T-0501duty Requirements 001
T-0501duty Requirements 001
T-0501duty Requirements 001
PHONE : (O) 022-2659 8595 / 5159 (P) 022-2659 0808 FAX : 022- 2659 0088 E-Mail : ceoandm@mahatransco.in Office of the Chief Engineer (Trans O&M) Prakashganga, MSETCL Plot no. C-19, E-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai 400051
web: http://www.mahatransco.in
Date: - 20/08/08
Sub:- Procurement of 200MVA & 100 MVA, 220 KV class Power Transformers against Tender No. MSETCL/JBIC/ICB/T-0501/0208 (JBIC Package 1) -Amendment in the Technical Parameters Vol-II (Duty Requirements and Principal Technical Parameters(200 MVA)). Ref:- Your Pre Qualifying Requirement Bid vide L.No. WR/B/MSETCL/JBIC-Tender dtd. 10.06.08 While submitting the techno-commercial bid and Price Bid, you are requested to consider the following modification in the Duty Requirements and Principal Technical Parameters of 200 MVA. For Duty Requirements, please refer Clause no. 5.1.2, shall be read as under: 5.1.2 a) For 200 MVA, 220/132-110/11 KV, Dual Ratio transformer in which the IV winding is required to be suitable for operation at 132 KV or 110 KV, as per the purchaser's system requirement, it is desired to have series parallel arrangement in the IV winding for change over from 110 KV to 132 KV. For this purpose link board shall be provided inside the tank or in a separate chamber as the case may be for one time change over to 132 KV in future. The compensating winding with series-parallel arrangement shall be provided at the IV end after the OLTC tapping windings. The main winding towards IV terminal shall remain unaltered for 110 KV or 132 KV. The HV winding shall be insulated as 145 KV class winding. With this arrangement the complete IV winding will be in service irrespective of whether the transformer is operating at 110 KV or 132 KV IV voltage.. Further, no appreciable change is expected in HV/IV impedance in the two cases. As an alternative to the above the bidder may offer Single ratio transformer 220/132 KV with tappings of +10% to -20 % in 24 equal steps of 1.25% each (on 132 KV side) so as to cover the voltage from 145.2 KV to 105.6 KV. b) For 200 MVA, 220/132-100/22 KV, Dual Ratio transformer in which the IV winding is required to be suitable for operation at 132 KV or 100 KV, as per the purchaser's system requirement, it is desired to have series parallel arrangement in the IV winding for change over from 100 KV to 132 KV. For this purpose link board shall be provided inside the tank or in a separate chamber as the case may be for one time change over to 132 KV in future. The compensating winding with series-parallel arrangement shall be provided at the IV end after the OLTC tapping windings. The main winding towards IV terminal shall remain unaltered for 100 KV or 132 KV. The HV winding shall be insulated as 145 KV class winding. With this arrangement the complete IV winding will be in service irrespective of whether the transformer is operating at 100 KV or 132 KV IV voltage.. Further, no appreciable change is expected in HV/IV impedance in the two cases. THE BIDDERS SHALL, HOWEVER NOTE THAT ONLY ONE OF THE TWO ALTERNATIVES AS STATED ABOVE AND ONE PRICE SHALL BE QUOTED, FAILING WHICH THE OFFER IS LIABLE FOR REJECTION.
For Principal Technical Parameters of 200 MVA refer Annexure A1 Annexure A1 PRINCIPAL TECHNICAL PARAMETERS 200MVA,220/132/11KV, 220/132-110/11KV, 220/132-100/22KV
SR. NO. 1. DESCRIPTION 200MVA, 220/132/11KV & 220/132-110/11KV & 220/132-100/22KV 3 Phase core type 2 winding T/F suitable for outdoor installation and suitable for bi-directional flow of power. 0n wheels mounted on rails 50 Hz 245 kv 220/132/11KV, 220/132110/11KV, 220/132100/22KV Three Auto Tr. with tertiary OFAF 100 125 200 Star Auto Delta YNaOd1 Effectively solidly Earthed
2. 3. 4.
Type of mounting Suitable for rated system frequency a) Voltage Class b) Voltage Ratio
5. 6. 7. 8.
No. of phases No. of windings Type of cooling MVA rating corresponding to cooling system. a) ONAN cooling b) ONAF cooling c) OFAF Cooling Method of connection HV IV LV Connection symbol (Vector group) for all transformers System earthing
Percentage impedance, voltage on normal tap and at rated MVA with 10% tolerance applicable a) HV-IV 15% on base MVA and 220/132kV ratio b) HV-LV -Anticipated continuous loading of windings a) HV and LV b) Tertiary Tap changing gear: i) Type ii) Provided on
Not to exceed 110% of its rated capacity Unloaded In Tank, Hi Speed Resistor Type, On-load. IV end of the series winding for IV compensation +15% to -5% 1.25% of 132KV 170kV 1500 Amps
iii) Tap range iv) Step voltage v) Rated voltage of on load Tap Changer. vi) Rated current of on load Tap Changer.
vii) Short circuit withstand current and duration Over voltage operating capability and duration
24 kA for 3 seconds i) 125% of rated voltage for 60 seconds ii) 140% of rated voltage for 5 seconds Minimum Air Core reactance of HV windings 20% 1.6 Max.flux density in any part of core and yoke at rated MVA, normal voltage (Tesla) Current density of HV/IV/LV windings Not exceeding 3 Amp. per sq.mm Insulation levels for windings: a) 1.2/50 micro- second wave shape impulse withstand (kVp) HV IV LV N 950 550 170 95 b) Separate source with stand voltage (kV rms) HV IV LV 38 38 28 c) Power frequency voltage withstand(kVp) HV IV LV 395 230 70 Type of winding insulation: a) HV/IV winding Graded b) LV winding Full System short circuit level and duration for which the transformer 40 KA for 2 seconds shall be capable to withstand thermal and dynamic stresses (kA rms/sec) Noise level at rated voltage and frequency Permissible temperature rise over ambient temp of 50 DC. i) Of top oil measured by thermometer ii) Of winding measured by resistance Minimum clearance in air (mm) a) HV a) Phase to phase b) Phase to ground b) IV a) Phase to phase b) Phase to ground c) LV a) Phase to phase b) Phase to ground Terminals: a) HV winding Line end b) IV winding Line end c) HV/LV winding Neutral end As per latest NEMA std. Tr-1 500C 550C
22. 23.
2000 1800 1430 1230 480 320 245KV class OIP condenser bushing. 145KV class OIP condenser bushing. 36 KV porcelain bushing.
27. 28.
d) LV winding 36 KV porcelain bushing Bushing current rating HV 800 Amp IV/LV 1250 Amp Max.Radio interference voltage level at 1MHZ & 1.1 times max. 500 Micro volts rms phase to ground voltage for HV Terminal connector. Cooling Equipments: a) Number of Banks. Two nos. of 50% bank.
One 100% pump and one 100% stand by pump Adequate number of fans of 18"/24" sweep with one no. stand by fan in each group. HV 1050
IV LV 650 170 b) Switching impulse withstand (kVP) N.A. c) 1 Minute power frequency withstand voltage (kV rms) HV IV LV 460 270 70 d) Creepage distance (mm) 25 mm per KV for highest system voltage 30.a Bushing current transformers for purchasers use (for restricted E/F To be provided for HV & protection) IV side bushings only i) Type Single phase ring type turret mounted ii) Current Ratio (A/A):(A/A) 1200/1 iii) Knee point voltage (V) 600 V iv) Accuracy class P.S. v) Secondary resistance (Ohms) 5 Ohms vi) Turns ratio Identical to the ratio provided on HV neutral. vii) No.of cores 1 30b HV Neutral side CT for owner's use i) Type Single phase ring type turret mounted ii) Quantity 1 iii) Voltage class 24KV iv) No.of cores 1 v) Current Ratios (A/A) 1200/1 vi) Turn ratio Identical to the ratio provided on HV side vii) Knee point voltage viii) Class of accuracy ix) Max. secondary winding resistance (rms) x) Location for mounting 600V. PS 5 Ohms In neutral lead before connection to station earth. To be filled by the supplier in GTP To be filled by the supplier in GTP
31. 32.
Maximum no load loss (Iron loss) at rated voltage and at rated frequency at 75 D C in KW. Maximum load loss including cooler loss because of consumption by the cooler fans, motor pump sets etc. at rated current and at rated frequency at 75 D C in KW. Note: HV: High voltage IV :Intermediate voltage LV: Low voltage