(MB-301) : Management Accounting: Specialization
(MB-301) : Management Accounting: Specialization
(MB-301) : Management Accounting: Specialization
Financial Analysis - Cash Flow Statement (as per AS3), Financial Statements Analysis 6L 3. Cost Accumulation - Fundamentals of Job-Order Batch & Process Costing, Variable Costing and Absorption (Full) Costing, Activity Based Costing System 8L 4. Profit Planning - Cost -Volume-Profit Analysis, Budgeting and Profit Planning, Flexible Budgeting 6L 5. Cost Control - Standard Costs and quality Costs, Cost Variance Analysis, Revenue and Profit Variance Analysis, Responsibility Accounting 6L 6. Relevant Costing Introduction Relevant Costs and Revenues- Cost Concepts Outsourcing Decision Decision to accept or reject a special order Decision to continue or abandon a project 6L 7. Total Cost Management Introduction TCM and Business competitive edge - TCM Principles and implementation 6L [MB-302]: Operations Research 1. LINEAR PROGRAMMING - a) Formulation of LP Models b) Graphical LP Solution c) Simplex Method d) Artificial Variables Big M - Method and Two-phase Method e) Duality, Sensitivity Analysis, Shadow Price and their economic interpretation Software package to be used in (b), (c), (d) and (e) above. 2. TRANSPORTATION, TRANSHIPMENT AND ASSIGNMENT MODELS a) Construction of Transportation, Transshipment and Assignment Models b) The Transportation Algorithm c) The Hungarian Method for the Assignment Problem d) The Transshipment problem. Software package to be used for implementing the algorithms. 3. GOAL PROGRAMMING -a) Construction of Goal Programming Models b) Goal Programming Algorithms 4. INTEGER LINEAR PROGRAMMING - a) ILP Algorithms - Branch and Bound, Cutting Plane Algorithm 5. DECISION ANALYSIS -a) Decision Making under Certainty Analytic Hierarchy Process b) Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty 6. MARKOV PROCESSES AND MARKOV CHAINS- a) State transition diagrams b) Calculation of the state of the system at any time period c) Calculation of the long-run system state (both for systems with and without absorbing states): Fundamental Matrix and associated calculations. Application models to be discussed in detail 7. QUEUEING MODELS - a) M/M/1 Queues and applications b) M/M/c and M/M/c/k Queues and their applications 8. SIMULATION MODELS (Use of package)- a) Construction of Simulation Models b) Generation of Random numbers from discrete distributions. Application models to be discussed in detail
[MB-303]: Project Work & Viva Voce Specialization [MM-301]: SALES & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT 1 Introduction to Sales Management: Evolution of sales department, Nature & scope of Personal selling & sales management, Roles and functions of a sales manager 2L 2 Personal Selling: Types of selling situations, Buyer-seller dyad, Theories of selling, Personal Selling process (pre-approach, approach, presentation, handling objections, closing a sale, Follow-up) 4L 3 Planning and Organizing Sales Force Efforts: Strategic planning and sales organization, Sales department relations, Distribution network relations, Sales forecasting, Sales budget, Sales objectives, Sales territories and quotas 3L 4 Sales Force Management: Different personnel functions of a sales manager, Quantitative and qualitative requirements of sales force planning determination of sales force size, job analysis for type of sales people required2L 5 Recruitment and Selection: Sources of recruitment, Selection process, Methods of selection2L
6 Training and Development: Need and purpose of training, Types of training, Designing a training programme - ACMEE model 2L 7 Directing the Sales Force: Supervision, Territory management, Determination of quota/target, Determination of compensation of sales force, Leading and Motivating6L 8 Controlling: Analysis of sales, Costs and Profitability, Evaluation of sales force performance3L 9 Marketing Channels: Structure, Functions and advantages, Types of channel intermediaries wholesalers, distributors, stockists, sales agents, brokers, franchisers, C&F agents, and retailers2L 10 Channel Design and management: Channel objectives & constraints, Identification, evaluation and selection of channel alternatives, Channel management and control recruiting and selecting channel members, motivating, evaluating channel arrangements3L 11 Physical Distribution & Logistics: Goals, function, processing, warehousing, inventory & transportation1L 12 Retail Management: Retail strategies, Location, Types of retail formats, Stores layout, Visual merchandising techniques3L 13 Merchandising: Merchandise management, planning of assortment, Servicing and buying of merchandise, Supply chain management in retailing 3L 14 Case Studies 4L
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Introduction to Advertising: History of advertising, Definition, features and role of advertising, Relationship of advertising with other promotional mixes and marketing mix elements, Integrated marketing communication approach, Various forms of Advertising:(national, retail, cooperative, trade, industrial financial, corporate, public services, political) Advertising Industry: Advertisers, Advertising agencies and support organizations, Types of agencies, Structure, role and functions of ad agencies, Agency compensation and evaluation Foundations and Determinant of Advertising Strategies: Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning: Identifying segments, Prioritizing target segments, Formulating positioning Strategies. Consumer Behaviour and Advertising: Consumer as decision maker, Consumer as social being. Advertising and Brand Building: Definition of brand, Lifecycle of a brand, Brand positioning, Brand personality, Brand image, Brand equity, Brand essence, Brand value proposition and promoting desired image, Corporate brands Advertising Planning: Planning process, steps, situation analysis, objective setting, budgeting, developing promotional strategies, implementation and control Advertising Objectives: Sales approach versus communication approach, DAGMAR approach Advertising Budget: Budgeting approaches different methods, allocation of budget Designing an Advertisement: Different dimensions, Importance of creativity to advertising, Creative process, Developing a creative brief Message Strategies: Creative strategy: Message structure, Message appeals- rational, emotional, scarce, Message source-credibility, attractiveness, power, execution frameworks, Creative tactics: for print and electronic media - copywriting, body copy, headlines, layout, visuals, slogans, logos, signatures, storyboards Media Strategies: Media planning process, Media mix, Coverage, Reach, Frequency, Impact, Scheduling, Different types of media television, radio, print, outdoor, internet -characteristic features, advantages and limitations, Factors influencing choice of media flows and functions, Channel design decisions, Network Marketing Advertising and Society: Social social and cultural, Ethical deceptive, offensive, economical- effect on consumer choice, competition, cost and prices, and Regulatory aspects of advertising ASCI 2L
Sales Promotion: Definition, Reasons for rapid growth of sales promotion, Objectives of sales promotion, Types of sales promotion, Tools and techniques of consumer and trade promotion with merits and demerits, Role of sales promotion in IMC programme Public Relations and Corporate Advertising: Definition, New role of PR, Objectives, tools and techniques of public relations with merits and demerits, Corporate advertising- scope and types, role of PR in IMC programme Direct Marketing: Definition, Objectives of direct marketing, Types of direct marketing, Tools and techniques of direct marketing with merits and demerits, Role of direct marketing in IMC programme Evaluation of Promotional Effectiveness: Reasons to measure effectiveness, What, when, where, how to test, Testing methods - pre-testing and post testing techniques, Essentials of effective measures, Problems with current methods, Measuring effectiveness of other promotions
[MM-303]: MARKETING RESEARCH 1. 2. Marketing Research: Introduction, Application of research in managerial decision making, Aims, roles, functions and sources of research, Client-user interface role conflict and resolution Research Process: Steps in planning research purpose and objectives, Converting a managers problem to a researchers problem, Problem formulation, research design, data collection, analysis, report presentation, Preparation of the research proposal Research Design: Types of research - exploratory studies, descriptive studies, causal studies, Types of information needed - behavioural and non-behavioural correlates Sources of Data: Primary and secondary source (govt., non-govt. and syndicated research), Errors in data collection Primary Source Methods of Data Collection: Focus groups, Observations, Case histories; Surveys survey methods - structured and unstructured, direct and indirect methods, in-depth interviews, panels, interview media: personal, telephone, internet & mail, questionnaire construction & pre-testing, qualitative research - projective techniques (word association, sentence completion, thematic apperception test, third person technique), Experimentation types of causation, inferring causal relationships, natural & controlled experiments, experimental designs Measurement & Scaling: Types of scales (data/levels of measurements), nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio scales, Attitude measurement methods - variability methods (paired comparison, ranking, rating, ordered category sorting), Quantitative judgement methods - verbal, numerical, graphical scales, factorization, constant sum method scales, Multi-item scales - Semantic differential scale, Likert scale, Thurstone scale (equal-appearing, case V), Stapel considerations in developing scales, reliability and validity of scales Sampling: Census vs. sample, Steps in sampling process, Definition of population, frame, unit, and element, Types of sampling: Probability sampling techniques - simple random sampling, systematic random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, area sampling, Nonprobability sampling techniques - convenience sampling, quota sampling, judgment sampling snowball sampling, Determination of sample size Analysis of Data: Compilation, tabulation & classification of data, Analytical techniques univariate analysis, hypothesis testing- parametric and non-parametric tests, bivariate analysis. Overview of some multivariate analysis techniques like multiple regression, discriminant analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, multi - dimensional scaling and conjoint analysis forecasting methods (application and interpretation only) Application Areas: Advertising research, Motivation research, Sales analysis & forecasting research
3. 4. 5.
[HR 301]: EMPLOYMENT & COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION Module I (20 hrs) 1. Employment Policy and Programmes, Reservation Rules, Employment of Women and Dependents, Employment of Land Oustees 2. New Employment Practices Outsourcing, Contingent Workers, Employee Leasing. 3. Employment of Contract Labourers Provisions and Practices under the relevant Act. 4. Case Studies on Contract Labourers Module II (20 hrs) 5. Concept of Wage Minimum Wage, Fair Wage, Living Wage, Wage Policy 6. Compensation Wage/Salary, Real Wage, Components of Wages: Basic, Dearness Allowances, House Rent Allowances, City Compensatory Allowance, Other Allowances, Wage Fixation, Pay for different types of employees, Managerial Compensation. 7. Dearness Allowance Methods of DA payment, Consumer Price Index, Neutralization. 8. Productivity and Wages Productivity Bargaining, Incentive Payments, Productivity Linked Bonus, Incentives Individual & Group, Case Studies on Productivity Bargaining. 9. Employee Benefits Statutory & Voluntary Benefits, Retirement Benefits Provident Fund, Gratuity, Pension, Medical Insurance; Reward Management [HR 302]: HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Module I (20 hrs) 1. Basics in HR Planning Macro Level Scenario of HRP, Concepts and Process of HRP, Considerations Technology, Finance, Product Demand. 2. Methods and Techniques Demand Forecasting : Managerial Estimates, Trend Analysis, Utilization Analysis :Work Study, Job Analysis, Supply Forecasting : Inventory Analysis, Wastage Analysis, Markov Analysis, Balancing Supply & Demand, Issues of Shortage and Surplus. 3. Human Resource Information System (HRIS) - Concept and Procedures 4. Strategic HRP Planning, Tools and Evaluation Module II (20 hrs) 5. Job Analysis & Job Evaluation Job Analysis - Concepts, Process, Job Description, Job Specification, Uses, Limitations; Job Evaluations Concepts, Methods, Limitations 6. Measurements of HR Planning HR Audit, HR Accounting 7. HR Plan Implementation Strategies Recruitment, Redeployment, Redundancy, Retention, Productivity Plan, Training Plan, Career Plan, Succession Plan, Compensation Plan 8. Case Studies on HR Planning [HR 303]: LABOUR LAWS Module I (20 hrs) 1. Legal Framework: Evolution of Labour Laws in India 2. Laws regulating Establishment Factories Act, 1948; Mines Act, 1952; Plantations Labour Act, 1951; Shops & Establishment Act 3. Laws relating to Remuneration Payment of Wages Act, 1936; Minimum Wages Act, 1948; Payment of Bonus Act, 1965; Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 4. Case Laws on Remuneration Module II (20 hrs) 5. Laws relating to Industrial Relations Industrial Disputes Act, 1947; Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946; Trade Unions Act, 1926 6. Laws relating to Social Security Workmens Compensation Act, 1923; Employees State Insurance Act, 1948; Employees Provident Funds & Misc. Provisions Act, 1952; Maternity Benefit Act, 1961; Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 7. Case Laws on Industrial Disputes