Results in Each Criteria Will Be Awarded According To The Attached Criteria Sheet

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Draft Due Submit to your teacher via email Assignment Due Submit hard copy through REEVES Drop box

4:30pm Thursday 21 April 8:20am Thursday 28 April

TEACHER: Mrs Baker

This assignment is to be completed in the students own time and 2 lessons of class time with minimal teacher input. You must use the graphics calculator and graph link, or other computer technology e.g. EXCEL, Graphmatica), to complete this task. Results in each criteria will be awarded according to the attached criteria sheet. STANDARD C

CRITERION Knowledge & Procedures Modelling & Problem-Solving Modelling & Problem-Solving /20 Part2 Part 3



Question Appropriate interpretation & use of mathematical terms, symbols & conventions Organize & present information Analyse & translate information from one representation to another sequential Use of mathematical coherent reasoning which is: &logical concise sequential Justification of procedures, decisions coherent and results which are: &logical

concise Justification of reasonableness of results

KNOWLEDGE & PROCEDURES Part 1 Collection and presentation of Gold Coast Data 2. Table 1: Prices of 4216 and 4211 4/5Bed 2/3Bath Houses
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Pacific Pines (4216) Paradise Point (4211) Price of 4/5 Bedroom 2/3 Bathroom Dwellings (in 1000s) 350 525 379 549 387 559 399 600 410 625 425 639 429 690 430 695 459 749 485 799 499 825 503 835 510 878 520 889 529 895 539 895 555 960 569 980 580 995 599 995 619 1,075 669 1,075 675 1,085 699 1,150 709 1,150 719 1,488 775 1,495 799 1,980 995 2,200 1,250 2,795

3. Table 2: Mean and Standard Deviations of Pacific Pines and Paradise Point House Prices Pacific Pines Paradise Point

The mean of house prices for Pacific Pines is The mean of the house prices for Paradise $582,000 Point is $1035,000 The Sample Standard Deviation is $194,000 The Sample Standard Deviation is $511,000 This value indicates that the prices of the houses This value indicates that the prices of houses in Pacific Pines remain within a smaller range in Paradise Point extend through a larger price of prices when compared to Paradise Point. range when compared to Pacific Pines. The means indicate that houses in Paradise Point are significantly more expensive than houses in Pacific Pines.

Compare and contrast the distributions remembering to use your 5-number summary values within your discussion
4. Pacific Pines Paradise Point

Five point Summary

Expense, range,


Combine the two postcodes to get a single set of data. Draw a histogram to display this data with either your graphics calculator or by hand (2) Use your combined data to draw a cumulative frequency ogive and complete this sentence: On the Gold Coast, 75% of the homes are priced at below .. (3)



In most distributions over 90% of the data are within 2 standard deviations of the mean. Investigate the validity of this statement for your total Gold Coast data. (3)

MODELLING & PROBLEM SOLVING Part 2 The Gold Coast, is it Australias most unaffordable place to live? MAPS 1 Choose two Australian cities from the 10 most unaffordable housing markets. Use a variety of statistical methods (no discussion) to compare and contrast the cost of houses in these cities and the Gold Coast

Part 3 Does your research support the Top 10 most unaffordable markets? MAPS 2

Use your data and the analysis and presentation of your data to answer the above question. You must draw conclusions from your work in Parts 1 & 2 in order to argue your case. It is essential that every conclusion is justified mathematically. State any assumptions and their effects. State the strengths and limitations of your conclusions.

A Part 2: Modelling & Problem-solving Use of problem-solving strategies to interpret, clarify and analyse problems. Identify assumptions and their associated effects. Use of data to synthesise mathematical models in simple through to complex situations. Investigate and evaluate the validity of mathematical arguments including the strengths and limitations of models. The student Correctly interprets the task completing all steps accurately. At least two correct measures of dispersion and two correct measures of central tendency. At least two correct graphs with all three cities together. Must show a side-by-side box plot.

B Part 2: The student Correctly interprets the task completing most steps accurately. One measure of dispersion and two measures of central tendency mostly correct One graph mostly correct with all three cities together. May be a sideby-side box plot or ogives.

C Part 2: The student Correctly interprets the task completing most steps accurately One measure of dispersion and one measure of central tendency mostly correct or two measures of central tendency mostly correct Graph mostly correct, may display three cities on separate charts or may be a side-by-side bar chart.

The student interprets the task and completes some steps Measure of dispersion or central tendency attempted

The student does not interpret the task accurately but makes some attempt

N OR Graph attempted

Part 3: Part 3: Students accurately Synthesizes all information to answer question Generalizes to make plausible comments about comparative measures of central tendency and dispersion and graphs. Limitations discussed with examples Assumptions and effects

The student makes no reasonable attempt to complete the task

Part 3: Students Synthesizes most information to answer question Generalizes to make some plausible comments about comparative measures of central tendency and dispersion or graphs Limitations discussed Assumptions Part 3: Students Synthesizes some information to answer question Makes comments about comparative measures of central tendency and dispersion or graphs. Students Makes comparative comments

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