Hairdressing Training Agreement

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National Certificate in Hairdressing (Professional Stylist) Level 4

Training Agreement
Page 1

Apprentice Details
First names Last name Home Address Post Code Home Phone E-mail Address Date of Birth
d d


NZQA Number
(NSI or NSN)

Gender Ethnic Group If Maori, which Iwi?

Male Maori

Female NZ Pakeha

NZ Residential Status Pasifika European

Citizen Other

Permanent Resident

Is English your second language?



Do you have a disability that will affect learning?



What did you do previously?

Secondary School

Tertiary Course



Previous Education
Last school attended was What year did you finish?
y y y y

What is your highest qualification?

NCEA Level 1 Diploma

NCEA Level 2 Trade

NCEA Level 3 Degree Higher

Employer Details
Employer Name Business Name Business Address Post Code Business Phone E-mail Address Employment Start Date
d d


Training Start Date

Please note that Modern Apprentices must work for at minimum 30 hours per week. All other apprentices must work for a minimum of 20 hours per week. Is there a signed employment agreement between the learner and the employer?

Contracted Hours per Week Yes Yes No No

We require that you have an up-to-date copy of the Hairdressing Training Manual. Do you have one?

Trainers Details
Trainers Name Cellphone E-mail Address Qualified in which year?
y y y y

Please confirm that you, the trainer, have time to train this apprentice



Support Person
Name Cellphone
version August 2012

National Certificate in Hairdressing (Professional Stylist) Level 4

Training Agreement
Page 2
This application should be made by the Employer once the proposed apprentice commences employment. A copy of a New Zealand birth certificate must be included with confirmation of New Zealand residency/citizenship.


The following fee will be a one-off up-front fee for the year the apprentice enters into their training agreement. All appropriate fees must be paid. You may pay by cheque (payable to HITO) or by direct credit at WESTPAC BANK 03-0502-0096479-00. If paying by direct credit please ensure that the reference for the transaction is your cellphone number or your NSI number. HITO reserves the right to amend this fee during the course of the Training Agreement and HITO fees are not refundable.

The Apprentice Fee - please tick to order

Starting training as a first year apprentice Starting training as a second year apprentice Starting training as a third year apprentice Signing up to complete the final units (2759 & 2757) Transfer of salon Replacement Hairdressing Training Record Book Student ID Card $350 $250 $200 $150 $120 $40 $20 TOTAL COST If an apprentice does not attend off-job training as directed and has not provided any reasonable explanation, the following fees will apply and will be payable to HITO: $100 for a full day missed or $50 for a half day missed.

Hairdressing Training Record Book Pack (book plus pen and bag) $50

Employers Hairdressing Training Manual - please tick to order

As an employer engaged in training an apprentice, you must have a current Hairdressing Training Manual. Hairdressing Training Manual $110

The Employer Financial Contribution

Government requires that employers contribute directly to the cost of industry training. Employers must pay annually per apprentice per year of the apprenticeship. Please tick the box which relates to you. Non-financial members of the Regional Association of Registered Hairdressers pay Financial members of the Regional Association pay $435.00 $217.50 (from 2013 onwards)

To claim your Regional Association discount, please complete the details below. Please note, if you membership has expired, HITO will invoice you for the difference. Please write your association number here Date paid
d d

Identity Proofs

The government require that HITO has a copy of documents that prove your identity. Please tick which documents you have enclosed. ESSENTIAL means that you must supply these documents with this application before posting this form Copy of your NZ Birth Certificate or passport (signed by your employer or HITO SLM) Confirmation of NZ Residency/Citizenship School Leaving Certificate (if under 18)

Signed Passport Photo - For your Student ID card Pre-trade evidence/Record of Learning
version August 2012

National Certificate in Hairdressing (Professional Stylist) Level 4

Training Agreement Terms & Conditions

Page 3
THIS TRAINING AGREEMENT IS IN THE HAIRDRESSING INDUSTRY. 1.1 The provisions of the NZ Hairdressing Industry Training Organisation Training Requirements dated 1 January 2010 and any amendments to those Requirements (Training Requirements) are incorporated into and form part of this Training Agreement (Agreement). TERM 2.1 This Agreement will commence on the date this Agreement is signed by both the Trainee and Employer (Parties) and end on the date the Trainee gains their relevant qualification unless terminated in accordance with Clause 5.3 or Clause 5.4 (Term). APPRENTICE OBLIGATIONS 3.1 The Apprentice shall, to the best of her/his ability, learn the skills of the industry as set down in the Training Requirements, and in particular, shall be responsible for: a. b. Taking all reasonable steps to acquire the knowledge and skills of the industry. Enrolling for assessments and attending all off-job training as directed. A fee will be charged for missed off-job training days if the absence was due to the actions of the Trainee and no reasonable explanation is provided to HITO. Keeping an up to date training record book in good order at the place of employment. Ensuring that units are completed in the year that they are delivered. Ensuring a minimum of twenty (20) credits are achieved per year. Working a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week or thirty (30) hours per week for a Modern Apprentice. Paying the required fees to HITO by the due date. 5.2 The term of the employment agreement of which this Agreement forms a part shall be no less than the Term of this Agreement. 5.3 This Agreement may be terminated in accordance with the provisions of the employment agreement between the Parties. Termination of the employment agreement will automatically result in termination of this Agreement. 5.4 This Agreement may be terminated by HITO, by providing 4 weeks written notice: a. b. c. if the Apprentice does not achieve a minimum of twenty (20) credits per year of the Term; or upon non-payment of the fees specified in this Agreement payable by the Apprentice or the Employer; or where HITO does not receive sufficient funding to support continued training of the Trainee.

DISPUTES 6.1 Any dispute between the Parties relating to the question of whether an Apprentice has satisfactorily demonstrated competence in the skills required in the training programme, or satisfactorily met the requirements for the completion of a level of training, shall be determined by HITO, which may appoint an independent assessor for the purposes of assessing an Apprentices competence

c. d. e. f. g.

6.2 Any other dispute between the Parties relating to the training relationship or the Agreement shall be referred to HITO to determine.

MISCELLANEOUS 7.1 The Apprentice and Employer understand that this Agreement is subject to approval and registration by HITO. The Agreement will not have effect until it is approved and registered. 7.2 Upon signing this Agreement the Apprentice and the Employer authorise HITO, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993, to collect, hold and release information about the traineeship to: training providers; the New Zealand Qualifications Authority; the Apprentice; the Employer; and other government organisations as appropriate for the purposes of administering the traineeship/Apprenticeship.

EMPLOYER OBLIGATIONS 4.1 The Employer shall provide training to the Apprentice in accordance with the Training Requirements, and in particular will be responsible for: a. b. Ensuring the Apprentice meets the necessary entry requirements to be a Trainee under this Agreement. Training and instructing or providing for the Apprentice to be trained and instructed to become a competent trades person in the industry, in accordance with the provisions of the Training Requirements and training plan. Inspecting and signing the training record book regularly. Releasing an Apprentice to attend off-job training courses as directed by HITO. A fee will be charged to the Employer for missed off-job training days of the Apprentice if the absence was due to the actions of the Employer and no reasonable explanation is provided to HITO. Notifying HITO of the termination of the employment agreement between the Parties (resulting in termination of this Agreement) within 14 days of such termination. Paying the required fees to HITO by the due date.

c. d.

7.3 The Apprentice confirms that he/she has provided the necessary documentation to the Employer confirming their eligibility to undertake traineeship training i.e. New Zealand birth certificate or confirmation of New Zealand residency/citizenship.



7.4 The Parties agree that they may not assign or sub-contract their obligations under this Agreement except with the written consent of HITO.

4.2 The Employer shall, within 7 days of signing this Agreement, forward the original document to the nearest regional office of HITO, for registration. TRAINING AGREEMENT REQUIREMENTS 5.1 This Agreement forms part of the employment arrangements between the Parties and should be read in conjunction with the employment agreement entered into between the Parties.

7.5 This Agreement may only be varied by agreement in writing between the Parties and HITO.

7.6 This Agreement replaces all previous written or oral agreements or understandings between the Parties about the subject matter of this Agreement, excluding the employment agreement between the Parties.

7.7 This Agreement will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of New Zealand. The Parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.

version August 2012

National Certificate in Hairdressing (Professional Stylist) Level 4

Training Agreement
Page 4
UNDER 18 YEARS OLD? You must get your parent or caregiver to complete the section below called Consent for under 18 year old applicants. We would also encourage your parent/caregiver to come to the first meeting with your HITO Sales & Liaison Manager.

Consent for under 18 year old applicants

(please complete if applicant is under 18 years of age)

I am the parent / guardian / caregiver of the applicant who is under 18 years of age. I have read and understood the attached Training Agreement and I consent to the applicants Training Agreement on the basis set out in this training agreement and Training Requirements. I also consent to my name and contact details, as detailed below, being collected, held, and used, as the parent / guardian / caregiver of the applicant in accordance with the purposes set out for contacting me in case of an emergency involving the applicant.
First Name Last Name Address Post Code Home Phone E-mail Address Cellphone




Other (please specify)

Signature of parent/guardian/caregiver of the applicant Signature

d d

Legal Declaration and Signatures (to be completed by all over 18 years old)
I acknowledge that I have read and understood the provisions of this Agreement, including the provisions of the Training Requirements: Pursuant to clause 5.3, I also confirm that I have provided the necessary documentation confirming my eligibility to undertake apprenticeship training in New Zealand and that the information provided is true and accurate. Apprentice/Caregiver Signature Employer Signature
d d

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Now Please Post to your HITO office at either:

UPPER NORTH ISLAND LOWER NORTH ISLAND SOUTH ISLAND HITO, PO Box 11 921, Ellerslie, Auckland 1542 HITO, PO Box 11 764, Central Office, Wellington 6142 HITO, PO Box 1575, Christchurch 8140

Office Use Only



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y version August 2012

Employer and Trainee

Agreement to be a Member of HITO

pg 1 If you do not want to be a member of HITO, please do not complete this section.
EMPLOYER MEMBERS An organisation that employs or contracts one or more persons to provide barbering, beauty and/or hairdressing services, OR a person who is a sole business operator and provides such services (e.g. local hairdressing salon). RENEWALS Once you join HITO, your membership will automatically renew if you employ someone in a training agreement. TRAINEE MEMBERS An individual who has entered into a HITO Training Agreement with HITO and who wishes to be a member of HITO.

RENEWALS Once you join HITO, your membership will automatically renew for as long as you are still in a training agreement.

A. Complete this section to become an Employer Member

If you are already a current member of HITO, you dont need to complete this section. I do not wish to receive any of the following information: (Please refer to paragraph 6 of the Membership Declaration) Information and activities relating to HITO. Information about products & services of sponsors/funders of HITO. Membership Declaration : I have read and understand this Membership Agreement and the Membership Declaration (over page) Signature
d d

B. Complete this section to become a Trainee Member

I do not wish to receive any of the following information: (Please refer to paragraph 6 of the Membership Declaration) Information and activities relating to HITO. Information about the products and services of sponsors or funders of HITO. Membership Declaration : I have read and understand this Membership Agreement and the Membership Declaration (over page) Signature
d d

Consent for under 18 Year Old Applicants (please complete if employer or trainee is under 18 years)
I am the parent / guardian / caregiver of the employer/trainee who is under 18 years of age. I have read and understood the attached Membership Declaration and I consent to the Membership Agreement of the employer/trainee on the basis set out in this Membership Agreement and Membership Declaration. I also consent to my name and contact details, as detailed below, being collected, held, and used, as the parent / guardian / caregiver of the employer/trainee in accordance with the purposes set out in paragraph 6 of the Membership Declaration, or, for contacting me in case of an emergency involving the employer/trainee. Parent
First Name Last Name Home Address Post Code Home Phone Email Address Cellphone



Other (please specify)




Employer & Trainee

Membership Declaration
pg 2
1. DECLARATION I declare that I have authority to complete and sign this Membership Agreement and that all information supplied in this Membership Agreement is true and correct. If any of this information changes, I acknowledge that I will notify HITO of the changes, in writing, as soon as possible after they occur. If any of the information I have provided is not true or is misleading, I acknowledge that my membership may be terminated at the discretion of HITO. 2. TERMINATION I understand: a. I may resign from my membership in accordance with the HITO Constitution. b. HITO may terminate my membership in accordance with the HITO Constitution. c. If my HITO Training Agreement is terminated by HITO my membership also terminates. d. If I am a Trainee Member and my HITO Training Agreement is terminated by my employer my membership also terminates. e. If I am an Employer Member and I terminate my HITO Training Agreement my membership does not terminate but if I no longer have any trainees I may have to pay a membership fee to HITO. 3. BOUND BY RULES I will be bound by the HITO Constitution, Regulations, policies, manuals, and reasonable directions of HITO. 4. NO LIABILITY I will not hold HITO, or its respective officers or employees, responsible for any claims, losses, expenses and costs (including legal costs) which may arise from or in connection with, my membership except in the case of gross negligence or a wilful act or omission on the part of HITO. 5. INDEMNITY I indemnify HITO, and its respective officers or employees, from all claims, losses and expenses (including legal costs) suffered or incurred at any time as a result of, or resulting directly or indirectly from, my failure to observe the HITO Constitution, Regulations, policies, manuals, guidelines and reasonable directions of HITO. 6.PRIVACY I agree that HITO, and its respective officers or employees, can collect, hold, use and disclose my personal information as provided in this Membership Agreement (and any updated or additional personal information HITO obtains from me whilst a Member, including any photo or other record of my image) for the purposes of: a. processing my application for membership including notifying HITO of the information on this form so HITO can compile a register of members, compile a national database of members (accessible only in accordance with the Constitution and Regulations of HITO), and request me to renew if my membership lapses; b. including my photograph or other imagery on the HITO website, in newsletters, annual reports, or similar official publications; c. if I agree (by not ticking the appropriate box in this Membership Agreement), providing me with information and activities relating to HITO; d. if I agree, (by not ticking the appropriate box in this Membership Agreement), enabling HITO to contact me with information about the products and services of sponsors or funders of HITO; e. enabling HITO to comply with any statute, regulation, by-law or other regulatory instrument that requires collection or disclosure of personal information; f. retaining the information provided on this form (as an inactive member) if my membership lapses for a maximum period of 3 years for the above purposes; and g. any other purpose I agree to in writing. 7. USE, SECURITY & ACCESS I understand that my personal information will only be used for the purposes listed in paragraph 6 above and in accordance with the HITO Constitution and Regulations, and that, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993: a. my personal information will be held securely; b. I will have access to my personal information; and c. my personal information will be corrected upon request. 8.CONTINUED MEMBERSHIP I understand that upon payment of my membership fee(s) (if any), if I am accepted to membership, I will become a member of HITO and that by paying such fee(s) and renewing my membership by the due date provided in each annual renewal invoice, I will continue to be a member of HITO for the duration of my membership as specified in accordance with the Constitution unless I resign or my membership is terminated. While I am in a training agreement, my membership will be renewed annually and no fee will be charged. 9.INTERPRETATION Every reference to I and my in this document includes the applicant and the parent/guardian/caregiver of the applicant (if applicable). All definitions in this document have the same meaning as set out in the HITO Constitution.

A copy of the HITO Constitution is available on the HITO website For additional information please contact: HITO Members, PO Box 11764 Wellington 6011, New Zealand Ph: 04 499 1180 Fx: 04 499 3950 Em:

National Certificate in Hairdressing (Professional Stylist) Level 4

Services Required to be Performed in a Training Salon

Page 5
Please ensure the below lists are checked YES for the salon signing on an apprentice and that the salon has someone responsible for training in: No Shampooing - with a selection of shampoos & conditioners. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Setting - both elementary & complex/fashion. No Perming - both classic and fashion. No Long Hair Work - including pins, bands/ties, postiche brush, tailcomb. No Blow Waving - includes blow wave, diffuser and nozzle. No Scissor, razor and clipper cutting. No Colouring, full head and highlighting. No Bleaching. No Straightening. No Conditioning treatment. No Finger waving, pincurling, mould & scaling.

Training product/equipment requirements Yes Yes Yes Yes Products Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Perm Rods Yes Yes Yes Yes Tools Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Butterfly clips No Sectioning clips No Vent brush No Denman brush No Radial brush - different sizes No Radial brush - under 2cm No Blow waver No Tongs No Straighteners No Velcro rollers
version August 2012

No Up to date Hairdressing Training Manual No Access to current hair & fashion magazines No Client record cards and record system No Sterilising facilities

Yes Yes Yes Yes

No Shampoo basin No Hood dryer No Access to product company training No Manufacturers instructions for product

No Variety of shampoos and conditioners No Variety of treatments No Styling products No Finishing products No Bleach powder No Bleach cream

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No Perm solution (acid) No Perm solution (alkaline) No Permanent colour remover No Permanent hair straightener No Porosity filler

No White No Yellow No Red No Brown

Yes Yes Yes

No Blue No Grey No Charcoal

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No Hot rollers No Traditional rollers No Pins and clasps No Dinky clips No Highlight caps No Foils No Clippers No Scissors No Razor

National Certificate in Hairdressing (Professional Stylist) Level 4

Training Capacity Report

Page 6

Salon Details
Salon Name Employer Name Trainer Name Apprentice Name

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No I agree to release the apprentice for off-job training as directed by the HITO. No teach the skills required or employ a trainer qualified to do so. No
I agree to purchase the most up-to-date training manual (please have available for viewing) and confirm that I am able to

I agree that a qualified trainer will supervise the apprentice for at least 75% of the apprentices work hours.

No I agree that the salon has professional products and suitable equipment for training (see list attached). No collect evidence as part of their working day.
I will ensure that the apprentice is able to work on clients at the level to which they are collecting and have the ability to

No I will abide by the apprenticeship training requirements No I agree to hold formal training sessions. No I agree to hold informal training sessions. No The salon has someone responsible for training. No Record Book.
I agree that I (or the trainer) will accurately record the skills and knowledge of the apprentices progress in the Training

No take place without interruption.

I will ensure that appointments with the HITO Sales and Liaison Manager, the apprentice and the trainer are booked and

No I am aware that my HITO Sales and Liaison Manager is my contact person for any queries about apprenticeship or training .

Employer Signature HITO SLM Signature

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version August 2012

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