Novel Preparation of Hybrid Polypropylene/Silica Nanocomposites in A Slurry-Phase Polymerization Reactor

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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2003, 42, 3750-3757

Novel Preparation of Hybrid Polypropylene/Silica Nanocomposites in a Slurry-Phase Polymerization Reactor

Monserrat Garca,*,, Werner E. van Zyl,*,, Mattijs G. J. ten Cate,, Jan W. Stouwdam,, Henk Verweij, Makarand S. Pimplapure,,| and Gunter Weickert,| 1
Faculty of Science and Technology, MESA+ Research Institute, and Industrial Polymerization Processes and Dutch Polymer Institute, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands, and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1178

Polypropylene (PP) composites containing nanosized ( 10 nm) spherical silica particles were prepared in situ utilizing a 1-L slurry-phase polymerization reactor containing a MgCl2-supported Ziegler-Natta (fourth-generation) catalyst. Composites were prepared with variable filler sizes ranging from the nano- to microsize domain. The surface of the silica particles was modified with a silane coupling agent to prevent catalyst deactivation and to achieve better polymer/ filler synergy by decreasing the hydrophobicity surrounding the bulk particle surface. The feasibility of the process was tested with low loading additions (3 wt % for each sample) of (nano)silica. The effect of the filler on the crystal structure and crystallite size of PP was studied with differential scanning calorimetry and wide-angle X-ray diffraction. The reaction kinetics of the nanocomposite (10 nm) was studied and compared with samples containing larger microsized particles. It was demonstrated that the former did not decrease the catalyst activity when compared with the latter; comparisons were also made with pure PP. The particle size influenced the reactivity of the catalyst, and the addition of silica influenced the degree of crystallinity of the PP.
1. Introduction During the past few decades, polypropylene (PP) has been used as a commodity engineering thermoplastic with numerous fields of application.1 The incorporation of inorganic particles (SiO2, CaCO3, etc.) in PP composites leads to material properties that depend strongly on the filler shape, size, degree of dispersion, and its surface characteristics.2 When high particle loadings (>20 vol %) are used, the processability of the material becomes deteriorated and the weight of the end composite becomes much larger than the neat polymer.3 A low filler-particle concentration in the polymer matrix is therefore preferred, particularly when improved mechanical properties (i.e. stiffness) are sought. Fillersurface modification is a useful procedure to achieve better processability and thus material properties.4 Because the surface of bulk silica (SiO2) can be readily tailored5,6 through variation in the particle size, pH, morphology, etc., it is a useful filler in thermoplastic polymers and has been applied in automotive applications, electronics, appliances, and consumer goods.7-9 Typical composite processing techniques are extrusion10 or injection molding.11 Both of these processes, however, may result in poor particle distribution (aggregation) of the filler even when a coupling agent is used, and improved preparation methods for the PP* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: +31 (0)53 489 4683. E-mail: (M.G.) and (W.E.v.Z.). Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Twente. MESA+ Research Institute, University of Twente. The Ohio State University. | Industrial Polymerization Processes and Dutch Polymer Institute, University of Twente.

filler composites are ongoing.12,13 The most extensively used synthesis method to obtain PP from propylene (C3H6) is through Ziegler-Natta catalysis,1 which accounts for ca. 98% of all PP produced worldwide.14 The catalyst/polymer materials need to be formed in a controlled manner to investigate the mechanistic processes such as catalyst fragmentation behavior. Pater et al.14 used a 1-L slurry-phase polymerization (SPP) reactor in which very low reaction rates could be obtained, allowing for reaction kinetic measurements also in early stages of polymerization. The addition of silica particles to PP using a SPP reactor is not facile because of the catalyst sensitivity toward oxophilic species15 as well as the chemical incompatibility of nonpolar propylene around hydrophilic silanol functionalities present on the amorphous silica surface.16 Silica surface modification with hydrophobic chains was therefore a key factor in the in situ polymerization synthesis of PP/SiO2 nanocomposites using a SPP reactor. The modification of the filler surface can also influence the effect of the filler on the crystallization behavior. The advantages of nano- over microsize filler particles in polymer matrixes were reported by Sumita et al. almost 2 decades ago.17 In this paper we report on the formation of PP/SiO2 nanocomposites prepared in situ in a SPP reactor with silica nanoparticles premodified with a silane coupling agent resulting in good dispersion of the filler in the matrix as shown by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The modified nanoparticles were added to the monomer without mechanical (thermal) mixing treatment (which may cause aggregation), while modification of the silica surface prevented catalyst deactivation. The chemical kinetics of the formed composites were also studied.14

10.1021/ie020914p CCC: $25.00 2003 American Chemical Society Published on Web 07/08/2003

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 16, 2003 3751

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the SPP reactor design and experimental setup used in this study.

Prepolymerization (polymerization under mild conditions) is an essential step in the polymerization processes of PP. The conditions (temperature, monomer and catalyst concentration, etc.) in SPP are milder compared to current industrial prepolymerization processes, and appropriate scale-up of the SPP process should therefore be feasible to produce not only neat PP but also composites thereof. The yield of the final product for the current reactor design was 5 g/g (grams of polymer per gram of catalyst), which allowed the study of catalyst efficiency in the presence of silica where the morphological development takes place in the early stages of particle existence. A fourth-generation Ziegler-Natta catalyst used in this study was the first step toward a composite pilotplant production (in a liquid-pool and/or gas-phase reactor), which lays the basis for the current industrial production of 30-100 kg of pure PP/g of catalyst. The morphology of the composite was studied by SEM, and on the basis of X-ray scattering intensity theory, the degree of crystallinity was derived by a graphic multipeak resolution method.18 2. Experimental Section 2.1. Materials and Silica Modification. Triethyl aluminum (donated by Witco GmbH) was used as the cocatalyst. The catalyst components were prepared in a glovebox and in a nitrogen gas atmosphere. ProAnalysis grade hexane (Merck) was used to suspend the catalyst. Propylene was obtained from Indugas with a purity >99.5% and with propane gas as the main impurity. The nitrogen gas used was of >99.999% purity. For the preparation of silica nanoparticles, 21 mL of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) was slowly added to 21 mL of dry ethanol (1:1, v/v). The mixture was stirred, and 8 mL of 1 M HNO3 was added. The sample was heated at 60 C for 3 h, together with 3 mL of deionized water, and then placed in an ice bath. Silica sol (5 mL) was dispersed in EtOH (90 mL) and kept in the refrigerator for 1 week.19 The particle size was on average 10 nm and 10 m as confirmed by photon

correlation spectroscopy (PCS). An excess of the coupling agent (octadecyltrimethoxysilane) was added to 30 mL of the silica sol and stirred for 72 h at room temperature. To the resulting product was added acetone, and the precipitate was separated by centrifugation in a Hettich Universal centrifuge. The precipitated powder was dispersed in EtOH and sedimented through centrifugation, and the process was repeated three times to remove all excess reagent. Excess EtOH was decanted and the sample dried in a vacuum. The solid was then dispersed in hexane. For the composite containing microsized silica, 0.05 g of solid silica with a particle size of 10 m (Alltech) was dispersed in 20 mL of hexane within an argon atmosphere to remove any oxygen traces. 2.2. Reactor Setup and Catalyst. The experimental setup and reactor design is schematically shown in Figure 1.14 High-purity nitrogen gas was used to preflush the system. The purified propylene was pressurized in a cylinder and fed to the system via a mass flowmeter. An injection system was used for the mixture of catalyst/cocatalyst into the reactor. The reactor system consisted of a 1-L glass reactor with a jacket, through which hot or cold water could be circulated. The reactor has four entries at the top: one for the thermocouple, one for injection needles, a third for the hexane supply (also connected to a vacuum pump), and the fourth for the dip pipe and outlet, which was connected to the membrane pump and which recirculated the gas in the reactor and kept the reaction slurry in a homogeneous state. The outlet of the membrane pump was also connected to the nitrogen gas and monomer supply, whereas the inlet was connected to the pressure meter and a relief valve set at 0.4 bar overpressure. A number of parameters such as the reactor temperature, pressure, the jacket inlet and outlet and water temperature, and the mass flowmeter opening readings are recorded at prespecified intervals by a computer. A commercially available fourth-generation Ziegler-Natta catalyst on a MgCl2 support was used in this work.1,14 The catalyst slurry was prepared in a glovebox, and the cocatalyst was weighed and then contacted with the required


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amount of catalyst in the presence of hexane. A typical amount of catalyst for the slurry reactor was 100-300 mg. 2.3. Prepolymerization Reaction and Filler Addition. The reactor was filled with hexane and the catalyst subsequently introduced into the system. The modified silica (ca. 3 wt %) was slowly added and the computer program started. When the system reached equilibrium with constant temperature and pressure, the monomer pulse was injected into the reactor. There was an increase in the pressure, which gradually decreased as the reaction proceeded. When the pressure became constant, either the next pulse was injected or the reaction was stopped. The catalyst remained active until the hexane/polymer slurry became slowly exposed to the atmosphere, which slowly deactivated it. When the reaction ceased, the excess hexane was removed and the polymer powder was dried. The samples of neat PP, PP containing nanosilica (10 nm), and PP with microsilica (10 m) were labeled as samples PP, PPN10, and PPM10, respectively. 2.4. Characterization Methods. Equilibrium thermodynamic parameters were determined using a Setaran Setsijs 16 differential scanning calorimeter, and the temperature was calibrated with indium. Sample weights were between 10 and 15 mg. The samples were heated rapidly (at 10 C/min) to 20-30 C above the melting temperature, kept there for 10 min to eliminate residual crystals, and then cooled to room temperature. All of the scans were recorded between 23 and 250 C, and a heating rate of 10 C min-1 was used for all of the scans. The thermograms were recorded and analyzed to estimate the crystallinities. The colloidal particle size was measured with PCS on a Zetasizer 3000HS under ambient conditions at a count rate of 9200 counts/s, a detector angle of 90, and a wavelength of 633 nm. The microsize particle was measured with a Microtrac X-100 (Leeds and Northrup, North Wales, PA) laser diffraction analysis using a unified scatter technique. The FT-IR spectrum was recorded on a 410 Jasco spectrophotometer with a resolution of 4 cm-1 (1000 scans collected). Quantitative X-ray fluorescence (XRF) was used to determine the amount (as weight percent) of silica present in each sample. The XRF analysis was performed on a Philips PW 1480/10 fluorometer (Eindhoven, The Netherlands), and the calculation method used the program FPMulti.20 Surface analysis was performed with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and the spectrum recorded on a Quantum 2000 (Esca) (Physical Electronics). The Al KR X-ray beam had a power of 25 W, and the analysis area was 1000 m 500 m. For calibration of the spectra, the C 1s line of aliphatic carbon (284.8 eV) was chosen as the internal reference. For the electron micrographs, a LEO 1550 (Germany) high-resolution low-voltage scanning electron microscope equipped with an in-lens detector and an energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) system (Noran Vantage) was used. The samples were uncoated, and low voltage was used to avoid charging problems. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) data were collected using copper radiation on a Philips PW3710 based XPert-1 diffractometer in Bragg-Brentano geometry. The K component was removed by a secondary monochromator. Powder diffraction data were collected at room temperature using a zero-background spinning specimen holder. The intensities were measured using

a compensating divergence slit. The measured data were converted to a fixed divergence slit width of 1. Peak positions and peak intensities were extracted using the pattern decomposition program PROFIT available in the PC software package XPERT LINE (Philips, Eindhoven, The Netherlands). The observed individual lines and clusters of lines were fitted using Pearson VII functions, taking into account the KR2 component. The obtained peak positions and relative intensities were therefore extracted from the analytical KR1 peak profiles. A magic angle spinning (MAS) solid-state 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum was obtained at 79.49 MHz using a Varian Unity 400 spectrometer. MAS at 5 kHz was used to acquire all data in protondecoupled mode. Samples were finely ground prior to analysis. The NMR spectrum was deconvoluted using a Gaussian fit in terms of Qi where i ) 2-4, which corresponds to the number of siloxane bridges bound to the silicon atom of interest. 2.5. Kinetics: Theory. The rate of polymerization Rp (mol/Ls) depends on the concentration of active sites C* (mol of sites/L), the concentration of monomer at these active sites Cm (mol/L), and the lumped propagation constant Kp [L/(mol of sites)s] as shown in eq 1.

Rp ) Kp(Cm)q(C*)r


The dependence of the reaction rate on the monomer concentration and active site concentration is of first order, i.e. q ) 1 and r ) 1. A first-order deactivation of active sites was assumed as shown in eq 2,

-dC*/dt ) KdC*


where Kd is the deactivation constant. The propylene partial pressure in the gas phase and thus the concentration of the dissolved propylene in hexane decreased gradually as the reaction proceeded as shown in eq 3.

-dCm/dt ) Rp


The first-order dependence of the reaction rate was estimated based on the monomer and active site concentration. Combining eqs 1-3, followed by integration, yields eq 4,


( )

-KpC0* Cm ) (1 - e-kdt) Cm0 Kd


where C0* is the initial active site concentration at t ) 0, and therefore


( ) ( )

Cm ) K(1 - e-kdt) Cm0


where K is a function of the derived constants. Using Henrys law, Cm ) HPm, where H is Henrys constant and Pm the partial pressure of the monomer in the reactor, eq 5 is reduced to eq 6,


Pm ) K(1 - e-kdt) Pm0


from which the value of Kd could be estimated. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Synthesis. This study focused on the room temperature synthesis of (nano)composites of PP/SiO2

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Figure 2. Particle size distribution for nano- and microsized silica.

formed in a SPP reactor instead of a melt-mixing procedure. Silica loadings were kept constant at 3 wt %. The silanol groups present on the bulk silica surface proved detrimental to catalyst activity, and therefore the hydrated silica was modified with silane coupling agents. Two different silica filler particle sizes of 10 nm and 10 m were used and compared. The modified silica was slowly added when the reactor was partially filled with hexane, followed by the introduction of the catalyst into the system. The polymerization started when the monomer pulse was introduced. As observed from several experiments, the reaction did not proceed when an excess of silanol groups were present and therefore an excess of hydrophobic C18 chains were used to modify the silica surface.21 Low loading additions of filler in PP were used to preserve the inherent properties of the matrix material. The colloidal nanosilica particle size determined by PCS prior to modification showed a unimodal distribution at a fixed angle of 90. The microsilica particle size determined by laser diffraction analysis showed a Gaussian distribution and an average particle size of 10 m. The light rays, which strike particles, were scattered through angles inversely proportional to the particle size. See Figure 2. 3.2. Spectroscopy. To investigate the presence of silica atoms on the surface of the hybrid system, XPS measurements were performed to a maximum depth of 10 nm. The spectrum indicated the presence of silicon atoms on the surface of the polymer, implying that the spherical particles are located throughout the polymer network. See Figure 3. The Si 2p spectrum has a maximum centered at ca. 101.9 eV representing SiOCnHm-type compounds. This gives an indication of the filler/matrix compatibility due to the modified character of the silica system. For a semiquantitative determination of the compositional disordering of silanol groups in the local environment of silicon atoms inside amorphous networks, MAS solid-state 29Si NMR was utilized to characterize the nature of the hydroxy derivative around the silicon atoms (conventionally denoted by Qn),22-24 indicated by the relative proportions of Q2, Q3, and Q4 species, as shown in Figure 4. Typical ranges of peak positions (ppm) for the Si nuclei are -80 to -90 for Q2 (n ) 2), -90 to -110 for Q3 (n ) 3), -110 to -125 for Q4 (n ) 4) as in the formula [Si(O-)4-n(OSi)n], and it was observed that the system displayed a very condensed silicate structure due to the majority of Q4 species present. The FT-IR spectrum of pure PP and the hybrid PP/SiO2

Figure 3. XPS spectrum showing the silicon peak in SiO2 particles in the PPN10 sample.

Figure 4. Solid-state labeling of peaks.


NMR spectrum with Qn (n ) 2-4)

system was recorded. A broad and large band at 3424 cm-1 and a small sharp band at 960 cm-1 were assigned to (O-H) stretches of the Si-OH moiety. Absorptions


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temperature. The melting point temperature of the polymer increases with rising lamella thickness (l) and depends on the specific fold surface free energy e, according to the equation

Tm ) Tm(1 - 2e/hfl)
A modification of e (decreasing) due to the presence of microsilica may explain the observed change in Tm. 3.3.b. Degree of Crystallinity by Wide-Angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD). It is known that many polymeric solids consist of folded chain lamellae. The breadth of XRD lines are interpreted as a result of a disorder within the lamellae and can therefore be used to measure the degree of crystallinity of the polymeric system.26 Figure 6 shows the WAXD spectrum of a PP/ SiO2 composite recorded at room temperature. Three strong peaks located at low 2 values are characteristic of the R form of PP crystals (thermodynamically stable), which can be indexed as the (110), (040), and (130) reflections. Consistent with the literature, these three peaks are located at 2 ) 14.3, 17.0, and 18.7.27-29 The degree of crystallinity of the R form of PP was obtained from the equation18

Figure 5. DSC scans of PPN10 and PPM10.

Wc,x )

Ic Ic + 1.25Ia

Figure 6. WAXD scan of the PP/SiO2 composite prepared in situ by the SPP method.

in the range of 1080-1120 cm-1 were assigned to (CH) stretches of Si-O-C species, while absorptions in the ranges of 1050-1100 and 815-485 cm-1 were assigned to the stretching modes of Si-O-Si moieties. 3.3.a. Degree of Crystallinity by DSC. The crystallinities (XC-DSC) of PA6 and PA6/SiO2 composites were determined from the enthalpy evolved during crystallization using the following equation:

XC-DSC (%) )

Hc (1 - )Hm


where Hc is the apparent enthalphy of crystallization, Hm is the value of the enthalpy corresponding to the melting of a 100% crystalline sample, and is the weight fraction of the filler in the nanocomposite. A value of 146 J/g was chosen for Hm. Figure 5 shows the plots of the crystallinity of PA6 and PA6/SiO2 based on DSC results. XC-DSC of pure PP (37%) decreased when nano- or microsilica was used, 33 and 34%, respectively. The same trend was found in the XRD studies of the composites (Figure 6). In the case of PPN10, the observed melting peak shifted toward lower temperatures when compared with PP. The melting peak of the R form was shifted toward higher values with increasing particle size of silica in PP. We proposed that Tm of the PP increase may result from some hindrance in the melting process of PP caused by the presence of silica particles. It has been reported25 that carbon black particles subjected to the amorphous phase during crystallization of PP delayed the starting mobility of the polymer segments in the regions of lamella surfaces during the polymer melting process. Thus, the PP sample has a more rigid amorphous phase (containing the microsilica particles), and it melts at high

where Wc,x is the degree of crystallinity of PP, Ia the integral of the amorphous peak, and Ic ) I110 + 1.63I040 + 2.14I130 + 3.5I041, where I110, I040, I130, and I041 are the integral intensities of the corresponding crystalline peak. The degree of crystallinity of PP in the samples PP, PPN10, and PPM10 showed the same tendency as DSC, namely, lower crystallinity upon the addition of silica particles to PP. Characteristic lines of the filler used were observed in the XRD spectrum. Taking into account the fact that the WAXD measurements were performed at room temperature and that the used silica was amorphous as confirmed by XRD, it can be concluded that the spherical SiO2 particles decreased the crystallinity of the R form of PP with a more pronounced effect than when a larger particle size was used. Additionally, the crystallite size (L) of the R-PP may be calculated from the Scherrer equation30

Lhkl )

k cos

where Lhkl (nm) is the crystallite size perpendicular to the direction of the (hkl) crystal plane, (nm) the wavelength of the incident X-ray, (degree) half of the Bragg angle, (radian) the broadening of pure diffracted X-ray, and k the constant factor of the crystal shape. 1/2 was defined as the half-width of the diffraction peak, k ) 0.9; Gaussian correction was used with ) (B2 b02)1/2, where is the half-width of the peak from the X-ray measurements and b0 the broadening factor of the apparatus. The crystallite sizes of the main crystal planes of R-PP in sample PPN10 were slightly smaller than those of pure PP, while those of the sample PPM10 were slightly larger in L110 and L040, as shown in Table 1. In many instances, the crystallite size is a useful parameter for estimation of mechanical properties because a specimen with a large L is usually brittle.26 Even though the nanosilica decreased the crystallinity compared to pure PP, the crystallite sizes were increased slightly. These results indicated that the posi-

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Figure 8. Morphology of the composite containing (micro)sized (10-m) silica particles.

Figure 7. SEM micrographs of hybrid (nano)composite showing surface morphology under different magnifications. From top to bottom a, b and c. Table 1. Crystallite Sizes (nm) of r-PP as Estimated by WAXD Analysis sample PP PPN10 PPM10 L110 10.37 9.34 10.55 L040 14.08 13.92 20.77 L130 4.2 14.61 11.75 L041 5.82 6.72 6.47

tive effect of the silica as a nucleation site in the PP was diminished and was in accord with findings by Janigova and Chodack4 that the silica surface covered by a layer of low-density polyethylene led to a deactivation of the fillers positive effect on PP crystallization rate parameters. Considering the nucleation effect, the silica surface was therefore affected by the presence of the C18 chains, while an influence on the crystallinity could result from the degree of silica dispersion inside the PP matrix. 3.4. Composite Morphology. The silica particle distribution and its influence on the PP morphology were investigated by SEM. Micrographs showed the

developed shape of the PP particles and the filler distribution in the PP. A homogeneous dispersion of the silica (as verified by EDAX) in the PP matrix was observed. In Figure 7, the surface morphology of the composite was observed. The polymerization was carried out under nonisobaric conditions, forming a waxlike polymer with low molecular weight when the monomer concentration was low. The micrographs showed that the PP particles were not influenced when nanosilica was added, as seen at lower magnifications of the composite in Figure 7a. This observed morphology was comparable to that of a standard PP sample, as reported in the literature.14 The homogeneous dispersion of the silica was seen at higher magnifications, as observed in Figure 7b,c. The interaction of the nanofiller with the catalyst occurred by mixing the diluted catalyst in hexane with the modified silica (facilitated by their nanosize). In Figure 8, SEM micrographs of the microsized composite are shown, and it appeared that the particles had interaction only with the surface of the PP. It is plausible that the nanosilica interacted with the catalyst at the initial stage of the polymerization, while the microsilica particles (in an agglomerate slurry state rather than a colloidal dispersion) were more embedded in the initially formed polymer. 3.5. Catalysis. Three experiments are plotted in relation to the reaction rate and normalized reaction rate vs time, as shown in Figures 9 and 10, respectively. It was observed that PP and PPN10 showed similar deactivation behavior, suggesting that the nanosilica did not influence the activity of the catalyst. The slight difference observed at low reaction times between PP and PPN10 is in the acceptable range of reproducibility. As the reaction proceeded, the deactivation behavior of PPN10 became similar to that of pure PP. The use of microsilica caused a large drop in the catalyst activity, as seen in the same rate vs time curve of Figure 9. It is known that the catalyst is sensitive to external agents that can affect the dormant state of the active sites.


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Figure 9. Kinetic measurements showing reaction rate vs time curve.

synthesis (on the order 5 g/g of catalyst) was not affected when the silica was incorporated. Furthermore, the catalyst remained active upon the addition of the silica sol. Accurate reaction kinetic measurements in the earliest stage of polymerization were performed after filler addition. 4. Conclusions The in situ synthesis of a PP/SiO2 nanocomposite using a Ziegler-Natta catalyst was satisfactorily prepared in a SPP reactor. Homogeneous dispersion of filler particles was obtained at loadings of 3 wt % as verified by SEM. It was found that the silica particles did not increase the degree of crystallinity of the PP, and this effect was less pronounced when nanosilica was used. The use of nanosilica in the PP reduced the catalyst decay when compared with microsilica. The synthesis of (nano)composites by means of this method brings new insights to the study of PP-filled materials. Acknowledgment The authors thank H. Koster for XRD and SEM pictures. M. Smithers is thanked for the SEM pictures of the (nano)composite and A. van der Berg for XPS measurements (MESA+ Research Institute). The FTIR and XRF measurements were performed by L. Vrielink, and assistance from the High Pressure Laboratory (HDL) staff is greatly appreciated. This study was partially funded by the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO): Priority Program Materials (PPM). Literature Cited
(1) Moore, E. Polypropylene Handbook: Polymerization, Characterization, Properties, Processing, Applications; Hanser-Gardner Publications: Cincinnati, OH, 1996. (2) Karger-Kocsis, J. Polypropylene: Structure, Blends and Composites; Chapman & Hall: London, 1995; Vol. 3. (3) Pukansky B. Particulate Filled Polypropylene Composites; Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1999. (4) Janigova, I.; Chodak, I. The Effect of Cross-linked Polyeth ylene as a Surface Modifier on Crystallization of Polypropylene. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2000, 60, 401. (5) Arkles, B. Silanes, Silicones and Metal-Organics; Gelest, Inc.: Tullytown, 2000. (6) Brook, M. A. Silicon in Organic, Organometallic, and Polymer Chemistry; John Wiley & Sons: New York, 2000. (7) Hideyo, M.; Yutaka, S.; Sumio, T.; Yasubumi, T. Polypropylene resin composition for automobile component parts. Japanese Patent JP 9165478 A.

Figure 10. Normalized reaction rate vs time curve. The PP and PPN10 lines overlap.

Because the initial propagation frequency in these experiments is on the order of 0.1-10 monomer molecules per second, the decay of the catalyst activity with increasing yield in the early stages of the polymerization reaction could be the result of an increasing number of active sites being deactivated by the microsilica. The deactivation caused by the microsilica on the catalyst may occur by masking or pore blockage, caused by the physical deposition of microparticles on the outer surface of the catalyst and thus obscuring of the active sites. That would explain the dropping of the catalyst activity in the PPM10 but not the measured initial reaction rate (higher than pure PP) of the microcomposite. The filler effects were better observed when the reaction rate was normalized with respect to the initial reaction rate at t ) 0. As seen in Figure 10, the normalized reaction rate originated at the same point. The reaction rate of PP and PPN10 overlapped, showing no effect of the nanoparticles on the catalyst activity. The PPM10 curve showed a rapid decay with time, confirming the fast deactivation of the catalyst when microparticles were used. Likewise, the filler surface may not be covered completely and basic groups could be exposed and affect the nature and strength of the acid sites, resulting in catalyst deactivation. This seemed in agreement with the O-H traces observed in FT-IR and MAS 29Si NMR (see above). Analysis of the catalyst/silica interaction was complicated because microsilica could be detrimental with loadings as low as 3 wt %. The yield of the PP

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Received for review November 14, 2002 Revised manuscript received May 22, 2003 Accepted May 29, 2003 IE020914P

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