a shock wave with enough force to knock down a man. While this and similar weapons may seem far-fetched, scientists say they are natural successors to projects already underwaybeams that disable the electronic systems of aircra , computers, or missiles, for instance. Once you are into these anti-materiel weapons, it is a short jump to antipersonnel weapons, says Louis Slesin, editor of the trade journal Microwave News. Thats because the human body is essentially an electrochemical system, and devices that disrupt the electrical impulses of the nervous system can aect behavior and body functions. But these programsparticularly those involving antipersonnel researchare so well guarded that details are scarce. People [in the military] go silent on this issue, says Slesin, more than any other issue. People just do not want to talk about this. Greenham Common Womens Peace Camp: rst use of EM weapons en masse Women peace campers at Greenham Common, England, claimed that they were a acked by US electronic weapons from within the US airbase there. Scientists from Electronics Today measured some form of electromagnetic wave that was responsible for illnesses they suered. A team of doctors from the Medical Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons compiled a report on the condition of the women aected. The women rst noticed a pa ern of illnesses emerging in 1984. Women at dierent points around the camp appeared to have experienced similar symptoms at the same time, even when they were not in contact with one another. Large numbers of women complained of sudden feelings of extreme tiredness shortly before major events, such as the departure of a cruise missile convoy. Readings taken with a wide range signal strength meter showed marked increases in the background signal level near one of the womens camps at a time when they claimed to be experiencing ill eects, including vertigo, retinal bleeding, burnt face (even at night), nausea, sleep disturbances, palpitations, loss of concentration, loss of memory, disorientation, severe headaches, temporary paralysis, faulty speech co-ordination, irritability and a sense of panic in non-panic situations, and in one case, a circulatory failure that required emergency treatment. Many of these symptoms have been associated in medical literature with exposure to microwaves and especially through low intensity or non-thermal exposures. The signal levels measured were well above normal background levels but still within ocial safety limits. However, there is evidence from a number of sources that low levels of electromagnetic radiation can have harmful eects especially where exposure takes place over a long period of time. These eects have been reviewed by Dr. Robert Becker, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, and a specialist in EM eects. His report conrms that the symptoms mirror those he would expect to see had microwave weapons been deployed. British Defense ocials have denied that any form of electronic signal is being used against the protesters. (Electronics Today) (Guya )
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(Guya ) DOD/DOJ The DOD uses the DOJ to develop non-lethal weapons in secret. Many of these devices are in violation of international treaties. By classifying these weapons as crowd control devices and funding them through the DOJ, the DOD avoids oversight. During the Nixon administration psychiatric and police organizations merged their eorts, particularly the DOJ and NIMH. The DOJ, through the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), was also planning the creation of a national police force, and urban warfare preparation that went by the names Operation Cable Splicer and Operation Garden Plot. The government publication, Individual Rights and the Federal Role in Behavior Modication, revealed that the DOJ, DOL, V.A., DOD, and NSF were engaged in various aspects of behavior modication without eective oversight or review. Under interrogation the head of the LEAA announced that funding would be cut, but instead it proceeded to fund behavior modication. One such project at Atmore State Prison conducted over 50 psychosurgical operations, which according to Dr Swan of Fisk University, were lobotomies performed on black political activists. In 1977 a Senate hearing into CIA drug experimentation drove existing programs underground. To secure the survival of their projects, networks, and funding, the mind control fraternity were forced to largely abandon scientic and military laboratories to seek deeper cover. Congressional scrutiny forced them to hide their activities by performing experiments on the powerless and voiceless human beings incarcerated in prison and psychiatric systems, or in the inner city by starting or manipulating cults and using them as cover for their operations. Mind control operations were hidden in undocumented black projects and intelligence agency cut-outs of all types, including criminal enterprises that provided cover and deniability for the perpetrators in government and heads of intelligence agencies. Cyclotronic resonance is the ability of very low strength electromagnetic elds to produce signicant biological eects by spinning or rotating particles within living cells. One military application described in The Final Report on Biotechnology Research Requirements For Aeronautical Systems Through the Year 2000, Vol. I, Southwest research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, 1982, is the introduction of a small amount of chemical or biological weapon to enemy soldiers or populations. By using a harmonizing or resonance frequency of a poison existing in minute or undetectable concentrations, lethal eects can be achieved. The US Naval Medical Research Center used the technique of cyclotronic resonance on the lithium ion that occurs naturally in the brain to sedate the brain as if a large dose of lithium had been administered. By resonating naturally occurring chemicals, you amplify their potency, creating the same chemical changes as would have occurred with a massive dose of the chemical. These weapons change the porosity of the blood brain barrier, allowing these lethal substances to go where they normally would be excluded. These experiments are ongoing using the DOJ to fund these programs as crowd control to avoid being caught in violations of international treaties against the use of biological and chemical weapons. (Begich pg 134) In 1993 the National Institute of Justice, (DOJ) N Initiative on Less-Than-Lethal Weapons, recommending that state and local police departments in America utilize psychotronic, electromagnetic and other mind control weapons against American citizens involved in domestic disturbances, an open ended term that could include family arguments. The report said, Short term research will be completed to adopt military technology to use by domestic law enforcementincluding laser, microwave, and electromagnetic weapons. The Washington Post reported, The Pentagon and the DOJ have agreed to share state-of-the-art military technology with civilian law enforcement agencies, including exotic non-lethal weapons. This new approach to law enforcement was showcased in a three-day secret conference on non-lethal weaponry at the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. The conference head was Col. John B. Alexander, Program Manager for Non-Lethal (psychotronic) Defense, Los Alamos National Laboratory. A ending the meeting was A orney General Janet Reno, military weapons specialists, and representatives from state and local police departments. Subjects included, radio frequency weapons, high powered microwave technology, acoustic technology, voice synthesis, and application of extreme frequency electromagnetic elds to non-lethal weapons. (Kieth 187) Classied weapons are being passed to domestic law enforcement agencies, as shown by the 1995 ONDCP (Oce of National Drug Control Policy) International Technology Symposium, Counter-Drug Law Enforcement: Applied Technology for Improved Operational Eectiveness,
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Counter-Drug Law Enforcement: Applied Technology for Improved Operational Eectiveness, which outlined the Transition of advanced military technologies to the civil law enforcement environment. There are some observers who fear that the burgeoning narcotics industry is an ideal cover in which to transit Non Lethal Technologies to domestic political tasks. Whether this is merely a misplaced Orwellian fear remains to be seen. However, organized crime is so globally organized that experts now believe it is impossible to eradicate or even eectively combat. The following is eyewitness testimony from Iraq describing the a ermath of the United States use of experimental directed energy weapons. From the movie Star Wars in Iraq (Guerre stellari in Iraq, di Maurizio Torrealta e Sigfrido Ranucci). This testimony was reported to American lmmaker Patrick Dillon a few weeks a er the ba le for the airport (April 2003). The person interviewed, Majid al Ghezali, is a well-known and respected man in Baghdad, who is the rst violinist in the city orchestra. In addition to describing the ba le, Majid al Ghezali wanted to show Patrick Dillon the site near the airport where this mysterious weapon was used, along with the traces of fused metal still visible, and the irregularly sized ditches where the cadavers were buried before they were exhumed. We sought out Majid al Ghezali to hear more details of his story. We met up with him in Amman and he pointed out some inexplicable peculiarities on the bodies of the victims of the ba le for the airport. Majid Al Ghezali : They used incredible weapons Experimental weapons? Majid Al Ghezali : Yes Yes, I think. They shoot the bus. We saw the bus like a cloth, like a wet cloth. It seemed like a Volkswagen, a big bus like a Volkswagen. Majid Al Ghezali: Just the head was burnt. In the other parts of the body there wasnt anything. Al Ghezali reported that he had seen three passengers in a car, all dead, with their faces and teeth burnt, their clothes intact, and no sign of projectiles. Majid Al Ghezali :There wasnt any bullet. I saw their teeth, just the teeth, and they had no eyes, all of them, there was nothing on their bodies. There were other inexplicable aspects: the terrain where the ba le took place was dug up by the American military and replaced with other fresh earth; the bodies that were not hit by projectiles had shrunk to just slightly more than one meter in height. Majid Al Ghezali ;Except the ones killed by the bullets, most of them became very small. I mean like that Something like that. When we asked Majid what weapon he imagined had been used, he said that he had reached the conclusion that it must have been a laser weapon. Majid Al Ghezali :One year later we heard that they used an update technology, a unique one, like lasers. We found another disturbing document on the use of mysterious weapons in Iraq, which referred to episodes that took place almost at the same time as those described by Majid al Ghezali. Saad al Falluji :They were 26 in the bus. About 20 of them had no head, the head had been cut, some of them had no arms or no legs. The only unwounded was the driver and really I dont know how he reach our hospital, because one arm was on his side, one head just beside him. It was a very strange and horrible situation. In the roof of the car there were parts of the body: intestines, brains, all parts of the body. It was a very very very miserable situation. Geert Van Moorter (medical doctor working in Iraq during and a er the war, as a volunteer for the belgiam NGO Medical Aid for the Third World): Do you have idea with what kind of weapon the a acked the bus? Saad al Falluji: We dont know with what kind of weapon they hit this bus. Doctor n2 : It seems to be a new weapon Saad al Falluji: Yes, a new weapon Doctor n2: They are trying to do experiments on our civilians. Nobody could identify the type of this weapon. We went to Belgium to nd the lmmaker of this sequence, Geert Van Moorter, a doctor working as a volunteer in Iraq. Geert Van Moorter : This footage is taken at the General Teaching Hospital in Hilla, which is about 100 Km from Baghdad, and close to the historical site of Babylon. There I talked with the colleague doctor Saad al Falluji, which is the chief surgeon in that hospital. Doctor al Falluji said me that the survivors that he operated said him that they did not hear any noise, so there was no explosion to hear, no metal fragments or shrapnels or bullets in their bodies, so they themselves were thinking of some strange kind of weapon which they did not know. Lets hear Dr. Saad el Fallujis story about this in more detail. Saad al Falluji : This bus was very crowded, they were going from Hilla to Kil, to nd their families, but before they had arrived at the American checkpoint the villagers said to them return back, return back. When the bus tried to return back it was shot by the checkpoint. Geert Van Moorter : No gunshot wounds? Saad al Falluji : No, no, I dont know what it was. We are here 10 surgeons and we couldnt decide which was the weapon that hit this car. Geert Van Moorter : But inside the bodies you did not discover
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was the weapon that hit this car. Geert Van Moorter : But inside the bodies you did not discover ordinary bullets? Saad al Falluji : We didnt nd bullets, but most of the passengers were dead, so they took them immediately to the refrigerator and we couldnt dissect and see, but in those who were alive we didnt nd any kind of bullet. We didnt nd bullets in their bodies. Doctor n2 : Something cu ing organs, cu ing limbs, a acking the abdomen, a acking the neck and goes out. Dr. Falluji also ended up speaking about a laser weapon. Saad al Falluji : I dont think that the bombing, or the cluster bombs, or the laser weapons can bring democracy to our country. As in any war, the war in Iraq, le us a dreadful gallery of horror images of mutilations that not even doctors can explain. The witnesses referred to laser weapons, arms with mysterious eects. We do not know what kind of weapons could produce such terrible eects. We tried to learn more about it, by asking for interviews to members of companies manufacturing laser and microwave weapons. Yet, the US Defense Department prevented any information from being released to us. They also did not answer up to the time the lm was edited the questions we had sent them in order to know whether or not experimental weapons had been tested in Iraq and Afghanistan. We then reviewed the Pentagons media conferences released before the II Gulf War. Willingness to test new weapons emerged from the words of both the Defense Secretary and General Meyers. The questions from the media on direct energy and microwave weapons produced a certain amount of embarrassment. American journalist : Mr. Secretary, can I ask you a question about some of the technology that youre developing to ght the war on terrorists, specically directed energy and high-powered microwave technology? Do you when do you envision that you can weaponize that type of technology? Donald Rumsfeld : Goodness, it is in for the most part, the kinds of things youre talking about are in varying early stages. (To the general.) Do you want to do you have anything you would add? General Myers : I dont think I would add much. Its I think they are in early stages and probably not ready for employment at this point. Donald Rumsfeld: In the normal order of things, when you invest in research and development and begin a developmental project, you dont have any intention or expectations that one would use it. On the other hand, the real world intervenes from time to time, and you reach in there and take something out that is still in a developmental stage, and you might use it. So the your questions not answerable. It is depends on what happens in the future and how well things move along the track and whether or not someone feels its appropriate to reach into a development stage and see if something might be useful, as was the case with the unmanned aerial vehicles. American journalist : But you sound like youre willing to experiment with it. General Myers : Yeah, I think thats the point. And I think and its and we have, I think, from the beginning of this conict I think General Franks has been very open to looking at new things, if there are new things available, and has been willing to put them into the ght, even before theyve been fully wrung out. And I think thats not referring to these particular cases of directed energy or high-powered microwaves, but sure. And we will continue to do that. SIX: CIA CULTS: Intelligence agencies have inltrated and created some satanic groups, with the resurgence of groups of this type beginning in 1966, with the birth of the Church of Satan, founded by Anton LaVey. LaVey studied criminology in S.F. and worked in the SFPD crime lab, he also worked as an informant for Interpol. Prior to the Church of Satan, LaVey ran a group called the Magic Circle. LaVeys most famous associate is the NSAs General Michael Aquino. At the time of his membership in LaVeys group Aquino was an Army specialist in intelligence and psychological warfare. In 1973 he became the executive ocer of the 306th Psychological Operations Ba alion contemporary with his founding of the Church of Set. (Kieth pg 129) General Michael Aquino wrote, From PSYOP to MINDWAR: The Psychology of Victory. Aquinos thesis stated that enemy population could be subdued by inicting a state of psychological terror and feelings of imminent destruction. He discusses the use of psychotronic weapons or electromagnetic weapons that inuence the mind. Capitulation could be induced without ring a shot by extremely low frequency (ELF) signals piggybacked on broadcasts of radio, TV, or microwave communications, to inuence and manipulate the thoughts and feelings of the target population. During the 60s he was prominent in the Church of Satan and a close friend of Anton LaVey, until he started his own Church of Set. A police intelligence report dated July 1, 1981 reads, The Church of Set is a group with hundreds of members that operates on a national level. Aquino is the ocial head of the organization and rules through a council of nine, who are in fact, his Lieutenants. At least two members of the
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and rules through a council of nine, who are in fact, his Lieutenants. At least two members of the council of nine at that time were members of army intelligence. In the late 1980s Aquino was accused by the San Francisco police dept. of being involved in a satanic child molestation ring centered on the day care at the Presidio military base where Aquino was stationed at the time. Probable victims were numbered at 68, many of whom had contracted venereal disease. Twenty-two families led $66 million in claims against the army, claiming that criminal charges against Aquino were dropped due to pressure from the army. Aquino admi ed to renting the German castle where the Nazi SS was formed and re-enacting the secret ceremony that founded the Nazi SS, among fellow spooks decked out in full Nazi regalia. General Aquino is now one of the highest-ranking ocers in the NSA, along with General Black and General Hayden. (Kieth) It is important to note that Michael Aquino is rst and foremost, a military intelligence ocer with over forty years experience in counterinsurgency/inltration operations. General Aquino, General Stubblebine, Col. John B. Alexander, Harold Putho, and others are involved in an inltration/counterinsurgency operation aimed at destabilizing the Constitutional centers of power in the United States. These cults and other cause oriented groups have been started or inltrated by Aquino and his associates in order to control large numbers of people. It should be noted that all of these cults are closed systems with their own belief systems that are insular and separate from the reality that most people take for granted. These individuals are used to engage in anti-social acts that members of the greater society would not contemplate, including satanic ritual abuse (SRA) programming and organized gang stalking. The following cults are linked to Aquino or his associates in the intelligence community. The mass suicides at Jonestown of 850 people had similar threads, a cult with sinister connections. Jim Jones, who had connections to the CIA, set up his Utopian experiment on the same land that the CIA had used to train mercenaries to ght in Angola. According to investigators, the Jonestown experiment was conceived of by Dr. Lawrence Laird Layton, staed by him, and nanced by Layton. The African-American cult had at its core a Caucasian inner-council, composed of Layton and his family. Layton was a chemist in the Manha an Project and head of the Armys chemical warfare research division in the 1950s. The Peoples Temple cult took over the Mendocino State Hospital as part of a government pilot project to evaluate the feasibility of de-institutionalizing mental patients. A er a reduction in state funding most of the patients at Mendocino were released into the custody of the Peoples Temple. Congressman Leo Ryan was assassinated in his a empt to investigate the cult. The pathologist in Guyana reported 80-90% of the victims bodies had fresh needle marks. Other victims had been shot or strangled. In 1981 survivors sued the former head of the CIA for enhancing the economic and political powers of James Warren Jones and of conducting mind control and drug experimentation on the Temple ock. (Kieth pg 121) The Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) kidnapped Pa y Hearst in 1974 and went on a crime spree that terrorized California and discredited the anti-establishment counterculture. The groups leader, Donald DeFreeze, was a paid informant for the LAPDs Public Disorder Unit from 1967-69, then directed the Black Cultural Association at the Vacaville Medical Facility. Vacaville was a prison where behavior modication was performed, including electronic brain implanting and lobotomies. The Black Cultural Association was run by Colston Westbrook, a black CIA expert in psychological warfare who participated in Operation Phoenix assassination and mind control program in Vietnam. Westbrooks controller is alleged to have been the CIAs William Herrmann, the man who originated the idea of the violence center championed by Louis Jolyon West during Reagans governorship of California. Pa y Hearst was placed in a dark closet for 40 days, brought out only to be raped or tortured and traumatized, and then returned to the darkness. She was prosecuted for participating in various crimes and was later pardoned by President Carter. The debate at her trial revolved around the question of brainwashing and if such a thing really existed. The opinion that prevailed, (no, it does not exist) was put forth by psychiatrists who held themselves out as impartial, but were connected to the intelligence community. The Manson family was associated with the Process Church, which according to the Utah Dept. of public Safety, moved to southern Utah and changed their name to The Foundation. In 1990 an internal memo authored by Church authority Glenn L. Pace, allegations were made of ritual abuse and human sacrice. Pace writes, he has met with 60 victims of ritual abuse, but there are probably 2-3 times as many victims, 53 were female and 7 were male, 8 of which are children, all are members of the
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many victims, 53 were female and 7 were male, 8 of which are children, all are members of the Mormon Church. Forty-ve victims allege they witnessed or participated in human sacrice. The majority were abused by relatives, all have developed psychological problems such as multiple personality disorderThe memories come in layersthe rst might be of incest, Another layer might will be the memory of seeing people hurt or even killed. Then they remember having seen babies killed. Another layer is realizing that they participated in the sacrices. One of the most painful memories may be that they even sacriced their own baby. I have only seen those coming forth to get help. They are in their twenties and thirties for the most part. I can only assume that it is expanding geometrically and am horried the numbers represented by the generation who are now children and teenagers. Dr. Mengele found that trauma bonding and mind control worked best when the victim is forced to kill someone they love. Mengele usually accomplished this by having one twin kill another. The Franklin Conspiracy refers to a sexual blackmail operation and savings and loan fraud that began in Omaha, Nebraska in the early 1980s. Larry King, a 300 lb pedophile, operated a national child prostitution network that catered to wealthy patrons and Republican Party insiders. King was one of the fastest rising stars in the party, he sang the National Anthem at the Republican convention in 1984 and 1988. King and his associates defrauded Franklin Savings of ($40) million and used residents of Boys Town and other children to video tape powerful and inuential men and women engaged in sex acts with minors. These blackmail operations took place during fund raising parties for the RNC, those involved stayed late for the a er party that included drugs and sex with minors. (Franklin) The strategy of early MKULTRA was to use sexual blackmail operations that targeted political gures in order to insure continued funding from legislators. Victims who came forward testied that King and associates performed Satanic rituals and human sacrices. Many of the children who came forward with their stories have since been murdered or imprisoned. The most prominent and vocal victim,Alisha Owens, has been held in solitary connement longer than any other person in Nebraska history. King served 2 years for fraud and was promptly employed by his good friend, the editor of an Omaha newspaper. The Unication Church of Reverend Sun Myung Moon had close connections to KCIA since its creation by the CIA. Four of Moons early leaders were army ocers with KCIA credentials and Moons most inuential aide, Bo Hi Pak, was liaison between CIA and KCIA, making numerous trips to the NSA at Fort Meade, Maryland. Moons church is fabulously rich and inuential, with at least 600 front groups. It purchased the Washington Times newspaper for over a billion dollars. The Children of God cult in Argentina has been involved in ritual abuse of children for decades, but has evaded conviction, despite voluminous undeniable evidence and victim testimony. David Moses Berg founded the church in the 1970s, advocated using sex to entice new members into the church. Bergs own children and former members have stated that they were forced into sex between the ages of 4-10 years with high-level church members. The victims also testied to a sexual blackmail and inltration campaign aimed at some of the most powerful men in Europe, particularly in the media, legal community, and government. Powerful gures of political and nancial support for the Family include Libyan president Muommar Kadda, Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, and King Juan Carlos of Spain. (Constantine pg147) The sect currently estimates its numbers at 300,000 converts in 60 countries. In 1992 the Family childrens choir sang in the White House for Barbara Bush to kick o a Christmas show in the East Room. The sect also sang for George Bush Sr. a er he toured the damage of Hurricane Andrew in south Florida. McMatrin Preschool: In preparation for the McMartin Preschool child abuse trial, 389 toddlers were interviewed, nearly all of them described abuse at the preschool, and do to this day. Some 80% had physical symptoms, including blunt force trauma of sexual areas, scarring, rectal bleeding and sexual diseases. Paul and Shirley Eberle published the only two books available on the case (The Politics of Child Abuse, 1986) achieving national status as child abuse experts. In courts of law their work is frequently cited, they lecture widely to receptive audiences and have been speakers at a conference held by Victims of Child Abuse Laws (VOCAL). These two individuals ran an underground tabloid (Finger, 1970s)) which delved heavily into sadomasochistic sex, sex with children and sex acts involving human excrement. These two pedophiles seek to portray every abuser as a victim of mass hysteria, Satanic panic and witch hunts are just two of many. The parents of the McMartin
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hysteria, Satanic panic and witch hunts are just two of many. The parents of the McMartin preschoolers hired scientists and technicians who unearthed a series of underground tunnels beneath the school, conrming the childrens testimony. The longest tunnel was 45 feet long and six feet below the school, with a nine-foot chamber, spoken of by the children. Another branch led to the triplex next door, surfacing beneath a roll-away bathtub. Forensic tests on thousands of objects found at the site included two hundred animal bones. The tunnels were dug in 1966, the year of the schools construction by the father of the defendant, Charles Buckey. Buckey built the school and worked for the Hughes tool company. There is an old adage, Hughes is the CIA. Scientology: The Cult Awareness Network was founded two decades ago in the wake of the murders and mass suicides in Guyana that claimed the lives of 850 of the late Jim Jones followers. The nonprot national organization assisted the desperate loved ones of people caught up in the ever-proliferating cult scene. The organizations targeted by CAN were the KKK, the Aryan Nations, dozens of obscure fundamentalist and evangelical Christian groups, the Church of Satan, the Moonies, followers of political extremist Lyndon LaRouche, and the Church of Scientology. (L.A. New Times, 9/99 Ron Russell) An organized blizzard of lawsuits produced judgments totaling $5.2 million and led to the anti-cult groups nancial ruin. In 1996 CANs logo, furniture, and phone number were auctioned o at the order of a bankruptcy judge. Scientology lawyers took possession of 20 years worth of CANs highly sensitive case les containing information on thousands of people who had turned to CAN for help in rescuing their friends and relatives. Scientology is known for harassing its enemies in the courts, and retaliating against suppressives, people who ridicule Scientology teachings. Those teachings include Hubbards decree that humans are made of clusters of spirits, called thetans, who were banished to Earth about 75 million years ago by an evil galactic ruler named Xenu. Hubbard was a pulp ction writer who had served in the Navy and hit it big in 1950 by coming up with the concept of Dianetics, which he dubbed a modern science of mental health. It remains at the core of Scientology practice. One of its staples is a simplied lie detector called an E-meter, which is supposed to measure electrical changes in the skin while subjects discuss intimate details of their lives. Hubbard claimed that unhappiness sprang from mental aberrations, called engrams, and that counseling sessions with the E-meter could help get rid of them. Scientologists refer to the extensive (and expensive) process of clearing the mind in order for this to occur as auditing. But during the 1970s, the Internal Revenue Service conducted some auditing sessions of its own and accused Hubbard of skimming millions of dollars from the church, laundering it through dummy corporations, and stashing it in Swiss bank accounts. And although he died before the case was adjudicated, his wife and 10 other former church leaders went to prison in the early 1980s for inltrating, burglarizing, and wiretapping dozens of private and government agencies in an a empt to block their investigations. The vast majority of Masons join, and undergo rituals and rites that seem to have no meaning, it is only when one enters the highest levels, the circle within a circle if you will, that secret knowledge is shared as to what this organization and its rituals are really about. This knowledge is imparted to a select few who achieve 32nd degree status or higher. What these rites are and what this secret knowledge is has yet to be proven. Masons are one of the most prominent links between victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse. Victims of SRA are in eect, victims of MKULTRA experiments in childhood. Literally thousands of people from dierent parts of the country who have never been in contact with each other are telling essentially the same storythat as very young children these people were forced to participate in SRA, including child rape and ritual sacrice. The consistency of stories, the links to MKULTRA and SRA, seems to be a fantastic story at rstbut victim testimony is very consistent and the association of both programs to high-level mason members has been repeated many times. Many of the personalities involved in the original MKULTRA experiments were high-level Masons, including Dr. Sidney Go lieb, George Estabrooks, Ewen Cameron, and others in the intelligence community. Masons have been accused of many things over the years, but it is equally likely that the Masons were inltrated by CIA perpetrators of MKULTRA in an eort to control a closed system and have access to experimental subjects. MKULTRA was moved out of the lab to these closed systems of various kinds that could be manipulated and used to supply large numbers of children for mind control experiments and blackmail operations without directly implicating the CIA. False Memory Syndrome Foundation/Satanic Ritual Abuse:
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False Memory Syndrome Foundation/Satanic Ritual Abuse: MKULTRA programming was codied into a standard methodology. Child victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse are in fact victims of MKULTRA experiments/programming. The following are several examples of CIA MKULTRA psychiatrists and pedophiles who are engaged in an organized cover-up to discredit the victims who come forward with memories of MKULTRA/SRA programming. The Remote Viewers named below are tied to development of psychotronic weapons, designed to inuence the central nervous system. These personalities are also tied to cults that perpetrate SRA, suggesting that MKULTRA and nonlethal weapons development are tied together in a hidden agenda. Dr. Martin T. Orne is an original board member of the FMSF and a senior CIA/Navy researcher at the Univ. of Pennsylvanias Experimental Psychiatry laboratory, as well as a close friend of George Estabrooks. The FMSF was created to deny the existence of cult mind control and child abuse and is staed with psychiatrists connected to the CIA and their mind control experimentation. The phenomenon of children being coached or led to invent tales of abuse or making up such stories does exist but comprises a small minority of the reported cases of child abuse, between 2-8% of reported cases. (Constantine pg62) One survey found 88% of therapists consider ritual child abuse to be a very real social problem. Only 5% of all child abuse cases ever enter the courtroom, half of these end with the child returned to the custody of the abusive parent. Dr. Ornes research into hypno-programming at Cornell Univ. in the 1960s was paid for by the Human Ecology Fund, and SEI, which also funded some of Dr. Ewen Camerons brainwashing and remote mind control experimentation. CIA funded black psychiatry at that time specialized in electroshock lobotomies, drugging agents, incapacitants, hypnosis, sleep deprivation and radio control of the brain. FMSF founder Ralph Underwager and his wife openly advocate pedophilia, saying that it was Gods Will adults engage in sex with children. He told British reporters in 1994 that scientic evidence proved 60% of all women molested as children believed the experience was good for them. Dr. Underwager is the worlds foremost authority on false memory, but in court is repeatedly revealed as a charlatan. Numerous other members of the FMSF have connections to pedophilia, covert operations, and black psychiatry. Peter and Pamela Freyd, executive directors of the FMSF, have been accused of sexual abuse by their daughter, a professor of psychology at the University of Oregon. The industrial production of FMSF stories in journals, newspapers, and TV have shaped public opinion. The very concept of false memory serves the same purpose as holocaust denial. Crimes are obstructed, the accused wears the veil of a martyr and the victim is reviled. (Constantine pg68) Dr. Douglas Besherov is the director of the American Enterprise Institute and former director of the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect. He writes articles that a ack the victims of abuse and has been caught fabricating statistics when claiming scientic rationale for his claims. In 1986 Besherov published, Unfounded Allegations-A New Child Abuse Problem, and numerous other cover stories to confuse the issue. These individuals are engaged in a psychological warfare operation to cover up reports of the Agencies mind control operations. For years the CIA has collaborated with cults (many of them founded by the government) to conceal the development of mind control technology. Besherov associated with Irving Kristol, a veteran CIA psychological warfare specialist. Ritual abuse skeptics with CIA connections are covering up the latest phase in Agency sponsored mind control experimentation. (Constantine pg80) Remote viewing programs were publicly touted as an a empt to spy on the USSR using psychic powers to nd hidden Russian bases and gather intelligence information. The military intelligence personalities involved in remote viewing o en have ties to development programs for microwave and radio frequency radiation weapons designed to inuence the central nervous system, referred to collectively as psychotronics. They o en have ties to religious cults as well. Remote viewing began with Operation Scanate and Grill Flame run by the NSA and INSCOM at Fort Meade under such personalities as Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden, Albert Stubblebine, Ingo Swann, Kieth Herrary, Ed Dames, Harold Putho, Russell Targ, Paul Smith, and others. Operation Scanate leader Thomas Bearden went on to lead the American Psychotronics Association. Project Grill Flame leaders Ed Dames, and Albert Stubblebine began PSI Tech Corporation, a private remote viewing company which holds the Smirnov patent for a psychotronic weapon. Remote viewers Putho, Herrary and Dames have counseled the traumatized victims of death cults and mass shootings such as the Jonestown mass deaths and the Columbine shootings even though they are not councilors, but physicists and military intelligence ocers by training. Dr. Harold Putho exemplies the contradiction. He is a former NSA ocer who
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ocers by training. Dr. Harold Putho exemplies the contradiction. He is a former NSA ocer who developed the pulse microwave laser, a remote viewer, and a high level Scientologist who likes to council traumatized victims of cults. The concept of remote viewing is being used as a cover, a psychological warfare operation, in order to screen the development of psychotronic weapons and conduct MKULTRA operations. The same people involved in remote viewing programs for the NSA and INSCOM at Ft Meade and PSI Tech Corporation, are also closely tied to psychotronic weapons development and religious cults that use MKULTRA methodology to induce MPD. Strange threads such as, non-lethal psychotronic weapons development, remote viewing operations, and cults engaged in ritual abuse are all woven together, suggesting that MKULTRA and non-lethal psychotronic weapons development have evolved into Dr. Estabrooks inltration operation. General Edmund Thompson ran the second remote viewing project called Project Grill Flame at Fort Meade, home of the NSA, with oversight by the DIA. Jack Verona, a nuclear physicist and head of the DIAs Scientic and Technical Intelligence Directorate, managed the project as well as Sleeping Beauty, dealing with the oensive use of microwave weapons. In 1981 US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) took over the project and it was renamed Center Lane, supervised by General Albert Stubblebine, who is married to psychiatrist and UFOlogist Rima Laibow. Remote viewers recruited to the program included Capts Ed Dames, Bill Ray, Paul Smith, all had been trained by Scientologist Ingo Swann. General Stubblebine later became chairman of the civilian remote viewing company Psi-Tech, founded by Major Ed Dames. Following the Oliver North debacle, the Secretary of Defense ocially terminated GRILL-FLAME, fearing bad publicity if the program were to become known to the public. The leading members of the project including Dames immediately relocated to the privately owned and newly formed Psi-Tech, and continue their work to this day, operating under government contract. In the course of his work, Dames was (and remains) close to many of the leading gures and proponents anti-personnel electromagnetic weapons, especially those that operate in the neurological eld. During NBCs The Other Side program, Dames stated, The U.S. Government has an electronic device which could implant thoughts in people. He refused to comment further. The program was broadcast during April 1995. Psi-Tech was sponsoring Operation Guiding Light, that is, remote viewing classes for students of Chateld Senior High School, the school that absorbed the Columbine students a er the mass killing took place. Dr. Louis Jolyon West was responsible for medical oversight of Grill Flame, the author of the 1994 paper, Pseudo-identity and the Treatment of Personality Changes in Victims of Captivity and Cults. West states, Prolonged environmental stress or life situations profoundly dierent from the usual, can disrupt the normally integrative functions of personality. (Kieth pg267) SEVEN: Trojan Horse: The Athenians laid siege to Troy for many years and then abruptly departed leaving the Trojan horse. The Prophet Laocoon warned the city that the Trojan horse held their doom. He hurled his javelin into the side of the Trojan horse and was a acked by a giant multi-headed serpent that emerged from the sea and pulled he and his sons into the sea to their deaths. The inhabitants took this as an omen to mean that the Trojan horse was a gi from the Gods, and thus sacred. They brought the oering inside the city gates and at night the Athenians emerged, opened the gates to their awaiting army and the city was sacked and destroyed, the men killed, and the women and children enslaved. George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and Marshall McLuhan were three prophetic voices of the 20th century who warned of the technological subjugation of Mankind. Orwell wrote the novel 1984 about a world controlled by three empires in a state of perpetual war and shi ing alliances. Big Brother and the Thought Police were monitoring all human activity, and the population was kept in a constant state of war hysteria and fear of the enemy. One percent of the population composed the inner party, 15 percent the outer party, the remaining 84 percent of the population were proles. The Technology of control possessed by the totalitarian state made rebellion impossible, slavery was eternal. Aldous Huxley wrote the novel Brave New World about a future technological state controlled by the drug Soma. Human reproduction was an industrial process, cloning dierent models of genetically designed humans for specic tasks within the social hierarchy. Huxley despaired that humanity would destroy itself, but decided nally that a spiritual evolution could avoid such a catastrophe.
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destroy itself, but decided nally that a spiritual evolution could avoid such a catastrophe. Marshall McLuhan wrote about the eects of technology on society. In the 1950s and 60s he was the prophet of the Internet. He spoke of the concept of the Maelstrom and described it as the movement from a literate society based on the wri en word back to a symbolic post-literate society based on electronic imagery. He said that this vortex of technology would disrupt human civilization and obliterate everything that came before. In Greek Mythology King Minos received a gi from the Gods, a perfect white bull. Instead of sacricing the animal to the Gods as agreed, he substituted an inferior one, and usurped for himself that which came from the Gods. Poseidon placed a curse upon the land and Minos wife gave birth to a monster, the body of a man and the head of a bull. Minos forced Daudelaus to create an inescapable maze to imprison the nightmare creation. Minos forced human sacrices into the maze to wander lost until they were killed and eaten by the Minotaur. Theseus was forced into the maze, but the Kings daughter had given him a magic ball of string to trace his path in the maze and a whistle to disarm the Minotaur. He slew the monster and freed himself from the maze. This story has persisted for three thousand years and many dierent cultures because the themes are eternal. King Minos creates the monster by usurping power for himself and placing himself above the law. Minos has created fascism, the Minotaur nightmare that survives on human sacrice, the beast that feasts on human esh a dictatorship. The hero, Theseus slays the beast, destroys fascism and the tyrant and frees the land from its curse. What face has the Minotaur assumed in the 20th century that we would recognize? Nazi Germany personies the technological Totalitarian state and serves as a model. The subjugation of the Weimar Republic began with the creation of private militias that that were used as a springboard to inltrate the German military, and nally the police forces. The Reichstag re was an excuse to seize power and kill those that might stop them. The Night of the Long Knives refers to the creation of hit lists of enemies, and the hunting down and execution of hundreds of internal political rivals, opponents, and potential threats. Once Hitler had crossed the Rubicon of mass assassination he publically declared his actions above the law. This was the moment of the birth of the Minotaur in the 20th century. The pseudoscience of Eugenics and the dogma of German racial superiority and the theoretical subhuman level of other races was the rationale for wars of annihilation. Hitlers plan was to depopulate vast regions of the east and replace them with Germanic stock. Lebensraum or living space was the key phrase. Ten million Jews came under their geographical control of which six million were systematically murdered in an eort to wipe out the Jewish Race. Three million others perished in the camps, gypsies, Slavs, other supposed subhuman races, homosexuals, dissident Catholic priests, POWs, union leaders, political opponents, Germans caught aiding Jews, Jehovahs Witnesses, and other religious sects, and the intellectuals of conquered nations. The concentration camp of Auschwitz alone processed 4,756 human beings a day. The political propaganda machine was in many ways a work of art. School textbooks were altered and controversial books were burned ceremonially. State of the art movies were made to reinforce the racial dogma. The propaganda was so irresistible that many Jews and other targeted groups were caught up in the excitement and joined the Nazi movement. In the a ermath of the war 50 million people had died and Europe lay in ashes. The question that the victors wanted to answer were how had the most civilized and technologically advanced nation on earth descended into the pit of hell. Who were these men, were they madmen? Worst of all, if it could happen there could it happen here? The psychiatrist who virtually lived with them during the Nuremberg trials wrote their collective portrait. Their problem solving strategies, of which there are three, was the least eective. They were born followers, they needed someone to tell them what to think. Their collective IQ was 140, a rigid view of the world, black and white without grey. Though they had some very unusual characteristics and some unusual personalities among them, they were not madmen. The psychiatrist noted that there were plenty of similar individuals in the United States who would gladly step over half the bodies of their fellow countrymen to control the remainder. The answers they received were not the answers they were prepared to hear. No they were not madmen, and yes, it could happen here. Once in power Joseph Stalin immediately had half the Russian parliament shot or exiled to Siberia. And to solidify his hold on power he deliberately starved millions of his own people to death and
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And to solidify his hold on power he deliberately starved millions of his own people to death and personally signed a million death warrants. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was a secret agreement between Stalin and Hitler to a ack Poland and divide the nation between them. And when Hitler double crossed him and a acked the USSR, 20 million Russians perished. Stalin was totally devoid of human feeling for his own countrymen or anyone else and the world was right to fear him. Mao led a Chinese communist peasant revolution that overthrew Chiang Kai Shek in 1949. The degree of individual conformity demanded by the state to Communist dogma in the worlds most populous nation was terrifying. The Great Leap Forward was a failed a empt at crash industrialization that resulted in famine and the deaths of millions of people. Maos favorite tactic was to set opposing groups of people against each other to instill fear, eliminate potential rivals, and retain power despite popular discontent. One example was the Cultural Revolution that established the Red Guards as a vigilante force used to a ack bourgeois elements in society, meaning anyone. The suering of his own people le him unmoved. Maos cult of personality exceeded even that of Stalin. His image and writings were inescapable. Stalin, Mao, and Hitler personied the Totalitarian dictatorship as an external threat to the Republic we were right to fear them, their cult of personality and their vice like control on their own societies. However ancient wisdom and the mythology of the Minotaur points towards a tyranny that emerges from within not one imposed from without. The three prophets of the 20th century have warned of a technological dictatorship that is imposed from within. Not a foreign threat but one that emerges internally as it did in Nazi Germany. Alexis DTocqueville was perhaps the greatest historian of the age. He visited the US in the 1831 and wrote a description of our country that exceeds all others. He identied the US and Russia as the two emerging world powers and in eect predicted the cold war 120 years before it began. DTocqueville wrote about how the Minotaur would manifest itself in this country, his description of a kinder, gentler fascism feels very much like the words of the three prophets. A manner of control that makes people love their servitude. Fascism wearing a silk tie. If the Technological dictatorship spoken of by the three 20th century prophets should arise now it would have to happen here in the technologically most advanced country. The racial dogma would be replaced by super patriotism and religion. If such a dictatorship, a new Minotaur should arise here, how would we recognize its form. If NSA General Michael Aquino, Col. John B. Alexander, and others in the US intelligence services are using state of the art microwave weapons to commit war crimes and actively subverting the Constitutional authority of the Republic, it is logical that a previous pa ern of behavior or similar crimes would be exhibited by these personalities and organizations and their forbearers. EIGHT: COINTELPRO: Cointelpro stands for counter intelligence program which was primarily run by the FBI as a covert action program against domestic dissidents. The use of inltration, psychological warfare, harassment through the legal system, and the use of extralegal force and violence, including murder, probably began in the 1950s and is now a permanent feature of US government. Targets included the civil rights movement, the anti-war movement, the environmental movement, opposition political parties, basically any progressive group in American society. Dissidents stole FBI les in 1971 that detailed Cointelpro operations at the same time the Pentagon Papers were published detailing decades of systematic government lying about the Vietnam War to the American people. Watergate hit the front pages with the story of a clandestine squad of White House plumbers that broke into Daniel Ellsbergs psychiatrist oce in an eort to smear him. The plumbers were caught burglarizing the oces of the democratic national commi ee (DNC) and eventually nationally televised congressional hearings revealed a full-blown program of dirty tricks to subvert the anti-war movement as well as the Democratic Party by forging le ers, leaking false news items to the press, stealing les, and roughing up demonstrators. The operation was traced back to the a orney general, and the White House, implicating the FBI, the President and his top sta. The fact that the president felt compelled to use former intelligence assets and their Cuban mercenaries to form his own personal Cointelpro squad to a ack his enemies was curious considering that this could have been accomplished much easier by simply ge ing the FBI or
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curious considering that this could have been accomplished much easier by simply ge ing the FBI or other agency to do what they have been doing so successful for decades. Watergate was exposed fairly well but the Senate and Congressional hearings into the activities of the FBI and CIA were crushed. The Senate commi ees report was edited by the agencies being investigated before its publication. The House Commi ees report, including an account of FBI and CIA obstruction of its inquiry, was suppressed altogether. Senator Church and Congressman Pike, the commi ee chairs, were both targeted in their reelection campaigns by the intelligence agencies and defeated, their careers destroyed. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) did open up access to FBI documents and lawsuits forced the release of some Cointelpro les to the media but many of the most important les were withheld or destroyed, and former operatives report that the most heinous crimes were never commi ed to writing. William C. Sullivan, who ran the Cointelpro program in the 1960s was killed in 1977 in an uninvestigated hunting accident shortly before giving public testimony to a grand jury. The only FBI ocials who were ever prosecuted for Cointelpro crimes were quickly pardoned by the president. There was an appearance of reform that was largely aimed at placating a weary public that had become disillusioned with government. Due to scrutiny the programs were muted for several years but began to increase in activity again in the 1980s. The most prominent target of Cointelpro in the 1960s was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who received a blackmail le er from J. Edgar Hoover that detailed evidence of Dr. Kings extramarital aairs and suggested that he should suicide himself to preclude the release of the material to the press and its negative eect on his family and his movement. The surveillance of King included the 112th military intelligence unit, and the use of the U-2 spy plane to take photos. King was marked, barely a month before his murder, for elimination as a potential messiah who could unify and electrify the Black movement. The FBI planned to replace him in his role of the leadership of the Negro people with conservative black lawyer Samuel Pierce (later named to Reagans cabinet). The theme of a forced suicide is repeated on others targeted by Cointelpro, most notably Jean Seaberg, an actress involved in civil rights. Seabergs husband received a forged le er detailing an aair she was supposedly having with a black activist. The actress, who was pregnant at the time, a empted suicide, suered a miscarriage, and eventually did commit suicide. Forced suicide on a target allows intelligence agencies deniability for the crime, in eect, it is the perfect crime. A total of 2,370 ocially approved Cointelpro actions were admi ed to the Senate Intelligence commi ee but thousands more have since been revealed. Ultimately, FBI documents disclosed six major ocial counter-intelligence programs, as well as non-Cointelpro covert operations against Native American, Asian-American, Arab-American, Iranian, and others. The major violence of the domestic terrorist campaign was directed at the Black Nationalist and American Indian movements. These individuals were readily imprisoned on false charges or assassinated. Cointelpro did murder Caucasian targets, but did so in fewer numbers than minority personalities. The theory of counter-insurgency operations was rst codied by Frank Kitson, the British commander in Malaysia and Northern Ireland, among other places. His book, Low-Intensity Operations: Subversion, Insurgency, and Peacekeeping, insists that inltration and psychological operations be mounted against dissident groups in normal times, before any mass movement can develop. These tactics have been adopted by US intelligence agencies against individuals and progressive movements within American society. Inltration of the KKK by the FBI reached 10- 20% of its membership at the height of the Civil Rights struggle, these assets, along with Neo-Nazi groups, were used to a ack civil rights workers and activists. The man who bombed the Church in Birmingham, Ala., was an FBI informant and agent provocateur. The favorite tactic used in inltration of activist groups is the snitch jacket where suspicion of being an informant is used against legitimate leaders. The operatives are directed to disrupt meetings, spread rumors, iname disagreements over what people normally ght over, money, politics, race, gender, to exacerbate rivalries and jealousy, and to lead zealous activists into unnecessary danger and set them up for prosecution. False news stories, forged documents, and anonymous le ers and phone calls as well as pressure on landlords and employers make up just some of the strategies used. Cointelpro operations are presently being incorporated into the development of microwave and radio frequency weapons. Dissidents that in the past were visibly a acked or assassinated in a traditional manner are now targeted for elimination using electromagnetic weapons. These internal dissidents are used as human guinea pigs and experimental subjects in terminal experiments that are designed to
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used as human guinea pigs and experimental subjects in terminal experiments that are designed to force a suicide, incarceration, or premature death due to the eects of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation. These political assassinations are accomplished with invisible bullets that leave no obvious injuries. The theme of forced suicide, such as the MLK and Seaberg blackmail le ers has remained constant. What is dierent is that driving a target to suicide using microwave hearing as well as other techniques is perfectly deniable because these individuals are tormented invisibly and unable to receive help from the psychiatric community due to the symptoms of the a acks mimicking symptoms of schizophrenia that naturally aect several million Americans. Thus the intelligence agencies achieve perfect deniability for their crimes. NINE: CIA Blowback: The United States has destabilized dozens of countries and overthrown their elected governments, just how many countries is uncertain. What follows is a brief history of three nations. (Kinzer) Iran: In 1953, the Eisenhower administration joined forces with British intelligence to overthrow the government of Iran, which was seeking a larger share of its countries oil revenues. Britain began pumping oil in Iran in 1908, installed a ctitious monarchy to guard their prot of $116 million pounds sterling (1935-1950). The monarchy was overthrown by Mohammed Mossadeq who then sought more than the 5-15% share of domestic oil revenues. Allen Dulles and Kermit Roosevelt, the son of FDR, were able to direct Iranian army ocers in a coup of the elected government and the reinstallation of the Shah. The Shah immediately granted British Petroleum a 40% share of the oil concession and American rms received 40% as a reward for their participation. The overthrow of Mossadeq emboldened the CIA and became a blueprint for future destabilization operations. Mossadeq represented the legitimate aspirations of a nationalist democracy that were thwarted in the name of anti-communism. The resulting chaos and radicalization of Iran is a direct result of interference in the internal aairs of that nation, what is referred to as blowback, the unintended negative consequences of covert actions against foreign elected governments. The Shah was described in a condential CIA report as a sociopath who suered from a dominating father and a sense of the illegitimacy of his mandate to rule. SAVAK is perhaps the most feared term in Iran, it is the name of the Shahs secret police agency that was set up with the help of the CIA and MI5. One archeologist who worked with an Iranian female student found that she was missing and reportedly arrested by agents of SAVAK. Her political aliations with an opposition party had brought her to their a ention, even though these actions amounted to an American college student joining the McCarthy Democrats. He was later informed that she had been interrogated, tortured, violated, and then executed. This occurred to thousands of students, professionals, and loyal opposition members who criticized or opposed the Shahs regime. When publicly informed about these actions of his government by journalists the Shah was sanguine and considered it the price of stability. The excesses of the American selected and trained SAVAK as well as the unequal distribution of wealth led directly to the emergence of the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Iranian Revolution that kidnapped personnel in the American embassy and a hostile regime that views the U.S. as a force of evil in the world. Hence the litany of referring to the US as The Great Satan. Guatemala: In 1954 the CIA accepted and carried out a proposal from United Brands (Chiquita Banana) to overthrow the Guatemalan government, which was the only democratically elected government Guatemala had ever had. Chiquita and the CIA replaced that government with 30 plus years (and still counting) of bloodshed under a series of almost barbaric right-wing dictators. The US taxpayers continue to fund these regimes under the recurrent threat that if they do not, the Guatemalan people will fall prey to the evils of Communism. A mere 2% of the population owned 72% of the land. 90% of landowners were conned to the poorest 15% of the land. United Brands owned the railroads, the major port, and vast tracts of some of the most productive land on earth. President Arbenz had won the election with 65% in 1950. He tried to fulll his mandate, which was land reform, minimum wage, and other extravagances modeled on FDRs eorts in the US. He seized the largest land holdings and distributed the 1.5 million acres to 100,000 families, including conscating his own families land holdings. The land was paid for with 25 year interest bearing bonds, this was perfectly within the guidelines of Kennedy era Alliance for Progress program, or US programs in El Salvador and Chile. The only dierence being the investment by United Brands and the political inuence that they could bring to bear on the Arbenz government. US Secretary of State under Eisenhower was John
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they could bring to bear on the Arbenz government. US Secretary of State under Eisenhower was John Foster Dulles, a partner of the law rm Sullivan and Cromwell, he had personally handled the purchase of the Central American railroads for United Brands. His brother was Allen Dulles, head of the CIA, and together they orchestrated a campaign to paint the Arbenz government as red and launch a mercenary war from Honduras. John Moors Cabot a acked from the State Department, Henry Cabot Lodge a acked them in the UN, and Eisenhowers personal secretary lobbied him for her husband who was public relations director for United Brands. Arbenz tried to buy weapons on the open market to defend himself but the shipment was captured and held up as proof that he was red. The mercenary army invaded Guatemala in force and was about to be defeated when CIA pilots intervened and turned the tide of ba le. Arbenz ed to Mexico and United Brands and CIA representatives in Guatemala handpicked an unknown, Carlos Castillas Armas. The bloodle ing among the peasant population numbered several hundred thousand, and at times took on the character of a genocidal war carried out by forces trained, equipped, and supervised by the US. In 1979 90% of the farmers continued to own 16.2% of the land, an eternal source of revolution that will continually have to be crushed with the help of the US taxpayer. In 1966 a swell of revolution brought a full scale counter insurgency response program to Guatemala-arms, advisors, and even Green Berets. A State Department study analyzed the program years later and stated, To eliminate a few hundred guerillas, the government killed perhaps 10,000 Guatemalan peasants. Father Ronald Hennessy wrote of one event among manyJuly 14, 1982 The local military commander sent word for the all of the people of the aldea of Pentenac to be assembled for his 11:00 arrivalAt 4:00pm all of the men, with hands tied behind their backs, were escorted by the soldiers to one house, shot, stabbed, piled one on top of the other, and covered with burnable items of the very house, which were sprinkled with gasoline and set on re. The women were treated the same as the men, diering only in that some had live babies on their backs when they were stacked for burning. The other children were tied, one to another, and pulled alive into the ames of a third house by the soldiers. In September of 1981 an association of Guatemalan coroners had complained that they couldnt keep up with the demand for autopsies because the number of violent deaths had increased so rapidly (50% higher each month than the last). Michael Deaver was instrumental in the election of Reagan in 1980 and one of his three closest advisors along with Edwin Meese and James Baker. His public relations rm of Deaver and Hannaford took on various right wing Central and South American landowners and businessmen as clients, among them a group of Guatemalans. (Kwitney EE pg 236) Iraq: In 1958 General Abdel-Karim Kassem led a coup, took power and proclaimed a republic, legalized the Communist party, decreed land reform, and granted autonomy to the Kurds. Allen Dulles declared Iraq, The most dangerous spot in the world, and in 1963 the CIA supported Baath Party overthrew Kassem. Baath Party shared power until 1968 when the CIA again instigated a coup that culminated in the rise of Saddam Hussein, who had been on the CIA payroll since his early twenties. In 1980 Saddam invaded Iran in fear of potential Iranian revolutionary inuence among his countries majority Shiites. Iran began to win in 1982 and the US, in fear of the Iranian revolution, began to covertly aid and arm Saddam. The Reagan administration funneled $5.5 billion through the Atlanta branch of the Italian bank Banca Nazionale del Lavoro guaranteed by taxpayers under the Commodity Credit Corporation to promote American farm exports. Between 1986 and 1989 73 transactions took place that included bacterial cultures for anthrax production, advanced computers, and equipment to repair jets and rockets. In 2002 Iraq was forced to deliver an 11,800 page dossier on the history of its weapons program to the UN Security Council. Bush administration ocials took possession of the document rst and cut 8,000 pages that detailed American and Western company sale of weapons and dual-use technology sold to Iraq prior to 1991. President Reagan sent Donald Rumsfeld to Iraq in 1984 and full diplomatic relations were reestablished. Saddam became privy to US satellite technology secrets in the eort to defeat Iran. Sales of a full range of munitions were stepped up, including the helicopters that were used to gas 5,000 Kurds in the village of Halabja in 1988. (Chalmers Johnson pg 169) One winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor who spent decades in the service wrote that, during that period I spent most of my time as a high-class muscleman for big business, Wall Street, and the bankersThus, I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National Bank boys to collect oil revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benet of Wall StreetIn
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in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benet of Wall StreetIn China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested. (Chalmers Johnson) CIA: Guns, Drugs, Fraud: During World War II the United States released Meyer Lansky from prison and deported him to Italy in exchange for Maa assistance during the military campaign to drive the Nazis from the Italian peninsula. Lansky promptly ew to Cuba and set up large scale illegal operations there that included working with American corporations to control Cuba. On conclusion of the Italian campaign the maa was rewarded with control of the ports in Italy to exclude unions friendly to socialist and Communist interests. Heroin smuggling through the ports became the major pipeline to supplying the American and world markets for decades to come, exemplied in the movie The French Connection. The docks were the transit point for the rat lines, routes that Nazi war criminals used to escape justice from international tribunals, most of whom came to the United States or South America, aided by Allen Dulles and the CIA in Operation Paperclip. In China in 1949 the Communists drove out the US backed Nationalist warlord Chiang Kai Shek, whose defeated army, the Kuomintang (KMT) ed to the Golden Triangle, and took over opium production to nance weapons purchases and the ner things in life. By the 1950s heroin had become a nationwide concern in the US, from Senate hearings, to popular movies, and criminologists blamed addicts for soaring crime rates. These KMT operations were hidden from the US public for thirty years, and it is only recently that Afghanistan has captured 90% of the world heroin market. The US exploited the Montagnard and Hmong tribesmen as a source of opium, and used the CIAs Air America to bring in guns and supplies in exchange for drugs. Large quantities of heroin appeared in the US, much of it smuggled inside the bodies of dead American GIs. Addiction plagued the Army in Vietnam to the point of reducing their ghting capacity, and a er the war these men brought their drug problem home with them. The US government promoted the drug trac and intervened to make sure the trac would not be discovered. In the words of one former investigator, youd be running a criminal investigation, say narcotics, youd nd out that Inspector so and so of your national police is involved in this, You investigate up to a point and you cant go any further, It would go to our headquarters and then it would go to Washington and nothing would ever happen. The intelligence gleaned from these people was more important than stopping the drug trac. The senior public relations man for the DEA oers the explanation, Their mission was to get people to ght against the Communists, not stop the drug trac. (Kwitney COP pg50) Edwin Wilson was a career CIA ocer who reported to Ted Shackley, the architect of the Bay of Pigs in 1961. Wilson retired in 1971 and reported to CIA ocers Shackley, Robert Keith Gray (RNC), and did business through his numerous shipping and international consulting rms used as front companies with such rms as Control Data Corporation (Bobby Ray Inman). Wilson was paid $35,000 a year while living on a $4 million dollar estate in Virginia where he regularly entertained senators, congressmen, generals, admirals, political ocials and senior intelligence ocers. Wilson had began selling his services for high fees to companies or foreign governments that wanted help obtaining US government contracts or weapons. Wilson was discovered to have worked for Qadda, selling heat seeking missiles, plastic explosives, and training programs covering espionage, sabotage and general psychological warfare. Wilson and Frank Terpil supplied sophisticated assassination gear, and began hiring anti-Castro Cubans to assassinate Qaddas political opponents abroad. Green Berets were hired for assassinations and were led to believe that the covert operations were being carried out with the full backing of the CIA. When the operation was blown, Wilsons handler, Ted Shackley denied all knowledge of operations and denied that Wilson was in fact an asset of the CIA. Wilson was convicted of arms dealing and sentenced to prison from which he was recently released when evidence that he actually was working for the CIA surfaced decades later. The judge in the case freed Wilson because of air tight proof that this was not a rogue operation. The Nugan-Hand Bank in Australia was the scene of the largest bank fraud in history at that time (1980). The investment rm was set up in 1973 by covert intelligence assets from the US and the board staed by prominent US admirals, generals, and colonels. Millions of dollars were used to purchase weapons and trade them for heroin in the Golden Triangle in order to nance on-going operations outside of legislative or even executive control of the elected US government. Branches of the banking front were opened on several continents to move weapons, drugs, and money between drug producers, customers, and covert wars in South Africa, Central America, Iran, and other places.
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front were opened on several continents to move weapons, drugs, and money between drug producers, customers, and covert wars in South Africa, Central America, Iran, and other places. Corrupt foreign leaders such as Ferdinand Marcos, as well as drug lords in the Golden Triangle, were actively courted by Nugan-Hand participants. The Stewart Royal Commission that investigated the billion-dollar fraud functioned largely to cover up the nature and intent of the crime. When the house of cards collapsed, the two owners were allowed time to ee, Michael Hand, the former Green Beret and intelligence asset (Air America) disappeared, while Frank Nugan was found murdered in what was covered up as a suicide. In 1975 CIA team leader Theodore Shackley issued an ultimatum to the Australian intelligence services that their relationship would end if the Prime Minister continued to question the CIAs inuence in Australian internal aairs. Three days later, the Governor General John Kerr, a man with extensive ties to CIA front organizations (Asia Foundation) going back many years, dismissed Prime Minister Whitlam in a constitutional coup. BCCI: Bank of Crooks and Criminals International Clark Cliord wrote the 1947 NSA Act that created the national security state and in the twilight of his career was caught enmeshed in a banking scandal that was to become the yardstick by which all other terrorist linked corruption would come to be measured by. Ramparts magazine called Cliord a curious hybrid of Rasputin, Perry Como and Mr. Fix it, in an article that depicted him as an architect of U.S. States economic imperialism and linked that role to his legal work representing major multinational corporations. BCCI, meanwhile, had its own connections. The Reagan administration launched no investigation even a er the CIA had sent reports to the Treasury, Commerce, and State Departments bluntly describing the banks role in drug-money laundering and other illegal activities. BCCI catered to many of the most notorious tyrants and thugs of the late 20th century, including Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, the heads of the Medellin cocaine cartel, and Abu Nidal, the notorious Palestinian terrorist. According to the CIA, it also did business with those who went on to lead al Qaeda. BCCI went beyond merely oering nancial assistance to dictators and terrorists: According to Time, the operation itself was an elaborate fraud, replete with a global intelligence operation and a Maa-like enforcement squad. The Wall Street Journal reported in 1991, there was a mosaic of BCCI connections surrounding Harken Energy since George W. Bush came on board. In 1987, Bush secured a critical $25 million-loan from a bank that was a BCCI joint venture. A French intelligence report obtained by The Washington Post in 2002 identied dozens of companies and individuals who were involved with BCCI and were found to be dealing with bin Laden. As one senior U.S. investigator said in 2002, BCCI was the mother and father of terrorist nancing operations. Cliord and his former law partner, Robert Altman, were indicted in July 1992 on charges of fraud and accepting $40 million in bribes from the foreign-owned Bank of Credit and Commerce International. The two had been a orneys for BCCI. They denied the charges against them and said they were duped by BCCIs Pakistani executives. BCCI pleaded guilty in January 1992 to federal racketeering charges and agreed to forfeit a record $550 million in U.S. assets. (Washington Monthly, by David Sirota and Jonathan Baskin) IRAN-CONTRA: A secret program by the Reagan administration circumvented Congress, and illegally sold weapons to Iran, a terrorist nation, in order to pay for a guerilla war against the Sandinista Nicaraguan government. When the operation was uncovered it also uncovered an o the books operation that, in the words of Senator Daniel Innoye, was a secret government with its own permanent funding mechanism and its own army, navy, and air force. The exposure of the Iran-Contra operation revealed the tip of the iceberg. Admiral Richard Secord ran a many faceted program that concentrated on banking fraud, drug smuggling and illegal arms dealing by ocers and former ocers of the US military. Oliver L. North, a Marine lieutenant colonel assigned to the National Security Council sta beginning in 1981 until he was red on November 25, 1986, was the White House ocial most directly involved in secretly aiding the contras, selling arms to Iran, and diverting Iran arms sales proceeds to the contras. North, who was deputy director of political-military aairs, reported many of his activities to his superiors, National Security Adviser Robert C. McFarlane and later John M. Poindexter. He claimed to have taken much of his direction from Central Intelligence Agency Director William Casey. More signicantly, North testied repeatedly that he believed President Reagan was aware and approving of his activities. North was indicted in March 1988 on 16 Iran/contra charges, he was found guilty of three counts, Norths convictions were vacated on July 20, 1990, a er the appeals court found that witnesses in his trial might have been impermissibly aected by his immunized congressional testimony.
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aected by his immunized congressional testimony. Many gures that came under criminal investigation and prosecution in Iran-Contra, like John Poindexter, Elliot Abrams, Richard Armitage, Dick Cheney, O o Reich, Colin Powell, and John Negroponte returned to serve in the Bush administrations without serious challenge from Congress. Contras and the Crips: A San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug prots to an arm of the contra guerrillas of Nicaragua run by the Central Intelligence Agency, the San Jose Mercury News has found. This drug network opened the rst pipeline between Colombias cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the crack capital of the world. (Gary Web) The investigative reporter, Gary Webb, who broke the story that no other major newspaper would run, was found murdered in what can only be described as a staged suicide. In March, 1994 I traveled to Guatemala during spring vacation. The country was in a state of low level civil war, and bandana wearing AK-47 toting guerillas were nearly as numerous as the US armed government troops. The newspapers, radio, and television were blaring the story that American citizens were kidnapping Guatemalan children to smuggle out of the country and into the US to be used as unwilling organ donors for wealthy elderly Americans. This did not make me too popular with the local citizens who did not know me, and children playing in the park were hesitant to come near me. I felt as if a target had been painted on my back. A female teacher from Alaska who had traveled there on vacation to help Habitat for Humanity build housing for poor villagers was a acked by an angry mob and killed while I was there. The eect of the rumors was to drive a wedge between the civilian population and US citizens who traveled there to assist people through grass roots organizations. Driving south into Guatemala had been an eye opening experience that took me through several low level civil wars and road blocks too numerous to mention. The person I was traveling with was a Guatemalan citizen and former member of the military who made a living importing consumer goods purchased in the US. Despite his knowledge and connections it was obvious to me that he could not have smuggled so much as a microwave oven into the country, much less smuggled a Guatemalan child out of the country. The borders were closely guarded by scrupulous ocers who did not ask for bribes and checked the contents of every vehicle. From this I concluded that the Guatemalan government itself was at least complicit in the smuggling operations, if they even existed at all, and that the media stories were a psychological warfare operation designed to separate US citizens from helping the Guatemalan peasants. I was appalled that the US military presence in the country was so obvious, propping up a military dictatorship, despite the discontent, and violent opposition of its people. Imagine my surprise upon reading the work of author Gordon Thomas and Alex Constantine. (excerpt) In an investigation of the worldwide slavery underground, Gordon Thomas documented CIA participation in the kidnap of Latin American children own across the border in light air cra , and sold to child sex rings, or sold so their organs could be used in transplants. Some of the pilots, made two or three ights a day. The more experienced used Beech 18s because of the aircra s capacity and maneuverability. The majority of iers had own for the CIA. (Constantine pg81) Katherine Griggs: Katharine Kay Griggs knows what its like to have a gun pointed in her face. She knows what its like to have her face slapped, her bones broken and her nose bloodied by her former bully of a husband, an active Marine Colonel and a man who she claims is above the law and literally gets away with murder. Virginia court documents and photos of her ba ered arms and legs tell the sad and brutal physical story of her failed marriage, a tumultuous 11 year roller coaster ride ending in 1999. But the real story for public consumption isnt the private divorce court details. It is the secret military information about drug running, weapon sales, sexual perversion and assassination squads she learned rsthand from her husband, U.S. Marine Corps Col. George Raymond Griggs, now remarried and living in Mirror Lake, NH. This isnt the rst time Griggs is going public with her story about government mob-like hit squads and the sexually perverted secret cap and gown and skull and bone society her husband belonged to along with other high-ranking Marine ocers and pubic ocials. She rst went public in 1996 a er receiving death threats, being rescued by Sarah McClendon, former senior member of the White House press corps, who believed her story and took Griggs under her wing, giving her a place to stay and important advice about how to stay alive when dealing with military operatives. I became a whistle blower and received death threats, said Griggs this week in an extended telephone conversation from her Tidewater, VA. home. I nally wound up living for safety
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extended telephone conversation from her Tidewater, VA. home. I nally wound up living for safety reasons with Sarah, the dean of the White House Press Corps, who had been with every president since FDR and was in Army intelligence and also an a orneys daughter from Texas. Advised by McClendon to go public without being able to get the mainstream media to listen, she traveled to Adrian, MI on the advice of a friend to do a long extended taped interview with Pastor Rick Strawcu er, a preacher and owner of a 500 wa pirate FM station at 99.3 on the dial in Lenawee County. Strawcu er, who believed in free speech radio and empowering the public with the truth, produced two extended interviews nally released in 2000, one being a two hour version called Sleeping With The Enemy and the other an unedited eight hour version. Since then Griggs said she went back to her Virginia home, tried to piece her life together and essentially talked to private groups or anybody who would take the time to listen. Now this week Griggs decided to tell her story again, saying I will keep repeating it to anyone and adding a er 9/11, the war in Iraq, the London bombings and the fear of terrorism, the American people are at a point were they are ready and willing to hear the truth. Although they may be shocked, Griggs said the truth will set you free, even if it means facing up to the highest form of corruption, including sexual perversion and government sponsored mob-like hits orchestrated by high-ranking military and government ocials. My former husband George, who is a trained assassin, calls the people he is involved with the members of The Firm or The Brotherhood. If you are in the clique, you are above the law and literally can get away with murder. For years, mostly when he was drinking, he told me how he and others in this elite military group would kill people, said Griggs, as she mentioned name a er high-powered name and story a er-detailed story about sexual perversion, murder, military hit squads, brainwashing and mind control, all activities sanctioned, participated in and condoned by a group of military and political elite. There were many other things and people he told me about which were startling, things Ill tell you later. But George is like a robot, glazed eyes and all. While he drinks, he sort of comes alive. It is hard to explain unless you actually see him. He told me he was the No. 1 shooter for a long time for a group of powerful people at the top. If a guy is too honest, for example, they get rid of him. When asked how large an inside group it was and how she survived a er going public with such damning information about so many high powered names, she added: I just keep myself and my story in the public eye. I am a decent, honest person who believes in telling the truth. I have a deep, abiding faith and trust in God. I also come from a strong-minded, strong-willed family and I am not afraid of generals and admirals. As far as the sheer numbers of people involved in this cap and gown, skull and bones secret society, its hard to say. But it is based on old friendships, college and prep school relationships, covering up secrets and sexual perversion. My husband told me about all the sexually perverted rituals, like anal and oral sex in cons at drunken parties and running naked in the woods at Bohemian Grove. Then there was the last time I saw George, which was in 2001 and he was telling me to keep quiet, but I think he knows I will never stop telling the truth. During numerous drinking binges over many years, one of the main things that sticks out in Griggs mind was how easily her husband rationalized killing a small number of innocent people and how he was able to somehow justify the killings if it accomplished a strategic goal for the elite group involved. Who are these people? Griggs repeated a er being asked the same direct question. In general, they are rst generation German sons, mostly who run things in the military through tight friendships made in Europe and at war colleges. Psyops is a controlling group and Paul Wolfowitz is a major player, as are the many Zionists on this side of the Atlantic. Truth is light. And these guys are anxious to collect the global power now in the few hands of their Freemasonic ( French Masons ) brotherhoods elite hands. It is a very, very small group and a rather homogenized group of global top down existentialist Zionists and socialists. In short Nazis who came to the U.S. when Hitler, their boy, turned on them in 1933. Griggs said other recognizable names and major players she learned from her husbands arrogant ramblings besides Wolfowitz and other nondescript military and civilian names, involved in what she called a Zionist global takeover, included Donald Rumsfeld, George H. Bush, Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger and Andy Fine, to name a few. A er what I learned from George about Rummy, as he called him and idolized him and the others, is that they all operate from this secret li le, sick society and are all basically cowards and bullies. And I dont believe I should ever keep quiet about who they are because the only way we are going to change there behavior is to shed light on what they are doing and show how ludicrous , sick and inept their behavior really is. My husband George just idolized Rummy and thinks he is just wonderful when
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behavior really is. My husband George just idolized Rummy and thinks he is just wonderful when basically he is nothing more than an in the closet-Nazi. Also, George liked to brag how he and Wolfowitz were down in Indonesia in the 1970s, down there training young assassins. A er what I heard all those years and now pu ing it into perspective a er 9/11, I think they are trying to destroy America. Their whole game is all about war, selling weapons and creating a militaristic society. I know rst hand from listening to my husband, they will do anything I mean anything including murder to get what they want. Although Griggs said her husband never mentioned anything specic about 9/11 during their marriage, she claims he hinted several times that war-gaming and airplane crashes were necessary elements to control and manipulate the American population. Pu ing many of her husbands comments together with other acquaintances made through him, she had this to say about 9/11: Before 9/11, there were some things which let me know that it was involved with war gaming going on at ACT Commands center in Suolk. War games and diversions and manipulations of American public opinion he said are necessary. George explained some examples such as airplane crashes and the bombing by the Israeli Lebanese Bekka valley recruits who blew up the Marine Corps barracks. I believe my husband knew ahead of time 9/11 was going to occur. I know that there was a war game going on via Tampa, I think it was called Bright Star, which was being run on 9/11 by a weird and insecure USMC General who was in charge while the Army head was conveniently away in the Near East. I am sure 9-11 was a joint and combined military operation, using boys who were recruited via A.Q. Khans Israeli network in Pakistan and South Africa through Zionists in Hamburg. I believe that certain MI6 British Zionists with the Ian Goodwin-Peter Goodwin-Basil Cardinal Hume Yorkshire network were also involved in funding and recruiting these guys. It was a large and ongoing operation to set up and involved lots of CIA Zionists and lots of funny money. The Early Years: Griggs grew up in the elite Virginia Southern class, the child of a Reserve Military family of Sco ish and French Huguenot descent. Raised with strict Christian ideals, moral character, deep faith and impeccable ethics, she carried with her the headstrong outspoken nature of her father and the truth-seeking characteristics of her mother. However, a victim of old Southern male chauvinism and backward traditions, she was married young in an arranged fashion to John Garland Pollard III, the wealthy grandson of a Virginia Governor, who lived o his inheritance in a typical aristocratic Southern-style plantation. Looking back it was just horrible and suocating, said Griggs, who a er ge ing a divorce in 1983 went on to teach a er ge ing a degree in history with a specialty in Virginia history and the Sco ish Reformation. A er rese ling in a Virginia Beach home and working as an Asst. Director of the Chamber of Commerce, she was about to meet a dashing Marine Colonel who would forever change the course and direction of her life. Second Marriage To Col. Griggs: A er renting the main portion of her house to Col. Griggs, the couple dated for two months and were quickly married, a speedy decision the young bride would quickly learn to regret. The story of the couples courtship is of li le importance, but what happened a erwards regarding the colonels drunken ramblings takes center stage. He started drinking, did a lot of heavy drinking and at rst I thought I could change him, said Griggs, who listened closely over the years about her husbands role as a military assassin and his role as a military trainer who brought new, young assassins into the fold. He started talking openly about murder, corruption, assassinations and lies. It was just incredible the names that were involved and the people who were being killed. He gave me very detailed and graphic descriptions about how Waco was carried out, as well as how many other hits went down, including Malcolm Kerr, the head of the American University in Beirut and Ron Brown, who was trying to take away the State Departments monopoly on drug money and arms deals. My husband would get into these crazed stupors where he would be running around the house naked and there were times I would nd him lying in the grass that way. I learned about how he was sexually molested by homosexual teachers at the elite Hun School, where a lot of the others in this small elite group also a ended, including the members the Saudi Royal family. He told me how sex is used to control, intimidate and groom boys into this type of military service from a young age. He mentioned how many of The Brotherhood, as he liked to call them, are members of the Cap and Gown Princeton group or the Skull and Bones Yale crowd and how they performed sexually perverted induction ceremonies with anal and oral sex performed inside cons. During the nal two years of the marriage, Griggs said her husband basically disappeared. When she nally decided to blow the whistle on her husbands activities and others surrounding him, she met privately with a orney and former CIA Director William Colby, seeking advice. I really thought I would get some
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a orney and former CIA Director William Colby, seeking advice. I really thought I would get some help, but Colby was later found dead, said Griggs about Colby whose body was found eight weeks a er he disappeared on April, 27, 1996, while canoeing near his Rock Point, Maryland, vacation home. Then I started ge ing death threats, had my house burglarized, my car messed with and every time I would try to get the FBI or police to act, strangely nothing would be done. They would do things like steal my underwear, leave black dots on all my blouses and leave twelve screw drivers on my kitchen counter. They would do strange things like this, which if you think about it, is really hard to explain to the police without them thinking you are crazy. I later found out I was agged by Marine General Al Gray, my husbands boss who put the wheels in motion on much of the criminal activity. He agged me as a trouble maker knowing I was a free thinker who was not about to keep quiet like all the other military wives who knew too much. Finally, I sought help from Sarah McClendon, who basically saved my life. A er weathering the storm of harassment in Washington D.C., she was encouraged by friends to publicize her story nationally through the alternative media since major publications wouldnt touch it with a ten foot pole. In 1998, she then met Pastor Strawcu er who believed in her and who basically told the same story Griggs is telling today but in much more detail. Pastor Strawcu ers 1998 Taped Interview: Besides running a ministry in Adrian, MI., Strawcu ers main passion is truth-telling, his philosophy turning out to be a perfect match for Griggs when she nally contacted him one morning in 1998 as he broadcasted live during drive-time on his pirate FM radio station. I remember one morning ge ing this call during a commercial break and then we put Kay on live for about 45 minutes. I couldnt believe what I was hearing, said Strawcu er this week by telephone from his Michigan church. A er the show, I arranged for Kay to come to Michigan with her documentation and photos of the story. When Griggs arrived with her husbands diary and photos providing credible documentation for some of what she claimed, Strawcu er taped her story for over eight hours. A er the taping session, he recalls out of all the controversial stories he worked on, the Griggs story was one of the most troubling and dicult to deal with due to the sensitive nature of the allegations and the number of high-ranking names involved. Finally, a er si ing on the story for a year, Strawcu er decided to release it in two forms, the rst being a 2 hour edited video version of the interview which he distributed under the title of Sleeping With The Enemy and the other being simply the longer unedited eight hour version. And like Griggs recounted this week from her Virginia home, the Strawcu er tapes are even more detailed about how members of The Brotherhood operate in a world of treachery, deceit, lies, murder, drug running, sex slavery and illegal weapon sales, all in the name of forming a new world order. People need to know the truth about 9/11, Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing and, of course, what Kay Griggs is saying, said Strawcu er, who for a long time on his FM station had been testing the waters of truth by broadcasting controversial stories, many coming from the likes of Michael Collins Piper and other American Free Press writers, an alternative paper that also delves into subjects taboo in the mainstream media. I basically believed she was telling the truth and decided to go with the story as she told it. Asked if he was ever harassed for bringing the Griggs tapes public, he added: No, not really. I never worry about things like that. But I do know a er winning a landmark federal case to stay on the air in the 1990s, the feds came down real hard one me about three months a er 9/11 with another legal challenge to my station which had become wildly successful, becoming the second top rated show in the county. Shortly, therea er, Strawcu er was forced to take his brand of truth-telling radio o the air waves in the wake of legal roadblocks and challenges designed by the government to bankrupt his eorts. Katharine Kay Griggs Today: The head strong, truth telling woman who rst provided America with her shocking story in 1996, is really no dierent today although she readily admits the government is still trying to ruin her nancially and still monitors her closely. Although still under the government microscope, her energy and curiosity remain strong as ever. With all thats happening in the world, the time is right now for truth, said Griggs. I think America can handle the truth now and I basically want people to know that my husband and the people involved with him are really nothing but cowards and bullies. But they are, at the same time, dangerous, evil people that must be stopped. I am not a vindictive person and I also am not seeking publicity. I simply want people to know the truth about how these people are trying to destroy this country. And still trying to connect the dots in an a empt to expose The Brotherhood, she added: Im in the midst of research on the headmistress of my Episcopal girls school, St. Margarets, who spent years working with MI6 at Cheltenham!! This is Victor Rothschilds group with 6 representing
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spent years working with MI6 at Cheltenham!! This is Victor Rothschilds group with 6 representing the six-sided star and MI5 being more Masonic but still not sure about all of this yet. Single and living in the same home she shared with her former military husband, Griggs still holds rm to her strong Christian beliefs, saying she will talk to anybody who is interested in listening since she rmly believes truth is light and only the truth will set you free. (Greg Szymanski) TEN: RUSSIAN MIND CONTROL-Directed Energy Weapons Controlled Oensive Behavior, USSR a 1972 Army study of Soviet experimentation that focused on the targeting of individuals, not groups. Soviet dissidents were the target of microwave anti-personnel weapons and mind altering techniques that sought, the total submission of ones will to some outside force. The American eort at the time was just as exotic. Brain researcher Wilder Peneld demonstrated that electrical stimulation kicked up lost memories with perfect recall. Acoustical telemetry allowed American scientists to create scallops of infra-sound waves in the head, wiping clean all information stored by the brain cells. An EM arms race was in progress. EM mind control surfaced at the 1973 Russian Conference on Psychotronic Research. The agenda for the Prague meeting included the following ve topics: Erasure of the subconscious mind, development of ESP, induction of paranormal eects in dreams, the mechanical equivalent of neuropsychic energy, and the Psi gene. The Soviets were known to have potent blinding lasers. They were also feared to have developed acoustic and radiowave weapons. The 1987 issue of Soviet Military Power, a cold war Pentagon publication, warned that the Soviets might be close to a prototype short-range tactical RF [radio frequency] weapon. The Washington Post reported that year that the Soviets had used such weapons to kill goats at 1 kilometers range. The Pentagon, it turns out, has been pursuing similar devices since the 1960s. (Douglas Pasternak) The Russian capability, demonstrated in a series of laboratory experiments dating back to the mid-1970s, could be used to suppress riots, control dissidents, demoralize or disable opposing forces and enhance the performance of friendly special operations teams. Pioneered by the governmentfunded Department of Psycho-Correction at the Moscow Medical Academy, acoustic psychocorrection involves the transmission of specic commands via static or white noise bands into the human subconscious without upse ing other intellectual functions. Experts said laboratory demonstrations have shown encouraging results a er exposure of less than one minute. Moreover, decades of research and investment of untold millions of rubles in the process of psycho-correction has produced the ability to alter behavior on willing and unwilling subjects, the experts add. In an eort to restrict potential misuse of this capability, Russian senior research scientists, diplomats, military oces and ocials of the Russian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Policy are beginning to provide limited demonstrations for their U.S. counterparts. Further evaluations of key technologies in the United States are being planned, as are discussions aimed at creating a framework for bringing the issue under bilateral or multilateral controls, U.S. and Russian sources said. An undated paper by the Psycho Center, a Moscow-based group aliated with the Department of Psycho-Correction at the Moscow Medical Academy, acknowledges the potential danger of this capability. The Russian experts, including George Kotov, a former KGB general now serving in a senior government ministry post, present in their report a list of so ware and hardware associated with their psycho-correction program that could be procured for as li le as $80,000. As far as it has become possible to probe and correct psychic contents of human beings despite their will and consciousness by instrumental meansresults having been achieved can get out of [our] control and be used with inhuman purposes of manipulating psyche. The Russia authors note that, World opinion is not ready for dealing appropriately with the problems coming from the possibility of direct access to the human mind. Therefore, the Russian authors have proposed a bilateral Center for Psycho-technologies where U.S. and Russian could monitor and restrict the emerging capabilities. Dr. Igor Smirnov, a Russian expert on non-lethal weapons, was brought to the US for a series of meetings in Virginia in 1993. The meetings were a ended by representatives of the CIA, DIA, FBI, and ARPA, civilians included representatives of the NIMH and GMCs Director of Biomedical Research. Smirnov and his non-lethal weapons technology was brought to Waco during the Branch Davidian Siege in 1993 in hopes of using them on David Koresh, but a so ware problem reportedly made this
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Siege in 1993 in hopes of using them on David Koresh, but a so ware problem reportedly made this impossible, and Smirnov could not guarantee its safety. A rm called Psychotechnologies Corp., based in Richmond, Va., entered into an agreement with the Russians to share and develop this technology for American use. Dr. Smirnov died of a heart a ack in 2005 and the patent is now held exclusively by Psychotechnologies Corp. Psi-Tech is controlled by Col. John B. Alexander, General Michael Aquino, and Lt. Col. Albert Stubbblebine. Woodpecker WWIV: Full scale electromagnetic warfare between the US and USSR began on July 4, 1976 when the Russians began broadcasting a broadband of short wave radio signal that could be heard all over the world. The signal is maintained at enormous expense and is made up of the most powerful radio transmi ers in the world. The Russian Woodpecker radio signal varies between 3.26 and 17.5 megahertz, shortly a er it came on line complaints were heard, mostly centered in Oregon, headaches, anxiety, lack of body coordination, and other symptoms. Dr. Andra Puharich has researched electromagnetics since the early 1950s with connections to the US intelligence community, and is admi edly one of the world authorities. According to Dr. Andra Puharich, the Soviets caught US intelligence unaware with their 100megawa transmissions of extremely low frequency waves (ELF). The ELF pulse covered the frequency range of the brain. I had a hypothesis that this was a new mind control weapon that could entrain a human beings EEG. I designed an experiment and conclusively proved that the Soviet transmission could entrain the human brain and thereby induce behavioral modication. They (CIA) proved a certain ELF frequency could cause cancer, I have repeated these experiments and found this to be truea single ELF frequency (classied) can cause cancer. The US Air Force identied ve dierent frequencies in this compound harmonic the Russians were sending through the earth and the atmosphere. The intention was to aect a change in consciousness in mankind. The ELF waves will penetrate anything and everything, the specially shielded Faraday cage, the ocean. Nothing stops or weakens these signals. Puharich and Beck proved that a signal of 6 Hertz easily penetrated the copper walls of a Faraday cage, so could the rate the Russians used of 6.6 Hertzthis caused depression. 7.83 hertz could make a person feel good, this was the Schumann Resonance, the earths pulse rate. 10.8 Hertz could cause riotous behavior. Whole populations can be controlled by ELF waves. Intensive research on such behavior modication is now being conducted by the US govt. to nd out just what such waves do to people. This electromagnetic research is similar to the secret drug experiments conducted on the unsuspecting populace in the 1950s. Puharich went over the heads of the disbelieving US military and hand delivered a secret report to President Carter, Trudeau of Canada, and other western dignitaries. The government moved quickly to shut him up, burning down his home and much of his research. While in hiding in Mexico he had managed to arrange a meeting and an agreement was reached. He has had no trouble with the CIA to date, save that his book on the subject of the ELF war has been blocked from publication, the public remains uninformed. On the subject of the ELF cancer-causing wave he says, These waves cannot be jammed. The lower frequency Hertz waves are as long as 300,000 miles. The government has built huge transmi ers in South Africa, Australia and other places to beam ELF waves back to Russia. There is no shield that will stop these signals. (Kieth 203) Although the US govt. did not ocially acknowledge that the country was under electromagnetic assault from a foreign power, they apparently responded in kind, beyond what Puharich documented. Operation Pique involved ring electromagnetic signals o the ionosphere, to ricochet down on Eastern Europe, with a particular focus being Eastern European nuclear installations. ELEVEN: Unclassied Science: The Military nanced all scientic research into development of directed energy weapons. A er decades of work real progress was on the horizon and much of the research became classied, or once a breakthrough of some kind was made, the public program was shut down and restarted elsewhere in conditions of absolute secrecy. The published scientic papers that concerned potential weapons and even bioelectric medicine were reduced to a trickle, but occasional information about their existence continued to emerge. The work of Allen Sharp, Joseph Sharp, Allen Frey, Delgado, Ross Adey, J.F. Schapitz, Andre Puharich, Herman Schwann, James Lin, Bill Van Bise, Eldon Byrd, Robert Becker,
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Schapitz, Andre Puharich, Herman Schwann, James Lin, Bill Van Bise, Eldon Byrd, Robert Becker, James Lilly, Igor Smirnov and many others present sucient evidence of these weapons existence. The earliest work on the eects of electromagnetics on humans was done by Nikola Tesla. Drs Chaee and Light in 1934 published A Method For Remote Control of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System. The same year Soviet scientist Vasilev wrote Critical Evaluation of the Hypogenic Method. The experiments showed, At a distancemental suggestion to go to sleep was complied with within a minute. The background to the development of anti-personnel electromagnetic weapons can be traced to the early-middle 1940s and possibly earlier. The earliest extant reference was contained in the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacic Survey, Military Analysis Division, Volume 63) reviewed Japanese research and development eorts on a Death Ray. While not reaching the stage of practical application, research was considered suciently promising to warrant the expenditure of 2 million Yen during the years 1940-1945. Summarizing the Japanese eorts, allied scientists concluded that a ray apparatus might be developed that could kill unshielded human beings at a distance of 5 to 10 miles. Studies demonstrated that, for example, automobile engines could be stopped by tuned waves as early as 1943. It is therefore reasonable to suppose that this technique has been available for a great many years. Research on living organisms (mice and ground hogs) revealed that waves from 2 meters to 60 centimeters in length caused hemorrhage of lungs, whereas waves shorter than two meters destroyed brain cells. Andre Puharich studied the eects of radio waves on animals at Northwestern University in the late 1940s, later founded a laboratory he called the Round Table Foundation of Electro biology. His associate in the organization was Warren S. McCulloch of Bellevue, an early advocate of electronic brain implants, chair of conferences sponsored by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. Puharich was later employed at the Armys Chemical and Biological Warfare Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland, researching the eects of LSD for the CIA in 1954. He perfected the radio tooth implant, a small li le relay and receiver and transmi er. Puharich also worked at the Permanente Research Foundation and was funded by Sandoz Chemical Works. (Kieth pg 176) Dr. Allan Frey, a biophysicist at G.E.s Advanced Electronics Center, Cornell Univ. (and a contractor for the oce of Naval Research) discovered in 1958 that the auditory system responds to EM energy in a portion of the RF spectrum at low power densitieswell below that necessary for biological damage. The human auditory system and a table radio may be one order of magnitude apart in sensitivity to RF energy. Frey proposed stimulating the nervous system without the damage caused by electrodes. He wrote two papers, Microwave Auditory Eect and Applications and Human Auditory Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy. Freys work had obvious implications for covert operations. He synchronized pulsed microwaves with the myocardial rhythm of a frogs heart, the heart stopped beating. Frey had perfected the induction of heart seizures by beamed electromagnetics. He microwaved cats and found that stimulation of the hypothalamus had a powerful eect on emotions. Frey found that human subjects exposed to 1310MHz and 2982 MHz microwaves at average power densities of 0.4 to 2mW/cm2 perceived auditory soundsThe peak power densities were on the order of 200 to 300 mW/cm2 and the pulse repetition frequencies varied from 200 to 400 HzFrey referred to this auditory phenomenon as the RF (radio frequency) sound. The sensation occurred instantaneously at average incident power densities well below that necessary for known biological damage and appeared to originate from within or near the back of the head. Frey was reluctant to experiment on humans but others, particularly Paperclip scientist were not. Dr. Ross Adey worked at UCLA, rigged the brains of lab animals to transmit to a radio receiver, which shot signals back to a device that sparked any behavior desired by the researcher. Adey had worked closely with migr Nazi technicians a er WWII. Adey determined that emotional states and behavior can be remotely inuenced merely by placing a subject in an electromagnetic eld. By directing a carrier frequency to stimulate the brain and using amplitude modulation to shape the wave to mimic a desired EEG frequency, he was able to impose a 4.5 CPS theta rhythm on his subjects. Drs. Joseph Sharp and Allen Frey experimented with microwaves seeking to transmit spoken words directly into the audio cortex via a pulsed-microwave analog of the speakers sound vibration. Indeed, Freys work in this eld, dating back to 1960, gave rise to the so called Frey eect which is now more commonly referred to as microwave hearing. Within the Pentagon this ability is now known as Articial Telepathy. Adey and others have compiled an entire library of frequencies and pulsation rates which
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Telepathy. Adey and others have compiled an entire library of frequencies and pulsation rates which can aect the mind and nervous system. (Guya ) Dr Herman Schwann is hailed as the father of bioelectric medicine, out of his research came the 10 milliwa safety standard set in the 1950s. Schwann worked at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of biophysics in Germany, became a Paperclip scientist a er the war and taught bioengineering at the Univ. of Pennsylvania. Schwann was heavily funded, mostly by the DOD. Schwann was lionized at the University of Pennsylvania as a great humanitarian, his portrait still hangs in a place of honor. Schwann was a German scientist who came to the US under a military recruitment program a er the war. He has worked at the University of Pennsylvania on numerous government contracts and set the rst health and safety standards for electromagnetic radiation, adopted by the US government. In Physical Properties of Biological Ma er: Some History, Principles, and Applications by Herman P. Schwann, 1982. Rajewsky and I had published a paper on the conductivity of erythrocytes, reporting, for the rst time, dielectric measurements on biological materials extending up to 1,000 MHz. I mention all of these things to indicate the decisive role that the Navy and NIH played. Navy support has been available to me, in one form or another, ever since 1947, and NIH support since 1952. The book continues, While a young physics student, nancial problems forced me to interrupt my studies until I found employment as an electronics technician at the Oswalt Institute for Physics in Medicine, now the Max Planck Institute for Biophysicscell membranes are not likely to be aected directly by microwaves since elds of interest can only apply potentials across the membranes that are vanishingly small in comparison with potentials needed to yield signicant membrane responses. And signicant responses of biopolymers require eld strength levels very much higher than those causing undue heating. Schwann has worked extensively in the biomedical engineering eld. He has claimed up to the 1990s that the non-thermal eects of electromagnetic radiation have not been proven. Schwans March 22, 2000 email response to the issue of classied electromagnetic, neurological weapons stated. I am not aware of military antipersonnel weapons using electromagnetic (EM) radiation. There was a lot of talk about it some years ago. I believe the potential for such weaponry is small since EM radiation eld strength decreases inversely with the distance square in the distant eld. (Cheryl Welsh) Dr. J.F. Schapitz was funded by the DOD, proposing in 1974 the use of radio broadcasting in conjunction with hypnotic control. He wrote, the spoken word of the hypnotist may be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain-i.e., without employing any technical devices for the receiving and transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such inuence having a chance to control the input consciously The second experiment was the implanting of hypnotic suggestions for simple acts, like leaving the lab to buy some particular item, which were to be triggered by a suggested time, spoken word, or sight. Subjects were to be interviewed later. It may be expected that they rationalize their behavior and consider it to be undertaken out of their own free will. The results of Schapitz experimentation have never been released to the public. (Kieth pg 181) Eldon Byrd, a specialist in medical bioengineering, worked for the Marine Corps 1980-83 at the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute of Bethesda, Maryland. Byrd experimented on small animals and himself to see if electromagnetic waves could be used to inuence or entrain the brain activity of living organisms. Byrd said, We could put animals into a stupor by hi ing them with these frequencies. We got chick brains in vitro to dump 80% of the natural opioids in their brains. The eect was non-lethal and reversible. You could disable a person temporarily, it would have been like a stun gun, we would have had a weapon in one year. Byrd reported having his work taken away from him and the project going black, numerous other researchers in electromagnetics report having their work taken away from them at the precise point when they begin to get successful results. (Kieth pg 183) Dr. Dietrich Beischer exposed 7,000 naval crew men to dangerous levels of microwave energy, claiming the exposure limits could be obtained no other way given the exquisitely complex and dynamic nature of the human organism. Dr Beischer disappeared or died in 1977, like scores of other scientists engaged in research on microwave weapons. Nobel laureate Robert O. Becker received a phone call from Beischer He blurted out, Im at a pay phone, I cant talk long, they are watching me. I cant go to the meeting or ever communicate with you again. Im sorry, youve been a good friend. Goodbye. Soon a er I called his oce at Pensacola and was told, Im sorry, there is no one here by that name. Just as in the movies, a guy who had done important research there for decades just
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that name. Just as in the movies, a guy who had done important research there for decades just disappeared. According to author Ford Rowan, Richard Helms dream of biocommunication was achieved by the CIA in the late sixties. Microwaves penetrated the skull, the miniaturized receiver linked the brain to a remote computer. Brain waves were deciphered, recorded, and beamed to another persontwo-way mental communication. (Kieth pg 180) At the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Dr. Joseph C. Sharp, himself, was the subject of an experiment in which pulsed microwave audiograms, or the microwave analog of the sound vibrations of spoken words, were delivered to his brain in such a way that he was able to understand the words that were spoken. Military and undercover uses of such a device might include driving a subject crazy with inner voices in order to discredit him, or conveying undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin. In his autobiography, The Scientist, John C. Lilly records a conversation he had with the director of the National Institute of Mental Healthin 1953. The director asked Lilly to brief the CIA, FBI, NSA, and the various military intelligence services on his work using electrodes to stimulate directly the pleasure and pain centers in the brain. Lilly refused, noting, in his reply: Dr. Antoine Remond, using our techniques in Paris, has demonstrated that this method of stimulation of the brain can be applied to the human without the help of the neurosurgeon; he is doing it in his oce in Paris without neurosurgical supervision. This means that anybody with the proper apparatus can carry this out on a person covertly, with no external signs that the electrodes have been used on that person. I feel that if this technique got into the hands of a secret agency, they would have total control over a human being and be able to change his beliefs extremely quickly, leaving li le evidence of what they had done. (Cannon, Martin, The Controllers, 1980) Dr. James Lin of Wayne State University wrote a book entitled Microwave Auditory Eects & Applications, in which he states The capability of communicating directly with humans by pulsed microwaves is obviously not limited to the eld of therapeutic medicine. EM mind control machines were championed at Stanford University by Dr. Karl Pribram, director of the Neuropsychology Research Laboratory: I certainly could educate a child by pu ing an electrode in the lateral hypothalamus and then selecting the situations at which I stimulate it. In this way I can grossly change his behavior. Psychology Today celebrated Pribram as The Magellan of Brain Science. He obtained his B.S. and M.D. degrees at the University of Chicago, and at Stanford University studied how the brain processes and stores sensory imagery. He is credited with discovering that mental imaging bears a close resemblance to hologram projection (the basis for transmi ing images to the craniums of test subjects under the misnomer remote viewing?). (Constantine) Dr. Michael Persinger, a psychologist and neuro-scientist, did research on the eects of electromagnetic radiation on the brain for a Pentagon weapons project. He has worked in the eld for 40 years and has been funded by the Navy and reportedly the NSA as well. Persinger perfected a means to make experimental subjects feel they have been abducted by aliens or had an encounter with angels or God through the use of a modied motorcycle helmet equipped with solenoids to send electromagnetic pulses through the frontal lobes of their brains. Human experience of God can be generated by a process that has nothing to do with whether God exists or not. Persinger published, On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms. (1995) A process which is coupled to the narrow band of brain temperature could allow all normal human brains to be aected by a sub harmonic whose frequency range at 10 Hz would only vary by 0.1 Hz. Random variations, of noise within the matrices could potentially dierentiate between individual brains. In other words individuals could be identied by the specic characteristics of their brain output. Identication of these sequences could also allow direct access to the most complex neurocognitive processes associated with the self, human consciousness and the aggregate of experimental representations (episodic memory) that dene the individual within the brain. In other words, a persons memory, consciousness, and sense of self can be fully accessed and modied by electromagnetic meansessentially a persons personality can be completely shaped by electromagnetic means much like the research of Dr. Ewen Cameron sought to do with more primitive means. Persinger says brain processes can be circumvented by direct induction of this information within the brainthe basic premise is that synthetic duplication of the neuroelectrical correlates generated by sensors to an actual stimulus should produce identical experiences without the presence of that
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sensors to an actual stimulus should produce identical experiences without the presence of that stimulus. He is saying that virtually any mental state can be articially injected into a human brainfrom an exterior source. The most frightening thing is that the means for doing this already exist in a fully operational form on a worldwide basis. The power levels for these amplitudes are similar to those associated with the signals (generated globally by radio and communication systems) Within the last two decades a potential has emerged which was improbable but which is now marginally feasible. This potential is the technical capability to inuence directly the major portion of the approximately six billion brains of the human speciesby generating neural information within a physical medium within which all members of the species are immersed. Persingers message, minus the jargon, is that the entire human race can be mind controlled through the use of television and radio networks. (Kieth 207) TWELVE: Building the Perfect Beast: Strategic Defense Initiative: The Star Wars program routinely falsied research data, We would lose hundreds of millions of dollars in Congress if we did not perform it successfully, we put a beacon with a certain frequency on the target vehicle, on the interceptor we had a receiver. The hit looked beautiful so Congress did not ask questions. The very idea of Star Wars, an umbrella that would shield America from Soviet nuclear warheads-was itself a massive deception. No knowledgeable scientist thought for a minute such a shield was feasible. Yet the Pentagon proceeded with this fraud and faked other tests in 1990 and 1991 a er the Soviet threat had disappeared. Edward Teller was charged with falsifying test data on Super Excalibur, a nuclear powered x-ray laser built by Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, the project was canceled in 1992. (Constantine pg38) All the talk about death rays and charged particle beams has been li le more than an elaborate smokescreen designed to hide the fact that the US is developing a directed energy weapon that uses a high-power microwave pulse. (Brodeur) Livermore has been a central participant in SDI since 1982, when Teller, the labs founder suggested SDI to Reagan. The father of the H-bomb received 40,000 shares of a laser research company that later defrauded investors. Dr. Teller tried to sell Alaska on Project Plowshare, the use of six thermonuclear weapons to excavate a harbor at Cape Thompson, Alaska. In 1987 Teller returned to Alaska to propose the installation of a laser like weapon system on the North Slope of Alaska. The weapon system Teller was trying to sell was classied and not openly discussed, but the presentations indicated this Star Wars weapon was HAARP. In 1995 Congress killed funding for Star Wars, but HAARP continues as the ultimate SDI radio frequency radiation weapon. The Reagan administration intensied the push into EM weapons development under project Sleeping Beauty. A scientist working for the Armys ballistic defense command complained to the House Government operations Commi ee that as much as half the entire SDI budget had disappeared into classied projects. When Ronald Reagan spoke to the UN about Star Wars he promised that the weapons system would be shared with all of humanity and that, should we be invaded by aliens it would be used to defend the earth. High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project HAARP is the worlds largest electromagnetic broadcasting station, and may represent an escalation in the WWIV electromagnetic war. The project is a creation of US Air Force and Naval Research, publicly it is for ionospheric research, but can be used to control weather and do electromagnetic sweeps that can be used for mind control of large populations. HAARP, 30 miles from Fairbanks Alaska, is the real focus of anti-missile defense that SDI purported to beand much more. The public patent was titled, A Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region of the Earths Atmosphere, Ionosphere and Magnetosphere. Dr. Bernard Eastland, a physicist who holds a patent for the fusion torch also holds about a dozen others related to HAARP that were eventually purchased by E-Systems and Raytheon. Patent #4,686,605 claims the following uses: cause total disruption of (all forms) of communications over a very large portions of the earthmissile or aircra destruction, deection or confusion weather modicationby altering solar absorption, also altering composition of the atmosphere. This patent was classied by the Navy under a National Security Order in 1987, but other patents exist for purposes of, Power Beaming Systems, Articial Ionospheric Mirror Composed of a Plasma Layer, Creation of Articial Ionizing Clouds Above the Earth, Defense System for Discriminating Between Objects in Space, Nuclear-Sized
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Above the Earth, Defense System for Discriminating Between Objects in Space, Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation. HAARP is described as a research instrument for studying the Ionosphere, an Ionospheric Heater (IRI), of which many exist, but HAARP is special. The ability to focus energy and the unprecedented amount, in gigawa s (billion wa s), makes it literally millions of times more eective at heating the region about 120 miles high. The atmosphere has most of its density below 30 miles altitude, the ionosphere is the very thin layer above that absorbs dangerous ultraviolet radiation and makes life possible on earth. There is li le mixing normally between the two layers, but disturbances in the Ionosphere translate to changes in weather, such as normally occurring sunspots and the solar wind. The main idea behind HAARP is the ability to direct electrons along the naturally occurring magnetic eld lines of the earth and accelerate them to near the speed of light to form a protective shell of highly excited particles that not only block communications worldwide, but destroy missiles in their trajectory as they descend from space. The eects can be localized by punching a hole through the Ionosphere to super heat an area of 30 Km in diameter into a plasma shield. Any missile or aircra would be destroyed that tried to y through the plasma, which is the fourth state of ma er. A hole in the Ionosphere over an enemy country could kill by allowing solar radiation to strike the surface unhindered. Weather modication could also be used as an instrument of warfare by manipulating the electrojet and the jet streams that dictate climate. The publicly stated aim is C3, or communications, the margin of victory in war is to block or intercept enemy communications and to secure your own. The signals in the ELF range can be generated by HAARP and heard anywhere in the world, and are used for earth-penetrating tomography, basically nding enemy submarines or underground bases. Volcanoes and earthquakes cause electromagnetic disturbances and it is theorized that EM disturbances might of themselves trigger earthquakes and volcanoes. Dr. Richard Williams says the high-energy experiments will generate the equivalent of the output of 10-100 large power generating stations and that Tests of these kinds could cause irreversible damage. David Yarrow states, Earths axial spin means that a burst lasting more than a few minutes will slice through the ionosphere like microwave knifeproducing not a hole but a long tear-an incision. According to Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, The ionosphere is prone to catalytic reactions, so if a small part is changed, a major change in the Ionosphere can happen. HAARP documents admit that thousand fold greater amounts of energy can be released in the Ionosphere than injected. Stanford University experiments beaming radio waves (VLF) into the magnetosphere, detected the signals halfway around the world, some were amplied a thousand times. HAARP documents describe intentionally trying to get a runaway eect in the Ionosphere, the instabilities commonly studied are approaching their maximum RF energy dissipative capacity, beyond which the plasma process will runaway until the next limiting factor is reached. The rst atomic weapons testing was done without knowing if the chain reaction would stop or keep going. Oppenheimer admi ed years later that, The government knew that the scientists didnt know. The decision to pulse several gigawa s of energy into the Ionosphere could cross a thresholdWalter Richmond wrote an account of such an event in a book entitled, The Lost Millennium, the event began with a solar tap and a planetary short circuit. The surge of power became an avalancheat the pole in the vertical plane of the earths magnetic eld where the winds of magnetism would not rise to blow it out. One trillion wa -seconds of energy unleashed their fury on the polar cap in the rst asheven as it discharged, the ionosphere was recharged from the solar furnace. The rst ash became a might roar that poured an increased and now steady streamof energy through the now-stabilized short circuit. Kilo cubit a er square kilo cubit of frozen wasteland boiled. Wa a er wa of ever-increasing avalanche energy lit the polar cap with a glare that had never before been seen Earths an electrical motorWhen the motor began to run wild, it would increase its rotational speedEventually the Earth would explode from increased centrifugal stress. Dr. Teller tried to sell Alaska on Project Plowshare, the use of six thermonuclear weapons to excavate a harbor at Cape Thompson, Alaska. In 1987 Teller returned to Alaska to propose the installation of a laser like weapon system on the North Slope of Alaska. The weapon system Teller was trying to sell was classied and not openly discussed, but the presentations indicated this Star Wars weapon was HAARP. In 1995 Congress killed funding for Star Wars, but HAARP continues as the ultimate SDI radio frequency radiation weapon. The HAARP project manager describes the experiment of earth penetrating capability using
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The HAARP project manager describes the experiment of earth penetrating capability using frequencies of 10 to 20 Hertz (pulses per second) or maybe one Hertz, one cycle per second type waves. This range of frequencies are the same dominant frequencies within which the human brain normally operates. Objections to nondisclosure of the biological eects of ELF on living things were ignored. The military, particularly the Navy and Air Force, have extensive research on the negative eects of ELF. These eects have been well documented but the government easily deects public concern by playing down the eects and minimizing the risks. This is the same method used for other military systems, including nuclear weapons tests, LSD experiments, and radiation experiments, all carried out on unknowing subjects under the guise of National Security. The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been falsied as to the true nature of the weapon system, its capabilities, and its possible fallout. The military will never abandon this aspect of the miniature Manha an Project regarding RFR weapons because of the extreme versatility and relative inexpensive weapons system. HAARP can do seven things or moreGenerate an EMP to disable electronic devices, improve submarine communications, more exible and accurate radar, disrupt enemy communications while maintaining ours, earth penetrating radar for nding hidden installations, nding oil, gas and mineral deposits, detection of low ying missiles and planes. These are just the publicly stated capabilities. E-Systems is part of the central nervous systems for the nations intelligence community with nearly 90% of $2 billion in sales in classied projects. Most of these projects were for the NSA and CIA, while the employees are o en former Agency ocials. Raytheon purchased E-Systems for $2.3 billion and holds at least twelve patents related to HAARP. E-Systems was the most secretive company in the US and a er the sale its details are even more shrouded in mystery. The brain operates with a narrow band of frequencies, beta waves or normal activity are 13-35 Hz, alpha waves or focused mental functioning are 8-12 Hz, theta waves or mental imagery are 4-7 Hz, and delta waves or sleep are .5-3 Hz. External stimulation of the brain by electromagnetic energy causes the brain to become entrained or locked in phase with an external signal. Specic waveforms and frequencies trigger precise chemical responses in the brain. The release of these neurochemicals cause specic reactions in the brain, which result in feelings of fear, lust, depression, love, etc. The power level needed to achieve a level of control over brain activity is very small, from 5 to 200 microamperes, which is a thousand times less than the power to run a 60wa light bulb. The trick to inuencing brain activity is in the combination of frequency, power level and wave form. In 1958 at the age of 14 Daniel Patrick Flanagan invented the Neurophone, a device to convert sound (words, music) into electrical impulses, which can be transferred through any point on the body directly into the brain, bypassing the ear entirely. The patent oce refused a patent and told the inventor that if the device could make one of their deaf employees hear, he would issue the patent. The device was tested, the employee heard and the patent was granted. The DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) classied the invention and froze research for years. In 1978 a er the secrecy order was li ed Flanagan produced the Mark XI and Thinkman Model 50, which were used as learning tools because they literally download taped information into long term memory. Recent discussions with Flanagan about the subject of HAARP revealed that this radio transmi er could be used as a wireless neurophone covering the entire planet. The HAARP transmi ing system could be used inadvertently or intentionally to alter mental functions. (Begich) THIRTEEN: Patents/Spin-os PATENTS: Classication under the heading of National Security is sucient to hide the experimental work of scientists engaged in directed energy weapons research, but if an inventor wishes to reap nancial rewards for a device a patent must be led. There are hundreds of patents related to directed energy weapons and what the Pentagon now refers to as psychotronica or synthetic telepathy. The existence of these patents, together with the body of scientic research, and the testimony of victims of human experimentation is incontrovertible proof that the weapons exist. The earliest patents for directed energy weapons belong to Nikola Tesla. Tesla built the rst electrical generating station, single handedly beginning the modern age. The SDI patent drawings submi ed 70 years later by Dr. Bernard Eastland who holds numerous SDI patents are essentially Tesla drawings. It is hard to imagine a technical genius that far ahead of his time. J.P. Morgan was the primary investor in Tesla, eventually cu ing o funding and conscating the rights to the many devices and patents while Tesla died in
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cu ing o funding and conscating the rights to the many devices and patents while Tesla died in poverty and obscurity. Robert G. Malech patented in 1976 an, Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves (#3951134). The patents abstract states, Apparatus for method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from the subject whereby electromagnetic signals of dierent frequencies are simultaneously transmi ed to the brain of the subject. The present invention relates to apparatus and a method for monitoring brain waves wherein all components of the apparatus are remote from the test subject. High frequency transmi ers are operated to radiate electromagnetic energy of dierent frequencies through antennas which are capable of scanning the entire brain of the test subject or any desired region thereof. The signals of dierent frequencies penetrate the skull of the subject and impinge upon the brain where they mix to form an interference wave modulated by radiation from the brains natural electrical activity. The Modulated interference wave is transmi ed by the brain and received by an antenna at a remote station where it is demodulated, and processed to provide a prole of the subjects brain waves. In addition to passively monitoring his brain waves, the subjects neurological processes may be aected by transmi ing to his brain, through transmi ing compensating signals. The la er signals can be derived from the received and processed brain waves. (Kieth pg 182) Robert A. Monroe (1993)Method for Inducing Mental, Emotional and Physical States of Consciousness, Including Specic Mental Activity in Human Beings, patented by Robert A. Monroe, a practitioner of remote viewing, founder of the Monroe Institute in Charlo esville, Virginia. Specic states of consciousness can be induced, through generation of stereo audio signals having specic wave shapeshuman brain waves, in the form of EEGs, are superimposed upon specic stereo audio signals, known as carrier frequencies which are within the range of human hearing. Monroe led a later patent as an improvement, he is reported to have had close connections to the CIA, and is now deceased. MIND CONTROL WEAPON-RELATED PATENTS BY NUMBER 6011991, Mardirossian A system and method for enabling human beings to communicate by way of their monitored brain activity. The brain activity of an individual is monitored and transmi ed to a remote location (e.g. by satellite). At the remote location, the monitored brain activity is compared with pre-recorded normalized brain activity curves, waveforms, or pa erns to determine if a match or substantial match is found. If such a match is found, then the computer at the remote location determines that the individual was a empting to communicate the word, phrase, or thought corresponding to the matched stored normalized signal. 6017302, Loos: In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance aects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The eects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these eects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range. Suitable apparatus consists of a portable ba erypowered source of weak sub audio acoustic radiation. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or sexual arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of insomnia, tremors, epileptic seizures, and anxiety disorders. There is further application as a nonlethal weapon that can be used in law enforcement stando situations, for causing drowsiness and disorientation in targeted subjects. It is then preferable to use venting acoustic monopoles in the form of a device that inhales and exhales air with sub audio frequency. 3773049 LIDA: An apparatus for the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic disorders wherein light-, sound-, VHF electromagnetic eld-pulses and radiation from light-, sound-, VHF electromagnetic eld- and heat-sources, respectively, are simultaneously applied by means of a control unit to the patients central nervous system with a predetermined repetition rate. The light radiation and sound radiation sources are made so as to exert an adequate and monotonous inuence of the light-and sound-radiation on the patients visual analyzers and auditory analyzers, respectively. (USSR 1960s era technology) 4858612 Stocklin: A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the auditory cortex is shown and described.
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introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the auditory cortex is shown and described. A microphone is used to transform sound signals into electrical signals which are in turn analyzed and processed to provide controls for generating a plurality of microwave signals at dierent frequencies. The multifrequency microwaves are then applied to the brain in the region of the auditory cortex. By this method sounds are perceived by the mammal which are representative of the original sound received by the microphone. 4877027 Brunkan: Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated. 5123899 Gall: A system for altering the states of human consciousness involves the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli, preferable sounds, having diering frequencies and wave forms. The relationship between the frequencies of the several stimuli is exhibited by the equation 5159703 Lowery: A silent communications system in which non-aural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmi ed directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener. 5356368 Monroe: Improved methods and apparatus for entraining human brain pa erns, employing frequency following response (FFR) techniques, facilitate a ainment of desired states of consciousness. In one embodiment, a plurality of electroencephalogram (EEG) waveforms, characteristic of a given state of consciousness, are combined to yield an EEG waveform to which subjects may be susceptible more readily. In another embodiment, sleep pa erns are reproduced based on observed brain pa erns during portions of a sleep cycle; entrainment principles are applied to induce sleep. In yet another embodiment, entrainment principles are applied in the work environment, to induce and maintain a desired level of consciousness. A portable device also is described TECHNOLOGICAL SPINOFFS: Technological spinos from microwave weapons and Delgados stimoceiver brain implant have applications in the medical eld and in the eld of criminology. Implants allow a doctor now to check on the health of thousands of distant patients, and to treat them with a keystroke. Paraplegics can now control a computer cursor with their minds, and may soon walk. The blind may be able to see and the deaf to hear with the virtually limitless potential of bioelectric medicine. Published research papers into bioelectric medicine were very numerous for several decades but classication by the military and intelligence services who jealously guard what they consider the Sword of Excalibur, reduced the output to a mere trickle and dried up funds for medical applications research. Currently a new generation of bioelectric medical research has begun to show promise of incredible breakthroughs so that what has been restricted for 30 years is now beginning to emerge on its own. Criminology has taken much the same turn as the military, concentrating on the uses of technology to imprison the human mind and spirit in a virtual straightjacket. The military nanced secret research and suppressed its dissemination through the use of classication, stopping the legitimate use of bioelectric medicine to heal. The terrible weapons they have so laboriously developed to a ack the minds of enemy populations have been turned upon the American people. In the same breath the criminal justice system and the penal system have applied the new technology in an equally arrogant and criminal manner. What began as a program to monitor and control the behavior of prisoners has resulted in a virtual prison and unimaginable torment for thousands of innocent citizens. Biocybernetics: 1. The science of communications and control in animals, especially physiologic feedback mechanisms and central nervous system control. 2. The study of how communication and control occurs within the bodies of living things between dierent parts of the body. Spin-os include medical applications of the transmi er-reinforcer, a device that transmits data on a patients health. The microwave signal sends accurate readings of a patients condition to a computer,
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Spin-os include medical applications of the transmi er-reinforcer, a device that transmits data on a patients health. The microwave signal sends accurate readings of a patients condition to a computer, which digests the data. Many patients can be monitored simultaneously, and if a patient needs a dose of aversion treatment, the computer acts as a controller, delivering a tone signal or a shock. One study suggested that transmi er receivers implanted in the brains of patients could monitor and control the patients behavior. The form of this new revolution most familiar to the public is the RFID chip that is implanted in family pets to ID them if they lost. Implants are now common that are designed to be read remotely in order to track valuable livestock on vast ranches or track rare wildlife in their natural habitat. These RFID chips are smaller than a grain of rice and can be injected with a special syringe or even red from a specially designed rie to avoid anesthetizing endangered wildlife. The Chinese have developed just such a rie but this one is designed to re RFIDs into Chinese dissidents in order to track them and to interfere with their activities using the above mentioned technique of aversion therapy. Dr. Robert Becker, Nobel Prize recipient, author of The Body Electric, has used bioelectric medicine to regenerate missing limbs on animals, as well as missing organ systems. The coming revolution in biocybernetics and bioelectric medicine has been funded by the military in the early years but now the obvious utility and potential for nearly biblical cures in the high tech realm have drawn investment from companies who are not dependent on the military or CIA for research funds. Many of these companies are viewed as strategic assets by the intelligence community and have been purchased or are led by prominent members of the Community. Despite the eort at controlling the future direction of the technology, the cat is out of the bag and the ood of new inventions and processes will eventually swamp the eort to control it. Personal tracking and recovery system, patent number 5,629,678, led Jan. 10, 1995 Apparatus for tracking and recovering humans utilizes an implantable transceiver incorporating a power supply and actuation system allowing the unit to remain implanted and functional for years without maintenance. The implanted transmi er may be remotely actuated, or actuated by the implantee. Power for the remote-activated receiver is generated electromechanically through the movement of body muscle. The device is small enough to be implanted in a child, facilitating use as a safeguard against kidnapping, and has a transmission range which also makes it suitable for wilderness sporting activities. A novel biological monitoring feature allows the device to be used to facilitate prompt medical dispatch in the event of heart a ack or similar medical emergency. A novel sensation-feedback feature allows the implantee to control and actuate the device with certainty. In a 1972 article in Issues in Criminology, the CIA/Pandora telemetric implants were advocated as a means to monitor and manipulate the minds of the probationers. The technique of telemetric control of human beings oers the possibility of regulating behavior with precision on a subconscious level. According to DOD ocial Joseph Meyer, the technology could, Surround the criminal with a kind of externalized conscience, an electronic substitute for social conditioning, group pressure, and inner motivation. The ideal subject was, the poor and uneducated urban dweller (who) is fundamentally unnecessary to the economy. In light of these developments scientists at Lockheed and Stanford Research Institute prepared a report for the Third International Conference on Articial Intelligence at Stanford University. It postulated the rise of a technocrat elite with dominion over intelligence and identication systems to monitor whole countries. In the 1970s in the law review Crime and Justice, an article entitled The Use of Electronics in the Observation and Control of Human Behavior and its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Control stated In the very near future, a computer technology will make possible alternatives to imprisonment. The development of systems for telemetering information from sensors implanted in or on the body will soon make possible the observation and control of human behavior without actual physical contactit will be possible to maintain 24 hour surveillance over the subject and to intervene electronically or physically to inuence and control selected behavior. It will thus be possible to exercise control over human behavior and from a distance without contact. (Kieth pg 102) Hitachi is selling microchip technology to the public, called the Mu chip, it can be a ached to passports and banknotes and easily implanted into human beings by subdermal injection. It is 0.4 mm by 0.4 mm, about the size of a at grain of sand. It is an RFID (radio frequency ID) chip, meaning when the chip is scanned it will instantly register your personal bar code, which will then plug into the master database of your life. A larger chip, the size of a grain of sand is sold by Verichip which is capable of sending
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of your life. A larger chip, the size of a grain of sand is sold by Verichip which is capable of sending radio signals, locating you via GPS, and accessing you remotely. It is being marketed as a way to automatically debit your bank account for purchases, enter restricted areas, or interface with computer systems. The public has been gradually drawn into accepting microchips that are now routinely put into pets and even small children. In 1972 doctors at the University of Mississippi implanted electrodes into the brains of black children as young as ve years old, with the purpose of controlling hyperactive and aggressive behavior. A report by one researcher stated Their brains were being implanted with electrodes that were heated up to melt areas of the brain that regulate emotion and intellect. Brain-actuated control is under development at the Dayton, Ohio, base to help pilots deal with the increasing amount of information needed to y modern jets, said Grant McMillan, director of Pa ersons biocybernetics lab. Eventually, pilots may be able to control ight using only their minds, he added. With biofeedback, in which changes in the brain are portrayed on screens, volunteers learn how to control the electrical activity created by their thought processes. Scalp monitors pick up the electrical signals, and a computer translates them into mechanical commands. (The Houston Chronicle, Brainpower, 16, Feb. 1995) A tool called the Bio-Pacer can, according to its manufacturer, produce a number of mood altering frequencies WITHOUT a achment to the subject. Indeed, the Bio-Pacer III (a high-powered version) can aect an entire room. This device costs $275, according to the most recent price sheet available. What sort of machine might $27,500 buy? Or $275,000? There is already in use a small EDOM generator-transmi er which can be concealed on the body of a person. Contact with this person a casual handshake or even just a touch transmits a tiny electronic charge plus an ultra-sonic signal tone, which for a short while will disturb the time orientation of the person aected. CIA psychologists, assigned to the Phoenix Program, worked on suspected members of the Vietcong at Bien Hoa Prison near Saigon. In one experiment POWs had brain implants stimulated in an eort to get the enemy soldiers to a ack each other. When the experiment failed to produce the desired results the prisoners were executed and their bodies cremated. (Kieth pg 102) (Bowart) (Lawrence) (Martin Cannon) FOURTEEN: Military Doctrine/Nonlethal Weapons MINDWAR The Military Doctrine paper Mind War by Michael Aquino and Colonel Paul E. Valley is a crucial piece of the puzzle of the current inltration counterinsurgency program. Wri en in 1980 at the beginning of the Reagan administration while Valley and Aquino worked at the Presidio, headquarters of the 7th Psychological Operations Group. Divulging classied information or technology can be punished by life in prison, so when writing about current technology that is secret, military strategists commonly use the ruse of talking about existing systems as being future technology, or veil their comments so that only the select few will see the deeper meaning. It is standard practice to produce an unclassied version that can be published publicly and a classied version that is more explicit or in many cases contradictory, in other words, o en what is printed publicly are lies. Despite that practice, the public version of this very historical document contains the following revealing quotes by the authors. (In Vietnam)our PSYOP failedbecause it was outmatched by the PSYOP of the enemy. Our own PSYOP did not really change the minds of the enemy populace, nor did it defend the US populace at home against the propaganda of the enemy. Furthermore the enemys PSYOP was so strong that it- not bigger armies or be er weapons-overcame all of the weapons systems we elded. The lesson is not to ignore our own PSYOP capability, but rather to change it and strengthen it so that it can do precisely that kind of thing to our enemy in the next war for the mind. Psychotronic research is in its infancy, but the US Army already possesses an operational weapons system designed to do what Lt. Col. J.B. Alexander would like ESP to do- except that this weapons system uses existing communications media. It seeks to map the minds of neutral and enemy individuals and then change them in accordance with US national interests. It must strengthen our national will to victory and it must a ack and ultimately destroy that of our enemy. It both causes and is aected by physical combat, but it is a type of war which is fought on a far more subtle basis as well-in the minds of the national populations involved. If we do not a ack the enemys will until he reaches the ba leeld, his nation will have strengthened it as best it can. We must
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enemys will until he reaches the ba leeld, his nation will have strengthened it as best it can. We must a ack that will before it is locked into place. We must instill in it a predisposition to inevitable defeat. Strategic MindWar must begin the moment war is considered to be inevitable. It must seek out the a ention of the enemy nation through every available medium, and it must strike at the nations potential soldiers before they put on their uniforms. It is in their homes and their communities that they are most vulnerable to MindWar. Was the US defeated in the jungles of Vietnam, or was it defeated in the streets of American cities. In its strategic context, MindWar must reach out to friends, enemies, and neutrals alike across the globe- neither through primitive ba leeld leaets and loudspeakers of PSYOP nor through the weak, imprecise, and narrow eorts of psychotronics- but through the media possessed by the US which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth. For the mind to believe in its own decisions, it must feel that it made those decisions without coercion. Coercive measures used by the operative, consequently must not be detectable by ordinary means. There is no need to resort to mind-weakening drugs such as those explored by the CIA; in fact the exposure of a single such method would do unacceptable damage to MindWars reputation for truth. Existing PSYOP identies purely sociological factors, which suggest appropriate idioms for messages. Doctrine in this area is highly developed, and the task is basically one of assembling and maintaining individuals and teams with enough expertise and experience to apply the doctrine eectively. This, however, is only the sociological dimension of target receptiveness measures. There are some purely natural conditions under which minds may become more or less receptive to ideas, and MindWar should take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric electromagnetic activity, air ionization, and extremely low frequency waves (21). If we do not accept Excalibur, then we relinquish our ability to inspire foreign cultures with our morality. If they then desire moralities unsatisfactory to us, we have no choice but to ght them on a more brutish level. The following footnote to ELF is included. 21. Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves: ELF waves up to 100 Hz are naturally occurring but they can also be produced articially (such as for the Navys Project Sanguine for submarine communication). ELF-waves are not normally noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant eect upon the human body has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional distortion. Infrasound vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally inuence brain activity to align itself to Delta, Theta, Alpha, or Beta wave pa erns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be used tactically, as ELF-waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in conjunction with media broadcasts as well. The footnote on ELF is fairly specic and admits that it is to be used in conjunction with television and radio, in short, the ELF MindWar a ack signal will be piggybacked on a TV carrier wave to target civilian populations in their homes to instill feelings of fear and terror prior to the start of a conict. The power of ELF to change the mood and thoughts of enemy populations was well understood by the US PSYOP forces, and to Valley and Aquino in particular. If these weapons were turned against friendly populations it would be extremely dicult to detect their inuence. The Psychology of Victory, paper represents a scheme for waging perpetual psychological warfare against friend and enemy populations alike, particularly against the American people. The MindWar paper was provoked by an article by Lt. Col. John Alexander, which appeared in the December 1980 edition of Military Review, advocating the introduction of ESP (extra-sensory perception), telepathic behavior modication para-psychology, psycho kinesis (mind over ma er), remote viewing, out of body experiences, and other New Age and occult practices into U.S. military intelligence. Alexanders paper was titled The New Mental Ba leeld: Beam Me Up, Spock. Lt. Col John B. Alexander has been in charge of non-lethal weapons development for twenty years. Director, advanced concepts US Army Lab. Command, Adelphi, MD 1985-88. Manager, nonlethal weapons defense technology, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1988-1995 (ret). Manager, anti-material technology, Defense Initiatives Oce, 1988-91. Program manager, contingency mission technology, Conventional Defense Technology. Director for science liaison, National Institute for Discovery Sciences, 1995 to present. Visiting scientist, Los Alamos, 1995 to present. THE AVIARY: The Aviary is an alleged cabal of intelligence agents and others who seek to mislead, debunk, and/or enlighten the UFO research community. Here is a list of several members and their codenames: From
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enlighten the UFO research community. Here is a list of several members and their codenames: From Armen Victorians Aviary: Colonel John B. Alexander: Penguin Education: BGS in Sociology, University of Nebraska, 1971. MA in Education, Pepperdine University, 1975. PhD in Education, Walden University, 1980. Postgraduate work at UCLA (1990), MIT (1991), and Harvard (1993). Entered the Army as a Private in 1956, and retired as a Colonel in 1988.Commander, Army Special Forces Teams, US Army, Thailand, Vietnam, 1966-69. Chief of human resources division, US Army, Ft. McPherson, GA, 1977-79. Inspector general, Department of Army, Washington, 1980-82. Chief of human technology, Army Intelligence Command, US Army, Arlington, VA 1982-83. Manager of tech. integration, Army Materiel Command, US Army, Alexandria, VA, 1983-85. Director, advanced concepts US Army Lab. Command, Adelphi, MD 1985-88. Manager, nonlethal weapons defense technology, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1988-1995 (ret). Manager, anti-material technology, Defense Initiatives Oce, 1988-91. Program manager, contingency mission technology, Conventional Defense Technology. Director for science liaison, National Institute for Discovery Sciences, 1995 to present. Visiting scientist, Los Alamos, 1995 to present. Col. Alexander received a National Award for Volunteerism from Pres. Ronald Reagan in 1987, and the Aerospace Laureate Award from Aviation Week in 1993 & 94. Alexander organized a national conference devoted to researching reports of ritual abuse, near-death experiences, human contacts with extraterrestrial aliens and other so-called anomalous experiences, the Albuquerque Journal reported in March 1993. The Australian magazine Nexus reported last year that in 1971, Alexander was diving in the Biminis Islands looking for the lost continent of Atlantis. He was an ocial representative for the Silva mind control organization and a lecturer on precataclysmic civilizations [and] he helped perform ESP experiments with dolphins. In The Warriors Edge: Front-line Strategies for Victory on the Corporate Ba leeld a 1990 book he co-authored with Maj. Richard Groller and Janet Morris Alexander describes himself as having evolved from hard-core mercenary to thanatologist. As a Special Forces A-Team commander in Thailand and Vietnam, he led hundreds of mercenaries into ba le, the book explains. At the same time, he studied meditation in Buddhist monasteries and later engaged in technical exploration and demonstration of advanced human performance.(A ergood, 1994) Formerly with the U.S. Army Intelligence & Security Command (INSCOM) under Gen. Albert Stubblebine, 1982-4. Reportedly, Alexander was one of Stubblebines closest ocers. Married to alien abduction researcher Victoria Lacas (now Alexander). A er retiring from the Army in 1988, Alexander joined the Los Alamos National Laboratories and began working with Janet Morris, the Research Director of the U.S. Global Strategy Council (USGSC), chaired by Dr Ray Cline, former Deputy Director of the CIA. Born in New York in 1937, he spent part of his career as a Commander of Green Berets Special Forces in Vietnam, led Cambodian mercenaries behind enemy lines, and took part in a number of clandestine programs, including Phoenix. He currently holds the post of Director of Non-lethal Programs in the Los Alamos National Laboratories. In 1971, while a Captain in the infantry at Schoeld Barracks, Honolulu, he was diving in the Biminis Islands looking for the lost continent of Atlantis. He was an ocial representative for the Silva mind control organization and a lecturer on Pre-cataclysmic Civilizations. Alexander is also a past President and a Board member of the International Association for Near Death Studies; and, with his former wife, Jan Northup, he helped Dr C.B. Sco Jones perform ESP experiments with dolphins. (A ergood, Steven, The So -Kill Fallacy, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 9-10/1994, v50, n5, p40) C.B. Sco Jones: Falcon President of the Human Potential Foundation, He served in Naval Intelligence for approximately 15 years, including assignments with Carrier Division 14, and as Assistant Naval A ach, New Delhi, India, and Kathmandu, Nepal in the 1960s. He collected intelligence and provided intelligence support throughout Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa. Jones has briefed the Presidents Scientic Advisory Commi ee, and has testied before House and Senate commi ees on intelligence ma ers. He retired from the Navy around 1976 due to a para-psychological experience. A er retiring, he worked for several companies, including R. F. Cross Associates, Ltd., and Kaman Tempo, a division of Kaman Sciences. This work involved development in projects sponsored by the Defense Nuclear Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). In 1989, MUFON appointed
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and the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). In 1989, MUFON appointed Jones as a Special Consultant in International Relations Sco has been on the Board of Trustees of the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) since 1985, and now [1992] serves as its President. Formed the Human Potential Foundation in 1989. Jones has conducted his own dolphin telepathy studies along with Colonel John Alexander and Theodore Rockwell, a prominent (Whos Who) nuclear engineer who has worked on naval nuclear propulsion systems and who also serves as vice president of the U.S. Psychotronics Association. In his paper Government UFO Connections (included in Phoenix in the Labyrinth), he claims to have no knowledge of government involvement in UFOs. Michael Persinger is/was a big buddy of C. B. Jones. A Navy pilot and intelligence ocer for forty years, he retains his security clearance. While a Navy a ach in India, he experienced an unknown paranormal event that enabled me to do my intelligence assignment with much greater speed than one ordinarily expected. A believer in UFOs since he saw one during the Korean War. His book Phoenix in the Labyrinth reportedly deals with PSI-TECH a great deal. On the registration questionnaire for the 5/28/95 When Cosmic Cultures Meet conference, Jones asked a endees if they would consider taking a drug that would result in telepathic contact with aliens. While working for Sen. Pell, Jones was in contact with many psychics, and o en put them in touch with intelligence agencies. In 1989, Sco claimed that the government probably didnt have a large parapsychology program. In this essay, he also seems to doubt that the US could carry on a mind-control program (again), due to the checks and balances of our democratic system. Jones has a ended conferences in the former Soviet Union and his foundation is also involved with the research of Russian scientist Dr. Igor Smirnov. Jack Verona: Raven Jack Verona Former nuclear physicist, high ranking Pentagon scientist. Former head of the DIAs Scientic and Technical Intelligence Directorate. In this capacity, he oversaw the funding and tasking of Grill Flame. Another project he oversaw, code-named Sleeping Beauty, dealt with researching microwaves and how they aect the human mind. Reportedly the former boss of Michael Persinger, he retired in late 1989. (Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of Americas Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 220) Harold Putho: Owl Born 6/20/36. BS and MS in electrical engineering from the University of Florida. A er graduating, Putho served in the Army on duty with the NSA at Fort Meade, Maryland. There, he worked as an engineer with Project Light, which studied ber optics, lasers, and high-speed computers (very cu ing edge at the time). A er leaving, he invented the tunable infra-red laser. Joined Stanford Research Institute in 1971 as a specialist in laser physics. Worked for the previous eight years in the Microwave Laboratory at Stanford University. Served as an ocer in the Navy from 1960-63 at Ft. Meade. Head of the SRI remote viewing program, 1972-85. Dr. Harold E. Putho is Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin. A theoretical and experimental physicist specializing in fundamental electrodynamics, his research ranges from theoretical studies of quantum vacuum states as they apply to the stability of ma er, gravitation, cosmology and energy research, to laboratory studies of innovative approaches to energy generation. A graduate of Stanford University in 1967, he has published over 30 technical papers in the areas of electron-beam devices, lasers and quantum zero-point-energy eects, has patents issued and pending in the laser, communications, and energy elds, and is co-author of a textbook Fundamentals of Quantum Electronics (Wiley, 1969), published in English, French and Russian. He is claimed to have been at OT (Operating Thetan) Level III with the Church of Scientology at the time of the experiments. He wrote the preface to Scientology: a Religion, and was married in a Scientology church. Putho says his involvement with the church more than a decade ago was casual. Putho joined the Church in the 1960s, and le in the mid-1970s. A er leaving, he lent support to a group that criticized the Church. It was during an LA training seminar that he met Pat Price, who later worked at SRI. According to Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, in The Secret Life of Plants, while at SRI, Putho did experiments with chicken eggs. Using an e-meter (invented by L. Ron Hubbard and used in the practices of Scientology), he a empted to see if an egg would react if another was broken nearby. US Psychotronic Association: Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden , US Army, Retired. Former Pentagon analyst He is President and CEO of CTEC, Inc., a private R&D corporation engaged in research on
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analyst He is President and CEO of CTEC, Inc., a private R&D corporation engaged in research on free energy devices and the mechanisms for interaction of EM elds and radiation with biological systems. He is president of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists (ADAS), a life member of the Alabama Academy of Science, and served on the Board of Directors of the U.S. Psychotronics Association and the American Association of Metascience. He edited and published Specula, Journal of the AAMS, for four years. He also served on the Board of Directors of Astron, Inc., a private aerospace R&D corporation in the greater Washington D.C. area, noted for its specialized RF antennasHe and his wife Doris live in Huntsville, Alabama where Tom is retired from aerospace, continues private research, and serves as a special consultant to industry on scalar electromagnetics processes (Virtual Times introduction) Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden is a nuclear engineer, war games and weapons analyst, and military tactician. He has an MS in nuclear engineering from Georgia Tech and is a graduate of the US Army Command and General Sta College and several US Army artillery and guided missile schools. He has over 30 years experience in air defense systems, technical intelligence, Soviet electromagnetic weaponry, articial intelligence, computerized war games, and anti-missile radiation countermeasures. He is a senior scientist with a large aerospace company [Colsa Corp.] Col. Bearden personally developed and published the basis for a drastic revision of electromagnetic theory and engineering, based on the work of Whi aker and Maxwell. His work is primarily responsible for the widespread interest and research into scalar electromagnetic phenomena in this country over the past decade. (Megabrain report, 2/4/91) Member: US Psychotonics Association Claims that Soviet psychic experiments have caused Legionnaires disease, ca le mutilations, UFO abductions, and the sinking of the US submarine Thresher. Claims that these experiments have aroused mankinds collective unconsciousness, called ZARG. Many of his theories were published before retirement and are available through the Defense Documentation Center. His views are supported by John Alexander. A er retirement, Bearden was contracted by the Pentagon to study the photonic barrier modulator, hyper spatial nuclear howitzer, and the connection between ESP and UFOs. (McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martins Press, 1984, pp 126-9) In The Controllers, Martin Cannon argues that alien abductions might actually be a cover for government mind control and experimentation. This article contains a great deal of documented research about mind control technology, especially brain implants. For example: Perhaps the most disturbing wanderer into this mind-eld is Joseph A. Meyer, of the National Security Agency, the most formidable and secretive component of Americas national security complex. Meyer has proposed implanting roughly half of all Americans arrested not necessarily convicted of any crime; the numbers of ` ubscribers (his euphemism) would run into the tens of millions. ` ubscribers could be s S monitored continually by computer wherever they went. Meyer, who has carefully worked out the economics of his mass-implantation system, asserts that taxpayer liability should be reduced by forcing subscribers to ` ent the implant from the State. Implants are cheaper and more ecient than police, r Meyer suggests, since the call to crime is relentless for the poor ` rban dweller who, this spooku scientist admits in a surprisingly candid aside, is fundamentally unnecessary to a post-industrial economy. ` rban dweller may be another of Meyers euphemisms: He uses New Yorks Harlem as his U model community in working out the details of his mind-management system. Russell Targ: (scientology) Partner with Hal Putho in the SRI remote viewing project. Russell Targ is a senior research physicist at Stanford Research Institute, having joined their electronics and bioengineering laboratory in 1972. Prior to that, he spent 10 years in laser and plasma physics research with Sylvania Corporation, developing gas lasersHe is also president of the Parapsychology Research Group. In May 1982, Elisabeth Targ and I (R.T.) were invited to hold a workshop at Esalen Institute for a group of twenty-ve professional men and women. In 1982, Targ le SRI and founded Delphi Associates with Keith Harary. Delphi Associates was a consultancy, which sought to apply psi to nding oil, gas, etc. Using Harary as a viewer, they claimed to have successfully traded in the silver market. Before ocially leaving SRI, Targ, along with Harary and businessman Tony White, founded Delphi Associates. Their rst project was to develop a psi-related game for Atari, but Atari went under before the deal was completed. Delphi then went on to try to predict silver futures on the market. A er several reported successes, there were two misses, which scared o their investor. Each blamed each other for the failure, and the argument went public during a lecture Harary gave at the Esalen Institute. Russell Targ is now apparently working with Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space Co., where his work deals with
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is now apparently working with Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space Co., where his work deals with using lasers to determine wind pa erns. In April, 1996, he co-chaired a session on Advanced Sensor Technologies at the Aerospace/Defense Sensing and Controls conference. He is also indentied as being with the Bay Research Institute in Palo Alto, and was involved with the Physics/Consciousness Research Group. Targ is President of the International Remote Viewing Association. (Jim Schnabel) Special access programs (SAPs) employ a variety of security measures that are far more restrictive than those used in ordinary classied programs and shield them from independent oversight. These controls provide extraordinary protection by keeping personnel access to a minimum needed to meet program goals, names ocials to screen persons seeking access, using access lists and registered unclassied nicknames and classied code words. Only core secrets have special access controls, examples of which might be a technology breakthrough or exploitation of an enemys weakness. Cover stories may be established for unacknowledged programs in order to protect the integrity of that program from individuals who do not have a need-to-know. Cover stories must be believable and cannot reveal any information regarding the true nature of the contract. Cover stories for SAPs must have the approval of the PSO (program security ocer) prior to the dissemination. One such example of a cover story, In the darkest days of the cold war, the military lied to the American public about the true nature of many unidentied ying objects in an eort to hide its growing eet of spy planes. The deceptions were made in the 1950s and 60s amid a wave of UFO sightings that alarmed the public and parts of ocial Washington. The lies, experiments, and cover stories continue in every eld of science. The lies have been institutionalized with breakthroughs in health, energy, propulsion, communications and information technology which are classied and hidden from view. (Begich pg 73) In 1939 Orson Wells broadcast the War of the Worlds radio program that had the eect of general panic along the entire east coast of the US. People who listened to the broadcast and did not hear the disclaimer at the beginning of the program actually believed they were under a ack. This unintentional psychological warfare operation may have been the basis for the military use of UFO stories as a cover for other sensitive military operations such as the masking of Air Force experimental aircra . Implanting memories of alien abduction as a cover for kidnapping and mind control experimentation may have been another. Many of the UFO organizations and conventions have military intelligence assets present and much of the UFO literature may be a ributed to authors with connections to intelligence agencies. MindWar Psychological warfare operations are aimed at sowing confusion, chaos, and terror among the enemy. One early example of a psychological warfare operation, during the Boer war the British were using Muslim troops against the Boers, who spread the rumor that the grease and oil used to maintain their British supplied ries was derived from hog fat. The Muslim troops recoiled at the idea of cleaning their ries using pig grease and were neutralized. Sun Tzu wrote that: To capture the enemys entire army is be er than to destroy it; to take intact a regiment, a company, or a squad is be er than to destroy them. For to win one hundred victories in one hundred ba les is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without ghting is the supreme excellence. Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to a ack the enemys strategy. Next best is to disrupt his alliances by diplomacy. The next best is to a ack his army, and the worst policy is to a ack cities. During WWII, psychological warfare was used eectively by the US military as well. The enormous success that the invasion of Normandy displayed was a fusion of psychological warfare with military deception. Before D-Day, Operation Quicksilver created a ctional First United States Army Group (FUSAG) commanded by General George Pa on that supposedly would invade France at the Pas-de-Calais. American troops used false signals, decoy installations and phony equipment to deceive German observation aircra and radio intercept operators. This had the desired eect of misleading the German High Command as to the location of the primary invasion, and of keeping reserves away from the actual landings. The OSS parachuted many agents behind enemy lines with the intent that they be captured and interrogated. These agents had been told that the invasion was to take place at Calais and were sacriced to further what became known as The Great Deception. During the Vietnam War special units of US troops dressed as the enemy, massacred entire villages, leaving no one alive and making it appear as if the NVA (Vietcong) had perpetrated the crime in order to alienate the civilian populations against the enemy. Whether this type of strategy was eective is doubtful.
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populations against the enemy. Whether this type of strategy was eective is doubtful. Military Publications: The Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College produced a paper in 1994 entitled The Revolution in Military Aairs and Conicts Short of War. A revolution in military aairs (RMA) is mentioned, That will not only change the nature of warfare, but also alter the global geopolitical balance of power. An example of an RMA is the invention of gunpowder, or atomic weapons, in short, an innovation that turns the world upside down. The authors Metz and Kievit claim, Behavior modication is a key component of peace enforcement, and that modication will be directed at the American people. This will take place, the authors state, through directed energy systems, whose primary advantage is deniability, they are straightforward about the unlimited possibilities inherent in perception molding through the use of psycho technologies. Anyone who objects to this kind of mind warping will be identied using comprehensive inter-agency integrated databases, then categorized into computerized personality simulations, which will be used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each. (Kieth 222) New World Vistas, a book published in 1996 by the US Air Force Advisory Board, which discusses Biological Process Control. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the human brain works, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can be manipulated (both negatively and positively). One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscle movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. It would also appear possible to create high delity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the gigahertz range strikes the human body, a very small temperature perturbation occurs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast enough to produce an acoustic wave. If a pulsed stream is used, it should be possible to create an internal acoustic eld in the 5-15 kilohertz range, which is audible. Thus, it may be possible to talk to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them. (Kieth 223) A 1996 military paper entitled, Information Operations: A New War-Fighting Capability, wri en for the Chief of Sta of the Air Force, designed to identify what is required for the US to remain, the dominant air and space force in the future. The paper asserts that for continued success as a superpower the key is information dominance. Part of this dominance will be the development of a space satellite-linked Information Integration Center, or IIC, which will act as a central information processing and control center. The IIC will monitor people who have been implanted with a microscopic brain chip(the) chip performs two functions. First, it links the individual to the IIC, creating a seamless interface between the user and the information resources (in-time collection data and archival databases.) In essence, the chip relays the processed information from the IIC to the user. Second, the chip creates a computer generated mental visualization Implanting things in people raises ethical and public relations issues. In the future, The civilian population will likely accept an implanted microscopic microchip that allows military members to defend vital national interests. The paper goes on to note that The California Institute of Technology has developed an energy ecient computer chip which emulates the analog thinking of the human brainwhen this capability is fully mature, this chip could provide the baseline for a brain implant hooked to all the sensory segments of the brain, not just the eye. (Kieth pg 223) The military theorists writing about psychological, biological, and defensive technologies and Technologies specically designed for conicts short of war observe, overcoming the ethical restraints of American a itudes towards the technology and its uses would require an ethical and political revolution would be necessary to make a military revolution. There is another alternative: we could deliberately engineer a comprehensive revolution, seeking u er transformation rather than simply an expeditious use of new technology. (Kieth pg264) A 1996 Air Force Scientic Advisory Board report on future weapons includes a classied section on a radio frequency or RF Gunship. Other military documents conrm that radio-frequency antipersonnel weapons programs are underway. The Air Forces Armstrong Laboratory at Brooks Air Force Base in Texas is heavily engaged in such research. According to budget documents, the lab
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Force Base in Texas is heavily engaged in such research. According to budget documents, the lab intends to spend more than $110 million over the next six years to exploit less-than-lethal biological eects of electromagnetic radiation for Air Force security, peacekeeping, and war-ghting operations. Typical of some of the more exotic proposals are those from Clay Easterly. Last December, Easterlywho works at the Health Sciences Research Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory briefed the Marine Corps on work he had conducted for the National Institute of Justice, which does research on crime control. One of the projects he suggested was an electromagnetic gun that would induce epileptic like seizures. Another was a thermal gun [that] would have the operational eect of heating the body to 105 to 107 degrees Fahrenheit. Such eects would bring on discomfort, fevers, or even death. (Douglas Pasternak) Unclassied Nonlethal Weapons: Millitech and Millivision sell millimeter wave radars on their website to defense and security rms, the website oers the following information on their product: Active (radar) millimeter wave imaging systems are able to see through most wall materials, providing the technology of choice for developing situation assessment systems. Such systems extend the ability of users to view activities from one or two rooms away, or from the outside of a building into its interior. Using this technology, hostage, terrorism, demolition, and other unlawful and dangerous situations can be assessed remotely and evaluated for action. Millimeter wave radar imaging systems can be made extremely sensitive to movement, even to the level of detecting heartbeats. This makes them ideally suited for search and rescue and other applications where individuals may be alive, but unable to respond to rescuers. And active millimeter wave systems use low radiation levels incapable of penetrating human skin making them completely safe for operators and other individuals in the scene. Millimeter waves are electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the range 1 cm to 1 mm (with corresponding frequencies of 30 to 300 GHz), located between the microwave and infrared portions of the spectrum. Because they are capable of seeing through most packaging, clothing, and many wall materials, while still providing suciently detailed images, millimeter waves are ideally suited for use in security and emergency applications. What the website doesnt tell you is that these military radars used for ghting house to house are now for sale to the general public and that the entire world has been turned into a sh bowl. When these radars are given to police and re units they are o en abused, that is, used to spy on people in their homes for voyeuristic motives or worse. Any normal building material is transparent to these devices but the water in your body lights up with great denition, enough so to identify you in a crowded room from outside the building. These radars do have biological eects and if subjected to them on a regular basis, health complications will arise. The energies and frequencies that hit the human body are strong enough to alter the behavior of cells and the proteins that make life possible. During the siege at the Mt. Carmel church near Waco, Texas, FBI agents discussed with Russian counterparts the use of acoustic psycho-correction on David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. It is understood that this contingency did not proceed. However, some unusual EM weapons were deployed at Waco. BBC World News and FBI lm-footage both show the Russian equipment being demonstrated, as well as a previously unseen noise generator and an unusual low frequency strobe array in use at Waco. (Guya ) Active Denial System: (ADS) Wade Smith, deputy director of this program for Raytheon, has voluntarily felt the beam during testing. This is an eect that literally gets under your skin, said Smith, I can assure you, once you come in contact with the beam, you will be inclined to stop whatever you are doing. Active Denial Technology uses a transmi er to send a tight beam of 95-Ghz millimeter waves; the energy reaches the subject and penetrates less than 1/64th of an inch into the skin. A two-second burst can heat the skin to a temperature of 130 degrees Fahrenheit. The sensation is like that experienced when touching an ordinary light bulb; the esh does not burn, however, because of the low levels of energy used. Exposure of at least 250 seconds would be required before burns would result. Sandia National Labs website has the following information: ADS systems are a new class of non-lethal weaponry using 95 GHz-millimeter-wave directed energy. This technology is capable of rapidly heating a persons skin to achieve a pain threshold that has been demonstrated by AFRL human subject testing to be very eective at repelling people, without burning the skin or causing other secondary eects. Active Denial Technology (ADT) provides an eective
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the skin or causing other secondary eects. Active Denial Technology (ADT) provides an eective non-lethal active-response mechanism to disperse, disturb, distract, and establish the intent of intruders. ADT emits a 95 GHz non-ionizing electromagnetic beam of energy that penetrates approximately 1/64 of an inch into human skin tissue, where nerve receptors are concentrated. Within seconds, the beam will heat the exposed skin tissue to a level where intolerable pain is experienced and natural defense mechanisms take over. This intense heating sensation stops only if the individual moves out of the beams path or the beam is turned o. The sensation caused by the system has been described by test subjects as feeling like touching a hot frying pan or the intense radiant heat from a re. Burn injury is prevented by limiting the beams intensity and duration. DOD-sponsored millimeter-wave human eectiveness testing, initiated in 2001, has demonstrated ADT as both eective and safe without any long-term eects. It is expected that the DOD-funded human eectiveness testing of the small-beam ADS by the AFRL HEDR during the next six to eight months will validate its eectiveness and safety as a non-lethal weapon system. (company website) The ADS is the public face of a brand of technologies that have never seen the light of day but have been in existence for decades. This weapon is lethal depending on the distance to the target (person) and the power level se ing. Second and third degree burns are possible at shorter ranges, higher power se ings, or longer time periods of exposure. Besides using the most benign terms for these new weapons, the public face of the new technology is restricted to those systems that will cause less resistance among the general public to their development. Nonlethal Weapons Publications: In 1972 the Army issued a classied report, Analysis of Microwaves for Barrier Warfare, from US Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, It is possible to eld a truck-portable microwave barrier system that will completely immobilize personnel in the open with present day technology and equipment. A NASA report wri en in 1970 by Thomas Fryer of Ames Research Labs concerned Implantable Biotelemetry Systems. A 1976 DIA report mentions anti-personnel applications of pulsed microwaves that carry, sounds and possibly even words which appear to be originating intercranially. (Constantine pg34) (1982) The US Air Force Review of Biotechnology warned, Radio frequency radiation (RFR) elds pose powerful and revolutionary anti-personnel military threatselectromagnetic elds can be disruptive to purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing or interrogating such behavior. Passage of 100 milliamperes through the myocardium (of the brain) can lead to cardiac standstill and death. A rapidly scanning RFR system could provide an eective stun or kill capability over a large area. Crowd control devices using RFR do existcomplementing sonic and infra-red weapons, which are well known, and were advertised in the British Defense Equipment Catalogue until 1983. Prominently listed were the Valkyrie is an infra-red device causing night blindness, and the Squawk Box or Sound Curdler, developed by the US for use in Vietnam. In 1984 The (UK) Ministry of Defense ordered that all advertisements and references to frequency weapons cut from the Defense Catalogue. Columnist Jack Anderson wrote in 1985 that brain researchers had told him that the US and USSR were close to perfecting a mechanism that interferes with the electrical signals of the brain with remote transmissions of EM radiation. This interference could switch o the brains vital functions, that is killing the targeted victims. Dr. Sam Koslov, scientic assistant to the Secretary of the Navy in 1977 tried to cancel several projects, one at Stanford Research Institute titled ELF- Extremely Low Frequency Radiation and Mind Control. According to the Washington Post, the funding was diverted to a dierent project heading and continued forward. (Kieth pg212) (1990) The Development of New Antipersonnel Weapons stated, Research in this eld has been carried out in almost all industrialized countrieswith a view to using these phenomenon for anti-material or anti-personnel purposes. It is possible to generate a very powerful microwave pulse (between 150 and 3,000 megahertz) with an energy level of several hundreds of megawa s. Using specially adapted antenna systems, these generators in principle could transmit over hundreds of meters sucient energy to cook a meallethal eects can be expected from this system at much lower energy levels using the principle of magnetic eld compensation, which permits the control of the geometry of the target, by means of antennas specially designed for that purpose, the radiation can be
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geometry of the target, by means of antennas specially designed for that purpose, the radiation can be concentrated on very small surfaces of the human body, for example the base of the brain where relatively low energy can produce lethal eects. In 1991, ITV News Bureau reported the rst known use of electronic subliminals on the ba leeld and the true reason for the seemingly illogical and apparently suicidal a ack by Iraqi troops on the deserted city of Al-Kha i12 miles south of the Kuwaiti borderthe Iraqis destroyed an FM radio station that had been installed in Al-Kha i by the US. DODs Psy-Ops branch. Outwardly the station was broadcasting Tokyo Rose style propaganda, deserting Iraqi soldiers claimed that the real purpose of the station was to broadcast the new, high tech, type of subliminal messages referred to as ultrahigh-frequency silent sounds or silent subliminals. Although completely silent to the human ear, the negative voice messages placed on the tapes alongside the audible programming by psyops psychologists were clearly perceived by the subconscious minds of the Iraqi soldiers and the silent messages completely demoralized them and instilled a perpetual feeling of fear and hopelessness in their minds. In July 1996, the Spotlight, a widely circulated right-wing U.S. newspaper, reported that well-placed DOD sources have conrmed a classied Pentagon contract for the development of high-power electromagnetic generators that interfere with human brain waves. The article cited the memorandum of understanding dated 1994 between A orney General Janet Reno, and Defense Secretary William Perry for transfer of LTL weapons to the law enforcement sector. A budget of under $50 million has been made available for funding associated black programs. Dr. Emery Horvath, a professor of physics at Harvard University, has stated in connection to the generator that interferes with human brain waves that These electronic skull-zappers are designed to invade the mind and short circuit its synapses in the hands of government technicians, it may be used to disorient entire crowds, or to manipulate individuals into self destructive acts. Its a terrifying weapon. In a 1993 U.S. Air Command and Sta College paper entitled Non Lethal Technology and Air Power, authors Maj. Jonathan W. Klaaren (USAF) and Maj. Ronald S. Mitchell (USAF) outlined selected NLT weapons. These included Acoustic (pulsed/a enuated high-intensity sound, infrasound (very low frequency) and Polysound (high volume, distracting) as well as high-power microwaves (HPM) that possessed the ability to deter or incapacitate human beings. On 21 July 1994, Defense Secretary William J. Perry issued a memorandum on non-lethal weapons which outlined a tasking priority list for use of these technologies. Second on the list was crowd control. Coming in at a poor h was Disable or destroy weapons or weapon development/production processes, including suspected weapons of mass destruction. It is therefore clear that non-lethality is fundamentally seen as anti-personnel rather than anti-material. Directed-energy weapons currently being deployed include, for example, a microwave weapon manufactured by Lockheed-Sanders and used for a process known as Voice Synthesis which is remote beaming of audio (i.e., voices or other audible signals) directly into the brain of any selected human target. This process is also known with the U.S. government as Synthetic Telepathy. This psychotronic weapon was demonstrated by Dr. Dave Morgan at the November, 1993 non-lethal weapons conference. (Nexus, Oct-Nov, 1994) Non-lethal weapons, including microwave and radio frequency weapons, were the main topics of discussion including using implant technology and the use of brain to computer to brain linkage using ELF communication to allow soldiers in the eld to stay in constant contact with each other and with command and control. Implants would allow real time physiological data to be evaluated, whether the soldier is wounded, and how badly, as well as the mental status, including fear, anger, and complete train of thought. In August of 2006 the DOD announced that military personnel would be required to submit to microchip implant just as they had been required to take experimental vaccines. The rst Gulf War saw fewer than 200 US combat casualties, yet 15 years later over 30% have become completely disabled or deceased due to a disease (set of common symptoms) that the DOD has denied existence of (Gulf War Syndrome). Phasers on Stun: Newsweek, Feb. 7, 1994, The search for new tools has spawned the rst systematic eort to develop non-lethal weapons in U.S. military history. Newsweek has learned that in the wake of Somalia, Defense Under Secretary John Deutch has authorized a team of Pentagon ocials to explore the feasibility of nonlethal weapons (NLWs) and the exotic technologies behind them. This team, headed by Frank Kendall, the Pentagons director of tactical systems, aims to set up priority programs for NLWs that could be funded as early as 1995. Warden and other new-wave military
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programs for NLWs that could be funded as early as 1995. Warden and other new-wave military thinkers say that the list of exotic technologies that could be harnessed for nonlethal weapons is already large and growing. It includes lasers, microwaves, sound waves, strobe lights, electromagnetic pulses, microbes, chemicals, computer viruses even giant nets. Potentially these seem to oer U.S. forces new options across the whole range of missions, from crowd control to a strategic shutdown of an entire nation. Beanbag bullets, chemical sprays and noise generators would be handy against hostile crowds. Other technologies, like super-caustic chemicals that eat through metal or rubber or plastic, would disable not only tanks and trucks but virtually any machine. The most devastating would be electromagnetic pulses, high-powered microwaves and computer viruses that, by disabling all electrical and electronic systems, could cripple a whole society. On May 16, 1996, Admiral Boorda was found shot through the heart on a bench outside his ocial residence in the Washington Navy Yard. The police instantaneously diagnosed suicide. But Boordas recent advocacy of suicide prevention cast an eerie shadow on the ocial story. The Boorda mystery deepens when a whole range of facts gleaned from worldwide press coverage of his shocking death is integrated with the experiences of alleged mind control (MC) experimentees. In March 1996 the Air Force and the Navy had nally opened investigations into claims that about 500 people were being tortured by remotely controlled, neuro-electromagnetic (NEM) or RF weapons. Bizarre stories alleging surveillance, electronic harassment and remotely controlled torture of people throughout the world are posted on many Web sites. The amply referenced research of Cheryl Welsh, 1997 founder of Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA), supports many of these claims, especially Nonconsensual Brainwave and Personality Studies by the U.S. Government, The 1950s Secret Discovery of the Code of the Brain, and the Russian Book Translation Project. In an article published last year in Matrix 3000, Band 4, a German publication, Welsh writes, Heart a acks, suicides, assassinations, blackmail, all can be done remotely leaving no trace of evidence to tie it to the perpetrators. Boorda could easily have been done in by one of the surere assassination methods the Navy has nessed a er 50 years of covert research and eld testing. This li le-known secret slipped out on July 6, 1975 with an article in the London Sunday Times, How the U.S. Navy Brain-Trains Political Assassins. The Times quoted a speech by Navy Lt. Commander Thomas Narut to a group of 120 psychologists at a NATO conference in Oslo, Norway. Narut worked at the U.S. Regional Medical Center in Naples, Italy. He reported the Navy had been programming hit men and assassins who would kill on command; some subjects were drawn from the ranks of convicted murders serving time in military prisons. (Eleanor White) Dr. James V. McConnell, head of the Department of Mental Health Research at the University of Michigan, said, The day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with the use of drugs, hypnosis, and the astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost absolute control over an individuals behavior. We want to reshape our society drastically. USAF Naval Captain Paul Taylor wrote, The Electromagnetic Spectrum in low-Intensity Conict in 1976. In it he discusses the death rayWith a speed of light eect EM devices with stun or kill se ings could sweep across entire armies (or cities). The passage of approximately 100 milliamperes through the myocardium (leads) to cardiac standstill and death. He further discusses radio frequencies as disruptive to human behavior and the brain as an electrically mediated organ. The following are excerpts from the Final Report On Biotechnology Research Requirements For Aeronautical Systems Through the Year 2000, Volumes I and II, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, pg. 181-188. Note the references to interrogating mental functioning, i.e., reading thoughts. Experience with electroshock therapy, RFR [radiofrequency radiation] experiments, and the increasing understanding of the brain as an electrically mediated organ suggest the serious probability that impressed electromagnetic elds can be disruptive of purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing and/or interrogating such behavior. Further, the passage of approximately 100 milliamperes through the myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death, again pointing to a speed-of-light weapons eect. While initial a ention should be toward degradation of human performance through thermal loading and electromagnetic eld eects, subsequent work should address the possibilities of directing and interrogating mental functioning, using externally applied elds within the possibility of a revolutionary capability to defend against hostile actions, and to collect intelligence data prior to conict onset. Another document is Department of Defense Directive, Policy for Non-Lethal Weapons, Oce of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Dra , July 21, 1994. This is the dra of a policy intended to take eect
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Assistant Secretary of Defense, Dra , July 21, 1994. This is the dra of a policy intended to take eect in January of 1995. It describes using non-lethal weapons against the governments domestic adversaries The term ` dversary is used above in its broadest sense, including those who are not a declared enemies but who are engaged in activities we wish to stop. This policy does not preclude legally authorized domestic use of the nonlethal weapons by United States military forces in support of law enforcement. This sounds like a prescription for an American dirty war using secret, deniable technology. A document by a Council on Foreign Relations task force, from 1995, that discusses using these weapons against [people labeled as] terrorists and drug trackers. It recommends that these weapons be used secretly, so the victims do not know where the a ack is from, or if there even is an a ack. [How was this strategy tested and developed?] This is a policy recommendation for extrajudicial torture. If they would put that in an open document, what other ideas were going around behind the veil of secrecy? (Begich) A U.S. Navy psychologist, who claims that the Oce of Naval Intelligence had taken convicted murderers from military prisons, used behavior modication techniques on them, and then relocated them in American embassies throughout the world. Just prior to that time, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Commi ee had censured the CIA for its global political assassination plots, including plots against Fidel Castro. The Navy psychologist was Lt. Commander Thomas Narut of the U.S. Regional Medical Center in Naples, Italy. The information was divulged at an Oslo NATO conference of 120 psychologists from the eleven nation alliance. According to Dr. Narut, the U.S. Navy was an excellent place for a researcher to nd captive personnel whom they could use as guinea pigs in experiments. The Navy provided all the funding necessary, according to Narut. Dr. Narut, in a question and answer session with reporters from many nations, revealed how the Navy was secretly programming large numbers of assassins. He said that the men he had worked with for the Navy were being prepared for commando-type operations, as well as covert operations in U.S. embassies worldwide. He described the men who went through his program as hit men and assassins who could kill on command. Careful screening of the subjects was accomplished by Navy psychologists through the military records, and those who actually received assignments where their training could be utilized, were drawn mainly from submarine crews, the paratroops, and many were convicted murderers serving military prison sentences. Several men who had been awarded medals for bravery were dra ed into the program. The assassins were conditioned through audio-visual desensitization. The process involved the showing of lms of people being injured or killed in a variety of ways, starting with very mild depictions, leading up to the more extreme forms of mayhem. Eventually, the subjects would be able to detach their feelings even when viewing the most horrible of lms. The conditioning was most successful when applied to passive-aggressive types, and most of these ended up being able to kill without any regrets. The prime indicator of violent tendencies was the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Dr. Narut knew of two Navy programming centers, the neuropsychiatric laboratory in San Diego and the U.S. Regional Medical Center in Italy, where he worked. During the audio-visual desensitization programming, restraints were used to force the subject to view the lms. A device was used on the subjects eyelids to prevent him from blinking. Typically, the preliminary lm was on an African youth being ritualistically circumcised with a dull knife and without any anesthetic. The second lm showed a sawmill scene in which a man accidentally cut o his ngers. In addition to the desensitization lms, the potential assassins underwent programming to create prejudicial a itude in the men, to think of their future enemies, especially the leaders of these countries, as sub-human. Films and lectures were presented demeaning the culture and habits of the people of the countries where it had been decided they would be sent. Dr. Alfred Zitani, an American delegate to the Oslo conference, did verify Naruts remarks and they were published in the Sunday Times. Sometime later, Dr. Narut surfaced again in London and recanted his remarks, stating that he was talking in theoretical and not practical terms. Shortly therea er, the U.S. Naval headquarters in London issued a statement indicating that Dr. Naruts remarks at the NATO conference should be discounted because he had personal problems. Dr. Narut never made any further public statements about the program. A er his NATO lecture, Dr. Narut disappeared. He could not be located. Within a week or so a er the lecture, the Pentagon issued an emphatic denial that the U.S. Navy had engaged in psychological training or other types of training of personnel as assassins. They disavowed the programming centers in San Diego and Naples
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training of personnel as assassins. They disavowed the programming centers in San Diego and Naples and stated they were unable to locate Narut, but did provide conrmation that he was a sta member of the U.S. Regional Medical Center in Naples. During the NATO conference in Oslo, Dr. Narut had remarked that the reason he was divulging the information was because he believed that the information was coming out anyway. The doctor was referring to the disclosures by a Congressional subcommi ee which were then appearing in the press concerning various CIA assassination plots. However, what Dr. Narut had failed to realize at the time, was that the Navys assassination plots were not destined to be revealed to the public at that time. The exploitation of this technology for military uses is still in its infancy and only recently has been recognized by the United States as a feasible option. A 1982 Air Force review of biotechnology had this to say: Currently available data allow the projection that specially generated radio frequency radiation (RFR) elds may pose powerful and revolutionary antipersonnel military threats. Electroshock therapy indicates the ability of induced electric current to completely interrupt mental functioning for short periods of time, to obtain cognition for longer periods and to restructure emotional response over prolonged intervals. Experience with electroshock therapy, RFR experiments and the increasing understanding of the brain as an electrically mediated organ suggested the serious probability that impressed electromagnetic elds can be disruptive to purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing and or interrogating such behavior. Further, the passage of approximately 100 milliamperes through the myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death, again pointing to a speed-of-light weapons eect. A rapidly scanning RFR system could provide an eective stun or kill capability over a large area. System eectiveness will be a function of wave form, eld intensity, pulse widths, repetition frequency, and carrier frequency. The system can be developed using tissue and whole animal experimental studies, coupled with mechanisms and waveform eects research. Using relatively low-level RFR, it may be possible to sensitize large military groups to extremely dispersed amounts of biological or chemical agents to which the un-irradiated population would be immune. Los Alamos laboratory has developed EM (electromagnetic) weapons, the program is run by Gen. John Alexander, army veteran, psychic enthusiast, who holds a doctorate in Thanatology, the study of death. In 1980 Alexander wrote a paper in the US Armys Military Review, entitled The New Mental Ba leeld. The thesis was that telepathy could be used as an oensive weapon, and that electronic weapons might also be used for interfering with the brain activity of target groups. (Kieth pg263) Alexander did additional research and joined the special technologies group at Los Alamos Laboratories. During the Vietnam War Alexander was involved in operation Phoenix, the systematic assassination campaign that eliminated 30,000 suspected Viet Minh cadres. In practice, lists of names were compiled, using personal proles and names supplied by informants. Many innocent people were dragged from their homes at night and summarily executed, along with the target grouphow many is impossible to know. Alexander was involved in the mind control aspect of Phoenix that included implanting enemy POWs and civilian suspects in order to get them to a ack each other. Alexander has taught neurolinguistic programming to a generation of leaders in the military and politics. The main thrust of his career has been as an expert in counter insurgency operations and inltration operations combined with an emphasis on electromagnetic weapons. Radio Hypnotic Induced Control/ Electronic Dissolution of Memory (RHIC/EDOM) Remote hypnosis was rst reported using allegedly para-psychological means in the early 1930s, by L.L. Vasilev, Professor of Physiology in the University of Leningrad. Later, other scientists a empted to accomplish the same goal, using less mystic means. Over the years, certain journalists have asserted that the CIA has mastered a technology call RHIC-EDOM. RHIC means Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control. EDOM stands for Electronic Dissolution of Memory. Together, these techniques can remotely induce hypnotic trance, deliver suggestions to the subject, and erase all memory for both the instruction period and the act which the subject is asked to perform. RHIC uses the stimoceiver, or a microminiaturized ospring of that technology to induce a hypnotic state. Interestingly, this technique is also reputed to involve the use of INTRAMUSCULAR implants. Apparently, these implants are stimulated to induce a post-hypnotic suggestion. EDOM is nothing more than missing time itself the erasure of memory from consciousness through the blockage of synaptic transmission in certain areas of the brain. By jamming the brains synapses through a surfeit of acetocholine, neural transmission along selected pathways can be eectively stilled. RHIC/EDOM is the ultra-sophisticated
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transmission along selected pathways can be eectively stilled. RHIC/EDOM is the ultra-sophisticated application of post-hypnotic suggestion TRIGGERED AT WILL by radio transmission. It is a recurring hypnotic state, re-induced automatically at intervals by the same radio control. An individual is brought under hypnosis. This can be done either with his knowledge or WITHOUT it by use of narco-hypnosis, which can be brought into play under many guises. He is then programmed to perform certain actions and maintain certain a itudes while acted upon by the radio signal. Other authors have mentioned this technique specically Walter Bowart (in his book OPERATION MIND CONTROL) and journalist James Moore, who, in a 1975 issue of a periodical called MODERN PEOPLE, claimed to have secured a 350-page manual, prepared in 1963, on RHIC-EDOM. He received the manual from CIA sources, although interestingly the technique is said to have originated in the military. The following quote by Moore on RHIC should prove especially intriguing to abduction researchers who have confronted odd personality shi s in abductees: Medically, these radio signals are directed to certain parts of the brain. When a part of your brain receives a tiny electrical impulse from outside sources, such as vision, hearing, an emotion is produced anger at the sight of a gang of boys beating an old woman, for example. The same emotion of anger can be created by articial radio signals sent to your brain by a controller. You could instantly feel the same white-hot anger without any apparent reason. If RHIC-EDOM exists, it goes a long way toward providing an earthbound rationale for alien abductions or, at least, certain aspects of them. The phenomenon of missing time is no longer mysterious. Abductee implants, both intracerebral and otherwise, are explained. And note the reference to recurring hypnotic state, re-induced automatically by the same radio command. This situation may account for repeater abductees who, a er their initial encounter, have regular sessions of missing time and abduction even while a bedmate sleeps undisturbed. Rauni Kilde, MD, former Chief Medical Ocer of Finland, lectures and writes about an NSA mind control system using radio implants and microchips connected to satellites that is remarkably similar to what is described in the NSA psyops document. With electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, she writes, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual eects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare. Kilde warns that connecting our brain functions via microchips (or even without them, according to the latest technology) to computers via satellitesposes the gravest threat to humanity. MKULTRA 1990s Janet Morris, Director of the US Global Strategies think tank visited Russia in 1991 to investigate acoustic psycho-correction technologies. Microwave signals send commands to the subconscious that are usually acted upon within one minute or less. The Russians demonstrated a working system that Morris (a non-lethal weapons expert) envisioned would be miniaturized into a hand held system. Morris began collaboration with General John Alexander at Los Alamos Labs. The chairman of the USGSC is Ray Cline, former deputy director of the CIA. A er retiring from the Army in 1988, Alexander joined the Los Alamos National Laboratories and began working with Janet Morris, the Research Director of the U.S. Global Strategy Council (USGSC), chaired by Dr Ray Cline, former Deputy Director of the CIA. Throughout 1990 the USGSC lobbied the main national laboratories, major defense contractors and industries, retired senior military and intelligence ocers. The result was the creation of a Non-lethality Policy Review Group, led by Major General Chris S. Adams, USAF (retd.) former Chief of Sta, Strategic Air Command. They already have the support of Senator Sam Nunn, chair of the Senate Armed Services Commi ee. According to Janet Morris, the military a ach at the Russian Embassy has contacted USGSC about the possibility of converting military hardware to a non-lethal capability. In 1991 Janet Morris issued a number of papers giving more detailed information about USGSCs concept of non-lethal weapons. Shortly a er, the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command at Fort Monroe, VA, published a detailed dra report on the subject titled Operations Concept for Disabling Measures. The report included over twenty projects in which John Alexander is currently involved at the Los Alamos national Laboratories. In a memorandum dated April 10, 1991, titled Do we need a Non-lethal Defense initiative? Paul Wolfwitz, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, wrote to Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, A U.S. lead in non-lethal technologies will increase our options and reinforce our position in the post-Cold War world. Our Research and Development eorts must be increased. (Armen Victorian) In 1962, James V. Bennet, director of the US Bureau of Prisons, encouraged psychiatrists and social scientists to use the tremendous opportunity that 24,000 incarcerated and helpless prisoners
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scientists to use the tremendous opportunity that 24,000 incarcerated and helpless prisoners oered for experimentation. We here in Washington are anxious to have you undertake some of these thingsperhaps on your own-undertake a li le experiment on what you can do with the Muslims, what you can do with sociopathic individuals. (1990) The London Observer reported, An electronic torture chamber, using a white noise generator designed to pulse sound at 11 Hz-apparently ultimately capable of destroying the human body-has been installed by a British company, Electronic Intelligence, inside the headquarters of the Special Branch of Dubai. Called The House of Fun, the torture chamber also houses a strobe light set at 11Hz and synchronized with the white noise generator, the combined eect of which is to reduce anyone inside the cell to a screaming helpless suppliant within moments. The equipment was referred to as Prisoner Disorientation Equipment. (Kieth 199) FIFTEEN: CIA/Corporate Proprietarys There are basically three types of private organizations that are used, a CIA proprietary-a business designed to provide a service wanted by the CIA, it is secretly and wholly owned by the CIA while disguised to appear in public as a private business. According to a foreign service ocer, the proprietaries tend to take on a life of their own, and several have grown too big and too independent to be either controlled from or dissolved by headquarters. A second kind of operation is a front an organization whose business is a sham, kept in place to provide cover for other activities, an example of which are the front companies used by Wilson and Shackley that had no real function other than cover. A third kind of organization is an independent organization closely allied to the CIA by shared ideology and mutual goals, and a sta of ex-CIA people. The Interarms Company is such an example, the worlds largest private arms dealer is run by career CIA ocer Samuel Cummings. (Kwitney COP pg100) John Perkins wrote in his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (EHM), that he was recruited in college by the NSA prior to entering the peace corps. Perkins was later indoctrinated and told, US intelligence agencies-including the NSA-would identify prospective EHMs, who could then be hired by international corporations. These EHMs would never be paid by the government, instead, they would draw their salaries from the private sector. As a result, their dirty work, if exposed, would be chalked up to corporate greed rather than to government policy. In addition, the corporations that hired them, although paid by the government agencies and their multinational banking counterparts (with taxpayer money), would be insulated from congressional oversight and public scrutiny, shielded by a growing body of legal initiatives, including trademark, international trade, and Freedom of Information Laws. Perkins was hired by an international consulting rm, Chas T. Main, Inc. (MAIN) where his specialty was falsifying economic growth estimates to validate the building of huge infrastructure projects with loans from the IMF and World Bank. According to Perkins these loans were used to enrich construction rms like Bechtel and were never intended to be paid back, but instead served to keep the host country in debt to the World Bank. He met with leaders of Third World countries and negotiated deals that in eect lined the pockets of Perkins corporate clients and those of the dictator while leaving the general population in perpetual poverty. Should the leader of the sovereign nation refuse to hand over the resources to corporate interests that leader would meet with an unfortunate accident, as happened to the Presidents of Ecuador and Panama, who both died in ery plane crashes. The income ratio of the one- h of the worlds population in the wealthiest countries to the one- h in the poorest countries went from 30 to 1 in 1960 to 74 to 1 in 1995. By 1990, developing countries had accumulated more than $1.3 trillion in foreign debt. By 2000, eighty six percent of the US EXIM Banks $7.7 billion in new foreign export credits and guarantees went to just ten politically inuential US companies, including Enron, Halliburton, GE, Boeing, Bechtel, United Technologies, Schlumberger, and Raytheon. (Perkins) Economic Hit Men: The U.S. objective is simply to control the economic decisions of a country. The preferred instrument of U.S. foreign policy from about 1945 to 1980 was military dictatorships. Between 1980 and 1990 there were two tracks in U.S. policy. One was actually increasing support for repressive governments in Central America and elsewhere. But at the same time, you had a movement in the direction of utilizing debt as leverage, and, for the International Monetary Fund, structural adjustment programs became more important in the 1980s. Today, the U.S. prefers to exercise its
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in the direction of utilizing debt as leverage, and, for the International Monetary Fund, structural adjustment programs became more important in the 1980s. Today, the U.S. prefers to exercise its power through economic channels. It wants a favorable investment economy. It wants to make sure that unions arent strong. It wants to make sure that a country is not diverting its resources to the needs of its people, resources that are necessary for paying debt and doing other things. So what the U.S. wants is control, economic control, and it will use whatever leverage it has. Whats happening in Haiti, the other thing the U.S. doesnt want, is a progressive government in power. It wants a government more valuable to its own interests and power. Holding back the [$146 million] Inter-American Development Bank loan (see Haiti Progrs, Vol. 19, No. 37, 11/28/01) is a way of trying to force a change of government. The U.S. doesnt want authentic democracy. It wants democracy within various narrow channels that it dictates in terms of what economic choices are available to countries and peoples. (Nelson-Pallmeyer) Network Solutions, a subsidiary of the National Science Foundation, registered all I.P. addresses as a free public service. Scientic Applications International Corp (SAIC) purchased Network Solutions and now I.P. addresses cost $50 per year. SAIC is an arm of the military industrial establishment, with forty thousand employees and over 90% of its $1.9 billion in 1994 revenues obtained from government contracts. The SAIC board is composed of three former Directors of CIA, ( Robert Gates, John Deutch, Bobby Ray Inman, NSA) two former heads of the DOD, (William Perry, Melvin Laird) and assorted generals. SAIC has been engaged in the creation and implementation of technology for the Army Global Command and Control System-the renovation of the Pentagons computer and communication systems-and the upgrading of the national, state, and local law enforcement databases. In 1995 the Rand Corp., a research arm of the DOD, published a study entitled, Strategic Information Warfare, that predicted the importance of information dominance and speculated on how to repel and absorb internet a acks on the US and its allies. The unclassied version of the report stated that it was not necessary to take over and control the internet, but the purchase by SAIC of Network Solutions leads one to believe the classied version of the Rand report said something completely dierent. SAIC also was involved in the Remote Viewing/psychic spying studies for the CIA and DIA, along with Stanford Research Institute. Its also interesting that SAIC is involved in developing and promoting so-called non-lethal weapons, which may be using remote-viewing as a front. Also interesting is that Information Warfare is o en included as a sub-category of non-lethal warfare in military journals. Info War includes all the hacker and virus stu, but it is broader than that. It includes the capability to intercept TV and radio transmissions from hostile countries, synthesize the voice and even the video of a foreign leader addressing his country, change the content, and re-broadcast it via satellite jamming. In the literature this technology is a reality to the folks at the Pentagon, and theyre not overlooking its potential for covert ops and psy-war. Another subset of Information Warfare involves controlling the beliefs of its subjects, including domestic ones. This used to be known as propaganda, or good-olefashioned lying, but Information Warfare has that oh-so-sexy Wired appeal to it. Military theorists like general Michael Aquino, US Army PSYOPS expert and founder of the Temple of Set, have argued that all war is psychological, and that killing people only provides an edge for the propaganda, which should not be limited to the enemy or during wartime. A er 9/11 the fortunes of SAIC have progressed at an astonishing rate. The Global War on Terror, a war without end, is perfectly suited for the corporation that functions as the brains of the National Security State. Revenues for 2006 were $8 billion dollars, with 9,000 government contracts now worth $13.6 billion in the pipeline. SAIC is now bigger than Halliburton or Bechtel and employs more people than the Department of labor, DOE, and HUD combined. Despite defrauding the government in a systematic manner and changes in political parties, their stock with the military industrial complex continues to rise. Civilians at SAIC joke that the company has so many admirals and generals in its ranks that it could start its own war. Some might argue that, in the case of Iraq, it did. Four years before the war it established the Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis. Testimony by SAIC employees were key to making the case that Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat. The company virtually created the Iraq Reconstruction and Development Council, managed them, and paid them $33 million prior to the war. The operation reported to Douglas Feith, undersecretary of defense policy at the Pentagon. Feith, a key architect of the invasion, employed Christopher Ryan Henry, former SAIC senior vice president. SAIC employed Shaha Riza, the girlfriend of Paul Wolfowitz, deputy secretary of defense. SAIC also contracted for the Oce of Strategic Inuence, set up by Rumsfeld to
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secretary of defense. SAIC also contracted for the Oce of Strategic Inuence, set up by Rumsfeld to function as a Voice of America program to supply good news about the war. In the wake of the disastrous intelligence failures before the war, SAIC personnel staed the commission that was set up to investigate how American intelligence could have been so disastrously wrong. This is a curious turn of events, considering it was SAIC personnel who supplied the false intelligence in the rst place. Their report concluded, The Commission found no indication the Intelligence Community distorted the evidence regarding Iraqs weapons of mass destruction. In the 1970s and 1980s SAIC was hired by the government to reconstruct the radiation dose received by military personnel during atomic bomb tests. When SAIC did the numbers, very few veterans qualied for compensation. The Pentagon was o the hook and the ailing veterans were out of luck. In 1988 Congress waived the rules and gave veterans dying of cancer the benet of the doubt. By then most of the veterans were dead. SAIC and Bechtel are partners in constructing Yucca Mountain, the $3.1 billion repository for high-level nuclear waste, waste that will remain lethal for at least 10,000 years. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy came under pressure from executives in the nuclear industry to help them cut costs of storing waste. The idea was to recycle the contaminated metals, nickel, aluminum, copper, steel, by mixing them with other metals. The diluted metals could then be made into useable items, knives, forks, baby strollers, eye glass frames, bicycles, frying panseven used in construction. This had occurred before in the 1980s when radioactive table legs began turning up in the US everywhere from restaurants to nursing homes. A radioactive ring cost one man his arm. Because of this in 1992 Congress banned this form of recycling. The latest scheme worked because SAIC wrote the regulations for the N.R.C. that established a safe dose limit for recycling (there is no safe dose of radiation). SAIC at the same time contracted with the D.O.E. to recycle the materials for which it was dra ing the regulations. This conict of interest was discovered by accident and the contract put on hold. SAIC denied there was a conict of interest. (Vanity Fair 3/07) DynCorp is one of the three pre-eminent private mercenary corporations in the world, and is the dominant entity for training security forces in the Middle East. Herbert Pug Winokur a lead investor and creator of DynCorp (CEO 1987-91) previously chaired the nance commi ee at Enron, where he somehow escaped the scrutiny of federal prosecutors. DynCorp is ubiquitous, it manages the Congressional telephone system and does the computerized bookkeeping for a dozen federal agencies, including DOD and HUD, and as such has presided over the loss (or the ) of trillions of dollars. DynCorp has a contract to manage the police and court systems in US-occupied Iraq. Arthur Anderson is the nancial auditor of DynCorp, they are the same auditor that handled Enrons books. The HUD Inspector General testied before Congress that HUD had lost $17 billion in 1998 and $59 billion in 1999. In 2001 it was disclosed that the Pentagon could not account for $1.1 trillion for the scal year 2000. In a separate loss, it later became public that the DOD could not account for $2.3 trillion dollars, amounting to over 25% of its assets. The DOD budget is $480 billion a year, more than all the non-American military spending in the world combined, yet they managed to lose trillions. The nancial data processing for US government accounting systems is done by DynCorp and LockheedMartin. DynCorp was given a $322 million contract to develop, produce, test, and store FDA licensed vaccines for the DOD. DynCorp owns Blackwater, the company that employs the majority of the tens of thousands of security contractors in Iraq. Hadron was founded in the 1980s by Dr. Earl Brian, who was an associate of A orney General Edwin Meese. Brian was convicted on fraud charges in the 1980s. Ken Alibek is president of the subsidiary Hadron Advanced Biosystems, formerly Colonel Kanatjan Alibekov, who headed up Project Bonre, the crash USSR program to destroy the US with biological weapons a er an initial nuclear exchange. DARPA gave the company $12 million in funding for medical biodefense research, the focus of which is non-specic immunity. (Rupert pg479) (Rupert pg 251) The Rendon Group, whose services have been retained during nearly every shooting conict in the past two decades, as James Bamford, an investigative reporter, wrote in Rolling Stone last fall. Hired by the CIA a er the rst gulf war to pave the way for regime change in Iraq, John Rendon helped to organize the Iraqi National Congress, Ahmed Chalabis dissident group (which was later responsible for feeding bogus stories about Iraqs weapons of mass destruction to the press). More recently, though, as Bamford has reported, Rendons rm received a Pentagon contract to mount a
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though, as Bamford has reported, Rendons rm received a Pentagon contract to mount a worldwide propaganda campaign deploying teams of information warriors to allied nations to assist them in developing and delivering specic messages to the local population, combatants, front-line states, the media and the international community. (Daniel Schulman, CJR) Schlumberger is the worlds premier oil drilling company that is present in some manner wherever oil is being developed. Schlumberger is also comprised of the worlds most advanced surface seismic company, WesternGeco, jointly owned by Baker-Hughes. James Baker founded and runs BakerHughes, he is the worlds foremost petroleum lawyer, a key player in the Caspian oil exploration in the 1990s. Schlumbergers board of directors include John M. Deutch, former CIA director for Clinton, along with Jamie S. Gorelick. Gorelick is one of only four of the 9/11 commission members allowed to review presidential intelligence records. Oil companies are routinely used as cover for information gathering by US intelligence agencies, particularly because oil is a strategic commodity, and also because employees have an excuse to travel to just about anywhere in the world. Exxon Mobil, by virtue of its size, employs more intelligence assets than any other entity. Anthropologist and journalists as well are able to travel anywhere in the world without raising too much a ention and have also historically been recruited by the CIA. PNAC: Project for a New American Century The blueprint, uncovered by the Sunday Herald, for the creation of a global Pax Americana was drawn up for Dick Cheney (now vice-president), Donald Rumsfeld (defense secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfelds deputy), George W Bushs younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheneys chief of sta). The document, entitled Rebuilding Americas Defenses: Strategies, Forces And Resources For A New Century, was wri en in September 2000 by the neo-conservative think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC). The PNAC document supports a blueprint for maintaining global US pre-eminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests. This American grand strategy must be advanced for as far into the future as possible, the report says. It also calls for the US to ght and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars as a core mission. The report describes American armed forces abroad as the cavalry on the new American frontier. The PNAC blueprint supports an earlier document wri en by Wolfowitz and Libby that said the US must discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging our leadership or even aspiring to a larger regional or global role. The plan represents a blueprint for what any other country would term American hegemony, an eort to control world aairs, and what a hostile country would term an a empt to take over the world. Key to this strategy is the eort to militarize space, to place anti-satellite weapons in orbit to deny other nations satellite capabilities, and to place strategic weapons in space to a ack military hardware and personnel on the earths surface. The placing of weapons in space is expressly prohibited by international treaties, and threatens to set o an arms race in space. PNAC identies four key areas of interest, one of which refers to transforming the military to exploit the Revolution in Military Aairs. TRANSFORM U.S. ARMED FORCES. Finally, the Pentagon must begin now to exploit the so called revolution in military aairs, sparked by the introduction of advanced technologies into military systems; this must be regarded as a separate and critical mission worthy of a share of force structure and defense budgets. This language referring to an RMA and advanced technologies is in fact referring to the use of microwave weapons on the ba leeld for use against large-scale forces and against individual enemy soldiers. Enron: Less than ten days a er he became Vice Presidentpromising that a Bush/Cheney Administration would restore decency and integrity to the Oval OceCheney took charge of the Administrations energy policy task force, the National Energy Policy Development Group. No initiative interested Enron more, and Cheney welcomed the companys active participation in its deliberations. Cheney was hardly a stranger to the company. He had chaired Halliburton, a Texas-based oil services and construction conglomerate whose subsidiary, Brown & Root, helped build Houstons Enron Field, and his return to politicsa er he selected himself to be Bushs running matebeneted from Enron-linked contributions that paid for the Bush/Cheney campaign, the Florida recount ght fund and the inauguration. Cheney and his aides met at least six times with Lay and other Enron ocials while preparing the groups report, which is the basis for the Administrations energy policy proposals. Additionally, Cheneys sta met with an
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the basis for the Administrations energy policy proposals. Additionally, Cheneys sta met with an Enron-sponsored lobbying organization, the Clean Power Group. When Cheney and Lay met in April 2001, Lay handed Cheney a three-page wish list of corporate recommendations. The task force adopted all or signicant portions of the recommendations in seven of eight policy areas. Seventeen policies sought by Enron or that clearly benet the companyincluding proposals to extend federal control of transmission lines, use federal eminent-domain authority to override state decisions on transmission-line si ing, expedite permi ing for new energy facilities and limit the use of price controlswere included. The Enron-Cheney connection so far has received troublingly limited a ention from Congressional Democrats. Senator Joseph Lieberman announced that a commi ee he heads would issue more than two dozen subpoenas that could cast light on Enron-White House contacts, but Lieberman has so far limited the scope of the inquiry. Cheney aided an a empt by Enron to force the Maharashtra State Electricity Board in India to pay it at least $2.3 billion in connection with a failed $2.9 billion eort to develop a power plant. Vice President Dick Cheney cleared his calendar for an April 17 private meeting with Lay regarding what aides described as energy policy ma ers and the energy crisis in California. At the meeting Lay handed Cheney a memo that read in part: The administration should reject any a empt to re-regulate wholesale power markets by adopting price caps. Connections with Enron are not limited to Cheneys oce. From Army Secretary Thomas White, a former Enron executive, to Trade Representative Robert Zoellick, formerly on Enrons advisory council, Enrons tentacles have reached throughout the Bush White House, shaping tax, trade, energy and environmental policy. (The Nation John Nichols 4/15/02) Peak Oil: Every producing eld follows a bell curve. Dr. M. King Hubbert using his model, (The Hubbert curve) predicted in 1957 that US domestic oil production would peak in 14 years. For this assertion he was ridiculed and laughed at. US production peaked within twelve months of his prediction and people stopped laughing. Dr. Hubbert also developed a bell curve for world oil production that predicts when the world supply will reach maximum output and then begin to decline. Peak oil is due to occur by his calculations in the year 2010. The discovery of new elds peaked in the 1960s and in 2003 it was the rst year since the 1920s when a eld in excess of 500 million barrels was not found. The remaining oil will be found in smaller and smaller elds that are more and more expensive to recover. The world now consumes a billion barrels every 11.5 days. The Caspian Sea oil reserves that the major US oil companies and BP-Amoco invested billions of dollars in were found to be a bust by the end of 2000, the giant elds of oil just arent there. Instead of the expected 200 billion barrels there are 9-13 billion barrels. Hubberts Peak is coinciding with an exploding world population, rising literacy rates that indicate increased consumer spending, and an exploding demand for oil and other energy resources in China, Asia, and Africa. Most of the developing world is tied down by an articially engineered debt to the World Bank and the IMF, but in China auto sales jumped by more than 50%. Policy makers, economists and nancial markets are aware of the potential economic train wreck of declining supply and increasing demand, but have not gone public with this knowledge. OPEC nations of the Middle East will peak last, around 2010, when they will be supplying 40% of the worlds oil demand. The majority of the remaining oil in the world is on the Eurasian continent, which includes the Middle East, the Caspian Basin, and Central Asia. The majority of the world oil supply there is concentrated in Saudi Arabia (25%), Iraq (11%), Iran (13%), Kuwait (11%), and UAE (8%). In order to secure the American way of life, to save us from $10 a gallon gas and a $6 big mac, the strategy of the hour is to militarily secure the remaining large oil elds in Eurasia and the routes for pipelines to bring these essential commodities to market. China will be forced either to buy into existing elds and production technology or it will be forced to use military means to secure an economic future. The nation that controls the allocation of these remaining elds will remain economically robust and able to dole out the oil to reward friends and punish or strangle their enemies. (Rupert pg 28) Trans National Corporations (TNCs): The present economic reality (and that for the foreseeable future) is that the once abundant life-style for large segments of western citizens will continue to erode. This will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction that will increasingly manifest itself in civil disturbance. Economically powerless to change direction, governments may possibly resort to authoritarian remedies, fueling greater unrest and a repetition of the vicious cycle. This model is based on the clear evidence that nations no longer possess the economic might to buck the markets. The globalization of nance and the internationalization of free markets, has led to (or perhaps resulted
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globalization of nance and the internationalization of free markets, has led to (or perhaps resulted from?) giant stateless transnational corporations. Collectively, TNCs far outweigh the economic power of any one sovereign state. Under the combined onslaught of TNCs acting in concert, (referred to as market trends) even G7 (in the form of combined Central Bank intervention) is o en rendered powerless. Under this scenario, the future does not bode well. TNCs will continue to accrue to themselves an increasing proportion of the worlds wealth, whereas nation states will grow increasingly reliant upon sovereign indebtedness to nance themselves or gradually assume Third World economies. The burden of servicing sovereign debt is met by a combination of scal measures, primarily increased domestic taxation (direct, indirect and more hidden measures) and decreased expenditure. Both measures impact heavily on the poorer classes and yet generally benet the TNCs who remain large tax recipients. Eectively powerless, the political structure in sovereign states will have li le alternative but to present to its citizens a facade of being in control if it is to remain in power. Bere of economic muscle, old-fashioned real muscle (in the form of so -kill- technologies) are likely to become more meaningful to the rule of law concept. It is therefore self evident that LTL (less than lethal) weapons will thus be directed at the rebellious poorer classes. (David G. Guya ) Think Tanks: In the mid-1970s, at a historic low point in American conservatism, the CIA began a major campaign to turn corporate fortunes around. They did this in several ways. First, they helped create numerous foundations to nance their domestic operations. Even before 1973, the CIA had co-opted the most famous ones, like the Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations. But a er 1973, they created more. One of their most notorious recruits was billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife. During World War II, Scaifes father served in the OSS, the forerunner of the CIA. By his mid-twenties, both of Scaifes parents had died, and he inherited a fortune under four foundations: the Carthage Foundation, the Sarah Scaife Foundation, the Scaife Family Foundations and the Allegheny Foundation. In the early 1970s, Scaife was encouraged by CIA agent Frank Barne to begin investing his fortune to ght the Soviet menace. From 1973 to 1975, Scaife ran Forum World Features, a foreign news service used as a front to disseminate CIA propaganda around the world. Shortly a erwards he began donating millions to fund the New Right. Scaifes CIA roots are typical of those who head the new conservative foundations. By 1994 the most active were: Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Carthage Foundation Earhart Foundation Charles G. Koch David H. Koch Claude R. Lambe Philip M. McKenna J.M. Foundation John M. Olin Foundation Henry Salvatori Foundation Sarah Scaife Foundation Smith Richardson Foundation Between 1992 and 1994, these foundations gave $210 million to conservative causes. Here is the breakdown of their donations: $88.9 million for conservative scholarships; $79.2 million to enhance a national infrastructure of think tanks and advocacy groups; $16.3 million for alternative media outlets and watchdog groups; $10.5 million for conservative pro-market law rms; $9.3 million for regional and state think tanks and advocacy groups; $5.4 million to organizations working to transform the nations social views and giving practices of the nations religious and philanthropic leaders. The political machine they built is broad and comprehensive, covering every aspect of the political ght. It includes right-wing departments and chairs in the nations top universities, think tanks, public relations rms, media companies, fake grassroots organizations that pressure Congress (irreverently known as Astroturf movements), Roll-out-the-vote machines, pollsters, fax networks, lobbyist organizations, economic seminars for the nations judges, and more. And because corporations are the
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organizations, economic seminars for the nations judges, and more. And because corporations are the richest sector of society, their greater nancing overwhelms similar eorts by Democrats. Besides creating foundations, the CIA helped organize the business community. There have always been special interest groups representing business, like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers, and the CIA has long been involved with them. However, a er 1973, a spate of powerful new groups would come into existence, like the Business Roundtable and the Trilateral Commission. These organizations quickly became powerhouses in promoting the business agenda. Their eorts clearly succeeded. With the 1975 SUN-PAC decision, corporations persuaded government to legalize corporate Political Action Commi ees (the lobbyist organizations that bribe our government). By 1992, corporations formed 67 percent of all PACs, and they donated 79 percent of all campaign contributions to political parties. In two landmark elections 1980 and 1994 corporations gave heavily and one-sidedly to Republicans, turning one or both houses of Congress over to the GOP. Democratic incumbents were shocked by the threat of being rolled completely out of power, so they quietly shi ed to the right on economic issues, even though they continued a public faade of liberalism. Corporations went ahead and donated to Democratic incumbents in all other elections, but only as long as they abandoned the interests of workers, consumers, minorities and the poor. As expected, the new pro-corporate Congress passed laws favoring the rich: between 1975 and 1992, the amount of national household wealth owned by the richest 1 percent soared from 22 to 42 percent. The CIA also helped create the conservative think tank movement. Prior to the 70s, think tanks spanned the political spectrum, with moderate think tanks receiving three times as much funding as conservative ones. At these early think tanks, scholars typically brainstormed for creative solutions to policy problems. This would all change a er the rise of conservative foundations in the early 70s. The Heritage Foundation opened its doors in 1973, the recipient of $250,000 in seed money from the Coors Foundation. A ood of conservative think tanks followed shortly therea er, and by 1980 they overwhelmed the scene. The new think tanks turned out to be li le more than propaganda mills, rigging studies to prove that their corporate sponsors needed tax breaks, deregulation and other favors from government. Of course, think-tank studies are useless without publicity, and here the CIA proved especially valuable. Using propaganda techniques it had perfected at the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe, the CIA and its allies turned American AM radio into a haven for conservative talk show hosts. Yes Rush Limbaugh uses the same propaganda techniques that Muscovites once heard from Voice of America. The CIA has also developed countless other media outlets, like Capital Cities (which eventually bought ABC), major PR rms like Hill & Knowlton, and of course, all the Agencys connections in the national news media. The following is a typical example of how the New Media operates. As most political observers know, the Republicans suer from a gender gap, in which women prefer Democrats by huge majorities. This is, in fact, why Clinton has twice won the presidency. But, curiously enough, as the 90s progressed, conservative female pundits began popping up everywhere in the media. Hard-right pundits like Ann Coulter, Kellyanne Fitzpatrick, Laura Ingraham, Barbara Olson, Melinda Sidak, Anita Blair and Whitney Adams conditioned us to the idea of the conservative woman. This phenomenon was no accident. It turns out that Richard Mellon Scaife donated $450,000 over three years to the Independent Womens Forum, a booking agency that heavily seeds such female conservative pundits into the media. The most obvious criticism of the New Overclass is that their political machine is undemocratic. Using subversive techniques once aimed at communists, and with all the money they ever need to succeed, the Overclass undemocratically controls our government, our media, and even a growing part of academia. These institutions in turn allow the Overclass to control the supposedly free market. (Steve Kangas) Eschelon: Signals Intelligence refers to the ability to eaves drop on cell phones, land lines, radios, and email. Eschelon was the name of the program that was exposed in Australia when it was charged with being used for political purposes. Eschelons surveillance power lies in its ability to tap all international and some domestic communications circuits, and si out messages which sound interesting. Computers automatically analyze every telex message or data signal, and can also identify calls to, say, a target telephone number in London, no ma er from which country they originate.According to the BBC, Every international telephone call, fax, e-mail, or radio transmission can be listened to by powerful computers capable of voice recognition. They home in on a
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transmission can be listened to by powerful computers capable of voice recognition. They home in on a long list of key words, or pa erns of messages. They are looking for evidence of international crime, like Terrorism. Building on an original post WWII alliance between the US, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, Eschelon had by the late 1980s expanded to include joint operations with Germany, Japan, and China. It was initiated under the legal premise that while it is not permissible for the US government to monitor the conversations of its citizens without a warrant, it is not illegal for British intelligence to monitor American citizens, etc. Once the take has been pooled, the respective agencies can have safe access to their own domestic intelligence, because the Britons, Australians, or Germans did it, and not the home government. The primary operating agency for all Eschelon activities worldwide is the US National Security Agency. (Rupert pg 228) When Boeing beat European Airbus in a major sale worth billions of dollars the Europeans accused the US government of conducting industrial espionage on behalf of Boeing using Eschelon or related technologies. PROMIS is a revolutionary computer so ware program that was developed in the 1970s by former NSA programmer and engineer Bill Hamilton. In terms of computer programs it represented the universal translator of Star Trek. PROMIS (Prosecutors Management Information System) is able to read and integrate any number of dierent computer programs or databases simultaneously, regardless of the language in which the original programs had been wri en or the current operating system. According to Bill Hamilton, Edwin Meese, Reagans A orney General, along with Dr. Earl Brian and others, stole the amazing so ware, modied it by installing a trap door into that would allow those who knew of it to access the program in other computers, and then sold the so ware overseas to foreign intelligence agencies. Hamilton knew his so ware had been stolen when requests for tech support came in from people he hadnt sold it to. The Israeli Mossad under Ra Eitan again modied the so ware and sold it throughout the Middle East using British publishing magnate Robert Maxwell as a cut out. The revolutionary so ware allowed anyone with the trap door code to enter every database in every computer in every language at will simultaneously. This ability represents perfect information gathering technology that is undetectable, the ultimate prize of every intelligence agency in the world. The CIA, through GE Aerospace in Herndon, Virginia (GAO contract #82F624620), the FBI, and the NSA modied the back door but more importantly had enhanced the ultimate program with articial intelligence or AI. The program, which came to be called other names such as SMART, had originally been capable of automatically and secretly drawing any information from any and all computers connected to the web. What new capabilities were now possible with articial intelligence added to the mix, and what uses were the intelligence agencies pu ing it to besides stealing each others information perfectly? The contractor that added the AI component, GE Aerospace, was purchased by Martin-Marie a, which merged to become LockheedMartin, the largest defense and aerospace contractor in the world. Ed Meese and his partisan Republican crowd were not the only ones who recognized the potential of PROMIS, Democrats had made their moves as well. Jackson Stevens is a presidential kingmaker, a lifelong supporter of George Bush, and the Annapolis roommate of Jimmy Carter. The billionaire Stevens rm Systematics, later Axicom, had mated the illegal so ware with banking so ware. In the late 70s and 80s Systematics handled 60-70% of all electronic banking systems in the US. Stevens teamed with Worthen Bank, Lippo Group and BCCI, the drug/intelligence bank to penetrate every banking system in the world. PROMIS could be used to inuence and predict nancial markets worldwide. When Clinton was completely out of campaign funds it was Stevens that loaned him $3 million to keep his campaign going. Herbert Pug Winokur CEO of DynCorp from 1989-97, is a PhD mathematician from Harvard where the mathematical breakthroughs using block-modeling gave rise to articial intelligence. In the 60s Winokur did research for the DOD on the causes of inner city unrest in the wake of the 1967 Detroit riots. DynCorp was heavily involved in the evolution of PROMIS so ware. Winokur is a member of the board of the Harvard Endowment, which is not a benevolent university fund but an aggressive predatory investor with $19 billion in assets invested in HUD-subsidized housing, high-tech defense operations, and George W. Bushs failing oil company Harkin Energy. The Harvard Endowment saw its holdings skyrocket in the last decade, making 33% in 1999. The same year HUD announced a manual adjustment to reconcile a $59-billion accounting shortfall between its accounts and the US Treasury account. Geomatics is a company at the heart of the Canadian space program and is closely associated with Lockheed-Martin. Geomatics uses remote sensing from space to locate natural resources such as oil,
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Lockheed-Martin. Geomatics uses remote sensing from space to locate natural resources such as oil, precious metals, and other commodities. In the commodities markets of the world this kind of perfect information is the ultimate tool to predicting and controlling markets. Remote sensing can closely estimate the size of harvests of agricultural commodities such as coee or oranges. Perfect information on the size of the orange harvest translates potentially to millions of dollars in the US commodity markets alone. Exploration for oil and gas can be very expensive, but advances in imaging technology, global positioning systems, and remote sensing technologies have advanced light years over the last few decades. This situation is custom-made for enhanced PROMIS so ware with back-door technology. What be er way to map and inventory the worlds resources by making each client nation pay for it. PROMIS so ware makes it possible to compile a worldwide database of every marketable natural resource. AI enhanced PROMIS based programs would be the perfect set-up to make billions of dollars in prots by manipulating the futures trade in, for example a rare metal like tungsten, or exploiting a sudden surge in the price of gold and platinum. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) were sold PROMIS so ware to use in their intelligence gathering operations, and began to suspect that their copies may have been altered and possibly all of their les were transparent and had been for some time. The RCMP had been given their version of PROMIS by the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS), which was created with the assistance of the CIA. RCMP investigators stated that they and the CSIS had a rivalry similar to the one between the CIA and the FBI, and questioned whether any intelligence agency created by the CIA could be completely loyal to its native country. They further stated that they knew that the NSA had compromised their communications equipment. The Canadians put out a report that friendly nations were stealing sensitive technology, particularly related to aerospace, biotechnology, chemicals, communications, information technology, mining and metallurgy, nuclear energy, oil and gas, and the environment. The doctored versions of PROMIS were acquired from both Robert Maxwell and Dr. Earl Brian. Brian is a medical doctor who founded Hadron, has been involved in shady dealings with rms connected with disease research, cytology, and biotechnology. Hadron is at the heart of the US government operations involving biowarfare and vaccines. Ari Ben-Menashe is Isreals top spy who in reports was linked to Iran-Contra scandal and the October Surprise that led to Reagans election in 1980. PROMIS so ware is described in his book, Prots of War. The inventor of PROMIS so ware hired army CID investigator Bill McCoy to investigate the the but the famed investigator who had broken some of the armys biggest cases ever was found dead of a heart a ack. Within 48 hours of his death McCoys body was cremated and two days later all of his les, furniture, and personal belongings had been removed from his home, which was painted and sanitized. The PROMIS saga leads to more than a dozen deaths, many of which share the same pa ern, within 48 hours of death the body is cremated, residences sanitized and all records disappear. (Seymore, The Last Circle) (Rupert pg 169) Total Information Awareness (TIA): The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will be given access to all state and local databases, complete access to all banking and stock transactions, and all private data bases on demand (medical records). They will monitor and control all communications at state and local levels, as well as build an intranet for corporations. Local police agencies that receive federal subsidies (all of them), will in eect become intelligence gathering units for the federal government. Under the TIA program created by DARPA the government is now monitoring almost all activity of all Americans, including bank deposits, shopping, web surng, academic grades, divorce records, spending, phone calls, utility usage, travel, virtually everything. It plans to track everything you do employing face recognition so ware that can stop you from making a withdrawal at the bank or from boarding a plane. The government has placed all its faith in incredible new technologies such as PROMIS so ware and exotic weaponry systems that are just beginning to be unveiled. TIA plans to recognize you by your voice, by your unique body odor, it even plans to use non-invasive neuroelectric sensors to read your mind. (Washington Times 8/17/02 Frank J. Murray, Nasa Plans to Read Terrorists Minds at Airports) Congress voted to unfund the TIA oce but the AP reported in 2004 that the project was going forward in dierent oces of the Pentagon in a shell game. Acxiom is the lead company to provide so ware and pull together to furnish the information to DARPAs Information Awareness Oce headed by John Poindexter. Billionaire Jackson Stevens
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DARPAs Information Awareness Oce headed by John Poindexter. Billionaire Jackson Stevens owns Acxiom, (Alltel, Systematics) and had backed NATO Commander Wesley Clark for president in 2004. His company stole PROMIS so ware in the 1980s, and is using it to create TIA for John Poindexter. PROMIS so ware under the name Genoa was delivered to DARPA 23 days a er Bush signed the Homeland Security bill in Nov. 2002. Admiral Poindexter, the convicted Iran-Contra felon and former Reagan National Security Advisor, said that Genoa provides tools for collaborative reasoning, estimating plausible futures, and creating actionable options for the decision maker. Negative public reaction led to Poindexters latest project, Futures Markets Applied to Prediction (FutureMAP). Investors using futures market analysis would predict the likelihood of a future terrorist a ack, a correct prediction would yield a prot for the investor. In Washington lawmakers, mostly Democrats, expressed shock and disbelief at a program which was a gross violation of privacy in direct violation of the Constitution. Congress eliminated the TIA oce but by 2004 the AP reported Poindexters TIA eort had been transferred to US intelligence oces, Congressional, Federal, and research ocials said the Advanced Research and Development Activity (ARDA) was engaged in similar research using some of the same scientists as Poindexters program. (Rupert pg 479) INSIDER TRADING 9/11 A put option is a bet that a stock price is going to fall precipitously. If one were to put a single put option contract on American Airlines at $30 per share and the stock fell to $18 one could purchase 100 shares at $18 and immediately sell them for $30, ne ing a prot of $12 per share. This is what happened on a far larger scale and with many companies around the world on 9/11. The levels of options purchased the week of 9/11 were more than six times higher than normal. A former member of the German Parliament then responsible for oversight of the German secret service estimated that prots by inside traders were $15 billion. CBS reported that at least seven countries are dissecting suspicious trades that may have ne ed more than $100 million in prots, a much more conservative gure. In one clear example among many reported by CBS and Associated Press stated, The tradesinvolved at least 450,000 shares of American Airlinesbut what raised the red ag is more than 80% of the orders were puts, far outnumbering call options, those be ing the stock would risesources say they have never seen that kind of imbalance before. Normally the numbers are fairly evenan extremely unbalanced number of trades be ing Uniteds stock would fall also transformed into huge prots when it did fall a er the hackings. Shortly a er 9/11 the SEC issued a list of 38 companies whose shares had been suspiciously traded, all the rms had seen unusual levels of put option purchases right before 9/11 and almost every companys shares had fallen sharply right a er the a acks. The Herzliya Institute for Counterterrorism documented enormous suspicious trades in a story entitled Black Tuesday: The Worlds Largest Insider Trading Scam? Convair, a German rm hired to retrieve the computer hard drives from the rubble of the WYC found that there was a deluge of electronic trading just minutes before the rst plane struck. Richard Wagner, a data retrieval expert, estimated that more than $100 million in illegal transactions appeared to have rushed through the WTC computers before and during the disaster. The Wall Street Journal reported there was an unusually high volume in the purchase of ve-year Treasury notes just before the a acks, including one $5 billion dollar trade. T-Bills are used as safe havens for investors when the markets are in trouble and T-Bill prices rose immediately a er the a acks. Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown is the American investment banking arm of the German giant Deutsche Bank, and was used to purchase some of these options. One of the anonymous trades has le a $2.5 million prize unclaimed. The rm used to place the put options on United Airlines stock was managed until 1998 by the man who is now the number three Executive Director position at the CIA. A. B. Buzzy Krongard became Vice Chairman of Bankers Trust when the two rms merged and his new position was to oversee private client relationships. Krongard had a special hands-on relationship with some of the wealthiest people in the world in a specialized banking operation that Senator Carl Levin identied as being connected to the laundering of drug money. Bankers Trust was acquired by Deutsche Bank in 1999 to form the single largest bank in Europe. Before the 9/11 a ack, Kevin Ingram, an executive for Bankers Trust Deutsche Bank, pled guilty to laundering drug money to nance terrorist operations for groups linked to Osama Bin Laden. Deutsche Bank has been a favorite of the bin Laden family and was connected to the hackers and their support network. Deutsche Bank had corresponding relationships with banks in Bahrain and Kuwait that served George W. Bush when he engaged in illegal insider trading of shares of his
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Kuwait that served George W. Bush when he engaged in illegal insider trading of shares of his company Harken Energy. Both banks, Kuwait Finance House and Faysal Islamic Bank of Bahrain, had dealt with Al Qaeda and bin Laden, but when the Bush administration released its world-wide list of suspect nancial institutions, vowing to track down terrorist nancing, neither bank was on the list. Mayo Sha uck III is a powerful force in the nancial world, head of the Alex Brown Deutsch Bank on 9/11, he had previously been involved in Enron helping them conceal their massive debt, as well as involved in an insider trading scam involving Adnon Kashoggis Genesis Intermedia immediately before 9/11. He was midway through a 3 year $30 million contract as head of Alex Brown when the a acks came, and under his management some of the illegal trades on United Airlines were placed. Sha uck had taken over Alex Brown operations in 1997 a er Krongard had ocially gone to the CIA in 1998. Mayo Sha uck resigned on the day a er 9/11. A close associate of CFR member Steven Bechtel of the Bechtel Corporation, Sha uck is now the CEO of Constellation Energy Group, one of the rms that participated in Dick Cheneys energy task force. Alex Brown renanced the Carlyle Group when it purchased United Defense Technologies in 2000, their relationship with the Bush family business (Carlyle) goes back seven decades to George W. Bushs grandfather Presco Bush and Brown Brothers, Harriman. Nine agencies-SEC, NYSE, CBOE, DOJ, FBI, Secret Service, CIA, Treasury, and NSA opened investigations into insider trading immediately a er 9/11 based on obvious evidence that they initially admi ed. Not one of these agencies has to this day divulged any information to the public. The logic of insider trading on 9/11 was made clear by the Pentagon when it announced plans for a futures market on terrorist a acks called the Policy Analysis Market. The ocial program is predicated on the admission that people with advance knowledge of terror a acks would always seek to capitalize on that knowledge. Public outrage over the program forced the resignation of convicted Iran-Contra felon John Poindexter. (Rupert pg 238) Able Danger On Aug. 16, 2005, The New York Times Philip Shenon revealed that a super-secret Pentagon special action program called Able Danger had tracked Mohammed A a and three of the other Sept. 11, 2001 hackers a year prior to the a acks; but Pentagon lawyers with the Special Operations Command refused to allow the information to be shared with the FBI, for fear of exposing the data-mining program to any public scrutiny. The Times learned of Able Danger from Lt. Col. Anthony Schaer, who was the programs liaison to the Defense Intelligence Agency at the time. Operation Cyclone: Throughout the world its agents, client states and satellites are on the defensive on the moral defensive, the intellectual defensive, and the political and economic defensive. Freedom movements arise and assert themselves. Theyre doing so on almost every continent populated by man in the hills of Afghanistan, in Angola, in Kampuchea, in Central America [They are] freedom ghters. Is this a call to jihad (holy war) taken from one of Islamic fundamentalist Osama bin Ladens notorious fatwas? Or perhaps a communique issued by the repressive Taliban regime in Kabul? In fact, this glowing praise of the murderous exploits of todays supporters of arch-terrorist bin Laden and his Taliban collaborators, and their holy war against the evil empire, was issued by US President Ronald Reagan on March 8, 1985. The evil empire was the Soviet Union, as well as Third World movements ghting US-backed colonialism, apartheid and dictatorship. How things change. In the a ermath of a series of terrorist atrocities the most despicable being the mass murder of more than 3000 working people in New York and Washington on September 11 bin Laden the freedom ghter is now lambasted by US leaders and the Western mass media as a terrorist mastermind and an evil-doer. Yet the US government refuses to admit its central role in creating the vicious movement that spawned bin Laden, the Taliban and Islamic fundamentalist terrorists that plague Algeria and Egypt and perhaps the disaster that befell New York. The mass media has also downplayed the origins of bin Laden and his toxic brand of Islamic fundamentalism. In April 1978, the Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) seized power in Afghanistan in reaction to a crackdown against the party by that countrys repressive government. The PDPA was commi ed to a radical land reform that favoured the peasants, trade union rights, an expansion of education and social services, equality for women and the separation of church and state. The PDPA also supported strengthening Afghanistans relationship with the Soviet Union. Such policies enraged the wealthy
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strengthening Afghanistans relationship with the Soviet Union. Such policies enraged the wealthy semi-feudal landlords, the Muslim religious establishment (many mullahs were also big landlords) and the tribal chiefs. They immediately began organizing resistance to the governments progressive policies, under the guise of defending Islam. Washington, fearing the spread of Soviet inuence (and worse the new governments radical example) to its allies in Pakistan, Iran and the Gulf states, immediately oered support to the Afghan mujaheddin, as the contra force was known. Following an internal PDPA power struggle in December 1979 which toppled Afghanistans leader, thousands of Soviet troops entered the country to prevent the new governments fall. This only galvanized the disparate fundamentalist factions. Their reactionary jihad now gained legitimacy as a national liberation struggle in the eyes of many Afghans. The Soviet Union was eventually to withdraw from Afghanistan in 1989 and the mujaheddin captured the capital, Kabul, in 1992. Between 1978 and 1992, the US government poured at least US$6 billion (some estimates range as high as $20 billion) worth of arms, training and funds to prop up the mujaheddin factions. Other Western governments, as well as oil-rich Saudi Arabia, kicked in as much again. Wealthy Arab fanatics, like Osama bin Laden, provided millions more. Washingtons policy in Afghanistan was shaped by US President Jimmy Carters national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and was continued by his successors. His plan went far beyond simply forcing Soviet troops to withdraw; rather it aimed to foster an international movement to spread Islamic fanaticism into the Muslim Central Asian Soviet republics to destabilize the Soviet Union. Brzezinskis grand plan coincided with Pakistan military dictator General Zia ul-Haqs own ambitions to dominate the region. US-run Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe beamed Islamic fundamentalist tirades across Central Asia (while paradoxically denouncing the Islamic revolution that toppled the pro-US Shah of Iran in 1979). Washingtons favoured mujaheddin faction was one of the most extreme, led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. The Wests distaste for terrorism did not apply to this unsavory freedom ghter. Hekmatyar was notorious in the 1970s for throwing acid in the faces of women who refused to wear the veil. A er the mujaheddin took Kabul in 1992, Hekmatyars forces rained US-supplied missiles and rockets on that city killing at least 2000 civilians until the new government agreed to give him the post of prime minister. Osama bin Laden was a close associate of Hekmatyar and his faction. Hekmatyar was also infamous for his side trade in the cultivation and tracking in opium. Backing of the mujaheddin from the CIA coincided with a boom in the drug business. Within two years, the Afghanistan-Pakistan border was the worlds single largest source of heroin, supplying 60% of US drug users. In 1995, the former director of the CIAs operation in Afghanistan was unrepentant about the explosion in the ow of drugs: Our main mission was to do as much damage as possible to the Soviets There was a fallout in terms of drugs, yes. But the main objective was accomplished. The Soviets le Afghanistan. According to Ahmed Rashid, a correspondent for the Far Eastern Economic Review, in 1986 CIA chief William Casey commi ed CIA support to a long-standing ISI proposal to recruit from around the world to join the Afghan jihad. At least 100,000 Islamic militants ocked to Pakistan between 1982 and 1992 (some 60,000 a ended fundamentalist schools in Pakistan without necessarily taking part in the ghting). John Cooley, a former journalist with the US ABC television network and author has revealed that Muslims recruited in the US for the mujaheddin were sent to Camp Peary, the CIAs spy training camp in Virginia, where young Afghans, Arabs from Egypt and Jordan, and even some African-American black Muslims were taught sabotage skills. The November 1, 1998, British Independent reported that one of those charged with the 1998 bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, Ali Mohammed, had trained bin Ladens operatives in 1989. These operatives were recruited at the al Kifah Refugee Centre in Brooklyn, New York, given paramilitary training in the New York area and then sent to Afghanistan with US assistance to join Hekmatyars forces. Mohammed was a member of the US armys elite Green Berets. The program, reported the Independent, was part of a Washington-approved plan called Operation Cyclone. In Pakistan, recruits, money and equipment were distributed to the mujaheddin factions by an organization known as Maktab al Khidamar (Oce of Services MAK). MAK was a front for Pakistans CIA, the Inter-Service Intelligence Directorate. The ISI was the rst recipient of the vast bulk of CIA and Saudi Arabian covert assistance for the Afghan contras. Bin Laden was one of three people who ran MAK. In 1989, he took overall charge of MAK. Among those trained by Mohammed were El Sayyid Nosair, who was jailed in 1995 for killing Israeli rightist Rabbi Meir Kahane and plo ing with others to bomb New York landmarks, including the World Trade Center in 1993. The Independent also
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others to bomb New York landmarks, including the World Trade Center in 1993. The Independent also suggested that Shiekh Omar Abdel-Rahman, an Egyptian religious leader also jailed for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, was also part of Operation Cyclone. He entered the US in 1990 with the CIAs approval. A condential CIA report concluded that the agency was partly culpable for the 1993 World Trade Center blast, the Independent reported. Osama bin Laden, one of 20 sons of a billionaire construction magnate, arrived in Afghanistan to join the jihad in 1980. An austere religious fanatic and business tycoon, bin Laden specialized in recruiting, nancing and training the estimated 35,000 non-Afghan mercenaries who joined the mujaheddin. The bin Laden family is a prominent pillar of the Saudi Arabian ruling class, with close personal, nancial and political ties to that countrys pro-US royal family. Bin Laden senior was appointed Saudi Arabias minister of public works as a favour by King Faisal. The new minister awarded his own construction companies lucrative contracts to rebuild Islams holiest mosques in Mecca and Medina. In the process, the bin Laden family company in 1966 became the worlds largest private construction company. Osama bin Ladens father died in 1968. Until 1994, he had access to the dividends from this ill-go en business empire. (Bin Laden juniors o -quoted personal fortune of US$200-300 million has been arrived at by the US State Department by dividing todays value of the bin Laden family net worth estimated to be US$5 billion by the number of bin Laden seniors sons. A fact rarely mentioned is that in 1994 the bin Laden family disowned Osama and took control of his share.) Osamas military and business adventures in Afghanistan had the blessing of the bin Laden dynasty and the reactionary Saudi Arabian regime. His close working relationship with MAK also meant that the CIA was fully aware of his activities. Milt Bearden, the CIAs station chief in Pakistan from 1986 to 1989, admi ed to the January 24, 2000, New Yorker that while he never personally met bin Laden, Did I know that he was out there? Yes, I did [Guys like] bin Laden were bringing $20-$25 million a month from other Saudis and Gulf Arabs to underwrite the war. And that is a lot of money. Its an extra $200-$300 million a year. And this is what bin Laden did. In 1986, bin Laden brought heavy construction equipment from Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan. Using his extensive knowledge of construction techniques (he has a degree in civil engineering), he built training camps, some dug deep into the sides of mountains, and built roads to reach them. These camps, now dubbed terrorist universities by Washington, were built in collaboration with the ISI and the CIA. The Afghan contra ghters, including the tens of thousands of mercenaries recruited and paid for by bin Laden, were armed by the CIA. Pakistan, the US and Britain provided military trainers. Tom Carew, a former British SAS soldier who secretly fought for the mujaheddin told the August 13, 2000, British Observer, The Americans were keen to teach the Afghans the techniques of urban terrorism car bombing and so on so that they could strike at the Russians in major towns Many of them are now using their knowledge and expertise to wage war on everything they hate. Al Qaeda (the Base), bin Ladens organization, was established in 1987-88 to run the camps and other business enterprises. It is a tightly-run capitalist holding company albeit one that integrates the operations of a mercenary force and related logistical services with legitimate business operations. Bin Laden has simply continued to do the job he was asked to do in Afghanistan during the 1980s fund, feed and train mercenaries. All that has changed is his primary customer. Then it was the ISI and, behind the scenes, the CIA. Today, his services are utilized primarily by the reactionary Taliban regime. Bin Laden only became a terrorist in US eyes when he fell out with the Saudi royal family over its decision to allow more than 540,000 US troops to be stationed on Saudi soil following Iraqs invasion of Kuwait. When thousands of US troops remained in Saudi Arabia a er the end of the Gulf War, bin Ladens anger turned to outright opposition. He declared that Saudi Arabia and other regimes such as Egypt in the Middle East were puppets of the US, just as the PDPA government of Afghanistan had been a puppet of the Soviet Union. He called for the overthrow of these client regimes and declared it the duty of all Muslims to drive the US out of the Gulf states. In 1994, he was stripped of his Saudi citizenship and forced to leave the country. His assets there were frozen. A er a period in Sudan, he returned to Afghanistan in May 1996. He refurbished the camps he had helped build during the Afghan war and oered the facilities and services and thousands of his mercenaries to the Taliban, which took power that September. Today, bin Ladens private army of non-Afghan religious fanatics is a key prop of the Taliban regime. Prior to the devastating September 11 a ack on the twin towers of World Trade Center, US ruling-class gures remained unrepentant about the consequences of their dirty deals with the likes of bin Laden, Hekmatyar and the Taliban.
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about the consequences of their dirty deals with the likes of bin Laden, Hekmatyar and the Taliban. Since the awful a ack, they have been downright hypocritical. In an August 28, 1998, report posted on MSNBC, Michael Moran quotes Senator Orrin Hatch, who was a senior member of the Senate Intelligence Commi ee which approved US dealings with the mujaheddin, as saying he would make the same call again, even knowing what bin Laden would become. It was worth it. Those were very important, pivotal ma ers that played an important role in the downfall of the Soviet Union. Hatch today is one of the most gung-ho voices demanding military retaliation. Another face that has appeared repeatedly on television screens since the a ack has been Vincent Cannistrano, described as a former CIA chief of counter-terrorism operations. Cannistrano is certainly an expert on terrorists like bin Laden, because he directed their work. He was in charge of the CIA-backed Nicaraguan contras during the early 1980s. In 1984, he became the supervisor of covert aid to the Afghan mujaheddin for the US National Security Council. The last word goes to Zbigniew Brzezinski: What was more important in the world view of history? The Taliban or the fall of the Soviet Empire? A few stirred up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War? (Green Le Weekly) Afghanistan: The Pakistani ISI was used by the CIA to conduct a clandestine war against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. The covert plan was the brain child of Brzezinski of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. The US faked an a empt to overthrow the Soviet puppet leader in Afghanistan, the USSR was tricked into invading, and then the CIA funneled arms to the ISI in Pakistan to launch a guerilla war using the Mujahedeen to tie them down in a Vietnam style quagmire. The plan was executed by Bill Casey under Ronald Reagan. During the 80s the heroin trade exploded, and Osama bin Laden, ghting alongside opium warlords like the CIA protg Hekmatyar, gained experience in guerilla war and terrorist tactics. The United States believed that the Taliban was a group that could unite the country and provide a stable platform for the construction of pipelines. When the Taliban took power in 1996 it was orchestrated by the ISI and the oil company Unocal, with its Saudi ally Delta. The Washington Post reported that a quiet US military buildup was taking place in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan for months before the 2000 Presidential election. The plans for the invasion were initiated during the Clinton administration. Opium production was banned by the Taliban and 80% of the world supply, 450 metric tons of pure heroin worth many billions went o line. Direct secret negotiations between the US led 6+2 group (Afghanistan neighbors Pakistan, China, Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, and the US) through State Department expert on South Asian aairs Karl Rick Inderfurth negotiated with the Taliban. When negotiations failed to yield an agreement and GW Bush was elected, there was a urry of meetings over pipeline issues and then the military option that had begun under Clinton was put into motion. As far back as 1997 US military personnel had been quietly dispatched to Central Asia, and by June of 2001 it seemed the die was cast. (Rupert pg 106) Under the current US sponsored Afghan government led by former Unocal employee Ahmid Karzai, the warlords now control the production of successive record opium harvests. Heroin production in the area under their control is now estimated at 650 metric tons of pure heroin. SIXTEEN: Law Human Testing Lawsuit DismissedIn September, a lawsuit brought by the International Commi ee on Oensive Microwave Weapons (ICOMW) was dismissed in the U.S. district court in Washington. We were asking the court to enforce a presidential memorandum which bans involuntary research on human subjects, said the groups director, Harlan Girard. The Philadelphia-based organization had alleged that the DOD and the CIA have conducted such experiments in their eorts to develop weapons systems using EMFs, lasers, microwaves and sound waves (see MWV, M/J98). The judge ruled that the group did not have standing to bring suit because the people alleged to have suered from such testing were not ICOMW members. She acknowledged that Girard himself was a member, but stated that his own complaints were too generalized and nonspecic to support a complaint. Girard told Microwave News that the ICOMW could not aord an appeal. Instead, he said, the commi ee plans to raise the ma er with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. A new report from the Coalition Against Torture and Racial Discrimination, an alliance of 15 U.S. human rights groups, states that the lawsuits charges deserve a ention. Given the past history of secret
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rights groups, states that the lawsuits charges deserve a ention. Given the past history of secret experimentation by the government, the anti-torture group declares, these allegations of continuinggovernment-sponsored human testing should not be dismissed without more thorough, impartial investigation. (Microwave News 9/98) One of the few MKULTRA victims to receive compensation from the LSD era of mind control was a Canadian citizen whose husband was a member of parliament. In the US the Olsen family received compensation a er thirty years in part because Olsen was a government scientist from a distinct socioeconomic bracket. The use of prisoners, mental patients, children, and generally people from lower socioeconomic levels of society means that these people cannot ght back. The hurdles of the legal system and years of eort are beyond their means to overcome. A successful lawsuit from a former NSA employee details how he was targeted by his fellow employees and the methods used. (excerpt) United States District Court US District Court Judge, Staley Sporkin DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA John St Clair Akwei vs. National Security Agency Ft George G. Meade, MD, USA (Civil Action 92-0449) NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MKULTRA program of the early 1950s, which included neurological research into radiation (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the National Archives as Radiation Intelligence, dened as information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation. Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs of the US government. The NSA monitors available information about this technology and withholds scientic research from the public. There are also international intelligence agreements to keep this technology secret. The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all of the electrical activity in the brain continuously. The NSA records and decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for brain-to-computer link (in military ghter aircra , for example). For electronic surveillance purposes, electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subjects verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brains auditory cortex, thus allowing audio communications direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this covertly to debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia. Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subjects brain and show images from the subjects brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subjects eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this surreptitiously to put images into a surveillance subjects brain while they are in REM sleep for Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event and visual image in the brain has a corresponding evoked potential or set of evoked potentials. The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subjects brain. The NSAs Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to monitor remotely and non-invasively information in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwa electromagnetic emissions from the brain. The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. TABLE 1: An example of EMF Brain Stimulation Brain Area Bioelectric Information Induced Resonance Through Modulation Frequency Motor Control Cortex 10 Hz Motor impulse coordination Auditory Cortex 15 Hz Sound which bypasses the ears Visual Cortex 25 Hz Images in the brain bypassing the eyes
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Visual Cortex 25 Hz Images in the brain bypassing the eyes Somatosensory 9 Hz Phantom touch sense Thought Center 20 Hz Imposed subconscious thoughts Senator John Glenn sought to pass legislation in Congress that would make the use of human guinea pigs less likely. Here are excerpts from his speech on the Senate oor. The Plain-Dealer uncovered much evidence to suggest that the Federal Government continues to sponsor research where informed consent is not obtained. And this fact disturbed me greatly also. On August 15, 1994, the New York Times reported on ethical and legal questions regarding a companys eorts to promote a drug that can make some children grow taller than they otherwise would. The drug in question, Protropin, has been approved by FDA for use in children whose bodies do not make sucient quantities of human growth hormone. However, once approved, doctors may prescribe it for other purposes at their discretion. In this case the company was apparently surveying schools for short children and then trying to funnel those children to doctors who would prescribe the drug whether or not the children lacked the human growth hormone. This unapproved research was occurring without the oversight of an IRB. And at least 15,000 children have taken this drug. On November 14, 1996, the Wall Street Journal published an article that examined the practice at one pharmaceutical rm, Eli Lilly and Co. in using homeless alcoholics in their clinical trials. The article raises some disturbing questions about the quality of the phase I trials conducted by this one company. Also serious ethical questions are raised concerning the appropriateness of paying homeless alcoholics signicant sums to be human guinea pigs. It is not clear from the article whether these tests were reviewed by any IRB. What the government lacks in hard data about humans, it more than makes up for with volumes of statistics about laboratory animals. I wonder how many guinea pigs were used in U.S. research? The Agriculture Department knows: 333,379. How many hamsters in Ohio? 2,782. So we have all this data on animals and li le on human beings. I would hasten to add that the guinea pigs the PlainDealer refers to are the four-legged kind too and not the guinea pigs that are human being used for research. (The Animal Welfare Act is more protective of mice than any law that applies to men.) The intent therefore of this legislation is twofold: First, to ll in the gaps of coverage of the common rule by requiring all research involving human subjects to abide by the rule; and second, to elevate the importance of conducting research ethically, the bill provides criminal nes and penalties for failure to comply with the requirements of this law, and by extension 45 CFR 46. No Federal agency, other than HHS, has applied the additional protections described in 45 CFR 46 for vulnerable populations pregnant women and their fetus, children, prisonersto their own research. So the purpose of this legislation is to help close the gaps that exist within the current system for protecting research subjects. Specically, the advisory commi ee recommended that informed consent of all human subjects of classied research be required, and that such requirement not be subject to waiver or exemption. Under current rule and executive order, it is possible to waive informed consent and IRB review for classied research. Title II of this legislation would prohibit the waiver of either informed consent or IRB review for classied research. I do not claim to have the magic bullet solution with this bill. However, I believe there are some key principles which should guide the Senates consideration of this legislation. These principles are: First, informed consent and independent review of experiments involving human subjects must be required. Second, anyone who violates the right of research subject to have informed consent, should be held criminally responsible for that violation. I want to put this in personal terms once again. You can imagine your spouse, husband, wife, father, mother, children, being experimented on without your knowledge or their knowledge. That is unconscionable, and we should not permit that. This legislation will close many of the loopholes that permit that to happen now. The current law allows patients not to receive informed consent and provides no criminal penalty. Waivers are routinely granted for classied research projects that use human subjects, in other words, if I have an experimental drug that is classied, legally I dont have to tell you. The Animal Welfare Act is far more protective of animals used in scientic experiments than any legislation pertaining to human beings. The very good reason for this bizarre legal twist coming from the country that held the Nuremburg trials, is that it is necessary to use human beings in classied testing of military technology. The nal proof of necessity over ethics is that Senator Glenns bill was defeated, and it is still for all intents and purposes still legal to use American citizens as cannon fodder for experimental science, both military and non-military. Soldier cannot sue government for LSD experiments U.S. v. Stanley, 479 U.S. 1005 (1986) In February
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experimental science, both military and non-military. Soldier cannot sue government for LSD experiments U.S. v. Stanley, 479 U.S. 1005 (1986) In February 1958, James B. Stanley, a master sergeant in the Army stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky, volunteered to participate in a program ostensibly designed to test the eectiveness of protective clothing and equipment as defenses against chemical warfare. He was released from his then-current duties and went to the Armys Chemical Warfare Laboratories at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland. Four times that month, Stanley was secretly administered doses of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), pursuant to an Army plan to study the eects of the drug on human subjects. According to his Second Amended Complaint (the allegations of which we accept for purposes of this decision), as a result of the LSD exposure, Stanley has suered from hallucinations and periods of incoherence and memory loss, was impaired in his military performance, and would on occasion awake from sleep at night and, without reason, violently beat his wife and children, later being unable to recall the entire incident. App. 5. He was discharged from the Army in 1969. One year later, his marriage dissolved because of the personality changes wrought by the LSD. On December 10, 1975, the Army sent Stanley a le er soliciting his cooperation in a study of the long-term eects of LSD on volunteers who participated in the 1958 tests. This was the Governments rst notication to Stanley that he had been given LSD during his time in Maryland. A er an administrative claim for compensation was denied by the Army, Stanley led suit under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), 28 U. S. C. 2671 et seq., alleging negligence in the administration, supervision, and subsequent monitoring of the drug testing program. The court found, under Justice Scalia, that Stevens was not legally able to sue. The dissenting opinion wri en by JUSTICE BRENNAN, with whom JUSTICE MARSHALL joins, and with whom JUSTICE STEVENS joins as to Part III, concurring in part and dissenting in part: In experiments designed to test the eects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), the Government of the United States treated thousands of its citizens as though they were laboratory animals, dosing them with this dangerous drug without their consent. One of the victims, James B. Stanley, seeks compensation from the Government ocials who injured him. The Court holds that the Constitution provides him with no remedy, solely because his injuries were inicted while he performed his duties in the Nations Armed Forces. If our Constitution required this result, the Courts decision, though legally necessary, would expose a tragic aw in that document. But in reality, the Court disregards the commands of our Constitution, and bows instead to the purported requirements of a dierent master, military discipline, declining to provide Stanley with a remedy because it nds special factors counseling hesitation. Bivens v. Six Unknown Fed. Narcotics Agents,403 U.S. 388, 396 (1971). This is abdication, not hesitation. I dissent. Before addressing the legal questions presented, it is important to place the Governments conduct in historical context. The medical trials at Nuremberg in 1947 deeply impressed upon the world that experimentation with unknowing human subjects is morally and legally unacceptable. The United States Military Tribunal established the Nuremberg Code as a standard against which to judge German scientists who experimented with human subjects. Its rst principle was: 1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. TARGETED INDIVIDUALS: The typical targeted individual (TI) is female, in her early 40s, Caucasian, single, above average intelligence, who has been aware of being targeted for approximately 10 years or perhaps as far back as childhood. In the beginning they describe a gang stalking phase that may last 1-2 years where organized groups target them in the community for what the KKK referred to as mobbing. In eect the TI is harassed everywhere they go by strangers who say inappropriate things to them, o en of a personal nature that no one else could know but themselves. Strangers will mob an empty store moments a er the TI enters, block their progress down the aisles or at the checkout counter. When the TI returns home their home may have been entered and le in disarray and personal items sabotaged. A tactic of psychological warfare is to take away the targets safety and security needs by entering the home at will. One story, not uncommon, is of a female target who was home alone and looking for a ba ery (ELF drains ba eries) and remarked out loud, Why cant I nd any ba eries, the next day when she returns home the drawer is full of a dozen ba eries. She wanted to call the police and tell them her home has been entered and her drawer is now full of ba eriesthis is impossible. Who would believe that someone broke into her home and did not steal anything, but instead deposited a dozen ba eries and le . She has lost her safety and security needs and is unable to tell anyone about it for fear of being perceived as crazy. Most of these harassment events are designed so as to sound totally outlandish to anyone who is not a target of Cointelpro type activity. Part of the
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so as to sound totally outlandish to anyone who is not a target of Cointelpro type activity. Part of the genius of the remote a acks is that they are hidden within a backdrop of several million mentally ill. The a acks are designed to mimic the eects of mental illness. Business and personal relationships are dicult if not impossible for the average TI. Health problems o en occur with constant a acks from non-lethal weapons that leave people physically and mentally debilitated. Besides being slowly driven out of their minds by voice to skull a acks that feature live and recorded voices cursing them during all of their waking hours, microwave a acks literally cook them from the inside out. The ELF a ack records the wave form of their EEG and downloads their inner voice which is broadcast to the harassment groups through the internet and other means. Physical trauma and constant harassment by strangers in public places raises the stress level of the target to articially high levels and pegs it there in an eort to mentally break down the target in a manner similar to what was done in the lab under MKULTRA. The psychological toll begins to instill paranoia and psychosis, which is when the manipulation of perception and the eort to reprogram the thinking pa erns of the TI begins in earnest. It is common to manipulate the behavior and speech of the people around them in social situations such that one is unsure just who is saying things to harass them and who is prompted to speak on sensitive topics by remote manipulation using the Smirnov or Malech patent. Some TIs report that the voices are trying to trick them into acts of violence, such as entering a school and shooting people. This is instructive in the wake of the wave of school shootings and other apparently spontaneous acts of random violence that have no clear motivation. The eort to cause school shootings is a classical destabilization campaign to raise the level of fear in society that promotes acceptance of repressive measures by the parents but also has led to school children living in fear and seeing armed uniformed men in the school that normalizes their acceptance of living in a police state. A main component of this form of mind control is the manipulation of belief systems in an experimental fashion in an eort to learn how to perfect the art of control through remote means. These horric a acks continue for years in a terminal experiment that will end only with the death of the subject. Family members of TIs are brought into the program as well, targeting several generations at once. The victims have appealed to elected representatives for years but out of fear or complacency Congressmen have taken no action whatsoever despite being deluged with appeals for help from several thousand desperate people. TI a empts to organize with each other have tremendous obstacles, they are traumatized, isolated and have varying degrees of paranoia and psychosis that have been instilled. The technology is very eective at breaking up relationships and se ing groups of people against each other, so for decades no real progress has been made toward creating a TI organization able to ght back in the political or legal arena. Once a new psychology or belief system is installed in the TI, o en the nature or intensity of the a acks will change, but this varies from person to person. There is a great deal of variation in the a acks on TIs where in some people only have gang stalking activity and other people might have only electronic harassment, of which there are a variety of, while most TIs experience the full gamut of person on person a acks as well as electronic torture of the mind and body. Demonizing the victims is another technique that will be used to justify the unjustiable. How would your life look if you had been under 24-hour harassment and thought surveillance (and/or other invasive surveillance) for years, and your worst enemy got to edit this down to support any picture he wanted to paint about you? Remember, you do not get a bit of due process, you cannot face your accuser or hear the charges against you, and the audience for this farce may well be too stupid or caught up in voyeurism to understand what is really going on. The Weed and Seed program is touted as a method to prevent violent crime and drug tracking in select neighborhoods using multiple government agencies, Federal, State, and local authorities to mobilize residents in a targeted are to assist law enforcement in identifying and removing violent oenders and drug trackers from their neighborhoods. All these actions lead to rejuvenating seeding operations to bring back desirable elements to replace the people who have been weeded out. Just how the many agencies in tandem with locals weed out the bad elements is not spelled out. The program is sponsored by the National Institute of Justice (N) which on their website proudly proclaim that non-lethal weapons are being distributed at the local level to ght crime. Just what kind of non-lethal weapons are being used and on whom, is not exactly clear. One such system openly displayed by the N for dissemination to local authorities is the active denial system and the milliwave radar system for burning human beings and seeing into private residences respectively.
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radar system for burning human beings and seeing into private residences respectively. The Milgram Experiment Subjects were recruited for the Yale study through newspaper ads and direct mail. The experiments occurred in two rooms in the basement of Linsly-Chi enden Hall on the universitys Old Campus. The experiment was advertised as lasting one hour, for which the respondents would be paid $4.50 ($18.70 adjusted for ination in 2006). The participants were men between the ages of 20 and 50, from all educational backgrounds, ranging from an elementary school dropout to participants with doctoral degrees. The participant and a confederate of the experimenter, who was an actor pretending to be another participant, were told by the experimenter that they would be participating in an experiment to test the eects of punishment on learning. The teacher was given a 45-volt electric shock from the electro-shock generator as a sample of the shock that the learner would supposedly receive during the experiment. The subjects believed that for each wrong answer, the learner was receiving actual shocks. In reality, there were no shocks. A er the confederate was separated from the subject, the confederate set up a tape recorder integrated with the electro-shock generator, which played pre-recorded sounds for each shock level. A er a number of voltage level increases, the actor started to bang on the wall that separated him from the subject. A er several times banging on the wall and complaining about his heart condition, the learner gave no further responses to questions and no further complaints. At this point, many people indicated their desire to stop the experiment and check on the learner. Some test subjects paused at 135 volts and began to question the purpose of the experiment. Most continued a er being assured that they would not be held responsible. A few subjects began to laugh nervously or exhibit other signs of extreme stress once they heard the screams of pain coming from the learner. If at any time the subject indicated his desire to halt the experiment, he was given a succession of verbal prods by the experimenter, in this order: 1. Please continue. 2. The experiment requires you to continue, please go on. 3. It is essential that you continue. 4. You have no choice, you must continue. If the subject still wished to stop a er all four successive verbal prods, the experiment was halted. Otherwise, it was halted a er the subject had given the maximum 450-volt shock three times in succession. Before the experiment was conducted Milgram polled fellow psychologists as to what the results would be. They unanimously believed that only a sadistic few (0.1%), would be prepared to give the maximum voltage. In Milgrams rst set of experiments, 67.5 percent (27 out of 40) of experimental participants administered the experiments nal 450-volt shock, though many were quite uncomfortable in doing so; everyone paused at some point and questioned the experiment, some even saying they would return the check for the money they were paid. No participant steadfastly refused to give further shocks before the 300-volt level. Variants of the experiment were later performed by Milgram himself and other psychologists around the world with similar results. Apart from conrming the original results the variations have tested variables in the experimental setup. The percentage of participants who are prepared to inict fatal voltages remains remarkably constant, between 61% and 66%, regardless of time or location. Triggers: In South America the intelligence services of US client states were o en chosen and trained by the US intelligence agencies. The use of torture has been wide spread and applied with a zeal that is hard to imagine. The general idea of torturing a dissident or critic of the government was to physically and emotionally break the victim. The psychologically traumatized victims were then released back onto the streets of the community to serve as a warning to others who might contemplate openly challenging the authoritarian government. When people observed the sha ered remnant of the person that once was vibrant and proud, they would think twice before raising their voices in protest. One tactic of mind control is the use of triggers, a stimulus delivered to the victim that will evoke a memory of previous abuse. One example of this is the use of a coke bo le. When South American dissidents were taken into custody and tortured it was common practice to use a coke bo le to sodomize the victim with. This initial act was designed to produce pain and suering, as well as humiliation. Once the person was released back into the community, every time they came into contact with a coke bo le or even a coke commercial the stimulus of seeing the
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time they came into contact with a coke bo le or even a coke commercial the stimulus of seeing the product or hearing the advertising jingle would trigger themin other words they would immediately relive the pain, suering, and humiliation of the initial torture. Since coke is the worlds most widely advertized and recognized symbol the victims of torture might be forced to relive their suering every time they turned on the TV, radio, went into a store, or simply walked down the street. Street Theater: Street Theater is a feature of the gang stalking used on targeted individuals in tandem with electronic harassment. Street theater is activity performed by persons complicit in the electronic weapons harassment, but are skits, as opposed to direct bodily a acks performed with the electronic harassment equipment. These skits are designed to imitate the breaks of normal living. Additionally, they are performed in such a way that the target, and ONLY the target, knows they are being harassed, but cannot convey to others that this is indeed harassment. Feelings of total hopelessness is one apparent purpose of these skits. (What is impossible to convey to people who are not targeted is that what is dierent about mind weapon research skits is QUANTITY. When you encounter normal breaks of life several times a day EVERY DAY, you are no longer talking about normal. Several breaks a day, of a type which you might expect every couple of months, is not natural or random. But try explaining this to someone who is not targeted.) Another apparent purpose of such skits is to discredit and isolate the target so that others will regard him or her as a crank and a nut case. Far from simple pranks or practical jokes, these skits provide the mind weapon researchers with extremely good cover. If the target is ever coerced into contact with psychiatry, the psychiatrists legal powers of imprisonment (without due process of law) dramatically increase and reinforce the isolation and labeling of the target. Many people know in advance that what they are experiencing will discredit them, and will thus put o complaining about or o en, even admi ing to themselves that they are being targeted. So although street theater seems to have a comedic ring to it, this component of gang stalking is one of the most serious forms of a ack on individual targets and is perfect cover for the perpetrators. One example of street theater, keeping the previous example of triggers in mind, might occur as the target is walking down the street in public, and a person steps in their waythe target looks up at them and notices that they are drinking a bo le of coke. The stranger looks into their eyes at close range, sneers a malicious sneer, and says you like coke, dont you?. Normally this would not be out of the ordinary, but considering the target was assaulted with a coke bo le the previous month and is trying to forget the violation, it takes on a whole new meaning. Typically many people are involved in Street Theater, so as the target steps around the initial perpetrator, trying not to think about what happened to them (and failing), they look up and are confronted with another perpetrator holding a coke bo le, licking the rim in a suggestive manner while making direct eye contact and sneering or laughing at the target. This seemingly innocuous act might be repeated by 10-20 people a day for months and years. The stimulus that is repeatedly delivered in street theater will become a trigger that the target is helpless to escape. If in the future, an innocent citizen drinks a coke in front of the target they will be triggered again, and may consider the act sinister, even though there is no intent to make the victim of torture relive their experience. A secondary eect of the coke bo le skit is to make the target seem like a paranoid schizophrenic if they a empt to explain to the health care professional that 10-20 people a day are drinking coke in front of them and laughing or smiling at them. The target is alienated from the community and is unable to seek help from authorities or the mental health community. Street theater takes many diverse forms, and here are a few examples: On foot, far more o en than in normal life, you have people cu ing you o in store or bank lineups. Or you constantly nd people ge ing in your face as you walk, both outdoors and especially in buildings and malls. While driving, far more o en than in normal life, you have cars speeding up to stop signs just ahead of you and brake to a stop part way into the intersection. While driving, far more o en than in normal life, you nd other cars behaving in ways which block your progress. Mall parking lots are favorite places for this type of staged activity. Try explaining that to friends and see how many believe it is deliberate. While away from home, more o en than in normal life and at times you know you did not leave them, dirt or food droppings appear in your house or apartment.
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them, dirt or food droppings appear in your house or apartment. While away from home or work, belongings turn up missing and you know for certain they were there when you le . Some days later these belongings may turn up in a place you know they were not, yet you cannot ever convince others this was the and return. While away from home, you nd damage to clothing or furniture which you know did not occur from normal wear. While at home or at work, you nd bizarre, loud, annoying noise incidents which others nearby seem to not notice or dont care about. While in the supermarket checkout line, you nd someone reaching into your shopping cart to remove an item apparent purpose to force you to make another trip to the store prematurely. These are just some examples of street theater. The number of variations on this wear-you-down activity seems unlimited, based on reports. Obviously the researchers put a great deal of priority and work on this aspect of their modern-day atrocities against humanity. Those targeted pray that the large number of targeted individuals we know are out there will eventually wake up and realize their quality of life is being stolen from them, and assist in exposing this thoroughly illegal activity. Journal of Applied Social Psychology (Blass, 1999) Targeted Individuals Experiences: Since government-backed electronic harassment and control is classied at the highest levels in all technologically capable governments, the description of eects is taken from the personal experiences of the 2,000 or so known gang stalking with electronic harassment targets. The experimentees without exception report that once the harassment begins, in virtually all cases it continues for life. It continues in every city, state, and country the target moves to. It continues in prisons and hospitals, even when the target is dying of cancer. Many targets are young seniors, some in their 70s and 80s. Some have children and the children are o en subjected to the same testing as their parent(s). Pets are not only tortured, but even killed, painfully and violently. The eects pa ern: - All harassment consists of unique, carefully engineered-improvable events to produce psychological stress in the victim. There are no events which do not t that apparent purpose. - In every series of stress event type, ONE introductory event of very high energy/eect is staged. The obvious purpose is to be certain the victim KNOWS this is external harassment, and not just bad luck. From that time forward, the perpetrators appear to apply Pavlov an training so that they can get the victim to jump (or react in some way) to the same eect at a tiny fraction of the initial introductory event. - This type of harassment started during the Cold War, and shows every characteristic of military and intelligence psychological warfare operations. - This type of harassment points to CONTROL of the test subject. Endlessly repeated words generated inescapably within the skull are just one hypnosis-like experience. - The total number and type of crimes, which make up gang stalking and electronic harassment simply could not take place without cover being supplied by government. Bizarre court decisions in which the target is forced into involuntary mental health treatment and a criminal spouse (for example, a pedophile father discovered doing his own child) clearly show that gang stalking and electronic harassment are heavily protected by all levels of government and the medical establishment. Here is a list of most of the common eects. It is not exhaustive, but is intended to show the reader how the perpetrators pale e of stress eects is broken down. Indent levels are used to show categories and sub-categories: 1. Invasive At-a-Distance Body Eects (including mind) a. Sleep deprivation and fatigue i. Silent but instantaneous application of electronic caeine signal, forces awake and keeps awake ii. Loud noise from neighbors, o en SYNCHRONIZED to a empts to fall asleep iii.Precision-to-the-second allowed sleep and forced awakening; far too precise and repeated to be natural iv. Daytime fatigue a acks, can force the victim to sleep and/or weaken the muscles to the point of collapse
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and/or weaken the muscles to the point of collapse b. Audible Voice to Skull (V2S) i. Delivered remotely, at a distance ii. Made to appear as emanating from thin air iii.Voices or sound eects only the victim can hear c. Inaudible Voice to Skull (Silent Sound) i. Delivered at a distance by radio signal; manifested by sudden urges to do something/go somewhere you would not otherwise want to; silent (ultrasonic) hypnosis is possible ii. Programming hypnotic triggers i.e. specic phrases or other cues which cause specic involuntary actions d. Violent muscle triggering (ailing of limbs) i. Leg or arm jerks to violently force awake and keep awake ii. Whole body jerks, as if body had been hit by large jolt of electricity iii.Violent shaking of body; seemingly as if on a vibrating surface but where surface is in reality not vibrating e. Precision manipulation of body parts (slow, specic purpose) i. Manipulation of hands, forced to synchronize with closed-eyes but FULLY AWAKE vision of previous day; very powerful and coercive, not a dream. ii. Slow bending almost 90 degrees BACKWARDS of one toe at a time or one nger at a time iii.Direct at-a-distance control of breathing and vocal cords; including involuntary speech iv. Spot blanking of memory, more than normal forgetfulness f. Reading said-silently-to-self thoughts i. Engineered skits where your thoughts are spoken to you by strangers on street or events requiring knowledge of what you were thinking ii. Real time reading subvocalized words, as while the victim reads a book, and BROADCASTING those words to nearby people who form an amazed audience around the victim g. Direct application of pain to body parts i. Hot-needles-deep-in-esh sensation ii. Electric shocks (no wires whatsoever applied) iii.Powerful and unquenchable itching, o en applied precisely when victim a empts to do something of a delicate or messy nature iv. Articial fever, sudden, no illness present v. Sudden racing heartbeat, relaxed situation h. Surveillance and tracking i. Rapping under your feet as you move about your apartment, on ceiling of apartment below ii. Thru wall radar used to monitor starting and stopping of your urination water below turned on and o in sync with your urine stream 2. Invasive Physical Eects at a Distance, non-body a. Stoppage of power to appliances (temporary, breaker ON) b. Manipulation of appliance se ings c. Temporary failures that x themselves d. Flinging of objects, including non-metallic e. Precision manipulation of switches and controls f. Forced, obviously premature failure of appliance or
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f. Forced, obviously premature failure of appliance or parts 3. External Stress-Generating Skits a. Participation of strangers, neighbors, and in some cases close friends and family members in harassment i. Rudeness for no cause ii. Tradesmen always have problems, block your car, etc. iii.Purchases delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate iv. Unusually loud music, noise, far beyond normal b. Break-ins/sabotage at home i. Shredding of clothing ii. Destruction of furniture iii.Pe y the iv. Engineered failures of utilities c. Sabotage at work i. Repetitive damage to furniture ii. Deletion/corruption of computer les iii.Planting viruses which could not have come from your computer usage pa ern iv. Delivered goods delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate v. Spreading of rumors, sabotage to your working reputation vi. Direct sabotage and the of completed work; tradesmen o en involved and showing obvious pleasure (Eleanor White) SEVENTEEN: End Game: The Plan A new Phoenix program has melded the use of exotic technologies and turned them on enemies of the hard right, foreign and domestic. The maturation of silent kill and so kill technologies has been mated to a Cointelpro style program being used against domestic dissidents. What began with Paperclip scientists and LSD has evolved over time, perfecting the art of sexual blackmail and targeting strategic targets within the government, military, industry and science, exactly as Estabrooks envisioned his inltration program of a foreign power using hypnosis. Where once the laboratory was the venue of crime, now using non-lethal weapons, MKULTRA type experiments take place on US citizens within the community, in their own homes. Terminal experiments are now conducted using remote means with non-ionizing microwave weapons developed for the ba leeld as anti-personnel weapons, used against potential threats with a mentality that views the loyal opposition as the enemy tantamount to a Communist insurgency that must be defeated using counterinsurgency warfare. US citizens that are subject to enrollment in this terminal experiment come from varied backgrounds, some have been targets of mind control and Satanic Ritual Abuse since the age of three or earlier, while others enter the looking glass in middle age. The type of human experimental subject chosen resembles a melding of the criterion for MKULTRA in the lab, the Cointelpro program, and the Phoenix program. American society-the world is undergoing a counterinsurgency using weapons designed by DOD labs like Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos that were supposed to be turned against our implacable enemies. The world of compartmentalization and black budgets of unlimited funds has given birth to Dr. Delgados vision of a world of individuals that can be inuenced, even shaped without their knowledge. Just as Eshelon vacuumed up millions of communication signals of phones and faxes, now supercomputers and satellites si through the spectrum (10-20 Hz) of 6.5 billion brain waves. The Malech patent device coupled with PROMIS AI so ware running on super computers allows the NSA to interpret and interact with the stream of consciousness of targeted individuals. Computing power is the only hurdle for these high tech satellites to clear that would allow them to interact with all sentient life forms simultaneously. PROMIS so ware and articial intelligence coupled to non-lethal weapons technology have combined to inuence the course of human events in unforeseeable ways. Once identied as hostile or a potential threat, these targets can be inuenced passively without their knowledge. If a target becomes resistant to inuence or is deemed suitable for overt targeting their entry into the MHS program (Monarch Hits
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to inuence or is deemed suitable for overt targeting their entry into the MHS program (Monarch Hits the Streets) is begun as an overt assault. Most targeted individuals enter the program due to similar factors, family connections to SRA cults or the intelligence community, political activism, Americans who live in foreign countries and go native, whistleblowers within government and industry, prisoners, mental patients, orphans and scientists with important technology that can support or threaten the program. Some people are targeted out of convenience, since private armies need motivation and training, o en people are chosen merely as target practice. MHS began its inception during the Reagan administration and has mushroomed into a game involving literally millions of individuals who are told that the target is a bad element in society, the groups are told a lie that they will respond to most readily, for exampleA church group may be told that the Target is a pedophile, an abortion doctor, a political radical, a terrorist and a national security threat, a racist. Whatever story motivates the network is the lie that is told. There is an element of eugenics, targeting those who are viewed as a drain on society, what the Nazis termed empty eaters. Many targets are the disabled who are unable to work. Another aspect of the program is Revenge Incorporated, angry ex-spouses or business partners may enroll someone they wish to have revenge over, for a price. In a twist of life imitating art, targets are o en broadcast on closed circuit television, radio, or on the internet in personal situations in their homes, much like a TV reality show. The target is portrayed in the worst light possible to amuse the paying audience, personal conversations and habits as well as internal thoughts and imagery are spread among the groups who use this inside knowledge to harass the target in public and provoke shame, outbursts of anger and confrontation. Targets are prompted by the remote technology to speak on sensitive topics or in a manner that will oend and motivate these private groups to participate. Most people who are viewing the target are not quite sure what they are watching, while others are sadistic enough not to care. The person who is targeted may feel at times they are being played with, while other times to the victim it seems like the microwave assault is trying to kill them. Make no mistake the objective is to incarcerate the victim into a mental facility, penal institution, or to force a suicide. Occasionally a target is murdered, generally in kind of a sweepstakes like game that usually happens around a full moon. These networks operate everywhere in virtually every country, so any target that tries to ee will only nd themselves targeted elsewhere. Anyone who a empts to help a target or reveal the hidden aspects of the program will themselves become a target. Perfecting the psychology of control is also an important goal of MHS. Psychologists, much like BISCUIT teams, are employed to tailor programs to the individual that will exploit their personal or ethnic weaknesses. Psychology classies about 34 distinct personality types and learning how to control a certain type of individual can be applied to similar personality types or cultures in future operations. The ultimate goal is one of worldwide control along the lines of an Orwellian state where 1% of the population controls 15%, which in turn controls the remaining 84%. The paradigm of using groups that front for the intelligence services to squash internal dissent is foreign to most Americans but is in fact quite common. In Cuba a dissident writer may have a crowd assemble outside their home and chant slogans at them in an operation known as a Contra. Plainclothes police will typically emerge from the mob, drag them into the street and beat them and they might be ocially arrested a few days later. HAARP may in fact allow this technique to be a thing of the past when ELF broadcast around 10 Hz interacts successfully with the 34 dierent personality types, backed up by sucient computing power. A controlled world society will no longer need guns, tanks, or planes to ght wars, a one-world government run by the technological elite will shape the minds of the masses for a thousand years. Whether THE PLAN is a function of the CIA and military intelligence or if it is some type of Illuminati group is not terribly important, and without proof is a ma er of conjecture. The Nazis came to power through an inltration operation of the Weimer Republic, rst militias were formed, then the members inltrated the military, and nally the police forces. Once the police were compromised from within, German society had reached the point of no turning back on the road to self-annihilation and the destruction of Europe and 50 million people. Americas turn has come to a empt a hostile takeover of the world, now the most technologically advanced society as was Germany, she is being used as a vehicle to enslave the free will of Mankind in a technological dictatorship of the mind. Once in place, it is doubtful that it will be dislodged or destroyed from within and there will be no state or group of states that are strong enough to overcome this new generation of speed of light weaponry that will be brought to bear. NSA satellites that represent the pinnacle of mind control technology have been
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brought to bear. NSA satellites that represent the pinnacle of mind control technology have been placed in abnormally distant orbits, perhaps as far distant as the Lagrange Points, so far out of Earth orbit that they are for all practical purposes untouchable. Extreme magnetic disturbances may be capable of damaging or dislodging them but these events are uncommon. The average life span of a standard communications satellite is over 20 years. The Plan to take over the world using these exotic weapons has been progressing for several generations, and appears to have sprung from the ashes of defeated Nazi Germany at the end of WWII. Mind control techniques were aggressively pursued in the concentration camps and perfected and brought to the US under MKULTRA. Paperclip scientists have been at the forefront of research into EM weapons and their application towards mind control. Americans who participated at this level are o en members of closed systems such as the Masons, as well as conservative hard right ideologies, but not exclusively. The inclusion of intelligence services from most industrialized nations into participation in targeting people who ee to other countries reveals a network that is capable of exerting inuence in nearly every society. The philosophy behind The Plan is both Hegelian and Gramtian, that is people are viewed as inanimate objects of li le inherent value other than what they can do to advance the aims of the state, and the strategy of gradualism, slowly turning up the heat on an unsuspecting world so that when people nally are aware of eorts to mold society it is too late to do anything about it. At a distance one is forced to simply refer to it as Fascist. The production of traumatized children on such a mass scale in just the US alone leads one to conclude that Dr. Estabrooks inltration campaign using mind control to take over a hostile nation, is in fact being applied to the world as a whole. The methodology of how to impose an Orwellian world state using mind control is a point of conjecture. A careful examination of the CIA and military intelligence psychological warfare campaigns leads one to believe that it will take the form of a destabilization campaign, that is a series of events that are designed to instill panic in the general population and psychological trauma that lead to a psychological collapse or capitulation of the will to resist. Bernal Diaz wrote a compelling history of the conquest of Mexico when in 1523 some 400 heavily armed men with superior weapons technology fought, defeated, and enslaved a civilization of 20 million people. The keys to their victory lay in superior weapons and confusion over whether the mounted soldiers were in fact human, but they did not triumph completely until small pox decimated the Aztec ranks. Superior weapons, blurring the lines of reality as to who or what one is ghting, and biological warfare were the factors that are most striking. The development in secrecy of a new RMA (revolution in military aairs) has the ability to turn the world upside down by itself. Psychological warfare and destabilization campaigns are the forte of the CIA and military intelligence, blurring the lines of what is real and what is not, is their specialty. Finally, the emphasis of current programs on biological warfare that verges on an obsession is glaringly obvious. A quick examination of biological warfare in terms of the plague or the Black Death shows that any society that loses 50% or more of its population experiences a psychological collapse and a conversion to a new religion. In any mass plague event this chain of events is repeated, societies fall apart, ee, and throw down their old gods who did not protect them and take up new gods that oer psychological reinforcement and comfort. Taking these factors into account, as well as past behaviors by the minds behind The Plan, it is fairly easy to postulate a scenario that would work well. A series of catastrophic events, perhaps a nuclear event followed by a biological warfare a ack that causes tremendous loss of life will prepare the minds of men by instilling trauma and thus vulnerability and suggestibility into every human heart. The a ack of a superior armed force that may or may not be human, such is the power of their weaponry that nothing, not missiles, tanks, or anything known will stop them on the eld of ba le. This is exactly what the new revolution in military aairs (RMA) in speed of light weapons is, a force that will overcome all known ba leeld technology. The psychological intimidation would be heightened if, like the Aztecs, the creatures you were ghting against might not be of this Earth. The alien abduction and alien invasion psychological warfare campaign is the longest ongoing such operation in history, beginning a er WWII, and continuing to this day. The use of ELF (extremely low frequency) technology will give the nal boost to capitulate, when those overmatched ghters still in the eld hear the voice of the alien invaders speaking directly into their minds, a message broadcast over the entire planet. Though this scenario may seem outlandish, it is no more so then the psy-op campaigns that are ongoing today, or the stories spread by the CIA cutout religions such as Scientology. All the tools for this operation are now in place or very nearly so, the RMA of speed of light weapons and ELF synthetic telepathy, the production of
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very nearly so, the RMA of speed of light weapons and ELF synthetic telepathy, the production of small pox and chimera viruses that human populations have no natural defense against, as well as the psychology of doubt surrounding the idea of hostile aliens who visit Earth. Popular culture is now swamped with books, television shows, and movies that reinforce and normalize the concept of hostile alien races with designs on the Earth. The only thing lacking is the sheer audacity and psychopathic mentality to put these events into action. A careful study of the personalities responsible for mind control crimes against humanity that populate the CIA and military intelligence communities will dispel any doubt that these people are perfectly capable of implementing such a PLAN. The book, Trance Formation of America, wri en by a recovered mind control subject, contain her memories of being used by CIA director Bill Casey as a human carrier pidgeon. The subject is put into hypnotic trance, given a message by Casey, and sent to deliver the cryptic words to the leaders of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The following subject ma er may be what is referred to as a honey pot, that is, the truth mixed with lies in order to ensnare the unwarry in order to discredit them. I make no judgement about the truth or falsehood of the following excepts, instead I include it in an eort to reveal the mentality and themes that run throughout mind control operations, namely hypnotic couriers, drug smuggling, sexual slavery, manipulations of belief systems, and an apocalyptic emphasis on biological warfare. In an area reserved for covert activities, out of view of tourists, I met with General Cedras in his Citadel oce. . . .I had seen him at a monastery in Santo Domingo as ordered before, when Haiti was still being used by the CIA for Operation Watchtower to transport cocaine and Contra weapons from Cuba. Alone with Cedras and properly signaled, I began photographically reciting Caseys message, I have word of warning from the Vatican by way of the honorable and faithful William Casey. He sends word of impending doom that is to befall your neighbors on the darkside of Haiti. Voodoo manifests itself in mysterious ways while the way of the Lord is clear. Evil must be stopped at all costs. The cost shall be in terms of human casualty, as a plague is being visited upon the land. Woe unto them who have stood in the path of World Peace. By Gods design the New World Order shall come into being with or without the Haitians. All American operations in Haiti are now destined for your ports. Your people (the CIA-UN operated Dominicans) will ourish in peace and prosperity while the dark side (Haitians) drown in blood of this holy war that they have brought upon themselves. Close your borders swi ly and maintain guardians at the gate lest the Haitians infest your land with their evil plague. Inoculation of the masses shall be masked in the body and the blood shall carry their doom. As more and more Haitians turn to God in their nal hour, the communion they partake will be Satans own. With their God as the scapegoat, your Island in the Son (sun) will be freed of the vile and wicked. I have seen a vision, a World Vision, and it is through communion with the ancients that we have been granted the keys to the Kingdom to unlock the gates of hell. The holy water sent herein has the blessings of the Vatican and must be sprinkled like rain upon the Haitians. Our God reigns, and he rains rivers of blood upon the Haitian masses, and he reigns supreme upon your mission. Your mission is clear. You serve communion and let God sort them out. . . The courier then travels to Haiti Baby Docs applicable knowledge of the English language was limited by his intellect whereby an aide lled the need for an interpreter as I delivered Caseys message. I come in the name of peace. I have a message to you from William Casey, sanctioned by the Vatican. The Pope is in agreement with U.S. policy in Haiti. He has seen a vision, a sign from God. The vision is World Vision, whose people are reaching out to yours with charity in abundance. The goods and services provided require only that the people of Haiti anoint the sick, feed the hungry, and clothe the poor through his servants of World Vision. Their mission will separate the good seed from bad and restore peace in your region. The peace that shall be visited upon your land amongst your people is imminent, but not before the rivers run red with blood of the wicked. The vision is plague, and your people will fall in the streets pleading for mercy, and you will not be here to hear it. The time has come for you to leave. It is Gods will that you escape the plague with blessings from the Vatican, never to return to your homeland. Prepare your exodus today for tomorrow holds a promise of doom. Using your prophetic wisdom, warn the masses of impending doom and arm with World Vision. . . . Whether these passages are truly a message from Bill Casey or not, they do incorporate the mentality of the personalities involved in these crimes against humanity. Bibliography: Monarch: The New Phoenix Program The War at Home, Brian Glick
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17.10.2012 17:06
The War at Home, Brian Glick The Franklin Conspiracy, John DeCamp Psychic Dictatorship of the USA, Alex Constantine Virtual Government, Mass Control, Jim Kieth Mind Control, World Control, Angels Dont Play this HAARP, Begich HAARP, Jerry E. Smith The Body Electric, Becker Cross Currents The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Marks Journey into Madness, Gordon Thomas Unshackled, Kathy Sullivan Trance Formation of America, Phillips and OBrien The Plutonium Files, Eileen Welsome The Quest for the Nazi Personality, Zillmer Blowback, Christopher Simpson The Science of Coercion, Strategic Information Warfare, Molander (Rand) The Nazi Connection, Kuhl The Beast Reawakens, Martin A. Lee Harvest of Rage, Dyer The Secret Government, Bill Moyers The Sorrows of Empire, Chalmers Johnson Confessions of an Economic Hitman, John Perkins Bluebird, Colin Ross Vigilante, Burrows The Evil that Men Do, Michaud GI Guinea Pigs, Uhl In the Name of Science, Goliszek Wedge, Reibling Body of Secret, Bamford Challenging the Secret Government, Ohmsted National Insecurity, Eisendrath The Crimes of Patriots, Kwitney Endless Enemies, The CIAs Black Ops, Nu er Whiteout, Cockburn The Underground Empire, Mills Unit 731 Testimony, Hal Gold The US and Biological Warfare, Endico and Hagerman Factories of Death, Sheldon Harris The Grand Chessboard, Brzezinski Between Two Ages, 1984, Orwell Animal Farm, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley The Doors of Perception, Overthrow, Steven Kinzer Dark Alliance, Gary Webb Terrorist Stalking in America, David lawson The author wishes to acknowledge the contributions of many authors, particularly Michael Rupert, Jim Kieth, Alex Constantine and Dr. Nick Begich. Tags:911, Alex Jones, Cancer, Corruption, government, mind control, mind control psyops on ALL
293 von 294
17.10.2012 17:06
Tags:911, Alex Jones, Cancer, Corruption, government, mind control, mind control psyops on ALL civilians, psyops, surveillance, torture, US Government, Veterans Posted in Alex Jones, Cancer, Climate, Global Enslavement, gov corruptions uncensored, Healthcare, NSA 911, Poverty, Sibel Edmonds, Spying for mind control, Treason, Uncategorized, veterans, Wiretap Nefariously | 10 Comments
17.10.2012 17:06