Robust Control Issues
Robust Control Issues
Robust Control Issues
for Systems and Robotics (ISR), Instituto Superior Tcnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal e E-mail: {sfekri,athans,antonio}, Tel: +351-21-8418288, Fax: +351-21-8418291
SUMMARY We overview recent progress in the eld of robust adaptive control with special emphasis on methodologies that use multiple-model architectures. We argue that the selection of the number of models, estimators and compensators in such architectures must be based on a precise denition of the robust performance requirements. We illustrate some of the concepts and outstanding issues by presenting a new methodology that blends robust nonadaptive mixed -synthesis designs and stochastic hypothesis-testing concepts leading to the so-called Robust Multiple Model Adaptive Control (RMMAC) architecture. A numerical example is used to illustrate the RMMAC design methodology, as well as its strengths and potential shortcomings. The later motivated us to develop a variant architecture, denoted as RMMAC/XI, that can be eectively used in highly uncertain exogenous plant disturbance environments. Copyright c 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. key words: Multiple model adaptive control; adaptive control; robust control; robust adaptive control; robust -synthesis
1. INTRODUCTION The solution to the so-called adaptive control problem is akin to the elusive search for the Holy Grail in the context of feedback control system design. In spite of forty years of research, several books and hundreds of articles we still lack, in our view, a universally accepted design methodology for adaptive control which is based on sound theoretical issues and suitable for engineering implementations in real-life control systems. In this paper we overview some recent progress in adaptive designs that employ multiple-models. Currently available results seem to
Fekri is now Research Associate in Department of Engineering, Control & Instrumentation Research Laboratory, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK. E-mail:, Tel: +44-116-2522874, Fax: +44116-2522619 (Correspondences to: University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH). M. Athans is also Professor (emeritus) of the Dept. of EE&CS, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. An earlier version of this paper was based on a plenary talk by M. Athans and published in the Proceedings of the 2005 IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005 [1]. This work is based upon S. Fekris doctoral thesis [2] and was supported in part by the Portuguese FCT POSI programme under framework QCA III and by project MAYA-Sub of the AdI. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor XXX. YYYYYYY.
be very promising, but still require a great deal of theoretical and pragmatic research to arrive at the Holy Grail of adaptive control. Thus in our view, the solution to the adaptive control problem is still not available. We rst discuss a general philosophy for designing robust adaptive multivariable feedback control systems for linear time-invariant (LTI) plants that include both unmodeled dynamics and uncertain real parameters in the plant state-space description. The adjective adaptive refers to the fact that the real parameter uncertainty and performance requirements require the implementation of a feedback architecture with better performance and greater complexity than that of the best possible xed non-adaptive controller. The word robust refers to the desire that the adaptive control system remains stable and also meets the posed performance specications for all-possible legal parameter values and unmodeled dynamics. In order to place our remarks in a proper perspective and motivate the development of our new RMMAC method we pose a set of basic engineering questions that naturally arise when we deal with adaptive control: (1). What do we gain by using adaptive control? (2). How do we fairly predict and compare performance improvements (if any) of a proposed adaptive design vis-`-vis the best nonadaptive one? a (3). How do we design adaptive controllers with guaranteed robust-stability and robustperformance in the presence of unmodeled dynamics and unmeasurable plant disturbances and sensor noises? (4). Is the increased complexity of an adaptive controller justied by the performance improvement? What should be the level of complexity for designer-specied adaptive system performance guarantees? Even though there is no precise universally accepted denition of adaptive control the above questions are (or should be) at the heart of adaptive control research; they have motivated the perspective adopted in this paper. It is important to stress at this point that the vast majority of approaches to adaptive control deal with the case of constant uncertain real parameters. Furthermore, they invariably focus upon stability without explicit quantitative specications for the desired adaptive system performance. However, from an engineering perspective, the true value of an adaptive system can only be judged by its performance when the uncertain real parameters change slowly with time, within their predened limits. Thus, one designs and tests an adaptive system for constant real parameters, using whatever theoretical approaches developed, but it should be also tested, and its performance evaluated, for time-varying parameters as well. The current accepted concept of a robust (nonadaptive) feedback control system, for linear time-invariant (LTI) plants, is that the designed compensator must be such so as to guarantee (if possible) closed-loop stability and to also meet posed performance specications, most often reecting superior disturbance-rejection. This attribute is often referred to as stabilityand performance-robustness. The physical plant is assumed to belong to a legal family of possible plants, where the nominal plant together with frequency-dependent upper bounds on unmodeled dynamics and upper- and lower-bounds on key uncertain real parameters denes this legal family of plants. The performance specications are explicitly stated in the frequency domain; they typically require superior disturbance-rejection in the lower frequency region while safeguarding for excessive control action at higher frequencies. Such robust nonadaptive compensators can be designed, more or less in a routine manner, using the
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so-called mixed- synthesis methodology and associated Matlab software. At present, robust synthesis can not deal with slowly-varying parameters, from a theoretical perspective, although some recent research in Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems shows some promise. It is highly desirable that the above attributes of nonadaptive robust feedback systems be also reected in the design of robust adaptive controllers as well. Thus, in our view, an adaptive control design must explicitly yield stability- and performance-robustness guarantees, not just stability (which has been the central focus of almost all adaptive control methodologies). 1.1. Brief Historical Perspective Early approaches to adaptive control, such as the model-reference adaptive control (MRAC) method and its variants, were concerned with real-time parameter identication and simultaneous adjustment of the loop-gain. Representative references are [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. In the classical MRAC method the emphasis was on proving global convergence to the uncertain real parameter, while using deterministic Lyapunov (hyperstability) arguments for inferring closed-loop stability. However, the assumptions required for stability and convergence (such as relative degree, positive-realness, knowledge of the high-frequency gain) did not include the presence of unmodeled dynamics, unmeasurable disturbances and sensor noise. Moreover, no explicit and quantiable performance requirement was posed for the adaptive system; rather the goodness of the MRAC design was judged by the nature of the command-following error based upon simulations. It turned out that classical MRAC systems can become unstable in the presence of plant disturbances, sensor noise and high-frequency unmodeled dynamics [8]. In [9] averaging analysis was used to partially overcome the problems identied in [8]. Moreover the MRAC methodology was limited to single-input single-output (SISO) plants; attempts to extend the MRAC methodology to the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) case were extremely cumbersome. Because of these shortcomings, we shall not further address the MRAC methodology in the sequel. Later, and the more recent, approaches to the adaptive control problem involved multiplemodel techniques which, in principle, are also applicable to the MIMO case. The (large) realparameter uncertainty set was subdivided into smaller parameter subsets; each parameter subset gives rise to a dierent plant model set with reduced real-parameter uncertainty. One then designed a set of control gains or dynamic compensators for each model set so that, if indeed the true parameter was close to a specic model, then a satisfactory performance was obtained. In most of the multiple-model approaches, the identication of the most likely model is carried out by a supervisor which switches into the feedback loop dierent controllers, based primarily on deterministic concepts [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. These proofs and results were presented for the case of SISO systems. The second approach relied upon stochastic designs that generated on-line posterior probabilities reecting which of the models is more likely. In the latter approach the controllers could be designed either by classical LQG methods [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26] or by more sophisticated RMMAC methods [27, 28, 29, 2] which can deal with MIMO designs. A philosophically dierent, more direct approach, called unfalsied control, also merits attention [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35] and we shall briey discuss it in the sequel. Finally, we do not discuss numerous approaches to adaptive control utilizing intelligent methods, such as neuro-fuzzy designs, since they are void of any analytical insights.
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In all the proposed multiple-model adaptive methods the complexity of the adaptive feedback system directly depends on the number of models employed, N . By decreasing the size of the parametric subsets one obtains more models. Thus, all multiple model approaches must address the following: (a) how to divide the initial large parameter uncertain set into N smaller parameter subsets, (b) how to determine the size or boundary of each parameter subset, and (c) how large should N be? Presumably the larger the N , the better the performance of the adaptive system should be. Although not commonly considered as an adaptive design, the widely used engineering designs utilizing gain-scheduling can be viewed as multiple-model methods. Gain scheduling is actually used to control nonlinear systems, such as aircraft and jet engines, where an exogenous measured variable, such as dynamic pressure, denes a family of LTI models over the operating envelope [36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41]. A set of control gains is dened for each LTI model. The measured dynamic pressure (or equivalent) is used to interpolate between the control gains. The basic dierence between the adaptive multiple-model approaches discussed above and the gain-scheduled methods is the fact that in adaptive multiple-model approaches there is no externally measured variable to accomplish the equivalent of gain-scheduling. Rather, the information of which model is most likely (and what controller to use) must be obtained from organic plant measurements. 1.2. The RMMAC Design Philosophy In this paper we shall stress the use of robust performance requirements on the adaptive system implemented by one of the available multiple-model methods. We follow our recent research on Robust Multiple-Model Adaptive Control (RMMAC), [1, 42, 27, 28, 29, 2], which will be discussed and evaluated in much more detail in the sequel. If we turn our attention to the non-adaptive literature there exists a well-documented design methodology, and associated Matlab design software, for linear time-invariant multivariable plants (both SISO and MIMO) that addresses simultaneously both robust-stability and robustperformance in the presence of unmodeled dynamics and parametric uncertainty as well as unmeasurable plant disturbances and sensor noise. This methodology, pioneered by J.C. Doyle and his colleagues, is often called the mixed- design method [43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50]. We assume that the reader is familiar with this robust design methodology and associated software. The mixed- design method incorporates the state-of-the-art in non-adaptive multivariable robust control synthesis and exploits the proper use of frequency-domain weights to quantify desired performance. Typically, using the mixed- design method, one nds that as the size of the parametric uncertainty is reduced the guaranteed desired performance, say superior disturbance-rejection, increases. Unfortunately, very little has been done in integrating the non-adaptive mixed- design methodology with that of robust adaptive control studies; even though it should be apparent that the mixed- design method should provide us guidance on the selection and number, N , of the models to be used in any multiple-model adaptive control scheme. Notable exceptions are [32, 51, 16, 27, 28, 29, 2]. We now summarize our design philosophy regarding adaptive control designs that employ multiple models. We assume that: (1). Independent of the size of uncertainty for the plant real parameter(s), the plant always contains unmodeled dynamics whose size must be bounded a priori only in the frequency
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domain. Therefore, the adaptive design must explicitly reect these frequency-domain bounds on the unmodeled dynamics. The presence of unmodeled dynamics immediately brings into sharp focus the fact that we must use the state-of-the-art in nonadaptive robust control synthesis, i.e. mixed- synthesis [43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50]; and associated Matlab software [48, 49]. (2). The plant is subject to unmeasurable plant disturbances whose impact upon the chosen performance variables (error signals) must be minimized, i.e. we must have superior disturbance-rejection. The modern trend is to use frequency-dependent weights to emphasize and dene superior disturbance-rejection performance. This design objective can also be accommodated by the mixed- design methodology. (3). The plant measurements are not perfect; thus sensor measurements are corrupted by unmeasurable sensor noise. The performance variables must be insensitive, to the degree possible, to such sensor noise. (4). Performance requirements must be explicitly dened, up to constants whose values can be optimized for superior performance. In the mixed- design methodology these disturbancerejection performance requirements are explicitly quantied by frequency-domain weights typically involving the selected error signals and the control variables. (5). Given the information in (1) to (4), we can design what we call the best global nonadaptive robust compensator (GNARC) for the entire (large) uncertain real-parameter set and by taking into account both the unmodeled dynamics and the performance requirements. This non-adaptive feedback design must be optimized so as to yield the best possible performance, i.e. superior disturbance-rejection with reasonable control eort. The GNARC design then provides a yardstick (lower-bound) for performance, so that any performance improvements by more complex adaptive designs can be quantied. The GNARC is designed using the mixed synthesis methodology. (6). An upper-bound for adaptive performance can be obtained by optimizing the performance under the assumption that the real-parameter values are known exactly, but still reecting the presence of complex-valued unmodeled dynamics and frequency-dependent performance requirements. This implies that we compute for a large number of grid points in the original parameter uncertainty set what we call a xed non-adaptive robust compensator (FNARC) which denes the best possible performance for each parameter value. The FNARC design is carried out using the complex- synthesis methodology, since we still must take into account the unmodeled dynamics and frequency-dependent performance specications. We use the same quantitative performance requirements as in part (5) above. The set of the FNARCs corresponds to having an innite number of models in the multiple-model implementation. The dierence between the lower-bound on performance dened by the GNARC in part (5) and the FNARC upper-bound from part (6) provides a valuable quantitative decision aid to the designer on what performance improvements are possible by some multiple-model adaptive control method. The designer must then make a quantiable choice on the degree of performance improvement that he/she desires from the adaptive system. As we shall show in the sequel, this approach will then dene the number of models (parameter subsets) required, N , and their numerical specication (boundary of parameter subsets) in a natural manner. One possible approach is that the designer demands that the adaptive performance equals or exceeds a certain percentage, say 75%, of the (best possible) FNARC performance for each parameter value. Another possible approach is to demand that the adaptive system yield a performance that equals a certain multiple, say 10, of the (lower-bound) GNARC performance,
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if possible (there may be inherent limitations due to non-minimum phase zeros and/or unstable poles) and consistent with the FNARC upper-bound. Yet another approach is to x the number N of the models, i.e. specify the complexity of a multiple-model scheme, and maximize the performance for each model. Many other approaches are also possible which use both the GNARC lower-bound and the FNARC upper-bound for performance. By following the above performance-driven methodology one directly arrives at the number, N , of required models in the adaptive multiple-model system, as well as the quantication of each model. The robust synthesis method requires that each model is represented by a parameter-subset which must be a hyperparallelpiped. In general, the more stringent the performance requirements on any adaptive implementation consistent, of course, with the FNARC upper-bound the larger the number of models and the greater the complexity of the multiple-model adaptive system. We stress that such a systematic denition of the required models and numerical specication would not be possible if we did not explicitly pose the performance specications and optimized performance to the extent possible. The procedure summarized above can be used with any of the adaptive multiple-model methods. We shall illustrate its detailed design and properties by using the multiple-model method in the context of dynamic hypothesis-testing, which involves generating the posterior probability for each model, the so-called Robust Multiple-Model Adaptive Control (RMMAC) architecture. However, it can also be used in conjunction with the switching supervisory controllers developed by Morse, Anderson, Hespanha and others, as well as by the unfalsiedcontrol approaches (although in the unfalsied-control methods one does not assume any models for the plant to be controlled, no lower- and upper-bounds on the real uncertain parameters, no frequency-domain bounds on unmodeled dynamics nor explicit performance requirements in the sense of (4)-(6) above). The important point to remember is that all multiple-model adaptive schemes require the denition of the minimum number of models required to achieve both robust-stability and robust-performance, and these can only be dened after we pose realistic performance requirements for the adaptive system as discussed above. In Section 2 we present an overview of four dierent multiple-model architectures for adaptive estimation, identication and control. In Section 3 we discuss the designs of the robust dynamic compensators, such as the GNARC and FNARC discussed above, and how to determine the number N of models in the multiple-model architectures, as well as the collection of the compensators. In Section 4 we focus upon the identication aspect of the RMMAC. In Section 5 we dene a variant of the RMMAC architecture, denoted by RMMAC/XI. The RMMAC/XI was developed because of possible performance degradation of the standard RMMAC when the plant disturbances had very wide variability [2]. We shall demonstrate that such performance degradations are eliminated by the RMMAC/XI architecture. In Section 6 we present numerous results and simulations using the RMMAC and RMMAC/XI architectures. These results provide a concrete illustration of our design philosophy as well as several performance evaluations and comparisons of the RMMAC design, even when we violate the theoretical assumptions to a signicant degree. Section 7 discusses the commonalties and dierences of the supervisory switching multiple model adaptive control (SMMAC) and RMMAC architectures and we summarize our conclusions in Section 8.
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2. MULTIPLE-MODEL ARCHITECTURES IN ADAPTIVE CONTROL In this section we shall discuss the architectures that utilize multiple-models. We follow a historical development that traces the concepts over the past 40 years or so. First we shall discuss the architecture associated with multiple-model adaptive estimation (MMAE). Second, we discuss the early extension of the MMAE concepts to classical multiple-model adaptive control (CMMAC). Third, we present architectures associated with SMMAC. Next, we discuss the architecture associated with robust multiple-model adaptive control (RMMAC). Finally, we comment briey on the unfalsied control concept. 2.1. Multiple-Model Adaptive Estimation (MMAE) One of the earliest uses of multiple-models was motivated by the need for accurate stochastic state-estimation for dynamic systems subject to signicant parameter uncertainty. In many such applications the estimation accuracy provided by standard Kalman lters was not adequate. For some early references regarding MMAE see [52, 53, 54, 55, 56]. We remark that the MMAE algorithms were also referred to as partitioned estimation, especially in the research by Lainiotis. We also remark that a similar adaptive estimation architecture, the so-called Sum of Gaussians method, utilizing a bank of extended Kalman lters, was used for nonlinear ltering problems [57, 58, 59]. Fig. 1 shows the architecture of the MMAE system. It is assumed that a discrete-time linear time-invariant plant is driven by white process noise, as well as a known deterministic input signal, and generates measurements that are corrupted by white measurement noise. If there is no parameter uncertainty in the plant, then the Kalman lter (KF) is the optimal stateestimation algorithm in a well-dened sense; see, for example, [60, 57]. Moreover, under the usual linear-gaussian assumptions, the KF state-estimate is the true conditional mean of the state, given the past controls and observations. If the plant has an uncertain real-parameter vector, p, one can imagine that it is close to one of the elements of a nite discrete parameter
(t) (t)
u (t )
x1 (t ) r1 (t ) x2 (t ) r2 (t ) xN (t) rN (t)
P2 ( t ) PN (t )
es ioN rosneS
y (t )
tnalp nwonknu
1# FK sF K
2# FK
es ioN ssecorP
( x t)
P1 ( t )
set, PD = {p1 , p2 , . . . , pN }. One can then design a bank of standard Kalman lters (KFs) where each KF uses one of the discrete parameters pk in its implementation, k = 1, 2, . . . , N . It turns out that, if indeed the true plant parameter is identical to one of its discrete values and this is modeled by the hypothesis H = Hk , then the conditional probability density of the state is the sum of gaussian densities. Then, the MMAE of Fig. 1 will indeed generate the true conditional mean of the state and one can calculate the true conditional covariance matrix; see, for example, [54]; [57, Chap. 10]. Appendix I summarizes the notation and formulas associated with the MMAE algorithm for the discrete-time case. From a technical point of view the MMAE system of Fig. 1 blends optimal estimation concepts (i.e. Kalman ltering) and dynamic hypothesis-testing concepts that lead to a system identication algorithm. As explained in Appendix I, each KF generates a local state estimate, xk (t|t) and a residual (or innovations) signal, rk (t), which is the dierence between the actual measurement and the predicted measurement (the residual is precisely the prediction error common to all adaptive systems). Furthermore, the (steady-state) residual covariance matrix, Sk , k = 1, 2, . . . , N , associated with each KF can be computed o-line. The key to the MMAE algorithm is the so-called posterior probability evaluator (PPE) which calculates, in real time, the posterior conditional probability that each model generates the data, i.e. Pk (t) = P rob{H = Hk |Y (t)}, k = 1, 2, . . . , N ; see eq. (2.4). Thus, the PPE represents an identication subsystem. The global state-estimate is then obtained by the probabilistic weighting of the local state-estimates as shown in Fig. 1; this global state estimate is precisely the true conditional mean of the state given the set Y (t) of past measurements and controls. The true conditional covariance can also be calculated on-line; see Appendix I for mathematical details. The key property of the MMAE algorithm is that, under suitable assumptions, one of the posterior probabilities, say Pj , Pj (t) 1, where j indexes the model that is closest to the correct hypothesis H = Hj , even though the actual plant parameter is dierent than pj , as t . These asymptotic convergence results hinge upon information-theoretic arguments and involve non-trivial stationarity and ergodicity assumptions. The detailed convergence proofs involve either the so-called Baram Proximity Measure (BPM) [61, 62, 63], as discussed in Appendix II, or the Kullback information metric [57, pp. 267279]. The detailed proofs are beyond the scope of this paper. These (asymptotic) convergence results to the nearest probabilistic neighbor using the BPM represent the key system-identication algorithms associated with both the CMMAC and the RMMAC algorithms discussed in the sequel. It should be noted that the MMAE architecture is essentially identical to that of the sum of Gaussians estimators used extensively in nonlinear ltering [57, 58, 59] which utilize banks of extended Kalman lters. Furthermore, it is important to stress that the blend of dynamic hypothesis-testing concepts and optimal estimation theory is the workhorse of all modern defense and civilian surveillance and fusion algorithms that deal with several sensors and several targets (crossing, manoeuvring, disappearing, re-appearing, etc.) 2.2. Classical Multiple-Model Adaptive Control (CMMAC) The intriguing convergence properties of the MMAE algorithm, coupled with the robustness shortcomings of MRAC systems to disturbances and sensor noise, gave rise to what we call the classical MMAC (CMMAC) algorithms which simply integrated design concepts from LinearQuadratic-Gaussian (LQG) control system design [64, 65] with the MMAE architecture of
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u (t )
y(t )
x1 (t ) r1 (t ) x2 (t ) r2 (t ) xN (t) rN (t)
u1 (t ) u2 (t )
u (t )
uN (t)
P1 ( t )
P2 ( t ) PN (t )
Figure 2. The CMMAC algorithm where the local KF state estimates are multiplied by local LQ gains to form local controls which, in turn, generate a probabilistically weighted global control.
Section 2.1 in a purely ad-hoc manner. The classical MMAC architecture (CMMAC) is shown in Fig. 2. Each local state-estimate of the (steady-state) KF, xk (t|t), k = 1, 2, . . . , N , is multiplied by the associated linear-quadratic (LQ) optimal control-gain matrix, Gk , to generate a local control signal uk (t) by uk (t) = Gk xk (t|t), k = 1, 2, . . . , N (2.1)
Using precisely the same MMAE calculation by the PPE of the posterior probabilities Pk (t), eq. (2.4), the global control applied to the plant and to the bank of KFs is obtained by probabilistic weighting of the local controls, i.e.
u(t) =
Pk (t)uk (t)
The CMMAC algorithm of Fig. 2 represented a purely ad-hoc approach to adaptive control. It is not optimal in a stochastic LQG sense [19]. However, several adaptations, extensions and simulations have been reported [20, 22, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26]. In the context of this paper it is important to stress that no robustness to unmodeled dynamics was considered in early CMMAC designs (such robustness issues were unknown in the 1970s) and that performance specications were generated by LQG tricks and not with the frequency-weight concepts and H2 and H designs widely adopted at present. From a high-level philosophical perspective, the CMMAC represents, in our view, a form of probabilistic gain-scheduling. As we remarked earlier in classical gain-scheduling designs [10, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41] an exogenous measured signal is used to schedule or interpolate from a nite-set of gains. In the CMMAC no such exogenous signal is available; rather, it is the posterior probabilities in Fig. 2 that are used to accomplish this probabilistic gain-scheduling. As we shall see, the same situation happens in the RMMAC architecture(s) discussed in the sequel. It is also noteworthy to mention that a switching version of the CMMAC can be readily (and naturally) implemented in which the local control with the largest posterior probability
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is used as the global control; such switching versions of the CMMAC are much more sensitive to the stochastic signals. Finally, in retrospect, the fact that both the local KF state estimates and their residuals, via the posterior probabilities, were combined in the generation of the global adaptive control has certain shortcomings, because one mixes state-estimation and feedback control generation. Thus, errors in the local state-estimates will directly impact the local controls. In the CMMAC architecture no clear-cut separation-principle of an identication subsystem and a control subsystem is made. 2.3. Supervisory Switching Multiple-Model Adaptive Control (SMMAC) During the past decade a dierent, with a strong deterministic avour, approach to adaptive control using multiple models has been initiated [11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18] and active research along these lines is still in progress. We refer to these methodologies as Supervisory Switching Multiple-Model Adaptive Control (SMMAC). The basic architecture of the dierent SMMAC algorithms is shown in Fig. 3 (which is an adaptation of Fig. 1 in [18], so that comparisons with the CMMAC and RMMAC become easier). We remark that in all versions of the SMMAC architectures there exists a separation between identication and control (unlike the CMMAC). In other words, the state-estimates inside each multi-estimator do not directly inuence the associated local control signal. We briey discuss the SMMAC architecture to point out some similarities and dierences to the CMMAC of Fig. 2 and the RMMAC architecture to be discussed below see Fig. 4. The approach is deterministic and the goal is to prove local bounded-input bounded-output stability of the SMMAC system under certain assumptions. The plant-disturbance and sensornoise signals are assumed bounded rather than being characterized as stochastic processes as in the CMMAC and RMMAC. The presence of unmodeled dynamics is also considered, although the bound on the unmodeled dynamics is simply an H bound. The theoretical results to date are restricted to single-input single-output (SISO) systems, although research is underway to extend them to the MIMO case [10]. In reference to Fig. 3, the SMMAC employs a nite number of stable deterministic estimators
u (t )
y (t )
e1 (t )
u1 (t )
e2 (t )
u2 (t )
u (t )
eN (t )
u N (t )
1 (t ) 2 (t ) N (t)
k ( k )
(Luenberger observers), called multi-estimators and denoted by Ek (s), k = 1, 2, . . . , N , designed for a grid of distinct known parameter values pk P , where P is the compact realparameter set. The output of each estimator yk (t) is compared with the measured (true plant) output y(t) to form the estimation (prediction) errors ek (t) = yk (t) y(t), k = 1, 2, . . . , N . We remark that the errors ek (t) in Fig. 3 are completely analogous to the residuals rk (t) in the MMAE (Fig. 1), the CMMAC (Fig. 2) and the RMMAC (Fig. 4). The monitoring signal generator, M (s), is a dynamical system that generates monitoring signals k (t); these are suitably-dened integral norms of the estimation errors ek (t). The size of these monitoring signals indicates which of the multi-estimators is closer to the true plant. In addition to the bank of multi-estimators, it is assumed that a family of multi-controllers, Ck (s), k = 1, 2, . . . , N , has been designed so that each provides satisfactory stable feedback performance for at least one discrete parameter pk PD . However, no quantitative design performance specications are dened for the CMMAC system. The basic idea is to use the monitoring signals k (t) to switch-in the suitable controller. This is accomplished see Fig. 3 by a switching logic S which generates a signal (t) PD that can be used to switch-in the appropriate controller. A key property of the switching logic S is that it keeps its output (t) constant over some suitably long dwell time; this avoids rapid switching of the controllers and allows most transients to die-out between controller switchings. The details of the switching logic algorithms dier in the cited SMMAC references. The basic structural dierence between the CMMAC and the SMMAC compare Figs. 2 and 3 is that in the SMMAC the identication process is completely separated from the control process. Even in the case of the switching CMMAC, where the largest posterior probability switches the corresponding LQ control gain, the identication and control get mixed-up. The separation of the identication and control processes in the SMMAC seems to have an advantage, coupled with the idea of infrequent controller-switching. Otherwise, the KFs in the CMMAC serve the same objective as the multi-estimators of the SMMAC. Moreover, the multi-controllers in the SMMAC can be more complex than the simple LQ-gains in the CMMAC. Some potential shortcomings of the SMMAC methodology will be discussed after we present the RMMAC approach below. Unfortunately, SMMAC numerical simulations have been reported for only a couple of (very) academic SISO plants. 2.4. Robust Multiple-Model Adaptive Control (RMMAC) We now overview the newest multiple-model architecture which we call RMMAC, Fig. 4, to emphasize the fact that both stability-robustness and performance-robustness are addressed from the start. Our preliminary results on RMMAC can be found in [1, 42, 28, 29] and a more complete treatment is available in Fekris Ph.D. thesis [2]. We note that the RMMAC architecture has a separation between identication and control, like the SMMAC and unlike the CMMAC. As in the CMMAC, the RMMAC uses a bank of (steady-state) Kalman Filters (KFs) and relies on stochastic processes for the disturbance signals and the sensor noise measurements. The stochastic plant disturbances provide the necessary sucient excitation for identication [66]. However, unlike CMMAC the local KF state-estimates (the xk (t|t) in Fig. 2) are not used in generating the control signals. Only the KF residuals, rk (t), k = 1, 2, . . . , N , generated on-line and their pre-computed residual covariance matrices, Sk , are utilized by the posterior probability evaluator (PPE) to generate the posterior probability signals Pk (t). The calculation
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u (t )
y (t )
r1 (t )
K1 ( s)
u1 (t )
r2 (t )
K 2 ( s)
u2 (t )
u (t )
rN (t )
K N (s )
u N (t )
S1 S2
P (t ) 1
P2 (t )
PN (t )
of the posterior probabilities is identical to that in the MMAE or CMMAC (see Appendix I); see also eq. (2.4) below. A crucial dierence is that the nominal KF design is based upon explicit use of the Baram Proximity Measure (BPM) to ensure asymptotic convergence of the posterior probabilities. Another key dierence lies in the construction of the bank of the local robust compensators, Kj (s), j = 1, 2, . . . , N , in Fig. 4, which are designed using the state-of-the-art in robust mixed- synthesis [43, 45, 44, 46, 49, 48]. These compensators, Kj (s); j = 1, 2, . . . , N , referred to as the local non-adaptive robust compensators (LNARC), are designed so as to guarantee local stability- and performance-robustness, as will be explained in detail in Section 3. Each local compensator Kj (s) generates a local control signal uj (t). The global control is then generated, as in the CMMAC case, by the probabilistic weighting of the local controls uj (t) by the posterior probability Pj (t)
u(t) =
Pj (t)uj (t)
A switching version of RMMAC can also be implemented by nding the largest probability Pj (t), at each instant of time, and using the corresponding local uj (t) as the global control u(t). Moreover, a dwell-time could be incorporated to avoid frequent switching. One relies upon the convergence properties of the posterior probabilities to the nearest probabilistic neighbor, using the Baram proximity measure (BPM) [61, 62, 63], to ensure that the RMMAC operates in a superior manner, so as to ensure correct asymptotic identication. See Appendix II. This requires careful design of the KFs, perhaps robustied through the use of fake-white-plant-noise a time-honoured design trick in linear and nonlinear estimation practice [67]. One of the key algorithms in the RMMAC architecture is the Posterior Probability Evaluator (PPE) in Fig. 4. Since we are concerned with both robust-stability and robustperformance and the LNARCs K1 (s), . . . , K N (s) are designed with this objective in mind it is imperative that one of the posterior probabilities converges to the right model. We
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repeat from Appendix I (eqs. (A.20) to (A.22)) the recursive formula by which the posterior probabilities Pk (t), k=1,2,. . . ,N are generated: Pk (t + 1) = k e 2 rk (t+1)Sk
N j=1
1 1
rk (t+1)
j e
1 1 rj (t+1)Sj rj (t+1) 2
Pj (t)
Pk (t)
where: rj (t) ; j = 1, 2, ..., N is the residual of the j-th Kalman lter Sj ; j = 1, 2, ..., N is the steady-state constant residual covariance matrix of rj (t) 1 j is a constant scaling factor. m/2
(2) det Sj
Notice that the propagation of the posterior probabilities involves the quadratic forms 1 rj (t)Sj rj (t). If the residuals are, in a sense, regular, i.e. their size and correlation is moreor-less consistent with that predicted by their associated covariance matrix (say within 3 to 4 sigma levels), then the posterior probabilities will behave in a smooth manner and will result in correct identication (convergence to the nearest probabilistic neighbour in the BPM sense. This is accomplished by the very careful design of the KFs as explained in Section 4. If the theoretical assumptions of Appendix II are valid or mildly violated, the RMMAC yields excellent performance, as evidenced by thousands of simulations [2]. If, however, the theoretical assumptions are severely violated, then the residuals can become very large compared with their predicted size inherent in their covariances Sj , the posterior probabilities can get confused and the inaccurate identication can cause the RMMAC to yield degraded performance and, in rare circumstances, break into instability. These issues will be discussed further in the sequel; it is important to state explicitly the potential shortcomings of any adaptive method (a rarity in the adaptive literature). 2.5. Unfalsied Control As we have remarked the recent unfalsied control method developed by M.G. Safonov and colleagues [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35] is a promising approach to the control of uncertain plants. We stress that in that methodology there are no assumptions about the plant to be controlled; one applies control(s) and makes real-life measurements. It is assumed that there exists a collection of N precomputed compensators and that at least one of them will stabilize the actual plant. Thus, the emphasis is on stability (which is certainly robust since it involves the actual plant). It can be argued that the availability of N compensators makes unfalsied control a multiple-model scheme. When one of the available compensators is connected to the plant and it does not stabilize the plant, then a safe algorithm should recognize rapidly in real-time this instability and discard this compensator. Next, another compensator is tried and so on. By assumption, eventually one will nd one of the stabilizing compensators. Since there are absolutely no assumptions on the plant, we cannot make any direct comparisons with the architectures discussed above. It is hard to say how one can design for this method the required family of compensators to achieve not only robust-stability but also robust-performance based upon explicit specication of closed-loop performance specications. For these reasons, we will not comment any further on this potentially useful methodology.
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2.6. Discussion The three adaptive multiple-model algorithms (CMMAC, SMMAC, and RMMAC) presented above have the following common characteristics. (a). One must design a set of N multi-controllers or dynamic compensators. (b). One must design a set of N Kalman lters or multi-estimators (observers). (c). One must implement an identication process by which the actual (global) adaptive control is generated. Clearly, the complexity of the adaptive system will depend on the number, N , of models that are required to implement. Ideally, N should be as small as possible. However, it should be intuitively obvious that if N is too small the performance of the adaptive system may not be very good. On the other hand, if N is very large, one may reach the point of diminishing returns as far as adaptive performance improvement is concerned. It follows that we need a more-or-less systematic procedure by which, starting from a compact parameter set p P , to dene a nite set, N , of discrete values (models), PD = {p1 , p2 , . . . , pN } P, that are used subsequently in designing the KFs in the CMMAC and RMMAC, the multi-estimators in SMMAC as well as the compensators. The following section summarizes our suggested methodology which hinges upon the recent developments in robust feedback control synthesis using the so-called mixed- methodology and associated software. Even though all MMAC architectures are made by piecing together LTI systems, the probabilistic weighting in the RMMAC as well as the supervisory switching logic of the SMMAC result in a highly nonlinear and time-varying closed loop MIMO feedback system. Hence, it is na to expect foolproof global asymptotic stability results in the ve near future, because there does not, as yet, exist a solid mathematical theory for global (stochastic) nonlinear time-varying stability which can be readily adapted to the multiplemodel architectures discussed in this paper. Even in the simpler CMMAC, involving LQG controllers, attempts to prove global stability were not successful [20, 22, 23]. Thus, it is the opinion of the authors, what is needed in the short run is additional pragmatic understanding of the dierent multiple-model approaches, their similarities and dierences and consistent fair comparisons on performance improvement over non-adaptive designs. Thus, there are numerous opportunities for future theoretical research to investigate such global stability-robustness and performance-robustness issues, especially in the MIMO case.
3. DESIGNING ROBUST COMPENSATORS IN THE RMMAC ARCHITECTURE 3.1. Introduction During the past several years a very sophisticated and complete non-adaptive design methodology, accompanied by Matlab design software, has been developed for the robust feedback control of MIMO linear time-invariant (LTI) uncertain dynamic systems with simultaneous dynamic and parametric errors. This design methodology is often called the mixed- synthesis method, which involves the so-called D,G-K iteration, and it requires the design of dierent H compensators at each iteration. The outcome of the mixed- synthesis process is the denition of a non-adaptive LTI MIMO dynamic compensator with xed parameters, which guarantees that the closed-loop feedback system enjoys stability-robustness and performance-robustness, i.e. it meets the posed performance specications in the frequency
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domain (if such a compensator exists). The mixed- synthesis, loosely speaking, de-tunes an optimal H nominal design, that meets more stringent performance specications, to reect the presence of inevitable dynamic and parameter errors. In particular, if the bounds on key parameter errors are large, then the mixed- synthesis yields a robust LTI design albeit with inferior performance guarantees as compared to the H nominal design. So the price for stability-robustness is poorer performance. Experience has shown that if the bounds on the parameter errors decrease, then the mixed- synthesis yields a design with better guaranteed performance. Two recent applications [68, 69] illustrate this uncertainty/performance tradeo in a clear manner. We cannot provide details about this elegant methodology in this paper. Whether we are dealing with non-adaptive or adaptive feedback designs we must take into account the following engineering issues: (a). Complex-valued plant unmodeled dynamics (e.g. unmodeled time-delays, plant-order reduction, parasitic high-frequency poles and zeros, high-frequency bending and torsional modes, etc). (b). Errors in key real-valued plant parameters in its state space realization. (c). Explicit denition of performance requirements typically in the frequency-domain (rather than just the shape of step responses, location of dominant closed-loop poles etc); these reect the common objective to have small tracking errors in the low-frequency region and small control signals in the high-frequency region. (d). Unmeasurable plant disturbances, perhaps with information on their power spectral densities. (e). Unmeasurable sensor noises, perhaps with information on their power spectral densities. From now on, we focus our attention on the problem of disturbance-rejection in the presence of noisy sensor measurements so as to simplify the exposition. Adding commandfollowing to the specications is straightforward but complicates the exposition. What we want to stress relates to our philosophy that we cannot design adaptive control systems without explicit quantication of desired performance. Assume that we have a state-space description of the plant (excluding unmodeled dynamics) of the form d x(t) = A(p)x(t) + B(p)u(t) + L(p)d(t) dt y(t) = C1 (p)x(t) + D(p)n(t) (3.1) z(t) = C(p)x(t) where x(t) is the state vector, u(t) the control vector, d(t) the plant-disturbance vector, y(t) the (noisy) measurement vector, n(t) the sensor noise and z(t) the performance (output or error) vector, i.e. the vector for which we wish to minimize the eects of the disturbance d(t) and noise n(t), i.e. have superior disturbance-rejection. The system matrices depend upon a real-valued parameter vector p, where p is constrained to be in a (hyper) parallelepiped, p P ; this is a required -synthesis constraint. Thus, we must have a lower- and an upper-bound (real-valued) for each independent uncertain parameter. The disturbances, d(t), can be either deterministic time-functions or stochastic processes. In either case, the robust -synthesis requires a disturbance frequency weight for superior performance. If d(t) is a stochastic process, its power-spectral density naturally denes this weight. From a performance point of view, in order to achieve superior disturbance-rejection, the designer species a frequency weight on z(t). Typically, to achieve superior disturbanceCopyright c 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Prepared using acsauth.cls Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process. 2006; 00:00
rejection in the low-frequency region, the designer species, in the -synthesis methodology, a frequency-weight, say of the form z (s) = Ap s+
I z(s)
which implies that superior disturbance-rejection is most important in the frequency range 0 . The larger the performance-gain parameter Ap , the better the desired performancerejection. To complete the robust design synthesis the designer must provide frequency-dependent bounds for all (structured or unstructured) unmodeled dynamics, and frequency weights for the control, disturbance and sensor noise vectors. The control and sensor-noise weights, together with the bound(s) on the unmodeled dynamics, safeguard against very high-bandwidth feedback designs. 3.2. The GNARC Design Before a wise designer can make a decision on whether or not to implement an adaptive system, he/she must have a solid knowledge on what is the best robust non-adaptive design. We called the best global non-adaptive robust compensator GNARC-based design. The GNARC is computed via mixed- synthesis and it takes into account the frequency-domain bounds on unmodeled dynamics, the various frequency weights that quantify disturbance-rejection requirements, control eort and, perhaps, power spectral densities for the plant-disturbances and sensor-noises. We certainly do not intend to provide here a tutorial exposition of the mixed- synthesis method. To compute the GNARC, one xes the performance gain Ap in eq. (3.2) to some initial value and exercises the Matlab software which, after a sequence of the so-called DG-K iterations, determines a compensator K(s) and generates an upper-bound ub (). If ub () < 1 (3.3)
then the resulting feedback design is guaranteed to be stable for all legal unmodeled dynamics and the entire parameter uncertainty p P . Moreover, in addition to stability-robustness, we are guaranteed that we meet or exceed the posed performance requirements. Therefor, in order to nd the best GNARC we must maximize the performance-parameter Ap in eq. (3.2) until the -upper bound is just below unity, say 0.995 ub () 1 . The GNARC is a single dynamic (SISO or MIMO) compensator that can be used by the designer to fully understand what is the best possible robust performance in the absence of adaptation. Since the feedback system is LTI a whole variety of performance evaluations are possible, using representative values of the uncertain real-parameter vector p P for the plant, as summarized in Table I. We believe that such a thorough understanding of the non-adaptive GNARC is essential prior to making a design decision on using some sort of multiple-model adaptive control. It has been our experience that such GNARC analyses point out which parameter uncertainty is most critical; this can be used to eliminate from further consideration non-critical parameters. Moreover, the performance of the GNARC, say for a SISO system, can change drastically if one adds more measurements and/or controls. Thus, an unacceptable performance for a SISO GNARC non-adaptive system may, indeed, become acceptable if more controls and/or sensors
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Table I. List of Performance Evaluation Tools (1) Magnitude (or singular-value) Bode plot of the closed-loop transfer function from the plant disturbance, d, to output, z, which measures the quality of disturbance-rejection vs frequency. Assuming that the plant has no integrators, the magnitude of this transfer function, in the low frequency region, will be approximately 1/Ap . This is why we must maximize the performance parameter Ap for superior disturbance-rejection. (2) Magnitude (or singular-value) Bode plot of the closed-loop transfer function from the sensor noise, n, to output, z, which measures the quality of insensitivity to sensor noise vs frequency (3) Magnitude (or singular-value) Bode plot of the closed-loop transfer function from the plant disturbance, d, to control, u, which measures the impact of the plant-disturbance on the control vs frequency (4) Magnitude (or singular-value) Bode plot of the closed-loop transfer function from the sensor noise, n, to control, u, which measures the impact of the sensor noise on the control vs frequency (5) Root-mean-square (RMS) tables assuming that the plant-disturbance, d, and the sensor noise, n, are stationary stochastic processes. Such RMS values are readily evaluated via the solution of Lyapunov equations. Individual or combined RMS tables for the output, z, and the control, u, as a function of the plant-disturbance, d, and the sensor noise, n, can be computed. (6) Time-domain responses, e.g. step- or sinusoidal-disturbance, stochastic signals, etc for dierent values of the uncertain constant parameters and for slowly time-varying parameters (within their predened ranges).
are introduced [2] and a MIMO GNARC analyzed, thereby eliminating the need for complex adaptive control. 3.3. The FNARC Design If the GNARC analyses discussed above indicate the need for adaptive control, they provide a lower-bound upon robust performance. The xed non-adaptive robust compensators (FNARC) provide the means for quantifying an upper-bound on robust performance. Ideally, the FNARC analyses assumes an innite number of models, N , in any multiplemodel adaptive scheme. Thus, we understand what is the best possible performance if we knew the real parameter(s) exactly. In practice, to determine the FNARC one uses a dense grid of parameters pj , j , in P and determines the associated robust compensator for each pj using exactly the same bounds on unmodeled dynamics and frequency weights employed in the GNARC design. Thus, we can make fair and meaningful comparisons. For each pj we use the complex- design methodology and Matlab software [49], because both the performance weights and bounds on unmodeled dynamics are complex-valued and there are no real parameter uncertainties. For each pj , we again maximize the performance-parameter Ap in (3.2) until the complex- upper-bound, c () is just below unity for all frequencies, say c () 0.995 , to be consistent with ub ub the GNARC lower-bound. One can then again analyze each FNARC design using the six techniques outlined in Table I.
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Our experience indicates that detailed analyses, especially at the corners and faces of the hyperparallelepiped P , provide useful insights regarding the impact of the subset of the uncertain real parameters upon performance; this determines the need for sophisticated adaptive control. 3.4. The Potential Benet of Adaptive Control Recall that we had posed the following question: do we need adaptive control? The GNARC and FNARC results provide the designer with the means to answer this question. In Fig. 5 we visualize a hypothetical plot of the outcome of the GNARC and FNARC designs by plotting the (maximized) performance parameter Ap , see (3.2), as a function of a scalar uncertain real parameter, p, pL p pU . We denote the (constant) value associated with the GNARC design by AG . We denote the parameter-dependent value associated with the p FNARC by AF (p), pL p pU . The dierence, AF (p) AG 0 quanties the impact p p p of the uncertain parameter p [pL , pU ] upon performance. The FNARC process indicates that if the parameter p were known exactly, then the (low-frequency) disturbance-rejection is approximately 1/AF (p). The GNARC process indicates that if the parameter p were unknown, p then the (low-frequency) disturbance-rejection is approximately 1/AG . Note that to obtain the p FNARC benets we must implement a multiple-model architecture with an innite number of models. In this manner we have quantied the potential performance benets of adaptive control; the non-adaptive (single-model) GNARC provides the lower-bound upon expected performance, while the adaptive (innite-model) FNARC provides the performance upperbound. This information is critical in deciding whether to implement an adaptive control system or not. The shapes of the curves in Fig. 5 provide additional valuable information. In the hypothetical case of Fig. 5, we should expect the benet of using adaptive control to be greatest if the true parameter was near its upper-bound, i.e. p pU . The benets decrease if the unknown parameter is closer to its lower-bound, i.e. p pL . Indeed it may well happen that AF (pL ) = AG . This can occur, for example, if the parameter p, in rad/sec, represents p p the value of a non-minimum phase zero which places inherent restrictions upon disturbancerejection (see, e.g. [70]). Such a non-minimum phase system has been analyzed, using the RMMAC, in [27].
P e r f o r m a n c e p a r a m e t e r
F Ap ( p )
AG p
Figure 5. Hypothetical comparison of the performance parameter, Ap , for the GNARC and FNARC for the case of a scalar uncertain real parameter, p, pL p pU .
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retemarap ralacS :
If we have an uncertain m-dimensional parameter vector, constrained in a hyperparallelepiped, i.e. p P Rm , the calculations are more complex to construct the two hypersurfaces along the lines suggested by Fig. 5 [2]. However, the same philosophy still applies. In [42] a two-input two-output RMMAC system with two uncertain real parameters is designed and analyzed. 3.5. Determining the Number of Models and Designing the LNARCs Let us suppose that we have decided that there is a substantial benet in using adaptive control and that we wish to use a multiple-model architecture. As we remarked before, the adaptive complexity is directly related to the number N of models in either the SMMAC or RMMAC implementation. Recall that the non-adaptive GNARC requires N = 1 model while the FNARC requires N = models. Clearly, there must be a happy medium. 3.5.1. A Brute-Force Approach. A brute-force approach is to decide on the number of models, say N =4, and their parameter variation as illustrated in the hypothetical visualization of Fig. 6.
A4 p A3 p
2 Ap
P e r f o r m a n c e p a r a m e t e r
pL = p11
1 p
p12 = p21
p22 = p31
p32 = p41
Figure 6. Illustration of a brute-force selection of four models. An ad-hoc decision is made on the number of models, N =4, and the specication of their boundaries, [pkL , pkU ], k = 1, 2, 3, 4, for each model M#k. The Ak denote the maximized value of the performance parameter in eq. (3.2). p
Essentially, in this approach, the designer xes the adaptive complexity, quantied by N , of the multiple-model system. Each model, denoted by M#k (k=1,2,3,4) requires denition of its local lower-bound, pkL , k = 1, 2, 3, 4, and upper-bound, pkU , k = 1, 2, 3, 4, i.e. Model Model Model Model #1 (M #1) : #2 (M #2) : #3 (M #3) : #4 (M #4) : pL = p1L p p1U p1U = p2L p p2U p2U = p3L p p3U p3U = p4L p p4U = pU
The model upper- and lower-bounds must be found by trial-and-error in this brute-force method. After the models are selected, all frequency-dependent bounds and weights are xed as in the GNARC and FNARC designs. Next, for each model the performance parameter Ap see (3.2) denoted now by Ak , k=1,2,3,4, is maximized using the mixed- software, in an iterative p mode, for the smaller parameter uncertainty subset associated with each model. Thus, for each model, we are again attempting to attain as large a disturbance-rejection as possible. Moreover,
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CRANG 4# M 3# M 2# M 1# M
p44 = pU
at the end of this iterative optimization process, the software also generates what we call the local non-adaptive robust compensator (LNARC) which we denote by Kj (s), j = 1, 2, 3, 4. The values of the Ak , k=1,2,3,4, as illustrated in Fig. 6 can be used as a guide for adjusting p the boundaries of each model or changing the number of models. Each of the resulting LNARC designs can be evaluated in more detail by following the suggestions in Table I. The RMMAC numerical results presented in [27, 29] followed such an ad-hoc approach for determining the models and the associated LNARCs. The same process can be used to design the multi-controllers in the SMMAC. 3.5.2. A More Systematic Approach to Model Selection and Denition: The % FNARC method. The numerical simulations for the RMMAC design in Section 6 utilize a much more systematic approach to the determination of the number of models and their numerical specication. This method fully exploits the information provided by the FNARC curve in Fig. 5. We have remarked that the number of models required for any adaptive multiple-model design should be the natural outcome of performance design specications. In the so-called % FNARC approach the designer species that the performance parameter, Ap , should be equal or greater than X% of the best possible performance as dened by the FNARC. The basic idea is illustrated in Fig. 7, starting from the GNARC and FNARC curves of Fig. 5. Using the designer-specied value of X%, we construct the X% FNARC, shown in Fig. 7, and we proceed as follows. Since the FNARC is maximum at p = pU , we slowly increase, starting from the upper limit, the size of the parameter uncertainty set = {p : p pU }. For each value of , we use the mixed- software to design the best robust controller by maximizing the performance parameter Ap denoted by Amax . As long as Amax > (X%) AF (), where p p p AF () is the parameter value of the FNARC at p = , then we decrease until at = we p have Amax = (X%) AF ( ). The outcome of this process denes the dashed curve labeled p p 1 in Fig. 7. The point is at the intersection of the 1 curve with the X% FNARC curve. This denes Model #1 (M#1) with uncertainty set 1 = {p : p pU }; we also remark that the -software determines in addition the LNARC #1 controller denoted by K1 (s). The process is repeated from the (right) boundary of M#1, . Starting at p = , we dene the set = {p : p }. For each value of , we use the mixed- software to
2 M #2 *
1 M #1
. . .
P e r f o r m a n c e p a r a m e t e r
F Ap ( p )
design the best robust controller by maximizing the performance parameter Ap denoted by A max . As long as A max > (X%) AF (), where AF () is the parameter value of the p p p p FNARC at p = , then is decreased until at = we have A max = (X%) AF ( ). p p The outcome of this process denes the dashed curve labeled 2 in Fig. 7. The point is at the intersection of the 2 curve with the X% FNARC curve. This denes Model #2 (M#2) with uncertainty set 2 = {p : p }. It is noted that the -software also determines the LNARC #2 controller denoted by K2 (s). The process is repeated until the parameter lower-bound is reached. The % FNARC method is straightforward for systems involving a single scalar uncertain real parameter. In the case of two, or more, uncertain parameters the procedure has to be modied. For the case of two or more uncertain parameters, the GNARC, FNARC and % FNARC become surfaces. The above process yields intersection of surfaces (the equivalent of 1 , 2 , . . . are also surfaces). Unfortunately, the intersection of these surfaces does not occur along rectangular (or parallelepiped) parameter subsets. However, recall that the mixed software requires rectangular (or parallelepiped) constraints for uncertain parameter sets. Suggested modications to the % FNARC concept are discussed in [2]. 3.6. Discussion In this section we presented an overview of what we believe is the proper way of designing compensators or multi-controllers for the RMMAC and SMMAC architectures. We are driven by the desire that we must guarantee (local) robust-stability and robust-performance. This implies that we must exploit the state-of-the-art of the mixed- synthesis methodology and software. We also stressed the value of having optimized performance lower-bounds (via the GNARC) and upper-bounds (via the FNARC) to aid the control system designer in the selection of the models, their number and their numerical specication (and hence complexity of the adaptive system). We presented two methods (there are more) for dening the models and the associated compensators (the LNARCs) driven by designer-specied performance or complexity specications.
4. DESIGNING THE BANK OF KALMAN FILTERS FOR THE RMMAC ARCHITECTURE 4.1. Introduction In this section we discuss the critical issues related to the design of the Kalman lters (KFs) in the RMMAC architecture. We remark that the design of the bank of KFs is much more systematic (and complex) that the ad-hoc multi-estimators employed in SMMAC architectures. The proper design of each KF in the RMMAC architecture of Fig. 4 is crucial in order to satisfy the theoretical assumptions [61, 62, 63] which will imply that the PPE will yield the correct model identication. The KF design explicitly utilizes the Baram proximity measure (BPM) Appendix II presents the summary concepts leading to the on-line generation of the posterior probabilities and contains the key equations for calculating the Baram proximity measure (BPM). The design of the KFs is done after the number of models and their boundaries have been established using the procedures in Section 3.5. Recall that the original parameter set, p P (a
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k = P
and each k denes the associated Model #k. We need to design a discrete-time steady-state KF for each k . To accomplish this we need to specify the nominal value of the parameter, denoted by p k , which will be used to design the k th Kalman lter. Each KF requires k specication of the intensity matrices of the plant white noise and of the sensor white noise. The na ve point of view would be to choose p at the center of k . Unfortunately, this may k lead to unpredictable behavior in the convergence of the posterior probabilities. The correct way is to select the p using the Baram proximity measure (BPM). k The presence of unmodeled dynamics (and their frequency-domain bounds) is neglected in the design of the KFs. Unfortunately, we are not aware of any theory that is currently available to help us design KFs that are robust in the presence of unmodeled dynamics. Thus, to robustify the KFs we often use fake plant white noise. This engineering trick [67] is extremely common in engineering estimation applications. It causes the KF gains to increase and pay more attention to the measurements, which after all contain the actual information about the uncertain plant. 4.2. The Baram Proximity Measure (BPM) Let p and let p denote the nominal value used to implement a KF. If p = p , then the steady-state KF residual, r (t), would be a stationary white-noise sequence with a specic covariance matrix S . If the data were generated by a dierent LTI system, with p = p , then the KF residual r(t) would no longer be white. The BPM is a real-valued function, denoted by L (p, p ) which measures how large is the stochastic distance between the residuals r(t) and r (t). See Appendix II for details. Now suppose that p , as above, but we have designed two dierent KFs, one (KF #1) with nominal value p and another (KF #2) with p . Now we can calculate two 2 1 BPMs, L1 L (p, p ) and L2 L (p, p ). 2 1 Fig. 8 illustrates this idea for a scalar parameter, p, where we visualize the BPMs L1 and L2 for all p . For the specic value p = pA shown, we can see that L (pA , p ) < L (pA , p ). 2 1 The implication of this is that for a 2-model MMAE, when the true value is p = pA , the posterior probabilities P1 (t) 1, P2 (t) 0, so that we have convergence to Model #1 (dened by KF #1), even though the Euclidean distances would indicate the opposite (|pA p | > |pA p |). 2 1 Fundamental convergence result: In [61] this result was generalized and proved for an arbitrary number of stable KFs designed for the nominal values p , p , . . . , p . If the BPM 1 2 N satises the inequality L(p, p ) < L(p, p ) k = j = 1, 2, . . . , N j k (4.2)
then, under some additional stationarity and ergodicity assumptions see Appendix II the posterior probabilities converge almost surely to the correct model, i.e.
lim Pj (t) 1
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L2 = L( p, p* ) 2
* L1 = L( p, p1 )
4.3. Integrating Probability Convergence Results for the RMMAC The outcome of the controller design of Section 3 yielded the number of models, N, and their boundaries, in terms of the parallelepipeds 1 , 2 , . . . , N which dene the models M #1, M #2, . . . , M #N. The question now is: how do we select the nominal values p , p , . . . , p to 1 2 N design the KFs? The idea, illustrated for three models in Fig. 9 for a scalar parameter, is to use an iterative algorithm to calculate the nominal KF values p , p , p , so that the BPMs are equal at the 1 2 3 boundary of adjacent s . In this manner, the fundamental probability convergence result will guarantee that p j Pj (t) 1 a.s. This, is the method we use in the numerical RMMAC simulations of Section 6. This method becomes more complicated when we have two, or more, uncertain parameters. It becomes necessary to use some sort of genetic algorithm to determine the optimized nominal KF design points so that the BPM surfaces agree at the model boundaries [42, 2].
Figure 9. Optimizing the KF nominal design points using the BPMs so that they are equal at the boundaries of adjacent models.
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* p1
* p2
L2 L1
* p3
* p2
2 1
4.4. Discussion We have presented a brief summary on how to optimize the design of the KFs in the RMMAC architecture using the BPM, so as to ensure correct model identication by the posterior probabilities. We stress that a KF is optimal if indeed the data is generated by the same model as that used to design the KF. In adaptive control, however, the true parameter is NOT identical to that of the closest KF in the sense of Section 4.3. Also, the unmodeled dynamics are not taken into account in the design of the KF. Moreover, the KFs and the PPE must perform well even when some of the stochastic assumptions are violated. Thus, we may need to robustify the KF to be tolerant of such errors. The engineering practice of using suitable fake plant white noise is a very useful tool. We have found [42, 2] that judicious use of fake plant white noise (which causes the KF gains to increase and pay more attention to the measurements [67]) can be a very valuable tool in improving the quality and speed of probability convergence. We believe that future fundamental studies of robustifying KFs, in the context of multiple-model adaptive control, are very relevant. Also, the identication must work when the parameters change slowly as a function of time. It is also important to note that similar probability convergence results for the MMAE can be found in [57, pp. 267279] and cited references therein) which used the so-called Kullback information metric. The Kullback metric, however, is not a true norm (it violates the triangle inequality). Nonetheless, it would be highly desirable that future research examines in-depth the relationship of the BPM and the Kullback metric, especially with respect to posterior probability convergence behavior.
5. THE RMMAC/XI ARCHITECTURE The simulations in Section 6 will demonstrate that the RMMAC works quite well even if we violate the theoretical assumptions for MMAE convergence in a mild manner. This fact is supported by hundreds of dierent simulations in Fekris Ph.D. thesis [2]. Nonetheless, we must always remember that: theories have limitations, stupidity does not! Obviously, the superior performance of the RMMAC hinges upon the rapid convergence of the posterior probabilities to the correct model (see eq. 2.4 and Appendices I and II). As we remarked in Section 2.5 such a convergence critically depends upon the regularity of the residuals generated by the bank of Kalman lters (KFs) in Fig. 4. Each KF is designed for a particular covariance matrix cov[(t); ( )] = E{(t) ( )} = (t ) of the continuous-time zero-mean plant white noise (t), where is the plant-noise intensity matrix. The numerical value of the intensity noise will determine the size of the KF gains and the residual covariance matrices Sk . These will determine the size of the colored stochastic disturbances applied to the plant. Under normal operating conditions these exogenous plant disturbances will fall within a specic range. It may very well happen that once-in-a-while the actual plant disturbances become very much larger than the normal ones . During these abnormal time-intervals, the
load-alleviation automatic control systems are often designed for dierent levels of turbulence and the pilot can switch-in the appropriate control system. However, in case of extreme turbulence (not anticipated Copyright c 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Prepared using acsauth.cls Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process. 2006; 00:00
actual KF residuals will be much larger than those predicted by their associated normal residual covariances, Sk . Our experience has been that during these abnormal time intervals [2], the posterior probabilities generated by eq. (2.4) can undergo rapid oscillations and frequent switching among the models and, as a consequence, the RMMAC performance deteriorates; often it is worse than that of the nonadaptive GNARC design. A numerical example in Section 6 will provide concrete evidence of this phenomenon. In short, the RMMAC can behave poorly when the true stochastic plant disturbances, as quantied by the intensity matrix act of the actual plant white noise, are very dierent from those associated with the intensity d used to design the linear KFs. If act d , then the actual residuals are much higher than, say, the 3-sigma values expected by the residual covariance matrices Sk see eq. (2.4) and this can lead to rapid switching of the posterior probabilities, confused identication and poor RMMAC performance. If, on the other hand, act d , then the actual residuals are much lower than, say, the 3-sigma values expected by the residual covariance matrices Sk and this can also lead to rapid switching of the posterior probabilities, or slow convergence, confused identication and poor RMMAC performance. In this case, the smaller actual plant disturbance may not indeed provide sucient persistent excitation, required by the identiability conditions, to generate signals that are not masked by the measurement noise. These pragmatic considerations led us to develop the so-called RMMAC/XI architecture illustrated in Fig. 10. By increasing the complexity of the RMMAC we can mitigate the RMMAC performance deterioration problems. The basic idea in RMMAC/XI is to introduce additional models, i.e. increase the number of hypotheses, to reect dierent ranges of the plant noise intensity matrix . Let us assume that the number, N , of models and their size has been determined by the required adaptive performance specications and that we have already calculated the N LNARCs denoted by Kk (s), k = 1, 2, . . . , N. Let us further suppose that the plant noise intensity is bounded by [L , H ] and that, for the sake of simplicity, we decide to select two intermediate values, 1 and 2 , such that L < 1 < 2 < H Then we design two sets of linear KFs, one set indexed by k = 1, 2, . . . , N using the noise intensity 1 and the second set indexed by k = N + 1, N + 2, . . . , 2N using the noise intensity 2 . It is important to stress that the nominal points for designing each KF, as determined by the BPM method of Section 4 will be dierent (and must be recomputed) for each value of 1 and 2 . Essentially, we have doubled the number of hypotheses in the associated MMAE; but we can still apply the MMAE-based identication methodology. This allows us to dene the RMMAC/XI architecture shown in Fig. 10. Note that each of the 2N KFs will now generate a dierent residual, rk (t), k = 1, 2, . . . , 2N. Also, we pre-compute the 2N residual covariance matrices Sk . These are introduced to the PPE of Fig. 10 which will generate 2N posterior probabilities, Pk (t), k = 1, 2, . . . , 2N , one for each of the 2N hypotheses. Note, however, that the bank, and number, of the N LNARCs is unchanged, since their design does not depend on ; the LNARCs are only inuenced by the
in the design phase) the pilot typically disconnects the control system and ies the aircraft himself. Copyright c 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Prepared using acsauth.cls Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process. 2006; 00:00
y (t )
Designed with =
r1 (t )
K1 ( s )
u1 (t )
r2 (t )
u2 (t )
K 2 ( s)
rN (t )
u (t )
Designed with =
rN +1 (t )
K N ( s)
rN + 2 (t )
u N (t )
r2 N (t )
P (t ) 1
PN (t )
PN +1 (t )
S2 N
P2 N (t )
disturbance frequency weight that is independent of . Thus, it is important to note in Fig. 10 that each LNARC control signal uk (t), k = 1, 2, . . . , N, is multiplied by the two dierent associated posterior probabilities, Pk (t) and Pk+N (t), to generate the overall adaptive control u(t). It is obvious how to generalize this idea for more than two values of . It remains an open research question on how to select intelligently the values of , other than by brute-force and trial-and-error. The advantages of implementing the RMMAC/XI architecture will be clearly demonstrated in the numerical simulations of Section 6. There we will compare the performance of the standard RMMAC with that of the RMMAC/XI during abnormal disturbance conditions.
6. RMMAC SIMULATIONS We described above how the RMMAC architecture combines the state-of-the-art in mixed robust synthesis and multiple model adaptive estimation (MMAE) system identication. Furthermore, we described the step-by-step design process required to implement a RMMAC design. In this section we test and evaluate the disturbance-rejection performance of the RMMAC
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feedback system as compared to the best GNARC non-adaptive design. We also illustrate, in a concrete way, the step-by-step design methodology of Section 3,4, and 5. We present the outcome of several Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, which demonstrate the RMMAC performance improvements, as compared to that of the best non-adaptive GNARC system. Overall, for the example considered, the proposed RMMAC design yields signicant performance improvements over the non-adaptive GNARC, thereby conrming the positive aspects of this adaptive control method. We present simulation results when we satisfy or mildly violate the theoretical assumptions for both a constant as well as a slowly time-varying uncertain scalar parameter. We also discuss what happens when we severely violate the theoretical assumptions and compare the performance of the standard RMMAC and RMMAC/XI in abnormal disturbance environments. 6.1. The Two-Cart Example Dynamics The RMMAC was tested and evaluated using the two-cart mass-spring-damper (MSD) system, shown in Fig. 11. A dierent topology of the two-cart system was analysed by the RMMAC in [29].
e s
Figure 11. The two-cart MSD system. The spring-constant k1 is uncertain. Also, the time-delay, , is uncertain; it represents unmodeled dynamics.
The system in Fig. 11 includes a random colored disturbance force, d(t), acting on mass m2 and sensor noise on the only measurement of the position of mass m2 . The control force u(t) acts upon the mass m1 . The disturbance force d(t) is a stationary rst-order (colored) stochastic process generated by driving a low-pass lter, Wd (s), with continuous-time white noise (t), with zero mean and unit intensity, i.e = 1, as follows: d(s) = (s) s+
Wd (s)
The overall state-space representation, including the disturbance dynamics via the state variable x5 (t), is: x(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) + L(t) y(t) = Cx(t) + (t) where the state vector is xT (t) = [x1 (t) x2 (t) x1 (t) x2 (t) d(t)]
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and 0 0 k A = m11 k1
0 0
k1 m1 +k (k1m2 2 )
1 0
b m11 b1 m2
0 1
b1 m1 +b (b1m2 2 )
0 0
0 0 0 1
BT = 0
1 m1
0 0 ;C = 0 0
L = 0 0
The following parameters in (6.2) are xed and known: m1 = m2 = 1, k2 = 0.15, b1 = b2 = 0.1, = 0.1 The upper and lower-bounds for the uncertain spring constant, k1 , are: = {k1 : 0.25 k1 1.75} The performance variable (output) z(t) is the position of mass m2 , z(t) x2 (t) (6.5) (6.4) (6.3)
All feedback loops utilize a single measurement y(t), that includes additive white sensor noise (t), independent of (t) dened by y(t) x2 (t) + (t) E{(t)} = 0, E{(t)( )} = 106 (t ) (6.6)
The desired disturbance-rejection requires that the eects of d(t) and (t) be minimized at the output, so that z(t) 0. Remark: The control problem is hard even if the spring, k1 , is known. Clearly, the control problem becomes much harder in our adaptive design, because the control u(t) is applied via the uncertain spring, so we are not sure how much force is exerted through the uncertain spring to the mass m2 . Thus, we have a non-collocated actuator problem because the control is not applied to the mass m2 whose position we wish to regulate. In addition to the uncertain spring stiness, we assume that there is, in the control channel, an unmodeled time-delay whose maximum possible value is 0.05 sec, i.e. 0.05 sec (6.7)
The frequency-domain upper-bound for the unmodeled time-delay, which serves, for this example, as a surrogate for unmodeled dynamics, is required by the mixed- synthesis design and is the magnitude of the rst order transfer function Wunmod (s) =
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2.1s s + 40
6.2. Designing the Global Non-Adaptive Robust Compensator (GNARC) In this section we discuss the details behind the mixed- design of the GNARC system, which guarantees the best robust-stability and robust-performance for the entire large spring uncertainty of (6.4). As explained in Section 3, the GNARC system will dene what we can best expect in the absence of adaptation. As it is common in H2 or H designs, we use the following frequency domain weights on the control and measurement noise, 10(s + 10) s + 103 Measurement noise weight: Wn = 103 (constant) Control weight: Wu (s) = (6.9)
These, together with the unmodeled dynamics weight (6.8), limit the bandwidth of the closedloop system by penalizing large high-frequency control signals. The control weight Wu (s) allows large controls at lower frequencies, where we desired superior disturbance-rejection, while penalizing controls at higher frequencies. The frequency weights (6.8) and (6.9) are incorporated in the denition of the nominal generalized plant, together with (6.2) with k1 = 1.0. The weights (6.1), (6.8), and (6.9) will not change in any of the subsequent designs. To carry out the mixed- synthesis, the parameter uncertainty of (6.4) is represented by 0.25 k1 1.75 k1 = 1.0 + 0.75 k1 ; |k1 | 1 (6.10)
In order to design the best possible non-adaptive feedback system the following type of performance weight upon the output z(t) is used. 0.1 (6.11) s + 0.1 which reects our specication for good disturbance-rejection for the frequency range 0.1 rad/sec where the disturbance d(t) has most of its power; see eq. (6.1). Notice that the performance weight Wp (s) penalizes the output error in the same frequency range as the disturbance dynamics Wd (s), while the gain parameter Ap in Wp (s) species our desired level of disturbance-rejection. The larger Ap , the greater the penalty on the eect of the disturbances on the position. As we described in Section 3, for superior disturbance-rejection Ap should be as large as possible; how large it can be is only limited by the required guarantees on robuststability and -performance inherent in the mixed- synthesis methodology. Fig. 12 shows the MSD plant with weights as required by mixed- synthesis. One can note that there are two frequency-weighted errors z (t) and u(t). This gure is in fact a block diagram of the uncertain closed-loop MSD system illustrating the disturbancerejection performance objective namely the closed-loop transfer function from (t) z(t), or d(t) z(t). The position error z is our main performance variable for evaluating the quality of the disturbance-rejection. Since Wp (s) = Ap z (s) = Wp (s) z(s) = Ap 0.1 s + 0.1 z(s) (6.12)
we communicate to the -design that position errors are most important below the corner frequency 0.1 rad/sec. The larger the performance parameter Ap , the more one cares about position errors at all frequencies.
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(t )
(t )
s +
z (t )
u (t )
y (t )
Figure 12. The MSD system with weights for mixed- synthesis.
The control error u(t) is dened by u(s) = Wu (s) u(s) = 10 s + 10 s + 103 u(s) (6.13)
Thus, Wu (s) is a high-pass lter that penalizes the system for using large controls at high frequencies. Using the mixed- software [48] the performance parameter Ap in (6.11) is increased, as much as possible, until the upper-bound on the mixed-, ub (), satises the inequality ub () 1, (6.14)
which is only a sucient condition for both stability- and performance-robustness. The largest value of the performance parameter Ap in (6.11) was to be AG = 50.75 (with ub 0.995) p (6.15)
which leads to the GNARC design, i.e. the best LTI non-adaptive compensator K(s) that guarantees stability- and performance-robustness for the entire parameter uncertainty interval (6.4). As explained in Section 3, the performance characteristics of the GNARC are to be used as the comparison-basis for evaluating performance improvement (if any) of our proposed RMMAC design. See Section 3.2. 6.3. Designing the Local Non-Adaptive Robust Compensators (LNARCs) Following the procedure presented in Section 3, the plots of the maximized performance parameter Ap for the GNARC design and the FNARC designs (requiring an innite number of models) is shown in Fig. 13. This gure shows that there is a potential 20-fold improvement in performance by using adaptive control. Remark: In Fig. 13, the GNARC and FNARC look at for all values of k1 . Actually, the FNARC becomes a little smaller as we approach small values of k1 , but this can not be noticed in the gure. This atness disappears if we change our control specications [2]. Next, we specify a desired level of adaptive performance to be 70% of the FNARC, i.e. X = 70%, following the discussion of Section 3.5.2.
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p A
d (t )
z (t )
u (t )
10 0.25
0.75 k1
Figure 13. Best GNARC and FNARC performance gains for spring-stiness uncertainty interval in (6.4); note the log scale along the vertical axis.
Fig. 14 shows how four models (subintervals) are determined to be used for the RMMAC based upon the required performance level of X = 70%. Their characteristics are summarized in Table II. Explanation. We now provide a bit more detail on how the four models of Fig. 14 are obtained. Starting at the North-East corner labeled F1 , k1 = 1.75, (because the FNARC is maximum there) we slowly open-up the uncertain interval denoted by b = {k1 : b k1 1.75}. For each interval, we iterate (using the mixed software [48]) to calculate the maximum performance parameter Ab which results in the p dashed curve, labeled 1 in Fig. 14. When the curve 1 intersects the 70% FNARC curve we stop. In this example, this occurs at k1 = 1.02 which yields the subset 1 = [1.02, 1.75], i.e. 1.02 k1 1.75, Model M#1, and LNARC #1. The left boundary of M#1 denes the point labeled F2 on the FNARC. Starting from this point we slowly open up the interval denoted by c = {k1 : c k1 1.02}. Once more, we iterate using the mixed- software to calculate the maximum performance parameter Ac which results in the dashed curve, labeled 2 in Fig. 14. p When the curve 2 intersects the 70% FNARC curve we stop. In this example, this occurs at k1 = 0.64 which yields the subset 2 = [0.64, 1.02], i.e. 0.64 k1 1.02, Model #2, and LNARC #2. Repeating this process leads to the curves labeled 3 and 4 in Fig. 14 and the four models summarized in Table II.
70% of FNARC
0 0.25
Figure 14. Construction of the four models using the performance requirement X=70% of the FNARC.
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= [0.25, 1.75] 1 = [1.02, 1.75] 2 = [0.64, 1.02] 3 = [0.40, 0.64] 4 = [0.25, 0.40]
Best performance gains for the GNARC and each of the four LNARCs used in subsequent designs vs FNARC
As a result, the entire initial uncertainty set of (6.4) is covered by four models requiring four local compensators. Clearly, the reduction in parameter uncertainty allows larger performance gains for designing the LNARCs, resulting into guaranteed both stability- and -performance robustness over the corresponding subintervals of Table II. Note that we should expect, on the average, about 20 times better performance from the RMMAC as compared to the GNARC ( 694.5/50.75) The above model selection procedure also generates four local robust compensators, K1 (s), . . . , K4 (s), designed for each subinterval (model) dened in Table II; these are referred to as LNARCs. In the mixed- synthesis, the weights (6.1), (6.8) and (6.9) were the same as in the GNARC design of Section 6.2. However, for each LNARC design, the performance parameter Ap in (6.11) is maximized until the mixed- bound of (6.14) is achieved, and their optimized values are shown in the last column of Table II. Fig. 15 compares the GNARC compensator K(s) with the four LNARCs, namely K1 (s), . . . , K4 (s) by examining their Bode magnitude plots; it is clear that at low frequencies the LNARCs generate a loop-gain about 20 times as large compared to the GNARC and this, naturally, leads to the performance improvements in disturbance-rejection discussed below, especially in the specied frequency region < 0.1 rad/sec. We emphasize that each individual LNARC closed-loop design has guaranteed performance- and stability-robustness over its associated parameter subinterval of Table II. These also conrm the rough predictions implied by Table II. These also conrm the rough predictions implied by Table II. Remark: In the design philosophy adopted in this paper we have stressed that the adaptive
10 10 10 10 10 10
10 Freq. (rad/sec)10
Figure 15. Compensator frequency-domain characteristics (Bode plot) of the GNARC and the four LNARCs.
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controller complexity, as measured by the number of models in the RMMAC should be the natural by-product of the performance requirements. We have just demonstrated that if we demand that the performance equals or exceeds X=70% of the FNARC, we require the four models summarized in Table II. If we are willing to accept a somewhat inferior performance and select, say, X=50% then the procedure outlined yields only two models. If we wish to have much better performance and select, say, X=90%, then the outlined procedure yields nine models. Therefore, as we demand better and better performance we must increase the RMMAC complexity, and this agrees with engineering intuition. If explicit performance requirements were used in the design of the SMMAC, the same philosophy could be applied for those architectures as well. 6.4. Predicting Potential RMMAC Performance Benets Testing the RMMAC requires signicant computation using multiple Monte Carlo (MC) runs under dierent scenarios. It is highly desirable, as explained in Section 3, to use the LTI feedback designs, using the GNARC and LNARCs, to quantify the potential benets of using adaptive control in general, and the RMMAC in particular. From a pragmatic engineering perspective we must have tradeos that contrast the performance improvements (if any) of the very sophisticated RMMAC vis-a-vis the much simpler non-adaptive GNARC design. To the best of our knowledge, such performance tradeos have not been explicitly quantied in other adaptive control studies. Referring to Fig. 4, the RMMAC requires the on-line computation of its four Kalman lters (KFs) as well as of its four dynamic LNARCs, K1 (s), . . . , K4 (s), in addition to the calculation of the four posterior probabilities, P1 (s), . . . , P4 (s), by the posterior probability evaluator (PPE) a lot of computations! In order to understand how one can easily predict the potential RMMAC performance characteristics, assume that one of the posterior probabilities converges to its nearest probabilistic neighbor (which it does, as we demonstrate in the sequel); it follows that, after a transient time, a specic LNARC is used. After the probability convergence, the RMMAC essentially operates as an LTI stochastic feedback system! In the spirit of Table I, this allows us to calculate two key transfer functions for disturbancerejection and control signal characteristics Disturbance - rejection: Mz (s) Control - signal: Mu (s)
z(s) (s) u(s) (s)
for dierent values of the uncertain spring stiness of (6.4), for the GNARC and for each LNARC design. Fig. 16 illustrates the above using the dierent spring constants quantifying the potential RMMAC improvement in disturbance-rejection in the frequency domain. Fig. 16 predicts that the RMMAC has the potential to signicantly improve disturbance-rejection on the 1 order of Ap . These predictions will be again validated in the sequel. Similar plots for control signal characteristics can be made for other values of the uncertain spring constant. Other transfer functions could also be computed (not shown) from the plant disturbance (t) and the sensor noise (t) to the control u(t).
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10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10
10 10
10 10 Freq. (rad/sec)
10 10 Freq. (rad/sec)
10 10
10 10 Freq. (rad/sec)
10 10 Freq. (rad/sec)
Figure 16. Potential improvement from RMMAC visualized by Bode plots of the disturbance-rejection transfer function |Mz (j)| of eq. (6.16).
Fig. 17 evaluates the potential performance improvement of using RMMAC by using stochastic metrics, namely by comparing the steady-state RMS errors of the output z and the control u, for dierent values of k1 . Assuming that and are indeed white noises, these RMS results are readily computed by solving standard covariance algebraic Lyapunov equations for stochastic LTI systems, e.g. [60]. The graphs of Fig. 17 vividly suggest that RMMAC has the potential of decreasing the output RMS by a factor of 25 over that obtained from the GNARC system. Note that the potential improvement in output RMS requires controls with higher RMS values, as expected. Note also that, since we are using -synthesis, the GNARC, FNARCs and LNARCs we design are H compensators. These H compensators do not necessarily minimize RMS errors, unlike H2 controllers. Nonetheless, RMS metrics are important in engineering analyses and complement the frequency-domain plots of Fig. 16. Finally, it is important to construct what we call the Mismatch Model/LNARC table shown in Table III. The interpretation of Table III answers the question: what happens to closed-loop stability if we use the LNARC #Kj (s) when the true spring constant is in subinterval (or model) #i? The diagonal entries in this table are always robustly-stable, by construction. Examining the rst row in Table III it is observed that for Model #1, i.e. for all k1 [1.20, 1.75], if we use the LNARC #4 we always have instability (U); if we use the LNARC #2 we have instability for smaller values of k1 , but have stability for larger values (CU). This is due to the fact that the mixed- upper-bound inequality (6.14) is only a sucient condition for both robust-stability and robust-performance and, hence, each LNARC design will actually have a wider robuststability region. It turns out that for this example, LNARC #1 maintains stability for all k1 [0.69, 1.75], LNARC #2 for all k1 [0.43, 1.58], LNARC #3 for all k1 [0.25, 1.01], and
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8 6 4 2
RMS of z(t)
0 0.25 3
0 0.25
uncertain k
Figure 17. Predicted potential RMS performance of the RMMAC vs GNARC. We assume zero sensor noise for these plots. (a): Output RMS comparisons from (t) to z(t). (b): Control RMS comparisons from (t) to u(t).
Model # 1 2 3 4
#1 S CU U U
#4 U U S S
LNARC #4 for all k1 [0.25, 0.73]. Of course, performance-robustness is only guaranteed for the models dened in Table II. 6.5. Designing the MMAE and RMMAC Identication Subsystem We now follow the process described in Section 4 to design the four Kalman lters (KFs) outlined in the RMMAC architecture of Fig. 4. As explained in Section 4, a great deal of care must be exercised in designing the Kalman lters (KFs) in the RMMAC architecture, since the convergence of the appropriate posterior probability to its nearest probabilistic neighbor is at the heart of the RMMAC identication process (see Appendices I and II). The basic decision in designing the KFs in Fig. 4 is how to select the nominal value of the uncertain spring stiness, k1 , denoted by k1i , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, which must be used for designing each of the four KFs. We stress that these nominal values are not at the centers of the sets j dened in Table II. Rather, as explained in Section 4, the KF design points, k1i , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, must be determined by an iterative optimization process
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so that the Baram proximity measures (BPMs) agree at the boundaries of adjacent sets j . The outcome of this optimization process is shown in Fig. 18 using the optimized KF nominal values.
Model#1 Model#2 Model#3 Model#4 8.13 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75
Figure 18. Baram proximity measures (BPM) for the optimized four KFs. Note that the BPMs are the same at the boundaries of adjacent model pairs.
In Fig. 18 the curves show the BPM, denoted by Li , for any value 0.25 k1 1.75 for each of the four optimized KFs. This process is required so that for any k1 j , the corresponding posterior probability Pj 1, Pk 0 k = j. The specic nominal KF numerical values for this example were obtained by iteration and are
K1 = [1.2 0.75 0.47 0.30] k1i K1 [i]
is the nominal spring constant k1 used in Model #i associated with KF #i. where = In Fig. 18 the numerical values (6.17) are shown as diamonds on the k1 axis. Although the GNARC and LNARC compensators are designed in continuous time, all simulations for this example were implemented in discrete-time using a zero-order hold with a sampling time of Ts = 0.01 secs. The KFs in the MMAE algorithm were designed in discretetime using the sampling interval Ts .; all continuous-time dynamics (plant, frequency weights, etc) were transformed to their discrete-time equivalents. In addition, the correct covariance intensities of the discrete-time white noise sequences, (.) and (.), dened in (6.1) and (6.6), were calculated [60] and used to design the four steady-state discrete-time KFs as well as the posterior probability evaluator (PPE) in Fig. 4; these discrete-time numerical results were used in all Monte Carlo (MC) simulations that are presented in the sequel. As explained in Section 2.4, the real-time KF residual sequences in Fig. 4, rj (t); j = 1, . . . , 4; t = 0, 1, 2, . . ., are used by the PPE to generate on-line the four posterior probabilities, Pj (t); j = 1, . . . , 4; t = 1, 2, . . ., which are next used to generate the overall RMMAC control signal u(t) by probabilistic weighting, i.e.
u(t) =
Pj (t) uj (t)
where the uj (t) are the local controls generated by each LNARC, Kj (s), designed in Section 6.3.
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6.6. RMMAC Stochastic Simulations and Performance Evaluations Unless stated otherwise: (a) all simulations use a plant-stochastic disturbance and white measurement noise generated according to (6.1) and (6.6). The true system includes an actual (but unmodeled) legal time-delay of 0.01 secs in the control channel. (b) all initial model probabilities are initialized to be Pk (0) = 0.25 (k = 1, . . . , 4) at t = 0 secs. (c) we present numerical averages for 5 MC simulations. In the sequel some representative stochastic simulations are shown using the complete RMMAC closed-loop system. Due to space limitations, we only show typical plots; however, our conclusions are based on thousands of other MC runs not explicitly shown in this paper [2]. 6.6.1. Easy Identication, I: The dynamic evolution of the four posterior probabilities when the true k1 = 1.65, well inside the Model #1 subinterval, and the corresponding outputs for the RMMAC and the GNARC systems are shown in Fig. 19. The correct model (Model #1) is identied quickly in about 2 secs. The signicant improvement in disturbance-rejection by the RMMAC vis-a-vis that of the GNARC is evident as shown in 19(b). 6.6.2. Easy Identication, II: The dynamic evolution of the four posterior probabilities when the true k1 = 0.3, well inside the Model #4 subinterval, and the corresponding outputs for the RMMAC and the GNARC systems are shown in Fig. 20(a). The correct model (Model #4) is identied quickly in about 10 secs. The improvement in disturbance-rejection by the RMMAC is again evident as shown in Fig. 20(b). 6.6.3. Harder Identication: When the actual spring constant is near the boundary between two models, it takes longer (more data) to resolve the true hypothesis. In this example, k1 = 0.405 is selected which belongs to Model #3 but is also very close to Model #4, see
P (t)
0 1
P (t)
P (t)
0 0.4
P (t)
0.2 0
time (sec)
P (t)
0.5 0 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
P (t)
1 2
P (t)
0.5 0 1
P (t)
0.5 0
time (sec)
Fig. 18. The probabilities vs time as well as output comparisons are shown in Fig. 21. It takes about 50 secs to resolve the ambiguity between Models #3 and #4. Fig. 21(a) shows that the probabilistic weighting of the control according to (6.18) persists for about 50 secs. However, as evidenced by Fig. 21(b), there is no signicant degradation of the RMMAC disturbance-rejection as compared to the GNARC. In order to demonstrate that the probabilistic weighting (6.18) works very well we present the following result. In Fig. 22 the performance of the nonadaptive system is shown when we x P3 (t) = 1, t = 0, 1, 2, . . . , i.e. when we have perfect identication from the start, with that of the RMMAC and compare the resulting output response. The results shown in Fig. 21 demonstrate that the probabilistic averaging results in insignicant performance deterioration. Hence our probabilistic gain-scheduling works well.
P (t)
0.5 0 1 0 20 40 60 80
P (t)
0.5 0 20 40 60 80
0 1
P (t)
0.5 0 1 0 20 40 60 80
P (t)
3 4
0.5 0 0 20 40 60 80
0.04 0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 21. Simulation results for k1 = 0.405 (in Model #3), but also close to Model #4.
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0.025 0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 22. LNARC #3 (perfect identication) and RMMAC output comparisons for k1 = 0.405. Note the insignicant deterioration in disturbance rejection by the RMMAC.
6.6.4. Mismatch Model/LNARC Instability: In Section 6.4 we raised the critical issue of Model/LNARC mismatch instability. In Table III the mismatch-stability properties of the LNARC designs are summarized. We discuss this important issue by some simulations. First, we evaluate the RMMAC response when we force it to be unstable at time t = 0. Fig. 23 illustrates a typical result selected from several dierent MC simulations. In Fig. 23 the true value of k1 is 1.75 in Model #1. From Table III we know that if we use LNARC #4, K4 (s), with Model #1 we have an unstable closed-loop system. In order to force this initial instability, the initial values of the probability vector are selected to be P1 (0) = P2 (0) = P3 (0) = 0.01, P4 (0) = 0.97 so that initially, at least at t = 0, the RMMAC system is forced to be unstable. However, as illustrated in Fig. 23, the RMMAC rapidly recovers to a stable conguration. Fig. 23(a) shows that the correct probability P1 (t) 1 within 1.3 secs, starting from its initial value P1 (0) = 0.01; the other three probabilities converge to zero within 1.3 secs as well. Fig. 23(b) shows the output response in which, after an initial period of brief instability, the RMMAC recovers and returns to its predictable superior disturbance-rejection. Fig. 24 illustrates another mismatch-instability result, similar to the above case with k1 = 1.75 in Model #1. This test was suggested by Prof. B.D.O. Anderson. To force this instability, using LNARC #4 as above, we force the posterior probabilities starting at time t = 60 secs to be P1 (T ) = P2 (T ) = P3 (T ) = 0.01, P4 (T ) = 0.97; for all T, 60 < T < 60.1 secs
This forces the RMMAC system to be unstable at time t = 60 for 0.1 secs which corresponds to 10 discrete-time measurements. Fig. 24 shows that the RMMAC rapidly recovers to a stable expected conguration. Fig. 24(a) shows that initially P1 (t) 1 so that the correct Model #1 is identied. Then it is forced to P1 (60) = 0.01. Fig. 24(b) shows the output response in which the RMMAC quickly recovers, following some oscillations induced by the forced instability, reidenties the correct Model #1 and returns to its predictable superior disturbance-rejection.
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P (t)
0.5 0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5
P (t)
0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5
P (t)
0.5 0 1
P (t)
0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5
time (sec)
Figure 23. The RMMAC recovers from forced unstable conguration at t = 0, when k1 = 1.75 in Model #1.
P (t)
P (t)
0 1
P (t)
P (t)
3 4
time (sec)
time (sec)
Figure 24. The RMMAC recovers from a forced unstable conguration at T = 60 secs with k1 = 1.75 in Model #1.
Comments on Instability: The RMMAC is designed to operate in a stochastic environment. Thus, it is conceivable that very unlikely events of very small probability can infrequently occur. Such an event may occur by having at the same instant of time a plant noise and sensor noise, say, at the 10+ sigma-level of their associated gaussian distributions and this would lead to an unstable RMMAC mismatch conguration of the type shown in Figs. 23 and 24. In the case of Fig. 24 the same unlikely event must persist for 10 consecutive measurements and since the white noises are independent this event has truly innitesimal probability of occurrence. Even so, as long as the remainder of the theoretical assumptions are valid, Figs. 23 and 24 demonstrate that the RMMAC can rapidly recover as long as the forced
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temporary instability does not make the KF residuals to be completely inconsistent with their precomputed covariances see eq. (2.4). This fact is supported by numerous similar simulations [2] not shown here. For the system discussed in this subsection, a forced instability starting at t = 60 secs and lasting until t = 62.6 secs (a total of 260 discrete-time consecutive measurements) caused one out of 10 Monte Carlo runs to be completely unstable, while nine recovered and eventually identied the correct model after a prolonged period of violent oscillations (as expected). A forced instability for the time interval 60 t 63.4 (a total of 340 consecutive measurements) caused all 10 MC RMMAC simulations to be unstable. Clearly, the probability of such events is immensely innitesimal! Future adaptive simulations, especially those involving multiple-models, should explicitly report upon such mismatch-instability simulations. After all, the more models we use the higher the performance and loop-gain and of the associated local compensators, i.e. LNARCs. This fact will certainly imply that a large subset of the N local compensators can potentially lead to severe mismatch-unstable combinations. 6.7. Mild Violations of the RMMAC Convergence Assumptions The theory which guarantees the convergence of the posterior probabilities [61, 62] assumes that all MMAE signals are stochastic stationary random processes. With some additional ergodicity conditions, all results presented in Section 6.6 satised those assumptions, and we have indeed observed convergence to a nearest probabilistic neighbor. In this section we evaluate the RMMAC performance when we intentionally mildly violate some of the above assumptions, because this will always happen for real systems. We shall show that the RMMAC still performs quite well; in a sense it appears robust to mild violations of the theoretical assumptions. We evaluated the RMMAC performance over a wide variety of operating conditions, for dierent values of the uncertain spring stiness [2]. In all the RMMAC worked well and no instabilities were observed. The following representative cases are presented. 6.7.1. Step Plant Disturbance: In this set of simulations we used a deterministic periodic square-wave disturbance, (t) = 2.0, with a period of 60 secs, rather than pure plant whitenoise. The sensor noise was white as in Section 6.6. The KFs in the RMMAC were NOT aware of the square-wave disturbance; they continued to use (6.1) to model the disturbance dynamics. The true spring stiness is k1 = 1.75 in Model #1. Fig. 25 shows the simulation results for one MC run. Note that after 2 secs the posterior probabilities converge to the correct Model #1, i.e. P1 (t) 1 as shown in Fig. 25(a). The RMMAC performance is excellent, as shown in Fig. 25(c). 6.7.2. Sinusoidal Sensor Noise: We also tested robustness to the assumptions by using a high frequency sinusoid for the measurement noise, (t) = 103 sin(10t), rather than pure white noise. Fig. 26 shows a representative simulation using the value k1 = 0.3, which is in Model #4. Fig. 26(a) shows that the correct probability P4 (t) 1 within 5 secs. The improvement in disturbance-rejection is again obvious from Fig. 26(b). Fig. 26(c) shows a comparison of the control signals. Both GNARC and RMMAC control signals have sinusoidal
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P (t)
0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10
P (t)
1 2
0.5 0 1 0 2 4 6 8 10
P (t)
0.5 0 1 0 2 4 6 8 10
P (t)
2 0 60 120 180 240 300 350
3 4
0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10
time (sec)
Figure 25. RMMAC performance when the actual disturbance d(t) is a 2 periodic (ltered) squarewave. The true k1 = 1.75 (in Model #1).
components at steady-state. As expected, the amplitude of the RMMAC control is slightly larger than that of the GNARC since the RMMAC yields improved disturbance-rejection. Only one MC run is shown.
6.7.3. Slow Parameter variation: As mentioned in Section 1, a driving engineering motivation for using adaptive control is the need to deal with slow changes in the plant uncertain parameters. In all the numerical simulations presented up to now, we constrained the uncertain parameter to remain constant for all time. Of course, the presence of a timevarying spring stiness violates the plant LTI assumption, and hence all stationarity and ergodicity assumptions (required to prove the posterior probability convergence results) do not hold. Nevertheless, it is important to understand, for any adaptive system, its behavior and performance in the presence of slow parameter variations. In the following numerical MC simulations, the uncertain spring stiness is assumed to be
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P (t)
0.5 0 1
P (t)
P (t)
0 1
P (t)
0.5 0 0 5 10 15
0.15 0 20 40 60 80
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 5 10 15
Figure 26. RMMAC robustness to sinusoidal sensor noise, for k1 = 0.3 in Model #4.
sinusoidal with frequency 0.01 rad/sec, i.e. k1 (t) = 1 0.75 cos 102 t (6.19)
as shown in Fig. 27(a). The dashed-lines in Fig. 27(b) indicate the times that the spring stiness crosses the boundaries of the four models of Table II. Fig. 27(b) also shows the dynamic evolution of the four posterior probabilities, while Fig. 27(c) compares the GNARC and RMMAC output responses and demonstrates that the RMMAC continues to work very well. It is tempting to interpret Fig. 27(b) as demonstrating a transient in the identication process. This may well be true, but the reader should realize that the signals generated by the time-varying plant cannot be interpreted using frozen model reasoning. After all changing the spring stiness according to (6.19) implies an exogenous energy transfer as a function of time, which is not accounted for in a frozen model. This opens up avenues for future research, especially with LPV system-theoretic concepts [71, 72, 73, 74]. Nonetheless, the results of Fig. 27 (and many others not presented herein) demonstrate the ability of the RMMAC in dealing with slowly-varying uncertain parameters. However, we cannot specify how slow is
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1.02 M#2 M#3 M#4 0 200 400 600 time(sec) 800 0.64 0.40 0.25 1000
1 P3(t) 0.5 0 1 P4(t) 0.5 0 0 200 400 time (sec) 600 800 1000
0 0.05 0.1 0
time (sec)
Figure 27. RMMAC responses for the sinusoidal parameter variation of eq. (6.19) using 5 MC simulations.
slow, and still obtain satisfactory RMMAC performance, without simulations. 6.8. Widely Varying Disturbance Environments and the RMMAC/XI Architecture. We shall now demonstrate the poor performance of the standard RMMAC when the plant disturbance environment is highly uncertain; this represents a severe violation of the underlying assumptions. We shall also demonstrate how the RMMAC/XI architecture, developed in Section 5, overcomes these shortcomings and yields outstanding disturbance-rejection. First, let us suppose that the N =4 model standard RMMAC, designed for unit intensity, = 1, of the plant white noise (t) (see eq. (6.1)) has been implemented as in the previous simulations of this section. Let us now suppose that the actual plant white noise (t) is generated by the square-wave intensity sequence, shown in Fig. 28(a), which changes from the normal intensity = 1 to the abnormal intensity = 100. Thus, periodically, every 100 secs the standard RMMAC is subjected to the very large (an unanticipated) disturbance d(t) shown in Fig. 28(b) generated by eq. (6.1). Figure 28(c) shows the evolution of the four posterior probabilities using the value k1 =1.5 in Model #1. It is evident from Fig. 28(c) that during the time-intervals associated with the normal disturbance, P1 (t) 1 so that the correct model #1 is identied. However, during the time-intervals of the abnormal disturbance
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1 0 50 150 250 350 400
8 0
time (sec)
P (t)
0.5 0 1 1
P (t)
0 50 150 250 350 400
0 1
P (t)
0.5 0 1
P (t)
Figure 28. The standard RMMAC performance when we have a periodic severe violation of the theoretical assumptions. The KFs are designed for the normal intensity = 1, but the actual noise intensity is a periodic square-wave with act {1, 100}. The true spring stiness is k1 =1.5 in Model #1. Only a single Monte Carlo simulation is shown.
all posterior probabilities switch rapidly and exhibit model-identication confusion. The impact upon the standard RMMAC performance is shown in Fig. 28(d). There is no longterm instability; however, during the abnormal time-intervals the disturbance-rejection of the RMMAC is about the same as that of the (nonadaptive) GNARC. Hence, we conclude that this severe violation of the theoretical assumptions drastically degrades the RMMAC performance. Similar behavior was observed in many other abnormal simulations [2](not shown here). We next demonstrate how the use of the RMMAC/XI architecture of Fig. 10 with N =4 alleviates the performance-deterioration noted above. We implement eight KFs. The rst four KFs (k=1,2,3,4) are designed for the noise intensity =1 and are identical to those used before.
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The last four KFs (k=5,6,7,8) are designed for the noise intensity =100; for these the BPM procedure discussed in Section 6.5 was repeated to design KF #5,6,7,8 (results not shown). The four LNARCs remain the same since they do not depend upon the value of the intensity . We show simulations for the same spring constant k1 =1.5 as in Fig. 28. In this case, the true model is Model #1 when =1 but changes to Model #5 when =100. Figure 29 shows the results obtained from simulations using the same square-wave intensity as in Fig. 28(a), repeated in Fig. 29(a). The time-evolution of the eight posterior probabilities is shown in Fig. 29(c); note that the posterior probabilities identify the correct models almost immediately, i.e. P1 (t) 1 f or t [0, 50] [150, 250] [350, 400] P5 (t) 1 f or t [50, 150] [250, 350] Fig. 29(b) compares the disturbance rejection of the standard RMMAC (from Fig. 28(d)) with that of the RMMAC/XI. It is clear that in this example the RMMAC/XI yields truly outstanding disturbance-rejection; similar conclusions were arrived at in [2] from numerous other similar simulations. 6.9. Discussion of Numerical Results The stochastic simulation results presented in this paper demonstrate the excellent performance of the RMMAC system. Compared to the best non-adaptive design, GNARC, the RMMAC and RMMAC/XI consistently had superior disturbance-rejection. No closed-loop instabilities were noted in thousands of MC simulations, with the exception of forced prolonged mismatch instabilities as noted in Section 6.6.4. The example illustrated how to predict (and then validate) the potential performance characteristics of the RMMAC. This was done by analyzing the corresponding LTI feedback loops involving the GNARC and each of the four LNARCs so as to generate RMS predictions, frequency-domain visualizations for disturbance-rejection etc. We emphasize that this constructive capability is critical so that quantitative tradeos can be carried out, before one constructs and tests the full-blown RMMAC design with numerous MC simulations. The RMMAC performance conclusions reported here validate earlier simulations by the authors. In [27] we analyzed, using a ve-model RMMAC, an academic SISO non-minimum phase (NMP) plant with a single uncertain right-half plane zero which poses fundamental limits to superior disturbance-rejection near its frequency; see, for example, [70]. In that example, the GNARC hedged for the minimum value of the NMP zero. If the true zero was near its minimum value, the RMMAC performance was essentially the same as for the GNARC (no magic properties). The true value of the RMMAC shows when the true NMP zero is large; then the RMMAC produces truly superior performance vis-`-vis the GNARC. The interested a reader may also review the RMMAC results reported in [29] for a dierent two-cart massspring-dashpot non-collocated system with a mass uncertainty. However, the previous results [27] and [29] did not use the systematic FNARC based approach for dening the models (in the spirit of Fig. 14) nor the optimized KF design using the BPM (in the spirit of Fig. 18). Several other SISO and MIMO results and examples can be found in the doctoral dissertation of S. Fekri [2]. The computation time required by the RMMAC is modest for the numerical example considered in this section. In a single Monte Carlo simulation we carry out, in real-time, the
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1 0 50 150 250 350 400
150 time(sec)
Figure 29. The RMMAC/XI performance for varying plant noise intensity. The true spring constant is k1 =1.5 in Model #1 when =1 but in Model #5 when =100. Note that the correct probabilities, P1 (t) and P5 (t), almost instantaneously go to unity whenever changes. Only a single Monte Carlo run, with the same seed as in Fig. 29, is shown.
required on-line calculations and simulations for the four KFs, the PPE and the four LNARCs using a sampling time of 0.01 secs. These were done thirteen times faster than real-time using a Toshiba Satellite Pro laptop with an Intel Pentium M 1.5GHz processor, running under Windows XP Pro (SP2) and Matlab 7.0. We also carried out several simulations using the switched version of the RMMAC discussed in Section 2.4 [2]. Our experience is that the switched RMMAC leads to larger RMS errors during the identication transient interval for constant uncertain parameters. After the posterior probability converges, of course both RMMAC versions behave in the same manner. This is the reason that we focused upon the RMMAC architecture of Fig. 4 that utilizes probabilistic weighting of the control signals via eq. (2.3).
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Finally, we stress that all mixed- computations to determine the GNARC and LNARCs were carried out by the (as yet non-commercially available) software provided to us by Prof. G. Balas [48]. If we had designed these compensators with the commercial version of Matlab [49], which uses only the D-K scales in the iterative design of the H compensators, they would be much more conservative and the performance improvements would be inferior [69].
7. DISCUSSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS We have presented a brief overview of dierent approaches to adaptive control that utilize multiple-model architectures. Recent research in the area of the CMMAC and RMMAC architectures seems most promising, but we still have no widely accepted solution to the robust adaptive control problem. As a consequence, there is still a great deal of work that needs to be done, both theoretical and applied, to fully understand the similarities and dierence among the two architectures and the variants within each one, and suitable extensions. Any future theoretical research must adopt a design methodology. We strongly believe that the adaptive problem formulation should always include unmodeled dynamics, unknown plant disturbances and sensor noise, in addition to the (slowly-varying) uncertain real parameters. Furthermore, the design methodology should contain explicit performance specications and performance-robustness should be an integral part of the adaptive problem formulation. Thus, closed loop-stability arguments are not enough. This implies that the local compensators, the LNARCs, must be designed to exhibit both local robust-stability and robust-performance, following the ideas presented in Section 3 and as utilized in our RMMAC architectures. In the unfalsied control methodologies, if robust-performance is to be considered, the available results must be signicantly extended; most probably, the family of robust compensators available for unfalsied and safe control will also have to be designed using the methodology suggested in Section 3. Recent results in unfalsied control [30, 31] claim stability, but performance is not addressed (after all, an open-loop stable highly-uncertain plant remains robustly-stable with no feedback, albeit with lousy performance). The structure of the multi-controllers used in the SMMAC architecture does not explicitly reect a robust-performance requirement. Indeed, for the most part, the SMMAC multicontrollers have a common Ac -matrix (so all controllers have the same poles). This was done for the purpose of computational simplicity and bump less transfer to avoid control transients. However, such controller structures are not appropriate if performance-robustness is desired. A recent exception [75] uses multi-controllers that have an LQG structure, but they use poleplacement ideas, which are also notorious for their lack-of-robustness properties. On the other hand, the RMMAC architecture deals directly with such robust-performance issues and the dynamic characteristics of the RMMAC compensators are quite dierent. We believe that, as stressed in Section 3, one cannot arrive at a systematic procedure for dening the number of models required in any multiple-model scheme without explicit performance specications. Specication of complexity requires xing the number, N , of models; however, one still needs to properly calculate their boundaries. Specication of the required performance, such as in the % FNARC method, would naturally lead to the required number of models and their boundaries. In either case, one needs to utilize the mixed- methodology to maximize performance and derive the LNARCs.
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We note that for many industrial applications, where tuned PID controllers are judged to yield satisfactory performance, designing the LNARCs may be an overkill. Based upon operator experience, one can dene the N models in an ad-hoc manner as opposed to systematic procedures of Section 3. In such cases, one can still design the KFs, using the BPM methodology of Section 4 and obtain and implement the identication subsystem of the resulting RMMAC. We now consider the system identication part of the SMMAC and RMMAC architectures. In the RMMAC architecture the approach is stochastic and relies on the residuals generated by the bank of KFs. These must be designed very carefully so as to meet the probability convergence results, as explained in Section 4 and Appendices I and II. In the SMMAC architectures the approach is deterministic and relies upon the prediction errors generated by a bank of multi-estimators, which are a special class of Luenberger observers. In all cited SMMAC references, with the exception of [75], each estimator uses the same AE matrix, i.e. all observers have identical stable poles. This was done to minimize on-line computation. An integral norm of the prediction errors is used for the system identication function. Research should be done to remove the common AE matrix assumption and use more general observers. Also, the assumption of scalar prediction errors must be removed to make the SMMAC architectures extendable to the MIMO case. In [75] this was done, but the problem of designing suitable deterministic MIMO Luenberger observers, say by eigenstructure assignment, becomes quite complex. Our experience has shown that the RMMAC can eectively deal with slowly time-varying parameters. It may be interesting to examine if one can integrate the RMMAC philosophy and methodology with the evolving theory of Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems [36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76]. A weakness of the MMAE algorithm is that the Baram Proximity Measure (BPM) see Appendix II cannot be dened or calculated for open-loop unstable plants. Thus, if in an RMMAC application the plant is unstable one would not be able to use the ideas of Section 4, which are based on the BPM, to design the KFs. One can still design KFs (and RMMACs) for unstable plants, but one would most likely have to use trial-and-error methods in designing the KFs and ensuring convergence of the posterior probabilities. This denes a key and very important area for future research. With respect to the RMMAC and RMMAC/XI architectures, if one or more of the LNARCs is unstable (but leads to a stable feedback loop) remains an open question. All the LNARCs that we have designed [2] were stable. However, if the open-loop plant is both unstable and nonminimum phase then some of the LNARCs may be unstable. Since we cannot dene the BPM for unstable open-loop plants noted above, this remains a very important future research area for RMMAC architectures. Finally, we need to stress that in all available SMMAC and RMMAC results we cannot prove as yet global robust-stability, because a suitable theory is lacking for handling the nonlinear time-varying (stochastic) closed loop dynamics arising from these architectures. Needless to say, any advances in stability theory along these directions would be welcomed. At present, the promise of the SMMAC and RMMAC architectures is in their local and asymptotic results related to stability and performance. With respect to the RMMAC one can design real-time monitoring systems for the regularity of the residuals. If abnormal situations are observed (see the discussion in Sections 2 and 6), which may lead to long-term instability, one should be able to design a fail-safe logic that disconnects the LNARCs and uses the GNARC until the residuals return to a regular behavior and the LNARCs are reconnected.
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Equally important to the theoretical research investigations would be to fairly compare the dierent adaptive methods using a variety of common test-bed examples, with identical performance requirements.
8. CONCLUDING REMARKS We have witnessed the development and evolution of a variety of novel multiple-model architectures for robust adaptive control during the past decade. In order to compare them in a fair manner we have suggested that all should utilize the available results and software associated with mixed- synthesis. If we explicitly state the specications for required stabilityrobustness and performance-robustness for the adaptive closed-loop system, then we can evolve the present architectures so that they can be condently used in real applications. We view our RMMAC architecture and design methodology as a potential contribution to adaptive feedback engineering system design. As we have remarked, we can not prove global stability results and we only have numerous simulation studies that demonstrate its excellent performance. Thus, a reader may ask an important question: why should one pay attention to the RMMAC procedure in the absence of solid theoretical guarantees? The best way to view our perspective is by an analogy. Thousands of real engineering systems are operating using methods that also lack a solid theoretical foundation, but are based upon common-sense integration of rigorous results. We list just three, all of them involving nonlinear systems: (a) gain-scheduling feedback control system designs (with no global stability guarantees), (b) surveillance, tracking and other estimation systems that utilize the extended Kalman lter (which may diverge), and (c) surveillance, tracking systems and other estimation systems that are based on the sumof-gaussian multiple model estimation method, when the extended Kalman lter performance is not good enough (but they still may not always work well). None of the above practical design methods is backed by a complete body of solid theory. Their extensive engineering utility is based upon exhaustive simulations, engineering insight and know-how to inevitably tune certain parameters in the algorithms. However, all utilize reasonable extensions of theoretical results valid for linear systems, e.g. the Kalman lter. The gain-scheduling method also pieces together linear feedback control results in a common sense manner. Since almost all real applications involve nonlinear systems the engineering utility of (a), (b) and (c) is extensive. Our perspective is that the highly nonlinear proposed RMMAC method is akin to the above. Maybe we are nearing the end of the search for the adaptive Holy Grail.
We thank Profs. B.D.O. Anderson and J. Hespanha for their frequent suggestions, discussions and criticisms throughout the course of our research. We also are grateful to Prof. G.J. Balas for providing us with the latest non-commercial version of the mixed- software [48] and Prof. Y. Baram for providing us a copy of his Ph.D. thesis [61]. We are also indebted to the four anonymous reviewers whose comments and criticisms greatly improved the nal version of this paper.
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where {u(n)} is the deterministic (control) input and {w(n)} and {v(n)} are zero-mean white Gaussian sequences, mutually independent with E{w(n)w(n)T } = Q E{v(n)v(n)T } = R (A.2)
Let us assume that N discrete-time stochastic LTI models are given that include disturbance dynamics (if any). These models blend a nite set of families of models = {M : Mk = (Fk , Jk , Gk , Hk , Qk , Rk ) ; k = (1, 2, . . . , N )} The k-th model is then described by the state space dynamics xk (n + 1) = Fk xk (n) + Jk u(n) + Gk w(n) yk (n) = Hk xk (n) + v(n) (A.4) (A.3)
where the time index is n = 0, 1, 2, . . . and the model index is k = 1, 2, . . . , N . It is assumed that the true system that generates the data is one of the models in (A.4). The set of past controls, u(0), u(1), u(2), . . . , u(n 1), and the set of past noisy measurements, including the one at the present time n, y(1), y(2), . . . , y(n 1), y(n), are also known at time n. We want to determine the true steady-state conditional mean of the present state vector, x(n), i.e. as n x(n|n) = E x(n)| u(0), u(1), . . . , u(n 1); y(1), . . . , y(n 1), y(n)
| {z
Y (n)
and the true steady-state conditional covariance matrix of x(n), i.e. (n|n) = E x(n) x(n|n) x(n) x(n|n) |Y (n) (A.5)
The MMAE lter shown in Fig. 1 is driven by the sequence of past controls and noisy sensor measurements while it generates both a state-estimate vector and a corresponding error-covariance matrix. Let us rst establish some notation for the discrete-time steady-state Kalman lter (KF). Predict-cycle: xk (n + 1|n) = Fk xk (n) + Jk u(n) yk (n + 1|n) = Hk xk (n + 1|n) Update-cycle: xk (n + 1|n + 1) = xk (n + 1|n) + Kk rk (n + 1) (A.7) (A.6)
The residual rk (), residual covariance matrix Sk , and the constant steady-state KF gain matrix, Kk , are respectively dened as follows. Residual: rk (n + 1) = y(n + 1) yk (n + 1|n) (A.8)
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(A.9) (A.10)
The constant steady-state covariance equations are Predict-cycle covariance p : k p = Fk k AT + Gk Qk GT k k k Update-cycle covariance k :
T 1 k = p p Hk Sk Hk p k k k
(A.11) (A.12)
We stress that both the MMAE state-estimate and state-covariance matrix (A.5) represent true conditional state estimate and its conditional covariance at steady-state [54, 57]. This is because, one can explicitly calculate the conditional probability density function p (x(n)|Y (n)) , which turns out to be a weighted sum of gaussian densities, where the weights are found from the posterior probability evaluator (PPE); see Fig. 1. The problem reduces to a combination of a hypothesis-testing problem and a state-estimation problem. The fact that one of the N models is the true one is modeled by a hypothesis random variable that must belong to a discrete set of hypothesis {H1 , H2 , . . . , HN }. It turns out that online generation of the posterior conditional probabilities determines which hypothesis is true. Let suppose that H indicates the hypothesis random variable (scalar) which can attain only one of N possible values, H {H1 , H2 , . . . , HN } (A.13) The event H = Hk means that the k-th system is the true one, i.e. the one that is generating the data. The prior probabilities at initial time n = 0, Pk (0) P rob(H = Hk ), are assumed known (typically 1 Pk (0) = N ), and Pk (0) 0,
Pk (0) = 1
The posterior probabilities, Pk (n) = P rob(H = Hk |Y (n)), must also satisfy Pk (n) 0,
N X k=1
Pk (n) = 1
and can be calculated on-line by the PPE in the MMAE system. It turns out that the conditional PDF, p (y(n + 1)|u(n), Hk , Y (n)) , is Gaussian with mean E {y(n + 1)|u(n), Hk , Y (n)} = Hk xk (n + 1|n) and steady-state covariance
T cov [y(n + 1); y(n + 1)|u(n), Hk , Y (n)] = Hk p Hk + Rk k
Furthermore, p (y(n + 1)|u(n), Hk , Y (n)) = By using Bayes rule we deduce that Pk (n + 1) = p y(n + 1) | Hk , u(n), Y (n)
N P j=1
1 1 T 1 e 2 rk (n+1) Sk rk (n+1) (2)m/2 det Sk
Pk (n)
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j = (2)
(A.20) (A.21)
det Sj
where m is the number of measurements. Then, from (A.19)(A.22) the posterior probabilities can be computed on-line by the PPE using the recursive formula Pk (n + 1) = k e 2 wk (n+1)
N P j=1
Pk (n)
j e 2 wj (n+1) Pj (n)
where Pk (0) are the prior model probabilities as in (A.14). Thus, at steady-state the MMAE generates the state estimate (exact conditional mean) by x(n|n) = and the exact conditional covariance matrix (n|n) =
N X k=1 N X k=1
Pk (n) xk (n|n)
We stress that the above results hold when the true (unknown) plant is assumed to belong to the model set of (A.4).
1. Consider a probability space (, U, P ). A transformation T from to U is said to be measure preserving if P (T 1 A) = P (A) for all A U. 2. A stochastic sequence {x(n)} on (, U, P ) is said to converge almost everywhere (a.e.) or almost surely (a.s.) to a random variable x on (, U, P ) if
lim x(n) = x
4. Let {x(n)} be a stochastic sequence on (, U, P ) with values in (R , B ), where (R ) is the ldimensional Euclidean space and (B ) is the algebra of Borel sets of Rl ; see [79, Chap. 3]. Let B be the -algebra of Borel sets of R where R = R R . Then {x(n)} is said to be stationary if for each 1 and for every C B P [{x(1), x(2), . . . , x(n)} C] = P [{x( + 1), x( + 2), . . . , x( + n)} C] 5. The covariance matrix dened by R() E{x(n) xT (n + )} plays a fundamental role in the study of stationary processes in the wide sense [77]. A zero mean stationary Gaussian process is ergodic if and only if [80, pp. 257260]; [77, pp. 494] lim
n 1 X |R()|2 = 0 n + 1 =0
in the absence of deterministic inputs but with the assumption of a stationary processes. Note that these results can be extended to the case where the system (B.3) is driven by an additional deterministic (known) stationary random sequence.. Let M = { } denotes the model set that also includes the true model, denoted by . For each i, j let Sj E [y(n) yj (n)][y(n) yj (n)]T |Hi = Hj
n o
denote the residual covariance matrix generated by the j-th Kalman lter and i E [y(n) yj (n)][y(n) yj (n)]T |Hi = Hj j
n o
according to Mj , when Mi is the correct model. We shall use the following condition [61, pp. 77] in addition to the other stationarity and ergodicity conditions. Condition B1 (C.B1). For each j M , the residual covariance Sj exists and has a nite positive denite value. A sucient condition for B1 is that each model corresponding to j M is detectable and controllable. For each j M , Sj is generated by the discrete Kalman lter #j corresponding to the model Mj = (Fj , Gj , Hj , Qj , Rj ). Assuming that index i denotes the true parameter in M , the augmented dynamic equation generating simultaneously the state x(n) and its updated estimate generated by the j-th Kalman lter, xj (n), is
xi (n + 1) xj (n + 1)
Fi F j Kj H i
0 Fj (I Kj Hj )
xi (n) xj (n)
Gi 0
0 F j Kj
w(n) v(n)
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where Kj is the (steady-state) Kalman lter (KF) gain corresponding to the model Mj . The KF gain matrix is given by T T Kj = j Hj (Hj j Hj + Rj )1 where j denote the prediction error covariance matrix according to Mj . For notational purposes, dene: Fi 0 Fj Kj Hi F(I Kj Hj ) j Gi 0 Gi j F j Kj 0 Qi 0 Qi 0 Ri i Hj Hi | Hj Fji Then the matrix i (n + 1) E j
xi (n + 1) xj (n + 1)
xi (n + 1) xj (n + 1)
T )
The (steady-state) limit of the Lyapunov equation of (B.5) is computed by: i = lim i (n) j j
It exists and is nite if and only if the augmented state matrix Fji has all its eigenvalues inside the unit circle, i.e. the spectral radius satises (Fji ) < 1 (B.7)
This is the case if for each j M , Fj has all its eigenvalues inside the unit circle and (Fj , Hj ) is observable. Therefore, to calculate the limit matrix i of (B.5) we simply solve, using Matlab, the discrete-time j algebraic Lyapunov equation T T i = Fji i Fji + Gi Qi Gi (B.8) j j j j It can be shown that
i i i = Hj i Hj + Ri j j T
where i is the steady-state solution of (B.5). j It can also be shown that the state covariance matrix can be calculated as follows.
R() =
i i Hj i H + i = i R j j j T i i iT Hj j Fji Hj
; = 0 ; > 0
This is shown in [61, pp. 8081]. However, note that the stability and observability of the models are only sucient, and not necessary. In fact, [61, Theorem 5.1] has proved ergodicity of the state residuals {x(n) xj (n)}, which is not necessary, to show the ergodicity of {y(n) yj (n)}. Thus, in the sequel we shall directly use the following assumption. Condition B2 (C.B2). For each j M the residual sequence {y(n) yj (n)} is ergodic. The ergodicity condition of (C.B2) is important and must be checked. If it is not satised, one might use a fake-white-plant-noise as mentioned in Section 2.4; see [67, Chap. 7] for more details.
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where m is the dimension of y(n), i.e. the number of measurements. For each j, k M the mean information in y(n) favoring model k against j is dened by [61, 62, 63] pk y(n)|Y (n 1), H = Hk In (k; j) = E log pj y(n)|Y (n 1), H = Hj and the distance measure is dened as dn (k; j) = In (k; j) For each j M , using to denote the true plant in M , we have E log pj y(n)|Y (n 1), H = Hj = and for each pair j, k M 1 1 1 1 1 1 In (k; j) = In (j; k) = log |Sj | + tr Sj log |Sk | tr Sk j k 2 2 2 2 The Baram proximity measure (BPM) of the j-th lter denoted by Li is generated by j Li log |Sj | + tr Sj 1 i j j Therefore, 1 In (k; j) = Lj L k 2 Also, It is easy to check that d(; j) d(; k) if and only if L L j k for which the following condition is essential. Condition B3 (C.B3). There exists some parameter k M such that L < L k j for all j M ; j = k (B.17) In (; j) 0 ; i, j M (B.15)
n o
; i, j M
;j M
If the convergence conditions hold for the MMAE to converge, i.e. eq. (B.2) and conditions (C.B1) (C.B3), then it will converge to the j-th lter (corresponding to the appropriate plant model) governed by L =min {Li } ; i = 1, . . . , N j j
where is the BPM of the models as in (B.14). In conclusion, the Baram proximity measure (BPM), is an appropriate distance metric between the true model and each of the other models that form the bank of Kalman lters.
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Li j
56 Remarks
The application of deterministic inputs, rather than stationary random sequences, to the dynamic system, for the purpose of identication and their optimal selection, is not addressed in this paper. Generally speaking, the convergence analysis in the presence of deterministic inputs requires a more elaborate analysis, a topic for future research. Ref. [61, Chap. 6] discusses a case that any deterministic input sequence, that satises a suitable assumption of [61, Theorem 6.3], will provide convergence in the mean of the identication procedures at a certain rate; see [61] and [81] for more details. Ref. [66] uses the prediction error parameter estimate obtained by minimizing a scalar function of the matrix
t X
where R( ) is some positive denite weighting matrix, and shows that under general conditions of bounded fourth moments of the residuals r(t; p), by searching over models leading to stable Kalman lters and overall system stability, this prediction error estimate converges into the set of models that yield the same output prediction as the true system in the following sense. lim inf
t 1 X |( ; p0 ) y ( ; p)|2 = 0 y t + 1 =0
which is similar to the ergodicity condition (B.2). This set depends in general on the input signal and will be contained in the set of all models with the same input-output relation as the true model, if the input is general enough to excite all modes of the system. It is shown in [66] that a sucient condition would be for u(t) to be independent of the process noise and persistently exciting. The input u(t) is persistently exciting if, for all M , there exists (M ) and N0 (M ) such that I < for N > N0 and where uM (t) [u (t) . . . u (t M )].
N 1 X 1 uM (t)uM (t) < I N 1
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