Tools and Techniques For Teaching and Research in Network Design and Simulation
Tools and Techniques For Teaching and Research in Network Design and Simulation
Tools and Techniques For Teaching and Research in Network Design and Simulation
Received: 20 October 2022 / Accepted: 10 January 2023 / Published online: 17 March 2023
© The Author(s) 2023
Computer networking is taught for some time at universities. A network is a complex mix of applications, communications
protocols and link technologies, traffic flows and routing algorithms. Teaching the networking concept, the network design
process is a challenging task, requiring designers to balance user performance expectations with costs and capacities. One
of the obvious approaches employed to deal with its complexity is through the use of modelling and simulation techniques.
This paper examines three best educational tools that can be used in the Computer Networking course at Cardiff Metropoli-
tan University or any University for educational purpose. The paper demonstrates that a successful teaching programme
needs to combine a range of teaching tools to achieve its aims. Analysing various aspects of the course provides evaluation
of the overall success of the tools. Many network design and simulation tools have been studied. Based on our research and
experiment, the best educational tools were selected that could be used for the purpose of teaching in the area of computer
communications networks. The wide area network modelling tool Delite, the network simulator ns-3, the topology generation
tool Brite can be used together to teach students the networking concepts. These tools can not only help students to under-
stand computer network principles but also improve their network practical skills. Currently there are various tools available
that are created by different companies and groups of researchers in academia and that are intended for use as practical and/
or educational tools for network design including security issues. To make this task easy, different users, researchers and
companies have developed different network modelling and simulation (MS) tools. Very often, such tools are addressing
different issues in the network design process which are complementary to each other. It would be useful for learning and
improving the network design process by allowing the use of a variety of tools.
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perfect for teaching in the same way that no one tool will To understand the details of the networking issues, stu-
ever be the perfect for computer networking. The teaching dents can use the Delite for the calculation of the Capacity,
has culminated in a strong emphasis on the student being reliability and delays of the networking module. On the other
an active learner, as opposed to a passive receiver of infor- hand, to see the dynamic behaviours, NS-3 can be used.
mation, which is then regurgitated back to the assessor. Finally to know the network topology, Brite tool case be
The network design process is a challenging task, used. We found one article regarding the tools for teaching
requiring designers to balance user performance expecta- network [7].
tions with costs and capacities [1]. External factors, such The purpose of this paper is to show how simulation tools
as government policies and regulations, the competitive and technology can serve as an effective educational tool
situation, available technological services and products to enhance the learning of process of networking concepts.
are adding complexity to the design process. Organisa- In this paper we examine the three teaching tools that can
tional strategies, culture and policies also affect the plan- be used in the course of computer networking, features and
ning and design process. The amount of human and tech- design process in depth, pedagogical tool for the teaching of
nical resources in the data communication functions of computer network design. If a student needs to understand
the organisation can also strongly affect the choice. Elec- the basic magic works, then they can use Delite; whereas
tronic communication is so ubiquitous in modern business when student needs to see dynamic characteristic of net-
that it is hard to develop an overall strategic vision that work model, then NS-3 would be the suitable for teaching.
is comprehensive and at the same time detailed enough To work and gain knowledge about the topology, the Brite
to be useful. Additionally, these factors can change and would be the perfect tool.
make the network learning and planning process even
more complex. The business role of the proposed network
application adds extra complexity to planning process. Problems in Teaching Computer Networks
To improve the quality of undergraduate education such
a complex topics network simulation tools best option. The Open System Interconnection model (OSI) and com-
There are many authors who attempted to solve the ques- munications network simulation are two parts of the impor-
tion on how can students’ motivation and interest for the tant area of computer networking course. The OSI model
complex teaching material of Computer Networking and provides an abstract function decomposition of a network
other complex module(s) be improved. Currently, many protocol and is commonly used to depict network functional-
works deal to improve the pedagogy of computer network- ity of each layer. There are many tools for network analysis
ing concepts using network design and simulation tools including cost, reliability, capacity, delay etc. both in com-
and techniques [2–6]. The article [7] shows how to reduce mercial and educational sectors. It is easy for the students to
the gap between the education in universities and real work build the visual connection between OSI model and network
environments in the area of computer networking using protocols of each layer.
Packet tracer, GNS2, OPNET, and fat-tree simulator tools. The technical complexities of computer networks and
There are some recent published papers dealing with the data transmission processes and protocols present immense
complex subjects in the classroom [8–10]. challenges for teaching and learning in computer network
Capacity, Reliability, and Delay are three "magic words" education [12]. Students often need to have intensive stud-
used for describing concepts of the computer network design ying and practical experience with hands-on activities to
[11]. While capacity and delay are relatively well under- understand the large numbers of complex and abstract con-
stood, this is not the case for reliability. The term reliability ceptual details on network payers, protocols, addressing
is often used interchangeable with availability and dependa- format and configurations [13]. The traditional mainstream
bility. Increased redundancy in the network structure is often teaching method of lecturing is found to be inadequate for
considered as important, or even the only way to achieve motivating students in network education [4]. The com-
higher levels of reliability. Factors affecting performability mon challenge often seen in teaching computer network-
of the communications systems are discussed. Reliability in ing and data communication is the difficulty for students to
the network design process in a context of systems approach understand the complex technical concepts and to visualise
to network design is considered in more detail. Examples the various network protocols, roles, and functions in data
of calculations of reliability figures for different network communication [15]. More importantly, students may have
designs are considered using the Delite tool. Reliability sup- further difficulty in developing the skills and ability to use
port in communications protocols is discussed. Example of higher level skills for troubleshooting and creative problem
simulations and animations of network dynamics is pre- solving [16].
sented using the ns-3 and nam tools. Example of topology Some issues of the computer networking could be
handling is Brite tool. found in [17]. Computer Networking is difficult to learn.
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It advances very rapidly. Many Computer Networking • Typically provides an interactive graphical user interface
topics have also quickly developed into separate subjects, for network editing, capacity calculation, traffic estimate,
notably Wireless and Mobile Networks, Optical Networks, performing network optimisation, allowing users to per-
and Network Security. It becomes increasingly difficult to form “what-if” analysis and many other features;
teach the subject effectively, partly because the Internet’s • Displays the results through menus, tables and graphical
success has attracted students with various backgrounds. displays via animated utilisation bars, graphical statistics,
Besides the issues, there are quite a number of obstacles diagrams, reports, charts and graphs.
to teaching and learning Computer Networking effectively, • Analyses the network model produced by designer;
as outlined below. (a) The principles underlying Computer • Recommends the configurations of existing switches (e.g.
Networking are intrinsically very complex. (b) Computer how many access cards to add) and the optimal locations
Networking concepts and protocols are also very abstract of new switches/routers;
to many students. (c) Unlike Computer Programming and • Shows which links and devices are over and underused;
Computer Architecture courses, for example, resource pro- • Predicts link and device throughput and utilisation;
vision for hands-on practical experience in Computer Net- • Shows effects of a link or device failure;
working is problematic. A Computer Networking laboratory, • Shows how changes in topology, device upgrades or
if available, usually has a ready-to-use computer network on expansion will affect performance.
which students can conduct various experiments. However,
students should also be expected to know how to set up a (b) Considering cost-related issues:
computer network from scratch after taking the course, very
much like knowing how to write programmes after taking a • Analyses the status of the current network, evaluates the
Computer Programming class. But it is not quite possible to condition of any user-defined configuration and optimises
provide adequate resources to achieving that in many aca- the expansion of the network based on demand and costs;
demic environments. (d) Many terminologies and acronyms • Ensures that the network is cost effective, reliable and has
are introduced and used in the field, and some of them are sufficient capacity to meet current and expected customer
very similar, e.g. ARP and ARQ. (e) Some of the networking demand.
problems are difficult to comprehend and appreciate due to
students’ common lack of practical experience. (v) Investigation of the network performance by model-
ling and simulation of dynamic traffic behaviour:
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Three of the educational tools are Delite (analytical tool), Features of the Delite, NS‑3 and Brite
NS-3(simulation tools) and Brite (topology generation tool).
Students can use the Delite for the calculation of the capac- Delite
ity, reliability and delays of the networking module. On the
other hand, to see the dynamic behaviours, NS-3 can be used. Delite [22] is an educational and practical wide area net-
Finally to know the network topology, BRITE tool case be work (WAN) design tool, which can produce network
used. designs of limited size using a set of embedded network
Students can get clear concepts using topology generation design algorithms. Data for such designs have to be read
tool(s). They will experiment different topology algorithms from the specially formatted external files. Delite can pro-
using Brite tool. The students can design the topology using duce graphical displays representing network nodes and
menu bar in Brite and it will generate a text file. Students can links as well as some additional analysis data (delay analy-
study the text file and change the parameters. They can design sis and reliability analysis) in special windows. An input
the same model (topology) in Delite tool and perform capac- file contains data for the network design problem: node
ity, reliability and delay analysis using predefine algorithms. coordinates, link parameters, traffic parameters, as well as
Delite also produces the text file and students can edit the file cost and equipment specifications.
and parameters and perform experiments. And finally they Delite provides the network planner with a user-friendly
can re-map the same model in NS-3/Ns-2 and check different menu-driven interface. It uses a 1000 by 1000 unit size
paraments and dynamic behaviour and conduct performance window for a square world on the screen for displaying
analysis. For example, in networking course, a full course- the network model and a separate special type of window
work/assessment can be completed using 2 and/or 3 of these called the ‘Delite Monitor’ for user responses and analysed
tools together based on the requirement of the assessment and output of the designed network model. The origin of the
the module. window is in the top right corner but the distance from
From the assessment point of view, the sequence is: it is measured down and to the left, i.e. the opposite way
Topology Generation → Performance Analysis → Dynamic Behaviour Analysis.
From the tool point of view, the sequence is: from normal X, Y coordinates. An alternative is to put the
Assessment Part 1 (in Brite) → Assessment Part 2 (in Delite) → Assessment Part 1 (in NS − 3).
These tools will also be very useful for the network designer
origin in the bottom left corner and make all values nega-
and researcher in their network design process or algorithm
tive from this origin. Delite supports different types of
development. The use of network modelling and simulation
communication links, which are T1, D96, and D56.
tools is an important element in the process of design, deploy-
For each network model, Delite produces seven text
ment, testing and evaluation of any communications network.
Tools are the integral parts of the overall methodology of
planning and designing a network. Designers may analyse the
• .INP file contains information that refer to the other
output produced by the tools, compare several designs and
files used for generating the network file;
select the best design according to some predetermined cri-
• .GEN file contains sites/nodes, their coordinates, type
teria. Tools are also needed to study and test new protocols.
of link and some parameters;
In the following sections, we will discuss details (related
• .REQ file contains traffic information (SOURCE, DEST
files and their format, steps to design network model, etc.) of
these 3 tools which are Delite, Ns-3 and Brite. These can be
• .CST file contains tariff information (end to end cost);
introduced to the students that might be useful for the students
• PARMS.TBL contains several network parameters (e.g.
to have basic networking concepts.
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• EQUIP.TBL/NOEQUIP.TBL contains equipment infor- designs may have different costs, delays, reliability, aver-
mation (fixed), specifies the cost and capacity of the age number of hops, etc. Other files are used for different
equipment that can be placed at every site; purposes: noeqip.tbl and param.tbl are predefined (used to
• .NET file contains the network topology (e.g. source, supply some network parameters), the.cst file describes the
sink, node coordinates, etc.). This file receives the nec- costs associated with link types (e.g. T1, T3, D96, etc.), the.
essary information from the.INP file. req file describes the capacity of each link type, and the.
inp file contains the names of files related to a particular
The WAN design tool Delite produces a performance model. The users can edit all of the files mentioned above
report of the network model. The report includes average as they are in ASCII text format. The link direction of the
delays of the link, the average number of hops, link utilisa- arrow between file types means the direction of a “call” for
tion for every separate link between nodes, utilisation of information, e.g. file is only using.inp files and the.
each node, overall network model utilisation, etc. A separate inp file is using all others.
special window named a ‘Legend’ is used for showing the The file processing steps are shown in Fig. 2. The.gen file
output. is designed and/or edited by the user and fed to the Delite
The algorithms used for designing the topology of a net- tool. As a consequence,.inp,.cst, and.req files are produced
work model supported by Delite are: using some parameters from para.tbl or noeqip.tbl files.
Finally using these files (.gen,.inp,.cst,.req), the design file
• The Prim Algorithm; (.net) is produced. As file contains the whole network
• The Primdijkstra Algorithm; model information, this file is used by the NeDaSE tool for
• The Tour Building (The Nearest Neighbour) Algorithm; transformation purposes from Delite to other formats. The.
• The Tour Building (The Farthest Neighbour) Algorithm; cst and.req files are not used for transformation (from Delite
• The Esau–Williams Algorithm; to other tools’ formats). This is due to the fact that there is
• The Sharma Algorithm; no way to use the data of.cst (all possible combinations of
• The Multispeed Tree Design Algorithm; link costs) or.req (all possible combinations of link band-
• The Nearest Neighbour Esau–Williams Algorithm; widths) files in other tools. All of the files are in text format
• The Multicenter Esau–William Algorithm; and students can easily change/amend and learn about the
• The Mentor Algorithm; parameter and therefore networking issues.
• The Incrementour Algorithm. file carries the model information. There are three
sections in file [22]. The first section (Fig. 3) contains
Files and Model Processing Steps in Delite node/site information, coordinate of the nodes with some
predefined parameters etc., the second section (Fig. 4) con-
There are seven text files in Delite as shown in Fig. 1. The tains the topology information and predefined parameters
figure also shows the relationship among the files. The most [22] and the third section contains parameter information
important for the users are files.gen (original node informa- (not shown). Furthermore, other files (.cst,.gen,.inp,.req) are
tion, coordinates and available link types) (model also needed to make a model workable in Delite. For this
node coordinates and additionally a table of links between size of thesis, the structures of these files are not provided.
nodes, i.e. actual network design). Links between nodes can Among these files,.cst and.req are two of the biggest files.
be generated using a few design algorithms. Thus, various
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Fig. 3 An example of the node information from Prim7UK model in Delite tool showing the nodes details (standard format)
Fig. 4 An example of the link information from Prim7UK model in Delite tool showing the link details (standard format)
In.gen file (not shown), there are three sections: node the site) and traffic out (leaving the site) of each node. The
information, used link type, and parameter section. The node second section contains link types that are to be used and
section carries the node name, initial node position (before their associated information, and the third section contains
applying any algorithm for a model), parent node, popula- several parameters.
tion concerned with a node (number of users), node level The traffic file.req contains the capacity of each of the
(the level of the site in the hierarchy), traffic in (entering possible links. These possible links are basically the links
(combination) from each node to rest of the nodes of the
model. If there are n nodes, then the total number of links
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Fig. 7 Relationship of model files used in ns-3 tool that shows the
linkage between the input/output files
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Fig. 8 Model processing steps in ns-3 showing how to create a tcl/.ns file and simulate in Nam staring with step 1a and ending at 3b
Fig. 9 Node information of the.ns file showing the node name and
coordinates 1. The.ns formatted file supports only the simplex link,
whereas the.tcl formatted file supports both a simplex
and duplex link.
(Fig. 12) shows the application protocols, linkage with the 2. Visualisation of the node in ns-3 starts with 0, 1, 2… and
agents, time interval to pass the packets etc. Agent connec- so on. The first node is numbered 0 rather than 1.
tion section (Fig. 13) interlinks between the agents (source 3. Models designed by the users are not confined within
and sink). Finally Simulation Time section (Fig. 14) shows the predefined topological model/algorithm.
when the agent will start sending the traffic and how long 4. The notation of the.ns file (fixed style of notation for
simulation will continue. node name, agent name, traffic source name) and.tcl file
are slightly different. The.tcl file supports any text names
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Fig. 17 The structure of the Brite file that shows the node and link information
topology generation tool) can be feed to Brite and Brite tool Network Model in Brite
general the.Brite file. The user analyses the file and will have
understanding of the topology concept. Features of the network model in Brite are:
The main file format that works behind different kinds Node
of network topologies in the Brite tool is shown in Fig. 17
as a sample [26]. This is basically the.brite file (output file) 1. The location of the node is 2D. That is, each node has
that can be produced manually or from a configuration file the coordinate with values of x and y. There is no z
(input). There are three sections that carry model informa- coordinate.
tion, node information (node number/label, coordinate) and 2. The nodes are labelled with 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on. The first
topology information (source, sink and some parameters) node starts with label 0 rather than 1.
respectively (details can be found in [26]). The configuration 3. The model does not work without the values of coordi-
file is not shown. nates.
4. Large-scale network topology generator.
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Table 1 The main characteristics and complementary features of the Brite, Delite and NS tools
Criteria/ Tools Brite Delite ns-2/ns-3
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the other hand, Delite and NS are used for WAN design. NS-3 can be used in the classroom. Finally to know the
Brite and Delite do not show the dynamic behaviour, network topology, BRITE tool case be used. We found
whereas NS is used to visualise the dynamic behaviour of one article regarding the tools for teaching network [3–7].
a network model. Please see the Table 1 for other features. The ns-3 (.ns) does not allow any other words rather
If these three education tools are used in teaching the com- than a set of predefined keywords. In Brite, the site name
puter networking course, students will be benefitted and (text) is not allowed and the site is indicated only by an
learn how to design and analyse a network model along id number. In contrast, Delite and .tcl (ns-3) allow a user-
with research. defined site name (text). In all cases, files are structured
in such a way that particular data must be placed in a fixed
column having spaces in a fixed manner. ns-3 simulates
Conclusions the dynamic behaviour of a protocol. It can simulate most
of the protocols from the TCP/IP family. Additionally, it
We have presented by examples the benefit of using mod- produces a trace file which can be analysed using the post-
elling and simulation tools in computer network courses. processing utilities. Another advantage is that the user can
We have shown the use of the network simulation and produce a model file using either a GUI or writing code
design tools for teaching, their main features, internal file (tcl script). The editor of ns-3 (nam) is very flexible for the
structure, format, relationship between files and file pro- naive as well as expert users. In addition, new protocols
cessing systems, how to design the network model and can be embedded into ns-3 and tested as the tool has open
learn, default features of the tools, etc. However, using source code.
hands-on projects, students will see themselves in differ- This article provides issues and techniques of three com-
ent (as designers); where, in those moments, they inte- puter network modelling and simulation tools for teaching
grate their minds, critical thinking, communication skills, Computer Networks. The theoretical concepts are rather
and their cumulative knowledge in the domain to provide abstract in networking subject, and students often find them
solutions to their problems. Moreover, this approach will too obscure to understand, many authors attempt to answer
enable faculty to notice and consider all issues facing stu- the question on how to improve students’ motivation and
dents when they apply the selected tools to solve their interest for the complex teaching material of computer net-
real-world like problems. working [7]. Our investigation suggests that the designs
“Pilot” tools for the teaching are Delite, network simu- could be started by building the network topology using
lator ns-3, topology generator Brite. We have shown the Brite, then gradually students are advised to add more capa-
technical issues how these tools are used to design a net- bilities and features to their designs such as adding links-
work model and the format of the input and output files performance, choosing right applications (using Delite), and
that a user/student needs to study to know/clarify the ideas add more advanced features such bandwidth, packet drop-
of the network models. To clear the idea of the topology, ping, various queuing mechanisms, build special network-
students will use the Brite tools. To analysis the network ing model between some sites in the network and quality of
models student can use the Delite tools and full analy- service (QOS) parameters to their designs (using NS).
sis details can be found in [14]. To visualise the dynamic
behaviours of network models (e.g. packet passing, packet
Data availability All the codes, models and required information are
loss, queuing, etc.), the NS-2/NS-3 tool would be very available on request.
Brite generates the small as well as very large topolo- Declarations
gies. It helps to design eight types of different network
models [17–26]. Also, models from some of the other tools Conflict of Interest The authors would like to declare that they have
no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that
(e.g. GT-IMT, Inet, Skitter, NLANR, etc.), can be fed into could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
the Brite tool. Additionally, the output of Brite can be
transformed into SSF, J-Sim, Otter, ns formats. There are Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
great advantages of using this tool, i.e. the use of Brite bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
means use of the other compatible tools along with Brite. as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
Delite is a network modelling tool that has analysis provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
capability and predefined algorithms. Delite helps to were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
design and analyse a network model in addition to the uses included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
of the predefined algorithms. Delite tool can be used to the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
teach the calculation of the Capacity, reliability and delays permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
of the networking module. To see the dynamic behaviours,
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