Biographes of LBC Pastors

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Medgett, B. A. (1961) The Blessing of a Christian Home. Horizon,

January - March 1961.
Muwowo, A. (2001) Missionary Spotlight Zambia: The gospel in
Derek Harris (1959 - 1960)………………………………….3
Zambia. Evangelical Times [online]. Available from: Basil Medgett (1964 - 1967)………………………………...4
Accessed on 17 April 2007.
Graham Ingram (1969 - 1976)……………………………...5
Sylvester, C. (1967) The Fiwale Hill Bible School. South African Michael Eaton (1976 - 1977)………………………………..6
Baptist, September 1967. Cape Town: Bible Institute of South
John Symons (1978 - 1979)…………………………………7
Joe Simfukwe (1979 - 1990)………………………………...8
Alfred Nyirenda (1993 -1997)……………………………….9
Nigel Lacey (1999 - 2004)…………………………………..10
Ronald Kalifungwa (2006—date)…………………………...11

INTRODUCTION Kalifungwa, Ronald (2006 - )
Ninth pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church. Has also been pastor of Fairview
The biographies of Lusaka Baptist Church pastors have been Reformed Baptist Church in Mufulira and Lynwood Baptist Church in Pretoria.
compiled to fill in a gap of information in the history of one of Kalifungwa was brought up as a Roman Catholic and for a
Zambia’s oldest Reformed Baptist Church. The church has been in long time believed that he was a Christian. Although he did
existence since 1959 and has had nine pastors. It is important to occasionally indulge in open sin, he was for the most part
have some record of the men that God has raised in the past to taken up with religiosity. The Lord used the influence of
preach the word and serve God’s flock in the pastoral ministry. friends and a brother, Kunda and the preaching of Joe
Simfukwe pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church. While sitting in
a service at LBC in early 1981, he was made to see that he
It is my hope that this booklet will enable men in our churches to was a sinner in need of salvation. Later that day he
realize the importance of the preaching and pastoral ministry and confessed his sin and pleaded with the Lord for mercy. He
search themselves to see if God could be leading them to serve him developed a love for reading after conversion. This with a
in this way. It is my hope too that others will write about other combination of listening to a message tape on the five points of Calvinism con-
firmed him in the Calvinistic faith.
aspects of the history of Lusaka Baptist Church and also other
pastors and church leaders in our Reformed Baptist andalso
etc. Lacey Evangelical
preached The Lord began to impress upon Kalifungwa’s heart a desire to preach the
Churches. gospel while he was studying Mechanical Engineering at Northern Technical
College (NORTEC). At times he almost quit studying to enter the preaching
The writer to Hebrews urges us to “remember our leaders” and ministry. In 1986, he got a job with the then Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines
remember the outcome of their faith. This booklet seeks to help us (ZCCM). The conviction to preach the gospel grew deeper at this time. He
bought a lot of good theological books. He also preached in colleges, universities
remember our leaders by highlighting their early lives, conversion, and churches. He preached almost every week at the youth fellowship at
call to within
churches the ministry
Zambia. Heand
also family
preached lives. Also
regularly highlighted
at Church is at
Conferences an Riverside Chapel. He received a call from Central Baptist Church (later renamed
appreciationTabernacle in London
of the ministry and preached
at Lusaka BaptistatChurch
the Zambia Reformed
of each of the Fairview Reformed Baptist Church). Kalifungwa became pastor of the church for
pastors andHis the preaching was passionately
wider ministry within andevangelistic and warmly
outside Zambia. God ten years. The Lord blessed his preaching and pastoral ministry with the church
richly bless you as you read these short biographies. growing in number. The church eventually moved from meeting at a school to its
own building.

Gabriel S Konayuma Kalifungwa accepted a call to become pastor of Lynwood Baptist Church in
April 2007 Pretoria, South Africa in 1998. The Lord blessed his ministry at the church and
also other churches within South Africa. He also preached at various conferences
in South Africa and has preached a number of times at the Zambian Reformed
Conferences. Kalfungwa became the ninth pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church in
2006. Conrad Mbewe, pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church preached at the service.
Kalifungwa preaches on television on a weekly basis. He also lectures at the
Reformed Baptist Preachers College.

Kalifungwa got married to Sarah in 1991 at Lusaka Baptist Church with Alfred
Nyirenda officiating at the wedding. This marriage has been blessed with three
sons: Kunda, Mumba and Chisomo. Kalifungwa has counseled a number of
youths in courtship and those married.

2 11
Lacey, Nigel (1999 - 2004) Harris, Derek (1959 - 1960)
Eighth pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church. Gifted writer and expositor of the word. First pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church. Played a pioneering role in establishing
Thepreached at Churchofconferences
biographies Lusaka inBaptist
Africa and Europe.pastors have been
Church the church.

Nigel Lacey was born in Suffolk, England on 30th Harris was called to be pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church on 1st January 1959.
December 1942. He became a believer in Christ in 1954 Claude and Charles Kidwell (brothers) were pioneers in establishing the Church
at the age of 12. He worked as an Engineer for fifteen and were key in calling Harris to Lusaka Baptist Church. Though the
years before he became a pastor. He accepted the call to congregation was small initially, it grew in strength and numbers leading to the
become pastor at Lusaka Baptist Church in 1998 and construction of a church building. Lusaka Baptist Church was constituted as a
took up office in 1999. He previously been pastor for church on 2nd July 1961 with the building being opened for worship on 23rd
eighteen years at Bethesda Baptist Church in October 1961. Harris was married to Barbara. They appear to have been a
Stowmarket in England. He had also conducted pastoral hospitable couple as Mary Philip a member of Lusaka Baptist Church at the
training at Trinity Baptist Church in Nairobi in Kenya times writes “He (Derek) and his wife were very good to me”. Harris returned to
from 1996 to 1999. After leaving Zambia, Lacey Scotland in 1960 after serving as pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church.
in thispastor
way.ofItHope Baptist
is my Church
hope too inthat
England untilwill write about other
he went to be with the Lord in August 2007. Whilst at Lusaka Baptist Church,
aspects of the history of Lusaka Baptist Church and also other
Lacey preached regularly from different books of the Bible. Notable books
preached on include Ecclesiastes, Romans, John etc. Lacey also preached
regularly on a thirty minute television programme: Opening the Book. Through
this programme, Lacey’s ministry extended to the whole of Zambia. He preached
on various
The spiritual
writer issues by faithfully
to Hebrews urges us expounding the Scriptures
to “remember our week by week
leaders” and
on Wednesday’s.

Lacey preached at church conferences on the Copperbelt and Lusaka and other
call to within
churches the ministry
Zambia. Heand also family
preached lives. Also
regularly highlighted
at Church is at
Conferences an
Metropolitan Tabernacle in London and preached at the Zambia Reformed
Conferences. His preaching was passionately evangelistic and warmly
devotional. He also wrote a number of publications in publications such as
Evangelical Times, Grace (UK), Grace and Truth (Kenya), and LBC Record
(Zambia). His writings are refreshing as they are easy to read and yet deal with
very important issues. Notable publications include Pastors and Elders as
Physician of Souls, The Latest Moves in Evangelical Unity, God’s Plan for the
Local Church and Apostles and Prophets. Lacey was also a lecturer at the
Reformed Baptist Preacher’s College where he also served as Principal.

Lacey was married to Margaret until the Lord called him home to glory on
14th August 2007 after a heart attack. Their marriage was blessed with two
daughters. Memorial services were held for him in the UK and Zambia. In
Zambia the memorial service was held at Lusaka Baptist Church. Video clips
were shown and brief memorials given by those who loved and served the Lord
with him. Lacey is remembered for his passion and love for the Lord and his
simplicity and warnings against the danger of materialism and couples leaving
separately in different towns and countries. His warmth and intensity in his
public prayers is something one can not easily forget.

10 3
Medgett, Basil (1964 - 1967) Nyirenda, Alfred Gevara (1993 - 1997)
Second pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church. Instrumental in establishment of Baptist Seventh pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church. Passionate preacher of the
Churches in Luanshya, Ndola and Lusaka. gospel. Preached rare series on “Lessons from Questions”. Counselled a number
of youths in courtship and married couples.

Medgett was born on 1 January 1924 in Whitstable,

Kent, England. He attended Faversham Grammar Nyirenda was born in Lundazi District of Zambia. He
School. He was born in a Christian home where the grew up as a typical village boy. He did his primary
example of Christian parents meant a lot to him. His education at various schools in Eastern province. The
father, Cyril, was a lay preacher of the Church of secondary school education was done at David Kaunda
England. Medgett learnt of the of the gospel from his Secondary Technical School from 1967 to 1971. Nyirenda
parents. He became a Christian at the age of fifteen became a Christian in August 1969. He later started
during a series of special services held in his home attending church services at Lusaka Baptist Church.
town. His parents hoped he would become a Minister Nyirenda did an Education degree and specialized in
of the Church of England, however the Lord had other Mathematics at the University of Zambia. While at
plans. Medgett was posted to then Southern Rhodesia University he was exposed to Reformed doctrine after
while serving in the Royal Air Force in World War Two and joined the reading Reformed literature. He sensed the call to the
Bulawayo Baptist Church. Medgett did this after coming to see the Scriptural pastoral ministry while studying at UNZA. He later taught Mathematics at
pattern for the Church. Kabulonga Boys Secondary School. He was also an examiner for Mathematics.
at LBC guided him into considering the pastoral ministry. He preached Nyirenda went to Spurgeon’s College for ministerial training and completed the
For some time he was convinced that the Lord wanted him to serve in business studies in 1984.
life, however with time the Lord led him to the ministry. Medgett later was of
Ndola Baptist Church (where he was the second pastor) in the early 1960’s. He Nyirenda married Tina in 1978. The two were and still are a hospitable couple.
also started Luanshya Baptist Church in 1957 and the church was finally This marriage was blessed with three children i.e. Chawezi (boy), Lusungu (girl),
constituted in 1958. Medgett also served as Principal of Fiwale Hill Bible and Tumbikani (boy). Nyirenda has been involved in counseling a number of
College which he established in Ndola rural in 1961. He Love
startedisa course
Willingof to be
Bible young people preparing for marriage. He has officiated and preached at a
instruction for men whilst there. He laid a good foundation on which the work number of weddings on the Copperbelt and Lusaka. Nyirenda has been pastor of
has continued and increased. Kitwe Chapel and Lusaka Baptist Church. Nyirenda has also been involved in
looking after orphans.
Scripture Union, pastor
Medgett became Zambia Fellowship
of Lusaka of Church
Baptist Evangelical Students,
in 1964. and he
At the time Nurses
being called, the church was struggling financially with the income being less Nyirenda’s ministry has always been characterized by a strong evangelistic
than the budget, yet Medgett still accepted the call! Such was his commitment to emphasis and many have attributed their conversion to Christ through his
The Ten
the cause of Christ and the gospel! Medgett left Zambia for Canada in 1967. He ministry. He preached a number of evangelistic sermons at Lusaka Baptist
served as pastor of Argyle Road Baptist Church in Regina from 1967 to 1974 and Church and other churches. Whilst at Lusaka Baptist he preached on a series
the Olivet Baptist Church in New Westminster, B.C. until 1977. Apart from that “Lessons from Questions”. Notable sermons on this series are: Will a Man Rob
he was also a part-time lecturer at the Baptist College in Vancouver. His special God, Did God Really Say, What Will Profit a Man if he Gains the Whole World?
interests were history, reading and world affairs. He married Katie Kroeker on etc. He has also preached from the book of Philippians. Nyirenda has also been a
22nd May 1954 at a mission station in Southern Rhodesia. Katie lives in Canada. regular preacher at Scripture Union camps and rallies and Zambia Fellowship of
Their children are Kathleen and Dayle. Dayle is senior pastor of Westview Evangelical Students camps and conferences. He was also a key preacher at the
Baptist Church in Canada. Dayle is married to Dawn who is in charge of the Elbycites in the 1980s. This group met annually to look at various doctrines of
children’s ministry. the Reformed Faith. His preaching ministry has also extended to other churches
within and outside Zambia. Nyirenda was also a lecturer at the Reformed Baptist
Medgett died after a short illness in 1983 in Canada. Funeral services were held Preacher’s College in Lusaka where he also served as Principal. He is currently
in the First Baptist Church, Lorne Street and Victoria Avenue. an elder at Mount Makulu Baptist Church in Lusaka.

4 9
Simfukwe, Joe M (1979 - 1990) Ingram, Graham (1969 - 1976)
Sixth pastor and first Zambian pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church. One of the Third pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church. Played a leading role in seeing the
longest serving pastors of Lusaka Baptist. Was instrumental in popularising church change from primarily serving the Europeans and expatriates to an
expository preaching in Evangelical and Baptist Churches. Played a leading role indigenous church with a major outreach to students.
in establishing Baptist churches in Zambian urban towns. Conducted a lot of
weddings and wrote many booklets. Ingram was born near Sheffield in the north of England.
His family was not Christian. He became a Christian in
Simfukwe was born in 1950 in Jombo Village in North- 1955 when was eighteen years of age and doing
ern Province where he did his primary and secondary compulsory military service. A few months before he had
schooling. He later went to do his secondary school been strongly influenced by two young men who were
education in Scotland. He later studied at Glasgow preaching in the street. Through their words the Holy Spirit
University from 1969 - 1973. He became a Christian in convicted him of sin. Six months later after meeting some
1970 at university. He studied Theology at Spurgeon’s more Christians, and seeing Christ in them, he knelt by his
College in London from 1976 - 1979. He also did barrack room bed - in front of 20 other soldiers - and
postgraduate theological studies in Australia from 1990 - surrendered to Christ. Ingram was educated at the King
1993. He worked as an Agricultural research Officer in Edward VI Grammar School in Retford, Nottinghamshire;
the midserving in the Royal Air Force in World War Two and joined the
while the City of Sheffield Teacher Training College and
Spurgeon's College in London.
Simfukwe was called to be pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church in 1979. The elders
at LBC guided him into considering the pastoral ministry. He preached From early on in his Christian life Ingram was aware of a call to preach. It was
consecutive expository sermons through various books of the Bible. Some of the whilst was training to be a teacher, in 1958, that his pastor spoke to him about the
notable series that he preached on were the Ten Commandments, Romans, possibility that God wanted him in the Christian ministry. He went to study at
Ephesians, Minor Prophets, Song of Solomon. He also preached on subjects such Spurgeon’s College. In the early years the college carried the cost of his studies.
alsoThe Promise
started of the Father,
Luanshya Baptist Evangelistic messages
Church in 1957 and atthe
finally His family had rejected him because of his faith and determination to preach. He
during Easter and Christmas and served
Medgett also other special occasions.
as Principal SomeHill
of Fiwale sermons
Bible was not allowed to visit his home for four years. God supplied all his financial
preached during Christmas Guest Services include Love is Willing to be needs. In the latter part of his theological education he received government
Misunderstood and Saving Sinners is a Messy Business. He also officiated and bursaries.
preached several weddings of a number of church members. Simfukwe’s
preaching also extended to other churches and para-church organisations such as Ingram become pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church in January 1969. Before that he
Scripture Union, Zambia Fellowship of Evangelical Students, and Nurses pastored South Lee Baptist Church in London. Other churches where he
Christian Fellowship. He has also preached sermons on radio and television. ministered include Wynberg Baptist Church in Cape Town, Vineyard
Fellowship, Grace Fellowship all in Cape Town. Others are Long Beach
Simfukwe has written a number of publications. These include: The Ten Metropolitan Community Church in California, Wycliffe Baptist Church in
Commandments, Courtship Notes, The Promise of the Father etc. He also used to England and Fish Hoek Baptist Church from 2004 as missionary and assistant
write pastoral letters every month in the Lusaka Baptist Church newsletter. pastor.
Simfukwe was also pastor of Priory Street Baptist Church in the United Kingdom
and Gymea Baptist in Australia. He obtained a Masters degree in Theology in Ingram’s ministry played a great role in making LBC burst its seams in terms of
Australia in 1990. membership of a large multi-racial church. He was influenced by the preaching
of Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and systematically and passionately expounded the
Simfukwe played a leading role in establishing Baptist Churches in urban towns Scriptures. Ingram pioneered evangelistic outreach to various secondary schools
in Zambia. These proved useful for Christians that got jobs outside Lusaka. and UNZA. Many students came to Christ through the special evening services
Simfukwe is currently Principal of Theological College of Central Africa for students. The membership of LBC grew to over 200 in those years. This led
(TCCA) where he teaches biblical studies and pastoral theology. He married to the extension of the church building. Ingram preached from Romans,
Alice in 1975 and has two sons: Gome and Kondo, a pastor in Indiana, USA and Ephesians, Revelation and topics such as Revival, Prayer, “People who met
three daughters: Sibo, Tamira and Charity Suwilo who live in Ohio and Indiana. Jesus”. Muwowo (2001:1) says “the pastor preached with such intensity that
some convicted of sin could not leave their seats at the end of a service.

8 5
Eaton, Michael (1976 - 1977) Symons, John (1978 - 1979)
Fourth pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church. Expository preacher and prolific writer Fifth pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church. He has also served a pastor at Kitwe
of many Christian books including commentaries on a number of books of the Chapel, Portswood Church and Mkushi Christian Community.

Eaton was born in 1941. He came from a very ordinary Symons was brought up in Bristol, England of a
family in London. He became a Christian (late 1950s) Christian background that was mostly Brethren. He
when he was a teenager through a youth group in an became a Christian at Southampton University in
Evangelical Anglican Church. The Billy Graham cam- England where he was studying Geography. He
paigns in London may also have played some part in his later did a teaching certificate at Bristol University.
salvation. He taught Geography and other subjects in a
comprehensive school in Bristol. Symons has three
He did his Bachelor of Divinity at Tyndale House sisters all Christians. One lives in USA and the
Cambridge. He then entered the ministry as a curate others in USA. He married Gwyneth in 1975. This
(assistant minister) at an Anglican church in Surrey, marriage was blessed with four children all who were born in Zambia. One of
England. In 1967, he resigned from the Anglican ministry on theological grounds them is Andrew. The last born has a Zambian name Mwila.
and joined an Evangelical Free Church in south-west London. In March 1969 he
moved to Zambia where he and his wife Jenny joined Lusaka Baptist Church and Symons was convinced of the need to serve as a missionary overseas while
later became a deacon and an elder. From early days in the church he taught an teaching Geography in Bristol. The sense of being called went as far back as his
adult bible class, and preached frequently on Sundays. He studied for a year at conversion and also encouragement from his parents. He trained at Dorothea
UNZA doing a teaching diploma. He began teaching English at Libala Secondary Mission Bible School in Pretoria, South Africa as a self-sponsored student.
School in 1970 and remained there until 1976. In 1976 he became the pastor of
LBC when Graham Ingram moved to Cape Town. Symons was asked to become pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church in 1978 after the
church had been without a pastor for a year. His role was more of
Throughout his ten years of residence in Zambia he used his gift as a Bible encouragement, direction setting and building unity. Symons played a leading
expositor in building up Christian groups at UNZA, speaking at student role in developing a church full of youths zealous for the Lord who later had
conferences, church conferences, starting the Zambia branch of the Evangelical leadership roles in the country. The first Zambian elders, Joe Simfukwe (who
Library, counselling and inspiring many individuals. Eaton has written more than later become pastor of the church) and Cephas Yandila were appointed at this
forty Christian books, most of them specially written with African young people time. In the first twelve months, many became Christians and almost sixty-six
in mind; but they have a much wider circulation. His doctoral research at the getting baptized as believers. Symons has also been pastor of Portswood Church
University of South Africa was on the Christian and the Mosiac law. Eaton has a in Southampton, UK in 1986, Kitwe Chapel and Mkushi Christian Community in
longstanding connection with Westminster Chapel in London and has written on Zambia. Symons has been pastor of Mkushi Christian Community since 2002.
the theology of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. He has lectured in the Baptist He has been instrumental in planting local churches in Mkushi and Serenje.
Theological College of Southern Africa, Nairobi Evangelical School of Theology Gwyneth, the wife has been assisting with managing the finances in the Church.
and Nairobi International School of Theology. After a brief period back in Symons has a heart for evangelism and urges those seeking the ministry to be
England studying and writing, he became pastor of Nairobi Baptist Church from prayerful and given to the study of God’s word.
about 1978-1982. He then moved to South Africa to pastor Rouxville Baptist
Church, Johannesburg where he pioneered multiracial ministry. Symons has preached from the Gospels, Acts, Romans, Ephesians and most
Pauline epistles. Other books preached on are Genesis, Psalms, Song of
Eaton has been pastor of Chrisco Christian Fellowship in Nairobi since 1986. He Solomon, Daniel and other prophets both .
married Jenny whom he met in the UK in 1968. Jenny was born in Kenya though
she is originally from England. They have two sons and two daughters i.e. Tina is
married to Roger Gysling and lives in Switzerland, Calvin is in London, Carey
married Stephanie in 2003 and they live in Australia. Trevecca married Jason
Tiro in 2005. They also live in Australia.

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