The document summarizes the results of a VBSpam comparative review from September 2012. It tested various email security products on a corpus of over 134,000 emails, of which 101,621 were from Project Honey Pot and 32,797 were from OnlyMyEmail achieved the highest final score of 99.90%, with a spam catch rate of 99.999% and a very low false positive rate of 0.02%.
The document summarizes the results of a VBSpam comparative review from September 2012. It tested various email security products on a corpus of over 134,000 emails, of which 101,621 were from Project Honey Pot and 32,797 were from OnlyMyEmail achieved the highest final score of 99.90%, with a spam catch rate of 99.999% and a very low false positive rate of 0.02%.
The document summarizes the results of a VBSpam comparative review from September 2012. It tested various email security products on a corpus of over 134,000 emails, of which 101,621 were from Project Honey Pot and 32,797 were from OnlyMyEmail achieved the highest final score of 99.90%, with a spam catch rate of 99.999% and a very low false positive rate of 0.02%.
The document summarizes the results of a VBSpam comparative review from September 2012. It tested various email security products on a corpus of over 134,000 emails, of which 101,621 were from Project Honey Pot and 32,797 were from OnlyMyEmail achieved the highest final score of 99.90%, with a spam catch rate of 99.999% and a very low false positive rate of 0.02%.
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THE TEST SET-UP The VBSpam test methodology can be found at As usual, email was sent to the products in parallel and in real time, and products were given the option to block email pre-DATA. Five products chose to make use of this option. As in previous tests, the products that needed to be installed on a server were installed on a Dell PowerEdge R200, with a 3.0GHz dual core processor and 4GB of RAM. The Linux products ran on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 or Ubuntu 11; the Windows Server products ran on either the 2003 or the 2008 version, depending on which was recommended by the vendor. To compare the products, we calculate a nal score, which is dened as the spam catch (SC) rate minus ve times the false positive (FP) rate. Products earn VBSpam certication if this value is at least 97: SC - (5 x FP) 97 The test ran for 16 consecutive days, from 12am GMT on Saturday 18 August 2012 until 12am GMT on Monday 3 September 2012. The corpus contained 144,971 emails, 134,418 of which were spam. Of these, 101,621 were provided by Project Honey Pot, and 32,797 were provided by from Abusix. They were all relayed in real time, as were the 10,366 legitimate emails (ham) and the remaining 187 emails, which were all legitimate newsletters. over 134,000 emails, impressive is an understatement. And yet again, with just two false positives, the product has one of VERIFIED the lowest false positive rates. If there is something that can be improved, it is the performance on newsletters, where the product blocked a number of mostly Swedish and Finnish newsletters, but thats only a small detail and shouldnt stop the developers from celebrating achieving another VBSpam award with this months highest nal score. Complete solutions sorted by nal score OnlyMyEmail 99.90 Kaspersky LMS 99.88 Mailshell 99.74 ZEROSPAM 99.72 SpamTitan 99.68 Symantec 99.64 Libra Esva 99.62 FortiMail 99.57 Netmail Secure 99.48 GFI 99.47 The Email Laundry 99.42 McAfee SaaS 99.30 Halon Security 99.29 Sophos 99.29 Bitdefender 99.25 McAfee Email Gateway 99.05 CronLab 98.64 IBM 98.21 Vamsoft ORF 96.85 SPAMghter 94.09
After 12 tests, it is hard to nd appropriate adjectives to describe OnlyMyEmails catch rate, but as the product missed only a single spam message in a corpus of well
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