Diplomas and Certificates Française
Diplomas and Certificates Française
Diplomas and Certificates Française
There are many widely recognized French language diplomas and certificates. If you want to invest your time and money in preparation for passing one of them, make sure to choose the diplome or certificate which is the most appropriate for your future needs.
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DELF (Diplme d'tudes en Langue Franaise) is a basic diploma. DALF (Diplme Approfondi de Langue Franaise) is an advanced diploma, giving access to the admission to French higher education.
TCF (Test de Connaisance du Franais) is the French Education Ministry's official test for French language ability in non-native speakers. It is an evaluation of general language skills for professional or personal communication. The scores provide an accurate benchmark corresponding to the six-level scale defined by the Council of Europe. The basic test has 80 questions with two optional sections to evaluate candidate's oral and written skills. More information about the test and certified testing centres can be found on the CIEP website www.ciep.fr .
TEF (Test d'Evaluation du Franais), like the TCF, is an evaluation of general French language ability. It is organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris (CCIP). It can be taken in many places in France as well as at over 300 centres abroad. More information can be found under www.fda.ccip.fr .
FAP (Franais des Affaires et des Professions) certificates and diplomas are issued based on a series of examinations organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris (CCIP). They focus on business or specific professions (such as secretarial work, tourism, hotel trade, science, technology and law). There are three general business diplomas and four specialised ones. The CCIP also runs a certified course in business French for students with a basic level wishing to improve for business purposes. Students sit the diploma examinations at the CCIP or at other examination centres under CCIP supervision. For comprehensive description of all existing FAP diplomas and testing centres, visit www.fda.ccip.fr .
CFP (Certificat de Franais Professionnel): Business French Certificate DFA1 (Diplme de Franais des Affaires, 1er degr): First level diploma business French DFA2 (Diplme de Franais des Affaires, 2me degr): Second level diploma business French DAFA (Diplme Approfondi de Franais des Affaires): Advanced diploma business French CFJ (Certificat de Franais Juridique): Legal French CFS (Certificat de Franais du Secrtariat): French for secretarial work CFTH (Certificat de Franais du Tourisme et de l'Htellerie): French for the Tourism industry CFST (Certificat de Franais Scientifique et Technique): French for science and technology
CPLF (Certificat Pratique de Langue Franaise): Basic diploma of French as a foreign language DEF (Diplme d'tudes Franaises): Intermediate diploma of French as a foreign language DSEF (Diplme Suprieur d'tudes Franaises): Advanced diploma of French as a foreign language
These are the diplomas issued by the Alliance Franaise, the largest French language teaching organization. The Alliance Franaise is the French representative in ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe - www.alte.org ). Diplomas from Alliance Franaise correspond to the six-level proficiency scale of the Council of Europe and are widely recognized. For more information visit www.alliancefr.org .
CEFP1 (Certificat d'Etudes de Franais Pratique I), level 1, basic CEFP2 (Certificat d'Etudes de Franais Pratique II), level 2
DL (Diplme de Langue Franaise), level 3, which gives also access to DELF2 DSLCF (Diplme Suprieur de Langue et Culture Franaises), level 4
BULATS (The Business Language Testing Service) is a standard assessment of foreign language ability as a written or computer-based test. BULATS also uses the six-level proficiency scale. The tests are not well known in France, but they may become more widely used. For more information visit www.bulats.org .
The proficiency scale defined by the Council of Europe
The Council of Europe has developed a European Framework with common reference levels for foreign languages, as described in its reference document for the European Language Portfolio: "Common European Framework of Reference: Learning, Teaching and Assessment". The framework is designed to allow objective comparison of different levels of language proficiency and aid comparisons between different qualifications. The scale has six levels, two for each of the following categories: basic (A1 and A2), intermediate (B1 and B2) and advanced (C1 and C2). For more information and a description of each level, see http://culture2.coe.int/portfolio in the Council of Europe website www.coe.int . Further information can also be found on the ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe) website www.alte.org/can_do/framework .
[ Close this window ] The ALTE Framework and Can-do statements are of enormous use not only to the holders of language qualification, but also to employers, educational establishments and others. Use the scroll bar to see all languages. To print this page, right-click and select Print. Note: Examinations in Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Slovenian and Welsh will be added to the ALTE Framework in the near future. A2 Language A1 ALTE ALTE Breakthr Level 1 ough Catal Certificat de nivell bsic de catal Prve i B1 ALTE Level 2 Certificat de nivell elemental de catal Prve i B2 ALTE Level 3 Certificat de nivell intermedi de catal Prve i C1 ALTE Level 4 Certificat de nivell suficincia de catal C2 ALTE Level 5 Certificat de nivell superior de catal
Dansk 2
Dansk 3 GoetheZertifikat B2
n GoetheZertifikat C1 (ZMP) Zentrale Oberstufenp rfung (ZOP) Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplo m (KDS) Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) Diploma de Espaol (Nivel Superior)
Preliminary First English Certificate Test (PET) in English (FCE) Diploma de Espaol (Nivel Inicial)
Certificat dEtudes de Franais Pratique 1 (CEFP1) (AF) Diplme d'Etudes en Langue Franais e DELF A1 (CIEP) Diplme d'Etudes en Langue Franaise DELF A2 (CIEP)
Certificat dEtudes de Franais Pratique 2 (CEFP2) (AF) Diplme d'Etudes en Langue Franaise DELF B1 (CIEP)
Diplme Suprieur dEtudes Franaises Modernes (DS) (AF) Diplme Approfondi de Langue Franaise DALF C1 (CIEP)
Diplme de Hautes Etudes Franaises (DHEF) (AF) Diplme Approfondi de Langue Franaise DALF C2 (CIEP)
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Conoscenz a della Lingua Italiana, Livello 1 (CELI 1) Ltzebuer gesch Zertifikat Ltzebuer gesch als Friemspro och (ZLaF) -
Conoscenz a della Lingua Italiana, Livello 2 (CELI 2) ischten Diplom Ltzebuerg esch als Friemsproo ch (1DLaF) -
Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana, Livello 5 (CELI 5) Ieweschten Diplom Ltzebuerge sch (IDL)
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Nederland s
Staatsexam en Nederlands als Tweede Taal, Examen II (NT2-II); (CITO) Profiel Academisch e Taalvaardig heid (PAT); (CNaVT)
Sprkprve n i norsk for voksne innvandrere Diploma Elementar de Portugus Lngua Estrangeira (DEPLE) Suomen kieli, perustaso 23, keskitaso 3 Diploma Intermdio de Portugus Lngua Estrangeir a (DIPLE) Suomen kieli, keskitaso 45, ylin taso 5
Test i norsk for fremmedspr klige Hyere niv Diploma Avanado de Portugus Lngua Estrangeira (DAPLE) Suomen kieli, ylin taso 6 Diploma Universitri o de Portugus Lngua Estrangeira (DUPLE) Suomen kieli, ylin taso 78