Venturi Tube Design

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The key takeaways are that venturi tubes are used to measure flow rates and different types of flow can be measured including volumetric and mass flow rates. Venturi tubes operate using Bernoulli's equation and have main components like the convergent cone, throat, and divergent cone.

The different types of flow that can be measured are volumetric flow rate, which is the volume of fluid passing through a surface per unit time, and mass flow rate, which is the mass of a substance passing through a surface per unit time.

The main components of a venturi tube are the entrance cylinder, convergent cone, throat, and divergent cone. It works by creating a pressure differential between the upstream entrance and the throat using the constriction as fluid passes through.

Venturi Tube Design

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Prepared by: Muhammad Saqib Jawed

Introduction Bernoulli's Equation Pressure Differential Head Meters Venturi Flow meter

Why measure Flow?? Flow Types of Flow Velocity Profile

Why Measure Flow

Billing Purposes To determine total quantity of fluid for billing purposes

Monitor the Process Flow meters used to ensure process is operating satisfactorily

Why Measure Flow

Improve the Process

Heat & Material balance calculations

Monitor a Safety Parameter

Flow meters used to ensure process and equipment safety

Liquid or Gas in Motion

Types of Flow
Volumetric Flow Rate

Volume of fluid which passes through a given surface per unit time

Mass Flow Rate

Mass of a substance which passes through a given surface per unit time

Velocity Profile
Laminar Flow Regime Molecules move straight down pipe

Velocity Profile
Turbulent Flow Regime Molecules migrate throughout pipe

Velocity Profile
Transitional Flow Regime Molecules exhibit both turbulent and laminar behavior

Velocity Profile
Many flow meters require a good velocity profile to operate accurately A distorted velocity profile can introduce significant errors into the measurement of most flow meters

Bernoullis Equation
Dynamic Pressure + Static Pressure + Weight

1/2V + P + z = Constant


Pressure Differential Head Meters


Primary Element

Flow Nozzle



Secondary Element

P Transmitter

Venturi Tube
To avoid pressure loss, venturi tube is used curved, stream lined section, long and gradually section 60% more flow than orifice Fluid can flow with much higher velocity without turbulence expanding down stream

Flow Pattern
Flow through Venturi follows four paths
Key 1 Conical divergent E 2 Cylindrical throat C 3 Conical convergent B 4 Entrance cylinder A 5 Connecting planes a 7 f 15 b Flow direction

Figure - 1

Types of Venturi Tubes

Basis of different types are different methods of manufacturing of internal surface of the entrance cone and the profile at intersection of cone and the throat. Three types of venturi tubes are 1. 2. 3. Cast Machined Rough welded sheet iron

Venturi-As Cast Convergent Section

Fabricated by casting in a sand mould, or by other methods leave a finish on the convergent section surface similar to that produced by sand casting. The throat is machined and the junctions b/w cylinders & cones are rounded Use for pipe dia b/w 100 & 800 mm with beta ratio b/w 0.3 and 0.75 inclusive

Venturi - Machined Convergent Section

Fabricated as previous type but with machined convergent section as the throat and the entrance cylinder. The junctions b/w the cylinders & cones may or may not be rounded Use for pipe dia b/w 50 & 250 mm with beta ratio b/w 0.4 and 0.75 inclusive

Venturi - Rough-Welded Sheet-Iron Convergent Section

Fabricated by welding. For larger size it may not be machined but in smaller sizes the throat is machined Use for pipe dia b/w 200 & 1200 mm with beta ratio b/w 0.4 and 0.70 inclusive

Flow Measurement

Venturi Tube sizing

Several standards are available for sizing of venturi Tubes like ISO, ASME, DIN and UNI This presentation shall cover ISO standard i.e. Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full Note: Figure 1 to be used as reference

Entrance Cylinder, A
The minimum cylinder length, measured from the plane containing the intersection of the cone frustum B with the cylinder A, may vary for each type of venturi tube However, it is recommended to choose the length equal to dia D No diameter along the entrance cylinder shall differ by more than 0.4% from the value of the mean diameter

Conical Convergent, B
The angle / overall length of convergent section B shall be 211and 2.7(D-d) respectively Section B blended with section A by a curvature of radius R1 which depends on venturi type

Cylindrical Throat, C
The length of throat C shall be equal to d0.03d whatever the type of venturi tube Throat C connected to section B and to the section E by radii of curvature R2 and R3 respectively and vary for each type of venturi No diameter along the throat shall differ by more than 0.1% from the value of the mean diameter

Conical Divergent, E
Section E will be conical having angle, b/w 7 and 15. Recommended chosen angle is in b/w of 7 and 8. Its smallest diameter shall not be less than the throat diameter

Venturi called truncated when outlet dia of section E is less than the D and not truncated when outlet dia is equal to D The portion E may be truncated by 35% of its length without significantly modifying pressure loss of device or its discharge co-efficient The roughness criterion, Ra shall always be less than 10-4d

Characteristics of as cast
The minimum section A length shall be equal to smaller of the following two values: D or 0.25D + 250 mm R1 shall be 1.375D0.275D R2 shall be 3.625D 0.125d Length of section C shall not be less than dl3. Furthermore, length of cylindrical part b/w end of R2 & plane of pressure tapping, as well as length of cylindrical part b/w plane of throat pressure tapping & beginning of the joining curvature R3, shall no be less than dl6 R3 shall lie b/w 5d & 15d. However, value closer to 10d is recommended

Characteristics of machined
The minimum section A length shall be equal to D R1 / R2 & R3 shall be less than 0.25D / 0.25d and 0.25d respectively. Preferably equal to zero Length of cylindrical throat b/w end of R2 & the plane of throat pressure tapping shall no be less than 0.25d Length of cylindrical throat b/w throat pressure tapping and beginning of R3 shall no be less than 0.3d

Characteristics of Rough Welded SheetIron

The minimum section A length shall be equal to D Being the welded one there will be no joining curvatures b/w cylinder A and section B and so on Roughness criterion shall be 5x10-4D

Pressure Tappings
The u/s & throat tapping's shall be made under piezometer rings or a triple-T arrangements Tapping dia shall be in b/w of 4-10 mm if d 33.3 mm Tapping dia shall be in b/w of 0.1d-0.13d for throat and 0.1d-0.1D for upstream if d < 33.3 mm Tapping shall be cylindrical over a length at least 2.5 times the internal tapping dia, measured from inner pipeline wall

Pressure Tapings Spacing

The spacing b/w upstream pressure tapping on entrance cylinder & plane of intersection b/w entrance cylinder A & convergent section B shall be, for: As cast 0.5D0.25D for 100 mm < D < 150 mm Machined and rough welded sheet-iron: 0.5D0.05D For all types of venturi, spacing b/w plane containing the axes of the points of break-through of throat pressure tapping & intersection of section B and C shall be 0.5d0.02d

Discharge Co-efficients C
Simultaneous use of extreme values for D, , ReD shall be avoided which in turn increase the uncertainties as the effects of ReD, RalD and on C are not yet sufficiently known

C of As cast
As cast can only be used when 100 mm D 800 mm 0.3 0.75 2 x105 ReD 2 x 106 Under these conditions value of C is 0.984

C of Machined
Machined can only be used when 50 mm D 250 mm 0.4 0.75 2 x105 ReD 1 x 106 Under these conditions value of C is 0.995

C of Rough Welded Sheet-Iron

rough welded sheet iron Machined can only be used when 200 mm D 1200 mm 0.4 0.7 2 x105 ReD 2 x 106 Under these conditions value of C is 0.985

Uncertainty of C
The relative uncertainty of C is given below: For As cast is 0.7% For machined" is 1.0% For rough welded iron-sheet is 1.5%

Expansibility [Expansion] Factor,

results are only known for air, steam and natural gas but formula could be used for which isentropic exponent is known Equation is applicable only for the values of D, , ReD defined earlier and if p2/p10.075

Table of Expansibility [Expansion] Factor

Pressure Loss
Pressure loss caused by venturi tube is determined prior & subsequent installation of venturi in a pipe through which there is given flow Tapping locations with & without venturi in a pipe, Figure 2 to be followed

Where p & p are dierence in pressure prior to and a er venturi installation respectively

Pressure Loss

Straight lengths for Installations

Symbols & Subscripts

Symbols & Subscripts

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