Rgride-Learning: The Role of Grid Computing in E-Learning

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"RGridE-Learning: The Role of Grid Computing in E-Learning"


Date: 3-Oct-05

This document presents the state-ofthe-art regarding the converging field of Grid Computing technology and e-learning. It addresses how Grid Computing has been employed in wired and mobile (wireless) ELearning illustrated here by a diverse spectrum of domains such as Grid Learning Services, Collective Intelligence Sharing, Semantic Web, and Grid Clients for Mobile Devices.

Reference Course Program of study Department Institution Professor Prepared by

PROJECT I "RGridE-LEarning: The Role of Grid Computing in E-Learning" DIC9340 Knowledge-Based Learning Environments Ph.D. in Cognitive Computing Computing Universit du Qubec Montral Roger Nkambou, Ph.D. Christina Braz

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"RGridE-Learning: The Role of Grid Computing in E-Learning"

1 INTRODUCTION 2 ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES 3 FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS 3.1 Grid Computing 3.1.1 Definition 3.1.2 Grid Components 3.1.3 Reasons for Using Grid Computing Taking Advantage Of Underutilized Resources Parallel Central Processing Unit (Cpu) Capability Applications Virtual Resources And Organizations For Collaboration Access To Additional Resources Resource Balancing Reliability Enhanced Management 3.2 E-Learning 4 STATE-OF-THE-ART OF LEARNING GRIDS 4.1 Definition 4.2 A General Portal Framework for Learning Grid 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

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4.3 Grid Learning Services 4.3.1 Dynamic Service Generation 4.3.2 Grid Learning Object 4.3.3 Learning Grid Infrastructure Semantic And Ontological View Of The Grid The Role of the Agents and Networking Real-World Content-Rich Environments 4.4 Collective Intelligence Sharing 4.5 Semantic Grid in E-Learning 4.6 Grid for Mobile E-Learning (m-Learning) 5 CONCLUSION 6 REFERENCES

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"RGridE-Learning: The Role of Grid Computing in E-Learning"

The "RGridE-Learning: The Role of Grid Computing in E-Learning" presents the state-ofthe-art regarding the converging field of Grid Computing technology and e-learning. It addresses how Grid Computing has been employed in wired and mobile (wireless) e-Learning illustrated here by a diverse spectrum of domains such as Technological Infrastructure on the Grid, Semantic Grid, Collective Intelligence Sharing, and Grid for Mobile E-Learning. The RGridE-Learning is based in part on seven representative papers from renowned authors [Nkambou&al04a], [Nkambou&al04b] [Millard&al05a], [Millard&al05b], [Page&al05], [Pankratius& Vossen99], [Jonquet&Cerri05] in the E-Learning and Grid Computing research communities. Let us remind you the very basic idea of e-learning that is to create the conditions enabling and facilitating to improve human knowledge. For that reason, we have been noticing among many other developments huge efforts from the current e-Learning (including Intelligent Tutorial Systems) and Grid Computing research communities in order to effectively develop technological infrastructures for the Learning Grid focusing for example on real-world learning scenarios (e.g. support learner construction of theories or performance of experiments) [enCOre05], [CoAKTing05], [CombeChem05], [Bachler&al04], [Underwood&al04], and [Yatchou&al04] among many other developments in this area. In Section, we will be describing in more details about content real-world learning scenarios. Grid Computing is a set of distributed computing resources available over a Local Area Network1 (LAN) or Wide Area Network2 (WAN) that become visible to an end user or application as one huge virtual computing system. The objective is to create virtual dynamic organizations through secure, unlimited power, information access, synchronized resource-sharing among users, institutions and resources. E-Learning Grid in turn represents the amalgamation of Grid Computing and E-Learning in which of Grid Computing functionalities are incorporated into E-Learning systems. E-Learning Grid is a collection of computational resources on demand to match computational needs through a sort of generic service matchmaking (e.g. a series of algebra exercises (computational resources) is presented to a learner online in order to improve her/is mathematics capabilities (computational needs)) on the Web. In fact, we can argue that E-Learning Grid is an expanded notion of diversified resources provision including data resources, intelligent agent resources and even human tutorial and mentoring resources.

Local Area Network (LAN) is a computer network that covers a relatively small area. Most LANs cover a single building or group of buildings. A system of LANs can be connected over any distance through telephone lines and radio waves, creating a Wide Area Network (WAN). 2 Wide Area Network (WAN) is a network of computers connected to each other over a long distance, for example on the Internet.
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The rapid growth of the Internet and Web has brought an increasing attention in Web-based distributed computing, and several projects have been developed in the e-Learning domain which intends to take advantage of the Web as an infrastructure for running distributed and parallel applications. Secondly, in an era when computers systems carry out more and more of "knowledgeable" work from individuals and when a significant number of these individuals hold more and more different roles in different, open (e.g. new agents searching for a learning object (LO) might join and existing ones leave in a Multi-Agent System (MAS)) and complex systems, the need of mastering a large number of systems and subsystems of broadly conflicting natures, including specially functionalities and interactions with several human specialists (i.e. instructional designers, teachers, experts, technicians, operators, etc.) who are frequently distributed over physical space is critical. In the case of a supervision of wide-ranging networks (telecommunications, transport and distribution of power, etc.) for example a sort of large-scale application, the supervision and management of such subsystems are obviously distributed at the nodes of the network, and require for that large number of technicians to achieve the global objective which is to make the system work. Thirdly, those open and complex environments mentioned above have also to provide learning resources for people on the move that will enable end users anytime, anywhere to download courseware or any other kind of learning resources such as learning objects on portable digital devices such as personal digital assistants (PDA), cellular phones, laptops or even tablets PC3. The content built by authors and learners are generally handled, stored and exchanged in units of learning objects (LOs). Generally speaking, LOs are units of study, exercise, or practice that may be utilized in a single session, and they are characterized as reusable particles that may be authored separately of the delivery medium itself and be accessed dynamically (e.g. over the Web). That's all about nomadic computing4 and information environment which is a heterogeneous collection of interconnected technological and organizational elements, which allows physical and social mobility of computing and communication services targeted to users. Social mobility here refers to the ways in which and the ease with which individuals can move across different social contexts and social roles, and be still supported by the technology and services [Lytinen&Yoo02]. As society and organizations becomes more dynamic, individuals adopt multiple social roles at an increased intensity and need their information services adjusted in a large scale as well (e.g. as a mobile learner might move from one site to another so it is crucial to maintain her/is current state/profile, that is the management of user mobility). Fourthly, another important point from [Berstis02] is that the standardization of communications between heterogeneous systems created the Internet explosion. The emerging standardization for sharing resources, along with the availability of higher bandwidth, are driving a possibly equally large evolutionary step in grid computing, and also in e-learning domain. Finally, the use of Grid Computing in conjunction with wired and wireless e-learning will provide basically an end-to-end high-bandwidth access and a vast range of distributed computing resources to end-users (e.g. a learner). This integration may be in theory difficult because of the need to achieve various qualities of

A Tablet PC is a computer that allows you to write on its Touch screen with a stylus, as you would with a PDA. The screen is, however, much larger - about the size of a typical notebook screen. In addition to data entry, you can also use your stylus to emulate many of the things you would ordinarily do with a mouse. The fundamental approach is power to exceed your needs and simplicity for unparalleled friendliness. 4 Nomadic computing is the use of portable computing devices (e.g. handhelds) in conjunction with mobile communications technologies to enable users to access the Internet and data on their home or work computers from anywhere in the world.
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service5 (QoS) which is becoming progressively more important as networks get more populated and more refined Internet applications and services get spread out. Grid computing even if it is in its very beginning is already being effectively employed in many scientific e-learning applications where large amounts of data have to be handled and/or stored as we can observe in several examples in the Section 4, State of the Art of Learning Grids. In this way, we can assume that the Web has the potential to be a platform for parallel and collaborative work as well as a key technology to create a pervasive and ubiquitous Learning Grid-based infrastructure.

This section introduces some important concepts that are useful in understanding the landscape underpinning the application of GRID computing for e-Learning.

3.1 Grid Computing

The research in Grid computing began in 1990 investigating the design and development of a similar infrastructure called the computational power Grid [Foster&Kesselman99] for wide-area parallel and distributed computing. The purpose for computational Grids was primarily driven by large-scale, resource (computational and data) intensive scientific applications that demand more resource than a specific computer (PC, workstation, supercomputer, or cluster) could supply in a single administrative domain. A Grid enables the sharing (Figure 1), selection, and aggregation of a wide variety of geographically distributed resources including supercomputers, storage systems, data sources, and specialized devices owned by different organizations for solving large-scale resource intensive problems in science, engineering, commerce and also in e-Learning (e.g. photo-realistic visualizations of a complex body model in real-time and display the computation result on a remote screen). Computational Grids are widely regarded as the next logical step in computing infrastructure, following a path from standalone systems, to tightly linked clusters, to enterprise-wide clusters, to geographically dispersed computing environments. Generally speaking, we could consider the Grid as the new enabling technology to transparently access computing and storage resources anywhere, anytime and with guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) [Bruneo&al03]. Currently, grid computing mostly serves computationally intensive scientific and enterprise applications and operates on cluster computers6 or supercomputers. The main differences between grids and usual clusters are that grids connect agglomeration of computers which do not entirely trust each other, and because of that run more like a computing utility than like a single computer. In addition, grids usually support more heterogeneous agglomerations than are generally supported in clusters.

Quality of service (QoS) refers to a broad collection of networking technologies and techniques. The goal of QoS is to provide guarantees on the ability of a network to deliver predictable results. Elements of network performance within the scope of QoS often include availability (uptime), bandwidth (throughput), latency (delay), and error rate. 6 A computer cluster is a group of loosely coupled computers that work together closely so that in many respects it can be viewed as though it were a single computer. Clusters are commonly (but not always) connected through fast local area networks. Clusters are usually deployed to improve speed and/or reliability over that provided by a single computer, while typically being much more costeffective than single computers of comparable speed or reliability.
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At present, one of the most important implementation of grid computing is the Globus Toolkit Version 3 (GTv.3) with its Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA). It provides a bundle of services and specifications which can be integrated separately to form a grid middleware. The component model of GTv.3 is founded on grid services that are in fact Web services7 with particular extensions (e.g. interfaces) for use in grids. The main idea behind OGSA is to build each of the grid middleware layers as shown in Figure 1 by utilizing suitable grid services.

Figure 1: Layers in a grid middleware [Pankratius&Vossen03].

3.1.1 Definition The term "grid" makes use of an analogy to an electrical power grid that is the access to computational resources should be straightforward as the ordinary access to an electric power grid. It means that the grid would let users take advantage of processing power off the Internet as without effort as electrical power can be pulled out from the electricity grid that generates that power to our homes. Additionally, a grid user should not have to take care of how and where this computational power s/he is presently using comes from. Grid computing refers to a distributed, high performance computing and data management infrastructure that integrates heterogeneous resources (e.g. storage, computing and/or communications systems, human collaborators, etc.) and at the same time offers common interfaces for all these resources using standard and open protocols and interfaces. It is important to highlight that we should not confound cluster computing with Grid computing. The former generally contains a static number of processors and resources physically contained in the same or fixed locations, which can be interconnected together. The latter refers to heterogeneous resources, integrating storage, networking, services and resources. Resources might comprise machines from different vendors, running various operating systems, and including the capability to control the workload [Nkambou&al04b].

A Web service is a software system identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), whose public interfaces and bindings are defined and described using XML. Its definition can be discovered by other software systems. These systems may then interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its definition, using XML based messages conveyed by Internet protocols [Aus04].
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Another definition of grid computing from [Foster&al01] is viewed like Grid technologies and infrastructures as supporting the sharing and coordinated use of diverse resources in dynamic, distributed virtual organizations (VOs)8. As noted by this author, the main problem that lays the Grid concept is coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations.

Job Submission

Web Server Resource Grid


Figure 2: A high-level view of the Grid and interaction between its entities in an application service context [Hoheisel&Der03], [Fraunhofer05]. As we have already stressed here, the Grid can be considered as an integrated computational and collaborative environment. In Figure 2, we depict the high-level view of activities within the Grid. The users interact with the Grid Resource to resolve problems, which in turn executes resource discovery, scheduling, and the processing of application jobs on the distributed Grid resources. From the end-user (e.g. learner) point of view, Grids may provide the following types of services: Computational Services [Baker02], Data services [Hoschek&al00], and Application services [Casanova&Dongarra97].

Two examples of VOs: the application service providers, storage service providers, cycle providers, and consultants engaged by a car manufacturer to perform scenario evaluation during planning for a new factory, or members of an industrial consortium bidding on a new aircraft.
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3.1.2 Grid Components The key Grid components of a Grid environment can be viewed in Figure 3: Portal or User Interface for user to launch applications that will use the resources and services supplied by the Grid; A mechanism to provide security (authentication, authorization, data encryption, etc.); The Broker identifies the available and appropriate resources to use within the grid; Scheduler: Once the resources have been identified, the next step is to schedule the individual jobs to run on them; Data Management: if any data including application modules have to be shifted or made accessible to the nodes where an applications jobs will run, so there needs to be a secure and reliable method for moving files and data to several nodes within the grid; Job and Resource Management: GRAM supplies the services to launch a job on a particular resource, check its status, and retrieve its results when it is finished.

Virtual Computing Resource

Monitoring & Discovery Service (MDS)

Legend: GSI: Grid Security Infrastructure. GASS: Grid Access to Secondary Data. GRAM: Grid Resource Allocation Manager.

Figure 3: A high level view of the Grid components [Jacob03].

3.1.3 Reasons for Using Grid Computing In this sub-section, we highlight briefly from [Berstis02] what grid computing is able to do independently of e-learning domain whose will be then addressed in Sections 3.2 and 4. We consider that this sort of detachment gives us the opportunity to better seize the variety and strength of grid computing features and its relation to e-Learning. Taking Advantage of Underutilized Resources

To illustrate this topic, consider to process an existing application on a distinct machine. The machine on which the application generally is processed may be busy as a result of a peak in activity and the application could be processed on an unoccupied machine somewhere else on the grid (e.g. a batch job that uses a considerable amount of time processing a collection of input data to generate an output collection). Another utility of the grid is to improve equilibrium resource utilization (e.g. distribute computations and data transparently across all computers in a grid). In case of unforeseen peaks of activity that normally demand more resources in an organization, the applications that are related to grid can be moved to underutilized machines during such peaks.
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"RGridE-Learning: The Role of Grid Computing in E-Learning" Parallel Central Processing Unit (CPU) Capability

In case of applications that use algorithms, they can be for example split into running parts. A CPU demanding grid application can be viewed of separately small "subjobs", each running on a distinct machine in the grid as consequence the application turn into more "scalable" (e.g. a good scalable application would finish 10 times faster if it uses 10 times the number of processors). Applications

It is important to highlight that not all applications can be converted to execute in parallel on a grid and reach scalability. There is no automatic conversion and even tools for converting these applications to take advantage of the parallel capabilities of a grid yet. However, new applications have been already designed for parallel execution following promising grid protocols and standards. Virtual Resources and Organizations for Collaboration

Real or virtual organizations can share not only files but several other resources such as equipment, software, services, licenses, and others. These resources are called "virtualized" enabling them more standardized interoperability among diverse grid users. Access to Additional Resources

Bigger quantities of other resources and special equipment, software, licenses, etc. can be accessed on the grid (e.g. a user would like to raise her/is total bandwidth to the Internet to put into operation a data mining10 search engine, the job can be split among grid machines that in turn have separated connections to the Internet). Moreover, the grid allows more sophisticated access, possibly to remote medical diagnostic and robotic surgery tools with two-way interaction from a distance. Resource Balancing

The grid enables a larger total virtual resource through the contribution of single machines (e.g. (i) an unforeseen peak load can be forwarded to quite unoccupied machines in the grid; (ii) a lower priority job can be suspended and executed again later to give room for a higher priority one). Reliability

Let us consider power supplies and cooling systems that are operated on distinctive power sources that can fire up generators if service power is cut off. As the systems in a grid can be quite inexpensive and geographically scattered, a power failure at one location will not affect the other parts of the grid (e.g. grid management software can automatically resubmit jobs to other machines on a grid when a breakdown is identified).

Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brains of the computer. Also referred to simply as the processor or central processor, the CPU is where most calculations take place. In terms of computing power, the CPU is the most important element of a computer system. 10 Data Mining, also known as knowledge-discovery in databases (KDD), is the practice of automatically searching large stores of data for patterns. To do this, data mining uses computational techniques from statistics and pattern recognition.
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"RGridE-Learning: The Role of Grid Computing in E-Learning" Enhanced Management

Administrators of IT departments can alter for example policies to better assign resources. The grid provides management of priorities among various projects. Previously, each project in an organization might have been responsible for its own IT resource hardware and the costs related with it; this hardware might be underutilized while another project encounters problems requiring more resources caused by unforeseen events.

3.2 E-Learning
Electronic Learning (e-Learning) is the distribution of a learning, educational or training material by electronic means (e.g. Internet, Intranet, CD-ROM, digital video disc (DVD)) using therefore a computer or electronic device (e.g. mobile phone, PDA, etc.). It uses network technologies to create, deliver, and facilitate learning, anytime and anywhere and delivers distinct, comprehensive, dynamic learning content in real time, aiding the development of collaborative communities of knowledge, and also connecting different types of users such as learners with experts, experts with instructional designers, etc. Moreover, it is a phenomenon that delivers accountability, accessibility, and opportunity allowing people and organizations to keep up with the rapid changes that characterize the World Wide Web. According to [Pankratius&Vossen99], in an e-Learning system, the key players are the learners (i.e. student or companys employee/apprentice) and the authors (i.e. teachers or instructional designers) but also trainers and administrators. Authors conceive content, which is put in storage in a learning management system (LMS) and in a database as well. That content may be updated, or exchanged with other systems. A LMS is controlled by an administrator, and it interacts with a runtime environment which is addressed by learners who might be instructed by a trainer. It is important to highlight that these three components of an e-Learning system might be logically and physically distributed (i.e. installed on different machines) and provided by diverse vendors or content suppliers. Now, to make this distribution viable, standards seek to ensure plugand-play compatibility [IMSGLOBAL01]. E-Learning systems should provide customization of features to a specific learners needs (e.g. Knowledge-Based Learning Systems that include Intelligent Tutorial Systems). A Knowledge-Based Learning System is a program that is built to model problem solving skills of humans; it is considered as a learning interactive environment. They put further the accent on the simulation of the model than on its construction. The learner learns by modifying the parameters and observing the consequences of her/is actions in the simulated environment [Nkambou05]. Intelligent Tutorial Systems (ITS) are learning systems one-to-one (tutor/learner). The goal here is to reconstitute the behaviour of an intelligent tutor in order to provide a personalized education to the learner. As a matter of fact, the learners can diverge considerably in several aspects such as their prerequisites, their abilities, their goals for dealing with a learning system, their rate and way of learning, and the time and money the learner is able to spend on learning. Hence, an e-learning system is generally able to supply and offer content for all those groups (e.g. a student who would like to learn about database concepts or for a company employee who would like to grasp company processes and their execution). In order to implement this system, a learning platform needs to encounter some of the most important requirements such as personalization, customization and adaptation, the integration of a multiplicity of materials, the responsiveness of the system towards the user (e.g. a "troublemaker" agent can provide pedagogical interventions of the system [Mengelle&Frasson96]). As we have previously mentioned, in an e-learning context, learners and authors interact through units of learning objects that can be accessed dynamically (e.g. over the Web). These learning objects can be stored in
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a database as well as any other information pertinent to a learning system such as user profile (personal data, learner profile), course maps, LO sequencing or presentation information. E-learning consists of a multiplicity of complex activities such as content authoring or learner tracking and administration which interact with resources (including people such as learners and authors), with one another (some activities trigger others), and with the outside world (such as existing software systems) in a predefined way [Pankratius&Vossen99]. We consider the e-learning standpoint of [Cerri05] an excellent and pertinent one. The author affirms that elearning according to own experience and also the research in the domain, that e-learning is really not an electronic variation of traditional Education. Actually, the environment of the education is completely different, and also the cognitive and social attitude of humans. E-Learning is in this way not an application of technologies to human learning, in the sense that assuming to know what to apply (the technologies) and how (the pedagogy) one puts things together and the result will be a success (people learn). On the contrary, each serious effort has to be considered unique in the sense that it requires specific technologies and specific pedagogical principles to be developed and applied in a trial and error fashion within a specific context. This is the fundamental challenge of e-Learning: services and products have to be combined differently each time, according to each e-Learning situation. In the wireless field, Mobile learning delivered in electronic mobile devices, anytime, anywhere, reveals new possibilities for technology to augment or facilitate the processes of learning and teaching (e.g. mobile participants) and also to offer new applications that are not viable with conventional desk-top setups. Consider the following scenario: a group of students, all equipped with a PDA, that for their Archaeology spring assignment are working on the Field Trip project. During their activity they store information, experience, emotion in photos, video clips, text notes, audio comments, etc. The mobile aspect of e-learning will be detailed in the Section 4.6. Grid for Mobile E-Learning (m-Learning).


In this section, we first introduce some basic concepts of Learning Grids and then we address in a very segmental way how Grid Computing has been currently employed including aspects of infrastructure, services and resources such as Grid learning services, semantic Grid in e-learning, collective intelligence sharing, and Grid for mobile e-learning.

4.1 Definition
Many e-Learning platforms and systems have been developed and commercialized. In general, these platforms are based on Client-Server, on Peer-to-Peer (P2P), or lately on Web Services architectures, with effectively significant limitations such as scalability, availability, distribution of computing power, and storage capabilities. Hence, e-Learning is at this time set out in fields (e.g. sciences, medicine, etc.) where superior requirements concerning those limitations are not essential. Consider this scenario from [Pankratius&Vossen99] where e-Learning systems can arrive at their frontier: a medical school where anatomy students examine the human body and prepare for practical exercise. Up to now, it is vastly impossible to compute, say, photo-realistic visualizations of a complex body model in real-time and display the computation result on a remote screen. With the advanced functionality of an e-Learning grid, students could be provided with the possibility to grab, deform, and cut model elements (e.g. organs) with the click of a mouse. Basically as before, the e-learning system could support the learner by giving advice on how to cut or give feedback for the actions, but beyond that virtual reality at local machine would become possible and improve the understanding of the subject considerably.
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According to [Nkambou&al05], "the "Learning Grid" refers to the promise of projects that pool together instructional materials on distant computers. The Grid provides a wide range of available and potential learning services and resources and does not simply refer to taking advantage of the multiplying effects of connectivity. It supports the personalized use of the collective intelligence provided by networked computers and supports the exchange, negotiation and dialogue within and among virtual, evolutionary and pervasive learning communities" (i.e. collaborative learning that corresponds to human knowledge sharing).

4.2 A General Portal Framework for Learning Grid

An example of a general portal framework for Learning Grid [Yang&Ho05] can be seen in Figure 4. Considered by the authors as the Education Grid, it makes use of the NMIs Open Grid Computing Environments (OGCE) Portal framework [OGCE&NMI05] that provides a portal architecture that supports virtual organizations consisted of scientists and project developers, and also provides the Application Programming Interface (API)11 for the development of reusable, modular components that may be used to access the services being developed within the Grid organization. Grid portals enable communication between grids and the outside world. User portals offer special services to specific members of the public and researchers.

Remote School A

Remote School B


OGCE Portal Middleware Globus

Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI)

Local CAI Platform Data Web Multimedia (VOD)

Video On Demand (VOD)

Open Grid Services Architecture

Computational Grid

Data Grid

Figure 4: A general Learning Grid Architecture [Yang&Ho05].

Application Programming Interface (API): is a set of definitions of the ways one piece of computer software communicates with another. It is a method of achieving abstraction, usually (but not necessarily) between lower-level and higher-level software.
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This architecture (Figure 4) applies Grid Computing technologies to incorporate inactive computer resources in schools to reduce costs and make efficient use and sharing of applications and resources. Therefore, schools with restricted budgets can also acquire better services and huge teaching resources using Grid technology [Yang&Ho05].

4.3 Grid Learning Services

4.3.1 Dynamic Service Generation The STROBE Model [Jonquet&Cerri05] introduces a social oriented model that is based on interaction centred of agent representation and agent communication. It represents how an AA (Artificial Agent) might learn dynamically (at run time) at the Data, Control and Interpreter level, especially focusing on "learning by being told" mode (i.e. use of AAs that learn (by being told) during conversations with other AAs, therefore that demonstrate a dynamic behaviour that adapts to the context. The model depicts how agents might execute the interactive, dynamic generation of services on the Grid. Services here are constructed interactively between agents depending on a conversation. The approach consists of integrating selected features from MASs and agent communication, language interpretation in applicative/functional programming and e-learning/human-learning into a simple view that benefits interactions, including control. The main characteristic of STROBE agents is that they develop a language (environment + interpreter) for each of their interlocutors. The model is inscribed within a global approach, defending a shift from the classical algorithmic (control based) view to problem solving in computing to an interaction-based view of Social Informatics [Jonquet&Cerri05]. The kind of MAS employed by STROBE model is as a matter of fact a Multi Artificial and Human Agents System (MAHAS), a system where AAs and HAs might interact and exchange information and knowledge effortlessly, where computers might make suggestions to humans and humans to computers, where collaboration and cooperation is infinite, where an agent might ask to another one to do a task or help it, a system which might progress dynamically in time and with a nondeterministic behaviour and finally a system where queries (i.e. problems to solve) and their solutions might come into view through interactions. Dynamic Service Generation refers to services constructed on the fly by the provider according to the conversation it has with the user and implies learning, as we mentioned above, interaction. It is a nondeterministic process depending on the conversation, interaction between two agents. Dynamically generated services in fact represent a new concept of service involving a collaborative generation of knowledge (i.e. learning). We agree with [Jonquet&Cerri05] that when taking into account grid computing, we bring fundamentally to mind agents and that the grid, they stress, is an evolution of both Web and agent research. According to their example, we are not able to shift from a Client/Server model based network (e.g. Web) to a distributed resource sharing system (e.g. grid) without taking into consideration societies of autonomous interacting agents providing dynamically delivered services (i.e. dynamic services generation) by means of interaction among AAs and Human Agents (HAs) existing in the society. As the authors emphasize, Learning Grids (i.e. societies of learning agents) in fact turn into societies of agents (i.e. HAs and AAs) supporting human learning.

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A Meta-Level Learning: "Teacher-Student" Dialogue

According to the authors, the goal of education is to change the interlocutors state. Actually this shift is realized after evaluating new elements carried by the communication. The example in Figure 5 demonstrates that a STROBE agent can alter its way of perceiving things (i.e. of evaluating messages) by "changing" its dedicated interpreter while communicating. Let us consider the following scenario: The goal of education is to change the interlocutors state. This change is completed after evaluating new elements carried by the communication. The example in Figure 5 shows that a STROBE agent can change its way of seeing things (i.e. of evaluating messages) by "changing" its dedicated interpreter while communicating [Jonquet&Cerri05]. Actually it is a typical "teacher-student" dialogue. An agent teacher requests to another agent student to broadcast a message to all its correspondents. Nevertheless, student does not initially know the performative12 used by teacher. As a result, teacher conveys two messages (assertion and order) explaining to the student the way of processing this performative by changing the function which interprets the messages (evaluatekqmlmsg). In the end, teacher expresses again its query to student and gets then satisfaction. The dialogue occurring in the experimentation is described Figure 5. After the last message procedure, the student function devoted to the evaluation of message (evaluate-kqmlmsg) is modified. The corresponding code in its environment dedicated to this conversation is changed. Then student agent can process broadcast messages sent by the teacher.

Figure 5: Learning of the performative broadcast learning teacher-student dialogue.


A performative states an agent intention, for example, broadcast, assertion, order, etc.).
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The authors emphasize the importance of seeing the learning process as co-construction of knowledge. An interaction between two entities is a process that implies an action to occur on the interacting entities. That means that interactions have some consequence on these entities, i.e. changes of state. However, each entity may only change state if the change is performed by the entity itself. For HAs, these changes can be learning, the definite purpose of ITS. In e-learning scenarios, it is quite unlikely that human learning occurs on the simple basis of interacting with a static system. Real interactions modify both entities, including the artificial one. The learning process should be seen as a co-construction of knowledge (social constructivism). For this process to be cumulative (i.e. unlimited) in knowledge production, the two entities have to learn from each other during this process and re-inject what they learn into the loop [Jonquet&Cerri05]. 4.3.2 Grid Learning Object In [Pankratius&Vossen03], e-learning grid architecture is proposed including a Learning Management System (LMS) and a Core Grid Middleware (CGM). However, what really differentiates it from others elearning grid architectures is a new concept of a Grid Learning Object (GLOB) for using the grid in elearning applications The LMS and the CGM which are based on Web Services and Grid services are depicted in Figure 6. The LMS interacts transparently with the CGM hence a learner is not conscious of the grid, and all s/he needs is a Java-enabled Internet browser to use both the LMS and the CGM.
Core Grid Middleware (CGM)

The CGM in fact implements several layers according to below: 1. The Fabric layer: it is implemented as a Java applet which offers the same interfaces to all resources in the grid. The user accesses a Web page with her/is Web browser to authenticate in the grid. 2. The Connectivity layer: it refers to the Grid Login service that performs all access control operations to the grid middleware. 3. The Resource layer includes an Information service which is aware of the status and type of all resources in the grid. 4. The Collective layer contains a Broker which implements a grid scheduling algorithm and also is in charge of distributing computations and data across the grid.

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Figure 6: Architecture of an E-Learning Grid including the Core Grid Middleware and the Learning Management System [Pankratius&Vossen03].

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Learning Management System (LMS)

The LMS in general manages all learning activities. A learner who uses a PC for a learning session interacts only with the LMS and as we have already mentioned is not conscious of a grid in the background. The LMS provides grid-content or not grid-content functionality related. It is important to mention that all Web Services of the LMS are accessed via Web pages, in this way the learner only needs a Web browser to use the LMS. Since the learner is logged in and authenticated, s/he can access a Web page for course management (i.e. functionality implemented in a Course Mgmt service). An Ontology service supports the semantic search for courses. After that the authoring service offers an environment to create, edit, and publish elearning content in the ContentRegistry, in this way they can be discovered by the LMS. The Web services that provide e-learning content is comprised of three essential components: the learning object (e.g. usually a lesson) or a course comprising of many learning objects; the assessment element which defines online tests and finally the metadata for search engines that details the content in a standardized mode. Other services also are provided by the LMS such as Discussion boards, Chat rooms where learners can interact with instructors or other learners and ask questions, a Progress Monitor and an Accounting service.
Integration of Grid Middleware and LMS

The LMS Login Service allows the e-learning PC to become a resource in the grid. As soon as the learner authenticates her/him on the Web page which in turn is connected with the Login Service of the LMS, the Fabric layer applet of the grid can be transported as mobile code and be set off locally on the e-learning PC. So this makes possible the communication with the grid.
Grid Learning Object (GLOB)

A Grid Learning Object (GLOB) is an advanced version of the conventional learning object with grid functionalities. In Figure 7, we can examine the structure of a GLOB which was designed by the authors in order to include both traditional e-learning content and content that makes use of grid functionalities. The GLOB is wrapped by a Web Service which enables it be effortlessly integrated into the LMS (Figure 6). Moreover, the Web Service offers procedures to access specific parts of the GLOB, to convert content (e.g. from XML to HTML), or to produce online tests. The GLOB is compounded of several parts: An Overview (a lesson), metadata (used to find GLOBs), many reusable information objects (RIOs), and a summary. The User Interface may be implemented as a Java Applet that coverts user input (e.g. mouse clicks) into tasks for the grid service in the application layer (e.g. a query to recalculate a 3D model).

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The actual content of a unity of study. Generate online exercises for the learners. Generate online tests for final exams.

Figure 7: The structure of a Grid Learning Object (GLOB) [Pankratius&Vossen03]. According to the authors, e-learning management systems and Grid computing can effectively work together especially for applications or learning scenarios where superior computational power is demanded or even the tool sets on which learning should be carried out are too high-priced to be granted to each and every learner. Future issues to be investigated consist of for example transactional guarantees for service executions over a grid (e.g. atomicity or recovery protocols that assist re-establish an operational state after a grid breakdown). 4.3.3 Learning Grid Infrastructure This sub-section presents the Learning grid services and also the functional requirements of a Learning Grid infrastructure.
Learning Grid Services

In the Proceedings of the First Workshop on Grid Learning Services [GLS04], several approaches were presented in order to develop a technological infrastructure for the Learning Grid. Contributions realized by participants were grouped into three categories which describe the participants standpoints: Semantic and Ontological View of the Grid

The first standpoint into this category refers to a Service oriented model which requires the use of semantic tagging for the recognition of and service to individual users (personalization) [Allison&al04].

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The second one refers to the vision of the Grid to Semantic Web technologies which presented a human centered approach to e-learning. One of the strategies of this approach is the use of hypertext and knowledgebased tools to augment the capacities of collaborative mediated spaces such as (e-Science) [CoAKTing05]: i) Ontologies to enhance group discussions; ii) Knowledge-based planning and task support to enhance process/activity discussions; iii) Scholarly discourse and argumentation to enhance collaborative meeting activities; iv) Presence and visualization to enhance group peripheral at a distance. The third standpoint propose a Grid Learning which can be personalized13 to an individual learner using Semantic Web techniques applied to resources, learners characteristics and content categorization that are indispensable to learners and teachers [Razmerita&Gouardres04]; this approach defines Semantic Web as a mesh of instructional resources linked in such a way as to be easily computable by machines on a global scale [Woolf&Eliot04).The semantic Grid is considered as a means to assist user-centered, personalized, contextualized and experiential approaches as well [Gouardres&al02]. The Role of the Agents and Networking

Intelligent and autonomous agents are a kind of agents which might perform complex tasks for the learners such as identify errors and misconceptions, recommend a diverse range of learning objects with also a diverse spectrum of features, support learners to obtain new concepts, accomplish different goals (e.g. as in a MAS [Woolf&Eliot04], [Roda&al03]), and respond to dynamic aspects of the environment. The first standpoint refers to a MAS carrying out training and cognitive supervision through a network distributed training system ASIMIL [Gouardres&al00]. Another MAS called Actor Specification for Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ASITS) makes use of agents interacting individually with actors (e.g. human, intelligent agents, etc.) through a common flow of messages (i.e. agents offering diagnoses, advice and support to users such as learners, instructors, etc.). Another standpoint concerns an agent representation and communication model derived from a social approach to accomplish the dynamic generation of services through the interaction of Artificial Agents (AAs) and Human Agents (HAs) (STROBE Model [Jonquet&Cerri04]). The objective is in fact to enhance HAlearning (e-learning) by using AA-learning. Finally, the third standpoint refers to a set of agents that handle computer-grid communication through devices (Grid-e-Card) [Gouardres&al04]. Real-World Content-Rich Environments

The focus here is on a real world content-rich environment where services should be created according to teachers and learners needs providing if possible (and strongly recommended!) real-world content-rich environments [Allison&al04]. A diverse spectrum of Grid learning projects have been developed such as: i) e-Qualification process (dynamic classification of users who enter the grid according to their need in their activity domain [Yatchou&al04]); ii) Project:EnCOrE (building and using an Encyclopaedia of Organic Chemistry by virtual communities communicating on the Web); iii) Collaborative Advanced Knowledge Technologies in the Grid project (CoAKTinG Project) that seeks to advance the state of the art in collaborative mediated spaces for distributed e-Science; iv) CombeChem project [Bachler&al04); v) Live communication with remote scientists using mobile sensing equipment in the Antarctic (Antarctic Remote Sensing Project and the Urban CO Monitoring project) [Underwood&al04].

13 On one hand, Personalization refers to make a system suitable for what a particular user needs (teacher or system demand). On the other hand, customization refers to changing something to make it just right for you (learner).

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Functional Requirements for Grid Learning Resources Services

The goals here represent that learning services enhance classical classroom activities and make changes in teacher practices. The functional requirements are comprised of two basic functionalities that need to be provided: pedagogical considerations and identification of services. Pedagogical considerations refer to a set of characteristics that should accomplish those goals according to below: Focus on the learner, not the teacher (student-centered methods). Computer-mediated teaching is well suited to support and promote constructivism teaching. Personalization and customization in order to improve the efficiency of computer interaction with users and make complex systems more usable. Rich-environments to provide closed interactions between entities, humans and computers for knowledge construction during e-learning sessions. Promote more constructivist and learner-centred learning (simulations, multimedia, virtual reality).

Identification of Services

As we have noticed above, with a diverse range of pedagogical factors involved, Grid services must be provided in the Learning Grid such as Collaboration services (members of a community sharing and executing tasks to reach a common goal), Communication services (services offered by the OGSA), Customization services (pertinent curriculum for each learner), Personalization services, Support services, Learning styles services, Searching services, and finally Qualification services (qualify a resource for a curriculum, assess the quality of resources (e.g. user comment and rating) and identify learner capabilities [Vassileva&al99)].

4.4 Collective Intelligence Sharing

The extensive augmentation of information nodes, the diversity of computers in complex networks, the cognitive overload, and the transactional distance14 [Moore73,93] demand for an appropriate set of learning services and devices for the Grid. Consequently, find the Virtual Learning Community (VLC) that shares learners centers of interests is not at all an easy task (Figure 8). In [Gouardres&al04], an approach to reduce cognitive overload and transactional distance for VLC on the grid trough a computer-grid communication device called Grid-e-Card is proposed.


Transactional distance refers to the psychological space created between the teacher and the learner. It is a function of two variables: dialogue and structure. Dialogue refers to the nature and the quality of communications between the teacher and the learner while structure relates to the rigidity of the course, the organization of the instruction and the teachings' strategies [Gouardres&al04].

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The Grid-e-Card, defined by the authors as a VLC auto-organizer device for collective intelligence sharing on the grid, intends to bring together users according to their signature for collective intelligence sharing in a social context: knowledge they have acquired, objectives they wish to attain or learning services corresponding to their requirements [Gouardres&al04]. The methodology employed is based on P2P-agents that handle users electronic portfolio (e-Portfolio) as knowledge prosthesis and exploit e-Learning qualification (e-Qualification) processes as aggregation methods to dynamically assemble people in pertinent VLCs.


Figure 8: How to find the VLC coping with my interests? [Gouardres&al04]. Generally speaking, e-Qualification refers to a context where an individual or global assessment of human actors, of architectures or devices takes place. In [Gouardres&al04], that notion is expanded to the Grid to indicate the following: i) the exploration that is realized to find the best VLC for the user; ii) the iterative construction of knowledge from an early state of knowledge to an expert knowledge state; iii) the assessment of the trainee when progressing inside her/is community during debriefing. The e-Qualification process

helps the self-organization of nodes by the dynamic classification of people who enter the grid according to their need in their activity domain [Gouardres&al04].

LEGEND L V Learner human agent Virtual Learning Community

Figure 9: e-Qualification loops to a user to integrate a VLC [Gouardres&al04]. The Figure 9 shows some of the e-Qualification process that takes place when the Grid-e-Card is plugged (See Figure 9 for a general overview of the system). From the trainee e-Portfolio, the learner human agent (L) finds the corresponding virtual learning community (V1, V2, V3 or V4).

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Grid-E-Card and P2P Communication

In the learning process in Figure 10, every user that necessarily belongs to a community, is connected to the learning grid through her/is Grid-e-Card. Each trainee is characterized by an agent in her/is community. It is important to highlight that all the members of a community have a piece of their e-Portfolio that is comparable to others one. In fact, that mutual piece is the signature of the VLC. In order to consent to a trainee integrate a specific community, rules are activated by agents where those rules are settled on the virtual learning community signature and the trainee e-Portfolio features. As described by the authors, in this process, several agents are activated according to the basic processes below: A user agent is associated to every user Grid-e-Card. It communicates with her/is community and automatically triggers the e-Qualification process. It will answer to identification and authentication requirements of the system through a matchmaking dialog which at the end accept a member in the community or not.

LEGEND LA GeC S K B Learning Agent Grid-e-Card Service Knowledge Broadcast

Mirroring: Display the state of the newcomers in relation to others.

Figure 10: Grid-e-Card: Basic Dynamic View of the system [Gouardres&al04]. The process called matchmaking evaluates the content of the messages with the user agent and enables the categorization of agents in VLCs according to the pertinence of their knowledge in the ePortfolio or the goal of the new member in the loop. As the agents adopt a social behaviour so that they are able to reason on the knowledge states of the other members to which her/is is linked, and take into consideration her/is own knowledge that other agents will would like to share. As the authors mention, the basic loop of the e-Qualification process: mapping of peers into a common VLC tacitly qualify each one in a shared competence group which is the Virtual Learning Group Communities (VLGC). From a technical point of view agents need to processes in P2P mode in order to be organized in groups and interact in pairs, and should be mobile due to the exigency of the grid environment [Gouardres&al04].

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A Learning Grid scenario can be seen in ASIMIL, an e-Qualification process (Figure 11) application from the aerospace domain that stands for A Network Distributed Simulator Training System [ASIMIL05]. The experimental framework is simulation-based intelligent. A P2P review process which is executed by autonomous agents (i.e. knowledge, ergonomic, psychological). Each agent scans separately a common stream of messages coming from other actors (Human, intelligent agents, physical disposals) (see Table 5). They perform coalitions to supply a given community of users (instructors, learners, moderators, etc.) with diagnoses, advice and help among actors in the community. A dedicated P2P Agents architecture for perception and qualification of erratic users behaviours has been constructed which consists of a cognitive monitoring based on intelligent agents.

Figure 11: The e-Qualification process in ASIMIL [ASIMIL05].

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4.5 Semantic Grid in E-Learning

The Semantic Grid refers to applying Semantic Web technologies to the Grid therefore setting off new avenues for automation. Semantic Web is a mesh of instructional resources linked in such a way as to be easily computable by machines on a global scale [Gouardres&al02]. Let us consider the proposed ELearning Grid Infrastructure [ELeGI05] for example in a widespread Grid environment, so that it would be viable to automatically integrate new services into a local learning environment. Independently by offering a distributed system of superior performance of computational resources, the Grid must also enable structured access to the generated data and also an environment within the collaboration can take place (e.g. meetings between researchers, shared access to experiments, etc.). The Grid nowadays can be seen as a composite of computational grid, data grid and collaborative grid functionalities [Page&al05]. The CoAKTinG (Collaborative Advanced Knowledge Technologies in the Grid) Project [CoAKTing05] seeks to enhance the state of the art in collaborative mediated environments for distributed e-Science. It encompasses four tools: instant messaging and presence notification (BuddySpace), graphical meeting and group memory capture (Compendium), intelligent to-do lists (Process Panels) and meeting capture and replay. These tools in fact are incorporated into existing collaborative environments and via shared ontology in order to exchange structure, promote improved process tracking and navigation of resources before, after, and while a meeting occurs.

BuddySpace [Eisenstadt&al03; Vogiazou&al05] is an Instant Messaging environment with both client and server functionality lengthened to improve presence awareness. It presents automatic list construction and intelligent service discovery on the server, and also the graphical visualization of users and their presence states in an image, geographical or conceptual map according to Figure 12.

Figure 12: BuddySpace showing a virtual organisation and presence indicators, (a) with live/clickable presence dots superimposed on geographical and office locations, and (b) with the office dots superimposed on a conceptual map depicting KMis research themes as generated from an underlying ontology [Eisenstadt&al03; Vogiazou&al05].

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Compendium [CoAKTing05] is a hypermedia software tool for publishing Dialogue Maps (Figure 13) which are concept networks which structure Issues, Ideas and Arguments in a dialogue, linked to background multimedia documents and internet resources. It is better defined as a knowledge management environment for supporting personal/group discussions and memory, merging hypermedia, modelling and mapping skills [Conklin&al01]. Issue-maps can be used in learning perspectives to for example sum up: background information about a difficult issue to be tackled, evidence as it is collected and how it is appropriate to issues under debate, contributions to online discussions forums. Compendium is usually used as a means of assembling together diverse resources into a common place for organization and analysis. For example, students, teachers and researchers can make use of Compendiums maps to drag and drop multimedia resources onto a map. Also, Open University PhD students are making use of Compendium as a visual database for managing their literature reviews, as a manner to improve their research questions, and to support virtual supervision of e-PhD students as well.

Figure 13: Example use of Compendium by an instructional designer to organise issues, ideas and resources from diverse sources: (1) The key problem to be addressed is framed as a question; (2) open courseware resources are dropped from a web browser onto the map; (3) an existing course Unit 3 is added in response to the issue about one of the web resources; (4) a catalogue of resources is created; (5) a relevant email is linked to as a response to two different questions [CoAKTing05].

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I-X Process Panels for Task-oriented e-Learning

The purpose of I-X research project [Tate&al02] is to create a propitious environment for mixed-initiative (i.e. engaging human and computer agents) synthesis tasks. In the point of view of a user, the main interface to the I-X is the Process Panel. A Panel introduces to users the present state of the collaboration from their individual standpoints, and enables them to dissociate activities, improve elements of the plan, delegate issues, and invoke the automated agents, etc. all these characteristics supporting to shift the whole task towards a finishing point. All features of I-X seek to give confidence novice users to develop their own expertise whereas executing tasks within the context of a distributed virtual environment of shared resources, aid agents and other users of several levels of expertise.
Meeting Replay

The meeting replay tool [CoAKTing05] enables individuals to rethink the ideas and topics discussed after a meeting has occurred. Some features implemented are the meeting time, location, attendees, audio/video recordings, any presentations given (and related Web versions), and argumentation annotation from Compendium (Figure 14).

Figure 14: The meeting replay tool [CoAKTing05].

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Finally, we describe below where the CoAKTing tools can be used in learning grid scenarios:

BuddySpace (enhanced presence/communication): to create a Virtual Community consisting the individual learners & teachers and to provide the social affordance scaffolding. Compendium: to capture collective thinking within a group who are physically distributed and used to plan, structure, and access other learning resources providing significant interactive and reflective
apparatus for the learner.

I-X Process Panels: to plan and structure learning tasks, goals, and experiments and to provide mechanism for tracking issues and tasks when part of collaboration in this manner providing critical task-level support.
The Shared semantic ontology -> structured metadata from the various tools can be merged with new material to generate additional services.

4.6 Grid for Mobile E-Learning (m-Learning)

Grid services can be suitable in a mobile context as mobile electronic devices (e.g. PDAs, cellular phones, laptops, tablets PC, etc.) change their networks (i.e. instable due to discontinuous connectivity and poor bandwidth) more regularly than desktop installations. In this way, these mobile devices can take advantage from being able to discover and utilize services that are local to the device (e.g. to use a projector screen to show information that couldnt be displayed onto a palmtop screen). Another factor is that mobile devices also typically possess currently limited resources (i.e. less computing power) than wired devices, and can take advantage also from the Grids characteristic that is to shift computation to a more powerful system. Moreover, there is a need to deal with the transparency of the service, and the mobility of users demands huge efforts in the design of a proper middleware [Bruneo&al03]. In the same way mobility can be very useful to e-learning in order to facilitate and enhance the processes of learning. The former, it would enable learning resources more straightforwardly available to learners and also teachers. The latter, it would augment learning experience through the use of mobile devices in, for example, laboratory work and field trips [Braz04]. In this context, mobile devices can be used in place of classical paper and pen to organize these experiences or gather learner information [Millard&al05b]. Mobile Grid computing in turn consists of providing Grid services anytime, anywhere from mobile devices. As we mentioned above, mobile devices have low processing power, in addition its battery life is very short and its screen is very limited in size and quality. All these restrictions bring as a matter of fact significant advantages of using mobile Grid technology such as mobile-to-mobile and mobile-to-desktop collaboration for resource sharing, improving user experience, convenience and contextual relevance and novel application scenarios. A grid-based mobile environment would allow mobile devices to become more efficient by offloading resource-demanding work to more powerful devices or computers [Millard&al05a]. In [Millard&al05a], a mobile e-learning client is proposed, Finesse e-Learning System, using Grid technologies, that is, a mobile learning Grid [ELeGI05]. Finesse (Finance Education in a Scalable Software Environment) is a Web-based collaborative learning and teaching environment for the finance domain. Learners are able to manage on-line portfolios and buy and sell shares making use of real-time market data. The objectives of this project were to conceive a set of Grid services that reproduced the functionality of the initial Finesse, that is, the Finesse Grid Services (FIGS), and also to create a mobile interface for FIGS which would enable the portfolios accessible via a PDA.

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Unfortunately, conclusions from the authors related to the examination of Grid technologies stated that none of the technologies presently available (white color) or those still in development or may only have partial releases (grey color) shown in Figure 15 can effectively support Grid clients on a mobile device. According to the authors the reason why is that they make assumptions about the capabilities of their host

environment, for example OGSI.Net will not work with .NET CF and Globus Toolkit 3 assumes too high a level of Java support.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [3]

Web Service Resource Framework

Open Grid Service Infrastructure

Open Grid Service Architecture

Figure 15: Grid Technologies [Millard&al05b]. Detailed Legend: [1] Web Services Resource Framework (a PERL implementation of the current WSRF definition). [2] Web Services Resource Framework (an initial implementation of WSRF on .NET1). [3] Globus Toolkit (a collection of services, written in Java, which can be used to deploy and discover other services). [4] Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute (an open source and secure Web services platform for building Grid applications). [5] Open Grid Service Infrastructure .NET (an implementation of the OGSI.NET implementation for mobile devices). [6] OGSI.NET (a container framework that allows .Net applications to access Grid Services).

The authors argue that lightweight implementations such as Mobile OGSI.NET can provide s subset of the enterprise services, rather than a new lightweight view; even though these lightweight implementations may be possible to run on a PDA, it is a wholly different interface onto OGSA (the ? layer in Figure 15), that is required to support the type of e-learning mobile Grid applications that was just described.

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Consequently, the only solution found by the authors was to implement the mobile Grid client using a proxy (i.e. a browser on the PDA) that accessed Grid services running on a Web server as shown in Figure 16.


Deployed Finesse Grid Services (FIGS):

Interest, Notebook, Portfolio, Sharedata, Userdata.

Figure 16: Finesse proxy architecture for mobile clients [Millard&al05a]. The authors used Java Server Pages (JSPs) to invoke Java code on a remote Web server. They implement their mobile client using JSPs. The Finesse Grid Services are deployed on the Grid, and clients are implemented as a set of Java Beans talking to the Grid and providing suitable responses as JSP pages to mobile devices. Requests from mobile users are input via the mobile devices Web interface, these requests are first handled on the proxy by client beans which then issue proper Grid Services requests to the Grid. Once the proxy receives responses from the Grid, it generates and serves appropriate pages to the mobile client [Millard&al05a]. The authors conclude that ...the current set of Grid technologies does not fit well with the loosely coupled requirements of mobile e-learning and are often too heavy-weight to fit on a mobile device. Unless this is addressed it will make the emerging e-learning Grid infrastructures inaccessible to mobile devices, and stunt the development of novel mobile e-learning applications [Millard&al05b].

In this report, we presented the state-ofthe-art regarding the converging field of Grid Computing technology and e-learning. It addressed how Grid Computing has been employed in wired and mobile (wireless) E-Learning illustrated here by a diverse spectrum of domains such as Grid Learning Services, Collective Intelligence Sharing, Semantic Web, and Grid Clients for Mobile Devices. Recently, there have been some very important developments in the Grid and e-learning coming from research communities such as an increase of a multitude of collaborative e-learning environments and components, the amalgamation of different technologies and learning theories (e.g. leading toward fusion of the Grid with P2P networks and at the same time providing a co-construction of knowledge (social constructivism), the augmentation of the capacities of collaborative learning through Semantic Web technologies, the arrival of numerous e-learning objects (e.g. grid-enabled learning objects, learning objects, etc.), and finally huge efforts has been developed to realize effective Mobile Grid Learning.

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In our opinion, Grid computing, semantic Grid, Web services technologies and mobility are crucial factors to be considered when providing learning resources to learners and teachers in an e-learning environment due to the following: Modularity: where services are dynamically coupled at runtime. Interoperability: where we notice the standardization of the service interfaces. Extensibility: where services can be automatically and easily integrated into a local learning environment. Distributed Knowledge Management: where further functionalities further than a regular SOA can be provided such as security and state awareness. Suitable Trust Services: where the intelligence of the services [Nkambou&al04b] in relation to the Semantics in the description, the discovery, the selection and the composition of services. Communication: where new possibilities are offered to users in order to effectively communicate more easily without obstacles. Automatism: where conversational agents dynamically generated Learning Grid Services. Compatibility and expandability: where we can build learning virtual organizations for collective intelligence sharing through the use of an e-Portfolio as an entry point for e-Qualification of a grid learning service. Accessibility: where users can access from simple to complex e-learning resources anytime, anywhere.

In a nutshell, the use of Grid Computing in conjunction with wired and wireless e-learning will provide basically an end-to-end high-bandwidth access and a vast range of distributed computing resources to users such as learners, teachers, instructional designers, etc.

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It is important to highlight that several references cited in this report, RGridE-Learning, are included in the papers themselves mentioned in Section 1, while any others references can be found in this section.

Author (s)



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