Bangalore Traffic Solution - PDF Version

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Bangalore's traffic mess

The solution
The current strategy
Widen roads to keep pace with increasing traffic

Year 1980 5 1990 1995 2000 2005 2007 2010
% increase 74 96 44 65 58 36 54
Traffic population will rise 90 % between 2005 and 2010.

Road space needs to double every 5 years.

Not logical.
The result
32 Lakh vehicles.1300 vehicles added daily.
More money spent on roads than on water, power, education, medicare.

Pollution : 3-5 times safe levels.

Highest road deaths in India : 3 per day

Garden city becoming desert city.

Temperature rise of 3 degrees in past 40 years.
Destruction of homes and businesses for road widening.
Bangalore 2015 ?

Road widening to keep pace with vehicle

population has never worked anywhere

Traffic simply increases to occupy the

increased road space. Congestion
remains, commute time, pollution and
accidents increase.

This is a picture of congestion in 20-lane

road in Los Angeles, USA.
LA smog in background.

Pic. courtesy

Our present strategy - dog chasing its
own tail

Road space will never catch up with vehicle population.

The solutions

Replace private transport with public transport.

This is the only solution that will work in the long term.
The Metro is not a solution
Only people living and
working within 2 km. of the
Metro (the blue band in the
picture) will use it.

Only 5 % of Bangalore's
population will be able to
use the Metro.The rest will
still have to depend on
private transport.

By the time the Metro is

ready, Bangalore's vehicle
population will be 50 Lakh.

Average traffic speed will be

6 kmph. (12 kmph. now)
Accidents, pollution,
temperature will be much
Metro densities
Bangalore's Metro must reach the density of
metros in cities like London or Paris before
the whole city can use it.

London, Paris, New York, Madrid all took

more than 100 years to achieve this density.


Bangalore vs. London

We think that the Metro is a solution for Bangalore because it works well in cities like
London, Paris and New York.

The comparison
London's population is the same as Bangalore's.

London : 400 km. of track length, 270 stations.

Bangalore : 33 km. of track length, 35 stations - 3 years (?) from now.

London : Carries 42 Lakh passengers a day.

Bangalore : Will carry 5 Lakh passengers a day.

London : Has 11 lines

Bangalore : Will have 2 lines in 2011 (?)

London : Started in 1863, took 116 years (till 1979) to evolve to this stage.
Bangalore : Starts in 2011 (?).

Passengers per day : Bangalore is estimated as 10 Lakh per day, but we can assume 5 Lakh going by Delhi, Kolkata
metro's ratio of actual vs. planned traffic (50 %).
The Metro is not a solution

The whole city can use the Metro only when there is a station within 1 km. of
wherever you are in the city.
This will require a line length of 400 km.
It will take 50 more years, at (an optimistic) 30 km. every 5 years.
It will cost Rs. 100000 Cr. at Rs. 9000 Cr. for 35 km.

It will be 60 to 100 years before the Metro has city-wide coverage.

Most of us reading this will not be alive then,

but will have to suffer the continuous construction activities.
The bus is the solution

During rush hour (people going to, from work)

Each bike carries 1 person
Each car carries 1 person
Each bus carries 75 people

There are 150 vehicles on this flyover.

Carrying 150 people.

There are 75 vehicles between each pair
of red lines, carrying 75 people (because
there is only 1 person in each car or
If we get each group of 75 people out
of their private vehicles and into

This is what happens.

Congestion Congestion ?

Road space used by a person in a bus is:

3 % of that in a car

5 % of that on a 2-wheeler
The logic already works in Bangalore


32 Lakh people in private vehicles

occupy this much road space

38 Lakh people in 5000 buses occupy

this much road space (0.5 %)

BMTC has 5000 buses, carries 38 Lakh people every day.

0.2 % of vehicle population carries 50 % of the human population.
Bus-based systems are used worldwide

Bus-based mass transport systems have been in existence for the past 30 years.

They are preferred because of their low cost and low deployment time, in countries as
economically diverse as Indonesia (comparable to India) and Canada (far wealthier than

Some cities with bus-based systems

India - Delhi, Ahmedabad, Indore, Pune

Peru - Lima
USA - Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Boston, Charlotte, Cleveland, Eugene, Hartford,
Honolulu, San Juan, Santa Clara, Alameda, San Pablo, Louisville, Montgomery, Pittsburgh
Brazil - Curitiba, Sao Paulo, Goiania, Proto Allegre
Ecuador - Quito
Colombia - Bogota
Indonesia – Jakarta
UK - Bradford, Leeds
Australia - Adelaide, Brisbane
Canada - Ottawa, Vancouver
China - Kunming, Fuzhou, Huangzhou, Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenyang, Chengdu
The economics
Costs of various options before us

Improved bus system : Rs. 3000 Cr.

Expenditure on 10000 more buses of various classes + improved shelters, signage, etc.
- Ordinary bus costs Rs. 12 Lakh, Suvarna (air suspension, no AC) : Rs. 16 Lakh
- Marco Polo : Rs. 55 Lakh
Time required : 1 year.

Road widening for planned 400 km. : Rs. 4000 Cr.

Usefulness : Zero
Destruction of city : Total
Cost of destruction of homes, businesses, culture, heritage :?

Metro 33 km. to carry 5 % of Bangalore's population : Rs. 9000 Cr.

6936 Cr. estimate in April 2005. BMRC announced 2000 Cr. escalation in Nov. 2008.

Metro 350 km. for whole of Bangalore : Rs. 100,000 Cr.

Assumes 20 % underground, same mix as now.
Will take 50-60 years to build.
London has 400 km. with 270 stations. Its size and population are same as Bangalore's.
In sum
Road widening is definitely not the solution
It will worsen all our problems : Vehicle population, pollution, temperature rise,
accidents, destruction of homes and businesses, destruction of grenery. 
The Metro is too long term, and too expensive
It will take 60 to 100 years to cover the whole of Bangalore
It will cost Rs. 100000 Cr.

The best solution

The bus for long commutes + Cycling and walking for
short commutes 
Can be implemented in Rs. 3000 Cr.
In 1-2 years.
Without destroying Bangalore
With a bus system we can achieve this

No. of vehicles by 75 %
Commute time by 30 %
Pollution by 80 %
Govt. expenditure on roads by 90 %

Spending on Water supply, Medicare, Education, Power
Spending on rest of Karnataka
Which lifestyle do we want?
Private transport has given us this

Bus+ cycling+walking
can give us this

If you want to work towards solving the problem,

Vinay Sreenivasa


Roshni Nuggehalli

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