Lesson On The 13 Colonies

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Lesson Plan Template Teacher Candidate: _Matt Hart___________ Date: __November 12, 2012____

Unit Title: _13 Colonies Make A Whole__Subject: _Social Studies__Grade Level: _4th__

Lesson Title/Number

Make Your Own Flag

Common Core Standards

Standard 1: History of the United States and New York Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York. Key Idea 1 The study of New York State and United States history requires an analysis of the development of American culture, its diversity and multicultural context, and the way people are unified by man values, practices, and traditions. Students will: know the roots of American culture, its development from many different traditions, and the ways many people from a variety of groups and backgrounds played a role in creating it

21 Century Skills


Only include what will be assessed.

Students will: explain those values, practices, and traditions that unite all Americans

Grade 4 Students: 1. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are group to support the writer's purpose b. Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. c. Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g. for instance, in order to, in addition). d. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.

Lesson Objectives
(Blooms Taxonomy)

1. Students will be able to

1. Identify each of the original 13 colonies while playing an online activity as a class using whiteboards. Must be numbered. 2. Label each of the 13 colonies individual flags in their bell ringer. 3. Reconstruct the 13 colonies to put them back together like a puzzle in groups. Then Label the 13 colonies they just put back together while still in their groups. 4. Construct a Flag of Me depicting the most important things about themselves using arts and crafts supplies. Can look however they want, it's their interpretation of themselves. Then Write an opinion piece describing their Flag of Me and why they chose what they chose to put on their flag.

1. Evidence that students have achieved objective # 1

Acceptable Evidence
*Could be collected for accountability/auditing purposes.

Formative Assessment Objective 1 The use of whiteboards to hold up answer to question asked on Smartboard. Teacher can see what each student wrote down. Formative Assessment Objective 2 Students have to label the flags for their bell ringer. Will be review from previous notes. Hand into teacher, can gauge how students are fairing so far. Formative Assessment Objective 3 In groups, students will have to reconstruct the 13 colonies like a puzzle. Teacher walking around room, gauging everyone's understanding. Each student will individually label each colony once

group is finished on worksheet that teacher will collect. Summative Assessment Objective 4 The students will be constructing a Flag of Me using arts and crafts supplies and then handing in to the teacher as a final project. On the back of these flags students would have written an opinion piece describing why they made their flag the way they did and why they chose what they did, which will be stapled to and collected with the Flag of Me when it is handed in.

Teacher input, development, instructional method(s), modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and/or activities

*The teacher willThe students will (chronological)

1. The teacher will introduce the concept of the original 13 Colonies to students with a guided notes worksheet that the students will complete as we go through it in class. This guided notes worksheet will consist of each colony, the geographical location and borders of the colony and the colony's personal flag. Visual and Auditory

Label: Bell Ringer

Also may be called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review, Do Now

UDL Guideline 1: Provide options for perception. Keep key points and give it the same way. Don't change it up. Consistently working with the 13 Colonies throughout the whole lesson.

---Time Lapse---

Label: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic Accommodations for learning

2. The teacher will lead an online matching 13 Colonies activity/game on the Smartboard and the students will be answering each matching question individually on a whiteboard that they will hold up their answer on for said question. 13 Colonies Matching Game/Activity http://www.softschools.com/social_studies/13_colonies_map/ Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic


CFU Checking the whiteboards after each question UDL Guideline 1: Provide options for perception. Keep key points and give it the same way. Don't change it up. Consistently working with the 13 Colonies throughout the whole lesson.

Label: Checks for Understanding: directions, procedures/routines, and/or content (formative)

Guideline 4: Provide options for physical action. There has to be stuff used that everyone in the class can use. Use technology. The use of the Smartboard and whiteboards so that everyone is involved and everyone is giving their answer and can be engaged with what we're doing.

Ex. (CFU directions)

---Time Lapse---

Label: Evidence of Cognitive Student Engagement (CSE)

3. Bell Ringer The teacher will be answering individual questions at this time at the very beginning of the morning and day while students will be working on their bell ringer of labeling each of colony's individual flags (which is review from the guided notes sheet from about two days before). At the end of the bell ringer, the teacher and students will meet together and have a class discussion about the 13 Colonies flags and about how the 13 Colonies represent the 13 stripes on our current flag and then collect the students bell ringers. Visual CFU Giving the directions, CFU Class discussion CFU Collecting students answers afterward UDL Guideline 1: Provide options for perception.

Keep key points and give it the same way. Don't change it up. Consistently working with the 13 Colonies throughout the whole lesson. 4. In groups of about 5 (depending on class size), students will receive a folder containing each of the 13 colonies and they will have to reconstruct the 13 colonies like a puzzle. During this time the teacher will be walking throughout the room helping teams that seem to be struggling and taking questions from students. Visual and Kinesthetic CFU Roaming the classroom, observing students UDL Guideline 1: Provide options for perception. Keep key points and give it the same way. Don't change it up. Consistently working with the 13 Colonies throughout the whole lesson. 5. Once the puzzle is put together and determined to be complete and correct by the teacher, the teacher will give each individual student a worksheet depicting all 13 Colonies and it is their responsibility to, on their own, identify and label each of the individual colonies. Once they are finished they will hand it in to the teacher and they will move on to some independent reading while they wait for the rest of the class to finish up. Visual CFU Collecting students answered worksheets UDL Guideline 1: Provide options for perception. Keep key points and give it the same way. Don't change it up. Consistently working with the 13 Colonies throughout the whole lesson.

---Time Lapse (Final Project)---

6. The students will be constructing a Flag of Me using arts and crafts supplies and then handing in to the teacher as a final project. They will be given some in-class time to begin their F.o.M. but it is their responsibility to finish it on their own time. The project is an abstract flag that the students can create however they want and with whatever they want. It is their own personal interpretation of themselves so it cannot be wrong. On the back of these flags students will write an opinion piece describing why they made their flag the way they did and why they chose what they put on their flags, which will be stapled to and collected with the Flag of Me when it is handed in. Visual and Kinesthetic CFU Collecting both the students flags and writings UDL Guideline 5: Prove options for expression and communication. Provide methods for children to express themselves or their learning. Half of the final project is an abstract flag that the students can create however they want and with whatever they want. It is their own personal interpretation of themselves so it cannot be wrong

Formative Assessment The use of whiteboards to hold up answer to question asked on Smartboard. Teacher can see what each student wrote down. Assessment/ Evaluation Formative Assessment Students have to label the flags for their bell ringer. Will be review from previous notes. Hand into teacher, can gauge how students are fairing so far. Formative Assessment In groups, students will have to reconstruct the 13 colonies like a puzzle. Teacher walking around room, gauging everyone's understanding. Each student will individually label each colony once group is finished on worksheet that teacher will collect. Summative Assessment The students will be constructing a Flag of Me using arts and crafts supplies and then handing in to the teacher as a final project. On the back of these flags students would have written an opinion piece describing why they made their flag the way they did and why they chose what they did, which will be stapled to and collected with the Flag of Me when it is handed in.

Label: formative or summative and describe purpose


The use of the Smartboard for playing an online 13 Colonies matching game/activity together as a class.


Once all Flags of Me are handed it, they will be all graded then placed together as one to represent many different parts coming together as one whole like the original 13 colonies came together to form one United States of America.

25 or so students create a classroom. The 13 colonies created a country.

Accommodations and/or Interactions with Co-Teachers and/or Support Staff

Students who require the extra help with reading or writing will receive it through the support staff. Make sure co-teachers and/or support staff are filled in on objectives and desired outcomes for the students for a nice, well-oiled collaborative effort.

UDL Guideline 1: Provide options for perception. Keep key points and give it the same way. Don't change it up. Consistently working with the 13 Colonies throughout the whole lesson. UDL Guideline 4: Provide options for physical action. There has to be stuff used that everyone in the class can use. Use technology. The use of the Smartboard and whiteboards so that everyone is involved and everyone is giving their answer and can be engaged with what we're doing. UDL Guideline 5: Prove options for expression and communication. Provide methods for children to express themselves or their learning. Half of the final project is an abstract flag that the students can create however they want and with whatever they want. It is their own personal interpretation of themselves so it cannot be wrong.

Guided notes worksheet Resources/ Materials Smartboard Whiteboards for each student Bell ringer for each student

Present day American flag About 5 sets of a 13 Colonies Puzzle for 5 groups (have extra) 13 Colonies Puzzle Labeling worksheet Arts and crafts supplies (felt, scissors, fabric paint, paper, markers, colored pencils, glue, ribbon etc. etc. (students can use whatever they want)).

Time Required

This entire lesson will take part over the course of 3 days and then the students will be given one week to create and hand in their Flags of Me and opinion pieces.

Reflection (Use APPR guiding questions and provide evidence):

Goals and/or Professional Development Needs/Interests:

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