PTA 2012 NewsletterNovember PDF

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Cougar News

Sunset Ridge PTA Newsletter

SRPTA has joined Facebook!
Go Cougars!

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November 2012

Oct. 31 Halloween Parade, 9:15 am Nov. 5 Fall Fundraiser items expected to arrive. P/U afterschool Nov. 6 PTA Planning/Board Meeting, 6:30pm in the Staff Room Nov. 8 Room Parent Meeting, 6:30pm in the Staff Room Nov. 10 PEF Casino Night at the Pedro Point Firehouse, 7-11pm Nov. 12 Veterans Day (NO SCHOOL) Nov. 14 Dinner Fundraiser Panda Express, ALL DAY! Nov. 15 Family Math Night, 6:30 7:30 pm Nov. 17-25 Thanksgiving Break (NO SCHOOL) Nov. 28-30 MINIMUM DAYS 1:30 pm release Dec. 4 PTA Planning/Board Meeting, 6:30pm in the Staff Room

November 21st is World Hello! Day

The purpose of World Hello Day is to help promote peace around the world, by saying hello to at least 10 people throughout the day. You may make a new friend by saying hello to someone new!
Ni hao Hola Ol Hall Bonjour Prshndetje Merhaba Kaixo

The SRPTA is pleased to support

The NED Show!

This month, the students will enjoy an exciting assembly program promoting positive attitudes, better behavior & academic achievement in school. Students will be able to purchase Ned messaged items later in the month.
For more information, visit:

Meet the

President: Laura Alvarado, Vice President: Cassandra Maldonado, Secretary: Molly Bolich, Treasurer: Magda Carranza, Principal Ellie Cundiff, Teacher Representative: Debby Lyttle, Auditor: Claudia Valle/Julie Austin, Box Tops Coordinator: Cathe Nguyen, Historian: Claudia Valle, Newsletter Coordinator: Beth Smerdon, PEF Liason: Julie Austin, Room Parent Coordinators: Janeen Castaneda & Casey Hill, Snack Window Coordinator: Denise Gristi, Special Events Coordinator: John Edwards, Website Coordinator: Louise Southwick.
If you have an event, project or fundraiser youd like to propose, please let us know. Contact us at: or attend our monthly Planning/Board meetings.
PLEASE NOTE: The mention of any business or service in this publication does not imply an endorsement by Sunset Ridge PTA.

Sunset Ridge PTA Board

Family Math Night! Thursday, November 15 6:30 7:30 pm

Our Teachers are hosting a FREE, fun-filled night of Math Games and hands-on projects. Come join the fun!

The Fall Fundraiser items are expected to arrive on November 5th. Please make Sincerely, plans to pick up items afterschool. Laura Alvarado
Sunset Ridge PTA President Email:

Pacifica Education Foundation 5th Annual Casino Night!

Saturday, November 10th Pedro Point Firehouse, 7-11pm
More info? Visit:

Monthly Dinner Fundraiser!

Wednesday, November 14 All Day! Panda Express @ Serramonte Bring your flyer! Tell your friends!
Noon to 9pm

20% of the proceeds from Sunset Ridge families will be donated to our PTA by Panda Express (in Daly City).

A Message from our Librarian

Fog Fest FogFest was a Great Success! Thank you to Cindy Taylor with Safeway for getting so many volunteers to cover our parking venue. Also thank you to Safeway for donating money so we could purchase coffee for the event. Thank you to all the parents who baked or sent in food for us to sell. On Saturday we raised $213.00 and Sunday we raised $49.00 thru coffee and breakfast item sales. REMEMBER: Birthday Grams are available throughout the school year for $2-$2.50, depending upon delivery choice. Order forms available at school, or contact Lauren Reynolds for more information at: Thank you for your continued support our school library! - Lauren Reynolds, Library Media Clerk

Box Tops Update

Congratulations to the following classes for winning the Fall Box Tops Class Competition! Kindergarten/1st grade: Ms. Cassebeers Kindergarten class (K2) with 380 Box Tops. 2nd/3rd grades: Mrs. Easterbys 2nd grade class (A3) with 515 Box Tops. 4th-5th grades: Mrs. Lyttles 5th grade class (E2) with 982 Box Tops. * Schoolwide we collected over 8,000 Box Tops! * Keep clipping those Box Tops and bring them to your teacher. There will be another competition in the spring! - Cathe Nguyen Box Tops Coordinator Room Parents are working on the School Directory. Please turn in your paperwork ASAP. New School Spirit Wear is available!
New Spirit Wear !

Food Drive!
Local Girl Scouts (Daisy Troop #62126 and Junior/Cadette Troop #31846) are collecting dry goods & non-perishable canned food for the Pacifica Resource Center, in the school lobby Nov. 1st - 30th.


Our annual Spaghetti Dinner on December 6th The annual Market Night December 18th
Great handmade crafts from our 5th graders!

T-shirts, pull-over sweatshirts, zip-up sweat jackets, sweat pants & more! See the PTA.

FAMILIES: Heres a good deal for you and a GREAT deal for Sunset Ridge!

* Please contribute if you can! *

If your family needs assistance this holiday season (or any time), contact:

PACIFICA RESOURCE CENTER Helping Families in Need 650-738-7470

Missing a Lunch Box, Sweater or Jacket? Check out the Cafeteria!

When students are caught doing good at school, theyre given a chance to win a free snack from the Wednesday snack window. Encourage your kids to practice kindness!

Precision Auto Body is owned by a Sunset Ridge family, and they have offered to make a donation of 10% based on the labor costs of every repair job that comes into their business from Sunset Ridge Friends and Families. Just mention Sunset Ridge! * Everyone is welcome, so spread the word! *

Precision Auto Body

448 Victory Avenue PH: (650) 871-5566 SSF, CA 94080 FAX: (650)583-3768 Email:

Easy, Year Round FUNDRAISING for Sunset Ridge PTA

Please continue to use

Sunset Ridge Group #9194952


your S.H.A.R.E.S. card! Lucky offers 3% to PTA on qualified purchases.

Got Printer Cartridges? PTA accepts empty ink cartridges (large & small). If you have some, please send them in! Thanks.

SHOP SERRAMONTE for SUNSET RIDGE! Receipts* should be st dated August 1 , 2012 to January 31, 2013 and can be logged in for Sunset Ridge at the Serramonte Center Information Booth, or bring them to the PTA in the Parent Room. *Receipts must be logged in within 60 days of purchase date.

If you make a purchase from, link through from our PTA website, and well earn a percentage!

Schools can receive awards of Field Trips or Prizes of $200-$1000!

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