Course Registration System

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Software Requirements Specification (SRS) For Online course registration System [1.

0] 29-09-2012

Department of Computer Science Engineering

JIET School of Engineering & Technology for Girls

Session 2012-13

Approval and Compulsory Review list Role Name Date Lab Faculty/ Incharge Prof.Rajshree Jodha 29/09/2012 Project Guide

Version Tracking Date 29/09/2012 Version 1.0 Comments Author Pramila

Table of Contents

1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE

INTRODUCTION...................................................................2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS......................................3

DEFINITION, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS..........................................5 5| PAGE.........................................................................................................................6 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................6

1 | Page


The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) will provide a detailed description of the requirements for the Online Course Registration System (OCRS). This SRS will allow for a complete understanding of what is to be expected of the OCRS to be constructed. The clear understanding of the OCRS and its functionality will allow for the correct software to be developed for the end user and will be used for the development of the future stages of the project. This SRS will provide the foundation for the project. From this SRS, the OCRS can be designed, constructed, and finally tested. Currently student submits hard copy of the application form to the college or university, office staff enters all data into excel file and write same in manual register. Proposed online course registration system will eliminate all this process. System will allow student to fill the application form online, system has inbuilt validation system to validate the entered data. After successful submission, system will give unique registration id(student id) to each student.

This software can be used to manage all the different departments of software in a susceptible way by reducing human effort. By using this software the owner of the admin of the OCRS can know the data of students within seconds by checking the software only. It can be used to search the student name, course, no of students in any course from the database. The main user of the project are student and the system administrator.

Technologies to be used
Front End Back End : Java : Oracle Database 10g

2 | Page Requirements
Student information i) First Name ii) Last name iii) Fathers name iv) Date of Birth v) Gender vi) Address vii) Course id viii) Year Enrolled Course information i) Course Name ii) Course id iii) Text Book iv) Reference books v) Seats left Allotment of Student id Fee paying information Login id and password


3| P a g e

Use Case Model

Register into the system

Fill the application form Add course id & course name


Verify for all entries


Provide student id

Receive enrollment status email

HARDWARE:-Pc, server pc SOFTWARE:-java, oracle 10g

General Constraints
Windows only Desktop application

Supplementary requirements
The system is based on menu driven interfaces. Menu selection will be done by using the mouse and the keyboard keys. Error message will be displayed at the time of detection of input errors and the system errors


Definition, Acronyms and Abbreviations

ODBC: Open Database Connectivity SQL: Structured Query Language

5| P a g e References Book :- Database System Concepts by Silberschatz Korth Sudarshan

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