#1 Crowdfunding: Ten Frontiers For The Future of Engagement
#1 Crowdfunding: Ten Frontiers For The Future of Engagement
#1 Crowdfunding: Ten Frontiers For The Future of Engagement
Future of Engagement
People and brands put their money where their mouse is.
What is Crowdfunding? How Does Crowdfunding Work?
On most crowdfunding platforms, a creator (an individual or a group) pitches a project to the community and asks for small amounts of funding. Then, the creator and the community promote the project on the crowdfunding platform, on the social web, and in mainstream media, to gather support for the project, and help it reach the funding goal within a specified duration. Successful creators often have a clear plan for completing their project and a public history of successfully completing similar projects, backed up by links to project website and personal social network profiles. By launching the crowdfunding project in public, creators back up their projects with their reputations. Most backers support crowdfunding projects based on trust, to help their friends or public figures they have long admired create something meaningful. Others are inspired by the newness of the idea or the rewards promised by the project, such as backstage passes for a concert or being included in a films credits. Yet others are attracted to the idea of co-creating the project, by having insider access to updates and the ability to contribute their own ideas to it. Crowdfunding platforms offer creators more than just money. They also help creators test their ideas in public, build a strong community that supports them and spreads the word, and gain visibility on the platform itself, on social networks, blogs and sometimes even newspapers and television.
Crowdfunding involves people coming together to collectively fund projects they are passionate about and help bring them to life. Crowdfunding has been used to support a wide variety of projects, including disaster relief, citizen journalism, political campaigns, startups, art (music, movies and books), game development, scientific research and causes. In return, funders receive a reward, which might include a product, a customized experience, equity or simply recognition, depending on the type of project. Microlending platforms like Kiva (video), peer-topeer lending platforms like Prosper and microdonation platforms like DonorsChoose (video) can be considered to be predecessors to crowdfunding platforms. However, crowdfunding in its present form can be traced to the inception of platforms like indiegogo (video) in 2008 and Kickstarter (video) in 2009, both of which connect people to creative projects in need of funds. It entered mainstream consciousness in 2012, when several projects on Kickstarter and other crowdfunding platforms raised more than $1 million each and up to $10 million in funding. These include technology gadgets like e-paper watch Pebble; a music record and tour by Amanda Palmer; gaming projects like gaming console Ouya; and even a community center in Glyncoch, Wales. The success of such crowdfunding projects shows that people are willing to offer financial support to people and projects they believe in, and has created a new model for artists and entrepreneurs to fund their projects.
View the full infographic at pleasefund.us View the full infographic at intuit.com
As Stephan Angoulvant, design director at texting printing company Lumi, shared: For us, Kickstarter has been a powerful tool to connect with a community passionate about our work, to help us collect critical insight, and to provide a time line that helps us organize our activities as we grow our project. Platforms offer one of two funding models: all or nothing in which the creator only gets the funds if the project reaches the funding goal, and keep it all in which the creator gets whatever amount the project has raised, irrespective of whether it has met the funding goal. Over time, three distinct models of crowdfunding have emerged, focused on donations, lending and investments.
As crowdfunding becomes mainstream, we are beginning to see niche crowdfunding platforms targeting specific geographies, funding models and types of projects. Pozible (video), Zeczec and WeFund focus on diverse projects in Australia, Taiwan and the U.K. respectively. ArtistShare (video) focuses on music projects, CrowdRise (video) and Razoo (video) on nonprofits, LoudSauce (video) on meaningful ads, GiveForward (video) on patients, GoFundMe (video) on personal projects, SpaceHive (video) on public spaces, Credibles (video) on food
projects, and keep backers engaged with updates on progress during the fundraising period. The brand provides credibility and visibility, beyond funding. Finally, brands rely on the wisdom of crowds to identify projects to fund, and fans feel affinity not only for their favorite projects, but also for the brand for creating the platform to support them.
[Kickstarter] recently boasted that it expected to raise $150 million in contributions in 2012. By comparison, the National Endowment for the Arts, noted Yancey Strickler, one of Kickstarters founders, has a budget of $146 million. Kickstarter follows the all or nothing funding model, in which only projects that have successfully met their funding goals approximately 43% of all Kickstarter projects receive funds. Kickstarter believes this model protects everyone involved, as projects with insufficient budgets are less likely to succeed. Since 2009, Kickstarter has helped raise more than $250 million for more than 24,000 projects.
Source: kickstarter.com
Kickstarter is the largest U.S. crowdfunding platform, empowering artists and engineers to raise funds from individuals. Mike Bulajewski, a user experience designer, described Kickstarter as: A place where artists and engineers can connect with the people in direct peer-to-peer relationships who arent just buying entertainment, theyre helping make dreams a reality. Kickstarter focuses on funding of creative projects and fills a gap that was created by the slow economy and budget slashes. As journalist James Reed observed in the music industry: As the music industrys financial resources continue to crumble, more independent musicians are turning to fans to directly finance work that might not otherwise get done. This need has helped fuel the growth and success of Kickstarter. Journalist Patricia Cohen noted:
Source: loudsauce.com
LoudSauce is a crowdfunding platform that funds advertising for social good. The platform offers people a unique opportunity to broadcast messages that can help society. As social activist Jeremy Williams commented: Most of us cant afford a billboard. But if we got together with like-minded people and each chipped in a bit, perhaps we could use just a small part of the advertising network for something positive. This opportunity helps non-profits and organizations reach larger crowds and create larger networks of like-minded people. Blogger Beth Buczynski observed: Most of these [social media] outlets require people to opt in to receive updates and invites. This means that for the most part, organizations with the ability to catalyze social and environmental change end up preaching to the choir.
While the platform may not have an immediate impact on traditional media buying and advertising, it is finding support from both consumers and advertisers. As advertiser Michael Caissie commented: I work in advertising and my goal is to make a more human way of communication and this concept of ideas coming from the public is almost to me revolutionary.
Way to go, Chase- it is refreshing to see a big faceless corporation making things right. Thanks for looking out for the little guys! However, the need to campaign for votes and compete with other charities has led to much debate amongst non-profits about the return on investment of participating in such programs. As consultant Carrie Hirmer commented: For us, being in one of these contest-type grants has been a wonderful thing so far. It may not work as well for some organizations. It has helped increase awareness of the need for our project and has served as a door-opener, so to speak, for relationships that will last long after the contest ends. This type of program also requires constant campaign management and proactive communication with audiences. B.L. Ochman, a consultant and contributor to AdAge.com, who has written about this program at length, considers Chase Community Giving to be: a model of what and what not to do in a corporate philanthropy campaign.
Since 2009, Chase Community Giving has donated more than $28 million to more than 500 charities by asking its employees and customers to first nominate eligible charities, then asking its 3.8 million fans on Facebook to vote for their favorite charities. The four-year program has contributed much learning to Chases internal giving strategy. As Samantha Smith, journalist at NY Times said: JPMorgan Chases goal with the above contribution is to continuously engage communities that care and are knowledgeable on change in the JPMorgan Chase Foundations giving strategy. The program has also helped spread the word about Chases philanthropic efforts and shape peoples opinion about the brand. As Julie Brown commented on Facebook:
Read the full case study on our blog or on Slideshare In 2012 Benettons Unemployee of the Year gave 500,000 to 100 projects to celebrate young peoples ingenuity, creativity, and ability to create new ways of addressing the problem of unemployment.
Source: unhate.benetton.com/unemployee-of-the-year
While Benetton is famous for highlighting social issues in its advertising, this campaign marks the brands first effort to support these issues financially. As Stuart Elliott, columnist at NY Times wrote: For almost as long, critics have dismissed the [Benetton] ads as exploitative because they do not offer solutions to the problems or assistance to the causes that could use financial help. Now, however, Benetton is going to put some money where its mouth is. Youth unemployment is a cause that has a large passionate following globally, and the program has inspired widespread coverage of the issue and participation from 42,266 unemployed young people. As NYTimes reader DJ noted: Every little bit helps when you have no job at all." The 5,000 grants and the relevance of the cause will help Benetton build a deeper relationship with the youth market. As Adweek blogger Tim Nudd wrote: They may be less provocative than last years, but perhaps theyll make a more lasting difference in the lives of the target market.
Source: votegivegrow.com/
Involving customers also complemented Starbucks contribution to non-profits. As Starbucks customer Suzanne C commented: This seems like a good way for SB to not only donate funds to a non-profit but to also raise awareness for the non-profits that are out there! In return, customers feel a sense of pride for contributing to worthy causes and a sense of affinity for Starbucks for making it happen. As Starbucks customer Sarah commented: Feels good to patronize a company that is philanthropically minded.
Source: sparktherise.com
The program is a demonstration of Mahindra Groups commitment to its corporate philosophy Rise. Ad veteran Ramesh Narayan commented: Mahindra is making a statement it is committed to helping India, and backing it with action. [Spark the Rise] is an eloquent statement of its positioning, unlike a mere advertising campaign that says the company is committed to some cause or the other. The initiative taps into the passions of the Indian crowds, as former ad-man Lakshmipathy Bhat pointed out: The rallying cry of Rise and the call to action of Spark the Rise couldnt have come at a better time there are heroes emerging from every walk of life and being egged on by the general public. As consumers evolve in the digital age, it is important for brands to be seen as authentic and socially responsible. Narayan commented: As consumers get younger and more aware, these will be increasingly important critical factors affecting choice."
We also expect some niche crowdfunding platforms to focus on connecting brands with creators and backers. Projeggt (video) in Spain is trying to promote a model where brands sponsor projects in return for custom rewards from creators. Already, we are seeing examples of brands, organizations and celebrities supporting projects on crowdfunding platforms. For instance, Mozilla Firefox is offering matching grants at Crowdrise. Some brands will go further and create their own crowdfunding platforms, and ask their community members to fund projects and non-profits on a matching grant basis, not only through virtual actions such as voting. However, as branded crowdfunding programs become mainstream, and their novelty wears off, we expect that they will become more focused, with a stronger alignment between the brands purpose and the type of projects or non-profits it funds.
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MSLGROUP is Publicis Groupe's strategic communications and engagement group, advisors in all aspects of communication strategy: from consumer PR to financial communications, from public affairs to reputation management and from crisis communications to event management. With more than 3,700 people, its offices span
22 countries. Adding affiliates and partners into the equation, MSLGROUP's reach increases to 4,000 employees in 83 countries. Today the largest 'PR and Engagement' network in Europe, Greater China and India, the group offers strategic planning and counsel, insight-guided thinking and big, compelling ideas followed by thorough execution.
Write to us to start a conversation on the future of engagement.: Pascal Beucler, SVP & Chief Strategy Officer (pascal.beucler@mslgroup.com) Janelle Dixon, North America Head of Insights (janelle.dixon@mslgroup.com) Dominic Payling, Europe Head of Insights (dominic.payling@mslgroup.com) Gaurav Mishra, Asia Head of Insights (gaurav.mishra@mslgroup.com)