Winshuttle CS01 StepbyStepGuide
Winshuttle CS01 StepbyStepGuide
Winshuttle CS01 StepbyStepGuide
This document describes how Transaction can be used to create bill of materials in the SAP Business Suite from data in Microsoft Excel or Access. Using the SAP transaction CS01, the following example will display usage of the Transaction Do-While loop feature that can upload multi-item BOMs from Access into SAP.
Enter transaction code CS01 in the Transaction Code field. Click Go.
Choose the appropriate SAP system using the System button, if necessary. Enter appropriate User Data in the SAP Logon window. Click the OK button.
NOTE: For most transactions, Batch Input Mode will suffice, but for downloading information from SAP transactions, or for Finance or HR transactions in which there are Dynamic Actions executing or user parameter values being used, Non-Batch Input Mode will be necessary. The distinction of Without SAP Controls and With SAP Controls is just a matter of what tools are on the transaction screens. So, in this procedure, choose Non-Batch with SAP Controls Mode. Enter any further properties such as Title, Purpose of creation, and Comments into the appropriate fields. If you would like to lock down the editing of the Transaction script, select the Lock Transaction script checkbox. This will password-protect the Transaction script, preventing anyone from changing it. Click the Next button.
You will now be launched into the CS01 transaction. Note: The following screens may vary according to the way your SAP system has been configured. At this point, you are maneuvering through the transaction itself and the process should feel very natural. That said, to make this process repeatable by Transaction, there will be a few modifications to the process compared to how you may manually create a bill of materials. These differences will be identified throughout the rest of this document. Press the [ENTER] key. Enter header data into the initial screen : Material Plant BOM Usage Alternative BOM Keep in mind: The next step may be different than the manual entry process
Enter the BOM Component information on the second line of the grid: Item Number Component Quantity Keep in mind: These steps will most likely be different than manual entry Click the New Entries button to enter the next item. Enter through the two detail screens for the first component.
It is now time to create the mapping for this transaction. Mapping a Transaction script is just a matter of connecting SAP fields to a data file. Transaction provides a Mapper to facilitate this process. Auto Mapping will map the entire Transaction script to an Excel spreadsheet. Because of the complexity of this transaction and because we want to map to Access, we will choose the Create Mapping option instead.
The screenshot shows the Expert Tab of the Mapper. In each of the rows of the Mapper, you will see: Mapper Row number this is just a reference number Enable flag only enabled Mapper rows will be executed by Transaction Screen / Screen Number Technical screen information from the recorded transaction Field Description The label associated with the SAP technical field name. Mapping Type Fix Value, Excel to SAP, SAP to Excel [or, if mapping to Access: Access to SAP, SAP to Access] Value Values assigned to the SAP field; either fixed values, or values to or from the assigned data source Notes Free-format notes to provide useful information to users of the Transaction script
In the Data Source Preview section, you will see a preview screen of the selected data source. To change the Data Source, click the Change Source Type link at the top of the Expert Tab. This displays a drop-down box to switch to Microsoft Access. The Preview section will also change to reflect the choice. In this case, we will use Access.
It is now time to begin the mapping process. The easiest way to remember how to map is this: drag from the source of the data to the destination. Keeping that in mind, we will be uploading data from Access to SAP. Map the Header data first: Click the Open button from the Access Preview. Open the Database and Select the Header Table.
Map the fields that will constitute the header. Click and drag the Material Number column to row 5. Continue this process for Plant, BOM Usage, and Alt BOM columns.
To allow the Access database to contain data for multiple BOM with a variable number of line items per BOM, we will insert a Loop around some Mapper rows. In this case, we will select Mapper rows 9 through 14. Then click the Loop button. The Do While Properties dialog box will then open. The dialog box contains default values, which can be overridden by the creator of the Transaction script. The Start row & End row fields refer to the Mapper rows contained within the Loop. Select the name of the Line Item Table.
In the Join section of the window, select the name of the field that each table shares. This shared field will designate the header and line item data that is shared by one BOM. Click the OK button on the dialog box to insert the Loop around the selected Mapper rows.
The Mapper reflects the following changes as a result of inserting the Loop: The graphical depiction of the Loop around the selected lines indicates which Mapper rows will be contained within the loop. Click and Drag the Item, Component, and Quantity to the rows that match in rows 13 thru 15. Click the arrow button to save and navigate back to the next step of the process.
If necessary, you can navigate back to the Mapper by clicking the Update Mapping link on the Map panel. Click the Access icon to the right of the Select Data File field to open the mapped Access database. Select the Log Result Column drop down and choose the column that SAP messages will be returned to.
Click Run to start the BOM creation.
Winshuttle is the ERP Usability Company, providing software products that enable business users to work with SAP directly from Excel, Web forms and other interfaces without any programming. Winshuttle focuses on a simple fact when using SAP applications, time is money. Winshuttles usability solutions radically accelerate SAP user transactions, saving and redirecting millions of dollars for SAPs customers every day. These financial benefits are achieved by significantly reducing employee and contractor costs and increasing resources to address more strategic priorities. Thousands of customers use Winshuttle to make their SAP lives easier. Headquartered in Bothell, Washington, Winshuttle has offices in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and India. For more information, visit
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