DRUID TRIADS: Virtues To Live by
DRUID TRIADS: Virtues To Live by
DRUID TRIADS: Virtues To Live by
The Traditional Laws, Customs, and Wisdoms, of The Pre-Christian Celtic People
Of What Is Now Known As Scotland, Wales, And Ireland.
Volume 1
by John F. Wright
Internet Use Allowed Only So Long As The Entire Text Is Used For Educational
Purposes With Proper Credits Given All Other Rights Reserved by John F. Wright
Preface ...............................................................page 3
Bibliography .............................................................page 38
I. Statement of Purpose
Those who study the myriad peoples known collectively as the Celts, must at
sometime recognize the importance that the number '3' held for them. From the
most mundane to the most arcane, the significance of there being three parts
cannot be missed. Even the laws and wisdom's of Celtic peoples were expressed
in a tripartite form. This form of verse is called triadic, a verse of this form is
known as a Triad. It may have been only a literary convention; or, as is believed
by this author, it may belie another form of logic, trinary logic. I shall save that
for later.
The following is a body of traditional laws, customs, and wisdoms held by our
Celtic ancestors. They come from both the Gael and the Cymry, though the Gaelic
has been especially searched for. A great many of these verses were compiled by
W. Faraday in the book titled DRUIDIC TRIADS-The Wisdom of the Cymry ,
published by Sure Fire Press; these were however in their Christianized form. To
those that were compiled in that book , many , many more have been added.
These others come from a variety of places. Some of them are known works of
great antiquity , such as the Welsh Triads ; another set came from a book on Iris
poetry, yet another set came from the College of the Welsh Bards1 , a few were
reconstructed from the writings of researchers.(2)
II. The Place of Law, Wisdom, and Knowledge and Gaelic/Celtic Culture.
In Celtic culture , the people were governed by civil law. The old Brehon Law
of Ireland is still extant, so are the Welsh Triads. Even Kings and Queens were
subject to the Law ; in fact, they ruled only by the will of the People. The people
could both vote them in, and vote them out. In American legalese, the rights and
privileges of the people would translate to "equal protection under the law". Men
and women both enjoyed this. The culture was egalitarian. It was only with the
coming of Christianity that women began to lose their legal status3. This is
evidenced by their eventually becoming banned from the field of battle, and their
lose of rights to property ownership and inheritance . They in fact lost equal
protection under the law.
It is a proven fact that most the old ways of the Celtic people were held onto.
The olds ways were simply hidden under a thin veneer of the Christianity. With
the Triads it was simply a matter of having the context of one or two words
changed ; this then brought the old Pagan into line with the new Christian ; and
in such a way as to bring into the Christian fold the stubborn traditionalists.
To go any further I must digress slightly, and take up the topic of the Celts.
The very word "Celt" is a misnomer. There was never a "Celtic Empire". Those
who are generally called "Celts" were in fact tribal peoples, each person was a
member of an independent tribes. Sometimes two or more of these independent
tribes would band together for some purpose, such as to face a common foe, but
the alliances were very loose knit. They had no national sense as we understand
such today.
What determines a Celtic tribe from some other, is that the Celtic tribes
shared certain cultural manifestations, such as language grouping and artistic
style4, as well as certain similar customs. This is the point you must get if you are
to understand the Celts; as tribal people their world view was reflected in their
customs. The Romans and their Christians brought, what we call Neo-Platonic
thought, to the tribes we call Celt. Prior to then, the Celts utilized tribal thought.
The difference is most simply put as such: With Neo-Platonic thought, everything
exists separate unto itself, absolute and independent ; it is a thought system of
absolute values, which according to the Encyclopedia Britannica is, "...rooted in a
realm of unchanging and eternal realities independent of the world perceived by
the senses..."5. With tribal thought, everything is connected and individuals are a
part of the whole.
that matters. Simply put one is what they think. With tribal ways of thought, it is
what one IS and what one KNOWS that matters. Tribal peoples do not separate
the Spirit from the Physical, and as one is a microcosm within the macrocosm6,
ones customs or ways reflect the cosmology, and other understandings of the
People to whom one BELONGS. Tribal customs and beliefs are built upon what is
perceived by the senses. This manifests in laws mirroring what is perceived to be
the laws of nature and the civil structures reflecting the perceived order of the
Tribal peoples are not the only ones to accept this way of thinking for this way
of viewing existence is extremely workable. It is so workable, that even the
Christian oriented Scottish Free Masonry holds that "...the order of the universe
was the first Bible given to mankind(7)."
To get a firm grasp on tribal ways of thinking in action, we can look to the
hundreds of tribal units which employ these logical processes. Regarding Native
American tribal people, the Lakota Wikwashawakan (holy man) Crow Dog once
said, "...we Native Americans don't have religions, or spiritual paths either, really;
we have the customs that were given by Spirit long, long ago, and carried
forward by the Grandfathers and Grandmothers to this day. We once lost sight of
the customs of the People; we were nearly lost. But the old ways live, and we will
never get lost in the chaos again. No, we don't have religions, our ways of being
keep us in balance and connected to each other, and Spirit, and All Of Our
Relations.....". Back to the Triads.
For those who are hard pressed to relinquish Patriarchal Greek (Achaean/
Dorian) philosophy, and the works of Plato in particular, the following, regarding
the belief about the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm, and the
interconnectedness of all things; it must be remembered that while Platonism and
neo-Platonism are philosophical movements which at the bottom line have been
inspired by Platos Dialogues, they do not include the works of Plato himself8. As a
matter of fact, both Plato and Plotinus held to the concept that everything is
interconnected, and that the universe is an organism. Quotes from Plato's
Gorgias: "... there is in the universe a principle of love and sharing..." ,
If there is similarity in concepts, then from where does the difference come
between the ideas held amongst the philosophers of Greek city-states and later
Christians deriving their philosophical ideas from them, and tribal peoples which
held/hold similar ideas. While this work is not a platform for establishing a
philosophical argument, it must be stated that the difference lies in the way the
concepts are manifested in the cultures in question. Tribal people organize and
utilize the knowledge in different ways. Bottom line, to many tribal people, there
is no such thing as an absolute. In many tribes, and all that I've interacted with,
there can be no justness to a law, no power in a law, unless it is found within the
realm of the natural world. Also with tribal peoples, the civil structures reflect
what they perceive to be the structure of the cosmos. This is contrary to what has
been presented to us within neo-Platonic structures.
It has been pointed out to me, that with just the data accumulated by the
senses, there is no knowledge. That the data presented must be organized by
way of theories, and statements of universal laws, for there to be knowledge. If
we are speaking in the realm of cause and effect, yes, of course there can be
laws established which portray cause and effect; the realms of mathematics and
jurisprudence come to mind. Yet data can be transformed into knowledge without
the need for fast and eternal realms and realities. Only a way of organizing the
data need be present, and to say that data has to be organized in a particular
way, and with specific values imposed, is being closed to the possibility that other
ways of thinking can function at least as well, as that which we use in our
western culture. Besides, every so called universal law has a point at which it no
longer casts it's effect. Light bends, light slows, even time slows at certain points;
electrons orbit a nucleus until liberated, and quarks respond to thought waves.
Instead of laws, we are dealing more with realms of probability. Therefore what is
most important, are probably those things which actually stand as the foundation
of the difference between Neo-Platonic western thought, and tribal thought, those
being values. Western thought values the individual, many times, to the
detriment of the whole; tribal thought values the whole, and each individual as a
result. Concisely, Neo-Platonic thought has allowed for and promoted self interest
above all, with a great deal of suffering being imposed on the many, because of
the fulfilling of self interests by the few; tribal thought holds that only as good
comes to the all, so then does it come to all of the individuals within the whole. In
western thought, the individual is what they believe they are; in tribal the
individual simply IS. The IS of the former being contingent up the frailties of the
human mind; the IS of the later upon the solidarity and identity of the tribal unit.
I have tried to stick with the ancient writings of these people as the primary
sources. When that was not available I have used sources that quote liberally
from the ancient texts. I have not utilized the writings of Romans. Many people
base their knowledge of the Celts and the Gaels in particular, on their studies of
the writings of Roman chroniclers and Caesar. The fault with this is that they fail
to recognize that the Romans were in a state of war with the Celts of Gaul, and
that Caesar had to justify his war in Gaul. The first justification came by his
instigating problems in Gaul, which gave an air of legitimacy to his campaign,
once the Romans were invited. Yet the letter of the law did not settle well with
the Senators of Rome, and it took a creative pen to give real purpose to Caesar's
adventures against the Gallic Celts. It is to difficult to unweave fact from the
sheer propaganda.(10).
Another very excellent reason for not using the writings of Romans is that
their experience was with Gallic tribes, not those of the isles. In Gaul there were
three main tribal groups, the Aduen, the Cetae, and the Belgae. The last being
considered by many academians as actually being a Germanic groups of tribes. In
the isles there were the Gaels and the Bretons, primarily; with the Belgae having
only recently arrived in the southeast of what is now England, just prior to Roman
hostilities against the people of the isles. Any way it goes, there are definite
differences between Gallic tribal peoples, and those of the Isles, to many
VI. Back Engineering Of The Triads- Taking Them Back To Their Roots.
Having gained an understanding of the people, we could start to put the triads
back into the context that the pre-Christian peoples would have used. This
process is called back engineering. The actual first step in back-engineering was
to find the Gaelic version. On the rare occasions when the Gaelic version could
not be located, the Triad was transliterated back into Gaelic. Then using a source
such as Dinneens Gaelic-English Dictionary11, I established the ancient usage of
the Gaelic word. This word might have several different meanings , depending on
the context used; however the Triad itself usually provides the context. With the
context at hand, it was quite easy to find the proper Gaelic, it was harder to find
an appropriate English word to relay all of the subtleties connected with the
Gaelic word; but it was done. I encourage the reader to remember that English
words have also taken on other connotations through the centuries. An example
is the word "virgin" , which originally meant " a woman unto herself", a maiden
without a husband if you will , and devoid of any interest in the intactness of her
hymen. Another example is "sin" which is an old English archery term which
simply meant, "to miss the mark".
The next step dealt with tenets of religion. There were a few that were
completely constructed to propagate Christian thought. They were however few
in number , and I immediately dispensed with them . Most of them however only
needed to have the word God replaced with a polytheistic term such as "Mighty
Ones", and what we know of the pre-Christian was once again staring us in the
face . Several Triads even spoke of purely Pagan ideas such as reincarnation(15).
Those Triads that spoke of the "Laws of God" had that phrase replaced with
"Laws of Nature" or "Order of Creation", depending on the application. All sources
say that the Celts were a very religious people , that they based their laws and
customs on the "Order of Nature". This is fully in keeping with tribal thought.
That indeed they had a great knowledge of the created order is beyond doubt.
Some Triads deal with "virtue". This is sure to rankle some modern non-
Christians. The idea of virtue to Celtic people, as typified by the Gaels, was not
one that has congruence with modern thought about the word. To them "virtue"
was several things , the biggest part of which was simply excellence , which itself
was a matter of lawfulness (they were a people of civil law), and personal pride ,
etc. This way of looking at things is a rather old way indeed, and while the
following is not a justification for our Celtic ways; for the lovers of Greek
philosophy who might read this, even Aristotle would agree with this way of
To the Celts , to live by the law of the People was part of being virtuous , to
be honest was part of being virtuous , to be proud was a part of being virtuous,
etc. . The only English word I know of, that can act as a synonym for the Celtic
Some Triads have footnotes , you are encouraged to read them . These are to
facilitate further understanding of the Triads, by explaining the context of the
society in which they were constructed . There are a couple of Triads dealing with
the priesthood; because Celtic culture did not have an established priesthood until
the coming of the Christians 19, these very nearly were scraped as well . Each
person was considered to be capable of mediating the Gods , and as these people
were trained in a skill which they eventually taught to others, it became obvious
that there was further contemplation to be done20. They were back engineered
and found to be addressing teachers about teaching .
Once again, Celtic culture was a secular one ruled by law . There was no
"sin", as we recognize the word today . For our ancient forebearers , to "err" or
make an "error", was simply to make an infraction against the secular law . They
did not hold to eternal damnation. Infractions against the secular law brought a
secular judgment by the King , usually in the form of cattle , the exact cost going
up the higher the offender or the offended stood in the society. The wrath of the
Gods, or "karma" if you will was/is usually immediate. This is as evidenced by the
plague which killed off the Partholonians in the Lebor Gabala Erenn21, a result of
the Kings reticence about fulfilling his duty; as well as the vengeance of the
Morrigan against CuChullain .
Several people who have studied the Celts, whether Gaelic, or otherwise, have
seen that there was another form of logic. What exactly this logic was we are
only now beginning to speculate on. We view things as either yea or nea. Even
"maybe" has the connotation that eventually a yea or nay will apply. However, in
the Triads, we see what appears to be a methodology of one example then the
other given, then a third thing, which appears to be the actual point of the
In other manifestation from Celtic cultures it's almost like the extremes on
either side of something are portrayed, then a third direction. Perhaps it's yes, no,
and a third option, perhaps a neither. Anyway it goes, as far as the Triads are
concerned, the actual point of any Triad seems to be the third item relayed,
whatever the subject may be.
Concerning three things that hide: an open bag hides nothing, an open
door hides little, an open person hides something.
Three possessions we value most take away pride from us: our money,
our time, and our conscience.
Three things resemble each other: a bright sword which rusts from long
staying in the scabbard, bright water which stinks from long standing,
and wisdom which is dead from long disuse.
Three things not easy to check: the stream of a cataract, an arrow from
a bow, and a rash tongue.
Three things hard to catch: a stag on the mountain, a fox in the wood,
and the coin of the miserly scrooge.
There are three things each very like the other: an old blind horse
playing the harp with his hoofs, a pig in a silk dress, and a merciless
person prating about piety.
Three things as good as the best: bread and milk against hunger, a
white coat against the cold, and a yeoman's son in a breach.
Three things which are not hidden: a straw in the shoe, a awl in a bag,
and a harlot in a crowd.
Three sweet things in the world: power, prosperity, and error in action.
Three strong things in the world: a lord, a fool, and the Void.
There are three things which move together as quickly the one as the
other: lightning , thought , and the help of the Mighty Ones.
Three things not loved without each one it's companion: day without
night, idleness without hunger, and wisdom without reverence.
There are three whose full reward can never be given to them: parents,
a good teacher, and the Mighty Ones.
Three slender things that best support the world: the slender stream of
milk from the cows dug into the pail; the slender blade of green corn
upon the ground; the slender thread over the hand of a skilled woman.
Three unbreathing things paid for only with breathing things: An apple
tree, a hazel bush, a sacred grove.
Three things from which never to be moved: one's oaths; one's Gods;
and the truth.
There are three things excellent among worldly affairs: hating folly;
loving excellence; and endeavoring constantly to learn.
Three things without which there can be nothing good: truth; peace;
and generosity.
Three beautiful beings of the world: the upright, the skillful, and the
Three things must be united before good can come of them: thinking
well, speaking well, and acting well.
Three things one should keep always before them: their worldly duty,
their conscience, and the Laws of Nature.
Three things without which there can be nothing good: truth, valor23,
and generosity.
Three things beside which the baneful cannot be: conformity to law,
knowledge, and love.
Three things must wait long before they are attained: honesty from
covetousness, wisdom from arrogance , and wealth from sloth.
Three things hard to obtain: cold fire, dry water, and lawful
Three duties of the excellent person: to cherish their mate and children,
to love their country, and to obey the laws of their people.
Three reasons to war against fault: to not do to others as you would not
have them do to you , that you not be arrogant , that you might always
let the light of wisdom shine.
Three fair things that hide ugliness: good manners in the ill favored;
skill in a common person; wisdom in misshapen.
Three candles that illume every darkness: truth, nature, and knowledge.
There are three kingdoms of the happy: the world's good word, a
cheerful conscience, and firm hope of the life to come.
Three companions on the high road to Union with the Void: a patient
poor person, a reflective wise person, and a tolerant reformer.
Three who are loved by the Mighty Ones: the strong just person, the
brave merciful person, the person generous without regret.
Three things without which the protection of the Mighty Ones cannot
be: forgiving an enemy and a wrong done, wisdom in judgment and act;
and cleaving to what is just, come what may.
There are three things which the happy will gain: prosperity, honor, and
the ease of conscience.
Three things which the humble will gain: plenty, happiness , and the
love of their neighbors.
Three things which the sincere will gain: favor, respect, and prosperity.
Three things which the patient will gain: love, tranquillity, and succor .
Three things which the merciful will gain: favor, love, and the
protection of the Mighty Ones.
Three things which the upright will gain: worldly sufficiency, peace of
conscience, and unending happiness.
Three things which the industrious will gain: precedence , wealth , and
praise from the Wise.
Three things which the law-abiding will gain: health, success, and
Three things which the careful will gain: respect, plenty, and content.
Three things which the generous of heart will gain: joy from their profit,
felicity in giving, and a better life to come.
Three things which the early riser will gain: health, wealth, and
Three things hateful to the Mighty Ones and to human kind: a weak
look, a deceitful tongue, and a mischievous spirit.
Three chief things which deceive people: fair words, desire of gain, and
Three things it is no worse to lose than to keep: wealth, youth, and love
of the world.
There are three things: counsel , loss , shame; and they who have not
the first will get the other two.
Three things which attack the weakest: enemies, wealth, and pride.
Three things better forsaken by those who love them: sport, carousal,
and strife.
Three things of which only the happy and wise beware: the breaking of
oaths, drunkenness, and vanity.
Three things whose deficiency is not worse than their excess: festivity,
wealth, and pleasure.
Three things which follow sloth: evil deeds, evil report, and evil end.
Three things which afflict the world: envy, anger, and covetousness.
Three strange things in the world: loving war more than peace, loving
excess more than sufficiency, and loving falsehood more than truth.
There are three people accursed: they who work against the Laws of
Nature without concern, they who know nothing of the Mighty Ones
and do not seek to learn, and they who know much and do not share
their knowledge with any other.
Three kinds of evil people: the traitor, the conspirator, and the
Three people hateful to the Mighty Ones and to human kind: the liar,
the thief, and the miserly scrooge24.
Three kinds of people worthless to they who are just and honest: the
drunkard, the perjurer, and the traitor.
Three kinds of people without the fear of the Mighty Ones: the traitor,
the ravisher, and the miser.
Three things needful to one who has done wrong: to acknowledge their
wrong, to seek to be upright, and to make restitution.
From three people keep yourself: the joyless, the mocker, and the one
who laughs at lawless doings.
Three who are best when they are farthest off: the fulsome flatterer,
the contentious slanderer, and the lying tale-bearer.
Three things which gain daily and seek continually: the sea, a drunkard,
and a miser.
Three signs of a fop: the track of his comb in his hair; the tract of his
teeth in his food; the track of his stick behind him.
There are three things which those who do ill will gain: poverty, bad
Three things which the insincere will gain: evil life, evil report, and evil
Three things which the quarrelsome will gain: strife, shame, and
neglect in their necessity.
Three things which the ill minded gain: hatred, strife, and sorrow.
Three things which the negligent will gain: shame, loss, and derision.
Three things which the miser obtains through their wealth: pain in
gathering, care in keeping, and fear of losing.
Three things which the sluggard will gain: shame, disease, and misery.
There are three things a person will gain from acquiring wealth: hate
between themselves and others, hate between they and themselves,
and hate between themselves and the Mighty Ones.
Three things that are the portion of the wealthy: more and more
covetousness, more and more care, and less and less pleasure.
Three things which can come from just wealth: worldly abundance,
brotherly charity, and national25 goodness; and from these the favor of
the Mighty Ones.
Three things which a person will obtain from poverty: health , learning ,
and the protection of the Mighty Ones.
Three earthly losses which bring gain to the soul: loss of a friend, loss of
health, and loss of riches.
There are three kinds of people: the average person, who does good for
good and evil for evil ; the good person, who does good for evil ; and
the evil doer, who does evil for good.
Three things , little of which shows much wisdom: little conceit, little
covetousness, and little gossip.
Three littles which make great profit at the time: little of eating and
Three things which make a person wanton: beauty in their form, folly in
their head, and conceit in their heart.
Three wrongful contentions: war for war, law for law, and reproach for
In three things one will be an wrong doer: putting a snare in the way,
frightening a little child, and laughing at wrongs done.
Three losses which will bring gain in the end: loss of what is more than
life needs, loss of bodily health, and loss of what one prizes the most
and above all.
Three gains which will turn to loss in the end: gaining fame for a
harmful act, gaining wealth from injustice, and gaining the upperhand
in an evil strife.
There are three levels of society, and they who fill them are: the Fili'
who are Aes Dana, the Ruada, who are the warriors, and the Aire who
are the free people who work husbandry.
The three seats of the Ri' Ruirech are: Tara, Cruachain, Emain.
There are three foundations of law and custom: order, justice, and
There are three things which lay waste the world: a king without
counsel, a judge without conscience, and a son without reverence.
Three things which war against peace: a bad mate, bad soil, and a bad
There are three beauties of a land: the granary, the smithy, and the
Three things which make plenty in a land: planting trees, tilling the soil,
and carding and spinning.
There are three things, and any who move them are accursed: the
boundary of land, the course of water, and the sign of a road or track.
There are three things which will make a person leader among their
Three exertions becoming and praiseworthy for any person : tilling their
soil32, increasing their knowledge, and growing in excellence.
Three for whom when they are alive only hatred is seen, and praise
when they are dead: the peaceful wise person, the truthful teacher, and
the sincere friend who rebukes.
Three things which the good poet preserves for posterity: memory of
the praiseworthy, delight in thought, and instruction in knowledge.
There are three who are never profitable: they who marry by the
counsel of their flesh, they who feast by the counsel of their craving,
and they who fight by the counsel of their rage.
Three things of less worth than all else: a woman without dignity, a
man without knowledge, and a teacher without patience.
Three things better than riches which happy people keep for their
children and heirs: Instruction by reason, instruction by example, and
exhortation to act as he does because of the respect and praise it brings
Three things which will not benefit heirs: a miser's wealth, the praise of
tavern companions, and feats of sport.
Three things which prolong the lifetime of a person: the soil which rears
a child, the food which nourishes a child, and play which diverts a child.
Three worldly honors, each one superior to every other: ploughing the
family homestead, asserting a claim successfully, and rearing children.
There are three things which mislead the world: the promises of
masters, the garments of priests, and the seemliness of a daughter.
Three things from which there is nothing but deceit: the love of the
wanton, the innocence of dominion, and the piety of one ill in bed.
Three things hard to obtain: a grave tailor, an honest miller, and an ale-
wife not covetous.
Three persons who desire their portion rich and savory: a cook, a
concubine35, and a kept priest.
Three things which do not profit the world by anything they do,
whatever their fame for wisdom, art, and piety: a grasping miser, a
arrogant poet, and a kept priest.
Three chicks from one nest: a loquacious farmer, a logical poet, and a
half-hearted divine.
Three hatreds which last for ever: between a mate and their step-
children, between dogs and swine, and between Cymry and Saxon.
Three things wrong for any to meddle with: the office of a lord, usury,
and war.
Three things hard for any to do: cool the fire, dry the water and please
the world.
Three things not easy to obtain when sought: a loan of money from a
usurer, without interest; the pleading of a case in court, without fee;
and a dinner of rich food in a miser's house.
Three things which pervert just judgment: the love of friends, fear of
the mighty 36, and desire of worldly goods 37.
Three diversions which will surely bring trouble: hunting , war, and
dallying with one who is younger.
Three kinds of liar, and there is none other like them: a lord lying for
privilege, a priest for office, and a woman for a son whom she loves.
Three other blessings better than all: the blessing of father and mother,
the blessing of the sick and wounded, and the blessing of one in
Three to whom it is right to give food: the stranger, the solitary, and the
Three occasions for one to speak falsehood without excuse: to save the
life of one who is innocent, to keep the peace among neighbors, and to
preserve the Wise38 and their crafts.
Three things one is loath to leave: the land where they were born and
nurtured, the friends whom they have proved true, and the wealth
which they have amassed through the labors of their own hands.
Three people who win easily in their lawsuits: the generous, the wise,
and the healthy.
Three things by which we may know our neighbor: that he is poor, that
he is a stranger, and that he is in the image of human kind.
There are three things proper from one who has received kindness:
their thanks, their remembrance, and their requital.
Three things for which thanks are due, because that is as easy as
reward: an invitation, a gift, and a warning.
Three things which bring one many invitations: saying little, and that
wise and instructive; quiet mirth without great effort; and behaving
always without arrogance.
Three meats of the hosteller: boiled flesh, red flesh, living flesh.40
Three things never to bring one who has been your host: harm,
contention, ill repute.
Three reasons for keeping silent: against saying the thing one ought
not, against speaking in the way one ought not, and against speaking in
the place one ought not.
Three reasons for speaking, come what may: for instruction against
ignorance, counsel against strife, and truth against harmful falsehood.
There are three things which one should give freely to guests: gracious
accommodation, friendly conversation, and insured safety.
Three things a guest should never bring to another's house: ill tidings;
presumptuous license; and treachery.
Three things all should have on hand for a guest, expected or not: open
door, undry cauldron42, warm bed.
There are three things without which one is not whole: a mate, a home,
and a craft.
Three things which make one glad: their mate loving them, their labor
prospering, and their conscience easy.
Three things fitting for one when they are at home: their mate laying
with them , their cushion in their chair, and their harp in tune.
Three things of great comfort for one to have: their mate in their bed,
their fire in their hearth, and their money in their purse.
Three things which will exalt a person: a mate dedicated and diligent, a
master faithful, and safety.
Three things which help one to get rich: their mate saving, their family
not wasting, and themselves laboring.
Three felicities of a person and their mate: being merry at home, good
in their relations with the Mighty Ones, and mediators among their
Three things one gains when their mate endeavors to be excellent: their
household peaceful for love of them, their children gentle in manners,
and the respect of their neighbors.43
Three treasures of the child in a good home: truth, love, and growth.
Three things in a person which makes their mate a leader among their
neighbors: skill, industry, and wisdom.44
Three things which makes one content with their dinner: their mate
clever, their food savory, and their stomach healthy.
Three things which make disorder in a household: the man drunken, the
wife execrable, the children intractable.
Three things which will drive one from their house: their mate
quarreling, their roof leaking, and their chimney smoking.
Three things which make one needy: Their mate luxurious, their
household negligent, and themselves extravagant.
Three things which bring on one the worlds disrespect and their mates'
hatred: lying long in the morning, being stubborn, and bringing a
paramour into their house.
Three things which bring on a person a bad opinion : being apt to dally
with youths, being greedy in dainties, and speaking ill of their
neighbors .
There are three duties of one who is Fili': to teach their people to live
fearless in strength, to teach their people how to avoid the attention of
the Mighty Ones, and to teach their people the Laws of Nature.
There are three things in a contract which need special attention: that
which is explicit, that which is implicit, and that which has been
There are three things due one who has had a contract broken: loss,
loss from loss , and honor price.46
There are three types of contract, all binding before the Mighty Ones
and before human kind: that which is established by the spoken word,
that which is established by the written word, and that which is
ordained by the Righ or Rian .
*** There are three levels of honor price: one third the value of the
agreement when one has defaulted on a contract because of something
beyond their control; three times the value of the contract when one
has defaulted by their own volition or slothfulness, and no malice was
intended; nine times the value of the contract when one has defaulted
on a contract by an act of their own volition, with malice intent.
There are three things most precious to human kind: health, liberty, and
Three things which do not suffer trifling: health, prosperity, and time.
Three things which keep a person in good health: moderate food, well-
apportioned labor, and natural warmth.
Three foods which bring health, long life, and clear understanding: corn
food, milk food, and garden food.
Three foods which bring disease, short life, and dull understanding:
flesh food, sweetened food, and highly seasoned food.
Three customary acts which make one healthy and long-lived: work, by
tilling, in moderation; rising early; innocent mirth.
Three customary acts which bring short life and disease: to much labor,
too much sleep in the morning, and peevishness.
Three frequent changes which bring long life: change of food, change of
Three good things in one who loves good health: enough sleep at
Bealtinna (in Spring), enough food at Meansamhradh (at Mid-Summer),
enough fire at Geamhradh (in the Winter).
Three things which strengthen the body: lying on a hard bed, cold air,
and dry food.
Three things whose excess shortens ones life: flesh food, drunkenness,
and too much dallying about with those of the opposite gender.
Three things of which one does not see half enough: life, health, and
Three things one who is prudent will not show: the bottom of their
purse, the bottom of their knowledge , and the bottom of their heart.
Three things which one who is upright ought to curb: a young spirited
horse, a young intemperate daughter, and a garrulous tongue.
Three things like one to the other: a fine granary without corn, a fine
flask without drink, and a fine daughter without good repute.
Three things not good to leave: a ship before the wind, a woman to her
rage, and a son to his ignorance.
Three things trust in which does not end well: health in old age, fair
weather in winter, and felicity from things of the world.
Three things it is best to leave alone: a strange dog, a sudden flood, and
one wise in their own eyes.
There are three things which keep order and system for everything in
the world: number, weight, and measure.
Three things which we cannot control: the Void , the planets , and truth.
To this be it added, The Truth Against The World47.
Three things good as servants, bad as masters: water, fire, and wind.
Three more things worse yet as masters than as servants: labor, money,
and kings.
Three things which shall lay waste where they come: water, fire and the
curse of the Mighty Ones.
Three parts to everything : He One , She One , They One in the Third .48
There are three things that are never at rest in anyone: the heart in
working, the breath in moving, and the soul in purposing.
There are three from which it is not easy to win a person: their belief,
their genius, and their nation.
Three things on which every person should reflect: whence they come,
where they are, and whither they shall go.
Three things a person cannot conceal: great love, great hate, and great
Three things of which the whole is not good: doing the whole that
passion desires, believing the whole that is said throughout the land,
and showing the whole that one knows.
Three fears which weaken a person's heart: fear of speaking the truth,
fear of wretched poverty, and fear of evil being done them.
Three things which dazzle the world: deceit, supremacy, and excessive
love for man and human beings.
Three counsels of the yellow bird: do not grieve greatly about what has
happened, do not believe what cannot be, and do not desire what
cannot be obtained.
Three things which keep their word faithfully: death, retribution, and
Three things the true human obeys: truth, the world which is to come,
and the cock at dawn.
Three things never end: the flowering of charity, the soul, and perfect
Three things necessary for the doing of every act: knowledge, ability,
and desire.
There are three parts to every action: thought, word, and deed.
Three kinds of knowledge : the nature of each thing , the cause of each
thing , the influence of each thing.
Three gains of those who heed the advisements of the Old Ones:
illumination, wisdom, and clarity.
hatred to another; and what a person wise in their own eyes imparts.
There are three things which strengthen the mind and reason: seeing
much, reflecting much, and enduring much.
humility, and valor and mercy; and they are neither a true human nor
sage in whom these things are not found in concord.
There are three schools of one who is wise: conscience, reason, and
Three things essential for the wise to know: their Gods, themselves, and
the deceits of the world.
Three things that one who is wise attains: prosperity, dignity, and joy.
Three things of which one who is wise may boast: their understanding,
their handicraft, and that which they have mastered.
Three plagues of the wise: a young lover, drink, and bad temper.
There are three schools of the foolish person: the punishment of the law
49 , ill happenings in their life, and a bad position in the life to come50.
Three things which befall the unwise person: failure, disgrace, and
Three laughters of a fool: about the good man, about the evil man, and
about what he knows not.
Three things which the fool calls imprudent: to seek knowledge, come
what will; to give alms without thinking what is to come; and to endure
for truth and justice without fear of what may come.
Three things which may not be opposed: nature, necessity, and decay.
Three who are hard to believe: a wanderer from afar, the reader of a
book in a strange tongue, and they who are older than their neighbors.
There are three concords which uphold all things: concord of love and
justice, concord of truth and imagination, and concord of the Mighty
Ones and occurrence.
Three words of counsel from Teilo the Draoi: know thy power, know thy
wisdom, and know thy time.
Three people who will please the Mighty Ones: they who love
everything living with their whole heart, they who love every beautiful
thing with their whole strength, and they who seek every knowledge
with their whole understanding.
Three things all should strive for: Oneness with their Gods; peace
among neighbors; and just judgment.
Three things which help avert calamity: to worship the Mighty Ones, to
be upright, and to exercise fortitude.
Three things for a friend: let them be to you a second self, let not their
misery estrange you from them, do for their memory what you would do
if they yet lived.
There are three things which the happy will gain: prosperity, honor, and
ease of conscience.
Three purposes for the return of souls to this world : To collect into the
soul the properties of all being , to acquire knowledge of all things , to
acquire the power to overcome chaos .
There are three who judge : the judgment we place upon ourselves ,
which lingers long ; the judgment of our peers , through the king51 ,
which lingers short ; and the judgment of the Mighty Ones , and this
swift , sure , and just .
There are three only , whose frenzy is a benefit to their people : The
Warrior on the field of battle , the Dancer in the place of dance , and the
Seeker of Justice where ever they may be.
The three highest causes of the true human are: Truth, honor, and duty.
The three manifestations of the true human are: civility, generosity, and
Druidic Triads - The Wisdom Of The Cymry, W. Faraday, Sure Fire Press,
1984, ISBN 0-916411-85-0
Lebor Gabala Erenn Vol. 1-5, R.A.S. MacAlister, Irish Texts Society,
Morals and Dogma - Ancient and Accepted Rite; Supreme Council of the
Southern Jurisdiction, A.A.S.R., U.S.A. (Scottish Rite), 1950
THE CELTS - The People Who Came Out Of The Darkness, Gerhard Herm,
St. Martins Press, 1975, ISBN 312-12705-7
The Celtic Realms, Myles Dillon and Nora Chadwick, New American
Library, 1967, Library Of Congress # 67-15326
1 Though these particular ones are part of a great many that were given
by a Welsh Bard , whom I met at a major national gathering , these are
the ones that I have found independent confirmation for . That
confirmation is their listing in The Veil Of Isis or Mysteries Of The
Druids , W. Winwood Reade ,Newcastle Publishing , 1992 , ISBN 0-
87877-176-X , I will only list those which I can find, in either an
authentic ancient text (primary source) , or from independent sources
which can be trusted.
THE CELTS-The People Who Came Out Of The Darkness, Gerherd Herm,
St. Martins Press, 1975, ISBN 312-12705-7, pgs 58-60
4 La Tene
6 Individuals into clans, clans into tribes, tribes into races, races into
species.....All things into all things, microcosm/s into macrocosm/s.
The Silver Bough Vol 1-4; F. Mirian McNeill; Wm. MacClellan; c. 1977;
ISBN 085335-161-9, 0-948474-04-1, 0-948474-05-X
12 Clues to exactly which words to use came from the Gaelic language
itself. Suprisingly, many of the thought processes and ways of the
ancient Gaelic Celts can be found in the language itself.
14 Ibid
Celtic Realms, Myles Dillon and Nora Chadwick; New American Library;
LoC#67-15326;chapters 1-5
24 In the Triads the word "niggard" was used , an antiquated term not
used today.
It must be remembered that each Craft or trade had not only an oral
history and body of "mundane" technical knowledge that had to be
memorized, but there was also magikal technical knowledge that had to
be memorized , this was infact part of the technical information. For
example, when a smith created a blade, the smith would also do
magickal workings upon the artifact as it was being created. Not that
there was necessarily a special ceremony for each blade, but that the
magickal workings were part of the mundane workings. Each person in
Celtic society was considered to have the ability and responsibility to
mediate the Gods on their own accord. There was no special class or
sector of the society that acted as a priesthood alone, this is evidenced
by the many surviving Triads that speak against a kept priesthood or
priests. Celtic people looked down on established priesthoods.
The amount of time required for the study of a Craft was up to ninteen
years , this time being connected to the lunar cycle of the same length.
This time was spent learning all the above mentioned information. This
information was stored in triads and poems formulated in eight meter
verse. Fili' who had mastered their skill, and were teaching their skill
were called Draoi (by consensus Druid) or rather "they who teach under
the Oak". The Fili' were in fact the nobility. They were the "wise" and
their particular craft was considered a/the Craft of the Wise. The phrase
has nothing to do with magickal or religious practice specifically,
especially as pertain to modern religious practices that utilize a similar
term.. Their appellation is "Aes Dana" (Il dah-nay), Beloved of the
The word Ri or Righ (both pronounced 'ree'" is a word for king, and rian
(ree-ahn) that for a queen.
27 Same as an Ard-Righ, that is, a High King or Queen with the suffix of
"...an" added.
28 The Righ (or rian), or King of the Tuath was oathed to a higher or
superior king, the Ruiri. This person was bound to a yet higher King, the
Ri' Ruirech or "the king of superior kings". The idea of a high or national
king was a later development. To reconcile this with the American
experience, it could be said that the Ri' ruled the Township, the Ruiri
ruled the County, and the Ri' Ruirech ruled the State, there being no
national king. It must be remembered that the basic unit was the clan,
and that this familial unit, the Tuath, covered four generations. From
Celtic Realms , Dillon and Chadwick
29 hosteller
would be a lover taken when a marriage contract did not allow for one .
If the contract allowed for such, then by Celtic ethical standards , it was
all right to take a lover.
36 Those in power.
37 Material possessions.
38 Fili'
43 Welsh version
44 Irish version
45 Naidn most simply put was is surety given by oath in pledging ones
honor. Aitire is when one pledges their own person and freedom in the
case of default. A workable modern substitution is the pledging of ones'
assets. In other words, collateral. Rath is surety given by another that
the debtor will pay the debt.
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