STUdENT Refgistation
STUdENT Refgistation
STUdENT Refgistation
the basis
This is proposed for automating the students course registration. While the
student joins any educational institution his admission is made on the basis
of his previous records.
The students who wish to the institution must be given with the available
course details.
The Student Course registration system is automated system where the user can
register the student for various courses.
The Student Course registration system consists of two tables. One contains the
student details such as the name, id number that is the password, address, and date of
birth. The Course details consist of the title of the course, code of the course, available
Source code:
A brief description is created for each use case. These descriptions are shown below:
semester. The student enters the desired semester. The system prompts the student to select the
desired activity:
Create a schedule.
Review a schedule.
Change a schedule:
Delete a course.
Add a course.
The student indicates that the activity is complete. The system will print the student schedule and
notify the student that registration is complete. The system sends billing information for the
student to the billing system for processing.
Alternate flow
If an invalid id number is entered, the system will not allow access to the registration system.
If an attempt is made to create a schedule for a semester where a schedule already exists, the
system will prompt for another choice to be made.
Create a Schedule
The student enters 4 primary course offering numbers and 2 alternate course offering numbers.
The student then submits the request for courses. The system then:
1. Checks that prerequisites are satisfied for the requested course.
2. Adds the student to the course offering if the course offering is open.
Alternate flow
If a primary course offering is not available, the system will substitute an alternate course
Review a Schedule
The student requests information on all course offerings in which the student is registered for a
given semester. The system displays all courses for which the student is registered including
course name, course number, course offering number, days of the week, time, location, and
number of credit hours.
The student indicates which course offerings to delete. The system checks that the final date for
changes has not been exceeded. The system deletes the student from the course offering. The
system notifies the student that the request has been processed.
Change Schedule - Add a Course
The student indicates which course offerings to add. The system checks that the final date for
changes has not been exceeded. The system then:
1. Verifies that the maximum course load for the student has not been exceeded.
2. Checks that prerequisites are satisfied for the requested course.
3. Adds the student to the course offering if the course offering is open.
Figure VII: Student Course Registration Activity Diagram with Swim Lane
The Activity Diagram shown above details all the sequential steps a student will take to register
for courses. As shown, this Activity diagram is modeled with a Swim-lane, each swim-lane has a
particular operation that is peculiar to it.
The Activity diagram is made up of four (4) swim-lanes, these are; Student, Course Portal,
Registrar and Bursar or Billing system. The operation carried out by a student registering a
course is as explained below;
1. The student Login into the Colleges Student Web portal, on successful login he,
2. Browses through the Course Catalogue which presents him with various courses
for the semester and for which he has to register about four (4) courses. Also in
this phase, he has the privilege to Add/Drop courses.
3. On successful selection of four (4) courses, he proceeds to the registrar portal to
register selected Courses. The registered courses are approved in the phase.
ProfessorInfo: Information about the professor actor needed by the registration system
(for example, name, address, phone, idNumber, tenureStatus).
Course: General information about selections for a semester (for example, name,
description, creditHours).
CourseRoster: Output report containing the list of registered students for a specific course
offering generated for a professor.
RegistrationForm: Form which provides the capability for a student to select registration
Add/DropForm: Form which provides the capability for a student to modify a course
Class diagrams are created to graphically depict the packages and classes in the model. The Main
class diagram typically contains only packages. Each package contains its own class diagrams.
The Main class diagram for a package contains the public classes of the package (classes that
communicate with classes in other packages). Other class diagrams are created as needed. Class
diagrams are contained in the Logical View of the tool.
In this project certain assumptions were made in order to achieve a close to real world scenario
as much as possible. These assumptions include:
1. Human related classes: People
2. College related Classes: CollegeArtifacts
3. Interface related classes: Interfaces.
On the other hand the problems encountered during this project include:
1. Difficulty in identifying the right UML tool
2. Not being able to demonstrate this project practically
Thus the online student course registration System was implemented using the specified
front end and back end tools.