Archives 5 January 2009
Archives 5 January 2009
Archives 5 January 2009
2 weeks ago
That is what I'm wondering; whether or not she would be eligible for the general population.
I have never been able to understand how they figure when someone who is sentenced to life in prison
or whatever is up for parole. The only difference between 99-life and 3 life sentences, I'd guess. would
be when they would be eligible for parole. Either way, they know they're in there for the long haul, and
as I understand it, looking for revenge for the little ones.
But if they put Casey in something like I saw in the NM Pen (on TV for those who didn't read my
previous post--I don't know this first hand either!!!), they're all in there for something they've done to a
child, so they're tolerant of a person who abuses, molests or kills a child.
I guess it doesn't really matter, just something I've been wondering about. Obviously, I'm sure she's
going to be found guilty. But, then, I thought OJ was going to have the same fate, and stood in the
Electronics dept at Target with my mouth agape when his sentence came in.
I'm going back and forth on the death penalty thing. If prison is going to be college without the party,
maybe I'll swing back over to the Death penalty. Doesn't really matter, I'm not from Florida and won't
have any say.
So I guess this post is just aimless rambling with no true meaning. I guess that means it's time for
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday--that is the most complete, detailed time line I have seen thus far. Thanks for sharing.
I drove 6 1/2 hours, round trip, today to get my 14 yr old son back, from him spending this past week
with his father in another state. I am ecstatic to have my son back home, where he belongs...he was
only gone for 7 days. I could not imagine the hell that anyone would go thru of not ever being able to
see their child again. It was a long week for me, yet I KNEW he would be home today. I guess what I
am saying is....the hell these people MUST be going the hands of their own flesh and blood.
Such a waste...."a huge waste".........
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I still wonder about the two guys who saw Casey with the shovel and a bag with the trunk of that car
open. What happened with that report?
Also, I wonder if Amy was the next one that Casey was going to knock off? She already stole her credit
cards, checkbook, etc. and then to have a resume that belonged to Amy in her purse? Seems like she
was going to take over Amy's identity and become her? It very well could of been her plan.
The more I think about this, I bet little Caylee drowned in the pool (thus the stairs down, etc) and Casey
became paniked, called George and Cindy over and over and no one answered and then craziness set in.
(Just based on the dates, cell calls, pool scene, ... I think she hid Caylee somewhere then went back to
get her, drove around and around not knowing what to do and then finally disposed of her in the field.
The gas cans were to cover up the smell of Caylee and maybe she poured it on the bag in the woods to
cover up the smell?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday, just finished reading the timeline you posted (thank you!) 3 things stood out to me: First,
dead bugs were found with the body, it was speculated that the pesticide removed from the Anthony
family home was used to spray the body when it began crawling with bugs. Second, on July 3rd when
Cindy posted the Caylee is missing message on her myspace, Casey texted Jesse and told him not to
communicate with her parents if they contacted him. (I think she didn't want the people who most cared
about Caylee putting the pieces together.) Third, the Ritz ($300 per night) was paid for by the County,
not The Larry King show as I had theorized.
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom: Nothing that you have ever posted HAS EVER been aimless in any fashion. I and others
are glad that you share your thoughts and feelings. I, too have been going back and forth on the death
penalty thought. Somehow it will end up with justice being served no matter what. That is all I can say.
At this point I really do wish that the traces of chloroform are found in or on the bag. Florida has such a
strong case as is but this would be the icing on the cake I.M.O. Momster's approach from the start has
been so strange and different from that of a normal muchless innocent person. She never once gave me
the vibe that she was not guilty from her words to her lack of action in the first couple of months. Even
BO BO HEAD was giving off that vibe even with his nonsense of everything will make perfect sense
to everyone once the trial begins and she can tell what really happend.?.? Dude?????????????? At this
point I have two words for you BOZO, Ratza Ruck!!!
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
2 weeks ago
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good Morning all. Just read where the Attorney that stopped representing the Anthony's. Because
Cindy could not keep her mouth shut! The Attorney is considering giving Roy Kronk a $5.000 reward.
This Attorney seems to have more smarts then BO Bo Head, he flat said at one point he did not want to
have anything to do with Casey.
Marie why would the county pay for the most expensive place to stay, and the most expensive place to
eat. No wonder our States and Goverment are going broke. Oh well more for the tax payers to worry
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, at first I thought Caylee had drowned in the pool also, actually the minute I saw video of the pool
in the back yard. I have changed my mind since then because of a couple of things. On Greta Van
Susteren, Cindy said that they had a friend whose child was a drowning victim who was resuscitated.
She said Casey knew about this, so if Caylee had drowned, she would call 911. Then the chloroform
found in the trunk and the searches for choloroform on the computer. I really think at one point Casey
tried to make it look like a drowning, (because of the family's previous knowledge of child drownings)
but for some reason it didn't work. She then borrowed the shovel to pull Caylee back out of the pool,
and returned the shovel after only using it for about an hour, and never leaving the Anthony home.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, I have no clue why the county paid for the posh accomodations. I do know it pisses me off!
That money would have sheltered and fed 50 homeless people for a month!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, It would be hard to make it look like drowning after Caylee was already dead. The lungs would
not take on water, is that right or wrong? I to think it was the Chloroform.
I don't see the county going above and beyond for the Anthony's since they have done nothing but
hinder their investigation. Is it at all a possibility they thought if they treated them with such lavishness
(we all know money talks to the Anthony's) combined with the undeniable fact that their granddaughter
was dead might make them crack with what they know? Just an idea. says:
2 weeks ago
Please, Please do not buy any book or movie made out this case. I believe that's what the lawyers are
looking for. publicity and money. The lawyer don't care about people they care about money only. we
already know basically the whole case. If any book or movie please do not waste your money.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom, That is it the money, hell they never even bought water for the people that were searching.
That morning she backed her car into the garage and took Caylee to the pool, tossed her in. Then
figured out that was not going to work took her body back out, put her back in trunk. That is why they
had decomposition in the yard. She finally tossed her out like garbage in the area where she was found.
That is also why she did not want George in the trunk of the car, Caylee was in there. But in her haste
she forgot to move the ladder from the pool away, and Cindy gave George hell for leaving it out. I think
the was premeditate murder! Caylee was holding her back on the life style she wanted. So again Casey
was being a spiteful Bitch!!!!!
I used to use Internet Explorer web browser & this page loaded VERY slowly. I started using Firefox
about 3 weeks ago & am amazed at how quickly it loads now. It was a free download. Just do a google
search for "Firefox browser". Takes a few minutes to download, but well worth it.
This page now loads in less than 30 seconds for me. Give it a shot.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I also think she wrapped Caylee in what ever she was found in like bedding, garbage bags and duct take
in the yard. Hopefully there is some soil from the yard maybe even grass stuck to the tape, as evidence.
Maybe even prints on the tape.
I'd never seen this information before. It doesn't make any sense that if she could break the news on the
3rd, why can't she come forward with the rest of this "supposed" story?
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Gee everyone, aren't we talking about the same govt. that can not even clean up after a hurricane?
Muchless put a plan into place when the next one hits! Do not get me started on our govt. who suck on
a good day. They do not even know what a "green" car is or even how to demand that one of our
automakers build one. They will however bail them out!?!? Just look at the big 3 that are located in
Japan. Not long ago they were in Michigan I thought. I'll stop now and keep my thoughts, opinions,
and feelings on momster..................... Whew.
Rascal, I agree with you on wrapping her in bedding that she could grab. It fits perfectly. I know alot of
people are struggling with fingerprints still on the tape after all this time underwater, but I can see it.
Gosh, duct tape is so strong almost impossible to get off if you get it stuck to you anywhere, and it
leaves sticky residue all over you that is so hard to get off. There's a reason plumbers use it. I'd be
interested to know how they get it off the plastic bag still in tact. They have such amazing technology
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, I understand what you are saying and totally agree! I did not see Congress or the Senators take a
pay cut, but the rest of us are supposed to tighten our belts, pretty soon I will need suspenders.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I remember seeing a crime show, and the duct tape had been in water and they still got prints. Now this
tape would have plastic bag on one side, and they do have a way to separate it from the tape. I also seen
it done on crime show, unbelievable process but it works.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom, It was Cindy, not Casey, who made the post about Caylee is Missing on July 3 on
CINDY's Myspace page. I think it was more about the fact that she hadn't seen Caylee for at least 2
weeks at that time as she thought Casey was keeping Caylee away from her.
Rascal, the fact is that children often do not "drown" as we know it when submerged in water. There is
something called the "mammalian diving reflex" that causes the epiglottis to close in children who are
submerged in water, allowing no water into the lungs. That is why, even if a child appears dead, you
should ALWAYS do CPR on a child who has drowned.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, I would certainly try CPR but also call 911 for help! I know I used to take my youngest son and
swim across the pool with him on my back, and he would hold his breath the length of the pool which
was very large. He never swallowed water, he learned to swim very very early. We al know Casey's cell
was super glued to her ear, so I can not imagine her leaving it anywhere except by her side. Unless the
Dead Squirrels took it!!!
Now, onto my next question: What is an epiglottis? Wow, I'm learning so much!!
Steve, I'd follow you over to a hub about the gov't. I have a soap box on that, too.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
A think, valve like, cartilaginous structure that covers the glottis during swallowing, preventing the
food and drink into the larynx. Commonly know as the Larynx
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
supposed to say a thin, valve like
gohmmm says:
2 weeks ago
I'm starting to really wonder about Lee's involvement in all of this. Perhaps he is the father of Caylee?
Or perhaps George is and that is why Cindy called herself Mommy...Why would this family keep so
tight lipped about everything without a much darker secret in the mix?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
If you haven't done so already, check out She discusses in depth most of
these topics we are talking about. I went back through her archives this morning, and read some of her
older posts - quite a treat, I promise! And her photographs are hilarious!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Well, I think Cassy knocked little Caylee out for a while with the cloroform so she could party and that
was how it was used. Then I think she used it to knock her out and take her to the pool and drown her,
then threw her in the trunk. She probably related this to the neighbor kid drowning and thought it might
work. She has a sick mind, don't forget. Nothing is reality to her, only delusions.
I think I heard or read somewhere that they were taking soil samples from the ground where Caylee
was found and then seeing if they can match it with any of Caseys shoes. If they find the same soil in
that car or Caseys belongings or at Anthoy L's house, that pretty much nails her right there. They may
also find traces of gasoline on Caylee's bones or in her hair. Maybe even traces of Chlorine from the
pool in Caylee's hair or teeth or something. You never know, but I think it is what is going to seal the
deal for this gal. All the phone call tracing showing her calling her parents over and over with no
answer and aimless driving (from cell phone tower reports) back and forth tell me she was frantic of
what to do with Caylee's body. Hopefully psuedo mommy cindy didn't wash everything and that is
probably why they had to quickly get to the Anthony house to confiscate what they could before she
did any more damage. I only hope they find traces of soil from that area in the stuff they took.
Father of Caylee....could be George or Lee.....eeirreeeee that George had all those 1200 questionable
pictures of Casey on his computer....ooooh ick.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Just read this a minute ago. They are going to test Jesus Ortiz post mortem for a paternity test.
YIKES....are the Anthony's in trouble now!!!
Great idea though. It will either show that Casey is lying again or will force the Anthony's to spill the
beans about 'who's your daddy?'
Also, interesting peice about "Caylee posting a condolence message on Casey's myspace page. Now we
all know that Caylee really didn't do this, so Casey is just planting the seed isn't she.
I wonder how many more twists we get before this is so knotted that no one can undo it?
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Sorry, I meant to say that "Caylee posted it on Jesus's myspace page".
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
BTW, sorry if that is old news...I just learned of it. I had no idea they would test Ortiz post mortem. If it
is old news, then was the test done? What did they find out?
Nurse Betty says:
2 weeks ago
Who is Jesus Ortiz? This is the first that I have heard this name.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Jesus Ortiz was one of the candidate for baby daddy. He died in a car crash so he couldn't defend
himself. His family never heard of Casey. LE says they know who the father is. Leonard Padilla says it
is a family member. Remember, Caylee's DNA was available even if Cindy gave them the dog's
toothbrush because DNA testing was performed when Jesse Grund requested a paternity test.
My guess would be that either it was a "hunch" by the blogger, (even though she's attempting to write
like a journalist) that maybe didn't really take place, or... LE did do this test & that is why Padilla said
they know who the father is.
Either way, In my opinion, the paternity should not be the focus of this case. It's quite possible Casey
truly doesn't know who the father is. She doesn't seem like the kind of girl that would kick anyone outta
bed if ya know what I mean.
The only way paternity might become an issue is if the defense MAKES it an issue by playing the
"incest card".
JusticeforCaylee says:
2 weeks ago
New here and as much of you i'm obsesed with this case, i was looking for information and i found
Casey profile on Cupid and somenting caught my atention and was the area where she talks about the
tv reality, when she say that unfortunately she can't be her self... because her moufh could put her in
troble now i understand why she don't talk because she is afraid of what to say She can be happy now
she have her own realitv tv show.
twistedfan says:
2 weeks ago
Did you guys notice that Twisted referenced this site in her writings last week? Cracked my ass up!
I think that was her way of tipping her glass to us for being loyal readers. ;-)
This is a question for wednesday morning, where in this post is this blog mentioned?..please tell me it's
not because of the "Turnip" comment...very curious.
She doesn't seem like the kind of girl that would kick anyone outta bed if ya know what I mean.
LOL, Wednesday. I'm pretty sure I know EXACTLY what you mean.
How in the world could they use paternity or even incest as a defense? I'm trying hard to think like a
crazy person, such as Casey and her BO BO HEAD attorney, but it makes my head hurt.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
According to NG show tonight, Dominic Casey up to his old tricks. After the photo of "Caylee at the
mall" was found to come from his camera, OCSD now wants to talk to him about video purportedly
shot in November of the area where Caylee was found. Could a friend of Casey and PI for the Anthony
Family be fabricating evidence for the defense? More to follow.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Dr. Perper (sp?) said the air analysis of the trunk showed anerobic decomposition - meaning without
oxygen, like would occur in a garbage bag. That could explain how the body didn't smell right away,
until the bag obviously started leaking.
Twsited Mystery Writer has posted on this blog before. I wouldn't be surprised if she stops in here from
time to time so see what the latest topic of interest is.You never know, she may be one of "us". "They
walk among us". lol
If you need documentation, check the archives from about 3-4 months ago. JR would get super peaved
when TMW would "spam" the blog (as JR called it) because JR needed the attention to stay on HER
theories. No one elses.
Proud Mom --- In reference to the "incest card"... I meant the only purpose of determining paternity
would be IF the defense was going to try to use this as the "it'll all make sense when the facts are
revealed" scenario. Not saying it would help their case any, just speculating since the whole paternity
issue is of such interest.
twistedfan says:
2 weeks ago
Wow, what a narcissist stretch
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Hey all! what sickened me tonight on NG, was Dr. Perpur saying the duct tape was placed over
Caylee's mouth and nose BEFORE death! Maybe to stop her crying? I just feel Casey is/was out of
control, wanted more than anything to party and I wonder if Cindy said she would not watch Caylee, so
Casey then in her fury of needing fun/man/sex got so mad at Caylee she duct taped her mouth? She
could have tried the chorophorm *sp* and it did not work fully so she then duct taped her mouth and
she suffocated? Reaching I guess, but I do wonder if Casey did not get furious at Caylee for ruining her
plans, Caylee starts that crying all 2 year olds do, probably even crying for CINDY/NAN and that
infuriated Casey even more. There for use duct tape to stop the litttle girl from talking/crying. If anyone
has their mouth taped shut and even vomits they can die. Is this true MarieRN? I watch a ton of Law *
Order and this post is the ramblings going on non stop in my head about this case.
I used to think Lee was just standing by his sister. Watching him now, and his getting a lawyer, the
refusal for prints/DNA and even tearing down the memorial left for Caylee has changed my mind. Now
that we are seeing him a tad bit more, he looks like a person who is scared and hiding something.
I had to choke when I saw who was now helping the Anthony's.. That Dominic guy. I also have to say
before I forget, the Anthony's sunk to a low when they tried to pin this on Jesse Grund. I was crying
along with him when he was telling about the santa suit..
Will we ever know the "true" story? And so sorry for my ramble. A 9 month old who is teething and
crying all day is not helpful in my making even that made no sense!
I've heard you guys tout TMW as an excellent read, but I'd never been over before tonight. Pretty
Good Old Boy says:
2 weeks ago
Regarding Jesse, I know I have missed his TV coverage and probably many other key items as well, so
bear with me a moment.
(1) Aside from maybe Lauren Gibbs, Jesse was one of very few outside the Anthony's that spent a lot of
time (including 1:1) with Caylee. This sets the stage for a foundation of comfort between parties
(Caylee and Jesse). This can be an important element in terms of physical custody and movement. "No
stranger danger here".
(2) I saw a text from Jesse about "moving away" and referencing someone's baby. Was this a message
to CMA regardng Caylee's whereabouts.
(3) JG seemed to keep one step ahead of LE by contacting them, proffering negative and damning
information on CMA, a 'helpful' timeline and several unsolicited theories on possible outcomes
(accident, drug friends, etc).
(4) He was fingered by CMA and CA. Odd contacts at 14:52 and 16:21 on 6/16.
Separately, where might I be able to share a detailed Timeline in Excel with interested parties?
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Alright everyone, I know that for the past half year or so you have been brainwashed with lies on top of
lies and I think it is my obligation right here and now to lead everyone away from the dark side. I
promise all of you from the bottom of my heart that what I am about to tell you is the truth. No bullshit,
just 100% truth because that is what you truly deserve. O.K. here goes...... I am not the
I don't know where you would publish an Excell spreadsheet, so I can't answer that question, but if you
find a place, would you share it here so I can head on over?
Wednesday Morning says:
2 weeks ago
Since this seems to bothering TF, I'll clarify.
Quote "Did you guys notice that Twisted referenced this site in her writings last week? Cracked my ass
Wednesday the 17th : Sloppy Seconds. Check out the Bozo caption.
I think that was her way of tipping her glass to us for being loyal readers. ;-)" End Quote
TF ---- If you disagree, thats fine with me. Simply skim over my post & go on to the next. No harm
done. I assure you I'll lose no sleep over it.
Why this comment has you so fired up, I'll never know. But don't bother explaining. I already think
you're an asshole, so nothing you can possibly say now will change my opinion.
Proud Mama ----- I was simply referring to the Bozo caption. Nothing IN the article, simply the Bozo
Caption. She has Bozo talking about Turnips. I thought it was cute. Totally OFF-TOPIC for her & ON-
TOPIC for what you guys were talking about the few days prior to her posting the article. I considered
this a hats-off to the hubbers here. Nothing major. Just found it comical that she mentioned a turnip.
Who knew one little comment would cause so much anxiety. dayum.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
I've been quite for days as I read and catch up with every one's posts here lately. Thought I would just
put my two cents worth in tonight.
As much as we would all like to; I doubt we will ever know for certain exactly how poor little Caylee
died. The primary reasons I say this are the progressive state of decomp the body was found in, the
time that has elapsed since the actual death and the very short shelf life of chloroform. It's like a gas
and I do not think they will find any traces of it in the bag, on the tape or in her bone marrow after all
this time has passed. I could be wrong and I hope that I am on this matter.
I also think the doctor's comments on NG tonight are pure speculation about the duct tape being placed
over little Caylee's mouth before she died. I agree that is the most likely scenario, and I personally have
thought from early on that it was used to quiet Caylee because she was crying for Nan, but I cannot
state it for fact. Common sense tells us the viable reasons to use duct tape over some one's mouth: to
keep them quiet, or to stop their air supply, both of which would dictate using it on a "live" subject but
Casey has shown time and time again that there is not much logic in her so I think it's still possible that
ase could have placed the duct tape over Caylee's mouth after death in an attempt to keep fluids from
seeping or perhaps she thought it would help to minimize the "smell of death". Who knows what Crazy
Casey might have been thinking.
If Lee has covered up or helped Casey in any way then I say charge him. I have thought for a long time
that formal charges should be brought against Cindy for washing the pants that were in the car. I would
also bet that she made George clean that car at some point within the 24-36 hours it was in their yard
before it was taken into the evidence impound. All of this is tampering with evidence in most any state
that I am familiar with and I think they should be charged. I also bet that the defense knows full well
about the car cleaning and cannot wait to bring this up when those air sample reports come into
evidence at trial.
I think what will get Casey in the end are the personal things that may have been found at the scene or
things that could have only come from the residence like "dog hairs", fibers from specific fabrics
within the Anthony household. Her finger prints would be a gift. I'm just afraid that after the duct tape
message on facebook, that if finger prints are found, they might be Amy's. One thing that Casey is good
at is pointing all wrong in someone else's direction. If she used Amy's tape (took it again after that
message) and wore gloves as she used it, Amy's prints might be there. The same could be said for tape
from the garage as well. If she wore gloves (which BTW would be hard to work with duct tape with
gloves on, but not impossible) the only prints on the tape would be from the last person who used it.
That would probably be George, maybe Lee.
Well, thats my two cents worth. I can't wait for the trial.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Good Ole Boy - you can upload your excel file to and then post a link to it here so that
anyone who wants can go look at it or download it.
I didn't even notice TF's comments were derogatory against you. I just couldn't figure out what the heck
you guys were talking about!!!! Now that you've had to dumb it down for me, I see. Sorry about that.
GranNaw, I was just wondering about you and where you have been. Good to see you back.
TF was just being an attention grabber, looking for a reason to see her name typed.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
PM- I check in and catch up- have been busy with the holidays and company and weddings and blah
blah blah, so I haven't wanted to take the time to log in or inject anything much into the conversations.
Wednesday, I responded to your comment on my hub. Just to clarify----that wasn't my title. I was
responding to this person's request for help on getting more readers. My hubby nearly had a
heartattack when he glanced at my profile and saw the one titled "Just found out we're pregnant....". I
have since figured out how to fix it so that everyone can see I'm answering these questions, not
asking..... Thanks for checking them out, though.
I'm with you GranNaw. I can't wait for the trial!!!!!!! If I moved to FL tomorrow, would it be too late
to be eligible for the jury?!? :-)
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Just one more thing before I call it a night.
What is your take/theories (anyone/everyone) on this meter reader guy who found the remains (and
made all those calls in August) and Padilla trying to hint around that the guy was directed to this
area/find by Lee Anthony or someone close to the family (maybe one of the PI's)
And what about this video Padilla refered to tonight that was supposedly made on Nov 15?
Whatcha think?
Good Old Boy says:
2 weeks ago
Thank you for the advice GranNaw. Please try this link. Again, just a work in progress timeline of
events (numerous FOIA sources). Error free - no chance.
Note: Major December developments waranted hour by hour updates (See Column A) basically
verbatim from website(s) shared in this forum and FOIA.
Comments and feedback are welcome. One could take key periods (June 15-16, July 15-15) and
sharply focus.
On a side note ... the password clues from CMA to LA in early visit(s), intially "rico234" then
"cays234". Since the number portion is common, perhaps more convenient than important. Also noted
earlier, Rusciano (aka nyitaliano) references "seeing 'cays' on his computer" on July 16. Could this be
in the form of a MySpace message? Any thoughts on "cays" or "timer55" fior that matter?
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Hi. Thanks for clarifying the date on the Jesus Ortiz thing. Do we know if they did a post mortem or if
they are planning to? Has that discussion came up with the defense yet this time around? This was the
first I had heard about the post mortem thing.
More of my thoughts: George already confessed that he has been lying to Cindy about "his gambling
problem" and that it wasn't gambling at all, but an email scam he got involved in. He felt ashamed that
he would be judged for being so stupid, so he lied to Cindy. Maybe he is the father of the baby and is in
on it with Casey to tell Cindy something different so she will get off Casey's back? Afterall, 1200 pics
of Casey in compromising photos on his computer (and now admits he didn't tell Cindy about that
either). What else has he not told Cindy?
Casey has a 'borderline personality' and is great at turning everyone against everyone else and telling
one lie to cover another and involving everyone close to her to do it. I think she has a 'devils triangle'
going on between George, Cindy and Lee. They are so caught up in her BS they don't know the truth
from a lie. They each think they are protecting each other and at the same time, keeping secrets that
Casey has sworn them to never tell. For example, look how a rapist can convince a child that if they
tell, then someone (like a parent) will die. It is a real fear and they truly believe what they have been
Who knows, the father could even be "uncle rick"! He sure had it out for Casey and did his best to try
and convince Cindy of what a liar Casey is and don't believe anything she says and don't trust her.
Maybe because it will come out in court about him? All speculation though, but if you think about it, it
sure makes sense. Heck, Casey probably slept with Lee for fun, Daddy for sick reasons and Uncle Rick
to seduce him. Maybe she has told them all that they need to stick with the Ortiz story or else she is
telling on them? She has some kind of hold on them, just not sure exactly what? Wonder what she
promised her 'huggy lawyer' for him to get so buddy up with her? Anyway...
Good Ole Boy, I few days back I said I thought "Cays234' correlates with the alphabet BCD...So Cays
BCD or Before Caylees Death. Then she changed her password on July 16 to 'Timer 55' which if you
count the days from July 16 to Caylees birthday on August 9, it is 55 days. Sooooo.... July 16 and prior
were before caylees DEATH and then after July 16, there is a time of 55 days to find Caylee before her
BIRTH day. I also found it very odd that George repeatedly said the Casey in the jail tapes...Casey, you
know we have to find Caylee 'before her 3rd Birthday'. Why so specific George? I say that Casey has
him twisted up in something.... I guess that is the first time I have heard rico234, but maybe someone
can fill me in? What was it a password to and when did it change?
Someone in a post above asked if vomiting with duct tape on your mouth can cause you to die, ....Yes it
can. You aspirate the vomit into the lungs and basically drown. Same as if when in the pool and you
swallow vomit sometimes or when drunk, never lay down on your back, in case you vomit.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Ok, I have been thinking alot about how Casey got everyone to do the "turn around" and buy into her
story of the kidnapping. She had to have convinced them of something to get on her side....such as here
are the clues and if you don't play, then something bad is going to happen to Caylee. (Makes sense to
me anyway). So, they change their stories and claim "Caylee is alive" and they just seemed convinced.
So, hang in there and think about this angle: RICO 234 Stands for: Remit In Cash Or Baby Caylee
Dies. Then CAYS 234 Stands for: Cash All Your Savings Before Caylee Dies. Then Timer 55 Stands
for: you have 55 days to do this (before her 3rd birthday).
Wierd, but then so are all the 'secret codes' games that they play and this may of convinced them to
think they had to say Caylee was alive, protect Casey and help find Caylee by following up on all the
leads....etc. They were so fooled by her crazy crazy mind games.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Sorry, one more post tonight...what do you all think about NG's claim that the song by Sevendust called
'the past' has any link to Caseys thoughts. It was her favorite song. Here are the words:
Beneath the water that's falling from my eyes lays a soul I've left behind the edge of sorrow was
reached but now I'm fine I've filled the hole I had inside I'll pray it doesn't scream my name so I light a
flame and let it breathe the air that kills the shame I'm up I'm down like a rollercoaster racing through
my life I've erased the past again a risky morning I feel like I'm alive I can't believe I've made it
through this time the edge of sorrow I lived in for some time (lived in for some time) has left the hole I
have inside The burden is I try my hate was the last thing I ever felt or thought I could escape I'm up
I'm down like a rollercoaster racing through my life I've erased the past again [x2] You let me in then
broke me down the difference is this time around I will not let you see me try I'm up I'm down like a
rollercoaster racing through my life I've erased the past again [x2] Erased the past again now Erased the
past again Beneath the water that has fallen from my eyes
Some of the "decoding" is really a far reach. I don't see Casey as the type of girl to think it through that
far. Now if she had changed it to STD123, I think we could all assume she had a doctors visit that
day.... but the other stuff... I think they were just easy to remember passwords.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good morning all, I sure missed you all my DSl went down yesterday, finally got so ticked off went out
to shop. I see Lee's Lawyer expects Lee to be charged, wahoo. Now are will Muffin Head and Empty
Head going to be charged the is the big ???? I think they should be.
Marie, I think you hit the paternity on the head, that is why I never questioned your theory. As sick as
that sounds it does happen.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Wedesday, That song that was Casey's favorite does fit, she erased her past, but it is not going to help
with her future. She erased the best thing that ever happened to her. She definitely is not going to like
her future in prison. This family has to be the most deceiving family I have ever heard of. They are all a
bunch of sickos. They claimto love Caylee, but that love has not been shown to truthfully. There still
protecting Casey, so that makes them sick in my book.
I'm having a hard time thinking these time of "clues" are actually CLUES.
I think all of us listen to songs, or maybe even have favorite songs, that it's more about the melody or
beat, than the actual words.... I don't know... just having a hard time convincing myself that Casey
thinks things through enough to give off these type of signals.
One of my recent playlist includes Nickelbacks "Rockstar" along with "Photograph". I like both those
songs & listen to them quite often, but I don't want to be a Rockstar or erase my past like both of those
songs recite. Just saying....
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Yes nice to see the green light this morning, lol. Dam what did we ever do before our computears. I like
Country, this Head banging stuff these kids listen to hurts my head. Oh Casey thinks some things threw,
like what can I do for ME, that is all she thinks about. It is so obvious it is all about ME!!! Right now
she is just sorry she got caught, just wait till this goes to court and she is convicted, then the Crocodile
tears will really flow.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Ah maybe that is going to be BO BO HEADS defence. There was something on the news about that
head banging music, it hurts the brain. We know it was not the Squirrels, or Zanny.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Good morning everybody! Linn, yes you could definitely die if your mouth was taped shut and you
vomited, even adults. Others have speculated that Caylee's hands would have to be tied also, or she
would just pull off the duct tape. So how did Casey restrain her? I tend to agree with GranNaw that the
duct tape was to keep fluids from draining from the mouth AFTER she died.
Good Old Boy, I know you said about a month ago that you were working on a timeline, but WOW! I
was able to retrieve it nicely from Docstoc.
Wednesday, when I read the turnip caption, I knew immediately TWM was referring to this blog. I
think TF is someone we've seen before....
I think the meter reader is legit, albeit as obsessed with this case as we are. Imagine if you were he - he
worked in that area, and probably thought about Caylee almost every waking moment (as I did until she
was found). As far as him being "directed" to the area, several locals (Casey's friends) said that could
be the area the body was dumped. The defense is trying to spin this. The video, supposedly taken in
November is either a fake, or of another area - again, it was taken by the defense, no bias there, huh? I
like Leonard, but he seems to be getting more and more "out there."
Rascal, computers are definitely a blessing and a curse. It is great to be able to find a recipe for turkey
tetrazzini in 0.14 seconds, finding the recipe for chloroform is a little more problematic.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good morning Marie, yes computers are great to keep in touch with friends. I only look up good things
so I am safe there. I have been pondering how Casey killed Caylee. I am sure she used the Chloroform
at one point, then used the Duct tape. It would have been hard for Caylee to get the Duct tape off if her
whole head was wrapped finding the end of it would have been a challenge for her age. As far as that
Video I think it is a fake also, since the neighbors out by the site said it was under water a week to 10
days before they found the body. I do not believe anything BO BO HEAD comes up with.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Sure wish I could find my soft ware would design a picture of the Anthony, all behind bars saying
Happy New Year. And Squrriel's laughing at them!
imacynic2 says:
2 weeks ago
I'm new here, but have a few thoughts.
I think Casey Anthony is a sick sociopath. She played everybody and still is. Look at her attorney -
she's got him hugging her - he's probably representing her for free as well . . .
My take on the family is this - they love Caylee and have put up with Casey to try to protect Caylee. Its
a hard line to walk when you are choosing between doing what is best for yourself and your daughter
(cutting Casey off - kicking her out on the street) and being the one to protect the innocent (Caylee).
I'm sure that Cindy and George didn't want to put up with Casey and her behavior - BUT - as long as
they did - they knew Caylee was safe and they got to see her - protect her - know she was clothed and
nurished and safe.
I think that Casey took Caylee away to punish them - whether she intended to kill her or not was
irrelevent. If you look at Cindy's myspace entry when she was talking about Caylee being "missing" its
a statement talking about how Casey took Caylee away because she was jealous - jealous of the fact
that Cindy loved Caylee (more than Casey?) and that she (Cindy) had given love and care and fed and
clothed Caylee - paid her medical bills - and that "Jealousy" (Casey's) had taken Caylee away and who
was going to watch out for her angel now?
I think that Cindy understood that Caylee was "taken" from her as a form of punishment by the one
who should have been most appreciative of the fact that they were taking care of Caylee (her mother). I
think Cindy's 911 call was the truthful comment - she was scared - knew that the smell was death, but
didn't want to believe it. She had worked up the courage - for Caylee - to have Casey arrested - finally -
she was ready to show Casey that they would not tolerate her bullshit anymore. However Casey still
held that one card - Caylee - and she wouldn't tell Cindy where Caylee was.
Cindy I think knew that the smell was death, but who could look at their child - a child you had raised
and loved for 22 years and think that they were capable of murdering their own child. Look at Cindy -
she put up with Casey for 22 years and didn't kill her - What could Caylee have possibly done worse
than what Casey had done? Nothing! So, Caylee is alive - and Casey is the key to finding her. That is
what Cindy is thinking at that moment. So she tries to calm herself - telling herself that there's no way
the child I raised could kill Caylee. . . Casey feeds them a line - Caylee is alive - I know who she is
with and we can find her. Of course Cindy is going to through her support behind Casey - its her only
chance to find the baby.
George too - he knew that smell was a body - but if there is a lingering chance - no matter how small -
that they could find Caylee - they had to take it.
I think Lee knows that everyone is servicing Casey and he is tired of it. BUT - again - he needs to play
along - because they all know that Casey is the key to finding Caylee. She put her in the position she
was in - whether they believed she was alive or dead - Casey did it and Casey is the only one who can
find her.
I think the family is smarter than people give them credit for, and I think that some of the "dishonesty"
that the family has been reflecting is really not dishonesty, but rather - they have been forced into
acting "strangely" to pacify Casey so that they can hopefully get clues from her on how to find Caylee.
I think things will change now - I feel they really hoped that Caylee was alive and that holding out that
hope was what kept them going - But now that they know Caylee is dead - and they have to know that
Casey did it - I predict things will change.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Cynic, I think you are right - and I also think that Baez will throw the rest on of the Anthonys under the
bus to save Casey. However, supporting your daughter long enough to find your granddaughter does
not (for normal people) include destroying evidence, creating false leads and red herrings, and
discrediting all of the resources who are attempting to find your granddaughter!! They could have
ended this on July 16 if they hadn't enabled her. Casey would have caved if left alone in a room with
Cindy for a couple of hours - Det. Melich was a breeze to deal with compared to Cindy!
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Good morning squirrel lovers. Remember back when L.P. and his nephew bailed momster out on the
hope that she would help in the search and investigation for Caylee yet her actions, antics, and behavior
patterns were a 180' from what L.P. expected? Remember L.P.'s comments regarding Lee basically
calling the shots in that household the first few weeks making the lie detector choices for all, the search
and rescue terms for all, and coming off not only to L.P. but L.E. as well as someone who really was
not on their side of the tracks. I again use the word "vibe" and say that he put out the wrong one not
only to them and myself, but probobly most of you as well. Mr. Lee Anthony, obstruction of justice is
about to land you on that good ol game show called Let's Make A Deal. Unlike the show where there
were 3 doors to choose from, you dear sir will only have 2. Behind one is a get out of jail free card.
That is the right door to pick. Behind that evil box #2 you will find some real bad things. It consists of
people and things that you really do not want to introduce your mind, body, and soul to. You know
what I mean Lee don't you?? Although you wanted to protect your family first and foremost and were
hoping that as each day passed while your sister the momster sat rotting in her room without a view, the
focus on you would slowly disappear, it has not. In fact, it grew and grew. To me, you seem to still have
some of your marbles left inside you and you know that the only times that you will share with your
sister the momster will be in jailhouse visits with her. Make the right choice for yourself my man so
you remain on the other side of the bars which might look the same no matter the angle, but feel a
whole lot better I am sure! Tell everyone the truth, not only for Caylee but now for you as well. As my
grandfather used to say, don't be a schmuck! They might be squeezing you right now to talk, but it will
be alot more pleasant than Bubba and Leroy squeezing you if ya know what I mean. P.S. imacynic2:
sorry to completely be on the other side of your opinion that this Anthony clan is smarter than people
think, what I flushed down the toilet this morning had more brains in it. So sorry to disagree with your
thought but there was mine!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I think everyone has favorite songs that say certain stuff or whatever and there are people who watch
favorite soap operas too, but they don't obsess with it to the point of killing. That is because we are not
'sick like Casey'. There is a big difference here between us and her. She is at best delusional with a
pathological personality and it would make sense for her to act on song words or movie roles, etc. Look
at killers in the past, there are ones obsessed with movie stars and truly believe they are in love with
them, etc. I think when people say they don't buy into these theories, they are not thinking about what a
'sick mind' thinks about. Some on this site find it hard to believe that incest is alive and well all around
us...but it is true. We may think that the passwords are just normal names and obvious numbers to
choose, and maybe they are, but the point is that Casey truly believes there are codes in there, whether
we think so or not. So, trying to find out what maybe she is thinking or is delusional about, can help
explain some of the actions that have taken place.
Most of this stuff doesn't make sense to the 'normal mind'. When I lived in Houston, my next door
neighbor sent her 3 girls off to school in the morning and then went out and shot them all dead in the
back on the driveway. (We moved within a month). She said that God told her to do this. Now, we all
know that this is not true, but she believed it. It is mental illness.
I don't believe that "normal, status quo, functioning people" are murderers of small children. Something
has to be very wrong with them and their way of processing thoughts and judgment. Delusions,
hallucinations, voices, paranoia, etc. is all very real to the person experiencing it, whether or not it is
real to us. And, if they don't get help, medications, therapy or whatever, they will eventually act out
those thoughts someday.
imacynic2 says:
2 weeks ago
I agree Marie - With Cindy - I don't understand why she gave them the wrong brush (which is the only
evidence I've heard about that she mishandled). I really think that Cindy thought/believed that if she
played along with Casey's games - did what Casey wanted, that eventually Casey would lead them to
Caylee, they would file for custody and Casey would be out of their lives.
If your most important focus is finding your granddaughter, who you think something bad has
happened to, you don't stop and take the time to the laundry first. Heck, I find it difficult to keep up
with my family's laundry, and I have not killed anyone!!!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, Do you think Lee will be smart enough to throw Casey under the Big Yellow Bus, and do the
right thing?
imacynic2 says:
2 weeks ago
Steve - I do think that Lee was calling the shots - its clear that the family unit is disfunctional - Cindy
hunts down Casey - calls Lee to talk some sense into her. Weird dynamic - clearly there was an issue -
Cindy can't control Casey - George I am assuming was at work - Lee shows up - Cindy thinks
threatening Casey with the cops will make her spill on where Caylee is, but it doesn't work. Cindy I
think is especially terrified - b/c she is the focus of the punishment Casey is inflicting by taking Caylee
I think they will charge whomever they can and offer deals to them to get them to roll on Casey - that's
what I would do. I expect them to all be charged.
imacynic2 says:
2 weeks ago
Steve - I do think that Lee was calling the shots - its clear that the family unit is disfunctional - Cindy
hunts down Casey - calls Lee to talk some sense into her. Weird dynamic - clearly there was an issue -
Cindy can't control Casey - George I am assuming was at work - Lee shows up - Cindy thinks
threatening Casey with the cops will make her spill on where Caylee is, but it doesn't work. Cindy I
think is especially terrified - b/c she is the focus of the punishment Casey is inflicting by taking Caylee
I think they will charge whomever they can and offer deals to them to get them to roll on Casey - that's
what I would do. I expect them to all be charged.
imacynic2 says:
2 weeks ago
Did she do the laundry before she called police or after the police left? My understanding was that she
took those things and washed them either before she found Casey and knew that Caylee was missing or
after the police had already left. I don't think that there were sinister meanings to that - I don't think she
believed at that point that Caylee was dead.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Cindy washed the cloths before the police came to the house. When George came home she made the
remark we have lost her, we have lost her, she was talking about Caylee. I think Cindy knew exactly
what she was doing, like when she ave them the wrong Hair Brush for DNA. This family has covered
up from the beginning trying to save Casey's sorry (_!_)
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
2 weeks ago
imacynic...who in their right mind, would take clothes that smelled of death, when their daughter and
granddaughter had not been seen in over a month...and their car had been abandoned??? She had no
clue as to what had happened. Wouldn't alarms go off in your head....that something just isn't right??!!
To take a wait and see before touching to much in the car??!!!!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
SE GeorgiaGirl, Key words RIGHT MIND, The smell of that car would have told anyone not to touch
it, hell I would have had the Police come to the tow yard. Now that would of been the smart thing to do
in my book!
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
imacynic2 - I totally agree with you. I also do not think that the Anthony's had any ill intention I think
that they wanted to find their grand-daughter alive and were hanging on to any hope of doing that.
I do not buy any of these crazy theories that people are throughing out here. I don't think there is some
huge twuisted family secret. I think Casey has been a completely spoiled brat and very selfish person. I
think she was told to get her shit together and start taking care of herself and her child so she left with
those intentions. I think that her boyfriend didn't want Caylee staying at his place because they all
smoked pot and partyed and the knew she shouldn't be there and I think Casey didn't have anywhere
else to go so she chloroformed Caylee at night in the car found her dead the next day and panicked. She
knew her parents would never forgive her so she tried to make it look like an accidental drowning in
the pool and when no one would answer her phone calls she had to do something else so she put Caylee
in the trunk.
I don't think she was some evil monster who was planning on killing her mother or aimee or anything
like that. I think mosty people find it easier to live if they make people out to be evil or good. They
don't weant a logic explanation.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Cynic, of course Cindy called Lee to talk to Casey. Remember Lee testifying that he and Casey
"connected on a deep intimate level and shared things they didn't share with anyone else."
(paraphrasing here) Yeah, I bet they did!
Rascal, you are exactly right - when they were at the tow yard, as far as they knew Casey was also
missing - when I put myself in their place, I would have called the police first! Cindy even said maybe
someone else put a dead body in the trunk - if so, your first action would be to take that car to your
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal: yes I do think Lee will tell some of what he knows although he may do it on his terms because
it seems to me that is how this guy operates. It will be a slow process as opposed to him having it all
come out in one clean swoop. The bus that momster is about to be run over by is driven by her. She
could not start it and went to the front to see what the problem was. Unfortunately for her it went into
gear and ran her uglyness over. Then, by some strange coincidence it went into reverse and ran her ass
over again! Talk about bad luck!! Sort of like the luck she had when nobody took the car that she
abandend (like she thought they would) and it was the beginning of the end for her. As far as Cindy
goes, yes she washed the clothes BEFORE the police came to her house. Not to mention the hairbrush,
toothbrush, family emails, "the car smells like death" yada yada yada. And George, I do not even have
to tell you that you that you are neither the sharpest knife in the drawer or the brighest crayon in the
box! You were someone associated with law enforcement? Where, Mayberry R.F.D.?? Now go have
lunch with Gomer and Cooter and make sure you find your way back to your lovely better half.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Yes George had the man at the tow yard go to the back of the car. He wanted someone there to be with
him, he was scared it was Casey or Caylee in the back dead. He knew it smelled like a dead body. That
car should of never left that town yard. Had the Police got it first the cloths would not have been
Rascal, would it have been normal protocol for the tow yard guy to call the police if HE thought it
smelled like death? I don't know how those things work.....
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Having a thought the Police may not need Lee's half truths, they may have enough evidence with out
giving him anything. The police already know they all covered up.
I put a comment in earlier but I don't see it. I just wanted to say that I have been reading the comments
for a few weeks now and thank you for adding all the links.
What a horrible story this is, my heart goes out to those who truly loved Caylee.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Welcome Mimi, hope you enjoy this site.
I may take some heat for this next comment, but I do think they all loved Caylee--just in their own
ways. Certainly not the way I or anyone around me love my kids. In most of her little pictures, she was
dressed well, well-fed, seems happy. I think they'd pass a polygraph question about whether or not they
loved her. But they would have raised that precious little girl the exact same way they raised Casey.......
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
Just because Cindy washed the clothes doesn't mean she was trying to cover up something at that point.
At that point I think she believed that Casey was hiding Caylee from her to get back at her for wanting
her to get her life together and take care of her own child.
I think she couldn't stand the smell and started cleaning it up.
In hind sight it is easy to see what you should have done especially when you see how bad everything
really is. I'll bet you that Cindy feels soo incredible guilty right now for trying to force Casey to take
care of her own daughter. I'm sure that they still want to believe that someone else did this to their
grand-daughter, some monster child killer not their own daughter.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom you are so right I do think they loved Caylee. But I think she was used like a pond. I also
think Casey was so jealous of Caylee taking all the attention. And even Jessi said she was jealous of
Caylee. Caylee was in her way of a good time, not the way a good mother feels about there child. All of
us that are Mothers or Fathers know they did not ask to be born. But we all do what ever it takes to
make sure they are loved and well taken care of. Because they are the most important things in our life.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Llee, I'm sure you are right - Cindy feels incredibly guilty. The guilt is eating away at her - she has to
be thinking woulda, shoulda, coulda.
Proud Mom, I know they all loved Caylee. WE all loved Caylee. Who could see that adorable child and
not love her? At the age of 2+ she was so sweet to her great-grandpa (remember her asking "Are you
sleepy, pa-pa"?) Her great-grandparents must be suffering greatly also. But Cindy the most. Cindy was
the primary caregiver, and in charge of Caylee's well-being. Cindy's anger got the best of her, and she
kicked Casey out of the house BEFORE she had secured custody of Caylee. Cindy said she was
suicidal BEFORE this happened, that Caylee was what she was living for. I hope she is getting
professional help, and being watched closely.
Cindy needed something to keep her going. I understand the thought that if there is any chance
whatsoever that your child is alive, you'd do everything possible to find her. This may be something
that was obvious to all of you, but could her admancy of finding Caylee alive to the point of hindering
anyone looking for a body been a survival technique? If she had set in her mind she just couldn't live if
anything had happened to Caylee, could her mind been in survival mode at whatever cost? Just a
Not that it excuses her behavior, but could that be why she would "tamper with evidence" or whatever
you want to call it? Anything to keep from hearing the words, "You're granddaughter is dead."?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Cindy did not want to loose Caylee and Casey, save Casey at all cost. I really think this was her
steve says:
2 weeks ago
One of about 25 questions that I would ask Cindy if she were taking a poly would be, did you wash the
clothes with any other clothes or just those. Hmmmm. Smells like a cover-up to me! Memo to
momster's mommy... Talk about a waste of water in this go green way of life that we all need to
participate in. Look, I know she loved Caylee so much, probobly more than the rest of her family
combined but her actions and lack of actions during that critical month period in which she in my mind
did not do enough will haunt her forever. To me, that is punishment enough! Yes I do have a soft side.
Sort of. Welcome aboard Mimi 24 on the boat that will take you on more than the 3 hour tour! The food
aint so bad either now that all the turnips were thrown overboard to feed the fish that enjoy that sort of
nutrition. This ship however is allergic and does not enjoy the rash that it brings.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Thank you, Steve them Turnips are nasty, LMAOROF
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
I agree with you Marie - I really think Cindy is going to take on all of the blame in this whole thing. I
truely believe that she is at risk for suicide. I'm sure that is why she is on meds - for depression. I think
Casey probably confessed to her parents that Caylee died from an accidently overdose of Chloroform
(which she had to do because Cindy threw her out and Tony didn't want kids staying at his place and no
one would babysit) and she tried to call everyone but no one answered (probably because they thought
she was calling to ask them to babysit and they wanted to teach her a lesson). So they know she did it
but not because she is a monster is was an accident that wouldn't have happened if they had just
babysat Caylee. Know everyone thinks she is a monster and she is probably going to get the death
imacynic2 says:
2 weeks ago
I politely disagree - I don't think Cindy, George or Lee knew that Caylee was dead. I think that's the
only reason why there has been ANY support from the family behind Casey - I think she told them -
"you help me and I'll get Caylee back for you" I don't think any of them would have supported her or
lived in the house with her if they knew the truth. I firmly believe they merely tried to make her content
till she told them where Caylee was - which I don't beleive she ever did. I think that now that they
know the truth, that Caylee is dead, that Casey will not have their support - at all.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
As far as Caylee's death - George knew it, Cindy denied it, and Lee avoided it.
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
imacynic2 - you may be right about that. That may be a more likely senerio.
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
Time will tell - at least as far as what their reactions are now.
What will they say about this whole thing now. Their lawyer should tell them - after they have had time
to grieve - that they should make a public appology for everything that has gone on - to Tim and LE -
they wanted desperately to find their grand-daughter alive at all costs. Now that they have her.
It is so sad - I can't imagine having to face what they have to face sooner or later.
allyss says:
2 weeks ago
I also do not think Cindy probably thought too much about what she was doing. I think she was in a
panic from the day they got the car that smelled so bad to her, that it made her think there had been a
dead body in it, and then finding Casey with no Cayleejust sent her into more of a panic. By this time I
think she was running on such high emotions, bad emotions at that, that to think she was formulating a
thought as to how I can save my daughter does not seem very realistic to me, sure maybe if Caylee was
found too, but she still had that fear running through her mind so I don't think she was capable of
formulating any kinda thought at that time, much less one to save her daughter that she was still mad at
and trying to get answers from, think of how your own mind works in a highly stressful or panic
situation, it doesn't. Now later on when she had time to sit down and think about the situation, I think
she made some poor decisions, such as giving the wrong brush or hampering the searches but by then
who knows what was going through her head. I think who ever said it above that maybe she was trying
to work with Casey or it was her body's way of protecting itself by not having to face the truth, is
probably right, if a body was never found she could always live in her made up world and believe that
Caylee would come home and Casey is still her little girl that she loved faults and all. I mean think
about it, you may know your child is not the best but in your worst nightmare could you ever even
imagine that they would be capable of murder, I know I couldn't. The body is a strange thing and it
does some really amazing things to protect itself and so I for one can not be totally convinced that
Cindy consciously made any decisions to hamper anything, hell I doubt that her brain has been working
right from the moment this whole thing started, stress makes your brain not function right. I do think
Cindy has made a mess for herself and may very well have to face the consequences of what she did,
and probably should have to because in high stressed situations when your brain is not functioning
properly the smart thing to do is just shut up. And her being a nurse she would definitely know the
effect stress has on a brain, I know I have jumped on the well just because she is a nurse thing... but this
one is basic basic knowledge, hell most people would know that without any kind of training.
Ok so in proof reading this I think I have discovered that I must be stress because my mind can not
formulate a thought either it is jumping all over the place, but it just seemed to complicated to try and
fix so I will let you guys try to decyfer my ramblings.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Alyss, you made perfect sense! I think everyone wants the Anthonys to show some dignity and
integrity at this point, so we can support them. It is impossible to support people who want to draw you
into their delusional belief system! If they could tell the truth, and be straight forward, perhaps some
meaning could come from Caylee's death. Who knows? Look at Megan's law, the Amber alert system,
etc. All came from tragedy. If the the Anthonys don't stand up, Caylee's little life will be remembered
by all the deception and confusion her family caused while she was still "missing."
SadieSkye says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday-- I agree with ALL of your posts..I know thats a BIG statement, but... I do! codes mean
nothing: caseys braindidnt think "that way".. and all the rest... :0)
MarieRN-- your SPOT on about TR... I thought that instantly.... funny how you get this sick feeling in
your stomach and you just know "its" baaaack...oh well what can you really do? good eye tho!!! :0)
lizaural says:
2 weeks ago
Been a looong time since I posted (I'm so freakin happy the tarded troll was run off by the sane ones!)
Can't say I really have anything to add because you all do such a wonderful job finding info, posting
links and theories and thinking it all through. (The Excel timeline that OldBoy did was FANTASTIC!!
THANKS MUCH for sharing with us all.)
This whole thing has been such a wild ride. I've always been a fan of true crime, and never imagined I'd
be able to watch it unfold in such a multimedia fashion. Glad to have all of you as front row
I'm so glad they finally found her. RIP, sweet lil Caylee. We'll do the work of finding the ugly truth, you
just shine your light down.
Joey says:
2 weeks ago
Lee anthony is a guilty piece of shit + faggot. I wouldn't doubt it if George and Cindy get obstruction of
justice as well. Is this whole family a bunch of scumbag losers???????????
Nurse Betty says:
2 weeks ago
Have the squirrels lawyered up yet?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Nurse Betty, That will be the next thing Squirrel's, they can pay Lawyer with nuts they have saved up
for winter.
lizaural says:
2 weeks ago
I know we all go back and forth on this issue, but check this lil slip out!
Lizural - thanks for that link! JMO - Lee is the baby daddy...
Nurse Betty says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal Brat - As long as everyone else is getting everything for FREE, I think the Squirrels should be
represented PRO BONO as well!
Lizural - thanks for that link! JMO - Lee is the baby daddy...
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Wow Lizaural, that is some kind of a slip of the tongue! Wonder if he knows more then some of us
already think.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I believe everyone is getting BO BO HEAD and all the Experts Pro Bono, like I believe in Santa
steve says:
2 weeks ago
P.I. and his sources (a snitch or two) are about to give up some valuable defense info that will implicate
Lee and others. Thank you Domenic Casey!! I think the two words that we are going to have put in our
daily vocabulary from here on out are going to be reasonable doubt. Mas to follow!! Squirrel's to be
represented by US!!!!!! Long live the squirrel!!!!!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Wonder if the Squirrels will file suit on Casey! Poor Squirrels she ruined there reputation.
kwoz says:
2 weeks ago
oops, sorry almost dbl posted
kwoz says:
2 weeks ago
Hello all.. I am a true believer that "Children learn what they live" this will explain a LOT of things in
this family. Cindy will go more insane if she thinks this too! Casey sees Mom rescuing Dad thru the
years with all his dumb money moves so, she thinks "Hey, what the hell, I'll pull some SH** and she'll
probably rescue me too" Well, doesn't take a genius to see that happened on more than one occasion.
Just like now, she is still trying to bail her a** out. She wouldn't even listen to her own family pleading
with her to do something about Casey, before any of this happened. If I was Cindy, I would either take
my life or ask that someone do it for me.. I don't care what kind of help she gets, this is way beyond
any help in my eyes. When she comes back to reality/earth and does the "what if" scenarios, it's all
over! JMO
kwoz says:
2 weeks ago
Don't get me wrong all.. I don't believe in suicide.. I'm sorry for saying it that way, it's just too much for
any normal person to probably handle never mind someone in Cindys state of mind.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Now the Anthony's want Casey out of Jail to attend a Memorial for Caylee, unbelievable.
Kwoz, yes for normal but who is saying this family is normal.
Nurse Betty says:
2 weeks ago
Casey attending the memorial makes me want to hurl!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
She is not going to be out to attend, Anthony's will not get there way on this.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
I think they should bring the memorial to her - they said she had (through her lawyer) requested to view
the remains. Bring the bones to her cell and let her spend the night with them. On second thought, I
wouldn't do that to poor little Caylee.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, I agree there.I think the pictures are a better idea. I do not think they have enough police to
protect Casey at a Memorial anyway. Plus she does not deserve that right.
kwoz says:
2 weeks ago
I agree Marie, I think they should bring "EVERYTHING" to her... if anyone in the family has finally
came back to reality and Casey is accepting their letters I think that person should send her
NUMEROUS pics of her daughter as well as I stated before.. I don't know how the filtering works at
jails, Thank GOD, so, not sure if one of us sent stuff to her would she actually open it up?? We have a
LONG LONG 2009 ahead of us... Just what we need, more stress and depression, what else could go
wrong.. To all us normal or somewhat normal ppl out there tonight, good luck in the New Year and
have a safe & happy one to you & yours!
For starters, The murderer doesn't get to attend the victims funeral. Weather they're related or not. Just
doesn't happen.
Not only that, but IF she was there...can you imagine the riots, mobs & protestors? They dont need that
at a memorial service.
Besides THIS is little Caylee's final day. There's no way they should let Casey take the spotlight off
Caylee yet again.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Kwoz, Thank you and Happy New Year to you also and have a safe one.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday, I am sure this came about because the public said the family did not try to get her out for
the Memorial. So this is part of there standing by Casey all for show. You are right she will not get out.
Love them little Squirrels.
steve says:
2 weeks ago
My 2 cents or sense. If they allow momster to attend any type of service or memorial, none of you
(even you Rascal) are ever permitted to post in this forum ever again! That is, until next year!! Happy
New Year to everyone, and it has been great sharing thoughts with you all on what is in my opinion
going to be the trial of the century. Atleast from the squirrels vantage point! Off to watch what I think
was one of the classics of all time, Blazing Saddles. Talk to you all tomorrow, same bat time, same bat
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, To funny we all know we are safe on that one, keep posting ladies and gentlemen,
Happy New Year to all and please have a safe one.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Check out this site and click on Solitaire Confinement and Medicated Baby Heads. It's all about the
Squirrel and the Girl who deals with him. Maybe this is what Casey and the Squirrels did a while back.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Better yet, check out the one that says People Pissing Me Off. Its a bit violent at the end, but the
Squirrel gives some good babysitting advice to people.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Better yet, check out the one that says People Pissing Me Off. Its a bit violent at the end, but the
Squirrel gives some good babysitting advice to people.
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Hello gang! lol.. I have a thought that has sort of been just nagging at me for a while. I have no idea
about if or if not Lee is the father of Caylee. However! Has anyone else noticed ALL, from those I have
seen, that Casey's boyfriends all look similar?? They all sort of look like LEE! All have very dark hair,
same cut, facial features that are not all that different. All seem to have dark eyes and hair and about the
same height. I just thought it odd that someone who dated, cough, so much would have some variety. I
have not seen one so called b/f with blonde hair. All of them resemble each other and again, Lee. Just a
thought. I know when I dated, some would have dark hair, blonde hair, brown eyes, blue eyes, hazel
eyes.. It just seems Casey's list all seem to look like her brother. I really doubt there is any meaning, but
for a girl who dated different guys at the same time even, would have at least one that does not look
like the rest. Jesse, the cop who was fired, Tony, the list goes on. They all resemble each other and Lee.
And another thought, lol. What mother, even one not having any mind, would want to view her child's
skelton??? OMGOSH I would vomit. Nothing could make me view something that horrible and be able
to function. So why? And IMO, there is no way in he** that witch wants to go to her daugher's funeral.
It is the nut case attorney telling her to make a show of asking. either way he will use it as poor Casey,
done wrong. Sickening. On a good note, with all the candy and snacks she is packing down, she will
soon be a nice fat prisoner.
My fear?? I live in CA.. We all remember the OJ fiasco. And Robert Blake. I just hope FL is not as
crazy as our system was.
Everyone, please have a safe New Year's Eve and I wish everyone, even with our national mess, a great
year. I do think it will be a challenge for many and I want this trial to start! I also wonder at them
delaying it until 2010.. I know Bozo said his client did not want to sit in jail and wanted a speedy trial.
Of course that was before Caylee's little remains were found.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good morning. Looks like Lees is getting closer to being charged, on my fox Orlando. Makes me
wonder if it was something they found at crime scene. Or what they found on there investigation on
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Lawyer: Caylee's grandparents need immunity
I think they are ready to talk now that the body has been found. I think the reason they haven't visited
Casey is because they hate her.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, I find it amazing how all of the Anthony's need immunity. I always felt if you did not lie or do
anything wrong there is no need for immunity. I would never let anyone put me in that position.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I went to that site Marie, the investigators will not approach the Anthony's until Caylee is laid to rest. Is
that why they are not taking care of Caylee? How long are they going to leave her remains at the
Mortuary, hell the defence team had not even done there autopsy and I am sure they have no intention
on doing one. Dam them put that baby to rest.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, it's all about control with Cindy and Casey. Even in her grief Cindy is trying to control and run
everything. I think it is interesting that only George and Cindy are asking for immunity, Lee has his
own lawyer. George and Cindy have split off from Lee to protect their own interests - Lee is up to his
eyeball in some sort of nefarious activity, in my opinion. And what's with the shaving his head? Have
you seen those recent photos of him?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, on the link you posted Lee's attorney is wanting immunity for Lee also. Yes I have said for a
long time now they are all in a cover up. Maybe so people do not reconize him, better then wigs like
Phil Spector LMAOROF
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
I was reading TMW comments page, and one of her readers brought up a good point - Casey asked for
a sedative after the bones were found, but before an ID was made. That means 2 things: 1) She knew it
was Caylee and 2) she was upset about the body being found. To me that destroys LPs thoery that
Casey "Guided" the meter reader to find the body while she was incarcerated. I really think the meter
reader is legit. The defense is trying to insinuate otherwise.
Also, I watched Dominick Dunne last night regarding the Michael Peterson murder trial. Henry Lee
was on there testifying for the defense (of course). He had the audacity to say that Michael Peterson's
wife couldn't have been murdered, instead fell down the stairs, because there was TOO MUCH blood! I
can't stand Henry Lee, and I think his days as a high-powered hired gun are over.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, I haven't seen anything about Lee's lawyer asking for immunity for him, Are you sure? I don't
think he would qualify anyway.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I still believe he hid evidence on the Phil Specter trial, so I have no use for him. He denied it but was
seen putting something in his pocket. Casey needed a sedative because the body was found. Up till that
point she was not as worried. I think the meter read is legit also, we will get spin on hin from defence.
I know that when there is mental illness in the family, those members get taunted and abused in strange
ways. Lee may have taken advantage of Casey too when it came to Caylee.
My theory is that Casey has said something to someone in that jail, to incriminate Lee and that's why
they are coming after him. She may have confessed to it and said Lee helped her or something...we
don't know. But certainly something is leading them in this direction. She may of even incriminated her
parents and they knew eventually she would sing like a bird (even though it is probably more lies?).
Also, there is the question of what Lee has done with all the donated money for investigation. One
thing for sure, Casey isn't going to go down in this alone, not if she can have any say so in the matter.
Shaving of the head (I haven't seen that one yet) but could be 3 things I can think of: one, he just
wanted a shaved head all of a sudden?, two, psychologically it is a way of reacting to inner pain and
self punishment, and three it is related to drugs. *the reason I say the last one is because I used to run
drug tests on people and they would shave their head so as to not get busted on hair samples, but we
just plucked one out of their eyebrow or underarms. Cocaine, meth, etc. stays in a hair follicle for at
least a year that I know of.
I don't think the Ants will be granted immunity, only because they have 'already lied'. Immunity to me
seems it would come from being protected from telling what you know in the 'first place' (and that you
had some involvement or influence), not after you lied and lied and lied, hampered the case, the baby is
dead, etc and then decide to 'tell the truth' and ask for protection. I vote NO to that immunity request.
The ANTS (all of them) need to come clean now.
Allyss says:
2 weeks ago
Maybe I am missing something but why would it even be thought that Casey lead anyone to the body.
Why would she want the body to be found. Finding the body only gives them proof that she is dead and
the possibility of the police finding out who did it. Casey has not admitted to any quilt so far so
assuming that she was the one who killed her I think she would of wanted that body to remain hidden
forever. Unless of course it was moved there at a later time, but I don't see that being very likely.
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Morning all. My thought right now is this videotape of the area done almost 2 months ago. I heard that
the guy was to sell it to N.B.C. but had not done so. Was it that he was in BO BO'S office or in the
house when there was conversation about a possible location. How and who led him to of all places
250 yards from the recovery area?? I do not think luck played a part in this at all! The over/under on #
of people to testify is at about 79 at this point. Sorry to say this but we may all be dead before this one
is over. Also the over/under odds in Vegas as to what this trial is going to cost the taxpayers... $65
million. You will receive an invoice in the mail within 18 months or so. Rascal, Marie RN, JMo, Proud
Mom, Wednesday Morning, Kwoz, Nurse Betty, and you too Linn (cause you and I are from the same
hood) do not worry, I am working out an immunity deal for all of us today so we are able to throw our
bill overboard. Sorry Dale, you must pay yours in cash.......... not turnips. And make an appointment for
Lens Crafters in the New Year so you may see straight!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, I heard the guy that Video taped the crime scene once worked for Bo BO Head, but no works for
the Anthony's. Now does that make you wonder why he was close to the right area???? I also heard the
FBI is now checking the tape, it was on TV last night. I would never take anyone word over Tim
Miller, especially when they worked for BO BO HEAD or the Anthony's, hell they have not told the
truth so far. I think they are all full of BS. I look for charges to come down soon. I also heard the
forensics on time Caylee's was killed and how long she was there will is in, and when it is filed we will
see it. Off to store bb soon. Oh Hell Steve just ask goverment to bail us all out!! LMAOROF
Proud Mom says:
2 weeks ago
Didn't want to plagerize off of your profile, Rascal (I saw you updated again), but I just couldn't
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Back had to get some milk keeps me strong enough to run from them Squirrels. Proud Mom, that does
not bother me if you to use that, feel free anytime. I do not think it will be a go in March, I think it will
be postponed. It may even go to Death Penalty.
OMG Dave you really do need to get your eyes checked, and if not be sure to buy some rubber boots
oh actually hip boots.
Mimi 24 says:
2 weeks ago
Hello All,
I am feeling so disheartened this morning...after last nights Issues and NG, please,please tell me that
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
JMo: it took me a minute to figure out your reference to The Ants - but when I got it, I loved it! About
the head shaving, I always figured the reason Britney Spears shaved her head was because of drug
Alyss - Leonard Padilla said that Casey wanted the body found while she was in prison, to prove she
didn't put it there. It was supposed to be found much earlier, with the August phone calls.
You know, Caylee's birthday was August 9th, a Saturday. Casey promised, and the ANTs were positive
Caylee would be home by her birthday. The meter reader made calls on Aug. 11,12 and 12. (Mon, Tues,
Weds). Could this have been an attempt to have Caylee "home" by her birthday? Was someone tipped
on Friday, Aug. 9th, but calls didn't get made til after the weekend? Something to think about.
Steve, thanks for working on securing immunity for us. I just don't want to hand over my hard drive!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Mimi, Casey's is going to go Down Big Time and I am sure she will take others with her.
Marie did you see what I was talking about on Orlando Sentinel, Lee's Lawyer wants immunity for Lee
before he talks to the Law.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom, Keep looking for changes lol
BO BO HEAD is nervous about cops questioning DC and wants this other person present during
questioning. What is that all about? What would he have to be nervous about if his client was really
innocent? Did he ask DC to falsify pics and videos because he was trying to protect the squirrels?
I asked this question on a different website this morning, but I'm still not confident in the answer: If this
video is legit (which I do not think it is) why is it just NOW coming out? If it was legitimately what
they say it is, it would have surfaced on Dec 12. They needed time to doctor it.
This whole circus of a team is showing more and more bafoonery as this goes on. I know he'll be
famous, but is this REALLY the kind of publicity this "defense attorney" wants?
Hope BO BO HEAD gets a good interest rate, since FL residents will be footing the bill. Probably just
finger foods served, though.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Jo is ok she will be back.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
2 weeks ago
She and I are neighbors....I was about ready to send out a search team for her. She is missed!
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
2 weeks ago
Tuesday, Dec. 30
12:30 p.m.Word comes that the meter reader who found Caylee's body could be eligible for the reward
offered for information leading to the girl's return.
I believe he is legit and I feel that he should receive this reward, as he was persistent in getting
someones attention where it needed to be!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, I miss Jo too! I figured she was on a business trip or something. We need you Jo!
A word about ANTS - they don't do so well under the magnifying glass...
steve says:
2 weeks ago
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
2 weeks ago
Betcha Casey's gonna love sittin in jail tonight...while all of her "friends" are out partying and bringing
in the New Year!! She coulda been right there with 'em tonight---celebrating--had she only made the
right decisions! Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda is doing you NO good at this point my dear!! Get used to
bringing in the New Years alone Casey......Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year's to everyone.....Rascal, Wednesday, Marie, Jo-wherever you are girl, Proud Mom,
Allyss, JMo, Linn, Kwoz, Sadie. Futy, Steve....and anyone else I may have left out!! May the New Year
bring peace, prosperity and resolution of this case to all of us!!
steve says:
2 weeks ago
From my childhood memories, neither do baseball cards. Meter reader to get 5 large from what I heard
yesterday. He will need atleast twice that in therapy from what he saw!!
imacynic2 says:
2 weeks ago
Question for those of you speculating that Lee is the father - if Lee was the father then wouldn't the
DNA testing they performed on Caylee show that? She would have 26 total markers - of those markers
she would get 13 from her mother and 13 from her father. I would think - if the mother and father were
siblings - she would have an unusually high number of markers that matched her mother (all 26 of her
markers would have come from the same pool making the probability of her matching much more
probable) and I would assume the investigators would immediately have conducted DNA testing on the
male family members.
imacynic2 says:
2 weeks ago
Question for those of you speculating that Lee is the father - if Lee was the father then wouldn't the
DNA testing they performed on Caylee show that? She would have 26 total markers - of those markers
she would get 13 from her mother and 13 from her father. I would think - if the mother and father were
siblings - she would have an unusually high number of markers that matched her mother (all 26 of her
markers would have come from the same pool making the probability of her matching much more
probable) and I would assume the investigators would immediately have conducted DNA testing on the
male family members.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, so you burned up your (now vintage) baseball cards? Bet you wish you had them now! I think
the meter reader should get the whole $225,000.00. Thank God for persistant people like him.
Georgia, you're right - and I bet all the people whose lives she's wrecked in the past year will be
thinking how glad they are that she is out of their lives!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Cynic states: I would assume the investigators would immediately have conducted DNA testing on the
male family members.
Cynic, that is what they did - BUT they had to get a subpoena to get Lee's DNA. George gave his
freely. According to LP the DNA evidence showed the father was in the family. And he hasn't been
sued for slander yet! In fact, there have been no denials.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Happy New To all and please have a safe one! Wow my friend Jo is back.
On the DNA it would have been done,but Lee had to be court ordered to give his.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Casey is going to hate tonight no stiripper pole and drinks, oh and do not for get the sex.
Wednesday Morning says:
2 weeks ago
I actually recall when the initial results came back, they DID state that something was "off" because the
hair test concluded that the hair could have been Casey's OR Caylee's because they were so identical.
I had assumed that the lab made a mistake. We didn't hear anything more on that, other than Padilla's
chatter, so I assumed the error had been corrected.
In your pursuit to debunk the baby-daddy-uncle theory, I think you might have made a case for it...
Now I'm curious. Have to look into this again. Will post link when I find it.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
2 weeks ago
I would make a comment on the "no sex" thing...but this isn't the place. Instead I will only say, will only have your memories from this day forward...........ENJOY!!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Ok, what about this....when Casey was out on bail, she and the family PI went out filming and
searching. She had the PI specifically film that area for a reason. Then, maybe Lee moved the body
(from where Casey originally had it) to that spot while she was back in prison, to show she couldn't
have put it there. Maybe they found evidence to show other dirt samples in the bag? Maybe this is how
Lee is connected? Maybe fibers from Caseys car were in the bag. Either way, it's a set up deal....too
many questions left open about the location and prior searching, etc. This is so puzzling. I can't wait till
they talk.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Casey had a ankle bracelet, she was only allowed to go see officer of the court by appointment, and BO
BO HEAD. Had they been out driving around she would have been thrown back in the jail.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Listen to this Catch 22: Ants won't testify without immunity, LE won't ask Ants for testimony til after
Caylee's funeral, funeral will not happen until Casey's team finishes "second autopsy." That could take
months! And Casey gets to continue to call the shots.
JMO, your theory could be correct, however the body had to have laid there for quite a while because
the bones were scattered far and wide.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Here's an old link about ruling out Jesus Ortiz as Caylee's father:
apparently there is blood available from toxicology done at the time of the crash for DNA testing,
which I'm sure has already been done. Thank goodness that poor family didn't have to go through
having their son exhumed, another victim of Crazy Ant.
I noticed on NG that Lee Ants lawyer used the word "niece" rather emphatically. Lee must have told
him to watch it after he (correctly) referred to her as Lee's daughter.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
I know, Weds, but it is a valid point about blood being available from toxicology testing, it is kept for
awhile and would provide DNA.
Here is a link to another Blog, I know it is opinions, but there are some pretty good points raised here;
If you don't want to read a blog, just skip it. I've personally been called everything but a somewhat
overweight, middle-aged white woman (which I am) for saying I think Lee could be Caylee's father, so
I'll let someone else say it for me! (not you, Rascal).
I didn't notice this, and am going to try to find the clip, but in the link I posted in this comment, there is
a mention that when Cindy and George were on NG, George said Caylee was so beautiful, and had
"Cindy's and my son's blood in her." Cindy threw her hands over her face, and George changed his
And for the record, I saw how you were treated by a certain someone on here & believe me sister, I
know she was totally out of line.
I appreciate your comments, research & feedback, EVEN if I don't carry the same opinion. I still
appreciate looking at the evidence from both view points.
SadieSkye says:
2 weeks ago
STEVE-- WHAT? I dont get an invoice? or imunity? that a bummer...considering The time Ive put in
here over the months and im from your hood too...does Nor Cal count? lol
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I looked for something on George and NG, but could not find any such thing. Anyway, just viewed the
interview from George and LE on August 7 and man, does he point the finger at weird Jesse G.
This is the best mystery ever and I know that all points to Casey, but I think there are much more
people involved here than we know about. And I think Casey is behind all the twisted lies and
misconceptions everyone has, as she is so manipulative and a con artist. Everyone probably feels
foolish at this point and like they have to get immunity or protect themselves from what they have been
involved with, ...since Caylee is really dead now. It's "MURDER" folks and the game is over. It's
possible that you could all go down for joining in her games. Time for everyone to fess up and stop
spending tax payers money. Poor Caylee had to suffer for all the lies, money, sex and drugs. I hope they
put her to rest soon and everyone involved pays the price for their involvement or stupidity!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I looked for something on George and NG, but could not find any such thing. Anyway, just viewed the
interview from George and LE on August 7 and man, does he point the finger at weird Jesse G.
This is the best mystery ever and I know that all points to Casey, but I think there are much more
people involved here than we know about. And I think Casey is behind all the twisted lies and
misconceptions everyone has, as she is so manipulative and a con artist. Everyone probably feels
foolish at this point and like they have to get immunity or protect themselves from what they have been
involved with, ...since Caylee is really dead now. It's "MURDER" folks and the game is over. It's
possible that you could all go down for joining in her games. Time for everyone to fess up and stop
spending tax payers money. Poor Caylee had to suffer for all the lies, money, sex and drugs. I hope they
put her to rest soon and everyone involved pays the price for their involvement or stupidity!
Se GeorgiaGirl says:
2 weeks ago
Amen and I were a couple of the first one's on here...from the very beginning...somehow
we were *overlooked*...if not forgotten!! HA! Although, I AIN'T from Carolina
residency must not count??!!!
steve says:
2 weeks ago
SadieSyye, my deepest and sincere apology considering you are "a local" Nocal resident! I am sorry
you were forgotten,( but not forgetten.) I will see what I can do A.S.A.P. so be on the lookout for a
special delivery envelope that will come the day after Ed Mcmahon arrives with those colorful balloons
and the grand prize! Now back to this paternity issue. I do not even think momster knows who the
daddy is for sure. I also do not think it is a family member but would not do a double take if it were.
Nothing with these people would shock me. I do know one thing, when someone has nothing to hide in
any fashion, they are forthright not deceptive as Lee has been. He is hiding something but I do not
think incest is it. Please everyone, be careful, safe, and smart tonight and please let us know if you can
tomorrow that you are alright by posting.We all share this bond together (thanks FUTY!)and it is not
stopping anytime soon.
Linn says:
2 weeks ago
Thank you so much Steve for immunity! You never know who will come knocking. I have to laugh as
now I am paranoid for looking up once how to make cocaine, choroform, how long it takes a body to
skeletonize, etc.. lol. I was interested on the cocaine due to a show, the rest of course from the crazy
Ants. Please, if I am on the news I was just interested!! LOL. funny how paranoid you can get.
JMo.. Thank you! I thought maybe I was just thinking odd things, but all her boyfriends, if you can call
them that, do look alike and do resemble Lee.
As for the head shaving Lee did. I have two sons. One just always cuts his hair short. One has the most
beautiful hair. Super think, dark and curls. He will let it get so long and awful looking, then I will see
him later in the day and to my dismay, sometimes delight depending on how awful he let it get, he will
have shaved his head completly. So for good ole Lee, I am not sure that is anything more than shaving
his hair. usually too, the will take pubic hair. The will find any hair he has so shaving his head would
not work.
Today was reruns of the conversations with Casey, her parents and Lee. She lies so well. I admit and
don't ban me from the boat, but she can be so convincing! Again, I am from CA and we are always
terrified the obviously guilty will get off.. OJ, Robert Blake, Phil Spector.. etc! In CA if you have
money you are free even if there if video of you commiting the crime! I have NO FAITH in CA's
justice system. I only hope FL is not like CA. I think, lol, I am from Nor CA too. But more western I
have heard. darn it all. not to even know what part of CA I am in!!! Who know where Monterey is as
far as Nor CA or Western CA? I was born here and still have no clue. I know we are west of SF.. OK, I
did not do well with maps and all.
I hope ALL who hindered this case is prosecuted. I will admit, I don't trust my own daughter with my
g/d. She went out tonight and has her friend watching the baby. I was watching NG and thinkng! OMG
I would not know who the friend is if something happened to my daughter! She did not answer her
phone. I also have noticed she is alot like Casey. I am ashamed to admit this, but what kind of
grandmother am I? Am I a Cindy? I mean, I do not like her friends, but do not know them. I just know I
am againt the way my daughter mothers her child. really in fact, *I* am the mother! I even told her
today she might as well call ME Mom. I don't mean I want the job! But I do everything. All day today
and no way did I want to be up all hours of the night after watching her 10 hours today. So now I am
freaking out worrying. I hate to admit, I DO think her friends would be better at watching her than my
daughter. She is one of those that I always told should NEVER become a Mom as she has no patience,
is spoiled, is more into herself, lies. HMMMMM Sound familiar?? So I do most of the daily work. She
does get up at night with her, bathes her *though I did that today* and at least buys her diapers. Sorry
for this post but I am sort of freaking out thinking if the police showed up, I would have no idea where
my g/d is. And yet it is my daughter that does not want me to have the phone numbers thinking I will
just show up at their house. Uh, why??
OK friends, so sorry for my post but the repeat of the Ants jail visit and Crazy's lies made me sort of
freak. I DiD see how easy it is to not know who is watching your grandkids. I mean, I raised 4 kids. 3
adult kids still live at home. 2 of them have brought kids here for me to raise. I am 53 and had my first
kid on my 18th birthday. I just thought by now it would be time for me to have a life. So yes, I also
resented being handed two more kids to raise, unless they want to show them off to their friends. In
that, I can see how Cindy wanted Casey to take more responsibility for Caylee. I love my grandkids,
but i want to be grandma. Not Mom. I see that in Cindy. I also know from tonight how I would feel SO
GUILTY if something happened to my granddaugher because I was tired and wanted to be alone.. I
would never get over it, would blame myself and not sure I would survive. One thing though, I
WOULD NEVER LIE for anything any of my kids did to cause harm to my grandkids. You cannot stop
loving your children, but you must hold them accountable for their actions. Murder of a 2 year old? I
admit, it would most likely take me years to visit them or even to be able to look at them. And yes, I
would also blame myself even though it would not be my fault..
Sorry again all for the ramble. The calls from the jail tonight on NG, even though I have seen them all
but not in such non stop way, did get to me. Without them being just clips like usual, the really are
telling. Good ole Crazy is VERY GOOD at lying. Too good in fact. That will be her downfall. To say
the police put words in her mouth and twisted her words??? They were, her words, all taped!
OK all, I am done and so sorry for my rants. I never go out on New Years Eve, so knowing my g'd is
out with whomever is scary, especially after watching NG tonight.
Happy New Year to all but the Anthony's!!! Casey, I bet tonight is sure not like last years, is it? You
will never have sex with a man again, you will never have the nice clothes, nice haircut, the parties, the
men, even a friend. Not sure if you will even ever have a family again unless they are in the same jail
as you. Just think about last year. A beautiful little girl, a great new years party I am sure. You had 2
years of legal bar hopping. All over, just like Caylee's life is over. She will never go to pre-school, have
friends, go to kindergarten, have a birthday, a boyfriend, a child. You took all that away from your own
daughter out of jealousy! That is one sick, twisted Momma.. No matter what happened to you in your
life, it was YOUR LIFE! Caylee was so innocent. You will suffer for taking her life.
I do believe she should get the death penalty. It takes FOREVER to get it anyway, but just to know she
could be strapped down on that table with everyone watching would be terrifying. It would be years.
Years for her to wonder when? Years for her to realize what she did. No wonder she says "I wish non of
this ever happened".. That much out of her mouth I do believe. She does wish she did not do it. Only
because she thought she would never be caught, or if she was, she could f*** her way out of it. BO-BO
head cannot save her no matter what.
Still odd to me how all her boyfriends look so much like her brother. And so sad to have slept with so
many me you do not know the father? There is really only what? 2 Days a month you are able to
conceive? Just how many guys did she sleep with in 2 days? So far 3 are on the list I believe..
Again, so sorry friends but for some reason, tonight seems so sad and again I am worried. I am getting
a list of ALL my daughters friends and numbers or she never leaves the house again. My life is not
what I thought it would be at my age, but if I have to raise another until I am 70, then so be it as long as
I know she is safe and healthy.
Your life gives you an insight into this case alot of others don't have. Looking forward to reading more
on your theories.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Happy New Years to all! Linn, I know exactly what you are going through. I relate how I handle my
son with how Cindy handled Casey. I've always said that as a mother, the guilt starts the moment they
lay that new baby in your arms. The saving grace with most unruly kids is that eventually they do
Steve, those are great ages for boys! My son is 21 now, and I remember when he was that sweet age. I
have a tip for parents, get on myspace and facebook and add your kids and all their friends. That way
you can easily keep up with what they are up to. (Strangely enough the kids don't mind adding us old
folks as friends - I think they just want to have as many friends as possible.) I suggested my friend with
a 14 year old daughter do this, and she found out her daughter had her phone number posted on her
myspace!! This is how kids communicate today, and believe me, it will give you a good insight into
your kids lives.
Steve, we saw Marley and Me Monday, and I went through not one kleenex, but nearly the whole
package in my purse! My thought during the entire last scene at the vet was that Marley was treated
better than poor little Caylee. Of course that just set the water works into high gear.
Happy New Year, and may this case come to some justice during 2009. At the scene of Alfred P.
Murrah Building in OKC where McVeigh set his bomb, a rescue team spray-painted something that is
still there on the Journal Building across the street. I know this case wasn't of the same magnitude at
the OKC bombing, but the saying they painted about justice still fits in this case:
"The court requires it. The victims cry out for it. GOD demands it!"
Nurse Betty says:
2 weeks ago
Happy New Year all! How extremely sick it is to think that if (probably) Lee is the baby daddy - that
sicko Cindy DEMANDED that Casey have the baby. Now I don't believe in abortion but there are
extenuating circumstances where I do - rape and incest. Don't you think any normal mother would urge
her daughter to either (1) opt to end that pregnancy or (2) give the baby to a loving home??? Their
family tree goes straight up it seems.
As far as the meter reader- if the ANTS can stay at the Ritz and eat at a very costly restaurant at
taxpayers expense - I say the guy is well deserving of the reward.
Linn's comments about Casey getting fat in prison by eating all her candy bars is hilarious! I say eat up
Casey, you heartless bitch, oink oink!
News flash - the Squirrels have shaved their heads and tails so they won't be recognized. Why didn't
Lee just die his hair blonde - hello, Scott Peterson..
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Nurse Betty, not only that, but Casey's friend, who couldn't have children, WANTED to adopt Caylee.
Casey and Cindy could still have been in her life, but still Cindy wouldn't hear of it.
I also wonder what's going to happen with Bristol Palin being forced to have and keep that baby when
she obviously isn't ready for one. I love the saying "How can you trust me with a baby if you can't trust
me with a choice." Sorry for politicizing, I won't do it again. Personally, I can't wait to have
grandchildren. My son is only 21, and doesn't seem to keep a girlfriend longer than 3 months, but I
have already bought so many things for my grandchildren to come.....
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
No duct tape found in Anthony home, Anthony investigators say they videotaped area where Caylee
was found on tip from Casey's friend:
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Good morning all from the left coast. Happy New Year to everyone on the S S Minnow. Today is my
extra heaping of college football which I must admit, I love. I am also waiting for the next shoe to drop
in this case (much more than the usual one pair wouldn't you say) and I think like most of you it is
coming soon. Momster missed one heck of a party last night at one of her old hangouts I'm sure. I bet
she wished she could have been a fly on the wall to hear everyone talk about her and hear peoples
opinions! Hey momster, those shots that they were taking were in memory of Caylee. Keep eating your
snickers because that is as sweet as your life will ever be!
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Happy New Year everyone! Linn I totaly understand your thought process it sounds to me like you
have a much better head on your shoulders then any Anthony. This whole case has made everyone
more aware of such things happening. Last night while visiting with friends who are in the situation of
taking in an 18 yr old niece with a baby we discussed this because she is very deceitful and lying. They
don't know what to do, because they love the baby so much they are trying to get through to her. The
main thing is that the baby is safe, so if she wants to lie and run around with a million guys and do
whatever the baby stays with them period. They know what can happen. One night she took him out till
1:30 in the morning and they worried all night about him. So now they just keep him no matter how
tired they are from having him all day out of fear of what might happen. Anyway, sorry for rambling,
just wanted to make the point that you are not alone in having heightened awareness of our children out
there, we all worry. I know if I had even tried anything Casey has done my mother would have taken
my kids and kicked my out. But then I had the fear of God and my mother growing up. I think that is
half the problem some people have no fear of consequences. Thanks for listening to my ramblings, this
case has disturbed me greatly!
Wednesday Morning says:
2 weeks ago
Well apparently the folks at MyFox Orlando don't find this case to be a "top story of 2008". Check this
The following are the top 10 stories for 2008 on My Fox
#1: Girl called racist for wearing Palin t-shirt
HOW exactly does a 12 year old catching a shark or a girl being called racist trump the Caylee Anthony
sam says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday, read the paragraph above that list
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Ok, think about this one. Casey's friend tells the family PI, go look in such and such area. They go, they
film it, just looking for a dead body, don't see one. Cindy and George think it is just another lie of
Casey to throw every one off. Meanwhile, time goes by, it rains, things move around, and then
something does show up there. Maybe they didn't video tape the 'exact' spot. Maybe the bag was under
some thick brush. I am sure Casey hid it well when she put it there and halfway burried the bag.
However, I guess it is all a staged scene to try and show that Casey couldn't of put it there while in jail,
but Lee and the Ants could of. Maybe it was the bald headed squirrels, hmmm.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I have a question for anyone who knows....
For example, the people down the street from me got married and he had two sons and she had two
daughters. The one daughter ended up pregs and they found out that one of the sons and her had been
having sex for years. They made them keep the baby (because they were not real bro and sis) and they
got married at age 16. (all forced on them). Pretty soon, there were 3 kids of theirs running around and
guess what? The girl goes and sleeps with the next door neighbors husband, gets caught and they are all
told to 'get out'. They left, but I never heard what happened after that, but there was a lot of fighting at
that end of the block. I felt so sorry for the kids.
steve says:
2 weeks ago
According to L.P. they were filming about 300 yards from discovery area. Bottom line is there are
people in this case other than momster that know more then they are letting on to. I know, I know your
saying Steve tell us something we don't know. Well here goes.... I didn't used to think so but I think
George and Cindy are truly made for each other and will stay together because of this. J.M.O. Also, I
think the collective I.Q. in that home is about 179. It was 240 when momster resided there. 240 divided
by 4 = 60 in my book. PHI BETA DUMB DUMB is the sign outside that frat house!! Anyone planning
on sending momster a money order today?? Not me either.
Yes, George and Cindy will stay together because no one else would have either one of them. They do
deserve each other!
So, brother Lee might of been an accomplice 'after the fact'. Wouldn't that be crazy. I just can't see
someone carrying around a bag of baby bones and scattering them all....gross....over an area that was
already video taped. But then again, I think Casey has so much power over people, she has made them
do and believe all sorts of strange things. Maybe someone was scattering things around and didn't get
time to get the skull out of the bag when they heard someone coming through the woods. Probably the
squirrels coming to catch Lee in the act?
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I think that whole family should of been 'tailed' ever since this came out, especially since there was no
body, etc. How stupid of the LE.
steve says:
2 weeks ago
JMo: They may have been and once they put one and one together (it took a while) they heard that ol
Styx song Renegade that goes somethin like this. The jig is up the news is out they finally found me....
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Happy New Year To All! Hope everyone had a great Christmas & New Years Eve.
Don't know if everyone has seen this yet since I'm trying to catch up on all the latest news in case.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Happy New Years All. Nice to be back on here Hope they have this dam DSL fixed this time, I had
with drawl pains again.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Welcome back, Jo, We missed you!
JMo, I read at the beginning of this case that George was a single Dad with son Lee when he met and
married Cindy. George testified that both Lee and Casey were his children. I have never been able to
find documentation if Lee is not actually Cindy's son, but he doesn't seem anywhere near as spoiled. I
have even tried to search birth and marriage records in Ohio on this, but no luck. It should all come out
at the trial (please, please don't let her plea bargain, but I don't think she will, I think she will definitely
think she can convince 12 jurors she is innocent.)
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, when this case first broke someone posted link to documentation that, Cindy was a single
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Marie! Hope your holiday was great. I went to NJ to see my inlaws & to Pittsburg to spend time
with my son & his wife. Had a real good time.
Jose will try to stack the jury full of single, desperate men who are either virgins, or haven't "been"
with a girl in a really long time. Then he'll have Casey bat her eyelashes and wink under the pretense
she has something in her eye, and wiggle her butt and say she hasn't had access to the softest toilet
paper in jail.
Hopefully, the prosecution will be more successful at getting loving moms and grandmas, maybe even
a few who had to go through the horror of violence within the family that never received justice. (Not
that I'm hopeful there are people like that out there. Unfortunately, I know that there are. Maybe the
horror they have had to go through could help bring some justice into the world.)
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Hi, Rascal - I'm having computer trouble too. I'm on a borrowed one right now. My battery won't
charge and adapter won't work! I think the squirrels chewed on it. I never heard Cindy was a single
parent, only that George was, but can't find any documentation. George said that Casey lived in the
house in Orlando since she was two when George and Cindy moved to Florida.
Jo, We figured you were on vacation or a work trip, Jo. Glad you're back safe. We saved your spot!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Weds - yes, the jury consultant will have an easy job on this case.
If Casey only convinces one juror, it will be a hung jury, and will be tried again. (Like Phil Spector) I
really don't think that wil happen. I really think the evidence is overwhelming, but she will definitely
flirt with the male jurors.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
oops, a double post. Hate it when that happens111. Anybody want to sell me a fully charged Dell
Inspiron battery so I can at least download some files off my computer that has burned up the cord and
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
George is divorced. They were together in what ever state he was a cop, with both kids. I just wish I
would have saved that post about Cindy. Wow those Squirrels sure get around! Oh it is the phone
company DSL, that is ok I will make them make it right on my bill, hell been having trouble since the
Rascal, somebody wrote a great hub about dealing with Verizon on their phone bill. Maybe you should
cc the letter they wrote to the company. :)
Welcome back, jo! Happy New Year!
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom- Thanks! Hope you & yours had a great Xmas & this year brings you only good things.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom, I have Quest here and they are really good when you call them. Just miss getting online
when it goes out, this is only the second time it has happened. But thank you for the thought. Just hope
it stays on green light on the modem now.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Hey, glad you are back Jo. Thanks for posting the link to the video. My posts above have that same
theory...spooky eh? So, maybe Cindy was more tricked by Casey than we know?? So, new theory is
that the PI found the remains, informs Cindy and she says well Caylee is dead and lets Casey know.
Casey says Mom, someone else did this and put her there and they are still going to blame poor little
me. So, Mom, you and the PI have to figure something out to where I won't be ignore the
fact you found her and while Im in jail, someone can make the discovery. Hmmmm.....sounds
cockeyed, but it's funny that the LE is thinking Cindy had something to do with it too.
So, now maybe Lee, Cindy and Casey will all be in Jail and George can have some peace and quiet at
home, or maybe he is going down too. What a totally mishandled case this is!
Don't forget that Casey does not have to convince any jury members that she is innocent, it is the
prosecutions job to convince 12 jury members that she is guilty.
Sorry to keep bringing that up but I have seen an innocent man go to jail because he had to prove
himself innocent and we must not forget that the law is not suppose to work that way.
Shouldn't be an issue here because it seems like they should have more then enough to prove her guilt,
but at this moment she is still innocent!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, what do you think of the possibility that, BO BO HEAD, Cindy, George and Lee and the PI's
knew and they all covered up? These are the same PI that were looking at so many tip's that were BS
OK, this is really odd because wayyyyyyyy back in the beginning when the news first broke, the
reporters were actually the ones who said "Casey's mother Cindy & Cindy's husband". as if it WASN'T
Casey's father. I even think I recall hearing him introduced as "Casey's mother & step-father". BUT
THEN they all switched to just "parents". Which is fine either way. Didn't really make a difference to
me because it had no bearing on the case.
But what I thought was odd, was that when it became a topic of discussion here on this blog, we all
tried to go back & find documentation on the whole step-father thing & we couldn't find anything. Not
even in early news broadcasts.
There were a few us who swore we heard him being called step-father, while others didn't recall that at
If you look back at the archives you might find some dicussion on it. Look at July & August.
Also --- Quite a few people did record searches & said they came up empty handed.
The only conclusion I came to was that the media either assumed (or inaccuratly announced) that
George was step-father, then when they were corrected of this, they never renigged their original
comments, just ignored their own mistake.
When Cindy tells Casey TWICE to look up and let her see her eyes, there was a reason for that. When
Cindy kept calling her by name, she was seeking something. I don't think G&C believed her story. I
don't think they thought she had killed her, but I don't think for one minute they believed her story.
Cindy kept asking her if they were going to be able to find Caylee, if Caylee was okay, etc. And the
comment about the picture with the drums. Cindy was waiting for Casey to come up with a lie. She
must not have been on her game that day, though, because one didn't come to her. When Cindy asked
her if "that picture with the drums was taken at Zanny's apt", Casey dodged. Notice her face, listen to
what she says. "Uh...she had a set of drums." But Cindy wasn't going to let that go. She wanted to know
about a specific picture. And although Casey at first acted like she didn't know which picture, as soon
as Cindy said, "Because I know whose apt it is. Whose apt is it Casey?" Suddenly, she knew exactly
which picture and came clean with the fact it was one of her boyfriend's apts, but she spins it with "they
are set up very similar".
As I watched the video and Cindy's body language, listening to the tone in her voice as she asked
questions, it just seems to me they don't believe her and want her to come clean.
So here's something I've been thinking about....They desperately want Caylee back, and Cindy, in
survival mode is grasping at any straw she can reach in that direction. The "Ants" suspect Caylee's
disappearance revolves around Casey giving her away or selling her or that someone is holding her
ransom for something Casey stolen from them. They figure if they can just get Casey to tell the truth,
they can get Caylee back and then deal with Casey on their own, no cops involved. BO BO HEAD
knows the truth (Casey killed her), but feeding on the Anthony's desperation to have their grandaughter
back, continues spinning this nanny story to them and all this business about Casey protecting someone
by not telling the truth. He goes on to stress to them that they must support Casey or 1) Casey will
never tell what she's holding back, or 2) The Anthony's will actually be helping LE to convict their
daughter. So the asanine behavior and undo support for Casey continues. Now that they are faced with
the truth that Caylee is dead, there are no more straws to grasp. They are now dealing with the grief
they have denied themselves for 7 months, along with the anger that their daughter had something to do
with it, although I don't know if they will ever believe their daughter actually killed Caylee.
Maybe in left field. Maybe I'll take flack for it, or maybe it's what you guys have thought all along and
I just didn't realize it. Anyway, it's something I've really been thinking about......
Wednesday Morning says:
2 weeks ago
I beg to differ. The law states that "she is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law".
That's a far cry from saying "she's innocent".
Being presumed innocent does not mean she is totally innocent & everyone should treat her with the
same respect & dignity as we would any other citizen who has just found out their child had been
The phrase means simply that a person is not LEGALLY guilty until a jury returns a verdict of guilty—
which is little more than a tautology.
I'm just trying to figure out their wild behavior as compared to what I see in the jailhouse visit videos,
because they certainly don't mesh to me.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom, No slack for that thought here, I had the same feeling, and noticed Cindy hold her head,
she knew then that Casey was not telling the truth.
Proud Mom says:
2 weeks ago
JMo--I love to read your theories. I think you have a great handle on this case, but I think if Casey
knew they had found the body before the 11th, why did she have such an emotional and physical
reaction when she found out about the skull?
And the way Cindy shoved everyone who even mentioned a "dead" Caylee right out the door, I wonder
if the PI just did this on his own without telling Cindy for fear if she knew he was looking for a body,
she'd send him packing?
Just a thought.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I think there are going to be some heads that roll on this case, there was a lot of cover up!
Apparently, this news came from some of Casey's friends. Casey had told them George was not her
biological father, but instead, her step-father.
I haven't found any documentation, just hearsay, but will post a link when I do.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom, I think you nailed it with your analysis about the July 25th jail visit. It struck me when
Casey said the apartments are set up similar. definitely off her game! Cindy obviously can tell Casey is
lying by looking in her eyes, so Casey wouldn't look at her. But when Casey was home, LP said
everyone pussy-footed around her.
I think Casey may have been faking being shocked when the bones were found. When has she ever
shown any emotion? If she were really a mess, she would be sent to medical, not asking for a sedative.
It would be a good cover, and defense testimony that she was "devastated by the news."
Why is it so hard to find out parentage? George did testify Lee and Casey were his children. They
didn't ask him if they were biological children, and they didn't ask Cindy at all.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
PM, Casey also said George had a stroke. She LIKED lying.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Casey isthe one that needs to wear Duct Tape across her mouth, then the Lie's would stop!
Quit feeding them the nuts and they'll go away, Rascal.... LOL!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Here is the link to video with George testifying at the bond hearing that Casey is his daughter.
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, Proud Mom, Marie * others. Thanks so much for your kind comments. All of us as parents I am
sure have doubted HOW we parent at one time or another. Kids are a challenge. You really have no When Cindy refused to let Casey have her friend adopt Caylee, well I have been there
My son and his g/f denied she was even pregnant. I was NOT on good terms with her, but it would take
a novel to explain why. In one sentence I can say I could feel from day one she was a nut. She already
had a 6 or 7 month old baby by a guy who gave up all rights. She was the best friend at the time, of my
son's at the time g/f. She deliberately went off that 3 month birth control shot. When my grandson was
born 3 weeks early, they had been "dating" for about 9 months! You are actually pregnant for 40 weeks.
So a paternity test had to be done. Meanwhile, she had, with my son, made plans for him to take the
baby home and ME raise it. Now I ask you smart folks, how was that going to happen while they were
denying she was even pregnant? She would IM me telling me they were getting married. At the time
they had been dating for 5 days.. It never ended. In 5 years she has not given one dime of support
money. I support him and my son barely works. YES! I DO resent it all, especially adding my new
worry of a 9 month old who at times reminds me of Casey. Not so much the guy thing, but the non stop
lies. And she is darn good at them too! I know now how to tell she is lying, but she will still insist she
is telling the truth. Even when you confront her with the truth. As it is, she finally came home this
morning at 10AM, with the baby in a blanket and diaper. Sigh. She, lol, has been puking all day long.
So that is why watching the rerun but great watching the jail videos w/o the darn lawyers butting in,
was interesting yet scary.
I don't think anyone with a brain will be able to say she is innocent. I mean dang, just watching the
reruns on NG yesterday and today would be enough for me to say GUILTY!
Again, here in CA we have learned to never expect the so obvious! I mean the OJ thing was a stunner.
After that I think we all knew Robert Blake would get off. Same with Phil Spector. The Blake trail was
just as obvious as OJ, yet he walked. So I will be nervous until I hear guilty now matter how obvious it
is to all the sane people. All it takes is one to make headlines by saying no. Then they write their book
no one buys and we never get over how they got away with murder. I pray FL has more sense.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
LMSOROF, I half to feed the Squirrel, I have one that comes every day to eat, he likes my tree. I
promise not to run over him.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
My brother adopted his wife's child after they got married. He has NEVER once referred to himself as
a step-father because once adoption takes place, you are known as the father. So, this is why Casey has
George's last name (unless she is really his). So, no doubts about the claims, only the actually legality
involved if there was an adoption.
We all know Casey lies through her teeth and does it so well that she has convinced everyone of what
ever she pleases. I think the shock she experienced about the bones being found was either a put on or
the fact that this is for real now and she is going down. She has known for sometime about Caylee
being dead.
I also think the law will catch up with all of them and they should be prosecuted to the extent. They
have all 'tampered with evidence' and 'lied to the police' and God knows what else!!! We all want
justice for Caylee, bless her little soul. And what these people have done to distort the truth, lead
everyone on wild goose chases, played code games, pointed at everyone they could think of but Casey,
waste taxpayer money, gain fame, seek sensationalism, cause innocent people pain and what ever else
they did, should be enough to make them all serve time.
Just think of all the facts that we don't know and the ones everyone has yet to find out.
And you've got another acronym I'm not familiar with. :-)
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Ok, I am going to do call out Pizza for the squirrels tonight in my back yard. They deserve it!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
PM, he is actually a Pretty Squirrel, he had got so brave he comes down on my deck to get the acorns.
If this Squirrel is on the witness list, I will make sure the government pays for his attorney, and it will
not be a Dork like BO BO HEAD.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
I am rewatching the videos on NG. It's probably a little thing, but there was NEVER a mention of
putting gas in Casey's car that was supposedly out of gas. It would make sense that Casey left the car
with gas, as she was obviously hoping it would be stolen. So, it was a complete lie about it being out of
gas. No one helped her push the car into the Amscot parking lot. (If that has happened, they would have
come forward with all the publicity.)
What really stuck out to me in the jail videos was, no matter what anyone said, Casey response was ,
Oh, yeah, I feel the same way. Oh, me too. Absolutely. I want the same thing. I know, me too.
Did anyone else notice this? She goes along with whatever they are saying about their feelings. She has
none of her own!!! Even when Cindy says, I got a flat tire today, Casey immediately (laughs
inappropriately) and says, That happened to me too!
She has a definite personality disorder! I can't wait to hear the story that comes up next about how she
'went off her meds' and this is the reason she acted like this or someone will try to blame it on drugs,
abusive child hood, etc.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, I think she is just quoting the law "innocent until proven guilty". I don't think anyone on here
thinks that Casey is innocent. Besides she is not sitting in jail right now because of innocence. The
point is, she has been charged with the crime, but not convicted. There are other crimes though that she
has been convicted of.
How much longer for those tox reports? I think the ANTS are waiting to see what comes back on that
before they let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. They are more worried now about saving their own
ass! To bad that not one of them could of put Caylee first in their malicious thoughts.
It fits with what Jesse was saying about how she molds herself to whoever is around her.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Anthony's private detective says there is no video of the site where remains were found:
Dominic Casey tells news media that James Hoover does not have video of crime scene taken in
November. Hoover told him that he taped over it.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I pray that Mold was broke after Casey was born, society does not need another like her!
Interesting since LP was on NG saying that the video & photos have been viewed by himself & they
are in FBI posession.
If this is true & the tape no longer exists, then this raises 2 serious problems...
Problem #2 Why would the PI say he had the tapes a week ago & now say they were taped over? I
smell a squirrel!
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
In regards to George being a father or stepfather to momster: The documants you guys are refering to
are police records of Cindy's brother Rick's online blog about the case. When Rick is asked if George is
Casey's father he says something along the lines of no way. I got the feeling that Rick has a nasty
opinion of Cindy's behavior, perhaps even sexual behavior. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree it
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
In regards to George being a father or stepfather to momster: The documants you guys are refering to
are police records of Cindy's brother Rick's online blog about the case. When Rick is asked if George is
Casey's father he says something along the lines of no way. I got the feeling that Rick has a nasty
opinion of Cindy's behavior, perhaps even sexual behavior. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree it
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom,I just want to weed out the squirrel lovers from the squirrel haters. Amen Rascal on
breaking that moldy mold. jo 1031, of course it was taped over by him. Anyone up for a rerun of
Laverne and Shirley? Let's sing it together, Schlemiel schlimazel hasenpfeffer incorporated............... In
closing I have 2 words for any squirrel haters, innocent schminnocent!
Alyss says:
2 weeks ago
Steve- I waited a few to reply because I did not want to take a defensive stance when I answered;
because I was a little shocked by the tone of your post. I hope you know that I can see that all the
evidence obviously points to Casey being guilty and every thing you wrote is why I said in the original
post that It "shouldn't be an issue here because it seems like they should have more then enough to
prove her guilt." I see my error, I missed the all important word presumed.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Happy New Year to all still on the boat. The squirrles run back and forth and now they are jumping
from tree to tree... they wake me most every morning.
I am hurt Steve that I wasn't offered an immunity deal too! I am assuming I must also pay my portion
of the bill. Hopefully they will take MC or VISA cause I am officially broke until my government bail
out comes through. Thats why I haven't been here much latley, I've been in DC trying to get money to
save the flat busted broke day spa industry...No luck with that just yet.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
As to the parentage of Casey... I remember way way back Marie RN posted a link to a greta wire post,
it referred to one of them (Cindy or George) having been a single parent when they met in Ohio. I
remember a couple of people beating her up pretty bad for even referring to the link and never could
understand why the big deal because I too have heard this subject come up off and on since the very
beginning and like Wednesday Morning, I remember some initial media refrences to George as the
"step father". I don't know what to make of it, and don't know that it would mean anything one way or
the other. I think it goes more to the intergrity of what they say (Cindy and George) more than
anything. I would not think it should be hard to track down a birth certificate for Casey, but if there has
been an "adoption" the record will show George as the father.
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Alyss, I know you are on board! Heck sometimes you navigate along side with us. I "presume" that I
am correct.?.? Gran Naw, just because I didn't state your name a couple of days ago does not mean that
you and your family are not safe. You are! You have been missed, and here is hoping the best for you
and yours in the new year. P.S. put me down for a seaweed wrap, mud bath, and why not throw in one
of those mani pedi's that your spa is famous for. Hope my personal stimulis helps more then those
people in D.C. do. Do you take cash?
iirishbabe says:
2 weeks ago
Did you notice the pics the pi had...
' The area was all cleared and when they found caylee it was overgrown with many weeds and etc.,
would not have changed that fast.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Well, this Hoover guy sounds like a real crack head. I believe that he made everyone 'think' he had
video when he really didn't. He is trying to get his name famous and I hope they bust him and get him
for interferring and obstruction. However, if he insists on acting like he bumped his head somewhere
along the way in life, maybe they can get him for destroying evidence? Although I doubt it because he
is not credible and is a nobody who showed up on the Ants doorstep to gain attention by playing
investigator. Maybe the squirrels ate his homework?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
GranNaw, I looked for that old link about George's first marriage. I remembered his first wife was
named Terri, and supposedly he was a single dad when he married Cindy Plesea. I couldn't find that,
but I found this post from websleuths:
"My sister Terri was married to George Anthony during the mid to late 70's. They dated all through
high school and married for about 5 years, of not so wonderful wedding bliss.
She can tell you that George Anthony was an habitual liar. He had to always fabricate his stories,
constantly lying, that was the main reason they divorced.
George's father Lee, owned and operated a very successful used car dealership for many years in Niles,
Ohio called Anthony's Auto Sales, before retiring in Florida. Wonder were George learned to lie so
well. He was born in to it, literally.
Give my sister a call and she'll enlighten you of George Anthony's dark, deceitful side that he evidently
passed on to his daughter."
Not saying this is true. I personally like George. Not sure if this is true. If he were such a bad parent,
He wouldn't have gotten custody of Lee,,, amazing how hard it is to get a straight story on the marital
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good Morning, Marie I remember that post about the paternity, in fact I tied to find it last night until I
went crossed eyed and went to bed. It was Cynthia was a single parent, George did not have kids when
he divorced. And if George did adopt the kids it would show a birth certificate with his name on it.
Getting the truth from this family is not easy, this may be Casey's one truth. But either way he has been
with them for years. Yes kids learn what they are taught, if parents lie they see that. The only fact here
really is that Casey killed Caylee, and I am 100% positive that happened.
Proud Mom says:
2 weeks ago
If any of this about Casey and Lee not being biological brother and sister has to do with the possibility
of Lee being the father, I want to say this:
Even if they are not related by blood, if those two grew up in the same house from early childhood,
they grew up as brother and sister and any sexual activity between the two would be unnatural!
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Well I'm 101%........................................
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom, You have that right! But as far as that family being natural, I would rather live along side
the Adams family. I looked last night for a post I seen about a girl that had lived down the street from
them in Ohio, she said they were a very strange family, wow surprise on that comment! I know the
person came to this blog and posted it, but I got to tired to keep looking. I know some things have been
taken off also. I know we all want answers, and the waiting is very hard.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, Ok I am 102% sure LMAOROF
What I want to be, Steve is 101% sure she is going to be convicted for what she's done.
As I said"it is old news" so please don't yell at me. I've just been browsing because I'm bored today.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good Morning Nannie, Happy New year to you and thank you. None of us regulars will yell at you!
nannie27 says:
2 weeks ago
Thanks Rascal ---- I should just explain what I meant by "interesting". I just found it interesting to see
just how badly in denial they were back then-and also how they never really directly answer a question.
I wonder how they feel now when they review those interviews-IF they even do. Probably not though -
they have far more to come to terms with than just how they looked back then.
Just rambling.....................sorry
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I think right now they are trying to get there story strait for there next interviews.
Anyway, happy lunch..... Maybe I'll go for some of Wednesday's Alfredo Sauce.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Well, it seems the news on this is getting less and less, so hopefully they are tightening up the facts and
getting ready to put the hammer down on pathological Casey once and for all! So, I guess we all just
hang out and wait along with the squirrels.
So, I have a few questions that maybe someone can fill me in. Where did Lee move from? Someone
said earlier he was moving. Where and when did this happen? Also, what about the 'first' guy to visit
Casey "Bougouis'? I looked at the tape again and he said that Casey should let him know if she needs
anything at all and that he is there for her. She didn't seem to know him. He sounds like one of those
real creepy guys who fantasize about you in high school that you don't know. Eeerrie. Maybe he helped
out with this whole thing because he wanted to be Casey's hero and get close to her....he probably
would do (or did) anything for her. Oh....and it seems that Casey has George's nose, doesn't it (looks
Just a strange guy wanting to help and grab a little spotlight while he was at it, and Casey spinning
more of her craziness in my opinion.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Steve honey we have you all set up... your room is ready, and of course we accept cash! With a little
more stimulis like yours I'll be able to get a fast new computer. I have been relating very well to Rascal
here lately with all the problems I have been having~~~~
I have not heard of BoBo Head filing for a change of venue. They were making some noise about it a
few weeks back, but thats all I heard was noise. Unfortunatley he can file that thing right up to the last
minute in FL I believe and that may be the route he chooses to take. The judge will have to consider his
argument with a case of this magnitute, but if I were BoBo I would go on and get that filed so as not to
ruffle the judges feathers too much. I just imagine this thing will drag on forever~~~it may even begin
to resemble some of those infamous CALIFORNIA cases! OMG I hope not!
Lin your posts often tug hard at my heart. I know what it is like to help with the grandchildren and feel
like you are the only responsible one a lot of the time. I have been lucky in that my daughter had
worked and provided most of what the baby needed, she is not a liar and I have never worried for the
saftey of the grandbabies. She has now married the baby's father and they are doing much better
together than what they used to do. They now have a second daughter (named Kaylee ironicaly) who
was born this past Nov. They don't live at home with me anymore but I have the babies a alot~~most
every weekend (so my daughter can work) and starting Monday I will have them both full time.
Unfortunately our children don't always choose well when it comes to their partners/relationships and
we cannot do that for them. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
Someone found out after that was reported that he was working to be a reporter. I'm sure that he read
the story and said I went to high school with her I'll go try to get the scoop.
Also, when Casey talks to Lee the next day she mentions that she may not have been very friendly to
him but would Lee let him know that she DID appreciate his support.
My take on that whole thing was he was some guy she did not ever talk to in high school - he came in
trying to get the scoop and she reacted the same way she probably would have treated him in high
school. When she thought about it laterr she probably realized that she had better be nice to anyone
who would give her some support - that is way she had made a point to tell Lee to let him know she
appreciated his support and coming to see her.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom - during jury selection (usually in my experience & depends some on the type of trial ie.
cival or criminal) the judge will first ask the entire panel of prospective jurors a series of questions.
They are pretty broad (and at the judge's discretion) things like do you have any medical condtions that
would preclude you, family obligations that limit you, do you have any personal knowledge of case,
have your formed opinion, can you be fair and impartial, do you know personally any of the primary
players (this includes friends and so forth of the lawyers as well. Sometimes they will do this by written
questionaire and other times just in open court. After those eliminations are made then lawyers for each
(defense & prosecution) will get to ask their own series of questions. Each side has so many (a set #) of
strikes they can make that they don't have to give a reason for or explain- they can just say to strike
them- they also have so many (a set # of challanges they can make (give a reason they don't want that
person as a juror) and the judge will rule on it one way or the other. Hopefully at the end of all that (it
can takes days, maybe even weeks on something like this) they will end up with 12 (plus at least 2
alternates) and a jury will be seated. I just wonder if this one will be sequestered???
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I just went to Zaba Free People Search, there are sure a lot of people with the last name of, Plesea
Cindy's Madden name in Niles, Ohio. I have also been looking to see where her brother Rick blogs,
wonder if FBI asked him to stop blogging because of the case.
I tend to think it would be better if they were sequestered, but I know there are drawbacks to this, as
I agree with all - Casey is guilty as sin - I'm sure George and Cindy feel so stupid - especially Cindy for
being desperate enough to buy into her shit. I bet now that they drop the support b/c now they know for
sure what she did to Caylee.
Padilla was backed into a corner by a self proclaimed expert prosecuting attorney. This attorney straight
out told Padilla that he would love to put him on the witness stand & it would take him less than 15
seconds to prove Padilla was not credible.
Padilla got ticked & started yelling. I've never seen Padilla come unglued before. He was name-
dropping FBI investigators who would collaborate his finding.
The so-called-expert then told Padilla he was simply "muddying the waters" with his unfounded
theories & speculations. He told Padilla that he was actually creating a perfect defense & questioned
Padilla's TRUE intentions seeing since Padilla was ORIGINALLY hired, or at the very least, affiliated
with the Anthony's, with all the controversy Padilla has caused, Is it possible that he is simply a pawn.
Placed in the middle BY the defense to create resonable doubt. Making it appear that he is simply
trying to find the truth, when in fact, he is trying to lead a bread trail away from Casey & toward the
Meter Reader.
The expert also said that the Anthony's were seeking immunity NOT because they were guilty of
anything, but because people like Padilla keep trying to pull them into the suspect arena with
outlandish accusation & theories. The Anthony attorney is the one seeking immunity because this is
what a good attorney does when his clients are being falsely drawn in as suspects to a crime. To hear
the expert explain it, it actually made sense.
I'll try to find the name of the show & see if I can get a link up for you.
This is a must-see interview. Padilla definately came accross looking like a suspect to conspiracy to a
crime. Which was funny, because he's the one pointing fingers at everyone else. When the finger got
turned on him, he threw a temper tantrum. This case has so many twists & turns, I don't think we'll ever
get a straight answer.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Do a live search on Terri Anthony some interesting Docs at
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, I think the family may have asked Rick to stop blogging. He was airing a lot of their dirty
laundry in public, for sure.
Rascal and GranNaw, the squirrels got to my computer, too. (I am on a borrowed one). I thought it was
just my AC adapter, but took it to the computer guy this morning to retrieve data off the hard drive,
(including a lengthy powerpoint presentation I've been working on), and he said it was all burned up
inside, and the hard drive is shot. It is a Dell Inspiron I've had for 4 years, I don't think it could take
these case - replicating Casey's searches and 100's of searches of my own...
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
This ANT family is like a Mob family. They are all going to rat each other out to try and save their own
butt. I bet Casey had them really convinced still that she was the 'martyr' suffering in jail on their behalf
to "protect the family" and they somehow owe her for this. They all make the Darwin Awards!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Cynic, I must have been writing my post just when you posted. Yes, that is what happened to my
computer, but I kept jiggling the cord to make it work, and guess I shorted out everything. Oh, well, it
was a slow piece of crap anyway. i had to go the library to look at videos, etc.
Weds - wow - I'm going to look for that interview on You Tube -things get posted there pretty quick.
Rascal, I know Rick Plesea used to blog on Topix. Rick, if you are reading this, you are welcome to
blog here! I certainly appreciate you trying to set Cindy straight. you must be very frustrated.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
LLee, that's interesting about the Bourgeois guy being in journalism - would definitely explain his
weird jail house visit.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
oops: double-posted, hate that and don't have anything new to say!
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Has anyone heard anything about a service for Caylee? I wish they would just lay her to rest.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Last I heard, they are waiting on tox reports before they bury anthing.
I think the next thing to come into play are Casey and Cindy's mental health records! You know they
will be blocked for privacy, but I bet Cindy's Mom lets on a lot about what has been going on in that
Jmo says:
2 weeks ago
Dominic Casey said he "plans to pursue legal action against Hoover for making false claims". And he
said he finds it appalling that anyone would try to profit off of Caylee. That Hoover guy sure looks like
a creepy thug of sorts.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Jeesh. everybody's suing everybody, everybody's trying to make a buck.
Proud Mom says:
2 weeks ago
And no one is getting rich except the lawyers. Oh yeah, they're working for free. I forgot.
steve says:
2 weeks ago
That is funny about L.P. considering he is the one usually giving the "atomic wedgies" if you catch my
drift. I say we all file a class action lawsuit together against all these people for slandering us making it
seem like we be stupid or somethin. Hey, I have this tape... on it are the top 20 films of all time
according to the Film Buffs Bible in perfect condition. Would someone please come here and stop me
A.S.A.P. from taping over it with the all day marathon of Joanie loves Chachi? P.S. I'm still NOT the
Marie, I was thinking. On the order form that Casey fills out every week, I remember seeing "indigent"
items. I'm assuming those are items they can order even if they have no money in the account. (Please
correct me if I'm wrong). If feminine products are listed there, that would mean female inmates would
have to order them, and they are not automatically provided to them. If this is the case, I believe your
case is proven. If not, we can all still have our opinions.....
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Ya know, Casey has a history of hiding preganancy for 7 months. Whose to say she isn't doing it
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
This in the news one hour ago.
However, all I see now is that there are more witnesses in the mix and Hoover plans to "talk" on
Monday. Yikes, this is really twisting up.
*On a side note, John Travolta's 16 year old son just had a seizure at home and hit his head on the
bathtub and died. So sad to hear this news.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I like this on you tube! It's a good one!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
PM, as you know I watch Casey's commissary orders ver closely. On the last (Dec. 30th) order, they
didn't itemize everything, but said "hygiene items." It is possible the tampons were in that order (don't
know why she hasn't needed them for the last 4 months, though)
I just watched the video of Cindy and George's interview a week after Caylee was reported missing.
George looks so sad! Cindy is totally bafoogled by Caseys claims of having her reasons for lying to
police. Casey needs to realize that we all know she did this and get over it, because mom and dad will
never forgive her.
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Grannaw, thank you for your kind comments. Now you all can understand why I have to take xanax! I
also wonder if Casey was the reason Cindy is on the medication?
I am going, lol. OK, I used to use the words "nuts and crazy" but I think I need to find new ones as
those make me laugh. I am going bonkers, lol, about who is Casey's dad. Gee, we don't know if George
is her real dad, or who Caylee's dad was, for sure.
I really, really cannot see Casey being pregnant as she just killed the child she had in order to live her
party life. IF she had got herself pregnant, she would have got rid of that one too. I am not for abortion,
but if she would of had another, well what to say? And would she know who that baby's father was?
Seems to me like I heard at one point she left one guys house in the morning to go to anothers later on
the same day.
And good point about the gas in the car! Wonder why NG has never questioned that one. Another
excellent guilty point. Why tell your b/f that you ran out of gas if you didn't?? Well, I guess it was
hoping the car would be stolen. Bet she pooped her pants when it was found! And who ever said if
someone DID help her push her car to the lot they would have come forward is right on! So another lie!
Seems all like little white lies, until you add up about Caylee missing 31 days and all the rest. Then it
adds up to murder!
There has been no new news, but things have been happening I bet! It is just that with the holidays,
they are doing NG reruns only. Here in CA, , the place where we worry the obviously guilty will go
free, the only "real" update we get is NG. I have Curious George, rofl, the cartoon, on in the morning so
if any of these critters are on the Today show or any of those, I can't watch.. I really thank all of you for
your links and posts!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I swear, the more I look at the pics and the video's, the more Lee looks like he is the adopted child in
that family. Look at how tiny and small Casey is and how big boned and tall Lee is. Neither Cindy or
George are big like that.
I had a friend who was whacked out like Casey and she had that same kind of talk...and diagnosed with
a slew of things including dissociative disorder. She would dissociate her self from everything and talk
in third person (like Casey did in that interview where she hesitated and then said...'her mother'.) She
would act like she was on the outside looking in at all of it, showed no emotion and would repeat those
same things like, 'absolutely', 'i feel the same way', 'oh, i know', 'exactly what i was thinking'. It was
weird seeing that because I see the same thing in Casey. I think if they put her on some meds and get
her back to reality (so to speak), she will freak out and admit it all and be ashamed and suicidal. That is
what happened with Susan Smith and others.
I guess I am just making theories to see if it is what is going to come true. As now, nothing will ever
bring little Caylee back.
steve says:
2 weeks ago
I think someone needs to design a shirt that reads Casey knows what happend to Caylee! J.M.O. and
maybe some of yours too.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Ok, just saw this updated. It is 11pm here. Go to:
Now they will be checking the phone records of Dominic Casey. I swear the attention is more on all of
this limelight seeking than little Caylee. SICK, everyone of them. They all should be charged with
lying and witholding information. My question is this: Why would Hoover go and show a tape to
Padilla in the first place? Why was Padilla so concerned about who Dominic was on the phone with?
They are all Lies, lies and more lies. They are all hoping to be the big hero and get the money from the
Anthony's....I bet the Police are so frustrated with this sensationalism seeking bunch. Put them all in a
jail cell together for a very long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, THAT woman. Padilla said Dominic was talking to her. The kicker is, her husband works in
Baez office! He's not an attorney, but he works for Baez IN his office.
So Padilla was saying this woman was a plant along just showing up wherever the cameras were to
make it look like Casey actually had people who believed she was ainnocent.
Who knows how credible Padilla is anymore...I'm certainly not convinced, but he does tell a good tale.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good morning, my fox Orlando has a video of George Anthony, he wants to visit Casey if nothing else
to say hello. Lee had moved back home to be with parents. What a twisted web they have all weaved
but not telling the truth. George did you super glue Cindy's mouth, it is so nice not hearing her spin the
story what a delight.
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, it is amazing what 40 mg of valium will do to a person. All these people (maybe even the
ANTS) know this is there 15 minutes of fame in what is to be the trial of the century and boy are they
gonna milk it and have their true colors come out. L.P. does tell a great tale and considering he of all
people were and still to this day knee deep in the shit I give him more credibility then the whole other
lot combined. I have a good feel for him since he did what he did for some of the homeless in
Sacramento. I also think that L.P. knows that Casey said something regarding what happend to Caylee
and the wrong set of ears heard it and the defense is flippin out because of what might now come up.
BO BO is going to have a hard enough time mounting a defense for momster but if someone perhaps
has her on tape admitting the deed, well two words come into mind... Death Penalty. Can anyone tell
me if any of her "friends" have ever visited her one time since lockup? They know what we know and
it aint to good!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, I do not think Casey has any friends now, they know what scum she is and want no part of her.
Will be interesting to see what the defence has, they sure as hell will not put Casey on the stand in her
own defence. Also wonder where the tip line phone number is to clear her, LMAOROF Oh they are
pulling phone records of the PI's to see who Dominic Casey was calling from crime scene, either
Anthony's or BO BO HEAD what is your thought? I tried to get back on again yesterday and out went
the dam DSL, something about the weather. It was nice to speak to a live body and find out what the
problem was. So if I go poof you all know what happened to me. Good part is I do not have to pay for
the service for the days it is messed up. Would like to have full service instead.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve there was one guy that knew Casey in school that visited. He is trying to become a news writer,
my thought is he was trying to get information from her. I can not remember his name, but did tell her
if she needed anything to call him. She actually was not to friendly to him and ask Lee to tell him she
appreciated his visit. He is on one of the videos from jail, and of course there conversation, definitely
not her kind of guy.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday, Thank you that is it.
Here's what I did find. The attorney who chewed Padilla a new A-hole is Mark Eiglarsh. The reporter
doing the debate his name is Vincent or Vince. They called him "Vinny". It aired on PrimeNews on
CNN sometime between 2-4 a.m. on January 2nd. I would assume the orginal airing was on January
*******Can any of you help me come up with the name of the blonde haired lady who held up the
"Caylee is alive" signs? She's the same one who claimed to have pictures of the site... Let me know if
you recall her name. Thanks!
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, I agree that he was on the phone with one of the two of them or perhaps N.B.C. like L.P. was
saying. Check those phone records. Everyone seems to be in a holding pattern like we are not used to
which is causing a type of "withdrawal" I feel for all of us. Maybe I am the only one? I know one thing,
I have such ill will for momster that no punishment is great enough. Perhaps sending her to Gaza might
make me feel better. But they probobly do not even want her on their land either!
The woman I'm referring to... I recall her being in the background of the video of Padilla at Little Econ
River. Remember when they found the bag of sticks that they thought were bones? That's the video I
need to locate. The woman was in the background holding a large sign that said "CAYLEE IS ALIVE".
The reason I'm sooo stumped by this is because Padilla called her by name & said THAT is who the PI
was talking to on the crime scene video of Nov 15th.
It's just bugging me!! Thanks.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, I mentioned the possible Bougious connection above. Also, Dominic (on the link I posted) says he
was talking to his 'ill daughter' when he was standing out there. So, to me, that is admitting he was in
the area and on the phone. However, the 'mysterious video' is supposed to show the fence up at the time
because the area was under water. I guess if you video tape an area under water in Nov. and then it
dries out by Dec and stuff is found, that doesn't mean that they would of found anything in Nov, does
it! I think all along the meter reader (and his findings) and caseys high school friends (and their hints)
and Casey's tellings (of she is close by) all were clues that they overlooked. I think Caylee was there
the whole time. Moved around by animals, flood waters, hidden in brush, etc. To me it doesn't matter if
Dominic was there by the roadside on the phone or not, it doesn't mean that he knew the body was
there. He was probably checking out clues that others had overlooked. Hoover seems like a scum bag
trying to get notoriety and followed around Dominic to do it. Also, I think he was put up to it by LP
(why else would he be going to LP and showing him videos of what Dominic was doing). LP is trying
to find something on the wrong people. Point is, Casey is guilty and they need to stop trying to spin the
I'd love to tell you the lady's name, but I don't know it. I will search on the internet, though and see if I
have any more luck finding it.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Check this out. Maybe some of you have already seen it, but it adds up. Maybe she didn't put Caylee in
that river, but put her somewhere in the park in the back (behind the tree with the memorial)? Then
later the remains were moved...however, I am not sure how close that area is to where they actually
found Caylee. This was the first I had heard about Casey buying material at JC Penny that matched the
material found at the memorial. That is eerrie. I like his theory though.
here says:
2 weeks ago
"Was justing getting ready to turn in, and flipped the TV around and found L Padilla talking on
HeadLineNews, maybe a rerun from another night? At any rate = He says that the "Blond woman" at
JBP the day of his search, the one that had the sign, "Caylee is alive", is "Joy". Joy's husband according
to Padilla, works for Baez... Padilla contacted Nick Savage with the FBI and told him to check these
people off. "
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I know that I saw the blond lady with the pink hoody with George, Cindy, LP at the park confrontation
and again in the same pink hoody at the dive search with LP. I also saw her put her hand on George's
butt/hip and slide it around and say something to him. Is that the same one?
here says:
2 weeks ago
here says:
2 weeks ago
here says:
2 weeks ago
From SM:
"I always thought the guy on the left was Copenhaver. But could it be James Hoover? Does anyone
have a picture of Hoover? The cowboy is Dennis Martin, who made a scene at Blanchard Park.The
crazy lady, Joy Wray, claims her husband is a PI and works for Baez. The assumption was that he
worked with Dominic Casey, but could it be that he works for Copenhaver & Associates? Does Hoover
& Joy Wray's husband both work for Copenhaver? I can't find anything out about Copenhaver &
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Good Evening everyone!!! Hope everyone is having a great new year. I'm at Clearwater Beach for the
week. The first thing I did when I got here was check to see if they had internet hook up. Rascal wants
me to get a PA system & go to the Orlando jail & play that song You Are My Sunshine for Casey. Will
try & see if I can come up with something.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Jo, my long lost hubbing buddy! Hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! It's all
just about the same around new developments....just everyone theorizing on what happened,
how it happened and how much we all despise the tramp of Orange County, as well as the boat rides
and everything else being thrown enjoy yourself and be safe!!
linn says:
2 weeks ago
I was watching live the Mark Eiglarsh comment to LP. He is a DEFENSE ATTORNEY and always
bashes anyone who says she is guilty. He knows it, but you are not supposed to say it!! Gallagos, hope I
spelled it right, has kids. HE ADMITS he thinks Casey is guilty, but they have to have these nasty
defense attorneys on. On the JVM show, that sort of blonde defense attorney they have on I bet sleeps
with one eye open. Oh good heavens but I truly dislike her trememdously!! OK, I HATE her.. lol.
Galagos admits he thinks/knows Casey is guilty. Even on NG, why does she always mainly have
defense attorneys on? I mean, can't you have at least ONE prosection lawyer on? I HATE hearing them
defend Casey. At times I have to mute them. Nurse Betty, so sorry you are sick, been there done that
and recently. Cindy takes xanax, not valium. I mean, I am to the point, and I should not laugh, but
valium does not even touch me. I am supposed to take up to 5 mg of xanax a day. Sure, and watch two
kids. I think not. I take it at night to get me through the night, but when you are like me or maybe
Cindy, all it does is make you not so nuts. A sort of normal person would be knocked out.
Anyway, I did see LP get totally furious. Yet, I feel he deserved to get that way. These damn defense
lawyers defending Casey is enough to blow anyone into pieces. And LP had just complimented the guy.
The guy and yes, I can't remember his name already. Mark Eiglarsh, not sure of the spelling, is so into
the defense mode and they HAVE to rip anyone that says she is guily a new one and he did to LP. I do
know LP is in this for his fame and money, yet he is still trying to help and find answers. Sure more
than the Ants have done. Anyway, I saw it happen live, and even then I thought oh SHUT UP MARK!!
lol. I just HATE when they try to defend Casey, even though they know she is guilty. I guess if I needed
a defense lawyer it all would be fine and dandy. But to hear these defense nuts try to say "PROVE IT"
just disgusts me to no end.
I do think Monday we will be hearing a lot of updates in the case. I also remember a caller into NG
blasting LP. HE said that sounds like someones wife. Todd Black? I think he said it was his wife
blasting him and she is for the defense so he just laughed it off.
I like LP in a way, yet I know he started this mess for his fame and to make money. What really made
me mad at him was saying all Casey needed was a shower and a manicure to spilll her guts. I mean, can
we say sexist? What woman who just killed their child would spill it all for just a shower and
manicure? That made me dislike him then, but later it does seem he was ticked off at being the guy who
got her out, and then made a fool out of. The Mark Eiglarsh *sp* guy I used to like. Now he can just sit
with the squirells.. BTW, how about some gophers instead of the cute squirells? And I am sure I spelled
spuirells wrong. So sorry..
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
What excuse do you all think Hoover will give on Monday for supposedly tapeing over this 'very
important footage'? Do you think they will have Dominic's phone records by Monday in time for all of
this? Who do you think will be Dominic's attorney now? Who will be Hoover's attorney? Will Padilla
admit that he fabricated the story? They are all going to need protection. Do you think Cindy and
George will give a statement on Monday? Will the tox reports be back Monday or is it another week?
Will George go visit Casey to try one last time to get the truth out of her? Do you think that the person
who told them where Caylee might be is the same person who told everyone and they are just trying to
make out like it was some secret connection? What is going to happen if Casey really is pregnant
again? Will Cindy force her to have this baby and keep it too, so her and George can raise it? So many
questions still.
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Casey stole her party money. She did not need money for a nanny or a sitter because beside her
mommy she did not have one. (Atleast none that have come forward yet) She probobly got her booze
for free when out and pitched in with others for her drugs. That is the part of the story I can not wait for
BO BO HEAD to try to put past a jury. She claims her daughter is missing yet enters a hot body contest
during this period. Granted that is not against the law and really isn't a sin but where I sit it sure shows
one hell of a narcissistic lack of regard for that "missing" daughter and all those looking for her at the
time. This mates is one of the 844 odd behaviors that momster has shown me in the past 6 months. Can
we all say together guilty of first degree murder........... P.S. sorry if that doesn't sit well with the people
that want to spew to me that garbage about innocent until proven guilty. Preach that to some other
choir, not mine. I still love Caylee too much for that B.S.
Alyss says:
2 weeks ago
Tony I can answer that SHE LIED there was no nanny that's is why no one knows who she is, at the
very least it would have been a babysitter not a nanny, who calls their babysitter a nanny. her parents
supported her and she stole from people to get her money, that was her "job" and maybe she did some
illegal stuff too, not sure on that one. If she did need a babysitter it would have been to hang out with
her friends when her mom was not able to babysit. And I am not sure why the police did not drill her
about why she needed a babysitter I always thought that was weird too why not pin her down and make
her answer that it's like they totally ignored it.
SadieSkye says:
2 weeks ago
I always wondered why they didnt ask more specific questions..but then again..after that one inpromtu
so-called interrogation at universal shes managed to avoid all ?'s from the LE since..with a little help
from Bo Bo Baez...Casey led her parents astray in every conversation at the jail.she ducks and dodges
like Muhammad Ali... never a direct hit on any question... shes done this for years to her parents thats
why shes gotten away with all the lies and fabrications... she is a pro at making it all up on the spot... i
cud tell she was bullshitting from the very first doubt about it... she really made me sick to
my stomach....more with each listen..
Steve-- Ive been meaning to send kudos in your direction for awhile now.. but you make me laugh out
loud so much i keep getting distracted from letting you know how your comedic timing is a gift... not
very often unless your David Letterman wud i be sooo free with the uber compliments on ones comedic
prowess.... pretty strange when i read your posts I can hear your voice..although weve never met...I can
totally here you speaking your everflowing wits... dont trip out Im not cyber wednesday
and grannaw and georgia and rascal all have voices too.. just gives these neverending feet of
paragraphs a bit more of a personality.. if thats possible .. im sure im not the only one who does this... it
just sorta happens ..after awhile ... dont sit there and think im playing ventriliquist with the keyboard..
its just like reading a book and placing a character with a personality and a voice in your head... im sure
probably either sounding remedial right now or plain ole crazy... lmasro... (laughing my ass right off) should be a writer.. great cadence and structure and flow..ok Im done..anymore and you
might float away...haha
Anyhow.... Thanks to all my cronies... without you guys Id really go nuts thinking about this case all in
my head all day and nowhere to read and spew the facts ... or my lovely opinions...and yours... you
have all been lifesavers... xoxo
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Caylee's babysitter was Zanax, Cholorform and Duct Tape inside the trunk of her car! She forgot that
the heat in that trunk got so high that it killed her! That is after she duct taped her mouth to shut her up
when the cholorform wore off. Also, Casey had started a resume on herself and put down that she was a
'nanny'. I just bet she was (in her mind that is).
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
2 weeks ago
Something I the videos starting 1/2 way down the page...the conflicting statements all put
together!! If they have already been posted in the 999,999 previous posts, I apologize!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Wow! I just watched all of those. Pretty moving. Sure shows their lies. Casey is one evil person who
destroyed everyone in her path. Her major manipulation at this time is to cut off anyone who doesn't
believe what she says and the only way they could talk to her was to go along with her crap. What a
manipulative bitch. Someone needs to get really tough with her and tell her the game is OVER. (and
she lost)>
Jwinnett says:
2 weeks ago
Casey knew all along, she played her brother, mother, friends & media. She needs to pay the price and
share space with others now, no more private rooms and special treatment in jail. She also needs to hear
how much she is hated on a daily basis. It is time she faces the truth and everyone stops treating her
like a poor little locked up lady.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I see today where the Dallas Crime Examiner has named this the:
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good evening all, Had my big day out for pool. Steve I really like what you wrote about parenting and
doing the best you can for your boys. My sons are grown, and often talk to me about there kids,
wanting advice. My youngest for so defiant after his Dad passed, I felt like choking him. He often says
Mom how did you and Dad do it, my reply was we loved you all. I was very strict with them wanted to
know where they were going and a number where I could reach them if I needed them. To many time
parents do not ask these kind of Question and have no idea where they are and what they are involved
in. If only George and Cindy had more control over Casey maybe they would have known, I
understand she was over 21, but as long as they are under your roof I think that is important. I did this
because I love them and I cared.
You said, "I was very strict with them wanted to know where they were going and a number where I
could reach them if I needed them. To many time parents do not ask these kind of Question and have no
idea where they are and what they are involved in."
That's called LOVE.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Sorry if this was mentioned before, but did anyone suggest that Casey applied the duct tape after death
on Caylee to make it 'look like a kidnapping'? I guess I always thought she put it on there to hush her
crys. I think Casey regrets that Caylee wasn't found sooner so she could use the kidnapping story and
didn't consider that they wouldn't find Caylee, thus freaking out about the bones bit, because this wasn't
how she had planned it out in her mind. She probably wants to see the bones because she thinks people
are lying to her to get her to confess. I can't wait for tomorrow. I hope Casey is worried that someone
will sell her and her lies out! She has no one to turn to.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Casey know's what was in the Bag would lead back to her, I think this is why she was freaking out.
She knows she is not going to get away with this, she is just evil. I am not sure what kind of so called
sedative they gave her, but she only asked for it one time. Now if that was a innocent person, I know I
would have been upset a whole lot more then that. That is the worst thing a parent could gone thru that
truly loved there child.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I just noticed something Casey said on one of the jail tapes when George first visited her. He was
telling her that everyone was out looking for Caylee and that he was going to meet with the guy from
Kids Network. Casey then says "Of course, it's the best cause out there". Now how does she know that?
I wonder if that is the one she looked up on the computer before Caylee died? I just don't think she was
smart enough to figure out that there would be nothing left of Caylee but bones after this long. Once the
'one time' sedative calmed her nerves on that one, she went back to conjuring up more stories to lead
everyone in more directions. I think it only temporaryily shocked her, otherwise she doesn't give a rat's
ass. She is probably enjoying all the attention from the officers in jail and devising ways to get favors
from them. After all, she is so special.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday, Mine are grown with families, and I still enjoy them. They call me every day just to see
how I am, to make sure I do not need any help with things. It is nice to have kids that care that much, I
was the same with my parents. That tells me they love me as much as I love them, with all my heart!
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday - Thanks for the tip about the firefox browser. I finially got so disgusted with IE that I
downloaded it today. Actually I had made myself crazy trying to find a video clip of the search at the
Little Econ River that showed Joy in it..... I see that issue has resolved itself. It was making me crazy,
even though I had not caught the clip of Padillia getting ripped a new one (I wish I had of though). I'm
glad someone helped out on that and I'm glad I got frustrated enough to download the firefox. It is
much faster and has some neat tools and plug in's.
SadieSkye says:
2 weeks ago
Weds-- I too find all of that to be sooo true... I always feel more in sync after those stolen moments... its
just a good thing.... cheers...
philly says:
2 weeks ago
Yuri (le) told George they had found approx 1200 pics of Casey and most of them were pretty bad.
Does anyone have access to these or even know what they were referring to? Some people have
thought Casey may have been involved in some kind of prostitution. Anyone know anything about
Aubree's Grandma says:
2 weeks ago
It sounds like not only do most of us have children but many of us have teenagers. I have a girl 14 1/2
and a boy 13, as well as an older 27 yr old daughter who has 1 child & another on the way. I had my
older daughter when I was 18 and was too young and immature to be a good mother and let her get
away with just about everything and it has caused problems for her. On the other hand, with my 2
younger kids I've been much more responsible and try to always know who they are with and where
they are at. They both have cell phones which makes it much easier to keep in touch with them and I
often call & check in with them when they're out and about with their friends. My daughter just started
HS this year so there are alot of new friends that I don't know...and now the boy thing is starting! It's
very hard to let go and let them grow up - but they are good kids and my husband and I both have a
great relationship with them. I've seen the difference in my own children as to how my parenting
affected them and I've learned that you just have to disipline and can't let them manipulate you as hard
as it is sometimes.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
10 days ago
Steve--You sound like a wonderful father who, like most of us, is trying to do the best job that you
know how to do to raise your children. They don't come in molds, or with manuals; each one is unique,
with many different personality traits.
Sometimes I catch myself being too slack and letting my 2 boys (ages 8 & 14) get away with more than
I should. But like most of us here, I think this case HAS maybe made us all out to be better parents. I
think we all see what happens when children are not held accountable for their actions.
Wednesday--I am with you on the interacting thing, but not connecting. When you are sitting & talking
with your children and you suddenly realize that you are learning something about them and it's just
one of "those moments", it's an awesome of the little "things" we all live for. It's so
unplanned, it "JUST" happens...precious moments.
Too bad little Caylee had to die for some of us to learn a life lesson: however, she DID NOT die in
vain. Everything happens for a reason and we have to remember this, in the circle of life in which we
live. But I still believe.... Casey must pay for taking her daughters precious, little life!!
JMo says:
10 days ago
Wed morn, you crack me up. Yes, I think Casey will be kissing her ass goodbye real soon (at least we
JMo says:
10 days ago
Well, according to today's news, Jose Baez has set up a new tip line for anyone with information on the
site where Caylees bones were found. I swear, if that skank gets off due to questionable
imacynic2 says:
10 days ago
Sorry - don't know what happened with the 3 posts above. . .
1) Caylee's name - Cay (short for Casey her mom) and Lee (for Lee her dad?)
2) Has anyone thought about what Caylee was saying to her grandparents? I have a three year old and
while she's not all that clear - she knows "did you go to the nanny's today?" enough to say "no silly" or
"I was with Mommy" wonder what they really thought was going on when Caylee didn't know Zanny?
JMo says:
10 days ago
I think the name thing has come up before, but I too wonder if Caylee was beginning to talk and Casey
was afraid that she would spill the beans to Cindy about there being no nanny or that she was with
mommy all day. Great going Casey!!! So afraid that Caylee would ruin your lies and then you would
have to face Cindy with the truth? So afraid that this indeed would help Cindy get custody of Caylee?
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
10 days ago
No Press Conference From Anthonys' Private Investigators
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
10 days ago
JMo says:2 hours ago
Well, according to today's news, Jose Baez has set up a new tip line for anyone with information on the
site where Caylees bones were found.
JMo--they gotta play the part ya know....."acting" as if there is something more to the story.....
(1) What do you make of the emails to Casey from Universal Events or whatever it is that seem to point
to some type of employment albeit not at Universal Studios. . .
(2) What about the affidavit from the lady at the airport and her son that both swear they saw caylee
and a blonde lady there on 7/2?
(3) anybody read the text from Amy to Casey (i think it was) that says something like "i have this great
for tape. . .I just need to get a cheap tank and skirt at Walmart. . .i can tape up and leave myself a door
because it just occurred to me that I will have to pee" (?maybe referring to the anything but clothes
party?) . . . just thot the comment re: tape was WEIRD along with the myspace comment about Casey
stealing her tape. . .
(4) what about the affidavit from 3 people that were searching and searched an area and found a stick
with a rope attached, they kept digging to try and find what was at the end of the rope but gave up due
to darkness. . . what was that about??
LMAO (laughing my arse off) and ROLF (rolling on floor laughing) are TWO SEPERATE things. You
guys seemed to have squished them together. It makes you sound like old fogeys. ;)
LMAO (laughing my arse off) and ROLF (rolling on floor laughing) are TWO SEPERATE things. You
guys seemed to have squished them together. It makes you sound like old fogeys. ;)
I suspect that this was originally an accidental kind of thing, that must have happened after grandpa left
for work on the 16th of June, when Casey and Caylee returned to the home after leaving (with
backpacks, while grandpa watched FoodTV). The frantic calls around 4:00/4:30 that day (no one
answered) are followed by Casey driving around (from Cell Tower 'pings'). I believe that she buried or
hid the body in the backyard, (under/in the playhouse or sandbox) all wrapped up in a sheet from the
house. [This explains the cadaver dogs 'hitting' on the backyard]. She fled the area and returned a
couple of days later (6/18) and backed in to the garage (seen by neighbors) and borrowed a shovel (to
retrieve the body) which she then carried around in the trunk of the Sunfire. In the summer heat, the
smell became unbearable. During this time, she ran out of gas a few times, and 'stole' the gas cans from
the shed. On or around the 26th, she texted Amy H that she had 'got rid of the smell' (meaning to me,
she had dumped the body, probably when she panicked when Dad almost discovered the body going to
get the gas cans). She abandoned the car on the 27th, leaving her purse in plain view on the front seat,
hoping that the car would be stolen. It was towed on the 30th.
We will find out that there was soil from the Anthony backyard found with the remains (from when the
body was dug up). There must also be dog hair from Cindy's dogs (who can be seen jumping on
Caylee's bed as if they do it all the time in the GVS interviews) with the remains, possibly attached to
duct tape, or mixed in with the bedding, etc. Anyone with dogs/cats knows that their fur gets
incorporated into -everything-. This would explain (at least partly) why LE rushed to the Anthony
home after discovery of the remains.
Casey is obviously a textbook pathological liar and most likely has Narcissistic Personality Disorder
mixed with Bipolar. She appears to have had a 'break' with reality, and be able to 'block out' what
-actually- happened in order to fully immerse herself in this alternate 'reality' where there WAS a nanny
and Caylee was with her. This is why/how she maintains her 'story' at Universal (interview with
detectives) even in the face of irrefutable evidence that she is lying. She has fully 'bought into' the
story. It AMAZES me how she could go along with this story that day, even taking the detectives TO
universal and bs'ing the security guard in order to gain access, to 'show' them where her office is. I can
see her walking down the hall and finally just saying 'okay, you got me, i dont really work here". Most
people would just break down here, but she seems to get -stronger- in her defiance. Credit the
detectives for not going Guantanamo on her.
Anyway....thanks for reading.
1) What do you make of the emails to Casey from Universal Events or whatever it is that seem to point
to some type of employment albeit not at Universal Studios. . .
KK, I believe she simply made these up. She could have sent an e-mail to anyone with a fake address.
(As in The e-mail would "bounce-back" because there's no account
connected to that e-mail address. Which is exactly what happened with Casey's e-mails she sent to her
"bozz" as Universal. Those e-mails bounced back. As far as setting up her outgoing address, that's also
very easy to change. Spammers do this all the time. Go into your account setting & change the "display
name". I believe she is just simply THAT cunning. She was living in her fantasy world.
KK ASKED: (2) What about the affidavit from the lady at the airport and her son that both swear they
saw caylee and a blonde lady there on 7/2?
This is pretty odd, but the police have investigated & came up with nothing. The flight manifest had
only a few children on it & all have been interviewed & accounted for. My speculation is that there are
crazy people out there that say & do anything to get on TV. It's also possible the lady actually thought
she saw a child that looked like Caylee, but embellished her story with the part about the child telling
her her name to make her sound more credible.
KK ASKED: (3) anybody read the text from Amy to Casey (i think it was) that says something like "i
have this great for tape. . .I just need to get a cheap tank and skirt at Walmart. . .i can tape up and leave
myself a door because it just occurred to me that I will have to pee" (?maybe referring to the anything
but clothes party?) . . . just thot the comment re: tape was WEIRD along with the myspace comment
about Casey stealing her tape. . .
I think this has to do with a costume or outfit, probably the Anything but Clothes party like you
(4) what about the affidavit from 3 people that were searching and searched an area and found a stick
with a rope attached, they kept digging to try and find what was at the end of the rope but gave up due
to darkness. . . what was that about??
Looks like you guys already hit this one. It's was JUST a bomb, not a dead child. WTF?? lol Must be
they're used to finding Bombs & dead children along the roadside in Orlando.
Side Note though: Those teens that said they went in there looking for clues, doing a search, whatever...
My guess is they were in there smokin' a fatty & decided to go all Columbo. I bet they were high as a
frackin kite & at least the goofy lookin one that did the talking shit his pants at least once.
My oldest child comments regularly about me being "SOOO OOOLD, MOM!", so I'm not the least bit
offended by the 'Old Fogey' remark. I'm just learning all of this talking in acronyms business (see-I told
you I was old), so it's nice of you to keep me straight. But these last couple of days, Wednesday and
JamaGenee HAVE truly kept me "Rolling on the floor laughing my butt off". Rascal, you really should
join us when you get your service up and running again.
Jo--how's the PA thing working out? Did you find one? Did you get arrested? Let us know if we need to
come get you. :-))))))
steve says:
10 days ago
Central PA. Guy: You are as spot on as your Eagles were yesterday! But now they run into a real team
that has played somebody along the way. I think Guantanamo is perfect for her except they are about to
close it down. I sort of like how those people handle the bad guys. A little nuts but look at who they
captured. The worst of the worst who if given the chance would homicide bomb each and every one of
us. I unlike others do not call it suicide bombers, that to me indicates they go off into the dessert
somewhere away from the innocent and do themselves in. What they do is totally opposite taking as
much as they can. Sorry media it is homocide not suicide I.M.O. Now back to momster, let me quote
her own mom who said 5 months ago that beside her being a liar she is bi-polar and a sociopath.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, thanks Cindy, I agree 100%. Momster,momster how can I put it in terms that
you may understand? Stop me when I am wrong. You left your child with someone who doesn't exist at
an apartment you can't identify. You lied to your parents. It appears you cared so little for your child
that you did not report her missing until 5 weeks later. And so on, and so on! It is fine with me that you
will from this point on get what you deserve in life. That is the balance effect for Caylee not getting
what she deserved in life. Also regarding your family, it will alright with me if they are all brought up
on that little ol charge of accessory of murder after the fact. Long live our friends the squirrels.
Nurse Betty says:
10 days ago
On a different topic - JMV has a panel of 6 and discussing the Jett Travolta tragedy. Very tasteless in
my opinion. Leave the family alone and let them grieve. Again, just my opinion.
I'm not completely against NG, but why can't she say CAAAylee, instead of Kilee?
I don't mean to nit pick, but that has just always bugged me. I'm sure there's plenty about my
pronunciation or clothing choices for others to nit pick about. I probably shouldn't say anything.
JMo says:
10 days ago
Just a comment on the email thing....yes, you can change whatever you like on someone's email
response when you hit forward. She very easily could make up those email address or even the content
of what was 'supposedly' sent to her.
As far as the theory (and from what I think Casey is thinking along the way, I think Casey accidently
od'd little Caylee one night in the trunk while she was partying (with drugs), backed up the car, took her
out,(some decomp evid. gets in yard for dogs to smell)... dumped her in the pool to look like a
drowning (this happened with the neighbors kid, so it looks possible)....oops she sank to the bottom,
better get a shovel to help scoop her out....oh, this isn't going to work....then put her in a plastic
bag....hid her in the back yard....came back the next time and backed in the the bag, threw it in
the trunk....smell started....oops this isn't going to work either.....drove around with smelly car.....I better
make it look like a kidnapping (duct tape and chloroform)....I'll dump the body in the woods....they will
find it soon (because I will throw hints and so will my friends)....Now, I'll dump the car with her smell,
leave my purse out in the open, get a ride from AL,....oh gosh, its flooded the area and they had to put
up a safety fence....come on, that's were everyone hangs out, surely someone will see it....I'm stuck in
jail and can't talk to anyone to drop more hints without being obvious....great, they finally found the
bag....oh no, Caylee has decomposed and is just bones....I am in shock, but only for a day....wait, maybe
they are trying to trick me....I want to see the bones....etc....gotta think of more lies, more lies, more
lies, more lies.....I say enough!
I think the Anthony's are in real deep, or why else would they refuse to talk to investigators unless they
get immunity. Wow tells me there is something they did, or knew and did not tell the truth.
nannie27inCanada says:
10 days ago
Hi all: I just read the comments from a few hours ago about spending time with your kids. Made me
think of my favourite little poem - maybe you've seen it before but here goes:
Plenty of NUTS in the ANT family....that should make the squirrels happy! They want their own side
show in the circus, ya know.
JMo says:
10 days ago
I just saw this story where the parents 'never bothered to report their child missing'. It has now been 10
years and now they are looking for him. What is wrong with people?!
steve says:
10 days ago
Even the investigators have it in for the ANTS. My gut is these two low lifes who probobly get the
KidFinders weekly newsletter are so sick at what they know and have heard either in BO BO's office or
at the homestead that they want them all to fry. The only thing is they do not want to go to hell with
them. Rascal, thank you for the reminder to feed my cats. I did feed the kids though! I may need you to
get P.E.T.A. off my back re. the cats so I will have to lay low and watch my caller I.D. You know how
those fools can get. As a matter of fact, I better sleep with one eye open since they probobly already got
to the cats and told them what to do to me. Do the squirrels do protection these days?
JMo says:
9 days ago
Hey, just saw this one....Casey is going to be allowed to watch Caylee's funeral from her jail cell later
this month (the local channel will cover it). *Maybe she is letting the bones viewing go for now. Also,
Baez plugs his stupid hotline again. And, WKMG-Channel 6, Mike DeForest reports that the defense
team acknowledges, in court papers, that Casey could face the death penalty now that the toddler's
body has been found. (I am for her staying alive and suffering through this everyday, the death penalty
is too good for her).
E's mommy says:
9 days ago
Hi, I'm new here and have been reading your posts for a good part of the night now, and you all seem
very insightful. Poor Caylee, unthinkable that a mother would commmit this horrible act on her own
As I was reading the posts there was discussion about the book Caylee was reading that was
supposedly in a crime scene photo. I don't recall who, but someone mentioned the possibility of a
squirrel being in the story. Does anyone besides me find it a strange coincidence that Casey would text
a friend about getting the squirrels out of her car and that book possibly talking about squirrels? Could
it be some kind of twisted code?
Also, this has probably been brought up, so forgive me for being new. If Caylee's real father is in fact
dead, as I have heard, would his family really not have had any contact with Casey and Caylee?
E's mommy says:
9 days ago
Hi, I'm new here and have been reading your posts for a good part of the night now, and you all seem
very insightful. Poor Caylee, unthinkable that a mother would commmit this horrible act on her own
As I was reading the posts there was discussion about the book Caylee was reading that was
supposedly in a crime scene photo. I don't recall who, but someone mentioned the possibility of a
squirrel being in the story. Does anyone besides me find it a strange coincidence that Casey would text
a friend about getting the squirrels out of her car and that book possibly talking about squirrels? Could
it be some kind of twisted code?
Also, this has probably been brought up, so forgive me for being new. If Caylee's real father is in fact
dead, as I have heard, would his family really not have had any contact with Casey and Caylee?
Britt Ann says:
9 days ago
I have been following this case since the beginning, probably just like everyone else and I don't know if
I've missed something or whether it just hasn't been brought up, but why did Casey even need a nanny
when she didn't have a job, or did she (besides Universal, obviously). I mean if she didn't have a job on
June 9, then why in the hell would she need a nanny's services? I personally have so many problems
with this story, just like when Casey said shes not going to sit it there and cry all the time over Caylee,
but buddy as soon as she wasn't allowed to have any contact with her 'boyfriend' (aka accomplice as far
as I'm concerned) she was bawlin her eyes out and placed on suicide watch. I swear I think there should
be a common sense law. She didn't report her daughter missin.....common sense? Shes been a liar thru
out the entire investigation.....common sense? I could go on and on but it seems I'm not alone in my
opinions. Its just this horrible lack of justice for the ONLY victim CAYLEE. Not Cindy, George, Lee or
whoever else the 'pos egg donar' wants to throw into the mix they are all adults. where was the voice,
the protection, the safety, the saviour......cause I'd bet my bottom dollar that casey did not act alone,
probably wasn't even her idea, cause casey is the type of leech whore that can't think all by herself, she
feeds off others and does whatever they tell her is cool. Ya know the type of girl I'm talkin about?
Right, she craves attention so badly that she makes herself look so stupid and thinks by doing things
it'll make people like her when in actuality, shes bein laughed at. Bottom line, I feel the entire Anthony
family was negligeant and they all need to stop whining and take FULL responsibilities for their own
actions and quit worrying about themselves so much and find justice for Caylee..........even if that
means turnin on casey. They're all adults, act like it and use your COMMON SENSE and do whats
right for cryin out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JMo says:
9 days ago
I think Casey did this all on her own. She lied to her family, she lied to her friends, she stole from
everyone, exhibited unusual behavior, etc. Then when they found out about Caylee, she lied more and
more and more....I can't imagine who could be an accomplice and why? I think Casey would like for
everyone to think it is someone else's fault or that someone made her do it or that someone helped her
or that someone is threatening her or that someone is out to harm her family or someone else Whatever.
She seems to be real good at mind twisting, doesn't she? Good at putting doubt in her parents minds.
Poor Casey, just can't find anyone to truly believe her....that's because she is a LIAR.
SadieSkye says:
9 days ago
Where do I start? On the other hand.. just way too exhausting.... Uhhghh!!!
In my opinion, Casey made up the "nanny" to explain to her friends where Caylee was. Remember, she
was such a liar, she even had her BEST FRIENDS believing that she worked for Universal Studios but
they allowed her to do much of her 'event planning' from home.
We know Caylee called Cindy "Nan" which is not all too uncommon for kids to call there grandmother
"Nanny" or "Nana", just another word for "Grandma". So this is probably where the "nanny story"
came from. Caylee might have said something about "Nan" to one of Casey's friends so she went with
the story of having a Nanny for Caylee. It sounds a lot more responsible to say "My daughter has a
nanny" than to say "I'm a free-loading bitch & let my parents support me AND my kid".
From the original statements, Cindy knew full well that there was no job and no nanny. She later tried
to convince herself that there was a nanny just to cover for Casey. -or maybe to guard her own heart.
Who knows.
Casey was so far into this web of lies that she couldn't find a way out. Which would explain why she
would creep into a whole new circle of friends every few months.
This would also explain why George & Cindy didn't know how to find her during the 31 days she was
missing. Casey didn't let her parents in on her little fantasy life she had created for herself.
Although I believe George & Cindy are guilty of being stupid, I don't believe they're guilty of murder.
I think they loved Caylee & right from the beginning, they knew Casey was lying, but were forced to
"play along" to get answers from her. They knew if she felt "cornered" than she was going to drag this
out. I think they put on a good show to try to get her to talk. I think they just so badly wanted to believe
that Caylee was fine & would be home soon.
Once they realized Caylee wasn't coming home & most likely, their daughter was the cause of her
death, that is when they quit communicating with Casey.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
9 days ago
JMo says:12 hours ago
I just saw this story where the parents 'never bothered to report their child missing'. It has now been 10
years and now they are looking for him. What is wrong with people?!
-------------------------------------- crazy! They may start coming outta the wood work now........just thinkin.... People ARE
JMo says:
9 days ago
I video my grandaughter all the time and don't talk on the tape. She has the stage and the video is about
her, not me. So, I see nothing unusual about that at all. Why would I want my voice on the tape? That
takes away from videoing her.
LLee says:
9 days ago
10 years and they never reported him missing???
This child was adopted and are you telling me that CPS never checked up on that child for 10 years???
My heart goes out to children in "the system" they rarely get a good chance mostly they go from one
abusive home to another. What a horrid life.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Once a child is adopted CPS is out of the picture unless there is a complaint. Now if they are in a foster
home CPS is supposed to check, but to many times there is excuses that they are over loaded. Now
days that is true in a lot of cases. So many parents leave then or are in prison due to dope, or dead from
over dose. This is what is wrong with our society, to dam many parents involved in dope and not caring
about the life they brought in to this world.
LLee says:
9 days ago
Wow, I can't believe that you can just adopt a child and no one is going to check on that child to make
sure they are alright? People do horrible things to their own flesh and blood - the percentage of abuse
of adopted children is hugely higher. Why would they just stop checking on a child once the paper
work goes through???? I just don't understand. Well - I guess I can't understand how a family would let
a child go out for adoption anyway. My family would never let strangers take one of our own children.
steve says:
9 days ago
ATTN ATTN Old farts and newbies, in case you missed it momster is a good for nothing lying P.O.S.
She puts a new definition to the word unbelievable! Now onto something really unbelievable, for
anyone that is interested I want you to You Tube this...Boyanka Angelova ball final E C Torino 2008.
Did I say unbelievalble????????? Just watch.
LLee says:
9 days ago
Wow! That is amazing! I thought I was flexible - no way! Thanks for the pleasant diversion!
How's the soup? It's a nice cold day, perfect for a bowl. Much better than bologna and coleslaw.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
They just announced on HLN, BO BO EMPTY HEAD just was reprimanded in Court for trying to
delay the deposition on the Law suit by Zanny be delayed. Bo Bo Head did not follow proper protocol.
He is supposed to know that as a Attorney, How did he ever pass the Bar!!!!!
nancy says:
9 days ago
I have been thinking if anyone knows the day that Caylee actually went missing? If she were staying at
a friends house they would have seen Caylee with her mother. Was it Father's day when Casey and her
mom had the fight? Was that the last day anyone saw Caylee?
steve says:
9 days ago
Judge lets em have it!! Rascal, he didn't pass the bar, momster met him at it!!
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Not the first time he got hell from the Judge,and it will not be the last. lol
The last day Caylee was seen is by her Grandfather the !6 of June. She showed up at her boyfriends apt
with out Caylee. Casey was telling everyone Caylee was with the Nanny, the mysterious Nanny no
one had ever seen, and was never called on any phone record. And did not live where Casey said she
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Steve, Can you just see her pole dancing for Bo Bo Head, what a picture. Wait till Bo Bo Head see's all
the bad pics of her in court, that made George sick. He really looked shocked at the few he was able to
see. Good going Casey, made your Daddy proud.
JMo says:
9 days ago
Baez is starting to really grind on my nerves again. Who is he to say that someone is representing
Zenaida to get publicity. He should slap himself in the face real hard and wake up. Someone has to
represent the poor woman after Casey has put her name through mud! I think he is intimidated by John
Morgan! Funny the Judge has to worn Baez about being slanderous towards another attorney, talk
about being unprofessional!!! Baez, needs to take a long hard look in the mirror.
I can't believe they are worried that Casey is going to say something to hurt her criminal lawsuit. How
scary is that folks??? What Baez, the little bi might utter some TRUTH???? I hope the Judge throws the
book at all of them. What a bunch of morons! I thought we were all seeking the Truth....but I guess
that's not the case when it comes to Casey and her clan.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Casey should of saved the Duct Tape for herself, Bo Bo Head and her Family oh let me mention the
PI's. It would have been to better use then on little Caylee.
Oh now we have Jill Saint James saying she has video tape of being in the same area where Caylee was
found. And she can prove it. She says her dogs hit on the area, but it was under water. I do not trust this
woman at all.
JMo says:
9 days ago
I think Casey needs to be put under Oath and asked about this Zanny story she is telling everyone.
Zanaida deserves to have her named clear. Maybe she will at least tell everyone that this is not the
'zanny she is talking about'. However, if they think putting Casey under Oath is going to make her tell
the truth, they are just as psycho as she is!
HannahsNana says:
9 days ago
This is the first time I've posted anything here, but I have been reading this page since the end of July.
This has grabbed me, as it has many of you, more than any case I've ever heard or read about. I guess
maybe because I have a grandaughter that is only 1 week younger than Caylee and I can't even begin to
imagine the pain of losing her. I have really enjoyed reading here and have learned alot. Still, after all
these months I just can't get how you could hurt a little girl like Caylee. My grandaughter is so sweet,
funny, exasperating (she has red hair and a temper), innocent,'s so wonderful to watch her
grow and learn. I could never act the way George & Cindy have acted throughout this whole thing -
they could be poster children for Nature vs Nurture - How NOT to raise your kids! Anyway, thanks for
all the good info, links, opinions and comments! Keep up the good work!
LOL Rascal --- It's not *Jill Saint James*, It's *Gail St. John*. But you were close. :-)
Actually, If you watch the Gail St. John video of that day, It is pretty impressive. Not because she's a
phsycic, I think thats a bunch of hocus pocus. I was impressed with her cadaver dogs. There's 4 people
in the van & 2 dogs. The dogs led them to an area, that in my opinion, is the crime scene. The one
trainer had to pull her dog BACK because the water was too high. But the dog was trying to go further
into it. I think it's possible these dogs located Caylee that day.
I don't think she's phsycic, but I do think her dogs are. :-)
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Wednesday, Thank you :) I was somewhat close lol. I did watch that video, put ear plugs in she really
has a potty mouth on that video. There is a lot of controversy about this woman also. I do not think
these dogs are certified either. I know Jo posted a site that gave a lot of information on her.
LLee says:
9 days ago
Capitalizing on the canine sense of smell. It is brilliant. She takes credit when the dogs can smell
something - hummmm. If she is psychic then why does she need the dogs?
LLee says:
9 days ago
SadieSkye says:
9 days ago
HannahsNana-- Welcome...glad you finally joined in...Stay around and use this site as therapy like I
and many others do.... Id drive my family crazy if i didnt have this place to come and vent my
frusterations about this case... plus I feel like ive made some friends here as well... :0)
All in all, if you have something important to hide, you go to a place you are familiar with otherwise it
would be too scary to go somewhere you don't know and chance getting caught or your item found.
Makes sense to me that Casey went here because she is familiar with the area.
JMo says:
9 days ago
Here is where you can see the video. I think she needs to get rid of the weird people in the car with her
(the potty mouth daughter who talks over her) and the assistant (young man who acts like he is on to
everything). They are both obnoxious.
All in all, if you have something important to hide, you go to a place you are familiar with otherwise it
would be too scary to go somewhere you don't know and chance getting caught or your item found.
Makes sense to me that Casey went here because she is familiar with the area.
steve says:
9 days ago
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Steve, Just more Spin to the story, we might as well get used to this, it never seems to stop. They all
want publicity! Ok time for the popcorn with butter!! The show has started, but we all know the ending
to this one.
steve says:
9 days ago
Those squirrels................................................. What is the difference in momsters mind to lie under
oath and not to?? Still trying to work that one out in my own head. I do not think she will be truthful.
Also, BO BO HEAD will come off as such a fool on many fronts during this trial that is way beyond
his knowledge. He will in no way be lead counsel and will barely speak in my opinion. This guy can
not even get a handle on the peeps that ARE on his team before the trial. I think he stands up on the
first day and says, unless anyone can show us all the video of Casey harming Caylee you must find her
not guilty. The defense rests!
GranNaw says:
9 days ago
LLee says:6 hours ago
Wow, I can't believe that you can just adopt a child and no one is going to check on that child to make
sure they are alright? People do horrible things to their own flesh and blood - the percentage of abuse
of adopted children is hugely higher. Why would they just stop checking on a child once the paper
work goes through???? I just don't understand. Well - I guess I can't understand how a family would let
a child go out for adoption anyway. My family would never let strangers take one of our own children.
LLee, Adoption is not so much unlike giving birth in that once you are done with the approval process,
complete the paper work and take the baby home, you and the baby are on your own. No one comes
around checking on those babies, even though Casey (and thousands like her these days) are living
proof that they should.
I would also be curious as to your source of the statistical information regarding the percentage of
abuse being higher amongst adoptees????
JMO, but the ability to procreate does not make one a fit parent, nor does it mean because you can that
you should. Just look at this mess...
IMO this whole thing may have never happened at all "IF" there is any truth to what has been reported
about Casey wanting to give Caylee up for adoption and that Cindy kept her from actually doing it (and
probably with that very same mentality that "no one is going to adopt out my flesh and blood".
Flesh and Blood are NOT what bonds a parent to a child nor are either of them qualifications to be a
I do find it appalling that this boy has been missing for 10 years (they thought he ran away and found
his biological parents??) I'm sure there is a lot more to this story.
Allyss says:
9 days ago
Welcome Hannahsnana, I couldn't help but type back to you because your line about your
granddaughter hit home so much "My granddaughter is so sweet, funny, exasperating (she has red hair
and a temper)". I have a six year old daughter who also has red hair and is named Hannah and it is so
funny because I felt you were describing my daughter, she is the sweetest thing with the cutest
personality but don't make her mad, and hope she can do something she tries or boy does she get
frustrated. =) I have to say as she has grown she has learned to control her temper much better, with a
lot of help and guidance from her father and I; and has even improved with getting frustrated at her self
some, she still has room to grow here, our favorite saying with her is "don't forget every mistake makes
you better", and this seems to help some. I wouldn't change a thing about her though because if you
took away the part that made her temper flare you would also take away the part that makes her enjoy
life so much. BUT I don't care what they say there is some truth to the red headed women stereotypes
because I have seen it in her. I also have a 4 year old son, he does not have red hair, and is much more
even in nature most of the time.
steve says:
9 days ago
Rascal, you are right. She had and has a wonderful blessed job that momster never wanted. Ever. My
kids have been on vacation for a couple of weeks now and go back to school next week. As much as I
want to get some work done, we have had a great time thru these holidays and New Year and those
memories are priceless. (hopefully to them as well) Also, I am leaning toward not giving the ANTS
immunity since they (we) need them and want them to testify. Especially Georgie. Popcorn, kettle corn,
corn on the cob, creamed corn, bring it on!
linn says:
9 days ago
Steve, you crack me up! lol. Now, could you please feed MY cats and bulldog so PETA does not come
after me? I always use my caller ID, but people are sneaky now and use the #57 so their name does not
show. Just be careful feeding the bulldog. I mean, don't put her too close to the cats or she tries to eat
their food and they beat her up.. lol
Wednesday Morning. I am sure I mentioned before that my grandmother was never ever called
Grandma. She would have hurt anyone who called her She was always "Nanny" or "Nan"..
On top of this sad situation, it brings up a lot of stuff for me. Personally that is.
I still in a million years could ever understand how anyone, much less a mother, even a pathetic one,
could ever kill their child. I mean we all know how much they can really get to us, but to kill one?
NEVER! They just get sent to their room to give me time to cool off and them to see what happens
when you misbehave. Again, I will never get it.
And I ask you all! Would you want to see videos or pictures of your dead child's skeletonized remains?
I would never be able to do it. And for the defense to want this to happen? I also heard the pics of
Caylee were sold to BoneHead for six figures. So there is his fee. But the prosection is now not
wanting to turn over the x-rays, video's and pictures of Caylees remains due, I think, to the fact that the
defense would somehow leak them (for a fee) to the media.
Finally, I think one reason Bonehead is still around is that if she is convicted and she better be, the will
use him being an incompentent lawyer and she will win an appeal. I have seen this happen. He is so
awful we laugh. I do see this being a valid point for an appeal. Sad to say.
JMo says:
9 days ago
Seriously, I think Casey was referring to herself as the Nanny, mostly because Cindy was more the
mommy and this made her angry. That is how she can say with a straight face that the Nanny took her.
She even made up a resume that said she worked as a Nanny. She has to find a way in her sick mind for
things to sound right to her and justifiably make sense. Remember, she is one sick person (who else
could put their 2 year old daughter in a garbage bag and toss her in the woods to be eaten by bugs and
animals?) and she doesn't think straight. Her mind is so twisted, we will never know how she thinks the
things she does. She is in some other world (land of disney or something) where all these people are
made up and events are made up and everything is a fantasy lie! No one can make rhyme or reason
from what has occurred because it is all made up in her head.
If and when she is convicted, her lawyer needs to seek professional help before he is allowed to further
practice law. He borders on unsafe if you ask me.
GoodGirl2020 says:
9 days ago
Hi everyone! This is my second post on this site, but my first since little Caylee's remains have been
found. I just have a few thoughts that I wanted to share and I hope thats ok. It is so heartbreaking
because I have a niece thats nearly two-a child that is like my own and I just couldn't imagine if she
weren't in my life. I am just speechless about the things that have transpired since my last post. Caylee's
mother just went about her life as her little girl lay rotting in the ground! It seems as though Ms.
Anthony never really had to answer to anyone about her actions or the lifestyle she was living. I do not
blame Casey's parents for what happened to little Caylee. Casey is a grown woman she is the only
person to blame. However, I am shocked at the thought that while the grandparents were so concerned
with finding Caylee they may have been witholding some sort of crucial information. I really hope that
is not the case. Casey is the one who is off the hook for now! She is sitting in her cell living off of the
law abiding tax payers of Florida. Free cable, 3 meals a day and no little Caylee nagging her-WHAT A
SHAME!!! I hope when she gets her day in court she is forced to face the fact that she is just another
Andrea Yates or Susan Smith. We only recognize their names because of the unspeakable acts they
committed. I believe that the shame that she will feel from the people who thought she was someone
else will be the only thing that will bring her down-it will not be that fact that her child is no longer
singing or laughing. Sorry about ranting..I have just been thinking about this ALL day~
JMo says:
8 days ago
Today's news: Casey gets her news and music through a transistor radio and from hearing the gossip
outside her cell. She has no view of the TV from her cell. So, special arrangements would have to be
made to let her see the funeral if televised. I hope it isn't though...seems like more exploitation of little
Caylee. They should video tape it for her if they want her to see it. Maybe they should make her spend
her days inside a plastic bag with duct tape wrapped around her mouth and head/hair. Then she might
know what uncomfortable is.
WOW. This Gonzales civil suit is a real trip! The attorney's are the ones making this into a 3-Ring
circus now.
I was laughing my butt off watching Nancy Grace last night when Gonzales' attorney, the head clown
from Morgan & Morgan, was on... Did any of you see it?
He was attmepting to explain why Casey CAN'T plead the 5th in the civil suit against her while also
filing a counter suit against Zenaida. The one cancels out the other. By law, she can plead the 5th, but
not counter sue. OR she can be questioned under oath then carry on with the counter suit.
well anyway... The attorney was attempting to use the "Sword & Shield" analogy, but he just couldn't
seem to deliver the punchline. It was pathetic watching him stumble over his own words. "So, it's like
you have this sword and umm..." Finally Nancy is like "ENOUGH! I KNOW about the SWORD!"
Major rejection!
I'm wondering if this civil suit SHOULD be held after the criminal suit. She's obviously not going to
say anything to incriminate herself, meaning, she's NOT going to tell the truth. So why bother right
now? Wait until the verdict comes in from the criminal suit. With the evidence they'll have from the
prosecutions case, I think they would be better off waiting.
Also --- As far as the resume Casey had created saying she was a Nanny. It makes more sense to me
that Casey was probably trying to create some kind of "paper trail" for this nanny. Maybe when George
stumbled upon it, she decided it was too late to carry out that plan & ditched the idea. I would be
curious to know the DATE on that resume.
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Linn, I know I would not want to look at pictures of Caylee as a skeleton, I want to remember her as
the beautiful little child she was. But some people buy the trash tabloids at the check stands, if people
would let them stay there on the stand. maybe some of this would stop. And I do not want to see a
movie or read a book about this case.
On a lighter note please feed the Squirrels, they are innocent victims, and so is Zienda!!!!
GranNaw says:
8 days ago
I also watched the segment of NG with John Morgan last night. I think that NG intimidates a lot of
people. I don't understand her apparent need to humiliate people into submission. I feel sorry for the
young boy that reports from Orlando for her. She deliberately asks him questions that there are NO
answers for and then berates him because he can't give her an answer. When this first started I felt sorry
for Natasha too. She now seems to hold her own a bit better with Ms. Grace. Any how... I think Morgan
did alright considering who he was up against and the fact he may not have been able to have himself a
"drinky drink" before his segment aired.
I personally don't think ZG's civil suit should be postponed. The counter suit is just another classic
example of BoBo's ineptness. Any second year law student KNOWS that once you file any kind of suit,
you open yourself up to deposition. Thats just how it is. From what I hear BoBo's firm didn't even file
the CORRECT type of a motion regarding postponing Casey's deposition. Casey is the one that chose
to put the name Zenaida Gonzalez out there as the "kidnapper" and it just happens that her use of that
name has caused this woman harm. The ONLY recourse or remedy ZG has for that action is a civil suit
under the law. I say Zanadia's suit should go forward and she should not have to wait for vindication
while BoBo and Casey drag the criminal case out for the next two or three years as I think they will try
Additionally --- I couldn't believe the analogy one of those defense heads used saying "everyone in
California named Scott Peterson should have sued Scott Peterson".......IT'S NOT EVEN REMOTELY
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
I like Nancy Grace, But she can be very rude sometimes to her guests. I am surprised some of them
come back.
Why does Baez want the photos with out restrictions? What problem does he have with the part about
not emailing or faxing them to anyone? Is he afraid his defense team will do it anyway and get him in
more trouble? The judge needs to be strict. Take it or leave it Baez. Either you want to see the photos or
you don't!
HB says:
8 days ago
The truth is if you read all the text messages available the guy she dating was coaching her to come to
his place for dinner and sex. Casey could not leave Caylee with her mother because Cindy had hurt her
back helping with yard work. She told the guy she was texting that she would probably be able to come
over just for awhile.Casey apparantly drugged Caylee not realizing she overdozed her, left her in the
car and when she come back she found her dead. She panicked and probably just put her body in the
trunk, got home and then got a trash bag and stuffed her body in it till she could figure out a place to
dump her. I know this sounds very crude but I do believe this is what happend or close to it. Now my
question is did she have help or an accessory involved and I believe that she didnot act alone. I think
this guy is in on it to. Of coarse getting her to admitt to all of this according to the professionals is
going to be a real problem. I also believe the grandparents knew a whole lot more than they are telling.
There first fault was not getting custody of Caylee, its a very sad case.
JMo says:
8 days ago
Also, in response to the link above for on the news today, ANTS attorney was asked if he was
representing Dominic and his response was, "Dominic doesn't need an Attorney". Then when the
reporter asked him how do you know that, his response was "Because I'm an Attorney".
Is that like, Trust me, I'm a Dr? Where the heck is Hoover's video and big speech show he was
supposed to do Monday morning.??? Full of hot air if you ask me.
HB says:
8 days ago
Did you also read where the guards had to get on Caseys Attorney for improper touching.
JMo says:
8 days ago
Any touching in jail with a prisoner is 'inappropriate'. In response to blaming Casey's parents for not
getting custody....Casey has to give up custody first before anyone can get it. She was determined not to
let Cindy get over her. She even admits to being a spiteful bitch when Lee questioned her about why
she wouldn't tell where Caylee was. I don't think anyone helped Casey at all. She did this all by herself!
She would like everyone to think it is someone else's doing, but I don't buy it for one minute. I just
can't wait to hear what her defense will be once they prove the Nanny thing in court. Just like she got
busted with her Universal studios story, she had to confess. Then busted with Amy's checks and video
surveillance of target shopping, she had to confess. Now, they will bust her clean with this story too and
she will have to confess. It's a Pattern! All criminals have a Pattern. This is Caseys.....LIE, LIE, LIE
until I am caught, then confess, say I'm sorry and create more LIES. I suppose she will choose from the
standby ones of "The Devil made me do it", "God told me to", "I was getting revenge on Cindy",
"Anthony Lazzaro didn't want a kid", "My mom hated me", "It wasn't me...the voices made me do it",
on and on. Can't wait to hear what she has been conjuring up all this time alone in her jail cell!
steve says:
8 days ago
We are talking about the same Nancy DisGrace right? Thought so! One hell of a necklace collection
that she has! Me likey the jewels!! The Duke lacrosse players who were just finished with puberty
probobly don't however. Love, blog fool cretin #1
steve says:
8 days ago
Some thoughts.... If the P.I. knew where the body was, did the ANTS? Did Kronk know more than he is
letting onto as L.P. thinks? Do you all want to subpeona the cell records of Hoover and all of the ANTS
as much as me? Does everyone remember at the end of the hit show Soap the questions that they would
ask? How funny was that show. Ahead of it's time. I loved that show!!
kwoz says:
8 days ago
Hello all & Happy New Year... I've been out of the loop for a few days but I did see something tonight
that got me thinking, here is my theory:
It's bothered me from the beginning, that this high profiled, expensive defense team has said they are
not being paid. That is complete BS and we all know it. With all this talk about pics being sold of the
autopsy I came to a theory that this is and always was a thought process of all of them that they will
make money from this case one way or another. Even if it takes selling these pics as they are being
accused of possibley wanting to do. Something just doesn't add up with this pro-bono BS, I'm sorry,
they have to make a living & if any of you followed the Phil Spector case as I did, money was always a
big talk amongst the defense team & they were paid very well. This case is a very time consuming one,
how do they expect to handle other money making cases and deal with this one? They can't, this is why
the no-pay makes NO SENSE. JMO
Allyss says:
8 days ago
HB I think you might be getting your Anthonys mixed up, I know it is hard to keep track of all the men
it appears Casey has been with. Anthony Rusciano was the police officer that got fired for lying about
his relationship with Casey and was also the one that exchanged IMs with Casey back in May that
talked about Cindy not being able to watch Caylee because of her back. In those IMs Casey made
mention of did he want her to bring the snot nose and other not so nice ways of referring to her
daughter. My opinion of the guy from his IMs was that he was a jerk and was just concerned about one
thing, and it shows what low self esteem Casey must of had to allow some one to talk like that to her
and still go and have sex with him. Her boyfriend at the time that Caylee went missing was Anthony
(Tony) Lazzaro. He also mentioned something about not wanting children right now and that if he had
one in the future he would like it to be a boy, but I myself did not find this to odd because most men
say they want a boy and he was still young so it makes since he would want to be older before having a
child. Either way it really doesn't matter because your theory is still probably right, I just thought I
would try to help clarify things a bit. I hope I have the facts straight because I was too lazy to actually
look it all back up so I am going on memory.
With having said THAT, I think Nancy Grace is really annoying the way she asks the same stupid
questions but gets pissed when she gets the same stupid answers. Does she want the experts to just
make shit up?
I also think her ticker tape at the bottom of the screen is running dangerously close to being FALSE
thought that certainly it must be a repeat, but then they showed the funeral home where Caylee's
remains were being "stored". That's not really breaking news when it's 3 weeks old, is it?
I think her fashion advisor must hate her guts. What a rush that must be in the back of the studio as
Nancy goes on air feeling stylish in her teal marble necklace & mustard-yellow leather vest. They must
just have a ball with that!
And finally, I would LOVE to call into the Nancy Grace show & just ask one question... WHAT THE
just need to know.
JMo says:
8 days ago
I think Casey asked him if he wanted her to bring the little snot.
Anyway, just because you think your son or daughter is not mature enough for a child does not give
you parental or custody rights. The mother or father has to forego their rights for that to happen (or
maybe court ordered in some circumstances). I know of some grandparents who raised their kid (like
Obama) and he turned out ok, but there are some grandparents who are the wrong choice for their
grandkids and they turn out a mess (babied, enabled, dysfunctional, etc). In fact, I am not so sure that
my parents thought I was mature to have kids either and always trying to tell me what I was doing made me shut them out. My kids are just fine and are wonderful adults with kids. I have to
catch myself when I think it could be construed as critical towards them when handing out my advice.
Apparently, Cindy badgered Casey with what a terrible person and mother she was all the time, instead
of supporting her (I don't mean financially either). Casey even says, "Well, I guess I'm a spiteful bitch".
Casey got to the point that she lied about work, about a sitter, about money, about everything, and
finally took Caylee away in her own way. She could probably not get away from the overbearing crap
(of Cindy's) to have a life of her own with her child. Not to mention she was just sick in the head. NO, I
am not supporting what Casey did, but "desperate people do desperate things" and Casey even admits
she was in a state of desperation. Of course, that desperation would not lead the normal person to what
she did. Sad it had to end with Caylee's life.
Look at the way Casey reacts to her mom. No emotion or tears. She wants to continue to lie to her mom
and lead her around. She at the same time is fearful of mom. She cries with George because she knows
how much it hurts him and that hurts her too. She could care less if Cindy hurts. That is what she
wanted to happen.
Just my thoughts on the psychological side of things. They are all in need of therapy.
Farmchick says:
8 days ago
I have been lurking here for about 2 weeks now and really enjoy reading all your posts(have read just
about the whole thing). All be it the subject sucks.
Anyway , I think it was PA Guy whom posted his theory a couple days ago and I have been thinking
exactly as he is.I think when George was looking into the woods it was because he knew that Caylee
was dead and she was there in the woods or had been moved from those woods. I do not believe she
dumped her where the remains were found. I think it was out by the airport or wherever George was. I
was also thinking in support of this, wasn't Texas Equusearch scheduled to come back right before he
was sighted by the woods or wasn't there a search planned shortly after he was spotted? That body was
moved. By whom, haven't figured that one out yet. Probably Lee. On another note, I REALLY believe
'JOSE BAEZ' aka BOBO Head is Caylee's father. What do ya think. They look alike. WOuld also
explain why he does all he does besides selling photos etc....I think she was a call girl at one point and
hooked up with him. What do ya think?
linn says:
8 days ago
Rascal you're right. Tabloids sell. I even used to buy them when they were cheap. *hanging head*..
However!! I never would ever, ever, buy one that had a child's skeltonized remains pictures in it. If they
were on the cover, much to my kids embarrassment, I would turn the first magazine over so the cover
would not show. Our stores check out is so slow. NO WAY would I stand in line and subject myself to
those photos. I like gossip as much as most, but I draw the line at murdering children and putting up
their remains. That is not news, that is sick and I hope the judge bars Boner from any way of selling
those pics. And that is exactly what he is after.
As for NG. I like her show, but have noticed when she has a guest host, we get much more info when
NG is not on doing her act. The reason people keep coming back is they most likely are paid well by
the show, AND they are in the loop, so to speak. Natasha is the NG PRODUCER! I mean, she produces
the show. She has to know how NG is. Even with with young man reporter. They all know, that is why
they come back. I just realized though good ole Kobe has not been on in weeks. Why? I do know this
man seems to have integrity. I wonder if he knows Casey did it and now does not want to talk? Even
when he was with the defense, he was still coming on NG. She is obnoxious for sure. But she does
make those defense attorneys squirm and that is fun. I still wonder why she never has a prosecution
witness on? On JVM, I want to kill that Janie? The one with the straight bangs. I mean, how much
more do these nuts, sorry, want for proof of guilt?
And for some reason, I DO think Lee knows more than he said. To be "so helpful" at first, then to
UNcooperete? Refusing DNA tests and all. Like good ole' LP says, "If you have nothing to hide, why
not take a poly or give DNA"?..
I will be SO GLAD when little Caylee is buried. To know she is just in a cardboard box STILL is so
sad. Her precious life was cut short by her own uh, mother. To just have her bones crushed again, and
to have her "on ice" in a box is cruel to her. Bury this baby already!
I have a feeling, as do all of you I am sure, that this case holds so much more than we know. Even with
all the evidence that is released, I can onyl imagine what we do not know. And finally, can I say how
sick to my stomach BoneHead makes me? He was bad enough until the latest. He has made a small
fortune so far off of Caylee. IF he ever released those autopsy photos of Caylee he should be disbared. I
can't think of one person on this earth who would want toview those. He is sick and $$$$$$$$$ is all he
sees. I did hear the Ants did sit by Caylee's remains. I truly did feel for them. I still do. I am a parent. I
am not sure what I would do if any of my kids killed my grandkids. They are still my kids! I still have
memories of them being babies, school programs, etc. It would be hard to never see them again, but at
the same time could I? Oh it is just rambling thoughts. This case has really made me think about things
I never thought I would have.
911 says:
8 days ago
This is an excellent site, the only one I've followed from the beginning. I think many of us struggle to
understand the behavior of Caylee's mother and the behavior of the Anthony family. Some of us can see
what the family SHOULD have done in regard to the "totmom" and her sweet daughter. Obviously,
hindsight is so much better than foresight. My main reason for posting is that I believe the totmom was
sexually abused at some point in her life. The abuser could have been anyone -- a neighbor, an uncle, a
counselor, a babysitter. And that is not a complete list!! This case is particularly "tricky" because the
totmom is a pathological liar. If she reveals the abuse now, no one will believe her. Thank God (or
Karma) the child's remains were found, which almost seems like a miracle. Those who loved her may
eventually find s modicum of closure.
JMo says:
8 days ago
One of my favorite Archie Bunkers was when Edith kept being cranky and then one day she came
home and told Archie, I went to the Dr. today. She says the reason I am like this is because I am going
through menopause. Archie says, menopause? well hurry up and get it over with so we can move on
here Edith.
I guess I want to believe the bag was there the whole time, because I can't imagine anyone carrying
around a bag with a decomposing baby in it. After all, she told her friend Amy, I got 'rid of the smell' in
my car. I think she got rid of it in those woods. Maybe buried it, but with the floods, it came to surface.
Coffins do this in floods. However, if we went with the accomplice who moved the bag theory, maybe
Lee had it in his freezer at his apt. and when he moved back to the ANTs house, he had to dispose of it
somewhere. But, I say she was there the whole time, only in a shallow grave that changed with the
steve says:
8 days ago
JMo: We may have a BINGO!! I might lean with your thoughts myself re. your bag theory. Again, O
71, O 71........BINGO. JMo has BINGO.... Check her card. Was Lee onto something from the start to
not want to take a poly? Nothing to hide, nothing to worry!
JMo says:
7 days ago
Didn't he (Lee) say he didn't want his apartment cleaned when he moved back home? If so, maybe this
could be some sort of connection. Don't know if someone mentioned it before or not. (sorry if so).
Maybe he was letting Casey hang out there while he was at work and just didn't tell momma Sindy,
cause she would get mad. I don't recall him ever commenting on the fact that Casey wasn't
working...maybe because he knew all along she wasn't (one of those bro/sis secrets ya know). Who
knows. Too much suspicious behavior on all of their parts.
JMo says:
7 days ago
Another theory I have is; I think that drugs are tied to this in some way. Not just the Zanax, but drugs
being at the boyfriends, drugs being at the clubs, and I bet you anything, brother Lee was into some
dealin' and Casey threatened to rat him out if he didn't get on her side....hmmmm...just another theory
though. How about this....Casey got some drugs from Lee, Caylee was given them, then they ask Casey
where did you get the drugs? uh? uh? Yes, why can't Lee take a Poly?
JMo says:
7 days ago
Yes, I am up late. Just saw this on the net, came out tonight. You gotta watch the video. It's Hoover! He
gave his 10 minute tape to the FBI this evening and the report by the FBI is: "The evidence appears to
be key incriminating evidence against Casey Anthony in the murder of her daughter". Shites going
Farmchick says:
7 days ago
What if Lee is the one whom moved the body. Here goes : He brings her back to his house ofcourse in
the middle of the night. Did I not hear the body was double bagged? This would be why. He was
careful though. He put tarp or something down right inside his apartment and threw another bag and
duct tape over her and took her to other woods closer to G & C.A...Now he is afraid of getting caught
so no DNA. He moves back home out of his apartment so another person can move in and muddy the
waters of any evidence at his own apartment. Reasonable doubt?Just another thought going through my
BTW, I am soo glad I can come here and read and talk. My family thinks I am CRAZY,OBSSESED!!!!
I flat out was screaming at my TV the night I found out George was sighted by the woods. I was
screaming "they're gonna move the friggin body". I told them mark my words, that is what they are
doing. Beccause at the time I swear either they were gonna do a search of the area again , or Texas EQ.,
ie;Tim Miller had finally been talked into coming back again and it hit the news that they were gonna
come back.
Cindy Anthony makes me SICK! I wanna reach through the TV and choke the B-t-h! It makes me sick
she could back Casey sooooo much from just about the start and keep going with it even though we all
know they found out at some point. At least George made an attempt to be human.
I like LP, dont get me wrong, but......Do not tell me he is not in it for the money. He has inserted
himself along with the rest of the circus. Did anyone see GVS after the remains were found and asking
LP why he was going back to FL.?He was falling all over that ? He could only say I wanna go see my
friends I hae made, the Grunds.Be there for them. What a friggin joke. He just wants to one again be in
front of a camera so they cannot exclude him in a book or movie. He does seem to uncover good info
most of the time though.He said last nite on NG that G&CA have a book deal for $1.7million with
Lifetime that has now been tabled until it is decided whether or not G&CA get charged for anything.
Friggin SICK!@!!!!! I would only wath a movie if every single dime went to Charity and not by way
of any CHARACTERS involved. I think they should all be barred from making any $$$$. It is just
sick. What is wrong with people.
Also someone please tell NG (while we are on this kick), that the Green and the Orange silk suit jacket
she wears are driving me nuts!!!!Dont get me wrong. I think she has a good heart and is only doing her
job, but she gets TOOO dramatic for me! I hate when she pretends like she is gonna cry.Please!
In the end on another note, I want to see MOMSTER ROT AWAY for the REST of HER LIFE! Death
penalty is too fast of a punishment. That is getting off easy with us the public. However she will
continue to pay when she finally meets her maker someday and looks once again into those ANGEL
EYES of Caylee. God Bless You Sweet Angel.
Farmchick says:
7 days ago
How bout this for a Oxymoron. (Hope I'm using the word correclty).
What about this for a defense.Casey drug them all in on this and then BOBOHead points the finger at
her own family. HAH! CA did it cause she couldnt stand me being the mother and having the ultimate
control and ofcourse my Dad is gonna protect my mom and LA moved the body to frame me.
Is this why they all are runnign scared also.LA attorney said LA hired him because he(LA) has never
been involved in amurder trial and it is the prosecutions job to look into all angles and the defenses job
also. HMMMMMM!! Could get really muddied! They better hope they did none of what I expect to be
true or all of em may be behind bars for a long time. I am not saying they were actually involved in the
murder. (Casey and Xanax did that, I believe) Howevver, I do think Casey would point the finger at her
own family in a heartbeat!
Farmchick says:
7 days ago
Nov.15th Dominic Casey allegedly knows where Caylee's remains are and Nov. 20th Mark NeJame
resigns because he told them he would not help them with Casey whatsoever and could not control
Cindy's mouth. I smell a rat.
Farmchick says:
7 days ago
Here it is about George. Would this mean the Family did move the body and PI's had othing to do with
the moving of it sinve they were looking in the woods next to home?!?!
Farmchick says:
7 days ago
I hate talking to myself. I must learn to sleep in a bit.
Texas Equusearch was scheduled to search again on Nov.8. So, does anybody know if where the
remains were eventually found, if it was under water at that time? This could be why they put it there.
TE would not look because of water. They were not ready to give it up yet, and knew that where the
body was, where George was sighted, was going to be searched again (previously underwatwer) and
she would be found. Had to move her.
I son't think the remains were moved, unless it was very early on. Caylee's bones were scattered far and
wide, That took some time to happen.
NG drives me crazy at times, too, But that is her "brand." Everyone who comes on her show knows it.
She has helped Drew Petrimoux (sp?) career quite a bit.
Remember Twisted Mystery Writer said a couple of months back that she had someone reverse
engineer the photo of "Caylee at the mall" and it had Dominic Casey's ID on it, as a photo from his
computer? This guy is int up to his eyeballs.
Marie RN says:
7 days ago
Good morning, Farmchick! I'll talk to you! Tim Miller from Equusearch said the water receded about 3
weeks prior to the finding of the body Dec. 11. So that would have been about Nov. 15.
Whoa, Bombshell! I'm just now watching NG from last night. Natisha Lance, the NG producer just said
that the tip re: the "mall sighting of Caylee" came in on Nov. 16, the DAY after Dominic went out to
find the remains. And the picture of her at the mall came from his computer! I thought he had
manufactured the sighting before, I really do now!
Response from Twisted
Hello and Happy New Year! Sorry I haven't written sooner. I took a little holiday hiatus. Thank you
for the kind words regarding my Anthony posts. I'm glad to know you like my writing style. It is a bit
'off', but so are the things I write about, so I figure it's only fitting. Yes, I have read, and posted, on the
hub you frequently contribute to. I didn't read the thread about the turnip truck, however. He actually
said that himself (Bia$ed) so perhaps he's reading the hub? I am DEFINATELY giving you TWO
thumbs-up because it's such a great place to catch up, read opinions and theories, and immerse oneself
in this mystery. Thanks for the pat on the back. It is very much appreciated! ~Twisted~
Farmchick says:
7 days ago
So no one thinks animals could disperse bones all over an acre in a months time? Maybe whomever
moved the body did. Remember DC went to the scene 4 different times. Only twice with JH. He could
of done it after he actually found them.
I cannot wait till someone figures out this meter reader thing. I swear someone was tipping him off or
something funny is going on there. It was said on one of the shows the other night that the meter
readers supervisor is the Anthony's neighbor. Could that be it. I believe LP has it right when he says
there is a daisy chain. Has to be. This is tooooo much of A coincidence to not be. But, where is the links
and has LE figured them out.
Three hours of conversation with was it FBI and LE with Jim Hoover is alot to talk about.With attorney
at his side also mind you. He wouldn't dare come forward and lie to FBI and LE. The liar has got to be
DC. Otherwise he would talk. Nothing to hide.Not afraid of being charged. WHy would JH lie to
investigators and take a chance at being charged. DC is the one not talking with authorities along with
Oct30th George is looking into woods that are about to be searched Nov. 8th along with NejAME
RESIGNING RIGHT AFTER! Sorry about capitals. My C button and V button on my laptop popped
off and cannot get them back on. Am trying to live without them.
I think JMO is right. SHIITE IS GONNA HIT!
Marie RN says:
7 days ago
Farm Chick, you may be right. I think (hpe) we will find out the truth eventually.
Weds, thanks for sharing that! I always thought that LE and NG read this page, now it looks like Jose
Boner does too! Hi, Jose! Can't wait til Twisted starts posting again. I can't wait to hear her take on all
the new developments.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
7 days ago
IMO...We all seem to doubt LP and "question his credibility"; however, everything the man says is
always on target and is later proven. I sometimes question his motive, as to his involvement, but he
does not lie or misconstrue anything, to my knowledge. His latest comments have been proven with the
video that JMo posted....
Yes, I am up late. Just saw this on the net, came out tonight. You gotta watch the video. It's Hoover! He
gave his 10 minute tape to the FBI this evening and the report by the FBI is: "The evidence appears to
be key incriminating evidence against Casey Anthony in the murder of her daughter". Shites going
On another note, NG does rattle my nerves sometimes, but what ya wanna bet, if she was on the
prosecution against Casey, she would make the tramp talk!! She has the intimidation that SOMEONE
needs to present to the tramp!!
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
7 days ago
Farmchick--the answer to ALL of your questions IS...this page has not been "kept up" by its creator;
therefore, it is very slow. You learn to have patience when you visit here. I have personally emailed the
creator and have also asked many, many times (up there---/\ /\ /\ /\ /\--as an old "friend" would say) for
this page to be "fixed". It just hasn't happened. In the future, to avoid multiple posts, just hit "post
comment" ONE will eventually post...just be patient. You are doing nothing wrong and there is
no easier way to post...welcome to Futy's Theory Farm.
As for having to refresh to see comments, the answer is--that's just the way it works. One's mouse does
seem to have a mind of it's own when visiting here and it does take FOREVER for pages to load....this
is due once again, to the neglect of this page!!
Wednesday says this page loads faster using the Firefox browser. I use Avant browser and it does load a
litttllleee faster.
We have all JUST gotten used to dealing with the slowness, I believe. It's just something that comes
along with our stay at the Theory Farm. Once again....WELCOME!
Aubree's Grandma says:
7 days ago
This case has my head spinning ... I'm so glad to have found this hub and to find others who are
interested in and more knowledgable about this case than I am. I don't know much about how the legal
system works but I'm wondering if and when we will ever hear about the evidence found at the
Anthony home or what was found in the bag along with the remains. We were getting so much info in
the beginning about everything and now nothing. Is it because we know now for sure that Caylee is
dead that they have to keep everything hushed up? There must be more interrogations going on with
Casey & the Anthony family - wonder if those documents will be released? It just seems that for awhile
there so much was going on with new info coming out almost every day. I would think the toxology
reports should be coming out soon along with more info...guess I'm just getting impatient...I want to
know NOW (lol).
rammjet says:
7 days ago
steve, you are right, letting her rot away is a good form of punishment for her as well - and I'm all for it
- but at times, I'd rather see her suffer in part the way her child did.
imacynic2 says:
7 days ago
First - on the discovery - generally you do do written Interrogatories prior to taking a verbal deposition
so that someone has to commit, in writing to answers prior to giving oral testimony in a deposition. I
agree - it gives her time to think up answers, but it also puts those answers in writing, in a sworn
document, and she's stuck with them for her deposition, court testimony. Leave it to Casey - she'll stick
her foot in her mouth somewhere. Its good that they are allowing them to do the Interrogatories - It
means the judge is leaning toward letting her proceed with the case and they probably set up a deadline
for the depositions, etc as well.
I totally think Casey is getting DNA/Fingerprints from her family to set up her defense. First of all
Lee's DNA - to test for paternity. Secondly - everyone's fingerprints. If the duct tape came from the
house - its possible someone else touched it - perhaps they can get a fingerprint that didn't come from
imacynic2 says:
7 days ago
First - on the discovery - generally you do do written Interrogatories prior to taking a verbal deposition
so that someone has to commit, in writing to answers prior to giving oral testimony in a deposition. I
agree - it gives her time to think up answers, but it also puts those answers in writing, in a sworn
document, and she's stuck with them for her deposition, court testimony. Leave it to Casey - she'll stick
her foot in her mouth somewhere. Its good that they are allowing them to do the Interrogatories - It
means the judge is leaning toward letting her proceed with the case and they probably set up a deadline
for the depositions, etc as well.
I totally think Casey is getting DNA/Fingerprints from her family to set up her defense. First of all
Lee's DNA - to test for paternity. Secondly - everyone's fingerprints. If the duct tape came from the
house - its possible someone else touched it - perhaps they can get a fingerprint that didn't come from
1) Mom
JMo says:
7 days ago
Watch the hearing live at this site.
JMo says:
7 days ago
I hope you guys are watching this live right now. Once you conclude everything (which they both have
great arguments and points) it all comes down to one thing: MONEY.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
7 days ago
JMo, I am watching as I work. They went and got her outta jail so that she could state that it was Ok to
proceed without her being present. Look to see if you see a "bump". She is looking pretty rough these
days, UH??!!
Baez is going way out of his way to get access to these pic, including having a server with all of these
protections & encryptions in place...NOW puhlease tell me..who is going to pay for all of this??!!!!!
the martins says:
7 days ago
First time 'hubber' everyone....and thanks to many a brilliant post that I have read for the insight and
just the ability to make me think....and LAUGH. This story tears at my heart... Now..about Nancy
Grace....with her is it that she ever even got pregnant?????? That is something to
Marie RN says:
7 days ago
Casey is live in court on HLN. She sure looks puffy. Anybody but me think she is pregnant? I'm
waiting til she leaves the court to check out her stomuch. Unless Baez makes them turn off the cameras
for her exit.
donagal says:
7 days ago
watching the live video, family not there, she just left not sure if she has a
baby belly, hard to tell in that lovely outfit and hands handcuffed
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
7 days ago was dark over that way when she exited....did you see anything? I couldn't tell.
JMo says:
7 days ago
Video just finished. She has the little dark circles is about it. Her clothes looked a little 'baggy' when
she left, so couldn't tell if preg or not. Also, the only time I saw her almost 'choke up' was when they
first said, "Caylee Marie Anthony's remains". Then she composed herself back to her stupid poker face!
That Linda Drane Burdick is evil, but is also protective of the states things. Seems with Baez
mentioning 20 motions, he doesn't and hasn't had access to anything! That ought to hold the case up for
a while.
imacynic2 says:
7 days ago
Momster just left court - she actually had the nerve to smile at Baez at the end of her hearing. . .
I got cut off earlier - but I think Casey will try one of the following - either she will say that Caylee got
outside and was playing and the ladder got left in the pool by Cindy and Caylee got in without Casey
knowing and she lied to protect Cindy from knowing that she caused Caylee's death or
She will continue with the Nanny story as long as it will take her and say they put Caylee there to help
frame Casey.
imacynic2 says:
7 days ago
I think the family is done with her now. I think the only reason they had anything to do with her was
because she told them Caylee was okay and she (Casey) knew how to get her back. Now that they
know that Caylee is dead I bet they all turn on her and tell anything and everything the Court wants to
know. I think they did what they needed to do - hold out hope that Caylee was alive - no matter what -
and now that that is gone - I exect they will not hestiate to incriminate Casey if it helps to bring her to
justice. I think they are merely trying to do so in a way that won't get the rest of the family in trouble.
JMo says:
7 days ago
"Some things are right in front of us and we still dont see them"
Funny, she had that same stare and look as OJ did through his trial. Look at both and you will see the
simularities. She's a cold hard killer with a convincing smile.
If she hadn't concealed the first pregnancy so well I wouldn't even consider that she might be pregs, but
somethings fishy. Pun intended.
JMo says:
7 days ago
The squirrels are demanding a pregnancy test!
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
I was lost in Cyber world for over 24 hrs again dam DSL. I did watch Casey today in Court absolutely
no emotion about any thing. But of course she did manage a smile for BO Bo Head. I think Bo Bo
Head fell of the Turnip truck and his head if he thinks he will get Casey off this charge. Caseys lies will
do her in and the evidence. I heard today there probably will not be Trial until 2010. Thee are more
players in this that will come down hard, no wonder they all want immunity.I think the finding of
Caylee's remains were planned while the Anthony's were in Calif, this was a set up so they would not
be around. Funny how Dominic Casey stayed at the same expensive hotel the Anthony's did, on there
return from Calif, to hide out. This was all very conveinent.
losingit says:
7 days ago
Hi everyone. I've been following this site for a month or so now. I was working (for a week) where
there was no TV when Caylee was found. After following the story for so long I thought I'd go crazy
from lack of info, but then I found you. I'm watching todays court highlites on NG. Casey looks puffy
and pale and so uncaring about the whole situation. It's like she's just resigned to it now. Lying is hard
work and hard work is not Casey's thing. Before, Casey always looked frustrated and almost frantic.
Today it's like "whatever, prison sucks but even if I got off no one would want to party with me
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Jo, are you still trying to set up that PA by Casey's cell. Do not forget to play You Are My Sun Shine
and have a pic of Caylee.
losingit says:
7 days ago
My daughter is only a couple years younger than Casey. She lives on her own. Last night she called me
just before midnight. I missed the call by seconds but immediately called her back in a state of late
night phone panic. Turns out that her hamster was dying. She's crying and inconsolable while I did my
best to calm her down. I thought she was going to throw up. Okay, I get her calmed down and managed
to get to bed around 1:30. She called this morning. Hamster has passed away during the night. More
tears, nearly throwing up, "what should I do Mom, the ground is frozen so I can't bury her?" I get her
under control and she manages to call a vet. She calls me back and tells me, "Mom, I talked to a lady
with an angel voice. She said for $60.00 they will cremate her and then they spread the ashes on a
farm." I said, "I'll pay for half", I think, "WTF $60.00 for a hamster???" Bottom line, my daughter shed
more tears over a hamster than..........., ah, you know what I'm getting at.
GranNaw says:
7 days ago
Well, well....Ms. Anthony does appear very "puffy"! Maybe a little too much salt in that prison bologna
and those grits she just loves so much, OR... might it be something else???
I did notice as she came into court that she kept those hands (bound with shackels btw) right in front of
any visible bump that might of been present. How convenient! I did not see her exit so can't say.
MarieRN may very well be on to something here.
I do think its possible for sure. She managed to keep her preg. with Caylee a big secret until well into
her 7th month according to her Uncle, who's to say she couldn't do it again. And think about it...... this
girl had no job, no means of support other than her stealing (and I think she knew that gig was about
up) wants to live on her own (told Amy she was getting the house & they could room together AND
told Tony#2 that she wanted to get an apartment, AND told Marine Corp Dude (sorry, can't think of his
name right now) that she had something to tell him and she needed to do it in person) All this (IMO)
could ad up to her getting herself pregs again in order to snag her a man (Tony or the Marine Dude
-either one would do in her mind I believe) and get out of Mom's once and for all. Then everything
went to hell and back quick when mom busted her before she could get away clean.
On another note regarding the court hearing today. I find it distressing that Cindy could not pull herself
away from whatever she was doing and be there for little Caylee. Cindy did not run into a camera that
she did not just love for the longest time in this thing and yes, I know she is grieving right now and
making funeral plans. Give me a freaking break. She is effing embarrased to show her face. She
grieved back when those air sample reports came in, then she circled those wagons and I think it is all
about to come crashing down on that damn muffin head of hers and she knows it! (JMO)
Marie RN says:
7 days ago
We will find out if she is pregnant soon enough. She did keep her hands right in front of her stomach.
On NG they mentioned that she "sat as close to Baez as she could, because she was hiding.": BS -
hiding! I think Cindy knows she is pregnant, and that is why she won't say anything against her,
because she wants the baby.
linn says:
7 days ago
Hey all.. I really watched Casey today. To me she is thinner. Look at her face compared to before
prison. She does have the dark circles, but her face is a lot thinner. You might be able to get by on your
first pregnacy, but usually the second you do show. I KNOW if she was preggers, that info would have
slipped out. I don't think she is. They do health checks in prison. IF she was, Cindy would know and
would be thrilled! She could start over. But really, Casey is tiny. If she was pregnant for a second if not
more times, it would show by now. Also, I do not think she would want it. She did not want Caylee.
Why would she want another one? If she found out after her arrest, I do think the jail officals that do
checkups upon arrival, would know. No way would that info be kept silent.
As for calling Caylee the little snot, sorry to be crude but I think she said "Do you want me to bring the
shot head"..Maybe she was thinking she wanted to do other "head" on Tony. sorry again.
Steve, I LOVE I LOVE LUCY!! I could and do, watch it every day and have all the early episodes on
I like NG, but I have to give her kudos on her wardrobe.. lol. It is obvious she does not have to have a
new outfit for every show. The leather jacket is actually quite pretty. The buckskin colored one. It is not
a vest, but the bottom of the sleeves and the bottom of the jacket are a dark brown. Blended into the
buckskin. I really like that jacket. Even her jewerly. I love it, but that is not the point. Again, she wears
the same jewerly all the time. Again at least she is not into wearing a different outfit every day. I DO
WISH, she would stop interupting the guests. I know or heard, she is very nice to all off screen as is
Judge Judy. That part is for show. It is just irritating. I also think she DOES almost cry on certain
things. I mean, don't we all want to cry when talking about Caylee or even our own kids at times? She
went through tons to have the "twins", and almost lost her life and one of the babies. This NG is not the
same NG she was beford she had her children.
Sorry for the NG commentary, but I, for some reason, seem to know where she is coming from. She is
also about 47 or 48 I believe. She could be starting, gasp! Menopause. Women do have more emotions,
yet many this age do NOT have 1 year olds! I would cry too! I do believe she is geniune in her
Casey is the opposite of NG. She could not flinch if someone's head was hacked off in front of her. I
Do think she is finally realizing her 22 year old life is over. It will be a prison cell until she dies.
Justice. But I bet she does wish she would not of commited murder on her little girl. Not so much for
missing Caylee, but for missing her life of sex, booze and drugs.
After watching her today, I DO NOT THINK she even has the smallest desire to go to Caylee's funeral.
If she gets the OK to watch it on TV live, I bet she will choose not to.
And to whomever posted how long it takes your post to show up, DO NOT CLICK MORE THAN
ONCE!! LOL.. My first day posting I did about 3 times, sorry all. You will get it posted three times.
My computer, if you look above the comment form, has a tiny wheel think that says "working" I
believe. Once it posts, 10 minutes later, my post might be up with several new ones.
NG - You didn't let us down tonight, LOVED the giantic purple necklace - NOT!!
Allyss says:
7 days ago
Hi all, does anyone know where Proudmom is and if she is ok, she hasn't posted in two days and that is
not like her, I am starting to worry.
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Allyss, no idea where Prod Mom is, I was not able to get on my DSL went down again, was out over 24
GranNaw says:
7 days ago
Allyss - Proud Mom posted earlier today to another hub so my guess is that she is around, maybe just
nothing to say about this topic or hasn't got to this one yet!
MarieRN - you are probably right about Cindy's motivation in this IF in fact Casey is actually pregnant.
I do think that would be a very HARD TO KEEP secret in and around a jail. A lot of people in and out
of there and this case is sooo crazy and bazar... don't you think that SOMEONE would have spilled it
by now.That would be a "BOMBSHELL" (as our beloved NG would say) that would just be too good
to keep secret....
Allyss says:
7 days ago
Thanks GranNaw
GranNaw says:
7 days ago
Upon further reflection about the "pregnancy secret".
I own and operate a business that caters primarily to women, most of whom work in various high level
professional careers, whether it be nursing, law enforcement, local and federal government, etc. etc.
etc..... Women just love to talk and many of them just love to pass along little pieces of "inside
information". They may not name names or be "specific" with certain details. but we always know who
or what "big thing" they are talking about even when names haven't been named or specifics given.
I just really think that Casey's secret would be "out" by now IF in fact she were really pregnant.
(a) she is ashamed to show her face after everything that has been exposed publicly about her sorry ass
(b) she was afraid her mom would be there and she would have to face her
(c) BoBo finally gave her some good advice and instructed her "don't go to any of the preliminaries and
after you're convicted you can fire me and claim that you really didn't waive your right to appear, you
wanted to be there" (pretty much an instant reversal in FL)
(d) she is really just a heartless, calculating, self centered, "spiteful bitch" that just does not give a rip
roar one way or the other.........
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
GranNaw, I like A, B, C, and D they all fit her to a T
GranNaw says:
7 days ago
Maybe I should ad (like they do on those stupid standardized tests)
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
This is the real world, Casey killed her child, that is the reality. And we are involved because we fell in
love with this child!!!!!!!! The reality of this is Casey will pay for what she did.
jo1031 says:
7 days ago
Rascal & Proud Mom- I'm still working on that PA system. Do not worry I've been spending time on
the beach & have not been arrested.
GranNaw- My answer is D.
GranNaw says:
7 days ago
Rascal, I hope you are right that Casey will pay for what she did. Unfortunately the reality of our legal
system is that the guilty ones sometimes walk away scott free... if that happens though, we always have
Karma to back us up. I am a firm believer that what goes around comes around, sooner or later.
steve says:
7 days ago
I agree with Rascal! GranNaw, give me some time and I will finish the alphabet for us. Momster right
now is thinking of her new defense as she lays her ugly mug on that comfy pillow. I am channeling her
right now and from what I am picking up she thinks she is a virgin! Unbelievable, even for her! But
BOBO Head might buy it and that is all that matters. Trial getting set for next year?? We can now
officially call this our 2nd home. Futy is our caretaker. Thank you Futy from a bunch of us that have
formed a bond of sorts on a ship that has an unlimited supply of fuel to keep it afloat.
lee says:
6 days ago
Hello All, its been awhile have not read the comments for sometime.....anyway watching the BABY
K---er on TV today was like music to my ears! loved watching her walk in the court room with chains
wrapped around her it was awesome.... as for her walking away? hmmm I do agree with that
statement...... she just might walk away and its sick just thinking about it. Whats so amazing about this
nightmare "CAYLEE's" that Casey has managed to pull together a defence team to support her,
and I doubt its because they trully believe she is innocent, but more so to receive recognition.
What ever happened to the possibility of finding finger prints on the tape found wrapped around
Caylee's mouth?
What is the true story about the death of Caylees real father?
I think sicko doesnt show her MUG simply because she is GUILTY.
JMo says:
6 days ago
I don't think Casey looks puffy anywhere. Look at her right hand when she raises it...her fingers are
bone thin (no preg. swelling there) and her breasts are not big (as if preg) *sorry for the visual. She
looks very tiny to me, especially if you compare her face to earlier when she went into jail, it was much
fuller then.
I saw a little smirk at one point when the Judge responded to George (on prosecution team)...she is so
snide and knows exactly what is going on.
I also think when Baez took his 5 minutes with her prior to her entering the court, he instructed her to
look straight ahead, don't smile or respond, except if asked a question by the judge (then just say yes or
no). That is typical attorney advice. She is a great actress, but I don't think she will get an award...I
wonder if she knows that?
GranNaw says:
6 days ago
As to Caylee's father - IMO the bed hopping little tramp never knew for sure who the "baby daddy"
was so she tried to pin it on Jesse Grund (an attempt to snag a man and get out?) and then has just been
pulling names out of thin air and making things up in that cob web tangled brain of hers to appease
Cindy or whomever wanted to know at the moment. She lives for the moment and spins her tails for
whatever moment she is in. I don't think that ANYONE has ever held this girl accountable for
ANYTHING her entire 22 years, she has spun her tails so long now that she actually believes them.
Jo -I'm leaning towards D myself this morning. Glad to see that you haven't been locked up, although if
you could arrange to get yourself that cell next to Casey in the Orange Co jail... I'm sure you would
have a "boat load" of visitors to come help you slap the little bitch around.
GranNaw says:
6 days ago
No "People's Choice Award" and she wasn't looking very glam. Maybe I should ad another option to
the previous list....
(F) Gee, I haven't fixed my hair or put my make-up on yet. I just can't show up in court looking like
this, there might be some men there... I need to look good!
Farmchick says:
6 days ago
Did anyone catch yesterday in the hearing part one , that Baez said "Since I have been given or handed
control of CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY's remains"....He has the control. I suppose because Casey IS
next of KIn and he is her lawyer. Is this why no FUneral yet.Is the Death Certificate out there online
yet? Is Casey listed as Next of KIN?
Also , How does Brad Conway, atty for the Anthony's have any STANDING legally to even speak at
this hearing?
Dont get me wron, I am not for the MOMSTER. Just Leagal questions I have.
Farmchick says:
6 days ago
I noticed as I am watching part 2 of the hearing. That if you watch it online, she does look thinner like
another poster posted. However the clips on TV make her look ALOT bigger. And yes, even her breasts
look bigger on TV. She is way puffed out on TV, but online she is thinner. HMMMM....
GranNaw says:
6 days ago
Good points Farm Chick---- more to think about as I am off to the bank and work..
donagal says:
6 days ago
I am sitting here today babysitting my great niece (who is 2 yrs and 10 months old) and just can't figure
out how anyone could hurt and their baby or any baby. I'm watching her because she just had a
beautiful new baby sister two days ago. We were all there right after the birth and while we watched
her meet her new sister she sang to her "you are my sunshine" I almost started crying! It was so
precious and innocent and all I could think of is how Caylee will never sing that song again and how
awful her mother is. Sorry for getting so mushey! Just needed to get my thoughts down.
I think Casey didn't want to come out because she knows what is going to happen and resigned herself
to just be where she is, not to mention how she couldn't pretty herself up. I can't believe her family
wasn't there to see her for in a few moments, I think they are coming to their senses and don't want to
see her. Casey told the truth about that one, Cindy will never forgive her.
imacynic2 says:
6 days ago
I'm sure if she's puffy its from the candy bars and instant lunches and jail food she's been eating@!
I think they need to create a special jail cell for her - papered in pictures of Caylee, both before and
after death so she can reflect every day on what she did to her baby. Perhaps they can install a tv so she
can hear Caylee too - a few weeks of that ought to do her in.
Marie RN says:
6 days ago
GranNaw said Casey is thinking...Gee, I haven't fixed my hair or put my make-up on yet. I just can't
show up in court looking like this, there might be some men there... I need to look good!
You are sooo right GranNaw. How about giving her a gift certificate to your spa? She could get the
"special' treatment.
FarmChick, you raise a good point about Casey, not George and Cindy, having control over when the
funeral is held. As Casey is Caylee's next of kin, George and Cindy can't just go ahead and bury her,
even if the autopsies are done.
As I was watching NG last night, I remembered when Jose Boner wanted to get permission for he and
Casey to go look for the body. It was denied, of course. Wasn't that right before the meter guy called the
first time? Were Casey going to show Boner specifically where the body was so that someone could
"find" it while she was incarcerated? I know there's a logical answer.
JMo says:
6 days ago
Ok, read this mornings report. Looks like enough to pin it on her! It made me cry to read this, but also
made me happy they are piecing it together. Plants growing through the skeletal remains....pinged her
cell phone in that area,...proof that the bag was in her trunk for 2 days....etc. She know's damn well she
threw that body there on the 18th of June. Now it is just a circus for the lawyers fame! Again, she is a
cold calculated sociopath, nothing more. When she crys, it is for herself.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
As far as Funeral for Caylee, Casey gave her one she threw her away like trash. Do you think she really
cares now that Casey was found. Casey cares about her own sorry (_!_) that is all she has ever cared
about. The most precious gift she ever had is gone and she took her away. Legally Casey is the next of
kin, so she must of signed over Caylee.s remains to Bo Bo Head. A lot of the tests are not back yet, do
not give up on the prints on the Duct Tape, the FBI takes time.
steve says:
6 days ago
There are 101 things that we can speculate about from who is the dad to is pregs again. One thing that
there is no speculation about is that momster is not like any of us on the boat. Remember, momster and
the truth are strangers. Also, if we were to zig she would be zagging. I.M.O. she should win a peoples
choice award, And the people choose to........................................( IT COULD GET UGLY! ) To break
it down, as Arnold Horshack from Welcome Back Kotter used to say ooh-ooh-ooooh. "Hello. How are
ya? I'm Arnold Horsha-a-ck. Ah, The Sweathogs! Perhaps one of them should give their D.N.A.??
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
JMo, Wow that link is great! Now we need the rest of the tests.
JMo says:
6 days ago
The squirrels have gone to tell Zanaida the news! This should free her name, hopefully. Casey could
save everyone time and money by just fessing up to what she did and why. Now everyone else has
suffered due to her pulling them into her sickness and continues to do so. I think they are going to go
for the death penalty, esp. if she cost the state more money to try and figure out all the details while she
sits there and smirks at everyone. Well, Cindy and George can at least live with themselves now that
they know in their hearts they tried to be on Caseys side and they won't feel she is going down because
of their not doing their best as parents to help her. That is just one less guilt they need to feel. Although,
they did overstep the boundaries of law, I think it was purely to find Caylee. Casey, you evil witch!
Farmchick says:
6 days ago
I think you are speaking of when she was on home confinement and wanted to be able to go LOOK for
Caylee with her attorney as she could only do her home and atty office.I even think they specifically
wanted no tailing. I am sure she wanted to take him tot he body, so they could move it. Well believe me
they found a way to do it eventually. But,that motion was flat out denied.
I really wanna figure this daisey chain. There has to be something with the meter reader all be it
innocent on his part, MAYBE. I think LE ruled him out tooooo fast as being in on a conspiracy with
DC and JH. What was it ... right after they released info that he had made other calls in August. How
the hell could they do a thorough investigation that fast. It was like the next day or something , that
they said he was on the up and up. I am having a hard time believing he was not tipped off.
On another note, I thought it was soooo funny when BOZO was making the case that he still has not
gotten reports on car and it has been seven months, yada, yada, yada, ....he looked at SA with complete
disgust as to see if he could make the judge get disgusted in them. When that motion finally was
argued, it came out that they, Tennesse, I believe, owes him NO REPORT. He looked like such an
IDIOT on sooo many levels yesterday. I really liked these SA's. So many times they made the point, he
needs to do hey dude, do your job. Do we have to coach you?
He's Caylees father. I just know it .Someone please give me their take.Look at him and look at Caylee
and Casey. Maybe that is how she secured his services sooo fast and that is why they keep getting
warned about innappropriate touching.
Farmchick says:
6 days ago
So if that story is true, then the body was not moved. Why do Cindy , George and Lee need immunity?
Only thing I can think of is that they suspected Casey and circled the wagons as someone else put it and
put out false leads. They were in on generating false leads with DC. Also, maybe they did know she
was there as of Nov 14th., and did not tell LE. Anybody notive if they quit driving that way out of the
neighborhood way back in NOV? I know it was said they cannot even bear to drive that way now
according to Conway, I think. That would be nice to know.
JMo says:
6 days ago
My take on it is this: we have already found out that the father is 'in the family' and the ANTS have
refused so far to tell LE who that is. This is why they are in some legal trouble for witholding important
information and lying to officials.
I think yesterday's court breifings were pretty normal. A lot of that is lawyer mumbo jumbo that has to
go through the court/judge to be recorded and made official. SA and Baez have nothing against each
other, heck, they are probably socially acquainted. It is just the nature of the business. I think Baez was
the best I've seen him in a while. I think he is doing his job to try and prove Casey innocent, but he
can't make the SA give him evidence that is supposed to be shared. The judge set deadlines for them to
turn it over to him. Now, in my opinion, I think he knows Casey did it, but he has to do what he can for
his client, he is her representative. If he didn't do it, who would? Everyone has the right to fair
representation and he has to do his duty under his license.
Anyway, hopefully, they will be going forward to extract the 'truth' out of all the evidence and findings
and hopefully it is being done in honor of CAYLEE. Even if Casey comes clean, you can't believe
anything she says and they need the story straight. They also need to do more discovery about who else
did what, clear Zanaida's name, etc.. Caylee at least deserves that. It needs to be more than, Oh well, I
killed her and put her in a bag and threw her out like trash, then partied like a rock star till I got caught.
It needs to be about CAYLEE and the TRUTH, not the lying momster.
JMo says:
6 days ago
Farmchick, I think the fingerprinting of the ANTS is something that is procedural, 1. just in case 2.
because their prints could be on a lot of things since they all lived together 3. because there is suspicion
that they tampered with evidence 4. to rule out Casey (if her prints aren't on there) 5. to provide the
defense with an angle to use later and 6. identify evidence (such as the duct tape...if George's
fingerprints are on it, then maybe that will show where it came from, ie the anthony house. If none of
their prints are on there, and someone else's are, then that can show that Casey borrowed it from one of
her friends house and that would clear the ANTS. So, proving the ANTS fingerprints are NOT on
something can be just as useful. LOL, besides if the ANTS get charged with something, then
fingerprinting is one less thing they have to do.
I wonder if they would of been able to take fingerprints off of Caylees little book? Bless her heart.
steve says:
6 days ago
The ANTS and immunity were not in the same sentence until the relations with Mr. Casey and Mr.
Hoover went south! I think they and obstruction of justice are in the same sentence however!
BOBOHead the father? I doubt it. More likely Freddie "Boom Boom" Washington! How he got the
nickname in case you didn't know. ( boy do I need my boys to go back to school already! ) Tonight we
will be have a buffet style dinner located on the 2nd level right after N.G. After dinner we will be
making jewelry to send to her for next weeks shows. Your participation is requested and required.
Should be fun...
gohmmm says:
6 days ago
I've been watching in amazement at this case with all of you. I'm still thinking incest and that's what
has kept this family so entangled in hiding the truth, be it George or Lee. I doubt that she is pregnant,
but I do think that Baez was or is completely intrigued by her, and probably did get sexually involved,
even if only mentally. Sociopaths are excellent at pulling you into their own private world. And he is a
middle aged man who I'm sure fell for her feminine ways. She certainly knows how to use it, and he
probably feels good being needed by such a troubled and misunderstood young woman.(tsk)
I'm sure he also took this case because it is so high profile, and now is the time for him to either make
his career "big time" or not. Unfortunately, some trial lawyers don't particularly care which side they
are on as long as they get the media attention.
And that also goes for Miss Nancy Grace who has made more than a bundle on this. I have to admit
that I also record her show so I can quickly scan thru it and find the "latest breaking news", but aren't
there other cases that deserve some media attention?
She reminds me of the predator sellers on QVC who pretend they are the elderly callers best friends
just to get them to spend more money. Sad how people are lonely and need to feel recognized any way
they can get it...but that's another post...
Onward and upward..I wish I could fast forward on this to see how it all ends. I admit I am hooked!
JMo says:
6 days ago
The more I think about it, the more I feel better about the news today.
I think they are still going to do the lawyer circus thing, especially at attacking dominic. Imagine how
small those little bones are and how they were scattered and washed around by the hurricane and flood
waters. I think everyone suspected that area and dominic was just following the leads, (a lot better than
some) and they are trying to make something out of it. I could see how those could be missed. They are
so tiney and had plants growing through them and bug decay, plus, tossed in all that overgrowth...icky
to think about, but I absolutely could see how they could be missed, even under a small layer of mud or
dirt. Then you have a bunch of untrained people out there searching and walking all over
wouldn't take much to push those tiny peices back under the mud. These untrained people were
probably looking for a full body (that's what the mind pictures when thinking of a missing child). So, I
personally don't think dominic knew anything more than anyone else, but of course, I could be wrong. I
think Roy Krunk reported that damn bag 3 times and no one investigated, then all the floods came, etc.
He was then assigned that area again for his work and ventured in that area to see what he could find
and found that bag again and opened it this time and little Caylee's skull rolled out, full of hair with
duct tape strapped around it. I bet he puked his guts out when he got the chance. I think he should be
given a reward and not suspected of stuff for finding it. I am glad it was found. Casey probably thought
the hurricaine would wash it out to sea or it would remain in her favorite spot forever.
SadieSkye says:
6 days ago
IMO.... casey looked wayyy puffy... her upper arms looked heavier... my hands didnt swell during my
pregnancy til the last week.. im small framed like fuffy in the face in the same way she
has...she even lost her defined neck...kinda got a double chin thing starting... It it me or has her nose
grown? that cud be due to her numerous lies or sometimes when your pregnant some womens noses
and ears get bigger during...(swell)..Hhmmmmmm....
BTW--- Her ass looked wider too... not a white bread and water ass..... maybe thats why shes been
pigging out sooo much since shes been inside..... regular meals wudnt be enuf to satisfy a pregos
cravings... is the snack bar open?became her phrase of the day.... to be honest i didnt think she was
proggo til i saw her trashed out puffy self ..... unbelievable...this stuff blows my mind...
LLee says:
6 days ago
I just want to clear up something here. There has never been any conclusion that the father was from
within the family. There was difficulty proving that the hair from the car was not Casey's because the
hair brush provided was Caseys not Caylees and their hair is very similar. That statement about the
father being someone with in the family was made as speculation up LP and others.
I'll betcha that the father is that Marine from Cali who had a one night stand with Casey and then went
back to Cali and got married. I'll bet Casey promised him not to tell anyone he was the father so his
wife wouldn't leave him.
donagal says:
6 days ago
I don't think she is pregnant, I think she has just gained weight eating all her snacks and sitting around.
Not like she is out there working it off having sex like before and drinking and puking it all up!
LLee says:
6 days ago
She does not look pregnant at all to me.
She does look like she has been sitting on her ass eating junk food though!
Also looks like the nightmares have been keeping her awake at night - with those dark circles.
gohmmm says:
6 days ago
I can't beleive that Casey would make a promise to anyone that didn't benefit her.
I'd more willing to bet she made up the one night stand thing to protect herself, and her family who've
had to support her financially.
donagal says:
6 days ago
Maybe they should put a pole in her cell, she could dance to her radio and work some of that ass off.
I'm sure the guards would tip her enough to pay her defense team!
LLee says:
6 days ago
gohmmm - you are probably right about that she probably doesn't know who the Baby Daddy is.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
6 days ago
Rascal...wny not macaroni? It all works out the same. Doesn't it ALL remind you of little children?
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
SE Georgia, I just remember in Scouts being told no more Macaroni. That was one craft I never used, I
tried to find constructive crafts to teach kids.
Marie RN says:
6 days ago
Nannie, Padilla said that Baez is married and has a nice family. I think Jose and Casey have had sex. I
don't think he is Caylee's father, but it was interesting the story came up with to tell her family how she
retained Baez. She said the girls in the holding cell recommended him, she asked another prisoner to
pass her name on to him, and he came to the jail the next day. She looked evasive when she was telling
this story.
I still think she is pregnant. Her breasts look larger, even in the loose jail top. Her butt is definitely
wider. Only the medical people in the jail would know she is pregnant, medical info is kept very
confidential, and there are strong federal HIPAA laws to keep it that way. Jail visitors have overheard
her in the past asking for baby books and saying she wanted another baby. I could be wrong, and I often
am, but this is my opinion. It only matters because it may play a role in the trial and sentencing, and
explain George and Cindy's behavior.
JMO, that was a great link you posted earlier. I'm finally up and running on my new computer after my
old one died! What a headache!
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Welcome back Marie
JMo says:
6 days ago
Preggers or not, she is going to be there a long long time!
LLee says:
6 days ago
She will not get a lighter sentence if she is pregnant.
JMo says:
6 days ago
I don't think she has or had anything going with Baez, but I do find it interesting that she goes to his
office (look up the pictures) in shorts, flip flops and a shirt with the buttons opened up in the front. Not
only a bit suggestive, but highly inappropriate. You are going to visit someone who is going to defend
your life dipshit, not to a beach party with your druggy friends. I think she should of dressed a bit more
appropriate and serious. However, none of this is serious to Casey....she is in her own messed up world!
Then again, she knew the cameras would be taking her pic and she loves planting stuff in people's
minds (i.e. her and Baez got a thing going). She seems to have been able to plant a lot of stuff in
people's mind, ANYthing to distract from the facts of what she did to that little baby girl! I'm trying to
not fall for her bs anymore or address the spins she has put on this story to make everyone part of it and
guilty of something, besides her! It's all about Casey - when it comes to MURDER!
steve says:
6 days ago
JMo, you are so right! A long time for sure. The part that I truly love is that nobody cares enough to
want to pay a visit. No friends momster!! HA HA. No matter how evil, sick, and twisted this bi--h is,
that thought sticks with her 24/7. Awwww, nobody likes you!! Rascal, we are going to have extra
rigatoni after tonights buffet, therefore we will be using it for the jewelry activity which will be held
right after dinner. We better get a thank you from Nancy Grace for looking out for her! Do not feed the
squirrels the pasta! I will not do the cleanup again for their mess. They do not pay me enough.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Steve, OMG that Squirrel goes in the tree by my fish pond, that I have KOI in, if he makes a mess there
he is out of here. LOL
JMo says:
6 days ago
Steve and Rascal, I just got an icky visual....oooooooheeeew!
Yes, I am sure Crazy is haunted by her visuals too...especially when they say: Caylee Marie Anthony's
remains...her skull rolled out of the bag....the skeletal remains had plants growing through them....bugs
crawling on that helpless baby! I hope it haunts her forever!
I just thought of this this sick is it now that George, Cindy and Lee have to remember
that smell for the rest of their life, knowing it was that baby rotting in a plastic garbage bag. How sad
for them, but I bet this way, they will be sure never to forgive that lying witch Casey. She is more evil
than evil itself for doing that! They probably "had to go into denial mode" to keep from freaking out
that it really was baby Caylee. Breaks my heart. Casey should have her room gassed with that smell
every morning when she wakes up, and constantly all day through a tube in her nose while "You are my
sunshine" is piped in over the speaker! She should have bugs crawling on her 'ha ha I ate coleslaw ha
ha' till she pukes herself to death.
Ok, I will stop, I am becoming evil, but man, it sure brings up to mind that she should have to go
through what she did to Caylee!!!
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
JMo, I am sure she is still smelling that odor also, and the nightmares will continue. That will haunt her
the rest of her miserable life.
LLee says:
6 days ago
I agree with you JMo I don't think she had anything going on with Baez either.
I think he is trying to make something of his career. There is nothing to suggest that he would be stupid
enough to be having sex with her. If he did he would loss everything - his family and his career. He just
doesn't strike me as that desparate!
Think about it - if he gets Casey off every criminal will be knocking down his door to hire him.
Organized crime especially.
steve says:
6 days ago
The ANTS will also be haunted for the rest of their lives by society everytime they go outside. I know
it is rude to point but they better get used to it. (As well as the middle finger!) Shabbat Shalom!
steve says:
6 days ago
LLee, I agree with you and others re. Baez not being that deperado. Besides, from what I heard, he only
likes the crabs that you eat! Sorry about that visual JMo.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
I will be very surprised if the Anthony's get immunity at this point, I do not think LE and the FBI need
it, I think this case is all going to be forensics.
LLee says:
6 days ago
Not so sure about that. If PA thinks they will testify against that would make his case very tight. Not
sure that they did anything so horrible that they need to be prosecuted. IMO the PA wants to make them
sweat so that they will come clean with what they know to make sure Casey doesn't get off for this.
LLee says:
6 days ago
Not so sure about that. If PA thinks they will testify against that would make his case very tight. Not
sure that they did anything so horrible that they need to be prosecuted. IMO the PA wants to make them
sweat so that they will come clean with what they know to make sure Casey doesn't get off for this.
donagal says:
6 days ago
Conway on HLN saying he wouldn't let the Anthony's speak to police or FBI without immunity. Last
night on NG it was said they needed immunity to be able to make a deal with lifetime or they wouldn't
work with the Anthony's. I really don't think Cindy and George knew anything and then went into
denial. Who really can think of their child as a murderer??
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Might be someone that washed cloths that were in a car, that smelled like there was a dam dead body in
it. Then went to cover up mode, it was the Pizza.
donagal says:
6 days ago
Your right Rascal my bad, Sorry, Can't seem to get into their heads. I guess I think about my own kids
and know they could never do that and I surely wouldn't be washing their clothes if they smelled like a
dam dead body
steve says:
6 days ago
Ah yes, the ol pizza in the box trick as Maxwell said to agent 99. Everyone ready for dinner? Is it only
me that thinks these ANTS couldn't find the handle on a coffee cup? Thought not..............
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
donagal, you are not bad, this case is so mind boggling make us all crazy, trying to figure out what the
heck happened and why. Keep sharing your theroies.n There are times I just wonder what will be next,
I know there is a lot of players to this case, and we will be shocked when it all comes out.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Now the 2 PI" s are fighting about who is telling lies, OMG thw lies must be catchy!!!! LMAOROF
The Squirrel made them do it.
donagal says:
6 days ago
Thanks Rascal, Ooooh no we're having pizza tonight, I'll make sure to throw the pizza box out in the
trash and not my car
donagal says:
6 days ago
Well they did work for the Anthony's it's a pre rec
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
To Funny!!!! Yes they did work for the Anthonys, now Dominic Casey did for for BO BO HEAD they
they parted company, and went to the Anthony's.
steve says:
6 days ago
Only one thing will shock me and that is if momster walks out a free person. Nothing else would shock
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Steve, you will not be shocked, you are safe. Send the Turnips to Casey for snacks.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
The hair in the car is the same as the hair where Caylee;s body was found! The Duct Tape was directly
on Caylee's mouth. According to tests Caylee died the 16th and spent 2 days in the truck then was
dumped. This death was deliberate. They are saying Caylee died on the 16th, that was the night Casey
went to Tony', and to Video store arm and arm on video, they are saying accordint to bug tests and
groth threw the skelton it was dumped on the 18 th, it is alll coming together. Plus what ever Casey
used from the house to wrap Caylee in.
Nurse Betty says:
6 days ago
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Nurse Betty, I really understand I have been pissed from the beginning, on the interviews I knew she
was not telling the truth and not helping. It was so obvious to me she was guilty.
Nurse Betty says:
6 days ago
Hi Rascal - I just can't phathom why people are sending her money???? I just don't get it? I don't
understand. Who in their right mind sends money to a baby killer? I guess there are people out there
STUPID enough to believe that she is innocent. Also, when did Jail become the Holiday Inn? I am laid
off and I can't afford treats! I just want to SCREAM!!
JMo says:
6 days ago
I hope that "sources close to the case" who are leaking information on the tox reports don't damage her
cases of a "fair trial". That will be the big loophole to get her off charges!!!! errggggh!
Anyway, Shite continues to hit the fan and spread the fertilizer....Plans for the funeral are in motion and
Leonard Padilla is specifically NOT invited! What? After bailing their little devil out of jail so she
could have her last moment of freedom? How ungrateful of them! Anthonys (George and Cindy) will
be supoenaed too! Their lawyer says they aren't worried.....sooooooo tell me again why they are asking
for immunity then? Here is the story from 48 minutes ago.
kwoz says:
6 days ago
JMo.. LMFAO on your comment a few hours ago about what they should do to casey in the cell.. Very
good one!!!
Hello ALL! This case gets more interesting every day.. I just wish they would go ahead with the
hearings this year, I don't want this case to die in the limelight, I want EVERYONE that could possibly
be a juror see all of this.. I'm sure someone in their family will be following this case like we all are and
fill them in to not be tricked by BOZO's team.. I can't handle another upset like the PS case... Justice
for Caylee & Lana
JMo says:
6 days ago
Ok, sorry if I am spinning you all too fast, but it is a circus ride ya know! Here is another latest story,
just released by Fox news tonight....just out on that rat Hoover. He may of "eventually" turned in his 10
minute tape so he can get the fame out of this, but he is the one witholding information. I still say he is
a creep and held on to information to keep from others so he could play the big shot. Now look what
has come out on him. Seems everyone is wanting to come forward and flap their jaw about what they
know.....hmmmm. Read this:
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Nurse Betty, You are right they are stupid to send her money. Hell I would not even throw pennys at her
cell she is not worth it. Maybe throw some Squirrel DO DO to her. Seem like all she does is snack, read
and sleep. Whoops and Lie.
lee says:
6 days ago
Hello All, its been awhile have not read the comments for sometime.....anyway watching the BABY
K---er on TV today was like music to my ears! loved watching her walk in the court room with chains
wrapped around her it was awesome.... as for her walking away? hmmm I do agree with that
statement...... she just might walk away and its sick just thinking about it. Whats so amazing about this
nightmare "CAYLEE's" that Casey has managed to pull together a defence team to support her,
and I doubt its because they trully believe she is innocent, but more so to receive recognition.
What ever happened to the possibility of finding finger prints on the tape found wrapped around
Caylee's mouth?
What is the true story about the death of Caylees real father?
I think sicko doesnt show her MUG simply because she is GUILTY.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
They have not realeased the reports yes, I think they will find prints on the tape.
JMo, Thanks for the post, wow someone seen her car there in June, where Caylee was dumped.
GranNaw says:
6 days ago
MarieRn- Gift Certificate en route to the Orange County Jail and I have a "special room" all ready for
Ms. Casey Anthony. I have the stones heated and waiting and the "bed of nails" is on order... We have a
real "treat" in store for Ms. Anthony's appointment!
I do agree (I think it was FarmChick that said it??) that Casey has probably signed over control of
Caylee's remains to Baez instead of her parents. She (Casey) said at the very beginning that she knew
Cindy would never forgive her. Giving Baez control of the baby's remains would be just one more way
she (Casey) could rub it in Cindy's face that she (Cindy) did not have the power anymore in this never
ending tug of war over Caylee.
This is all just so sad. Whoever has control.... if you read this post....please lay little Caylee to rest and
let her have some dignity and peace. Please!
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
I believe the Anthonys sent the PI's to the site. Lee told Casey how to send letter so the Jail could not
read them, so she said she would.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Cindy's, relatives thought she lost it before for supporting Casey, and she is still supporting Casey. I bet
they really think she has lost it now.
GranNaw says:
6 days ago
Just my own little opinion here... but, I think the Anthony's did have knowledge "after the fact". I think
that they are somehow involved in planting tips about sitings and trying to mis-direct the investigation
in addition to destruction of evidence (cleaning car-throwing things out-washing pants) at the very least
of it. At the worst of it they knew (either through letters from Casey, or by coded messages passed from
Casey to Lee to Mom & Pop) where the baby's body was and they are somehow at the root of this PI
I find myself going back over and over again to the segment of tape where George is visiting Casey in
jail and he is telling her "I know she is close, I can feel her... I go out in the yard at night and tell her
about the moon and the stars... I feel her, I know she is close. ---------- Casey dabs at some tears in this
clip and actually looks like she shows some emotion ----- (in my opinion the emotion she does show is
due to her knowledge of how ashamed he must be of her than it is for the loss of Caylee or even for the
pain he is feeling).
I don't know the exact date of this visit but I think this visit occurs right after they KNOW. They had
either received her letters or had de-coded the messages and they knew that Caylee was both deceased
and that her little body was laying out there near the school somewhere in the swamp land. At that point
I think they go into over drive circling the wagons and more and more tips of sightings are reported and
they begin to "travel" to investigate these sightings. Cindy also about this time begins to get very
confrontational with anyone looking for anything other than a "Live Caylee". I wish I could prove it
somehow.... but I know that they knew and I think Cindy was behind the cover up. I think George just
went along because he didn't know anything else to do, he hurt so bad he couldn't do anything else.
steve says:
6 days ago
Rascal, if I send something to momster it aint gonna be a turnip. What I have in mind would then lead
me to meet Mr. Padilla cause I'm going to need him. Also, this Randy dude (defense attorney) on N.G.
tonight went to the BOBO Head school of law if he thinks that todays determinations hurt the
prosecution. Dude, were you drinking at the same bars that momster used to run a tab at? If you are
reading this let me be the one to tell you that you are a PUTZ! Typical defense attorney! This is the guy
who probobly doesn;t even think she lies. As for you people that have 1 oz. of sympathy for momster
and are sending her anything, you too, obviously were dropped on your head by your mommy right
after she gave you the stupid juice! Here is a novel idea for you clowns who more than likely think O.J.
is a great guy, why don't you send the $$ for Caylee's memorial service? Get back to me on that one
would ya?
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
GranNaw, Casey also told Lee she felt Casey was close, in there special bond he knew where she
hung out close to home. Casey also said in that conversation she would write individual letters to the
family. So yes they did know where Caylee's was, and I am positive they sent the PI's to search that
area. I am also sure that is why they want immunity, because they did not come forward with that
information, called obstruction charge. They sure do not want to lie if they are asked if they knew
about this. But now lets see if Dominic Casey called the Anthony's from that site.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Steve, I agree they should not send Casey anything. I am beginning to think they all got there License
to practice Law at Target, they do not seem that bright to me.
steve says:
6 days ago
The govt. has physical evidence that we have not heard. Perhaps momstersfingerprints on the duct tape.
Perhaps momsters hair sample somehow left at the scene with Caylee. Perhaps something at the scene
that leads right back to the ANTS. They have somethings that BOBO Head does not know about at this
point. Not yet BOBO, not yet. For the first time we all heard that it was not an accident. We never
heard that before tonight. Trust me they have things that are going to put her away and perhaps put the
death penalty back on the table. As much as I believe in an eye for an eye, I want her to rot rot rot in the
cell until she dies of old age after we have all lived our lives with the ones who love us and we love
from the other side of those bars. OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE!! I like the way that sounds. Also,
as of now no charges are going down on the others. They are all still seeking imunity. Glad we dont
have to..................
Aubree's Grandma says:
6 days ago
Hard to believe there are people out there that would send Casey money...I just don't get can
anyone believe she could possibly be innocent? On NG they were saying that Casey deliberately killed
Caylee (not an accident) and that she did it alone...I wonder what evidence they have that makes them
say that???
GranNaw says:
6 days ago
I totally agree that the Ant's have obstructed justice in this investigation and it started early on with
Cindy washing those pants, the rotting pizza, the "mother of the year" statements. In my opinion the list
is long of actions and reactions on the Ant's part that can be construed as obstruction. Cindy is the one
who originally reported "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car" when she called 911,
and I think she felt in her gut then that Caylee was dead. I think that accessory after the fact is stronger
charge in Flordia and would carry a stiffer penalty, but I'm not positive. They are saying on NG tonight
though that there will not be any charges against any of the Ant's other than Casey???? If that is true
and they are not prosecuted with a charge tied to Casey's crime, then they will be free to sell their story,
make movies, write books, money money money$$$$ I have no sympathy left for Cindy Anthony and
if the state of Florida feels sorry for her they are a bunch of damn fools and Cindy sure fooled them!
GranNaw says:
6 days ago
and let me ad... SHAME ON THEM ALL
This case just makes me sick. Sick enough to think that maybe Casey should get off on some sort of
technicality and let justice prevail on this side of the system. Can we all say together " JURY
NULLIFICATION" (for whoever gets to her first)
Aubree's Grandma says:
6 days ago
For so long I did feel sorry for George & Cindy - more so for George because I think he's been the most
honest out of any of them so far. When the first 911 call was made by Cindy you can hear the panic and
desperation in her voice but at what point after that did she decide to wash the pants? It was obviously
before the cops came - if she was trying to hide evidence why even volunteer the info that there were
pants in the car that she had washed? It doesn't make any sense to me. Also, if I had clothes that
smelled that bad I think I would throw them out - I wouldn't even want to put them in my washer.
Anyway - I did quit feeling sorry for them once I saw how they were protecting Casey - I don't think
George had a choice ...remember was most honest when he talked to investigators without Cindy there.
I think it got to the point where they didn't know which way to turn and made alot of poor choices
along the way. They are probably regretting protecting Casey & making themselves look like fools now
that Caylee's been found dead.
GranNaw says:
6 days ago
I think a lot of us felt sorry for them back in the beginning. If you read some of my posts from way
back(archives of July/Aug/Sept) you'll see that I too felt sorry for Cindy and George both initially. It
was hard not to feel their pain. I am the grandmother of a little girl Kaitlyn just a few months younger
than Caylee. My daughter and her baby lived with me until Kaitlyn was about 2. I was Cindy so I felt
great sorrow for her at first because Yes.... there was panic and even anguish in Cindy's voice on that
911 call. But now I think that when she hung up the phone from that call is the same time that the
realization of what had really happened began to hit her. It took her a few days to absorb it all and then
she began to play the "sympathy card". Cindy played that card in the bond hearing and found that she
could make it work for her. She played it with the media outlets and found that she could work it there
too. She played it in her recorded statements to the police. She knew Caylee was dead. I didn't think so
back then, but when those initial reports came back from the body farm regarding the air samples from
the trunk...Cindy's entire demeanor changed. From that point forward she's covered up, she's lied, she's
manipulated and she had done everything she possibly could to throw this thing in every direction
except the direction that it should go. That is when I began to see through Cindy and her antics. I too
feel that George just hurt so bad that he didn't know what to do other than what Cindy told him to do. I
do still feel some sympathy for George. He has at least been truthful in his statements to the best of his
ability. I think that George was just "out of the loop" when it came to most things in that household.
I agree that they feel like fools now and I think that is largely why we have not seen them show their
faces. Why isn't Cindy doing the Today Show???? Because she has made an ass out of herself and
hasn't yet found a new "sympathy" card to play. Don't count miss Cindy out just yet though... she may
just come up with something... I guess she could try the "lack of sleep" thing again.
nannie27inCanada says:
6 days ago
Thanx Marie for answering my question!!!!!
I *think* (Wednesday, that was for you :-) Bo Bo Head has kept Casey from public view trying to
pimp out more interviews to earn his "dream team" (more like a nightmare?) more moola. The account
he has filled so far with "licensing fees" has got to be pretty low if not empty now.
I think the Ant's staying away from the camera has more to do with their new lawyer than anything
else. Left to their own 'wit', I think we'd still be hearing from them. I also think Cindy is more than a
wee bit embarrassed, but would never admit to that by omitting herself from the media.
I still think Marie could be right about the pregnancy, and that not everyone here agrees with
that. Since Judge Strickland said she needs to be present at every hearing from here on out unless
ordered differently from the court, we may find out in the next couple of months. I think if Marie is
right, this is part of the reason BO BO wants to keep her hidden. If she is pregnant, I don't think it was
on purpose, but she, as always, tried to spin it into an advantage to "snag" a guy or for some other self-
serving purpose. (As if a child should EVER be viewed in these terms!) If she got pregnant in
June/July, she probably didn't find out until after she'd been put on house arrest, and a publicly
documented trip to the local Planned Parenthood would have made everyone's ears perk, so there was
really nothing she could do about it.
I think the PIs knew where the body was, whether the Ants told them about it, or someone else leaked
it. I think Hoover was looking at $$$$ signs, but I'm not sure what D.Casey's motive was, although
I'm positive it wasn't altruistic.
I think the prosecution is playing nice with the appearance of absolutely no charges against C,G, or L,
but once they get what they want, may go after at least one of them, assuming they are not granted
immunity up front.
I think Casey believes she has true friends because people are sending her money. Her "true" friends
appear to be whoever can provide her with the most at the moment (whether it be monetary or sexual in
nature). I think some of the people sending her money are seeking some fringe of the spotlight because
they have figured out their name will appear on the paperwork from the jailhouse that everyone reads
every week. Those that are doing so for that reason don't appear to have the "stuff" to understand what
a horrific case this really is or how idiotic they look by doing so. BO BO is probably wishing these
people lived in Florida so he could get more use out of them than chocolate treats.
All this thinking makes my head hurt because what really matters is what the prosecution knows, which
is way more than we do. I truly believe they have enough to hang her by her toenails with.
What I can't make peace with is what Cindy meant back when this whole thing started when she said,
"Not another one!"
I can't believe there are that many loons in the world who would send her money. It galls me. When I
think of all the people in this country now who are suffering through no fault of their own, and there
she sits with her ill-gotten gain...before she buys more pork rinds, she should pay Amy back what she
stole, not to mention her parents and grandparents.
midnight thoughts says:
5 days ago
just my thoughts-
pregnancy- a family member is a guard for the department of corrections here in florida and also
worked at the hillsborough county jail in tampa. it is their policy to NOT place waist shackles on a
pregnant inmate. dont know if this is the policy in orange county but most have implented this
jose baez- has anyone seen his wife? she is beautiful....why would he want to touch casey? he does
have a very nice family and is a nice person himself( i know most everyone here will disagree). he was
too good to associate with this case.
Secret Squirrel says:
5 days ago
Write to Casey Anthony:
Farmchick says:
5 days ago
Remember ..JH gave tape to News analyst to hand over. Now this is juicy!!!!
Could someone please explain to me how to easily post a link? I am writing them down and typing thm
in. I know there is a way by hitting ctrl...something after highlighting it. I have never taken computers
and hhave only played around.So, I do not know all the fine tune things. Please dont laugh at me!
Farmchick says:
5 days ago
Will they give her the good with the bad as far as mail?
I want to copy a pic of Caylee everyday and just write on the bottom a small message from
On another note..ON JVM they said that charges were immenent for G,C,&L. Geez, I wish these shows
would get it straight.Although I know I am not watching CNN or anything. Also, IT MAKES ME
SICK TO MY STOMACH that through their lawyer they say they still stand behing Casey!
Marie RN says:
5 days ago
Midnight, having a beautiful wife doesn't keep a man from having an affair. There's an old saying
"women need a reason, men just need a place." Sorry, Steve!
GranNaw, I agree with everything you say. One other thing that Cindy did to obstruct justice was, by
her own admission, give LE the wrong brush for DNA comparison. Your comments have helped me
realize that Casey has palpable HATE for Cindy. She made disparaging comments about George to her
friends, but his opinion seems to matter just a little to her. Too bad he wasn't able to be a stronger force
in the household. Cindy runs roughshod over everybody.
My husband, who is fed up with this case, saw Casey in the hearing yesterday, and said "her boobs are
bigger," (He notices these things.) I said, "yes, she is pregnant, but not everyone agrees with me." We
shall see. That is interesting about not putting shackles around waist of pg inmates. makes sense, thanks
for sharing that, Midnite.
GranNaw says:
5 days ago
MarieRN you may be right, she did do a good job of hiding her pregnancy with Caylee, even Cindy
believed she was still a "virgin" according to her brother... I hope that Judge Strickland sticks to his
guns and makes her appear for ALL the prelim hearings, but I think she can still make a written request
to the judge waiving her right to appear: the judge may still "order" her to appear though...I think that is
how FL does it. I just can't seem to reconcile how with all the "leaks" in this case that if she really were
pregnant that it wouldn't have "leaked" by now. You know if it were being even remotely rumored NG
would have "BOMBSHELLED" it by now..... so who really knows with as crazy as this thing has
gotten. It will be interesting to see...should know for sure by March or April sometime would be my
guess.... When do you think Marie?
Question / Request
Does anyone have the link to the site where you can look at the commissary orders and the people who
are sending her money. I want to look at that again and when my computer crashed I lost all those good
links....too lazy to go looking for them. I would appreciate someone posting those if you have them
readily available.
I also agree (sorry Steve and the rest of you men who may be out there somewhere)....Women need a
reason...Men just need a place!
steve says:
5 days ago
Marie RN: No offense taken since it seemed that you were directing the comment more at my gender as
opposed to me personally. If not, please let me know so I can set the revord straight. My guess though
it had to do with one of my posts yesterday regarding BOBO Head only liking the crabs that you can
eat instead of those you might get if you were one of the mucho mucho's that have slept with momster.
The old saying of you cant put your head on someone elses shoulders seems to apply in everyday life! I
do know that according to recent statistics and being a rabid sports fan I can tell you that stats dont lie,
the % of females that are unfaithful to their spouses have gone up in recent years. Now, back to our trial
of the century where everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame or a buck. To me, so much of this
evolved from the mother daughter relationship which was TOXIC to say the least.By the time that they
put together the whole cast of charactors for this episode of As the stomach turns, we will all be happy
with what father time has done with momster. I.M.O. she looked like shit the other day. From her
greased out hair, her skin, and the spaced out glazed look in her eyes. Home sweet home aint so fine as
she say there knowing that she had nothing, nobody, and that was going to be her future. In her mind
she os probobly wondering wht are people not protesting my innocense? Where are my friends and
family since they know I am innocent? That, my dear people is who this sociopath is, plain and simple.
She knows what happend to Caylee and will go to the grave with it. She will never ever give it up and
that is one of the many reasons that she is 100% safer where she is than on the other side of the bars.
For every person that wants to send her snicker money, there are 50,000 that want it to be tainted with
something! Beside Bin Laden, I can not think of a more hated person at this time. Seriously! You cant
even compare apples with apples when you compare the two of these people, but the sad simple truth is
momster has left such a powerful legacy in only taking one life! She is on my 2 most hated list and that
is a bad place to be.
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Even if Casey is pregnant it would not stop the State of Florida from seeking the Death Penalty. And if
she is pregnant the baby willl be taken away, as unstable as this family is, I would pray CSD would not
place the baby in there home. I would not want to see them raise another spoiled rotten, lieing, bitch
like Casey, I blame a lot of this on Cindy and George, for not seeking help when Casey did the things
she did. They put up with what ever there little princess did.
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Steve, I totally agree with you BRAVO. Have a good day with the boys.
Angeleyes`* says:
5 days ago
Midnight, where did you see or get the pics of baez's wife and info of his family?
Sorry not to have much input but so many of you speak for me in theory and belief that it would be
almost be redundant to add my 2cts. I will say this, NG did truly deserve to claim BOMBSHELL on
her show last night!
Once again dear truth seekers I must thank you for ALL the links and your so very insightful
Steve, one of your comments in particular caught my eye and bears repeating for the new people who
missed it so I respectfully copy it here:
" Also, this Randy dude (defense attorney) on N.G. tonight went to the BOBO Head school of law if he
thinks that todays determinations hurt the prosecution. Dude, were you drinking at the same bars that
momster used to run a tab at?"
What do you all think about Leonard Padilla being "Uninvited" to the funeral?
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
JMo, Personally I think LP should be invited he was only trying to find Caylee. LP has his heart in the
right place, and did bail Casey out, with the hopes of finding Caylee. I think it is wrong for the
Anthony's to treat him like S--t. They only care about Casey now and screw everyone else. I think Tim
from Equa Search should be invited also and Jesse Grund who truly love Caylee.
Aubree's Grandma says:
5 days ago
Heard some bits & pieces of interesting news today about Roy Kronk - only got the bits & pieces cause
I had 3 teenagers all talking very loudly in the room at the time they showed it on Fox news. Anyway -
sounds like there was something about kidnapping in his background that defense will use to discredit
him. They said he will be on Good Morning America on monday and there will be more info on
"Geraldo at Large" tonite - 10:00 et. Sorry I didn't find out more...
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
The Anthonys's use people the chew them up and spit them out!!!
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Somehow I doubt it, Cindy tried to throw Jesse Grund under the bus to the Dectives, saying maybe he
took Caylee.
donagal says:
5 days ago
I think that LP and Jesse and anyone else that the Anthony's don't seem fit to invite should hold their on
Memorial. I bet more people would come to it then have to put up with the Anthony's
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Actually they were talking about doing that if they are excluded.
GranNaw says:
5 days ago
IMO-Cindy will only invite those very few people who in her mind "STOOD BY HER" in this and
"supported HER efforts" to perpetrate the myth of finding a live Caylee. It will be small and all for
show just like everything else Cindy has done. I seriously doubt that even most of her blood family will
be invited, except maybe the ones that loaned her money back in the beginning, let alone poor Jesse
Grund. Jesse wanted to be Caylee's father and Casey just couldn't stand it, wasn't willing to share the
love of that man with her own child.
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
GrandNaw , Like Jesee said a piece of his heart is gone forever now, you could tell he really loved
Caylee. Like he said a piece of paper did not mean anything thing to him he loved her.
JMo says:
5 days ago
I think that is a rumor about Roy Kronk that someone started. I searched Fox News and nothing about
that is there. Also, nothing on Geraldo either. No general news about him. Sounds like another spin to
take the focus off of Caylee. JMO, but I guess we will see. Even if there is a charge, who cares. Casey
did this and no one else. Do you think a mother who's baby was stolen is going to go out to party, have
a blast, not report it and never shed a tear. Sorry, I am trying to stay focused on Caylee, not the stuff
that isn't backed up by a news report or official information.
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
JMo it is on My Fox Orlando i read it, it is nothing to worry about he has been checked out
JMo says:
5 days ago
If you watch the interview between George and the Police (the one that he said there was a dead body
in the car) you will hear him say that "he thinks" Jesse G held Casey down so Zanaida could steal
Caylee. Now folks, I ask you, how far fetched is that BS! This is how Crazy is making them Crazy with
all her spins. I can't imagine the stuff they dreamt up to make all ok in their lives.
Anyway, I say the more distractions, the less focus on getting Casey convicted. She is a sociopath who
murdered her baby because she was jealous of the attention that Caylee got, considered herself a
'spiteful bitch' with one motive and that was to get back at Cindy (who put her down, tried to make her
responsible, etc). Casey wanted to party and have a 'normal' 22 yr old life and Cindy wouldn't hear of
it. Cindy forced her to keep the baby and Caylee (once the newness wore off and Cindy started trying
to put the full responsiblity on her to care for Caylee) Casey snapped and got rid of the problem! That's
why she felt so free to party her ass off.
The thing that was making her jealous, causing her difficulty, escalating her anger towards Cindy is
now gone. She probably said to herself, "Cindy(mom) you are the one who wanted this baby so f'n bad,
why are you now trying to dump responsiblity on me??? Its not fair, and I will show you what will
happen now. I'll make up so many lies and I will get away with it! I am going to get some money
together and flee to California, change my name, use someone eles's ID and resume and you will never
find me! There won't be anything you can do about it either because I have custody of Caylee and I am
of age. It's not like I'm a runaway. You will just continue to think that we are both gone away."
It seemed like a great plan to Casey until the day Cindy showed up at Anthony's and yanked her ass
home, then the lies began to spin even more!!!! I don't think anyone had anything to do with this except
Casey. It was her little secret. She wanted to keep it quiet....she worked hard at leading Cindy to believe
that her and Caylee were out on their own, she was working at Universal and sporting goods store, that
she had a nanny caring for Caylee (in other words, go away Cindy, I am on my own and you can't
control my life anymore).
Then during that month when the reality of Caylee becoming a REAL responsiblity, she couldn't handle
it. (then she told Caylee the same thing, I want to be on my own and you can't control my life
anymore). I don't think Casey figured on getting caught before her plan was finished and I don't think
she knew how strong Cindy's love was for Caylee. She had a poor plan B with all the lies they caught
her in. This is how stupid she is. Casey, a murderess with no plan B, except to play on your parents
even more with guilt of how they never loved you, blah blah blah, is ignorance on your part. Her anger
comes from getting caught, but believe me, she is laughing inside that head. 3 hots and a cot seem
much better to her than having the responsibility of Caylee and getting rejected by men who don't want
All this makes sense to me, but then again, just my thoughts of where the psychopath could of come
from in her thinking.
jo1031 says:
5 days ago
Story on Roy Kronk:
He was arrested for alleged kidnapping in the early 1990's. It had something to do with an ex girlfriend
& was expunged from his record by South Carolina court. Mr. Kronk told news media about this
incident himself. I don't think it has anything to do with this case & Mr. Kronk is just being truthfull
about his past. I do believe the defense would like to get something on this man but I believe they are
wasting their time if they think this means anything.
SadieSkye says:
5 days ago
Finally...a funeral.... BUT...... I think Cindy still has trouble believing it was Casey who was solely
responsible... even with the new forensic evidence... cuz then it not only means that she raised a killer,
but shes also lost a daughter. completely.... and then there is poor Caylee being gone forever Cindy has
to accept....cannot believe ole Cindy hasnt had a breakdown..with the indightment rumors and
all..whew!!!!tooo much..
JMo says:
5 days ago
All this says to the public is, don't come forward with facts and findings, because we will take your
name and aire your dirty laundry to the point that people point fingers at you and then you will need to
hire an attorney and seek immunity. Why would anyone tell anyone anything given this is how they
handle things! Disgusting. This is probably why Caseys 'acquaintences' suddenly went hush. They
exposed so much of these people's lives, that's not cool...unless there is something to merit towards the
JMo says:
5 days ago
Cindy is a strong woman. She is capable and strict. Casey wishes she could of been more like her, but
she was babied to death by George and catered to. George is her protection from Cindy and I think he
enabled her in the worst way. Dysfunctional family in the umpf degree! Again, just my thoughts.
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
That is why so many people say I did not hear anything, I did not see anything, and I do not know
anything. How many people can afford a attorney.
JMo says:
5 days ago
Yes, I agree that Cindy is still in denial. Also, records that have been expunged are still discoverable,
and that is probably why he disclosed it. Wait till that story hits the National Intruder....what a
nightmare for Roy Kronk. The poor guy has been through hell because he reported a bag in that area 3
times and then the fourth time checked to see if it was still around there. Then the skull roles
out...geeezzz. If that had been me, I would still be having bad dreams. Defending himself should be the
last thing he has to do. They have the tapes of him reporting to 911. They are just trying to turn it
around because they are inadequate and didn't do their job right! Baby Caylee should of been found in
August before the Hurricane and floods. Then we could of had some evidence and at least a means of
death it seems. I can't wait to hear what crap they will conjur up on the Equesearch guy Bill Todd for
squealing on Hoover. Everybody better look out, because the defense is on it's way!
SZA says:
5 days ago
I wish some of these news reports would start looking into Casey's childhood. Details from early life
can hold a lot of clues. I want to see photos of her as a little girl. I want to know what her home life was
like as a child. What about school? These details could shed some interesting light on unfortunate
events of today.
jo1031 says:
5 days ago
Orlando Sentinel TV Guy Hal Boedeker weighs in on Anthony movie:
He says "any fimmaker would simply use the public record to tell the story. There are thousands of
reports. There's no need to pay the Anthony family."
I do hope this person's opinion is correct, I do not want to see this family make another dime off this
poor child.
JMo says:
5 days ago
I wouldn't mind the money burying Caylee, setting up something in her name such as a childrens park
with a memorial and helping them to move and start a new life, but you know that every frk'n dime
would go to the attorneys and that is one thing I don't want to see happen!
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
JMo, they need to go to work and stop using people, that is what they have done since the beginning.
They took donations to find Caylee when they knew she was gone. I am sorry I feel this way, but they
had put spin on this tragedy from the beginning. With all there tips, and there cover up. I said months
ago George need to put Duct Tape on Cindy's mouth. I had no idea Casey did that to Little Caylee, now
she can burn in hell as far as I care. I would not give anything to the Anthony's. The system, and the
public had been used and abused by all of the Anthony's. Cindy is the type if you do not agree with her,
you are put on her S--t list!! Boy have we seen that one.
jo1031 says:
5 days ago
JMO- If any memorial is ever set up for Caylee it will be because the public does so. Public opinion
was definitely against donating money for a funeral service that the Anthony family had control over
what individuals would attend. Bloggers at Orlando Senitnel were irate over them asking the public to
pay for the service. If George & Cindy need money to pay their personal expenses they can go back to
work & make an honest living like the rest of us. I would donate money to a public memorial for
Caylee but would never give these people a red cent.
GranNaw says:
5 days ago
SZA says:62 minutes ago
I wish some of these news reports would start looking into Casey's childhood. Details from early life
can hold a lot of clues. I want to see photos of her as a little girl. I want to know what her home life was
like as a child. What about school? These details could shed some interesting light on unfortunate
events of today.
Why SZA? So she can blame it all on her childhood??? Jeez, like she is not already playing the blame
game enough. I am sick of people blaming every bad, horrid, stupid, immoral or criminal, thing they do
as an adult on their "CHILDHOOD". EVERYONE has something bad happen to them in childhood
whether its the death of a parent or a sibling, maybe its poor finances, a mean teacher that didn't like
them, maybe they were bullied by other kids, or maybe they didn't get the freaking chatty Cathy doll
they wanted, but I am sick to damn death of people using their "childhood" as an EXCUSE for
unacceptable behavior later.
GranNaw says:
5 days ago
JMo- I don't think the Anthony's deserve any more financial support from the public, If it had not been
for them (primarily Cindy) supporting Casey and keeping this thing dragging on and on... that smug
little bitch may have spilled her beans. Even if she hadn't of this thing would have died down and never
exploded into what it has become. She knew she could play them and she did... they allowed it to
happen. Let them get a job and work like the rest of us to start a new life somewhere. As for a
memorial...I think the public will take care of that. Cindy should not have any input into a memorial or
how funds are used towards a memorial...she has disparaged Caylee's memory enough by supporting
the one who killed her. And she will likely burn in hell for it ... Cindy does not strike me as the
repentant type.
lee says:
5 days ago
Im annoyed that the K---er has access to past time reading books! exspecially when she enjoys reading
them, she really needs to sit her stupid ass in that cell with very little to do.
She is not what we would call normal, at least not by a human with morals or shall I say a mother
whom is distraught because of the lost of her daughter that she did not kill. If I was to be facing trial for
the murder or my daughter and i knew that I hadnt killed her, I would be sick to my stomach if not
puking then shitting my pants from nerves.
Casey did not care how her daughter was burried from the start, she does not deserve the money that
keeps coming her way!
Cindy started this media circus from the start, all the pictures that we see on other web-sites came from
someone in that messed up family. If she wanted privacy she would have keep all those personal
precious family pictures & home videos private. She opened the doors for all to see!
When casey showed up in court on Thursday she showed absolutely no emotion when hearing all
conversations regarding the remains (skeletal bones) of her our daughter. If that were me, I would have
stood up in court before the JUDGE and stated ENOUGH I cant take this any more, hearing all this talk
about my precious daughter is making me sick! may I please leave this court room..........
steve says:
5 days ago
I hope nobody gets offended by what I am about to say , although most of you may think it I will gladly
be the cruel one. The ANTS are white trash! Trailer Park white trash! All of them. Plain and simple.
You are known by the company you keep and those friends and family can keep that family 3000 miles
away from me. Have they even thanked anyone for their help, support, and love for Caylee during the
past half year? They have however played the shell game quite well I have noticed and they will likely
continue to as the time goes on. All a diversion people,all a diversion. They have no heart and no soul
and I would think that we might have seen one or both in the past few weeks but we didn't nor will we
ever. Hey ANT's, you can take the family out of the trailor park, but you can't take the trailor park out
of the family! Anyone out there that would look to support these people, in my book are the same as
these people. Any takers?? Any givers?? (Beside that group of you that think "she is hot") Do you
mean, hot like in the temp. of hell where they all deserve to be while Caylee is in heaven because that
is how I relate momster and the word hot. My vent is over, for now, but when they start playing 3 card
monte with us it is really going to piss me off!
steve says:
4 days ago
Oracle, sympathy is not what I feel for L.P. although he deserves props for many of his actions with this
case and other things that he has done in his home town of Sacramento. I would call him a mench!
Look it up. Signed, a big fan of Neo, Morphues, and Trinity! Welcome aboard the ship.
TraceyfromCanada says:
4 days ago
Hi everyone!
I've never posted, but have been reading the last month or so faithfully. I feel like I know you all
already. I couldn't resist the urge to post in response to Steve's latest post...Hi Steve! You won't get any
argument out of me regarding your opinion of those bottom feeders named the Anthony family. They
all sicken me, each and every one. They are sneaky and liars. I hope Casey rots in hell too. She is as
guilty as sin and the very sight of her sickens me. Whenever I see photos or video of little Caylee, I just
get so sad and angry at this horrible, evil crime.
I'll give you a short run down of how I learned about this crime...I was at the library with my daughter,
and I grabbed the National Enquirer (ashamed to admit that *S*, but it's true!) and there was story in
there about Caylee and of course that evil witch Casey, and I honestly couldn't believe it. That little
face (Caylee's) just wouldn't leave my mind, and when I got home I Googled the name "Caylee
All I can say is that from that moment onward I couldn't stay away from the Orlando Sentinel site
where I read and read and read. And I have had my jaw on the ground ever since. I've believed since
day one that that little b*tch Casey is as guilty as sin and want her to pay, pay, pay!! And those bloody
Anthonys are shameful, shameful people. Originally, I wanted Casey to fry via the death penalty, but
then I thought a little more about it. Death is too good for her. She should have to rot in that cell. I, as
well, think that whoever is sending her money is as frigged up as she is, and those of you who say she's
hot??? OMG, are you psychotic?
I was so excited when I found this blog site because there was something quite refined about all of you
here. Sensible and I was interested in reading all of what you had to say...I'm sorry I haven't shown
myself until now, I just didn't want to intrude, but I feel like I know all of you already, so I thought
what the heck!
I would also like to say one more thing before I post. I totally agree that using a bad childhood as an
excuse for wrongdoing is a crock of crap. I grew up in a moderately weathly home with a terribly
abusive father, physically and mentally, and an emotionally unavailable mother. Although it has
definitely scarred me for life, no doubt about it, instead of turning me into a sadistic freak of nature, it
made me more sensitive towards the feelings of my own children (I have two daughters, aged 20 and
5). I would never raise a hand to them. I never have and never would. I would do anything for them and
tell them everyday how wonderful they are and how they can do and be anything they want to be in
Anyways, sorry to make this such a long post, especially for my first post!
GranNaw says:
4 days ago
Welcome aboard Tracey -
I am sure that we all have some "scars", but that does not excuse our actions later in life. That's all that
some people do, they use whatever they may have lived or witnessed growing up as an excuse for their
bad behavior later on. I don't buy it.
Steve - Amen brother - you can take the trash out of the trailer park, but you'll never get the trash out of
this bunch!
steve says:
4 days ago
Tracey, a very warm welcome aboard since it is probobly cold where you are. My guess is you are
located closer to Edmonton than to Toronto. Just a guess. Everyone can pull out things from their own
childhood that we all can relate to. I agree with your words and also live each day with the thought of
giving my children a better life than my own. To me it seems that momster and her mom had a pretty
bad relationship. Sure there were times that were not as bad as others for them, but that toxic love never
left them as she got older, wilder, and perhaps even more childlike. I think it was good cop, bad cop for
her and Lee growing up and I am sure you know the real cop was the good one. They probobly had
more of a divided front instead of united one which didn't help. I, as well as my boys are a product of
divorse and although it is so much more common in todays day the feelings inside are still the same. I
try to make things as normal as possible with as little guilt for them. My point being, everyone in their
childhood can point out and remember some bad but we grow up and at a point have to make our own
paths in this thing called life. The ANT's path was paved long ago I.M.O. and this family has taught us
a thing or two about a few things. Again, welcome aboard. You can find extra blankets located right
between Rascal's and SadieSkye's starbird cabin if need be.
TraceyfromCanada says:
4 days ago
Thanks so much for the welcome GranNaw! I totally agree with you, it is absolutely no excuse. Life is
full of trials and tribulations, isn't it? Casey is an evil person.
When i was listening to the interrogations of Momster, I was so struck by the narcissism. She is so self
absorbed, and it was so clear that she thought she could play the same mind games with the police that
she always did with her parents. Mow them down with words. For every question, she has a lame ass
answer and then leads away from the main point. If it wasn't all so sad, it would be funny because her
head is so far up her own ass that she honestly believes she can give a bunch of lame stories/excuses to
the police or trick them with her diversion tactics? I bet it was a big surprise when they actually locked
her up and now she can't get out, because she had become so powerful being able to lie, cheat and steal
and get away with it. Even when people knew (her grandmother or Amy) that she'd stolen from them,
she didn't really care because she'd accomplished what she set out to do. She had party money. Or
money to buy her latest bed companion a sub sandwich or some beer.
Well, time for bed, and maybe see you all tommorrow.
Steve, I am right in the middle of Edmonton and Toronto. I live in Saskatchewan. YAY!!!! NOT!!! I've
lived here for 5 years now, but was born and raised near Vancouver, British Columbia and lived there
until moving here due to my husband's job. So I will definitely take you up on those blankets!! *S* It
was quite warm here today, at -15 celcius, or something like that. It can get as cold as -50 celcius with
wind chill. I hate the cold and pretty much become a houseplant for the winter.
Anyways, thanks so much Steve and GranNaw for the kind welcome, I'm glad I posted something
tonight. Looking forward to talking to you again soon!
I've known some selfish people in my life, but thankfully I've never known any who took it to the
psychopathic level of Casey Anthony and Scott Peterson. Caylee seemed to love life and from what I've
seen, she had so much potential, and it was all snuffed out by Casey's vile jealousy. That woman is a
waste of skin.
911 says:
4 days ago
I seem to have the same mindset as SZA, who said:
"I wish some of these news reports would start looking into Casey's childhood. Details from early life
can hold a lot of clues. I want to see photos of her as a little girl. I want to know what her home life was
like as a child. What about school? These details could shed some interesting light on unfortunate
events of today."
Also, I wnder if momster has ever been introduced to therapy. Given the problems she gave her parents,
it seems possible that she has. We know that Cindy was advised by her therapist to tell Casey she had to
leave her parents' home and become more independent. We know how that worked out!! Just goes to
show you, sometimes, we have to listen to our gut instead of taking the therapist's advice, who really
doesn't know all the family dynamics. Caylee would probably still be alive if Casey hadn't been thrown
out. I'm not indicting Cindy for telling her daughter to leave, nor am I excusing momster's behavior.
What kind of person kills their child?? And seems to have no regrets!!!
Obviously, Casey needed to be in therapy with someone who could deal with personality disorders. or
maybe she needed to be in rehab. But, of course, inpatient rehab is prohibitively expensive.
A few times, posts have mentioned Cindy's remark: "Not another one!" It has been noted, too, that
Cindy made her daughter keep the child, and that she was wrong to do so. Possibly Cindy herself lost a
child in the past and she did not want to lose another one.
Sometimes the "sickest" one in the family is someone other than the one who APPEARS to be the
sickest. All the family problems are blamed on and then acted out by one individual in the family. I'm
not saying this to excuse the horrendous act of killing one's child, however. The killer needs to spend
her entire life in prison.
JMo says:
4 days ago
Ok, just for the record, I am not suggesting that the ANTS get a dime. I am just saying that the money
they are getting needs to go to something for CAYLEE and not go to the Attorneys. I saw on HLN
tonight a guy (forgot name) who said that he bets that someone will hack the internet stuff set up by the
judge within 3 weeks and these pictures will be out. Also, someone asked how were the 'i'm stuck in a
bad dream team' lawyers going to get paid. He said that there are hundreds of pictures of Casey from
when she was a child that paint her as a different person and the prosecution plans on using them. After
the trial, people like the National Intruder will pay millions for those pictures. (I'm sure the ANTS
would rather collect money for them than burn them, lol) He seems to think this is how the money will
roll in, so there's the other side of Casey's childhood pics. I have no sympathy for any of them
personally. I only can have empathy with what normal parts I could relate to if it were me, but we all
know they have been up to no good from the beginning. Remember: NO IMMUNITY for anyone!
JMo says:
4 days ago
I just want to add this too. The attorney who was asked the question about what he thought of Caseys
defense team said this: The team is a bunch of solicited high price experts that need to be paid. As far
as Baez being a dream team member, he has only been practicing law for 3 years. He said he would of
thought that Casey would of went with someone with tenured years of experience.
Helllloooooo! First of all, she looks stupid for listening to people "who are still behind bars" on who a
good attorney is BUT secondly, maybe she is not so dumb after all because she knows that a tenured
attorney with years experience would see right through her and not represent her. A really bright
attorney would not risk their reputation and look like a fool fighting for her innocence or believe one
word out of her lying mouth. Casey knows exactly what she is doing. "I'll find someone with no
experience who needs some free advertising and will jump at the chance to defend me and will work
hard at it to put his face on the map. It's all a game to her.
SadieSkye says:
4 days ago
Tracey--Glad you finally joined in..Welcome...grab a blanket and stay awhile...Its comforting knowing
we have each other to squack at when we need to commiserate... I agree with you how Casey tried to
make those cops chase there tails...they saw right through her.. she didnt think they did..but they
did..huh? if i cud then they did..right off the bat.. she was spinning her wheels and they were right on
top of it. Imsure they didnt think shed let it go this far...guess she was even crazier then we all even
originally determined....
Steve-- You kill me!!!.... ( inappropriate word choice)... but you you do... :0)
SZA says:
4 days ago
Slow down, people. Some of you are WAY too hair-trigger in your cyber-reactions.
The last thing I'm interested in doing is using the clues from Casey's childhood to pad an excuse for the
past 6+ months' horrifying unfolding of events. I'm simply curious, that's all ... NAMELY because I
suspect her childhood was probably quite normal and good - Casey may have quite possibly been
spoiled/overindulged as a child.That would in no way be an excuse for the things she's done, but it
would give us a clearer picture of her life.
You're right, GranNaw (& others): One's childhood experience - no matter WHAT it is - can never be
an excuse for criminal behavior. My only point was that NONE of the media reports I've seen so far
have given even the slightest mini-rundown of Casey's past. Not even a one-sentence, "She grew up in
a family of ... as a child, she was a ... " [ballet dancer, avid badminton champ, ruthless animal-torturer,
In cases like this, it is very common for media outlets to provide a few simple details like that. They
haven't done this here. I'm simply curious as to why.
Maybe you're right, GranNaw - maybe the media does not want to project any type of image that could
be misconstrued as sympathetic. I certainly regret my post of last night being misconstrued by you as a
'defense of Casey' attempt. Slow yourself down, OK? Maybe that 2nd cup of coffee wasn't such a good
idea for you after all.
Farmchick says:
4 days ago
CNN reporting LE knows how she died. Waiting for commercial to be over.......
Farmchick says:
4 days ago
They did not say how.DAMN!!! They said they CANNOT pinpoint day. Maybe only month. Even then,
they said Defense could laim it happened in July when she (yea, right dont you mean her mother)
reported it!
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Tracy welcome aboard the Caylee Truth Boat. Steve I am so glad you removed the Turnips we
definitely need the room. JMo, I know you are aboard with us, I knew you would not want to give
money to the Anthony's. My comment was meant for anyone that sends money to the Spiteful Bitch. I
hope there is a private Memorial built for Caylee, I would like to see it where the Anthony's half to pass
it every day when they lee there house to remind them what Casey did, and what they tried to cover up.
When Casey asked about bring the little Snot Head and Tony said NO, she used the Chloroform to put
Caylee to sleep and out of the way so she could party. She wanted to party and have sex with Tony, this
was the only thing that was important to Casey her pleasures. This is one sick bitch that only thought of
herself and not Little Caylee. GrandNaw you are so right we all have things in our child hood, that we
make better for our family and people around us. I do not drink because my father made life miserable
for us. I left home because of that. He did stop after that because he knew what he did and felt bad. And
things for so much better with our family. He was a great Grandfather and Father to me when I was
older, I loved him with alll my heart when I was older. But there was a time when I would run home
from school to make sure he did not hurt my Mom, and that will always be with me.
GranNaw says:
4 days ago
SZA - You're the one who brought the matter up, and honestly, what other reason could there be to
"need" or even "want" the "CLUES" from her childhood other than to try to find some "reason" or
"excuse" for all her lies, her selfishness, her murdering ways???? CLUES TO WHAT???
BTW, I don't really drink much coffee, especially at night my dear. And just in case you need to
know....I'm drinking orange juice right now.
And for the record.... I HAVE NOT and WILL NOT drink any of the of the Casey or any of the
"Anthony's" "Kool Aide", so you can save that glass for someone else.
Y'all have a good day now, I'll be busy for a while... will check in later when I can.
lili says:
4 days ago
Wow what in the hell was that mother thinking I mean it looks like the mother had the best life too. She
was pretty and smart..... but killing a child wasnt a very sma idea
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Welcome Lilli, The sad part is she was thinking about herself and the fun she wanted, and not thinking
about Caylee.
HB says:
4 days ago
First I know my comments here are not going to go over big but oh well. First I'm trying to put myself
in George or Cindys place and can't even imagine. I would probably be saying some of the same
nonsense as they have been. There is nothing wrong with loving their daughter no matter what she has
done and I'm sure when George smelled the odor from the car he knew what had happend or had a
good idea since he is a detective. My assessment of the whole thing is Casey pretty much got away
with doing what she wanted to do. I have read she didn't finish HighSchool, had no job, she was an
habitual lyer, and lived a social life that in these days and times is dangerous. Believe me I'm not taking
up for any of the Anthonys but they number one have to be in shock, number 2 they have lawyers
telling them what to say and do, three they are trying to love and protect a daughter which we all know,
they as well, killed her child and fourth dealing with the news media thats after the big story no matter
whether its right or wrong. I think in time probably after this is over they will thank the community for
what they done for them. A good start was donating the toys to charity. To me looking out in my front
yard and seeing the toys would be painful. My hope is that Casey gets life without the chance of parole
and I think she needs help as well. I believe in what the bible says about loving the sinner but hate the
TraceyfromCanada says:
4 days ago
Hi Kate in MO! I also have had relationships with some very selfish people. It’s exasperating, because
they have one mind set: ME, ME, ME!! In fact, I could even go so far as to say that my father was a lot
like Cindy Anthony. Very controlling and very secretive about the inner workings of the home.
911: I hope this doesn’t come off sounding wrong, but honestly, who really cares what her childhood
was like? I was beaten with my father’s fists, took belt buckles to the face and was subjected to daily
emotional abuse. I lived in fear my whole life. As a result, my self esteem was non-existent, the high
school bully honed in on me (I must have had radar for it or something!), and she tortured me all
through high school. Then I spent most of my adult life being mentally abused by two narcissists who’s
primary focus was to make as much money as humanly possible to keep up with and exceed what the
Joneses next door had. I tried many times to detach myself from it over the years and it’s only been for
the last 10 years that I’ve broken free of that. I’ve still managed to love my kids with all my heart,
protect them, shield them from my freaky family, and walked away with an increased sense of empathy.
Sitting where I sit, I have not one ounce of sympathy for that psychotic b*itch Casey. Nor do I feel
sympathy for that family. They are all sick people. Even Lee, at that jailhouse talking in codes. Codes?
That, to me, indicates dishonesty. And what is dishonesty indicative of?? Wrongdoing!! She has looked
and acted guilty since day one. But she is sitting back in prison being protected (in protected custody).
No one is allowed to question her without Ball-less Biaz there. Oop, there’s more protection. Jeezus!
Given what the authorities know about this case, and even what we, the everyday people, know, she is
as guilty as sin and there should be laws to protect the innocents in cases like these. Caylee should be
able to receive justice. And to me, justice would start with the truth, whether that comes via, oh, I
dunno, truth serum, hypnosis, or how about a good ole fashioned beating. And then she would have to
sit in a 4x4 foot cell without goodies and without a freakin radio.
Also 911, therapy only helps people who want to help themselves. And rehab??? Are you serious??
That b*tch doesn’t need rehab. You can’t rehabilitate someone like that!!?? No way, I don’t believe
Hi JMo, Hi Sadie! Hi Rascal! I feel like I already know y’all. *S* I’ve been reading posts for a month
or two and find you all very interesting and intelligent!
Hi SZA. I’m sorry if I seem hair trigger on the whole childhood thing. Even if her every whim was
indulged, there was still all the control going on, mainly by Cindy. The bottom line, at the end of the
day, is then move out Casey and make a life of your own. It wasn’t like she was 13 years old and
pregnant. She was old enough to know better. But she wanted her cake and to eat it too. Because she is
a manipulative user. A taker. (Casey) They’re all a bunch of whack jobs. But she is the queen. People
can be screwed up emotionally, but to kill anyone?? To kill your child? I think it goes quite a bit deeper
than her childhood. She’s a cold blooded killer, except she is the worst of the worst. It did my heart
good to see her walk into court the other day in chains.
steve says:
4 days ago
Good morning from the west coast. My favorite statement of momster while talking to her bro on the
video cam is that the cops are putting words in her mouth and misunderstanding what she is saying.
This comes right after he nails her on the dates in June that she gave the detectives. Old habits are hard
to break and her habit of lies, lies, and more lies will continue. What words were put in your mouth?
Remember momster, you and the truth are strangers. You are as delusional as they come and that is one
of the 84 reasons that you will not take the stand at your trial. Your friends and family will but not you.
Gee what is it momster, 2 tons, one ton, half a ton of evidence that you want to sweep under the rug?
Sorry, it all leads to you. Remember sweety, the state aint showing you the old river card yet that they
have hidden away somewhere safe for another day. BOBO Head, that is the card that sends your client
down the river! It's alright with me, put up that front, do your job, but at the end of the day even you
are smart enough to know where this is headed. I do not blame you for taking this case, someone had
to. However from what I have seen from you, dreamteam and you should not be in the same sentence
nor in the same room together. This is the N.F.L. and you are a high school player with no pads on my
man. Get ready for another tackle cause it is about to happen this week. 3 years in the game and you
expect what F. Lee Bailey? Blame the police for doing a bang up job. Blame the media for reporting
this on a 24/7 news reel. Blame anyone else, it doesn't matter anymore because if you go back and look
at things objectively you would see what 98% of us do. The whole lot of you were so consumed with
playing the shell game and we got sick of it. Good luck with those jurors when the time comes because
you are going to need much more than luck with this mess to clean up!
TraceyfromCanada says:
4 days ago
HB – come on now…. The reason the Anthonys are so unpopular these days is because they are so
sneaky and dishonest too! I can’t imagine ever being in their shoes, but I can tell you one thing for
sure.. I’d be wanting the truth, plain and simple, whatever the consequences would be. I would tell the
truth, no matter what. So what then? They get her off because they’re covering up for her and trying to
paint her into this saint of a mother and then she comes home to live?? I tell ya, I wouldn’t be closing
my eyes to sleep at night. Would you feel safe sleeping in a house with someone (I don’t care who it is)
that killed their own child because they were so tied down? Ohmygod. Cindy and George Anthony
have had everything to do with the way people treat them now. If they had embraced the truth from the
start I’m sure they’d have more support than they do now. I would not try to cover up for my child if
they killed their own child, or killed anyone for that matter. Consequences are part of life. Dontcha
Loving the sinner, but hating the sin? Yeah, whatever. Not in this case HB. Some things cannot be
Hey Steve! So you're on the West Coast eh? I used to be able to say that when i lived in the lower
mainland of British Columbia. I miss the West Coast alot!
steve says:
4 days ago
steve says:
4 days ago
You must be a big metallica fan!!! Sleep with one eye open.............................. Remember the story of
the chloroform being possibly meant for Cindy??? Sorry, probobly somewhere in my torah it says
dislike the sinner as well as the sin.
RD says:
4 days ago
If you go to Goggle Map and type in Suburban St & Chickasaw and go North to the woods right at the
curve inter the woods at the bottom of the road on the map right across from the tree on the other side
of the road you click satalite LOOK REAL Good and you can see a car in the woods and someone
standing beside it WOW I couldent belive it!
RD says:
4 days ago
If you go to Goggle Map and type in Suburban St & Chickasaw and go North to the woods right at the
curve inter the woods at the bottom of the road on the map right across from the tree on the other side
of the road you click satalite LOOK REAL Good and you can see a car in the woods and someone
standing beside it WOW I couldn't believe it!
RD says:
4 days ago
If you go to Goggle Map and type in Suburban St & Chickasaw and go North to the woods right at the
curve inter the woods at the bottom of the road on the map right across from the tree on the other side
of the road you click satalite LOOK REAL Good and you can see a car in the woods and someone
standing beside it WOW I couldn't believe it!
Nurse Betty says:
4 days ago
Hello All,
With so much talk about Bo Bo Head being inept, do you think momster will use that as grounds for
her appeal (that again we taxpayers will have to foot the bill for)? In that respect momster is crazy like
a fox.
I know I'm hung up on the cozy jail cell, but it's just not right for that skank to read books, listen to the
radio, eat her treats, snooze all day. I say put the skank to WORK -cleaning tiolets, scrubbing the floors,
washing dishes. Better yet, put HER in the Florida heat picking up trash, planting flowers, digging
ditches maybe if we are lucky she would be bitten by a snake or a mosquito carrying the West Nile
virus! Lounging in that cell is just too good for that piece of scum.
You are so right about the putting Momster to work. I agree. When I first heard about all this, I was
stuck on the death penalty, and then I thought that might be too good and easy for her. And of course,
there’s all that talk about – her getting forgiveness from God if she’s really sorry and accepts God. So,
then you think, hey, wouldn’t it be a worse punishment that she sit and rot in there while the world
passes by. But you have such a very good point! What the hell is wrong with our justice system. I’m
from Canada, so I guess we have different justice systems, but it’s all the same in that regard as far as
prisoners getting commissary treats or lounging away in their cells reading. Why is it that our justice
systems let that happen. Can’t they see that there are so many other things they could be doing. Like
cleaning toilets, or how ‘bout moving rocks from one area to another and then moving them back
again, or how about as simple as picking fly sh*t out of pepper??? With some mean nasty prison guard
standing behind her with a cane to beat her if she lolly-gags? I really believe a punishment should fit a
crime, and also, I’m not a religious person, but I am, I think, spiritual? I try to always be kind and I
would never hurt another person or an animal. I recycle. I have respect for God, whatever any of our
perceptions of that may be. But I will not let a fear of going to hell motivate me to be something I’m
not. But I definitely do not believe that a person, who treats someone the way that Momster treated
Caylee, will ever be accepted into Heaven. I won’t believe it and I never will. I will find out where I’m
going when I get there, and I hope that I will be judged based on the whole way I’ve lived my life. And
I do not, I repeat DO NOT, want to have to be in the same realm as that evil Momster is. I don’t think
God would do that to any of us…
Mind you, I have my own beliefs, but I am truly curious about the orthodox jewish belief.
nannie27inCanada says:
4 days ago
Hi Tracey in Canada - Nice to see you on here. I am also from Saskatchewan - I'm in Regina. Just like
you say, there many people here that have not heard of this case so it's nice to have this site to come to.
My friends and family will listen for a few minutes but I want to go on and on about it. I agree with
everything you have said about this monster.
I also have ghosts from my past, but like you, I think it has only made me more compassionate and
attentive to my family. I am the eldest of 10 kids who were all given away - perhaps after learning of all
this we were actually lucky.
I am sooooo afraid she will somehow get away with murder, I find I am even dreaming about all of this
steve says:
4 days ago
Perhaps it would? But momsters track record goes to show that the % of good vs. bad would lead me to
think that it is more than likely NOT going to be a good deed that is done. Her lifes past performance
proves that theory! If she does 10 things that would be judged good vs bad my guess is she is a 2 out of
10. We do not even have to ask her friends and family. Her me, me, me, attitude and aptitude tells me
that. Proud Mom, I do not know enough about the orthodox belief so I can't really comment. Also
please keep in mind this was one persons view that I commented on that I found interesting. I can
comment that Fancy Feast was served.
Nurse Betty says:
4 days ago
Hey Steve -
Glad you found "That Darn Cat" Remember that Disney movie with Dean Jones and Haley Mills???
911 says:
4 days ago
Please allow me to repeat what I said earlier:
I'm not indicting Cindy for telling her daughter to leave, nor am I excusing momster's behavior. What
kind of person kills their child?? And seems to have no regrets!!!
I'm not…excusing the horrendous act of killing one's child….The killer needs to spend her entire life in
“Also 911, therapy only helps people who want to help themselves. And rehab??? Are you serious??
That b*tch doesn’t need rehab. You can’t rehabilitate someone like that!!??”
My response: Since you’re not a mind reader (I’m not either), I guess you didn’t realize I was saying
that Casey MIGHT have been helped in the PAST, say, at a much EARLIER age, IF she had been
connected with a mental health practitioner who knows how to treat personality disorders such as
narcissistic personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder. Let me repeat: She MIGHT have
been helped at a much earlier age. I totally agree with anyone who says that an individual cannot be
helped unless they want to be helped !!!! Also, I must add that personality disorders are extremely
difficult to treat.
Tracey, I’m glad you were able to overcome a horrendous childhood. Some people with a
PREDISPOSITION to mental illness would not have been able to overcome it. I happen to believe that
some people can overcome a bad childhood, while others cannot.
From what we KNOW about Casey, she is a spoiled brat with no conscience. A PATHOLOGICAL
LIAR. From what we know so far, the killing was pre-meditated. From what we know, it was “cold-
blooded killing.” Horrible, horrible, horrible.
Let me repeat: That kind of person needs to spend the rest of their life in prison. And in my previous
post, I was going to add (but didn’t, because I did not want the post to get too long) that I don’t believe
our present prison system is good because criminals just sit there at taxpayers’ expense. They should be
working hard for their “keep” (hopefully getting some calluses on their hands).
jo1031 says:
4 days ago
Good Afternoon To All!! Just found this at Scared Monkeys & thought it interesting enough to share.
Web sleuths on SM forum have uncovered the names of 2 residents that live adjacent to area where
Caylee's remains were found. 4701 Hopesprings is the home of Fredesvind L. Gonzales & 4709
Hopesprings is the home of Zenaida Almodovar according to white There is a map showing
that her remains were found directly behind these two homes. Story also references comments made by
Lee & Momster in those jail visit videos.
Secondly, if you guys go back a while in the posts, I asked the question about what happened to the
'two eyewitnesses that reported seeing Casey and the white car' at that seen around June 18th. There
were two young guys (both early 20's) driving down that road. They reported that they remembered
seeing a woman 'that looked like Casey' wearing a big straw hat and red sunglasses. They said her car
(the white one) was backed up funny in that area. She had the trunk open and a bag in her hand. The
one guy said lets stop and see what's going on. The other guy said no, lets go. They both remember
seeing a man, dressed really nice in a suit standing nearby on the sidewalk talking on a cell phone.
They both questioned why this guy was there and what he was doing. They said it didn't fit the scene of
the woman getting a bag out of her trunk. I can't recall now if they said they drove back by again and
Casey was closing the trunk....I would have to look it up. Damn those cops for not following up on this
and Roy Kronks leads!!!!!
Anyway, I posted that here a while back. Why are they just now following up on this lead? !!!!!! Irks
me. But supposing all of this is true and there was a man there,
*do you think he was a 'look out' for Casey to be able to dump Caylee? did he know what was going
*an innocent dude she picked up to party (hooker for quick cash) with and he couldn't stand the smell
in the car and she said, oh, I left trash in the back, lets stop here so I can throw it out, then he walked
down the sidewalk and waited for her?
I personally like the second theory. If it is true, that guy will NEVER come forward. He was probably
at work and went with Casey for a quickie and most likely is married and doesn't want his wife to
know. Hell, she cold of just been giving him a ride back to work. Or it could of been the cop that was
seeing her for a while? Could of been a guy from the night before at the club that she slept with? Could
of been one of her teachers at school. Who knows how many men she was with. Could of also not been
connected to any of it either and was waiting for a ride...he was on the phone according to these two
witnesses. Point is, that guy will never come forward.
jo1031 says:
4 days ago
Sorry that link should have taken you directly to story. Go to that link & scroll down to the 3rd post.
Could Zenaida Gonzales have been code for location of Caylee's remains. Then click on read more.
JMo says:
4 days ago
911 you are correct, personality disorders are very difficult to treat. Casey has no conscience and isn't
going to develop one, no matter how long she sits in that jail. OJ and Scott Peterson will never develop
one either. They are very narcissistic people who feel totally justified in what they did and see nothing
wrong with what they did. In fact, they can't understand why everyone can't just go along with their
story and leave it at that! It irritates the hell out them when people cross them or get in their way.
hmmmm sound familiar?
Interesting stuff about the names. I don't know how Casey could of pieced that together with Zanaida
being at the sawgrass and her car description, etc. I think it is purely coincidental. Apparently, there are
a lot of gonzales's and zanaida's in those parts.
Have we ever heard anything about Geoge's parents? Is he part hispanic.
TraceyinCanada says:
4 days ago
OMG, Nanny27inCanada, so am I in Regina!! Wow, small world isn’t it? That is so cool! Hello fellow
Reginian! I hate this weather! Summers are beautiful here eh? The land of living skies! I feel sad that
you had a bad childhood too. I just cherish my children as well. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.
Steve, that is very interesting. It goes along with what I think about just living a good, pure life. I
always respect other people’s beliefs, because this world is such an incredible, miraculous place and
everything about it is so….profound? Sorry, since I hit my 40’s I’ve become a lot more incredulous
towards life itself. Coasted through my 20’s and 30’s and then whammo, 40 hit me and I’ve been all
weird about age every since.. *S*
Hi Proud Mom, I’ve been reading the hub for a while now, but never posted till last night. I always find
your posts really intelligent and I enjoy reading them. You bring some great thoughts and theories.
Nanny27inCanada – I know what you mean about talking about it all the time. I do it too! It’s not too
much on the news here in Canada. Poor little Caylee, she was the most adorable little child. She did not
deserve this and Momster needs to pay heavily.
donagal says:
4 days ago
Jo thanks for the link, that is messed up. I think it was a clue for Lee. Close to home, Zanaida and
Gonzales. He would figure that out but the police never would. She is a deceitful Bitch! I am so glad I
can't rap my mind around this woman or understand her. I probably never sleep again.
jo1031 says:
4 days ago
JMO- The area where those 2 men saw a woman coming out of the woods was in the area of Orlando
Airport. The man told the reporter that the woman had a bag & a shovel. There was also another report
before that one, a woman said she saw a white car & a woman wearing a ball cap walking out of the
woods in about the same area. These areas were searched because of the tips & cell phone pings. LE
thinks Caylee's remains were dumped on the 18th of June in the location where they were found. Could
it be that she was around the airport looking for a place to move the body & was seen on those
occasions by these people. As far as the well dressed man, at one time I thought it might be Lee but
after hearing those videos of his jail visits, I do not believe it was. During his visits it seems like he is
asking questions to try & locate Caylee's remains. I think he knew at that time that Caylee was dead &
he was trying to help his sister. So if those men were correct & did see Momster, who was that man.
Could it be the guy from high school that visited her in jail or some other clueless fool or could those
guys have seen someone else or could they have been trying for 15 minutes of fame. So many
questions in this case & bizarre happenings that we may never have any answers to.
To all of you on this hub, I can’t thank you enough for all the info that you give regarding this case! It
is so helpful! The Zenaida info is very interesting. Jeez, it’s enough to drive a sane person mental trying
to figure this all out! Sometimes I wonder whether there isn’t a part of Momster that secretly enjoys all
the attention and media. There’s the belief that she’s a total narcissist coming out in me again!
JMo says:
4 days ago
Thanks Jo. I just recall that those 2 guys reported it. Yes, it could be that they saw her around the
airport, because her cell phone pings show she drove out there and back and basically was going in
It will be interesting to find out more. I don't have a doubt in my mind that she did this. She dumped
that baby when she told Amy, I got rid of that smell in my car! I know everyone wants to put a spin on
other stuff, but how blatent can the truth be. It's right there in front of us!!! I can't stand to even look at
that narcissistic smug biotch!
donagal says:
4 days ago
Did anyone notice in the video when the guy from high school came to visit he mentioned another guy?
He said something like "If there is anything I can do or Mike ? let me know". I wonder what that was
about. Who is the Mike guy? Maybe the guy from high school was there to give her a message from
someone who helped and get any info he could get. I know someone said he wanted to be a journalist
and get a story but him throwing that name out there has been in the back of my mind for a while.
Probably nothing though.
TraceyfromCanada says:
4 days ago
Jo - Thanks for that scaredmonkey link, that was very interesting...and very bizarre!
JMo - I've always felt that too about when the body was dumped. When she told Amy that she'd gotten
that smell out of her car. Makes me shudder to even think about it.
donagal says:
4 days ago
Lets all just be glad Crazy doesn't have a computer in jail and reading this because she would probably
enjoy it to much. Everyone talking about her case. Even though none of this is really about her, IT'S
ABOUT CAYLEE. If Crazy signed over remains to Bo Bo head can her parents really make funeral
plans? That will be the next story you watch, parents plan memorial but can't get remains because BO
BO Head won't let them. One more way for Crazy to control and be Spiteful!
TraceyfromCanada says:
4 days ago
I’m curious to know thoughts on this whole Zenaida thing. Up until I read that post that Jo put up from
ScaredMonkey, I’ve thought that somehow she saw the records from Zenaida viewing an apartment at
SawGrass and picked up the name there because her friend/boyfriend (which one was it again?) lived
across the street from the SawGrass Apartments. But this new theory (the one on ScaredMonkey) also
makes some sense. But it’s all so crazy! I would love to hear thoughts on that.
jo1031 says:
4 days ago
Donagal- I found the following story way back in October posted by Sean krause of the daily bs. com.
he talks about what he found out about Patrick Bourgeois ( alleged High School friend) & Mike
Walker. Don't know if this is fact or fiction but an interesting read none the less.
Anyway, Steve, I didn't mean to say you are out in left field by any means. You are right, I don't believe
this was just a "bump" on her road to 'goodness'. In fact, I think her road is headed the opposite
direction. I just have an honest curiosity about the Jewish faith. That's where my question came from.
My faith tells me that if she were to admit she is a sinner, confess WITH HER MOUTH her sins and
allow Jesus to become the Lord of her life (meaning live as he intends for her to, which would be NOT
to murder her child and lie to get away with it), God loves her enough to save her from an eternal life in
hell. This, of course would mean that she would not be able to take this horrible thing to her grave, but
admit her sin and accept her consequences for her actions, not because WE deserve justice, but because
she has to prove that she trusts God to get her through it. I know the Jewish people are God's chosen
people, so I have a genuine curiosity about your faith as compared to what is required of me as a non-
Jew to live with Him in eternity.
Hi TraceyfromCanada! The closest I've been to where you are is this side of Niagra Falls, but I would
love to visit that part of the continent! I hope you stick around and continue to post your thoughts and
ideas. I believe everyone's opinions are valid and welcome here, except that we all (for the most part)
believe she is guilty of one of, if not THE most horrendous crimes possible. Those that don't believe
that, don't get to ride on our boat with the great soup. They get their own boat, but it's of the inflatable
type with only turnips to eat. And from time to time, those of us on this boat throw sharp objects (aka
the TRUTH) at theirs. It goes down, but for some reason, they appear with another one every once in
Anyway, back to my vacation. I have limited computer and tv access, so I'm depending on JMo, jo and
the rest of you to post the links to the latest info. Please keep them coming!
JMo says:
4 days ago
Well, I am a firm believer in Mental Illness, but there is a Difference in using mental illness as an
excuse versus a reason/cause. There are studies and theories on this. So if mental illness 'caused' Casey
to kill Caylee, remove the mental illness, then do you think her 'normal' self would of done this? This is
where she would be using mental illness as a Reason.
On the other hand, if you take away the mental illness, and she still remains a baby killer on the loose
to kill others, then she can use mental illness as an Excuse for her behaviors.
So, no, mental illness is not an excuse, but it can explain an otherwise normal persons behaviors. Look
how bizarre she is...psychotic, sociopath, narcissistic, bipolar, personality and dissociative disorder all
rolled into one. I personally think she has multiple personalities and one fucked up for the others by
killing Caylee! Just my opinion.
donagal says:
4 days ago
Thanks Jo, very interesting and a little creepy. What's with Mike Walker with a gun and a telescope?
Scoping out people to kill, or spying on people? Whatever, nice people she hung out with. Poor Caylee
never had a chance. I kind of think maybe George always spoiled Casey and Cindy was jealous, then
here come Sweet Caylee and she got all the attention that Casey used to get but not the protection she
used to get from George. So now she was overly jealous of her sweet baby and it over took her. I
believe Crazy has some kind of mental illness but not an excuse, she covered it up and knew she was
doing wrong (lying is proof of that).
JM I think you may be right about one of the personalities fucking up everything for the others!
JMo says:
4 days ago
You can almost see the personalities....
The GOOD MOM: pictures of her smiling with Caylee at the beach, in the back yard.
The PARTY GIRL: club fusion pictures, dancing, drinking, drugs, etc.
The DADDY'S GIRL: crying in the jail video's, use of his car, enabling behaviors
The I HATE MY MOTHER GIRL: instant change of behavior when speaking to Cindy in the jail
video's, calling herself a "spiteful bitch" when speaking about her thoughts regading why she won't tell
Cindy where Caylee is, telling her mother on the jail phone that talking to her is a f'n waste of time, my
mother always critisized me and called me a bad mother, Caylee called Cindy mom, she wanted to kick
me out, she hated me, blah blah blah!
The THIEF GIRL: I would lie, steal and do what I have to do, including run check numbers to steal
from my grandparents, steal from my friends to buy me clothes, steal gas cans, steal food and whatever
I can get from my parents house, etc.
The KILLER GIRL: puts duct tape on her childs mouth, chlorforms her and stuffs her in two garbage
bags and throws her in the trunk, smell gets so bad, goes to the airport (not a good place to dump her),
then thinks of burying in the back yard (but not a good idea so returns a clean shovel to the neighbor
after 45 min) and finally after 2 days of woe, decides to toss her in the woods next to the house right
before the hurricanes come. Oooops, sorry other personalities, I took over, I guess I messed things up
big time, huh? Can you others try and get me out of this???
How many personalities can a "normal" person keep up like this? This doesn't describe the 'normal'
person to me.
Good thing is: She is sitting in jail for a reason! She's not there because she is innocent.
donagal says:
4 days ago
JM don't forget Slut Girl: sleeps with anything that shows attention to her! Has multiple boyfriends,
don't know who the daddy of my baby is.
donagal says:
4 days ago
Maybe all the other personalities will beat the sh.t out of Killer Girl and save everyone the trouble of
donagal says:
4 days ago
Maybe all the other personalities will beat the sh.t out of Killer Girl and save everyone the trouble of
donagal says:
4 days ago
Ok who sent the squirrels to my computer!? Sorry about the double post, don't know how that
steve says:
4 days ago
I like to think and believe we are all in some way Gods chosen people. JMo, great post! Momsters new
web site is located at
TraceyfromCanada says:
4 days ago
Hi Proud Mom! – I liked the way you explained that, about admitting the truth, accepting the truth and
facing the consequences and about then getting forgiveness because of real feelings and real remorse…
but I have to admit that I selfishly don’t want her to ever be forgiven for such a horrible crime. The
worst crime I can even think of. There can’t be anything worse, can there?
Religion confuses me, I have to say. I was raised in a place where there was much mockery of religion
and my parents very loudly proclaimed being agnostic. And of course because they said it was true, it
was. Although I secretly never believed anything they said! *S* I just always wanted to believe that
God would protect me, despite my ignorance, because He would think I’d probably suffered enough.
But just because I don’t have an organized religion, I still love God and have the utmost respect for
Him. *LOL* Everyone probably thinks I sound like a kindergartener, eh?? *S* I still can’t even forgive
my own parents, nevermind the Momster. So I’ll keep my mouth shut about the whole “where she’s
going when she dies thing”, because I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about. I just wish she’d go
to hell, that’s all. After she’s spent the next 50 years moving heavy rocks from one side of the jail to the
other and then back again, with a guard behind her, slapping her in the head every time she slows
down. Aren’t I mean?? Sorry!
JMo – very interesting theory about her having multiple personalities…And you’re cracking me up
with the descriptions!!! *L*
Donagal – omg, that is too funny!! Slut girl, yes, don’t forget that one!!
Nanny27fromCanada - how did you hear about this crime, if you don't mind my asking. The only
reason I ask is because no one that I know here has ever heard of it, and it's become such a big part of
my world these days, I can't imagine someone not knowing who Caylee Anthony was. I still can't
believe we are from the same city in Canada. Way cool!
JMo says:
4 days ago
Donagal, one of her personalities will come out in jail or on the stand. Right now, she is in protective
mode of them all. I think George could break her down. She needs to believe that he will protect her for
her to be able to confess. She is fearful right now, but you can see that spitefulness come out every now
and then when she smirks. She flips from one emotion to the other and this is where they will show her
unstableness. She is one f'd up person in my book!
Mary from Canada, sorry you were raised in that environment, but glad you are finding your own way.
I believe that God is within us all and if we lose our hope and belief's, then we have empty
place in our soul and all around us. Everything loses meaning to us. Do what you know is right in your
I try to explain things to people like this: everyone has issues, and everyone can tell something messed
up about their childhood. Some get passed it and some don't. I don't know why. This is why their are
adults who are in therapy for what happened when a child. Those of us who have gotten past it or those
that are trained to help, need to help them. I believe it is our social obligation (jmho).
Think of it like all the differences you can see in people. One person could have their child die and
would fall apart and be effected the rest of their life for it. Then look at Rose Kennedy and how many
of her children died or were killed/she remained a strong woman. Know one knows how things effect
people differently but they do. We have to try and keep our world on as much of a level balance as we
There are people on all points of the continum that move all around at different times. We have to pay
attention to those who are going to far to one end before something bad occurs or find ways to get them
help to stay in the normal zone. Anyway, that's just the way I view life. We will always have the Good,
the inbetween, and the Evil. Find your balance and your beliefs.
nannie27inCanada says:
4 days ago
Hi Tracey in Canada - what a small world huh!!!! I think I first heard of this case right at the very
beginning on Nancy Grace - I haved been watching her show faithfully every night since the Anna
Nicole thing. I find it strange that hardly anyone here has heard of it. They are only mildly interested in
it when I bring it up. If you ever want to have a good old talk about it you could email me at this email
addy I just made specifically to speak to you, its not my real email addy. Perhaps we could talk on the
phone???? or even have coffee. Totally up to you - I know it's risky meeting people on line but I can
assure I am harmless LOL. Here is the addy: Hope to speak to y ou
soon. Wouldnt it be funny if we even live in the same neighbourhood!!!
TraceyinCanada says:
4 days ago
JMo – You are so right about everything you said…Some people get beyond it, some don’t…For many
year, I wasn’t beyond it. I still am not completely beyond it, but well on the way. I think I’m stuck on
the forgiveness thing. But I can forgive, I want to forgive. What prevents that is that they (the parents)
don’t change. To survive in their world, you have to accept the fact that you’re not important, and they
are important. You’re stupid and they’re smart. Your life is trivial and theirs is very, very important.
That’s where I’m stuck at. It’s about survival for me. I don’t think I’m anything special, just a normal
person, deserving of respect, that’s all. But anyways, this hub isn’t about Childhood trauma, so I’ll not
talk about that anymore! Sorry everyone!
JMo, you are a very wise person, and a very caring one, that is very apparent. Your post really made me
think. Thanks so very much!
Nanny27inCanada - I wish that I would have found Nancy Grace sooner, but I had never even heard
about her until I found this hub! I heard about it when I was at the library and read the National
Enquirer and I couldn’t believe it when I read it, so I had to google it when I got home. That photo of
Caylee just became imprinted in my brain, and I know it might sound a little crazy, but I felt an
attachment to this little girl. I felt obligated to pay attention. So, I started out on the Orlando Sentinel
site, watched every video and read every article and then branched out a bit more. When I found this
hub, I learned about Nancy Grace, and about that TwistedMysteryWriter site. I love reading the
TwistedMysteryWriter posts! I still haven’t read all the posts on this hub, but one day soon I’d like to,
because I know a lot of you that post here have been here a long time! Yes, wouldn’t that be crazy if we
lived in the same neighbourhood Nanny? I’ll drop you an email at that address you posted, thanks!
911 says:
4 days ago
To TraceyfromCanada...thank you for being sensitive to another person's feelings. I'm sure we all have
reasons for why we think/feel the way we do. No harm done! JMo, thank you for your posts.
911 says:
4 days ago
To TraceyfromCanada...thank you for being sensitive to another person's feelings. I'm sure we all have
reasons for why we think/feel the way we do. No harm done! JMo, thank you for your posts.
donagal says:
4 days ago
JMo nice post!
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Good evening all, Jo, Thank You for the post interesting. I see Casey is still driving us all crazy trying
to get in to her mind and figure her out. Personally I do not think any of us can do that since we are not
like her. It takes a crazy spiteful bitch to be like her and jealous of your own child. I just know I fell i
love with Caylee from the moment this story started. And I am sure so many of you had more tears for
Caylee then Casey did. The Anthony's will have service for Caylee when Bo Bo Head releases her
remains, since she is in charge, unless Spiteful Bitch decided to let Bo Bo Head take care of Caylee's
arrangements and that would not surprise me at all.
donagal says:
4 days ago
Good Evening Rascal
steve says:
4 days ago
I'll 2nd that.
JMo says:
4 days ago
Thanks. Donagal and Tracey(sorry for calling you Mary) I truly do care about others and want to leave
a good mark on this world when I leave. Forgiveness is hard, but it feels so good when you do it. I
forgave my parents a long time ago. I recall thinking: I didn't pick them and they didn't know anymore
about being a parent than I did. I had to realize that they did the best they knew how with the tools and
upbringing they had, etc. It may of not been perfect, but neither am I as a parent. It takes looking at
your own faults, self-realization and then forgiving others for their faults or for doing what they know. I
believe what you said Tracey about a child being overpowered, but when we become adults, we have
our own power to change. Change our minds, habits, thinking, beliefs, etc. I know that values and
systems are created by the time we are age six and it can be in the back of our minds forever, but we
have to move forward and break "the cycle" for our lives and our kids lives. I hope you someday find it
in your heart to forgive your parents and realize it was a small part of the rest of your life (which you
have control over).
Anyway, back to that skank Casey....I wonder if she gets frequent headaches from trying to devise more
ways to get herself out of this situation? I wonder if she has nightmares and which one of her
personalities is causing it? The entitled narcissistic Casey was in that courtroom the other day, and I am
sure she went back to her secluded room to continue to feel important like all the high profile
murderers do! Sort of enabling her isn't it?
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Sunday is my league pool, that is the only time, I can truly get my mind off this case. Then I hurry
home to see what has happened, is that bad or what? I just wish the tox reports and we should see if the
prints are on the tape, that would put the nail in Casey's coffin. I really miss you all when I am off line.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
This site has sure made a lot of us come together, Steve at this rate me may need the Titanic.
donagal says:
4 days ago
Good night all, have to share the computer!
JMo says:
4 days ago
Does anyone else wonder where the rest of the roll of duct tape is? Maybe it is out there in the woods
still? Maybe Cindy tossed it from the trunk into the trash when she cleaned it out and also washed the
clothes? I bet there was a lot more evidence in the trunk than what we know....or that the police knows
about. I wish everyone in the surrounding areas would go back and check survellience tapes to see if
they can see Casey in any of them...maybe driving by their business on her way back to the dumpster or
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
JMo, never heard anything about the roll of tape, maybe that is something they found it at the house
when they took a lot of evidence. The other things I still wonder about is the 2 guys that seen the white
car near the airport, if she buried the back pack there to get rid of it.
jo1031 says:
4 days ago
JMO- We still do not know if any duct tape was found at the Anthony home during the many searches.
Cindy did clean out that car & I believe that is why LE took all those vacuum cleaners during that
search of the home the day the body was found. I think you are right about her getting rid of stuff she
found in the car & only told LE about the pants she washed. Two empty cans of air freshner were found
in the garbage near the Amscot parking lot early on in the case. I think OCSD & the FBI know alot
more than has been reported to media & we have seen in the court docs that have been released so far.
Rascal- Good thinking on Momster disposing of the backpack in that area by the airport. We also still
do not know whether they found Caylee's clothes at the site where the remains were found. Maybe she
was using the shovel to bury her clothes & the backpack in that area. That would explain cell phone
activity & the sightings.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Yes that is why I thought about it so maybe that guy was right that seen the white car by airport. Why
else would you be in that area. Cindy did not give then anything of Caylee'e when they wanted to do
the search with dogs. I know they have more then we know, I am sure we have not heard it all this is
going to wear my Tivo out when it starts. I know I will be glued to the TV and so will others.
JMo says:
4 days ago
Just sitting here thinking about all the craziness and how Casey probably doesn't have a connected
thought in her head, but a lot of mixed up jumbled thoughts (kind of like letters written by
schizophrenics that are rambling from one thought to the next) with periods of lucidity throughout.
Given that, the One Tree Hill episodes that she was looking up before Caylee died, really could tie into
this stuff. There are episodes about the child having near drownings all the time from the pool in the
back yard, grandma wanting to be called Nanny, the boyfreind who let her hang at his apartment with
him and his roomate if she provided beer and pizza, the baby being kidnapped by a new nanny who is
actually a nurse, etc. All these things are in the episodes and much more. I bet a psychologist could
piece it together. I also think that Casey thinks she is playing a part in a movie the way she acts. It truly
is not real to her at all. They need to let her spend time with George to get her to tell the truth. He is her
only reality.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Yes I think George was the one that came real close to breaking Casey. One Tree Hill is part of this, I
have no doubt she is off in La La land. It will be pieced together but seems like it is taking forever, we
just want to know why she did this to Caylee. The truth and no more lies from any of them.
steve says:
4 days ago
Donagal, sharing is caring. Rascal, I am actually looking into The Queen Mary even though they say
it's haunted.? Like your thinking on the clothes and backpack! JMo, momster doesn't get headaches she
gives them. I would like to be wrong on that but looking at what they say she has gotton from the jail
"store", Advil has not caught my eye. Too bad! I look forward to Mondays now since it seems that it is
the start of momentum for the week and then it dies down again each and every Friday night. My new
phrase will be T.G.I.M. Sleep great everyone. Night John boy.......................................
TraceyfromCanada says:
4 days ago
911 – I’m glad you’re not mad at me. J
Rascal – It upsets me so much to think that little Caylee hasn’t been laid to rest yet.
JMo – You’re so sweet, you make me want to cry…That’s okay that you called me Mary, I knew what
you meant, and it’s hard to keep track of everyone coming and going and I’ve only been here a couple
days! I really wish I could change things, but it’s just so…..difficult. I haven’t talked to my father in
almost 8 years. He’s never talked to me either. We had a falling out (long story!), and then I tried to
make amends with him a few months later and sent him a Christmas card and gift, and he returned it to
me a month later, unopened with a typed letter full of terrible hurtful things. Then he took me to court
to see my kids, (I’d never denied him seeing the kids, in fact it pained me that they didn’t have a
grandfather), he lost in court because the judge saw right through his bullsh*t. (he took my sister to
court too, the same day) and ordered a court conference, at which point my father stormed out of the
building with no interest in settling anything. He just wanted power and to squash me like a bug, and
that was it for me. I shouldn’t even type all that, someone on this hub is going to give me sh*t for
talking about stuff unrelated to the topic, but it’s just so hard because there’s so many dimensions and
layers to it all. Sadly, the best thing that ever happened to me was not having to see him anymore. he
hurt me real badly for a really long time…
But thank you JMo, for being so kind. J
JMo – yes, I often wonder how her (Momster’s) mind works. It must be very emotionally exhausting to
always have to be remembering her lies. I don’t know how she keeps track. I think probably the people
who are sending money for her commissary account fuel her narcissism. Makes her think that she’s
going to get off or something. Yeah right! I also wonder about the mental stability of the people sending
her money. Why would anyone do that?
Rascal – I chuckled when I read your post, because even though I only started speaking yesterday on
the hub, I’ve been reading faithfully for a month or more and I’m always so anxious to get back and
click on refresh and see what you guys all have to say! I feel like I know you all already! I also enjoy
reading the posts from Wednesday Morning, but she hasn’t been here this weekend so I haven’t had a
chance to say hi yet.
“Night Donagal
I wonder too where the duct tape came from. From her home or whether it was that roll that she
borrowed from Amy? Also I’ve been wondering why there is no interview with Annie Downing, unless
I’ve overlooked it. Didn’t that Sean Daly say that him and Annie were Momster’s best friends? I was
just wondering about that and thought I’d ask.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
As stupid as Casey she probably bought it at Target, I am sure they pulled up what she purchased from
the stolen checks off Amy's account. The check would have gone to a certain register receipt, easy to
match up to what was purchased.
linn says:
4 days ago
Do you all remember this "poem" or some saying from Casey's myspace page I believe?? It went
something like this:
Why do people who kill people are killed by people to show killing is wrong".. NOW, lol, I am sure I
have some words off. It was on her myspace page about the time that drawing of a little girl with a
noose was on her page. I know I am not going, darn it all, but CRAZY! lol
Anyway, here is the BOMBSHELL at least for me. I was doing nothing all day but being a spud on the
couch. So I almost choked when on Death Wish I or II, there was Jill Ireland, Bronsons g/f on the show
doing an interview with the mayor and low and behold!! He says the exact same words!
Odd at the time to hear her or read that saying. But to hear it said word for word on DEATH WISH?? I
mean, it took my breath away. I know when it was reported they made it sound like Casey made it up
on her own. Again, to have it heard on such a horrific violent movie was stunning.
I swear I was watching Death Wish I, yet it was said again today and I was watching Death Wish II.
Anyway, if anyone gets a chance to see it, it is the one after his wife dies but with Jill Ireland in it. Then
again, she was also in Death Wish I last night! LOL. Sorry about the mixup.
It just stunned me to hear something from 35 years ago word for word, yet also on Casey's myspace
page. Has anyone else ever heard that saying? I never did.
And Steve, Fancy Feast?? My cat read that and then only got Friskies so he walked away. Thanks! He
will be shipped to you. At 25 pounds he eats about 3 cans, twice a day. Fancy Feast to him is like drugs
to a drug addict. lol.
excellent posts tonight. been meaning to post some responses, but laptop is dying.. sigh. Sometimes I
can read and post, other times just read
Also, is it just me or is the site super slow? When I first get on I have 3 months to scan through. Took
over 15 minutes tonight, but I still have dial up. No laughing.
Night all. I wonder what news we will hear this week? Momster confessed? OK a reach.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Linn, We cal only wish and say a prayer for that one!
Steve, looks like you are going to have a Kitty on the Queen Mary, get your fishing pole ready,
TraceyfromCanada says:
4 days ago
Jo – when I heard about them taking the vacuum cleaners after the body was found, all I could think of
was, “six months later!” How many times has that vacuum canister been cleaned out in that many
months? Do you think it’s possible that fibres or any evidence may cling to the inside of the vacuum
even if it were cleaned out? I sure hope so.
Does anyone know if the trial will be televised on CourtTV? I want to make sure I have that channel. I
have CourtTV Canada I think, but mainly I get all my info on the internet and Nancy Grace and all the
awesome links you all post here on the hub.
In regards to Steve’s comment about her weekly commissary orders, does anyone know how much
money she’s got in there now. I had heard it was down to 20-something dollars, but then Nancy Grace
was saying that more people had put in money, so I was just curious. I’ll have to make that a weekly
thing to do, go see what she’s ordering.. Can you also see how much money she has on those reports?
Hi Steve!
steve says:
4 days ago
linn, my cats are more spoiled than my boys! They look at me with "that look" if there is anything else
in the bowl except sliced turkey feast. I am to blame!! I have enabled them. I will forward you my
U.P.S. ACCT # so yours may arrive next day air. 25 lbs. though is going to be expensive but worth it!
25 lbs. also sounds like your cat will make one of her meals my persian and for dinner my main coon.
P.S. cats
steve says:
4 days ago
linn, my cats are more spoiled than my boys! They look at me with "that look" if there is anything else
in the bowl except sliced turkey feast. I am to blame!! I have enabled them. I will forward you my
U.P.S. ACCT # so yours may arrive next day air. 25 lbs. though is going to be expensive but worth it!
25 lbs. also sounds like your cat will make one of her meals my persian and for dinner my main coon.
P.S. cats rule
steve says:
4 days ago
linn, my cats are more spoiled than my boys! They look at me with "that look" if there is anything else
in the bowl except sliced turkey feast. I am to blame!! I have enabled them. I will forward you my
U.P.S. ACCT # so yours may arrive next day air. 25 lbs. though is going to be expensive but worth it!
25 lbs. also sounds like your cat will make one of her meals my persian and for dinner my main coon.
P.S. cats rule and
GranNaw says:
4 days ago
Just popping in to catch up on the day's happenings. Rascal, I hope you had a good time at your pool
league today. I'm curious to see how the prosecutors tie this "One Tree Hill" show into Casey's story,
but I do think there is a lot they will be able to do with that. I don't watch the show myself, but I have a
lot employees in this age group (the young twenty somethings..ugh) and I hear all about it all the time. I
do think there could be something to it for sure. Very interesting about the location of Caylee's remains
and the names of the people who live behind there...hmmmm, but I'm thinking its more likely
coincidental.. like whomever it was ^^^^ (sorry...too lazy to go look) that said it - those names are
probably common there in Florida and everywhere there is a large Hispanic community. I'm with Steve
in that new phrase of his T.G.I.M. LOL, but the new is better the early part of the week and an absolute
bust by the week end...
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Tracy, I have had this Tivo for over 3 years, and I first started to use it for Nancy Grace when I was at
pool. I had to keep up on this case.
Steve sounds like your cats are as spoiled and my Rotten Little Rascal Brat!!!!
GranNaw, Thank you I had a great day at pool, been playing for years.
I was listening to the tape of Casey talking to Lee again to night, and I picked up on something that was
said. About it being close to home, near a complex where her friends live. This is double talk really
saying It Is Close. She is giving him clues. So this is starting to make sense now, Lee knew and told his
parents and that is why the PI's went there.
GranNaw says:
4 days ago
I think they knew too Rascal, they figured out those clues and I think that George was telling Casey
that they had figured it out when he was relating to her how he feels Caylee close, how he goes out into
the yard and talks to her about the moon and the stars....
Off topic and maybe too much personal info for some but I want to say it anyway... that clip just breaks
my heart. In part because I can see George's pain and in part because I am a star gazer myself and go
out with my grand daughter Kait;yn, (the one who is just a few months younger than Caylee) to watch
moon phases and various "night sky events". I remember when this case was still young and hurricane
Faye (actually a tropical storm by this point) but there was a "once in a life time" event occurring with
Mars and the Moon, supposedly a quite spectacular sight to see. There were only a few nights you
would be able to view this event from where I live in Georgia and Kaitlyn and I went out every night to
see if we could see it, but the cloud cover (and the rain) from TS Faye was just not letting us see
anything. Every night as we were out on the deck with our telescope i would say a prayer for little
Caylee. I knew she was out there in the rain and it just hurt my heart so badly.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
GranNaw, I know what you mean, Christmas when my Granddaughter was hugging me I had tears
thinking about Caylee. It was a happy time on one hand with my Granddaughter and on the other hand
very sad. My son noticed it and he asked me after she got down to play what was wrong, and I
explained about Caylee. He did not have nice words to say about Casey. He said Mom you never half
to worry about Rainah, of course I knew that.
GranNaw says:
4 days ago
It looks like I should be proof reading before I post tonight! LOL at myself and my typing/spelling
skills... very lazy tonight is my excuse.
Yes Rascal, I treasure my time with my grand babies too. I have been keeping my newest, little Kaylee
for my daughter since she went back to work and I cannot help but hold her even tighter and closer
after seeing and hearing everything I have in this case. I almost wish my daughter hadn't picked that
name sometimes because I know that the rest of my life I will think of little Caylee Anthony every time
I speak my grand daughters name.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
We will all think of Caylee and never forget her. Think I am going to go turn in for the night, the Bratty
little dog is already there. I goof on typing also do not worry about it. Have a good night GranNaw.
GranNaw says:
4 days ago
I'm outta here too... good night.
TraceyfromCanada says:
3 days ago
GranNaw – Thank you for sharing your story…Touched my heart.
Rascal – I thought of Caylee lots this Christmas too…
Goodnight all…
JMo says:
3 days ago
Well, looks like we are all off to a peaceful night. Tracey, I had a friend in a similar situation...just
horrible...and 6 years later, they just found out his mom (who was acting the same way) had something
wrong in the brain making her do bizarre things. They somehow forced her to receive help and things
are slowly mending.
I'm not saying that is your situation, but really try not to take it personal about your Dad. Forgive him
for what he does and put things in perspective for yourself and your life ahead. Pray for him to be well
and to receive the help he needs. Hopefully there will be a break and something will change to turn
things around. This is not your fault. You need to respect yourself for who you are today. You sound so
much like you are hurting inside. I hope you heal quickly and can be healthy in your body and your
mind. Carrying anger only destroys your soul and does not leave any room for mending and can make
you sick. It's a new year Traci, so at least give it a try, ok?
Meanwhile, I like the idea of the titanic. I feel like we all took a trip on the tiny ship SS Minnow and
now are castaways stuck in this mess until we get rescued by the truth. So much for taking a fateful trip
in rough weather.
Glad all the cats and squirrels are taken care of for the night......
doc d says:
3 days ago
i cant believe this. these photos are just casey having a good time. we can all relate to having being
drunk and peeing in public, vommiting excess alcohol and being a little flashy. to be quite honest, there
are people out there whom expose themselves far worse than casey, and if you haven't; then you are
part of a different social grouping which your fun involves whatever it is you exose youself to.
whether she is guility or innocent, we should look into the facts of the case, not raping her past and
discrediting her. being a "party animal" does not label someone as a murder, nor does it lable her as
someone who commits acts of incest or prostitution.
lets be a little smarter about this people. there are too many bullshit theories in this case by people who
label themselves "experts". therefore shut the fuck up, nancy grace should shove a cock in her mouth,
although there is room for more, and pay attention to the god damn facts in this case so we can gain
some intelegent information by watching this fuck hole news network.
if shes guilty shes guilty, if not, thenshe is not. its caled innocent until PROVEN guilty not slam the
suspect to get ratings, because what if shes innocent?
think about it
SadieSkye says:
3 days ago
Excuse me everyone for what Im about to do.... but this is very important...
doc d-- why dont you shove a cock in your mouth and re-think about it.... Dumb F%@K....... she IS
guilty............ its been proven
Now ... if the rest of you will excuse my french..... Thanks... but it had to be done...
SZA says:
3 days ago
Forsensic investigators have confirmed that Caylee died sometime in June ... So I wonder how Casey is
NOW going to explain her story about speaking to Caylee during a July 15 phone call from "Zanny" ....
JMo says:
3 days ago
Hey. I am up to work today. Looks like overnight we got a visitor from the turnip farmer.
Glad you told him he had visited the wrong place SadieSkye. I bet he is one in the same as "know
nothing shitlock", whaddya think?
Anyway, more important things today....this just in. A few posts back I said that Hoover was a RAT,
well, looks like he is getting in trouble for leaking out the tape and trying to profit. Brad Conway
(ANTS attorney) is pissed at Hoover and will try to prevent more damage being done. He is going after
Hoovers PI license. (thank goodness). Hoover is a snake.
Here is the story. Have fun with it today and I will check in tonight after I get home to see what's
Farmchick says:
3 days ago
Doc "D" , is spelled INTELLIGENT!!!! Get the cock off your brain and stick it your A$$!!! Does
your dick reach your A$$?.......Then go F_ck Yourself!!!
Since when do you investigate and search an area where the remains are found a month later and call it
work product just because you failed to turn it over. I call it OBSTRUCTION!! Explains why the
Anthony's want immunity! Aside from all the other CRAP.
The video itself SUCKED. Camera moving too fast to see much of anything in the area.He , DC, did
have a probe.He also did move a BABY BLANKET. It was all together only a snipit of about a minute.
From what I see if they are using this to say there was no body there, they are screwed. There were so
many fallen leaves, he could of been standing right on top of her and not of known it.
This case is making me so flippin mad! I want the Anthony's charged already.
To end, the attorney said the reason the Anthony's gave THEIR tape, the WORK PRODUCT, to
Geraldo was because they said "they did not want anyone making another dime off of Caylee. They just
want to bury her with dignity now."
Doesn't it feel like the Anthony's react to whatever public opinion is at the time. Makes me SICK!
Arrest them all already!
TraceyfromCanada says:
3 days ago
JMo – You are such a nice person! Thank you for even taking the time to care. I’m not angry anymore.
Life is too short.
Sadie – OMG, you’re crackin me up! What a nasty thing for that doc d to write. Sadie – you go girl!!
SZA – I was surprised by her saying that she’d received a phone call from Caylee on the 15th of July.
You know what quick one where she talked about her book and shoes. I’m grateful for her pathetic lies
though, because they all just make the prosecution’s case stronger.
One thing that’s never sat well with me is when she first talked to the police during the interrogations,
she said that the last time she’d seen Caylee was the 9th of June. After they’d (authorities) had
pinpointed the 16th as the day she went missing, I’d always been curious about why she’d have said the
9th. Was it intentional, or did she actually lose track of her days in amongst all her partying?
Farmchick says:
3 days ago
I think if I found this hub, the Anthony's have, and they may be reading these wonderful analogies of
their psychotic murderer of a daughter.
Farmchick says:
3 days ago
TraceyfromCanada, I hope I spelled it correctly. It was because that is the date Cindy Anthony said
originally that was the last date she had seen Caylee. It wasn't figured out right away that she had been
with Cindy on the 15th. It took a few days before they had the tape. At least I think it was a few days. I
do know it was because that was the date Cindy had told.
TraceyfromCanada says:
3 days ago
Hello FarmChick! Thanks for answering that for me. :-)
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Good Morning all, Steve tell Doc he is not welcome on the Queen Mary, what a (_!_). Sadie and Farm
Chick you get em, he does not have the sence to climb on the turnip truck sick the Squirrel on Doc.
Now, I know that he didn't kill or abduct Caylee, in my opinion.....but this is just what the procecution
needs to cast reasonable doubt for that skank sitting in jail.
Hey guys --- Looks like you all had an eventful weekend. I did too. Was busy purging my intestines of
a nasty little virus. Undoubtably squirrel related.
I don't have a lot to add to the PI video other than footage of me vomiting all over myself would have
been much more interesting to watch.
I did come across this little golden nugget this morning... Might be something, might be nothing, but it
is VERY interesting regarding the Zenaida Gonzales connection & the location of Caylee's remains.
Heading out for the day, but will drop by later to discuss. Have a good one!!
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Roy Kronk, was involved with a x girl friend, she called him to come get her. In the process someone
filed a charge of kidnapping, it was dismissed in court and his record expunged he cleared every back
ground check threw the FBI, so this is just more spin. He is also a X private investigator and this case
sparked a interest for him. He was also very open and honest on his application when he applied for his
job in Florida.
SNOOPY9318 says:
3 days ago
Where do we find what momster has ordered at the commissary?
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
I have not seen the new commissary order posted yet, she buys all kind of junk food. All she does is
eat, read and sleep. After Caylee was found all she did was stuff her face. Maybe she is trying to get so
fat they can not get her out of the cell.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
It is posted some where up on the blog, use the arrow button I think Marie posted it. Hope that helps.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Wednesday, I think they are getting our bunks made up in the Queen Mary, Steve had to trade up to a
much bigger boat for all of us. And he is getting fishing gear ready, he has a new cat being shipped to
him. That darn Squirrel is at it again. LMAO
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Ok I am going to pull a Casey, ME ,ME, ME first.:(
Putting Duct Tape on Wednesday's comment. LOL
steve says:
3 days ago
WEDNESDAY MORNING,After reviewing the photo in race #3 it is a photo finish. You both get paid
for win, place, and show! Some people over the past few months are located in the Mickey Mouse Club
as you can plainly see. Or the 7 dwarfts club (what's up doc...) I love our clubhouse with the secret
handshake but not so secret location.
snoopy9318 says:
3 days ago
I'm still here!! I still can't find the link for the commissary. I hope NG has more "bombshells" for
tonight. I'd like to see a speedy trial. Permission to come aboard?!
snoopy9318 says:
3 days ago
I'm still here!! I still can't find the link for the commissary. I hope NG has more "bombshells" for
tonight. I'd like to see a speedy trial. Permission to come aboard?!
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
snoopy, Steve is very nice, he will let you come aboard. I looked for the link it must of got deleted off
here. I will check later and see if I can find it for you.
snoopy9318 says:
3 days ago
Thank you, RascalBrat! I appreciate your help!
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Wednesday, Yes I did, it is part of the code between Lee and Casey, that I was listening to on NG last
night she kept telling Lee I know she is close to home, he knew from that conversation where she was.
During that video the nanny also came up. Also just listened to a video on myfox orlando, Caseys car
was seen at that area in June very interesting.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Wednesday, do you remember where the link is for Casey's commisary, snoopy just came aboard and
wanted to look at it? :)
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
HLN News just announced the detectives may of found what they were looking for, that Casey acted
alone in killing little Caylee. It is in the Video that Hoover did take, they are saying it is the nail in the
coffin. Source shows over whelming that Casey did this delibertly.
I think Casey's boat just sprung a leak, and there is no life preserver on board, Hell she will not make it
to Gilligans Island and no flare for SOS.
donagal says:
3 days ago
Hey Rascal, I was just reading about it on my Google alerts. Do you think the pavers they found are
from the Anthony's yard and put there to mark it?
donagal says:
3 days ago
Also caught on tape talking to someone (DC) saying that he found it or something like that.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
That very well could be, knowing Casey she is not the brightest Turnip on the Truck. There are not any
words in my vocabulary to say what I think of her, I half to remember what I was taught. Dam it is hard
to bite my tongue. They had that tape on Geraldo last night but did not show it on TV, also Dominc
Casey is heard on his Cell Phone saying she has to be here and is frantically looking and probing the
ground. Which neans Dominic lied, he said he was talking to his sick daughter.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
I think he was talking to the Anthony family, no wonder they want immunity!!!!
donagal says:
3 days ago
I think he was talking to the Anthony's also. I think the shit is about to fly so everybody duck!
Marie RN says:
3 days ago
Here is a link with a bunch of Casey commissary info, including copies of her order, what's available
and donations. The most recent orders haven't been posted.
Weds, I love ya, but Jo (our preeminent poster) posted that link about the proximity of the remains to
those houses a couple of days ago.
According to some sources, Dominic Casey photoshopped the picture of Caylee at the mall the day
after he found the remains. He is an old frined of the Anthony family. Remember Casey talking about
he was one of the few people she trusted in the beginning?
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Marie, so that is where the so called tips were coming from, just to the heat off Casey, OMG is that not
Obstruction or what the hell is, with all the other things.
IThe pictres in the mall was supposed to be from a cell phone from 2 women in the mall. Wow he
really fits in to the spin and lies.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Is there any Shyster Attorneys left in Florida, I think Dominic Casey will be looking for one very soon.
Please remind me if I ever take a trip to Florida, not to drink Kool Aid down there.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Well, Rascal, they should be able to prove that easily enough with phone records!
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
They will definitely get a subpoena for the phone records, but I am already sure were they will lead to.
No doubt in my mind.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
I kinda think it was Lee...
steve says:
3 days ago
Snoopy9318: Welcome!! Is it me RascalBrat that thinks there is something really wrong with the name
Casey. Whether it is your sir name or not. Please advise us if any of you have this name so I can make
sure my cabin is on the other side of the ship! A kaweenkydink or not let's all keep our eyes open. Also,
I remember the media coverage with Elizabeth Smart and even Miss Holloway but I do not think those
had this frenzy of sorts by the media. It is quite unreal to a point that it has become a real life reality
show that is always on. That is why I call it As The Stomach Turns. Heck, it may give The Simpsons a
run for it's money with longevity?
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Kate, I think all of them knew even Bo Bo Head. Dominic Casey is a friend of the Anthony's and he
was working for them. So my thought this is within the Anthony's for sure, leaning to Cindy, since she
is the one that wears Georges Pants.
If these Bombshells keep hitting I may need some Kool Aid. LMAOROF
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
No kidding...I think BoBoHead knew, too; I just can't wrap my head around the thought that George &
Cindy knew...they seemed to love Caylee so much. But I guess if my brain worked the way theirs do,
I'd be the one with an attorney and the one asking for amnesty...if my daughter ever did something this
heinous, I would never speak to her again until she came clean and was truly devastated by what she
had done. I wouldn't be defending her stupid lies to the public. And I would expect her to pay the price,
whatever it may be...
just me says:
3 days ago
Wow watch this video of lee's att. Where did he find this winner?? LOL
just me says:
3 days ago
Wow watch this video of lee's att. Where did he find this winner?? LOL
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Even the Golden Girls could find better then that! Lee Call Blanch she knows a lot of guy's just like
you sister Casey!!!!
6rcfvgbjk; says:
3 days ago
you suck
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
OMG another Troll, take you lollipop and go find your color book and crayon, I hear your Mommy
Calling you!!!!
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
OK, I'm trying to post again, things are weird tonight. I can't believe Lee's idiot attorney; with defense
attorneys like that who needs prosecutors??!! I just heard on JVM that if they trace the call that DC was
making from the crime scene back to ANY of the Anthony's, it's curtains for Casey. Crossing my
fingers & toes...
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Kate, I think this willl close the curtain. Can not wait for NG tonight.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Steve, can my Maine Coon cat join yours on the SS Queen Mary? He's had a very snotty attitude lately
and I'm looking to send him away for awhile...just to teach him a lesson.
Does anyone know if they matched up the trash bag at the scene with the ones from the Anthony's
house?? Seems to me that between June and the last time they removed items from the house they
would have used up all those bags and opened a new box by now. Hope not. Just a minor detail but
every little bit helps.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
None of those test have come back yet, well I should say they are not released yet. I want to hear about
prints on the tape.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Me too, Rascal! Going to get the popcorn & soda, see ya later!
Marie RN says:
3 days ago
I'm wondering why Dominic Casey is going out on such a limb for Casey. Did he really have a dog in
the fight to begin with?
Lee's lawyer is an idiot. Way up there ^ there is a link to Lee's lawyer referring to Caylee as Lee's
They probably have a lot of video's that they took....Hoover was just waiting till they found the 'real'
location and then he could say "oh we video'd that spot". It could of been anywhere she was found and
he would of "stolen that tape of that spot and said the same thing". He is trying to make a name for
himself and what he did was wrong. He desperately wants to be known as a Hero. So, I will now call
him No Herooverhere!
PS - remember how everyone suspected Kronk, suspected Zenaida, suspected Jesse, etc. IT IS CASEY
and ONLY CASEY who did this! That is what I believe. Everyone else has gotten pulled into her
games and spins are flying to make everyone seem like they had some part in it (the death). Anything
after that to do with knowing where Caylee's body was remained a guess, a tip or a hunch, but no one
knew for sure until her duct taped skull rolled out of that bag!
JMo says:
3 days ago
Here is the latest I found from today. Surprised no one posted anything.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
JMo, the only one i ever suspected was Casey, and her family covering up. I still believe that till this
day, it is all cover up. But I do think it would be interesting to see if Dominic Casey, was calling back
on his cell phone to the Anthony family.
Etta says:
3 days ago
Momster has already said that she doesn't care if she has to spend the rest of her life in jail...and why
not? All the peanut M&Ms, chicken top ramen, and tossed salads you can eat. Real justice would be
sending her 50 grand for her commissary, then giving her the needle before she could spend any of it.
Personally I'll settle for the special female friends she will make in general population who will treat
her right.
Marie RN says:
3 days ago
Twisted fans - TWM has posted today! To the new folks, check out Several
of us enjoy it.
Marie RN says:
3 days ago
At the opening of NG tonight, when Casey is walking into the court room from the right hand side of
the screen, you can definitely see a baby bump. (also Casey's ass is as big as my quarter horse's!) I
tivoed it, and played it frame by frame, and it was very evident. Someone popped in for one comment a
couple of days ago and said it is policy NOT to put waist shackles on pregnant inmates, as would
otherwise be the case with Murder 1 suspects.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Can you believe the gale of the Anthony's saying someone might dig up Caylee. OMG there daughter
threw her away like trash. We all had more feelings for Caylee then Casey did. Shame on you
Anthony's, no wonder I have no respect for them.
Thank you JMo, that info was not up earlier when I looked.
GranNaw says:
3 days ago
JMo - I think that the tape just shows that the Anthony's (at Cindy's direction) would go to ANY length
and extreme to try to cover up and to protect Casey. Cindy has tried to misdirect this investigation all
along with false sightings,misinformation, washing pants containing evidence, turning over a hairbrush
that may or may not have been used by both Casey and Caylee, etc. I could go on, but I think you get
the general idea of what I am saying about Cindy's actions and reactions. I'm sure you have listened to
Cindy's comments in the bond hearing and her statements to OSCD as well as to the FBI. She has done
everything she possibly could (subvertly) to mislead or misdirect the investigators and to try to gain
both public support and sympathy. If you have not listened to them all, you should. Even in the
beginning it was not about Caylee, but about how much sleep she had lost... her favorite expression
was I'm sure you can imagine. What I cannot imagine is anyone truly concerned about finding her
Grand daughter and getting to the TRUTH of what had happened saying and doing the things she has
said and done. As if all that is not enough she additionally became angry/agitated/upset with anyone or
any group that attempted searching for the body of a dead Caylee. I truly think they KNEW (after the
fact mind you) that her little body was there. They may not have known the exact spot, but I do think
they knew the general area and I think Casey gave them the clues they needed to not only go find her
little body, but to sabotage the scene as wll. It's just my opinion, but it's formed from what I see now as
well as EVERYTHING I have seen in this case since July 16, which is the same date that Cindy
KNEW that little Caylee was dead. If Cindy has said ONE THING in all of this that I bet she wishes
she could take back it is " I just found my daughters car today and it smells like there's been a dead
body in the damn car!"
Nannie27 says:
3 days ago
Hi everyone - Im just wondering how you add a picture or an avatar to your messages?????
JMo says:
3 days ago
I agree that the ANTS are cover up artists, and they probably figured the body was there, but that tape
didn't show anything at all. Therefore, it was just a strong feeling based off 'secret clues' that Casey
gave them. If they had found the body themselves, then I think they would of said, look here it is and
casey couldn't of done it because she is in jail, etc etc. However, I agree they look awful fishy though
and now Hoover is trying his best to spin this and throw them under the bus with this screwy tape that
shows nothing. I can't imagine Dominic finding baby bones and Caylees head and not saying anything,
can you? I can't imagine the ANTS (esp. George) knowing Caylees head is in the woods being eaten by
bugs and not reporting it? Even if they reported it in Nov. (if they knew) it doesn't mean Casey did it,
just that they would think, Hey, look where Zanny threw Caylee to die. They would of wanted to pin it
on Zanny, because they still believed at that time that Zanny was the kidnapper and killer.
I just think there is the 'edge' of the spin that makes it all unbalanced (kind of like the washer when all
the clothes go to one side, ya know). You have to stop the cycle and reposition everything, sometimes
more than once to get through the load. This is where I hope they hang Casey out to dry (pun intended).
I guess I just hate this because it is a weak argument for convicting Casey and if they are not careful,
they will have so many weak points that they may ruin their case.
Marie RN says:
3 days ago
Nannie, go to the top of the page and register, then you can edit your profile and add any picture you
want. Plus, you can have fans, and we will know it is you posting, and not an imposter!
Marie RN says:
3 days ago
I really wonder if Baez is going to turn over Caylee's remains to George and Cindy. Someone said
above, and I beleive it to be true, that Casey signed over the remains to Baez, so the ball is in his court.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Marie, JMo posted a link about a burial for Caylee, about cremating , because they do not want anyone
digging up her bones, that is what set me off. Saying Casey threw her away like trash.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
But if Dominic Casey was heard on tape saying "This is where it should be", what was he talking
about? And who was he talking to? And why has he changed his story 3 times? I truly believe that
Casey, and ONLY Casey, killed Caylee; but who all she has drawn in to her web since then is anybody's
guess, and those phone records might prove something...
JMo says:
3 days ago
I gues I figure that Casey already buried Caylee once and now her bones have surfaced, the plants grew
through them, the bugs ate on them, the flood waters soaked them, etc. Caylee has been through
enough. I agree with the cremation, due to grave robbers who want to make a profit, however, I hope
this is within the family wishes and traditions. My family would never ever agree to a cremation no
matter what, because they don't believe in it. They think you can't go to heaven if that happens. Maybe
the ANTS beleive the same thing and are concerned about Caylee going to heaven? Just a thought. The
bones are in property of the funeral home right now, waiting for an answer. Poor little Caylee will
forever remain in those woods. Her blood and tissue is scattered and absorbed into the grounds, etc.
This was the way Casey wanted it when her plan A failed. I don't think Casey had a plan B, nor was she
smart enough to devise one before the fact. She is making it up as she goes. At any rate, no matter what
they do with the remains, Casey should have NO say in what happens. She already had her chance. I
hope she chokes on an M&M.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
JMo, yes that is there choice, but to say the reason is someone one would dig up her bone's. I do not
think anyone would, hell they could put her remains in a vault that is secure. How could anyone harm
Caylee anymore then her Mother already did, that is the part I do not get, just my thought.
GranNaw says:
3 days ago
Marie, I said a few days ago that "I imagine" that Casey has given Baez control of the remains. I do not
know that to be fact as that is ONE report I have NOT seen or heard anything about.
To me it would make sense for her to do that as he is her "legal representative" by all eyes of the court.
She, as Caylee's next of kin, would actually have control under the law as I understand it and I believe
she can still have control even though she is incarcerated, Baez would just have to take everything to
her since she is behind bars and cannot "go to" what ever it would be that she would need to sign, etc. I
can see her playing that last "CONTROL" card over Cindy and George. I can also see that as the reason
Caylee has not been laid to rest yet.
And just for the record... I have and still do in some respects feel great empathy for George (especially)
and for Cindy. I believe that they did and do and always will love Caylee, I just don't think they were
very effective as parents/grandparents. I do feel like most of Casey's habitual lying stems from what
she has both learned in the home and from what she has "determined" to be an effective way to "get by"
in life. I think that George and Cindy both knew the "truth" about Casey a very long time ago and just
never could admit to themselves what a problem she really was. They "CHOSE" to ignore and look the
other way and this is what it led to in time. I don't think they "WANTED" anything like this to happne,
nor do I think they actually ever expected she was capable of "MURDER". I do however think they
knew she was "NO GOOD" and that she was up to "NO GOOD" and I do think they should have and
could have done SOMETHING to intervene long before it came to all this. That's what I think.
JMo says:
3 days ago
I don't think they are thinking in terms of harming Caylee anymore in that sense, but in the sense that
Caylee's bones could be photographed and profit be made. A sick thought, but there are people who
would do it to make a buck. The thought of harm due to Explotation of Caylee and her memory, etc.. It
is all so sickening, isn't it. If they bury her, then she will have two burial spots. People are probably
looking in those woods to see if they can find something else. Strange creatures....just look at those
who are sending momster money...that too is beyond my comprehension.
Nannie27 says:
3 days ago
MarieRN thank you for the info ----- I guess I was already registered 4 months ago as Nannie27-I just
hadn't filled in any info or put a picture up. I have been on as Nannie27inCanada lately but it wont let
me change my original registration to that. So....just for the record - I am Nannie27 and also
Nannie27inCanada. Thanks again Marie!!!
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
OK, finally figured out how to register and do the photo thing, let's see if it worked or if I continue to
be digitally challenged...
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Nannie, Welcome to the site. It did the same thing to me used to be Rascal, now RascalBrat,
GranNaw says:
3 days ago
Kate in MO says:33 minutes ago
But if Dominic Casey was heard on tape saying "This is where it should be", what was he talking
about? And who was he talking to? And why has he changed his story 3 times? I truly believe that
Casey, and ONLY Casey, killed Caylee; but who all she has drawn in to her web since then is anybody's
guess, and those phone records might prove something...
Kate in MO - I totally agree that the audio on that tape is what "makes the case" against the Anthony's
having knowledge after the fact. I also agree that ONLY Casey KILLED little Caylee...but I think there
is going to be even more twists and turns to this thing before it's over than we could ever imagine. I
think our boat is just about to be cast out to sea. Hang on and pass the Dramamine (sp) please.
steve says:
3 days ago
Mr. Casey, why were you hanging out at that location if as you say it were just a teen hangout? Feet
away from where they find her. Weeks before they find her. Have you handed over your cell phone
records? Why 4 different stories as to who you were talking to? I know who you weren't talking to, me!
I know who you might have been talking to and it rhymes with me. You are being honest with the S.S.
Momster M.A.S.H. aren't you? You better be! Changing your story? Why? What were you poking and
prodding for? A couple of todays posters brains? Names need not be told since we know those 2. Didn't
find a brain? Thanks for looking! I will alert KidFinders for you 2 and maybe just maybe they can help
you locate them. L.P. thinks that Kronk contacted his supervisor back in August. This guy knows the
ANT's. Also back out there in November.? Perhaps the P.I. was tipped off from him? It is getting
juicier! All cats are welcome! Cats rule and dogs drool. P.S. I am glad momster likes prison life. May
they live happily ever after!
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Whooo, Ben Levitin a communications expert believes The Anthony's and PI's are under FBI wire tap.
I wonder if they really are. This was on NG
Steve, my little Shih Tzu does not drool or slobber, and she loves everyone. Oh Oh does that mean we
are off the Queen Mary?
Nurse Betty says:
3 days ago
"Grave Robbers"? Please...the only reason the ANTS want to cremate little Caylee is because it's C-H-
E-A-P-E-R $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Thanks, GranNaw...I agree with part of what JMo said; we do have to be careful because some would
have us believe that aliens are involved in this or Elvis came down from Heaven and took Caylee away;
however the main reason there are so many twists and turns is because we're dealing with liars here. We
KNOW Casey is one; and with Cindy and George sticking with the "rotten pizza" story they kinda fall
into that category too; and with Lee refusing to take a lie detector test, well, that's no surprise...and then
we have Baez, DC, and Lee's clown of an attorney (and HE is such a bad liar he should never have
attempted it during an interview with a reporter!!). So if everybody involved is lying, I guess you have
to build a case is with circumstantial evidence, no matter how weak. I think her goose is cooked,
though...she's not a celebrity, like OJ or Phil Spector, she's just one of us commoners who decided to do
something horrible, and now she's gonna have to pay the piper.
Nannie27 says:
3 days ago
Geeeeeez why did that guy have to go and say that about the ANT's PROBABLY being wire tapped.
MAYBE they already figured they were, but if not, now they will for sure. I think there are some things
that just should not be said on air!!!!!
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
RASCAL, you have a Shih Tzu?? Me too!! She's the one in the photo with her favorite furry donut!
She does not drool or slobber either, and she has a bigger vocabulary than I do! And she's much more
loving than the cat...sorry, Steve...ok, back to unsolved mysteries...
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Nannie, tonight is the first time I heard anything about a wire tap, but maybe they have what they need
already! I the Anthony's had the house checked for bugs in the house when they went back in, after the
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Kate, Yes she is my baby , but she is a spoiled brat!
steve says:
3 days ago
Of course they were being tapped back since July probobly! That may be the all important river card
that they have. Shih Tzu gets one vote on the yeah side. Please, nobody have any really big dogs cause
that is where we have to draw the line. I have a great idea.Lets all put in five cents and send momster a
Target gift card for her next birthday! With coupons of course. Or better yet, one share of Target (TGT)
which closed today at $35.11 with a card that reads, thank you for your business and we miss you!!
kks mom says:
3 days ago
why do some of the jail house videos look like what is being said does not match the movement of the
mouths or who is speaking? Anyone notice that on NG? I mean, several times on the one with George
and Cindy speaking to Casey, the sound was obviously not what went with that particular video.
kks mom says:
3 days ago
why do some of the jail house videos look like what is being said does not match the movement of the
mouths or who is speaking? Anyone notice that on NG? I mean, several times on the one with George
and Cindy speaking to Casey, the sound was obviously not what went with that particular video.
kks mom says:
3 days ago
why do some of the jail house videos look like what is being said does not match the movement of the
mouths or who is speaking? Anyone notice that on NG? I mean, several times on the one with George
and Cindy speaking to Casey, the sound was obviously not what went with that particular video.
linn says:
3 days ago
well hmmm. I had no idea I really should register but I will do it. Anyway to get rid of 3 month old
posts? Believe it or not, it took me 1 hour and 15 minutes tonight to get to the last days posts.
Rascal, the meter reader guy, according to NG tonight was a BOUNTY HUNTER!! One man guessed a
PI, but that is when she or someone on the panel said he was a former bounty hunter. I thought he was
on the up and up, but apparently he took a picture and is now seeing about selling it So much for the
"good samaritan" I guess. I mean, he does deserve a reward, that much I do believe. But not to profit
from ANY pictures.
If Casey did not want Caylee, then why didn't she end her pregnacy early on? You can even get it for
free at a clinic. I am not for this, but it sure would have been better than this ending. I have really
looked at Casey and she is still thin. She is pasty and has dark circles, but she is still thin. The chains
around her waist were right at baby level if that would be the case. She also would have to be pretty far
along by now, so having the chains there would not be allowed. I didn't see a bump, but it could have
been the chains pushing her jail top up. No more Target clothes, though jail clothes might hold up
Steve, did you forget my BB? He is waiting with his fat ass all brushed.. lol. I was told when I went
into get him fixed that I had to be mistaken on his age. He was about 2 months old and over 9 pounds.
When I got him he was still super tiny and still had blue eyes. Now he has that bright yellow and he is
HUGE with long black hair. He sort of scares me.. haha. GET HIM!! He needs a vacation!
OK all, I needed to write a little humor. Hey all, ever noticed that round defense lawyer on NG? I so
felt for him tonight.. lol. When they just show a camera over them all, tonight he was sweating, pulling
at his collar and truly looked like the kid saying "Please teacher, don't call on me".. lol. Sad to say, NG
DID call on him and he flunked again. He does give the most OUT there statements! I did feel for him.
I can also see where the Ants would think about the bones being desecrated. There are, as we are
discussing, tons of evil people out there.
I also heard that Baez is not releasing the body yet as they still have tests to do.. WTF? I mean, even the
experts say there is no reason she should not be buried. The tests are done, the second autopsy is over.
No reason at all not to have the funeral. I wonder if Baez is sort of tormenting the Ants by making sure
they know he has complete control not just over Casey, but over poor Caylee? I know this would kill
me, and I would be making quite a stink over making sure she is buried. Again, even the experts say
there is no reason to not have Caylee have a buriel. Sick again.
Off to register and hope it does not take another hour and 15 minutes to get on tomorrow night! NIGHT
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Put me down for a nickel...and I used to work at Hallmark so I can get the card cheap! HEY...they have
song cards with your own recording now...we could record Caylee on NG singing "You Are My
Sunshine" OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER...maybe they would pipe it through the prison PA
system...til she loses her mind and pulls all her hair out...sorry, that was mean.
GranNaw says:
3 days ago
Steve - I think all we should send her is a copy of this week's Target Sales Ad. If we we to all chip in a
nickle and send her a gift card she would just send BoBo over there to get her a pair of 99 cent panties
and that would just make her toooo happy. I want her to suffer and wear the real nice granny panties the
jail has available for her. I hope they starch them for her down in the laundry.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Linn, I am not impressed with Kronk taking pictures of the remains either, I know they said he was a Pi
in Tennessee. So maybe he was a bounty hunter, had not heard that yet. Why does everyone want to
make money off this tragedy.
Kate, It says you sent me fan mail and I will be dipped I can not find it, as soon as I do will except it,
Thank you.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Linn, Cindy would not let Casey get an abortion, and I think, being the unemployed freeloader that she
was, she wasn't in much of a position to argue. I'm sure no one ever saw this coming...
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
GranNaw, Hope it is heavy duty starch, and stiff like a board, LMAOROF The Squirrels made me say
GranNaw says:
3 days ago
I heard over the week end that Kronk used to be a bounty hunter. It was in the same article I read that
told about the kidnapping charge when he went to South Carolina to pick up a girl friend/ex girl friend
and the husband or the new boyfriend (some sort of domestic drama) reported a kidnapping??? Not
sure of ALL THE DETAILS but I know there was a NO TRUE BILL returned from a grand jury and
the charges were dropped. I have not heard about photo's of the remains??? Is he shopping them???
Maybe they were made as "proof" as to how he found them so he could show LE that he had not
disturbed anything??? Maybe not??
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Rascal, I don't know how to send fan mail, so it must've been a goof...sorry! Didn't want you to think I
was an internet predator, ha ha!
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
I forgot to blame the squirrels...
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Kate, Casey could have done it she was of age, but she waited till she was 7 months before Cindy was
told. Now this is hard to believe and the story really does not make sense, because at 7 months I do not
think they would do it that late. Casey wanted to put it up for adoption and Cindy said no on that. We
have heard so many lies from them, who knows what the real story is. NP I have no idea what the mail
is then on there. I know I clicked on your pic to be a fan of yours.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Kate Click on you picture and you have mail waiting for you, LOl I should of had my glasses on .
GranNaw says:
3 days ago
Rascal - we can only hope they are using the "good stuff" on those panties... but on second thought...
maybe extra "stiff" is not a good idea with this girl....she might enjoy it too much if you know what I
Good Night everyone -- I'm off the good ship lollipop for the night, hoping to set sail with winkin,
blinkin and nod soon. Hope I'll be able to see y'all tomorrow.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
OMG LMAOROF GranNaw that is to funny!!! Casey is probably not wearing them, she is hoping her
string breaks in the pants and give the gurad a thrill.
JMo says:
3 days ago
Seems like the same postings keep coming up over and over...maybe it's hard for some to read the latest
posts above theirs to see what has gone on in the last 12 -24 hours?
Anyway, the mouths on the videos don't move with the sound because it is poor quality...just like some
old movies.
Also, one of my favorite things noted on Nancy Grace was : On average, on the 12th, 13th, 14th and
15th, She was texting something like 60 plus texts a day. Casey was sleeping three to four hours a
night. And all of a sudden something happened on the night of the 16th. She slept 12 hours. The text
stopped. And then the next two days she slept, oh, about 10 and 12 hours. And then a pattern goes back
to three and four hours. And the texting goes back to normal. So clearly something happened during
that time (between the 16th and 18th).
One of my earlier posts noted how criminals behave in patterns! This is how they get caught usually.
Watch Casey on this video of her 'frantic driving' back and forth on this map and where her cell phone
Also, wanted to mention the jail video with Cindy....Cindy asks Casey, well once you are able to tell
them what happened you will be let go....don't you think? Casey's answer was...a blank look and then
said, Potentially. She knew right then that once she tells what happened, there was no getting out for
her. Watch it again if you get the chance.
Tiffany P. says:
3 days ago
Hi I'm trying to find pictures of Caylee, I have found some here and on google search but
not much, does anyone know where to find pictures of caylee , thanks
Tiffany P. says:
3 days ago
Hi I'm trying to find pictures of Caylee, I have found some here and on google search but
not much, does anyone know where to find pictures of caylee , thanks
Tiffany P. says:
3 days ago
Hi I'm trying to find pictures of Caylee, I have found some here and on google search but
not much, does anyone know where to find pictures of caylee , thanks
JMo says:
3 days ago
Anyone else notice in the video that the little blue area where the cell phone pings is pinpointed "in the
woods" were Caylee was found.....not on the road in her car. hmmmmm That could be very
incriminating if accurate.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
JMo OMG I just looked that is amazing how they can pin point that.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Tiffany, Go to you tube and type in Caylee Anthony there are a lot there, hope this helps you!
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Thanks to all for the welcome...JMo, that video blows me away! And yes, I did notice that ping being
in the woods...I was wondering if that's where her actual phone was or where the tower was. If it's her
phone, you betcha that's incriminating!
I was going to say good night earlier but my computer crashed, just now got it going again. Moxie
wants to go nite nite and what Moxie wants, Moxie gets. See you all tomorrow.
JMo says:
2 days ago
Pretty scary, eh RB? Here is a good one on the interrogation with Casey. Her voice is weak, no tone, no
emotion, nothing! She is a LIAR>
Plus, here is one I had not seen before of George and Cindy. George does all the talking. It is on 11-21-
08. You can see George's pain. I know we have all been fed the turnip soup that says they are the ones
not cooperating, etc. but when you hear this, you see their reasoning. They refuse to give up hope that
Caylee is alive. He can't even bear to think about Casey, etc. because I think the pain is too deep. I
would be angry if I hadn't been allowed to view the pictures and video's of the Caylee sitings too. I feel
as if they were in defense mode. The police already made up their mind that Casey is guilty (everything
points to it) but their hope for finding Caylee seems to be all they had to hold them together. Don't get
me wrong, I think they obstructed justice, etc., but this may put a new light on things for some with
understanding what occured and why.
Jack Skellington says:
2 days ago
Watched Gone Baby Gone a couple of days ago on cable, and the statement made by Captain Jack
Doyle (Morgan Freeman) about his own kid who was killed a mere 0 minutes away from his
home...crying for Daddy, but Daddy was never there to offer protection...still rings in my mind!
Words cannot even express what Kaylee Anthony went through before her death... No amount of words
from the drunk and superficial Mother can ever bring justice to the sad and sorry ending of her
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Good morning all. JMo, Casey's lack emotion all the time except when she crys that she wants to go
home, that is the only time we have seen it. Oh there was one other time when they cuffed her to take
her back to jail in the court. Did she actually think she would just walk out of there and go back to
being a party girl. When and if the truth comes out, I think we will find that Casey used the
Chloroform. Put Tape over Caylee's mouth and she just never woke up because of the Chloroform
being to strong. I am hoping this is the case, so she did not suffer. What a heartless spiteful bitch Casey
HannahsNana says:
2 days ago
Has anyone else noticed that when Casey "cries" she's always wiping under her eyes, like she wants to
make sure her mascara isn't running and making her look bad! Like anything she does could ever make
her look good again!
Steve - RascalBrat - is there room on the boat for one more (and a Russian Blue cat)?
Someone suggested a Target gift card for the amount of one share of stock and a We miss you card - I
have seriously lost it - I was thinking I could go do that at lunch and then I thought - I'm as crazy as she
is, this whole circus has me obsessed!
steve says:
2 days ago
Hey BOBO Head: What we have here is a faikure to communicate. You may call the half ton of
evidence circumstantial evidence while we on the ship call it incarceration evidence! You feel the room
getting smaller BOBO? Me too. No more nanny B.S., no more kidnapping B.S. Give me something
today so I can think you are a bigger schmuck than I already do. Please........... I asked nicely.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 days ago
MarieRN, thank you for the url to see commissary items. Thank you to Steve and all who have
welcomed me!! I have brought my long haired chihuahua on board (didn't think she'd take up too much
space!! lol)
I have been with you all a long time, just haven't posted until recently. (You guys do such a great job of
covering all the angles!) I noticed on the url posted above that Caley had a bruise under her eye and
that the hairdresser noticed bruises on her body!! Am I missing something? Does anyone know if this
was reported to Family Services? Would that not be considered abuse in florida?
Marie RN says:
2 days ago
Snoopy, I'm not sure if the hairdresser was ever formally interviewed. On on of the jailhouse tapes,
Casey denies to Cindy ever taking Caylee to the hairdresser, and denies that such a person exists. Not
that what Casey says is gospel! Last night, one of NG callers asked a great question. She noted that Dr.
G said there were no broken bones post-mortem, and asked if there could have been broken bones pre-
mortem. The pathologist confirmed that was possible, and bones that were broken before death could
be determined upon exam of skeletal remains.
Marie RN says:
2 days ago
Linn, I've found the fastest way to get to the end of this blog is to wait for the page to load, then hit the
"end" key on my keyboard, which takes me to the "submit a comment" box. I then scroll up to read
where I left off.
Another tip that some may not know, if you are looking for a specific word or phrase (eg "hairdresser")
simply hit the ctrl key and the F key on your keyboard. A little box will pop up that says "find" Put in
the word you are looking for, and you will automatically go to that place.
Marie RN says:
2 days ago
oops, double post!
nela says:
2 days ago
To JMo
I dont agree with what u said about Caylee not going to heaven if she is cremated. Poor little girl has
been dead for half a year so i think she made to heaven in June. And anyway i dont think God would
ever judge a little girl by the way her "family" decided to burry her. She went to heaven the second that
crazy bitch killed her and threw her in the trunk.
everybody lets just pray for Caylee that she is at peace and with God. I truly believe she became an
steve says:
2 days ago
Did I miss something just now on CNN Headline news? At 9:45 A.M. before the break they said they
were going to say "who was on the other side of the lens" I guess that can be meant 2 ways but if
anyone knows who was doing the filming please let me know who and what I have missed. Thanks. All
little dogs are welcome on the ship as long as we get enough to make the sequel called Dog Ship. No
pun intended. I said ship.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
ok back from the vampire. Steve I just told Rascal she can come aboard she gave me a little woof of
approval. Moxie you will be able to meet Rascal. Get ready for the attack of Shih Tzu's and the
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Steve, HLN will have it on in a few min.
They just said the same stuff as they did last night on NG, nothing new.
Marie RN says:
2 days ago
Roy Kronk on Good Morning America - says he has no connection with the Anthonys, and that people
are vilifying him when he just tried to do the right thing:
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Marie, I looked at Casey's commissary purchases, that girls sure has a appetite. How many is she
feeding? It does not look like the kind of food I would eat if I was preg.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 days ago
Rascal, I looked at Momlogic and only saw the purchase for October! Am I overlooking the latest
purchase somewhere? Thank you!!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Snoopy, That is the one I looked at also, I am not sure where the others are, I did see others but it has
been awhile. Casey orders a lot of junk food.
Snoopy are you from Oregon, the reason I ask is I have a friend that goes by Snoopy, and has a little
doggie like yours.
Farmchick says:
2 days ago
Steve...On the otherside of what lens?
My Shi Tzu, Spanky, requests pemission to board. His sister, Maggie , the Golden Retriever has said
she will swim alongside since its her favorite thing to do and incase we ever need a tow.
JMo says:
2 days ago
Nela, please re-read my post. I said that "some people have this belief" and they do. It doesn't mean I
think it or don't think it. It is a cultural belief that deserves respect, whether or not anyone agrees with
Yes, poor Kronk, I read his story this morning. Again, the squirrels keep trying to steer the boat in the
other direction. Keep it steady Captain! Kronk said, no good dead goes unpunished. I can't believe that
people are fooled into the old "kill the messenger" idea. No wonder no one will come forward. Look
what Kronk and Zenaida have been through! Damn media!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Farmchick, Wow another ShihTzu oh you half to put the picture up, this is cool. Steve will learn to love
them. We will half to name the ship Steve's Arc. LMAOROF
JMo, We know Kronk did not do anything wrong, the defence always approaches things like this just to
take the spot light off of who it needs to be on!!! We know Florida has this one the news almost 24/7 he
also got involed like the rest of us. And he had the perfect job being in that area to keep his eyes open
and Thank God he did. At least little Caylee will be put to rest, she is with God.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 days ago
Rascal, actually I'm from Indiana!! Single mother of four! Oregon sounds good about now!! :)
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Oregon is truly Gods Country it is beautiful here. :) I live where they made the Movie Grisley Adams
close to the water fall.
Marie RN says:
2 days ago
Snoopy, my 20 year old son moved back to Missouri from Indiana yesterday! He said it is shorts
weather, and it is nice to see colors. (not just white!) Stay warm!
For some reason, only the first complete commissary order for Casey was posted.
Rascal, I'm rethinking the pregnant idea. I didn't see it before, but now I see the waist shackles in the
latest video of Casey - don't think they would put them on a pregnant woman. (Unless she is waiting
until she is 7 months along again to admit it.)
JMo says:
2 days ago
RG, I just hate the part where he said that some people really believe he was involved somehow. That
has to be terrible. I certainly don't think he was involved and is as innocent in this as is Zenaida....but
there are those out there....
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Marie, I like my thought from before she is eating so much junk food, she is hoping she will get so big
they can not get her out of the cell. Then Mommy and Daddy will come to visit, and they can not send
her far away. I know Bad Squirrel!!!!!
steve says:
2 days ago
I do love dogs too! Growing up I had a pekapoo. Who is filming? The other P.I.? Let's look into the cell
records to get rid of who it wasn't at that time. Caylee is in heaven I would like to believe. Casey is
going to hell I would like to hope. Momster being prego, we will know soon enough. Who the father is,
she probobly doesn't even remember and if she does has alienated that person from her life by now. Or
vice versa. The defense is always going to use the everyone but my client approach so lets all take it
with a grain of salt. What else can they come up with? Momster, may you enjoy today as much as
yesterday! I see we have not come up with the stamp money muchless anything else to send her.You
guys are truly focused. I love ya! B.T.W. someone needs to clean the litterbox beside me. 4 and a half
till N.G. YOU ALL.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Steve, Hover is supposed to be filiming Dominic Casey, there has not been any other name out there.
Now it is going to come down to who is telling the truth, OMG here we go again who do we believe.
Dominic has changed his story 3 times, Hoover has not changed his story, so there is our choice. I think
I vote for Hoover.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
2 days ago
Hey all...been away for a few days. Busy weekend! Welcome to all the newbies.
I don't know why, but for some reason I thought I recalled hearing that commissary orders were only
filled once a week or so. I found ,that
orders are filled 3 x's a week. WOW!! No wonder Casey is growing.
GranNaw...I am Georgia born & raised; however, I currently live in NC. Where in GA are you? I am
from Brunswick, GA. It's in southeast Georgia, 1/2 way between Savannah and Jacksonville, FL.
(Forgive me if we have already discussed this--but I don't think we have.)
I will continue to read here everyday, but I may not be posting as much. Starting back to school
tonight...and with this, a full-time job and my family, well...I just have to prioritize. I will be around
tho, keeping up with everything.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
SE Georgia that link is Orange County Calif
JMo says:
2 days ago
I think Conway will go after Ho-over's PI license and will have justified cause to get it. I think the guy
is a Rat who is seeking attention and notoriety. JMHO.
I remember a picture of Casey driving her car shortly after Caylee was reported missing. She had a big
sore on her right cheek. I remember thinking "Oh, she looks like she has been doing meth!" It was just
my initial reaction. I wonder if she was on meth? So skinny and all and out of her frickin mind! Who
knows, that may even be her next defense for what happened....stay tuned.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
JMo, that is a good possibility and now that she is off it and eating all the junk, gaining weight.
I think they should take both of there license's they were messing with a crime scene. They really had
no buisness searching anywhere and messing things up.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 days ago
Thank you, Georgia for the link. Do you know how to see momster's orders?
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Snoopy that link is for Orange County ,Santa Ana, California, you need the one for Orange County
Flordia Commisary
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Orange County are pulling records on Dominic Casey's cell records, wonder how soon we willl know
the truth, it was just on HLN
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Linn, sorry for the misinformation I posted last night about Casey not getting an abortion because
Cindy wouldn't let her...Rascal corrected me and rightly so. Cindy didn't know until it was way too late;
I just had my facts confused. This case overheats my brain...I accept my flogging and promise to T-H-I-
N-K before I post again.
JMo, do you think Hoover possibly got scared of being charged with obstruction of justice and threw
DC under the bus before DC could throw HIM under the bus?? I'm not saying he isn't a media whore,
but he looks mighty scared on TV...
Moxie says good morning to Rascal, Spanky, and all of our other animal kingdom friends...she wants to
participate in the attack of the Shih Tzus on Casey but she's catching a few ZZZZ's right now (yelping
at something in her sleep).
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Kate, Moxie is probably dreaming of the Queen Mary ship ride, hope she does not get sea sick this will
be a long ride. Spanky has the advantage with longer legs, can attack Casey first. Captain Steve will be
fishing for food.Sure hope there is something new on NG tonight, I want the BIG BOOMSHELL, tired
of this waiting.
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Me, too, Rascal...I have a feeling we're going to be on this site for a long time to come.
You live in Oregon?? One of my FAVORITE, if not my VERY favorite, states!! We used to go at least
once a year and stayed in Yachats, between Florence and Depot Bay. Beautiful!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
I live in Grants Pass, that is where the Movie Grizley Adams was filmed, by Water Falls, it is really
going strong with the snow and rain. I have been to Florence very nice there also. Love the Trees,
Rivers, Mountains and especially the wild life here.
Wednesday Morning says:
2 days ago
********TWISTED'S BACK*************
I saw Kronk of GMA this morning. I really did feel bad for him. It's very likely that he is telling the
truth that he is NOT connected to the Anthony's at all.
I imagine he was simply like all of us & totally consumed with this case and all of the mystery behind
it. I know we've talked on here before and said things like "if I lived closer I would be there searching
too". Well imagine working in that area...I think curiousity would make me go have a peek from time to
I also wonder if Kronk ever did any web surfing/blogging to get any information. It's possible he knew
that KioMarie & physics had tipped off this area. It's possible that he's simply too embarrased to say
"I'm an armchair detective just like Steve, Marie, Rascal, Proud Mom, Wednesday & the rest of my
shipmates". I bet there's a 12 step program for people like us.
As far as last nights BOMBSHELL, I think this new evidence is definatley game, set, match! Those
cement pavers were the link they needed. Excellent find on the part of the PI's. Too bad they sealed the
deal for the prosecution instead of their paid clients. oopsey! Better luck next time guys.
steve says:
2 days ago
Me too! I have really grown fond of 99% of you posters here with me. I want to present to you guys,
gals, cats, and dogs something that I thought of this past weekend. I will tell you more tomorrow
allowing me some additional time to think about the best way to do what I am thinking. Bottom line, I
think that 100% of you will truly love it and it comes from the bottom of my heart. To be
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Sounds pretty; thanks to Oregon I've seen an elk,a whale, a seal (wild, playing in the ocean), lots of
gulls, sandpipers, and the teensy weensiest hummingbird I've ever seen. And the cutest little
SQUIRRELS that would come up and eat out of your hand...I have an aunt in McMinnville and a
cousin in Portland.
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Steve, I'm intrigued...are you putting us in your will, or what??
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
I have a Squirrel here that comes on my deck, and he is filing suit on Casey,. Took his good name away.
I totally respect your belief even if you do or do not believe in that. I apologize if u took it the wrong
way. It is just heartbreaking to even think that little girl isnt resting in peace with God and his little
Anyway, i am obsessed with this case too, i watch NG every night and i cannot believe my eyes or ears,
just sooooo heartbreaking that a mother could purposly hurt their child and then go party. wow! I just
invision going to her cell and beating the shit out of her. I really was hoping that ATLEAST that crazy
bitch killer Caylee on accident but now when there is "overwhelming" eveidence that she did it on
purpose i am sooo f'ing angry. excuse my french pls. I also think the Cindy Anthony is a stupid bitch,
the apple does NOT fall to far from the tree. How can you stand beside a murderer that took away your
own grandaughter's life, how can you destroy evidence and put up with the lies and become a laughing
stock in the media, u can only do that if you are completely psycho like the daughter you brought up. I
dont know about you guys but i dont give a shit if it was my daughter. I stole something from Kmart
when i was 11 and my mom almost beat me to death, if i killed someone i would rather go to jail then
be at home, because home would be an automatic death penalty. thats why i dont understand how this
old hag can still lie and defend her psychotic murderer daughter.
GranNaw says:
2 days ago
SE GA Girl, hey, glad to see you made it back to the boat safely. I am just outside of Macon in Warner
Robins (Robins Air force Base). Born in Kansas City MO, raised in Southern California (a Valley Girl)
from the age of 5 months, and then spent four years as a Razorback in and around Fayetteville
Arkansas where I met and married a military man. the rest is history... I have lived all over but
especially love the New England states, Alaska, Arkansas, California, and dare I say it, but parts of
Florida. I have learned to love Georgia as well. The mountains in north GA are beautiful and I love the
old historical towns like Macon and Savannah. I have to admit that Savannah is very high on my list of
"all time favorite" cities in the world and it would have been totally cool I think to grow up around
I think it was JMo last night who mentioned Casey in a clip from jail with her Mother where she
responded to the question/comment Cindy had put to her about "when Caylee is found and you are able
to tell them what you know, then you'll get to come home, don't you think" (or close to that)
Not only did she respond "POTENTIALLY" / "EVENTUALLY" but if you watch her body language
there is hesitation and anxiety in that as well as in her tone. This speaks volumes as to her her guilt in
my mind and it also tells me that Cindy knew the truth of the situation then. I am speaking as a mother
here and most of us KNOW our children way before they are 22 years old. Cindy knew this girl was a
liar (by her own admission) and she also knew (IMO) how to read her to tell when she was lying.
Cindy may very well have WANTED to believe differently about the situation, but I think SHE KNEW
the truth of the situation since around July 16th.
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Oh goodie Steve!! Yes, I have a daughter and a new 5-yr. old "granddaughter" (due to my daughter re-
marrying)...don't keep us here in the dark for long!!
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
GranNaw, I've noticed Casey several times during those visits and you can tell when she's "working"
her audience...when she talks to Lee, he just sits there like a rock for a LONNNG time and you can just
feel her getting nervous, and the more nervous she gets, the faster she blathers on and the more she
looks at him as if to figure out "Is he buying this load of crap or do I need to talk faster??". That's when
she starts telling him about the family being a "hand", and then the family being a "star"...a bunch of
emotional crap to get him sucked in, because he looks like he's about to confront her...and then, lucky
Casey, he buys into it. TYPICAL psychopath. Work it, Casey, work it...
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Casey usually has her head down when she talk, you hardly ever see her look at any of them. That is
what I have noticed even when her mom says Casey I need you to look at me, that lasted a few
jo1031 says:
2 days ago
Psychic Ginnette Matacia Lucas says she was talking to Dominic Casey on the phone Nov. 15th while
he was in the area where Caylee's remains were found.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
JO, that is interesting that Cindy mailed a Teddy Bear of Caylee's to this woman, hell she would not
give the cops anything to let the dogs sniff to look for Caylee. I will wait for the phone records,. This
may be another spin from them, I just have no faith in what they say anymore.
jo1031 says:
2 days ago
Cindy Anthony defends her daughter in e-mail:
Local 6 news has obtained an e-mail sent 3 days ago from Cindy to Lois Peter whose 12 yr old grand
daughter had been corresponding with both Casey & Cindy via e-mail. This is the young girl who
became so upset when LE announced that Caylee was deceased that she had to be hospitalized. The
grand mother tried to get a restraining order against the Anthonys contacting the little girl, which was
unsuccesfull. Emails between Cindy & Mrs. Peter became very heated because Cindy continued to
contact her grand daughter. In email that was sent recently Cindy said "Casey never harmed Caylee &
that fact will be proven, she loved her deeply". Cindy also told her that would not be invited to the
Looks like one more person has been added to Cindy's shit list. Since when do poeple send out
invitations to a funeral service?
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Jo, After reading that email now you know why, I have no faith in the Anthony's. Still trying to protect
Casey in any way they can. And there is Cindy' being hateful, you do not agree with me you are not
invited to the Memorial. Are we users and abusers or what!!! If you do not want to look for a Live
Caylee, stay out of my life. OMG what world do these people live in, did they all fall off that dam
Turnip Truck!!!!
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Oh, Jo...that report makes me sick!! It seems Cindy only cares about perpetuating the fairy tale of the
perfect loving family, not finding the truth and justice for her much-loved granddaughter. I was hoping
their silence meant that they were coming to grips with reality, but no such luck. Out of Cindy's own
mouth came the word "psychopath" when describing Casey; she should look up the definition of that
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Kate, that is why I do not trust them, they have not earned it!!!
Well I guess her family is not invited either, since they do not agree with them.
GranNaw says:
2 days ago
Someone should run Cindy over with the damn turnip truck---- Steve we need to dry dock this boat into
Tampa---just a short ride down I4 (I think its 4) over to Orlando--- I want to drive the truck, OK.
Nannie27 says:
2 days ago
Does anyone find it a strange comment for Casey to make when she was talking to Cindy and George
in one of their visits way back - she said "I wish non of this would have happened". That is not
something you would say if someone had taken your daughter - thats more a comment to make if YOU
yourself had done something or caused something to happen isnt it. Right there is where it sort of
clinched it for me that SHE DID IT.
steve says:
2 days ago
I can honestly sat with 100% of my being that Cindy is a complete whack job. This lady needs to be
drug tested. I know that sometimes peoples chemistry can be low but this persons is not on the scale
yet! Momster could never hurt Caylee? She loved her? Lady, your definition of love is a 180 from
mine. I could only imagine the love that you used to throw around the home each day. Remember
Peticoat Junction, this was a show called Disfunction Junction. Your own neighbors (more than one)
used to hear you! I
steve says:
2 days ago
I can honestly sat with 100% of my being that Cindy is a complete whack job. This lady needs to be
drug tested. I know that sometimes peoples chemistry can be low but this persons is not on the scale
yet! Momster could never hurt Caylee? She loved her? Lady, your definition of love is a 180 from
mine. I could only imagine the love that you used to throw around the home each day. Remember
Peticoat Junction, this was a show called Disfunction Junction. Your own neighbors (more than one)
used to hear you! I know
steve says:
2 days ago
I can honestly sat with 100% of my being that Cindy is a complete whack job. This lady needs to be
drug tested. I know that sometimes peoples chemistry can be low but this persons is not on the scale
yet! Momster could never hurt Caylee? She loved her? Lady, your definition of love is a 180 from
mine. I could only imagine the love that you used to throw around the home each day. Remember
Peticoat Junction, this was a show called Disfunction Junction. Your own neighbors (more than one)
used to hear you! I know they
GranNaw says:
2 days ago
I imagine that if only people who "support" the Anthony's with "BELIEVING" all this hog wash they
spew month after month, it will be a VERY small service indeed.
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
This is the note Casey sent to the granddaughter of Lois Peter...I don't blame her, I would not want my
relatives around those looneys either. Spend the night??!!!?? Don't think so!
“Hey Sweetie! I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done for my family. I am really
looking forward to seeing you. We will schedule something very soon, I promise. I would love to have
you spend the night, and spend time getting to know each other. You are such an amazing girl and
already a true friend. We are so blessed to have you and your Mom in our lives. I love you. Thank you
for my gift (a stuffed animal), I named him after you. I will see you soon. Love, Casey” (from
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
GranNaw, I am sure Captain Steve will stop by and let you drive that Turnip Truck.
Nannie I also thought that was a very strange comment, and catch the one we will all be together some
day, well I beg to differ with you Casey You will not go where Caylee is in heaven, Your ass is going to
burn in HELL.
Steve, You hit that right on they are the Nut Jobs, off in LA LA LAND
jo1031 says:
2 days ago
Kate In Mo- I also thought that the Anthonys might be coming to terms with the facts being that their
grand daughters remains were found so close to their home. Well I was definitely wrong on that.
Gran Naw - It is interstate 4 that goes from Tampa to Orlando. I'll be your co-pilot.
GranNaw says:
2 days ago
You got it jo1031- I'm ready to go. I'll need a good co-pilot and after I run over her we can trade off and
you can get her again.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
This gal that was supposed to be talking to Dominic Casey says the phone call is not on her bill, I think
is BS. My bill shows every call coming in and going out, so what is with that. She also says she can not
get it from Verizon.
GranNaw says:
2 days ago
I have Verizon and I can access and see all my call detail on line. I don't need a friggin court order for
something back in November. What's up with this???
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
GranNaw, I can do that also but the one in the mail has it to, and shows how many minutes I use. I am
sitting here cracking up at all the BULL SHIT these people try to feed us, Are you sure we do not want
to use the heavy starch, night irritate Casey.
GranNaw says:
2 days ago
Wednesday - after watching the clip of Kronk on GMA I totally agree with your take on him. He
probably is a lot like us and with his PI/Bounty Hunter back ground, his current job working in that
area, 24/7 media coverage of this case...please... I would have been out there looking too. I was going
to go down for the last big EquaSearch effort, but my daughter was just too close to her due date. I
would have never lived that down for sure, but I have thought all along that the girl Kiomarie's
information was not given the weight it should have been.
GranNaw says:
2 days ago
yea girl, it looks like it's going to have to be the HEAVY STARCH after all!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Lou Dobbs just said Dominic Casey refused to hand over his cell phones he has 3. Gosh I smell a LIE
Steve - can I bring my himilayan cat Hershey with me on your ark? He's almost 16 yrs old and doesn't
want to do anything but sit on my lap so I promise he won't bother anyone. My dog Molly a golden
retriever will want to come too. Where are we gonna find this boat - it's getting bigger by the day...
GranNaw says:
2 days ago
Where's Real Xing? Xing you still down there with the weed whacker??? Hey, run by Cindy's house
before you call it a day..... That whacko needs a good whack!
GranNaw says:
2 days ago
I think Steve will be ok with it Aubree's Grandma... he has the Queen Mary for us.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
GranMaw she is a WHACK JOB
donagal says:
2 days ago
Evening everyone.
JMo says:
2 days ago
Goodness, no offense taken by the cremation thing. I think Caylee went to Heaven right when she was
killed by momster! At least that is what I like to believe.
Yes, the 'potentially' and 'I wish this would of never happened' are clues to what she really knows. But,
then again, potentially could mean 'if she gets everyone to believe her' she can come home and the I
wish this would of never happened could mean 'I wish I would of not gotten caught'.
Is Lois Peters the one with the 12 yr/old that was crying outside on the driveway because the car came
close to her? If so, that is INSANE! That little 12 year old is not stable and looks mentally retarded
(sorry). She is being exploited by her mother/grandmother to this case. Now bitchin' because the report
of Caylee being dead has caused her to be hospitalized? Why in the HELL would anyone subject a 12
year old to this and allow them to becomes so wraped up in this to the point they become ill and
hospitalized. I think social services needs to pay that family a visit and Lois needs to keep her frickin'
name and the 12 year olds out of the news. Stay home, myob and quit seeking publicity.
There! That is my thought on it. My next thought is: why should DC turn over his cell phones? No one
has a right to any of that. If they want to check his records, then get a supoena and check his pings.
IMHO, Ho-over made this a much bigger deal than what it is because he was trying to be the big shot
in this case, and he wasn't. Sad what people are doing to each other to take the focus off themselves and
especially off this case! As far as the psychic claims, she could also be looking for publicity (the
economy is tough ya know), but then again, who knows. IMHO, DC is playing it this way because the
records won't show anything and it will cast more doubt on Ho-over, which is what they want. The
mind of an attorney works different than ours. They like to give people enough rope to hang
themselves. They are building a case on Ho-over to show what a lying slime he is. (could be wrong
I also think Cindy and George were advised by someone or thought it up themselves maybe to act the
way they do try and get Casey on a "lesser murder charge". If they would of made her out to be as
crazy as we know her to be, then there would probably be no doubt in anyone's minds that she pre
meditated this. However, if they put on a show to say she was a loving mother and a great gal who
couldn't harm anyone, then this was something that happened either accidently and she freaked or she
did it because of mental issues or drugs. The point is, the sentencing is different, depending. However,
they could of been doing it to be in protective mode. If Casey is a bad child, then they were bad
parents; If Casey is a killer, then they raised a murderer; etc. So maybe they are doing it to protect their
own ass and reputation? Maybe they don't want to be blamed for the way Casey is now? If Casey was
my child, these things would cross my mind more than once.
linn says:
2 days ago
Kate, no problem! I have the worst time trying to keep up with all of this mess. I DO wonder why she
just did not get an abortion if she did not want the baby. You don't have to tell parents and it can be
done free. Odd there.
Marie, BLESS YOU! I usually start at the top and work my way down to the last post I read. It was not
too bad tonight. Last night was unreal, but I think I can blame some of it on my dying laptop and dial
Steve, any man that loves his kids the way you do AND CATS, lol, is number one in my book. You
must love my bulldog too though. I mean, she could head butt Casey right into the concrete wall of her
cell and then sit on her! She is not totaly worthless. And why am I the only one with mutt cats? lol. He
is so happy to be going to Steve's, and I am not sure I can tell him he will be bunking with a persian
cat. Your cat might be a hairless one if he hears.. lol.
I have noticed the way Casey "cries".. it is so she does not mess up her makeup. Next she will do the
hand wavy thing models do in front of their eyes to stop tears. I also noticed Lee's longggggggg
silences and Casey flumbling around for something quick and touching to say to him. also when Cindy
said when we find Caylee you will be back home, or something like that. Casey again, had to think.
What I really don't think, is that Casey is STUPID. No stupid person could keep all the lies straight like
she does. I mean, what stupid person could fool everyone into thinking for over 2 years, she had a job
she was fired from? And just how, if she was stupid, could she have a nanny but keep her away from
every single person she knew? She also seems to try to speak like she has a graduates degree. not the
usual 22 year old dropout type of speech. I have to say, I DO think at one point she did love Caylee.
When she was not as much trouble as 2/3 year olds become. When she was a baby and her Mom
watched her more and she was still partying. It seems she started to hate her when she was also stealing
all that money from everyone. I also wonder, did she always lie? I mean this bad? Or did that start
around the time she got pregnant? Just wondering what triggered her hate of her own child? In the early
pics of her and Caylee, she does seem to show love. And Caylee was only about a year then. It is hard
when a kid starts to "talk" and "tell".. I know my 5 year old grandson will pop up and say something
out of the blue. So would a 3 year old. Just like when George said he asked Caylee if she had fun with
Zanny. He got a blank look. She had no clue who he was talking about. Eventually she would have told
about being left alone in a room while Casey had sex with Tony, about being in a trunk, mommy doing
this, mommy doing that. She could have even that night said I am going to tell Nan. I think Casey was
furious that night at her mom, and took it out on Caylee. Then went to Blockbuster.. SICK!
I tried to register last night, but the code you have to type in just had an x in the picture box. So off to
try again. Welcome to all the new posters. My memory is going, lol, so I can never remember the
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
I guess as parents we always know we're at least partially responsible for the way our kids turn out; this
is one of the most blatant cases of denial I've ever seen, but I guess for good reason. It would be hard to
face, and it would be extremely embarrassing to be exposed to the whole world; but what they don't get
is that if they would just admit it and begin to grieve like normal grandparents, the tide would turn in
their favor...too bad...Casey will never admit she did it, and G & C will never admit they KNOW she
did it.
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Linn, I agree with most of what you say, but I don't think Casey ever loved Caylee...I think she more or
less thought of her as a "pet" that she could show off to her friends. I remember the comment she made
to the guy in California, when she said "I'll have to teach Caylee a new trick before you come back to
visit..." A psychopath can come across as VERY loving and caring, and it's all to manipulate the
situation to their advantage. Casey was an EXCELLENT liar, and I think with or without a college
education she could have lied her way into a good career, but she couldn't have held on to it because
she would have to follow someone else's rules. I think, in the end, she killed Caylee to punish Cindy
and to free herself. And yes, Caylee was getting old enough to talk, which didn't help either. Casey is
basically an exact replica of Scott Peterson.
Well, I've ranted and raved enough for today...good night to all!
steve says:
2 days ago
JMo says:
2 days ago
Well, I guess I am being talkative tonight, but I have two more thoughts.
One is on all the commissary items (candy and crap). I know you all think it has to do with her being a
pig and enjoying herself or with her being preggers. My thought on it is this: She is not eating that
stuff. She is using it for leverage and favors. The reason I say this is that I worked a year in the Denver
County Jail and I guarantee you that those prisoners will do 'anything' for a honey bun or a choked up
pill. Casey is probably having to provide them with whatever they want so they will not beat the crap
out of her or rape her in the shower when they get the chance. Sounds sick I know, but it is true. Also,
to get the guards to be nice to her and do favors for her, she will buy them something they like. I don't
know who is sending the money, but it could be anyone who is trying to keep her safe so we can get the
truth out of her.
Secondly, I know a lot of you have commented on how Casey doesn't look anyone in the eye,
etc....that's because "She can't see them". I don't believe she has the privledge of seeing another person's is just a phone connected to the other side of the wall with bad connections (perhaps a one way
mirror? I know that there are booths with phones that have a glass between them so you can see the
person, but not a high profile murderer like Casey....hmmm. The reason I say this is if you watch the
very first jail video with Patrick Bougeouis (sp). he asks her if she recognizes him....she says "I can't
see you". Something for us to look into. Otherwise, I really can't explain all the strange looks they are
giving each other....apparently the Anthony's could see her because they knew when she was getting up
to leave in the middle of the conversation. This would also explain why she was "looking into that area
and fixing her hair" at the end of the phone calls. It is a one way mirrorred glass.
steve says:
2 days ago
All cats and dogs are welcome. Someone better be a vet though J.I.C. Funny how my 7 year old came
home from school today telling me I was getting him a snake for his birthday. What, is he reading my
posts or just plain loco? I hope it was the first one. There is no way............. And it is still 3 months
away. Maybe by then it will be an orangutan with my luck since we watched Every Which Way But
Loose last night. I love Clint Eastwood and even got to meet him when I was 13 when I lived in Santa
Fe but that is for another day. You mean D. Casey and Hoover may have lied to L.E.? I believe it!
Everyone else involved acts like they are above the law so why the heck not. So many lessons that I
have learned since this began. F.Y.I. I took a parenting class years ago and learned some great
techniques to say the least. Watching this family and case has only instilled them even more. Funny
how they teach you so many things in school growing up much of it I have forgotten or never used but
they never teach you those truly important things like what happens from the day forward when you
bring your child home from the hospital and close the front door. I guess that is where the term wingin
it first came up. It is also the point where the word miracle hits you. GranNaw, valley girl?? Like
Encino, Sherman Oaks, Tarzana? Like I live here in the valley. I am the valley dude! I lived in
Northridge during the 94 quake and my building got red tagged after the darn thing went right under us.
I was bouncing off the ceiling for 30 seconds and thought that hell opened up. Just picture a mouse in a
shoebox. I was the mouse. P.S. Target's stock lost a few cents today. Sell sell sell says Jim Cramer. I
guess any association with momster is a bad thing. Give it a month it will be down to $20 per share.
When it becomes a penny stock, we send her 1 share with a card! See you all tomorrow at the same
watering hole here on the quiet sea of life.
lee says:
36 hours ago
Lol valley Dude, hey Steve looks like your my neighbor!! although dont get to write much I do enjoy
reading the daily comics (bolgs) from all on this site...
GhostMom says:
34 hours ago
RASCAL: I just drove through Grants Pass night before last on my way home from Cali. I'm outside of
Springfield. I think a few movies were made around here too.. Animal House, Stand By Me, Goonies
(nope, that was Astoria).
I haven't been here in a week or so and have to catch up on the posts. Still feeling mystified about that
meter reader and the PI with the videocamera and the psychics and now Cindy emailing that Casey
would never do anything to hurt her daughter. I was really hoping she and George had made some
progress with regard to their unconditional belief in Casey. What a disappointment.
Farmchick says:
29 hours ago
OK so who were the 2 workers out there with Roy Kronk. Also, why did Roy Kronk wait till later to
call the police?
Don't get me wrong. I dont think RK has ANYTHING to do with this. He also says he was not tipped
off. But...was one of the other 2 workers tipped off? They have not released their names as of yet. I got
my info from GVS.
Marie RN says:
28 hours ago
good morning Farmchick! I can tell you are really a Farm Chick, because you are the first one up every
morning. I'm on my way out to feed the horses and put wood in the heater... back soon.
I really wish **FUTY** would get on here & either delete the past 3 months or archive the shit.
Anyone interested in starting a new spot that is more organized? If so, I'm happy to get it started, just
let me know.
Whoever's driving the truck... Permission to ride bitch please? I'll bring a shovel just in case we need to
scrape squirrel off the road.
GranNaw says:
27 hours ago
Permission granted Wednesday.
I would love to see a new spot started. I would try to do it myself but not enough hours in the day as it
is for me now so "If You Would Please My Dear" that would be awesome. I caught myself thinking that
maybe that just might be what Steve's big surprise is going to be for us all, but I'm anxious to see what
our resident "Valley Dude" is going to throw our way for sure.
I too wish someone would vreate an extension or something. I am sick to death of the waiting. I wonder
if we figured out how much time we spend waiting for download, how much of our life would be gone.
Can he not just put the first say 1/2 in archive or something. Maybe it is already. IDK.
I am the first up cause I DONT SLEEP!!! Just does not matter what I try. I have very bad back and
Hey, I also had horses.3. I had 2 sorrel and white quarter horse gelding and a Buckskin Tobiano mare.
Man I miss them. They were the best to talk to and have a beer with once in a while. My gelding
absolutley loved beer. He was quite the lush! My mare was the wanna be boss. My gelding and I
always put her in her place though. She always got the foam at the end of the bottle. HEEEHEEE
TraceyfromCanada says:
27 hours ago
I had to share something funny with all you guys..I have little daughter so I watch a lot of cartoons!
Anyways, I don’t know if any of you have ever heard of Wubbzy? The cartoon is called, “Wow, Wow,
Wubbzy”. Anyways, there is this song that Wubbzy sings called “Don’t Lie, Don’t Lie, Don’t you
blame it on the other guy” And the song goes on to say, “Don’t blame the squirrels”. It’s quite hilarious
and always reminds me of Casey Anthony. And also it reminds me of all of you with that phrase about
the squirrels. I think this song should be put on Utube along with a video of her. I think that would be
freakin hilarious!!! If you heard it, you would die laughing!
I know this is frivolous, but honestly, someone should put together a parody video set to this wubbzy
The video is near the end of the page. Let me know if it cracks you up as much as it did me.
On a more serious note, I’ve wondered this since the beginning of when I started reading about this
case. Casey told authorities that the last time she saw Caylee was the 9th of June, but then the
Anthony’s discovered the video of Caylee and her greatgrandfather at the nursing home. I believed in
her guilt wholeheartedly since that point. I mean who doesn’t know the exact day when their daughter
disappears??? That has always bugged me a lot.
Oh, and one more thing, Nanny27inCanada, I sent you an email to that address,, but I haven’t heard back from you. I’m wondering if I got the address
Snoopy9318 says:
26 hours ago
As the mother of 4 between the ages of 11 and 15, I cannot imagine subjecting my children to such
violence and disregard of human life as the woman with the 12 year old did! My daughter, 11, is the
only girl in our family and I will protect her and cherish her and it would torture me to know that
anything I did would cause her such emotional distress as to have to be hospitalized!! What the heck?!!
On a calmer note, I was not able to watch NG last night and I appreciate all the updates you all have
supplied. Thanks for tossing the life saver!!
Nannie27 says:
26 hours ago
ok Tracey - I resent the email-can you check your settings -- maybe your security is set to only accept
people in your contact list and maybe Im not in it-just a thought
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
25 hours ago
Rascal--thanks for correcting me. I didn't double check yesterday in my haste of trying to answer
someone's question. Guess I need to slow down and actually L00K!!
RascalBrat says:
25 hours ago
Good Morning All, sorry I usually crash early at night, Rascal and I feel the need to lay the body down
and watch TV.
I never understood parents taking the kid to the Vigals and getting them involved, but we all know
people like to get there face on TV. Well that is not the way to do it, especially with a child that seems
to have problems already.
Wow Ghost Mom, you flew right by me hope you said hello on the way up I-5 you were with in 1/4
mile of me.
Farmchick says:
25 hours ago
who else is standing there when DC is coming out of woods on cell phone and thet pan to th right. If it
is JH, who is filming?
Lee's attorney did see the tape, cause the Anthony's are the ones who gave it to Geraldo.
Farmchick says:
25 hours ago
I do not believe this Psychic crap being spwewd on NG. ?I do not believe it was her on the phone. I
think shes a paid piece of mud.
RascalBrat says:
25 hours ago
Who ever is there, I am sure Hoover knows and will tell. I am not buying the Physic story.
steve says:
25 hours ago
Happy Happy Humpday to all on the boat! My friends, I realized a little while ago that we put things
into 2 catagories. Things you have to and need to do and things you want to do. What I am going to say
is 100% what I want to do! For you!! You all know me by my name, Steve. Yes, this is my real name.
What you do not know is what I do and have done for the past couple decades. I am a manufacturer of
dancewear. You know, dresses, leotards, unitards, pants, etc. My company makes it and does the
wholesale distribution to hundreds of mom and pop stores across this country and other parts of the
world. Perhaps even one in your own hometown. What I would love to do for you is put a smile on
your children or grandchildrens precious face free of charge!! All you have to do is provide me with the
age (s) of your little darlings and an address (P.O. Box or residence) so I can ship it to them to have in
early February. Every bit of info will never ever be passed on so you know that it is only me that has it
and does not get out there to anyone else. Whether one person or a hundred take me up on this, rest
assured all will be taken care of with something really nice. I would rather not do this by email but
rather have you send a note to my P.O. Box. Send it to KMG America 13351-D Riverside Dr. #664
Sherman Oaks, CA. 91423
RascalBrat says:
25 hours ago
Steve, that is so sweet of you. I lived in Ventura when that Quake hit, and it litterlly rolled my out of
my bed, my son wss 5 days old. I ran as fast as I could to his bedroom and he slept right threw it. But it
was still very scary, I can not imagine being in the middle of one like that.
steve says:
24 hours ago
I wouldn't wish it one anyone! ( Well actually one candy lovin person comes to mind!!)
SadieSkye says:
24 hours ago
Steve-- Im so excited...are we packing up the station wagon and going to Wally World? Yippeeee!!! I"ll
be ready ...
steve says:
24 hours ago
I meant ON anyone not ONE anyone duhhhhhhhhhhhh.
steve says:
24 hours ago
SadieSkye, please pick up Christie Brinkley for me on the way to Wally World! No, really I am serious.
losingit says:
23 hours ago
Does anyone know the connection between Casey and the Sawgrass? Am I right in this? Casey told LE
she dropped Caylee off there, but only outside on the steps. The apartment she told LE was Zanny's
was and had been vacant for a few months. But, a ZHG had actually looked at it a few weeks earlier
and her name was on some sort of sign in thing. I wonder if Casey some how acquired a key to this
empty suite and would leave Caylee there while she partied as opposed to in her trunk. Are there phone
records ever showing her there or was there any forensic evidence found in the suite?
imacynic2 says:
22 hours ago
Hey! who up there said no big dogs on the Boat! I have a 103 pound lab - just like Marley.
Steve - that's really sweet of you - I have three that I took in from a really bad domestic violence
situation - two of which think they are princesses - they would love that.
I think -
DC - got a call from a psychic (pardon me - for some reason I can't spell today - probably because i'm
from Illinois and its freezing here and my brain froze) but anyway - so he gets this call - she describes
the house - he goes there - nothing (maybe Casey stored the body there at some point - maybe that's
why the psychic picked up that area?) and then she gives him a description of the woods - apparently
describing the blocks there - he goes there - he's on the phone with her. Sees the area she described -
blocks, etc - look for what appears to be garbage (opening the garbage bags, etc) He says to Hoover -
its got to be right here (because that is the exact area she described - its a perfect fit - its got to be here).
He finds nothing - no Caylee at the house - no Caylee at the woods - so now he's thinking - this woman
is unreliable. He searched there twice - two days in a row - found nothing. So he's done. He just didn't
go in far enough (over far enough - whatever direction) to actually reach the body.
Cindy, Cindy, Cindy - perhaps she is in denial, or grieving - remember the seven stages - or perhaps
she's just tired of hearing people trash her family - so she strikes out at the grandmother? I really hope
she's not really still thinking that Casey didn't kill Caylee.
Thoughts to ponder:
What did Casey do with the gasoline? George got it out of her trunk the 24th. The body wasn't burned -
which would be the only thing I can think of related to the murder that she would have needed gasoline
for - unless she was burning evidence - in which case she apparently didn't do a very good job with
What did Casey do with the shovel? Did she figure she would bury Caylee then found out it was going
to be hard work so she garbage bagged her instead? The neighbor said the shovel was clean when he
lent it out and clean when he got it back. Casey doesn't seem to be the kinda girl that is gonna clean a
shovel - or dig - or work hard at anything :)
Why all the frenzied calls on the 16th? Calls to Cindy and George and who knows who else. . . It seems
that if what everyone believes (she put Caylee in the trunk or something to go out partying) that 4 ish
when the calls began is a strange time have "found" her. Unless Casey found her earlier - took her to
the pool and put her body in and was planning on having a live performance of her finding Caylee
Psychic says she spoke with Casey during video filming but has no phone record to prove it. This site
also has aerial photo of abandoned home in relationship to where remains were found. Abandoned
house was owned by a Herman Gonzales.
imacynic2 says:
22 hours ago
Where has Casey been going for two years? She has convinced everyone that she has a job. So she's
been part time taking Caylee with her - part time leaving Caylee with grandma - where do you go for
forty hours a week with no money - without anyone realizing that you are where you aren't supposed to
be? For example - she might have been able to hang out with Amy a few days claiming she was on
vacation - same for her house - telling her parents she was on vacation - but what about the rest of the
Zenida? Somehow - somewhere Casey knew she was at that apartment building- and it was June 17 -
the day after Caylee was supposedly killed. I would look at the police officer or the manager/staff of
the apartment buildings for that - my suspicion - Casey was there - saw a car - had the officer (the one
that got fired due to his relationship with her NYItaliano) run the plates - came back to Zenida
Gonzales - she can explain it to him - I was trying to find my daughter - that's the kidnapper - she can
explain it to cops. Or, in the alternative - she goes in - finds a guest card - reads the name - the staff
don't say anything to police because someone showed her a card they shouldn't have shown her. Presto
Zenida Gonzales. Although the houses being there - Zenida Gonzales are all too coincidental. So what
do you make of all this?
Cindy and the hairbrush - you want to get a false negative on a corpse ID because you gave the cops
the wrong hairbrush? Your granddaughter is still dead, but now you don't know it because the DNA
doesn't match - although it would have still likely had enough allels for them to know it was a relative
don't you think?
The car - what was up? So the body was in the car - maybe the 16th - 18th they think. 17th she gets
info on kidnapper - then duct tapes Caylee? Where is Caylee at that point? Already in the woods? So
she steals gas - and drives aroudn with the gas cans which are found by George on the 14th. Was she
going to go back and burn the body that day? If Caylee had been kidnapped by someone - why not tell
George - the former cop - that day - there alone with him - he clearly loved Caylee. Who better to
recruit to help you?
The pool ladder? Fence closed and ladder up the last day - then fence open and ladder out - No way a
kid can carry the ladder. I have a 3.5 foot pool and there is no way even the 7 year old can carry the
ladder by himself, forget the 3 year old sister. Not only could they not carry it - they would have
stopped long before getting it by the pool - too much work!
Abandoning the car - okey - I get that - it smells. But you gotta know eventually they are gonna find it -
and its still gonna smell!?
steve says:
22 hours ago
It is all about the coverup. Everything that is related to or on the side of the defense is all about the
coverup. Something that most of the country that is quite fridgid will probobly be doing tonight.
Covering up! Out here it is almost 90 degrees. Don't hate...... appreciate. Imacynic2, they are
princesses! Except that 103 lb beast. Where would we hide the food? Losingit, Sawgrass Apts. is the
place that momster knew a couple of "people" Zanny happend to be looking for an apt. with her kids
and momster somehow got a hold of her personal info. Bad timing for Zanny I.M.O. If it wasn't her it
would have been the next poor soul that would have had their life turned upside down and inside out!
Momster already got caught in this lie as it was just one in that long laundry list of them. If I say she is
a no good shady person, I would be elavating her status and I can not bring myself to do so. As of now,
Target down another buck today. Unless you are holding this stock,or are an employee, or have a loved
one who is, let's all chant together, penny stock, penny stock! 30 days at this rate it will be down to
$2.20 per share.
Marie RN says:
22 hours ago
Cynic, I think it's possible that Casey could have had LE boyfriend run tags on Zanaida's car at
Sawgrass, but more likely Jesse, who left the police dept. on June 24 for undisclosed reason (maybe for
running the tag? they get in trouble for that if there isn't a good reason.)
Casey abandoned car with purse in it in full sight - hoping it would be stolen, then could say kidnapper
stole car and killed Caylee. If I'm not mistaken, she even left it unlocked.
Kate in MO says:
21 hours ago
Imacynic2, I haven't figured out very much of this whole mess, but I have changed my opinion of one
thing...I had thought that Casey might have burned the body or thought about it, but after watching the
videos on You Tube of the map of all her cell phone pings from the 14th to the 19th, I really believe
that she was just stealing gas because she needed gas...good grief, she was ALL OVER THE PLACE!!
She probably burned up more than a tank during that week!
As far as the shovel, I think Casey had not figured out WHAT to do with the body, as is evident by the
way she was driving everywhere, including to many remote areas and Jay Blanchard Park; I think she
borrowed the shovel before she knew what she was going to do (but she knew she had to do
SOMETHING quick). JMO...
Oh, good afternoon, everyone! And Steve, that is SO NICE of new "granddaughter" was by
far the biggest ham in her Christmas program at school, and she told me she wants to take dance class
now, so I might take you up on it. That would surely bring a smile to her face; she is into Princesses
and the color pink!
Marie RN says:
21 hours ago
Another new post from Twisted Mystery writer today, for those who are interested.
losingit says:
21 hours ago
Okay, thanks. I have another question. She had boyfriend pick her up at cheque cashing place after she
ran out of gas. Why didn't he offer to help? And what about the questions you would ask someone in
that situation, "got your keys, purse, locked up, etc.?" Did she have her "real"purse with her? And, why
didn't she just leave it there (not call boyfriend) and claim it was stolen from her and abandoned there.
Argh, too many lies.
losingit says:
21 hours ago
Okay, thanks. I have another question. She had boyfriend pick her up at cheque cashing place after she
ran out of gas. Why didn't he offer to help? And what about the questions you would ask someone in
that situation, "got your keys, purse, locked up, etc.?" Did she have her "real"purse with her? And, why
didn't she just leave it there (not call boyfriend) and claim it was stolen from her and abandoned there.
Argh, too many lies.
jo1031 says:
21 hours ago
Wednesday Morning - If you start a new hub I will there.
Steve- That is really nice of you. When my 2 grand daughters were younger they loved dance &
gymnastics but now soccer & soft ball has taken over.
Losingit- Besides for Momster knowing people living at Sawgrass Apts. there's also a rumor that she
might have known someone that worked in the rental office. OCSD did check out that unit but I do not
know to what extent. If momster had been leaving Caylee in that apartment I believe someone would
have remembered her going in & out of that unit.
Marie- Casey also left the keys in plain sight along with her purse when she parked at the Amscot.
George also told the FBI that her driver's license was in the purse. Did she have 2 driver's licenses
because she used her license when she bought those items at Target with Amy's check. At that time her
car was in the impound lot at the tow yard. I hope LE checked out to see if she had obtained a
duplicate, if she did that would be very telling.
steve says:
21 hours ago
She kept her friend as far away from the car when he showed up to help. Why momster? I just can't
wait for BOBO and team to give all the answers to all these lies lies lies. From point A-Z they are going
to have a rough go at it. It is not just one or two lies, we are talking about the whole interagation
process. The only thing that she was honest about was her name. So shady!
Marie RN says:
20 hours ago
Steve, from A - Z, Anthony to Zanaida!
Losing It, she called Tony to pick her up because she is too lazy to walk two blocks. Like the shovel,
there is no way she would dig a grave. It was clean when she borrowed it, and clean when she returned
it. Also too lazy to walk more than a few steps off the road to deposit Caylee's body. Seems like the FBI
could have figured out some stuff with a profile...
Jo, she must have had 2 driver's licenses. I know a girl who cut and colored her hair, and used her old
driver's license to give to her friend to use so they could both go to the club. Of course, there were
questions about them both having the same name!
donagal says:
20 hours ago
Thanks Steve, that is so sweeeeeeeet! Just a few thoughts, I think the gas cans were for the smell and
she needed gas! I bet she got a duplicate license, just have to say you lost yours. I haven't figured out
the apartment thing, I really think she was giving clues to Lee about where the body was when she was
giving the nanny's name and saying Caylee was close to home so how ZG and Sawgrass Apts come in
seems so weird. I believe she saw the name at the office but how weird that her daughter is found next
to property with people with those names. Ok got to go to work again! Catch up with u all later.
Kate in MO says:
20 hours ago
Can someone refresh my memory? What happened to the "script" that Zenaida gave Casey in June?? (I
mean, what's the story now?). I've never heard Casey say what supposedly happened to it...did she?
imacynic2 says:
20 hours ago
Steve - get it right - not a "beast" he's my BABY.
He thinks he is 10 pounds and he can't understand for the life of him when he gets up on the couch and
tries to lay with you why he won't fit - SCOOT OVER - I'm only 10 pounds - jeez - then he gives me a
dirty look and grumbles and walks away.
RascalBrat says:
19 hours ago
Just got the green light on dsl again,
Jo. just sent me a link and went to it, pics of Caylee and a trust fund that has been set up for Caylee.
This has really pissed me of with these bone heads, trust fund for Caylee she is gone thanks to Casey
who murdered her. I hope no one sends them a dime for anything, is this all about money to your
GREEDY ASS CINDY. I have never seen people like this in my life, they have exploited Caylee since
the beginning, and I guess this will never end. CINDY YOU ARE ONE SICK MONSTER!!!!
Everyone of the Anthony's should have there ass in jail for the circus they stated.
When Caseys prints come back on that duct tape Cindy, what are you going to say then, Zanny had her
prints changed, LMAOROF Go Squirrels!!!!
jo1031 says:
19 hours ago
Just found this at Myspace page for Caylee put up for her by the Anthony family.
This post is dated Jan 13, 2009. Anthony family is still selling t-shirts for $10.00 each.
Under photo of Caylee with the book taken on June 15th. click on Caylee shirt request
steve says:
19 hours ago
I would be willing to bet that momster had a fake i.d. to get her into the clubs, bars, etc. probobly at 16
or so. Any takers? My apology imacynic2 to you and the "baby" I will forward to the ANT's one of my
designer shirts that reads Casey knows what happend to Caylee! Then I will hire a company to fly their
airplane with the very same banner on it over their neighborhood for about 8 hours. They will love it!
Marie RN says:
19 hours ago
Jo, I just tried to check that link, but it says it has been deleted. But that makes sense, and I trust your
description. Guess they have a lot of t-shirts left over! If that darn meter reader hadn't found (and
reported) the body, maybe they could have sold them all! It's so great making your dead grand-daughter
a work at home business.
jo1031 says:
19 hours ago
Marie- Sorry so mad I messed up addy. try this:
RascalBrat says:
19 hours ago
Steve Casey had 2 ID's one in her purse the cops whent threw and one at Tonys house that Lee brought
Jo found that informatiuon on my space for the Anthonys wanting money, she is trying to get the right
link for all of you to read it. Need to go to pool so willl be bbl.
LLee says:
19 hours ago
Steve, that is so nice of you! I used to work at Capezio when I was in College - I'll bet we carried you
dance wear!
kk's mom says:
18 hours ago
What if Casey planned this: She decided that she would dump the body at the "Zenaida/Gonzales"
property. So, just for fun, she gets online or gets her LE buddy to find out: personal info regarding any
ZG in Florida. Pick one, any one. There are 30+ listed just on So, now you have a real
name, a real address, real phone #, Then, perhaps she obtains (thru LE buddy or more internet
searching, etc.,) a real car description using this personal info she now has on ZG. Presto, you have a
real nanny. Then, Casey HERSELF goes to the apartments and poses as ZG, and signs a card using all
this real info.
steve says:
18 hours ago
I agree about the 2 i.d.'s I just can picture her being that underage party animal as well. I know Cindy,
she was at home with you at the time. Of course she was. Cindy is so whacked out, now that she
doesn't even see that much wrong with no contact with her grandchild for a month. These people are
the fools not us!
LLee says:
18 hours ago
My thoughts on the 2 ids....
I have 2 id's one is expired but I like the picture better so I kept it the other is current - LOL!
As for the names of the 2 property owners next to where Caylee's body was found - I have my doubts
as to weather this info is true or not. I'll bet you that was a rumor. The description that Casey gave of
the nanny matched the one that is sueing her down to the car and the names of the 2 girls that she
brought with her to look at the apartment. I'd be willing to bet that Zeniada G was just in the wrong
place at the wrong time and casey just saw her and her car went into the office and got her name and
info after.
I'll bet you we find out that the 2 property owners are completely different - someone made it up. JMO
GranNaw says:
18 hours ago
jo1031- POND SCUM is right! I couldn't link to the myspace page link above due to some sort of error
- probably too many simultaneous hits. I'll try it again later.
Steve that is such a nice gesture on your part- you are just an ole softy after all aren't you. Poor guy,
made to listen to us out here blabbering on and on day after day about our sweet little angels, our
princesses and our ballerina's.... I know my little Kaitlyn would just love a new leotard or tutu...she is
quite the dancer for her age. Most schools here will not take a child before the age of 3, but I have a
customer who is an instructor for our local Y and she gives Kaitlyn private lessons. She just got her
first official pair of Tap shoes last week-end. I really thought you were going to start us a new HUB
PAGE - maybe something like "The Good Ship Lollipop" or "The Queen Mary Sails Again" BTW- I
was raised in the San Gabriel Valley east of LA in Glendora - not the San Fernando Valley- Sorry for
the confusion.
steve says:
18 hours ago
LLee, which Capezio store? Also, you probobly have heard of Bloch. I started them up out here in the
80's but when they moved to Reno in 94 I wasn't going to go and then started up my own company.
Any girls of your own?
Nurse Betty says:
18 hours ago
Jo1031 -
I just checked out Caylee's My Space page. I'm speechless (not an easy feat for me) the gall of that
family to sell T-shirts and bracelets - what pathetic LOOSERS!! But think about it, money for future
expensive Ritz hotel stays has to come from somewhere...
And what the hell - Skank Sr. is still saying Casey loved her daughter and would never hurt her? Cindy
- wake up and smell the squirrel do-do - your daughther is a monster and killed her baby.
LLee says:
18 hours ago
Steve - yes I used to wear Bloch's point shoes they were my favorite!!
I worked at University Town Center - San Diego store. Late 80's early 90's!
I have a 9 yr old daughter, a 16 yr old son and a 3 yr old son and a 2 yr old niece. The girls love to
dance too. My niece thinks she is a ballerina - she takes after my own heart! I got her a pink ballet
looking skirt for Christmas which she has worn every day since!!
Kate in MO says:
17 hours ago
Jo1031, I did try to get on the Caylee MySpace page, but it was moving so SLOOOOW I was afraid
my computer would crash so got out of there. I got the general idea, tho. Why do they need money for
her memorial service, especially if she's going to be cremated? Didn't they get all that money from
20/20, and all the talk shows they've been on? Or did that all go to BoBoHead? I thought he was
putting on his own little sideshow for cash...or maybe it all went to the incompetant PI's and psychics.
JMo says:
17 hours ago
Hit the wrong button and lost my whole comment. Basically was saying thank you Steve. I have a 3 yr
old grandaughter, 5 yr old grandson and 6 year old neice. The two girls are into the ballarina thing and
the boy wants to hip hop.
Anyway, haven't seen anything on here today regarding todays news so here are some links.
1. Looks like they are Investigating Deputy Richard Cain. Pretty repetitive behavior issues if you ask
me. Gotta love the background checks on everyone, eh?
2. New forensic guy on Casey's defense team....remember, it doesn't mean they are for her. I just love
the last sentence of this story. Pizza makers should take offense that the smell of empty pizza boxes
obviously bears a strong similarity to a decomposing child, in some people's opinions. Take out
Kate in MO says:
17 hours ago
Gotta go watch Seinfeld before NG...need a little levity to counterbalance the gloom and doom of the
Anthony case...
jo1031 says:
17 hours ago
LLee- RE: 2 property owners adjacent to site where Caylee's remains were found
I checked my facts before I posted that link at Scared Monkeys by going to the following link:
Click on Reverse lookup & put in the address, zip, & state.
4701 Hopespring Dr. Orlando, FL 32829 has three listings 1) Fredesvind L. Gonzalez 2) Peter Q.
Gonzalez Jr. 3) Vindy Lebron
4709 Hopespring Dr. has three listings 1) Zenaida Almodovar 2) Alice W. Dilley 3) Dennis D. Dilley
Abandoned home at 8718 Brackenwood Dr. has one listing 1) Hernan L. Gonzalez Jr.
steve says:
17 hours ago
LLee, small world! Capezio U.T.C. Bob Lasser if I am not mistaken. Please send me a postcard so I can
take care of the 2 girls. The guys, not so much. I did used to use my oldest boy as a fit model before he
could run. We laugh about it now. Those were the days. Time is a thief!
JMo says:
17 hours ago
Remember Casey went to the Sawgrass to look for an apt. for Anthony L. I think this is where she came
up with the Zenaida (who was there looking at an apt and put her 2 girls down on the applic. along with
her car license #, closet relatives, apts. do background checks). Next to it was the apt. # that she
was being shown. Casey "stole this information" and then played it up later, and "assumed" that
Zenaida had moved into that apt, which she didn't and that is why it was empty when the cops showed
up. Makes perfect sense to me. Casey could not remember Zenaida's face in a lineup, because she has
never met Zenaida....only stole her records from the sawgrass apts. files.
Remember, she is VERY skilled at this behavior....running check routing numbers from an old birthday
money check her grandparents gave her and cleaning out their account, taking Amy's checkbook and
posing as Amy at the bank cashing checks, at target same thing, lies, deception, etc. This was her m.o..
This is how she got by. So the Zenaida thing just fits in. She MADE IT ALL UP from what info she
could put together. She said CAYLEE IS CLOSE BY, ONLY because she knew that is where she threw
her out to rot!!!! No other reason.
JMo says:
16 hours ago
Oh, and I will pitch in money for Casey a tatoo (of the red Target symbol) right between her eyes.
Makes for good target practice, tee hee. Maybe it should be done right over her heart, no wait, she has
no heart!
GranNaw says:
16 hours ago
JMo - that was brutal - but good. I do think that would be a fitting tat for her.
Nannie27 says:
16 hours ago
oh Tracey - I think I just figured out why you think you didnt receive my email - when it arrived it
would have said from DIANE something or other-cause I used a fake name when I made the account.
So can you check again - Im sure it should be there. Thanx
RascalBrat says:
16 hours ago
Hi All. I clicked on the t shits on that link JO posted. They want money sent to The Anthony Family
4937 Hopesping Dr, Orlando FL 32829 There is also a email for They can
forget the money but I am going to email Butt head at that addy and tell him just what I think of the
circus they have put on, And they way they have exploited Caylee. Shame on them, they definitely
need a job.
jo1031 says:
16 hours ago
Psychics credibility questioned:
Virginia woman tells WFTV reporter Kathi Belich about her families experience with psychic Ginette
Lucas. Mary Thweatt said a month after her niece was raped & murdered her family contacted Ms
Lucas to find the killer. This crime took place about 20 years ago. They paid her approx. $5000.00 for
useless info. No one was ever charged with the crime.
RascalBrat says:
16 hours ago
Jo, the listings on the white pages you posted are correct, if you go to people search they are the same,
right on lady!!! I know you always check what you post!!!
Kate, I was down most of the day, and just as the dsl came back up I had Jo's post about the Anthony's
wanting to make money again off of Caylee. Went to pool it got foggy so here I am back home.
GranNaw says:
15 hours ago
Jo - I didn't realize that Hopespring Dr was actually adjacent to the site where Caylee's remains were
found... I thought the site faced out to Suburban.??? I don't recall hearing what street is "BEHIND" the
lot - I guess I kind of always thought it was the school.??? Hopespring is the street the Anthony's live
on so these 2 houses would be down at the end of the road near where it comes into Suburban? 4701 &
4709 should be on the same side of the street ---- I would think Orlando numbers houses like every
other city in America - odd on one side of the road - even on the other, so I am confused - does
Hopespring make a loop or something and come back around behind the location off of Suburban? I
need to look at it on Google Maps I guess- sometimes I cannot "envision" these things in my mind.
steve says:
15 hours ago
I too am a psychic and will prove it right now. Momster is eating a snickers bar right about now. No
now. I mean now. Oh the heck with it! Now.
Kate in MO says:
15 hours ago
Well, shucks, I was doing laundry and missed NG. Any new stuff tonight? I saw a ribbon that said
something about Lee getting immunity, what's up with that? Immunity for WHAT? He's probably
scared his spooky sister is getting ready to throw him under the bus and say he did it...
RascalBrat says:
15 hours ago
GranNaw, Hopespring Dr is the street the Anthonys live on, when you get to the corner it is Suburban,
but if you go threw the back of the Anthonys property it is a very short walk to that area. That is where
Casey dumped Caylee.
GranNaw says:
15 hours ago
I see the similarities, with the names and the addresses and all. I wonder if Cindy was trying to test her
when she asked her about (forget the name) a girl in the neighborhood who had supposedly told
someone Cindy had recently been hospitalized for a mental condition. They had a good laugh and
Casey commented that she was glad she was not "out there" but she also told Cindy that she didn't
really know anyone in the neighborhood. Could that just have been a ruse? I just have trouble believing
that bitch Casey is really smart enough to put all that together, but I guess she could have been looking
up stuff on the Internet all that time she was supposedly at WORK. It could have all been put together
after the fact too - if body dumped around the 18th of June she had a good 4 weeks to put something
together. I wonder who's about to get slammed by the big bus now?
RascalBrat says:
14 hours ago
Remember what I said last night the Physic was a bunch of BS, I am pretty good at reading people.
Well that is coming true, what a shame no phone records, could that be because it was not her. There is
going to be a few under the big Yellow Bus.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
14 hours ago
GranNaw, you are about 3 hours west of my hometown. Brunswick is the mainland for Jekyll Island,
St. Simons Island and Sea Island (the millionares), if you have ever heard of those islands.
Steve, how nice of you. You do have a heart.
Wednesdayyyyyyy----where are ya sister? This page, er ship, is about to go down, if there isn't any
maintenance in the near future. It gets worse everytime I come here. Slowwwwwwww sailing, fer
linn says:
14 hours ago
Steve, that is so sweet of you. I have a fat 10 month old girl. Libby. I am determined for her to do ballet
or tap. I had 2 boys before I had my daughter. My ex, instead of wanting her to be a girl, was
determined to have her play baseball, soccer, basketball, etc. All on boy teams, so she didn't have the
grace a lot of girls had. She, to this day, acts more like a dude. She likes makeup and nice clothes, but
still I resent the fact I was not able to get her into girl things also. She was made fun of when she said
she wanted to do ballet, so she then refused to go. I want my Libby to at least experience it. Even if it is
to start by wearing tutu! lol.. She can play all the sports she wants, I just also want her to experience
girl things. And your poor son! LOL!!
And Clint lives minutes from me! He was the mayor of Carmel years ago and that was so much fun for
us. And get this. *I* Have never met him! Darn it all! He was always at Hogsbreath, his resturant
before he sold it, but like back then or even now I have money to go there? He has done tons for our
area. He was stationed at Ft. Ord and guess he liked it so much he never moved. I believe he was from
San Francisco. Anyway, he is one of my favorite actors, and I just LOVE his Any Way But Loose
movies. Love love love Ruth Gordon. She was hilerious in that movie.
I see old bro Lee is asking for immunity for criminal charges now. Hmmm. The physic *sp* is a nut. I
mean, Cindy mailed her a teddy bear of Caylee's and she felt nothing, but woke up due to a dream and
called DC at 3AM. Then nope, it was 6 AM, nope again! It was 9AM.. Can we say "fruitcake".. And
the video of DC just hacking and ripping those bags. Can we say "contamination of a crime site".. And
now refusing to give up phone records, the physic can't get records of those calls. I sure get every call
made and those that come in to my cell. I say this was a deliberate attempt to TRY to create "reasonable
doubt" or destroy evidence.
Sorry if I rambled. Super tired tonight. It was 80 or so here today and I was watching those in -15
degree weather. Something about this heat we are having made me so sleepy today!
NIGHT ALL! Oh, I do wish we were all on the same hour. NG is on here at 5PM. When I get on, many
of you have not seen it yet so I have to wait until tomorrow to get your reactions.. lol
steve says:
14 hours ago
You all are "the family that I never knew but got united and re-united with" Sort of like one of those
Sally Jesse Rafael episodes but better! No thanks necessary, but deeply and sincerely appreciated.
Rascal, I agree that it is both funny and funky that Verizon or any other carrier would not show the
record of them actually speaking. Perhaps, maybe, they didn't! That's what I thought. Did I ever tell you
the one about me being Psychic? Or was is psycho? Now if you would please send me $5000.00 that
would be great! SE GeorgiaGirl, very slow sailing today beside the maintenance that is long overdue.
lee says:
14 hours ago
Hello Mr valley Dude, I have to admit you are hilarious for many reasons! Yeap I do agree with yah
that Mobster and her Family are most definitely from Florida....Nascar friendly ooops! sorry, anyway
work right down the street from you! between Roscoe & Sherman way in Van Nuys... work for a
Lighting Manufacture...eek it leaked..
Kate in MO says:
14 hours ago
Linn-"Hogsbreath"????? Are you serious?? If it wasn't for the owner, they NEVER would have gotten
any business, haha!! Probably really good food, with a name like that!
Steve, I never used to believe in psychics either until I moved here, and there is one who lives not far
from here who has helped police solve murder cases numerous times...but I think there are WAY
MORE frauds with a "PSYCHIC" shingle on their doors. I think the real ones are few and far between
and I would want some serious references before I ever asked one for help...
Hey, look this word up in the dictionary and you'll see a family portrait of the Anthonys: OBFUSCATE.
Well, I missed NG again...guess I'll go to bed, turn on the TV, and hope to stay awake till midnight.
Nite all.
RascalBrat says:
14 hours ago
Steve, Valley Dude, you want me to send you WHAT, how about a used Squirrel that I can manage.
Then you can put him on the Queen Mary, I promise to bring the acorns for him!!! LMAOROF Have
faith Steve, the tape evidence will be back.
RascalBrat says:
13 hours ago
Steve by the way that fake Psychic charged $5000.00 fee a long time ago, you need to charge more for
inflation. Remember the cost of living has gone up a lot!!!!
lee says:
12 hours ago
Hello Mr valley Dude, I have to admit you are hilarious for many reasons! Yeap I do agree with yah
that Mobster and her Family are most definitely from Florida....Nascar friendly ooops! sorry, anyway
work right down the street from you! between Roscoe & Sherman way in Van Nuys... work for a
Lighting Manufacture...eek it leaked..
SadieSkye says:
10 hours ago
Steve-- Christie's in the trunk....I mean car... yeah car...tell Mr.Candy to rev up the coaster... were on
our way.... (high creep factor..sorry)
Tick Tock Boom Clap...Tick Tock Boom clap... side step side tap...side step side tap... That was my
very first tap dance at 6 and Ive been shuffling off to buffalo ever since... (code words: TICK TOCK)
Geez Ive gotta get to bed.. when you reread and it scares you..Its time for ZZZZ's....
JMo says:
10 hours ago
Tonights news about Casey and her "dream defense team":
This group of experts is highly education, extremely experienced, and very successful in their
respective fields.
Casey Anthony had been unemployed when arrested and had been borrowing money and writing bad
checks for survival, so it is not likely she is paying for this multi-million dollar crew. Her family has
also indicated they have no money and could not afford such a legal defense.
Anthony is guaranteed a fair trial under the law, however, one can only wonder whether this
experienced and knowledgeable group of individuals is interested in justice or their main goal in
defending Anthony is publicity. Those who believe Casey Anthony is guilty would likely choose the
Farmchick says:
4 hours ago
Who here is from Florida? Reason is that I want to come on down the months of June and July. I want
to rent something on the beach. I mean right on the beach. Nothing fancy, just clean and able to walk
out door and be sitting on beach. I need it to be reasonable, so my DH does not have a coronary. We
fight really bad these months because he turns into a workhorse and I am sick of it. I need time alone to
figure out what it is that is gonna make me happy. I love the Gulf side. Last trip was Fort Meyers
Beach. I even extended my stay as I did not wanna go home. Can anyone hook me up?
Back to MOMSTER, I do believe G,C,&L are trying to find ways to support themselves. I mean WHO
IS WORKING!!!! I think this case if you took away all the mud and smoke screen is pretty simple. I
am under the impression that LE has soooooo much more they have not released. The defense keeps
saying that LE keeps LEAKING thing, but that is the "SUNSHINE LAW".The public has a right to
know. However, I do not know if during DISCOVERY, does the "SUNSHINE LAW" apply? I am
confident they have SOOOOOO much more evidence it is gonna make BOBOHEAD work for his
dollar along with the DREAMTEAM!
These small coincidentals are just that. More smoke and mirrors. Hearsay. Probably will not make it
into court.Rightfully so. The facts and the facts alone will put her sorry ass away for life. Let's
remember no woman in their right mind would wait 30 days, until mommy finds her, to report her
daughter's kidnapping. As for why did she not tell AL, when she ran out of gas, then she would of had
to put a plan of attack into place as the police would of had to be called. She was not ready.
I thought it was reported that she had a friend that had an apartment at Sawgrass, and that she used AL's
jeep while he was away, and it was seen there on video. What if this friend had a key to office as he
does maintenance work from time to time?
I stick by something is not right w/RK. I am not saying he is involved. I think he was used by PI's or
Anthony's. I believe LP on this one. He has toooo much inside info that 90% of the time turns out right.
Remember, ANTHONY"S are the ones who gave a tape to Geraldo. This after the tape from JH was
given to FBI/LE. They knew.
Farmchick says:
4 hours ago
Damn Wednesday, you beat me today. No fair , I was reading.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
4 hours ago
Wednesday....part two sounds good to me....or something about Caylee Anthony....instead of giving
tramp the highlight...up to you. I am with ya, whatever you choose, I am sure it will be good.
Farmchick says:
4 hours ago
It definitley has to be like naming a boat. It just fits too well.
We all might want to drop in here once a day for a few days to post this new link though...
You never know, this could end up being a 2 year saga with spin-off hubs in the future as well.
RascalBrat says:
4 hours ago
Good morning Wednesday and Se Georgia. Tim Miller has hired Anthony's x Attorney Mark Nejame to
keep the defence from getting his records on the search. Smart move and he seems like a honest
Attorney that will not put up with FLAKES like the Anthony's. This info is in WFTV this morning.
HannahsNana says:
3 hours ago
Wednesday - just remember to let us all know where to go for the new page! I don't think I could make
it without my 10X a day "fix" of this site!
Steve - So sweet of you - my 3 year old granddaughter takes ballet - well... calling it ballet might be a
stretch - 2 and 3 year olds trying to follow directions from the dance teacher - like herding cats!
Actually when I see her it looks more like some kind of interpretive dancing to me! But she loves
getting dressed for her class- loves it all , the leotard, tutu and shoes!
Does anyone think we'll hear about the duct tape and prints before the trial - is that something the
prosecution will hold close to their vest - or do they "have" to share it with the world(Sunshine Law)?
RascalBrat says:
3 hours ago
HannnasNana, They keep talking about prints on the Duct Tape on NG, once they get it back they will
half to share it, then we can see it. I know Caseys prints are on it, I have no doubt about it.
HannahsNana says:
3 hours ago
RascalBrat - I'm also sure her prints are on it and as much as I would like to know every detail, every
piece of evidence the prosecution has, I want them to be able to nail her with all of it - I want some of it
to hit her like a brick in the courtroom - where she has no place to run and hide!
RascalBrat says:
3 hours ago
HannasNana, I know the feeling the Anthony family is still asking for people to send money for Caylee
T Shirts this is discracful to keep using people. I guess with there time off work they figure they can
make money at home, They just make me sick using people for there benefit. The media has now been
notified about this site, I hope they go after them, this is all about $$$$$$ to them what a way to live
your life. Shame on them.
Let George Anthony know how you feel about them making money off Caylee
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
3 hours ago
Wednesday Morning says:34 minutes ago
We all might want to drop in here once a day for a few days to post this new link though...
HannahsNana says:
3 hours ago
Rascal - I will - I can't believe the gall of these people have they no shame?
While we're on the subject of "time off from work" - how ARE these people surviving? I know up here
in Nashville the electric company, water , and phone all actually expect to be paid every month or ... no
utilities. My mortgage company also likes to receive a payment every month as well. I can't figure out
how they are getting by. I don't think they have any savings and I don't think her family is helping -
she's alienated everyone they know.
Any thoughts?
RascalBrat says:
3 hours ago
Sorry that is
Well there was money from picture, videos, t shirts,braclets and apprearences, now they think we all
fell of the Turnip Truck and will send them money.
HannahsNana says:
3 hours ago
SE Georgia Girl - I tried and it said Hub Page does not exist ??
RascalBrat says:
3 hours ago
HannnasNana, I just went there then bookmarked Wednesdays page it works.
Come on over!!! :)
imacynic2 says:
3 hours ago
Rascalbrat - you are a brat - swimming? Its -18 here right now!
RascalBrat says:
2 hours ago
LOL I am not swimming here it is to dam cold.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 hours ago
Marie, I hope your son enjoyed Indiana. I don't today because it's too darn cold!!
Who actually runs this site? Are we all paddling over to the new ship? Has anyone tested the waters?
On NG it was pointed out that if Lee gets subpoena'd (sp) under Florida law he automatically gets
immunity! Did I hear that correctly?
Kate in MO says:
2 hours ago
Good morning, all...Wednesday, I also tried to go to that hub and it says "hub does not exist"...what am
I doing wrong?? Don't throw me overboard, I can't swim!!
RascalBrat says:
2 hours ago
Snoopy scroll up a little over 2 hrs ago, Wednesday posted ne hub page everyone is there, guarding the
ship, the first 2 links do not work so go up to the first one.
RascalBrat says:
2 hours ago
Kate read what i just wrote before this I sent you email also, look up at first post, Wednesday did it
Wednesday Morning says:
2 hours ago
Sorry Folks, that link must NOT have worked. Here it is.
RascalBrat says:
2 hours ago
Good job Wednesday this last one works.
RascalBrat says:
31 minutes ago
Steve come on over, you family is waiting for you.
RascalBrat says:
21 minutes ago
Steve. go up to the hub page Wednesday posted
steve says:
16 minutes ago
That was weird!! Lee, I am at Van Nuys and Magnolia. Not a small world a very tiny one! Rascal, I still
live in the past, therefore my $5000.00 price is "such a deal" I will be looking for payment. Thanks!
Tim and BOBO Head are really on opposite ends of him giving up his 4000 pages of docs. GO TIM
GO, GO TIM GO!! This isn't just about this case but also his future searchs that are going to happen.
He does have quite an advantage in lawyers to say the least. And to me that speaks volumes
considering Mark must really not think the ANT's are telling one bit of any truths since their
association together. My how times have changed. They will continue to provide all of us some sort of
humor by continuing to be who they are. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONS! I think that they want this
to go to trial tomorrow because I do not believe they are holding up too well and if this thing doesn't
happen for another year Cindy will be 5150 by then. She is the queen of the
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONS! SadieSkye, a reminder to you to open the trunk for a bit! Go thru
a drive thru and give her a bite to eat but remember not to let her escape. Please. Kate, swimming
lessons start in one hour. It should be around 80 degrees out here by then.
RascalBrat says:
9 minutes ago
Steve, did you see the link up above from Wednesday. Yes Tim has a Lawyer this I think a lot about, he
does not put up with lies and BS. Hey your family is waiting for you come over please
LLee says:
9 minutes ago
Steve - that's right Bob Lasser. Last time I ran into him he had 4 stores in SD and doing well. Not sure
he still has all 4 stores in these times. Last night I had to go home and check and I still have a pair of
soft practice ballet shoes and jazz shoes that are Bloch's. If I remember correctly they are from
Australia? Did they stop manufacturing them?
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
4 days ago
Great job Wednesday!! Thank you so much. It's nice to come to a page that doesn't take 59 hours to
load. I, for one, will volunteer to help keep check on the sunken ship, in order to lead late sailors over
here. I think one person ruined it all for everyone over THERE and since all of that happened, we were
left on our own, to fend for ourselves. Once again...a great big hug..for making everything 'better"!
Marie RN says:
4 days ago
Farm Chick, Twisted Mystery Writer had an it person reverse-engineer the Caylee mall picture, and it
was shown to come from Dominic Casey's computer.
Wednesday Morning says:
4 days ago
Deputy in Caylee Anthony case cleared in earlier complaints
Snoopy9318 says:
4 days ago
LOVE the Squirrel that greets us!!
Did anyone else see that Lee will get immunity under Florida law if he gets a subpoena?
Marie, Indiana is way too cold for me right now, but I do love the changing of the seasons here.
Marie RN says:
4 days ago
Wednesday, just a suggestion for links: how about and They have daily
news coverage re: Caylee.
On another topic, it is too cold today! But my horses look cute with their little coats on.
imacynic2 says:
4 days ago
The Catch on Lee's Immunity:
Here's the deal though - he only gets immunity for what he confesses to them and testifies to. So, for
example he tells them Casey was giving him hints about where to find the body - he is immune for that
statement. . . but if he testifies to that and that alone, and then find out he went to the scene or he did
anything he doesn't fess up to them for - no immunity.
So - with the Anthony's records I am confident that if it comes down to it - they can find something else
he did - that he didn't admit to.
JMo says:
4 days ago
News for today in Orlando Sentinel:
Also, don't bother rating page. I just did this to help with our discussions. Rank/Rating isn't important
to me. But thanks anyway for suggesting it. You're all so precious! :-)
Interesting about Lee's immunity. I'll have to go check out the link you posted JMO.
JMo says:
4 days ago
This just in 30 minutes ago:
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Wow I am getting dizzy going back and forth, lol
I can not wait to hear what Lee knows, this will be interesting.
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
Thanks, trying to see it from the deputy's point of view, I'm sure the cops have had it up to
their eyeballs with this case and its nutty twists and turns, so I can imagine how, after a couple of
months of dealing with Casey, George, Cindy, Lee, BoBoHead, and numerous crackpot tips that were
called in on a daily basis, some of them might have developed an attitude of "I'M SICK OF THIS AND
I DON"T WANT TO DEAL WITH IT ANY MORE". That being said, the defense is still going to use
this to show how inept LE was in this case (all in all, I think they've done a good job with what they
had to work with). Just think of all the money this has cost. Boggles my mind...
JMo says:
3 days ago
I can't wait to hear him say how Casey was heavy into drug use! She had the life of a user with all of
her stealing, lying, deception, ....
I knew someone like that years ago, and she used to give her kids nyqil to knock them out so she could
party. Her kids were eventually taken away (that is before she could kill them with that stuff) and now
she is diagnosed schizophrenic and is basically dysfunctional. She never moved out from her parents
house, relied on them for everything. Dropped out of high school too. The grandparents got custody of
the kids finally, but they are a mess these days too. This girl (who is now 49 and still at home) was so
good at manipulation, hated her mother and was babied by the father (sound familiar). These people
don't give a damn about their kids or anyone when drugs are in the picture. *she really loved her kids
when first born though up to age 2 or 3, then the nyquil began. She used to blow pot smoke in their face
during the day to keep them stoned. She thought it was funny actually.
JMo says:
3 days ago
So true Kate that they can develop this attitude after a while, but looks like he has a pattern of laziness
to me. He has only been on the force since 06 or 07.
JMo says:
3 days ago
Anyone know why Jesse Grund quit the police force?
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
I will never understand anyone like that JMo, but I know it is happening all over. Very said to have kids
raised like that they need to be taken away. To bad Caylee was not taken from the nuts.
Oh just found out Xing is out of the country going to school, what a great experience for him.
What I heard, Jesse Grunde did not like being a cop, it is a very dangerous job. I know this first hand
my brother was one.
I just single-handedly did in ONE hour what took Futon 4 months to NOT do. I deserve a acorn!
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Yes that's possible...I see alot of laziness out there these days in every walk of life.
I thought the police had statements from Casey's friends that she didn't do drugs at all until recently,
when she smoked pot; of course she was a chameleon and would adapt her personality to manipulate
whoever she was with at the moment. Like Jesse Grund said, she was "religious" when with him; a pot
smoker when with Tony; etc. etc. also a "big sister figure" to the 12 year old; a victim to the cops; and
on and on ad nauseam.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Kate druggies are not going to tell everything they do, they figure saying a little pot is not going to get
them in trouble, Hell she had Caylee at the parties that they were smoking pot, and they had to be doing
other stuff.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
I'll always wonder how Caylee would have turned out if her mother had not ended her life...was it in
her genes to become like them? I know a girl who adopted both her son and her daughter (different
parents) when they were tiny babies...they both grew up wild as a March hare and did drugs, broke the
law repeatedly, and never straightened up. The girl had TWO babies and dumped them both on her
adopted mother; the boy died last year of probable drug use. He was 27. They never saw him since age
18 unless he was out of money or needed to be bailed out of jail. From what I could see they had a
great childhood, so makes you wonder about the apple not falling far from the tree...
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Rascal, I didn't mean she never did drugs, I just think that had nothing to do with Caylee's death. If the
defense tries to get her off by saying that she was a drug-crazed maniac, that'll never work (I hope)
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Kate, I know just meant they are not going to tell the cops all the drugs they do that would be stupid of
them, lol
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Wednesday, thanks for all your hard work...this is MUCH faster! You deserve a whole darn oak tree full
of acorns!
Oh well.
In the archives, I archived the first 2 weeks of January. Will clean up every month around the 1st of
each month & add to archives.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
LOL work never ends, Thank you Wednesday
Marie RN says:
3 days ago
Weds, WOW, how did you ever figure out how to archive the pages from the other blog? I'm
impressed. thanks for adding our frequently used links.
losingit says:
3 days ago
I agree with you Kate. My crazy aunt and uncle adopted a boy and then had a girl of their own. Aunt,
uncle, and girl are all drugie, boozie losers, but the boy (now 36) has always been sober and is very
sucessful. Mind you, it helps that his IQ is probably higher than the other three combined. So probably,
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Casey manipulated and lied to her parents. Didn't Cindy
convince her mother not to do a damn thing when Casey stole from her? If my daughter ever stole from
my parents, they would charge her. Nothing I could say would change their minds. I would never even
try to. I'm 38 and I'm still scared of them.
Thanks Wednesday.
Nurse Betty says:
3 days ago
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Most of the time a child learns from the example we show them, so when you have a parent like Cindy
I can see why Casey is some what like she is. We should never enable them to get away with anything
that is wrong. Start when they are small and correct them, we half to teach them right from wrong.
Teaching them morals are the best example and gift they can have in life.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
True, Rascal...the only up side to all of this (if you have to find an up side)is that sweet little Caylee
will never be ruined now; she'll always be the happy little girl you see in the videos and a reminder to
us all to be good parents and grandparents...and I do believe she is in a better place now, JMO
Marie, The archives were just copy & paste, nothing major, just time consuming. Hence the reason
Futy chose not to do it. Aaah well, New scenery here.
If anyone else wants reference links posted, just let me know & I'll add them.
JMo says:
3 days ago
I guess I ask about Jesse, because maybe he did some 'favors' through the police dept. with Casey that
he wasn't proud of? Then wanted to quit while he was ahead. Anyway, that's a reach.
However, I sure hope Lee spills the beans about Casey. I am sure he has put up with her lying and
deceiving all his childhood years and is the one who really knows the inside scoop on how she is. He
probably knows all her little secrets that mom and dad never knew. (its kinda that way with my kids). I
think Lee will be the next person that C & G toss out the door, since he won't be on Casey's side.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Is the red number at the top, the number of people who are signed onto this page or who have been
signed on?? Just says 49 now and on the other site it was always 74,78,72...remember I'm
kinda new at this stuff...
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
3 days ago
Wednesday...if there is no setting for you to put for links to open in new windows...everyone can right
click on links and then pick "open in new window". This is what I always do, so that I don't lose my
LMAO bout the squirrel balls. I was gonna post that this morning when I saw the pic. First thing I
noticed!! Was trying to think of a tasteful way to do it!! :-)
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
JMo, I thought that during that one jail visit that Lee had with Casey, he looked like he was about to
light into her...the one where she kept on blathering and talking about the hand and the star yadda
yadda yadda; and I think she finally worked up some tears...that's when he seemed to crumble and lose
his resolve. I think he knows full well what she's capable of; he's spent alot of years cleaning up her
JMo says:
3 days ago
Ok mates, read this below. Looks like (from story) that DC has said that the psychic told him to look in
trash at this site, and to look for 3 pavers in a row, etc. What do you think? Maybe the psychic is on
target and not BS'ing like everyone thought?
Snoopy9318 says:
3 days ago
I wondered about that too!!
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
3 days ago
WM--BTW, I forgot to mention...thanks for all of your hard work...since this morning! ;-)
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
JMo, what about the fact that there's no phone record? Or have they found the phone record now??
If this turns out to be TRUE then I take back all those nice things I ever said about the MR. IF he saw
her skull in August & then waited until December, then he's a lousy piece of shit & is definately
proving LP's Daisy Chain theory.
JMo says:
3 days ago
I would not believe that for a second, unless I heard it directly from the MR. All these spins are getting
everyone dizzy and our focus is blurry when it comes to Casey being the one and only guilty party for
Caylee being dead. However, the Nancy Disgrace show must go on. I think she is putting those
headlines to get her audience. It is a guess on her part and I can't imagine where she would come up
with such information? I've never heard MR say it and it's not in the tapes. Seems like it is just chatter
to me, but.... Who knows!
donagal says:
3 days ago
Nice job Wednesday! Hi everyone, just trying to catch up with all the postings.
JMo says:
3 days ago
I think our squirrel stored nuts for the winter, but put them in the wrong storage spot, lmao!
JMo says:
3 days ago
Steve, do we get cable on the ship? I am seeing things in 3D these days. I love my silver shades for
when I'm out on the deck of the ship!
steve says:
3 days ago
On a different note. U.S. Airways flight 1549 with more than 100 people went down into the Hudson
River. Plane is intact and they say all survived! Hopefully!! What luck that ferry boats were close by to
provide rescue . They say that birds may have been the cause. On the news right now.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
I think it was squirrels...maybe flying squirrels
Nannie27 says:
3 days ago
Hi everyone---hope its ok that I came over-Great job Wednesday!!!!!
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Hi Nannie, I left word there for all of you to join us, Welcome aboard
donagal says:
3 days ago
I'm watching that too steve! Yes it says everyone survived. Lucky people.
JMo says:
3 days ago
I guess some people are reconsidering the instructions for using the seat as a floatation device. They are
lucky that those ferry boats were there and they were not in the middle of the ocean with high waves.
Very lucky!
steve says:
3 days ago
JMo, cable t.v. in H.D. of course, tivo, and we even have an extensive movie library for your viewing
pleasure. What do you think your travel agent booked you on the S.S. Minnow? Travel agent, talk
about an almost non existent field these days. We aim to please. Sometimes however our aim is a little
off considering the amount of pirates that want to board everyday. The only party that spins more than
us are the ANT's. I do not think we will be invited to theirs anytime soon. Momster only cries (if you
call it that) when told to. The only other news I can tell the shipmates is,our dinner will be better than
JMo says:
3 days ago
There are our brave firefighters in action!!!
jo1031 says:
3 days ago
Wednesday Morn- Kuddos on new site!! Love that squirrel he sure has some big nuts!
JMo says:
3 days ago
Stupid Casey just figures that since she got away with her plot for a month, no one would ever find out.
I truly believe she was gathering money to make an escape when her plan was foiled by Cindy. Other
than that, no one may have ever known.
JMo says:
3 days ago
Oh my gosh, this just in. NeJame gives Kronk $5000.00
Deb in Vegas says:
3 days ago
Thanks Kate. Well since you encouraged my rants I do have some other stuff to get off my chest and it
goes way back so please bare with me. Did it seem to anybody else that way back when she was in jail
the first time before she was actually charged with murder, she seemed anxious for the body to be
found?because she said wierd things like "we have to find Caylee than all the questions will be
answered." I think maybe she thought she had done such a good job of framing this "nanny" with the
duct tape over the mouth, all the "extra" clothes the nanny had of Caylee's, then she even tried to work
in the fact that "Zany" had a key to her house. Yeah right! I wish my kids would give a key to my house
to someone I had never even meet or talked to. There would be hell to pay in Deb's household.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Deb it's possible but IMO she was just doing what she does best...lying to cover her a_ _, and the "we
have to find Caylee" routine was just to prove to people how "concerned" she was. I do think that after
a month passed, however, she did think she had gotten away with it...she was probably thinking "Wow,
this was so easy I should have done it a long time ago!". Until it all began to unravel with the car...
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Wow, Jo1031, I'm waiting for someone to put that song into a video of the Ants and's
perfect...with SQUIRRELS, even!! Tracey was right.
JusticeforCaylee says:
3 days ago
JMo says:
3 days ago
New video, JUST RELEASED on Casey....
Seems like some things are flowing out more freely this week so far.
jo1031 says:
3 days ago
RE:Meter Reader & Skull
Saw this yesterday at about Roy Kronk seeing skull in August. Didn't think much of it
other than him possibly embellishing his story to gain more than his 15 minutes of fame.
Source close to investigation said on Wednesday that meter reader NOW believes he saw Caylee
Anthony's skull sticking out of bag the day he made the 1st report to 911 back in August.
Marie RN says:
3 days ago
Hey, Deb in Vegas! Welcome! I think we are a good group here. I think your theory about the 2 bags is
a good one. After all, the comment about "not even finding her clothes" means something. I think her
plan to frame "Zanny the Nanny," went into play after her plan "A" of making it look like a drowning
didn't work.
Deb in Vegas says:
3 days ago
Just wondering, which really happened? Did Konk see something round and white, that I guess He's
saying looked like it could be a skull back in aug. Or did he come across a black bag and started to lift
it and a skull rolled out in Dec. Am I confusing facts and spin from the media? Somebody please loop
me in.
JMo says:
3 days ago
I think it is both.
JMo says:
3 days ago
Watching the jail tape now! Sorry, but I don't fall for her crying and game playing! She is a liar, liar,
pants on fire!!! She babbles and rambles over and over with no substance to take away from what she
says! What a lying psycho bitch with an anger issue!!
JMo says:
3 days ago
I hate the way she goes on and on and on about how life has been perfect in her jail cell until her loving
mom and dad show up to question her about Caylee. Then all of us sudden, it is all their fault that she is
upset and agitated. What a manipulating twit. Gosh, too bad they can't realize she is talking down to
them and treating them like dirt. She has always been the spoiled brat that gets her way, that's blatently
obvious. Its all about everyone else in this whole tape, except CAYLEE. Poor me this, poor me that. No
one knows how it is for ME, ME, ME!
Maybe someone could go through and count and compare how many times she says I and ME and how
many times she says Caylee!
JMo says:
3 days ago
Sorry for all the posts....I hate the part where she says "just tell zanny we forgive her". I think psycho
girl is talking about herself and wants her mom to forgive her. Just my take on this. Then she yells at
her mom for asking questions, because she knows dad will not question her and will baby her. Sick!!!!!
George needs to stop it!
JMo says:
3 days ago
Just finished watching....OMG! She is so guilty to the umpf degree! "If they don't start treating me like
I'm a VICTIM and be nice to me, they aren't getting shit from me". Give me a break! They need to
make her a Victim, one who is getting the crap beat out of her every day! I hope her family reads this
and know that they are being played!!!!! She is one sick young girl with personal, social and
psychological issues, not to mention murder.
I wonder what the 'falling out' was about a year ago with George? I bet he has to come clean on that
one, eh? I bet he caught her doing drugs, etc and didn't report her.
lee says:
3 days ago
I must admit, although i had a shitty day due to being rear ended this morning on the 405 fwy and not
by a squirrel, coming home was a gem & trully comical reading all your posts..... Hey group! Im not
sure if anyone ever answered this, but have they ever taken the time to realy see what happened to the
Modsters baby daddy? I know they say that he died but,,,,,,,,hmmmm does anyone ever wonder?
jo1031 says:
3 days ago
Wow!!! Just watched that jail video from August 14th. Crazy quoting the Bible. Priceless!!
Check out this slideshow of photos from that video. # 9 & 10 are not very flattering pics.
Deb in Vegas says:
3 days ago
Yep Marie, I agree "Zanny the Nanny" was plan b after riding around with Caylee in the trunk for 2
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
lee, Hope you were not hurt in the accident. Now as far as the baby's Daddy who know she has lied
about everything else. At one time Casey named Jesse Grunde, we know it was not him from test,
jo1031 says:
3 days ago
Lee- I do not think anyone buys that story about the father of Caylee being killed in an auto accident
except for George & Cindy. Momster has named several different guys as being the dad that died. One
time it was Eric something, another time it was someone with the last name Oritz, she told Jesse Grund
he was the dad too, heck I can even remember all the names. Maybe she doesn't even know. Some of us
have our own theory on who the dad is. Who did not want to give LE their DNA?
lee says:
3 days ago
Thanks Rascal Im fine thank goodness...Jo- isnt that freaking sick! its amazing how much they trully
believe in her as if she can do no wrong! As I have mentioned before I too am a Grandmother of a
18month old she is my LIFE! I can guarntee everyone that Cindy & George split up once there precious
animal has been sentenced.
Lee Anthony has been hiding from the start I often wonder what gerbil crawlled up his ass sworn into
silence. Maybe Modster took the gerbil afterall she tends to smile from time to time.
Somethings 'off' about her not accepting her Bible from Cindy. Casey is claiming Jose said she couldn't
have THAT one, but they would give her one from the jail. How much ya wanna bet Cindy had wrote
notes to Casey on the pages of the Bible? Or maybe highlighted certain IMPORTANT commandments,
like that pesky little one that says THOU SHALT NOT KILL.
I would trade my $10 Target Gift Card to get a look at that Bible.
Also, They're making her choose one family member to meet, with so she chooses George? It's so
obvious WHY. Did hear him comforting her? OMG what a complete PUSSY. He's all "I,I,I,I, I k-k-k-
know hunny". So afraid of her. So very afraid of her.
Time to man-up George.
lee says:
3 days ago
THIS IS WHY I NEVER GET TO CHIT CHAT with all you early birds!!!! When Im all good and
ready to go, you all are tucked away doing zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz while Im in 80º cant sleep who wants
to chat weather??? Steve? hmm he is probably tucked in too. Gee maybe I can get Mobster to talk im
sure she's up.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Wednesday, You can not have anything from home, not even personal Bible.
steve says:
3 days ago
Good evening mates. Sorry to hear about the mishap Lee. The 405 is the 2nd worst fwy. in the country
right behind the 101 if you know what I mean. If there is a car with a flat tire, the lookyloos will make
things come to a stop. And if it is raining, well lets put it this way. If you want to get 60 miles, you
would be there Sunday night. I'm serious. Very late Sunday night! Forget the fact that the latest AOL
poll has momster being guily at 98%, I think that 99% of the people would say that her mother is guilty,
crazy, and just plain stupid! Aint that right Cindy? The more you think, the more wood we smell
burning! Truly comical!! I am still trying to stop laughing from months ago when she was telling us her
daughter is yhe true victim. Again I must quote my grandma (rest her soul) OY VEY.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Lee, sorry you had a crappy day. I'm sure it was made even crappier by that moronic videotape...if there
was ever any doubt who RULES the Anthony family, doubt no more! She has them ALL running
scared. Who is Cindy fooling?? She barks at everyone who accuses her daughter of any wrongdoing,
but look at her in the tape-she doesn't believe a word Casey says, but she's too scared of her to admit it.
And they both handle her with kid gloves, like she was a delicate flower or something...yeah, a big
Whatever happened to Christina, the girl at the beginning that was pressing her for details, that she got
really mad at?? Who was she? Lee's girlfriend is Mallory, so that can't be her. She must have got fed
up, haven't heard from her since the first of this.
OK, if they give Lee immunity, and he says "I killed Caylee", then both of them go free. PLEASE
WILL DO ANYTHING TO SPRING HER!!! I really wouldn't put it past him to do that.
losingit says:
3 days ago
Hi all. I just watched the new video. Here are some of my favorite parts:
4. Did you notice when George is talking to her about choosing him to be the one she meets with? He
says something like I'm glad you made that choice. Cindy looks at him as if to say, "What, she's gonna
tell us?" George shakes his head and Cindy slams her into the table.
What a selfish biotch. Yes, it's all me and I. Does she even mention Caylee by name? I did hear her say
she wants her kid back. And she read some comments from something on the net. I hope it was you
guys on this hub.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Kate, Lee is not going to take the fall for Casey, he knows she did it and where the body was. I think
that is all his involvement, that is why she made all the frantic phone calls. He does not want that
hanging over his head that he killed Caylee, that would follow him the rest of his life.
Glad I had a short nap, all that running back and for to other room wore me out, LOL
lee says:
3 days ago
Steve your not tucked in.....Kate- No, sick is watching Nancy tonight and veiwing the pathetic video of
Mobster and her crock tears,,,,oh it kills me not knowing whats happening on the outside.. not being
able to help, having to wait on infomation from Jose and best of all....telling her mother that she
receives nothing but good mail hmmmmm. maybe I sould write to her!
Etta says:
3 days ago
I know this is a little horrifying but I had a theory. The high levels of chlorophorm(sp) in the trunk of
Crazy's car: Could Crazy have killed little Caylee in the pool and the extra high levels of
chlorophorm(sp) came naturally from the chlorinated pool water that filled her lungs mixing with her
decomposing body?
Allyss says:
3 days ago
Hi guys, dang it I went to the little girls room and when I came out everyone was gone. I sent up a flare
and had the coast guard bring me over hope no one minds letting me aboard because the coast guard
won't be happy if they made a wasted trip.
The new ship was so elegant I decided I better put on my formal wear and create an account.
Thank you so much for doing this Wednesday, and thanks to you Georgiagirl for the tip on right
clicking to open in new window.
linn says:
3 days ago
Hey all, I made it! Ummm, I guess now is the time to say I can't swim, so I had to take a charter boat
out to the ship. If this ship goes down, I need extra life vests! Already have my floaters. Actually even if not owned by Clint it was a superb, high end resturant. I used to look inside
if I ever HAD to be in tourist city, AKA Carmel, CA. It had a carved plaque on the front of the
building, and a dead head of acutally a wild boar. That part was icky. I am not into stuffed dead
animals. I have some stuffed live ones though. It was done sort of like a 100 pub. Super dark woods,
red interior and the food was 5star. I could never afford any resturant in Carmel. They charge more due
to tourists.
Wednesday, THANK YOU!!!!! I mean I would actually sit here with a magnified makeup mirror
looking for gray hairs while the old site took me an hour to load. Part was most likely due to my dial up
and dying laptop, but nothing takes that long and now I just whizzed right over. I am still in shock.
About that squirell.. rofl!! I was thinking, can we get panties on him? I mean if Casey ever sees this site
she might get, well you know. Hey maybe that is a good thing.
I was SOOOO disgusted tonight watching NG. I agree the plane going down was unreal! But it was on
all day, on every single show. Just the same clips over and over. So NG comes on and does the same
clips for 30 minutes. Then onto the Casey new videos. She goes on about what was in them, and yet
showed the same 15 seconds of clip over and over and over. I counted 6 times. Were told Casey gets
mad, Cindy walks away, yet all we see is the same few seconds. I get more from all of you than I do
I know there was others I was wanting to comment to, but darn it all. I am still so stunned at how fast I
got here i can't think.
I just registered the other day. just my name so far and email as I was tired. Gee, I need to get on
earlier! Anyway, do I need to re-register? I am NOT computer savvy I still am not getting how to put up
a picture. I have one in my pictures and did try to put it up but nothing worked. So do I just highlite it
and then what? LOL.. Everyone tries to help me and one time I actually did get one up. So any help and
I will try it. I hate being naked up there with all your lovely pics that are up.
steve says:
3 days ago
You know, I have been wondering for a few weeks now if the ANT's have ever googled and seen all the
stuff on the net regarding there dumbass behavior, actions and just basically what people are thinking
and saying about them. Honestly I think it is a real good chance that they have, and specifically have
perhaps been drawn into our ship as a "sometimes stowaway" I can not fathem the thought that they do
not care what the court of public opinion thinks of them. These are the spotlight whores remember.
That may even be an understatement. This next comment is only meant to offend the ANT's and
nobody else and I apologize to the shipmates in advance for what I am about to say but have been
holding it in for quite a bit. Since you parents of the momster know nothing of your daughter and are
just plain stupid which momster even knew and played that card each and every day, I must inform you
and enlighten you as to who she is. To be blunt, she used to get banged more than a wooden door in a
hurricane. And that was in your home.Oh yeah, and liked I have said before, she knows what happend
to Caylee! P.S the chloroform may have been meant for you guys.
lee says:
3 days ago
Losingit- you are right Casey should read this Hub she would pee her pants laughting, heck i almost
do...... But she needs to start from the very begining, ants, squirrels, modsters no no no squirrels with
balls! you know Guys all this talk based on her would probably please her! as for the Pool theory I dont
think so do you know why? Casey had already been looking up HOW TO KILL without being caught
searches before this tragedy took place.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
I think Casey put her out with the Chloroform so she could party!! and Screw her boy friend.
Oh Squirrel needs boxers since he is male, never put panties on male Look close LMAOROF
Etta says:
3 days ago
I have also heard several comments that lead me to believe that Crazy is an avid walker/jogger. Or
claims to be. I'm 22 just like Crazy and I know that telling your parents that you are going for a jog is a
sure fire way to leave the house no questions asked. Crazy herself tells LE about Cindy not wanting her
to jog at Jay Blanchard because of the jogger that was killed there. I bring this up for a couple reasons.
One:Crazy is fat as hell. Even though I believe the rumor that she is preggo, this could be a reason for
the weight gain. Too many cheetos. If I were in her crazy shoes (IE..facing the death penelty) I could
see her banging everyone under the sun when they let her out of the pen on bail. Hoping to gain to
sympathy "mother" card maybe.
Two:This shows that Crazy was most likely well aware of everyone in the neighborhood. The two
houses at the end of the block that are owned by F. Gonzalez and Zenida money is on that being
her way of telling Lee where the body was. In one of her jail house visits Cindy asks her about the
people in the neighborhood and Crazy quickly says she doesn't know ANYONE! What a lie...she grew
up in that hood.
Three:If Crazy often jogs the hood...she could have easily retuned to the body without drawing any
attention and could have left her cell phone anywhere she wanted. Used her car to throw the body into
the woods and then later came back in hope of digging the hole?
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
JMo Casey needs another one just for her, Do not have sex with every Tom, Dick and Harry.
jo1031 says:
3 days ago
JMO- One of the ones she quoted was "Do Unto Others". She was talking about all the things being
said about her by the media & by online bloggers. If she had been outside at the time she would have
probably been struck by a bolt of lightning.
Found this site today & thought I'd share it. It cracked me up!!!
Momster profile on Cupid web site. Case 035 "I'm A Genuine Girl" NOT!!!!!!!!!
JMo says:
3 days ago
So, do unto others is probably what she did to Caylee. She did it to get back at what she thinks is others
doing something to her and now she has gotten back at them. She is twisted alright!
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
I vote for that great idea sharke bait. Going to let Squirrel do do on her head first.
Thank you Steve for your generous danceware offer - my daughters are 15 & 27 and my
Granddaughter is only 10 mos. so I have no need but it's a very nice offer for those who can use it. I
have lots of happy memories of taking dance classes and wearing those cool costumes when I was
younger - someday I think I'd like to take up tap dancing again.
I watched some of the new video of Casey & her parents that was released but honestly I just can't
stand listening to Casey's BS. She is so fake & phony it just makes me sick to listen.
jo1031 says:
3 days ago
I say we go for it all. Duct tape & garbage bags first. Waterboarding & shark bait second.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Wait long enough and you can shuffle like me, lol
jo1031 says:
3 days ago
Aubree's Grandma- Proud mom is on vacation in SC. She will be back.
lee says:
3 days ago
Im feeling pain now GOT vicoden? Count me in Ill get bring the duck tape, however it might melt in
this HOT weather.... no joke! shorts in Janurary.... Steve whats up with the Dance wear?? where is your
shop located?
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
You guys crack me up! My stupid computer crashed again so I missed out on all this fun...squirrels
wearing panties, new drink recipes, waterboarding...what fun!! I do believe that they will have room for
Casey at Gitmo; she'll be all alone so she can't pollute the prison population.
lee says:
3 days ago
Im feeling pain now GOT vicoden? Count me in Ill get bring the duck tape, however it might melt in
this HOT weather.... no joke! shorts in Janurary.... Steve whats up with the Dance wear?? where is your
shop located?
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Sheesh, Lee, I'm's like 2 degrees here.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
I would not even wish Casey on prisoners at Gitmo.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Me neither but they're all moving out...
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Well it would not take her a long time to move threw the pack of guys.
lee says:
3 days ago
Kate- seriously, HOT, cold, Hot again, cold no Hot thats CA for yah! Watchn TOT mom on TV eeew
she makes me so sick!
JMo says:
3 days ago
Just to clarify my idea of "waterboarding", although, I like the duct tape, then bagging and putting her
on a waterboard really really fast till she falls off and the sharks nibble at her like the snakes and bugs
were on Caylee. YI !, but here is what I was thinking when I wrote that: (since Casey said in the tape
tonight that her throat hurts when she swallow, ahem, ahem, and we know she had some connection to
the pool in the backyard, ahem ahem,.....this might get her to talk.....
Waterboarding is a form of torture consisting of immobilizing the victim on his or her back with the
head inclined downwards, and then pouring water over the face and into the breathing passages. By
forced suffocation and inhalation of water the subject experiences drowning and is caused to believe
they are about to die.[3] It is considered a form of torture by legal experts,[4][5] politicians, war
veterans,[6][7] intelligence officials,[8] military judges,[9] and human rights organizations.[10][11] As
early as the Spanish Inquisition it was used for interrogation purposes, to punish and intimidate, and to
force confessions.[12]
In contrast to submerging the head face-forward in water, waterboarding precipitates a gag reflex
almost immediately.[13] The technique does not inevitably or in all cases cause lasting physical
damage. It can cause extreme pain, dry drowning, damage to lungs, brain damage from oxygen
deprivation, other physical injuries including broken bones due to struggling against restraints, lasting
psychological damage or, ultimately, death.[4] Adverse physical consequences can start manifesting
months after the event; psychological effects can last for years.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
I'm sure she's quite a Shakespeare...can't wait to read her novel. It's 1:00 here so WAAAY past my
bedtime...nite nite everyone!
Etta says:
3 days ago
I was watching the new can easily see other inmates walking around in the background. I
thought (according to Crazy) whenever other inmates are in the same area as her she had to go back to
her cell? Forget the waterboard...I want to put a rat...or be it squirrel...under a metal bucket on her bare
stomach and heat the bucket with a torch. What movie is that from?
JMo says:
3 days ago
I don't know, but we can add it to the list! We can have a big party out on the deck of the boat after!
Sounds so cruel, but this is the anger she invokes within us.
Wanted to also say earlier, notice how George keeps using his 'authority' to say he has 'inside
connections' with the sheriff, and maybe he does? Why can't that man talk straight? Why does he have
to play all the childish games with Casey, "lets pretend you are the boss of a corporation", "lets pretend
our family is our hand", lets pretend, lets, pretend, lets pretend.....enough! I can't stand it! That has got
to be the strangest family dynamics ever! No wonder crazy is living in a pretend world. She knew
George was going to break her down and that's why she interuppted him constantly so he couldn't get
out what he had to say and she wouldn't get caught up in it. Poor victim Casey, no one listens to her or
believes her....hmmm. How about let's not pretend anymore, period.
(?Thank you for choosing me? is that what he really said to her? un-f'n-believable. You could tell that it
crushed Cindy). Casey knows what she's doing and don't think for one minute she doesn't.
GranNaw says:
3 days ago
Ahoy Mates! GranNaw made it over smooth sailing all the way - was really super busy yesterday and
got in pretty late so all I was able to do was read to catch up.(often the case for me)
Wednesday Morning - You Go Girl! Thanks for devoting the time and effort to give us this wonderful
new port to sail from. Sending you a bushel of acorns--- overnight of course, but it looks to me like you
and your little squirrel friend have already stored all your nuts....LOL
Now I know WE wouldn't buy this story, but just WHAT IF he tried this to cast doubt. If someone else
confesses to a killing, then it would be really hard for a jury to say she was guilty without reasonable
I just think this whole immunity thing is going to screw everything up. If this family had even a shred
of goodness in them, they would say what they know WITHOUT an immunity deal. I'm just not liking
where this is going.
They've already proven themselves & their motives. They ONLY want Casey out of jail. They'll say &
do whatever they need to do to get her home.
Snoopy9318 says:
3 days ago
JO1031, LOVE the Wubbzy music. Gonna play it for my kids!!
I can only chat with you all during the day and my computer won't let me download flash. I can't see
half of the videos or pics!! ARRRRRGGGGG! Could someone tell me what momster quoted from the
Bible? What a dufus!!
I'm still catching up on last night's postings, so, sorry if you've already posted that!
Hey, I'm wondered if I could ask you guys a favor. My dad is helping his friend raise money for a
Missionary organization to supports Missionaries that serve in the USA & Canada. There's a search
engine that donates 1 penny for every search. I just figured since we all do sooooooo many web
searches, if we all used this service, we could easily throw a few bucks a month their way.
Go to
It will ask you what organization you want to donate your penny to. Type in Continental Baptist
Mission -- (If it asks where, It's Rockford, Michigan)
It will then bring you to a search engine page. Then just bookmark it so you don't have to enter that info
each time you use it & go to that page when doing a web search.
Snoopy9318 says:
3 days ago
When I was watching NG last night, the bailiff took Crazy out and I saw a chain around her waist. Did
you all see that? I don't think she's pregnant. I looked at it twice.
donagal says:
3 days ago
will do Wednesday.
blastcap says:
3 days ago
To everyone on the new site:
I have been following the old site for approx. 3 months and just decided to register when you open the
new pages. This site is much faster and easier to navigate.
I have really enjoyed reading all of the posts. I was in Florida the weekend this story broke and have
followed ever since. Thanks for giving all of your insights.
donagal says:
3 days ago
Welcome aboard blastcap, can't stay, should have left already but I wanted to welcome u real quick.
Snoopy9318 says:
3 days ago
Wow! Am I the only one left to keep the ship on course? In our sub zero temperatures today, it's going
to get a little dicey!!
blastcap says:
3 days ago
Thanks Donagal
Marie RN says:
3 days ago
Hey, Snoopy - yes, I saw those waist shackles, so I am backing away from my "pregnant" theory. Of
course, she may be denying she is pregnant like the first time, and prison officials are not aware.
I just finished watching the videos posted on in 4 parts. Makes them easy to load and
watch. It is so great seeing Casey in a box. She says she is frustrated, look at poor Cindy hitting her
head with her hand! (She was poor Cindy back then, now just a law obstructing, money grabbing bitch.
Casey is a true virtuoso, and plays her parents like violins. I think the way Casey says "when this goes
to trial." For if she were truly a victim as she says, and Caylee were found, there would be no trial. And
the way she says she doesn't want to talk to Lee, because it would be an interrogation, he would have a
list of questions.
When she talks about Jose being in NY for business, is that when he was shopping the photos/videos?
Sounds like it.
Snoopy9318 says:
3 days ago
Good to hear from someone else aboard, Marie!! Not trying to drive you nuts, but do you know what
parts of the Bible crazy was quoting? I hate that we can't download Flash from here!!
JMo says:
3 days ago
Snoopy, in my comments above I mentioned the quotes. Love they neighbor was one (because the
ANTS helped out a man who needed something to eat).
However, she skipped over the important ones: Thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not kill, honor thy mother
and father, etc. She was too busy trying to make out like she was so lost without her 'personal'
bible....whatever! She forgot that she just finished going on and on and on about what a miserable
Saturday it was and how it was the worst day of her life and she had her head under the covers all day,
except when she had nothing to do but read the bible. Either she likes reading the bible or it makes her
miserable. Very contradicting, don't you think? Besides, I would of thought the worst day of her life
was when Caylee was gone. Sounds like she was 'forced' to read the bible cause she had nothing else to
do. Poor Crazy.
Also, in August, I don't think she was in a secluded area yet for protection (given the inmates walking
around her, she gets access to magazines, talks to other prisoners, etc). I think she got moved for safety
steve says:
3 days ago
I am so beyond frustrated!!!! No wait, that's momster back 5 months ago. Imagine how many words
she is and feels now! And just so you know momster it is all of us on the S.S. MOMSTER M.A.S.H.
that are frustrated with you and yours. Perhaps if you took a different approach with everything things
would be different.?.? Perhaps we may not have even had a hub to talk our smack and let everyone
truly know how we felt and what we think. If you were normal, things would certainly be different. But
"if" is that little word in the middle of life. Enjoy your good for nothing existence because it is all you
seem to have these days. Whether it is Friday, or Tuesday, or Thursday, or Sunday, it will always just be
another day of hell in the cell.
JMo says:
3 days ago
WedMorn, I scouted us out a famous Squirrel that can waterski! He attends boat shows, etc. so has a lot
of experience. I think we will need this, considering we need someone to keep an eye on things around
the outside of the boat (to alert us to pirates wanting to come on board). Go to this website and see if
you can get the picture of this waterskiing squirrel to add to our group of pictures. (He's really cute
The whole Bible-Quoting-Charade made me throw up in my mouth a little. It was so out of character
for her. But undoubtably, Jose encouraged her to study up & give a few quotes for "her cameo".
As far as her not being able to have her OWN Bible.... She said that Cindy could MAIL it to her, but it
could not be handed to her. well, why not do that then? I still say there's something written (by Cindy)
on the pages of HER Bible. Which is why No-Way-Jose got her one issued from the jail instead and
noone knows exactly WHERE Casey's Bible is. Cindy says Jose has it. Casey says "no, he wouldn't
have done that". I mean, can't you see Cindy setting there with pen in hand underlining "Be sure your
sins will find you out". & "Thou shalt not lie".
The more of these videos I watch, the more I notice the power struggles between Cindy & Jose. Casey
is doing what Jose says & Cindy can't sway her. Cindy, George & Lee have ALL at some point on
video tried to get Casey to see what Jose is doing. They don't like him. There's something up with that.
Perhaps his defence IS going to implicate something toward them?
JMo says:
3 days ago
WedMorn, I meant to say "she is really cute". Her name is TWIGGY. A plus is that she can also drive a
boat if needed.
It's always good to have an avid swimmer onboard. A co-captain for Steve.
JMo says:
3 days ago
Awesome Wednesday! She looks adorable at the bottom of our page! I think we should all get red
jackets for our sea trip. Steve, can you arrange that?
Nannie27 says:
3 days ago
Hi everyone - we are finally getting a break from our minus 40 weather - its not too bad today.
KATE: don't call Momster a Shakespeare - thats my surname LOL LOL - dont want to be associated
with her LOL LOL LOL
I cannot get the video of the ANTS that you are talking about- can anyone help---please and thanx
Steve: That was a fantastic offer you made - would love to take you up on it but since I'm in Canada I
think customs would charge way too much - pity though - I have a 12 year old grandaughter that is in
gymnastics - she is at Provincial 5 and partly Nationals level already and I have a little 8 year old that
would have LOVED a pretty little suit. Thanx anyway for your kind offer.♥♥
Notice how she was all bitchy and discusted and jealous because she though she had missed a big chili
party? Poor Casey read the Bible and cried all day. George calmly explained that no, it was just
himself, Mom and Lee. Then Malory came over later. Oh, yeah, then some random hungry guy showed
up so they let him in. WHAT??? Casey probably wanted to ask how old he was and if he was cute. But
that would look bad, so to quickly take her mind of that she panics and just starts with the Bible talk to
show George and everyone what a good girl she is.
She says something about "When this goes to trial"? Casseeyy, you're innocent remember? When
Caylee is found you can go home. All you're guilty of is stealing money, but you'll get off on those
charges too because you needed to steal the money to fund your search efforts. My nanny stole my kid,
but maybe they'll all show up at Fusion tonight.
JMo says:
3 days ago
I surprised that Cindy doesn't add to her statement about "Casey being a good mom", that Casey was
also a religious mom who read the bible everyday! Rrriiiigggghhhhtttt.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Good Morning all, I am hoping they do not need to give any of the Anthony's immunity, I want them to
just tell the truth. Jo put the link of some slides of Casey last night, wow what a temper she has, I can
see her coming unglued as Caylee if she was crying I want Nannie. She was so jealous of anyone that
gave Caylee the attention she wanted.
Wed, Love the new Squirrel at the bottom. Glad to see almost eveyone made it over to the new site. I
was sure tired from rowing back and forth from one site to another to find our friends. But I will take
the time to look again today.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Ok I forgot to sign in lol
Wednesday Thank you for rowing over to the other ship, and leaving message for those left behind, I
Marie RN says:
3 days ago
Rascal, thanks for taking over Coast Guard duty! I'll bet you helped save those folks in the Hudson
yesterday. They were too happy to be rescued to think twice about your co-pilot, the squirrel. I bet you
can rescue a few more, and bring them on board. It is likely to be choppy waters the next few months.
wonder if the trial will actually start in March, as promised.
JMo says:
3 days ago
Prisoners can be housed all together in a big room but with seperate cells. That's how she got Baez's
name, remember, from some of the other girls. I think she started getting death threats and George
pulled his favor card and got her into a protective area. (that made her feel important). Now she is
having to buy everyone candy bars when they want them so they won't beat the crap out of her.
Anyway, yes, she shows her severe emotional immaturity in this video. The fists clenching, I'm so
angry, you are pissing me off attitude (they play into it by catering to her whines and demands), the
what? you had chili and people over without me (they play into this too...they minimize the whole thing
to pamper her feelings), on and on. This apparently is how this family functions. Casey is in total
manipulative control over them. They baby her and cater to her tantrums. They all walk on eggshells
around her and always have obviously. Which tells me all the more that she is a person with a
substance abuse problem and they are all weak to her. You either do things her way, don't ask questions,
play her games, make her the victim, etc. or she will get mad and not talk to you (or in her words on the
video...."you won't get shit"!)
I sure hope the ANTS get serious therapy to deal with this crazy ass murdering momster. They need it
bad! Casey is beyond hope!
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Marie, I really do not look for the trial to start in March, at the rate this Circus is going it will be a long
time. Well the goverment has a program no kids left behind, so I thought it was my duty not to leave
ship mates behind. I am so glad to see so many here on this great new site. Our Ship Mate Wednesday
deserves a great big HIGH FIVE.
You should all be proud of Jo, I talked to her last night threw messenger and she put a temporarly
picture up, which will be replaced later.
Wednesday, Proud Mom is on vacation but we made sure she had a email to tell her about new site.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
3 days ago
Rascal, just curious if I missed something about Jo....what are we supposed to be proud of her for? I
feel lost here.
Also, Xing IS NOT out of the country, according to LLee on the other site. XINGGGGGGG where are
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
JMo, Do not look for the Anthony's to get therapy, they think everyone is against them, and especially
Casey. The Detectives built a case against her and she is the victim,, yea right. Well the forget who used
the Chloroform and dumped Caylee, and looked up all that stuff on the computer and lied and stole
from everyone she could. I could go on about what she has done but we are all familiar with her antics.
She is a spoiled brat that they created, we can see that.
Kate I went by what LLee told me on the other site, and posted that infor here.
Snoopy9318 says:
3 days ago
If Wednesday can find a squirrel with nuts that big, why can't we find someone with equally big nuts to
go to Crazy and demand answers?!! LOL! I would love to see her heat up over not being taken
seriously. Come on... ANYONE willing?!! LOL
Snoopy9318 says:
3 days ago
Marie, is that a "horse coat" on your horse? That's cool! Thanks for sharing with a non-equestrian!
Snoopy9318 says:
3 days ago
Did everyone go below deck again? Dang! I wish I could be on deck during the excitement at night!
steve says:
3 days ago
Remember Casey, you had to do everything that you did because it is how we raised you. I know
mommy. Thanks for raising me to be who am. I can not thank you enough! Look at where it has got me
mommy. Have a great day mommy, talk to you later.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Steve, If I was her Mommy I would say see you later when you can tell the TRUTH!
jo1031 says:
2 days ago
Nannie 27- Video of Aug 14th Jail visit with George & Cindy:
donagal says:
2 days ago
Hey, love the new squirrel at the bottom, so cute.
IMO Casey looks like she is purposly being cruel to Cindy. Laughing when she sees her crying,
rubbing it in that she picked daddy because he wouldn't take over the conversation like her mom would
do. I believe she got joy out of watching her be so upset then preceded to throw on the guilt. She is a
master at lying and being a manipulator.
Marie RN says:
2 days ago
Yes, Snoopy, that is a horse in his coat! Took the pic just for you all.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 days ago
steve says:
2 days ago
Rascal, agreed! Love the part that she "had to steal" from everyone to finance the looking for Caylee
fund. I'm tellin ya, better than a Mel Brooks film! Gee, and the reason she stole money before Caylee
was missing was??????? Thought so. Donagal, a manipulator, maybe.? Got her masters degree at lying,
hardly! Will continue to do both on a daily basis, most definately!!! Truly the saddest, funniest, most
bizarre reality show since Hogan Knows Best. Obviously he didn't.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Steve, Jo posted a site last night Called Cupid something where she put a profile. She listed her
education as some College, hell she forgot she did not graduate High School. Duh it slipped her mind
along with all her other lies.
donagal says:
2 days ago
True Steve true, maybe we should send her some shrimp or lobster, her bio says she is alergic, you
could catch some couldn't you steve while your fising for the cats!
JMo says:
2 days ago
Just the way she sat in the court room the other day, staring straight ahead, execept to look at the
camera and give a huge smile to her attorney, should be enough for anyone to figure out this was her
who did it. What mother do any of you know could sit there straight faced while they talk about your
babies bones and remains? She is a COLD BLOODED killer. She has no emotions. She didn't want to
be there, because she doesn't want it to interfere with her fantasy / pretend world she has been enabled
to live in all of her life. (sure Casey, quit school, no problem; your pregnant, no problem; steal our
money, no problem; lie to us, no problem; talk down to us, no problem; steal from your friends and
grandparents, no problem; use us to care for your child, no problem; party all night while we babysit,
no problem; need a car to drive, no problem; no job, no problem; lie about zanny and caylee missing
for a month, no problem; kill your daughter, no problem) These people are in SEVERE denial of what
Casey is capable of.
JMo says:
2 days ago
Donagal, she doesn't deserve shrimp or lobster, its raw squid and carp for her!
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
2 days ago
WM..You have mail!
Rascal...gotcha! Yes, we are proud of Jo. Now, if only our captain would get himself an account...with
an avatar!! He would have many fans!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Oh yes Se Georgia that would be great if steve did that I suggested that to him.
HannahsNana says:
2 days ago
When did she sign up for the Cupid site? Does she really expect to get out of this mess and DATE?????
Who would go out with her? Some other pathological lying narcissist - they could lie to each other all
night, just going on and on about how wonderful each of them is!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Dam my Squirrel is at the Booze and Candy again!!!! He spent to much time around Casey,
JMo says:
2 days ago
Looks like Amanda Knox gets the attention in the news. Her trial starts today. I think Casey is probably
going to be jealous and this will fuel something in her behavior to get the media attention back on her.
JMo says:
2 days ago
I think the cupid site is a joke regarding Casey. It is not legit.
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Good afternoon all! I've been repeatedly trying to watch the video of Casey and my computer just
doesn't like it...I've crashed three times, but have made it halfway through. Am I missing anything in
the last half? I don't know what's wrong with this stupid's not like a real crash where
everything freezes up, instead the power just goes off. Any ideas, computer geniuses?? Sounds more
like a power thing, but I had this office wired to handle alot of stuff, and have power strips & all, so
don't know what to think. It's very aggravating, though.
Nannie, sorry about the Shakespeare thing...obviously she's not REALLY a Shakespeare; more like the
literary version of William Hung (SheBang,SheBang). I'll bet her "diaries" will have many cryptic
clues, tho, and I'm sure the prosecution will collect them shortly before trial.
I watched the still pictures of the Aug.14th jail visit...hilarious! She makes some STRANGE faces, and
in a couple of them, she looks just like the Devil. SCARE ME! I mean the REAL devil, Beelzebub,
Satan, Lucifer, Old Scratch, El Diablo all rolled in to one! I bet it smells like sulfur in her cell!
Thanks, Wednesday, for the squirrel parade. I know you all won't believe this, but when I was 5 I had a
pet squirrel, yes I did, and I used to dress him in doll clothes. Somewhere I've got a picture of him, if I
can find it I'll post it. But he didn't water ski.
Well, I think I'll go portside and find a lounge chair and order a Bloody Mary (I don't drink, but Casey
has pushed me over the edge...). We had a surprise snow last night and I need some sun!
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
It's nice to know that Casey had a whole mail bag full of letters from people who support her. That'll be
real good for the defense; oh, wait; she LOST them? She MISPLACED them? Just like her 2nd phone,
her sim card, her "script", and her brain.
Nannie27 says:
2 days ago
KATE - no need to be sorry about the Shakespeare comment,I was just joking, just having a laugh at
Momsters expense again.
Thank you Jo for the link - it worked this time. She sure is a piece or work isnt she. So TOTALLY
transparent, the only people that don't see through her are her parents and her brother.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
2 days ago
Is the Cupid site a joke or was this her actual profile before she went crazy? Seems she had profiles
everywhere else. I mean she WAS putting herself out there in any/every way she could!!
Nannie27 says:
2 days ago
Hmmmmm I think Casey made bit of a Freudian slip in the following paragraph on Cupid - I'm sure
she meant to say worth WHILE - but put WILD
hours, and grab a drink at an Ale House, or Fridays. i'll play the occasional game of pool,
jo1031 says:
2 days ago
Check this out:
Snoopy9318 says:
2 days ago
Are the ANTS not visiting, or is Crazy not accepting the visits?
JMo says:
2 days ago
WoW Jo. That is very interesting. This is how a psychopaths mind works. They steal identities (look at
Ted Bundy for gosh sakes)! It is how they cover their tracks. Did you read the comments below the
theories? I like the person who commented on the Ganguzza girl being killed in Blanchard park and
them finding a cell charger. Same time that Casey claims she 'lost her phone' and was hanging out in
Blanchard Park. I would not doubt for one single minute she was tied into all kinds of crime. Caylee
was just a mear inconvienence for her and getting rid of her was nothing compared to what she has
done. That's probably why it doesn't bother her too much. She is probably thankful that she hasn't been
charged with other stuff. She thinks she is so tuff.....wait till the jailhouse bitch's get ahold of her!
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Snoopy, I don't think they're visiting, or we'd hear news like "Casey refuses another visit from parents".
You know, that last video makes me madder than anything so far in this's SO OBVIOUS how
she controls that whole family! Don't EVEN question her or try to put pressure on her or she will
unleash the hounds on you...she even looks like a snarling dog, clenching her teeth and her fists...they
were probably afraid she was going to come crashing through the glass and beat them to death before
the guards could get there. Oy vey, my head hurts...(Steve sorry if I misspelled the words.).
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
You know, this might make me a creep, but I really want the death penalty for her. I truly believe that a
person like that would not be bothered by prison life...all they need to thrive is a community of
manipulative people with constant drama going on, I think she would do quite well there. She has her
reading, her music, her cocoa butter, pork rinds, and idiots depositing money into her account. What
more could she want? I'm sure there's plenty of sex, too, and from the looks of the pole dance it doesn't
appear that she cares whether it's male or female. SO...I think the only thing that would blow her mind
is the thought that "HEY, I'M NOT GONNA BE HERE ANY MORE!! NO MORE MEEEEE!!! I
Marie RN says:
2 days ago
Kate, do you have a Dell Inspiron? I had that exact same problem, and I think it was JMo who said it
was common, if so, we need to talk.
I think that is a real Cupid page. She talks about her trip to Myrtle Beach in 2006, There's a lot of
detail. It's a fairly old posting. She met lots of guys online, like Tony Lazarro.
I have a cute squirrel living in my bluebird house. I'll try to take a picture of him, unless he is camera
Kate, I think you're right. Casey seems to love jail. She is so lazy, and doesn't have to do anything
there. Prison will be a different story.
losingit says:
2 days ago
She does seem to like jail. But she probably just thinks of it as a little holiday. Wait until she is
sentenced. I can't wait to see what she does then. I can't wait to see her face.
steve says:
2 days ago
Kate, in no way are you a creep! But I can tell you firsthand knowing someone with the exact same
disorders as momster that she DOES NOT have what she wants. She is becoming more sad, manic,
depressed, looney, etc. etc. as each day passes. The one thing that this type of person needs is freedom.
Freedom to do what she wants, when she wants. Trust me, she has none of that. Her snickers, cocoa
butter and whatever else that she gets from the "store" is her freedom. And that Kate, is pissing her off
and will eat her alive day by day. Have you noticed that she has no friends. Nada, zero, zilch. These
people that WERE in her life were party animal associates and nothing more. Her best friend right now
is the person who brings that tray of goodies to her. She is a sick person and though it may appear that
she thinks all is well, it is all appearances. She is truly hating life right now and that is why I am one
who will preach to the choir each and every day, let her rot. Let the slow lead the slow and have this
trial sometime say, whenever. As long as it isn't tomorrow, I am just fine. The next few months should
play out like this..... Momster gets angry with her family demanding that they NOT visit, then walla,
momster wants her family to visit, then walla, momster gets angry with her family, you get the pattern!
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Marie, I sent you an email about the computer; also one to Rascal...thanks.
You know, I kinda think that Cupid page is real also; it's too believable. I think if it was a joke it'd be
way more outrageous...can't you just hear her telling people that her daughter is the "love of her life"??
I'm sure, if it's real, it will be shown to the jury to prove her "endless devotion" to her daughter. Well,
until June 16, that is.
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Steve, thanks...I hope you're right. Hey, I keep asking this, does anybody know whatever happened to
the "Christina" that was crying about Caylee when this all first happened? Who was she? But you're
right about Casey not getting any visitors from "friends". She did not have any TRUE
could she? With my friends, the more I learn about them the closer I feel to them; but with her...EWW-
WW-W, who could stand by THAT hot mess??
But don't you think that once she is in the general population, she'll be able to manipulate some "big
mama" for protection, and dominate her own little group? I'd rather picture her walking around with a
limp and a couple of major shiners and a bald spot, but I don't know...
Marie RN says:
2 days ago
Kate, I don't think she will fare well. The prisoners only self respect is probably that they love their
children. They will probably chew Casey up and spit her out for what she did to Cayleel
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Yeah, you might be right...I think Susan Smith has been beaten repeatedly since her incarceration...and
when she got to use email, they had to cut her off since she got so much hate mail the computers went
down. And I don't think she was quite as monstrous as Casey because she finally admitted what she did
after a couple of weeks.
jo1031 says:
2 days ago
When you enter charity name just put in Continental. Then click verify & Continental Baptist Mission
will appear. I have added this site to my favorites but you can also make it your home page.
steve says:
2 days ago
When things are going south in ones life, when you are truly down on your luck, that is when your
"true" friends (and family) are there to help you and support you thru those dark days. KidFinders, have
you found her friends yet? Don't worry you have time. A whole lot of it! Oh, sorry I forgot, those are
the clowns that couldn't find the handle on a coffee cup. Perhaps someone else can help? Bueller?
Bueller? Bueller?
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
I sure hope NG has something good tonight, this waiting is driving me nuts. Should have tox reports
soon can not believe it takes this long.
Deb in Vegas says:
2 days ago
Kate, I don't know if this is the same christina, but there is a Kristina Chester on the witness list for the
Nurse Betty says:
2 days ago
Anybody else watch Mike Galanos on HLN? I love him! He tells it like it is and has such a dislike for
My friend is a pilot for US Air and that it his route - I spent most of yesterday trying to find out if that
was him behind the controls - it wasn't ---but what a miracle! It's nice to have a good story to watch!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Nurse Betty, I feel just like Mike Galanos I do not like Casey , I know Steve feels the same way and
many others here. She is a in mature baby that only thinks of herself.
Yes that plane that went down was very scary, I am so thankful no one was killed. The pilot sure
handled that plane like the pro that he is.
Perry says:
2 days ago
About your computer freezing up. Only from the way you describe it, it sounds as though your
computer is shutting down because it's overheating. There's a built in mechanism that will shut down
the computer when it overheats. That's why there are fans on computers to cool them down before that
happens. I had a computer with similar problems. What I did to fix it was put a piece of tape over one
of the air vents on the bottom (I have 2). Using a vaccum cleaner, suction out the one vent and then do
the same with the other vent. If you only have one then forget about the tape. After doing this I had no
more problems with it shutting down. This may work for you.
Deb in Vegas says:
2 days ago
When I watch the video of the jailhouse video sometimes I feel so badly for Cindy, She clearly is in a
lot of pain. But then other times I feel like this is her own fault for letting this little c__t get away with
so much in the past.
For example, if I was Cindy the conversation would have went something like this
Casey, hon, sweetheart....look at no....over here sweetheart, over here...that's it...look me in
my eyes...there you go thanks hon. Now Casey, do I look like I have BoBo the clown written all over
my forehead? No? Ok. Then, Stop your bulls__t and tell where Caylee is right now. Because I swear I
am about two seconds away from jumping thru this f%$king glass and mopping the floor with your
manipulating, lying, thieving, Fushion partying loving ass. NOW WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!!!
Sorry guys, and I swear I have never mopped the floor with any of my 4 grown kids, they will vouch
for me. I'm just having a bad day today. Blame it on my 3 parakeets. Usually when I'm home I allow
than to come and go in and out of their cage whenever they want. They are a little annoying when they
chase each other back an forth....back and forth. But that's ok cause they are my babies. Today is not
one of those days. So one of them won't take no for an answer. She keeps lifting up the gate...dropping
it slam closed....lifting up the gate.....letting it slam closed. I was feeling like I was in a jail cell. That
made me think about Casey...and you know the rest
Nurse Betty says:
2 days ago
Wednesday - OMG, forgot to tell you - I loved the Squirrel side show. The picture of the little guy
skiing is hilarious!!!!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Deb, I am sitting here laughing about the Parakeets, But I half to agree with you they coddle Casey and
that has been the problems for years. So I know's who to blame for her only caring about herself. Let
her sit in her cell and be alone no visitors, let her have her night mares, and her junk food she is going
to have it that way for a very long time. I hope the rest of her evil life then she can burn in Hell.
Cindy has told Casey before look me in the eyes Casey, that last for a second she can not look at
anyone in the eye's.
Nurse Betty says:
2 days ago
Can anyone photoshop a chunky neclace on the squirrel? She could then be our Nancy Squirrel. LOL
steve says:
2 days ago
Deb, easy,easy killer. On second thought, geturdone!! Viva Las Vegas!! My favorite place of all time.
Used to love and live at the Stardust. Rascal, what tipped you off about my feelings? Look me in the
eyes. I, too am an avid squirrel fanatic. N.G. just started. I'll be back!
steve says:
2 days ago
Wendy the whiner has been found!! Thought they lost her in an old S.N.L. episode but sadly I was
wrong. Hey, Wendy the whiner watched Nancy Grace too! Next thing we find out she is an avid reader
of our hub.
Nurse Betty says:
2 days ago
Momster - You are not the BOSS of me!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Steve, you and I for sure have no use for someone like this. I feel exactly the way you do. Click on my
Squirrel he is smiling and cute, and did not crawl up in that Casey's car. I am sure getting sick of these
tapes over and over want new news.
STEVE says:
2 days ago
My bad, it wasn't Wendy. It was Vicky. Vicky the victim. Hope they do not use my opinions in court.
STEVE says:
2 days ago
Me too Rascal. Oh wait, the C.E.O. wants me to take out the trash. Damn what a great boss she makes.
Sure knows how to delegate the authority. Wow, look at all those snicker wrappers!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Well that explains the weight gain, sit on your ass and stuff your face, ya think that is doing
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Steve, Do you remember the movie, now this is a old one, of a woman Coach at a high school. The
boys drilled holes in the girls locker room so they could peek at the girls. The Coach's name was
Beulah Ball Breaker. That is what Casey is going to look like if she keeps eating all the junk food. The
boys did more then peek threw the holes, I will leave the rest to your imagination. Well Beullah had the
boys line up so she could see which boy it was.
STEVE says:
2 days ago
Rascal, it rings a bell but I can't think of the name. I do remember Porky's though! I do not think that
was it. I am also hoping that the tox reports come in soon. If anything I see it favorable for the state and
not for BOBO Head. I made comments a while back about my thoughts on momster being bi-polar
among other things. I think that she had an episode back in June and I have a feeling one is coming
within months. More manic than depressive I feel but we will all hear about her moods together. She
missed a party tonight and that pisses her off!
jo1031 says:
2 days ago
My Fox Orlando reports tonight about Anthonys selling t-shirts. I was so mad when i saw that at
Caylee myspace site that I e-mailed every local station, CNN & Fox news yesterday. Looks like My
Fox is going to follow up on where the money is going. Seems like I wasn't the only irate person either.
Lee, you might have been the one about the stiff comment. Not sure, but you were so lucky the person
you chased down was not a nut. I had a feeling you would feel sore today.
Wednesday, thank you again for this new site~! Love it! I can't watch video's on this dying laptop. I get
2 seconds, then a 5 minute wait. I just have to read what you all post.
Lastly, do I need to sign in when I come aboard ship? I really didn't know that. I will sign in next time.
LOVE THE SQUIRELL!!!!!!!!! lolol
Good Old Boy says:
2 days ago
Wednesday - Outstanding work! Thank you for the great effort.
Just listening to the recent tape release from August. Caylee was mentioned maybe once or twice -
otherwise mostly Casey whining for attention and lashing out at her parents. Old news.
I think we're in for another week of no news major breaking news here. Startng Monday it there will be
a solid news blackout leading up to the Inaug Ceremony with all eyes on DC. I'll be there tomorrow for
a few hours anyway.
Has there been any thinkng on who may have helped her of her friends?
Something which has struck me odd from the start is Zenaida's last name and alleged heritage. I have
not encountered a high incidence of hyphenated Hispanic surnames in my albeit limited travels. Of
course they exist, and of course there is absolutely nothing wrong with Fernandez-Gonzales, but it did
seem almost slightly overdone. I was further intrigued to hear Casey claim that Zenaida's background
was Hispanic and Black.
At any rate...
JMo says:
2 days ago
Ok, since things are soooooo slow with Casey, I started looking into the Ganguzza thing. It is really
wierd since Casey talked about Blanchard Park all the time, etc. Anyway...they caught a 19 year old
boy (small build) who took this very athletic strong jogger, off the trail, killed her and then raped her.
Sooooo, it just crossed my mind that maybe Casey was getting in really deep with the wrong
people...maybe killers or gangs, who knows, to get her drugs and money. So, I found this site where a
person who does astrology (moon and stars) mapped this out and puts together a great scenario...but
says it is 2 boys and 1 girl (all small built) and the girl edges them on to do this to this girl (sort of like
Amanda Knox). The autopsy report is back, but they are not releasing it (as they just arrested this guy
based on his DNA). However, I started thinking that wouldn't it be really interesting if she was
"chloroformed and her neck was broken"? Yep! That would say a lot. We should all watch for that
I think miss crazy was into a lot more than what we know. I think she stays so small and skinny due to
drugs and maybe, just maybe, Caylee got into the choloform accidently and died. So, she can think she
is being honest by saying she doesn't know what happened. ? Maybe she was drugged up and killed
Caylee cause she wouldn't shut up crying? Maybe one of these guys did something to Caylee and killed
her and Casey had to do something with the body and tell herself that she didn't do it and not admit to
anything because then these guys would squeal on her and "the ANTS lives would be in danger".
Maybe they all have to bear their own problems and not rat out their gang and drugs. I know all this
sounds weird, but it really could be possible, seeing how there are some really crazy young kids out
there, and gangs willing to do some weird stuff to others.
Here is the site for the astrologer....creepy how she predicted some things.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Linn, I sign it or my Squirrel does not show up, She is keeping Company with Wednesday Squirrel. Oh
Kate and I were talking about using heavy starch on Casey panties just to irritate her, can not think of
any one else that deserves it. I an not sure how I fell about Kronk getting that money, he came forward
to help now he needs a Attorney. Well the cost of a Attorney is not cheap and he should not half to pay
out of his own pocket.
JMo says:
2 days ago
Also, I was watching Two and a half men the other night and Charlie Sheen says to Jon Cryer (when
they were talking about getting laid) oh, what you had to bring your own cholorform to the party so you
could get laid? I didn't even think of it being a 'party favor' or using it to knock girls out, but really
made me wonder even more why Casey was looking that up on the computer? Besides the fact we
know it was used on Caylee and was in the trunk. I really think she was in some evil doings folks.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
JMo, As they say Evil is, as Evil does, and we know she is Evil.
Good Old Boy says:
2 days ago
Thx Rascal
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Wednesday did you see what your boy Squirrel did to my girl Squirrel, click on her picture!!!! I think
she has a big smile.
JMo says:
2 days ago
Anyone for a late night cap out on the upper deck tonight? Perhaps you can join me in a little game of
CLUE. Be sure to bring all the BS you can, so we can work on figuring out how Casey is thinking.
Your first clue is to click on my picture. That should get the game started!
See ya there (oh, and don't forget your little red life jacket). There will be Pizza for everyone too, fresh
out of the box!
lee says:
2 days ago
hello all just got home from work!!! I also missed Nancy Grace at 7:00pm :( whats the latest scoop??
anything new today.
lee says:
2 days ago
LOL Linn- that comment about STIFF & STUFF was me.....yeah I made myself laugh after catching
lee says:
2 days ago
Oh and the comment Aubree made earlier today? I feel her laughter cause I had the same experience
yesturday coming aboard,,,,No joke I was begining to feel that I would need a life Jacket! As for her
"my dog's tail and having her doggy paddle me over here -the squirrel and coming here froma different
When i had shared that with a friend lastnight he almost died LAUGHING. Again, I have been reading
this site for several months now, not always leaving comments but reading all the post, your guy
seriously made me laugh. Who in the world would understand that? LOL.
OKAY ENOUGHT ALREADY fill me in whats todays scoop? GRITS or MASHED POTATOES &
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
JMo, I'll join you up there...if only we had Casey we could re-enact the George Smith disappearance
(the one where he was tossed overboard on his honeymoon).
Hey, Lee, Rascal, Marie, Steve, Wednesday, Jo, Linn, and EVERYBODY! My computer bombed
again, so I was out for awhile. Perry, I don't know where you came from but I sincerely thank you for
the advice; I'll try it tomorrow. And thanks to Marie and Rascal too.
LP cracked me up tonight on NG!!! When they were talking about how Cindy had said that Casey said
she was going to leave the jail "with her head held high because she has nothing to hide..." and LP said,
Not quite the saint that Cindy portrays, eh?? I know George and Cindy are going through alot and I
shouldn't be mean to them but THEY NEED TO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!!
OK I'm done. And Steve, that movie you & Rascal were talking about WAS Porky's.
JMo says:
2 days ago
They need to wake up and smell the body, you mean.
JMo says:
2 days ago
Ok, Kate, what would like to drink....I am giving orders to Sammy our squirrely Bartender! What do
you want on your pizza?
lee says:
2 days ago
Come on guys dont make me wait until 10:00pm to get the scoop!
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
JMo says:
2 days ago
I don't think she has Asperger's. She is a F**KING SOCIOPATH!
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
JMo says:
2 days ago
I looked it up in the dictionary. When I got there, I couldn't believe it. For the description, there was
Casey's picture, lol.
But really, this is the real description: Tell me which part doesn't fit her???
Antisocial personality disorder: A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others
and inability or unwillingness to conform to what are considered to be the norms of society.
The disorder involves a history of chronic antisocial behavior that begins before the age of 15 and
continues into adulthood. The disorder is manifested by a pattern of irresponsible and antisocial
behavior as indicated by academic failure, poor job performance, illegal activities, recklessness, and
impulsive behavior. Symptoms may include dysphoria (anxiety), an inability to tolerate boredom (had
to read my bible all day), feeling victimized (Im the victim, Im the victim), and a diminished capacity
for intimacy (she ho's around with whoever).
Hmmmm, seems to fit Crazy Casey alright! I think the experts diagnosed her correctly!
losingit says:
2 days ago
Re Asperger's article stating she has not been in trouble with the law until now. I wonder how many
times she broke the law but never was busted. As if she just started all this drinking, drugs, stealing, etc.
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
JMo seems to hit the nail on the, are psychopath and sociopath interchangeable? Or is there a
difference? I thought sociopath was brought on by environment and psychopath was just born that way,
kinda like Damien; but I may be confused...she's definitely one of the two or both!
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
You can bet her Mommy and Daddy and big brother have gotten her out of many situations...this one's
a sticky wicket, though.
JMo says:
2 days ago
Psychopath and Sociopath used to be seperate, but now the new diagnosis that covers them both is
I think she started getting in trouble at 15 when she hit high school and since Daddy G was a cop, she
got away with a lot of crap....whaddya bet? She worked her way up till she dropped out...she was
missing classes, etc. and went from there. Brother Lee knows how it's been. Besides 15 is not an exact is a general age for the sake of diagnosis. It can happen before or after that I would imagine.
LosingIt, would you like a Neutered Purple Squirrel drink? Sammy can make it a double. How about
some pizza?
Deb in Vegas says:
2 days ago
Who me? Killer? No I don't have the stomach for actual violence. I just think that the stuff the Ants
have learned from therapy in order to deal with Princess Casey and her personality disorder clearly
doesn't work on her. It's time for a plan B. Or maybe it's too late now anyway.
I get so frustrated when I see her manipulate her parents and to see how hurt and worried they were for
Caylee. I guess I'm lucky I never have had to deal with anything like this from my own kids.
JMo says:
2 days ago
Well, it looks like everyone dozed off after their first drink....
Anyway, this just in from one of the squirrels: Club Fusion is having their Grand Reopening!
"Club Nights at Fusion Ultra Lounge reopened to a packed crowd checking out the swanky new digs
with Asian flare and mingling with local celebs."
Looks like a bunch of pimps and ho's to me. And if someone would look through the pictures and tell
me I am not imagining 'gang signs' everywhere! They are even in Casey's pictures. Not to mention the
flow of fake boob jobs! Sickening....a bunch of criminal thug wanna be's at best! Why would she get
tangled up in that crap when she had a beautiful daughter at home that needed her??? Why???!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
JMo, I am sure glad I have not had my tea yet, after looking at that assortment of people at Club
Fusion. Definitely some wild characters, just Casey's type.
Casey how was your night did you hear little Caylee singing, did you wake up shaking and sweating
from your night mare I sure hope so. Hope you have that every night that you live, I can not think of
anyone that deserves that better then you do. Casey tell the Truth about what you did, Oh hell I forgot
you do not know what that word means! Well we will find the TRUTH at Trial, then they will move
your ass to prison. You are one Sick, selfish bitch. George, Cindy and Lee, time for Casey to pay for
what she did, and time for you to stop covering for her next time you could be in the plastic bag with
Tape on your mouth. Then again Cindy she may not even use a plastic bag on you!!
Farmchick says:
2 days ago
OK,........I have to confess.........
I did it..................
I wrote to GA. I could not take it anymore. I pretty much appealed to his integrity I USED to see in him
and the fact that he used to be a homicide detective and what he told FBI.I told him Caylee is looking
down at you PAPA JO and telling you momma took my life and ow I am the moon and starts and dont
let it be in vane.
I spoke in Caylee's voice for most of it. It was not mean nor was it nice. Only to the point. Dont let her
have life she took from me PAPA.
There..... I confess...
Farmchick says:
2 days ago
Oh.....and the best was.....
Mama took NANA's sunshine away and you know it PAPA!
OOPS maybe that was why GVS said the cops were ther yesterday?
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Farnchick, I also wrote to the person that put the web site up, and George, they should all be ashamed.
Farmchick says:
2 days ago
Does that girl have some hatred for her mother or what? Man, I have never made fists when I was
angry with my mother. My mother would of made one back and used it.Did you notive George said this
one will not be released. Funny how it wasnt and this is the first were catching of it. I think after
Georges talk with FBI by hisself, that this tape must of been made. They probably had some insight
from FBI as to try and get something, anything out of her. Not mad in the 30 days she had been there
till ole mom and dad get there to visit and ask?'s...HMMMM
Not mad the day they could not find her little girl , not mad the day they arrseted her and she was
"INNOCENT", yeah right. She gives her guilt up right there. If you were not guilty you would be
saying give me a lie detector , something and let me the hell out of here so I can find my baby girl.
Farmchick says:
2 days ago
Truth be told we probably all have. How can you not be a voice for this little girl. When you live so far
away, all you have is mail. God help me if I lived anywhere near them.
I also was in FLorida/Fort Myers Beach, when this all started. When she went missing I mean. On the
15th. I was there that whole week. Geez < I did not want to come home to IL. It is soooooo friggin cold
here right now. What about -20. BTW , that reminds me. I had asked a ccouple days ago if anyone here
is from FL. I am looking for a place to rent, right on the beach. Fort Myers would be great, June and
July. I told my husband I am sick to death of him turning his work into an all summer thing and if he
does it again this year (because he says he enjoys it), THAT i AM DAMN WELL GONNA DO WHAT
It did not go over well but he knows I am serious. So, I am planning a little vacation.8 weeks or so.
P.S. I wouldn't bitch, but I live in IL., summer is the best season, and he spends it working more and
more every year (running fruit and vegetable stand) and I spend my summer alone. Like a SINGLE
WOMAN! Im sick of it. I could see if we needed the money. But he is doing this for fun , and it started
out 2 weeks in July when we got married, now it is to JUNE,JULY, and 2 weeks in AUGUST.
Im done arguing with him for years now. I am gonna enjoy my summer by myself somewhere fun. So
..... can anyone hook a girl up? I want to have a lanai or something and walk rright out onto the beach.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
I know I would do anything to of found one of my kids, but she was to busy partying, and doing what
she wanted. And taking the Detectives to a place she did not work, lies about her phone she left on her
desk, where she did not work. Even in the interview she sticks to the story about phone on desk, a desk
she did not have because she did not work.
Farmchick says:
2 days ago
I guess I should explain that we farm 1700acres of corn and soybeans, so we do not need the money
from a stupid roadside stand.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
I used to love the road side stands, produce was fresher and it does help family with the prices and
fresher veggies for there familys.
Zanny The Nanny says:
2 days ago
Maybe you need somthing to calm you down Farmchick, after all there is always divorce.
losigit says:
2 days ago
Farm Chick please be careful what you say. It seems that just by being there you could be implicated.
Lawyer up and ask for immunity. I'm a long way from Florida (Canada), but I drive a Ford Focus. My
lawyer has asked that I not speak to the media until the FE is back from the lab and I have been cleared.
Oh dear, I've probably said too much already.
JMo sorry I fell asleep last night before I could get that drink. It's 8:40 am right now. What time does
the bar open?
Snoopy9318 says:
2 days ago
Steve, I've never been to California but would love to!! I'd like to go to Charles Schulz' museum and to
Knott's. I love reading your postings and you'll be getting a note from me on behalf of my 11 year old
daughter. Thank you sooo much!
Losingit, it's 5:00 somewhere!!
Am I the only one that likes how much faster NG goes with Jane? To me, she stays the course better!
Marie RN says:
2 days ago
Jo, I just wanted to say thank you for keeping the pressure on the Anthony's to pretend to be normal,
decent people - and not try to make money off their granddaughter!! What a frigging house of horrors
there at HopeSpring Drive. (what a misnomer for a street.) You could easily substitute for NG - and
probably do a better job with your research and analysis of this case.
JMO, I agree with your comments re: Casey having no arrest record. They even said that was the
reason they took the death penalty off the table awhile back. Well, she SHOULD have an arrest record!
Her grandmother wanted to press charges for the theft from her nursing home account, but Cindy
talked her out of it!! Even soiciopaths can function in society if they have limits set. That is why they
are always "model prisoners" in jail, as Casey has been. because of the limits. When allowed to run
amuck, a sociopath will create a wide range of destruction.
Kate, I have a friend/running partner with Asperger's. She is 52, a beautiful girl, still a virgin. She is
completely unable to read and react to social clues - every time she starts a relationship, the guy ends
up running away because she just doesn't act like a normal person. I've know her for almost 20 years,
and she sometimes calls me 4-5 times a day just to ask what someone's behavior means. She is also
extremely intelligent, studied at the Sorbonne, fluent in French, of course, and a math genius, but has
an $8.00 an hour job. She doesn't have a clue, but what I am getting at here is that she TRIES to fit into
society. (BTW - animals love her, we used to run around a Lake, and the swans would come out of the
lake and follow her, no kidding.) I think animals are a great judge of people. I bet the Ants Yorkies hate
Casey, and I bet she hates them too.
Marie RN says:
2 days ago
Farm Chick, first, I am jealous of you and your huge farm! I have 90 acres here in Missouri, I lived in
San Diego, and cashed out my equity in 2003 and bought a horse farm here. Days like this, with the
cold, I wonder what I was thinking. Sounds like your hubby likes the roadside stand because of the
social aspect of meeting new people. I'm sure it can be isolating on a huge farm like that. I personally
drive over 2 hours to work so I can work in a large city, eat at a real restaurant (that isn't in a gas
station), talk to people from other cultures. After San Diego, I crave diversity!
Marie RN says:
2 days ago
Oh, and thank you too, Farmchick and Rascal for taking the time to write to the Anthony's. OK, I'll shut
up now. I'm doing my 24 hours this week in Neuro - but will try to steal away to check computer for
Snoopy9318 says:
2 days ago
Marie, I have to agree. When I only have four children to talk to, I, too, occasionally crave meeting
someone new. I have found myself actually LOOKING forward to going grocery shopping so that I'll
see other adults!! Can you imagine?!! LOL! Don't get me wrong... I LOVE my children. They are
wonderful. My oldest son is going to his first school dance tonight and I'm so excited for him! Just
bought him his first suit and he looks great!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Farmchick, You are lucky your husband walks threw the door at night. I wish mine could, I know he is
watching over Caylee. So count your blessings.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 days ago
Rascal, I'm sorry to hear about your husband. I do love hearing about marriage success stories,
however, like yours. It's nice to know that not everyone ends up in divorce (like me). I'm glad you were
blessed the years that you did have him.
JMo says:
2 days ago
Well, you all missed the CLUE party last night on the deck! We had Neutered Purple Squirrel drinks
and pizza! Come on folks, it's the weekend. Take some time away from the kids, the farm, work,
weather, relationships, etc. and sit under the moon and stars under the open sea. Sammy the squirrel
will make drinks till the last one passes out. Capt.Steve will see to it that you all make it back to your
cabin safely for the night. Twiggy is going to ski to shore later and pick up some movies for us to
watch: Gone with the Squirrels, Lord of the Squirrels, The Squirrel of Oz, Squirrel Trek, Squirrel
Gump, and even Nightmare on Hopespring Street. Fun starts at 6, but you can ask Sammy for a drink
anytime. He's open 24/7.
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Good morning, all (or afternoon, depending on where you are). JMo, Sammy is an excellent bartender,
I don't know how he made those Purple Squirrels but I don't have a bit of a hangover today!
If I goofed by putting on the site for Asperger's Disease, I'm sorry. I was not saying anything against the
people who actually have it, but I don't think it describes Casey Anthony. I noticed the site was gone
this morning so I must've made a booboo...sorry! Marie, your friend who has it does not sound
ANYTHING like you said, she TRIES to fit into society. Casey wants society to kiss her
I've got a squirrel picture to add to the slideshow, I'm going to try to send it to Wednesday.
Are we drinking purple squirrels again? I could use one to warm me up!
RascalBrat says:
36 hours ago
Snoopy, Thank you almost 30 years, good memoires.
jo1031 says:
36 hours ago
Zanny the Nanny says 3 hours ago: Maybe you need something to calm down Framchick, after all there
is always divorce.
Kate in MO says:
36 hours ago
Jo1031, HILARIOUS! I didn't know the Gonzales family was so musically inclined!!
Farmchick, Zanny's divorce advice should be taken with a grain of salt. I've been married 39 years in
May (married at 17) and there were MANY times I thought that was the answer, but I can honestly say
now that I'm so glad we did not divorce. It was just a matter of learning that we were both individuals,
and didn't think the same way about everything, but we learned to live and let live and are actually very
fond of each other by now. We go our separate ways on alot of things (he watches ESPN and I watch
NG) but that doesn't mean we don't love each other. And I think your idea of a separate vacation is a
good idea...just because he enjoys sitting in the back of a truck selling turnips doesn't mean that's your
thing. My husband goes to Texas once a year with his brothers to visit their sister, and I stay home (she
has 20 cats, and last time I went I got a major eye infection; plus I can't travel for long distances) but
I'm fine with that. OK, I'm not a licensed marriage counselor, so I'd better shut up; I probably don't
know what I'm talking about! It just seems divorce is the first thing people think these days when it
should be the last. I know there are many people who don't have an alternative...
Rascal, I'm sorry about your husband too; can't imagine life without mine, but the faithful Shih Tzu
would comfort me, I know.
Marie RN says:
35 hours ago
I couldn't stay away! Snoopy, be sure to take lots of pics of your son and his friends tonight, before
they leave the house.
Rascal, I'm so sorry to hear about your dear husband - 30 years! That is something to be proud of.
Kate, I thought the link about Asperger's was interesting. It's a poorly diagnosed disease, and severely
affects those with it. My friend's therapist didn't even realize what she had until I pointed it out to him.
Now I have another friend whose son has been diagnosed with it. It is also called "social autism."
Farmchick says:
35 hours ago
We farm 1700 acres. We do not own all of that.Sharecrop/cashrent and own some.Dont get me wron
here, I AM NOT GETTING DIVORCED. NO WAY! I LOVE MY HUBBY. But.... we have Harley's
we bought to be able to go riding together, we have a pool, plus we did have horses until it all got to be
too much. What I am saying is he is going GONZO on this. When I married him it was 2 weeks a year
now it is the WHOLE SUMMER! 6AM to 6 or 7 pm at night.No days off. Not even SUNDAY! I spend
my entire summer alone. You have to remember we are totally busy 12-16hrs. a day during our regular
farming. Part of March, April,May, then June comes the stand through now August, then we start
getting equipment ready and harvesting Spet.,Oct.,and intoNov sometimes. We used to spend our
1/2June and July and August with each other.That was our travel, sit by the pool, bbq etc...time. I guess
I'm mad because we do not need the money and I can think of a million other things we could be doing.
SO.....if this is what he enjoys, and I am left of my own accord the entire summer, why not do what I
enjoy? I'll go sit on the beach by myself. Whats wrong with that?
Was just wondering if anyone knew of any property for rent, that's all. Why would I need to calm
down? Im just gonna do what he does. Enjoy myself doing what I like. For whatever reason. No
JMo says:
35 hours ago
Kate, glad you don't have a hangover! No, I thought the site was great...not sure why it dissapeared. It
is the same as anyone else trying to show what the hell is wrong with Crazy. But all in all, the site was
educational, as most people have probably never heard of it and sometimes it can help someone
identify those symptoms in someone and get the help they need. So thank you for posting it. I am for
posting whatever we can find. Otherwise, how can we play the CLUE game? Speaking of, tomorrow
(Sunday) our CIA Squirrel (Culinary Institute of Arts Squirrel), Chef Pierre, will be making his famous
Clueless Chili. Yes, and guess who is NOT invited.....tee hee. That's right Crazy, we are all having a
Chili party and you can't, na, na, na, can't, na, na, na, na. Poor little
Crazy is not invited. That should bring on some more of those crocodile tears....hmmm, speaking of
crocodile's, lets toss all of our clues in the swamp when we are done and no one will find anything for
sure! I'll bring the cornbread!
Kate in MO says:
35 hours ago
Marie, I had never heard of Asperger's until last night, and I'm usually up on my disease
sounds pretty sad.
Marie RN says:
35 hours ago
Farm Chick, please forgive myself and the other shipmates if we prematurely jumped on your
comments. Believe it or not, this is a caring group, and we care about you, and each other. It DOES
sound like you need a vacation! Wow, that's a lot of work.
I LOVE the idea of a clueless chili party! Can we send Crazy an un-invitation?
JMo says:
35 hours ago
I have to go get ready for tonight's festivities. I hope I can make it, if for some reason not, everything
should be done and you all enjoy your social time. I will definitely be at the Clueless Chili party
tomorrow though....
Remember, these Neutered Purple Squirrel drinks will make you feel like you are spinning and too
many will make you feel like you've been cloroformed and in a car trunk for 2 be careful.
Sammy will also be making his special Fusion shots too.
Farmchick says:
35 hours ago
Kate in MO, THANKS SOOOOO MUCH! You hit it right on the head. No DIVORCE. Just enjoying
different things.
Rascal, so sorry about your Hubby. I dont know what I would do without mine. I cannot even imagine.
Nothing about Crazy today or I could tell Casey must of REALLY been coddled by George. However,
you can tell in that tape , that neither parent really believes her. Especially George. Just by his facial
expressions. Sounds like they did not care for Baez , and that if he was out of the pc, that they think
they could get her to talk. Man , though, there is some really deep seaded hatred from Casey towards
On the other hand, I find it funny that she would pick George to meet with. Lee would interrogate,
mom would dominate, and what..........George would believe her lies. I dont believe that. George was
the first to go to FBI behind all there baccks and admit he suspected a dead body. Why would Momster
think George,daddy, would believe her bullshit. Or, what did she think she wold get from him or not get
from him as opposed to the other 2.
RascalBrat says:
35 hours ago
Well the Police were at the Anthony's house last night, we have not been able to find out why. Maybe
Cindy blew her cork about the emails asking them to take down that site for selling shirts. It had
nothing to do with the case.
Thank you, Farmchick I know sometimes hard to live with them but a whole lot harder with out them.
Take your vacation and enjoy.
JMo says:
35 hours ago
Jo, can you get word through your sources to Crazy that she is NOT INVITED to the Chili party
tomorrow. I bet she wishes she could be here tonight to be our shot girl and pole dancer....
I think Crazy picked George because of some strange relationship she has with him. Besides, she
already figured it out that she is sitting in jail because mommy called 911 on her, brother lee threw her
under the bus with his interview and daddy is all she has left...besides, he is the one with the inside
connections to the jail people, sherrif, etc and can help her get what she wants the most. Makes sense to
me. Hellllloooo George, she is using you again. "Oh thank you Casey, I'm so glad you picked me, blah
blah blah". What a fool is is to play into that ego stroking,manipulative, patronizing bull shit!
Farmchick says:
35 hours ago
Is there a trail to find out where that money is going? Also , are you allowed to sell things on
RascalBrat says:
35 hours ago
JMo, I think our Captain Steve would throw her ass over board.
The money they collected before, did not go for water and to help with the search.
JMo says:
35 hours ago
Yes, you are allowed to sell stuff on myspace. I am sure they are asking where the money is going.
Kate in MO says:
35 hours ago
Farmchick, I wasn't jumping to the conclusion that you were getting divorced; Zanny's comment just
sent me into a tirade. Being in a rural community, I have many friends who farm and I know it is
HARD HARD work, but those who do it wouldn't have it any other way. I would love to live on a farm
so I could have horses, but it just wasn't meant to be. The chili sounds great! You guarantee there will
be no squirrel hairs in it?? Oh well, I'm sure I've eaten plenty of Moxie hairs, so what's the dif? Have
you noticed we've had very few (if any) trolls since Wednesday started this new Hub page?
RascalBrat says:
35 hours ago
Trolls, are no problem I send them home to there Mommy with a Lolli Pop, there color book and
crayon. LMAOROF
Kate in MO says:
35 hours ago
Good for you, Rascal; they need a good old fashioned spank!
RascalBrat says:
35 hours ago
That is what is wrong now day's, not corrected. Casey has no respect for anyone, and only thinks about
SadieSkye says:
35 hours ago
Steve-- Was Doug Whiner WEndys husband or brother? "Were Doug and Wendy Whinerrrrr...."
Cant you believe that last video released was their last visit... caseys last visit with anyone except
BoBo-Bozo.... shes gotta be losing her mind by now...I can see her in her cell just talking to herself....
anything to get the images flashing in her brain away.. if even for a second... Anyone for margaritas and
a movie on the lower deck? Ive got a bootleg copy of Slumdog Millionaire...(what casey always
aspired to be...heehee) I think it just might win the oscar this year.... Its goooood.... but really I do have
a copy and Margaritas and popcorn will be served at sundown...WoooHooo!!! Party on Wayne..Party
on Garth!!!!
RascalBrat says:
35 hours ago
Sadie, Casey has refused to see her parents.
SadieSkye says:
34 hours ago
Rascal-- I understand She refuses visits... I was only pointing out NG said that was her very last visit
and that was wayyyy long ago...she was arrested two more times after this...just put into perspective
how long its been... its all so crazy...we all cud never of predicted all the crap thats
happened..especially lately...
everyone coming to our movie night???
jo1031 says:
34 hours ago
JMO- I will alert the news media RE the clueless chili party & make sure Crazy knows she is NOT
welcome & anyone with the last name Anthony. Maybe we can play beer pong, that is Crazys favorite
News media is going to follow up on where the money is going from sale of t-shirts. Don't be surprises
if the IRS is not lookiing into help find Caylee fund, Kidfinders & Gail St. John's group.
Link for On The Record show from last nights show Jan 15th:
RascalBrat says:
34 hours ago
Sadie, I know what you mean, I just meant that is her punishing her parents, being selfish as usual. It is
going to be a lot longer. She could have company if she wanted to, just go to general population, LOL
I am going to my son's Birthday at 5, we are have a big party for him, he was in Missouri for 6 Months
working on a power plant there.
SadieSkye says:
34 hours ago
Crap!!! i DIDNT OVERBOOK DID I!!! I havent read the last few hrs posts yet...but I just got wind (no
pun intended) of a chili party??? sorry if I over planned.... lol well if the chili party is tonite well just do
movie night tomorrow nite... Cool?
jo1031 says:
34 hours ago
Sadie- Clueless chili party is tomarrow night. I'm ready for movie & drinks tonight on the deck.
Kate in MO says:
34 hours ago
Good, Sadie, I thought I was going to have to fit TWO parties into my schedule...
Rascal, was your son at Iatan?? That's close to here, and my dad worked on it too (he was an
Casey, I'm making roast beef, potatoes & gravy, and gingered carrots tonight...mmm-mm-mm...oh, and
the homemade dinner rolls are rising now...with the strawberry jam I canned last summer...mmm-mm-
mm...what're you having today? Correctional Chili??
RascalBrat says:
34 hours ago
Kate, Will try to remember to ask, I know it is a new one they put up. That would be such a small world
if they were there at same time.
Kate in MO says:
34 hours ago
Rascal, must not be the same one, as Dad was there years ago...but there was an explosion or
something there not long ago so I thought maybe he was in on the repairs...
lisingit says:
34 hours ago
Was that Aug 14 new video the last time she has seen her parents? I was thinking that perhaps Casey
really believes her story. Like some sort of post traumatic stress disorder and she's invented this story to
cope. Maybe she has blocked out the truth and is actually telling the truth to the best of her ability. But
then I did some reading on it, and she was telling tons of these lies before Caylee went missing.
At one point I thought Cindy was involved. But in this video, it is just heartbreaking to watch her. She
is absolutely sick with worry and grief. She has to be nice and calm with Casey in the hope that she
might tell them something. They don't want to piss her off.
RascalBrat says:
34 hours ago
Losinit, that was the last time Casey seen her parents.
Kate he was in Missouri on another one when the crane fell, scared me to death. I was so happy when
the phone rang and it was him telling me not to worry. I always worry about my kids just normal, and
he calls me when he leaves for home, and when he get home and when he stops for the night, that is
why I carry a cell phone.
Kate in MO says:
34 hours ago
Ta picture. You like?
RascalBrat says:
34 hours ago
LMAOROF that is cute Kate. Mine looks like it is smiling.
Kate in MO says:
34 hours ago
Rascal, I know what you mean...both my kids are grown and gone, but I still worry like a mother hen. I
remember when that crane fell. That was nice of him to call you so you wouldn't worry.
STEVE says:
34 hours ago
Afternoon mates!! I was busy with my little one at his basketball game and in a few hours my 10 year
old takes the court! After that, I suggest we all head over to Kate because she got me salivating. Hope
that wasn't too gross of a visual but one thing I am is honest. Momster does not appear to have
Aspergers. I know someone very close to me who does and trust me, she doesn't. Other disorders,
probobly but Asbergers, not too likely I.M.O. As far as that ugly D word take it from me as a product of
it, it is always best to try and mend it instead of end it. After many years of what I can only describe as
hell, mine had to end. Slumdog millionaire is one of the top 3 movies of the year right there with
Batman and Ironman. Again, I.M.O. Rascal, I would throw her over and underboard! Gotta eat
something now because Kate got me real hungry for pizza.
RascalBrat says:
34 hours ago
The youngest calls every day to check on me, and of course it is always when NG is on, Joe and I laugh
about it, like how does he know I am watching that program. So I end up watching again. Jo and I talk
on Messenger while it is on and discuss the program. I was so gald when she got her messenger down
loaded we have fun.
Steve, I told the mates you would do that to Casey, I know I would do the same thing. Ha Ha, I had
Chiii last week at Pool, OMG thought I was going to half to call the Fire Dept I do not do hot food very
well. I am having Pizza tonight at the party.
SadieSkye says:
34 hours ago
According to fashion forward Nancy Grace that was their last visit... what a way to end things....
Ccasey probably replays all her visits cuz their werent that many....over and over again inher mind like
a brady bunch episode Ive seen 100 times (literally..not proud of it but...literally) verifying and
clarifying to herself every word that she may have said astrewn and her voice tones and body language
that may have left a doubt in anyones minds who have view itor heard it... she probably runs that NG
info over and over again tooo. like steve said... shes losing it little by little every day... shes so
narcissistic she needs attention to verify her greatness and shes not gettin the kind that she starves for
and got her into this mess... wooo!!! that felt good... im afraid to let lose cuz i might do another one of
those footlongs i did a while back.... wait a minute... you know Imeant posts right? cuz I was kinda
sounding like Casey for a second huh? LOL!!!
Marie RN says:
34 hours ago
Kate, I love your new pic! Looks like an innocent squirrel to me. The squirrel need to team up with ZG
in the defamation suit.
jo1031 says:
33 hours ago
Losingit- Aug 14th was the last time the Anthonys visited Crazy while she was in jail. She was bonded
out by Padilla on Aug 21st. On Aug 29th she was arrested for check fraud. On Sept 5th she was bonded
out by 2 Florida bonding companies because Padilla had pulled his bond on her. Sept 15th she was
arrested again on new fraud charges. Sept 16th Crazy was released after bond was posted on those
fraud charges. Crazy was arrested Oct 14th & charged with 1st degree murder, aggravated child abuse
& aggravated manslaughter of a child. No one has visited with her except for attorneys & a pastor from
Anthony's church.
I believe bo bo head knew Caylee was dead but I do not believe Crazy has told anyone the truth. Judge
Strickland's comment in court is right on he said "Ms Anthony & the truth are strangers".
Marie RN says:
33 hours ago
Jo, how on earth do you keep up with all that? By the way, has Good Old Boy made it over here yet
with his database?
Kate in MO says:
33 hours ago
I find it telling that she was quoting scripture during her parents' visit, but on the day Caylee's body was
found she wouldn't see the pastor...she wanted her lawyer.
I'm sad because you can't read the words on my squirrel picture unless you click on's too tiny.
Steve, I even made myself hungry; had to go fix a peanut butter sandwich to tide me over til dinner.
Everyone come on over about 5:30; we can have a good ol' "Missouruh" dinner and then go to Sadie's
for popcorn and movie. JMo, is Sammy busy tonight?
Hey, you said that Lee threw her under the bus with his interview...did I miss that? Does he have an
interview I can watch somewhere?
jo1031 says:
33 hours ago
Kate- Here's the link for Lee's interview with OCSD on July 29th. He talks about the bad smell in the
car & what was going on at the house on the day 911 was called about Caylee.
losingit says:
33 hours ago
Wow, thanks Jo.
Kate in MO says:
32 hours ago
Thanks, Jo; just finished reading it. WOW was that a long one! (INTERVIEW, I mean!!) Love your
squirrel pic!
Kate in MO says:
32 hours ago
Rascal, Love your squirrel picture too! Just now noticed it, haha!
RascalBrat says:
32 hours ago
Kate thank you, I changed my Squirrel, Wednesday boy Squirrel put a smile on the face of my Girl
Squirrel, We could over load the Queen Mary with them, LOL
JMo says:
32 hours ago
Remember, the pizza party is tonight at 6pm. Twiggy is going to ski to shore later and pick up some
movies for us to watch: Gone with the Squirrels, Lord of the Squirrels, The Squirrel of Oz, Squirrel
Trek, Squirrel Gump, and even Nightmare on Hopespring Street. Fun starts at 6, but you can ask
Sammy for a drink anytime. He's open 24/7. (Makes a great Neutered Purple Squirrel drink (make you
feel like you have been choloroformed and locked in a car trunk for 2 days) and he makes a mean
Fusion shot (will make you forget all details). See ya there.
Tomorrow is the Clueless Chili party. Crazy is NOT INVITED. Im bringing the cornbread!
JMo says:
32 hours ago
Almost forgot, wear your sluttiest outfit and be ready to party. We will be playing another game of
CLUE. Click on my picture for your hints.
RascalBrat says:
32 hours ago
JMo, OMG hope you are not playing that song Tequila makes her cloths come off, that is Casey's song.
jo1031 says:
31 hours ago
jo1031 says:
31 hours ago
JMo says:
31 hours ago
Jo, that is the cutest ever. That picture has to go on the site! RB, that is probably on the music selection
tonight for sure! We are also going to play: She can't help it, the girl can't help it!, It wasn't me! and
several others that I can't think of at the moment. Pre party warm ups: go to this all have to
view the heathern white trash protester fight and the one called hot topic (girl with pink hair...she is
right on!)
donagal says:
29 hours ago
Wow where is everyone, I always miss all the fun!
Farmchick says:
28 hours ago
Kate in MO, you hit it right on the head. Your commentary (I reply, is exactly my feelings). You red my
I think Casey was told ABSOLUTLEY NO VISITS WHATSOEVER! One slip up right ow could be
devastating to the defense, and the family know this also. They are standing behind her and supporting
her all the way. They will and I am sure do watch NG,GVS,and all the other talk shows to see clipits of
their daughter.
You know exactly what I am talking about. Oh, and also to top off last summer my son fractured his C2
diving in our pool last year. He is doing better slowly but surely. Thank the Good Lord Above the
doctor said that he wasn't a quadrepalegic.
I just do not understand how you have this wonderful miracle and become so self absorbed and self
centered and jealous to the point of KILLING. To a normal person like me (Yes, I like to think I am
anyway,most times),I cannot phatom anything but INSANE.
JMo says:
28 hours ago
I dont know! I thought everyone was excited about coming to the party. :-(
I was hoping we could all discuss the latest on Tim Miller and the news tonight. So sad for him...but he
sure puts Casey in her place! Good for him! The ANTS will turn on him next for telling how their
innocent little Casey was portrayed wrongly......
Lee, you are hilerious! Marie, I think, i am so sorry to hear of your husband not being with you on earth
any more. Steve, divorce here too. it is horrific when your wife/husband passes, but when it is divorce
there are no good memories. And th shit, oops, never seems to stop, even 12 years later. I am past
wanting a big bus to run him over, hmmm I think, but it still hurts to hear how great he is doing when it
ruined me and the kids. But oh well, better being alone than with an abusive drunk!
OK, I hope this link works. George came out before his interview even and said he thought Casey was
holding back information. AND Casey was wearing the "washed" pants the day she was last seen with
Caylee. Makes you go, hmmmm.
It also said she washed the pants before she even called the police because they smelled like the car,
and we all know the "Car smells like there's been a damn dead body in it".
She knew right off the bat, the very first day she got that car that Casey did something to her
grandaughter and her wheels were put in otion to COver UP!
Farmchick says:
27 hours ago
Anthony's attorney says Kronk went to that scene SEVERAL more times between Aug. calls to police
and Dec. finding of the remains. He also said There is Definitley going to be more come out about
Kronk. Geraldo asked something to the affect of are u assuming that and he said I KNOW there will be
for a fact.HMMMMMM
STEVE says:
27 hours ago
STEVE says:
26 hours ago
Hey Cindy, guess what? We know that you know that we know that you know that your daughter killed
your grandchild. It is alright that we know right? Cause we do. Now you know! So if you would like to
come back to planet earth where we reside, like I just said, it is alright. Also, say hi to Georgie for us
because we think he is coming around more and more as the weeks go by and I am sure that we like
that a whole lot more than you do. The ship thinks this because he seems to be the only ANT that wants
truth out of this. You do know that the truth will set you free right? Just ask your brother Rick and he
will tell you. Oh and another thing, you are guilty of a handful of things related to this case as well and
your family, L.E., the media, as well as us know this to be true. If you have any questions for the crew
please ask. One of us will be happy to get back to you. We are ranked #1 in customer service for almost
8 months now. But you already knew that as well.
Mimi 24 says:
26 hours ago
Hey all~~~
Capn Steve I'm requesting permission to come aboard. I am so impressed with the way this site is
handled, a core group of very welcoming ADULTS who can agree to disagree. From reading your
comments I see that it has not always been this way, so glad you all stuck it out. I've been on quite a
few sites that were decimated by the ignorant and relentless behavior of those that only wish to cause
chaos and destruction. Again, Bravo to you for what you have done and continue to do here.
Wednesday, you did a fantastic job with this hub (hope you don't mind I joined your fan club.) Don't be
surprised one day when I jump in with my big mouth. Till then I continue to save all your links and
read them when I'm up with my frequent insomnia.
I had a monster migraine the night the latest 'mom'strosity video came on NG but I could not turn away.
Does anyone here watch the ID channel program 'Most Evil'? The doctor who hosts the program has
designed a scale of evil, I believe his scale currently tops out at 21 or 22. He will have to add a few
numerals to his scale to capture the vileness that is Casey.
your friend,
Farmchick- I saw Brad Conway on Fox News tonight with Geraldo too. Mr. Conway is now working
for the Anthonys so it is hard for me to believe anything he says. Sounded to me like the new plan is to
throw Roy Kronk under the bus. Parts of his story seem a little squirrely but he did not put Caylee in
the trunk of Crazy's car after he made the chloroform to kill her. If Bo Bo head goes into court with his
defense being Meter Reader did it, I believe it will only make a jury convict his client alot quicker.
STEVE says:
25 hours ago
Losingit, we will have a fresh friut basket waiting for you in your cabin upon your arrival. And a big
party that evening, we promise. Be safe! And yes Wednesday, 2 thumbs and squirrel ears way way up!!!
Mr Brad Conway, please provide entertainment like the other Mrs. Conway's son Mr. Tim Conway.
Nannie27 says:
24 hours ago
My internet has been down all evening - just got it back and read everyones comments- must go to bed
now though. See you all tomorrow--- Goodnight
Nannie27 says:
24 hours ago
Oh no - the words are too small to read on my pic - it says Crazy doesn't even begin to cover it!!!!!
SadieSkye says:
23 hours ago
Tim Conway= Mrs. Wiggens I mean Mrs. AWiggens... The Best....
Well Our first movie nite was a roaring success.... i know it was short notice so not everyone cud come
but next time there will be more of a heads up...
(Pretty soon were gonna get a call from the Dr phil show... for some on air therapy... cant wait.. then
well all finally get to meet and have some real margaritas and a movie....) lol
Angeleyes`* says:
23 hours ago
I have been watching this case grow from the first day..I have always believed that Casey used the
zanny the nanny phrase for whatever not whoever was taking care of Caylee..chloroform, zanax or
another form of drugs, etc. and I think she had done this more than once, I also believe that Cindy knew
from the start when Caylee was missing and she smelled that odor in the car and on the pants that she
knew also something bad had happened to Caylee
JMo says:
22 hours ago
Hey, I just got home, hopefully I won't wake anyone as I crawl into my bunk! How was the party? I
could use a nitecap, but think I will pass. Jo, that is awful that Conway is saying that about
it will be real f'n interesting how he ties all the other bs in about Casey to prove know, telling
her friend Amy she is getting rid of the smell in the car, lying for a month and not reporting caylee
missing, being a habitual liar, saying she was working, and everything else in that police report! How
could any of that have to do with anyone but her??? I am so sick of this crap. Convict the low life
already! Never let her prance 'around like she just won a cheerleading contest' 'with a big smile on her
face" again. What a freak! Tim Miller told it like it is.
JMo says:
21 hours ago
Sad, but it has now reached the point where no one cares who killed CAYLEE. It now becomes a game
for the lawyers and who can win over whom in the court. However, don't forget to read tonight's link
for topic in the morning (in case you missed the party).
RascalBrat says:
15 hours ago
Good morning, All hands on deck, no excuses about to much Pizza and drinks. Come on people what
do you think this is the Love Boat, Captain Steve why is your crew missing? I see Cindy still has the
site up to sell T Shirts, I guess she will be defiant and still try to make a buck to live on.
GranNaw says:
14 hours ago
Ahoy mates, GranNaw re-embarking ship after a much needed shore leave. Too bad I missed the
parties, sounds like sammy our bartender had it goin on.
RascalBrat says:
14 hours ago
Good morning GranNaw, happy to see you on duty. Not much news this weekend, I am still surfing to
see why the cops where at the Anthony house, no luck. I do know it had nothing to do with the case.
Hmm do you think the neighbors called because there was turmoil in the house, dam could not imagine
RascalBrat says:
14 hours ago
Yes I have in fact we have been writing to George and asking them to stop making money off of
Caylee's death, This is wrong for them to make money and use this as a business. They are still using
the public, shame on them. They want people to send money to George,, well not in my lifetime will I
help them. As long as they support Casey, I have no respect for them.
STEVE says:
14 hours ago
Last night there was a double feature of Squirrel King and Squirrel King 1 1/2. A roaring success (no
lion pun intended) However, when we ask for x-tra butter for the popcorn, I mean xxxx-tra butter! I
will not name names or throw anyone under any bus, ship, or other moving vehicle at this time but we
all know who was in charge of the concession stand now don't we! Aubree's Grandma, Cindy is quite
upset that the 4 T-shirts that you mentioned are outselling hers at about a rate of 2500-1. She demands
all profits be sent to her house immediately if not sooner. Please inform her that the check is in the
mail. Again I say that this person will never get her head around the fact that no matter the overflowing
evidence that weighs about 500 lbs. in document form, her daughter (mommy of the year) had nothing
to do with any of it. She will go down on her little life raft yelling, unless there is a video of her
harming Caylee, she did nothing wrong. There is a vidoe this morning of BOBO Head practicing how
to dot his i's and cross his t's that she can make copies of. Hey, great idea Cindy, with every shirt that
you sell, give a BOBO video away for free! P.S. Hey Deb in Vegas, I bet (get it, bet) that the brunch at
Caesars Palace this morning is quite a bit better than the one being served to momster!!!!!!
GranNaw says:
14 hours ago
I have been writing to the Anthony's since the initial air samples came back in September. It obviously
does not good, other than it it makes me feel better to know that I have expressed my feelings about
whatever the topic of the week. I actually emailed George during their Larry King appearance the night
before Caylee was actually found. They never respond to anything they perceive as "negative", but that
doesn't stop me. Oh, and I make a special point to send them a new letter from every zip code I visit
when I'm traveling.
RascalBrat says:
14 hours ago
Steve, I will hurry and write my check on the smallest Ice Cube I have, and send it on the next ship
from China. Steve you like your popcorn like I do, lots of butter.
Kate in answer to your question last night, my son was in Weton Missouri working on power plant
there. We had a great Birthday party for him last night.
Wednesday Morning says:
3 weeks ago
Deputy in Caylee Anthony case cleared in earlier complaints
imacynic2 says:
3 weeks ago
The Catch on Lee's Immunity:
Here's the deal though - he only gets immunity for what he confesses to them and testifies to. So, for
example he tells them Casey was giving him hints about where to find the body - he is immune for that
statement. . . but if he testifies to that and that alone, and then find out he went to the scene or he did
anything he doesn't fess up to them for - no immunity.
So - with the Anthony's records I am confident that if it comes down to it - they can find something else
he did - that he didn't admit to.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
News for today in Orlando Sentinel:
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
This just in 30 minutes ago:
I thought the police had statements from Casey's friends that she didn't do drugs at all until recently,
when she smoked pot; of course she was a chameleon and would adapt her personality to manipulate
whoever she was with at the moment. Like Jesse Grund said, she was "religious" when with him; a pot
smoker when with Tony; etc. etc. also a "big sister figure" to the 12 year old; a victim to the cops; and
on and on ad nauseam.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Ok mates, read this below. Looks like (from story) that DC has said that the psychic told him to look in
trash at this site, and to look for 3 pavers in a row, etc. What do you think? Maybe the psychic is on
target and not BS'ing like everyone thought?
If this turns out to be TRUE then I take back all those nice things I ever said about the MR. IF he saw
her skull in August & then waited until December, then he's a lousy piece of shit & is definately
proving LP's Daisy Chain theory.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Oh my gosh, this just in. NeJame gives Kronk $5000.00
JusticeforCaylee says:
3 weeks ago
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
New video, JUST RELEASED on Casey....
Seems like some things are flowing out more freely this week so far.
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
RE:Meter Reader & Skull
Saw this yesterday at about Roy Kronk seeing skull in August. Didn't think much of it
other than him possibly embellishing his story to gain more than his 15 minutes of fame.
Source close to investigation said on Wednesday that meter reader NOW believes he saw Caylee
Anthony's skull sticking out of bag the day he made the 1st report to 911 back in August.
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
Wow!!! Just watched that jail video from August 14th. Crazy quoting the Bible. Priceless!!
Check out this slideshow of photos from that video. # 9 & 10 are not very flattering pics.
Deb in Vegas says:
3 weeks ago
Yep Marie, I agree "Zanny the Nanny" was plan b after riding around with Caylee in the trunk for 2
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
Lee- I do not think anyone buys that story about the father of Caylee being killed in an auto accident
except for George & Cindy. Momster has named several different guys as being the dad that died. One
time it was Eric something, another time it was someone with the last name Oritz, she told Jesse Grund
he was the dad too, heck I can even remember all the names. Maybe she doesn't even know. Some of us
have our own theory on who the dad is. Who did not want to give LE their DNA?
Somethings 'off' about her not accepting her Bible from Cindy. Casey is claiming Jose said she couldn't
have THAT one, but they would give her one from the jail. How much ya wanna bet Cindy had wrote
notes to Casey on the pages of the Bible? Or maybe highlighted certain IMPORTANT commandments,
like that pesky little one that says THOU SHALT NOT KILL.
I would trade my $10 Target Gift Card to get a look at that Bible.
Wednesday Morning says:
3 weeks ago
My guess is they decided to release this certain video at this particular moment because it puts a
connection between Cindy, Casey & Dominic. Cindy said for Casey to call Dominic if she needed to
Also, They're making her choose one family member to meet, with so she chooses George? It's so
obvious WHY. Did hear him comforting her? OMG what a complete PUSSY. He's all "I,I,I,I, I k-k-k-
know hunny". So afraid of her. So very afraid of her.
Time to man-up George.
losingit says:
3 weeks ago
Hi all. I just watched the new video. Here are some of my favorite parts:
4. Did you notice when George is talking to her about choosing him to be the one she meets with? He
says something like I'm glad you made that choice. Cindy looks at him as if to say, "What, she's gonna
tell us?" George shakes his head and Cindy slams her into the table.
What a selfish biotch. Yes, it's all me and I. Does she even mention Caylee by name? I did hear her say
she wants her kid back. And she read some comments from something on the net. I hope it was you
guys on this hub.
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Kate, Lee is not going to take the fall for Casey, he knows she did it and where the body was. I think
that is all his involvement, that is why she made all the frantic phone calls. He does not want that
hanging over his head that he killed Caylee, that would follow him the rest of his life.
Glad I had a short nap, all that running back and for to other room wore me out, LOL
steve says:
3 weeks ago
You know, I have been wondering for a few weeks now if the ANT's have ever googled and seen all the
stuff on the net regarding there dumbass behavior, actions and just basically what people are thinking
and saying about them. Honestly I think it is a real good chance that they have, and specifically have
perhaps been drawn into our ship as a "sometimes stowaway" I can not fathem the thought that they do
not care what the court of public opinion thinks of them. These are the spotlight whores remember.
That may even be an understatement. This next comment is only meant to offend the ANT's and
nobody else and I apologize to the shipmates in advance for what I am about to say but have been
holding it in for quite a bit. Since you parents of the momster know nothing of your daughter and are
just plain stupid which momster even knew and played that card each and every day, I must inform you
and enlighten you as to who she is. To be blunt, she used to get banged more than a wooden door in a
hurricane. And that was in your home.Oh yeah, and liked I have said before, she knows what happend
to Caylee! P.S the chloroform may have been meant for you guys.
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
JMO- One of the ones she quoted was "Do Unto Others". She was talking about all the things being
said about her by the media & by online bloggers. If she had been outside at the time she would have
probably been struck by a bolt of lightning.
Found this site today & thought I'd share it. It cracked me up!!!
Momster profile on Cupid web site. Case 035 "I'm A Genuine Girl" NOT!!!!!!!!!
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
So, do unto others is probably what she did to Caylee. She did it to get back at what she thinks is others
doing something to her and now she has gotten back at them. She is twisted alright!
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
I say we go for it all. Duct tape & garbage bags first. Waterboarding & shark bait second.
GranNaw says:
3 weeks ago
Ahoy Mates! GranNaw made it over smooth sailing all the way - was really super busy yesterday and
got in pretty late so all I was able to do was read to catch up.(often the case for me)
Wednesday Morning - You Go Girl! Thanks for devoting the time and effort to give us this wonderful
new port to sail from. Sending you a bushel of acorns--- overnight of course, but it looks to me like you
and your little squirrel friend have already stored all your nuts....LOL
Now I know WE wouldn't buy this story, but just WHAT IF he tried this to cast doubt. If someone else
confesses to a killing, then it would be really hard for a jury to say she was guilty without reasonable
I just think this whole immunity thing is going to screw everything up. If this family had even a shred
of goodness in them, they would say what they know WITHOUT an immunity deal. I'm just not liking
where this is going.
They've already proven themselves & their motives. They ONLY want Casey out of jail. They'll say &
do whatever they need to do to get her home.
donagal says:
3 weeks ago
Good Morning everyone, been on about an hour just reading, watching the video and checking out
Crazy's date ad. Video is crazy just like her, can't believe she is quoting the bible. Maybe she should
have read it a year ago! Amazing what she might have found out. Anyway, just had to check in, I have
to go to work. I teach drivers ed and have to go driving with a teen. Send some prayers my way!!!!
Hopefully I can catch up with you all later.
blastcap says:
3 weeks ago
To everyone on the new site:
I have been following the old site for approx. 3 months and just decided to register when you open the
new pages. This site is much faster and easier to navigate.
I have really enjoyed reading all of the posts. I was in Florida the weekend this story broke and have
followed ever since. Thanks for giving all of your insights.
donagal says:
3 weeks ago
Welcome aboard blastcap, can't stay, should have left already but I wanted to welcome u real quick.
Marie RN says:
3 weeks ago
Hey, Snoopy - yes, I saw those waist shackles, so I am backing away from my "pregnant" theory. Of
course, she may be denying she is pregnant like the first time, and prison officials are not aware.
I just finished watching the videos posted on in 4 parts. Makes them easy to load and
watch. It is so great seeing Casey in a box. She says she is frustrated, look at poor Cindy hitting her
head with her hand! (She was poor Cindy back then, now just a law obstructing, money grabbing bitch.
Casey is a true virtuoso, and plays her parents like violins. I think the way Casey says "when this goes
to trial." For if she were truly a victim as she says, and Caylee were found, there would be no trial. And
the way she says she doesn't want to talk to Lee, because it would be an interrogation, he would have a
list of questions.
When she talks about Jose being in NY for business, is that when he was shopping the photos/videos?
Sounds like it.
However, she skipped over the important ones: Thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not kill, honor thy mother
and father, etc. She was too busy trying to make out like she was so lost without her 'personal'
bible....whatever! She forgot that she just finished going on and on and on about what a miserable
Saturday it was and how it was the worst day of her life and she had her head under the covers all day,
except when she had nothing to do but read the bible. Either she likes reading the bible or it makes her
miserable. Very contradicting, don't you think? Besides, I would of thought the worst day of her life
was when Caylee was gone. Sounds like she was 'forced' to read the bible cause she had nothing else to
do. Poor Crazy.
Also, in August, I don't think she was in a secluded area yet for protection (given the inmates walking
around her, she gets access to magazines, talks to other prisoners, etc). I think she got moved for safety
steve says:
3 weeks ago
I am so beyond frustrated!!!! No wait, that's momster back 5 months ago. Imagine how many words
she is and feels now! And just so you know momster it is all of us on the S.S. MOMSTER M.A.S.H.
that are frustrated with you and yours. Perhaps if you took a different approach with everything things
would be different.?.? Perhaps we may not have even had a hub to talk our smack and let everyone
truly know how we felt and what we think. If you were normal, things would certainly be different. But
"if" is that little word in the middle of life. Enjoy your good for nothing existence because it is all you
seem to have these days. Whether it is Friday, or Tuesday, or Thursday, or Sunday, it will always just be
another day of hell in the cell.
The whole Bible-Quoting-Charade made me throw up in my mouth a little. It was so out of character
for her. But undoubtably, Jose encouraged her to study up & give a few quotes for "her cameo".
As far as her not being able to have her OWN Bible.... She said that Cindy could MAIL it to her, but it
could not be handed to her. well, why not do that then? I still say there's something written (by Cindy)
on the pages of HER Bible. Which is why No-Way-Jose got her one issued from the jail instead and
noone knows exactly WHERE Casey's Bible is. Cindy says Jose has it. Casey says "no, he wouldn't
have done that". I mean, can't you see Cindy setting there with pen in hand underlining "Be sure your
sins will find you out". & "Thou shalt not lie".
The more of these videos I watch, the more I notice the power struggles between Cindy & Jose. Casey
is doing what Jose says & Cindy can't sway her. Cindy, George & Lee have ALL at some point on
video tried to get Casey to see what Jose is doing. They don't like him. There's something up with that.
Perhaps his defence IS going to implicate something toward them?
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
That's ok. We have learned our "off topic code talkin'" from the ANTS. Now let them try and figure out
what we are saying and wonder if we know something they don't think we know, lmao.
Notice how she was all bitchy and discusted and jealous because she though she had missed a big chili
party? Poor Casey read the Bible and cried all day. George calmly explained that no, it was just
himself, Mom and Lee. Then Malory came over later. Oh, yeah, then some random hungry guy showed
up so they let him in. WHAT??? Casey probably wanted to ask how old he was and if he was cute. But
that would look bad, so to quickly take her mind of that she panics and just starts with the Bible talk to
show George and everyone what a good girl she is.
She says something about "When this goes to trial"? Casseeyy, you're innocent remember? When
Caylee is found you can go home. All you're guilty of is stealing money, but you'll get off on those
charges too because you needed to steal the money to fund your search efforts. My nanny stole my kid,
but maybe they'll all show up at Fusion tonight.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
I surprised that Cindy doesn't add to her statement about "Casey being a good mom", that Casey was
also a religious mom who read the bible everyday! Rrriiiigggghhhhtttt.
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Good Morning all, I am hoping they do not need to give any of the Anthony's immunity, I want them to
just tell the truth. Jo put the link of some slides of Casey last night, wow what a temper she has, I can
see her coming unglued as Caylee if she was crying I want Nannie. She was so jealous of anyone that
gave Caylee the attention she wanted.
Wed, Love the new Squirrel at the bottom. Glad to see almost eveyone made it over to the new site. I
was sure tired from rowing back and forth from one site to another to find our friends. But I will take
the time to look again today.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Prisoners can be housed all together in a big room but with seperate cells. That's how she got Baez's
name, remember, from some of the other girls. I think she started getting death threats and George
pulled his favor card and got her into a protective area. (that made her feel important). Now she is
having to buy everyone candy bars when they want them so they won't beat the crap out of her.
Anyway, yes, she shows her severe emotional immaturity in this video. The fists clenching, I'm so
angry, you are pissing me off attitude (they play into it by catering to her whines and demands), the
what? you had chili and people over without me (they play into this too...they minimize the whole thing
to pamper her feelings), on and on. This apparently is how this family functions. Casey is in total
manipulative control over them. They baby her and cater to her tantrums. They all walk on eggshells
around her and always have obviously. Which tells me all the more that she is a person with a
substance abuse problem and they are all weak to her. You either do things her way, don't ask questions,
play her games, make her the victim, etc. or she will get mad and not talk to you (or in her words on the
video...."you won't get shit"!)
I sure hope the ANTS get serious therapy to deal with this crazy ass murdering momster. They need it
bad! Casey is beyond hope!
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Marie, I really do not look for the trial to start in March, at the rate this Circus is going it will be a long
time. Well the goverment has a program no kids left behind, so I thought it was my duty not to leave
ship mates behind. I am so glad to see so many here on this great new site. Our Ship Mate Wednesday
deserves a great big HIGH FIVE.
You should all be proud of Jo, I talked to her last night threw messenger and she put a temporarly
picture up, which will be replaced later.
Wednesday, Proud Mom is on vacation but we made sure she had a email to tell her about new site.
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, Do not look for the Anthony's to get therapy, they think everyone is against them, and especially
Casey. The Detectives built a case against her and she is the victim,, yea right. Well the forget who used
the Chloroform and dumped Caylee, and looked up all that stuff on the computer and lied and stole
from everyone she could. I could go on about what she has done but we are all familiar with her antics.
She is a spoiled brat that they created, we can see that.
Jo has a picture by her name!
Kate I went by what LLee told me on the other site, and posted that infor here.
steve says:
3 weeks ago
Remember Casey, you had to do everything that you did because it is how we raised you. I know
mommy. Thanks for raising me to be who am. I can not thank you enough! Look at where it has got me
mommy. Have a great day mommy, talk to you later.
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Steve, If I was her Mommy I would say see you later when you can tell the TRUTH!
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
Nannie 27- Video of Aug 14th Jail visit with George & Cindy:
donagal says:
3 weeks ago
Hey, love the new squirrel at the bottom, so cute.
IMO Casey looks like she is purposly being cruel to Cindy. Laughing when she sees her crying,
rubbing it in that she picked daddy because he wouldn't take over the conversation like her mom would
do. I believe she got joy out of watching her be so upset then preceded to throw on the guilt. She is a
master at lying and being a manipulator.
steve says:
3 weeks ago
Rascal, agreed! Love the part that she "had to steal" from everyone to finance the looking for Caylee
fund. I'm tellin ya, better than a Mel Brooks film! Gee, and the reason she stole money before Caylee
was missing was??????? Thought so. Donagal, a manipulator, maybe.? Got her masters degree at lying,
hardly! Will continue to do both on a daily basis, most definately!!! Truly the saddest, funniest, most
bizarre reality show since Hogan Knows Best. Obviously he didn't.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Just the way she sat in the court room the other day, staring straight ahead, execept to look at the
camera and give a huge smile to her attorney, should be enough for anyone to figure out this was her
who did it. What mother do any of you know could sit there straight faced while they talk about your
babies bones and remains? She is a COLD BLOODED killer. She has no emotions. She didn't want to
be there, because she doesn't want it to interfere with her fantasy / pretend world she has been enabled
to live in all of her life. (sure Casey, quit school, no problem; your pregnant, no problem; steal our
money, no problem; lie to us, no problem; talk down to us, no problem; steal from your friends and
grandparents, no problem; use us to care for your child, no problem; party all night while we babysit,
no problem; need a car to drive, no problem; no job, no problem; lie about zanny and caylee missing
for a month, no problem; kill your daughter, no problem) These people are in SEVERE denial of what
Casey is capable of.
HannahsNana says:
3 weeks ago
When did she sign up for the Cupid site? Does she really expect to get out of this mess and DATE?????
Who would go out with her? Some other pathological lying narcissist - they could lie to each other all
night, just going on and on about how wonderful each of them is!
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Looks like Amanda Knox gets the attention in the news. Her trial starts today. I think Casey is probably
going to be jealous and this will fuel something in her behavior to get the media attention back on her.
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Good afternoon all! I've been repeatedly trying to watch the video of Casey and my computer just
doesn't like it...I've crashed three times, but have made it halfway through. Am I missing anything in
the last half? I don't know what's wrong with this stupid's not like a real crash where
everything freezes up, instead the power just goes off. Any ideas, computer geniuses?? Sounds more
like a power thing, but I had this office wired to handle alot of stuff, and have power strips & all, so
don't know what to think. It's very aggravating, though.
Nannie, sorry about the Shakespeare thing...obviously she's not REALLY a Shakespeare; more like the
literary version of William Hung (SheBang,SheBang). I'll bet her "diaries" will have many cryptic
clues, tho, and I'm sure the prosecution will collect them shortly before trial.
I watched the still pictures of the Aug.14th jail visit...hilarious! She makes some STRANGE faces, and
in a couple of them, she looks just like the Devil. SCARE ME! I mean the REAL devil, Beelzebub,
Satan, Lucifer, Old Scratch, El Diablo all rolled in to one! I bet it smells like sulfur in her cell!
Thanks, Wednesday, for the squirrel parade. I know you all won't believe this, but when I was 5 I had a
pet squirrel, yes I did, and I used to dress him in doll clothes. Somewhere I've got a picture of him, if I
can find it I'll post it. But he didn't water ski.
Well, I think I'll go portside and find a lounge chair and order a Bloody Mary (I don't drink, but Casey
has pushed me over the edge...). We had a surprise snow last night and I need some sun!
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
It's nice to know that Casey had a whole mail bag full of letters from people who support her. That'll be
real good for the defense; oh, wait; she LOST them? She MISPLACED them? Just like her 2nd phone,
her sim card, her "script", and her brain.
Nannie27 says:
3 weeks ago
KATE - no need to be sorry about the Shakespeare comment,I was just joking, just having a laugh at
Momsters expense again.
Thank you Jo for the link - it worked this time. She sure is a piece or work isnt she. So TOTALLY
transparent, the only people that don't see through her are her parents and her brother.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
3 weeks ago
Is the Cupid site a joke or was this her actual profile before she went crazy? Seems she had profiles
everywhere else. I mean she WAS putting herself out there in any/every way she could!!
Nannie27 says:
3 weeks ago
Hmmmmm I think Casey made bit of a Freudian slip in the following paragraph on Cupid - I'm sure
she meant to say worth WHILE - but put WILD
hours, and grab a drink at an Ale House, or Fridays. i'll play the occasional game of pool,
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
Check this out:
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Yeah Kate, just like she 'lost' Caylee. Geez, where did I put that kid? I don't remember! I know, lets
PRETEND I'm a real mommy and that someone took Caylee, my baby girl, and I decide not to tell
anyone. I will go out and party at club fusion and have 4th of July celebrations at the pool with all the
guys. I'll even lie for a month that she is with a babysitter and be happy. Oh OoooooPS, I think I
messed up....wasn't I supposed to freak out and call 911 when my baby didn't get returned to me?
OMG, I forgot all about that. I didn't think anyone would be smart enough to figure that one out! I bet
her jail cell does smell like sulfur.....the witch! Devil is only one letter away from evil.
losingit says:
3 weeks ago
Last night on NG, LP said he bailed her out the same day as that jail video and says she knew she was
getting out. I don't think she knew at the time of the video or i'm sure she would have mentioned it. LP
also said a couple nights ago that when she got out that night she made dinner for his nephew. Aww,
how romantic.
Snoopy9318 says:
3 weeks ago
Are the ANTS not visiting, or is Crazy not accepting the visits?
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
WoW Jo. That is very interesting. This is how a psychopaths mind works. They steal identities (look at
Ted Bundy for gosh sakes)! It is how they cover their tracks. Did you read the comments below the
theories? I like the person who commented on the Ganguzza girl being killed in Blanchard park and
them finding a cell charger. Same time that Casey claims she 'lost her phone' and was hanging out in
Blanchard Park. I would not doubt for one single minute she was tied into all kinds of crime. Caylee
was just a mear inconvienence for her and getting rid of her was nothing compared to what she has
done. That's probably why it doesn't bother her too much. She is probably thankful that she hasn't been
charged with other stuff. She thinks she is so tuff.....wait till the jailhouse bitch's get ahold of her!
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Snoopy, I don't think they're visiting, or we'd hear news like "Casey refuses another visit from parents".
You know, that last video makes me madder than anything so far in this's SO OBVIOUS how
she controls that whole family! Don't EVEN question her or try to put pressure on her or she will
unleash the hounds on you...she even looks like a snarling dog, clenching her teeth and her fists...they
were probably afraid she was going to come crashing through the glass and beat them to death before
the guards could get there. Oy vey, my head hurts...(Steve sorry if I misspelled the words.).
Marie RN says:
3 weeks ago
Kate, do you have a Dell Inspiron? I had that exact same problem, and I think it was JMo who said it
was common, if so, we need to talk.
I think that is a real Cupid page. She talks about her trip to Myrtle Beach in 2006, There's a lot of
detail. It's a fairly old posting. She met lots of guys online, like Tony Lazarro.
I have a cute squirrel living in my bluebird house. I'll try to take a picture of him, unless he is camera
Kate, I think you're right. Casey seems to love jail. She is so lazy, and doesn't have to do anything
there. Prison will be a different story.
losingit says:
3 weeks ago
She does seem to like jail. But she probably just thinks of it as a little holiday. Wait until she is
sentenced. I can't wait to see what she does then. I can't wait to see her face.
steve says:
3 weeks ago
Kate, in no way are you a creep! But I can tell you firsthand knowing someone with the exact same
disorders as momster that she DOES NOT have what she wants. She is becoming more sad, manic,
depressed, looney, etc. etc. as each day passes. The one thing that this type of person needs is freedom.
Freedom to do what she wants, when she wants. Trust me, she has none of that. Her snickers, cocoa
butter and whatever else that she gets from the "store" is her freedom. And that Kate, is pissing her off
and will eat her alive day by day. Have you noticed that she has no friends. Nada, zero, zilch. These
people that WERE in her life were party animal associates and nothing more. Her best friend right now
is the person who brings that tray of goodies to her. She is a sick person and though it may appear that
she thinks all is well, it is all appearances. She is truly hating life right now and that is why I am one
who will preach to the choir each and every day, let her rot. Let the slow lead the slow and have this
trial sometime say, whenever. As long as it isn't tomorrow, I am just fine. The next few months should
play out like this..... Momster gets angry with her family demanding that they NOT visit, then walla,
momster wants her family to visit, then walla, momster gets angry with her family, you get the pattern!
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Marie, I sent you an email about the computer; also one to Rascal...thanks.
You know, I kinda think that Cupid page is real also; it's too believable. I think if it was a joke it'd be
way more outrageous...can't you just hear her telling people that her daughter is the "love of her life"??
I'm sure, if it's real, it will be shown to the jury to prove her "endless devotion" to her daughter. Well,
until June 16, that is.
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Steve, She still have Mom, Dad and Lee soon I do not think she will have them when this is over.
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Steve, thanks...I hope you're right. Hey, I keep asking this, does anybody know whatever happened to
the "Christina" that was crying about Caylee when this all first happened? Who was she? But you're
right about Casey not getting any visitors from "friends". She did not have any TRUE
could she? With my friends, the more I learn about them the closer I feel to them; but with her...EWW-
WW-W, who could stand by THAT hot mess??
But don't you think that once she is in the general population, she'll be able to manipulate some "big
mama" for protection, and dominate her own little group? I'd rather picture her walking around with a
limp and a couple of major shiners and a bald spot, but I don't know...
Marie RN says:
3 weeks ago
Kate, I don't think she will fare well. The prisoners only self respect is probably that they love their
children. They will probably chew Casey up and spit her out for what she did to Cayleel
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Yeah, you might be right...I think Susan Smith has been beaten repeatedly since her incarceration...and
when she got to use email, they had to cut her off since she got so much hate mail the computers went
down. And I don't think she was quite as monstrous as Casey because she finally admitted what she did
after a couple of weeks.
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
When you enter charity name just put in Continental. Then click verify & Continental Baptist Mission
will appear. I have added this site to my favorites but you can also make it your home page.
steve says:
3 weeks ago
When things are going south in ones life, when you are truly down on your luck, that is when your
"true" friends (and family) are there to help you and support you thru those dark days. KidFinders, have
you found her friends yet? Don't worry you have time. A whole lot of it! Oh, sorry I forgot, those are
the clowns that couldn't find the handle on a coffee cup. Perhaps someone else can help? Bueller?
Bueller? Bueller?
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
I sure hope NG has something good tonight, this waiting is driving me nuts. Should have tox reports
soon can not believe it takes this long.
Deb in Vegas says:
3 weeks ago
Kate, I don't know if this is the same christina, but there is a Kristina Chester on the witness list for the
Nurse Betty says:
3 weeks ago
Anybody else watch Mike Galanos on HLN? I love him! He tells it like it is and has such a dislike for
My friend is a pilot for US Air and that it his route - I spent most of yesterday trying to find out if that
was him behind the controls - it wasn't ---but what a miracle! It's nice to have a good story to watch!
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Nurse Betty, I feel just like Mike Galanos I do not like Casey , I know Steve feels the same way and
many others here. She is a in mature baby that only thinks of herself.
Yes that plane that went down was very scary, I am so thankful no one was killed. The pilot sure
handled that plane like the pro that he is.
Perry says:
3 weeks ago
About your computer freezing up. Only from the way you describe it, it sounds as though your
computer is shutting down because it's overheating. There's a built in mechanism that will shut down
the computer when it overheats. That's why there are fans on computers to cool them down before that
happens. I had a computer with similar problems. What I did to fix it was put a piece of tape over one
of the air vents on the bottom (I have 2). Using a vaccum cleaner, suction out the one vent and then do
the same with the other vent. If you only have one then forget about the tape. After doing this I had no
more problems with it shutting down. This may work for you.
Deb in Vegas says:
3 weeks ago
When I watch the video of the jailhouse video sometimes I feel so badly for Cindy, She clearly is in a
lot of pain. But then other times I feel like this is her own fault for letting this little c__t get away with
so much in the past.
For example, if I was Cindy the conversation would have went something like this
Casey, hon, sweetheart....look at no....over here sweetheart, over here...that's it...look me in
my eyes...there you go thanks hon. Now Casey, do I look like I have BoBo the clown written all over
my forehead? No? Ok. Then, Stop your bulls__t and tell where Caylee is right now. Because I swear I
am about two seconds away from jumping thru this f%$king glass and mopping the floor with your
manipulating, lying, thieving, Fushion partying loving ass. NOW WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!!!
Sorry guys, and I swear I have never mopped the floor with any of my 4 grown kids, they will vouch
for me. I'm just having a bad day today. Blame it on my 3 parakeets. Usually when I'm home I allow
than to come and go in and out of their cage whenever they want. They are a little annoying when they
chase each other back an forth....back and forth. But that's ok cause they are my babies. Today is not
one of those days. So one of them won't take no for an answer. She keeps lifting up the gate...dropping
it slam closed....lifting up the gate.....letting it slam closed. I was feeling like I was in a jail cell. That
made me think about Casey...and you know the rest
Nurse Betty says:
3 weeks ago
Wednesday - OMG, forgot to tell you - I loved the Squirrel side show. The picture of the little guy
skiing is hilarious!!!!
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Deb, I am sitting here laughing about the Parakeets, But I half to agree with you they coddle Casey and
that has been the problems for years. So I know's who to blame for her only caring about herself. Let
her sit in her cell and be alone no visitors, let her have her night mares, and her junk food she is going
to have it that way for a very long time. I hope the rest of her evil life then she can burn in Hell.
Cindy has told Casey before look me in the eyes Casey, that last for a second she can not look at
anyone in the eye's.
Nurse Betty says:
3 weeks ago
Can anyone photoshop a chunky neclace on the squirrel? She could then be our Nancy Squirrel. LOL
steve says:
3 weeks ago
Deb, easy,easy killer. On second thought, geturdone!! Viva Las Vegas!! My favorite place of all time.
Used to love and live at the Stardust. Rascal, what tipped you off about my feelings? Look me in the
eyes. I, too am an avid squirrel fanatic. N.G. just started. I'll be back!
steve says:
3 weeks ago
Wendy the whiner has been found!! Thought they lost her in an old S.N.L. episode but sadly I was
wrong. Hey, Wendy the whiner watched Nancy Grace too! Next thing we find out she is an avid reader
of our hub.
Nurse Betty says:
3 weeks ago
Momster - You are not the BOSS of me!
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Steve, you and I for sure have no use for someone like this. I feel exactly the way you do. Click on my
Squirrel he is smiling and cute, and did not crawl up in that Casey's car. I am sure getting sick of these
tapes over and over want new news.
STEVE says:
3 weeks ago
My bad, it wasn't Wendy. It was Vicky. Vicky the victim. Hope they do not use my opinions in court.
STEVE says:
3 weeks ago
Me too Rascal. Oh wait, the C.E.O. wants me to take out the trash. Damn what a great boss she makes.
Sure knows how to delegate the authority. Wow, look at all those snicker wrappers!
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Well that explains the weight gain, sit on your ass and stuff your face, ya think that is doing
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Steve, Do you remember the movie, now this is a old one, of a woman Coach at a high school. The
boys drilled holes in the girls locker room so they could peek at the girls. The Coach's name was
Beulah Ball Breaker. That is what Casey is going to look like if she keeps eating all the junk food. The
boys did more then peek threw the holes, I will leave the rest to your imagination. Well Beullah had the
boys line up so she could see which boy it was.
STEVE says:
3 weeks ago
Rascal, it rings a bell but I can't think of the name. I do remember Porky's though! I do not think that
was it. I am also hoping that the tox reports come in soon. If anything I see it favorable for the state and
not for BOBO Head. I made comments a while back about my thoughts on momster being bi-polar
among other things. I think that she had an episode back in June and I have a feeling one is coming
within months. More manic than depressive I feel but we will all hear about her moods together. She
missed a party tonight and that pisses her off!
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
My Fox Orlando reports tonight about Anthonys selling t-shirts. I was so mad when i saw that at
Caylee myspace site that I e-mailed every local station, CNN & Fox news yesterday. Looks like My
Fox is going to follow up on where the money is going. Seems like I wasn't the only irate person either.
OK, regarding NG. I got sort of worried when I heard about the Ants former attorney giving Kronk the
5,000 because today the attorneys on NG said that could really look bad. Conflict of interest or
something. The defense attorney on NG, I think a Mark something? He was totally hilerious tonight.
Not just on NG, but on another show discussing the Nut Job. What is in the water today? lol.
Lee, you might have been the one about the stiff comment. Not sure, but you were so lucky the person
you chased down was not a nut. I had a feeling you would feel sore today.
Wednesday, thank you again for this new site~! Love it! I can't watch video's on this dying laptop. I get
2 seconds, then a 5 minute wait. I just have to read what you all post.
Lastly, do I need to sign in when I come aboard ship? I really didn't know that. I will sign in next time.
LOVE THE SQUIRELL!!!!!!!!! lolol
Good Old Boy says:
3 weeks ago
Wednesday - Outstanding work! Thank you for the great effort.
Just listening to the recent tape release from August. Caylee was mentioned maybe once or twice -
otherwise mostly Casey whining for attention and lashing out at her parents. Old news.
I think we're in for another week of no news major breaking news here. Startng Monday it there will be
a solid news blackout leading up to the Inaug Ceremony with all eyes on DC. I'll be there tomorrow for
a few hours anyway.
Has there been any thinkng on who may have helped her of her friends?
Something which has struck me odd from the start is Zenaida's last name and alleged heritage. I have
not encountered a high incidence of hyphenated Hispanic surnames in my albeit limited travels. Of
course they exist, and of course there is absolutely nothing wrong with Fernandez-Gonzales, but it did
seem almost slightly overdone. I was further intrigued to hear Casey claim that Zenaida's background
was Hispanic and Black.
At any rate...
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Ok, since things are soooooo slow with Casey, I started looking into the Ganguzza thing. It is really
wierd since Casey talked about Blanchard Park all the time, etc. Anyway...they caught a 19 year old
boy (small build) who took this very athletic strong jogger, off the trail, killed her and then raped her.
Sooooo, it just crossed my mind that maybe Casey was getting in really deep with the wrong
people...maybe killers or gangs, who knows, to get her drugs and money. So, I found this site where a
person who does astrology (moon and stars) mapped this out and puts together a great scenario...but
says it is 2 boys and 1 girl (all small built) and the girl edges them on to do this to this girl (sort of like
Amanda Knox). The autopsy report is back, but they are not releasing it (as they just arrested this guy
based on his DNA). However, I started thinking that wouldn't it be really interesting if she was
"chloroformed and her neck was broken"? Yep! That would say a lot. We should all watch for that
I think miss crazy was into a lot more than what we know. I think she stays so small and skinny due to
drugs and maybe, just maybe, Caylee got into the choloform accidently and died. So, she can think she
is being honest by saying she doesn't know what happened. ? Maybe she was drugged up and killed
Caylee cause she wouldn't shut up crying? Maybe one of these guys did something to Caylee and killed
her and Casey had to do something with the body and tell herself that she didn't do it and not admit to
anything because then these guys would squeal on her and "the ANTS lives would be in danger".
Maybe they all have to bear their own problems and not rat out their gang and drugs. I know all this
sounds weird, but it really could be possible, seeing how there are some really crazy young kids out
there, and gangs willing to do some weird stuff to others.
Here is the site for the astrologer....creepy how she predicted some things.
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Linn, I sign it or my Squirrel does not show up, She is keeping Company with Wednesday Squirrel. Oh
Kate and I were talking about using heavy starch on Casey panties just to irritate her, can not think of
any one else that deserves it. I an not sure how I fell about Kronk getting that money, he came forward
to help now he needs a Attorney. Well the cost of a Attorney is not cheap and he should not half to pay
out of his own pocket.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Also, I was watching Two and a half men the other night and Charlie Sheen says to Jon Cryer (when
they were talking about getting laid) oh, what you had to bring your own cholorform to the party so you
could get laid? I didn't even think of it being a 'party favor' or using it to knock girls out, but really
made me wonder even more why Casey was looking that up on the computer? Besides the fact we
know it was used on Caylee and was in the trunk. I really think she was in some evil doings folks.
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, As they say Evil is, as Evil does, and we know she is Evil.
Good Old Boy says:
3 weeks ago
Thx Rascal
Wednesday Morning says:
3 weeks ago
I wish I hadn't drank so much wine tonight...
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, I'll join you up there...if only we had Casey we could re-enact the George Smith disappearance
(the one where he was tossed overboard on his honeymoon).
Hey, Lee, Rascal, Marie, Steve, Wednesday, Jo, Linn, and EVERYBODY! My computer bombed
again, so I was out for awhile. Perry, I don't know where you came from but I sincerely thank you for
the advice; I'll try it tomorrow. And thanks to Marie and Rascal too.
LP cracked me up tonight on NG!!! When they were talking about how Cindy had said that Casey said
she was going to leave the jail "with her head held high because she has nothing to hide..." and LP said,
Not quite the saint that Cindy portrays, eh?? I know George and Cindy are going through alot and I
shouldn't be mean to them but THEY NEED TO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!!
OK I'm done. And Steve, that movie you & Rascal were talking about WAS Porky's.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
They need to wake up and smell the body, you mean.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
I don't think she has Asperger's. She is a F**KING SOCIOPATH!
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
I looked it up in the dictionary. When I got there, I couldn't believe it. For the description, there was
Casey's picture, lol.
But really, this is the real description: Tell me which part doesn't fit her???
Antisocial personality disorder: A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others
and inability or unwillingness to conform to what are considered to be the norms of society.
The disorder involves a history of chronic antisocial behavior that begins before the age of 15 and
continues into adulthood. The disorder is manifested by a pattern of irresponsible and antisocial
behavior as indicated by academic failure, poor job performance, illegal activities, recklessness, and
impulsive behavior. Symptoms may include dysphoria (anxiety), an inability to tolerate boredom (had
to read my bible all day), feeling victimized (Im the victim, Im the victim), and a diminished capacity
for intimacy (she ho's around with whoever).
Hmmmm, seems to fit Crazy Casey alright! I think the experts diagnosed her correctly!
losingit says:
3 weeks ago
Re Asperger's article stating she has not been in trouble with the law until now. I wonder how many
times she broke the law but never was busted. As if she just started all this drinking, drugs, stealing, etc.
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
JMo seems to hit the nail on the, are psychopath and sociopath interchangeable? Or is there a
difference? I thought sociopath was brought on by environment and psychopath was just born that way,
kinda like Damien; but I may be confused...she's definitely one of the two or both!
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
You can bet her Mommy and Daddy and big brother have gotten her out of many situations...this one's
a sticky wicket, though.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Psychopath and Sociopath used to be seperate, but now the new diagnosis that covers them both is
I think she started getting in trouble at 15 when she hit high school and since Daddy G was a cop, she
got away with a lot of crap....whaddya bet? She worked her way up till she dropped out...she was
missing classes, etc. and went from there. Brother Lee knows how it's been. Besides 15 is not an exact is a general age for the sake of diagnosis. It can happen before or after that I would imagine.
LosingIt, would you like a Neutered Purple Squirrel drink? Sammy can make it a double. How about
some pizza?
Deb in Vegas says:
3 weeks ago
Who me? Killer? No I don't have the stomach for actual violence. I just think that the stuff the Ants
have learned from therapy in order to deal with Princess Casey and her personality disorder clearly
doesn't work on her. It's time for a plan B. Or maybe it's too late now anyway.
I get so frustrated when I see her manipulate her parents and to see how hurt and worried they were for
Caylee. I guess I'm lucky I never have had to deal with anything like this from my own kids.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Well, it looks like everyone dozed off after their first drink....
Anyway, this just in from one of the squirrels: Club Fusion is having their Grand Reopening!
"Club Nights at Fusion Ultra Lounge reopened to a packed crowd checking out the swanky new digs
with Asian flare and mingling with local celebs."
Looks like a bunch of pimps and ho's to me. And if someone would look through the pictures and tell
me I am not imagining 'gang signs' everywhere! They are even in Casey's pictures. Not to mention the
flow of fake boob jobs! Sickening....a bunch of criminal thug wanna be's at best! Why would she get
tangled up in that crap when she had a beautiful daughter at home that needed her??? Why???!
Farmchick says:
3 weeks ago
OK,........I have to confess.........
I did it..................
I wrote to GA. I could not take it anymore. I pretty much appealed to his integrity I USED to see in him
and the fact that he used to be a homicide detective and what he told FBI.I told him Caylee is looking
down at you PAPA JO and telling you momma took my life and ow I am the moon and starts and dont
let it be in vane.
I spoke in Caylee's voice for most of it. It was not mean nor was it nice. Only to the point. Dont let her
have life she took from me PAPA.
There..... I confess...
Farmchick says:
3 weeks ago
Oh.....and the best was.....
OOPS maybe that was why GVS said the cops were ther yesterday?
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Farnchick, I also wrote to the person that put the web site up, and George, they should all be ashamed.
Farmchick says:
3 weeks ago
Does that girl have some hatred for her mother or what? Man, I have never made fists when I was
angry with my mother. My mother would of made one back and used it.Did you notive George said this
one will not be released. Funny how it wasnt and this is the first were catching of it. I think after
Georges talk with FBI by hisself, that this tape must of been made. They probably had some insight
from FBI as to try and get something, anything out of her. Not mad in the 30 days she had been there
till ole mom and dad get there to visit and ask?'s...HMMMM
Not mad the day they could not find her little girl , not mad the day they arrseted her and she was
"INNOCENT", yeah right. She gives her guilt up right there. If you were not guilty you would be
saying give me a lie detector , something and let me the hell out of here so I can find my baby girl.
Farmchick says:
3 weeks ago
Truth be told we probably all have. How can you not be a voice for this little girl. When you live so far
away, all you have is mail. God help me if I lived anywhere near them.
I also was in FLorida/Fort Myers Beach, when this all started. When she went missing I mean. On the
15th. I was there that whole week. Geez < I did not want to come home to IL. It is soooooo friggin cold
here right now. What about -20. BTW , that reminds me. I had asked a ccouple days ago if anyone here
is from FL. I am looking for a place to rent, right on the beach. Fort Myers would be great, June and
July. I told my husband I am sick to death of him turning his work into an all summer thing and if he
does it again this year (because he says he enjoys it), THAT i AM DAMN WELL GONNA DO WHAT
It did not go over well but he knows I am serious. So, I am planning a little vacation.8 weeks or so.
P.S. I wouldn't bitch, but I live in IL., summer is the best season, and he spends it working more and
more every year (running fruit and vegetable stand) and I spend my summer alone. Like a SINGLE
WOMAN! Im sick of it. I could see if we needed the money. But he is doing this for fun , and it started
out 2 weeks in July when we got married, now it is to JUNE,JULY, and 2 weeks in AUGUST.
Im done arguing with him for years now. I am gonna enjoy my summer by myself somewhere fun. So
..... can anyone hook a girl up? I want to have a lanai or something and walk rright out onto the beach.
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
I know I would do anything to of found one of my kids, but she was to busy partying, and doing what
she wanted. And taking the Detectives to a place she did not work, lies about her phone she left on her
desk, where she did not work. Even in the interview she sticks to the story about phone on desk, a desk
she did not have because she did not work.
Farmchick says:
3 weeks ago
I guess I should explain that we farm 1700acres of corn and soybeans, so we do not need the money
from a stupid roadside stand.
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
I used to love the road side stands, produce was fresher and it does help family with the prices and
fresher veggies for there familys.
Zanny The Nanny says:
3 weeks ago
Maybe you need somthing to calm you down Farmchick, after all there is always divorce.
losigit says:
3 weeks ago
Farm Chick please be careful what you say. It seems that just by being there you could be implicated.
Lawyer up and ask for immunity. I'm a long way from Florida (Canada), but I drive a Ford Focus. My
lawyer has asked that I not speak to the media until the FE is back from the lab and I have been cleared.
Oh dear, I've probably said too much already.
JMo sorry I fell asleep last night before I could get that drink. It's 8:40 am right now. What time does
the bar open?
Snoopy9318 says:
3 weeks ago
Steve, I've never been to California but would love to!! I'd like to go to Charles Schulz' museum and to
Knott's. I love reading your postings and you'll be getting a note from me on behalf of my 11 year old
daughter. Thank you sooo much!
Marie RN says:
3 weeks ago
Jo, I just wanted to say thank you for keeping the pressure on the Anthony's to pretend to be normal,
decent people - and not try to make money off their granddaughter!! What a frigging house of horrors
there at HopeSpring Drive. (what a misnomer for a street.) You could easily substitute for NG - and
probably do a better job with your research and analysis of this case.
JMO, I agree with your comments re: Casey having no arrest record. They even said that was the
reason they took the death penalty off the table awhile back. Well, she SHOULD have an arrest record!
Her grandmother wanted to press charges for the theft from her nursing home account, but Cindy
talked her out of it!! Even soiciopaths can function in society if they have limits set. That is why they
are always "model prisoners" in jail, as Casey has been. because of the limits. When allowed to run
amuck, a sociopath will create a wide range of destruction.
Kate, I have a friend/running partner with Asperger's. She is 52, a beautiful girl, still a virgin. She is
completely unable to read and react to social clues - every time she starts a relationship, the guy ends
up running away because she just doesn't act like a normal person. I've know her for almost 20 years,
and she sometimes calls me 4-5 times a day just to ask what someone's behavior means. She is also
extremely intelligent, studied at the Sorbonne, fluent in French, of course, and a math genius, but has
an $8.00 an hour job. She doesn't have a clue, but what I am getting at here is that she TRIES to fit into
society. (BTW - animals love her, we used to run around a Lake, and the swans would come out of the
lake and follow her, no kidding.) I think animals are a great judge of people. I bet the Ants Yorkies hate
Casey, and I bet she hates them too.
Marie RN says:
3 weeks ago
Farm Chick, first, I am jealous of you and your huge farm! I have 90 acres here in Missouri, I lived in
San Diego, and cashed out my equity in 2003 and bought a horse farm here. Days like this, with the
cold, I wonder what I was thinking. Sounds like your hubby likes the roadside stand because of the
social aspect of meeting new people. I'm sure it can be isolating on a huge farm like that. I personally
drive over 2 hours to work so I can work in a large city, eat at a real restaurant (that isn't in a gas
station), talk to people from other cultures. After San Diego, I crave diversity!
Marie RN says:
3 weeks ago
Oh, and thank you too, Farmchick and Rascal for taking the time to write to the Anthony's. OK, I'll shut
up now. I'm doing my 24 hours this week in Neuro - but will try to steal away to check computer for
Snoopy9318 says:
3 weeks ago
Marie, I have to agree. When I only have four children to talk to, I, too, occasionally crave meeting
someone new. I have found myself actually LOOKING forward to going grocery shopping so that I'll
see other adults!! Can you imagine?!! LOL! Don't get me wrong... I LOVE my children. They are
wonderful. My oldest son is going to his first school dance tonight and I'm so excited for him! Just
bought him his first suit and he looks great!
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Farmchick, You are lucky your husband walks threw the door at night. I wish mine could, I know he is
watching over Caylee. So count your blessings.
Snoopy9318 says:
3 weeks ago
Rascal, I'm sorry to hear about your husband. I do love hearing about marriage success stories,
however, like yours. It's nice to know that not everyone ends up in divorce (like me). I'm glad you were
blessed the years that you did have him.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Well, you all missed the CLUE party last night on the deck! We had Neutered Purple Squirrel drinks
and pizza! Come on folks, it's the weekend. Take some time away from the kids, the farm, work,
weather, relationships, etc. and sit under the moon and stars under the open sea. Sammy the squirrel
will make drinks till the last one passes out. Capt.Steve will see to it that you all make it back to your
cabin safely for the night. Twiggy is going to ski to shore later and pick up some movies for us to
watch: Gone with the Squirrels, Lord of the Squirrels, The Squirrel of Oz, Squirrel Trek, Squirrel
Gump, and even Nightmare on Hopespring Street. Fun starts at 6, but you can ask Sammy for a drink
anytime. He's open 24/7.
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Good morning, all (or afternoon, depending on where you are). JMo, Sammy is an excellent bartender,
I don't know how he made those Purple Squirrels but I don't have a bit of a hangover today!
If I goofed by putting on the site for Asperger's Disease, I'm sorry. I was not saying anything against the
people who actually have it, but I don't think it describes Casey Anthony. I noticed the site was gone
this morning so I must've made a booboo...sorry! Marie, your friend who has it does not sound
ANYTHING like you said, she TRIES to fit into society. Casey wants society to kiss her
I've got a squirrel picture to add to the slideshow, I'm going to try to send it to Wednesday.
Are we drinking purple squirrels again? I could use one to warm me up!
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Snoopy, Thank you almost 30 years, good memoires.
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
Zanny the Nanny says 3 hours ago: Maybe you need something to calm down Framchick, after all there
is always divorce.
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Jo1031, HILARIOUS! I didn't know the Gonzales family was so musically inclined!!
Farmchick, Zanny's divorce advice should be taken with a grain of salt. I've been married 39 years in
May (married at 17) and there were MANY times I thought that was the answer, but I can honestly say
now that I'm so glad we did not divorce. It was just a matter of learning that we were both individuals,
and didn't think the same way about everything, but we learned to live and let live and are actually very
fond of each other by now. We go our separate ways on alot of things (he watches ESPN and I watch
NG) but that doesn't mean we don't love each other. And I think your idea of a separate vacation is a
good idea...just because he enjoys sitting in the back of a truck selling turnips doesn't mean that's your
thing. My husband goes to Texas once a year with his brothers to visit their sister, and I stay home (she
has 20 cats, and last time I went I got a major eye infection; plus I can't travel for long distances) but
I'm fine with that. OK, I'm not a licensed marriage counselor, so I'd better shut up; I probably don't
know what I'm talking about! It just seems divorce is the first thing people think these days when it
should be the last. I know there are many people who don't have an alternative...
Rascal, I'm sorry about your husband too; can't imagine life without mine, but the faithful Shih Tzu
would comfort me, I know.
Marie RN says:
3 weeks ago
I couldn't stay away! Snoopy, be sure to take lots of pics of your son and his friends tonight, before
they leave the house.
Rascal, I'm so sorry to hear about your dear husband - 30 years! That is something to be proud of.
Kate, I thought the link about Asperger's was interesting. It's a poorly diagnosed disease, and severely
affects those with it. My friend's therapist didn't even realize what she had until I pointed it out to him.
Now I have another friend whose son has been diagnosed with it. It is also called "social autism."
Farmchick says:
3 weeks ago
We farm 1700 acres. We do not own all of that.Sharecrop/cashrent and own some.Dont get me wron
here, I AM NOT GETTING DIVORCED. NO WAY! I LOVE MY HUBBY. But.... we have Harley's
we bought to be able to go riding together, we have a pool, plus we did have horses until it all got to be
too much. What I am saying is he is going GONZO on this. When I married him it was 2 weeks a year
now it is the WHOLE SUMMER! 6AM to 6 or 7 pm at night.No days off. Not even SUNDAY! I spend
my entire summer alone. You have to remember we are totally busy 12-16hrs. a day during our regular
farming. Part of March, April,May, then June comes the stand through now August, then we start
getting equipment ready and harvesting Spet.,Oct.,and intoNov sometimes. We used to spend our
1/2June and July and August with each other.That was our travel, sit by the pool, bbq etc...time. I guess
I'm mad because we do not need the money and I can think of a million other things we could be doing.
SO.....if this is what he enjoys, and I am left of my own accord the entire summer, why not do what I
enjoy? I'll go sit on the beach by myself. Whats wrong with that?
Anyway, enough of as the world turns.
Was just wondering if anyone knew of any property for rent, that's all. Why would I need to calm
down? Im just gonna do what he does. Enjoy myself doing what I like. For whatever reason. No
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Kate, glad you don't have a hangover! No, I thought the site was great...not sure why it dissapeared. It
is the same as anyone else trying to show what the hell is wrong with Crazy. But all in all, the site was
educational, as most people have probably never heard of it and sometimes it can help someone
identify those symptoms in someone and get the help they need. So thank you for posting it. I am for
posting whatever we can find. Otherwise, how can we play the CLUE game? Speaking of, tomorrow
(Sunday) our CIA Squirrel (Culinary Institute of Arts Squirrel), Chef Pierre, will be making his famous
Clueless Chili. Yes, and guess who is NOT invited.....tee hee. That's right Crazy, we are all having a
Chili party and you can't, na, na, na, can't, na, na, na, na. Poor little
Crazy is not invited. That should bring on some more of those crocodile tears....hmmm, speaking of
crocodile's, lets toss all of our clues in the swamp when we are done and no one will find anything for
sure! I'll bring the cornbread!
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Marie, I had never heard of Asperger's until last night, and I'm usually up on my disease
sounds pretty sad.
Marie RN says:
3 weeks ago
Farm Chick, please forgive myself and the other shipmates if we prematurely jumped on your
comments. Believe it or not, this is a caring group, and we care about you, and each other. It DOES
sound like you need a vacation! Wow, that's a lot of work.
I LOVE the idea of a clueless chili party! Can we send Crazy an un-invitation?
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
I have to go get ready for tonight's festivities. I hope I can make it, if for some reason not, everything
should be done and you all enjoy your social time. I will definitely be at the Clueless Chili party
tomorrow though....
Remember, these Neutered Purple Squirrel drinks will make you feel like you are spinning and too
many will make you feel like you've been cloroformed and in a car trunk for 2 be careful.
Sammy will also be making his special Fusion shots too.
Farmchick says:
3 weeks ago
Kate in MO, THANKS SOOOOO MUCH! You hit it right on the head. No DIVORCE. Just enjoying
different things.
Rascal, so sorry about your Hubby. I dont know what I would do without mine. I cannot even imagine.
Nothing about Crazy today or I could tell Casey must of REALLY been coddled by George. However,
you can tell in that tape , that neither parent really believes her. Especially George. Just by his facial
expressions. Sounds like they did not care for Baez , and that if he was out of the pc, that they think
they could get her to talk. Man , though, there is some really deep seaded hatred from Casey towards
On the other hand, I find it funny that she would pick George to meet with. Lee would interrogate,
mom would dominate, and what..........George would believe her lies. I dont believe that. George was
the first to go to FBI behind all there baccks and admit he suspected a dead body. Why would Momster
think George,daddy, would believe her bullshit. Or, what did she think she wold get from him or not get
from him as opposed to the other 2.
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Well the Police were at the Anthony's house last night, we have not been able to find out why. Maybe
Cindy blew her cork about the emails asking them to take down that site for selling shirts. It had
nothing to do with the case.
Thank you, Farmchick I know sometimes hard to live with them but a whole lot harder with out them.
Take your vacation and enjoy.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Jo, can you get word through your sources to Crazy that she is NOT INVITED to the Chili party
tomorrow. I bet she wishes she could be here tonight to be our shot girl and pole dancer....
I think Crazy picked George because of some strange relationship she has with him. Besides, she
already figured it out that she is sitting in jail because mommy called 911 on her, brother lee threw her
under the bus with his interview and daddy is all she has left...besides, he is the one with the inside
connections to the jail people, sherrif, etc and can help her get what she wants the most. Makes sense to
me. Hellllloooo George, she is using you again. "Oh thank you Casey, I'm so glad you picked me, blah
blah blah". What a fool is is to play into that ego stroking,manipulative, patronizing bull shit!
Farmchick says:
3 weeks ago
Is there a trail to find out where that money is going? Also , are you allowed to sell things on
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, I think our Captain Steve would throw her ass over board.
The money they collected before, did not go for water and to help with the search.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Yes, you are allowed to sell stuff on myspace. I am sure they are asking where the money is going.
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Farmchick, I wasn't jumping to the conclusion that you were getting divorced; Zanny's comment just
sent me into a tirade. Being in a rural community, I have many friends who farm and I know it is
HARD HARD work, but those who do it wouldn't have it any other way. I would love to live on a farm
so I could have horses, but it just wasn't meant to be. The chili sounds great! You guarantee there will
be no squirrel hairs in it?? Oh well, I'm sure I've eaten plenty of Moxie hairs, so what's the dif? Have
you noticed we've had very few (if any) trolls since Wednesday started this new Hub page?
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Trolls, are no problem I send them home to there Mommy with a Lolli Pop, there color book and
crayon. LMAOROF
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Good for you, Rascal; they need a good old fashioned spank!
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
That is what is wrong now day's, not corrected. Casey has no respect for anyone, and only thinks about
SadieSkye says:
3 weeks ago
Steve-- Was Doug Whiner WEndys husband or brother? "Were Doug and Wendy Whinerrrrr...."
Cant you believe that last video released was their last visit... caseys last visit with anyone except
BoBo-Bozo.... shes gotta be losing her mind by now...I can see her in her cell just talking to herself....
anything to get the images flashing in her brain away.. if even for a second... Anyone for margaritas and
a movie on the lower deck? Ive got a bootleg copy of Slumdog Millionaire...(what casey always
aspired to be...heehee) I think it just might win the oscar this year.... Its goooood.... but really I do have
a copy and Margaritas and popcorn will be served at sundown...WoooHooo!!! Party on Wayne..Party
on Garth!!!!
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Sadie, Casey has refused to see her parents.
SadieSkye says:
3 weeks ago
Rascal-- I understand She refuses visits... I was only pointing out NG said that was her very last visit
and that was wayyyy long ago...she was arrested two more times after this...just put into perspective
how long its been... its all so crazy...we all cud never of predicted all the crap thats
happened..especially lately...
News media is going to follow up on where the money is going from sale of t-shirts. Don't be surprises
if the IRS is not lookiing into help find Caylee fund, Kidfinders & Gail St. John's group.
Link for On The Record show from last nights show Jan 15th:
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Sadie, I know what you mean, I just meant that is her punishing her parents, being selfish as usual. It is
going to be a lot longer. She could have company if she wanted to, just go to general population, LOL
I am going to my son's Birthday at 5, we are have a big party for him, he was in Missouri for 6 Months
working on a power plant there.
SadieSkye says:
3 weeks ago
Crap!!! i DIDNT OVERBOOK DID I!!! I havent read the last few hrs posts yet...but I just got wind (no
pun intended) of a chili party??? sorry if I over planned.... lol well if the chili party is tonite well just do
movie night tomorrow nite... Cool?
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
Sadie- Clueless chili party is tomarrow night. I'm ready for movie & drinks tonight on the deck.
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Good, Sadie, I thought I was going to have to fit TWO parties into my schedule...
Rascal, was your son at Iatan?? That's close to here, and my dad worked on it too (he was an
Casey, I'm making roast beef, potatoes & gravy, and gingered carrots tonight...mmm-mm-mm...oh, and
the homemade dinner rolls are rising now...with the strawberry jam I canned last summer...mmm-mm-
mm...what're you having today? Correctional Chili??
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Kate, Will try to remember to ask, I know it is a new one they put up. That would be such a small world
if they were there at same time.
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Rascal, must not be the same one, as Dad was there years ago...but there was an explosion or
something there not long ago so I thought maybe he was in on the repairs...
lisingit says:
3 weeks ago
Was that Aug 14 new video the last time she has seen her parents? I was thinking that perhaps Casey
really believes her story. Like some sort of post traumatic stress disorder and she's invented this story to
cope. Maybe she has blocked out the truth and is actually telling the truth to the best of her ability. But
then I did some reading on it, and she was telling tons of these lies before Caylee went missing.
At one point I thought Cindy was involved. But in this video, it is just heartbreaking to watch her. She
is absolutely sick with worry and grief. She has to be nice and calm with Casey in the hope that she
might tell them something. They don't want to piss her off.
Kate he was in Missouri on another one when the crane fell, scared me to death. I was so happy when
the phone rang and it was him telling me not to worry. I always worry about my kids just normal, and
he calls me when he leaves for home, and when he get home and when he stops for the night, that is
why I carry a cell phone.
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Ta picture. You like?
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
LMAOROF that is cute Kate. Mine looks like it is smiling.
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Rascal, I know what you mean...both my kids are grown and gone, but I still worry like a mother hen. I
remember when that crane fell. That was nice of him to call you so you wouldn't worry.
STEVE says:
3 weeks ago
Afternoon mates!! I was busy with my little one at his basketball game and in a few hours my 10 year
old takes the court! After that, I suggest we all head over to Kate because she got me salivating. Hope
that wasn't too gross of a visual but one thing I am is honest. Momster does not appear to have
Aspergers. I know someone very close to me who does and trust me, she doesn't. Other disorders,
probobly but Asbergers, not too likely I.M.O. As far as that ugly D word take it from me as a product of
it, it is always best to try and mend it instead of end it. After many years of what I can only describe as
hell, mine had to end. Slumdog millionaire is one of the top 3 movies of the year right there with
Batman and Ironman. Again, I.M.O. Rascal, I would throw her over and underboard! Gotta eat
something now because Kate got me real hungry for pizza.
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
The youngest calls every day to check on me, and of course it is always when NG is on, Joe and I laugh
about it, like how does he know I am watching that program. So I end up watching again. Jo and I talk
on Messenger while it is on and discuss the program. I was so gald when she got her messenger down
loaded we have fun.
Steve, I told the mates you would do that to Casey, I know I would do the same thing. Ha Ha, I had
Chiii last week at Pool, OMG thought I was going to half to call the Fire Dept I do not do hot food very
well. I am having Pizza tonight at the party.
SadieSkye says:
3 weeks ago
According to fashion forward Nancy Grace that was their last visit... what a way to end things....
Ccasey probably replays all her visits cuz their werent that many....over and over again inher mind like
a brady bunch episode Ive seen 100 times (literally..not proud of it but...literally) verifying and
clarifying to herself every word that she may have said astrewn and her voice tones and body language
that may have left a doubt in anyones minds who have view itor heard it... she probably runs that NG
info over and over again tooo. like steve said... shes losing it little by little every day... shes so
narcissistic she needs attention to verify her greatness and shes not gettin the kind that she starves for
and got her into this mess... wooo!!! that felt good... im afraid to let lose cuz i might do another one of
those footlongs i did a while back.... wait a minute... you know Imeant posts right? cuz I was kinda
sounding like Casey for a second huh? LOL!!!
Marie RN says:
3 weeks ago
Kate, I love your new pic! Looks like an innocent squirrel to me. The squirrel need to team up with ZG
in the defamation suit.
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
Losingit- Aug 14th was the last time the Anthonys visited Crazy while she was in jail. She was bonded
out by Padilla on Aug 21st. On Aug 29th she was arrested for check fraud. On Sept 5th she was bonded
out by 2 Florida bonding companies because Padilla had pulled his bond on her. Sept 15th she was
arrested again on new fraud charges. Sept 16th Crazy was released after bond was posted on those
fraud charges. Crazy was arrested Oct 14th & charged with 1st degree murder, aggravated child abuse
& aggravated manslaughter of a child. No one has visited with her except for attorneys & a pastor from
Anthony's church.
I believe bo bo head knew Caylee was dead but I do not believe Crazy has told anyone the truth. Judge
Strickland's comment in court is right on he said "Ms Anthony & the truth are strangers".
Marie RN says:
3 weeks ago
Jo, how on earth do you keep up with all that? By the way, has Good Old Boy made it over here yet
with his database?
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
I find it telling that she was quoting scripture during her parents' visit, but on the day Caylee's body was
found she wouldn't see the pastor...she wanted her lawyer.
I'm sad because you can't read the words on my squirrel picture unless you click on's too tiny.
Steve, I even made myself hungry; had to go fix a peanut butter sandwich to tide me over til dinner.
Everyone come on over about 5:30; we can have a good ol' "Missouruh" dinner and then go to Sadie's
for popcorn and movie. JMo, is Sammy busy tonight?
Hey, you said that Lee threw her under the bus with his interview...did I miss that? Does he have an
interview I can watch somewhere?
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
Kate- Here's the link for Lee's interview with OCSD on July 29th. He talks about the bad smell in the
car & what was going on at the house on the day 911 was called about Caylee.
losingit says:
3 weeks ago
Wow, thanks Jo.
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Thanks, Jo; just finished reading it. WOW was that a long one! (INTERVIEW, I mean!!) Love your
squirrel pic!
Kate in MO says:
3 weeks ago
Rascal, Love your squirrel picture too! Just now noticed it, haha!
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Kate thank you, I changed my Squirrel, Wednesday boy Squirrel put a smile on the face of my Girl
Squirrel, We could over load the Queen Mary with them, LOL
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Remember, the pizza party is tonight at 6pm. Twiggy is going to ski to shore later and pick up some
movies for us to watch: Gone with the Squirrels, Lord of the Squirrels, The Squirrel of Oz, Squirrel
Trek, Squirrel Gump, and even Nightmare on Hopespring Street. Fun starts at 6, but you can ask
Sammy for a drink anytime. He's open 24/7. (Makes a great Neutered Purple Squirrel drink (make you
feel like you have been choloroformed and locked in a car trunk for 2 days) and he makes a mean
Fusion shot (will make you forget all details). See ya there.
Tomorrow is the Clueless Chili party. Crazy is NOT INVITED. Im bringing the cornbread!
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Almost forgot, wear your sluttiest outfit and be ready to party. We will be playing another game of
CLUE. Click on my picture for your hints.
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, OMG hope you are not playing that song Tequila makes her cloths come off, that is Casey's song.
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Jo, that is the cutest ever. That picture has to go on the site! RB, that is probably on the music selection
tonight for sure! We are also going to play: She can't help it, the girl can't help it!, It wasn't me! and
several others that I can't think of at the moment. Pre party warm ups: go to this all have to
view the heathern white trash protester fight and the one called hot topic (girl with pink hair...she is
right on!)
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Wow where is everyone, I always miss all the fun!
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Kate in MO, you hit it right on the head. Your commentary (I reply, is exactly my feelings). You red my
I think Casey was told ABSOLUTLEY NO VISITS WHATSOEVER! One slip up right ow could be
devastating to the defense, and the family know this also. They are standing behind her and supporting
her all the way. They will and I am sure do watch NG,GVS,and all the other talk shows to see clipits of
their daughter.
You know exactly what I am talking about. Oh, and also to top off last summer my son fractured his C2
diving in our pool last year. He is doing better slowly but surely. Thank the Good Lord Above the
doctor said that he wasn't a quadrepalegic.
I just do not understand how you have this wonderful miracle and become so self absorbed and self
centered and jealous to the point of KILLING. To a normal person like me (Yes, I like to think I am
anyway,most times),I cannot phatom anything but INSANE.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I dont know! I thought everyone was excited about coming to the party. :-(
I was hoping we could all discuss the latest on Tim Miller and the news tonight. So sad for him...but he
sure puts Casey in her place! Good for him! The ANTS will turn on him next for telling how their
innocent little Casey was portrayed wrongly......
Lee, you are hilerious! Marie, I think, i am so sorry to hear of your husband not being with you on earth
any more. Steve, divorce here too. it is horrific when your wife/husband passes, but when it is divorce
there are no good memories. And th shit, oops, never seems to stop, even 12 years later. I am past
wanting a big bus to run him over, hmmm I think, but it still hurts to hear how great he is doing when it
ruined me and the kids. But oh well, better being alone than with an abusive drunk!
OK, I hope this link works. George came out before his interview even and said he thought Casey was
holding back information. AND Casey was wearing the "washed" pants the day she was last seen with
Caylee. Makes you go, hmmmm.
It also said she washed the pants before she even called the police because they smelled like the car,
and we all know the "Car smells like there's been a damn dead body in it".
She knew right off the bat, the very first day she got that car that Casey did something to her
grandaughter and her wheels were put in otion to COver UP!
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Anthony's attorney says Kronk went to that scene SEVERAL more times between Aug. calls to police
and Dec. finding of the remains. He also said There is Definitley going to be more come out about
Kronk. Geraldo asked something to the affect of are u assuming that and he said I KNOW there will be
for a fact.HMMMMMM
STEVE says:
2 weeks ago
STEVE says:
2 weeks ago
Hey Cindy, guess what? We know that you know that we know that you know that your daughter killed
your grandchild. It is alright that we know right? Cause we do. Now you know! So if you would like to
come back to planet earth where we reside, like I just said, it is alright. Also, say hi to Georgie for us
because we think he is coming around more and more as the weeks go by and I am sure that we like
that a whole lot more than you do. The ship thinks this because he seems to be the only ANT that wants
truth out of this. You do know that the truth will set you free right? Just ask your brother Rick and he
will tell you. Oh and another thing, you are guilty of a handful of things related to this case as well and
your family, L.E., the media, as well as us know this to be true. If you have any questions for the crew
please ask. One of us will be happy to get back to you. We are ranked #1 in customer service for almost
8 months now. But you already knew that as well.
Mimi 24 says:
2 weeks ago
Hey all~~~
Capn Steve I'm requesting permission to come aboard. I am so impressed with the way this site is
handled, a core group of very welcoming ADULTS who can agree to disagree. From reading your
comments I see that it has not always been this way, so glad you all stuck it out. I've been on quite a
few sites that were decimated by the ignorant and relentless behavior of those that only wish to cause
chaos and destruction. Again, Bravo to you for what you have done and continue to do here.
Wednesday, you did a fantastic job with this hub (hope you don't mind I joined your fan club.) Don't be
surprised one day when I jump in with my big mouth. Till then I continue to save all your links and
read them when I'm up with my frequent insomnia.
I had a monster migraine the night the latest 'mom'strosity video came on NG but I could not turn away.
Does anyone here watch the ID channel program 'Most Evil'? The doctor who hosts the program has
designed a scale of evil, I believe his scale currently tops out at 21 or 22. He will have to add a few
numerals to his scale to capture the vileness that is Casey.
your friend,
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Mimi 24- Welcome aboard !!!!
Farmchick- I saw Brad Conway on Fox News tonight with Geraldo too. Mr. Conway is now working
for the Anthonys so it is hard for me to believe anything he says. Sounded to me like the new plan is to
throw Roy Kronk under the bus. Parts of his story seem a little squirrely but he did not put Caylee in
the trunk of Crazy's car after he made the chloroform to kill her. If Bo Bo head goes into court with his
defense being Meter Reader did it, I believe it will only make a jury convict his client alot quicker.
STEVE says:
2 weeks ago
Losingit, we will have a fresh friut basket waiting for you in your cabin upon your arrival. And a big
party that evening, we promise. Be safe! And yes Wednesday, 2 thumbs and squirrel ears way way up!!!
Mr Brad Conway, please provide entertainment like the other Mrs. Conway's son Mr. Tim Conway.
Nannie27 says:
2 weeks ago
My internet has been down all evening - just got it back and read everyones comments- must go to bed
now though. See you all tomorrow--- Goodnight
Nannie27 says:
2 weeks ago
Oh no - the words are too small to read on my pic - it says Crazy doesn't even begin to cover it!!!!!
SadieSkye says:
2 weeks ago
Tim Conway= Mrs. Wiggens I mean Mrs. AWiggens... The Best....
Well Our first movie nite was a roaring success.... i know it was short notice so not everyone cud come
but next time there will be more of a heads up...
(Pretty soon were gonna get a call from the Dr phil show... for some on air therapy... cant wait.. then
well all finally get to meet and have some real margaritas and a movie....) lol
Angeleyes`* says:
2 weeks ago
I have been watching this case grow from the first day..I have always believed that Casey used the
zanny the nanny phrase for whatever not whoever was taking care of Caylee..chloroform, zanax or
another form of drugs, etc. and I think she had done this more than once, I also believe that Cindy knew
from the start when Caylee was missing and she smelled that odor in the car and on the pants that she
knew also something bad had happened to Caylee
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Hey, I just got home, hopefully I won't wake anyone as I crawl into my bunk! How was the party? I
could use a nitecap, but think I will pass. Jo, that is awful that Conway is saying that about
it will be real f'n interesting how he ties all the other bs in about Casey to prove know, telling
her friend Amy she is getting rid of the smell in the car, lying for a month and not reporting caylee
missing, being a habitual liar, saying she was working, and everything else in that police report! How
could any of that have to do with anyone but her??? I am so sick of this crap. Convict the low life
already! Never let her prance 'around like she just won a cheerleading contest' 'with a big smile on her
face" again. What a freak! Tim Miller told it like it is.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Sad, but it has now reached the point where no one cares who killed CAYLEE. It now becomes a game
for the lawyers and who can win over whom in the court. However, don't forget to read tonight's link
for topic in the morning (in case you missed the party).
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good morning, All hands on deck, no excuses about to much Pizza and drinks. Come on people what
do you think this is the Love Boat, Captain Steve why is your crew missing? I see Cindy still has the
site up to sell T Shirts, I guess she will be defiant and still try to make a buck to live on.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Ahoy mates, GranNaw re-embarking ship after a much needed shore leave. Too bad I missed the
parties, sounds like sammy our bartender had it goin on.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good morning GranNaw, happy to see you on duty. Not much news this weekend, I am still surfing to
see why the cops where at the Anthony house, no luck. I do know it had nothing to do with the case.
Hmm do you think the neighbors called because there was turmoil in the house, dam could not imagine
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Yes I have in fact we have been writing to George and asking them to stop making money off of
Caylee's death, This is wrong for them to make money and use this as a business. They are still using
the public, shame on them. They want people to send money to George,, well not in my lifetime will I
help them. As long as they support Casey, I have no respect for them.
STEVE says:
2 weeks ago
Last night there was a double feature of Squirrel King and Squirrel King 1 1/2. A roaring success (no
lion pun intended) However, when we ask for x-tra butter for the popcorn, I mean xxxx-tra butter! I
will not name names or throw anyone under any bus, ship, or other moving vehicle at this time but we
all know who was in charge of the concession stand now don't we! Aubree's Grandma, Cindy is quite
upset that the 4 T-shirts that you mentioned are outselling hers at about a rate of 2500-1. She demands
all profits be sent to her house immediately if not sooner. Please inform her that the check is in the
mail. Again I say that this person will never get her head around the fact that no matter the overflowing
evidence that weighs about 500 lbs. in document form, her daughter (mommy of the year) had nothing
to do with any of it. She will go down on her little life raft yelling, unless there is a video of her
harming Caylee, she did nothing wrong. There is a vidoe this morning of BOBO Head practicing how
to dot his i's and cross his t's that she can make copies of. Hey, great idea Cindy, with every shirt that
you sell, give a BOBO video away for free! P.S. Hey Deb in Vegas, I bet (get it, bet) that the brunch at
Caesars Palace this morning is quite a bit better than the one being served to momster!!!!!!
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
I have been writing to the Anthony's since the initial air samples came back in September. It obviously
does not good, other than it it makes me feel better to know that I have expressed my feelings about
whatever the topic of the week. I actually emailed George during their Larry King appearance the night
before Caylee was actually found. They never respond to anything they perceive as "negative", but that
doesn't stop me. Oh, and I make a special point to send them a new letter from every zip code I visit
when I'm traveling.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, I will hurry and write my check on the smallest Ice Cube I have, and send it on the next ship
from China. Steve you like your popcorn like I do, lots of butter.
Kate in answer to your question last night, my son was in Weton Missouri working on power plant
there. We had a great Birthday party for him last night.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
So no comments on last nights news anyone?
Looks like babies, bad moms, kidnapping and drugs are common place in Florida. In this morning:
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Oh, don't forget the Clueless Chili party today. Everyone wear their orange jumpsuits and chains to
show their sympathy for Crazy, lol.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Me too. We could have that showing during the party.....Crazy, your not invited! Na, na, na, na, na! Get
angry now. I bet it is just really killing her to know that club fusion had a grand reopening and she
couldn't be there.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Must of missed something JMo - I didn't see any news that was news to me last night, but I had been at
the bar a while, so I may have missed it.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, have you had any luck yet? I can't seem to find anything up yet on it either. I forget where we
got those 911 logs before showing all the incidents at that residence where LE had been called out
going back a couple of years. I have been trying to refind that. I think it must have been a FOI request.
Off to check local 6.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
GranNaw, no I could not find anything on it. Out of time I need to get my but to the pool game, see you
all tonight.
SadieSkye says:
2 weeks ago
Good Afternoon--- just testing my SWEET avatar....
Nannie27 says:
2 weeks ago
Ok I feel SICK (and I wasn't even at the party last night) but I watched a true crime show last night
where a guy was found innocent of killing his wife-BUT they interviewed the jury members after and
they said that they ALL felt he did it BUT because of one small piece of DNA on her hand that was
found to be inconclusive they HAD to say not guilty. This is the kind of thing that worries me about
this case - even though they have so much on her, something small could get her off. I can hardly stand
to think about it.
themartins says:
2 weeks ago
hi guys !!! you guys are all so smart..... thx for being here...thx to wednesday morning for her awesome
i just want to ask...does anyone know about "google earth' can type in the address and get an ariel
view of anywhere from a satelite...can they go back and see the address where baby was found...maybe
they can see caycee dumping caylee...?????????
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Well I go away for a few months and come to find out you moved ---lucky you left a forwarding
address -haha I gather this is most of the group from four months ago but it seems to have mellowed a
bit. No more rough discription of some of the bloggers. So what happened? It seems you have jumped
ships (no pun intended) hahaha
It has taken me forever to catch up. Am in what next?
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Welcome back CarambaCarol. The old site had not been maintained and was soooo slow to post, so
Wednesday Morning very graciously set this page up a few days ago. Not sure what happened to Futy. I
hope everything is OK and/or works its self out for her.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Gran thanks for the welcome I thought all this Casey/Caylee thing was over and here I come back to
find out all these gruesome things that have been discovered. I have tried to catch up with everything
that has been published but my GOD is this for real??? It seems like everytime any of them Anthonys
fart it comes out as a lie. If all this was not happening for real it would just seem like a real bad B
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
themartins, I just went and did a google earth search, pretty cool how you can see how close they lived
to the site where Caylee was found. Looks like it may even meet up to their back yard. I don't know if
you can go back and search a different time though. Gives you much more prespective on where
location is to their house. Looked to see if there was any news on why police where at Anthony's the
other night but can't find anything. Very slow news is driving me crazy!
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
hey donagal we have the same picture I will go and change mine since it looks like you had yours first
go ahead and fix yours so you can see the whole thing.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
CarambaCarol, wish it was just a bad B movie. Poor little Caylee and her Monstermom.
They are still going at it and not giving anything up.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Don't know how to, thanks I will work on it, not very computer savy. Seems like everyone is finding
crazy squirrel pics to honor the ones Crazy discredited.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Well we all know that "the truth will set you free" but not in this case. These people dont seem to know
what the truth is even if it bit them in the ass.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
I used to live in Orlando not far from where all this happened. It was so strange to see all this
happening in such a quiet neighborhood. Poor little girl. This woman has to pay for what she has done.
All her antics wont get her out of this. This last video released was just too funny to see her having a
temper tamtrum like she probably had when she didnt get her way.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
True CarambaCarol, she can really throw a tamtrum, I felt bad seeing her parents in so much pain. But
I don't feel bad for them anymore, they won't face the truth, I can see how hard it would be, I have
children, but come on there is so much evidence and why the hell would a "nanny" steal her anyway??
Doesn't make sense anything she has said and her family just feeds into it. I thought at first they just
defended her to get info, but the baby is gone and they know she did it. Just last week Cindy was
caught emailing that Crazy is innocent and wouldn't hurt Caylee. Reality is no where near Cindy, I
believe George knows and has known but goes along for fear of Cindy or from fear it will put Cindy
over the edge even more. They act like everyone is against them and when they act like this they are, if
they would just admit their daughter is a murderer people would have more compassion for them.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
What I dont understand is why this case has taken over the life of so many people? I mean at the
beginning I was up on everything that was said or showed on tv and I read everything as soon as it was
released, but at one point something more important has taken my attention and I refuse to let all this
get to me like it was. I did cry when I found out they had found bits and pieces of this little girl- but
something has told me all along that she was dead. I just never thought they would find her like that.
My GOD how can any mother do anything like this to her own child?
Grand idea, Wednesday, writing a new hub. We need to get JamaGenee over here to add her flavor.
I would like to watch the whole new video. I think I saw a link up there a ways, I'm going to try to go
find it.
Rascal, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. You could probably tell some great stories and
give some grand advice based on your 30 wonderful years of marriage.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Caylee has touched the hearts of so many. I think it has consumed some because its so hard to believe a
parent could do this. So many on this site are parents and feel the loss of this child more then her own
mother did or does. That's what captivates people, even in other cases of mothers killing their children
they have come clean at some point soon after discovered. Not Crazy, she didn't even tell anyone, if it
wasn't for her mother she would have gone on forever not telling. Wonder how she thought she would
get away with that. Maybe she had plans of moving away where no one knew her.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Evening ProudMom, welcome back, u were missed.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
The video was interesting because it hooks up to the day when George came out of the jail and
someone said something about Caylee being dead and he went off on the media guy. I can see why he
was so pissed when he came out after the fantastic visit with his wonderful daughter. It has taken a long
time to piece these things together.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Everyone is interested in this true story the BO BO Head says that Crazy will tell, and everyone will
know the truth. Well we already know the truth! Crazy did it!!!! She thinks if she keeps on with her lies
she can get out of this. Should be one hell of a ride!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good afternoon shipmates, glad to see almost all of the shipmates made it over, It was a wonderful day
at pool, I think the best I have ever had 2, 8 ball breaks, and ran the table on the break and won the beer
frame, yahooo I am still excited. Proud Mom, sure glad you are back safely.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Well I think the true story that will come out is something we all know already about Joseito - quoting a
character I truly respect "What a maroon!"
Rascal, I read in the hotel's copy of USA Today that we are actually expecting, if not already
experiencing, a sqiurrel shortage. They were blaming it on a shortage of acorn crops, but I think they
didn't hear that Casey actually ran over them all in her car.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom thats what I dont understand why all this immunity talk for people who are supposed to
have told the truth when they were interviewed by detectives. Am I to understand that he is asking to be
excuse from class because he lied when he told the teacher his dog ate his homework when in fact he
was making out with the class hoochie? If you get what I mean. There is no excusing anyone for lying
or omitting something or forgetting to say something that had to do with with this case. Anyone who
lied under oath should be prosecuted forget all this immunity crap.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Steve! ProudMom you are correct they can't use what he says against him but if they find other
evidence of the crimes he speaks of they can prosecute him.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, Casey does not have the mind of a 10 year old, my grand daughter is almost 5 and she is more
mature then Casey. And very respectful of others.
Proud Mom, we are saving the Squirrels, Captain Steve is allowing them on the Queen Mary.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Congrats Rascal! Don't know much about pool (except the swimming kind) but sounds like you had a
great nite.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Very Cold Proud Mom, about 20 degrees the last couple of days, no big snows though, just little
flurries. If it is going to snow I wish it would just be one big one and get it over with! You know, snow
us in for a couple of days. I Love those days.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Darn what I dont get is dont the Anthonys and their con artist business realize that no one is going to
buy anything from them? IRS alert...did George learn anything from them Nigerian crooks or was that
just another lie? Hummm its taking me a long time but hey once a used car salesman always a used car
salesman. No offense to any used car sales professional who might be blogging here. Hello Steve and
Rascal Brat.
Still trying to scan through the comments up there, and I've still not had the opportunity to watch the
newest release of jailhouse videos. So Cindy tried to give her a Bible and momster said BO BO said
she couldn't have hers? I'm with Wednesday, I'd like to know what's in that Bible of Cindy's. My guess
is she scratched out the 9th commandment a long time ago.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Hard to believe George who is in law enforcment fell for such a scam. But then again he's been
believeing Crazy all these years.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom worst part is that she was quoting the bible when her parents were there on the 14th. Of all
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Hey Donagal the bigger they are - the harder they fall! Hey Proud Mom maybe Cindy had cut out the
pages out and put a squirrel in the bible.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Joseito took the squirrel out cause if it had balls the size of the one in the pic he was jealous hence
Casey didnt get the bible.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
HAAAAAAAAA to funny CarambaCarol
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Though you have to admit Bo Bo Head must have some pretty big ones to take on this case and believe
he is going to win. Either that or he is plain stupid. I vote for stupid.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
donagal, thank still in shock, my team was so excitedmy friend grabbed my cut stick and i grabbed her
and off we went to home, So wednesday we need to exchange cue sticks lol.
ProuudMon , I have to Oak trees pleanty of acorns want me to send some, LMAOROF They sound like
bombs when they hit my roof.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal thanks for the welcome but let me get this straight- y'all seem to be on a ship as big as the
Queen Mary- the one tied up out there in California and made into a hotel or the QM2 that I have
cruised about 12 times now? If it is the latter let me show you all around....this way please watch your
step I dont want you to trip over them nuts around the corner
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
hey Rascal I always knew you needed to know your math and angles to really shoot pool - I am good a
pool but only the one my grandaughter and I play on the Webkinz site its very realistic.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I personally like real pool table, the net pool does nothing for me. I threatened to throw out the
furniture to just have a table, lol
No books of any kind are allowed brought from home, that is the reason Casey could not have it. No
radios, Casey had to buy one from commisary.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Well I am not a math genius, but years of playing helps. I used to practice every day 3 and 4 hrs a night.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal I like my reason better but it is true. I used to know someone who was at the Cocoa correctional
facility and one day i wrote a letter and put one sticker on it i think it was a halloween pumkin and they
send the letter back all the way back here to England. They are afraid of drugs being on the sticker. I
didnt know that.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Yes Carol that is why the book can not come in they feel on a hard back book, someone could hide
drugs. Same with radio on the inside.
Rascal, when I was little, we lived in a metal trailer house while our home was being built. An apple
tree hung over the roof. In the fall, we would hear ALL NIGHT, "BOOM!" followed by the rolling
sound as it rolled to the end of the trailer and plopped on the ground. The little plastic flowers that they
put to cover the nail heads on the ceiling would pop off and land on my brother in his sleep. I can only
imagine what acorns would sound like!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Grannaw, you said you didn't see last nights news posted. It is right above your post about 2 up, so not
sure why you missed it....anyway, I posted it before the party and then first thing this morning for those
who missed it. You have to click on the link I post though to read the news article. Hope that helps.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Here, I will post it again.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
They used the word CONTRABAND a lot when you look at the list of things you cant send while they
are in jail.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Is it time for the clueless chili party to start if so I'm ready.
LETS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Here is today's news from just 3 hours ago!,2933,480477,00.html
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
ProudMom, I am sure the apples hit a lot harder then acorns.
STEVE says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom, were good! But,on a truly sad note, The Queen Mary is again up for sale. Damn those
ANT's got me in an uproar now! They heard we were squatting and they snitched. Rascal, please tell
your grandchild I am so sorry for my fauxpaw and I am hoping to get the address where to send her
something quite adorable that she will love! Also for the other shipmates
too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHILI, CHILI, CHILI.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Well am off to bed it is 12:38 am here in England. good night all.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I am changing my picture....We need to start an investigation...I found this squirrel "duct taped" to the
other side of the door in room 234! Hmmm, that seems like one of Casey's codes to me.......Was a
prirate on the boat?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, We know where Casey is, ha ha right were she belongs. But did Cindy climb aboard?
Do not call the Physic, she does not know her (_!_) from a hole in the groud!!!
STEVE says:
2 weeks ago
Sleep well Carol!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yikes, it could be any of the ANTS! Weird this took place in room 234! Casey gave Lee that code in
the jailhouse tapes....who would of thought it would tie in to one of the rooms on our boat. Lee must
have the roll of duct tape! I think he would sneak on board before Cindy does. Maybe he is trying to
scare us....kind of like the old 'horse head' trick?
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Just got done reading site JMo posted, now I'm really curious as to why the police were at the
Anthony's this last week. Maybe NG will find out for us! Oh well good nite all, have to make sure I
throw out my pizza boxes, don't want it to start smelling like a dam dead body in here!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, if you sign up on hub page we can email. Any mail comes threw the hub and not your personal
email addy! Then we can be on your friend list. And you do not half to put a pic up .
Donagal, We do know it had nothing to do with the case, maybe they were fighting and the nieghbors
called the police.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
JMO- You crack me up!! I think it is Lee he has shifty eyes. I've been looking for the video from last
nights Geraldo show with Brad Conway. I want to see the part again where he is talking about Roy
Kronk. If you find a link for it before I do would you post it.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom, thank you for joining my fan club! I do have some Red Baron, but I have a whole lot more
Snoopy where it's related to the holidays or the games, heck! I have a room full from floor to ceiling!!
How do I respond to a question without posting it on the site? (sorry, I'm new to blogging!!)
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Link to post about Geraldo At Large show from last night Jan 17th.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Have I missed the clueless chili party? My squirrel will be taking photo's so don't have too many of
those drinks sammy is so famous for or there will be evidence.
I have not found anything official regarding why the police were at the Anthony's but I am guessing is
has something to do with either all the hate mail/email they surely receive or it may have been
something they found left on the step for them. It's something they are perceiving as threatening is my
guess. Maybe it was that email from Rascal.....
I really hate these "no news" weekends where NG is just repeats from earlier in the week- never get
anything good on the weekend!
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Jo- I love it when Geraldo lets her have it but then he can be so wishy washy-
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
GranNaw- I'm still partying!! woo hoo!! Clueless chili is delicious. Grab yourself a drink & join in.
Maybe Anthony family was having another free for all & neighbors called the cops. I'm also trying to
find out why they were there. Strange how none of the local stations are not reporting anything about it.
Makes me wonder if a ambulance was called to home because Cindy went off the deep end over the
nasty e-mails about the t-shirts. Oh well lets party on!!
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Its not really funny I guess, but when I was looking at the local stations pages earlier there was a blurb
about "man threatens wife with chain saw" -- Damn! I just knew that ole Georgie boy had finally come
to his senses, but it was some dude in Tampa damn it!
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Hate to be a party pooper, but I have an early meeting tomorrow with my one of my advertising
account execs and I still need to type up my talking points before I crash out for the night. I may check
back in a bit before I hit the bunk.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
GranNaw- George with a chain saw & chasing Cindy around. LMAO
I think Geraldo is wishy washy too. Don't really like his show at all but not alot else on weekends. He
makes me so mad when he attacks LE & spins things in Bo Bo Heads favor. Last night he didn't even
try to find out what Brad Conway was talking about in reference to the meter reader. If you asked me
he was helping camp crazy throw Roy Kronk under the bus. That is just not right when there is nothing
to back that up.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Good Night Gran Naw! Have a good day tomarrow.
Sorry about multiple post. My squirrel friend is helping me & I think she had a little to much wacky
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Everyone! It's been almost 2 days since I've visited and it took me forever to catch up! Sammy, set
me up with one of those Fusion shots!
I was having a tussle with my new pressure cooker(my Christmas present to ME) when I discovered it
DOESN"T WORK!!!!! After putting my seasoned roast in it, I couldn't get the pressure to build up so
had to cook in conventional oven and stay up ALL STINKIN NIGHT. I should have taken it down to
the Anthony's; I'm sure their house is a pressure cooker right about now...
EVERYBODY'S getting squirrel pictures-cool! I think my favorite so far is jo1031's...he looks like the
sleuth that's going to solve this case for good!
Proud Mom, thanks for the welcome's nice to have you as a ship-mate.
Well, this is short 'cause I'm too tired to type...see you all tomorrow!
Deb in Vegas says:
2 weeks ago
Yep Steve, I bet you're right about brunch at Caesars Palace. But I wouldn't mind bettin that my
breakfast at McDonald's this morning is better than anything she's gettin.
Never you mind Casey just grab you another one of them Ho-Hos and Ding- Dongs (that's jail talk for
commissary) and a few more of them snicker bars so we can watch your wide behind next time we see
you in court. And boy are me and me squirrel posse are gonna laauugghh!
I'm betting on a domestic disbute. Maybe somebody is finally spitting out the Casey Kool-aid, all is not
well in the Ants household.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Jo, can you get Sleuth Squirrel to investigate the happening in room 234 below deck? We need
fingerprints right away. The poor squirrel is duct taped to the back of the door. Sad. I think the ANTS
had the cops over to make complaint about someone who was threatening them. Lee probably thought
it was us and snuck on board to use the duct tape. I hope they all get caught lying some more.
I used to have some respect for their attorney, but now I think it is all going to everyone's heads and
they are wacking out! The ANTS have no other angle but this weak crap with Kronk. Poor guy, do they
really think they can make anything out about how he could be connected. The ANTS should be kissing
his ass every day and Thanking Him for finding Caylee so they can get closure! What a bunch of
nimwits! I think they are just mad and are blaming him, because now all the evidence points to Crazy,
whereas before, they could of kept up the Nanny story. I guess Kronk ruined that one for them, eh!
Dumbasses! I need a drink, make it a double!
One of you (I think Georgia girl??) submitted our site to search engines so other people interested in
this case can find us too. I got an e-mail from google & yahoo about that. (Thank you for submitting!!)
Also got an e-mail from HubPages... They said they "don't provide chat rooms". Apparently, they're not
fond of our off-topic conversations.
I did get a few notes from people saying they would like to come here to find information about the
Anthony saga & wish there wasn't so much chit-chat to sift through.
And also got a few notes from you guys saying you like the new room. You're welcome!
So I guess the general census is that we should try to stay on-topic a little better (I know, I know, It's
hard on slow news days. I'm right there with ya!)
I'll get the page cleaned up & archived this week. ;-)
Anything new on the Casey Anthony saga today?
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, we really should abide by the rules of the hub. I guess personal stuff can be sent via email if you
want to talk about that. (or we could develop our own codes like the ANTS, lol). Anyway, I do try to
post the topic every night for discussion, but seems it never gets talked about. Last night twice and
twice today I posted a news link and not one comment. I thought it was interesting stuff. Here it is
again. (I will try to start a conversation with it too.
So, do you think some of this 100,000 dollars the crazy bitoch has blown should be repaid by the
ANTS? (since they are taking her side so much and you know that she can't earn the money). Maybe it
needs to come out of their Tshirt sales. Forget the greedy ass, publicity seeking lawyers....this guy and
his equusearch was wronged!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Here is a link that provides a lot of compiled information that we can use to find stuff to discuss the
case (on slow days).
Also, there are interactive games at the bottom (for our really slow days) like fingerprint memory
game, life of a crime game, deadly women, the killer within and most evil.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
JMO- I did see that story about TES spending all that money on the search for Caylee. I have never
liked or understood why the Anthonys treated him the way they did. I think they should donate any
money left in the help find Caylee fund to TES. They should also give them the money for the t-shirts
they are selling & if they did get money for the rights for photos & videos they should give that to them
also. If they would do that they would somewhat redeem themselves in my eyes. But I won't hold my
breath waiting for that to happen.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Great ideas. Not only that, but when this is all over, G, C and L should all volunteer back their time till
the debt is paid! G could put those good detective skills of his back to work (lol). Maybe they should
know what everyone has gone through trying to find little Caylee. I know they are tore up about it and
all, but they need to get off the Casey, Casey, Casey crap and start paying back the community (since
they have been hindering this thing from the beginning).
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I can just picture Casey "running around like she just won the cheerleading competition", can't you.
How disrespectful and disgraceful! G and C should of reigned her in and said knock off the stupid
behavior. But no, instead Casey was home making brownies the night she got out of jail. I would of
been screaming and crying, CAYLEE, CAYLEE at the top of my lungs through every square inch of
that search! Not a greiving mother by any means. Tim Miller probably wanted to shake her a good one.
Angeleyes`* says:
2 weeks ago
read this on zg Zenaida Gonzalez & Annie Leigh Downing’s Excellent Adventure: Zannie and Annie
Go to Traffic Court | Scared Monkeys
Angeleyes`* says:
2 weeks ago
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Carol, What is your picture of?
Does anyone know why George isn't on the police force anymore? What happened to Dominic saying
he was on the phone with a sick daughter? If convicted, will Crazy be moved to the general population?
OMG, ProudMom!! Are you a Snoopy collector too? Can't wait to see the picture this Christmas! How
Wednesday, I LOVE this site because of all of the comradery, and new info and off subject remarks! Is
that not allowed in blogging?! (Sorry, this is my first blog ever and I'm still learning!)
2 weeks ago
T.G.I.M. mates. I do not expect much news today since it is M.L.K. day so we will have to keep the
ship anchored for the time being. A good chance to clean up from the weekends festivities. Now a few
random thoughts... Cindy is an old version of momster with that same anti social behavior pattern
ESPECIALLY if you are not on her page with all of this. Then, you will be taken off this years
Christmas card list and thrown out with todays garbage like so many people that were truly trying to
help her family find answers. But answers were not what she wanted. All she wanted was for this to all
go away but only on her terms. She in part lit the fuse to this powderkeg years ago and it was not a
matter of if something bad was going to come to pass with momster, but when. Maybe years from now
she will be different than todays Cindy but I am talking years, quite a few. By then, I expect things to
be very different for her with more people that she has now to be distant from her. J.M.O. Let's all stay
tuned. Again, one of my favorite shows back in the day was SOAP! What a cast! What writing! On the
next episode will momster have any visitors? Will someone make a funny mistake and accidently put
her in general population? Will Cindy find someone new to blame? Will George be re-united with the
doghouse? Will Lee ever smile again? Will BOBO Head fall on his head and have some sense knocked
into it? Will we know the tox results anytime soon? Will Natisha Lance fire back at Nancy Grace?
These answers and many more on the upcoming episodes of As Our Stomach Turns.
KK'S MOM says:
2 weeks ago
maybe someone could design a t-shirt and we could put it on ebay for sale and the proceeds could go to
tim miller's group? i mean if shirts are selling, maybe it could be for a good cause instead of the
anthony's bank roll?
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Snoopy my picture is of a Halloween dessert I make called "Kitty Litter Cake" but I have a new pic
so I can be part of the "Squirrel Brigade"
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
HI Steve,
Will the attention the ANTS are getting ever wane? Arent they passed their 15 minutes of fame? I
understand that a lot of what has happened in America lately has passed me by because I am not there
anymore but I visit there several times a year and I was there in July 2008 when all this started. That is
how I know about this case. No one here really knows what is going on with this case because they
have their own problems here.
I think that is this pretty much is in comparison with the traffic slowing down to a halt cause too many
people slow down to see what has happened to some unfortunate motorist on the road. What will truly
happen if we all just stop talking about these people and perhaps find something more interesting to do
with our time?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
The reason I am on is because I want to know what really happened and why Casey did this. Why any
Mother would do something like this to a child that they should of protected, and loved not been
jealous of.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Rascal its 5pm here - I just read in the mid day news that Joseito is going to ask for a change of
venue soon. Well like I said before maybe he could change it to here its the only way he is going to find
someone who hasnt heard about this sorry excuse for a human he is representing. Even if they find her
not guilty - and we all know she is---normal human beigns dont behave like she did. She (Casey)
should have understood that because this litel gel was so young she needed the attention she was
getting from the grand parents. What kind of bull shit is that excuse- she was mad at her mother for
loving her grandaughter-so she goes off and kills her to show her mother who is in control. I do believe
that no matter where they move this case to - he will still have some major problems finding someone
who hasnt heard about this case in Florida or anywhere else in the continental US.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
There is so much evidence against Casey, I do not think even changing it to Ten Buck Two would help
get her off. I think she need to get used to the new style of cloths she is wearing now. She can sit in her
little cell and fill the trash can up with Snicker wrappers, and gain weight.
2 weeks ago
Good Morning Carol. I think what "attracts" us with this case is the complete severity of it. As a parent,
everything that momster has done since we got to know and understand her is a complete 180 from
what you, I, and the other mates would do! The fact that her parents did not in any way want to remove
any or all doubt with the public (take the poly) really added fuel to the fire. The lies, spins, and
complete B.S. was the coup de gras as far as I am concerned. I have in the past given my thoughts,
opinions and the jist of what I think happend to Caylee and I will be the first to say that no, I do not
know 100% that I am correct. Only 99%!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
JMo reporting in. Here is today's news and topic:
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I have talked to many people here in Colorado and Texas who have no clue who I am talking about
when I mention it, so I am sure there are a lot of people like that everywhere. I just don't like the part
about the taxpayers money being spent on this garbage! I bet one of those taxpayers got really mad and
wrote a threatening letter to the ANTS or threw a rock through their window. They have to know why
this angers people so much...people are not "just ignorant and fabricating stories about Casey" as Casey
(in her video) would like to convince her parents that they are.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Steve and Rascal I spent the better part of my adulthood being a single parent to three children one was
bipolar one was born severely disabled and autistic and the last one had ADDH since he was 7 years
old. All this I dealt while single. No help from fathers. All I know is that with all the time I spent at
parenting classes and family councelling - not ever did anyone of my children got away with any
behaviors. So when I see what this one person alone has caused - it makes me wonder----WHY was she
allowed to get away with those behaviors? Why wasnt she taken to someone who could have stopped it
all? As I did.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, I will go the extra mile on that 99 percent, make my vote 100 percent, and that has been my
feelings from the beginning. All the lies in the beginning made up my mind. No Mother lies like that
and does not do everything in there power to help find there child, I could not imagine not trying to
help and be truthful to the full extent. This is the sickest case I have ever seen, from the sickest person I
have ever seen. I do not mean she did not know what she was doing mentally she knew exactly what
she was doing. Covering her own ass, she thought she would get away with her fantasy story.
Carol, I see some of the same behavior in Cindy, and I think she did not want to admit that Casey is the
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Soooo ok where would you suggest they move the trial to??? They are talking Jacksonville and or
Miami. I would love to see the bill to date of how much of the people's tax money has been spent on
this case.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Hell send her to Irac let them judge her.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Lawyers really don't care if their client is guilty or innocent! They only care if 'they win or not' in the
court room. It is now a game of the lawyers.
It really doesn't matter about the crime, right or wrong, etc. That is how the scum can represent
someone like OJ, Scott, Susan S, Ted B, Casey A., etc. They want the money and the fame. They will
gladly represent whatever story their client tell them (i.e. the ANTS).
Look how the attorneys buddy up and hang together outside the court room. They don't care about
these people at all!!! They care about the MONEY and their REPUTATION as an attorney. Sad but
true. Poor Caylee, you know she died in vain! There will never be justice for that child.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
OMG Carol!! I love the "Bad Squirrel!" LOL! What a hoot!!
As for the trial being moved... what do you think Steve? Head the boat Crazy's way and volunteer as
jurors?!! Wow! That would be the quickest trial of the century, don't you think?
The reason I'm so interested in this case is because of the lack of concern of Crazy! It's unfathomable to
me that she can remain without emotion about her own daughter!!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, You are so right no matter what they do to Casey, Caylee is gone.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I like how Casey has convinced the ANTS that there is 'so much that no one knows' that makes her
innocent. They obviously are still buying in to that manipulative bull shit and now preaching it
themselves. What could change the facts about her wild lies, not reporting and partying (ALL WHILE
TRASH)? I can't believe they are allowing Casey to spin their heads around. They must be stupid or
something...or wait, Casey has them beleiving that it is 'everyone else' who is ignorant and they need to
'ignore them' and everyone just 'needs to get a life' (as she puts it). ANTS...stop listening to her psycho
babble. She is a crazy biotch who murdered your precious grandchild....hellllloooooo.
However, I think the single one thing she said that is really haunting me is this:
When Cindy asked her what message she could give to Zanny, Casey replied: "Just tell Zanny that you
forgive her"! Does that not wrap it all up there? Casey, to me is admitting she did it and is asking for
Cindy's forgiveness. In Casey's mind, she is Zanny. She needs Cindy's forgiveness, to move forward
with all of this.
As long as Cindy stays angry, Casey won't talk. Thats why she can talk to George. Lee and Cindy won't
let her off so easy. My prediction to this whole thing is that she will eventually confess to George, if
anyone at all.
2 weeks ago
I do not think it will be in her area. Somewhere in Florida though which is better than anywhere in my
state which when it comes to high profile cases is also known as the state of confusion! I do not think
BOBO Head wants any of us on the jury or anywhere near it. The defense is going to have to use the
old smoke and mirrors and even more smoke to tell a story as to why momster lied about everything
when questioned. Anyone in their right mind is going to try very hard to keep a straight face but they
will be laughing inside very hard. They will also get angrier as it goes on thinking that the defense is
trying oh so hard in insulting their intelligence. An uphill battle to put it mildly. Heck, I have a list for
the state of obvious things to say so I am sure that they have an even bigger and better one. If there is
so much evidence and documents going against her as we have heard I see only one outcome. Perhaps
that plea deal looks like a lottery ticket these days. Sadly though, it is now a ticket that is lost and can't
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I think Lee and Cindy knew from day one, that is why pants were washed and the cover up began. Lee
and Casey talking code when she was in jail, it was to obvious to me. Then all the spin with sitings was
to distract anything from Casey and where Caylee was dumped. Oh and going back to the beginning
Cindy giving wrong hair brush and think she was such a smart ass about it, And refusing to give the
Detectives any thing of Caylee's to help with search dogs, not her brightest decision. They are all
involved in cover up. They lost my respect a long time ago, and when you start to feel something for
them they still support Casey. No way in hell do I feel sorry for them. I fell sorry for Tim Miller being
used and the Detectives putting up with there BS.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
I might get an invitation to be on the jury as I still have my Florida Driver's Lic. I would not like to be
on that jury. I am sure there will be many many pictures that they will have to look at and I think I
would have nightmares and perhaps need someone to hipnotize me to be able to go to sleep again.
Mind you as involved as I was about this case for a while I still have not had any bad dreams the way
some people have. I sure would hate to see the pics of the skull and all them litel bones. I believe it will
be a traumatic experience and you would have to have a very strong stomach, which I dont. I bet they
will take a long time to get a jury together. No matter which way Casey looks- she looks guilty as hell.
There that proves how easily I can get out of that job. I would look at her and say " oh yeah you did it"
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
JMO- I don't think she will ever tell what happened. Especially as long as Baez is her attorney. She has
manipulated her family for years & will continue to do so. It is so obvious to all of us how she plays
them yet these people have been fooled even when they have known her to be a sociopath & liar or as
Cindy would put it, tell half truths & miss truths. Even George with his beautiful, sweetie & honey talk
will not crack this b$$$h.
I believe that Crazy is Zanny the Nanny. After reading that post at Scared Monkeys about the traffic
tickets I believe she might have even had a driver's license in that name. I think all it would take to get
it would be a birth certificate in Zenaida's name. Don't think that would be hard to get for an expert in
fraud. JMO
NO WAY I'm I buying what Bo Bo Head is selling that will we understand when all the facts come out.
If Bo Bo Head had a simple explaination for what happened to Caylee & all the other Bs I think we
would have heard it on day #1.
Alot of reading to get caught up on here, from the weekend. I will have to do that tonight. Just wanted
to post this, as this is the first time I have seen this!
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
CNN/Nancy Grace web site is reporting that court documents just handed over to defense will be
released any moment now. Plus more videos of jail visits released also. NG will have latest on tonights
DISCLAIMER**** Have not seen anything about new docs on any local news site.
OFF TOPIC***** President Bush has commuted the sentences of the 2 former border guards.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Jo, can not wait to see the documents, Off topic about time the Border Patrol agents are out, never
should of been in custody for doing there job. They have lost everything they worked for and one has a
child that is very sick.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Casey Giving Orange County Florida A Bad Name
Posted by saradoodle on January 19, 2009
This weekend I had some down time, so I began to think to myself about all the recent revelations in
the Casey Anthony murder case. With the exception of Caylee still not having a funeral service and
burial, the one aspect of this case that bothers me the most is the fact that Cindy, George and Lee
Anthony all want immunity before they come clean and tell police all they know about what happened
to Caylee.
Put frankly, does any of this immunity talk make sense to anyone reading this? Just image what the DA
in your city would think and do to you if when approached about a murder in your own family you
refused to tell them the whole truth without immunity from prosecution?
My guess is that most DA’s around the country would immediately assume that the person asking for
immunity had something to hide and also immediately try to figure out if they too were somehow
involved in the murder. However, in Orange County Florida - the criminal justice system must work
differently than in other parts of the country because some experts believe that Cindy, George and Lee
will eventually get immunity from prosecution for their contributions in helping to convict Casey.
Found this at another site that is a real good source for latest info on case.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
It's really weird, but I think Casey has many personalities. One is Zanny and the other is Crazy Casey.
She thinks she is the 'victim' because Zanny has her trapped inside. The Crazy Casey comes out when
she is trying to be the concerned mom, which she is poor at acting that one out and then the 'business as
usual' person who acts like she is a concerned citizen that has info on both Casey and Zanny. She is
DEEPLY disturbed, no doubt, but I truly believe that inside there is turmoil about this forgiveness
thing. I think that is what will break the whole case apart. Their visits won't help her...they didn't know
how to speak to her when she was on the outside and they don't know how to speak to her now. Lee has
strange behavior when speaking to her, but maybe he has learned that this is the only way to get the
truth out of her. Casey will have to feel like she can 'fully trust' someone. Right now, she has to regain
George's trust, mend their relationship, ...she said that in the video. It is important to her. Hopefully the
therapist can go this route with her, as I think it might work. Also, when are they going to administer
her a lie detector test.?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, Casey will never take a lie detector test, Bo Bo Head will not allow that. And she will not take the
stand to testify, the prosecution will rip her a new (_!_)
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Afternoon everyone! I am from Maryland and though people hear have heard of the case not many
follow it. My husband tells the kids not to bother me when I'm on here cause I'm talking to the squirrel
people! Ha Ha Now you know why I'm on here talking about it! I don't think Crazy will ever give up
what happen. I do believe Cindy and Lee know and have known what happened and that George has
had to catch up and they won't let him tell anything. Of all the Anthony's I feel sorriest for George
(after Caylee of course) the others should just be prosecuted.
True Rascal, Bo Bo will never let her take a lie detector test.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
But George knew the smell in the car and knows Casey did it, but Cindy rules what every one says and
doe's. Casey wanted to punish Cindy, and show her she was in control but sure chose the wrong way to
do it.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, I think George knew Caylee was dead but not what happened, I think Cindy and Lee know what
happened. Cindy will not face it or admit to it because that would ruin what she thinks is their perfect
family, and I think Lee has gotten so entangle with Crazy and her lies he's not sure how to get out of
this one. Maybe George has known everything also but I don't think he could tell for fear of what might
happen, I believe this is probably how it's always been in the Anthony house, George in fear. I am
probably wrong but just some thoughts
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, George is doing what he has to do. He has lost Caylee, and he has lost Casey. Psycho cindy is all
he has left. He is under her thumb...he owes her big time for saving his butt after he squandered away
all their money, etc. He is indebted to her. Plus, I am sure that he knows that Casey is guilty and he
can't change that, so he has to hold on to the only thing he has left, his wife, and stand by her through
this. How really sad all the dynamics are!
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Of course we know that Reality and the Anthony's have never met also.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
HLN will be talking about the site that has the T Shirts for sale to make money for Cindy. Now this
should be interesting, maybe they will take the dam site down.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
We are Squirrels with a Cause!!!! In search for Truth and Justice! Woo Hoo
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Just saw that Rascal, Love your new pic, looks like me in the morning.
Anna says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Everybody,
I wanted to know if it has been said when the actual trial will take place?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
The Squirrel made me to that. waiting for the new tape on hln, hope it is the the same one.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Anna, haven't heard when there will be a trial, maybe not till 2010. Bo Bo Head is said to be asking
for a change of Venue this week.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Welcome Anna, We do not have a real date yet, but hope it is sooner then later.
They need to find some place for Casey, but it will not be the Hilton for sure.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Just read where Deputy Cain reassigned can not represent himself as a deputy on or off duty untill
Investigation is finished and Tim Miller has hired Mark Nejame as his lawyer to get Bo Bo Head off
his back. I like Nejame, seems like the only lawyer down there that has some morals. Sorry if this is old
news. Just read it.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Donagal, Yes I think the other Lawyers are the prize out of the Cracker Jack Box, we all remember
what that was like!!!!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
FYI: This is related to the story (for the HUB investigators)
Really weird though, but I kind of relate it to a family situation that I have. My brother, his wife and
their daughter. The daughter is diagnosed bipolar, etc. Anyway, she came over to my brother and sister
in laws house and threw one of her tantrums, insulted her mother, etc...big fight. The daughter was in
the wrong, but 'insisting she didn't do anything' and says she isn't talking to her mother until she
apologizes. My sister in law has had it with her daughter and is sick of doing everything for her (almost
like Cindy and Casey). My sister in law refuses to give in this time, so her daughter has cut her off
from seeing the grandkids. Meanwhile, my brother, he talks to them both, keeps peace in the family.
Says he has to side with his wife though, because this is who he is married to and has to live and
contend with. However, he knows his daughter is totally at fault, but it doesn't want to get the daughter
on his bad side too.
I understand my sister in law and I am glad she is standing her ground, but my brother pisses me off.
The reason all this crap still goes on, is that my brother won't take a stand. Also, it's weird that my sister
in law tells me stuff about her daughter, but doesn't realize that she is the same exact way. She just cant
see it. The daughter is feeling abused by my sister in law over the years and this is her way of saying
enough. At least she isn't hurting the kids....only trying to see how much she can hurt her mother.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
LOL Rascal, I do remember! Been a long time since a got one of them.
JMo are you related to the Anothy's? Just kidding, seem very similar though, I wouldn't doubt Crazy is
bipolar and a few other things. Just don't understand the reason for killing, why not just give Caylee to
someone even if it wasn't her parents. You know at first, like when this all came out my first thought
was she gave Caylee up for adoption and doesn't want her parents to mess it up because of time periods
and everything (you know like 6 months to change your mind). I don't know if I just didn't want to
believe someone could do something so terrible or what but I am on the squirrel wagon now. Ever since
Cindy said the car smelled like a dam dead body I knew. Nothing smells like that. I live in the country
and even a dead animal left on the road in the summer is so potent it will gag you as you drive by.
It would be great if Tim could win a civil suit against the ANTS in the amount of 100 g's (or more). I
can't remember who posted it, but if that gave him first dibs on any money the unscrupulous ANT
family makes off of poor little Caylee, it would be another form of sweet justice.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Darn was waitng for new tape on HLN, wonder if they lost it.!!! Anyone find anything on the reports
Yet? I looked and could not find them.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Haven't seen anything Rascal, Hi Proud Mom, Bo Bo is supposed to be asking for a change in venue
this week sometime. He probably is talking out the other side of his mouth though. I hope Tim gets
them! If anyone should know how someone should act when their child is missing it would be Tim, he
says she didn't act upset at all and was cooking.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
speaking of cooking, I guess I should go and cook some dinner for the family! Have a good evening
2 weeks ago
I sent Georgie a mighty mighty email and guess what, he hasn't replied back to me?! I asked him if he
and Cindy are selling the shirts that read Casey knows what happend to Caylee. He is probobly still
searching online for the link I sent to him. LOL LOL. Also, I will let Paris know not to let momster or
any of the ANT's degrade their hotels by letting them in. They will be alright without that extra $95.00
I am quite sure. Nejame is so good and seasoned that when he is asleep he is better than BOBO Head.
One hour fair warning till Mrs. Grace!! Rascal, thanks for todays back and forth. Loved the pic.!!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, You are very welcome, I am always here you know that now. Yes waiting for NG also hope there
is something new. Wanting to see if this is a new video on the NG show tonight. Oh oh they willl be
talking about the Anthony's shirt sale, did good to email them also it is one right now,
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
No, not related, but I guess I am pointing out that there are many situations out there just like the
ANTS. Not uncommon for the grandparents to 'swoop in' and take responsiblity for their son or
daughters kid, not realizing the damage being done. I know that it can be justified by the grandparents
(Cindy does this well) but she can't see the err of her ways! I think once Casey had Caylee things
changed...I think she did love her and life was grand, till Cindy cut her off to try and make her be
responsible. My honest opinion, is that Caylee got in the way of Casey's life. Casey could not
understand why Mommy Cindy had done everything in the past and now is changing everything. She
had to plan a way to get 'rid of Caylee' since Cindy would fight her on adoption, etc.. It makes perfect
sense to me. Casey was probably fed up with fighting all the time with Cindy over Caylee. People get
really weird when it comes to their kids and others telling them what they can and can't do. Sometimes
parents need to back off and allow their child to raise their own child, unless they are totally incapable.
Both my kids know that I love to see my grandchildren, but I am not their babysitter or provider. I think
somewhere that line got crossed between Cindy and Casey. Casey felt trapped and no way out of her
desperation, except to get rid of 'the problem'. I think she lost her temper with Caylee and it went from
there. She blamed Caylee for the issues between her and Cindy. This built a hate that none of us may
never know (hopefully). Mothers kill their children every day, just that it doesn't have all these
sensational thriller details about it.
I think society has to help these mothers in a way, before they get to that point, before they throw the
baby against the wall, before they shake the baby, etc. Stepping in and enabling them is not the answer.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, has repeatedly avoided all questions about who is paying for his
services, but sources told Eyewitness News the State Attorney's Office received at least one complaint,
a complaint that Baez may have made a contingent deal with entertainment interests that means he gets
paid based on the outcome of the case, which is banned by the Florida Bar.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I really don't think the media is helping things. It seems that it is always..."We just uncovered this or
that" "breaking news and you heard it here first" "our reporter was the first to be on the scene", "our
sources close to the case" "uncovered allegations by someone about somebody that they think might
have....". I think the news channels are seeking attention too....don't you guys think?
2 weeks ago
JMo, you are right on!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, I agree but we keep watching to find out more about why this happened, hard not to.
Oh my I think I need to do somethig with my hair do, forgot to look in mirror this morining,
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, we do have to keep looking, I just wish that we could get one honest thing out of someone! I
believe that Baez has done something he shouldn't of...he has only been a lawyer for 3 years. So,
Jo1031, who would represent poor little Casey if Baez is disbarred? Yikes! She probably promised to
pay him already with all kinds of favors, ya know. Then what will he do!
This would be so much more interesting if there was more suspects than just Crazy Casey, eh?
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
JMO- Most definitely the news media is all about ratings. Anyone want to place bets that NG show
tonight DOES NOT have any new documents or videos!!! What happened to the days when reporters
checked their facts before reporting them. I think those days went out the window when 24/7 news
reporting came in. These networks are just putting out BS to fill time slots & increase ratings for the
advertising dollars.
This whole circus is a case study in sociopathy, pathological lying & avarice. Everyone is out for the all
mighty green back or their 15 mintues of fame. Everyone involved has forgotten that a 2 yr old child
has died unnecessarily & by the hands of the one person who was suppose to protect her.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, I will buy Casey a Box Of Cracker Jack's maybe the prize would be a Lawyer. Maybe find
another Bo Bo Head in the box. Now is that a prize or what!!!!!
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
JMO- Why not a public defender just like anyone else that does not have the money to pay. You ever
see so many hands raised by legal & forensics experts to work for nothing. If these clowns are so civic
minded why are they not stepping up to plate to defend the peeps in jail who might actually be
I'll bet if Bo Bo Head gets disbarred another high profile attorney will be at that jail PDQ.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, There is no way in hell they are working for nothing, unless Bo Bo Head took them for a ride on
that dam Turnip Truck and they fell off and hit there heads. Disbarment might happen.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Jo, well put. I don't have cable, so I can't see NG, unless I am at someone else's house and beg them to
let me watch it. And I agree, she should have a public defender just like everyone else...but then again,
Baez probably was not that expensive, he has only been in practice for 3 years. Yes, I bet there are
others just waiting to get in there! I always thought it was weird how the ANTS have their own attorney
and it's not the same as Casey's. LOL Maybe Baez is going to need an attorney LMAO!
Rascal (love the doo) yes, that seems like the perfect spot for her to find a new one alright.
Did you hear the one about the guy who said: "You're a high-priced lawyer! If I give you $500, will
you answer two questions for me?"
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMO, Lets find a Lawyer for Bo Bo Head, we will have Capt Steve drive the Turnip Truck and drop the
guy off, then give him to Bo Bo Head.!!!
2 weeks ago
The truck has left the building. Can someone do me a really big favor? Please call Zanny and let her
know that momster forgives her. Thanking you guys in advance!
2 weeks ago
But our squirrel's will never ever forgive nor should they!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, I am not making a call to Casey, we know she is the real Nanny. I am so sick of listening to
Casey that she is the victim, omg did she forget Caylee.
2 weeks ago
I noticed that in the jailhouse talk between momster and Cindy, when Cindy says to her don't worry
everything will be alright when we find Caylee, momster has that look of concern on her face knowing
that the word "find" means something different in her mind than her moms. Momsters thought is, no
mom I really can't have her found because at that point put a fork in me cause I'm done. She then spins
a little jibberish that she has already said. Oh momster, you are so guilty and your attorney is such a
putz! I am feeling that the ANT's are going to be upset with his conflict of interest within about 3-4
days from now.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, They better get her off the grill she will be burnt, that is more then over done, LOL
By the way I like my steak crawling across the plate saying MOO
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Carol - love your squirrel pic- CRACK THAT WHIP GIRL!
Rascal - Girl you need to go fix that hair! I think one of my girls had an opening around 2 tomorrow,
Shall I book you?
Proud Mom - JB said he had finished preparing the motion for the change of venue. That just means it
is typed up - probably someone (a clerk or something going over it) and he expects to FILE it sometime
within the next month is what I have heard, but maybe as early as next week - Additionally - no plans at
this time for speedy trial motion because in the state of FL, filing that motion is the same as presenting
READY to the judge. And we all know that BOBO is NOT READY!
JMo - most of us have "multiple personalities" don't you think? Take me for instance and the "roles"
that I play daily .
WIFE - in this role I am a supporter, sometimes a nag (if needed), a nurse, an accounting clerk, a cook,
a housekeeper, maintenance technician, appointment clerk, laundry queen. and of course a sex goddess!
MOTHER - now that my kids are grown and have kids of their own the roles here have changed some
(not much though) I get to play counsoler, financial advisor, support person, cheerleader (a role Casey
reportedly likes) a coach, sometimes a referee even still. When they were growing up I did all of these
things in addition to Nursing, Nurturing, Teaching, Training and Development, Making and
enforcingthe rules, etc.
BUSINESS OWNER - this is the FUN ONE! I get to play HR director, Comptroller General, CEO,
Purchasing Agent, AR clerk, AP clerk, Legal Aide, Shopper, Marketing Director, Scheduler, Payroll
Clerk, Customer Relations Director, and I also get to Book Appointments, Schedule Employees, Train,
Coach and Develop Team Members, Hire, Fire, and what ever else might need to be done during the
course of the day.
GRANDMOTHER - SEE MOTHER ABOVE and ad - spoil, coddle, rock and cuddle, tickle, playmate,
train conductor, dance instructor, horse trainer, disc jockey, and give lots and lots of Sugars.
I guess my point is that WE all do many things, wear many hats, play many roles during the course of
the day, and each of these "roles" requires a little different action, reaction, etc., yet I have never killed
anyone. I don't think any of us here have nor would we. IMO- to try to "BLAME" this on "multiple
personalities is to make "EXCUSES" for what this girl has very likely done and how she behaves and
treats her friends and family, how she lies. steals. etc. IMO she needed a good ASS WHIPPIN a long
time ago from one or both of her parents and that is A LOT of what went wrong with this girl. She
wasn't given the direction and re-direction that she needed.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
GranNaw, What do you mean I just paid good money for that hair do. I listen to Casey Lie some more
and it, gets messed up, So I will look that way till the truth comes out. Oh well ready for Halloween
Casey need new Tatoo, I did it, not a good life now!!!!
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
JMO- Good thing you didn't squirrel paddle to shore to catch NG.
Local Orlando reporter ( do not know his name) said new documents are coming out this week.
They played parts of that Aug 14th jail visit video over & over. Crazy whinning, bitching &
complaining. I thinks she says me, myself & I over 50 times.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JO, You for got to say she kept saying she is the Victim. BOO HOO
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal - OMG I did forgot that. This case has become HAIR RAISING!! Don't ya think.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JO, I am a perfect example of that one!!! HE HE
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
I was just playin Rascal - I love your new do
thanks for the advice Jo- I was just about to waste my time on NG DVR
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
GranNaw,I know you were I put it up for fun, I thought it was cute. no offence taken at all. Did you
click on the pic and see what it said? But I swear Casey makes my hair stand up.
OCSO's August miss(es) on the body location will factor into the equation. Last Thursday's CSI
featured a plastic bag and liquified remains, twist was the vic's 2 years old sneaker model versus longer
decomp of the body itself.
I'm surprised no one has caught up with any of the ANT's for a private session.
Just musings...
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I think Casey never watched that program called Lets Make a Deal, Bo Bo Head really screwed you
over Casey, but Casey will give into any man that shows her attention. Casey spun the whell and she
came out with a Cracker Jack prize. What a sad day it is going to be for you Casey when they say
Guilty. You think you are alone now, and Boo Hoo about it and no one who cares. Just wait little Devil
You will have the rest of your life sitting in that little cell, wearing that glamours Jail fashion you have
fallen in love with. No more of the fancy Push up Bras, no more Target, forget the Pizza, and Mommys
Chili. But there is one good thing Casey all my Squirrel friends will be safe. Can not wait to say Bon
Voage to you when you leave on your trip to the Big House, you will not get any special treatment and
not many visitors,
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Boxwood- There were some rumors about Anthony home possibly being wired but never did never
anything that was actual fact. As far as Lee's home being searched that has never been addressed by
anyone in the know. Tony Lazzarro's apartment was searched, his room mate talked about it on Fox
news in an interview with Greta.
RE: CSI episode last Thursday- I did not see it. But when an adult disappears it is alot different than
when a young child does. An adult can simply leave & start a new life, maybe running away from
problems. A 2yr old child cannot do that, they depend on adults for food & shelter.
The Anthonys are probably waitng to give their first interview to the higgest bidder.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal - I actually have a poster of the little guy in my back office - it's exactly how I feel most days!
I am not as confident as you Rascal that there will be a conviction in this and if there IS with BoBo
steering the thing I am sure she will fire him immediately after and claim ineffective counsel. I see this
"media deal" rumor that is going around being a big problem as well. Either the states atty's office
needs to investigate or the state bar (not sure which one has jurisdiction in FL) and put this thing to rest
before it ends up costing the state it's case against her.
Don't get me wrong, I think she is guilty as sin itself, BUT I do see some real problems with this case
and the potential for claims of ineffective counsel, as well as the potential for mistrial (unable to seat a
jury is one that comes to mind) and then you have all the things that we know the defense is going to
poke at like LE not finding the body, claims that LE did not investigate live sitings, defense will show
all traffic incidents with the names Zenadia and Gonzales as well as all property records and motor
vehicle licenses, tags, etc. for all of CENTRAL FL (not just Orange Co), They will try to build doubt
and all it will take is ONE person to create a hung jury - again ending in mistrial. There are a lot of
gullible people in the world, a lot of left wing liberals, a lot of those sympathetic touchy feely fruit
cakes and all it will take is ONE of them to make it onto this jury.....
The only redemption for me in her being found not guilty and released back into the general population
is that MOST people hate her, she will be a social outcast, even in her own family, no friends, and to
here that would be worse than death. And then there's always the fact that someone, some nut, will try
to vindicate Caylee by killing her or at least making her wish she was dead - she will end up at best
beaten to within an inch of her life and left permanently disfigured if she ever is turned loose, because
frankly, most people think she is a baby killer.
The BEST OUTCOME this thing could have for her is for her to confess. Say it was an accident, she is
sorry, I lied because I didn't know what else to do, and PRAY the State will make a deal with her where
she can stay in protective custody to serve whatever time they give her. IMO it is way past too late for
her on this one. LE gave her ample chance back in July and then they even extended an immunity deal
though Baez in what...August, early Sept.? If she doesn't she is a good as dead either way- in prison or
on the street- someone will kill her, and if she thinks for one minute that she can just walk out of that
jail and resume a normal party life... she better think that through again.
Sorry for the long rant ---- I'll quit now! nite all
Deb in Vegas says:
2 weeks ago
Didn't Lee move back home with Mom and Dad? I heard his girlfriend was pregnant living there also.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Oh, no, Deb...not another Anthony!!!! I can't take it!!!
Hi everyone; seems I'm signing in just as you all are going to bed.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I've agreed with most all of your newer comments. Rascal, JMo, Jo, Carol, Steve, and
all tell it like it is.
Has anyone noticed during the Aug.14 interview with G&C, Casey is yammering ON and ON and ON
and ON for about 15 minutes, and when Cindy tries to say something, she yells "JUST GIVE ME 3
Typical Casey ME-ism. And her eyes are starting to bug out like Jack Nicholson in "The Shining"
All this is to say that we do what we have to do. This is what I don't understand in Cindy. She KNEW
Casey was the way she way. I KNOW my daughter is the way she is. So why did she not demand to see
Caylee NOW? I mean not a day goes by I don't insist in knowing where my grand daughter is, if my
daughter is not around. My kaleb lives here and his dad is always here. If by some chance he goes out,
my Kaleb stays with me. I also think the reason OJ was NOT convicted is, from what I heard they
planned all along to say not guilty. That is why a year long trial had a less than 3 hour deliberations. I
am not into the race issue, but most on the jury were black. Afterwards, many of them said they felt not
guilty as "their people" were always abused and mistreated by the police so they were not going to
convict him. The couple white people on the jury said they knew he was guilty *as did the black
people* but they were told if they said guilty, there would be another Rodney King riot and it would be
their fault. Lets face it, it was so obvious he was guilty that it stunned the nation. We knew he could be
found not guilty due to the jury makeup, but come on!! At least deliberate a couple days to make it look
better!! With RObert Blake? Who knows on that one? Again, so obvious!
I also heard the defense was the ones that wanted the latest jail video to come out, saying it showed
police not doing their job or something. yet it didn't show that at all. Just made Crazy look worse! I
TRULY felt for Cindy in that video. She is hiding her head in the sand. She, just like *I would, knows
her daughter did something to Caylee. Only reason I can think of on her nutty behavior is this. In the
beginning Casey told her "I saw your interview on TV" in her nasty tone. "All you care about is
caylee".. I think she felt if she continues to stand up for her, Casey will see she cares about her too.
However, that was a while back I thought that. Now, what reason? She will never say what happened.
That is what is driving everyone to continue watching this case. It is so not normal for a mom, no
matter the age, to not notify anyone when you baby is gone over a month, to go screw your b/f and rent
movies the same day you kill her, to lie over and over. And to always make it "I, ME, I, ME, I, ME"..
that is not normal behaviour for a mom who just lost her daughter. I am sick of NG with the videos
being played over and over. YET, I noticed that lately if I do watch them, I see more and more of things
I didn't notice the first zillion times the tapes were played.
And finally, lol, JB said a while back that he wants a speedy trial so his client would be freed and could
go back home. But again just recently, he again said they want a speedy trial. If so, why is he moving
as slow as an ANT?
Angeleyes`* says:
2 weeks ago
Does anyon know anything about Annie Leigh Downing?
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Linn, sounds like you have your plate full. But then, you are handling it much better than the Anthony
clan did. Maybe one of the purposes of this awful case is to make us all look at ourselves and clean up
the game-playing in our own lives; and to help our kids be accountable for their own mistakes, as hard
as it is.
Angeleyes, the only thing I've read about Annie Leigh Downing is that she is a party friend of Casey's
and that there was a mysterious auto incident in March or May where she was pulled over for no
seatbelts and at that time a "Zenaida Gonzales" was driving her car...which is interesting because
Casey's car had been in a wreck 10 days before that and she didn't have it back yet, so could she
possibly have been driving Annie's car?? And the driver didn't produce a license; anyway, it's too long
and involved to write about but look around on the web and you'll find info on her. I think the police
have not yet released her interview, either...which is also interesting. JMo or Rascal probably knows
more than I do about it...
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Nite all
2 weeks ago
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Ok so am up and everyone is asleep. Welcome back XING! Steve , Steve are you alright??? Speak to
me Steve- the only snickers bar I have r the ice cream ones- will that be ok? What is causing all this
frustration that you cant type?? Does it have anything to do with this Casey woman? Just BREATHE
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Ok, I have been gone to a friends house to watch NG. (It doesn't come on until 11pm here and I am on
MTN time). A bit disappointing, but a couple of things I wanted to, they said that there
will be a hearing with Baez and the prosecution to clear up the matter of the 'entertainment deal' this
week. two, I wonder what clothing they found in the bag to check with at the home? It may really prove
that Caylee was killed in the back yard and 'then' put in the trunk. For instance (I am trying to imagine
this), say Caylee was found with only one sock and maybe the other sock was found in her room or
something when they went to the house immediately after finding her. How can Casey say she took her
to the sitters with one sock on.....or something to that effect. Anyway, there was some clue there, we
just have to figure it out....however, they said the list of stuff would be released this week.
Last, why oh why or why! did NG or the psychologist not pick up on her saying: Tell Zanny we forgive
her! I still say that makes her guilty as heck! Multiple personality disorder or Sociopath is not an
excuse, but it is a reason. Yes, I agree they should of done something with this rotten apple Casey a
long, long time ago!
Oh, didn't they find Caylee's car seat still in the abandoned smelly car? How did she explain that one?
Who would leave a kid with someone without giving them the carseat? Wonder if her friends ever
noticed anything about the carseat? Toys in the car? Anything changing over a months time to show a
child in the car? I'm tired....going to bed. Nite all.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Good morning all, up early watching for school closings. llnn, I am so sorry you are having it so hard.
You sound like my mom, and caring loving mom that takes care of everyone. I had my oldest son at 18
and I don't know what I would have done without her. I didn't act like Crazy or your daughter, most of
the time if I wasn't there I was working, but she was great watching the kids when I did go out.
Everyone needs to remember it takes a Village to raise a child! I am so blessed to have had the family I
have and the help that I needed when younger. Oh well, we are on time. Talk to you later.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, there are some clues coming this week if in fact those search warrants and the 'return" list are
released in the doc dump that is expected.
In response to the car seat question above - Casey has maintained all along that Zanny had
EVERYTHING needed for Caylee, clothes, shoes, diapers, etc and that is why none of that was missing
from the house. Additionally in the description of Zanny's car she gave she mentioned a PINK
FLORAL CAR SEAT in the back of that 2008 silver ford focus.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Welcome back Xing - I've missed you,
hey Xing, if you are still down there could you take that weed whacker of yours and whack Cindy a
couple of times, maybe whack some sense into her.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
GranNaw why do you think they are releasing all these documents if this case doesnt look like it will
go to trial soon. Does this happen every time the prosecution has to release documents to Joseito and
his bandoleros? So they release the docs to the media before Joseito does it? I have read a lot of this
stuff and I am so surprised that I can recall a lot even all these months later. Is this the same silver ford
focus that Zenaida had an accident in on her way to Tampa???
Angeleyes`* says:
2 weeks ago
I keep wondering why they haven't released anything about annies interview...
Although listed as a witness for the Prosecution released by the State’s Attorney’s office on January 11,
2008, Annie Leigh Downing’s Interview with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office has never been made
public. Her cell phone records and any IM or text messages between her and Casey Anthony have also
never been made public although other witnesses have.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Hi did someone post this already? Facebook | Scared Monkeys's Notes
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
That should have worked and it didnt. Hummmmmm Zenaida Gonzalez & Annie Leigh Downing’s
Excellent Adventure: Zannie and Annie Go to Traffic Court | Scared Monkeys
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Ok I give up it looks ok when I cut and pasted on to this then it goes nuts and it doesnt show as link.
Anyways someone really is going out his/her way to make a point of Casey using Zenaida as an alias
when she gets stopped for driving without a licence and not having her seatbelt on.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
If I understood what little I got to see of NG last night, the defense doesn't want a "plea deal" because
then it wouldn't go to trial, thus all of the entertainment offers would go down the drain!! What kind of
craziness is this? I hope they sink JBs ship soon so that crazy doesn't have a chance at the "inept
counsel" appeal.
2 weeks ago
Carol, I am alright. I think. For now. I hope that no mutiny was in the works because of my behavior.
Now, if BOBO Head can all of a sudden pull a REAL Z.G. with a real address, with say suppose a real
phone # then I will refer to him as the new Chris Angel. Or perhaps David Blaine. We will then start to
call him Angel Blaine. But until that moment in time which will arrive at our doorsteps the day after
one of us wins the Publishers Clearing House grand prize, he is still known as Rascal's pet name BOBO
Head. And for your second trick BOBO Head, show us the results of that private poly you gave
momster back in late July 08. Ewwwww, that doesn't look good! Let's just put that right into that
shredder that I purchased at Target!!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good morning all. Lets see where the new documents are Door #1 Door #2 Or Door #3 what are the
reports going to tell us. Really do not think it matters which door they are behind, we know Casey is
Guilty. I look for the prints on the Duct Tape and a lot more evidence. Now this Cracker Jack Bo Bo
Head thinks a change in venu will help. Well he does not have a Golden Parachute for Casey, he does
not have a real Zanny the Nanny, he certainly is not going show us a Private Polly result, unless he
plans on throwing Casey under the big Yellow Bus, or Turnip Truck that Captain Steve is driving full
speed ahead Captain Steve. Once again Casey is screwed, she is Guilty and will not get off, yes I am
very confident she will not be at Fusion to party, or any place else to Party. Casey I will never forgive
you for taking Caylee away, Casey I can now blame you for my bad Hair days, that is your fault also.
2 weeks ago
Momster, party of 1, momster party of 1. Your usual table by the bar, oops I mean bars is now ready!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Captain Steve, Last night in the video she told George and Cindy, she had such a bad night she kept her
head under her blankie. She has no one to comfort her, Boo Hoo. She must of been having her night
mare again, and was hiding from the vision of Caylee, and what she did to her.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
I very much appreciate the updates you all have given. Most everyone is gone by the time I get to get
on in the morning, and I can't load flash at work! :( Rascal, love the new picture!!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Xing, You're back! Glad you made it over.
Linn says "Cindy. She KNEW Casey was the way she way. I KNOW my daughter is the way she is. So
why did she not demand to see Caylee NOW? "
Linn, I believe they were in a stand-off. Cindy refused to cave first, and apologize to Casey for choking
her, and begging her to bring Caylee home, because then Casey would win the contest of wills. That's
why neither Cindy, nor George at Cindy's direction answered the "flurry of calls" on June 16.
2 weeks ago
Rascal, fast forward several months I imagine it is the blanket and the pillow that she uses for comfort!
I only have two words, tox reports. Give us something to chew on since the other food is getting stale.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve. The Tox reports will be here this week, I would bet the farm on it. Not saying who's farm, LOL
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
I keep seeing a reference to Cindy saying "not another one". When did she say that and what was the
context? just wondering. . .
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
New Court Documents To Be Released Posted by express on January 19, 2009 Breaking from Court documents just handed over to the defense in the Caylee murder case will be avaible
any moment. Maybe the farm is safe,LOL
kk's mom, Cindy said that the day she brought Casey home from Boy friends Tony apt.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
You know she was posing as Zenaida. She has her whole second identity worked out under that name
(who is the sister, who married whom, etc). It was her alias so she could move away and never be
found by Sindy! She lost her temper with Caylee and the rest is history. All her plans were foiled, so
she blamed it all on someone who doesn't really exist!
Anyway, on NG I thought I heard that Baez wants a new venue in a town where they have NO Respect
for the police and this is how he will cast doubt on the case and how Crazy has been treated, blah blah
blah. I am just sure that a whole bunch of cop haters are going to show up for their civic duty to be on a
jury, because I just also bet those law abiding citizens are registered to vote to be able to do jury duty.
Baez has truly lost his feeble mind! Talk about ineffective counsel!!!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Also, I bet the interview etc with this Annie person will reveal everything. This is probably the State's
ace in the hole. Wouldn't it be great if she said, "yeah, Casey stole this identity a while back and was
using it in case she got in trouble so her parents would not know anything about it." There would go
Crazy's story, right down the drain. I be everytime Crazy did something, George would get a call from
his buddies at the police dept.. Crazy probably felt she needed an alias to go have some fun. Plus,
people were probably afraid to "hang" with her because her Dad was a cop, so she just wanted to be
"one of them" at club fusion.... makes sense to me.
Angeleyes`* says:
2 weeks ago
JMo this is why I kept posting on that Annie, there is a lot more to I said before why hold
back her interviews, cell calls etc when they have given out her other friends, looked strange to me...
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
ProudMom, thanks for the response! I was beginning to feel like I was floating alone in a row boat next
to the ship! BRRRRRR! That's a cold feeling! I thought Jose was up to something when everything
just kind of came to a stand still. Then last night talking about his entertainment deal and complaint
about it made me go "hmmmmm!!!" Finally, there's some light about what the hold up is. I think they
really need to get him out of there and get decent counsel in so that Casey won't be able to appeal with
inept representation.
It seems all Jose does is posture for the cameras.
Sometimes I wish I had homeschooled my children. Our public school system here is in great need of
an overhaul.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Aubree, if I understand correctly, Annie is the "friend" Casey stole checks from to buy merchandise
from Target.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
no NO no Snoopy that was Amy Huizenga.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
There are so many people involved in this case YOU do need pen and paper to write them down and
figure where they come into this case.
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
I think Annie was at her parents house the first time she was in jail and Casey spoke to her on a call
from the jail. I think!
I believe Annie told her that if she needed to talk to anyone that she knew she could trust her and Casey
said Ya I know.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
So sorry for the misinformation!! Thanks for correcting me!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
In one of the previous posts, someone wrote about the (Annie and Zenaida)story and gave us a link, so
just go back up the posts and it should be there.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
No that was Christina not Annie.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Here is a list of many of the players in this drama, including Annie Downing and some other folks we
haven't heard about yet:
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I went back up the posts and found it.
2 weeks ago
I think Annie was the person momster was trying to get Tony's ph. # from when she was locked up
before L.P. bailed her out. I think? Or maybe she will now be known as Annie the nanny.? Momster
would be quite jealous at President Obama since he has consumed all the "steam" today. Fine by me.
Doubt that N.G. show is going to be any different tonight also. The ship gives it's thoughts and prayers
to the Kennedy and Byrd family today.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, I love how you always have those instant facts ready. Good to see you aboard!!
2 weeks ago
I think that Florida is going to go full steam ahead and prosecute the ANT's for being the stupidest and
worst parents in the entire state. Our congrats!!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
It is sad that the manipulative, lying Casey has beaten them down to this level of stupidity! They are
actually over run by her and her demands. I don't understand the power she has. Why are they being so
stupid. Do you think they are just so vulnerable now, because she has done nothing but show how she
is in control and how they will do what she says or else. There are a lot of people who have this power
and control over others, but good grief! they have to see through it by now.....!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, George just does what Cindy tells him, and Cindy has to control everything. She is trying to
control how people perceive her evil spawn. I'm glad she was never my nurse manager. I'd LOVE to
talk with her employees. (I remember reading she was a nurse manager at some facility before this all
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I hope this is a conflict of interest, and Bo Bo Head, is in trouble.
ORANGE COUNTY, FL — Orlando television station WFTV says sources allege secret entertainment
deals may be helping to pay for Casey Anthony’s (photos) defense.
The sources told a WFTV reporter that the State Attorney’s Office has received a complaint about the
money being used by Anthony attorney Jose Baez. The judge in the case reportedly is aware of the
defense fund, but what action he will take is unclear.
There’s concern that Baez may have made a deal with entertainment interests with payment tied to the
outcome of Casey’s murder trial. Such practices are banned by the Florida Bar. WFTV reports that
Baez has avoided questions about Casey’s defense money and that the fund has received aroubd
A legal analyst says the judge will likely look into the matter to determine if there is a conflict.
A spokesperson for Baez says Baez has not made any contingent deals.
Casey is charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony (photos). Her body was found
by a county meter reader near Casey’s home in December.
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
Christina - you are right. I'm going to have to read up on Annie.
KK'S MOM says:
2 weeks ago
anybody have that Excel timeline that someone on the previous board had done? I would be interested
in taking a look at it?
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
No, but just saw this in relation to the Annie/Zanny thing.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Cracking up at the "evil spawn". Casey better calm down or she may have another one of those
seizures....I'm sure the defense will use that reason too for what has happened.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, I think you have a good point.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yeah, what if she was told to keep quiet, act like nothing ever happened and they will spare her life?
There are so many crooks and criminals around there. Even the catholic priests just got busted. Read
this one:
I mean how low can you go????? Casey is pretty low and looks like there seems to be a lot of it that
surrounds her and that place. They should call it Thug City, Florida. They should call Club Fusion,
Club FuckUp!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
got submitted too fast......was going to say, yeah, casey got caught up in the club scene, drug scene,
theft rings, all to fast and way over her head. She was running with the big dogs and now has to pay the
price like a big dog. Daddy can't save her this time.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
From what I seen of opening day at Club Fusion, definitely not the kind of people I would have been
around at Casey age. Of I was not the type of person casey is, so that makes a difference. I worked 2
jobs for a living,
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
They are all thugs and wanna be's, gangs (asian, hispanic, etc) all making themselves known...on the
East Coast! It is rough and the public probably doesn't have any idea about what really goes on...from
fraud, theft, robbery, rape, murder, drugs, money laundering, bribery, you name it. Casey could not of
been hangin' with that crowd everyday and night and not of been involved up to her ears in something.
She didn't feel accepted at home (rotten mother, etc) so she fabricates crap to make G and C happy,
such as I have a job, caylee is with a babysitter, etc. to make her self acceptable. Meanwhile, this 'gang
mentality' that she is hanging around becomes her 'new family'. She is even willing to change her name
to Zenaida Gonzales. That will make her look cool and give her a 'new life' into a 'new family' where
she is accepted. Caylee was getting old enough to talk and Casey couldn't have that happening.
People fall for this 'acceptance' crap everyday. We see it in schools and everywhere. Casey is no
different. I venture to guess the drug running was to get accepted into the crowd?
Who knows, just some theories I have been thinking about. Especially after seeing all that trash at Club
Fuckup and what they stand for with all their flashing of gang signs in every picture! Now Casey is a
'real thug', just like them!
Deb in Vegas says:
2 weeks ago
Hi all, Yes I think it was Christina that talked to Casey when she (Casey)called home trying to to get
Tony's phone number. Annie's name came up while someone else was talking to LE. Can't remember
his name right now. He told LE that they should talk to her because she had been Casey's closest friend
growing up. It is strange that we never heard anything she had to say, yet she is on the witness list for
the prosecution.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, Maybe Cindy was not the best Mom, where she failed was letting Casey lie, and not take
responsibility for Caylee and steal. And not making Casey help with the bills. Casey was wrong to be
out all the time wanting to party instead of being a Mother. And wrong to expect her parents to foot all
the bills. And Casey was wrong to steal. This family was so dysfunctional, how did the kids get that old
with out being in trouble.
Hi Deb
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
I don't think this "thug" thing is just east coast I think is a new trend all over. Just watch MTV or VH1
for a while - this is what all of the young teens are wanting to emulate. IMO!
I could be wrong but I really don't think Casey was involved with anything big (drugs or prostitution).
She would have had a lot more money and would not have had to steal from her friends and grand-
parents. Again I could be wrong but I really think she was too dumb and self centered to be involved in
anything too big.
I think she had an accident while trying to put Caylee asleep, tried to fake a drowning - when no one
answered the phone she put Caylees body in the trunk and kind of flew by the seat of her pants after
I think that ZG was in the wrong place at the wrong time (Casey found out as much info on her after
the fact and tried to frame her).
I could be wrong.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
LLee, this case makes our mind wonder, I agree she put her to sleep, taped her mouth, but it was to
party and put Caylee in trunk to be with Tony the night he did not want Caylee at the Apt. The next
morning Caylee was gone. She drove home backed the car in to the Garage. Took Caylee laid her on
the ground, hence DNA where the dog hit. tried to fake the drowning. That did not work so off she
went to get plastic garbage bags, and what ever she wrapped Caylee in. She drove around with Caylee
in the trunk and the smell got so bad she dumped her where she was found, Then off to Party Land and
good Ole Tony's Apt. My Theory, I could be wrong. When Casey was found the Circus began, now we
are watching the Merry Go Round.
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal - That is what I think too. If she was involved with any organized crime they would have taken
her out right away! She is too dumb.
I still want to know exactly what happened so I can know what made a young mother care so little that
her daughter is dead. Even if Casey's version of the story could be true and she was threatened to nat
say a word to anyone - a normal mother would be so distraught she could not possible go out and rent
movies and go to night clubs. She would have been hysterically looking to find someone she could trust
to help her find her daughter.
Allyss says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal did Tony make rude comments about not wanting Caylee to come too? I thought that was that
cop who got fired ? I remember he (Anthony Rusciano-police officer) had said some stuff about not
bringing her in those IMs in May but I haven't read anything that I can remember about the boyfriend
Tony Lazaro saying anything. But with all the boyfriends it is hard to keep track. I remember this
coming up once before on our other boat and I never really heard the final outcome and I would just
like to clarify it in my mind, thanks for the help.
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
I don't think we heard about TL making rude comments about Caylee. He said he didn't think his
apartment was a good setting for Caylee because they liked to party and she probably shouldn't be
around that.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
KKs Mom, I just went and looked for the excel spreadsheet prepared by Good Old Boy that he put on
doc stoc, and it says it was removed. Hopefully he will follow us over here soon.
JMo, what are your thoughts on the June 9th break-in at ANOTHER Zenaida Gonzales' office where a
computer was stolen?
Allyss: Tony L. said that he told Caylee he wanted boys, not girls when he had kids.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
LLee, Yes she has no emotion and does not care, I totally agree she does not act like a normal Mother
that loved her child. Casey cares about Casey and no one else. She is very in mature for her age, or she
would of been on her own and not depending on Mommy and Daddy.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Allyss, Tony Ruscaino, asked Casey to not bring Caylee, and Casey called Caylee a little Snot Head.
Dam never had to keep up with that many guy's I stand corrected. LOL ty Marie
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, that was Tony Rusciano, not Tony Lazarro.
Angeleyes`* says:
2 weeks ago
I agree Rascal my very thoughts on this also...but one other thing..when she bagged her dead body
..hence the stains and odor got on the pants that Cindy washed!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Angeleyes, OH yes dear Cindy started the cover up with washing the pants! after sayiny the car smelled
like there has a Dam Dead Body in it.
Joisey Goil says:
2 weeks ago
Hi everyone..Don't mind me..I'm just lurking around down here on an inflatable raft
Maybe MOTY (Ma of the Year) figured she just had to illiminate her nemesis asap on the afternoon of
the 16th. (remember awhile back NG discussed a leak that a little bathinsuit was found in the garbage
bag?) Well MOTY wants to get this deal over with soon so she comes home with Caylee and says Let's
go for a swim Baby... and then hot rush of an idea... "NOW" duct tapes her mouth so she cant be heard
if she cries knowing neighbors are home (like shovelman doing yard work) dunks her in pool holding
her under till it's over all cool cucumber stuff u know and then puts her for safekeeping in her little
playhouse. Leaves rite away leaving pool ladder where it is and forgetting to shut gate. I don't know if
timeline is rite according to when G & C discovered all this but cadaver dog did hit in the playhouse,
no? I think so but anyway, she returns next day backing into garage according to shovelman puts
baggage in trunk and leaves exhilerated but exhausted and then when stench starts bubbling up makes
the drop.
Remember video of her hand on Tony's butt at blockbuster-as that was happening, Caylee was at that
very moment dissolving in trunk. This is such sick stuff and I believe LE knew almost immediately
with her inappropriate behavior and all that she murdered her child.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
The Florida Bar told WESH 2 Tuesday that they have an "active case" working against Casey
Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Annie lived at the Sawgrass Appts., with the guy named Dante'. Dante is the one who in his statement
told LE that they needed to talk to Annie, that she would have more info about Casey than he would
because they had been closer friends. If I remember correctly Dante had only been around Casey a few
times at clubs/parties, etc.
It is odd that so many interviews and statements have been released, but NOT Annie's. Annie may very
well have supplied LE some critical information, but I would think, under the Sunshine Laws in FL if
someone had requested a copy of that interview under the FOI (freedom of infomation) it would have
had to of been released also???? Maybe not if it had not been filed officially through the clerks office.
They could be holding her interview "open" waiting on further questioning???? Anyone Know????
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Annie Downing's Myspace page
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
GranNaw- LE must have interivewed Annie because of her connection to Saw Grass & Dante'. I also
remember something about Annie & Xanax being said. If OCSD hasn't turned over copies of this
interview to the defense then we will not see them. I believe that before documents are filed with clerk
of court they have to be released to defense attorney. Could be wrong but I think that is the way it is
done. Rascal says Annie Dowling's name is on the state witness list.
Wonder what Annie said to investigators? Must be something pretty significant for them to be holding
them back.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Maire- Is that guy standing behind her Tony L. ?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
OMG, Jo, good catch - that IS Tony! Casey would just die!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
OK, I screwed up this link a minute ago. Here is Annie Downing (quite a bit heavier) with Casey at
Casey's 21st birthday party. They've known each other awhile.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
If you look on that my space for Annie that pic was put up 1-20-09. Yes that is Tony can tell he usuall
has mouth open in his pics.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Marie- Maybe we should copy that & send it to her. LOL
Can you tell me what you entered in the search criteria to get the information you were talking about?
This link brings me to a generic page to enter search criteria.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
My thoughts exactly, Jo!
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom- Try this
You have to go to bottom of page & click acknowledge & then you will see document.
Marie- Annie has sure lost alot of weight. Think maybe this case has taken a toll on everyone. But man
she is really pretty thinner.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Maybe she's taking some of what Casey was taking, Jo. Plus, she knows she's being looked at closely.
Probably stressing her out, or her myspace headline wouldn't say she has every reason to hold her head
up high.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
ProudMom, try it again it just worked for me
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom- It is not you that was the wrong link that was posted earlier. I will try to find the right one.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Here is a link to Casey's handwriting to compare to the link JMo posted with "Zenaida's" signature.
One is cursive, one is printed, so a little hard to tell if written by same person, but both slant to the
right. I'm sure someone will figure it out. I still can't get over Jo noticing Tony L in that picture!
So it worked for you, Rascal? I don't even know what document it is I'm looking for, just that it's about
the Annie/Zanny thing.
I think whoever it was that posted earlie about this probably has this right. It seems logical that Crazy
was making another identity for herself as ZG with the seatbelt issue and the resume thing. What I
think doesn't fit in is the timing of the real ZG showing up at the aparment. I might have the timeline
wrong, but didn't the seatbelt issue happen BEFORE the real ZG came to look at the Sawgrass
See, now I'm confused again. I've been doing this to myself all day. I need a nice long 8 hours of sleep
and start over again tomorrow. Or maybe I need some of your squirrel's acorns, Rascal. They seem to
keep him on his toes.
Jo, your sleuth squirrel looks pretty smart, can I share some of his acorns this week, too?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
ProudMom, Yes the link worked for me. I will put a back pack on my Squirrel and give him direction
to bring the acorn's. With Casey locked up he will be safe, LOL
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Marie , I have a thought on the loss of weight, they all seem to party hardy. Could it be what is at that
I'm going to go look through the documents again. I'm pretty sure Casey signed her name (cursive) on
the original statement she filled out for the police on July 15th. I could be remembering wrong, but it's
worth a look anyway.
Thanks Rascal. I'll put the dogs in so he can get to the door unharmed. If you'd like, I'll spring for a
new 'do' while he's here. GranNaw might do a better job, but I'm saving my money up for everyone on
the ship to have the works at her place when this is all over.....
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Marie- I copied that picture to my hp photo share & will print it out to send to Crazy with note that says
" Just wanted to keep you updated on everything you are missing". Jail address & her cell # are posted
on OCSO site. Thanks for link for Crazy's handwriting, was going to go look for a comparision but you
saved me alot of time. That could be her handwriting because both slant to the right. Hard to be sure
though because in the note to the sheriff she is using print form of letters. JMO
Proud Mom- Have lots of nuts/acorns here & will be glad to share. Us squirrels have to eat.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Where is Captain Steve, I expected him in his new uniform?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Last year my Squirrel crawled in a cabinet I have outside on my deck, he hid his Acorns up in the tube
of my Leaf Blower, well needless to say, I turned it on high of course and out came Acorn's. Talk about
scaring the P out of me. I had a weapon and did not even half to do a Computer search.
Mimi 24 says:
2 weeks ago
Jo and ProudMom, I'd like to see the links with some of Caseys handwriting. I used to study
handwriting analysis (just as hobby). I'm sure hers would be very interesting. I would really like to see
her full signature in cursive.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Jo, I think it would be SO nice of you to send Casey a picture of her old friends to keep in her cell!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, I had no idea that squirrels could be so treacherous until this case!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Marie I wrapped my leaf blower in a tarp this winter, it is safe
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Donagal.. Thank your for your kind words. I only post about my daugther when things are bad. She is
my youngest! My oldest I had on my 18th birthday. She is estranged from me, but due to my late
mother. A terrible story that 7 years later I still cannot fathom why? Anyway, my daughter that has
Libby is my youngest. She, again due to my divorce, is the worst of the bunch. This is a case of a bad
divorce where my ex uses her to hurt me. In fact, he has hurt her. She was a good student, good
daughter, until he realized he could make my life miserable through her. It worked, yet I am the one
who has to deal with her. His newest wife, number 3, does not want my daughter over there for more
than a couple hours. Forget they converted their garage into a 1 bedroom apt. The wife does not want
any of the over there. I mean I would not want them! But I do. I DO know how my daughter is. For the
most part she is a good mom. NOT MOTHER OF THE YEAR.. lol. BUT she uses Libby to make me
do things. Like, "Ok, I will just take her" knowing full well she is sick and I could not sleep. So I watch
her. Before Crazy, I would have said "well, if you feel good about taking a sick baby"..After Crazy, I
will now watch her. Girls like this tend to get furious and then, well, I will never take that chance.
I STILL don't understand Cindy not seeing Caylee for over a month. Sorry, but even when I am in a
fight with my daughter and she takes Libby, I still call to ask about Libby and want to talk to her. Sure
she is 10 months old, but when she hears my voice there is still that very familiar baby babble I know is
hers. She, btw, is now into seeing how loud she can scream. not out of anger, but just to hear herself.
Funny if you have headphones on. And my daughter knows if I don't see her for a day I will hunt her
down. AND the worst? She knows even though I never speak to her dad, I would call him and tell him
what is REALLY going on and what she is REALLY like. He is her bank. She does not want him mad
at her.
As for the Annie thing? Hmmm. Never heard of her meaning I bet you they are holding this back for a
huge BREAKING NEWS!! lol NG tonight was more of her put together re-runs. I mean why? I know
Obama was sworn in tonight, but even JVM had new news to report. I am getting sort of fed up with
NG and I always liked her. I also heard BOTH sides said the butt-head rumors of entertainment was not
true. However!!! I feel it IS true! I mean, just look at the idiot. What truly worries me, is that he is so
incompentent that if she is convicted he would be a good case for appeal. Too screwed up
And finally, I think. Just how many b/fs did she have at one time? And in watching the re-runs tonight I
wondered. WHY did the LE not ever once ask HOW SHE WAS PAYING FOR A NANNY WITH NO
JOB??? That is driving me nuts. Also, the pants that were washed were described as grey, with pin
strips. Dress slacks. Now, how long was she wearing those stinky pants? She left that day with them on
to go to , cough, work. But those were the stinky pants. How could Casey drive that car with the smell
that was so horrific? Did she have a change of clothes she would change into? From dress slacks to
shorts or jeans? And did she have Caylee in the trunk and ????? I mean, if she killed her the day she left
and we all know she did, when did she change clothes as her clothes she left home in were in the trunk
smelling like a dead body. So where did she change her clothes? At Tony's, in the car or public
restroom?? That makes no sense. Well, none of this makes sense. I just hope Nutty Lawyer does
demand a speedy trial. As for the documents released.. They, from what I got, were released to Nutty
Lawyer from the prosection. Will they be new? Or what we already have seen?
Finally, I just wish ALL my adult kids and their kids would grow up and move out. I should be alone! I
can't get a job and we are living on nothing, but my kids seem to think I should pay all the bills and do
the meals and clean AND watch their kids! They freak, and yes so do I, at the thought of a stranger
watching their kids. This case has me frozen in a way. I could make them all leave, but none of them,
thanks to dad and wife #3 have a place to go. No way do I trust them with their own kids. That to me is
super sad.
Thanks all of you for allowing my vents and fears to be typed up here. And believe it or not, lol, it does
have to do with Crazy. I don't and would not, ever become a Cindy, yet I do not trust my adult kids with
their kids.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Jo, did you email Twisted and tell her to come over here with us?
Linn, this case is like therapy for me. When I can't sleep, I go over the details in my mind, and I fall
right asleep. It's like counting sheep! (counting Casey's lies!)
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, I tried that and took me all night and I did not get any sleep, they keep going like that Eveready
Bunny. Whoops sorry Squirrel friends. lol
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Mimi- This is the link for Crazy's written statement to LE:
Marie- Have not e-mailed her but did leave a comment at her site. She must be busy because she hasn't
posted this week. Maybe she is still working on the troll free message board. If we don't see anything
new tomarrow I will email her. I'll tell her to check out the new hub since she is listed as a good link.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Thanks for that, Jo. I just noticed on Annie Dowling's myspace page the headline says "take a look at
me now!" either referring to her weight loss, her new boyfriend, or both!
I have to say that if Casey was signing ZGs signature, she must have practiced a forgery, because it is
completely different - like Casey's z's have lines through them.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Marie- I think it is both. She probably would like Crazy to see that pic. Your right on that signature the
Z is definitely different. The one on the traffic ticket document looks like alot like the # 3 & the one
where Crazy wrote her explanation of what happened for OCSD has a line through the Z. But it would
not surprise me if she had practiced signing the Zenaida name differently. This is the same Crazy Chick
that sent herself bogus emails & forged a bank deposit slip to give to Cindy & George to prove she had
put money in their bank account. Anything is possible in the case!!!!
Wish I could see Crazy's face when she gets my mail. Now that would be PRICELESS!
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
You guys just may be right on with the theory that Casey had created this ZG identity for herself, but
would she have really used it around a friend (say Annie for instance) if she were trying to use it to
"break away" so to speak or to make a clean start away from Orlando without Caylee. It seems unlikely
to me, but not impossible I suppose.
re-listened to some of Casey's statements to LE on NG tonight - you know this was the first I caught it,
but she did sort of try to back peddle on that Apt. at Sawgrass being Zanny's - She actually said "it was
a place we would meet up" then she goes quickly into "they both have friends that live at the complex"
but she never gave Annie's name or Dante's name that I heard, but it did sound like she was backing off
her claim that Zanny LIVED in that Apt. Did anyone else catch that or am I just imagining things now.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Casey seems to hit a lot of high notes in her tone and pitch when she is lying- or more when she is
spinning - going off in other directions and adding details to make it more believable
what I can't figure is WHY didn't they ask her where she really went that day after they had trapped her
in her lie about working at Universal-
Also when she says she first started using Zanny as her Nanny in late 2006-early 2007 - this was well
after her termination at Universal - yet they never re-questioned her on it and pinned her on the real
question of WHY she had a Nanny. - I would pay to hear that answer.
LE's tactic of pinning her on "what happened to Caylee" and "something bad happened" just didn't
work and they had to see it so why didn't they pin her on the other lies and just see what spun out of
that. Or maybe they did and they just don't play that part??? Have all the recorded interviews of her
with LE been released or could there be more?
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
I wonder if they have used voice analysis on these recordings of her - I hear they can do that as a form
of a "lie detector" of sorts.
2 weeks ago
Hi guys and gals. I was occupied with my boys b-ball team. We stunk up the gym but like I told the
guys 1 month ago, as long as your having fun, thats all that matters. Tonight was not too much fun for
them I think. The good thing about a 10 year old and sports... they forget real quick about losing. Ah...
to be 10 again. When I was 10 I was living in Santa Fe. When momster was 10 she was already
working on getting a fake I.D. to get into the clubs. Her lies began long, long ago. GranNaw,
2 weeks ago
GranNaw, Aubree's Grandma, agree with you guys 100%
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Well, I still say she was using Zannie as an alias, but also believes her own lies and thinks she really is
Zannie, hiding within herself somewhere. This is how she can straight face lie. She is both people. Who
knows what alibi she will throw out there when the time comes. I think though, she will have to
provide a reason for lying to cover her other lies. The only way I think she can do this is to say she was
made to or she was threatened etc. Doesn't mean it is true, just that she will use something clever (in
her mind) to cover her other lies. Remember, she is a pathological liar! That is why I was trying to
think of what angles she might use, such as the drug scene, etc. No, it is not just East Coast, it is all
over, but that is where Florida is and they have to make themselves tougher than anyone else to keep
their name on top in the gang wars from coast to coast. Anyway, only a theory.
We all know that she lies and lies and lies and there is no end to it. Her friend Annie obviously doesn't
know how to spell either...Annie, it's LOSE not LOOSE. I guess I can't really tell if that is tony in the
background or not?
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I'd still like to send a tatoo artist to the jail to give Casey a tat of the Target sign on her forehead, right
between the eyes! That way she can really remember what she was doing while her daughter was gone,
shopping with stolen checks and getting a tatoo! What a mom!
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Hello, all my supersleuth friends! Here I am, just logging in at midnight; what the heck's wrong with
me??? No, I didn't watch the inauguration festivities...I'm just a night owl every since I worked second
shift for 12 years.
Steve, sounds like you had your exercise for the day.
JMo, thanks for all your research, and the tatoo idea for Casey. I'm for it. And whoever posted the
document with "Zenaida"s signature...I think it looks EXACTLY like Casey's handwriting! JMo, I'm
starting to think you're right...SHE is Zenaida Gonzales. Oh, how I hope, I hope, I hope that this is the
prosecution's ace in the hole.
Has LE interrogated her any more since Caylee's body was found? Would be interesting to hear the lies
she would tell about why the body turned up 15 blocks from home in her old high school hangout,
where she buried her hamster. If I were them, I would have another Q&A session with her (of course,
BoBo Head would be there, unless he's off making a deal with the Enquirer).
jo, that thing is dated and time stamped. Wouldn't they have video? Man would that be a
sinker.OOPS!!!!! Shouldnt say that word when floating in a boat.SORRY!
But really. Maybe OSCO doesnt have this for evidence yet. Maybe someone should hook em up.
TODAY is gonna suck for me. Have to go to dentist for 3 hr appt. then go to a town 1and1/2hr away for
a MRI. All day taken up by appts. BLAH!!!!
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
I think I may have figured out at least why GA wants immunity. Now, I was just watch Judge
Napolitano talk about the evidence and GA talking to lead investigators. His interview with thenm is
soo prejudicial . Napolitano says no Judge will allow that in, when GA says he smelled dead body and
thought it might be Caylee.
So, they put GA on the stand and ask him what did you smell. He wants to say a PIZZA. If he does,
instead of saying with his LE background, the all familiar DEAD BODY, you are now guilty of lying to
LE.? Obstruction. Whaddda ya think. GOtta go.....Be back in afternoon late evening. Think about their
interviews with LE, and then what they are gonna want to say on the stand. This means with all of
them. They are gonna wanna say anything they can to make Casey look good. SO, anything bad they
said to LE during interviews and then they change their story on the stand, OBSTRUCTION, lying to
LE? Could it be just that simple? I mean their lies are really simple ones that public NEVER buys....
Ya know...If WE, as perfect strangers can put the pieces together to determine Casey's guilty, Imagine
the conversations they're having. Hindsight is 20/20. I bet they're saying "yeah, remember when Casey
did X,Y,Z..."
I just wish I could be a fly on the wall at Fusian Ultra Lounge. :-)
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
More discovery documents to be released
Posted by saradoodle on January 21, 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) — Another 311 pages of discovery documents
were turned over to Casey Anthony’s defense team on Tuesday.
It is not yet known what information the documents contain.Once the information is made available to
the defense, it becomes public record. The documents are expected to be released as early as
Wednesday morning.
MyFoxOrlando will post all of the documents online as soon as they become available
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Hello all new info about the documents can be found at this site
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Darn just add an f at the end of that it would not copy the whole address for some reason
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
CAPN STEVE I sent it to you lol
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
If TE was put in the loop of Sherriffs Dept., which they kinda were.I mean didnt the sherriffs office
give money,boat and plane or something like that to Tim Miller to use. Did they not meet with him
about the upcoming search? So, if the sherriffs office was involvved, why did they not 1. Get a warrant
for clothing of Caylees for Tim Miller to use in the search and 2. Charge Anthony's with Obstructing
Justice right then and there. That proves they did not want her found. If my child or any child were
missing and I had the help of such a HUGE organization, WHY NOT! Unless you are covering. I want
them held accountable for all there BS. Grieving Grandparents or not.Seems to me they are only
grieving Casey's life now. They are some sick people.
Do you think they will stay together after all this is said and done? I mean GA IS gonna have to testify
the same way he did in the behind closed doors GJ. Once Miss Bitch Queen Cindy gets wind of that,
....she'll be done. I think anyway.
Awhile back, someone was saying Amy Huzinga's interview with LE was not available, but she was on
witness list. I found it no problem.
Can someone explain who Annie is. Is she the one who when this first started and Casey called house
for tonys #, and she was drilling Casey and said I will die if something happened to that little girl
Casey, you understand, I will die. And Caseys reply was, OH WELL. Then Honey I love
YOU...blah,blah.? It sounded to me like she was the friend from a long tome ago, and used to watch
Caylee when she was real young.Until she found out Casey was using her to babysit and not actually
working and partying.I dont think she would know much about Casey these last few 6/8 months. She
seemed like she cut off contact after she found out that Miss Casey was hanging with the rong crowd.
Am I wrong.Or am I thinking of someone else.I thought she was on NG a ouple times in the beginning
until Forensics came back. Could someone give me a link. If it is her, why wouold she have Tony's
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick - that's who I thought it was too but that was Christina. We haven't seen any interviews or
information about Annie. She is the friend that lived in Sawgrass Apts.
Well then, who the hell is Annie and what does she have to do with this?Guess I will have to ggogle it.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick - Annie Dowling is a friend of Casey that lived at Saw Grass Apts with another friend
named Dante' S. (Can't Remember last name). Annie might have been her Xanax connection. Not much
else is know about her but you can check out her myspace page. Link for that page was posted about 24
hrs. ago.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
This is when we start putting all these clues together. Stuff we read about when this whole thing started
- its beginning to make sense now. Maybe I read too fast but they found a lot of stuff in that car that
was tested and whats with the garbage bag they found. Does it look like the garbage from Tony's place
- she was even taking that out to make herself indispensible I guess. Wow she was acting more like a
slave to lust.
Mimi 24 says:
2 weeks ago
Morning all,
Jo and Marie, thanks for the signature/statement links. WOW, all so interesting. When I looked at
Caseys statement I wondered if she was directed to print it rather than cursive writing. I looked at some
of the other statements and saw that printing the statement doesn't seem to be a requirement. Hmm,
here are a few words on that taken from the book 'Handwriting Analysis Putting It to Work for You' by
Andrea McNichol.
"If your cursive handwriting is legible but you still prefer to print, then it is because you do not wish to
reveal your real personality to others.
Since we can write so much faster cursively than with printing, why would some prefer to print all the
time?. The reason is that the person subconsciously wants the extra time. He does not want to reveal
himself simply and spontaneously through writing (which cursive writing allows). He wants to have
time to think, to calculate, to consider his effect on others.
Graphologically, what sets us apart from one another are our connecting strokes. Our individual
personality, what makes our handwriting uniquely our own, is seen through our connectors. No two
people have the same connecting pattern. This is why a printed signature on a check or will is not a
legal or valid one. It is also through the connectors that we can make so many graphological
intrepretations, such as whether a writer is sociable, aggressive, or dishonest. So subconsciously,
printing is one of the most effective ways to hide your personality from others.
The obvious exception to this interpretation is anyone who has an occupation where printing goes hand
in hand with his work, such as an architect, an engineer, or a member of the law enforcement
community. For these types, who may use a certain print styple on plans, blueprints, and forms,
printing soon becomes an ingrained hapit. Their specific style of printing is usually easy to identify."
Casey-printed statement
Cindy-cursive statment
Lee-looks almost like something called "disconnected or print-writing" (whole nother ball o wax :)
Well, just thought I'd throw that in for you guys to chew on. Graphology is so complex and (to me)
fascinating. There are sooo many aspects to it, the slant, the height of lettering, going below, above or
outside the 'lines' the actual way a letter is formed, the pressure of pen to page etc...
Okay, I'll stop babbling now, Just one more thing. Caseys signature? I actually gasped when I saw it.
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
Mimi - interesting... why did you gasp?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
After a quick run through of the documents, a couple of things stood out to me. First, Caylee's things
were in a black plastic bag in the car, including her doll, diapers and backpack. Next. there was a
freshener sheet in the trunk, obviously in an attempt to mask the odor.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
OMG! Wow! That was some interesting reading! How sad, though, thinking of that poor baby with her
blanket and all. Thanks for the links.
GranNaw: Can't agree with you more! That's what I said last night... "Ask her where she was when she
was supposed to be at work!! Why do you need a nanny when you don't have a job?!" You are right on
the money!
I'm new to this site, but I have been following this case since the beginning. I missed lastnight's NG, so
this morning I read her transcripts on CNN/NG.
Here was the last of what she talked about with the detectives, before the show ends, and to me it
sounds like she is just telling them what she thinks they want to hear? Also, how is stocking up on
snicker's bar's "beating herself up everyday"? Is it honestly possible for someone to be that self
absorbed? And on another note, it seems to me that when asked a question, she seems to answer it
going in another direction, instead of answering what was asked. As if she is making it up as she goes,
so as not to come out looking like the "bad mommy". (WELLS: Who`s going to be the next hurdle in
your life as far as trying to explain, that no, I`m not a neglectful mother, I`m not, you know, is it going
to be your mom? ANTHONY: Myself. No, it`s going to be saying that and proving that to myself every
day. My mom flat out told me yesterday she would never be able to forgive me and I even told her, I`m
not going to be able to forgive myself. Every day I`ve been beating myself up for this, every single day.
WELLS: Right.)
WELLS: If we found the nanny today, and we found your baby, what`s your biggest, what`s your
biggest hurdle for you in your life as far as who`s it -- maybe explaining something to somebody or
who -- what`s the next biggest concern? I know your major concern now is finding your baby.
ANTHONY: Honestly, that`s all I care about at this point. WELLS: Who`s going to be the next hurdle
in your life as far as trying to explain, that no, I`m not a neglectful mother, I`m not, you know, is it
going to be your mom? ANTHONY: Myself. No, it`s going to be saying that and proving that to myself
every day. My mom flat out told me yesterday she would never be able to forgive me and I even told
her, I`m not going to be able to forgive myself. Every day I`ve been beating myself up for this, every
single day. WELLS: Right. ANTHONY: Not knowing where to go, what to do. Running in circles,
literally, because it`s all I can do at this point. WELLS: I would hope this would never happen to you
again, but I think if this ever... ANTHONY: I would never... WELLS: ... happened again... ANTHONY:
... let this happen again. WELLS: The very first phone call should be to the... ANTHONY: Absolutely.
WELLS: ...police. ANTHONY: Be to the police. WELLS: Because we got so many resources.
ANTHONY: I wouldn`t hesitate to talk to my parents this time if something happened. WELLS: Right.
ANTHONY: I mean I learned the biggest lesson from all of this. I made the greatest mistake that I ever
could have made as a parent. The biggest mistake was not calling you guys right off the bat. I
understand all of that. It`s the biggest slap in the fact and I did that to myself. But the worse is I`ve
done this to my daughter by allowing her to still be with someone else. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Snoopy, the presence of the blanket with Caylee's remains actually proves she wasn't left there by a
kidnapper, but by someone close. Any psychologist will tell you that mother's who kill leave a comfort
item with the child's corpse.
Wednesday Morning says:
2 weeks ago
Holy crap! I might be a complete moron, but I just made the garbage bag connection! I couldn't figure
out HOW police would match the garbage bags Caylee's remains were found in to the garbage bags in
the Anthony home... well duh! The bag that George & the tow truck driver threw away would have
undoubtably been from the same package. Jeez! I can't believe I JUST NOW made that connection.
*Head slap!*
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, would Casey qualify as "close?" I don't mean to be hateful, but she seems like she'd be more
inclined NOT to leave something dear to her daughter. Could it have been left by a grieving
grandparent or brother helping to cover it up? Just a thought.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Well, that was quite a list. I am sure they will match up the 'air freshner' sheets from those taken from
the ANTS garage and the dirt samples.
To me, this says she borrowed the neighbors shovel, (because daddy's was locked up in the shed out
back). Tried to dig in several places, but could only dig so deep and gave up (so returned the
shovel....but oops they still found dirt on it under forensics). She carried Caylee with her left hand,
because all the stains on the clothes are on her left side. Then I am sure they will match the dirt and
leaves found under the bumper to the area Caylee was found. She should of washed it better after
backing her car up in the wooded area. Those spots in the trunk didn't show blood, but could of been
bodily fluids from Caylee. Yikes.
I had not idea about all the dug up areas in the backyard till this report. Makes sense now about her
borrowing the shovel. I wonder what she used to actually bury Caylee (my earlier theory is that she
buried her, but the flood waters washed everything up to ground level). I believe she wrapped her in the
blanket to carry her and put her in the bag with. She probably did not want to have to touch a dead baby
if she didn't have to. I didn't see any mention of duct tape on those lists, did you all?
muzikluver says:
2 weeks ago
I've been reading this hub and checking it daily since it began, and never commented; however, I was
thinking of all you "squirrels" last night and I wondered...if the trial is not to take place until around
2010, will Casey remain in protective custody until then?
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Sorry, but I'm still stuck on the handwriting issue...I would bet a hundred dollars that the same person
who signed "Zenaida Gonzales" on the disposition form for the traffic ticket is the same person who
wrote out Casey Anthony's statement to the police...and we all know who that was. First of all, the
SIZE of her letters take up all available space on a line, as if to say "LOOK AT ME! I AM SOOOO
IMPORTANT! I MATTER MORE THAN YOU!!!". Then, when she writes "en" in Zenaida, it is like a
printed "e", but in Gonzales the "es" is almost back to cursive. The same is found in her statement. And
the only difference in her "Z's is that in her statement she puts a line through them, which would be
easy enough to change, and easily forgotten if she was in a hurry to get out of there, which she would
be if she was impersonating someone else on a legal document. And her "Z"s have rounded corners,
almost like an S or the number 7 with a foot. Check it out and tell me what you think. Mimi??? You're
the expert!
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Muzikluver- Yes, she will remain in protective custody at Orange County Jail untill the trial is over. If
convicted she probably will be segregated from general population at one of the state prisons.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Kate in Mo- Crazy is Zenaida!! I'd bet the farm on it. Maybe that was the big Bombshell Padilla was
saying way back that would shock the world. Makes sense to me.
muzikluver says:
2 weeks ago
I live less than an hour away from her...I've been to her house, not inside of course, but to know that
back in late July I was sooooo close to that baby...haunts me. This could have been over with a long
time ago. But of course, I'm sure there are a lot of people who feel the way I do.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, I heard there was no duct tape in the home, which is strange, because EVERYBODY has duct
tape in their home!
Yes, it would make sense Casey being Zenaida, esp. the way she says "the last person I saw her with
was Zenaida!" Which is the truth if Casey is Zenaida.
themartins says:
2 weeks ago
It is sooo amazing how many people look at me and say "WHO?" when I mention Casey Anthony....or
even sweet baby Caylee. WHERE have these people been???????????? ....or maybe I'm totally
obsessed as I have been following this case closely since I was drying my hair and heard the 911 call
Cindy made...I just STOPPED and ...believe me, that's all it took to get my attention!!!! Have you guys
noticed that other people are totally UNAWARE of this insane, self-motivated hate crime against this
precious 2 year old or is it just me? I want to thank all of you guys for being here with me through out
all of heart is broken.....and my mind is still having trouble wrapping itself around this
monstrosity....or should I dare say MOMstrosity?
Who knows....they just may find a jury who knows nothing of this.... Where are the lab reports on the
duct tape?
Thanks again everyone for your insight...for your humor...and for your companionship on this long
slow ride to justice....
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, that brings me back to the multiple personality....One writes one way, the other writes the other.
She is two people in one body/mind, imo. Maybe ZG was who she would of liked to have
been....someone who loved Caylee, took her to the beach, to disney land, etc. I really think Casey has a
battle going on in there somewhere. Caylee just got in the way.
Casey was the bad mom, couldn't do anything right in Sindy's eyes, etc. ZG was the good person within
Casey who she could tell Sindy that Caylee was with everyday having fun. Then Caylee was going to
spill the beans and tell Sindy that there is no babysitter/nanny! Casey could not let that happen. She
would not look like the good mom going to work and having Caylee with a loving nanny all day. So,
she taped her mouth to 'shut her up'. She most likely asphyxiated and Casey/Zanny was then in a panic!
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Still analyzing all the new court docs but found this really interesting & couldn't wait to share it.
skull on ground with duct tape over mouth area & red heart sticker attached to mouth.
Black plastic garbage bag with yellow ties (bag found in dumpster at tow yard was white)
back pack with words "adorable" printed on it found in black garbage bag
stainless steel knife found in black garbage bag ( same type of kitchen knife was found in car when it
was taken to OCSD in July
2 weeks ago
muzikluver, welcome aboard! You will have a beautiful room with a view I guarantee or your money
back. Some days the ship moves quicker than others but nobody (to my knowledge) has ever been ill. I
agree with jo1031 although one could wish for an honest mistake for an hour or two. Maybe Walt the
janitor will be in charge for a stint and make an honest mistake. I hope it doesn't come across to
everyone that I do not have feelings for momster because I do. I really do!!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Whoa - on the link Jo just posted above, they said there was a heart=shaped sticker on the duct tape
over Caylee's mouth! What a sick bitch! And I bet she used Amy's duct tape that Amy was complaining
she didn't return!
Mimi 24 says:
2 weeks ago
Kate where is the document with the 'Zeniada' signature?
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I keep 3 types of garbage bags at my house. Small for the
bathroom cans, Tall kitchen bags (white with red handles) for the kitchen, and then Big black bags to
double bag the trash(from the kitchen) or to put trash from the yard or garage in before it goes to the
curb. I am sure they probably found both types of bags there.
Also, she probably disposed of the duct tape somewhere else. I have duct tape in my garage (couldn't
do without it). I can't even imagine George not having any in the garage, especially with him being the
type of guy that is particular about everything in the garage and shed and having a plastic pool, doll
house,and working on cars.....there was some mention of her borrowing duct tape for a 'party'? from
one of her friends that wrote on her myspace. Anyone know about that?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
She borrowed Any H's duct tape, Amy talks about her "using it all up" in the text messages.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, just saw your post. I didn't know that was Amy that said that about the duct tape, but I do recall
her asking for it back on Casey's myspace.
How sick she was looking up 'neckbreaking' and 'household weapons' on the computer.
I bet they find traces of the dirt from where Caylee was buried inside the vacuums in the garage. Sindy
didn't do a thorough enough job cleaning it out obviously. The dirt probably fell off the shovel she used
after burying Caylee in the woods. I bet she also drove Tony L's jeep out there at one point to see if
Caylee was ok....and that's why she keeps telling G&A, "I know she is ok, I feel it in my HEART"
Maybe she was also hinting about the heart sticker on the duct tape? Who knows. It's really eirrrrreeeee
though. She keeps saying that she can't tell them anything because she hasn't been out of jail to know. I
think what she meant (this is before Caylee was found) was that if she could only get out and check on
the gravesite, she would know if Caylee was ok or not. In her mind, she put Caylee to rest already,
under the ground. She never expected her to wash up with the floods though. Casey wanted so much to
look like the good mom, so she had to make Zanny look bad. She still so much wants to look good in
Sindy's eyes...."Mom, tell Zanny we forgive her!"
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Mimi, here is the link for Zenaida's signature:
hope this works for you, if not, somebody else has posted it her further up...
JMo, more and more, I'm starting to be on the same page with you. Haven't read all the docs yet but
this is one sick (BUT NOT LEGALLY SICK!) creepy woman.
2 weeks ago
Mental Health experts are being brought in. Momster said to investigators that she wants to put Caylee
to sleep usind medicine. No accident people, this was pre-meditated and that is it. Also, they say that
they have a defense for the neck breaking search and chloroform. Also, BOBO Head on live headline
news now.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
HLN defense attorney just said these new court docs give 101 more reasons for people to hate Crazy!!
OMG a defense attorney actually said that.
Search warrant executed on Dec 11th after body was found said LE was looking for evidence of
chloroform. Chemical components that may be used to make chloroform, receipts for purchase of
chloroform & containers that may be used to mix chemicals. Also on list was baby medication, all
vacuum cleaners, all photo albums, videos, cameras & cloth type lettering. Search warrant also listed
"winnie The Pooh" clothing, towels, blankets, diapers, pull-up pants, all tooth brushes, hair brushes &
cell phones.
Bo Bo Head is certainly having a bad week!!!!! He's on a news video they are showing on HLN
whinning once again. BOO HOO!
2 weeks ago
And I am not talking about the guy on Popeye who ate all them burgers. I apologize Wimpy. Get a grip
BOBO Head it isn't all about you!! Between you and momster, one courtroom may not be big enough
for those two personalilties.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Casey reminds me of the child with the imaginary friend who broke Mom's expensive vase. In this
case, the parents do not allow the child to shift the responsibility for everything they have done bad, to
blame this imaginary friend....saying the imaginary friend is the one who broke the vase, can be dealt
with at the time (as a child), but saying(as an adult) your imaginary friend committed kidnapping and
murder is not ok.
She had an Entire Imaginary Family, friends, jobs, nanny, and life. It is all fabricated from wherever
she could pull information. Zenaida, the sisters, the step dad, universal studios, the beach, caylee's dad,
new york, her 2 friends who worked at the studio with her, on and on. All these people that no one
knows or have heard of.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
What amazes me is the speed with which she could come up with these lies...not just bumbling lies, but
DETAILED, in depth whoppers! If it wasn't for who she is and what she did, I would almost be in awe!
If I tried to tell a lie when I was young, I would look down at the floor, stammer, turn splotchy, have a
panic attack and finally admit the truth before anybody had ever accused me of lying...that DARN
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
But Deb, she has already been examined and she's not qualified for the insanity defense, or at least
that's what I've heard. She was examined the first few days she was in jail, I think...
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Casey may be crazy, but she knows and knew what she was doing! Look at her behavior in those
video's. We can all see that she is two different people...acts one way with George then suddenly like a
switch, something different with Cindy. She refers to herself as "her mother" when talking about
Caylee (but had to pause first) and refers to Caylee as "that little girl". She may have been ZG when
she did all of these bad things, but it is still Casey!
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Isn't the definition of insanity someone who doesn't know the difference between right and wrong?
Like the woman in Texas who killed her 4 kids to "save them from the Devil"??
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Off Topic **** This message was left at Futy's site:
Jo says:
Not only is there clean air over there, it's also a dead calm!!!!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yes. However, I think Casey knows what she did was wrong, and that is why she is asking Cindy to tell
Zanny that they 'forgive her'. Casey knows she is caught, but will keep up the game as long as she can
to get what she needs (to be forgiven). Her issues with Sindy are so deep rooted, there is no telling what
is going on in Casey's head. She is a disappointment to Sindy and hasn't been spared a moment in her
life to not hear about it. Now she fucked up big time and can knows she will never get Sindy's approval
or love. She will tell a lie as long as she can, till she dies.
My other theory....I think the fight that Casey and Cindy had the night before Father's day, had to do
with Caylee telling Cindy something she shouldn't have and Sindy attacked Casey about it. Doesn't
Caylee look like a child who has been scolded (in the picture of her great grandpa holding her). She
looks so sad. I bet this all has something to do with her death...Casey thinks Caylee lied to Sindy, Sindy
took Caylee's word over Casey.....everyone lies, everyone dies.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Yikes, that's a scary thought. I truly believe that Casey knew exactly what she was doing, too; there
would be no reason for all the lies otherwise. As in the Texas case, the mother calmly drowned her
children, picked up the phone, and called police, telling them what she had done. NOT CASEY...she
tells no one and spends the month jumping from bed to bed and dancing on the stripper pole.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
You all know of course, that one of the frequent causes of dissociative personality disorder (split
personality) is sexual abuse as a child, where the child imagines they are someone else to cope with the
trauma. Could this be JB's "conmpelling reason?"
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I think she knew what she was doing, but the fear of her mother is stronger than the fear of anything
else. She would rather sit and rot in jail than feel the wrath of Sindy. That is why she needs Sindy to
forgive her.
The Texas mother knew she did something wrong, that is why she called police. Casey knew she did
something wrong and probably would of called 911 (like she said in the video's) but the fear of Sindy
was too strong. JMHO.
Also, Capt. I can't get the video for today with Baez to play. It keeps shutting my computer completely
down...must be a virus in the works. Can you tell us what is on it?
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Yeah, I'm in the dark too...did Casey finally admit something to someone? Or is Jose straying from his
"She didn't do it" line? Fill me in!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yes Marie, I have a friend (ex friend now) who has severe dissociative disorder and I see the exact
same personality as Casey. The speech, the eyes, the emotions, the lack of emotions, the theft, the huge
lies and more lies, the attitude, Everything is the same as it is with Casey. It is amazing to someone
with out the background of psychology to understand, but they are two or more people. The only time
my friend was halfway normal was when she took her meds. Otherwise, she was a twin of Casey's.
I think child hood abuse or even just the emotional abuse she sustained from Sindy was enough to
make her be someone else to cope with the daily trauma of being reminded of what a rotten mother she
was, etc. Who knows what all went on in that family?!!!! What is the falling out she refers to with
George a year ago? Was that sexual abuse as a child? Who knows! But, I still think that Zanny is
herself and her alternate personality. She blamed Zanny for Caylee being gone all the time, Zanny for
kidnapping Caylee, now Zanny for killing Caylee.
Oh, and lets don't forget, she has already convinced G&C that Zanny had a key to the house. Of course
she did, how do they think Casey (I mean Zanny) got in to get the gas cans and steal stuff and to back
her car in the garage.
What a freakin' Whack Job! Somebody needs to break her and make her talk.
Mimi 24 says:
2 weeks ago
Ha,ha Kate, I'm no handwriting expert by far : ) Not that this case is going to need one.
I did look at the dispostion for the Zenaida signature. Isn't that supposed to be the signature at the
bottom of the page? It is so small and jammed together it was hard to make out. I even magnified it
quite a bit, the Z at the beginning of Zenaida is similar to the ones Casey uses in her statement but NOT
when using the Z as the beginning letter of the word. If you go back and look at her statement she
makes the Z different at the end of the name Gonzalez and again using the different Z when she writes
out Tony Lazzaro.
If you were referring to the name Zenaida Gonzalez at the top left on the didposition, I thought that was
written in by a court employee? Am I wrong on that?
Oh and to LLee, you wanted to know why I gasped when I looked at Caseys signature? It was nothing
technical, it was that she has looped and re-looped especially from the y in Casey all the way around up
and down till she finishes up with y in Anthony. She's drawn a circle of protection/deception around
As far as actually analyzing that signature, well ugh, the huge letters, the way she can't even begin to
write in any type of 'normal' range (letters touching the edge of the line in the beginning, suspended for
most of the middle and then the last part of the signature dragging way down). Well, we all know shes a
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, I don't believe that Casey has a true "split personality", as in she actually WAS Zenaida part of
the time and Casey the rest of the time. But I do believe that she's playing a game in her head that
allows her to be SO indignant whenever anyone questions her involvement...aren't people like "Sybil"
unaware of what their other personalities have done?
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Just watching HLN and an early clip of GA taking garbage to curb. BLACK BAG w/YELLOW TIEs.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, no, not necessarily. Only if they have been in treatment for many, many years. I'm not sure if she
has any disorder other than being a narcissistic sociopath, I only know I want her to pay for what she
has done! It's cruel of me, but I want her to suffer, admit what she has done, and pay the price. As far as
I can tell, she has contributed nothing to this world other than Caylee, and that she even snuffed out.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Mimi, I think you're right, I goofed. OK, I can calm down now and let go of that scenario. But I do
think there is something really weird about her handwriting; I think if I tried to write like that my hand
would cramp up and I'd have to take a break every 2 minutes.
2 weeks ago
Ocean Breeze is located on the S.S. Poseidon. Not the adventure he or she was looking for. The ship is
turned upside down. Where is Gene Hackman and Shelly Winters when the breeze needs them?
Someone send an S.O.S. LOL LOL!!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yikes Farmchick....good observation.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yikes Farmchick....good observation.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, I agree; she is so unbelieveably selfish, harping on and on and on about "ME, ME, ME, PAY
ATTENTION TO ME, LOVE ME"...and the ironic thing is, she killed the one person in the world who
loved her the most, unconditionally.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
uh oh, a double post...must of been my other personality, lol.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, maybe they think it's the Titanic and they're looking for Leonardo DiCaprio...
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
So, trying to piece this together. 1. Did she borrow the neighbors shovel during the first or second time
she backed the car in the garage? 2. What date did she borrow the shovel? 3. I guess George confirmed
the day she went missing with the same clothes found in the bag, right? (which blows a hole in talking
to Caylee after the fact). 4. What dates did she have TL's jeep? 5. What date did she dump the car at
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I can't believe she actually joked with Ricardo about giving Caylee medicine to make her sleep! Now
they have text messages from Tony to her asking why she lied to him about Casey being ok and with a
I now think when Casey said ...everybody lies....everybody dies....she meant this as two facts of life.
Her excuse is that Everybody else does it (part of sociopathic behavior by the way) is their reason for
what they do, its because it must be ok if everyone else can do it. She just has no boundaries.
Maybe George needs to play some more "let's pretend" games with her!!!! arrgh!
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, it was my understanding that the blowup between George and Cindy a year or so ago and
impending divorce was because of George's gambling debt that she wasn't aware of. Of course, that's
just what we've heard, and who knows what went on in that house behind closed doors...I have a hard
time believing that Casey was sexually abused because of the way she runs roughshod over the whole
family; I think of a sexually abused person as one who is meek, has a really low self-image, has the
haunted eyes of a victim, but I'm no expert by far. It's just that the abused women I've known have
looked like that.
My theory is that Caylee was killed in the home and then put her in the laundry bag, then later she tried
to make it look like a drowning (gate open, steps on pool), then tried to bury her in the backyard, then
decided to hide her somewhere in the back yard (she leaked through the laundry bag on to the ground
and caseys left leg, etc) so she backed the car up again, got her, threw her in the trunk (after she
garbage bagged the laundry bag due to seeping through). Drove around back and forth trying to decide
where to get rid of it...airport or favorite hang out and home of the dead hamster?! Buried her in the
wood at the hamster site, backed the car in the garage again when no one was home, vacumed it out
and threw in an air freshner....told her friend Amy that she 'got rid of the smell', but it wouldn't go away.
She ran out of gas and hoped someone would just steal the damn car!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, G didn't have a gambling problem, he lied to Cindy. It was an "email scam" that he fell for and
gave away their savings. He was afraid of what Cindy would do if she knew the truth, but it eventually
came out. I guess Casey learns her behavior from George, that is why she is so connected to him.
Anyway, the falling out I am referring to is the one between Casey and George. She refers to it in the
video where she picks George as the person she wants to see....and George in his EGOtistical state of
mind says: "Oh thank you sweetheart for picking ME!" Give me a break! I want to slap everyone of
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Yeah, JMo, I think it really threw a monkey wrench into her plan when the car was not
stolen...CURSES!! Boy, there are a bunch of lucky, lucky car thieves in Orlando!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yeah, lucky lucky Car Theives and
Unlucky, unlucky, Meter Reader!
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Reminds me of the Seinfeld where Jerry couldn't get any thieves to steal his car because it had "B.O."
even when he gave them the keys...
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Where did I hear about George's gambling problem? Was that part in his interview with LE? Because I
do remember the part about giving his savings to an internet scam; so did he tell them he lied to Cindy?
Deb in Vegas says:
2 weeks ago
I was always confused about that. Did he lie about the scam to cover up the gambling, or did he lie
about the gambling to cover up the scam?
Farmhick says:
2 weeks ago
Go to
Sorry if someone has posted this already, but go to the page that has handwritten on bottom right side
of page 3069.Start about there. OMG!
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick-I kept thinking about that video with George taking the garbage out in the black bag
w/yellow tie, when I read those new docs this afternoon. Good Catch! I think the white garbage bag
found in the dumpster could have been from Tony's apt. I remember something being said in one of the
interviews about his trash being in her car & he thought that was strange. If not from his apt., heck
could have been from her home. I have different sizes of garbage bags & brands in my home. I also
have duct tape at all times.
1& 2 - The nieghbor Brian Bunner said she borrowed the shovel on either the 17th or 18th. of June. He
was on vacation that week & that is why he remembered the week. She did borrow it the first time he
saw her back up into garage. He said the second time she backed in was probably the 19th. of June.
3 - I don't think that she was found in the same outfit that he described. Will try to find out what he said
& let you know.
4-She had use of Tony's Jeep after the 27th of June. His interview did not give all of the exact days she
used it. She also had Amy's car while she was vacation & did not return it till July 15th. the day Cindy
called 911.
5-Amscot manager saw car parked in lot the morning of June 27th when she came into work. It was
towed away on June the 30th.
RE: Falling out between George & Crazy: It was said it was about the split with George & Ciindy. He
went to Ft. Meyers for awhile to live with his parents. Seems Crazy took Cindy's side in the break up.
This is just what I have picked up by reading the interviews & different news shows.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
It also says at the bottom:
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Cindy tells Coworkers George is the one pissed at Casey over $.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, I think we kind of figured out he lied to Cindy, because everyone else in the family (Rick Plesea
and others) mentioned him losing money due to online gambling, when in reality it was an online scam.
He admitted to police he was very ashamed of falling for it. It was probably easier to tell Cindy he was
a gambler rather than stupid. Everyone feared the wrath of Cindy!
lizaural says:
2 weeks ago
Correct me if I am wrong, but I'm pretty sure the new discovery documents say that the baby seat was
in Tony's jeep. I don't remember him mentioning that in his police interview, but it was in the list of
stuff taken from his jeep.
All this time I've been wondering where the damn car seat was found! She must have had it in his car to
help perpetuate the lie to him that Caylee was alive.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good evening all, Well I think Casey may end up with a public defender, either way she is going away.
These were not the reports I was wanting, I want the tox reports. We know there is enough evidience to
convict Casey and her imiginary (Nanny-Casey) I still not not imagine a mother doing this, but there is
no doubt in my mind she is guilty.
kwoz says:
2 weeks ago
Hello all....sorry I've been absent. Great page Wednesday.. ty
I am sick to my stomach that they still HAVE NOT put that baby to rest?? What is the hold-up?? I am
going to FL next month and so help me GOD, if they haven't by then, I'll be going out to Orlando from
Daytona to at least lay some flowers where they found her to give me some closure. I just don't
understand this long, drawn out delay. If I was in CA & GA's shoes, I would fight tooth and nail to get
what needed to be done so I could bury my grandchild.
As far as "CRAZY" I am praying to GOD as well that when this is all over and she is spending the rest
of her life in jail for this horrible death, they put her in the community and they give her the same
suffering and worse that she gave to Caylee. I won't even call it hers, she doesn't deserve it! BOZO is
beyond a BOZO after todays speach.. shut the F up and do what you think you can.. what you say or do
does not matter to us.. he's just as sucked in as the rest of the ppl that think or thought she was
innocent! I think GA & CA have finally came down to earth and are taking this all in and FINALLY
realize their daughter is more than guilty! Justice for Caylee {'.'}
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Car seat was in Caseys car, read it in the court doc's. I spen all afternoon reading them before I Had to
go out.
After reading all the doc's I was so upset thinking of Caylee. I just sat here praying that baby did not
suffer, and was to upset to post anything.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I can't believe Baez is playing the race card; is he an idiot? As Casey would say, "ABSOLUTELY"
2 weeks ago
After spending the time reading the news sory from WFTV News, it is crystal clear that momster is a
liar. To everyone. And a very bad one at that. Especially to the cops. It also adds evidence to the fact
that smoking the chronic is quite harmful. Not good for that short term memory ay momster? She is
comical in the scariest sense of the word if there is such a thing! Everyone pick up their shot glass of
the "let her rot shot" and salute to all. On a seperate note, about 10 years ago I was sent to my work the
same Nigerian scam that Georgie got. It tells the tale that a bank account is needed to use for the
purpose of putting in 3 million dollars. In return they would give as a fee $125,000. Although I was a
young lad at the age of 34, the first thought that hit me was the old story of something that is too good
to be true usually is and it ended up in my round file. (my waistbasket) The first thing that hit Georgie
was Cindy...
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
She did Tony's laundry. she was using his Jeep after she dumped her car. Jo and I both read docs the car
seat was in impound,
Deb in Vegas says:
2 weeks ago
Casey drops of Tony at the airport in his jeep on June 30, then picks him up at the airport July 5 in the
jeep. She's driving the jeep during this time.
mom2sixangels says:
2 weeks ago
What day was it that Caylee visited with her great grandpa?
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Yeah, Steve, I have gotten several of those dumb emails. Who in their right mind would fall for that?
Oh, I forgot...GEORGE.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Mom2, it was June 15, Father's Day
Deb in Vegas says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick, are u confusing evidence in Casey's car with Tony's jeep?
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
I was hoping for more - like you Rascal I wanted the tox reports! The only really NEW thing we got
today was the contents of the bag found with poor little Caylee's remains. That was kind of hard to read
Cindy's co-workers and supervisors's statements really only confirmed what we already knew about the
situation and the family dynamic.
I find it interesting that in all the follow up interviews with Rico and the other guy they both get asked
about this Annie. Still nothing released on her comments. I wonder why those have not had to be given
to Baez yet? You would think that they would have to give him her statement too???? Very Curious
FarmChick - all that stuff with Sean (the Daily BS) was way back in November - he posted copies of
those emails between him and Cindy along with Rick's (Cindy's Brother) & Cindy's emails. He was a
big supporter of Cindy's for the first several months and he was one of the few media type people (him
and Greta) Cindy would communicate with- he finally got sick of her crap and sick of everyone in the
world ragging him about supporting her because the things she was saying just kept getting crazier and
it all boiled over between them in Nov. That's when he broke ties with her and posted all those emails
and then she claimed her computer had been hacked into.
The car seat was always in Casey's car - it was there when George & Cindy got it from the tow yard
and it was in the original police inventory way back in July.
I don't think those were the same clothes that George described last seeing her in either... will try to find
that info
Whom ever (sorry---too lazy to go ^ and see who it was) said how Casey kept saying "I know she's OK
with all my Heart" may have hit the nail on the head about the way Casey was thinking --- there is
usually SOME truth in every lie
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I thought she was wearing a pink top and a denim skirt; could be wrong.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
IMO most of those "suspicious" stains on all of Casey's clothes they took from her closet are probably
going to end up being of the "date" type with her "dating" track record. Maybe not, but even if they
were of any forensic use at one point, Cindy has washed it all and I doubt they will get viable DNA by
the time they took them. I guess we can hope.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Kate - I think you are right - Pink Top - Denim Skirt --- Anyone else remember???
Mimi 24 says:
2 weeks ago
Kate I think you are right on what Caylee was wearing. Pink top/denim skirt.
Nite all
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Hey, I finally got something right! WHOOPIE! GranNaw, I was thinking that too about her stained
clothes (EWW-WW)...they'll probably have the DNA of the Seventh Fleet, either that or menstrual
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Yeah, the backpack was a Dora the Explorer "aDORAble" bag
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Remember how we were wondering what the duct tape was for, keeping Caylee quiet vs. keeping in
bodily fluids, and felt that if it was used to quiet her, she would just reach up and pull it off, but her
hands weren't taped, so kinda ruled that out? Well, tonight they said that the tape was on SO TIGHT
that they had to cut it off, so it could have been put on before death, and she did suffocate, and was
unable to unbind her own face. Grisly to think about.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Marie you are so right that is what upset me. Casey is a crule bitch.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Worse to think that she might have been chloroformed to the point of unconsciousness, then finished
off with tape over her mouth and nose. If so, that should be done to Casey.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Isn't it amazing that they went back to the crime scene to find that itty bitty sticker that matched the
adhesive pattern on the duct tape and they actually FOUND it?? Makes you wonder if a higher power is
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Well, it's freezing here and I'm gonna go crawl under about 6 blankets to warm up. Nite, all!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, The chloroforn would put Cayleeto sleep and not wake up, but to suffocate Caylee is worse to
me. Compare it to someone with Asthma that can not breath.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Well, I just checked the Anthony's Myspace page, not too late to buy a t-shirt or bracelet for $10!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Excuse me for saying this Marie, SCREW the Anthony's, not in my life time. This has been about
moeny to them, still hope they charge them.
Aubree's Grandma says:
2 weeks ago
It amazes me what forensics can show and how they can find the tiniest things at a crime scene and use
it to tie cases together. I would love to be in forensics science but I'm getting too old for that. Plus I
think I would get too emotionally involved when there are murder cases.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
I was just listening to some of the NG DVR from earlier - they were talking about the duct tape and
Padilla said some Dr from up North thinks it will show "breathable" trace if it was placed over her
mouth ante-mortem - I don't think so after all this time but the evidence report showed a pull up in the
bag. I wonder if it was on her. It sounds like to me she was probably fully dressed when placed in that
bag. If so, hopefully she used that pull up and hopefully that gel material held onto some evidence. I
can't wait for the tox reports.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
BTW Marie - I love your "snarling" squirrel. I don't think I want to piss him/her off!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
GranNaw tell me about it it scared the hair on my Squirrel.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Did anyone notice on set 2 of WESH court docs the report on Dr. Lee & Baez's 1st inspection of
Crazy's car that more hair was found when Dr. Lee inspected the vehicle & another after their
inspection when OCSD rechecked the car back into evidence. This inspection was done on Nov 14th.
& starts at page 33.
How did more hair turn up after OCSD & FBI went over that vehicle with a fine tooth comb, as to
speak? Very mysterious!
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
yea jo I noticed that and it seemed like he found quite a bit of hairs on some of that trash. I wonder why
OCSD CSI didn't find it? you know the defense will have a field day with that!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
My squirrel is pissed off at the Anthony's for defaming his character and maligning squirrels
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Wasn't Dr Lee accused of "mishandeling" some evidence a while back?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, he took one of Lana Clarkson's broken fingernails from the crime scene.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Marie - I say we turn the boat quick and take him to Orlando- Hopespring Dr and turn him loose on
Cindy. Better yet, if Xing is still out by the jail, maybe he could slip him into Casey's cell!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Yes he picked up a finger nail on the crime scene at Phil Spector case. Surprised he did not drop the
finger nail in the car.
Marie, Your Squirrel could bite them all in the (_!_) LOL
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
I thought we could duct tape Casey's mouth shut first, so she can't scream for help.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Marie- You squirrel looks rabid! I'm waiting for it to start foaming at the mouth.
Does anyone believe that OCSD & FBI missed all those hairs in trunk & in garbage?
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Good Idea Marie - and make sure we put it on REAL tight and all around her hair!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I will donate my roll of Duct Tape. No way Jo, I said that to you a long time ago when I heard Lee was
going to work for defence, LOOK OUT, last time it was take evidence away, this time plant it.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
No, but some of them could be from the crime scene technicians; it happens.
And Jo, your squirrel is the cutest ever.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
I have some I could spare too Rascal -
I wish I was PST with some of y'all, but I'm EST so I'm gonna call it a night. It's cold and I want to go
snuggle under the electric blanket a while!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Me, too, GranNaw. I'm pretty tired. Talk to everyone tomorrow. I think there will be even more
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Nite GranNaw, my blanket is on getting my bed warm also, cold here.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Link for Bo Bo Head whinning to media & playing the race card for those who have not seen it:
Aubree's Grandma says:
2 weeks ago
I think too, that this is going to be a big news week - hopefully we'll get the tox reports soon.
Deb in Vegas says:
2 weeks ago
Is it possible that csi did find the rest of the hairs and whatever else it was that Lee took. But they didn't
need to remove all of it, just enough of it to test?
Another horrible thought. Is it possible Caylee vomited with this duct tape on and couldn't help but
swallow it, and chocked to death on her own vomit. maybe some of it is still somehow on the tape.
Could be the proof that the duct tape was put on before death as opposed to after.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Deb in Vegas- They would have removed every hair they found because someone else could have been
involved in the crime. CSI Techs also wear blue surgery like hair covers, coveralls over clothes & blue
footies on their shoes to keep from contaminating crime scene.
Caylee could have easily aspirated on her on vomit. Happens alot of times,
SadieSkye says:
2 weeks ago
Just give me five minutes with nonmom....Idont want to hurt her...I just want to talk to her...
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Sorry this is link for Baez interview with media:
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I guess I am the late owl tonight. I watched NG at my friends and just got home. Well, I think we would
be wise to find pics or video's of Casey's room from before and see if we can see that little horsey that
was in the bag. We know she had a WthePooh blanket on her bed from before pics...I wonder if it is
there now. Like NG said, who would go to Casey's house, take Caylees things, wrap her in her favorite
blanket and stuff it all together in a duffle bag? Casey, that's who. And she cracked me up with the "oh,
so you think the killer went into the ANTS house to do a 'google search' before they killed Caylee?
That really does have to be the most rediculous thing ever.
I theorize that the stains on her pants were stains of Caylee leaking out of the duffle bag....they are all
on the 'left side' of her clothes, which means she probably carried the bag on the left side of her body in
her left hand, dragging it across the yard and such too.
I get goose bumps thinking about Casey saying, "She is ok, I know it in my heart" because she knows
she put her with all her favorite things and buried her herself, so she is not worried about Caylee or
anyone having her or doing anything to her. Thus, the non emotion and lack of pleas for her child's safe
return. She has already made sure that Caylee was safe and sound in the duffle bag. Sick!!!!
But in her mind, Caylee was ok. Come on Sinday, just forgive her already so we can move forward
with this. Casey can't figure out why you are so stupid to keep asking her questions about Casey and
where she is, when she has already told you a thousand times "she is close by" "she is ok" and knows
this in her heart. As Casey puts it, 'you just aren't listening to anything she is saying'.
As far as Baez, the Racial Card was just absurdly ignorant on his part and I hope the Bar smacks him a
good one for that unprofessional behavior. Now, he wants to be the victim too? He needs to STFU! and
apologize to everyone for even mentioning such a f.u. thing such as that.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Baez is as much of a narcissist as Casey. "I am the first Hispanic Attorney to have a case of this
magnitude." What magnitude? Woman murders daughter, case closed. Even if the baby's remains seem
like they will stay unburied in a cardboard box.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Is there a link to download ALL the newly released documents? I feel like I am not seeing all them. I
know lastnite GVS and NG said there was something like 300 pages.
Just a thought, someone mentioned going back and looking at old views of the inside of Anthony house
for the other horses. What about the video GVS did? She went through Casey and Caylees rooms and
outside in playhouse, sandbox, etv....may be able to play and pause and find something there.She is the
only one I know of that right off the bat , as far as media is concerned, had access to the house with a
Could someone please post me a good link that will bring up ALL the new doc's?PLEEASE.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Hey BOBO HEad.....Ever hear of Johnny COCHRAN? Like GVS said lastnite.....Try being african
american and defending OJ and his murderous rampage. He did not accuse people of race issues
against HIM.'I do believe the ONLY person to bring up race is YOU!!!!
HannahsNana says:
2 weeks ago
Anybody have any thoughts on the knife found in the bag?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Parts 1 and 2 of newly released documents:
Knife could have been used to cut duct tape, it is really hard to tear.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
FarmChick, Johnny Cochran did use the race card, and quite successfully. Jose may be hoping to seat a
mostly hispanic jury who will side with him, and bring in a not guilty because they feel a fellow
hispanic is not being treated fairly. Of course, the problem will be in finding a Hispanic jury in Florida.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
I am going through the FBI DNA stuff. They are using the toothbrush for typing Caylees DNA. FBI
lists it as Q18. I hope they have the proper DNA to start off with for Caylee as the story with Cindy and
the hairbrush etc....goes. What if she gave wrong toothbrush and this si why they are not finding DNA
from Caylee, at least the way I read it, from trunk liner stains.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
I ean Johnny Cochran did not use the race card as Jose Baez is as far as the public attacking him
personally. Certainly as far as OJ went , he did. But not as far as himself. I am having a hard time
following the FBI submissions according to the Sherriff submissions. They dont match. What should be
a toothbrush from one is a shovel in another.,When you go from such and such logged as say item 11
from OCSO to FBI Q21 (just an example, not verbatum) things are not matching for me.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Hispanic jury could work WAYYYYY against her also, in that she is trying to frame an HISPANIC.
Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. They could see it as oh the little white biotch blames an hispanic nanny
huh...yea right.Might go against him.Thats if they try to stick with that story.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
You make a good point, there FarmChick, but I still think JB has a strategy. Wonder when the city folks
are going to wake up and join the discussion?
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Has anyone else noticed that Caylee is wearing white shorts in the June 15th visit to her g.grandpa? I
cannot tell if the have stripes on them but it's possible the shorts have very fine lines. This might be the
reason that the color of the shirt was not disclosed.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good morning all, Got up and read the rest of the doc's. In reference to Bo Bo Head, he better think
twice playing the Pity BO BO Card. Or trying to play the Pity Casey Card, BO BO the only one we
have Pity for is Caylee, you are way off base, in fact you have stuck out and did not make it to first
Base. I think Bo Bo is way out of his league.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
I'm not sure is anyone has already posted this but here is a link to Annie Downing's myspace page.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
I cannot get over all the hairs found, as many times as that trash bag seems to have been gone through,
that they were found by Dr. Henry Lee and another investigator. I smell something bad.They'll
probably go back over the car again and find a pizza before its over with. WTH! How do you miss all
those hairs on all those items when all the items were preiously noted. Can of Coke, Can of Sprite
etc...then come back later and find hair????what did Cindy load up Dr. Lee's pockets with hair before
they arrived there or what?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Did they find the finger nail from Phil Spectors case!! I do not trust him sorry. OMG hope the family
did not leave a NUT.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Hi All- Joseito is not well liked by the hispanics in Orlando- they think he is the biggest egotisitical
idiot they ever have had migrate from Miami to Orlando. They are all laughing at him. He is an
embarrassment to the Cubans.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Then BO BO HEAD fits right in with Casey, they deserve each other.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, that is too funny. I find nutshells all over, in my saddle bags, in the tack room, the squirrels may
definitely try to plant a nut!
Etta, yes we've seen the myspace page and Jo noticed that Tony L is standing behind Annie in the
picture. A copy is being mailed to Casey as we speak.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Etta, I rechecked Annie's myspace page. She has changed her headline from "I have the right to hold
my head up" (or something like that, to "thankful for forgiveness," Forgiveness for what????
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Caramba,LMFAO!!! I did not know Cubans were hispanic. Boy do I hae so much to learn.
Anyway, I am having a shitty time with.....WHY DO THEY NEED TO GIVE EACH PIECE OF
driving me nuts!!!!!Cannot figure out the results of testing.
How the heck can police,prosecution, defense and above all Casey!!! Man the lies are gonna be hard to
keep track of.You have to have a spreadsheat for this shit. My brain is fried. Plus, everytime I try to
look at a document , I swear I am looking at the same info again. I want to get to the actual discovery
of the remains and what happened from that point, but cannot seem to get there. I know someone gave
the docstoc site, but my computer for some reason ,Security, I think, will not let me download correctly.
Doesnt one of the many news stations out there have all this stuff downloaded,like Orlando sentinel did
withe like pages 1-300 the begginning?
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Marie I am Dominican my father from Holland my mom from Puerto Plata, DR. I grew up in Elmhurst,
Queens, NY. As adult I joined the US Army did the whole ANC thing. I spent 27 years in Orlando
before I moved here 6 years ago. I met and married this crazy Brit who refuses to live in the US. Y tu?
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick stick with me I will learn you all you need to know.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Everything that is presented in court has a #, this is how they keep track of evidence. Even during the
court proceedings the court reporter puts that information on the record. If there is a question during the
proceedings they know which piece of evidence to refer back to. Then the evidence is stores in boxes in
a safe place with the numbers on the boxes and kept in the storage in sealed bags not to contaminate it.
Then if there is a appeal this evidence is available again. This also tells who handled the evidence and
who tested it.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick dont feel so bad- the best thing to do is to look briefly at each page- if it is important am
sure one of the TV programs will make something of it. One thing I do not want to see-- thats pics of
what is left of this litel gel. I have a feeling that Joseito already has made some deal with one of the
gruesome magazines out there. If you go to any of the tv stations like they have all that
stuff for you to read at your pleasure.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Carol, I'm an Irish Canadian American. I LOVE the Army, and worked as a DOD nurse for the Army in
Panama in the ICU, until the end of the Noriega regime. Took 6 years of French in college, then had to
learn Spanish under the gun. I rarely get to practice my Spanish since I moved to Missouri from San
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
When I found Annie's myspace page yesterday it said something about her being in a mix of emotions.
I think she changes it everyday. Or close to. I also found Lee's girlfriend Mallory's page and Momster's
friend Iassen's page if someone hasn't found those already.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
When I went to see Annies myspace I did notice it was Tony on the background. I thought she was
friends with him before Casey got in the way.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
What I dont understand is why they do not make it easy and have 1 number attached to each piece of
evidence. Like CAtoothbrush11, and then it goes to fbi, CAtoothbrush11, then to CSI CAtoothbrush11.
Why as it goes through the different agencies do they have to change the numbers. Is it possibly to
show chain of custody. For instance, OSCO gives a number of K12. Then when it gets to FBI it turns to
Q50. WHY? Isnt that confusing for everyone?Why dont they just have it sealed w/proper tape to show
last chain of custody. I know they have to assign differring #'s to each and every piece but damn. I
would have to print everything out then go read FBI forensics and look at my printed sheet to figure out
what item they are speaking of. OH well, guess I spent enough time on this today.But, I dont feel like
doing anything else today.Not feeling rested after a maddenning night of sleep. I was just soo pissed.
The nerve of her to say "You dont understand everything has been takem from me. My life has been
takem away"There is no one better I can think of that deserves it more. What about the whole life she
took from her own daughter. What a monster!
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick now remember she has been playing a role since the beginning in order for her to continue
her charade she had to act like that.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Etta, I'd be curious to see those other myspace pages, esp. Mallory's. Heard she is pregnant, OH, no. If
so, I hope she keeps her baby away from the ANTS.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Because each piece of evidence is different, so it has to have a different #.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Morning all. I still find it odd that Sindy's co-workers say she has been mentioning Zanny for Years
now. So, Casey has this Zanny think embedded into her brain (and in Sindys). Sindy can't imagine how
all of this could of been a lie for so many years. It is difficult to get your mind around, especially when
you try to connect it to the sawgrass apts. Did Casey just happen to pick up that coincidence? I know
the apt. sat empty, but have they checked out everyone who lived in that apt. for Years and showed
Casey their picture? It is all so confusing and I still can't understand how all of that got connected,
unless it was just by chance....maybe she stole a ZG license (purse, etc) years ago and just kept the info
to use as a sitter. Then perhaps by chance another ZG name is seen on the register with 2 kids names to
look at that apt? Who knows...I can't figure that one out yet. I mean I can if we are just talking about
recent ZG connection, but to tie it back to years ago? Any ideas anyone?
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
My other theory is that I think Annie would back Casey up if needed to say she was the Nanny.
However, I don't think that ever came up.
Why, if for Years! Casey was taking this person to Zanny did Sindy not ask to meet this person or at
least have a phone number in case something happened? Where was Casey going with Caylee for
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Lee's girlfriend Mallory's Myspace:
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Momster's friend Iassen's myspace:
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Could someone PLEASE tell me if they know, 1) Why George isn't a cop anymore?, 2) Are he and/or
Cindy working anywhere now? thank you, shipmates!
Looks like he might have posted some blogs about the case but those are private. He says he is in
Califonia at present time. LA to be exact.
imacynic2 says:
2 weeks ago
wednesday - your heart on the pic of caylee is ironic - as that is the sticker that was placed on her
And thoughts as to WHY Casey would have put a heart sticker on the duct tape?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday, yes Casey does look like she is full of crap, that is because she is! Whoops I think I said
she was full of BS before, LOL
Wednesday Morning says:
2 weeks ago
If those knives found in the car & with Caylee's remains match the ones in the Anthony home, this is
indeed a *BOMBSHELL*. That would link all 3 crime scenes to Casey.
Add in the picture of Casey & Caylee with the Winnie the pooh blanket that was found at the scene.
If the heart sticker matches the sticker book found at the Anthony home, then folks, we have a winner!
I think with all of this evidence against Casey, she definately will be found guilty. No juror could
possibly find reasonable doubt when it's all stacked up.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday, I bet they knifes do match. she probably used the knife to cut the tape, did not want to
break her nails, so used the knife. I sent you a email hope you can help with the Question I asked.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Funny after thought...Target sells Classic Pooh crib sets and Eddie Bauer carseats. Although I am
skeptical the pooh set is from target. I've only seen clips of it on Nancy Grace but Caylee's pooh linens
look expensive. Too expensive for target. It is easy to tell which stuff Momster bought for Caylee
herself (with cindy's $$) and which stuff Cindy picked out. The wierd Asian theme the ANTs house has
screams expensive taste and Momster isn't someone who gives off a classy vibe.
Wednesday:Great spot of the blanket! That one could easily be from target.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
The only Vibe I seen in Casey is a Trashy VIbe, not a girl I would want my son to come home with.
Aubree's Grandma says:
2 weeks ago
Must not be any NEW news today. NG will probably have clips of jail visits or something - no
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Just finished watching that new Fox show "Lie to Me.' so many things relate to this case!! It is about
detecting lies, tricking people into telling the truth, etc. For example, when Casey refers to Caylee as
"that little girl" that is distancing behavior.
I think the heart on the duct tape meant "I'm sorry I did this to you."
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Hi everyone, such disturbing news, make me so sad, my son had a pooh blankie he took everywhere, I
still have what is left of it after he was done with it. Not much more then a strip of material but I kept it.
Anyway, i thought I read in transcript that the knife they found did match the other knife they found in
car. I remember it because I totally forgot about the knife in the car and wondering why would she need
all the knives??? Rascal your right very trashy vibe from her. I was watching the clip of crazy and her
parents and I really can't believe how much joy she seems to have seeing her mother so upset. Only one
her parents calm down does she get upset. What a selfish bitch. Can't wait to see how it all comes
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
If my son came home with her i'd slap him silly!!!!
steve says:
2 weeks ago
Let's see, momsters friend says that she mentioned that momster has known Z.G. for about 6 years.
Momster says to L.E. that she has known and used Z.G. for about 2 years. Momsters mommy and
family have never met, talked to, or gone over to a place that Z.G. was watching Caylee. My dear
Watson, I must conclude that there is no Z.G. in momsters life. Oh wait, it just hit me, the defense is
going to say that there are actually 2 Z.G.'s not just one. Good one BOBO, good one! Case dismissed.
Open the cell, let her go to Fusion. P.S. did you all know that Jose Baez claims to be the only defense
attorney in this country. No others only him. Now ya know.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday Morn, look on page 8 for example...Charles Crittenden (her co-worker) says that Cindy
talked about Zanny for "years", but he never heard the name Zenaida until after the story broke. He said
he even knew about the car accident with Zanny because Cindy told him about it. He said that Zanny
never came to the worksite.
She also told Debbie Bennet about Zanny. (page 7) Debbie said that Cindy had been talking about
Zanny for "months" (but that was on Nov. 20, 2008 that she made that statement.
On page 4, she mentions Zanny to Ricardo while they were dating (earlier the first part of 08). He
asked her what Zanny stood for and she told him Zenaida.
2 weeks ago
I can assure you that everyone of her peeps is going back in time reading all the docs and coming clean
if they were not at first. Nobody is going to get caught up, nobody! There were reasons why in the first
jailhouse call home that momster wanted Tony's #.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
This was creepy....I didn't know about the heartshape photoshoped on Caylees picture on myspace.
Guess she liked hearts.?
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
Also interesting that she tells her mom for quite some time that she is dating Jeff Hopkins - but
something always happens when she is about to meet him.
Do you think that she got Zanny the Nanny from the childrens book zanny the nanny and that when she
saw Zanaida Gonzales on the sign-in card at Sawgrass she thought that would work as zanny?
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
See what happens, Casey, when you let your fingers do the walking and pick your attorney out of the
yellow pages...
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
LLee, that is possible. I just don't understand how her co worker Charles Crittendon said that Sindy had
mentioned Zanny for years and then up pops Zenaida. But I like your theory. It makes sense. I am sure
Sindy has gone crazy in her mind trying to figure it out and thinks people just don't know that she has
heard about this person for a while....who knows. Maybe this Charles guy is mistaken?
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I saw the squirrels playing with stickers the other night at the party, I wonder if they know where the
heart shaped one came from. They better not be messing with evidence! They will be next to need
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
And I wonder, JMo, if the new hairs found in the trunck are of the squirrel variety?? Naughty rodents!!
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
ExCUUSE me, I meant "trunk"
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
THIS JUST IN: They now know what the complaints are on Baez....YIKES, he can be in big trouble.
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
Zanny the Nanny is such a popular kids book these days I could easily see Casey picking it a long time
ago as the nanny that she is staying with.
The reason that she told her mom she had the nanny was so that they could spend the night at
boyfriends house - Cindy did not approve of that at all so she would just say we are going to stay at
zannys house 'cause I have to work late.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
So Baez has changed his mind about inspecting the crime scene...hmm-mm. First he didn't want to,
now all of a sudden he DOES want to. What do you want to bet his people find some more
"overlooked" evidence there??
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
if you look at the pics on AOL today in the headline story about the sticker, the one w/ Casey wiping
her eye (a closeup) there is a bracelet she is wearing that has hearts on it and the button she is wearing
has hearts on it. The pic showing Cindy in front of her vehicle--the window on the back of the vehicle
has, what? a heart drawn on the window. When was the heart added to the photobucket picture????
2 weeks ago
Baez and mind in the same sentence are equal to Lions and Superbowl in the same sentence. Sorry
Detroit people and fans but I had to.....
2 weeks ago
A great idea to save the ship $$$$. Rascal, please get in touch with Z.G. to watch all our children
during our next shindig on the boat. But let her know up front that we want the same terms of payment
that momster had for those few years. I think if we all pitch in and pay zero, we got ourselves on hell of
a great deal. Let us know what she says. Our all you can eat buffet is quite wonderful also, but only let
her know that if you think she is playing hardball with you. We trust you, so geturdone!!
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Wonder if Casey has, for a brief moment, doubted her choice for a defense attorney? If so, it never
shows in the visits with G & C...
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Snoopy9318 says:4 hours ago
Could someone PLEASE tell me if they know, 1) Why George isn't a cop anymore?, 2) Are he and/or
Cindy working anywhere now? thank you, shipmates!
Snoopy- 1) George left law enforcement to work in family business with his dad while living in Ohio.
Family business was a car sales lot. George & his dad got into a disagreement & George took all his
savings a went out on his own. His car business failed & they also lost their home. Hence the move to
Florida. According to family e-mails between Cindy's brother Rick & others, George's dispute with the
dad ended up with the dad being thrown through a plate glass window. I don't know if any of that is
true but I did read that in the emails. You can read family e-mails in court docs from November. 2) No ,
they are not wroking now. George had just started a new job in security when all of this started back in
July. I doubt very much if his job as been held for him. As far as Cindy, now that these new interviews
are out with co-workers statements not being positive about family dynamics, they will definitely be on
her shit list. Cindy strikes me as someone you don't want to cross. I doubt Cindy will be going back to
work there. Don't think the company would want all the bad publicity that would come with her. Not to
fear though I think the Anthonys have a new business venture in mind. It's called profiting off your
dead granddaughter.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
If Z.G. asks, is Sammy the Squirrel bartending? That would sweeten the deal for her, and she has plenty
of time before she has to be back for her court case with the momster...
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, I'm NOT going to trust Zanny with my Shih Tzu...the cat can take care of himself, but not the
Shih Tzu.
Jo, thanks for the re-cap...this case makes my head spin daily, so every time I read the facts, it helps
imbed them in my brain so I don't have to ask anyone any more. Glad I'm not the only one who gets
confused about all this.
Just a thought. Of course, she doesn't have that posted anymore, and it probably doesn't mean diddly
squat, unless she or someone she knows is prowling this hub and saw us take notice of her page
Who knows?
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
BoBo is a running joke. I'm surprised I haven't seen his hair plugs on TV again trying to explain why
he is such a schmuck. Pulling the race card just shows how desperate he is. If Momster is as innocent as
she claims, then why hasn't LE been able to eliminate her as a suspect? Or even worse...THE suspect.
Oh that's right...because ALL THE EVIDENCE POINTS TO HER! As a matter of fact...most of the
evidence points to pre-meditation. I think that is why BoBo had George and Cindy run interference. So
he can point out how hard it is to be a cop when dealing with a couple of crazys like the Ants. Who
could possibly do their job right when you have somebody like cindy running loose? Let's give BoBo
the squirrel bucket too!
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Found that news article at AOL that was mentioned above:
Scroll down & click on 1-18 photos
#2) Casey is wearing 2 of those help find Caylee bracelets both have hearts on them & she is wearing a
button with a pic of Caylee with hearts on the border. This case just keeps getting eerier has new
evidence comes out & I think there is alot more that will come out.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, Etta; I have been very surprised through all this that SOMEONE in LE hasn't completely lost their
cool and come flying across the table to put a chokehold on Casey (or Cindy or George or Lee). I mean,
I know they are professionals and deal with kooks all the time, but THIS has GOT to be the ultimate
test of self-control. My hat's off to them; I couldn't have done it.
Allyss says:
2 weeks ago
But Captain Steve didn't you know this is the year for the Lions, they're gonna win at least one game I
just know it.
I do have to suffer through football season every year though with my husband. We live here in
Michiganl, but the good news is they did so bad this year that my husband didn't even yell at the TV, he
just excepted it.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
KATE: It's hard to believe that LE hasn't already filed charges against any of the other ANTs. It has to
be frustrating to be looking for a missing little girl, and then to be looking for the killer of a missing
little girl...with nobody else taking it seriously. None of the Ants or Momster are even thinking about
the 15 years she is facing for check fraud...etc. Has the seriousness of life seriously eluded these people
for all these years? This case really didn't get to me that much until I found out about the sticker. It's
just sick. Who decorates their dead child's body like a myspace page?!? Or decorates their soon to be
dead daughter. If caylee was alive when she put that sticker there...sorry everyone bad pictures...
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
National Enquirer story from inside source in case:
Source close to investigation says Caylee was the child of rape. That's the shocking revelation from
Tony L. Casey's ex boyfriend.
Crazy is not insane! No insane person could keep all the lies straight or could she?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
yeah, right she was having rape flashbacks. She was thinking about Caylee's body fluids dripping on
her dress slacks. Rationalization....
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Marie- Right on! My thoughts exactly. Nothing in reports say anything about shoes being found with
Caylee. Could the outfit she was wearing have been pajamas? If so that would mean that Casey could
have left the night of the 15th after the family free for all. She got mad & left with Caylee after she was
already dressed for bed therefore she would have been barefooted. Just a thought. If this is so that
would mean the Anthony's are lying about the last time that Caylee was seen.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Profile of a sociopath
I found this on the twisted board. Gives you some good ideas for dealing with these people and just
how dangerous they can be.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
jo1031-I don't think she was in her pjs. Don't most little girls have pj sets? Or at the very least feetie
jammies? I know I just bought a friend of mine 3 pairs of pj sets and 2 pairs of feeties for her little 2
year old girl. I still think the white shorts are the shorts you can see her wearing in the Mt. Dora visit
June 15th. I think that is why LE is so interested in finding the clothes George said she was
nail him for lying.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Etta- In Florida children do not wear footie pajamas sets at least not in the summer. My 2 grand
daughters live there & they were tops with shorts or summer nightgowns. That could be the outfit she
was wearing in that photo in Mt. Dora. The top is a light green & it could have faded. I have not been
able to find a clear photo of the outfit so I can see if there was iron on letters on the shirt or if the shorts
had vertical stripes. If you do find one please post it for us.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Jo, I was thinking a couple of things about the shoes, remember when Casey said Caylee called her
(obviously from the grave) she was talking about her book and shoes? Well, the book was there
(although they haven't mentioned it) so I'm wondering if there were shoes there also.
I have always felt George was lying about seeing Casey and Caylee on June 16. He did it to protect
Cindy. Other than losing all their money, he is actually a pretty sweet husband). Anyway, if Casey left
after the fight with Cindy, and never came back, Cindy's guilt would be intolerable. BUT, if Casey and
Caylee came back after the fight, and everything was normal on the 16th, Cindy wouldn't blame
herself. Remember George telling LE if anything happened to Caylee to let him break it to cindy
because it would kill her? Another way I know George was lying is because his description of what
both Caylee and Casey were wearing ONE MONTH LATER was much too detailed. He made it up.
I'm positive on this.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
jo1031-That makes sense. I live in California where it's always hot, but I forget the humidity of Florida.
The only time I was able to see her white shorts is at the end of the video where her is singing to
her. I can't tell if there are stripes on them or not but this little girl had so many clothes is hard to
fathom that she would wear 2 similar outfits 2 days in a row. There is also no way anyone could
confuse white shorts with a jean skirt...especially "used to be LE" george. I also don't think that the iron
on letters were ironed onto anything. My guess is momster spelled out a cute word she thought caylee
would like and stuffed them into the bag.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Etta, that sounds like something Casey would do.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
So I'm looking through photos of Caylee and I noticed 3 that made my heart sink.
The 3 photos towards the can obviously see at least 2 beer pong tables in the back
ground...she is at one of momsters whore parties.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, I sort of agree with you about George seeing them on the 16th. You're right, if everything was
all fine and smoothed over, her reason for killing Caylee would have vanished. And if someone asked
me what anyone was wearing a month ago, forget it, I can't even remember what they walked out the
door with this morning. And as far as Caylee wearing the same thing two days in a row, if Sunday the
15th was the day Cindy and Casey got into the knock down drag out, it stands to reason that Casey
would be out the door in a huff, not stopping for extra clothes; so the clothes we see in the video would
be the clothes Caylee was wearing when they left. JMO...
I still think that if Caylee was knocked out with chloroform, that's not necessarily what killed her...if
momster put the tape on her mouth and nose, and the chloroform made her nauseated she could have
aspirated into the tape. I hope that's not the way it happened but if it did, maybe they will find the
evidence on that tape.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Good evening all, As far as Casey keeping he lies straight she has not, When the detectives too her to
Universal she finally had to admit she did not work there, if you listened to the interview closely she
will hear her talk about her other phone that Universal bought for her that was stolen off her desk.. She
said she reported it to security, What phone did they buy Casey, you did not work there. LMAOROF
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Marie- Your right there could have been shoes & we have not heard about the book yet. I'm sure there's
alot more info to come out. No way I would even remember what some one was wearing a month later.
I'm with you on George trying to protect Cindy because of the fight but lying to LE hasn't helped
matters in this case.
Etta- You could be right about the letters being left like that, I guess I jumped to the conclusion that
they had been on the shirt & had fallen off due to weather conditions in that time period.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Why I think Lee is Caylee's father:
4. the fact no one knows WHO the father is, despite the Anthony's financial status no attempt made to
collect child support. (Can you really imagine Cindy not going after child support?)
5. the fact Cindy did not have a baby shower for Casey until 2 weeks after Caylee's birth. (Due to
incestual relationship - worries about if child would have severe abnormalities)
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Marie-There is a "casey anthony you tube blogger" that I like to watch. albatross234 Her theory on why
nobody has really said anything about the June 15th blow out is because Cindy tried to choke momster.
In FL it's 15 years for trying to strangle a family member. Lee told Jesse Grund about the attempted
"neckbraking" fight. George is just trying to keep cindy outta jail. Or so goes my theory.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
That sounds plausable, Etta, However, breaking Casey's neck would be a case of justifiable homicide if
there ever was one. Lee actually told Leonard Padilla about Cindy trying to choke Casey, unless I am
According to LP, Annie Downing used to live with Dante at Sawgrass apts. Casey was there the day ZG
looked at apt, and manager ran after ZG and said "Ms. Gonzales, you didn't sign your visitor card."
Casey knew a Samantha and Jonquel at Sawgrass, and told LE they were ZG's family members.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Kate- I love your theory about leaving in a huff. I hadn't thought of it. But with momsters temperment
i'm sure she just grabbed caylee and left. Which would make sense that she didn't have shoes on
either...they take forever...and that's with a child that sits still. Thinking back to what I already
know...why was Lee there that night? He doesn't live there...things must have really gotten heated!
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Marie- I noticed on the new documents that LE had Caylee's DNA on 7/25/08. Evidence report on page
25 says "sealed yellow envelope containing DNA parentage test report. This was probably provided by
Jessie G. to them. Page was little hard to read as part of it was hand written. Why did they need that
hair brush? I think Lee is the father too!!!!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Etta, Lee was probably there because it was Father's Day. Poor George is all I can say.
Jo, yes, I knew full DNA testing had already been done on Caylee. Boy, was Jesse Grund (and probably
his father) smart to get that done. It only costs $50. I have to DNA test my horses to register them. (I
pull their tail hair.)
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Joe:I noticed in the report that something was mentioned about the hair brush not being a legitimate
Caylee source.They easily figured out it was a shared brush. I bet it comes back to bite cindy since it
was FBI testing it. They don't tend to think that stuff is cute. Jesse tells LE in his interview about the
DNA test and LE asks if they can have it. Also I remember reading something somewhere that theyare
excluding the young man who died in the car crash as her father from the DUI blood tests. Is that true?
Marie:I am almost positive that Lee told Jesse about the fight too. I haven't seen the stuff from
you have a link?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Etta, it was speculation that Jesus Ortiz's blood would be available for DNA testing after he died in the
wreck because of routine toxicology tests. That is not official, though.
also not official is the comment LP made about the fight. He said it one night on Nancy Grace, but he
says a lot of things. I think LE feeds him some of his information.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Etta- I have heard rumors that they were looking into excluding the Ortiz boy by forensics from
autopsy reports but never saw any official reports on it. But Casey has told different friends many
different names on who the father was that died in the auto accident. One name I remember was Eric.
LP talked about the fight that night & the Zenaida connection on Nancy Grace show.
Marie- They sure were smart to have that DNA test done. I think that is why Cindy doesn't like Jesse. If
he had fallen for the BS that he was the father it would have saved Cindy alot of money & I believe this
woman is one greedy b####. How could Jesse of been the father of Caylee, when they didn't start
seeing each other till middle of Jan 2005?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Jo. I agree that's why she didn't like Jesse. Although he loved Casey and Caylee, he saw Casey with
open eyes. And, most importantly, Cindy couldn't control him. And, the Grund family quit babysitting
when Casey broke off the engagement. the nerve of some people!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Jesse Grund, should thank God, Casey broke it off no marriage would work with all the lies out of her
mouth. He is so lucky in that way, but like he said a piece of his heart is gone. He sure seems like a
very responsible young man with good morals.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Marie- You got that right!! T-shirts are also still being sold according to that myspace page.
Unbelievable!!! All the while Caylee's remains lay in a box in that joke of a funeral home. I didn't think
the protesters were right when they sat outside the Anthony home when Casey was on home arrest but I
would certainly support anyone that wanted to protest outside their home now about the fact that they
have done nothing to lay this child to rest. Makes me want to go down & protest myself. I do not
believe it takes all this time to autopsy those small bones. That is just BS!!
Bo Bo Head has to be ready to pull what is left of his hair out after seeing all the new evidence against
his 100% innocent lady love!! HAHAHA
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, Jesse definitely dodged a bullet!
Jo, they are just waiting til they get enough donations to have a funeral!
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Marie- I hope the Anthonys are holding their breath while they are waiting for our money to pour in!!
I've been wondering if Casey took that laundry bag from Tony's apt or one of the other friends. People
that have a washer & dryer don't usually have those type for dirty clothes. They did find dryer sheets in
her vehicle & Tony's jeep. I bet she was doing his laundry when he was at school all day. Playing the
perfect girlfriend & want to be wife.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Jo, If Bo Bo Head pulls out his hair, My Squirrel is not donating any of her hair. They may put the
death penalty back on the table, the way this evidence is going.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
That reminds me, LP said tonight on NG that the Anthony's got a new washer and dryer while he was
down there. Hmmm- wanting to get rid of forensic evidence? Or knowing that they washed clothes
with their granddaughter's body fluids on them in those appliances?
She probably snuck into her parents house when they weren't home and used the washer and dryer.
Remember June 24th when she came in the house and was surprised George was there?
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Marie- WOW!! I had forgotten about that. We know the machine was working on July 15th. Do you
think they could have found anything if they had the original washer & dryer? Maybe hairs from
Caylee with the death band on them in the dryer lint filter?
I bet after Bo Bo tears his hair plugs out he will have to become a friend of Jim Beam, Jack Daniels &
Jose' Cuervo. Well, at least he will still have three amigos. Saw where he has filed a motion to inspect
the crime scene again. Turns down the opportunity when he was told he could & is now whinning that
the owner won't call him back. Boy is this guy wet behind the ears.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, I bet there is a chance. That is a pretty bad smell when the clothes you wash smell so bad you have
to buy a new washer and dryer. (although there have been nights at work I feel I need to go through
decontamination before walking into my house.)
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Jo. Rascal, Etta, I'm gonna call it a night. More details to dissect tomorrow. Got to be fresh for the
2 weeks ago
Allyss, I agree that since they (the Lions) will have from Sept-Dec 2009 they will probobly win a
game. Or maybe 3. Kate, warmer water ahead. I promise. I know you are beyond frustrated. LOL. This
entire case for BOBO Head is going to come down to forensics I think. Also, I am convinced that deep
down the ANT's want as little to do with momster at this point. Last jail visit going on 5 months. That
tells me something. I also think no immunity for them. Momster is ill if a severe personality disorder
falls into that catagory. Insane, sorry people. No how, no way! Jesse Grund hit the powerball lottery or
something very equivelant I.M.O. He might have had a heart sticker put on his tush if you know what I
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, Jesse has to feel really lucky these days,
Mimi 24 says:
2 weeks ago
Hello all, does anyone know where the 'report' on the dynamics of the relationship between Cindy and
Casey is? I heard Jane mention it tonight, she held up a sheaf of papers but I had to leave the room and
missed the rest of what she was saying.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
So, no comments on what I posted for news tonight? They know the reasons Baez is being investigated
by the Bar. See above link.
Hey, what about that woman that was seen stealing the ANTS trash out by the curb? They need to
confiscate her and throw her in jail.
So, also George probably wants immunity for lying about seeing Casey on the 15th, eh?
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Good evening all, was just checking out this web site of police documents and on pgs 30 and 31 it
states that they had Cindy, George and Lee's cheek swabs. Isn't the DNA? I'm confused. Didn't they say
they didn't have their DNA. I'm not for the Anothy's at all but if the police took swabs I would think
they already have their DNA. Sorry if they was already brought up or shown, trying to catch up! Also
jo posted earlier a web site with pictures and talking about the heart bracelets, any one notice in the
second pic of Caylee it looks like she has heart tattoes on her wrist?? Let me know what you think.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Other late news tonight: Looks like next Friday they will be setting the trial date.
Deb in Vegas says:
2 weeks ago
I was just thinking about the amount of time that Casey's claims Zenaida had been babysitting for her.
She says 1and a half, close to two years. That seems almost the exact amount of time that Casey has
been jobless. Sometime in 2006.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, cheek swabs are DNA. Yes, that looks like hearts on her hand....maybe 3 of them?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMO, Poor BO BO Head, ask me if I feel sorry for him, NOT!!! Casey do you need a new Attorney?
Steve do you have a Attorney on the back of that Tunip Truck, if so drop him on his head at the Orange
County Jail for Casey.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
I hope they set a trial date for sooner rather than later. If caylee is still in the cardboard box when they
go to trial momster will most likey get the needle and the chair. I also hope they drag her fat cheeto a$$
to this hearing too. Maybe this time she will brush her hair...lazy ragamuffifn tramp. The state wants to
get their case finished before they hand all that evidence to bobo. They want to leave him scrammbling
to pull up his pants and get his crap together. They should move the case to California. I should be due
for jury duty.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
JMO- Sorry, I did see that about Baez & why he is being investigated by the state bar. So much new
info to digest in this case has my head spinning. When Baez made that statement to the media about the
state attorney Lamar having political motives for going after his client, I thought at that time he was
making a hole for himself he couldn't dig out of. I remember us talking about it then. As far as his
making book & movie deals, that should be looked into. Selling photos of that poor little girl to pay for
a defense should be against the law. I know the son of sam law doesn't apply till someone has been
convicted of the crime but maybe this case will bring about a new law. I think the law she be changed
that no one can benefit until the case has been resolved.
Don't think they can charge with taking the trash because it was on the curb. Supposedly even LE has
been know to do that & they do not have to have a warrant. I hope it was turned over to LE & being
that it was all over the news I bet they did get it.
They all have a reason for wanting immunity. Now we know what George's reason it. We knew why
Cindy did because of the hairbrush & removing stuff from the vehicle when she knew something had
happened but I want to know why Lee & this attorney feel he needs it.
I'd also like to know who is paying for all of them to have attorneys.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I want to know what Lee was doing for 'business'? I also want to know if anyone checked out that apt.
he was living in that 'he didn't want anyone to clean it' when he left? I want to know if Casey was
hanging out there everyday? I want to know if she was using the ANTS washer and dryer to do her
boyfriends laundry? I want to know if the leaves and dirt found up underneath her car matches the dirt
she buried Caylee in out in the woods?
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
I thought once garbage was out on curb, its free for all. She was trying to find something, anything to
hlp. Not like she was hiding the fact. There were tons of cameras.
I feel like they are still holding back big time. LE , that is. What did we really learn forensically, other
than the duct tape , heart sticker..... and what. What about DNA matches tot he trunk liner etc...
Also I know there has got to be a ton more evidence submitted from the crime scene. If that is the only
place the body was, which is the way I am leaning now. What has really been proven via DNA to nail
caseys ass. The death band hair in the trunk. Deccompositional event in trunk, but still they cannot say
it was human as it did not have ALL the markers, but alot of them.
I hope they have a ton more to come. Cannot wait on Tox reports.
Sounds like Baez may be in a bit of a jam with the Bar. That would top off this crazy saga. Maybe he
filed the complaint anonymously for the ENTERTAINMENT deal. Makes for a better story.
Geez if they make this to a movie it'll be longer than the saga of roots.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I'm back for a far as Lee being Caylee's father, I just don't see it, but in this family we know
anything's possible. I remember an email sent by Cindy's brother Rick in which he talked about no one
knows who the father is since Casey had "gang sex" at a pre-Christmas party in 2004 and she doesn't
know which one is responsible. And Cindy likes to keep up appearances, so she would not want to have
a few dozen men tested to find the father...that word would get around. Caylee seemed too darn perfect
and bright to be the product of incest, whatdya think??? And I can see different characteristics in her
face, too. She was way prettier than her mama and uncle...JMHO again.
I bet BoBoHead is going through Tums and Mylanta like there's no tomorrow.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I also hope they drag her fat cheeto a$$ to this hearing too. Maybe this time she will brush her
hair...lazy ragamuffifn tramp.
HAHAHA, Etta; whatdya wanna bet she doesn't fit into those size 2 jeans anymore??
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
How the hell are C&G Ant making it paying their bills? I do not think they could live off tshirt and
bracelet $. I thought it was said Cindy had to clean out her retirement account in one of the emails from
CA mom to her brother Rick. So how the hell are thy making ends meet.
They cannot bury or cremate Caylee till they get ALL reports back from FBI and everyone else.So if
they question anything they can ask the court to run their own independent tests. They have to see what
state has against them and how they can go up against them.They may want their own labs to run same
tests to fight state findings. In the meantime the Anthonys are gonna take some real heat over this point.
The public wants her laid to rest already. Most do not look at these facts as to why it hasn't happened
and will not happen till then.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick, maybe they're using some of the money they got for all their public appearances...or maybe
Cindy's taking paid Family Leave; I think they have something like that where she works.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
GANG SEX?????? OMG!!!! I never heard that story!That would of put her having birth too early.
Arent you actually prego for 10 months.That would of put her at the very least 8 months.OMG, that is
sooo sick! Who said it to who? Rick to Cindy or Cindy to Rick?
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
No, it's 9 months, and if it was a very early Christmas party (like right after Thanksgiving) that would
put it about right, maybe a couple of weeks early, which isn't much...
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
It was an email Rick wrote somebody right after he had had it out with Cindy; I'll see if I can find it.
May be BS, but in this case who knows?
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
I dont think Family Medical Leave Act you atually get paid for. You an take the time off, but no pay.
Also, it has to be to take care of someone having health problems. Course she is on meds right now, so
maybe......disability?Built up Vacation time? I know one of her coworkers knew her for 6yrs and
worked with her at least that long, so how long I wonder did she work there to have that kind of
vacation pay built up. Maybe she has AFLAC!!! Either way , I do not see how she could get paid for
this long wothout being on Vacation pay or disability. I thought also with disability, you had to of not
worked or been able to work for like 6 months or something like that.Wish I could be a fly on there
wall. Is Lee moved back home? Wonder what room he took?Or is he on the pump up bed too in
mommy and daddys room. Oh thats right the LE has it.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Farm Chick - The tip on the entertainment deals supposedly came from media employees.
Deb- I think the nanny was made up after she was fired to make the A's believe she was still working.
This way she could say all my money goes to pay for someone to babysit Caylee.
JMO- You seem to have as many questions as I do since all this new info came out. I heard Lee works
for accouting firm in Orlando but at one time I heard he was a maintenance man for an apt complex.
Nothing concrete on any of that. If LE knew she had a key to his apt they would have checked. They
did search Tony's apt. Could Casey have been hanging out in that abandon house that the Gonzalez
family owned? It still had curtains hanging on the windows & it was a street away from the A's house.
Did LE check it out?
What did forensics report show on the maggots found in the garbage bag? Did they find finger prints on
the duct tape or anything else at the site.
I'd bet the farm that she was washing Tony's clothes at the A's home & if Tony had given her money fro
the laundrymat she pocketed it. She was taking food from the A's to take to that apt.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Why did they go get a new wash & dryer? Did police get to check out the old one after she finally
fessed up about washing the pants? Also, there has got to be some print on the knife. What about print
or tooth mark or whatever on the duct tape. They are holding lots of evidence back yet. I think the
Judge gave them 30 days for the crime scene analysis stuff to be turned over to Baez. I remember them
saying something to the affect we cannot ccontrol the labs,they are done when they are done and when
we get them we will turn them over.
If they were to be holding back on them until the last minute 30th day, what would the purpose be. To
let the oublic read through everything bits at a time and analyze themselves before dumping more. As
to kinda let the jury pool study up on it before moving on to more. Kinda like a teacher teaching?
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
I do remember that. It reminds me. In that same tape, what was the "opprtunity to get her out , that they
didn't take advantage of", that she got pissed and said let me talk to dad, I dont want to get pissed.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
There is a new song by Fall Out Boy that reminds me of Casey. It's called I don't care. The lyrics say: I
don't care what you think as long as it's about ME!
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Oh well off to watch all my DVR's of JVM<NG< and GVS. Back tomorrow unless I get really ticked
off while watching. Nite all!
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Steve- If Cindy is controling the sale of t-shirts & bracelets, your COD idea won't work. Cindy's policy
is MUF (money up front) No checks No charge just fresh new green backs. I'd love to hear your other
theories on this.
Farm chick - I was the one that made the comment about that abandoned house. I've been thinkiing
about it since I saw that video with Dominic Casey. Did she tell Bo Bo that was where she was during
the day when she was suppose to be working. Something sent that guy there & it was no psychic. JMO
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick here's that link, but Rick said that the Christmas party idea was just what he thought, so no
proof. This is interesting stuff, tho...sorry it took so long, my computer died again and I had to cool it
off before I could start it up again.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Jo, good idea about the abandoned house...I was thinking maybe she was sleeping in her car part of the
time with all that nasty trash they found in it. Sounds like she was, at least, eating in her car. Maybe she
just slept in her car when she couldn't find an available guy.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, your comment about the steep hill reminded me of what LE told her, about the snowball is
rolling downhill and she's the one who's gonna get smacked by it...
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
City and county officials made a big deal out of the garbage here. As soon as it hits the curb it's city or
county property...which ever picks it up. Recycle too. I'm not sure how FL works though.
Kate-I think jail house jump suits come only in 2 sizes: Crack head skinny and knocked up hoe.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Kate- She seemed to be able to drop in & spent the night with friends & ex-boyfriends. I don't think she
would have slept in her car when she could have simply mooched off them. Being that most people
work during the day it would have been more difficult during the day to find a place to go without
having money. She could have been hanging out at that house until George went to work. He was also
out of work for awhile due to knee surgery.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
I'd like to know what was in those emails that were sent to Sean Krause of the daily bs. The ones Cindy
said were done by someone who hacked into her email acct. Those emails are suppose to contain names
of people with info on each of them. Krause did say on his site one time that she was trying to frame
someone else for Caylee's death.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
I know for awhile cindy had her sights on Jesse and when LE told cindy they had completely ruled him
out she didn't know what to say...besides Amy and Ricardo did it. Jesse took the polygraph because LP
told him cindy was trying to frame him. Cindy then began to believe (probably straight from momsters
mouth) that momster sold caylee to someone in puerto rico. Cindy was convinced because Amy and
Ricardo vacationed in puerto rico and Ricardo has family there. Now I have to admit that's a pretty
good lie on momsters part. The only problem...Jesse told LE that momster was behind the whole trip
and wanted to go herself. She didn't get to go though...she was too busy hucking her kid into some
linn says:
2 weeks ago
I just got this link from my friend who lives right by the Ants. Sorry if it has been read, but it is dated
the 22 of Jan.. It is sort of hard to read, yet WOW!! Casey showed up at Cindy's brother Ricks wedding
wearing a skin tight shirt, with her belly button protruding at least a half inch. He asks Cindy hey,
Casey is pregnant. Cindy adamately denies it and Casey, lol, says "I would have to of had sex to be
pregnant".. I mean OMG. Cindy is a nurse. Everyone at Rick's wedding wanted to know who the
pregnant girl was. And george asked to do that interview with LE without cindy knowing. Pages 40-41
are interesting. So far RE: the baby's dad. I see Jesse, someone named Eric, and 2 others. They think
she read about the guys obiturary in a random paper and cut it out.
And you are pregnant for 40 weeks. My grand daughter was premature and she was almost 37 weeks.
Same with my grandson come to think of it.
Anyway, here is the link. LONG reading as some is so tiny.. It all ended up sort of making me sick to
my stomach. A lot has been repeated over and over and over, yet then up pops stuff I have never heard,
such as a Eric.
It is a timeline of events, and all. It really sort of mad me sick. I know wonder and this is shocking, lol,
if CINDY is sicker than Crazy!!!
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Jo, Since the fingerprint team inspected the tape and found the heart-shaped sticky spot, I'm sure they
also looked for prints, trace, etc. For some reason, bobo is chomping at the feet of the judge to get his
hands on the finger print comparisions from the ANts. There is no way the prosecution didn't pick up
on his excited desperation. He was foaming at the mouth and the comparisions hadn't even been
started. They are going to make him wait for those the longest. The maggot was on the evidence list.
I'm guessing bug analysis is one of those procedures that takes a couple weeks at least. Even then, I'll
bet that little bugger was feasting on poor little caylee and is filled with her DNA. Not that they need
anymore DNA...but it couldn't hurt. You can believe they will be keeping that information close to
home until the very last second. Like the prosecution can't tell the lab to work faster...but I'll
bet they can work "more carefully." It is the FBI afterall. Also, I know that blood and seman stain...but
what about body fluids?
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Don't know about authenticity, but this is interesting reading; emails between Cindy and Rick and their
mom (go to the bottom of this article and click on the email links...) Nite for now.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Linn- Normal term of pregnancy is 38-40 weeks.
Etta- I did see all the forensic evidence that was collected while reading the court documents & can see
why the results are taking so long. This will cost the state of Fl millions before it is over. Some of the
evidence is being sent to different places being checked 2 & 3 times. I'm glad they want to make sure it
will stand up in court but I'm curious to know what they have.
Nite all need to get some sleep & I'll talk at ya later.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
OMG i said I was going to bed & then saw this: George Anthony reported missing.
Deb in Vegas says:
2 weeks ago
Sorry steve, no odds just yet. The only bets going on right now( besides the Superbowl) is the odds that
one or two hotels out here will not survive this economy. It's brutal here. Brutal. But I'll keep you
updated if the situation changes. By the way, since your old favorite, the Stardust has gone bye-bye
awhile now. Maybe you could make Planet Hollywood your new stomping grounds. You might even
save my job.
I went to the link provided to the National Enquirer. Wow. So (according to a source) of course, Tony
says Casey was waking up in the middle of the night in sweats because of a nightmare she has about
being rapped when Caylee was conceived. But that's not what he told LE.
He tells LE that he would wake up in the middle of the night and see that Casey was all sweaty in bed,
And he would ask her why and she would say that she was having a nightmare or something and then
whould bring up the nightmare as pertaining to our relationship.
Tony: Uh, actually she would actually be I would say that happened a couple of times.
LE: Okay.
And then he goes on to say that she was so distraught and almost burst into tears once when he was
joking with his roommate about him maybe not being able to return to Orlando because he may have to
get a job there in NY. just to get a rise out of her. LE asks him if she said any thing about nightmares
having anything to do with Caylee, and Tony says "no nothing like that."
So who's making the money off of this? Tony? The source? National Enquirer? This is getting so
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Here's the link to the story about George:
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
George left home on Thursday morning & has not been seen since. LE at Anthony home early this am
taking report from Lee & Cindy. Report says he had sent some disturbing emails out. I'm trying to find
out more now.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Friday, January 23, 2009 – updated: 2:58 am EST January 23, 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- George Anthony, father of Casey Anthony, was reported missing, Friday
morning. He was later found at a Daytona Beach motel. The Anthonys’ attorney, Brad Conway, said
George was OK. He was taken into custody under Florida’s Baker Act which allows the state to hold
people involuntarily pending a psychiatric evaluation. The lead investigator in the case and several
Orange County sheriff's deputies were reported at the house of George and Cindy Anthony early Friday
morning. A Sheriff's Office helicopter was also at the scene, along with the Anthonys' son, Lee, and
their attorney Conway. Investigative sources say George Anthony left his home early Thursday
morning and hadn't been seen since. The sources say he sent what were described as "disturbing" text
messages to family members. Conway said family members were “relieved” George had been found.
SadieSkye says:
2 weeks ago
What!!!? George is missing!!!
Did everyone see NG tonite? They showed the pic of Caylee we have above with the heart drawn on it
and said they got it from a website...and the heart they found that was over the duct tape was like the
one on the photo....Wednesday-were they talking about us? its the samepic they show everywhere but
without the heart... did u draw that wednesday? cuz Ithink they found that on THIS website.. I almost
fell off my chair when i saw that pic with the heart on NG!!!
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Sadie- Watching NG now & just saw that I couldn't believe it. Wonder what site they got it off. George
was found in motel in Daytona Beach. LE used GPS to locate him. He is being held for a psych eval.
He apparantly left Thursday morning & wasn't reported missing till early this morning.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Sadie, those are pics off of Casey's myspace...nothing we did.
So sad about George. He has been totally tortured throughout this whole thing and so has Sindy, but
then again, maybe the weight of all of it is making them buckle and do crazy stuff....I know one thing, I
sure the hell hope that Casey knows this is all her fault. Maybe this is the one thing that will make her
give up her know she could lose her father because of all of her games and lies. Sindy will be
next to lose it!
With the news on George, I would bet he's singing like a canary right now. I feel bad for him. 6 months
of this hell caused by his little bitch offspring.
Rascal, in response to your e-mail you sent... to upload & share pictures, go to photobucket. Create a
free account. It's an easy photo sharing site.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
I'm sorry. You guys are not gonna believe me, but remember I told you I wrote him.....
When I wrote him , In the last page of the letter I wrote in 3rd person as if I was Caylee. I talked to him
calling him PAPA JO, like she did. I talked about how we went outside and looked at the moon and
stars. How he needed to give me justice I deserved , and he was the one who could help me, and
mommy hurt me and you know it Papa JO.
OK, hit me with the blasts now. I dont care. I swear it was the letter.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Please remember, the only reason I wrote to him and I told him this is because he is the ONLY decent
person with morals and integrity in that household and felt he was the only one whom could get to
On the other hand... maybe he thought his character might get down-played in the mini-series so he
needed to "spice it up a little" with a little drama for the supporting actors in this case....
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
wedneaday, I know how to do that is not what the problem is. will email again and tell you, I know how
to get the pic up. I heard that on the news about George that is why I am up so early. As far as Casey
feeling guilty about George that is not going to happen, Casey only cares about herself.
I'm sure the Anthony's get hundreds of pieces of hate mail & most probably go unread. Unless you sent
it Certified with return receipt requested, then I doubt it was opened yet.
Jo1031/ you know exactly what I'm talking about,as with your omment about it being checked 2-3
times.God I hope the defense does not find holes with chain of custody issues. Those things ,well some
things were sent soewhere,I forget where, to be tested. They weren't moving fast enough on it, Orange
county gets it back , then off to another place, then back to orange ounty , then back to lab again , they
need it aghain and so on and so on. I think it may have been the garbage bag in trunk..because this hair
thing I just dont see. I cannot see them missing all that hair!!!Or Dr. Henry Lee is messing around with
evidence again right in front of them.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
I haven't gotten to catch up on postings, but did you see that they found George at a hotel 2 counties
away and took him to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation? It says that in florida they can do that if
they think he's a threat to himself!
If this is what's in store, someone's gonna end up giving Crazy up and giving the whole story! OMG!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick, oh that is because each person testing has there own reference #, one teck does not do all
the testing so different #'s.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
He was missing last Firday. I will be the farm, literally the DEFENSE is not sharing anything with the
Anthony's. Especially right after they get it. They probably did not even have time to read through it.
TOoo busy trying to get their team to go through it.
Besisdes, they are gonna throw the Ants under the bus,I guarantee it. I am sure <although I have not
read all the way through it, but Ants lawyer BC was not privy to this new evidence before we were.
They havve no standing besides they are still wanting them to talk. They dont need them, but it would
be nice to get em in there. Just think a little on this one.
I thought it was said when the police went to the house last week it was because something had arrived
at there house.IE:Hate mail or something of that sort. My letter was not hate mail.It was nivve. I was
pretty much begging him from CCaylees voice. Maybe it was, PROBABLY more likely NOT. I just
want to believe someone got to him.
I do not think ANts knew anything of the eidence before we did and I stand by that. He is just finally
breaking down. At least this poor man has a conscience.SP?
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Did my bills that day so half to check my checkbook. Problem is I kept writing a different date on each
check as I was too Lazy to figure out the date and was guessing. Wait a minute I think I picked up a
prescription day before.Let mecheck. BRB.
2 weeks ago
As stated previously, even before 7 months ago this family and the dynamics within are not normal.
Get well George. Maybe we get a trial date today? Maybe even this year??
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
George left Thursday just listened to the Anthony Attorney, Brad Conway on video, on Orlando
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
It was either Mon or Tues. Still trying to figure out if I mailed smae day I picked up presvrip or next
Im pretty sure it was Tuesday because I went to dentist early A.M. and I had my day wrong on my appt.
I just remember thinking when the police were called about something showing up at the house last
week, saying to myself OH SHIT, I hope I'm not in trouble. Im serious. DONT LAUGH! Then , my
mind came back to reality and said like you say, no they get mail from people evveryday. But like I
said, I wrote it as if Caylee was talking to himand I even went through and figured out little comments
he said she called him and things he had done with her and brought all this up. Probably not why
though. I am letting my mind race.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
According to this he left yesterday morning This Thursday and they Found hin threw GPS System, he
sent Test Messages, So he was not gone a full 24 hrs. He better enjoy his time away from Cindy, she
could drive anyone nuts.
sent you mail wednesday
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
I think I am wrong. SORRY.
I think it is this thursday he went missng. I just watched NG again, and did not see he was missing.
Is it in the begginning?
Wendesday, you are probably right. It was all this evidence. See who it got to. This poor man. I feel
soooo bad for him. He knows and has known, just like Cindy, only he is having a hell of a time holding
back from not telling what he knows. Cindy is helping kill this man. I truley believe Cindy is the reason
he is holding it in. He wants justice for Caylee. He just cannot get past his crazy WIFE!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
George Anthony Threatens Suicide, Disappears
Friday, January 23, 2009 – updated: 8:26 am EST January 23, 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- George Anthony, father of Casey Anthony, was reported missing, early
Friday morning after threatening suicide. He was later found at a Daytona Beach motel.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Morning everyone. Just heard about George, I don't think it was on NG last night. Poor George, I've
always believed he knows things but because on Cindy couldn't say anything. Plus I'm sure giving up
your daughter would be hard, He has probably been struggling within him self between bring justice
for Caylee and grieving and trying to save what is left of his family. I've been to the extreme of where
I've lost it and was in severe panic attachs for months. Our brains can make us extremely sick
physically when the stress is high.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Posted by saradoodle on January 23, 2009 ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — George Anthony, father of
Casey Anthony, was reported missing, early Friday morning after threatening suicide. He was later
found at a Daytona Beach motel The Anthonys’ attorney, Brad Conway, said George was okay. He was
taken into custody under Florida’s Baker Act, which allows the state to hold people involuntarily
pending a psychiatric evaluation. So it was definately less then 24 hrs.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Cindy Should have to stay away from him. He needs to get his own atty. I really believe in my heart
this man is suffering because of Cindys need to keep quiet. This man went behind his wifes back to talk
with LE. This is a man that loves his amily, but knows wrong from right and wants to come forward.
Maybe he knows if he tells the truth it will put his wife in Jail too. And that has him reeling. God I feel
for him. I wish they would make Cindy stay out of the hospital. I think if he was left to his own accord,
he would come forward and Miss Cindy would have a roon next to her daughter. I am praying for him
to have the strength to talk. Can you imagine if he has things on Cindy too and that he is gonna be a
part of prosecuting?
So let me get this straight... a 2 year can be missing 31 days & noone is alarmed, but a 60 yr. old is
gone 8 hours and he's reported & found already... odd.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Maybe we should all have a GPS Tracker. Dam I would not be able to go on one of my shop till I drop
trips. My kids could find me, WAAAAA
Wednesday he left on Thursday morning, Cindy reported him missing in the early morning hours of
Friday because of his text mssages. so over 8 hrs.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
I hope they keep Cindy away also Farmchick, she is bad mojo! I think they shouldn't let anyone near
him that is family. Don't they have a rule about that. Can't have any visiters for so long after admitted to
pysc ward. That way they can evaluate the situation without any interferance. Anyone know???
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Cindy probably went on line to the T Shite site and put up Find George T Shirts to make bucks.
Donagal, there is a time family can not see George but I do not know what that time is.
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
LOL Rascal, that is so funny and your probably right! She's probably swearing now that they found
him so soon. She'll still sell them though!!!! Anything to make a buck. Maybe she should disappear!
We could make up shirls that say " Who cares where Cindy Is?" Well get rich!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
That one I might buy, LOL
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
I believe once they are admitted to that ward no one can visit untill they are done. They have him on 72
hr hold but we all know that doesn't mean anything, wasn't Brittney the first time she went in and got
out sooner? Unless they decide to keep him then I believe the first week atleast till he can have phone
calls or visits.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Since there was no violence, I think he can check him self out. Hell he should stay, peace and quiet
there no Cindy.
So I'll conclude that Cindy last saw him on Thursday morning, but called in the missing person report
in the early morning hours of Friday. Early morning would be anytime between midnight & 8 a.m.
when this story broke. BUT considering the police had already located him & put him in for evaluation,
I think he was found sometime in the VERY early morning like 1 a.m. or so.
Soooooooo perhaps he was missing 18 hours then instead of 8 hours, but STILL, he was reported
missing before 31 days.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Well Cindy needs George to testify and back her up, to try and save Casey's ass. They may be
Wednesday, never been to a funny farm.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Morning, all. Are all of George's relatives still back up in Ohio? If so, that WOULD be tough; no real
family members to talk to (other than the insane ones). I wonder if they are still on good terms with
him? I'm sure Cindy's not allowing him to talk to ANYONE to preserve what's left of the family's
"good name" (in her eyes), so he's between a rock and a hard place, and it's gotta be extremely lonely
for him, not to mention thinking constantly of what happened to his granddaughter.
Wednesday Morning says:
2 weeks ago
T-Shirt suggestions:
"Help Find George" (then in small print below it) "a conscience".
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Maybe, in the hospital, he fessed up and told the truth since he was away from Cindy...but even if he
did, isn't that privileged information?
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Great one, Wednesday! I'll buy 4!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday, You have that one right, George is the only one with a consdience. To bad he is so Hen
Pecked, I really think he is a good man that wants the truth to come out.
Yes George can tell all and it is privledged information, just like a priest.
I vote to have the words BOMBSHELL & BAILOUT banned from society for the rest of 2009.
Actually, all 2 syllable B words should be banned. So therefore when referring to Casey one must say
BITCH & not BEOTCH. k?
Wednesday Morning says:
2 weeks ago
They come in 2 color choices... Yellow-Belly & Pansy-Pink only...which color do you prefer?
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
I've already tried to wrap myself around Crazy's thinking and have given up. Now I'm trying to figure
out Cindy. I mean come on, if (which I don't believe any of this) Crazy didn't do this who in their right
mind doesn't report a child missing??? For 32 days???? She still needs to be in jail for that! But even
little children know to call 911 when something bad happens, we see it all the time. If she doesn't have
the sense of a child then she shouldn't had Caylee to begin with! So which is it Cindy? Your daughter
murdered her daughter or she never had the sense of a child?????? What does that say about you? How
can she believe the crap coming out of Crazy's mouth? If she was my daughter I would have beat it out
of her the first day before calling the police. Let her call the police on me and explain why I was
beating her. Sorry just venting because I can't believe how stupid some people can be. I'll protect my
children with my life but I would never doubt they could do some stupid stuff.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
But the money does not go to the Anthony's right.
Calm down Wednesday, to dam early , I may fall out of my chair. LMAOROF
Cops were smart to take him in. If they can talk to him at this vulnerable state AWAY from Cindy, they
may actually get something.
I think you guys are right about them not knowing anything about these new documents before the rest
of us did. I think he felt strongly momster was to blame, and now that he's seen this "new" evidence
(new only to us--certainly not the prosecution), he is having trouble facing the truth.
This may sound strange, this act seems to me the most normal behavior of the ANT immediate family.
Maybe Rick and Cindy's mom hefted him up a notch on their ladder. I am not by any means saying
suicide is a good thing. I'm saying his show of emotion and the fact that he is seeming to have
conscious enough to know all of this is SO WRONG!! I know how strongly we all feel about it, and we
never got to know the little girl until after she died. I can only imagine the magnitude of emotion for
him being in the middle of all of this. It seems to me this kind of reaction would be expected (of sorts).
Rascal, I've always wondered why dogs can be tracked better than children. Mine all have those cell
phones that can be tracked via GPS. I know it's not fool proof, since the phones could be thrown away
by a kidnapper, but it's better than nothing.
Heading out. Will be back later to catch up on all the BOMBSHELLS! :-)
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
LMAO Wednesday, I'll take two of each as long as the Anothy's get no money from it!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
ProudMom, the cops can not talk to George about case, he is lawyered up. But George can talk to the
Wednesday Morning says:
2 weeks ago
Proceeds go directly into MY pocket to compensate for the thousands of hours wasted on this case.
Heading out!
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
I want a "who cares where Cindy is" T-shirt, too! Etta, thanks for the link on how to identify a
psychopath. I'm pretty sure it describes my daughter's last boyfriend to a "T". I wish that was a joke,
but it's not. . .
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
I'm outta here too! Talk to u all later!!!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
and confession is good for the soul. The psych hospital will be a safe place for George to talk. I'm sure
the doctors will encourage him to do the right thing. I feel so sorry for George. Cindy is only stressed
because she has lost control. The only thing she had to control was George, and he made an escape!!
Good for him. I'm so glad he didn't kill himself.
Rascal, if he talks to the drs, isn't it dr/patient priveledge? I don't know for sure how phychologist
priveledge works. Are they required to turn over info if it pertains to a criminal case?
Wednesday, I'd be okay with you getting the proceeds. Anyone but the Anthony's.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
NO Proud Mom they are not allowed to repeat what George says. Just like Priest or Dr is not supposed
to discuss your case.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I know that in a case like this, telling the truth will really smart (OUCH) but in the end it can only help.
If ANY of them told the truth, all of this speculation and the rumor mill would go away. And
Farmchick, if your letter DID get to him, that's a good thing. He needs to think about the truth and
letting his daughter pay the price for what she did.
When my son was young, he went door to door collecting money for stationary orders for a school
fundraiser. I found out a couple of months later that he had pocketed the money and tossed the order
book. It was EXTREMEMLY embarrassing, but what did we do? I went door to door with him, making
sure he returned all the money and told each person what he had done, and apologize to each. It was
harsh and it hurt me as much as it did him, but he never forgot it and never did it again. That's the kind
of stuff Casey never had to face, and look at her now.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
a Dr. has to report if you threaten to harm someone else, a priest does not. Or a lawyer for that matter.
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
donagal, read the link Etta posted on sociopaths, etc.. It will all make perfect sense. There is no
conscience to make Casey feel badly. In her sicko world, everybody is a pawn to be used and disposed
of. If you have been around one of these people, you will know exactly what i am talking about. Simply
put, they usually have an agenda, (and it is usually what do I want from you today?), they look for
someone who they can manipulate/charm/lie to and get what they want. That is their biggest high--"I
fooled you".
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, probably every kid has to learn that same lesson. I know I did. And every parent has to make sure
their kid LEARNS that lesson. When Jesse Grund's father complained to Cindy about Casey stealing
money from them, Cindy said "It was only one time, what's the big deal?"
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Anybody heard anything about when the duct tape forensics will be released?
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Wow, I didn't know that, Marie! No wonder that girl turned out the way she did!!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Cindy, did give them a black plastic bag from the house with yellow ties in July. The same kind that
Caylee was in. So my guess is that the Duct tape and bag evidence will come back at same time.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, I hope they've got some good stuff to put this case to bed.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, I think it will be overwhelming, Bo Bo may join George he bit off more then he can chew. Bo Bo
has a lot of problems now.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Yeah, and he's trying to portray this cool-as-a-cucumber, got-it-all-under-control kind of guy...SURE!!
What are we all going to do when this is all over, we're like a family now!! I vote we save our money
and go on a REAL cruise together, whatdya say? But...only if the verdict is "GUILTY".
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
That sounds like fun, but no one to leave Rascal with never been away from her.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
OMG all this news since I called it quits last night. Wow do you all think that if George was gonna do
away with himself he would have told whover he called to let them know? People who want to kill
themselselves go off and o it quietly- how come he waited until they had a meeting with their lawyer? I
realize that finding out all this stuff recently would really bring anyone under all that stress to a peak.
But wouldnt it have been easier just to come clean and tell that wifey of his to f off? Gosh all these
questions and still no answers.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
The father of Casey Anthony is in the hospital for mental observation after police say he sent text
messages to a family member saying he did not want to live anymore. George Anthony was found safe
at a Daytona Beach motel after failing to show up for a meeting with his lawyer.
George failed to show up at attorneys office, my guess is the attorney suggested they report him
missing. He is hurting so bad knowing what Casey did.
I am wondering if he knows who the father of Caylee is, and that is going to come out soon!!!!
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I think alot of people that commit suicide really don't want to do it, they're just backed into a corner and
crying out for help...I had a niece who swallowed a bottle of prescription pills during a fight with her
husband, kind of an "I'll show you" type of thing, and she died a few days later. She was 29, and when
it became clear that she would probably die, she was very regretful about doing such a stupid thing, but
it was too late.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Maybe we can find an "animal friendly" cruise ship and take Rascal and Moxie...she's never been away
from me, either. She gets upset with me when I run errands 30 miles from home and am gone 3 or 4
hours. Spoiled baby!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
My other thought since George did text his thought of suicide, is this another ploy for sympathy. And
get the spot light off of Casey. This family has done so much to get the spot light off Casey and divert
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Could be, but you have to admit he's GOT to be under an EXTREME amount of pressure, and being an
ex-cop puts even more on him. I don't think he wants to die, though, I think he just wants all of this to
go away.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Yes Rascal it is exactly what I was thinking. I mean that stuff that came out was pretty heavy and a lot
of people out there are saying "damn that Casey is some f 'ed up chick" how can a mother do that -
premeditated oh yeah she planned it all alright.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Yes Kate he sure is hurting, but they did all that diversion before with there false sightings of Caylee, I
just do not trust them, have they giving us a reason to trust them. The only one that did was George
then Cindy brain washed him back to defend Casey. This is a very strange family.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
C.Carol, I'm jealous of your ability to speak Spanish with Marie. My friend is half Hispanic and is
always talking to her mom in Spanish, so I've learned a little, but I'll be darned if I can put a sentence
together...I did, however, teach my dog to "CACA" on command. So I guess she's bi-lingual. And
Casey is a "BRUJA".
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
You're right about that, Rascal. I think he was on his way to helping LE until Cindy got him under
control, and started smacking/squeezing his hand during interviews every time he started to be honest.
SadieSkye says:
2 weeks ago
My pug Sadie is the same way.... big baby.... stares at the door the whole time im gone... even if shes
NOT alone... lol
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Yeah, Moxie too...When I leave her with "Daddy" she doesn't get babied as much as with me; he gets
wrapped up in ESPN and forgets she's there.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Jo1031: Thank you soooo much for answering my questions about George. I know it took forever to
post this, but I was trying to sift through all of the postings before I responded!
I wonder what Casey would do without George to kiss her butt since she obviously has a lot of
animosity towards Cindy. Maybe that would be enough to make her crack. I don't completely trust
George, though. I think he's too scared of Cindy to man up.
After 4 children, I've always thought it was insane to hear people say 9 months of pregnancy! It is more
like 10 for full gestation.
Wow! Maybe we will get some more insight tonight. Thank you shipmates for keeping the news alive
for some of us that have to wait for the morning to hear it! :)
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
HLN, was just alking about what George did, they are saying this could help the Defence about his
state of mind. OMG is this really a ploy to help Casey.
They can hold George 72 hrs, unless they think he is a threat to anyone else. Then if they do think that
he might hurt anyone else they petition a court to hold him longer.
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
I feel bad for George---and Cindy too in some ways. I know none of us agree with Cindy's handling of
this, her actions and reactions, but even with that said, the entire family MUST be under immense
pressure; and for months now.
The only thing that really surprised me regarding the news on George this morning is HOW LONG it
took him to get to this point. He started out as if he was truly trying to help LE, he is the one who that
very first night, stopped the responding officer and told him he felt like Casey was holding information
back, that she wasn't being truthful.Then Cindy convinced him it wouldn't look good or what ever she
convinced him of - who knows????
IMO - that has been the argument between George and Cindy for years now - Casey and her lying and
stealing. I think George has thought they could have done more to get her under control and Cindy
IMO always came to Casey's defense. I have never understood how parents or one parent can be so
blind or so TAKEN with a child as to NOT SEE what is really going on. I love my children, don't get
me wrong, I would do ALMOST anything for them - short of making a fool of myself and the rest of
my family standing behind their immoral, illegal, selfish, criminal, sociopath selves. The only thing
(IMO) that could be making Cindy still support and stand by Casey's crazy story is GUILT - Guilt for
letting her become this person that she has grown into. She had to have seen it developing over the
years. I just DO NOT believe she had NO CLUE- HELLLLLLOOOOO.
I feel bad for all the people Casey has maligned in this- Her beautiful daughter Caylee, god rest her
soul and may she always rest in peace with the angels in Heaven - her parents - her grandparents- her
brother - all of her extended family that IMO will NEVER be able to truly put this ugly saga behind
I hope George is getting some help, surly he will feel better once he is able to "talk freely" with the
patient/doctor privilege that he will have during this. Even if all he is able to do is to cry and to mourn
little Caylee the way I know he has wanted to for months now, maybe he will feel better. I hope so
anyway- and Brad or Cindy -- Lee or whoever may be reading this- Please pass along that my thoughts
and prayers are with George today, and even you too Cindy. It's only my opinion, but I think you would
all feel better if you would just get it all out in the open and say everything you know, whatever it is. It
is time to let Casey stand on her own two feet for a while. And its time to give Caylee the justice and
the peace that she deserves.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
AMEN to all that you said, GranNaw. And I think George had better be careful; who knows if Baez can
turn a suicide attempt into a "guilt ridden conscience for having killed his granddaughter" least
throwing that idea out for the jury to ponder. There's so much dirt in this case, I wouldn't be surprised at
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, They know George had nothing to do with killing Caylee, he is in such a spot right now. He is
going to half to testify against Caylee and it is eating his heart out. It has to be hard when he has Cindy
pulling him to a different side rather then the TRUTH. How the hell did that man ever live with Cindy
and Casey.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Wow! Rascal! I would never have thought of that angle! But good for you!
It's hard to say what kind of bs the defense will pull. I guess they'd be obligated to try anyway!
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I know everyone knows that he didn't kill Caylee, but Baez is going to have to come up with SOME
kind of defense; he has spent so much time working on entertainment deals and false advertising, I
doubt that he has done much actual work on this case. Especially when I see the way he drags his feet
on everything (the autopsy, the inspection of the crime scene, etc.). He's too busy putting together press
releases telling how he's maligned because he's Hispanic. And I think he and Casey would throw
ANYBODY under the bus just to create reasonable doubt...
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal I think you are right - everyone investigating this case KNOWS who did it - but it would not
surprise me if BoBo has some sort of plan to TRY to implicate someone else within the immediate
family. Maybe Lee even suspects that - maybe that is why he has only complied under subpoena. And I
do not think the prosecution will grant anyone immunity simply because if they were to take the stand
under an immunity deal and then admit to killing Caylee or admit she died while in their care and they
all covered it up - instant acquittal for Ms thing
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Bo Bo Head will try every angle he can, that is what Defence Attorneys do. I could ever be a Defence
Attorney knowing I am defending someone that is Guilty, I would want to throw them under that Big
Yellow Bus. bb soon
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
GranNaw, I hope you're right about the immunity deal, because not only would Casey get instant
acquittal, whoever "admits" to killing Caylee would also go scott free. What a miscarriage of justice
THAT would be. Of course, the Anthonys would all have to hire bodyguards for the rest of their lives...
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
The whole waiting on tox reports from the recovery site is just a bogus excuse that BoBo is making -
they have done their examination and they are just as capable of keeping specimins as the prosecution
is for later examination. With all those high profile EXPERTS that BoBo has lined not think for
a minute that they have not saved whatever it is they would need to do testing whenever those reports
come in, even if its YEARS from now.
I still think that the little Bitch Casey is in control of that poor little body through Baez and SHE is the
one holding out. Maybe all those experts she has will see how truly EVIL she is and bail out on her...
they know they don't actually need to hold the remains out and keep them from having a burial.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Aubree's Grandma, I think this was a very loud call for HELP from George, not a genuine suicide
attempt; but I think if he doesn't face the truth soon, it might be the end of him. I hope they force him to
get therapy; I think he may be the only one in the family who might benefit from it. I think maybe
therapy is a requirement when you attempt suicide, am I right?
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Hey all. So sad about George. He is so overwhelmed with Guilt and Shame not to mention Extreme
Sadness and just can't take it anymore. I believe it was the documents, but I also believe that they all
know something we don't know yet. I bet they all had a meeting and told poor George, well you know
this is overwhelming evidence that Casey did this, blah blah blah and he is going through a shock
period of having to come to grips with that reality. It is too much for him. You all know how bad he
didn't want to believe it could be true.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Maybe since Casey 'picked him' as her contact person, she actually spoke to George and told him the
truth. Maybe he would rather die than have to tell what she told him....we just don't know yet.
Then again, the poor guys life has been splattered all over the news, along with his family's. All the
way back from when he was in the car business up to his relationship with his wife. He has lost all
respect from everyone and for what? He didn't deserve this. I think he may be feeling guilt for saying
he last saw Casey on a certain day when he was leaving for work (which now they know he didn't go to
work that day) and has been caught in a lie that hampered the investigation. That is why he needs
immunity....but maybe now moreso, because he knows something he isn't saying.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
You have to go through a suicide assessment. They ask you a lot of questions to see if you were trying
to kill yourself. Once it is established that you were -then more psychological tests all done by a
psychiatrist. Thats where the 72 hours go- them all trying to figure out why you wanted to kill yourself.
Once all that is done then they ask you if you want to see someone and they have a family meeting to
figure out how your family can help. Of curse if your family caused all this to happen then you are
pretty much on your own with lots of drugs to make you forget and lots of shrink appointments.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Oh I forgot to say that these facilities are pretty much like a jail as far security is concerned. Lots of
doors that wont open easily ( so no, saying "OPEN SESAME" will not open them).
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
You all know how people begin to blame themselves when something happens to someone, right. He
probably blames himself for something he did or didn't do. People turn their blame into guilt and shame
and then want to hurt themselves. For example, (not picking on you Farmchick) , but look how easily
Farmchick thought her letter was the reason that George did this. It is a normal human reaction to
connect yourself and your actions. Then you feel bad about it.
Look how many people blame themselves when someone commits suicide. Look at Jennifer Hudson
and the guy who killed her family members. Do you think she blamed herself for any of that? Maybe.
So George just needs to get some help to deal with this and not be blamed for what Casey has done.
Cindy (as much as we don't like her) should not be blamed either. I am sure she has enough guilt to
follow her the rest of her life. But take self blame and then add in the constant public has to
be too much for one person to handle. Blaming Cindy and George is not going to change anything, its
not going to bring Caylee back, you get what I am saying. These are parents (maybe not the best
in our eyes) who have a rotten child who has her own mind and has used it to do the things she does. I
guess I have to take a look at myself and say....if my 22 year old does something wrong tomorrow, is
that my fault or something I should of done differently as a parent? Yes, I know that this simplifies it,
but we really need to put the blame on Casey, no one made her do it except her.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
CCarol, I don't think there are any drugs strong enough to make him forget all this!
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
Aubrees Grandma - those are my exact thought as well. It is easy for anyone to sit back from a distance
and say how could they do this or that - I would never - but much different when you are in the
I feel for them and hope that I would never be in their shoes - ever...
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, I think the reason everyone feels such animosity toward George and Cindy and Lee is that they
just won't face the truth, as hard as it may be. It is a bad, bad situation they are in and it's so
"frustrating" to all of us that they are just making it worse...I don't know how I would react in the same
situation, and I hope I never have to find out, but I've never been one to coddle my kids when they got
themselves into trouble. But it is a nightmare for them.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I had a doctor tell me once that suicide was the ultimate anger and hatred turned inward...kinda makes
sense what George did, 'cause he's got to be extremely angered about being in this whole mess.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, I do not think Casey told George directly due to the fact every visit is recorded. But George is
smart enough to figure it our by the evidence. You are right kids half to fess up to what they did, and
the sooner the Anthony's realize this the better off they will be. People might even have some respect
for them, right now I have no respect for them.
LLee says:
2 weeks ago
I feel sorry for them - still. I think all of the media attention has compounded the problem and
prolonged their need to deal with the truth. I honestly believe that they were in deniel that Caylee was
dead and here comes all of these people (because of the media attention) wanting to help them, feeding
their need to believe that Caylee was live. Now she is dead and everyday they have to see more
evidence that points to the fact that Casey probably did it. Cindy's been medicated already so she
doesn't have to face reality - now George will get medicated too and unless he really deals with the
facts and talks to someone he is just going to numb the pain (so he doesn't commit suicide) and prolong
the inevitable. JMO.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
I know according to "the experts" on Nancy Grace, she hasn't had any visitors since that last video that
was released.... but... since that video was a hidden treasure, isn't it possible there's a few others that
might be hidden as well?
According to LE, the video recently released was suppose to show some sort of "police misconduct"
according to Baez. Perhaps it was the follow-up video that Baez was referring to and not actually the
one released. (??)
I suspect there might be more **BOMBSHELLS** in the near future.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Rascalbrat and Wednesday morning... I laughed my ass off sooooo bad I was crying about the tshirts. I
kept picturing a shirt OH Shit Now Where's George with a picture of your squirrel right in the middle.
My husband kept saying get over it will ya. He asked me if I was HIGH?!?!
I dont smoke pot. That was Funny as hell.That will put a smile on my face the rest of the day.
Then the NG Bombshells the F_uck out of this all weekend. You guys are tooooo much.ROFLMAO
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick, I half to get a little humor in this case, it is so sad it just wants to make us cry for Caylee.
Right now it is good we can laugh. I know Caylee will never be forgotten.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
No problem, Wednesday. Could you let me know the gist of it? Again, I can't download the updated
flash player to view it myself!! Thanks!
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
I dunno if George is really suicidal. He was gone long enough to kill himself...if he was really serious.
I'm going with ploy. He drove 2 counties over to see if the FBI was tailing him. Being xLE he would
easily know what to look for and spot a tail easily. The FBI must not be tailing him. Too bad
honestly...I would have put the whole family under the scope July 15th. Then G told cindy, I'm
guessing, that we wanted to kill himself. I bet this is just the extreme measure he is using to get through
to cindy. Cindy is obviously beyond all reason and rational thinking. George has got to be fed up with
all her crap. He is probably trying to see if he can make momster feel guily or remorsful as well.
Testing to see if his theories are true. Wondering if the sweet little girl he raised killed his sweet caylee.
He already told LE that if momster killed caylee he has lost momster as well. George finally knows that
his casey is dead. It's momsters show now. Also, I heard on the news that Lee isn't home. He is away on
another one of his mystery business trips and wasn't present for this whole ordeal.
Wednesdat, you know I bought a couple of these t-shirts and I must say that the Yellow-belly is a
beautiful color. Very fitting. Although I'm not quite sure pansy-pink is right. Upon further inspection, I
would have to say it looks more like a pussy-pink instead of a pansy-pink. Worth every penny.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
I meant Wednesday not Wednesdat...but I bet you guys got that:)
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Thanks for the update Wednesday!! It's awful to be in the Twilight Zone. (Another good show, eh,
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
George just has to get away from Cindy, he can not go threw this until the trial.
Brad Conway is the one that called 911 so they could find George, just on HLN.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Maybe George just ran away because he couldn't take being around Cindy anymore. I would.
Does anyone know why they enacted the Sunshine Law in Florida? It sure would be alot easier to
presume Casey innocent until proven guilty if we didn't know all this crap beforehand. I was just
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Wow, they found a half finished suicide note from George, omg if he put in that note what he really
knows, the Prosecutor can get it.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I can only imagine Casey's reaction to the news..."I'M the victim!! ME!! THIS IS ABOUT ME!! JUST
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Kate: I think most of Florida's tough laws are supposed to clamp down on the heavy drug running
through FL. A lot of those laws are to make sure that LE can use any means possible to shut down
powerful drug lords...legally.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Well press conference is over and all I got was that this lawyer has been practicing criminal law for 17
years he said it several times. Other than that- he also let something else out - that Cindy was really
pisssed off at George- so there goes that welcome home George!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I just watched the news report. I do believe that George was wanting to end it all. There is no game
involved there. Suicide should never be made light of. He is overwhelmed with sadness and greif. The
hospital stay will do him some good too. I think Brad C knows more than what he is saying though. I
found it interesting that they haven't seen the reports of the findings...that Brad gives them the info after
he goes over it. This is probably best, given what's in those reports so far. I also wonder now about the
statement regarding Casey's 'shady friends".....any thoughts anyone?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Casey, probably got into her stash of Snicker Bars, unconcerned.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
I read somewhere that everything that was found in the room with George was given to Orange County
Sheriffs office.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
I'll put money on George not wanting to see cindy. I'll bet he wishes he really did commit suicide now
because when cindy gets to the hospital she will kill him.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Cindy's response of anger is a normal response towards the person who tries to do this.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Snoopy, you're so right about "Twilight Zone" of my favorites. I love every Labor Day/Memorial
Day when they have the marathons. My daughter still gets scared by "The Living Doll" episode, and
she's 33! Oldie but goodie (TZ, not my daughter!!)
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Let's focus on Casey...since she is the murderess....what do you think she will do when she finds out the
news? Tears, no. Eat more snickers, probably. Ask for a sedative, most likely. Show no emotion, most
definitely. Not care, Absolutely.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, Cindy has a "thing" about keeping up appearances, and I think that's why she's ignoring the facts.
She's probably 10 times as angry at George as any normal person would be, considering this is all over
the news now.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Another question answered: cindy was on her way to a job interview when police were dispatched. I
wonder if she was fired or quit from her previous job. I don't sympathize with George. He's a grown
man. If he wanted to have ended it he would have had a gun, knife or something else. An 8 page suicide
note? Really??!!
Kate: One of our favorites is of a young Robert Redford playing the angel of death. He was dressed as
a soldier to befriend an old woman that was scared.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Casey is "Absolutely Fwustrated".
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Place her commissary order, Yes. Hope LE reads Georges note.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Snoopy, I remember that one...back when he was a REAL hunk! I hope the angel of death really looks
like that...I'm ready!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Oh yeah, I want to see another cat fight between Cindy and Casey over who is more of a victim, who
has life tougher, etc. They are both in competition for attention and I think it throws poor George in the
middle. I think Cindy and Caseys relationship is the root of this entire fiasco! George probably wants to
run away and never come back. Yes, Cindy is probably beyond furious! Cindy, in her selfish state of
mind is probably thinking, "Just when things seemed to have settled down for us a bit, he goes and does
this". It's all about her too! He is making "her" look bad. No concern for George at all. That's why he
says Cindy would probably be better off without him....he feels of no value to anyone.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Yeah, I would have followed him to the grave!! LOL!!
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Poor George, when this all first happened he became "part of the family" again, and that was probably
the only good thing, in his mind, about all this...but now, he wants to tell the truth but he's torn between
that and losing his family again, neither choice being what he wants.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
I don't believe George is suicidal. Depressed...yes. Frustrated...yes. Feeling helpless...yes. Grief
stricken...yes. Thinking about suicide...yes. But not suicidal. When a pereson is suicidal they have
already thought about suicide, thought about alternative options, but some to the conclusion that there
aren't any other options. If George was going to kill himself he wouldn't have talked to anyone about it.
He would have just left his note. Telling people how he was feeling was his cry for help.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
The actual 911 call released:
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
They just said they have more news on George coming up, but I think it might be a repeat of what we
heard 10 minutes ago...
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Etta, I think part of what you say is true, but the part about "if he was going to kill himself he wouldn't
have talked to anyone about it" is Totally False! Besides, I don't think that anyone can actually say if he
would of killed himself or not. You also said that "When a pereson is suicidal they have already thought
about suicide, thought about alternative options, but some to the conclusion that there aren't any other
options." That is not necessarily true either. However, we don't know if he had been thinking about it
for a while or not, so we really can't say. Suicide can happen as a result of many things and in many
ways. Suicide attempts have to always be taken seriously and should Never be second guessed by
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I'll bet it was awkward when an officer from Orange County was sent to the Anthony's house again,
considering how Cindy feels about them...
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Bye Kate! Bye Shipmates! It's time for me to get my children. I hope to see some of you on deck
tomorrow morning! Thanks again for the updates! I'll be forever indebted!! :)
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Bye Snoop!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Did anyone else notice how the dispatcher didn't seem to recognize the name of George Anthony and
all the details? This tells you how much is going on in that county that this is just another case among
their thousands.....
GranNaw says:
2 weeks ago
Its all about appearances with Cindy and this didn't look good. Cindy and George would
"ABSOLUTELY" (as Casey would say) have to know the truth. They are too close to this not to know
IMO. Brad spoke in the news conference of them (George and Cindy) NOT KNOWING if Casey is
guilty or not when media asked if they had had doubts. To me that indicates some sort of "TURN
AROUND" on their part (especially Cindy's) because she has vocalized for months now how "When it
all comes out Casey will be proven innocent" "She never hurt her daughter" "she loved her deeply" ---
ALL those statements that Cindy has made so publicly for so long are going to choke her when she has
to eat those words. Better (appearance wise anyway) if they come around to the idea little by little, and
I think Brad just put out the first bite earlier today.
And to everyone who says we don't know how we would act if something like this happened in our
lives--- No, I guess we don't know exactly how we would react but I do KNOW that I could have never
said and done some of the things they have (Cindy in particular) if this was MY daughter and MY
grand daughter. Not with ALL the evidence pointing the direction it has and the girls past track record
to boot. My grown daughters both talk to me about this case all the time and way back in July, during
that first few days of all this, my youngest was hear as the news was on and she sort of gasped as what
ever was being said was said and said to me OMG mom - you would have killed me if I had ever tried
to pull some shit like that! Now of course, I wouldn't have killed her (she might wish she were dead!)
but it just shows that my daughter KNEW she would have NEVER got away with any of that crap that
Casey was pulling on her Mom and Dad.
It's time to let Casey be held accountable for her actions. George and Cindy need to just let go... they
will feel better and I don't think anyone will fault them for doing it.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Sheesh! Did you hear that breaking news story in my neighborhood? Cass County, Missouri...2 baby's
skeletons found in a cooler on a property in Cass County; father has been arrested; apparently has
fathered 4 children with his 13 year old daughter and is charged with 2nd degree murder in the deaths
of the babies... not judge me by the idiots nearby!!! I'm one county over from them!!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Here is my theory on what their defense will be: Someone else killed Caylee and Casey freaked and is
trying to hide it all. I think they will admit to Casey burying Caylee and all that, but as far as the actual
"murder", I think they will try and get her off on that one....only I don't see how with all the cholorform
and neckbreaking look ups on the computer, the partying night and day while Caylee was laying in the
woods being eaten by bugs and soaking in flood waters. It will be difficult to prove. They will probably
say that Caylee got into some drugs somewhere, accidently died and Casey went crazy and did what
she did. Maybe Casey will try to say it was the 'pools' fault (since someone staged the ladder and gate
thing), or maybe she really will try to blame it on the squirrels....but in any case, I think this is what
they will go for....accidental death (not by Caseys doing) and Casey getting crazy, blanking out on what
happened and burying her). She will say because of her seizures, she doesn't remember. And we all
know that NO one can PROVE whether a person remembers or not. (learned that from an Attorney
friend of mine).
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Kate No way you can not help who lives where, even if you lived next to the Ants.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I know, Rascal; but this doesn't do anything to help the 'backwoods' reputation we've got...altho, I
mostly hear that stuff about South Missouri, near the Arkansas border. Sounds like we've got it up here
too, tho...yuk!
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Well, I'm off to the Post Office, keep me updated! BBS...
DJ in SC says:
2 weeks ago
I am new here BUT I have been with you all since the beginning of the "other" site. A day can not pass
w/o reading this site. You all have just cracked me up. I was unable to load the media player of the
news conference so I just went to the supposably have some of Georges suicide
note. I found this very interesting. George refers to Lee as his son and Crazy as their daughter. I
seriously think Lee is Caylee's biological father...This Kronk guy has me baffled-he's creepy-I think he
either knew Casey & maybe had wild sex with her in the Gonzales (vacant)house and they ditched the
body in the water, after Caylee was in the trunk for a couple of days? There is something just not right
with Kronk & the Gonzales house.Crazy/Zanny has split personalities-they are one in the same. Does
anybody know if Crazy has had a lie detector test yet? The tee shirt idea made me laugh so hard.
KK'S MOM says:
2 weeks ago
well, this episode with George has/will certainly gain some 'sympathy' for the Anthonys again. Haven't
we LEARNED ANYTHING???? We have been saying all along that Casey learned her manipulation
and LYING from WHO?? the parents, right? So, who is manipulating the public right now? GEORGE!
I mean, gosh, you cant be pissed at some dude that was going to off himself, right? Come on, I dont
think he was suicidal at all. Manipulative and a liar, maybe. Suicidal, no.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
So let me get this straight...I have just read the police report and heard the 911 call. Cindy knew
George's medication and picture were missing...but didn't have her lawyer call the police until after he
sends messages about wanting to be with caylee? Something about that just doesn't seem right. When
the ANTs attorny was speaking with the press last night I got the feeling that he didn't think George
was really going to kill himself. But this afternoon he seemed to be singing a different tune. Did cindy
come clean to her lawyer about something she had said to george? Why is it that the longer the case
drags on the more cindy looks like a criminal? I sure hope Lee's girlfriend is not pregnant.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Welcome to the Squirrel Boat, DJ! Couldn't find your link, but this one has some of the contents of
George's letter:
I don't know WHAT to think about all of this. Jewelry for Caylee??? WHY???
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, Cindy want to decorate caylee's bones like a christmas tree...just like momster decorated her body
like a myspace page.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
JMo says: I think he may be feeling guilt for saying he last saw Casey on a certain day when he was
leaving for work (which now they know he didn't go to work that day). ----- I didn't realize that! Did
you get that from his work schedule? I think that is a BOMBSHELL!
Regarding suicide - over my 30 years of nursing, I've known dozen who have committed suicide. In my
experience, those who talk about it never do it, and those who do it, don't talk about it. In fact, their
families say they never saw it coming. What George did was a "suicidal gesture" a call for help. And it
Kate, I'm glad you posted that. Incest does exist. People who deny it are burying their heads in the
sand, and are obviously no help to the victims.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, Marie, they just interviewed a friend of the family who had no idea this girl was in
sad. I'm like you, I thought George DID go to work the day he said Caylee disappeared, because his job
was relatively new...did I miss a BOMBSH...oh, sorry, I almost said it...did I miss a news tidbit??
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, why would Cindy want Jewlery for Caylee, just read that. Is she going to dress the bones and put
jewlery on them, my God has this woman lost all her marbles?
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I like the ad at the top of our hub now..."Clear felonies for only $99". Bet Casey'll jump all over that
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, I don't know...I thought maybe I was being callous and unfeeling, but if all I had left of a loved
one was a few bones and hair, I would give them the dignity of a closed casket and not try to dress
them up like they used to be, cause it just wouldn't work. I might put a toy in with her or her favorite
book, but jewelry??
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, I had to read it 3 times, thought I was seeing things. Hell they said they were going to cremate
Caylee's bones, that was the last I heard. Because they were afraid someone would dig her little bones
up, that is just to sick.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I certainly hope they're not thinking of viewing the body; that would surely send George over the edge.
Wouldn't they want to remember her the way she was when they last saw her? I would!
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
Cindy prob said "George, go get ME some jewelry for Caylee's funeral" (with the proceeds for the t-
shirt sales) and the media interpreted it as "some jewelry for Caylee"
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Wonder if that was Casey's idea?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
If they do this maybe they should take a picture for Casey, and on it say Mommy you did this to me!!
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
But, KK's mom, it was LE that was reporting it to the media...
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Didn't the police take george's gun in the beginning when they found it in his car
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I am positive it was returned, but I could be wrong.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
And according to that report, Cindy said that the reason George tried to kill himself was because she
asked him to pick out some jewelry for Caylee; she said it depressed him and was probably what
pushed him over the edge.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
HLN said they found a 5 page suicide note in George's car. That is a lot of writing, I bet there is a
confession of sorts in there. Also, George was the one going for a job interview, not Cindy.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Etta, I used to get so mad at my brother. He would threaten suicide in order to coerce my Mother into
giving him money, etc. She would call me crying, and I always told her "Give him a gun and tell him to
get it over with." After she died of a heart attack (partly due to the stress he put her under) he called ME
and said he was going to commit suicide. I said, "oh, that's nice."
He never pulled that stunt again, and it's been 7 years and he is still very much alive.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, your squirrel scares me...
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Next time I find some road kill, I'm going to take it to the taxidermist and have it stuffed in that
position and put it at my front door for solicitors.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
This article gives you a whole different perspective.
Seems like George did take some pills...with alcohol. That is why he told his family he wanted to kill
himself. He knew as soon as he hit send on that text they would be able to track him down.
Also, duct tape found on a gas can taken in Aug might be an identical match to duct tape over caylee's
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
Maybe cindy prepped the body, george buried and then they left for Larry King. . .convenient how they
were outta town and Casey was behind bars when the body was found. Now he cant live with it.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Also, there are some new posts from some of our favorite blogger Twisted. Three new ones last time I
checked, though I haven't gotten to read them yet.
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
ok wait. . .so he was leaving to KILL HIMSELF but he took his BP pills??? yes, that makes perfect
sense. Still feeling sorry for him? Remember this is the guy who lied about his money losses, lied about
chasing Casey in the vehicles, etc.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Yeah, Etta, I tried to read the three new ones and it kept sending me to an error page.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Thanks, Etta - going there now!!
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Looks like ol' Stan agrees with me that momster is getting too fat. I think he is hoping all the walking
she has to do to her MANDATORY court hearings will do her some good. Hopefully with the heads up
on the court appearances momster feel obligated to brush her hair. If I was the judge I'd shave her head
for being disrespectful.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
How the hell did Cindy think she was going to put Jewelry on Cayllee, is Cindy going to have George
super glue Caylee back together to torment George. I know this sounds sick.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
I agree, Etta, and I liked your description of the jail jumpsuits in two sizes...
Rascal, I'm with ya on this; I guess I've never really thought about what I'd do in a case like this, but I
think Jewelry and clothing is beyond my scope of reality. When my dad was buried I put a
marshmallow egg beside him because he had been a diabetic but loved to sneak them occasionally, but
he was in a normal state, so if I had to deal with a skeleton I don't know what I'd do; but not jewelry.
And it stands to reason if she's going to do jewelry, she's going to do clothes too...
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Speaking of jewlelry, remember the tiffnay ring Caylee's great-grandma gave to her that "disappeared?"
Casey denied everything when Cindy asked what happened to it. Anyway, Caylee probably loved
dressing up in jewelry, like most little girls, and since her mother stole her jewelry, George had to go
out and buy some more.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Wouldn't it be great if they found that ring with the body, like she was "passing it on to her daughter"??
Now THERE would be a good clue.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, I just finished reading the Twisteds post and had no problem getting to them.
I have been thinking about Momster and cindy's relationship. Remember how upset Cindy was about
the doll being in momster's car? Cindy kept saying that it was her favorite doll and she never went
anywhere without it. But little caylee was found with a small horse toy. Cindy might have bought that
doll for caylee and momster didn't want caylee to have anything from cindy when she dumped her.
Also I remember cindy saying that caylee always liked to take the dolls clothes off and they constantly
had to keep dressing the doll. The only picture I've seen of caylee and the has it's clothes on. I
noticed in the search warrent that LE were looking for any clothes that belonged to the doll. Interesting
tid bit. Momster also seems to go out of her way to torment cindy.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
The last thing I heard about the Tiffany ring is when Cindy was asking Momster about it in the jail
visit. Cindy asked momster where is was and who gave it to her...because Cindy hadn't seen and and
didn't remember who had given it to momster. I thought momster said it was a gift from a
boyfriend...Jeff H. if I'm not mistaken. I hadn't heard it was from the grandparents! I also think she said
she lost it? I hate to have to watch momster in her selfish jail videos again...but the more evidence that
comes out, the more incriminating those visits are. Everytime I watch them I learn something new.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Etta, I checked out Twisted and was able to read them this time. This blasted computer...I'm afraid to
watch videos or it's gonna crash again, but there are sure alot of clues in those tapes. I thought that
Casey's grandmother had given her the ring, too, but could be mistaken.
They're comparing George's police interview with the interview he did on Larry King the day before
Caylee was found, boy, what a difference!! You could tell in the first one that he was being totally
honest, trying to help, his face and voice were very animated; but on LK he told the story about the
rotten garbage with maggots and he couldn't look anyone in the eye, his voice was monotone, and
Cindy was shooting daggers sideways at him as he spoke. Both their hands were not visible, but it
looks like she is once again grabbing his hand or squeezing it.
Hey, in the picture of the police car in front of the hospital there are two men standing in the doorway
behind the car. Is one of them BoBoHead? Sure looks like him...
2 weeks ago
Happy Friday to all! All nonsense aside, George get the help you need, get well, stay well! I think we
all are in agreement here regardless of his shenanigans with this case and his toxic family. Whatever I
have said or felt, I for one would not wish on anyone what he has been thru, or is about to go thru in his
life. If anyone has a problem with this (soft side) we might have to for the first time in ship history pull
out the plank. If someone wants me to walk it I will without a mutiny being planned.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Well, one thing I don't think we should do on this site is determine who knows what about suicidal
people, because you never know who knows what, so I won't bother arguing my point with facts.
I will say that I believe George was suicidal and it is sad that it has come to this. I don't think Cindy is
thinking in her right mind. I know that when people die and a funeral is being planned, people say the
weirdest things. I am going through a funeral right now for a friend of circumstances, but again I will
not dispute other peoples opinions.
I think that next week, by Friday, we will get to hear what the date is for the trial. I don't think there
will be any "deals" between the state and the defense, as Casey is not and will not agree to confess to
anything! It will go full blast into what evidence the State, the county and the local police have on her,
plus all the witnesses. I don't know of any evidence or witnesses for Casey, Baez has, but to argue with
everything the State presents and cast shadows of doubt on the jury. It is up to the jury (we can't forget
that). My friend once said, "A jury is 12 of your closest peers who were not smart enough to get out of
jury duty." It's a real scary thought, but no matter what we think, they are the one's who will
decide...and then you know there will be appeals all over the place after that.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
CapnSteve, Keep that soft side we like it. Happy Friday to you.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, we wouldn't do that to you...where would we be without our Captain? The Anthonys all make
me angry and I say things I shouldn't from time to time, but I don't hate them...I just hate what they do.
They make me extremely "fwustrated", as Casey would say.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Am I the only moron who thinks serving on a jury is a privilege? I've been on two juries, and never
tried to escape it; my husband is jealous because he's never been called. However, I wouldn't want to be
on THIS one...JMO again...
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, I would love to be on this Jury, but since I formed my opinion in the begining when Caylee was
not reported missing, and all the lies in the interview. And the fact that the lies, the stealing, and the bar
hoping and not showing any emotion. I had already formed my opinion. So I would honestly half to say
no I can not serve. There has never been 1 minute that I could of honestly say maybe she did not do it,
Casey is guilty.
2 weeks ago
JMo, our prayers and thoughts are sincerely with you and yours. I had a too close to home situation
years ago and that is all I want to say. Thanks Rascal, Kate, and everyone else.I have a feeling business
is about to pick up in this case within a week or two. Let's hope it carries over to our economy for all of
us and our children and their children. Between the banks, the housing and mortage crisis, the
consumers not spending, etc. etc. even the squirrel's are worried!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, I just had 10 friends laid off work last week. So sad!
I think George has been holding all of this in for so long, acting like he is worried about Sindy's
feelings and Casey's feelings and not taking care of his own feelings. I hope this just eats Casey alive!
Although, I will probably be dissapointed in that hope. I wonder who will be the one to tell her what
just happened with George? What will her response be?
What I really, really, really hope for is that Sindy's anger will totally explode on Casey about all of this
and put the blame on Casey for everyone's issues that she has caused with her lying bullshit and games.
I say put Sindy in that cell with her for 5 minutes. I bet I know who will come out on top! But then
again, Sindy thinks Casey is innocent and it is "her imaginary friends and families fault".
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
One more thought about the seriousness of George's suicide gesture - He took his high blood pressure
medicine with him.
Out of respect for my shipmates who were creeped out by my previous squirrel, I have changed my
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, now what do I use for a excuse for my hair do!!! LOL
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
ha, Rascal - your squirrel has just heard too many Anthony stories.
My husband just walked through and said "George did this so he will be ruled mentally incompetent
and can't testify against Casey." and said "put that in your blog." So I did.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Gosh I said that earlier Marie, my thought exactly. Yep Casey is scary.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
George is smart enough to know, if you leave a cell phone they can find you.
How has your computer been acting lately? Did you try the suction thing?
On another note, I think George is crying out for help because of all this has gone on for too long and
he doesn't want to actually commit suicide. I was in Law Enforcement for 20 years (now retired) and if
I was going to commit suicide I would just hook up a hose from the tailpipe of the cadillac to the
interior of the car and close the garage door and that would be it. I think George knows how to do it too
but this is just a cry for help. People who are serious about this sort of thing know how to do it. He also
sent text messages to family members that's how they found him. If he was serious he would have just
ended it. Not sent messages but left a note at home. I have great sympathy for George as a fellow
officer and hope he gets the treatment he needs. George is the only Anthony that seems to have any
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Perry right on. I think he wants to tell the truth but Cindy is telling him. what to do.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Perry, I think everyone in the US feels for George. Judging by the calls to HLN and NG, everyone feels
so sorry for George. He is the only one from that family that displays a normal range of emotions.
2 weeks ago
Agreed! And to be sending the text messeges he was crying out for help. Glad they didn't use the old 24
hours to report a missing person. Who knows what we may be typing tomorrow?
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
And I noted on the reports tonight, he told the officers he just wanted to stay there and sort things out in
his head...I think he was wavering between life and death, indecisive. I do think he was considering it,
but was probably feeling guilty about leaving his daughter to face what she has to face. At least Lee
came home and went to the hospital to see him.
Perry, I'm an idiot. I turned my tower around a couple of days ago and tried to see where I could
remove the case and use an air duster, but just didn't comprehend. I think the problem is that it's
overheating, like someone told me, and just shutting off the power. I did use the air duster on the fan
motor, though, and no crashes yet today, but I haven't opened up any videos or anything big, either. But
thank you for your help.
Someone earlier said that since George took his high blood pressure meds, he was not thinking of
killing himself. I think you could kill yourself with those, because your blood pressure would drop
dangerously I right, Marie?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
What is interesting the Anthony's were supposed to meet with Brad Conway at 4.30 yesterday. George
never showed up back home for the meeting. Wonder what time the Text message came in? Brad
Conway did not call 911 until AM.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, I didn't mean for you to change your squirrel...I was just joshin' you! I like a good scare every
now and then (I'm a big Stephen King fan!).
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, I think BoBoHead already told Casey about George right when it happened. Of course, he
wouldn't tell the reporters what her reaction was...I think we can all guess.
Perry says:
2 weeks ago
Kate in MO:
I didn't know you had a "tower". I was under the impression you had a laptop. I guess I'm the idiot. I
would think a tower would have enough airflow not to overheat unless you had it backed up directly to
a wall. Even then I had a tower for 3 years that never overheated as much as I read yours does. I will
say one last thing as that's this. Backup your data before it's too late. The next thing that happened to
me was my hard drive failed and without much notice. I'll keep reading the blog and be quiet now.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
There are 2 fans in a tower, make sure both are running and inside is dust free Kate I told you how to
do that. Unplug from everything take it out and use a can of air, blow out the dust. Then plug it in
outside do not touch the inside and see if fans are running. If both fans are not working it will over
heat. Try that first.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Thanks, Perry...I'll get out my Windows for idiots Gigabook and prepare for the probably inevitable.
And we don't want you to be quiet! As a former Law Enforcement person, you have valuable insight
into this case!
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Oh, Rascal, I thought you said take the cover off the tower, that's where I got stuck because I couldn't
figure out how to get it off! And, Perry, it's about 10 inches away from the wall...
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Kate yes you do half to take the cover off to blow the dust out of inside. If you stick you hands in the
computer while it is plugged in you will look like my Squirrel.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Well, I did know enough to unplug everything first, dad, the electrician, would never forgive
me if I was electrocuted. See, there's a weird looking little screw that's holding a little tab to the innards
and a couple of hook type things that I assume you squeeze together to get it off, once you get the
weird screw undone. But I've never seen a screw like that in my life and I'm sure I have no screwdriver
that would work on it.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Plus, the warning on the can of air said "Do not spray into enclosed areas or explosion may result" so
that was enough to back me off.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
lets do this by email since this is off subject
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Sorry I got off-base, everyone. I'm gonna shut down for now...nite, all.
linn says:
2 weeks ago
From what I got is this. George left the house Thursday at 8:30 AM.. He returned at 10:30Am and left
again. He was supposed to meet with their attorney at 4:00PM and at around 7:30-8:30PM started
sending text messages saying he wanted to just be with Caylee and make sure she was in "God's
Arms".. sigh..They called is it Sgt Allen? The one Cindy despised, and he stayed with her while they
searched for George using the same cell phone pings. Got 2 miles close to him, then started searching
motels for his car, which they found. They knocked on his hotel door several times before he answered.
They found beer, medication and a 5 page letter not finished in his car. He told them he just wanted to
BE LEFT ALONE, thanks Cindy. They said they could not do that as he said he was wanting to commit
suicide. So he went with them and he is checked in. They can keep him 73 hours depending on what
they find since it is a suicide attempt, possibly. My advice to George, STAY THE 72 HOURS!! Get
away from your nut wife.
On another note, did you all see where there was duct tape on the gas cans in the Anthony garage!!!!
They are matching that duct tape to the tape on Caylee's mouth.
Also, as far as Caylee's father. in the documents I linked last night, so far I see a Jesse, a Jesus, an ERIC
and I know there was another.
Now, can anyone tell me who ERIC was/is? She listed so many! And for Cindy, a nurse, to have her
brother tell her Casey is pregnant! her belly button was protruding a half inch in a tight top. And Cindy
say no she isn't? I mean if her brother and everyone at his wedding could tell she was pregnant, why
was Cindy is such denial over it?
Slide the side off. You should see an exposed fan in the upper back. Another will be a covered fan in
the lower back.
You can remove the cover (carefully) to the lower fan & spray the hell out of it with your compressed
You can buy cans of it, but if you have an actual air compresser, that's your best bet. Once you get the
fans cleaned, remove the front cover too. Spray out all of your nooks & crannies.
Be sure not to touch anything that you're not sure about. Static electricity from your touch could do
more damage than the dust you're trying to remove.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday we got it handled, I emailed the direction on how to do it, but Kate did not realize it was
small phillips screw to get cover off. lol
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
well it is one of 4 things if it is not fan or fans she need to take it to shop,
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, It has to be hard on him, and playing Cindys game to protect Casey. He really wants to be
truthful, I really thinks he is afraid of Cindy.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Excerpt from story on George in todays news:
Motel staff said Anthony checked into Room No. 106 on Thursday evening and said he had business in
Daytona Beach on Friday. Police said they found remnants of fast food and beer, blood-pressure
medication and other pill jars.
I really feel for George but if this story is true about remnants of fast food being found in that motel
room, he was not there to commit suicide. Maybe he just need some time away from everything &
everybody. I know i would have headed for the hills long ago!!
Dj in SC says:
2 weeks ago
George is smart..he ate fast food because taking meds on an empty stomach would make him vomit-
that would defeat the purpose of suicide.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Here is a link for those who want to read the interview between George and the police.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Motel employee speaks:
My fox news video says nothing about remnants of food. Motel employee says after George was taken
to local hospital that he found clothes, a blanket, & 12 pack of beer & only 4 were left in pack.
The news media is so unreliable every single one of them report different versions of same story. One
news agency says he left a 5 page letter & another says 8 pages. I'm to the point that I never totally
believe any of them.
NG show tonight said duct tape on skull matches tape found on gas cans that had been in trunk of
Casey's car. No local news media is reporting anything about this.
DJ- If i was so despondent to consider taking my own life, there would be no way I could eat, even if it
would keep me from vomiting up the pills & would not have left with clothes. But this is just me.
I really feel bad for George in fact, I don't know how he has gone on this long without cracking up.
After he testified to the grand jury, he was in tears & it just broke my heart.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Speaking of the gas cans, remember she told George the reason she had them was because she was
having to drive to Tampa everyday to drop off and pick up Caylee. Tampa is 1 hour 41 minutes from
her house and is 88 miles. Well, they now know that the gas gauge in the car works, so it wasn't like she
didn't know when the gas was low....anyway, I think that is when George first discovered her lying,
when he surprised her by being home when she opened the garage. I wonder if George ever kept track
of the mileage on his car...she borrowed it for a month and certainly if she went to Tampa in the
morning and then back again to work, and then to Tampa in the evening and then back home...Gosh,
that's almost 360 miles a day or 8 hours of driving. NO way! Poor George....and to think Cindy kept
changing his story for him by interupting during his interviews so that Casey wouldn't look suspicious.
I think they both know they have twisted the stories in Casey's favor because they are the only ones left
on her side. That is still their child and they don't want more guilt than what they already are
experiencing....can you imagine living with the thought that you helped your child get the electric chair
and did nothing to try and help her or to prove her innocence, even if you knew better. It would be
horrible. Not saying it is right, just that it could explain some of their behavior.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Do we really know for a fact that the duct tape on the gas cans matches that on Caylee's mouth? Yikes.
Go to page 44 of 53 Oct 10th. & look at note on bottom of page. Lee Anthony's DNA was obtained on
Oct 8th.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I don't see those page #'s but I do see on OCT 7 where there is request # 3 to "Please compare Lee
Anthony's DNAprofile to that of Caylee Anthony DNA profile".
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
JMO- The page number on the bottom of pdf border is #44. They are not the page numbers that OCSD
have on the pages. Let me look for those numbers for you.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Look for handwritten page numbers bottom right corner of page. Page # is 3318 & the date is Oct 8th.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
OFF SUBJECT>>>>I need prayers please......I am shakimg as I am typing so please forgive.
My sister found some lumps in her throat. Long story short in a matter of a few days and a ct scan, she
has a blood clot in lung, masses in her lung. They have called in a oncologist, cardiologist,
pulmonologist cant remember the rest.
I went online and looked up smptoms and the only thing I came up with is Hodgkins.I started asking
her questions and she said to me....R U looking at hodgkins and I said yes, why? She said those are the
exact same things the Dr. has asked me.
Please if anyone has any experiene with this ould u email me.
Please pray for her. This is my only full sibling out of 7 of us. Our father just died 3 yrs ago this
march.She is only 38. I am so scared. This will kill me.
Farmchick says:
2 weeks ago
Also, while I am here...Got a few hrs. before I can go to Hospital, hope someone wakes up and talks to
I think the only reason for the DNA is they are trying to rule out the hair being that of LEe's and
Casey's maybe? Needing a full profile. Imagine all the DNA found on everything. THey are gonna need
the full profiles of eeryone in that hhouse along with I would think AL and a few others.Especially with
all the hairs huuuhhhhhmmmmmclearing throat.....Dr. Henry Lee found on all that garbage. Almost
every item. That is soooo amzing eeryone missed those except when he came along. Imagine if they
match up with anyone involved in the testing the field day they will have with the FBI lab and
etc....contamination all ovver the place.
As for George. Man do I feel bad for him. He also did take sleeping pills with him. Read it on one of
the links someone posted here. Ofcourse he would eat. Just because you are suiciddal does not mean
that you want to suffer. Howeer, I do not beliee he would of done it because of the texts, but....NO ONE
should ever be so bold as to say ahhhhh he's joshing.
George is the only person in that household with integrity and morals. He stated before he walked into
the grand jury that this about my Grandaughter. No one else. Whatever the fact are, they are. Maybe
selling these shirts is also driving him nuts. You know Cindy had to make him do it. She is probably
just doing it in his good name and sitting there at the computer typing herself.
Also, what the hell is wrong with her....tells George to pick out jewelry for Caylee. She is flippin sick! I
am sure when she did that, he had to think like us "Normal People", all that is left is bones....He had to
picture in his mind his grandaughters bones with jewelry????????SICK!!!!!Why would she not say lets
TOGETHER>>>>pick out some of her favorite things to put in the casket with her.Every funeral of a
close family member I have been involoved with, we did everything together. We made decisions and
picked out certain things the whole way together.
George , I am Praying for you to find peace. Here on earth with the ones who love you. Caylee can wait
for you. She is wrapped in the arms of her father , the Lord. She's your angel now. She'll be watching
over you and giving you the strength you need to get through this and live life again in a new way. Life
will never be the same, but there will be life after this. Just remember you are loved.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Farmchick I sent you email. Please let me know if it s too technical.
2 weeks ago
Farmchick, I am praying for your sister and your family! Let all the tests be done all the while keeping
the faith. Shipmates, no matter your religion, beliefs, or your own problems, today is the day that we all
throw our positive energy Farmchicks way. You have a great group of tremendous people with you
right here, right now!!
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Steve,
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Just a theory, Weds. night on Fox there was a new show "Lie to Me." I mentioned it before. It reminded
me so much of this case. It is about how to detect lies, and how to trick people into tellling the truth.
One girl was lying, and they lied to her and told her someone had killed himself due to her lies. That
broke her, and she told the truth. That show was on Weds. night. I think George may have watched it,
and tried to implement it himself in order to get Casey to come clean. (If she comes clean, she will
definitely have a better chance of avoiding the DP)
About Lee's DNA, LE has said from the beginning that they are confident who Caylee's father is.
About Tiffany ring, can't remember where I read it was gift from great grandma. In jail, Cindy asked
Casey where it was, and Casey said she had no idea. (can you say pawn shop?) i think Cindy thought it
might have been with Caylee.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Hi will someone please explain to me why in the world anyone would want to put jewelry on what is
clearly just bones??
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Carol, I think Caylee probably loved playing with jewelry.. but on second thought, she would have
played with Cindy's jewelry. Don't all little girls do that? If so, cindy should bury her jewelry with
OR is it a ploy to get people to send them jewelry? I bet people will after this story.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Steve,
Well in the area I live in (geographically Midlands) its freezing we had high winds added to that and
that pretty much means dont go out unless you really have to. We have two small rivers that go through
the town and when it rains they flood pretty much half of the town. I live up in higher area away from
town so no floods here. But we did hear the flood alarm go off and it pretty much sounds like the old
ww2 air raid warnings - so they tell me as I was no way near being born back then and no way near
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Marie,
Darn these people have to have some way of making money with every move they make. Are they
expecting people to send George money now that he tried (in the Anthony way) to kill himself? What
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Carol, the thought even went through MY mind to send them some jewelry for Caylee (and I am quite
the cynic) so I KNOW other folks will send them some.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Hummmmmmm at what point do these people stop using this poor litel gel and let her rest in peace? I
was talking to my husband about this case and he seems to think that for someone like me who is afraid
of walking into a dark room- (probably why i never took photography in school)why I am so interested
in something this gruesome. I mean think about what it was done to Caylee- isnt this what horror
movies are made of?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Anthony Motel Room Contained Empty Pill Bottles Friday, January 23, 2009 – updated: 10:43 am EST
January 24, 2009 ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- George Anthony's granddaughter was murdered and
detectives say his daughter did it. It appears it was all too much for the 57-year-old man to take.
Eyewitness News has learned that empty pill bottles were found inside the Daytona Beach motel room
where Anthony was found early Friday morning. A lengthy suicide letter written by George Anthony
said that he had taken pills. Sources also said that he had been drinking when he was found by Daytona
Beach Police.
There was 2 empty bottles of Sleeping pills and Blood pressure pills in the room and 4 cans of beer left
out of 12 pack. Now if you took all of that how do you walk out of the room, I would think you would
need a ambulance.
I've had 3 funerals of family members in the past 10 years, I've placed, what would seem morbid, items
in the casket. When my 4 yr. old neice died, my son picked a bowl of strawberries & "gave them to
her". I'm sure they didn't actually get burried with her, but in his little mind he needed to do that. My
sister in law was also insisting that her daughter be dressed with undergarments as well as shoes for her
funeral. Why? Who really knows, but it seemed important to her.
I say all this, because I think maybe the jewelry was just a sentimental gesture.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Wow! I sure missed a lot of intersting conversations while I was gone! In one of the reports about
"George's disappearance" it stated that the police that went to Ants house met Cindy who was dress in
dress shirt and dress slacks getting ready to go to an interview. This is why I stated earlier that we now
know she must not be working at her previous employment. I asked if anyone knew if she was fired or
quit. I, too, thought the jewelry comment was ridiculous. For crying out loud there won't even be bones
once Caylee is cremated. If she was cremated, that would end all of the nonsense of wanting further
testing. As for George, don't make me walk the plank, but I don't see it. The man must be very
depressed, duh! But to go to this length I think was a plan. Casey is closest to George... where do you
think she learned to be deceptive? Wasn't it George that had a secret online gambling addiction, hasn't
been able to keep a job, threw his father through a plate glass window, has to have his wife be the
responsible spouse?!! And this guy is the moral king of the family?!!! If he was half the stand up kind
of guy and poor, poor George you guys think he is, why doesn't he man up and take responsibility for
his actions including his marriage to Cindy. If he's so miserable he can get a divorce. But then... who
would pay for his life? Don't get me wrong... I feel for the guy losing his granddaughter and daughter,
but even before that he impressed me as a whiny little kid. Even on the tapes on NG he said the same
things Crazy did, "Do you even know how I feel? Do you even care how I feel?" Give me a break!!
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
Hi all , thank you for leaving a link to follow what's happening in this case :-)
I was wondering if anyone know if there are any more video of Casey either in Jail or otherwise ? I saw
4 videos so far and was wondering if there were any elsewhere ?
I pity the parents that has to go trough all this hell , and was wondering if anyone had or seen any sign
of 'sociopaths'' in casey . I mean the way she act , or talk and what she did ? Do you think she has a
conscience ? regret ? when she was crying , was it real ?
I don't think peoples should get children's if they aren't 100& sure they are fit , mentally to raise them
properly . They shouldn't because a child isn't something you can just get ride of when it doesn't fit
your agenda . If you want to party then be responsible and don't get pregnant ! .
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Wow! Is everyone on shore leave? I'm sorry if I voiced my opinion when I shouldn't have. Come back,
shipmates!! Send me a life saver!!
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
Hey Snoopy9318 , where did you get this info : ''Wasn't it George that had a secret online gambling
addiction, hasn't been able to keep a job, threw his father through a plate glass window, has to have his
wife be the responsible spouse?!! '' ????
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Hi Snoopy,, sorry I was busy doing some surfing. I have no problem with you opinion what so ever. I
really have mixed feeling on the latest updates. The Anthony's have not been working for a long time
now. I have no idea if Cindy quit her Job or what happened.
Yes I did hear about George throwing his dad threw a window. And Cindy was the real bread winner
for the family, but she wants to wear the pants in that family so it kind of fits. I do know George was
off work for some time with a knee replacement.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Hey, Redmark! Love your picture! I got those from previous links left by our shipmates. Cindy's
brother and Mom had sent emails back and forth to each other.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Snoopy hi i guess its the week end and people do have other things to do- but some of us have already
read everything the authorities have put out and we have given our opinions- maybe waiting on
something juicy to come out this week end. The thing is with those of us in here is that we live in
different time zones. Its worse for me cause when am up everyone else is out there zonking some
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
I cant imgine being to new to this case and having to go back and read all the stuff thats online about it.
SadieSkye says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick-- Hang in there...were all praying for your sister...
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
thanx Snoopy9318 , was just wondering cose didn't see it anywhere and was just wondering :) as for
shipmate you must be a regular for me I just registred everything is
@CarambaCarol : so you followed this case from the start ? I saw the link on CNN many time..and
didn't read about it until tonight...I have been awake for 9hour now trying to catch up...cose it was
eating me so I finally give in and started reading about this case....Im ashamed to say....always
10years lol
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
CCarol, I would half to get a eye transplant. Hard sometimes when you miss part of a day. The
Anthony's are in the spotlight almost every day.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Thank you Rascal and Carol!! I was really afraid that with my rant I had offended everyone. I sure
wasn't trying to do that!! Thanks for the life saver!!
I'm always on the at the wrong time too, Carol!! I wish I could be on at night when all of this happens.
It takes me a long time to read through all of the posts, but... I'm hooked!!
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
Question: why the media are making a big deal of this story ? I was wondering this . I'm not saying
they shouldn't , but I didn't see such debate about that women that put her babie in a microwave , or the
one who left her kid on Walt Mart , or the one that put the new born on the washing machine.....
I feel terrible for what Farmchick is going through. It is never easy to see a loved one go through a
health crisis. The not knowing in the beginning, I think, is the worst. Farmchick, if you're reading, you
are in my family's prayers. I will ask that our Sunday School class include you as well. Nothing like the
power of prayer.
Kate in MO, I'm with you on the jury thing. I, too believe it's a responsibility that comes with living in
this great democracy. We should take it seriously. But if you're not capable of doing so, and will not
take the job with the seriousness that it requires, PLEASE by all means, do whatever it takes to get off
because you are not going to give anyone involved a fair chance. I also think you're a great mom. I was
reading yesterday when the doorbell rang with the first sleepover guest about how you took your son
around and made him apologize and pay restitution for what he did. Shows you are a very strong
person. That couldn't have been easy. Wish Cindy would have been more like you.
Steve, the soft side is very acceptable. No plank needed, in my opinion.
Wednesday, I need to talk to you about the scrapbooking thing. I will email.
I've read so many posts trying to catch up, I can't remember if I covered everything I had to say or not,
but I think this is enough for now.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Shipmates, I am still surfing for new information to post, so if I am off for awhile that is where I am. I
will keep checking back.
Opinions are like Assholes, we all got one & everyone thinks theirs doesn't stink. ;-P
My only "beef" with opinions is that some people state them as facts, when they're just speculation. I'm
NOT directing that at anyone HERE. I'm just saying in general, some people do that.
Welcome aboard newbies!!! Did you read the archives from the past few months above? It'll take you
MONTHS to get through them, but you can certainly find some interesting facts, theories & discussion
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom I posted article from Orlando Sentinel 2 hrs ago, the report said that the Sleeping pill bottle
and the Blood Pressure med bottle was empty. That is why I stated I could not understand how he
walked out of Motel on his own.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
I was in Orlando in July when all started. When I came home I kept following by signing up for news
updates that the local Orlando news stations send you in email. Yes I listened to that first jail house call
I knew then that this horrific sorry excuse for a human being was hiding something. Her attitude was
too obvious. No one talks to their mother like that unless there are some heavy duty issues between
them. I know that cause if my 32 yr old daughter ever would hve the nerve to talk to me like that she
would have been missing a few teethies. I, too was a single mother and there is no way I would have
put up with all that garbage. Having said that, I never had that type of relationship with my daughter-
even now after having three children - she wonders - how I did it.
I actually CRIED. My husband thought I was NUTS. Luckily, the other jurors decided the same way I
would have & the man was found guilty.
I feel it's a right & responsibility to serve. I never try to get "out of it". Although I have been dismissed
from 2 Drunk driving cases because I have lost 2 family members to careless drivers.
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago
Proud Mom! Glad to see you on board! Sorry that I have to leave! (Doesn't my timing stink?!!) Catch
all of you tomorrow!
2 weeks ago
redmark, why this one? I have my opinion. The media these days are far different from the one that I
sat around the dinner table watching. Back in the day when at 6:00 P.M. C.B.S. was always on, Walter
Cronkite joined us every evening for dinner or so it seemed. He reported the news plain and simple. He
did not create it at all. I do not think the nonsense that we now see and hear on the 415 different
stations would have be accepted. Now, every so often you get the Anthony's, Holloway's, Smart's,
Ramsey's that capture the media and the nations attention. I can not give the exact reason why this one
over another one that is going on today (probobly hunderds if not thousands) but this one has it all.
Including sex, drugs, and rock & roll. It is an ongoing reality show with it's own cast of people that all
bring something to the party. On this site we all share the gambit of emotions from love (Caylee) to
hate (momster) and everything in between. So now put on your seat belt, sit back and take the ride right
along side the great people aboard the good ship lollipop!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Morning everyone! Well, it looks like they told Casey and all that was said was that she is "holding up
the best she can". That was from Baez.
Also, yes it reminded me of that show about the lies too! But we all know that Casey isn't going to fess
up, no way, no how, never. She is too arrogant, narcissistic and selfish. It's all about her damn it and
people just need to realize that and "get over themselves" (i.e. those are her words in quotes).
I personally (imo) like George and think he is a good person with a good heart. He loves Casey and
Cindy and he very much loved Caylee. He made a stupid mistake on a computer scam (not a gambling
problem) and has been paying for it ever since with having to grovel to Cindy to take him back and stay
with him. I feel bad for him right now and hope he gets the help he needs. I think Cindy will be able to
only stay strong now for so long, and she will be next to break down. The only person who is getting
over everyone here is Casey. Pretty manipulative and powerful indeed.
Farmchick, my thoughts and prayers are with you and with your sister. I too have one sibling who is 11
mo. apart from me. No parents, no aunt, uncles, grandparents, etc. So, my heart goes out to you. Be
sure to try and go to the Dr. visits with her so you can be there first hand to see this through and help
her. She has to be scared too.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday,, They would not want me on a Drunk Driving case. I would find them guilty if they hurt
someone or killed them, they let them off to easy. And they go out and do it again, and again. I feel the
same way about people on Drugs.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Unfortunately if I get called for Jury duty I wont be able to make it. As long as I have a member of the
family working for the OCSO no one will pick me to be in the jury. One year I was called three times
spent all day on the computer except when i was called up and all three times I was rejected cause that
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
The other reason this case is so different than the others is this is about a "sociopath". Another reason is
that "female sociopaths" are rare compared to "male sociopaths". Most of the women who have killed
or harmed their children were found out right away and confessed etc. However, the Susan Smiths of
the world are more sensationalized....
Has anyone read the book, "Heart Full of Lies" by Ann Rule? It is a true story about a female
sociopath. It is so good, you can hardly put it down. You will see Casey's personality all over the place
if you read it. Ann just published a new one on Ted Bundy. She has been working on it for years. Same
It's like a game to them. Even when they get caught, (i.e. ooops I lied, I really don't work here), nothing
registers to them that the game is over. They still continue, they love the spotlight, it is all about them.
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
LOL Thanx CAPN STEVE ! I will put on my seat belt and bring my dictionnary...cose many thing I
don't understand but will ask bf :D
Wonder what her friends (casey) the one she was having a party with..will still be her friend ? I mean ,
there are many criminals who even if they killed , or raped...their famillies still believe they are
''innocent''.....wonder what her fan club will say of her...unless they are like her..then they won't say
much and will just wait for her to get out of jail and go party .
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Brad Conway is taking Cindy Anthony to go see George, I sure hope this does not upset him more. Not
sure this a smart move.
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
@JMo: So I was right....she will never feel guilt for what she did..she has no conscience ! and like a
sociopathe she make her downfall....either by being sloppy or need the ''i'm a victime'' label .....
They said the same about O.J.Simspon , that at one time he made his downfall...when he wrote his
book about the murder of his one point it's like a circle..and he end it by doing some crap..and
he burned .
If the terme and mean of a ''sociopath'' has been validate by doctors and scientiste , shouldn't they have
a different trial from somebody who isn't ?
When someone commit a crime , we expect at least he feel guilty somehow...but ''sociopath'' don't feel
guilt or pain (unless it's their own pain then yeah they feel it big time) .
We have a winner!!!
MarieRN was the FIRST of our group to post on the orginal site Futy started! Just went reading back
through the old transcripts.
I'll give 20 Casey-Bucks (imaginary money) to the first person who can identify what my "orginal"
name was when I first started posting. :-)
Archive link
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
@kk's mom: But even if she think she will outsmart them , and never say that she did the killing ,
doesn't mean that she won't go to jail ? right? I mean they have proofes of her guilt...and with or
without her saying that she did she will go to jail . I'm getting this right ?
So, if the above assumption is true , then it's just in her mind and the only ''victimes'' here are her
parents who are living hell because of her action . And of course , the poor little one whose life was
snuffed away for no crime only one that she had her for a mother .
God the video of 3 August where her father visit her hard to watch...:(
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I wish I could spill the beans on how the story ends in Heart Full of Lies, but I can tell you, it is the
same is that "one mess up" that gets them ultimately caught. They think they are so smart
with how they have covered their tracks. They have manipulated people, played one against the other,
twisted facts, know detail after detail spun with lies and deceptions. But it is that one little slip up they
didn't pay attention to that gets them nailed. Casey has to keep believing that they are trying to break
her down and she just has to remain strong and not tell anyone shit. She figures they will never find out
what happened because she thinks she is smarter than everyone and can continue the game. Think
about that next time you watch her on those video's. She is very smug and dissociative from the entire
thing. Every now and then she breaks down and cries, but then her evil takes over (driven by hate for
her mother) and she is back to lying deceptive Casey who can do no wrong. Everyone else is to blame
and she is the victim here.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Darn Wednesday I remember that- I bet Casey never thought all this would come back and bite her on
the ass. She sure has a twisted mind. How in the world can she be so cold and uncaring. Like I said
before, I bet George was hoping all this was a nightmare and that one morning he would wake up and
everything would be ok. This is just to horrific for a normal mind to deal with.
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
@JMo: Oh yeah and don't forget her favorite phrase : I can do more outta there , I've done everything I
could from here (wich bassicaly is nothing) and ''I wanna come home'' argh...she is making me angry !
what sort of heart does she have ! Vista!!!! doesn't she has that shell
that she call a body!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Wed.Morn, I wonder if that Zanny the Nanny ever told in her blogs where she worked? I also wonder if
Casey was a blogger on that site and if there is a way to check?
This is a totally crazy thought, but I wonder if Crazy was preggers again, then wrote to the guy in Calif
(to say it was his and what are we going to do?) but then actually did miscarry, hormones went nuts,
she went nuts, committed the crime with Caylee, then I know I read somewhere that she confronted
some guy about a miscarry...right? I wonder if she went to Tampa to get an abortion? Just a thought
about how nutty she is.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, Weds, I clearly remember that office break-in at other Zanaida Gonzales' office. And,
coincidentally, June 9th was the last day Casey saw Caylee, according to her first report.
Proud Mom, Taking a bunch of BP pills would make you sick, but not kill you (unless you also take
Viagra). The body has homeostatic mechanisms that would compensate. However, an overdose of
Digoxin, another heart medicine to slow down and regulate a fast heart rate would definitely kill you,
but it is not a blood pressure medicine.
Wednesday Morning says:
2 weeks ago
I don't know about that JMO... I simply think everything stacked up at once & she couldn't deal
Her friends were on a GREAT vacation in PR that she couldn't go on because she has a kid... Her
mother is breathing down her neck trying to get her to grow up because she has a kid... She wants to go
party all the time with AL but she can't because she has a kid...
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Casey wants out ONLY for herself, so she can 'run around like a cheerleader who just won a contest',
be in the spotlight, make brownies and have chili parties on Caylee's birthday anniversary, and hang out
at club fusion with her gang bangers.
I have the feeling that the State is going to tear her up! That Linda (i think that is her name...the blond
lady) is right on and will not let anything slide. She is making sure this case is tight! At least we can
only hope. No more Target shopping for you Casey!
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
So what happened to JR and were you MTHead??? I know I found the site wayyyyyyy back but I just
read for a long time then I remember going to Mexico and not having much to do and I broke down and
wrote something- back in those days JR and Futy pretty much the only ones blogging.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yeah, I agree that she just snapped. Her "imaginary fantasy" world with all the imaginary family and
friends was about to end. Caylee was beginning to talk. I still believe that she told Cindy something to
make Casey out a liar and Cindy confronted Casey on it. Think about it, ....if Caylee told Cindy what
was really going on all day...OMG, Cindy would go after Casey and then what would Casey do job, no nanny, no nothing. Cindy would of found out that Casey had been lying ALL these
years to her. Logical thought in Casey's mind (ta da!) is "shut that kids mouth" "get rid of her
now"....hmmm use choloform and duct tape? I can't have Caylee ruining my life, taking my life from
me. I am the victim here, why can't everyone see that??? Caylee is going to ruin my whole life that I
have worked so hard to put together. She is going to ruin my chances of getting a man or having time to
enter hot body contests. She has to Go!
Sorry, I really think this is the way the biotch was thinking. Seriously, what would become of her at this
point if the lies were found out to be lies. She would have nothing!!! She is selfish and took care of the
problem (*which was Caylee and Caylee spilling the truth to Cindy). Everyone lies, everyone dies.
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
You got it JMO. I dont know what creates a monster like this, but I'm sure all of us have run into people
who are selfish a**holes, think they can do no wrong and have a false sense of entitlement. This is just
a super extreme case that was fueled by never having to be accountable for anything she did wrong.
Cindy always had an excuse for her, denial, or bailed her out. (Sure, let me empty my retirement
account for you honey. . . )
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
'' She wants to go party all the time with AL but she can't because she has a kid...'' then she just has to
take precaution to NOT bring a child to this world , it'sn't like she is living in some arabic
country....where there is NOTHINg to stop a pregnancy! When I saw the report of Nancy Grace , I
thougth : she didn't kill her little girl because she want to party . yes it maybe one reason in many , but
my guts tell me she did what she did because she was jealous . She want the attention of everyone on
her , and her kid was taking that from her . I may be wrong , but I feel like this the WHY she did what
she did + others reasons of course....
@kk's mom : so they fed the monster that she was , lying for her , being blind to what she truly was ,
bailing her out . Does that mean they are guilty for her action ? are they guilty...for something ?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Carol, I'm sure JR is reading this daily, but afraid to post, and/or knows if she does it will be deleted.
MT Head was JR with another name. I'm guessing Weds was "BlessCaylee." I badly want those 20
Anthony dollars!
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
@redmark: How about not screwing every guy that she came into contact with? That would prevent
pregnancy, too. JMO i bet you are right. "Hey Nana, why does Mommy ____________ with guys at
Blanchard Park???" That would be enough for Cindy to strangle casey.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I think that Casey has created this Zanny thing for a while and she truly believes it is true with all her
heart. I think she perceived Caylee as 'telling lies' to Cindy about there being no zanny, when actually
Caylee was telling the truth. I think that will be the bombshell we find out (that Cindy wants immunity
for) is that Caylee told Cindy that mommy doesn't go to work or that she hangs out at some guys house
all day, or whatever, and this is what fueled the fight between Cindy and Casey. Cindy wanted to kick
her out at that point. Casey got pissed, left and took Caylee with her. Casey continued the lie to Cindy
about Zanny watching Caylee during that month (after all, she could not admit that Caylee told the
truth). This is why Caylee had to die (jmho) so she could not tell anymore 'lies' (truth). Cindy was
frantic trying to find Casey and when she did finally find her (after the damn car smelled like a dead
body) Casey says Caylee has been gone for a month. Remember, she told Lee, when asked why she
would do this to Cindy, Casey replied, "I guess I am just a spiteful bitch".
In OTHER news, I was wondering why Lee might have chose to move back home after successfuly
staying OUT of the spotlight for the past few months. It makes me wonder if he came back simply to
help out his parents with bills. Possibly they were sinking & he's there to pay the bills?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
I think the reason Cindy strangled Casey on June 16 was because she had just got back from visiting
with the grandparents, and found out that Casey was stealing from their nursing home account. That
would be a good enough reason. If it were about mistreatment of Caylee, Cindy would surely not have
allowed Casey to take her with her that night.
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
being a Slut isn't a crime , her crime is being a slut , getting pregnant and then getting ride of her child
in the most horrible way . SHe can screw up a donkey for all I care as long as she doesn't get a baby
from it then kill it . I bet if she come out of jail she will just start all over , try to be the ''human with a
conscience'' that she can never be .
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
@ redmark. Yes. They are guilting of being dumbasses and the worst parents alive.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
So Marie- she used to use different names and contradicted herself? Well I will admit I dont work at a
regular full time job- but I do volunteer for a local charity shop- even I dont have much to say at times.
I do remember her coming in here and insulting people - a lot- but I also remember saying not to pay
too much attention to her. Did she have a pompous "am better than you" attitude?
She was a real piece of work. We haven't heard from her in awhile. Guess Cindy ooops.. I mean JR
doesn't blog much these days...
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Ahhhhhhh the day of fun and games. ok I give up give us a hint Wednesday.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
I'll email you about her (it) Carol.
If you give up, then Marie wins by default... You sure you want to do that?
Do you realize how much 20 Casey-Bucks will buy you?? You could get at least a great job at
Universal, a college degree & unlimited daycare service... you sure you want to fold?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Wednesday, was it SadMom?
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
why do you think Casey ended it with Jesse when he was willing to go on w/ the relationship, even
after he found out Caylee was not his? I have not read everything about him, but seems like he was
alright guy and cared. . .instead, she went from guy to guy that really seemed to care nothing for her or
Caylee. . . ?
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
Why didn't they use a Lie detector on her when they interviewed her ? wouldn't that been more
helpful ? the machine never
@kk's mom: I don't agree with you on that one , not everyone whose act like that is a bad parent . But
then again , where i came from being a slut is punished by I may not have encountered many
because a ''right guy'' mean you settle down and stop being crazy , and that mean no more party and
screwing your brain out with the 1st loser you find . So she chose what in her mind '' freedom'' to do
what she want . Add to that , her parents were religious and stable . They were married and maybe
hoped she would too one day , or maybe that her child will ''force'' her to embrace a stable life , a
husband . But all that mean also responsability and she doesn't seem to like that alternative .
Wednesday Morning says:
2 weeks ago
Oh Rascal You're sooooooo close!
KK's mom, I believe she ended it with Jesse because she wanted to par-tay & he's a christian guy with
good family values. His family was trying to "tame her" and she wanted the life of a HO.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Everybody check out Carol's squirrel - I don't want to be mean, but I think he hangs with George! They
both had quite a night!
KKs mom: Jesse said the reason Casey broke it off was because she said he loved Caylee more than
her. I think Weds has the right reason, though
Redmark, you have to consent to a lie detector. They can't force you. Several have suggested
waterboarding, though.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
OK ok am going back and all i can think of is Just Reading or so sad thats going all the way to July -
Fess up am sure Marie could use the money almost as much as I can.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Remember the guy (troll) Sherlock? I called him "Know Nothing Shitlock" and he got mad and went
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Call a CODE BROWN. Which around my house when someone calls "CODE BROWN" it means
we're in deep shit.
It was hillarious a few years back when my daughter was 5, she called a CODE BROWN. We about
died laughing.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Good afternoon, shipmates! First of all, THANK YOU to all who helped with my computer problem;
it's much cleaner now and so far, so good.
Farmchick, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister, but don't panic yet. You're in my thoughts and
Redmark, welcome to the SS Squirrel! I guess you make us an INTERNATIONAL cruise line now!
This is a nice group of people...our last ship had a few problems, but now rests with the fishes. JMo is
our cruise entertainment director, and we have chili parties, along with special concoctions made up by
our bartender, Sammy the Squirrel. Captain Steve checks in daily, and is waiting for the day when he
can make Casey walk the plank. (Don't ask, just know that we're all nuts here and we like it that way).
Snoop, don't worry about making people mad with your opinions...opinions are welcome. That's what
makes this place so nice...we can agree to disagree and still like each other.
ProudMom, thanks so much for the compliments; you made my day!
Wednesday, you talked about crying when you didn't get jury duty...the first time I was on one, we sent
a man to prison for 10 years and I think most of us cried. It's a very sobering thought when you have to
do that, but he was guilty as sin, so it had to be done.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Were you motherof6 or observer or grandoleflag?
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
OMG that is too funny Wednesday- I used to date this copper once and we got around people listening
to us by making up our on "10" code. Oh I hope you are not saving that one for when she brings home
a serious candidate for the marriage thingy.
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
I remember! Marilyn!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, Happy you can see the Video's now. Helps when Computer is clean runs much better.
"So Sad" was my original name. But then someone came on using "Sad Mom" so I didn't use it
I switched to Wednesday Morning because... It was a Wednesday Morning & I wasn't creative. LOL
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
Brrrr waterboarding , can't stand torture if that's what you meant by waterboarding . I think in Casey
case , her punishement would be to stay behind bars . No more party , no more slutting and growing old
all alone while others are enjoying life .It would fit for what she did , her daughter would never enjoys
life like she was supposed to....
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
YES!!! Please send the money cash. Ok GANG drinks are on me! Come join me in the "Squirrel R US
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
CCarol, LMAOROF looks like your Squirrel has had enough already!!!!
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
@Kate in MO: thank you for the warm welcome , this truly nice play with nice poeples . International ?
are you saying that nobody here is from Canada? long as nobody call me frenchie( and in the
bad way ) I think we'll get along :D
By the way if anybody ever need help with computer my bf work with computer..let me know if u ever
need help , anyone :)
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, Please put your Squirrel back up, I really need a excuse for my hair do.
2 weeks ago
Talk about a buzz kill. I just saw momster money and I spent the last 25 minutes jotting down every
name posted over on the ship that is anchored. It did however bring me back down memory lane so I
thank you for that Wednesday Morning! Time for my day of basketball with my world! (my 7 & 10
year olds) As my governor says........................I'll be back.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
HAHAHA CAROL, just looked at your squirrel...ROFLMAO!
Redmark, don't forget, Casey's also growing a Cheeto Butt...that'll look real nice when they do a
"Forensic File" episode on her...(it'll have to be a series).
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Redmark, I guess we already were international...we have a Canadian or two, and someone from
England, am I leaving anyone out??
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
OMG BO BO Head has a job!!! I am almost falling out of my chair laughing.
Law School Hires Jose Baez To Teach Students Friday, January 23, 2009 – updated: 6:00 pm EST
January 23, 2009 ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's attorney has faced plenty of criticism
in the case for forgetting the judge's jurisdiction and for improperly filing court motions. Eyewitness
News has now learned Jose Baez has been hired by FAMU law school to teach up-and-coming lawyers.
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
hey I just tougth about something , in one of the file released I tougth (I may be mistaken) I saw that
casey had a myspace where she was talking about her daughter . Does anyone know about this ? if it
exist.....I wonder if it's online . And in jail they have access to the net...maybe she will write something
on her myspace if she has one . And if she is sentanced , she may start a blog to show how a victime
she is .
Cheeto butt= what's that ? like a monkey butt ?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
redmark, yes Casey had myspace pages, you can just go to my space and type her name in and all kinds
of things come up. Good Luck Shipmate.
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
Here I found her myspace (if it's really her) :
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Well Rascal that gives him an out of this mess he got himself into. Either that or they must be hardup
for instructors. FAMU well then he must be the token SPIC (no offense to any one who might be
Hispanic or African American). I truly didnt know that they had a Law School
2 weeks ago
All I know is I like the look that she has holding onto those bars instead of falling down in them. As far
as her ass goes, yes she is one! Now my ass has to get out the door.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
redmark, That my space page is the one where Cindy and George want people to still buy Find Caylee
T Shirts and Bracelets. Just trying to get money from the public. This page was done after they found
Caylee's remains.
CCarol, If my kids was going to Law School I certainly would no want BO BO Head teaching them,
and if I had already of paid I would ask for refund. If any one needs school it is him.
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
Isnt FAMU that mostly African American University? I remember that much. I dont remember anyone
graduating from that school with a law degree. But then again its been a while since I dealt with the
University system when I used to work with the state we used to have 9 I bet there are more now.
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
Are you sure about that ? not according to this here :
Well nice poeples , canada here is going to bed...wish me to not dream about that psycho and instead of
something more pleaseant :) Goodnight everyone :)
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Good afternoon everyone! Carol love the pic, LOL.
Farmchick, I am praying for you and your sister, don't give up hope. My aunt has fought cancer twice
and last year at this time they told us she wouldn't make it. In ICU on a resperator, and unconcious and
I told them they didn't know her. Today she is cancer free walking around and back at work! The power
of postive thought and prayer can do wonders. Stay strong.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Ok, ALL HANDS ON DECK! It's been a long day and we have the weekend to look forward to. So,
tonight, at the Squirrels R US Lounge, we will be serving up our favorite: Neutered Purple Squirrel
drinks and Fusion Shots ....all on CarambaCarol. We will have Pole Dancing contests, play Clue, and
the movie, Gone With the Squirrel. Don't forget to bring your Alibi's! We will be up late. Sammy is
mixing drinks now! Also, come lounge by the pool (we left the gate open and the steps on so you can
climb in easily). See you all there!
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
redmark, yes click on t shirt there and it will tell you who to send money to, and somewhere on there it
tells the date this site went up.
redmark says:
2 weeks ago
But that's just it RascalBrat , from what I saw on that page or website it show that the myspace I saw
was casey myspace . Maybe after she want to jail , her parent use it for funds raising , but the person on
the link I gave , point out all the message Casey had on that myspace and that she erased for X reason .
Now if it's true or not..that's another story .
donagal says:
2 weeks ago
Sounds like fun JMo, no Bo Bo Head classes??
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Of course FAMU law school just hired Baez! He is the ONLY HISPANIC LAWYER TO HAVE A
CASE OF THIS MAGNITUDE. He said so himself...he is a celebrity...look at me...look at meeeeeeee!
ROTF, LMAO! What a hoot! He probably can't stand Casey getting the attention, so he is getting it
while she sits there and rots with her cheeto ass!
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Most attorneys with a "case of this magnitude" don't have time for anything else, much less a second
JMo - I assume the dress code for the evening is "Nothing but clothes?"
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Redmark, yes I am sure this site was put up after Caylee was found, this was even mentioned on the
news, that they were trying to get money for the find Caylee T shirts after she was found. a lot of the
pictures are from Casey's my space page, her parents had them put on this site.
Marie, I know I will not come in a Flag and Duct Tape holding it up. LOL
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Redmark: Cheetos are a popular and fattening snack/chip here in the US and in the Orange County Jail.
The spokesperson for Cheetos is a deceptively skinny Cheetah named Chester, but if you eat too many
Cheetos you will grow what is known as a Cheeto Butt and you will not be skinny like Chester, so do
not be fooled. In the old days Casey used to dance off her Cheeto Butt, but apparently has not danced
much lately, although I don't know why she couldn't pretend the jail bars were stripper poles...
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, Maybe Casey could order a pole threw the commissary and use her money to buy it, She has the
transistor radio she purchased, so there is the music.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, I have ironed several (hundred) Cheeto bags together, is this appropriate attire for the party?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, how about wearing squirrel skins? We could peel them off of Casey's car where they are
Kate, Snickers wrappers will work also. Plenty of them to put something together.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, Rascal, I think NG would probably put money in her account for that so she could have another
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, Snickers would probably be better; not as transparent and no Cheesy crumbs to wash off in the
jailhouse shower...
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Marie, Yes Squirrel skins are fine with me, now I do not half to change, but I will half to get more Jel
and Spray to finish my hair. Sure hopes it stops raining sure messes it up. We could go get the Snicker
wrappers from you know who's cell, I am sure the trash can is full.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
My thought on Bo Bo Heads new job is, it is a back up job. I do not think he will be practicing to much
longer. I have a feeling he will loose his Lic any thoughts?
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
didnt they say awhile back that if an attorney had less than X number of years experience, they were
not allowed to be lead attorney in a murder case such as this? maybe i'm wrong on that. . .
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Good point, Rascal...I bet he IS running scared and thinking of his future. Wonder if Casey still thinks
he is her best friend?
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
kk's mom, That applies to a death penalty case.
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
gotcha thanx
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Do you think the death penalty will be put back on the table?
Marie RN says:
2 weeks ago
George said to be more melancholy than suicidal. "Suicide" note made dark, veiled references to
Casey's friends, said Casey was innocent, that Cindy was better off without him, and talked about Lee
(remarks not specified.)
CarambaCarol says:
2 weeks ago
In keeping with the old adage " those who cant.............teach????
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I just thought he is really worried and needs to be sure to be able to make a living for his family. If the
Bar finds that he did wrong they will Dis bar him, he would loose lic for a long time.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
With Georges back ground so hard for me to believe that George still believes Casey is innocent,
unbelievable. What planet are these people living on.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, I think George is told what to believe by Cindy; you can sure see that in the Larry King
interview...the way he looked down, talked in a monotone, and wouldn't look anyone in the eye when
he told the "pizza" story again. And Cindy by his side, glaring and keeping her hand/arm near his to
smack him if he started to tell the truth.
Kate in MO says:
2 weeks ago
Well, I'm making Jambalaya, so gotta go...I'll be back to check on new developments.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Kate, Yes I agree that Cindy tells him what to say, but I was going to really commit suicide would you
not want to tell the Truth. Why would you lie then Cindy would not smack you. That is why I am not
really believing this Suicide ploy, would not give a dam what Cindy thought. I would tell the Truth do
the last thing that is right in your life. I understand his heart is broke but look who broke it.
Nannie27 says:
2 weeks ago
Farmchick - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister. I hope she will soon have a
diagnosis, it's better than just not knowing.
If they put death penalty back on the table, then Baez must step down & let a real attorney take the first
chair. This is beautiful!!!
MySpace page: The MySpace page WAS Casey's page. Once this case hit the news, she deleted her
personal info & they simply changed the name of the account. It was all over the news back in August.
Nancy Grace beat it to death.
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Yes you have that right Wednesday. Oh they took Casey page over, well that threw a lot of us, and the
fact the pictures have date on then after Caylee was found. Ok Sorry I stand corrected bad me.
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Farm Chick-My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family. I have a friend who was diagnosed
with hodgkins disease 25 years ago & was treated for it. He is still in remission.
Wednesday- I was never Cathy Jo. I was posting back when JR was Just Reading it would have been
either Jo of Jo1031. I always used my first name.
Marie- Strange about that episode of "Lie To Me" being on Wednesday night & Geroge disappearing
the next morning. I have never watched that show but now you have me curious about it.
Etta says:
2 weeks ago
Caylee's myspace blog talks about the Florida mall picture. Asking that the people who were tricked
into circulating it to delete it and "and information associated with it." Wasn't it proven to have been
sent in by Dominic Casey? This strikes me as odd.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Using another persons computer, I had to check in, but I will be at the party all night and am already
sloshed on the neutered purple squirrels and fusion shots. I decided to come to the party in 'the buff',
hope no one all did say it was an anything but clothes party right? So I am wearing a
smile...Not as big of a smile as Caseys though. I bet she wishes she was here right now. Let's all be cool
and flash gang signs for the pictures and send them to her! lol. I hope she is at least thinking about her
poor Dad and what she is putting him through with her lying.
kk's mom says:
2 weeks ago
Now, where did I put my gangsta jewelry and HO dress. . . <hmmm>
Kate in MO says:
10 days ago
I'm back but stuffed to the gills (sigh) guys will have to teach me how to make the gang
signs...I'm from the day when the only gangs were the "Sharks" and the "Jets", and they didn't have
signs, they just danced alot. (Not pole dancing).
Is there a link where I can read the list of stuff Casey bought at Target??
jo1031 says:
10 days ago
Kate- Try this link for Target purchases. They have almost all the info.
The jail cell poles would be hard to get around. I only know this because I love the episode of "King of
Queens" where Doug convinces Carrie to take pole dancing lessons. If you've never seen it, Doug ends
up better at than Carrie.
Anyway, I didn't board this ship until August, but I certainly remember JR and the other trolls. Where
did you get the Casey money, Wednesday?
Marie's response about the BP pills and Viagra made me giggle. I would guess if he was suicidal, he
wouldn't be taking his viagra.
Rascal, after I posted my earlier comment, I went back and re-read your earlier post. You did make
more sense than the media's published copy. I appreciate your clarity.
10 days ago
Momster is as guilty as Mr. Madoff is greedy!
I wish Casey had gotten a hold of Madoff's checkbook & screwed the screwer.
GhostMom says:
10 days ago
Hi again everyone. Whie thinking about the heart sticker placed over the duct tape across Caylee's
mouth, I recalled that Jon Benet Ramsey's body was found with a heart drawn on the palm of her hand.
The psych experts say this denotes an emotional attachment between the killer and the child and that a
stranger wouldn't make that kind of effort.
Does anyone think George's depressive episode will cause Casey to spill the beans?
Deb in Vegas says:
10 days ago
Snoopy, I kinda get where youre going with your view of George. He does seem a little whiny at times,
but I prefer to think of him as being "the more sensitive " one in the family. I think he's basically a good
guy. I don't think he would have went thru with suicide. I just think he needed to get the hell away from
Cindy for a while. I know there must be a lot of tension as well as heartbreak in that house right now .
There has got to be some financial problems IMO now, and I do think that Lee moved back home to
help with that burden. George says he thinks his family would be better off without him, I just wonder
how much Cindy helped him to feel that way. We know according to JG that Cindy would bash Casey
constantly about what a disappointment she thought she was, what a bad mother she was, an so on.
Maybe George is taking that kind of stuff from Cindy now. We all have seen with our own eyes how
controlling she can be, and I still think the commotion at the Ants house from last week was a domestic
type problem.
I was watching that interview Cindy did with Greta that time, when she said she didn't have the energy
for stupid questions, and even Greta had to giggle for a second. She answered all the questions about
Caylee but when Greta asked something about Casey she was like "OMG I could just fall down and
collapse right now on the floor and that would be great for your ratings, I'm just so exhausted,,,blah,
blah, blah." LMAO . Dont mean to sound so insensitive, I'm just saying...
10 days ago
Wednesdsy Morning: I am so sorry to hear that news. My mom is in fundraising for the past 25 years
and works for one of the Jewish hospitals (in Jerusalem) that got had for 87 million What this P.O.S.
did is the equivelant to murder. Financial murder that left countless people, charities, and organizations
without a dime. The black eye he left for future do gooders will trickle down for years to come. He too
will die in prison just like our other L.V.P. (least valuable player) Momster the incredible. The only
difference is it WAS his sons that turned him in even after the S.E.C. was on to him for 9 years. Who
can you truly trust these days? So f----n sad that it makes me angry beyond belief that one person could
bring so much misery and still be in his Park Ave. setting.
10 days ago
Ghost Mom: You didn't hear the news from this afternoon? Casey DID spill the beans. The
jellybeans............................. She will never ever tell the truth. She is allergic to it.
Deb in Vegas says:
10 days ago
Ghost Mom, answer to your question, Ummm let me think......NOT!!!!!!!
Kate in MO says:
10 days ago
Ghost Mom, Casey said during the first interview with LE, "That's the story I'm stickin' to" and I think,
for once in her worthless life, she told the truth at that point. She doesn't care one whit about her father,
or her mother, or her brother, and of course, her daughter. She's not capable of caring OR of guilt. And
if she ever does tell what happened, it will be purely for self-preservation.
Kate in MO says:
10 days ago
Wednesday, I just read your comment from 2 hours ago...that's so terrible. I think there's a special place
in hell for people like that. I hope your brother gets help somehow. The government's bailing
everybody else out, why can't they help the people who were screwed out of everything through no
fault of their own??
Kate in MO says:
10 days ago
Well, that last Neutered Purple Squirrel got to me; my eyes are half-mast. Have a good night,
Etta says:
10 days ago
It's nice to see support for Caylee from Canada and England. Just many states are
represented here?
I'm from California.
Etta says:
10 days ago
Bobo want LE to turn over Ricardo's computer search. Looks like bobo is trying to pin caylee's death
on Ricardo. Or at least make it look like he might have done it. Reasonalbe doubt and all.
I have ruled Ricardo out in my mind. He had just gotten back from Puerto Rico when caylee was
reported missing. If he had killed caylee, I think he would have stayed in puerto rico. He has family
there. The same with Amy and Troy. Why come back? With the same logic...THANK GOD momster
missed the Puerto Rico trip. She would be long gone by now.
Deb in Vegas says:
10 days ago
The problem with putting the blame on someone else is the fact that Casey has made up this huge
fantastic story about what happened to Caylee. If it was possible that someone else is responsible why
all the lies. Casey does not strike me as a person to take a murder rap for someone else. If there was any
chance of this happening I think this whole thing would have went down differently, and no jury would
not use this common sense when they decide to convict IMO.
CarambaCarol says:
10 days ago
Etta am just an ex pat from Orlando living in England. Like I have said before when I mention this case
to anyone here- they dont know what I am talking about they only know about the local stuff like
Madeline and that crazy mum who kidnapped her own daughter to collect money from people who felt
sorry for her - they just sent her down the hoosgow for 8 yrs.
JMo says:
10 days ago
Well, I don't think Ricardo had a damn thing to do with any of it. Baez is grasping at straws. Those
little sayings on my space are all over the place and you can choose different html's to put up. I truly
believe it has Nothing to do with Casey and choloform, except that her sick mind may of seen it and
looked it up on his computer. YEP, another victim to add to the list, ....zanny, kronk, morales, and who
knows who else before this is all over. Casey is making sure she fucks everyone over and Baez is
ignorant enough to buy all of her lies and more lies. He is next on the stupid list to believe her. She just
keeps going through as many people as he can, over and over and over. I make a bet that the next
person will be her friend Amy....yep, she will be next after they clear good ole morales. This is such a
circus with Bozo as the head clown. He really needs to stop his frickin nonsense!!!!!!! I hope the
dumbass is reading this. He needs to get some education in regards to a sociopath and how they are
able to manipulate everyone who comes in contact with them and will do ANYTHING to get the blame
off of them. Go, casey, go!
Etta says:
10 days ago
I found the chloroform picture that was on Ricardo's myspace page.
SadieSkye says:
10 days ago
No...Im SadieSkye.... since August... and geeeez was that virus hard to get rid of... the one with the big
-butt.... It was always fine and dandy until it was apparent mom whore was guilty and she cud no
longer argue her innocence like she so wholeheartedly did everyday... icudnt understand how she cud
be soooo totally rude to everyone. Im not one to tolerate anybodys righteous attitudes...especially one
of the bullying and belittling kind... so the shit hit the fan that glorious day when I began calling her out
on her evil ways... I was sooo relieved everyone agreed that her attitude was less than stellar.. she
fought back dirtier and ruder.... kudos to everone who is still here after that tornado hit.. well if your
reading this ...Jr..and ALL of ur other alias'...You do give a mean back handed compliment... and I
mean that in the most backhanded way... hope WS is treating you well...
SadieSkye says:
10 days ago
pardon the white sunglases.... I know its dark out.. (and after Labor Day) ...but they went sooo good
with this outfit... Oh Well... Its late and im off to my bunk....
Anyway back on subject, I now feel like George is pulling some shit! Why would he still put in a
suicide letter he beliees his daughter is innocent. Change a jury's mind when he is dead and that is all
they have left to read? Was too chiken to pull it off/? I may get jumped on this one, but I think George
planned this one and may of even been willing to go the distance. Blame it on friends. No testimony
but a good ole letter in the end.I dont think Cindy was in on it though. Maybe though , you can never
tell with this crazy ass family. Maybe she knew too and this is why he was able to walk out of room
with empty sleeping pill bottle. The pills were flushed. Alll a scam..
Farmchick says:
10 days ago
Couple questions. I thought I heard a defense atty not related to the case say that it is not the bars
business how a defense atty is being paid. Now...Baez refuses consistetly to answer ?'s regarding how
these high powered people are being paid. CAN Zenaida Gonazalez get it out of them in discovery for
her case? Meaning Casey has to hae $$$ somewhere or somehow to be able to pay for this defense air
go she should be able to pay a judgement in that case.
Also, did you see that it is said there was over 3,000 pages of documents in discovery turned over to
defense. Where are they for public viewing? I know damn well we havent seen no 3,000 pages. LE
must have a ton more evidence that we are not privy to yet or someone has not had time to scan
them.They'll probably burn up a few scanners before this case is over with.
I do feel bad that George has been unable to seek gainful employment. It wasnt him who killed his
grandaughter. I bet if he would come out with what he knew though there would be lots of job offers.
Farmchick says:
10 days ago
Just got done watching the slideshow from the Anthony's house the other night. What the hell is
KIDFINDERS still doing around the Anthony's house?!?!?!?
Has anyone told them mthfckrs Caylee has been found. Or does Cindy have them convinced she is still
out there and that is why they are still selling Tshirts. Thats right , they have had no burial or memorial
she must still be out there. George just hang on we'll find her. She's in Puerto Rico, Lee , you go to
California this time. George look in Daytona.
Where is evereybody?
I've just returned from no net land and I'm heading back there in an hour. Fortunately we do get TV
there so I was able to watch NG. OMG George! What the heck happened there? Things were getting
too quiet? He had to know the publicity this would receive with 911 calls, police, hotel, etc. He wrote
weird letters and sent texts. If he wanted to just die, then quietly walk down to your basement and hang
yourself. What he did was just another page in this strange story. I did feel bad for him, but this action
just makes me sick. He needs to tell the truth about what happened. He would get a lot more sympathy
if he wasn't such an idiot. He needs to at least admit that his daughter is a murderer. It's so stupid. He'd
rather pretend he wants to die than admit Casey did something wrong. He's just a stupid stupid blind
man. Did he just want attention? Is he just as crazy as Casey? And, I really wonder how Casey reacted
when she heard. I imagine she wasn't too bothered.
Okay, off for another two weeks of life in a northern town. Take care everyone.
RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
Good morning Shipmates, Farmchick I hope you received the email I sent to you, I did post my feeling
on Georges attempt at suicide, I know George's heart is broke but we all know who broke it. I think
George and Cindy did the Suicide note up together as a ploy to try to take the spot light off of Casey.
Had George really taken a bottle of Sleeping Pills and a Bottle of Blood Pressure Pills, he would not of
walked out of that Motel on his own. Oh I am ready to be jumped on for my Theory, have at it. This is
another Ploy to feel sorry for us.
Of course, we all know there is no "reasonable explanation" because one doesn't exist for killing your
own child, I just like to point out the idiotic rantings of the infamous BO BO HEAD.
Farmchick, glad to hear you seem to be doing a little better today. You are a great sister to go through
all of this with her. i can imagine that she is exhausted. I hope once the biopsy is done, she will be able
to get some much needed rest. Please keep us updated.
Wednesday, if Rascal doesn't mind doing that, would you email me?
RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
ProudMom, I have emailed Wednesday 2 times and no answer, but I will try for you no problem. The
reason I said that on the Pills, the Dr gave me blood pressure pills and said to take one, I was so dizzy
from them I had to take a half of a pill,, full pill knocked me on my butt. After I went back for checkup
everything was fine and been on half a pill ever since. There is no way a person can take a bottle full
and function.
RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
ProudMom I only have your hub page email.
If George did take BOTTLES of pills and drank 8 beers, I would be pretty certain he would have been
taken out on a gurney. The appearances to me point to Carol's squirrel having more than George. But I
do think he's been under a great deal of stress with knowing something and being man-handled by
Cindy to keep it to himself, though. If the note would have said something about him feeling that Casey
had something to do with Caylee's death, I would totally believe he had suicidal tendencies. To have the
most morals in that crazy family (and we know that's not many) has got to make for a difficult life. At
his sanest, he was saying his gut told him Casey had something to do with the smell of death and that
her friends had been a source of help and strength. Now he's saying she's an angel and her friends are
the ones to point fingers at.
RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
Oh I am sure it is in George's handwriting but my thought is, it was written at the house and taken with
him. And Cindy supervised what was written.
RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
ProudMom, I know you agreed, I had to really think about this, but like I said I know what the pills can
do. Actually the first one I took I was sitting at my computer and after a few minutes I was afraid I was
going to fall out of it. I crawled to my bed to lay down, did not want to pass out walking.
Proud Mom says:
10 days ago
I thought what Marie said was interesting (after I got through laughing about the 'Death By Viagra'
headline that flashed through my head). Those pills, even in overdose quantities, can drop your BP
dangerously low, but our bodies have some sort of mechanism that keeps them from killing us. Isn't
that amazing. God really does know what He's doing.
RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
I doubt George has to worry about Viagra, I am sure he is sleeping in the dog house. Wonder if he has a
Snoppy cut out on it. Yes I hope the tox reports come soon.
Rascal-I thought the suicide note was found in his car...unfinished...while he was in his motel room
drinking beer. So maybe cindy told him the stuff she wanted to have in the note...and he was supposed
to finish it? Cindy wanted to make sure not all of the note sounded like her telling george what to say? I
noticed cindy had her lawyer make the you think she has had some bad experience with 911
phone calls?
I can just imagine Cindy sitting there with Brad trying not to do anything stupid.
Cindy to her lawyer, "Ok, you have to make the 911 call...I might say something about a damn dead
body again." Brad to Cindy, "Great idea! I'll downplay the fact that George has been gone since this
morning...and has just sent us those "suicial" text messages you scripted for him." Cindy to her lawyer,
"Exactly! So you call 911, I have some things I need to throw in the wash."
Farmchick says:
10 days ago
RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
With that family who knows what will come next. Just when we think is has calmed down this
happens. One report says the note was in Motel and one says Car. Surprise he did not write it on the
Toidy paper. Why she had to have Brad call I have no idea, hell she called about Caylee, why would a
wife not call about her husband. Maybe Cindy was to busy calling the person that made the T Shirts to
get dozens of Find George T Shirts made up for the Site.
Mimi 24 says:
10 days ago
OMG, Farmchick, I am so terribly sorry to hear this. Prayers going up for you and sis. Stay as close to
her as you can (I know you will).
10 days ago
Rascal, no way! We would be side by side with others pushing us forward. We boarded together and if
we leave, that too will be together. No matter what. If I give my word, it will be the gospal. Unlike
momster of the month! Hey Cindy there is an idea for you to make some $$ that I would no find
offensive. A calendar, with 12 monthly pictures of mom of the year. You have my blessing. Farmchick,
we are all holding your family's hand and will not let go! Momster, You are so predictable! Didn't I say
here months ago that you will take the anyone and everyone but me approach. You may want to cut a
deal to make sure that you stay in the grey bar motel where the food aint so delish but the safety from
the outside world is top notch! Farmchick, did I say we are here for you day and night,24/7?
RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
I, I , CAPN STEVE, got the message loud and clear. How is that Hampster doing?
Nannie27 says:
10 days ago
Farmchick, I am so sorry to hear about your sister - my prayers are with you - please keep us updated .
Dj in SC says:
10 days ago
Framchick-you are seriously in my Prayers........
Kate in MO says:
10 days ago
Farmchick, so sorry...she's lucky to have you with her. Some people have no one. You both will stay in
our prayers.
kk's mom says:
10 days ago
i kind of think the kidfinders people are hopinig to cash in eventually. If you look at their website, they
look like they are relatively new (they only have 1 blog entry from june 2008 and a couple pictures
beginning 2007 and no stories of anything really substantial that they have been involved in) and some
board members "to be announced". What do you bet the Anthonys end up being on their Board
Members? I thought their VP Sherry Milstead was also the one keeping up the Anthony's myspace
page. Speaking of, why does it say on the myspace page "I turned 3 years old on August 9" and
presents Caylee as she is still alive?. Is Sherry as delusional as the Anthonys?
kk's mom says:
10 days ago
i kind of think the kidfinders people are hopinig to cash in eventually. If you look at their website, they
look like they are relatively new (they only have 1 blog entry from june 2008 and a couple pictures
beginning 2007 and no stories of anything really substantial that they have been involved in) and some
board members "to be announced". What do you bet the Anthonys end up being on their Board
Members? I thought their VP Sherry Milstead was also the one keeping up the Anthony's myspace
page. Speaking of, why does it say on the myspace page "I turned 3 years old on August 9" and
presents Caylee as she is still alive?. Is Sherry as delusional as the Anthonys?
kk's mom says:
10 days ago
ok sorry i see where the myspace page eventually says she was found on 12/11 but the first part of it
talks as though she is still alive. . . .OOps sorry for the double post too.
Kate in MO says:
10 days ago
I found this easy-to-understand article on psychopaths last night; interesting reading and fits Casey to a
T. If you go here, down toward the bottom there is another link "How Psychopaths Exploit
Others"...that is particularly chilling, in light of what we're talking about here. If someone's already
posted this, my apologies.
Kate in MO says:
10 days ago
KK's mom, I noticed that talks about Caylee as if she's still here. I was wondering when it was
written, and why (considering the situation) it hasn't been changed or omitted. Talks about how she
likes to eat corn with her fingers...too sad.
Kate in MO says:
10 days ago
Aubrey's Grandma, I'm with you...6 pm it is.
KK's mom, yes, I liked the ice flow idea, too. I just can't quit reading on that site...for instance:
"Because they lack inhibition, psychopaths tend to be short-tempered, becoming emotionally abusive
or even violent in response to minor frustrations, criticism and failure. Quick to take offense, they are
inclined to blow up at people, but because their emotions are shallow, such outbursts are usually short-
lived. Afterward, the psychopath will behave as though nothing has happened, leaving the victims of
his tirade feeling hurt and bewildered.
Because they are impulsive and irresponsible, many psychopaths jump from job to job and relationship
to relationship. They break their promises, fail to fulfill their financial obligations, leave their families
behind without a backward glance and pursue their own interests at everyone else’s expense. The rules
of society are considered inconvenient and unreasonable. A chilling example of this cold-hearted
irresponsibility was the case of Diane Downs, who murdered her own children, whom she claimed to
love, so that she could pursue a relationship with a man who didn’t want kids."
How scary!! And to think that 1 in 25 people are this way...I'm never gonna come out of my house
This is a blog supposedly by Lee. Not sure how truthful it is, but it sure is good reading.
Mimi 24 says:
10 days ago
Aubree's Grandma, that's an excellent idea. Count me in.
If they could've gotten child support, they would have, I'm sure. Either Uncle Rick was right, and there
were too many (some probably unknown) to remember, or they know who he is and want to keep it low
key. Seems like the only two logical answers to me.
Farmchick, sorry to hear about your sister. Stay strong for her.
Go back to the first jail video when George tells Casey that he is working with "kidfinders". Caseys
comment is yeah, their the best in the business. Again, how would she know that or say something like
that unless she really was researching them on the computer? Guilty! Most greiving mothers would of
said something like, "thank God Dad, I hope they find Caylee soon!" or something like that.....not,
yeah, their the best in the business.
Next, just because 'empty' pill bottles are found, does not mean they were full to begin with. Ok, and
most people might vomit after swallowing a bunch of pills and drinking. I think George wrote the note
himself and is truly overwhelmed with sadness and greif. At least he can show some emotion, which is
more than I can say for Casey. He was very despondent when they found him. I think we should not
question what he did and think of it as a cry out and a way that he expressed his feelings on all of this.
If I was him, I would probably feel the same way, but know that I don't really want to die, I just feel
like I want to because I wouldn't want to go on with what is happening. Casey needs to fry for what she
is doing and what she has done.
Hey, maybe next weekend on Friday, we can have a 'fish fry' instead of drinks and appetizers?
Someone bring Casey's favorite (Budwieser). I'll send the squirrels out fishing this week to bring in the
big catch and some 'plastic bags' to toss the fish in. Hey, we need gas to fill up the boat....anyone know
where we can get some gas cans? Gotta sail around on something......
donagal says:
10 days ago
Wow where is everyone?? I will be praying for you Farmchick!
donagal says:
10 days ago
JMo I agree with you, I think George is overwhelmed and there may not have been a whole lot of pills
in the bottles. I believe he was sad and confused and thought that maybe if he did away with himself
Casey wouldn't have to worry about him saying things and Cindy wouldn't have to keep him in check
and Lee wouldn't have had to move in to help them out. The only one he wants to be with is Caylee
because she is the only one that probably loved him like none of the others. She didn't think he was
dumb or stupid she just thought he was the best grandpop.
donagal says:
10 days ago
Hi Pround Mom, I haven't seen anything yet. I've been looking for any new releases or to see if George
was released from the hospital. I guess we are going to be waiting again to see what Bombshells NG
has for us. I hope the tox reports come back this week.
I never watched CNN before this case started. Now I find myself leaving it on 42 almost as much as
donagal says:
10 days ago
Thanks I'll have to check it out. Headline has just been repeating it self over and over. Nothing new.
(I love that she likes to work ahead and do extra studying, but I think we need another laptop so mom
can still get online. Probably for the best though, I might never get anything done that way!!!)
donagal says:
10 days ago
I understand that. see you later.
9 days ago
JMo, seriously if Budweiser is her choice for brew then she also has no taste for what a good beer
tastes like. If that is the King of Beers, then I am the King of the world. My titanic impression for all
that were wondering. Please let the tox reports come in soon so we can let momster know she is 12 feet
under instead of only 9! Rascal, I hope pool was cool...........
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Good evenng shipmates, I was surfing and the only thing I see that is new is that George did not get out
today, Maybe this will give him so time to think. Steve pool was great we won, and won beer frame.
But no 8 ball break today :(
Farmchick says:
9 days ago
Back from Hospital. I am wiped out. Had to leave the room seeral times today. Dr. came in that has
taken care of my sis and I for about the last 12 yrs or so and sat down with our family to answer as
many ?'s as possible. I couldnt take it.
Tomorrow we find out staging and type? I guess. They said from the biopsy of the tissue from lymph
node on neck that it is Lung Cancer. So, it spread from lungs to at least this part of lymph node. They
are doing Ct scan, which was supposed to be done yesterday, today. We will know more tomorrow
about how many more organs if any involved and what the plan is.
Thanks so much all of you. I did get all the emails and am sorry for not replying to all. I am just wiped
out right now. Maybe in the morning.
That was soo sweet and I thank my shipmates for the timed prayer. Thanks Aubrees Grama for the
encouraging words and arranging the prayer.My sis is totally wiped out. I cccould tell and told my
mom, we need to leave she needs to rest. Besides we still had to take care of her boys and get them in
place for tomorrows news.This sucks so bad.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Farmchick, You need to stay in the room with your sister, do not let her see you get upset, be strong for
her and get some rest please. Praying for you and family.
Mimi 24 says:
9 days ago
Larry King is discussing the case this evening. Dr. Phil is on with him. It will be repeating on CNN in a
couple of hours. There is also supposed to be a clip of Dr. Phil's interview with Casey's ex-fiancee.
GranNaw says:
9 days ago
Whew - just back from weekend in Atlanta - mostly business, but some pleasure too. I have had to
spend a while catching up on posts from Friday afternoon. I guess its a good thing it's one of those
famous "no news" weekends we all hate- Maybe that's why George pulled his little run away when he we would have something to yammer about! Sorry, that was mean of me!
Farmchick - Sorry to hear about your sister. Rascal is right - stay with her, don't let her see you upset.
I'll have you in my prayers.
Wow Wed- I hate I missed the game, especially with the money up for grabs. I wanted a couple of the
tee shirts- I knew you were So Sad back in the beginning- I read the pages from about a week or so
after Futy started but I don't think I started posting until August sometime. I wonder what ever
happened to Maui28? MT Head was NOT JR. MT is a girl by the name of Erin out of New York -she
worked for a pharmaceutical Co. and I have talked with her OFF HUB. Yea, she agreed with JR a lot of
the time, but then I did too on some things..... I just did not like how rude and overbearing she always
was. JR always had to be right and could not seem to grasp the concept of "agreeing to disagree".
Anyone who disagreed was labeled a "HATER". Unfortunately she seemed to be the demise of the
original hub and I think she deliberately tried to sabotage it because she was proven wrong so many
times on so many things! I think Futy should have stood up to her, but then I don't know what Futy's
situation was or is, so it's probably not fair of me to say that.
Anyway - thats it for me tonight - hope you all have a wonderful Monday.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Source Says Investigators Want To Know What Lee Anthony Knew
ORLANDO, Fla. — Investigators credited with saving Caylee Anthony’s grandfather’s life last week
said on Sunday that they will be going back to ask members of the family some tough questions.
Some of the same investigators credited with saving George Anthony’s life after he disappeared now
have to resume their investigation into the death of his granddaughter. That includes asking questions
about what Lee Anthony knew about Caylee’s disappearance and when he knew that information.
”We kind of treat him separately,” a source close to the investigation told WESH 2 News of Lee
Anthony. “He knows what he has done.”
The lawyer for Lee Anthony said on Sunday that Lee is working out of town and trying to deal with his
father’s issues the best he can.
Investigators also said that they are still looking into possible charges against Lee Anthony. However,
Conway said Lee Anthony is not asking for immunity from prosecution because the family isn’t sure
why he would need it.
Meanwhile, the attorney for George and Cindy Anthony said the strain of waiting so long to bury
Caylee was a contributing factor to George’s desire to harm himself.
”In our culture, burying your loved on is one of the biggest steps towards healing, and he has not been
able to do that,” Conway said.
Conway said the outpouring of love and compassion is bringing George Anthony out of the woods.
”He does have that will to live and survive, and he knows he does have a lot to offer those who will go
through it and are going through it,” Conway said.
At Caylee’s memorial, Leona Lieber said she had the same thoughts when her son died after a battle
with cancer.
”When I lost my son, I just wanted to be with my son, just like George wants to be with Caylee,”
Lieber said.
Stay with WESH 2 News and for the latest updates on the investigation into the death of
Caylee Anthony
GranNaw says:
9 days ago
oops! forgot one thing - I think Weds is probably right about the jewelry. Caylee played dress up
princess just like my grand daughter does (she has an entire chest of dollar store and wal mart jewels)
and I think they just want to put some of her favorite things in with her. I know I would if she were
mine. And Weds I think that was so sweet of your son to pick strawberries for your little niece.
And if they are planning on placing some of her favorite jewels with her - that would indicate to me
they are leaning towards a burial rather than a cremation. JMO
linn says:
9 days ago
Farmchick, I am so truly sorry about your sister. Try to stay strong, AND take care of yourself. You are
no good to her nor your family if you do not take care of yourself. Been there with my Mom. Mom had
a rare and uncurable form of, well something. Some called it a disease some cancer. I started to not be
there in the way I should as I forgot about taking care of myself. Started getting sick and all. Meaning
my kids were on their own and I was not as up for Mom as I needed to be. I am praying for your sisters
As for Georges comment saying "they will be better off without him"?.. I wonder, does he have life
insurance? if so, that could have been what he meant. with him gone, they would have money for bills,
whack's defense, and all. I also heard and really listened to the 911 call. You could hear the attorney
asking what George was wearing. I could hear cindy describe what he was wearing. She sounded so
calm about it all. I truly feel she beats up on George daily. Especially when viewing the first tape he
made with LE describing the smell and all. He might have even wrote about Casey not being guilty in
the note to apease her after he was gone. We all know as a former cop, he knew what that smell was, he
knew HOW his daughter was and I think, put 2+2 together. Yet who would want to admit their little girl
murdered their grandchild? I know as a grandmother, I would never want to even think my daughter
would be capable of it. In the face of proof, still who knows how they would react? I think of this as I
have explained how my daughter could be. yet if I was told she killed her baby, I am not sure I could
LET myself believe it. Deep down I guess I would know the truth. WHEN I would allow it to hit my
head and heart would be a hard thing to say. I think when they finally admit it, and are truly faced with
the truth, it will destroy them further.
As far as picking out jewerly for Caylee, I am sure they just wanted to put some of her favorite things
in with her. NO WAY will they let themselves view her bones and little skull. I am sure her favorite doll
might be placed in too, yet could I leave the doll with her, or would I need to selfishly keep it for my
I guess I see it all both ways. Cindy is to me, even though a grieving grandmother and I will give her
that, but to me she is just as evil in part, as Casey is. I believe George is just plain caught in the middle
of two crazy women.
Hang in there again Farmchick and i will be praying for you and your sister :*(
Aubree's Grandma says:
9 days ago
I'm glad there's a few people still on here tonite - I'm bored silly. We got a new Wii this week so that's
all my husband & son want to do and they're taking up the whole living room. That's really interesting
what rascal posted about Lee Anthony - sounds like they're thinking he knows more than he's letting
on...Geez. why didn't that occur to any of us - lol.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Lee can say talk to my Lawyer,
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Farmchick, don't even worry about answering emails...we just wanted you to know we're thinking
about you. I think in the coming weeks and months you will amaze yourself with just how much you
are really capable of; at least that's the way I was when my mom got sick. The daily trips to the hospital
or doctor, the sleepless nights, communicating with doctors and specialists, and still taking care of your
own family...and when you get through it you will ask yourself "HOW DID I EVER DO ALL OF
Marie, before I forget, thank you for the funny email...hilarious! I think we should all chip in and buy a
bottle of Lysol for Casey.
I think Cindy may have LIKED the fact that Caylee's father wasn't in their lives. She is a major control
freak and to have to share that baby was probably not on her wish list. JMO, but I think she had her
hands full trying to control her own family; she wouldn't have wanted to deal with visitation or joint
custody, or, if the father had wanted to, he could have proven Casey an unfit mother and Cindy would
never have seen Caylee again.
Grannaw, Got your e-mail will send you the requested info.
Farmchic, I'm sorry to hear about your sister. These folks here have really said it all. Just be strong for
each other. There will be tough days & you'll want to set down & have a good cry. That's OK. Go ahead
& cry. Just be sure to get back up, wipe off those tears & be the best helper you can be to your sister &
her kids. Hang in there buddy. We're praying for you.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
There is not a lot of new on the weekend, tht story on Lee was not there this morning. i know we want
mor but every little bit we get helps. I think they know he knew where Caylee was.
Also --- Jo had wondered about the e-mails to/from Cindy & Sean Kruse of the daily BS. I just
stumbled upon those yesterday. I can dig up the link unless it's already been provided. Do we still need
that provided for anyone?
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Jo, is talking to me from Mexico, lol Geraldo just said Bo Bo Head should try to make a deal for Casey.
JMo says:
9 days ago
George killing himself would not help as far as does not pay out for suicide.
Also, I think the report said 'we kind of treat him separately,” a source close to the investigation told
WESH 2 News of Lee Anthony. “He knows what he has done.” So, I don't think it was an was 'another one of those 'sources' according to the media. It's there way of spinning
everything around to sound interesting.
Farmchick, get some rest, you will need it to be able to deal with this. I hope your sisters boys will do
ok with all of this and they are lucky to have you all for supprot.
Maybe I'm crazy, but maybe there are some other people involved in this....I mean Casey seems so set
on playing the hero to her friends and maybe not telling on them. I truly believe she got rid of the body,
but the way Caylee died seems to maybe have some other players...not sure though. At any rate, no
matter who else is involved, Casey was absolutely involved. She needs to get over it and talk! I can't
imagine why she would take the full rap if there is someone else (besides her fictitous Zanny) involved.
I think someone might of been with her when she dumped Caylee too. She is worried about looking
like a squealer to her friends, and that's not cool. Casey is worried about her reputation and about
herself and that is all! Period.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
9 days ago
Hi all! Took me forever to get caught up here. I do pop in every day or so, just to try to stay..."in the
First & foremost, FarmChick-- you and your family are in my prayers. I pray that God wraps his arms
around you and gives you the strength to get through everything the next few weeks/months hold. It IS
ok to let your sister see you cry; don't be afraid to share your true feelings with her. She may just cry
with you..And this, she DOES need to do. Uncertainty is very scary. When we know what we are up
against and what the prognosis is, we can begin to battle. She needs someone to share this ordeal with
and let her know they are just as scared as she is. Believe me, I have been there, as a caregiver and
supporter for both parents, and as a cancer survivor myself.
JMO--you have no cable? I remember, way back when, Futy posted a link for the "big butt"
I went back to find it. It's supposedly a site for cable TV on the net or
better yet, you can read Nancy Grace's show transcripts, after the fact, but still get ALL the info
Regarding George--man oh sad! I honestly feel this is NO ploy nor are there any ulterior
motives, on George’s part. I may be wrong, but OH MY LORD...could you just imagine being in this
man's shoes? He is grieving his precious, little granddaughter's death while also grieving the loss of his
daughter and having to be the one to "put" his daughter away for life...or even worse. No way can he
retract what he has said to the investigators all along. He has to deal with Cindy every day, surely,
nagging & ridiculing him for what he has stated thus far. He CANNOT change what has been done.
He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. Including, but not limited to, everything the media
and everyone else is saying about him & his family. I believe he is a man of morals, and WILL stand
up for what is right, no matter the consequences. I feel that he KNOWS once this all goes to trial, he
will be a lonely man, as his family will desert him for doing what is morally right, because for God's
sake, the rest of them won't.
so, like others, I've been reading and not posting. ya'll have a lot of interesting things to say. I thought
you would be interested in this...the first article on there right now says they will concentrate on Lee...
Well, its is ffffrrrreeeezzzing here tonight in Colorado. We are at 4 degrees. I'm just up trying to get the
house warm so I can sleep. Checking and can't find anything new released tonight, but tomorrow is
Monday so we should find out about Bobo heads motion to get more info from Morales. They gotta
know this dumb biotch is delusional at can they believe anything she says or does. Im sure
that she is doing her best to find someone to blame this all on so she can be free to party!
Can't you just hear it now? Headlines: "Casey lies to protect ex boyfriend who threatened her life if she
told!" OR "ExBoyfriend accidently kills Caylee, Casey gets rid of the evidence!" OR "Casey
brainwashed by ExBoyfriend to cover up murder".
Believe me, her mind has been ticking away and making up as much BS as she can to get away with
this. She has nothing but time to think, and think and think. But then, is Baez going to go after 'another
hispanic'? OOOOhhhh, there goes his racial card game down the drain!
CarambaCarol says:
9 days ago
Ok this is going to sound a bit off but here it goes. WE have seen the videos of George threatening
people and going off on people when confronted. So we do know he has a temper. Rather than thinking
of killing himself why didnt he just go after that wife of his. Based on what we have seen it seems it
doesnt take much for him to lose his temper. If that wife of his has been picking and picking on him
then in one of those times he lost his temper with her he should have done away with her. So there we
are minus Cindy and George goes to the big house. That only leaves Lee out- well then we get to find
out that Lee did help his wonderful victim of a sister with the killing of his daughter/niece. Ok that
pretty much takes care of all the ANTS. That simple NO? No more ANTS left.
Wednesday Morning says:
9 days ago
GeorgiaGirl -- Maui???
I'm heading out for the day. Catch ya all on the other side of A.M. ;-)
Etta says:
9 days ago
BINGO! It took me forever to track down but I have finally found it! The MARK HAWKINS myspace
page. He has a pregnant girlfriend.
GranNaw says:
9 days ago
SE GA Girl - I'm guessing you were originally posting as Bless Caylee.
Farmchick says:
9 days ago
Thanks so much for all the wonderful thoughts and prayers.
Rasalbrat, when I left the room, my sis and I dr. was in there, and my family. I cannot get past letting
my sis see me breakdown. She and I have always had a pack they we would take each others children if
anything should ever happen. I lost it bad. I feel to the floor and felt like I was about to pass out. Thank
God I mad it to the hallway.From the moment I am out of her sight I do nothing but cry. I cant help it. I
just dont think I should let her see me this way or she is gonna become even more scared. I want the Dr.
to tell her without sugarcoating for someones sake. THis is why I left. She is all I have left of when my
mother and father were married. She is the only sis I have really evver had that I share things with. Our
children are as close as brothers. ALL BOYS. Neither one of us had a girl. WTH!I just do not think her
seeing me cry and break down as bad as I did would of been what she needed plus she had my mom
w'her.I just could not hear those words come from a Dr. a man whom has been so caring for the both of
us for so many years.Everyday I will continue to get stronger. I pray your kind thoughts and prayers
Also I thin it was wednesday.....Damn...I cannot hear , look at or see the word BOMBSHELL, without
continuing where I left off laughing and crying. I wanted you to know that. Also the tshirt thing. I
watched NG that night and sure enough before she went to talk about George, there it
was.....BOMBSHELL, hubby was sitting there and I started all over agian. He finally got
disgusted cause he could not hear the TV and walked out of the room. I told him you just have to
understand the context in which it was used. I laugh so hard, I swear im gonna pee my pants.
JMo says:
9 days ago
Ok, off of the Mark Hawkins page:
FROM LC: (referring to a tatoo Mark has on his back that says DEATH before DISHONOR)
THEN CASEY hadn't written before since these 2 times: (and we don't have acess to private
Seems to me that CASEY was getting a little Jealous of this LC girl. But, looks like he was a huge
PLAYER! and then is having to marry the one he got PG....hmmm maybe did get more than one PG.
Anyone notice the 'neck breaking' comment? The little heart after Caseys notes? Reference to her 'cell
phone' not working? Her being "MIA"? Her "making some changes"? Geez, seems clear to me. She is a
mixed up, disturbed person.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
9 days ago
Farmchick--as for emotionally breaking down when hearing the shocking, that is not a good
thing for your sister to see, far as talking about it and sharing tears...yes..she does need that.
When I went thru it, no one ever seemed to want to mention it, it was like they tip-toed around it....all's
I wanted was for someone to's cancer. Don't get me wrong, I in no way wanted sympathy
or people to feel sorry for me, sometimes I just wanted to talk about what was going on. It got to the
point I would get so irritated that people were scared to say the word...I wanted to yell at them...cancer,
cancer, cancer!! I guess what I am saying is...don't ignore it, like it doesn't exist, acknowledge it, accept
it, discuss it, fight it!
Wed--not Maui
GranNaw--you buyin us a round? You are right! I changed my name back then, because of the ridicule I
got from big butt about the Bless Caylee name...and how could she be blessed when she is dead. Just
finally decided to sign up and make an official name....besides you can't prove your point to the
wicken. Anyway, this name fits me better! :-)
redmark says:
9 days ago
I'm with you on that one SE GeorgiaGirl . Farmchick all my tougth goes to you and your familly , but I
think you shouldn't worrie about sharing a cry or your worrie with your sister . And you really don't
need this pressure , because you have to watch yourself , put a strain on your emotion . It's taxing , and
draining and you need all your strength right now . You need to take care of yourself , to be able to
confort and give all the support to your sister .
Concerning this case , I believe that all this members of this familly need help . Casey need help , her
mother who is living in Lalaland need help badly . Her father need to face the fact and yes it must be
killing him to face the fact but it's there and nothing , being in denial not gonna make thing better . It's
just gonna make them look like they are hiding something .
I think , even with all the evidence . The only thing that's worring me is that Casey has Dr.Henry Lee
for her defence , and that guy is scary cose he is strong . He was on the case of O.J.Simpson...and
well...I just worrie cose an innocent child is concerned and justice must be found . One way or another .
redmark says:
9 days ago
From the link that Kate in MO left , that must be how the Anthony familly must be feeling right now :
``The target usually experiences a wild ride and is left disappointed, financially poorer and wondering
how everything the psychopath said could have seemed so plausible at the time.``
By the way Kate , good link must pass to bf , will love it!
Proud Mom says:
9 days ago
Wednesday, I can't email you, either, apparantly. Can you try emailing me directly at the address Rascal
sent you? If not, no big deal. I'll figure it out. Feel free to deny this comment if you want. It's off topic
and not to the whole group.
Farmchick says:
9 days ago
Maybe I should fo explained. Yesterday when we walked in and my mom first hugged my sis , she said
PLEASE DON"T CRy, I cannot take it right now. I was not crying, I knew she did not wanna see that at
the moment. But when I walked out, I knew I was totally about to lose it. Along with my lunch.(If you
knoww hat I mean.We HAVE absolutley been open with the discussions on the Cancer,infact she has
no problem with it and wants to talk about it. I think it seems reassuring to her that we are all getting a
grip on what is happening.
I am on my way out the door. Suprisingly they are releasing her to home. She doesn't feel sick other
than tired and the soreness of lumps and her legs. Her chest is sore, but to be expected. They still dont
have the ct results in ye t to tll how far advanced it is. Just know lung and at least one nearby
lymphnode. So, now we go home and tell the oldest. We are saving it for the youngest until we know
exactly everything. Plus, she does not want his dad coming and pulling any shit and trying to take him
from her and taking him out of state. So, I guess we willbe getting an atty too in the next week or so.
Marie RN says:
9 days ago
Nancy Grace is on the View right now talking about Casey Anthony
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Good Morning Marie, Anything good I do not get it till 10.
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
DARN! I changed the channel when Blagojavetch came on...I think there's a repeat on Channel 9, so
maybe I can catch it on the rebound.
Wednesday, my computer crashed again right in the middle of our "Marco Polo" game. Sigh...
Farmchick, I hope your sister's ex doesn't cause trouble during all this...if he does, he's a MAJOR
Redmark, I also thought that article was interesting; couldn't stop reading. Totally describes our
Casey...I have a niece who is very shy and has pretty low self esteem, and she got involved with a guy
who is a major jerk. I'm pretty sure he fits into this category, too. And once she was involved, it seemed
like she would never get out of it; her family and all her friends were trying to tell her what a user he
was, but he always wormed his way back into her life. It took her over two years to finally dump him
for good (and I'm not completely confidant that she has yet).
Well, gonna go catch the part of The View that I missed, maybe I'll see NG. Wonder how big her
necklace is today?
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
OK, just watched it. Do you really think BoBo Head will put momster on the stand?? I dunno, sounds
pretty risky to me...
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Kate, Only if he has lost his Marbles,and Steve drives him in the Turnip Truck and dumps him off. The
prosecution will have a field day with Casey, and expose lie after lie.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
George Anthony Staying Hospitalized Monday
Monday, January 26, 2009 – updated: 12:57 pm EST January 26, 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- George Anthony, the father of Casey Anthony, won't be released from a
Daytona Beach hospital Monday, but attorney Brad Conway told Eyewitness News that it's possible
George will be released this week. Halifax Medical Center confirmed George would remain
hospitalized Monday.
HannahsNana says:
9 days ago
FarmChick- You're in my prayers, as is your sister and her boys. Don't forget that at 6pm Central time,
we all stop and say a little prayer for y'all. This crew came together because of Caylee and we have
stayed together for a long time now - once you're part of this group - you really are a PART of us and
we'll help you in any way we can. I have been cancer free for 9 years and just found out I have a mass
in my left lung (never smoked!), but I'm not scared because I have a beautiful granddaughter that I will
fight every way I can to stay and watch her grow up! I hope your sister can use her boys in the same
way - as motivation to beat this! I wasn't finished raising them yet! And I beat it! Y'all can too!
Mimi 24 says:
9 days ago
Farmchick, thank you for the update. You are really in my prayers. I have lifted you and your family up
many times today.
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Rascal, I think you're right; however, since he probably knows he's gonna lose, maybe he thinks "What
the heck, it'll make for good TV for my entertainment deal"...Oh, I forgot, he doesn't have an
entertainment deal. My bad.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Kate, If he does this he will definitely throw her under that big Yellow Bus, he can not make her testify.
But if she wants to do it, he better tell no I do not suggest it. Screw there movie deal or Book deal, if
that is what they are truly doing nothing would surprise me. I hope the Bar takes his license. This has
been a Circus from the beginning. bb in about hour
9 days ago
Morning all! Momster is a sociopath to say the least. She is also quite dangerous! She will go to her
grave thinking she is not guilty of anything. Beside Georgia Girl has anyone check out our old ship
today? No boarding pass for that clown!!
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
I don't think momster will take advice from ANYBODY; not even Lee. She didn't do it, ya know?? So
she's innocent, ya know?? In her words "Everybody just needs to shut up" and "that's the story I'm
stickin' to"...
See ya later.
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Oh, my goodness, our old ship has been taken over by rats, and not very intelligent rats, too!
Yes, I feel so guilty about dissing my BFF Casey; we spent so much time "kickin' it" before her
daughter went missing, and now that she's in the can I haven't contacted her ONCE! What a BAD
friend I am...I want her to get the death penalty for partying too much...
Let me explain, Dweezy or whatever your name is, I don't know momster, I've never met momster and
if I HAD met momster my first instinct would have been to run for tall timber (the kind like she threw
her daughter in). She claims to have gotten billions and billions of letters of support while in jail...were
they all from you?
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Captain Steve, please put up the plank...
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
9 days ago
Farmchick--there is no book that states how to act or react, just do what's in your heart. You know your
sister better than any of us. You are in my prayers.
Welcome to Dena--thanks for the link, redmark and all the other newbies. Our Capn & shipmates are
very hospitable and somewhat....entertaining. LOL Welcome aboard!
Capn--I also suggest ole Dezy walk the plank....along with any other kooks who may want to board our
beautiful, peaceful ship....but we need to wait until the storms arrive..tomorrow night....;-)
BTW....Where is that turnip truck???? Dezy may be on the way to Orange County......
9 days ago
An update..... plank is up and I made it 2 feet shorter to save time! Turnip truck had to be taken to jiffy
lube because of all the miles that were put on it and from the looks of it February looks to be a heavy
driving load. Dezy, if you want to help your B.F.F. why don't you order a shirt or say seven of them.
One for each day of the week. Try not to spit too much on them because of that money back guarantee
that it does not come with. Good luck with that. P.S. let me teach you something gratis......... Look up
sociopath and please do not get back to me. There will be no invoice in the mail for my helping you
learn something. I love it when these clowns know all the answers yet do not even know what the
question is.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
CapnSteve, Is steering the Turnip Truck, maybe we need to locate him by cell pings. SE George, the
Squirrels will get rid of the kooks if they try to board. I have a thought after the hospital seen Cindy,
they may of thought he was better off staying at Hospital. Think about it would you release anyone to
Cindy? That woukld be like asking Casey to baby sit for you, NOT in my lifetime. Speaking of Lifetine
a word for you people, My family will never watch your program if any kind of a Movie deal shows up
that you have financed.
9 days ago
Check out the Greta interview with a Sean Krause re. Cindy. Perhaps she stopped drinking the stupid
juice??? I said perhaps.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Steve, I went to blogger news last night and listed to Simmons program. Shawn was on there and Some
writer by the name of Danny. What I found interesting they all had the same theory that I expressed
yesterday about George. Even Geraldo has turned on Casey and the Anthony's, that they are hiding
things. All I can says is WOW, WOW, do you think I hit that nail on the head with my Theory?
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Steve, Ok will put my sledge hammer down and use regular hammer, The Squirrel made me do it.
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Cap'n Steve, we have to keep the trolls from finding our new ship...I vote Rascal keeps watch with the
chloroform rag when they try to board...or turn the rabid squirrels loose on them.
Does Geraldo have his own show, because I never see it and I do enough surfing, can't imagine having
never found him...
Marie RN says:
9 days ago
Cut and pasted from Twisted's blog page: interesting take on some of the issues, 496 PM Was Dominic
Casey talking to you??? Most people feel like that was a staged event. I do too. How about the "lost
jailhouse video visits" you demanded to have released, because supposedly your clients parents and LE
went against your wishes with those visits, as you were out of town. Well guess what??? They
incriminated your client more because of her awful, selfish behavior! Obviously you failed to mention
to the public that your client could have refused the visit. So blame it on your client, and by the way
that was also not so smart of a move. As far as you being investigated by the bar on alleged media deals
on the outcome of the trial. The investigation will speak for itself, as we are all praying they find the
truth and justice will be served there. I do however recall you making public statements early on about
you having book and movie deals sitting on your desk. We all knew you were the one receiving the
monies from the victim's pictures and videos. It's not rocket science. You said you were not pro bono!
As far as people accusing you of inappropriate behavior with your client, I believe that was because she
was in your office for 30 hrs. a week while on house arrest and you have gotten in trouble for hugging
her too much at the jail. I must tell you the biggest thing I, in my mind felt like she was in your office
so much was to keep her from running her mouth, and to keep her off the computer, giving you the
benefit of the doubt. 30 hrs. a week is excessive to be in your attorney's office. (Just thought you should
know.) I'm sorry Mr. Baez, not one problem the public has with you has anything to do with anything,
but your own actions, and you sticking your foot in your mouth. Your website doesn't even work right
for crying out loud. You can't back up any of the information on it, except that you are an attorney and
you represent the accused in the "missing tot mystery." Oh, and your name is Jose Baez. Oh, and by the
way, Geraldo is not helping you. People don't take a whole lot of stock in what he says, as he is a
sensationalist. Most of what he has screamed on your behalf is incorrect according to Florida Law. You
have complained time and time again about leaks. Sir, discovery and the Florida Sunshine Law, are not
leaks. Phone calls and visits in jail are not private anywhere, except with the attorney, pastor or
minister, or mental health professional. The public is so not stupid! I started this letter to you before
George Anthony tried to take his life, and so I refrained from finishing it and posting it out of respect. I
believe that you have scripted alot of the Anthony's behavior in the media.
Marie RN says:
9 days ago
Kate, yes, Geraldo has his own show "Geraldo at Large" on Fox at 10 pm. His brother Craig does most
of the reporting on this case.
I thought the above post was interesting, because remember them saying the "lost jailhouse visit' was
supposed to be evidence of police misconduct, and we couldn't see it? I guess JB is saying that because
the visit took place while he was out of town.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Kate, Geraldo is on Direct TV at night on fox channel 360. CapnSteve,Marie, Good post, do you think
that is why the Physic can not find the cell phone record? LOL because there is none. This is all part of
the Circus and guess what they are the Clowns. The Daisey Chain. Ok now Bo Bo Head is trying to let
Nanny of the hook and blame one of Casey boy friends, OMG does this ever end.
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
And the Gravy Train keeps on rolling: this was on Twisted's site:
"CNN has confirmed that the attorneys for George and Cindy Anthony will be seeking to file a lawsuit
against CNN and Nancy Grace for their criminal, illegal and slanderous portrayals of the Anthony
family that has resulted in George being admitted into the hospital. In the complaint, it was further
acknowledges that CNN and Nancy Grace are both under indictment in another case that resulted in the
harm to another victim that Nancy victimized on her show when Nancy telephoned Ms. Duckett and
the end-result of her unprofessionalism was the end of the life of another mother of a missing child
which CNN and Nancy Grace have already paid out over 12 million dollars to settle that case. With
George, Nancy is alleged to have commented that Nancy is hoping to report on yet another Anthony
death which may simply be added to the federal lawsuit filed against CNN and Nancy Grace pending in
Florida. CNN did not respond to the question by a reporter asking how many more people have to lose
their life as a direct result of Nancy Grace before Nancy loses her current television show. The two
students that committed suicide after Nancy's interview at the crime scene at Virginia Tech are also
cited in the complaint."
Marie RN says:
9 days ago
That's not true, Kate. That is a Troll that has plagued Twisted (and is probably JR, also goes by name of
Warren, etc.) Twisted has been working on a Troll free message board to get rid of him (it.) obviously
cindy has time to blog now that George is in the hospital and she doesn't have him to yell at. Look for
her here soon.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Marie, CAPN STEVE has the plank ready for that.
Marie I have a question for you, Would they have done any kind of a test on George, when they
admitted him in the Hospital to see what he actually took? And would it not of shown how much was in
his System?
donagalp says:
9 days ago
Wow, amazing how everyone else is to blame. Of course Crazy's ex boyfriend is guilty he gave her an
idea. Everyone she knows is guilty because she would have never came up with anything if the people
around her hadn't given her ideas, next she will be accusing movie makers because some of her ideas
came from them!
Though I think NG is very over the top this family hasn't helped in makeing this story less
sensationalized by all the secrets and deseption. But then again I'm sure they can use the money. I'm
sure it is all Cindy's idea. T-shirt sales can't be good.
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Sorry about the false information; couldn't find it anywhere else, so I was beginning to wonder. That
particular troll didn't seem as dumb as most, who are easily spotted...fooled me! Sorry...thanks for
setting me straight Marie. Hope I didn't give Cindy any ideas!!
9 days ago
Gee and I always thought I was to blame since I am a legend in my own mind. When all is said and
done I might need an attorney although everything that I have ever stated has been the truth so slander
and liable they will not get me on. Perhaps something else?
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Cap N Steve, I'm ready to walk the plank...pass my last cigarette and the blindfold, please
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
They might get us for sending then off plank. LOL NO way Steve, if you walk I walk remember, and
pool season is not over so forget it.
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Steve, if they ever get ahold of this site, we'll probably be heading for a "reverse class action" lawsuit...
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Then I think us Squirrels should file against them!!! Maybe I should put a bow in my hair, do you think
it will help, may look better for court.
donagal says:
9 days ago
One for all and all for one, remember that shipmates!
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Marie, you need to go back to other picture, the Anthony's see that they will not mess with us.
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Rascal, I think if the Anthony's see your squirrel, that will be sufficient...
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
And all I have to say is "SIC, KILL" to Moxie and they will be in a Shih Tzu world of hurt.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Darn that will not work with Rascal, I honestly do not think she knows how to bite, she is so gentle
taking anything from me, She even refuses to take a treat from the vet. :)
9 days ago
First thing I do is dress up like a squirrel for court. Second thing I do is make sure BOBO Head is not
my mouthpiece. Third thing I do is give you all shout outs when I am on Nancy Grace. HEY HEY
Latisha. Is it just me or has she had a major makeover in the past few months? Loooooooookin good!
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Well lets get that costume on you that I sent, That will work. Do you want to be a nude Squirrel, LOL
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
OK, changed my pic for self-preservation.
Rascal, Moxie won't bite either...she just flies into a barking snarling frenzy when I say that (mostly to
the creepy neighborhood cat who killed her best friend, another cat named Cleo). But she looks pretty
ferocious when she does it...
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
OK, what happened? Pic stayed the same.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Kate, that is one scarry pic.
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Kinda looks like Lee...
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Yeah, Proud Mom, where did she get those fake "look how intelligent I am" glasses? I only saw her in
them once. Did Amy buy them for her (unknowingly, of course)?
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Click on the picture, Proud's a pack of rabid squirrels attacking some guy.
Marie RN says:
9 days ago
Rascal, they would definitely do a drug screen on George when he was admitted.
going out to put coats on the horses, ice storm coming! And they won't go in the barn.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Well Target is not one of my places to shop and as far as fake glasses, need my own so I can see lol. I
am a jean and western shirt gal, what can I say. I know I would never wrap my self in our Flag, it is
meant to fly with respect. Thank you Marie, Now that would definitely tell how much drugs he took, I
know it wast very much or he would not of walked out alone. They would have called 911 and had
ambulance there for him.
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Yes, I have to drive 35 miles to shop at Target, so I'm not that up on what they sell. We are forced to
shop at WalMart in this town.
Poor horses, Marie! Can't they come in the house just for tonight???
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
ProudMom, Lets hers dog in the house, I crack up everytime I see the picture of her dog. It has to be as
big as a Pony. And I can Picture it standing on top of her storage shed looking around. To funny!!!
donagal says:
9 days ago
If this is for real I can't believe it, check out this site. Says this company is going to sell Caylee dolls
that sing you are my sunshine when you push her belly.
donagal says:
9 days ago
Showbiz production is going to sell them and donate to a charity (not sure which one) part of the profit.
Not sure I really like this idea, kind of sick. It has a shirt with a sun on it that says Caylee Sunshine.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
I can see Cindy go after them. where is her share.
Steve did you run to Target for cloths please no white sun glasses where are you.
donagal says:
9 days ago
You got that right Rascal!
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Cindy needs Sun Glasses that look like $-$ signs, green ones.
Donagal, I think the charity they will be donating to is run by the Cindy, George, BO BO Public
Relations Firm.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Proud Mom, Well If I can put the lid down on the Toidy, I will be able to use the computer in there
right. I will still be able to be on here. OMG do we really want to give Cindy any ideas. Ok if you tell
Cindy that CAPN Steve has the plank ready for them.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Welcome aboard Dena, Yes that is sick selling dolls. We have been discussing that.
9 days ago
Target? your too funny! Farmchick, I hope you had the best day that you could. Eat something,
anything so you remain strong and healthy. I know I am speaking for many people when I say that your
family and their well being comes before the ANT'S and the nonsense that surrounds them. God bless
you and yours! You are infinately more important to us than them!!!!!!
Dena says:
9 days ago
oh thnx for the update rascal--unfortunately i've been in organic chemistry class.. :(
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
NP :) Ok Shipmates what is going to drop from the Sky tonight on NG, I know I can not use that Big
word lol. hmm I know it is not Jelly Beans, and i refuse to donate my marshmello peeps. Steve help me
out there.
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
That doll doesn't even look like Caylee; more like "Talky Tina" on the Twilight know, "My
name is Talky Tina and I'm going to kill you..."
What is the deal with Casey talking about having a "nanny" since Caylee's birth? I mean, I thought
nannies lived in your house with you (except for Nanny 911). I thought rich people had nannies. She's
SO pretentious, especially for being trailer trash. Wonder where she got that??
Kate in MO says:
9 days ago
Casey, the word is B-A-B-Y-S-I-T-T-E-R, c'mon, now, say it slowly...BABYSITTER.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Kate , Casey felt rich she could steal and not work, but there is no way she had a Nanny. Hell most
people were lucky to hire a sitter for a evening out. I can count the number of times we went anywhere
with out our kids. But I was lucky enough to have Grandma watch them. We know Casey is out in La
La Land just like the rest of them.
JMo says:
9 days ago
Hey, just got home from work and catching up. I posted this morning before I left about the Mark
Hawkins info, but don't see any responses to it....did no one think what was on his site from Casey was
significant? I think it was. It shows her somewhat frame of mind throughout the year and sure can be
matched up with what was going on in her life to some degree.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
JMo was waiting till you came on. Casey can not tell the truth about who the Father is but I do not
think it was Mark. Hell they could have subpoenaed his DNA from the service if they thought it was
him. As far as Lee being the Father of Mark's Wife that could be.
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Whoopss meat to say, as far as Lee being the father of of Marks, Wifes baby that could be.
JMo says:
9 days ago
Also, in my opinion, the Caylee doll is just plain SICK. I can't believe someone would be so insensitive
to do something like that. Maybe he thinks it's a good thing or maybe he justs wants "attention and
profit" like the rest of everyone else involved in this! They need to shut that down quick!
I think the only reason George is not getting out is that he has not been cleared as safe. I know people
who work at that hospital and there are no games going on when it comes to patient care and safety! I
think it is absurd to suggest otherwise.
I'd like to know what cheeto ass is doing right now?!!! I wonder if she has sent George any messages,
like "don't worry, this family needs to stick together, and I will never tell anything about anyone, no
matter what" OR "geez Dad, why so serious?"
They better hurry up and have this trial. The morons in Florida are coming out of the woodwork! First,
the ANTS selling t-shirts to help find Caylee *after she has been found, then we have some fruitcake
wanting to make a Caylee doll that sings 'you are my sunshine', what's next????? A casey psychopath
doll? stipper doll? body contest doll? Bottles of chloroform with Caylees picture on it? Trash bag
accessories? These people are sick. I hope no one buys that stuff.
Mimi 24 says:
8 days ago
Please shipmates throw me a life ring. That Caylee doll idea is DISGUSTING!!!!!! Sic em Nancy!
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
I hope people do not buy the dolls that is sick.
JMo says:
8 days ago
Yeah RascalBrat, they certainly had a love triangle going, don't you think? Maybe Lee has been
prostituting Casey out too? Who knows. I wouldn't put anything past any of them. In my opinion, I
think Lee knew what Casey was up to. I really think it involved drugs. He was sure quick to move out
of that apartment of his, wasn't he. I still wonder what was going on there?
Hey, anyone up for some games of "beer pong" tonight? Sammy is setting up the tables now with the
red plastic cups and ping pong balls. "dunk until your drunk" Oh, feel free to bring the kids too! Just
don't let them get into Squirrelly Shirley's wacky weed that she keeps lying around the deck. And be
sure to wear your skimpiest costumes! (Flag not available, as it is flying high on the ship).
Question: Does anyone else think Casey was wearing the American Flag because she thinks she is
"Miss America"....LOL!
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
I really think Casey thought she wasMiss America, sorry Casey your are not beautiful you are scum as
far as I am concerned. And yes Sex, Drugs with any guy she could find, talk about Morals she lost hers
with her Marbles. I am old fashioned Our Flag should be respected and not used for cloths. I fly the
Flag with a light on it all night out of respect for all our Service men who died and who are fighting for
our Country.
Kate in MO says:
8 days ago
Haha, JMo, Miss America!! That cheesy smile certainly looks like she thinks that!
In one of the LE interviews, somebody talked about Casey getting together with a "Steve Jones". Have
they interviewed him? I don't see it anywhere...maybe they figure they don't need him, they've already
got enough to put her away. It was either Ricardo Morales or Brittany Schieber, I think.
Kate in MO says:
8 days ago
The stupid guy might as well make a Cindy doll, George doll, Casey doll, and Lee doll so people can
re-enact the whole sick thing...they could be just like Barbie and Skipper (and Ken and What's-His-
Gimme a break.
Mimi 24 says:
8 days ago
And now it's Ricky Morales, that did it with his moronic 'clorophorm' banner...hmph, how does that
translate to 'the nanny did it'? I've had enough for tonight.
Aubree's Grandma, my icon is actually a picture of a fleur de lis necklace that one of my grandaughters
recieved for Christmas. I didn't really mean to use it, clicked on it by accident and decided to go with it
for the time being. I intended to use a pic of one of my two cats and when I get the time I will change
Allyss says:
8 days ago
Just checking in and adding my two cents on a few things. I find the Caylee doll beyond sickening and
I can't believe anyone would stoop that low, I wouldn't even be in agreement with it if all the profits
were going to charity. I think if the Anthony's have anything to bitch about that is what they should be
going after. My guess is the maker made it with blond hair to cover his ass though, but I still hope they
nail his ass. What the hell is wrong with people.
Secondly if that email from Lee to Tara is legit what a bunch of wackos, hell doesn't anyone have any
morals, imagine that convo, hmmm your brother got me pregnant oh yea well your husband got me
I feel very bad for George, I don't think he had an agenda I truely believe it was a cry for help. I don't
think a suicide threat should ever be taken lightly.
And lastly and most important Farmchick you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, I most
definitely joined in the group prayer for you tonight, 7 pm my time and will continue to do so.
redmark says:
8 days ago
You guys are really something around here (and it's meant as compliment :) but I'm trying to figure out
some stuff you say .
Any other nick name I should know about so I can follow you guys?
I heard that one too about ''Steve Jones'' , maybe he doesn't even exist...or maybe he does but he doesn't
wanna testify or he has no lead for them .
I was wondering also , If there was any possibilitie of camera taking a shot at Caset while she was in
that club ''Fusion'' something ? from Amy and others , it's seem they didn't go there with her . so If they
found camera of her dancing like a diablo in fusion while her nanny was supposed holding Caylee
hostage.....argh That's gonna hurt a lot .
Ok Question : does anybody here believe Casey innoncent ? (and plz don't kill me for asking lol)
DJ n SC says:
8 days ago
Hey Kate you forgot to mention Crazy Zanny doll-it could be invisiable.
Farmchick I am praying for you and your family-take it easy & get rest.
Rascal, I fly one, too. When I first got the 25 foot pole, my neighbors thought I was crazy. Now, most
of them have one themselves. My family and friends who have fought in Afghanistan and Iraq have all
brought me American flags that were flown over there. I am so proud of my collection. It reminds me
every time I look out my front window what they are all going through for my family and the rest of
this great country.
Have to see if school is out tomorrow, so I know whether or not I can sleep in. Good night, all.
Kate in MO says:
8 days ago
Yes, Redmark, "Cheeto Ass" is Casey (we have noted that since going to jail all she does is snack and
she's not the size 2 she used to be). And "BoBo Head" is Jose Baez, I don't remember who came up
with that one but I would imagine it's kind of a close reference to "BoBo the Clown" because his legal
expertise is almost non-existant.
Sorry if we're sometimes irreverent, but it helps with the stress of following this case. And we're not
disrespectful to each other, only to the well-deserving characters involved in this story.
Well, it's 9:00 and we're supposed to get snow tonight...I'm gonna go pile on the blankets again.
Farmchick, you're still in our prayers...nite all.
Kate in MO says:
8 days ago
Oh, one more thing, Redmark...the reason there are so many squirrel pictures and squirrel references
around here is that Casey blamed the smell in her car on "a couple of dead squirrels that crawled up
into her engine" the squirrels have united in an effort to clear their name...they show up here quite
often. (OK, we're weird but harmless...)
linn says:
8 days ago
A long, long time ago I posted a quote by Casey but could not remember the exact words. I see it right
above me, on the drawing of the little girl with a noose around the teddy's neck. It is the quote about
killing people. What I posted was that I was SO SHOCKED to hear that exact quote on a 35 year old
movie. Charles Bronson's DEATH WISH! Has anyone else ever heard that quote, or was it wrote
specifically for the Death Wish movie? Odd to see it one day, then the next night to see in on a 35 year
old movie, especially called Death Wish. I still find it creepy.
And NG just does her act on her show, but the research and all is done by her staff. On top of that, by
the time NG has come on, the same exact evidence BS'S.. hahaha. Figure it out as I didn't want to print
it, but the first evidence of the day is usually OLD news by the time it is on NG.
As for the sickening doll. The man making it was bashed by the other guest on NG, and he said he
didn't want it to look like Caylee, that is why the hair is blonde. Gee, do we all have S*T*U*P*I*D on
our foreheads?? ALSO, he is trying to charge 30 bucks for the dolls. A WHOPPING 3 bucks to go to
charity. He did mention Center for Missing and Exploited Children, I bellieve. But isn't he doing his
own exploitation" of Caylee? And it is amusing as no one wants to be part of those sick dolls. Even NG
said she hoped none of her viewers every bought even one. Let the cashing in on this poor girls death
really begin now.
Farmchick. Please don't beat yourself up over losing control. We want to stay strong, but again that is
someone we love more than anything! All you can do is the best you can. I am sure your sister knows
how much you care, and forbid the thought, but if you were the sick one she would have just as hard of
a time. We have come a long way in medicine! I have a 3 year old niece that was diagosed with
Leukemia 2 years ago. Come 2 more weeks and she is considered cured. She will still be careful of
things, but for a while there we were all terrified and now we have a beautiful little girl slowly getting
back to her old self. Old self. Gee, she just turned 3. Stay strong. I am never on time for our prayer
vigil, so I just do one every time I think of you.
Hope ALL my maties are doing well tonight. I just have a 5 year old who just woke up from a nap.
Home from school at 2:30 and passed out. Every Monday.. lol. Funny what 2 days of nothing do to a
kid when they go back to school. My point here is, if he just got up, I do think I will be awake all night
as he is wide eyed and lol, bushy tailed!
8 days ago
Let's give Kudos to Rascal I think re. BOBO Head. If I am wrong about that extra credit given, my
apology and extra credit to that person. But I think I am right. I am right 3 times per day. Sometimes
only 2 times. On my bad days 1 time. Momster, well she just aint right...... everyday!
JMo says:
8 days ago
THIS JUST IN Shipmates: Happy Reading (hint: its about LEE)
To clarify, yes, there are pictures of Casey at club fusion while "zanny" was holding Caylee hostage.
That's what the pictures are about.
JMo says:
8 days ago
Wow, look at the witness list now! This is gettin' good!
JMo says:
8 days ago
Hey, more news we can use. Looks like Baez had 2 claims on him with the Bar. One was because his
spokesperson 'Black' sent some inappropriate faxes about one of the State attorneys (THIS ONE GOT
DROPPED because he is not responsible for the actions of Black) and the other is that he is advertising
inappropriately (they are still looking at this one).
JMo says:
8 days ago
Hey, more news we can use. Looks like Baez had 2 claims on him with the Bar. One was because his
spokesperson 'Black' sent some inappropriate faxes about one of the State attorneys (THIS ONE GOT
DROPPED because he is not responsible for the actions of Black) and the other is that he is advertising
inappropriately (they are still looking at this one).
Marie RN says:
8 days ago
JMo, just wanted to say thanks for posting the great links. Wow, what an incredible witness list! It's
funny how Sean Krause says Cindy doesn't trust people, and she really doesn't, except for one person -
JMo says:
8 days ago
I guess she thought she could trust him though, lol. Heck, I'm not sure that I would trust him either!
I wonder what the punishment is for tampering with evidence or obstruction of justice? Cindy better get
a job and fast....this is a MESS! All because they didn't force Casey to tell the truth for once in her life!
And to think, little Caylee paid the ultimate price for all of their stupid games they like to play!
8 days ago
As I get ready for bed once again I conclude that the defense is going to use the momster owed the
nanny booko dinero and when she didn't pay up she kidnapped Caylee. You all know the end of the
story. Beside that, they got nothing. As a matter of fact, with that they have nothing. Night all!
JMo says:
8 days ago
Whenever doubt comes in your mind about Casey, just think about her SMILING in court the other
day, right after they finished talking about her baby's bones and remains being found. How could
ANYone say she is innocent?
redmark says:
8 days ago
Kate in MO : Thanx for clearing up that for me , and yes when I watched the video it clicked in my
mind what you were reffering to and I was like ''ohhhhh now I get the Squirrels reference lol'' and yeah
you are harmelss and found you all funny with your squirrel lol tought I personally hold no love for
that creature cose I had an incident with a large squirrel who kept mating every morning in front of my
window lol
@JMO: hum not sure if this ''Whenever doubt comes in your mind about Casey', was answer to my
question if anyone here think that Casey is innocent . I was talking to bf about this case . And what hit
me more , is yes Casey is guilty and a monster or watever label you wanna put on her . But I believe
deep down , that her mother (monster number 2) should be held accused for mentale torture against
Casey . I don't have childrens , but if I had and my mom keep telling me ''you are an unfit mother''
proofe or not , I would kill her! as a mother even if your daughter seem ''unfit to be a mother'' as mother
you should help her be a ''good mother'' and telling her that she is ''unfit'' is the same as if you would
have beaten her .
Then again , just my view on the subject . And bf say that the only way for Cindy to be considered as
guilty for mentale abuse toward her daughter is if Casey sued her for that . And doesn't look like she
will cose she need the confort , watever that mean .
JMo says:
8 days ago
My comment was not in any reference to what anyone had said. I was just thinking how sometimes the
mind wanders and thoughts of someone else doing this to Crazy Casey. But, then I slap myself upside
the head and the senses return.
Yes, I agree that emotional and mental abuse can be just as damaging, if not more so than physical
abuse. Those scars stay with you forever. One of the psychologist explained Casey like this:
Now that murder charges have been filed against Casey Anthony, the question of her underlying
character is more important to answer than ever. Her 3-year-old daughter Caylee is allegedly dead, by
her hands. This, after months of Casey lying to family, police and even the famed bail bondsman who
sprung her from jail, convinced he could get her to tell the truth about her daughter’s whereabouts.
Without having examined Ms. Anthony, I won’t hazard a diagnosis of her. But there’s plenty that’s
clear from her demeanor and behavior.
First, Anthony displays an extraordinary capacity to lie. She spun tall tales about Caylee’s whereabouts,
leading police on wild goose chases. She maintained her falsehoods, or generated new ones at will,
even in the face of authority figures–like police or the courts–using their influence to try to unravel
This “ability” to deceive and not be coaxed back toward the facts may indicate that she has homed this
ability since childhood. While we don’t know enough about Anthony’s childhood, one kind of
environment that could spawn this comfort with lying would be a home where her real and genuine
feelings were disregarded or in which punishment was inevitable, regardless of whether she was truly
blameworthy. In such circumstances, children and adolescents can break from attempts to stay safe or
be vindicated by the facts and learn to lie very effectively to escape responsibility. Lying to parents is
the growing place for lying to other authority figures, without a “normal” amount of anxiety when
doing so.
Second, Anthony showed almost no panic or concern or depression related to her daughter being
missing or dead. This raises the possibility that she is almost entirely cut off from concerns about the
suffering or well-being of others. As a woman alone among us, she could be focused exclusively on her
own needs–for pleasure or power or money.
Again, having evaluated many murderers and testified in their trials, it is my opinion that this
disconnectedness is not genetic. You aren’t born with it. It is the outgrowth of earlier life events that
were painful enough to lead a person to abandon emotional bonds with others–and with the self. Faced
with untenable traumatic or stressful events or relationships, it is as if the person signs off from the
interpersonal bonds that define real connections. And that makes the person capable of inflicting great
harm on others without feeling remorse.
Third, Anthony seems to display the same kind of misguided self-confidence or narcissism that was
evident in Scott Peterson. Peterson (and it seems Anthony) was a bad liar because his lack of empathy
also meant he lacked sensitivity to how others would judge his tall tales. It may well be the case that
Anthony, too, has trouble telling convincing lies because she can’t intuit how her audience–whether
police or a jury–will “hear” them (whether they will ring true).
Anthony recently cried when the murder charges against her were recited in court. That’s consistent
with concern about her own future–which might be spent behind bars, instead of in nightclubs. It also
reminds all of us that her grief does not appear to extend to her daughter’s likely fate, which apparently
moves her far less, if at all.
Dr. Keith Ablow is a psychiatry correspondent for FOX News Channel and a New York Times
bestselling author. His newest book, “Living the Truth: Transform Your Life through the Power of
Insight and Honesty” has launched a new self-help movement.
JMo says:
8 days ago
Maybe we could take up a collection next Sunday at the Chili Party and get Sindy the book "Living the
Truth: Transform Your Life through the Power of Insight and Honesty". Do you think she would read
Dena says:
8 days ago
So I've been thinking--- I don't think the Caylee dolls will go over so welll, but how about a Casey
Anthony Voo Doo doll--I bet that would sell!!!
Deb in Vegas says:
8 days ago
A couple of questions about the Caylee dolls. Didn't the Ants trademark the name Caylee Marie
Anthony for protection from this type of thing. So if that is true, did the company already get
permission from the Ants or are going to get permission before any dolls are sold. And if they did get
permission do the Ants profit from this.
IMO George's hospitalization may turn out to be a good thing for him. I hope that the extra time he is
spending there is voluntary and he is really seeking help with acceptance about Casey's involvement in
his Granddaughters death. The longer he stays away from Cindy may give him the strength that he
needs to deal with everything that he is about to go through when the trial comes around. I think many
of us agree that George is the best hope that somebody in that family will come out of denial and
finally end this circus.
JMo says:
8 days ago
I would buy a Casey Voo Doo doll!
Also, the doll is not named Caylee Marie Anthony, it is called the "Inspirational Caylee Sunshine Doll".
So, I don't think there are any infringement rights to be violated.
Deb in Vegas says:
8 days ago
Ok but it's still so obviously close, can't they still get sued?
Also, I was reading the witness list and burst out laughing at the sight if this name: Marlene Baker,
Orange County Corrections.
During the jail visits...I'm not sure as to which ones..."Miss Baker" is the woman who Momster yells at
to turn the volume up. This leads me to believe that this is the woman "assigned" to momster. It will be
great to hear all about momster's jailhouse attitiude. Why would she be on the prosecuter's witness list
if her testimony isn't damning? Juciy!
HannahsNana says:
8 days ago
JMo - that was VERY interesting reading - thanks. Makes you wonder what could have happened to
Momster when she was a young child to make her have this "disconnectness" from the rest of the
world. I even think she has no feelings for Lee, even though she and he, profess to be very close. That
article was right on the money and Sindy seems to be the kind of mother (not sure that is an accurate
description of Sindy) to deny or disregard her child's true feelings and punish indiscriminately ( "I don't
care who did it, you're getting the spanking" kind of thing). They all scare me. I look at things my 3
year old grandaugher does or says in a different way, and have caught myself scolding her for making
things up, then I realize she's not the ANTs and imagination and lying are not the same thing in a small
child. Makes me mad at the ANTs for even making me think like that! (don't want to help raise another
8 days ago
Dena, put me down for one. I can't speak for Rascal but you may want to put another aside. I like the
voodoo that youdoo! The Caylee doll, well I.M.O. not a good thing unless as stated last night have the
person who brings momster her yummy for the tummy tray leave one just outside the reach of her cell
door. Or maybe Dezy who is alone on the sinking ship can. Maybe today is the tox day? Maybe
tomorroe the ANT's will bury Caylee? They really should get that done!
Nancy Drew says:
8 days ago
Hi all, have been reading this hub for months, but have never posted till now. Thanks so much for all
the great info and links.
Check out this link with pictures of JP Chatt and Caylee, they look identical. I'm convinced that JP is
the father. They have identical features. I'd love to know what you all think. Also, JP's statement to
police is not available.
Nancy Drew says:
8 days ago
Sorry about that, posting the link in the url box.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
8 days ago
JMO--thanks for the interesting this momster or what? Thanks for the links too.
Capn--I heard somewhere the other night that tox can take as long as 3 months to patience. Also, heard that they can't bury Caylee because the body hasn't been
released. Heard it's not the Ant's decision; however, IMO, the Ant's are holding the body out for the
defense to keep probing.
Anyone--when was George in a nursing home? I know crazy had said he had a stroke...but that was a
lie...right??!! This is directly off of the witness list.>>>>>>>>>>Anne Lennington, from nursing home
where Casey Anthony’s father was.
Nancy Drew--welcome. That has been brought up & discussed several times before, way back when.
Your thinking may be could be one of umpteen men. I hope (& feel) that before this is all over,
we will know who the baby daddy is! (no disrespect toward Caylee meant--but def much disrespect
toward the tramp)
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
8 days ago
Thanks Etta-- thought that may an error. And yes, they do, as well as us, get a lil mixed up once in
Nancy Drew--there is alot of favortism between Chatt & Caylee....the cheeks, the eyes, the forehead,
Marie RN says:
8 days ago
Nancy, I've seen that photo comparison before, and they are very similar, esp. the cheekbones. JP has
brown eyes, Caylee has hazel eyes. Law Enforcement has said they are confident who Caylee's father
is, and have done DNA comparison with another subject (Lee) it is in the recent documents. JP was
never asked to give his DNA. That being said, I'm sure Casey had sex with him.
HannahsNana says:
8 days ago
Marie RN - Is there anyone in Florida (and maybe beyond the state lines) that she DIDN'T have sex
with? I think Caylee looked alot like several of her men friends - but Momster seems to prefer the tall
and dark type, so Caylee's dark hair and eyes (from photos) favor alot of her mother's (I'm using that
term VERY loosely) "dates".IMO
Marie RN says:
8 days ago
Nana, yes, Casey does like the same type, Italian features. And especially men named Anthony.
Everything has to be an anagram or code with her! Dan Brown should write a novel. The Da Vinci code
has nothing on the Casey Anthony code!
Etta says:
8 days ago
Jamie Realander, interviewed by LE in Aug., talks about how she met momster at fusian night club and
how momster worked as the "shot girl organizer." She says she thought momster was someone who she
thought she could become really good friends with. Jamie also states that she filled in as a shot girl for
awhile. All of this sounds well and good...until you find out Jamie it 19! I found her myspace page and
boy is she a prize. In her About Me section she talks about the qualities you need to be her friend. A
match made in heaven.
Jamie Lynn... 5'3 green eyes red hair.... enough about me. Best friend criteria: ** Must be able to pick
you up off the floor of a club after drinking to much ** Must be able to Scream as loud as you can so
she can win the hot bodies contest ** Must be able to WIN a hot bodies contest ** Must be able to
drive me to work at 6 in the morning because I'm to drunk ** Must be able to wear a "lesbian when i'm
drunk t-shirt" ** Must be able to hold my hand while i get a tattoo ** Must be able to hit on the tattoo
artist WHILE i'm getting my tattoo ** Must be able to watch weird porn ** Must be able to hold my
hold my dress down while dancing ** Must be able to make out ** Must be able to share her boyfriend
** Must be willing to be my partner in crime ** Must never turn down a trip to fairvilla ** Must love
sex.. all kinds of sex. ** Must never turn down a chance to dance on stage ** Must have to be able take
shots off your BF ** Must be able to hold BF's shirt when need be ** Must take loads of pics wherever
we go ** Must "just dance" on as many bars as possible ** Must stick up for bestie when told she is a
bad influence ** Must go out to bars and hardly ever pick up a guy because were having to much fun
making out with eachother ** Must love going to the strip club ** Must love bull riding ** Must be
able to say all the catch phrases in talledega nights ** Must drive out to cocoa to party on the beach for
a night ** Must have sex no matter how bad bull riding messed up ur legs .r{}
Etta says:
8 days ago
Don't worry Jamie...Momster LOVES SEX...ALL KINDS OF SEX. Any shape or size.
JMo says:
8 days ago
Yep, sounds like she just described her friend Casey alright! They were probably in the hot body
contest together. So, this jaimie will take the witness stand to tell everyone how she never heard Casey
mention anything about Caylee the whole time they were dancing, having sex, doing shots, etc. , Right?
I mean, I imagine that is what they are going for. Casey obviously was having way too much fun to
think about little Caylee.
JMo says:
8 days ago
So, when do you all think they will file the charges on Lee? Will they wait till George gets out of the
hospital? What a fiasco!
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
8 days ago
Me, me ...please pick me to be your best friend Jamie. You def know what life is ALL sure
have your priorities in line and YOU are just the type of friend I am looking for. I know 1000% that
you would be a friend til the end and that you would be THAT shoulder that I need. Sista's til the
N-O-T!!!!! this what life is for these girls? Boy!! don't they have alot to learn. Sounds as if mama and
daddy shoulda used the belt a lil more. Maybe even need to learn what one is!!
HannahsNana says:
8 days ago
SE and JMo - Jamie's parents must be SOOOOO proud! I know I'd be on cloud nine if my daughter's
MySpace page said all of those things! NOT!! She's 28 and I still think I'd go ballistic! But then, I don't
think my daughter is anything like any of these women - none of my daughter's friends are like these
girls either. Either I did something right or Nashville is a REALLY small, backward town and we just
haven't made it into this century - still holding on to simple things like, MORALS!
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
8 days ago
Amen Nana--MORALS is the key word here. I couldn't imagine seeing this on my child's
myspace....but then again....mama prolly don't care to see what her daughter is up to, since she ain't
bothering her. My 14 yr old SON KNOWS...his mama has a myspace and checks his at least once a
JMo says:
8 days ago
Well, I guess we can see now why George is worried about Casey's friends. HOWEVER, I think it is
too late too be worrying about who Casey hangs out with...that should of been looked into a while back
when she was dragging Caylee around to beer pong nights! We are pass that now, Caylee is dead.
Worrying about her slutty friends is not going to help. However, I truly believe Casey got into a 'bad
crowd' and George is worried that it was a more 'serious type of thug' crowd, which could be true, but
doesn't mean it takes the blame off Casey for what happened to Caylee. Anyway you look at it, Casey
is the mother and Casey is responsible for Caylee. Period. I am beginning to think that we will never
really know how Caylee died. Because Casey will maintain her innocense till the day she dies.
8 days ago
Jaime IS the poster girl of every S.T.D. known to mankind. And womankind for that matter. It also
seems that somewhere along the way her parents are quite proud at what they had a part in creating.
Shipmates, could you imagine this person as a parent one day? PALEEEEZ NO!! Wow, I just looked up
the work skank in websters and saw her picture. I get the picture Jaime, I get it. Now I must go and get
rid of my breakfast. P.S. I will give you all one guess what she does to earn her money?? First one with
the correct answer wins a night out on the town with her!! HELLO, HELLO, Anybody out there?
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Good Morning Shipmates, Had to catch up on the postings since last night. What a bunch of strange
twisted friends Casey kept company with, but stop and think about it. She is a strange twisted mind, we
know that because what she did. I think Casey was never taught the word NO. They did not want Casey
throwing her tantrums, I can see that in the Jail house visit with her parents and the language she uses
on them. They tolerate her language, and we can see from that always have. Again I go back to why did
they let Casey get away with this, and who's fault it is. Who let her get away with stealing and Casey's
lies, Cindy did. I am sure Cindy and George had many arguments over Casey's behavior, but since
Cindy ruled that was as far as discipline went. I have seen parents like this, and Casey is the result of
this action. HannahsNana, I have said all along there is no MORALS in this Family, now we have the
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
CAPN Steve, The only needles I want to stick in Casey, is that one that would do the real JOB!
Marie RN says:
8 days ago
Georgia, you are so right, Every parent should have a myspace page to keep up with what their kids are
up to. They put everything they do on there! And you know who their friends are, etc.
8 days ago
The creator of the Caylee doll is also the same creator of the Michael Vick chew toy! At least they
suspended the sale of the doll as of today. Total # of units shipped = 0. Just when I was losing faith in
our country. Good job U.S.A. Now back to the voodoo doll. I think we are onto something and could
move units. Aproceed of all sales would go to T.M. and his crew! George to stay in hospital for another
8 days ago
Before I go do some work I have a messege for the ANT's... It is futile to shut the barn door after the
horses have already run out. And one more for Jaime Lynn. Are you and Dezy friends? That's what I
nancy drew - I was amazed looking at the 2 pictures together - Caylee has the same shaped nose &
mouth as this JP guy - I've never heard about him before. what part did he play?
JMo - very good reading, definitely sounds like he's got Casey figured out.
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Reports Say Casey Anthony’s Brother Not Cooperating
January 26, 2009 by: admin
ORLANDO – There have been reports that sheriff’s investigators want to talk with Lee Anthony, Casey
Anthony’s brother, but that he has not been cooperative.
News 13 attempted to talk to Lee Anthony’s attorney on Monday, but he said he was unavailable for
comment. Also, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office said Sgt. John Allan, the lead investigator in the
Casey Anthony case would not comment on the reports.
What News 13 has learned is that the Anthonys have not been talking with the sheriff’s office recently.
News 13 was told the Thursday before George Anthony disappeared that Allan said if the Anthonys
would come forward with any “truthful” information, they would be more than happy to sit down and
talk with them. It shows a clear rift between the Anthonys and the agency investigating their daughter’s
Etta says:
8 days ago
Momster is trying to cement that appeal...but to no avail. We will be seeing momster's greazy ass in
court on Friday. How many more pounds do you think she has packed on? WESH will be streaming
live Friday.
Also -- you're right. Parents should all have MySpace account & make sure their kids "add you as a
I have MySpace & Facebook so I can lurke around my kids online social network. What's funny is that
a lot of their friends think it's "cool" that I have an account & they add me as their friend too. So I not
only get to see what MY kids are up to, but I can spy on their friends too. They have no idea what a
NARK I am. I told one of the 9th grade girls mother that her daughter was "dating" a senior. The
mother ended that quickly & noone has idea how she might have found out about it. Dumb, dumb kids.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
8 days ago
Bar Drops Baez Investigation Gotta make sure
they are on the right path(s)!LMBO @ Capn--YUP!! They's besest friends!
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
8 days ago
EWWWWWWWW--this thing posts nasty when you don't sign in....let's try this again!
Wednesday--you are so right. I check out all my sons "friends" he hangs out with at school, esp the
one's I have never met. Sometimes I am appalled and tell him that he needs to find better friends than
that. Ya know, the gangsta wanna be's...every other word on their myspace is "hood" and cussing! I
point out WHY they would never make for a "good" friend! It amazes me at some of these kids their parents honestly not give a damn??!! I have told one of my sons friends mothers
to check her sons changed soon was pretty bad!
Saito says:
8 days ago
Comments - Thoughts
Lee may be the father of CayLee (Casey & Lee = Caylee?), that is why he does not want to give his
dna, in case it is tested for that...
George fingerprints may be on the duct tape found in the garage, on top of the gas can. Knowing the
duct tape found on the scene is at a forensics lab and matches the tape in his garage may have driven
him over the edge. He father be dead then be found guilty of something...
Car was impounded to get rid of it due to the bad smell of death. Body must have been in the trunk
from June 16 to around June 27. Casey then drove another car, "dumped" her smelly car at Amscot to
leave it there. Story of running out of gas was simply to get someone to pick her up from the location.
Any cameras at the location would be interesting to check, and see if anyone goes to the trunk to open
it, take something out, or put something into a trash bag, etc. Amscot has cameras all around their
parking lot.
The original incident of Caylee, may have taken place in the backyard, in the pool area. The pool had
been used on June 16. The ladder was left up on the pool and the fence open, when Cindy got home
from work. George was not there, he had left to work. Casey had left, but seem to had returned with
Caylee between 3pm to 3:45pm.
Seems Caylee either drown or fell from the top of the steps and got hurt. Casey may have been with
someone else when it happened such as her ex Ricardo, or she may have been alone with Caylee. Her
phone logs for June 16 around 3pm to 4pm would give a sign if she was on the phone chatting away, or
online, and if not, then she was by the pool, committing her dirty deed.
8 days ago
You are known by the company you keep. How good do I look keeping company with you fine folks! I
would take you all home to meet ma anytime!
Marie RN says:
8 days ago
Aubree's GMa: JP Chatt owns the apartment where Ricardo and Amy live, and used to be Ricardo's
Weds, yes, my son's friends want to add me as their friend on myspace too. I really think they are
shooting for quantity! They crack me up when they leave comments on my page because they think I
don't have enough! My son has my myspace password because he customizes my page for me. I think
it is so funny, because he will change my "mood" and my headline! I really recommend all parents get
on myspace, and like you said, be sure your kid adds you as a friend. That is the way kids communicate
these days.
Saito says:
8 days ago
I just did a search on ebay for Casey Anthony and found the Casey Anthony voodoo dolls!
Kate in MO says:
8 days ago
Saito, just my opinion, but there is no way, I will NEVER EVER believe, that this was an simple
accident followed by a panicked cover-up. There is no way to explain the web searches for how to
make chloroform, neck breaking, and household weapons except that SOMEONE in that house had
evil intentions for SOMEBODY. And since poor Caylee was the one who ended up dead, and no one
else was in the house during those searches, we all know who that SOMEONE was.
Originally I thought that the chloroform-making was maybe a cheap high of some kind, but with the
trunk evidence and the other searches, somebody was up to no good. And by process of elimination,
and checking out who had the strongest motive...once again...WE HAVE A WINNER!!
Nancy Drew, thanks for the posting of Caylee and JP Chat...there ARE some strong similarities there.
But LE says they "know" who Caylee's father is?? That's gonna be a BOMBSH..(oh, excuse me) BIG
DEAL in court. I'll bet Casey & Cindy sue for back child support, whatdya think?? And they didn't
even have to pay for the DNA test!
As far as the Dr. Keith Ablow quote, I kinda disagree with him (although I only PLAY a doctor when
my family gets sick). When a family friend adopted 2 babies at under a month old, raised them well,
and they both turned out TERRIBLE, I think that nature as well as nurture has alot to do with it. And
on the site I posted earlier about psychopaths, it says that LOTS of people have one or two
psychopathic traits but are not psychopaths...many "grow out" of those traits and fit into the "real"
world. I think that might be the case with both George and Cindy. Cindy lies to keep up appearances (or
hides the truth, or ignores it) and George, with his explosive temper and his internet scheme
involvement, might have some of those traits to. But neither of them can even compare to their little can tell that both of them have a conscience, have deep feelings for Caylee, and at least
most of the time, try to live a responsible life (i.e. go to work, pay bills, visit their parents, etc.). Casey
has NO feelings, NO remorse, and NO sense of responsibility. She is a psychopathic masterpiece.
Thanks to all for the good posts today.
Kate in MO says:
8 days ago
I've got NUTHIN' to say about this (heehee). Hope this works, cause it's a weird link...
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Kate, there are 3 different Casey Voodoo dolls and people bidding on them. Maybe BO Bo Head can
use one.
Kate in MO says:
8 days ago
Etta, we'll have to check out her hands for orange Cheeto crumbs when she goes back to court.
Kate in MO says:
8 days ago
But then, again, she probably eats with her toes.
Kate in MO says:
8 days ago
Yeah, Rascal...maybe BoBoHead is one of the bidders. As for myself, I wouldn't pay $40 for a little
hunk of straw with a magazine picture glued to it...(heck, I'm just jealous I didn't think of it first...). But
my favorite is the "Mad Money" one...Amy should buy that...Oh, I forgot-SHE DOESN'T HAVE ANY
donagal says:
8 days ago
Hi everyone! Woo Hoo Casey Anthony Voodoo dolls for everyone!! Lets have a chili party and stick
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Maybe Amy can get a loan from Cindy, LOL
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
I saved the picture of Caylee in God's arms to my desktop, so I never forget this little angel, when this
is all over I never want to see Casey's face again, or a doll to remind me of her.
JMo says:
8 days ago
I will state my opinion again....George was serious in his attempt and apparently he is still not safe to
come home. I feel badly for him. He will probably be in some sort of hospital or inpatient clinic for
months. I think he held this is so long and tried to be the strong man in the family (that Sindy was
demanding he be) that he finally exploded. Once someone reaches a point in depression, it is difficult
to return. I am sure the detox is still taking place along with his adjusting to some medications to assist
him in the future. I would never joke about suicide regarding anyone and would never wish this deep of
a depression on anyone. I can't even begin to think about how much he misses Caylee and wants to be
with her! He was like a father to her, raising her and all. The daughter he raised and loved disposed of
her. It's just a tumbling effect for him and his entire life. Sindy, well, who knows what to think about
her. I know she loved Caylee with all her heart and was like a mother to her, but she too has some very
deep rooted issues with Casey that would take a team of psychiatrist a life time to figure out. Lee, same
issue. To me, this makes Casey the culprit in all of it and someone needs to 'get to her' somehow. I am
ecstatic that the Judge is demanding she be in the courtroom. I can't wait to see her try and lie with her
friends sitting right there to contradict her. I want to witness her behavior, as I am sure everyone else
does too. Fuckin' No Good Biotch Trash!!!!!!!! (sorry, the squirrels made me say that).
Marie RN says:
8 days ago
JMO, I agree with you. I was happy to hear Brad Conway, George's attorney say that George was
finding out a lot of people care about him. I'd like to think people like us have sent letters of support.
Caylee was probably the one person on this earth who thought he was perfect and loved him
Kate in MO says:
8 days ago
JMo, I agree with you, that besides Caylee, George is the closest thing to a victim we've got in this
case. I wish he would come clean about everything. I have a feeling that since the doctors at that
hospital are well aware of the stressful situation at home, and the toxic relationship with Cindy, they
will keep him there for as long as they possibly can, and he might be agreeable to it. Who knows,
maybe with some help and being away from that vipers den they call a family, he can get strong enough
to tell the truth again.
Cindy kind of reminds me of Mary Tyler Moore in the movie "Ordinary People", where her son
(Timothy Hutton) was suicidal. She was so caught up in her attempts to get people to see them as a
perfect family, she couldn't accept ANY imperfections and drove her son to become suicidal. Not that
Casey would ever be suicidal (except maybe in a last-ditch effort to control EVERYONE, like Melinda
Duckett did). But the MTM character does remind me of Cindy. She's so hell-bent to put up a false
front I don't think she'll EVER publicly admit what her daughter did. I think if she had been standing
there watching Casey duct tape her granddaughter's mouth on the 16th of June, she would still say
"Zanny did it". JMO
Kate in MO says:
8 days ago
Farmchick, if there's an address where I can send a card to your sister when she gets to her treatment
phase, please email it to me. Thanks
Dont know if he shot himself in head or chest, but it was a double barrel shot gun fully loaded. Car
barrel rolled. DOnt know yet if her shot hisself first and then rolld or rolled and then shot hisself. Went
from WilmingtonIL to Coalcity, braidwood and then 55 up to Chicago lakr shore drive. How much can
One family take. I know it comes in 3's waiting for th 3rd. Geez this is terrible. I hope I am not giving
you th impression that I am looking for attentition,like MOMSTER!
Just wanted somwone to someone to talk to. He has been threatenig suicicde for months. We would put
him iin the hospital .....and what did thay do....???? they sent him to nursing home.Dah....He is 22 and
can get out bu climing the fence, or ust leacing.Kicked out several times.He neede to be in a mental
faciclity locked up for a long time'
HannahsNana says:
8 days ago
Captain - I agree, I don't think George has any hope of a decent life after this if he doesn't get away
from Sindy. And I'm sure he loves her, in some way, and hope that maybe this is his breaking point with
her. I think Caylee was so loving and innocent and now they've (Momster and Sindy) taken that and
ruined the only good thing in his life. I just hope that the mental health folks tell him he needs to get
out of that situation to get better.
Kate in MO says:
8 days ago
Farmchick, I am so sorry. Your family has been hit with the worst luck...don't freak out about the 3rd
thing, it doesn't always happen that way. And don't get out on the highways until you take some time
and pull yourself don't want to be the 3rd thing.
Please email me anytime. I'm so sorry to hear about all of this! But don't forget, we are praying for you
together. There is power in that.
Dena says:
8 days ago
I'm very sorry to hear that FarmChick.
Dena says:
8 days ago
Thanks for the info Saito about the voo doo doll....kinda sad though as I really thought I was the first to
think of it :)
Dena says:
8 days ago
Oh yeah I wonder why Czsey is so adamant on not appearing in court. From what I understand, most
prisoners LOVE things like hearings that get them out of prison for awhile...maybe Marie is right--
maybe she's preggers. Can't wait til Friday--glad I don't have school that day so I can watch it. Also just
glad I don't have school that day! :)
detroit jeremy says:
8 days ago
has anyone else compared a picture of cindy and moe from the three stooges
Mimi 24 says:
8 days ago
Farmchick, no,no!!! I do not think anyone here thinks you are looking for attention.
Now, like Proud Mom says don't forget that we are all praying for you and yours daily. Also, please feel
free to email me as well.
The 'coming in 3's' is nothing but a superstition put that out of your mind.
I'm very sorry to hear your going through this. So very sad about your nephew. Know we're all praying
for you.
Deb in Vegas says:
8 days ago
Boy that guy is creepy, the creator of that Sunshine doll!
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Wednesday, That is not Casey.
I hate to be so negative, so forgive this next comment....Is BO BO even smart enough to sue himself?
He's messed up on so many filings already....
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Well In my opinion I do not think that is Casey, unless she had something reduced in size, LOL I am
surprised she did not get that job done with all the money she stole.
But if she keeps eating them snacks, she could be that big!! Plus she is not getting all the exercise in
donagal says:
8 days ago
Just read this: says Anthony family will be requesting a private memorial with Casey at the jail, most
likely will not be allowed.
Again with the negative comments...please forgive...In my opinion, she isn't reducing in anything
lately. I wouldn't either with nothing but snack food and an hour outside a tiny room. It's bad enough
being trapped inside my HOUSE because of the weather.
8 days ago
Momster planning a jailhouse ceremony.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
8 days ago
Weds--being you found that bout finding out where I can buy THAT glass....;-)
Proud mom--thank you...he's my youngest son & will be 9 Feb. 18th. He keeps me on my toes. He's the
one I'm gonna have to keep the tight leash on. SHewwwww...... I was gonna change my a lil
something I found..but will wait just a bit now.....that is, if someone else doesn't beat me to it.
Farmchick--bless you and your family. Like Cap'n says...God never gives us more than we can bear.
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Keep the faith and know we all are praying for you and your
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Motion Filed To Keep Casey Out Of Court
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 – updated: 4:46 pm EST January 27, 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's lawyers have filed an objection asking the court to allow
her to skip future court hearings (read objection). Earlier this month, a judge ruled Casey must appear
for all future court hearings in her case (read judge's ruling). DOCUMENT: Baez Objects To Casey In
CourtMESSAGE BOARD: Justice For Caylee Casey and her lawyers will be back in court Friday to
ask the judge several things, including to order the owner of the property where Caylee's remains were
found to let them in to inspect the area (read motion). Jose Baez's most recently filed document lists
several reasons Casey's defense team believes she has the right not to attend court hearings as ordered
by Judge Stan Strickland. Baez submitted, as part of the objection, a "Waiver of Defendant's
Appearance" signed by Casey Anthony on January 26. Look like Bo Bo Head does not give up.Ok just
on NG Lee will face charges.
Etta says:
8 days ago
The judge had already decided to ignore momster's waiver for court Friday so Bobo slapped them with
an objection:
Some of my favorite reasons bobo believe momster should eat cheetos all day:
"This case is unique and has generated a considerable amount of media and ill will..."----Gee ya think.
I'm still not sure how this is the court's problem...or why it means momster should come to court. I
doubt there would be less ill will if she does show up...unless she doesn't brush her hair again.
"...only fuels the circus-like atmosphere which paints the Defendant in a negative light."---Momster is
painting her own portrait. That is why she hired a clown to represent her...she must LOVE the circus.
She needs something to make her laugh nowadays...her life is boring!
"...have focused on the appearance of the Defendant and have generated unsubstantiated rumors
regarding the Defendant's physical condition..."
He encolsed an Orlando Sentinel article to help with the last one. The only part of it that could be
"unsubstantiated rumors" is as follows: "Her dark hair fell just past her shoulders, much longer than her
first mug shot taken in July."
Momster...this is the USA calling to remind you that you are SPECIAL...just like everybody else.
Farmchick-My heart goes out to you and yours. Stay strong, we are here for you.
Kate in MO says:
8 days ago
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
For some reason they think they are special, and there should be special rules for them.
7 days ago
Let us remember these important 7 words........... everything else is bullshit, ONLY US ON THE SHIP
Marie RN says:
7 days ago
Baez said: "...have focused on the appearance of the Defendant and have generated unsubstantiated
rumors regarding the Defendant's physical condition..."
Like that she looks like she could be PREGNANT??? Bigger boobs and wide ass, puffy all over.
Does Baez think she is the frigging Wizard of Oz? It is weird. I've always heard that inmates love court
appearances, just to break the monotony. JB really wants to hide his little sweetheart.
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Marie, LMAO do they want that to a secret.
Wonder how many paternity tests the State will half to do to figure out who the Daddy is.
donagal says:
7 days ago
He must be reading our blog!! We must be getting close to the truth!
JMo says:
7 days ago
Catching up on every one's posts.
Farmchick, I am so very sorry. I am sure your family is going through a lot right now. Like I said, never
take suicide or talk of suicide as a joke or trick, even if it seems that way. I know your family took it
serious and did everything they could to help him from what you said. Know that sometimes, admitting
someone to a hospital and getting outpatient treatment, etc. is not always going to solve the problem.
Sometimes it happens anyway and no one is to blame. In my earlier post this mornining, I said "Once
someone reaches a point in depression, it is difficult to return". I feel for you and your family. His
wife/gf must be devastated, and I am sad for her unborn child. I really am sorry that you are having to
go through this. I hope your brother will be ok with having the news of your sister and now his son
dying, to have to bear that immense pain. Hang strong, it seems that they may need you more now than
As far as Casey having a memorial....doesn't Sindy realize that Casey already said her goodbye's when
she taped Caylee's mouth and threw her out like trash!
JMo says:
7 days ago
Also, the ONLY reason for Baez's attacks on the Prosecutors and wanting them removed for attacking
him, is because the news channel showed the BAR a video of Baez in August stating the Black DID
work for him and was an employee. So, now they are going to get Baez for LYING to the BAR about
Black not being an employee. So which is it Baez (employee in August?) or (not an employee when he
attacks the Prosecutors reputation?) Make up your mind Baez and quit trying to shift the focus. Baez, it
is NOT ALL ABOUT YOU! oh, and hint, hint, it is not all about Casey either. I don't think she could be
put in much more of a negative light than she is already in....and hint, hint, no one is doing that to her
but HER! Helllllooooo. Will someone just bitch slap Baez for me! Then remind the dumbass this is
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Etta, the "Jamie" link was quite interesting...yes, I think she and momster could have been good, good
friends.They could share Cheetos in their cells together.
Rascal, did someone say LE already knew who the daddy was? I guess it doesn't really make any
difference, but Baez is liable to say whoever it is had a strong motive to kill Caylee (like child
support??). I sure do think she looks like JP from the photo someone posted today...
JMo says:
7 days ago
Hey, this just in....the CASEY VOODOO DOLLS are a total waste of money. Seems you can stick
them and even set them on fire, and it still won't feel anything.....LMAO, ROTF! I think I might bust a
rib on that one.
Etta says:
7 days ago
Marie-Bobo has to keep momster out of the view of the cameras. His bun will be just about sticking out
of momsters oven by now. He wouldn't want Mrs. Bobo to catch wind...
Also, the Ants have been very good at keeping track of the latest news stories and shooting down the
false ones. But the one thing I haven't heard a single word about....Lee/George being Caylee's father...or
not being Caylee's father.
7 days ago
JMo, that was so damn funny that the ship thinks you will now be headlining on Saturday nights in the
Copa room on the main deck. We will not take no for an answer so clear your calendar for the next year
says your agent and manager. I only get 15%. (such a deal.)
I can only assume this is true because LE have not made him an issue of any kind. I didn't even see
interviews with him.
JMo says:
7 days ago
Thanks Capn Steve! I think it may of been a rare moment of humor, but nonetheless, I guess I can do
just as good as the clowns in this circus when it comes to entertainment. I will see if the squirrels can
help me with new material.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Thanks, Wednesday. She has so many men in her life it's hard to construct a timeline, because she
jumps back and forth and back and forth.
JMo, you're crackin' me up!! Stop it already, my sides hurt from laughing!!
Marie, are you and your horses OK?? Did you put their cleats on for the ice?
Captain --- I can't help but picture Captain Stubing from the Love Boat when you speak of the Copa
Lounge. I call being Charro!!!
Etta & Marie --- I can't wait to get a glance of Casey. I did think she looked "fluffy" at the last cameo
appearance. If she were preggers, how far along would that put her now though?? If this turns out to be
fact, I will personally drive to Chicago & let JR know. LOL
Proud Mom-- I didn't get an e-mail from you yet. I wonder why it won't let me e-mail you?? Use this e-
mail account to write. I don't check it often, but will look for a note from you. This is my SPAM account, so put PROUD MOM in the subject line.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Wednesday, I don't think she's "preggers"...that's how I look on New Years after Halloween candy,
Thanksgiving turkey, and Christmas dinner and ain't no way I"m "preggers". It's the Cheetos, I tell ya!
Kate -- I don't know...Time will tell. It always does. I just can't wrap my mind around WHY someone
who loves attention, would not want to be seen in public. I mean, even for Casey, this is strange
GranNaw says:
7 days ago
Drinks are on me so belly on up to the bar. Speaking of Belly I want one of those yellow belly shirts
too so make sure you hold me one back Wed, a medium should do.
SE GA I always thought Bless Caylee was totally appropriate. You should have never listened to
anyone who belittled you about your sign on name. Those people just have to be ignored.
Sorry if I don't comment on stuff I have already seen or stuff that is not news to me. I don't mean to be
rude or offend anyone - I have obviously seen WAY TOO MUCH because a lot of the discovery stuff
isn't even news anymore. All the Myspace and Facebook stuff was all over the Internet everywhere - all
her friends- have had to go into semi-hiding because as soon as their name is mentioned- every Scared
Monkey - Every Web Sleuth in the world is all over it- I think someone even referred to some of these
groups as "a bunch of bored housewives with nothing better to do" way back in August!
Speaking of MySpace and FaceBook - I agree 100%, if your children are going to have a profile out
there then as a parent you must too. I chuckled at you Weds with your comments because my youngest
(she is 24 now) and all of her friends and buddies all made a HUGE deal of getting everyone they had
ever heard of to be my friend! You can imagine what that was like! But you know - its still nice to see
how these kids have grown and the directions they have taken- some with families of their own- some
with careers- some still pursuing advanced degrees- some in the military serving overseas and all over
the country- some still living off mom and dad- I still keep up with a lot of them and most of this group
graduated HS between 2001 and 2005.
Just My Opinion but I think George, from what I have heard and know, went into treatment voluntarily
and is staying in treatment that way. He knows he needs help to get through this, poor guy, I don't know
how he held out as long as he did.
I hope no one ever has to look at my computer because between all the "files" I have saved and all the
"searches" I have done - I would surly be thought a nut if nothing else!
Oh, and Sean Krauss looks "scary" because he is sick- very sick- he has been undergoing heavy duty
cancer treatments for months now, poor thing, looks like he is near death to me on GVS the other night,
I'm surprised he even felt up to doing the show.
I'll keep you in my prayers Farm Chick and just trust that our lord will not ask us to bear a load that we
cannot carry.
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
7 days ago
JMo says:
7 days ago
Just checked the news and nothing is new. Going nite nite now....I need my beauty sleep (It's 12:50 am
here). I won't be around tomorrow during the day (gotta go to a funeral), so hopefully there are some
Bombsh... Snnnnnnnnnnooooooooozzzzzzzzzeeeee.
GranNaw says:
7 days ago
I'm up for that road trip to the Windy City too- I'll just have to be a back seat driver since ole SE GA
Girl beat me outta shotgun!
7 days ago
Will any family members be in court? Will momsters ass fit in the courtroom? Will BOBO Head make
a statement for us afterward? Will the warden grant momster her wish? Will the future sales of the
momster voodoo dolls bring our economy back from the brink of destruction? Will George leave
Cindy? Will the waiting period on the tox reports ever end? Will the ANT's ever bury Caylee's remains?
These answers and many more on the next episodes of As The Stomach Turns........ Good morning
Farmchick. Your going to be alright!
JMo says:
7 days ago
Leaving for the day. Good question's Capn.
Baez cannot prove that the state attorney's office is trying to sabotage him but is hoping the judge will
hold a hearing on the matter, so he can question state employees under oath to see if they complained
about him to the bar.
The defense believes the ability to file anonymous complaints was not intended for a prosecutor's office
to try to have an attorney for a defendant tainted by an investigation.
Watch, I predict the BAR opens the case back up after the News Channel gave them the video of Baez
in August...Now who's lying...
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Good Morning Shipmates, Wednesday I am sure that is not Casey, look at the face closely and you sill
see the difference.
Kate, Early in the beginning, one of the Sheriff that was doing reports on the DNA on Caylee, said and
I quote the DNA was within the Family. So now we wait and see who she matches up to.
Snoopy9318 says:
7 days ago
OMG!! Did you guys see the Voodoo Casey Anthony doll?!!! What a hoot!!
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Snoopy, Yes we did, but I think someone is working on a BO BO HEAD Voodoo doll now.
donagal says:
7 days ago
Hi everyone, JMo you crack me up! The whole thing about the Voodoo doll not working, LMAO!
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Might be hard with leg chains, hand cuffs and chain around Caseys waiste. Especially hard to pole
Etta says:
7 days ago
I think momster would make a better doll: Now introoducing the NEW...
CRAZY ANTHONY "BAR ME!" DOLL...(Not be be confused in any way with the Barbie doll...) The
CRAZY doll has been hand crafted by our most skilled artisan squirrels to ensure authenticity. Every
doll has undergone 31 days of craftmanship to ensure they are as realistic as possible. Each Crazy doll
comes complete with a faded-blue prison jumpsuit, a hollowed out bible with a "stash" inside, prison
shackles, and a half-eaten bag of cheetos. ORDER NOW...and get a second outfit for your doll...FREE.
Your CRAZY doll is sure to win ALL hot-body contests in our special "ABC" outfit. The "ABC" outfit
includes an American flag, a half-used roll of duct tape, an imaginary "work" cell phone, and a stripper
pole! (Friends not included) But wait! There's more! When you purchase your CRAZY "BAR ME!"
DOLL in the next 30 minutes you will also get the "Party Wagon" for free. Every white Pontica "Party
Wagon" comes with empty beer cans, old velveeta wrappers, parking tickets, two empty gas cans, an
old pizza box, and a few garbage bags. Also a CD with a fitting circus theme is included. Sold seperatly
are the Zenida Alias Drivers License and the "rotting pizza smell" for the "Party Wagon".The CRAZY
doll has been slathered in vaseline for a realistic look and feel. Also all outfits have also been seman
stained for authenticity.
donagal says:
7 days ago
Etta, that is so funny but also sooooooooo gross!
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Prison dress is great Etta
Etta says:
7 days ago
How much you want to bet these are selling on ebay
HannahsNana says:
7 days ago
Can't you picture that Billy Mayes guy trying to sell these on TV?
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Casey Anthony photo on a dart board 8 x 10 photo of Casey on a dart board. Go great with a voodoo
doll and a party. Darts NOT included. Go great with a voodoo doll and a party. Darts NOT included,
this is for sale on Ebay. $19,99 free shipping!! Wow they can not get rid of her fast enough.
7 days ago
I am telling you all, this momster memorabilia is the stimulis package that the country needs. Let the
consumers start buying once again! These clowns in D.C. couldn't even understand. B.T.W. Etta, please
put me down for 2 dolls but I really have no need or want for the pizza smell or the smeg stain. Beside
that, as long as the lead content meets our standards (sorry China) my boys and I are going to have fun
with these. HannahsNana, As long as Billy Mayes is on the tube, no need to ever use an alarm clock.
You ever notice that you must turn the T.V. volume down when he comes on. What is up with that?
Here is one.... A lying for dummies book with momsters pic on the front and back cover. I am sure we
can find 2 really funny pictures that would say it all!
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Steve, I love the book idea, first Copy to Casey, 2nd Copy to Cindy, Third Copy to Bo Bo Head, 4th
Copy to Dominc Casey, 5th Copy to Physic, who still can not find a PHONE RRECORD. I will give
you one guess where 6th Copy will go. And it is not the innocent Squirrels!
Mimi 24 says:
7 days ago
Heehaw you guys are funny today! My sis told me to watch that VDoll on ebay, she's willing to bid up
to $200, NOT. We were laughing about the VDoll last night. Sis said (jokingly) "ya, think it works?" I
said the only person that works for is the one that's selling it : )
Capn Steve, I LOVED your declaration that "ONLY US ON THE SHIP ARE SPECIAL!" I put it on
my profile page. Not to worry Capn, I did give you the credit.
7 days ago
Maybe the 5 of them, (sorry squirrels unless you want to perform on America's Got Talent) should
write a little bit in the forward of the books. Remember I told you I am very psychic! I see water that is
very wet under the ship. I also see smooth sailing ahead with no icebergs in our future. Ah, the warm
weather! Everyone on the top deck for shuffleboard at 3:00. Be there or be square.
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
CAPN STEVE, Can I bring a Dart Board? I am sure it will get a lot of use.
donagal says:
7 days ago
Sounds like fun Capn, I could use some warm weather, we got an ice storm last night and my husband
just came in and said my car looks like it's in a cacoon of ice!
SE GeorgiaGirl says:
7 days ago
Etta--there ya go AGAIN...cracking me up!
I think not! Reckon we got lurkers?? or does someone here need to come clean??!!
Also, did anyone notice who signed the Emergency Motion to Recuse? Wasn't Baez....was Linda
Kenney Baden........
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Hello, my people! You guys are still on a roll, crackin' me up! Etta, you're getting carried away - love
As far as Billy Mays goes, wouldn't you hate to be married to him??? "GOOD MORNING, DEAR!
be deaf by the age of 40.
Donagal, where are you in the world? We just missed the ice storm, it was bad south of us in Marie's
neighborhood. Did get snow, though.
donagal says:
7 days ago
Hi Kate, I am in Rising Sun MD
7 days ago
Re. Billy, one word WHAT? WHAT? Sorry to everyone that is freezing in the horrible weather around
most of the nation. Rascal, I ordered a pool table for you to have on the ship. Not that we do not trust
you since you are our resident pool hall hustler, but the table will be bolted down on the 2nd deck rec.
room so you do not get any ideas about moving it into your cabin for midnight practice. We do need to
sleep ya know and rules are rules. 9 ball tourney Saturday night after JMo's performance in the Copa
room. Again, be there or be square. Lurkers need not attend, the rest of us... mandatory attendance
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Capn Steve, I'll be there in my Snicker-wrapper outfit...
Did anybody hear this one:
"The Anthony family attorney, Brad Conway, said George will probably be transferred to another
hospital closer to his east Orange County home when he is released."
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Off subject, but has anybody seen the latest cover of Mad magazine?? Here it is...
Off topic, but in my mind, his commercials are better than the "Sham-Wow" or "Roll-on migraine
relief" commericals. I do, though enjoy the eary versions of "Free Credit Report Dot Com".
All in all, he'd probably do a better job selling Etta's dolls than either of the two mentioned above.
Don't know who the ship marketing professional is, but I thought I might throw that out there.
Marie RN says:
7 days ago
Hey, everybody! We survived here in southern Missouri. Actually, mostly snow, no ice where I am. I
actually got out on my snowboard this morning and made a few trips down the hill. But, boy am I tired.
Of course, it took over an hour to load up wood furnace, bust ice on water troughs and feed everybody.
Then my shop doors were frozen shut and couldn't get my truck out, but I invented a way to unfreeze
doors - sprinkle table salt around all frozen edges, then pour rubbing alcohol at frozen spots. Wait 45
minutes, and presto! unfrozen. Kate, my horses are OK, actually feeling frisky. Etta, love your crazy
anthony doll, you've got the infomercial down perfectly!
Marie RN says:
7 days ago
Hey, everybody! We survived here in southern Missouri. Actually, mostly snow, no ice where I am. I
actually got out on my snowboard this morning and made a few trips down the hill. But, boy am I tired.
Of course, it took over an hour to load up wood furnace, bust ice on water troughs and feed everybody.
Then my shop doors were frozen shut and couldn't get my truck out, but I invented a way to unfreeze
doors - sprinkle table salt around all frozen edges, then pour rubbing alcohol at frozen spots. Wait 45
minutes, and presto! unfrozen. Kate, my horses are OK, actually feeling frisky. Etta, love your crazy
anthony doll, you've got the infomercial down perfectly!
HannahsNana says:
7 days ago
Marie - glad you made it through the storm! Better snow than ice!!! Keep warm.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Actually, we could probably switch the Mad Mag. Obama picture with a Baez picture and it would be
pretty accurate.
I didn't ever figure out if George is being kept on a voluntary basis. Does anyone on deck this morning
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
I don't know for sure, PM, but I think he's agreeable to the idea. I haven't seen any sign of him fighting
to be released; maybe that's a sign he's doing better and really WANTS to get better. Hope so.
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Do any of you remember the commercial for the Kitchen Handy? Well my son put this on my phone
recorder and I did not know it. One day his Dad called home from work, OMG the roof came off the
house. I wondered why we had so many calls and no messages, they were calling just to listen to it. So
of course I had to walk next door to Grandmas and listen myself, I cracked up laughing, boys will be
Steve, Thank you for the pool table, I promise not to shoot after bed time.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Rascal, I don't remember the Kitchen Handy...refresh my memory?? I do remember the Ginsu knives
and that haircut contraption...what was the name of it??
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
And the CHIA PET...
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Kate, I know my son can still say that commercial, I do not know it word for word like he did, I would
have left it on but his Dad did not have a sense of humor like we did, I do not have a home phone or I
would let him do it on mine.
donagal says:
7 days ago
Proud Mom thanks for the email! I don't remember the kichen handy either, what did it do?
imacynic2 says:
7 days ago
Farm - sorry for your struggles -
We appear to be geographically close - I was born and lived my first two years in Wilmington
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Dongal It's The kitchen Handy, it chops, Dices and slices, and will feed a family of Cambodians for a
week, send 19.99 to Ronco then the addy, something like that.
Snoopy9318 says:
7 days ago
Did anyone see the edition of either JVM or NG when Crazy was likened to a serial killer because she
threw Caylee away like trash with all of her things? They said that was indicative of a serial killer's
behavior since the deed was done and they just wanted throw out the trash. Creepy!
JMO: Right on about the voodoo doll with Crazy having no feelings!! Good one!
Doesn't it seem like BoBo just likes to keep things in the media so that he can get the attention while
planting fodder for an appeal? Just an idea.
Thanks for answering my question, Rascal. For some reason, that has really been bugging me.
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Wednesday, I thought you were serious, but that may look like her soon the way she is abusing the
Cheetos and Snicker bars, LOL
Proud Mom, we are talking about 30 years ago, I looked on the Ronco Commercial Site and could not
find it. Will se if I cann get my son to write it out for me, it was cute.
Snoopy9318 says:
7 days ago
Farmchick, hang tough. You have 1 Hoosier Mom and her four kids praying for your family every
night. God bless you and yours. I know your sister will get through it.
donagal says:
7 days ago
Thanks Rascal, I remember now.
I know that everyone has to grow up and learn maturity in their own time, but I wish, I wish I wish that
kids could see how much better life is after college. As much fun as college CAN be. It's not a bad
thing to get older. Maybe I am old, but I enjoy life more and more every year. I'd be miserable if I didn't
embrace the future, and instead lived in regret for what I wish I could do or could do again. I'm okay
with being happy. No, I'm overjoyed with being happy.
I've descended from my soap box. Those of you who wish can now applaud my silence.
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Proud Mom, Life is really the best when you have children and responsibility, That is the best years of
your life. Yes Parents sacrifice for them as our Parents did for us, that is part of life. But the joy they
bring us is not replaceable.
donagal says:
7 days ago
clap, clap , clap, clap!!!!!!!!!!
Nicely said Proud Mom. I don't know what I would do without my kids, even the ones grown and out
of the house.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
You're right, PM and Rascal...momster didn't appreciate how good she had it.
Snoopy9318 says:
7 days ago
Proud Mom: I very much cherish my four kids. When they were babies I would hold them and the
whole world would disappear and so would all the troubles! It was a wonderful feeling. Too bad crazy
never appreciated that.
Proud Mom says:
7 days ago
I'm definitely not at my most attractive laying on the couch or in the recliner, but I have to say my very
favorite pictures are those of my babies laying on top of me, sleeping contentedly because they are
exactly what Snoopy described: the world disappears and family is all that is around me. God promised
heaven on earth, and I believe those moments are part of that.
Okay, I'm headed back out to sled on the ice--this time behind the 4-wheeler. If you don't hear from me
soon, you might check the local hospitals. I could probably be admitted to a mental institution just for
risking my life this way, but oh what FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Jail Won't Allow Caylee Funeral Behind Bars
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 – updated: 4:10 pm EST January 28, 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Would a funeral inside the jail really bring justice for Caylee? Wednesday
afternoon, the Orange County jail told Eyewitness News it will never happen.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Have you all seen these? There are 42 photos, some of which I hadn't seen yet.
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Despite some reports, a jail spokesperson told Eyewitness News that no one in the Anthony family has
ever asked to hold a memorial there.
Even if they did, the jail spokesperson said, the answer would likely be "no." It's against jail policy.
Casey Anthony is being held at the jail, charged with murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee. The
family has yet to announce a date for Caylee's funeral
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
MOTION FILED TO KEEP CASEY OUT OF COURT Casey Anthony's lawyers have also filed an
objection asking the court to allow her to skip future court hearings (read objection). Earlier this month,
a judge ruled Casey must appear for all future court hearings in her case (read judge's ruling).
DOCUMENT: Baez Objects To Casey In Court Casey and her lawyers will be back in court Friday to
ask the judge several things, including to order the owner of the property where Caylee's remains were
found to let them in to inspect the area (read motion). Jose Baez's most recently filed document lists
several reasons Casey's defense team believes she has the right not to attend court hearings as ordered
by Judge Stan Strickland. Baez submitted, as part of the objection, a "Waiver of Defendant's
Appearance" signed by Casey Anthony on January 26.
Hmmm Bo Bo Head did you hear the Judge, Casey must be there, tell her to put down her Cheetos and
get her ass to Court.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
BoBo Head, what part of "NO" don't you understand?
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Casey, is supposed to appear in Court friday, if Bo Bo Head shows up with out her he is going to piss
the Judge off big time!
7 days ago
Hey BOBO Head, remember a week ago when you were blowing your own ---- letting the world know
that you are the only hispanic defense attorney to ever handle a high profile first degree murder case?
This just in.... All hispanics have filed a motion for you to change your race, religion, and beliefs on the
grounds of aggrevated embarrASSment. My guess is within a month you will have the whole law
profession shaking their heads. Keep shifting the focus away from the facts putz! Please keep doing
that for momsters cause. All prosecutors welcome aboard out ship anytime. You have an open
invitation. Kate in MO, This guy has so little experience on many fronts that he would have trouble
with the word NO. He would take all day to see where to dot and what to cross. YO PUTZ, THERE IS
AN N AND THERE IS AN O. Nothing to dot or cross but keep looking. Guy gives a new definition to
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Well I do not want to burst any bubble on our ship, but they just said on HLN News Bo Bo is setting
Casey up for a Appeal because Bo Bo has so little experience. Now what is that telling us, :( I guess he
is not qualified to empty, Caseys Snicker wrappers.
7 days ago
As we say in DA BRONX where I was born 44 years ago.... APPEAL THIS!!
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
This makes me sick thinking of her getting a second trial!
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Has he actually spent ANY time working on her ACTUAL CASE???? I mean, all I've seen him do is
hold press conferences about the prosecution, about his race, about Caylee's funeral...has he ever
stopped to look at the facts in this case and what might be a possible defense??? And momster is in her
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Would rather hear her sing Prop Me Up By the Jukebox Before I Die!!
Kate, I know he hired a student at the Law School to work on Casey's case. Before she went to jail the
last time he entertained her all day in his office.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Or "Up Against the Wall, Redneck Mother"...
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Kate, I do not think that one really fits Casey , she is not a real Mother!
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Rascal, I'm sure the law student was Pro Bono, more money for BoBo's pockets when Hollywood
comes a-knockin'.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Haha, she IS the kind of mother they're talking about in that song!!
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Kate I will half to find that song and listen to it, well if you say it fits they we have 2 choices lol.
Actually Bo Bo Head said he was paying the Student, NOT Pro Bono that is a first LMAO
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Did you see the pictures of her in her orange bikini? What is that tattoo she has almost down by her
crotch? I tried to blow it up but couldn't tell.
Now THERE'S a fun game we could play while waiting for a song that fits this situation.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
"She's In The Jailhouse Now"
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
She walks the line.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
"She Fought The Law and The Law Won"
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Kate, I blew it up looks like a Rose to me, with a green leaf. I always felt if God wanted my body with
a Tatoo he would have put it on me, not my thing.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Thanks, Rascal. Considering where it is, if it's a rose, it's probably got aphids...or blackspot
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
If my Heart had Wings, trouble with that one she has no Heart
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
No, I wouldn't want one you could see, but when they came out with the white ink ones I considered
getting my family's initials on my wrist...just something to take into the afterlife with me...but I'm sure I
won't end up doing it.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Highway to Hell, or maybe Fat-Bottom Girls
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Caseys song, Right where I need to Be or Missing Him.
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
"Crazy" by Patsy Cline
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
I feel like a woman, but in Casey case,, I feel like a prisoner.
muzikluver says:
7 days ago
"Crazy Bitch" Buckcherry
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
ok last one, You had me from the start! Yes Casey the Dectives had your number from the start, I guess
Mommy Cindy forgot to tell you no lie's, see where it got you, Orange County Jail!!
themartins says:
7 days ago
I must say...I used to try to keep up with this family...the news...the posts..the drama...but I just don't
know anymore....(or any less)....
people in other news have gone nuts (like the squirells...) People in this day and time seem to have lost
all human reasoning and logic....a father in cali. just killed himself and his wife and 5 children....times
are beyond comprehension of many of us.....pray for God to soon come and end the madness that has
come down on this world
I'm just asking for a MIRACLE when I say I PRAY that Caycee gets the last laugh and....she reallyt
didn't do this...
OOOOLD TESTAMENT>>>>so I guess I'm just asking for JUSTICE ....HURRIEDLY !!!!
It's just that....where do you EVER get in the frame of mind to "down" a child...thats like killing GOD
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
I have one thing to say to that, time for someone to read the documents!!!! And watch the video's, this
is a very sad case of a Mother that wanted to Party and not be responsible.
7 days ago
Every Rose Has It's Thorns.... By Poison (how fitting) In her case the whole rose is covered with
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
They stick, OUCH
Etta says:
7 days ago
I had to leave ealier to help my nieghbor with the police...ugh. He has been having trouble with the
nieghborhood kids smashing his mailbox to smitherins with no help from LE. They suggested he get a
post office he did. Then he installed a new mailbox and filled it full of cement. Long story
short...the kid was dragged outta the car and broke his leg. The kid tried to convince the cops that my
nieghbor was trying to kill him. The cops almost agreed but lucky everyone agreed to disagree.
Capn steve-THE SQUIRRELS MADE ME DO IT! The squirrels designed and make the Crazy dolls. I
have no say. I don't think there is any dead squirrels. But they do demand to be paid in squirrel
Rascal-I have come to grips with the fact that momster might get off. I decided a long time ago that she
would be better off...and prison. She won't last long either way.
Kate-The perfect song for momster: "You're gonna go far kid" by The Offspring
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Etta we used a satelite pole and mounted it in cement, they make a mail box that base ball bats can not
smash and it locks, believe me they work. The box is so heavy they do not mess with them.
I do not think Casey will get off, but time will tell. If this happens there will be no justice for Caylee.
Etta says:
7 days ago
My neighbor welded his own together...that was the big deal. Hitting the mailbox dragged the kid outta
the car and he broke his leg...really badly. Mailbox was undamaged. The sheriff tried to make it sound
like my nieghbor knew it could have killed the kid...and painting the mailbox pink was to tempt the kid.
I almost pissed myself laughing when my nieghbor called...until he told me he had almost killed the
kid. He felt really bad.
JMo says:
7 days ago
I leave for a few hours today and look what happens! Did every one get a 'caffeine buzz' at
SquirrelBucks today? I wonder if Casey has figured out that too much vaseline on the jail bars can
make for one nasty head injury. However, it looks like she still hasn't come to her senses!
Hey, maybe we should have the squirrels sneak in some Cheetos for Casey to eat during the
SuperBowl? She can pretend she is partying with her friends and having a great time.....on wait,
actually she would need booze, drugs and strippers for that to happen! Casey here is my suggestion: Put
your head in a plastic trash bag and duct tape it'll be over before you know it!
JMo says:
7 days ago
Sorry, that was mean of me about the plastic bag. I just want her to know how Caylee felt!!! I want
Casey to live and suffer in that cell for a long time to come. Hurting herself is too good for her.
Besides, we all know she would never do anything to herself, she is WAAAAYYYY too important.
JMo says:
7 days ago
Not sure who commented on the Serial Killers, but they are Sociopaths too, so it would make sense to
connect her actions of tossing Caylee like last weeks trash into a dumping ground as the same of a
serial killer.
I can't believe that the ANTS actually think they are privledged enough to get "time alone" with Casey
(a suspected MURDERESS) who is going to trial. They tried this secretive crap on those jail videos.
Oh, what we have to say is soooo private and we can't share it with anyone....hmmm, wonder what they
want to share (maybe the truth, lmao)!!!! I bet a lot of prisoners families would love to have a little
time alone (untaped, unmonitored, unrecorded) with them. I just hate the way the ANTS and Casey act
like they have this "special private" stuff that no one can hear.
Tonight, after beer pong, we are going to have a contest as to who can come up with the best private
info that the ANTS want to share with Casey or vice versa. The prize will be one of the VooDoo dolls.
You push its belly and it says "I'm the Victim"! lol
Mimi 24 says:
7 days ago
Etta, I can't come to grips with her getting off but I do agree she won't last long either way.
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
JMo, I guess the Anthony's will be in the news for a long time. There does not seem to be a end to this
case anytime soon. Steve I hope the ship is loaded up for a long long journey. Oh Steve I hope you
ordered a Bar size table that is what I am used to. LOL
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
Yes, Mimi, I think if she gets off she'd better be prepared to hire a full time bodyguard. Of course, the
crowd she used to run with is probably willing to do it free gratis...(except for the ones she stole from)
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
She reminds me of Scott Peterson, and interesting that his parents never believed he was guilty, either.
The story that he told Amber Frye when he called her and claimed to be in Paris on New Years Eve,
talking to his French friends "Pierre" and "Pasqal" in the background while he was actually in Modesto
with his wife...pure Casey!
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Winnie POOH Blanket Definitely links back to Anthony's House
Kate in MO says:
7 days ago
WHAT?? George and Cindy no longer believe she's innocent???
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Yes because they got the news the blanket came out of there house, now they are asking for a private
meeting with Casey.
Etta says:
7 days ago
I'm established now!!
Kate: The biggest difference I can see between Scott Peterson and Momster...Scott lost 40 lbs by the
time his trial rolled around...
7 days ago
And the toy horse that was the same one that they found at the house. HMMMMMMMMMM Blanky
and toy horse!! Match... Match.... Same garbage bags as well!!
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Casey's cell is sure getting smaller. There is a poll on WFTV or Orlando Sentinel for the death penalty
to be put back on the table, people are really voting for it. If they put it back on the Table Bye Bye Bo
Bo Head.
JMo says:
6 days ago
Yes, Kate, it reminds me of Jesse Grund saying he remembers hearing Casey yelling at Caylee to get
down off the table, ....this was during the time she was missing for a month. She fooled him, huh? What
deception! At least she didn't claim to be in Paris....only out of gas in Tampa, lol.
Rascal and Capn Steve, where did you hear that the blanket and toy horse are a 'match' from what came
out of the house? I haven't seen any such thing. I know they found that stuff in the bag, but haven't seen
any proof of a link to the house....?
Yes because they got the news the blanket came out of there house, now they are asking for a private
meeting with Casey.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
NG, said it came from Dectives, I have no doubt about it.
6 days ago
BOBO Head to go on Spanish radio stating that police went to the wrong home. It wasn't the ANT's
home that the evidence was taken from. Si senor!!
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
I was surfing for more inforation sorry, could not respond right away.
6 days ago
After the direct match, detective told N.G. source "we got her!" Not only is she a killer, but a stupid one
at that! BOBO meet momster, momster meet BOBO. 2 peas in a pod.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
also ng has a police document that there was a hole dug in back yard by pool.
JMo says:
6 days ago
I think if that was true about the blanket and horse, it would be all over the news...and I don't see that
I thought tonight while we play beer pong, we could also add the Eagles to the music set and play Lyin'
Eyes! Remember that one, "You can't hide your lyin' eyes...........And your smile is a thin disguise........I
thought by now you'd realize.............There ain't no way to hide your lyin eyes" AND we can play
Witchy Woman "Well I know you want a lover, let me tell your brother, she's been sleeping in the
Devil's bed".
Yikes, it's like they wrote these songs a long time ago about her.
Farmchick says:
6 days ago
Hi all. Well, I debated on whether to post or not, but something inside me wants to. This has without a
doubt been the WORST WEEK of my LIFE. I wish I could just come on and read about Casey etc...but
I guess it is therapy of some sorts.
Monday night my nephew (not my sisters child, but my older 1/2 brothers) whom was like a son to me
comitted suicide..He had been in and out of hospital and we have been begging for help for him for
about a year. The most they ever did was put him in a nursing home when the family refused to sign
him out and be responsible. He suffered from bipolar and depression really bad. They never put him
into a mental institution like he needed and this is what happened.
I have not read or watched anything on George but at least they are taking it seriously. Our family took
it VERY SERIOUS, and because of financials, he did not get the help. This is what happened. I am at
my wits end. I have never before had the feeling that I cannot even think straight, but man, I do now.
They say it omes in 3's, and I am very carefully waiting and watching over everyone I love. I am so
sickened. I got zanny's (wow, never thought I'd be linked to Casey in that way) from the Dr., and slept
all day yesterday. Fact, I cannot remember yesterday. I could of already posted it and dont remember.
Why would anyone want to take suh a drug recreational, it totally screws you. I bet I slept 18 hrs. I
talked to people on the phone I dont evven remember talking to. YUCK! Here is the link of what
happened. He stole the gun right before the chase from his best friends house ( whom has been soooooo
good about watching over him).I dont even know how he could of even of done it woth a double barrel
12 gauge being such a large gun. I feel he is at peace. He isnt hurting anymore and his demons have all
gone. I know suicide is the gateway to hell as far as my religion, but I hoose to believe he is with our
loved ones just past those PEARLY GATES.
I am going to try and forget all my troubles , now that I got that out, and read up. It may take me all
night.Sorry if I do not respond right away, but know I appreciate all the prayers and kind words. I feel
bad in a way posting it here like this, but I am alone tonight and a bit depressed. I feel like I have to tell
someone and get it out. My family is in so much pain right now,,,I dont want to keep talking about it
with them.
My sister also says Thanks so much for the Prayers. Aubrees Grandma, she just thought that was so
great of you to do that timed prayer. She couldn't believe there is still so much great humanity out there
from people you dont even know. It brought a great big SMILE to her face.She is doing well. If you
didnt know it, you would think she was perfectly healthy, aside from lumps and masses in lungs.
P.S. I am going to find a online group to chat with that is appropriate so I dont keep bugging you guys
with my problems. I just love this hub sooo much. Plus I like the being on a ship and all the partying.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
It is not posted on her site yet, as soon as it is will post, it is called the Caylee Daily
JMo says:
6 days ago
I think NG has a way of twisting things and making it "sound like" a fact, when it isn't, but who knows.
Anyway, I did see a video where the maker of the "inspirational caylee sunshine doll" has now Started
Up again. He took the name Caylee off and now it is just the Inspirational Sunshine Doll...still 29.95.
What a complete and total asshole!!!!!! (video on lower right and this news is at the very end
of the video segment).
Farmchick says:
6 days ago
Sorry , that link did not work , toooo long. CLick on this and scroll to Man dies of gunshot wound after
chase or something like that it says.
6 days ago
N.G. says trial date to be given within 72 hours. Judge has to, did I say HAS TO have Casy present in
court on Friday. If not, an open door for appeal no matter the outcome. Do not start until they roll her
fat ass in. You reading me Strickland? You feeling me? You smelling me? Good!!
Farmchick says:
6 days ago
After news, is supposed to be
Aha, but Casey forgets that there IS NO ZANNY!!!!! Maybe she will claim that she was so high on
something, she doesn't remember what she did. If you recall a few posts back, I mentioned that my
friend who is an attorney told me that 'no one can prove whether you remember or not'. Interesting alibi
though and I am sure Casey has thought of it. Now where did I put my snickers and cheetos.....
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Wednesday , Ng will be on again tonight.
JMo says:
6 days ago
Farmchick, the link works just fine, don't worry. What a sad week for you indeed. Things will be alright
though. It just takes time to heal.
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Farmchick, I'm so, so sorry for what you're going through. It sounds so trite to say "things will get
better", so I'll just say hang in there as best you can. I'm still thinking of you and praying for you and
your family.
JMo, I was thinking that, since one of Casey's favorite things to do was to cook pasta for her men, we
could have a pasta night on the ship. Whatdya think? Maybe an all-you-can-eat bar with lasagna,
ravioli, fettucine alfredo, spaghetti & meatballs...and maybe, in her honor, we could come up with
some kind of bologna and pasta dish. And we musn't forget the "bomb-shellroni".
Yeah, Steve, this was a fun nite on NG! Not the same ol' boring news. What do they think they're going
to accomplish with a private George/Cindy/Casey visitation to grieve for Caylee? She is not capable of
Etta says:
6 days ago
I think People magazine is the source with the "exclusive details." They have an issue coming out on
Friday with Caylee on the cover. I read on the Nancy Grace website that People magazine says the
Winnie the Pooh blanket is a match to the sheets.
JMo says:
6 days ago
I am going to try and catch NG tonight at my friends house. It comes on at 11pm. I will be gone a few
days ICE Fishing contest here in the mountains of Colorado. We can have a fish fry when I return.
However, I agree that Casey hasn't greived yet and really never will, so what's the point???? She
already said her goodbyes to Casey when she put duct tape on her mouth, stuffed her in a garbage bag
and threw her out on the roadside like trash. IMHO, this is an 'attempt by the ANTS to get their 'private
information' discussed between them and Casey. Don't they know how suspicious this makes them
look???? How f'n stupid are they? Or better yet, how f'n stupid do they think everyone else is??? Now I
see where Casey gets it.
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Does anybody here think that Caylee was actually buried?? The fact that she dug a little 5 inch deep
hole and gave up shows me that she was much too lazy to dig a grave. I mean, I know she borrowed a
shovel, but I think she moved on to plan B when she realized she would have to sweat. Plan B: Throw
Caylee out into the woods like trash, and move on with life. But I haven't heard anyone say whether she
was actually buried or not.
JMo says:
6 days ago
Sorry, meant to say 'said her goodbyes to Caylee' (not Casey). Gotta run...gotta go catch NG if I can.
Happy posting everyone.
GranNaw says:
6 days ago
Ooh Fettuccine Alfredo - Wednesday has the MOST PERFECT and PERFECTLY EASY recipe for this
- If we beg nicely maybe we can get her to make us some- Pretty Pleaseeeee
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Kate, I do not think she buried her in that small of a hole, but she may of laid her there or very close to
it and that is why to dogs hit there. She panicked and ran in the house and got the blanket and bags and
the laundry bag.
Oh GranNaw, I love that also, but did you ever have it with llitle shrimpies in it, YUM YUM
Etta says:
6 days ago
Kate-I thought that LE had come the the conclusion that she was buried and the water uncovered her
body. But who is to say. I am inclined to believe she was buried...even is only half-assed. But with that
theory I'm not sure how Kronk would have seen the bag at all. What it all boils down to is if Momster
would have walked...oh I dunno...20, 30, 50 more feet into the woods, I think she would have gotten
away with hiding a body and possibly murder 1. So I will restate my favorite endearing term for
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
I prefer "LAZY RAGAMUFFIN CHEETO BUTT TRAMP" but the court reporter probably couldn't
keep up with all that typing.
YOU GUYS ARE MAKING ME HUNGRY!!! I thought I was going to do good today...all I've had is a
chocolate covered cherry smoothie that I invented and that was going to be it. Now I'm craving
Fettucine Alfredo with little shrimpies!!
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Dam and I just had Cheerios for a snack.
Etta says:
6 days ago
Rascal-From my own personal experience...dogs LOVE holes. So if momster put Caylee down and
tried to dig a hole nearby, the dogs would be all over that hole even if she didn't put her in the hole.
Also when reading the police reports, they talk about a layer of black weeds a few inches under the
surface dirt of the ANTs backyard. Maybe momster stared digging and realized she wouldn't be able to
in the backyard at all because of the layer. Just a thought.
Don't forget...Momster loves her grits. I have no idea what grits are...does grits=cream of wheat?
6 days ago
Just came out of the recording studio with our new #1 hit and it goes a little somethin like this... We did
the mash, it was a momster mash, we did the mash, it was a graveyard smash! we did the mash, etc. etc.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Ok now finish singing to us Steve.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Judge Orders Casey Anthony To Appear In Court
January 27, 2009 by: admin
ORLANDO, Fla. — Casey Anthony tried to waive her right to appear at a court hearing Friday, but a
judge ordered her to be there.
Anthony and her attorneys filed the written waiver, but Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland on Tuesday
declined to grant it. He cited the possibility of “future problems.”
Anthony had not attended any court hearings since her arrest until earlier this month, when prosecutors
raised the issue. The concern is Anthony could use the fact that she wasn’t in court as a reason to seek
an appeal, if she is convicted
Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in connection with the death of her daughter, Caylee
Marie, whose remains were found last month in east Orange County. Anthony reported Caylee missing
in July, when the toddler was 2 years old.
The hearing in Orlando on Friday is to consider several motions, including a defense motion seeking
sanctions against the state over access to evidence.
And once she is sitting there, she will HAVE to listen to everything they say about her. No, "fuck, what
a waste calling you guys".. lol. She will be forced to sit and see her friends put her under the bus, and
also knowing she will never get out.
I have said from the beginning that I was so worried about Baez being so inept at his job, she will most
likely get a new trial when convicted because of him being a boob.
Farmchick, I am praying for you and your family. I went through so much all at once like you. It gets
easier is all I can say. never the way it was, but it does get better. right now, I am sure you don't believe
that. I sure as heck didn't and will admit to getting mad when people told me this. They were right but
you are in the "raw" state. Family is all that will help at this point. Stay strong, but take care of yourself
too! Hugs to you
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
I don't think Casey will be in prison garb for her trial; I don't know, but all the Court TV trials I've
watched, the defendant has been dressed to the nines. She'll probably wear a little Catholic school girl
outfit with knee socks to try and drum up sympathy.
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Sorry, Linn, you meant her hearings...when I read about all her friends being there I thought you meant
the trial.
Etta says:
6 days ago
Or she will wear a nice little maternity number and learn how to knit.
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Well, Moxie says we're going out no matter how cold it is. And then I'm going to bed to dream of
shrimp fettucine...nite all.
I wanted to make a quick comment about the weed barrier. If it is the same kind of barrier we put in, I
have to say once that stuff is down, it is VERY DIFFICULT to cut through, even with a shovel. I can't
see her working that hard. I've been tempted to give up when landscaping, and I'm not considered a
"lazy" person. I'm sorry I can't remember who posted about it, but if you were right about her realizing
the barrier was down, I would go along with her realizing it was too much work and going to plan B.
Kate, did I mention I want your smoothie recipe?!?! I'll put in some Casey Money if you'll email it to
me! :-)
Worked strange muscles in the sledding today. Going to the hot tub, then to bed. We do have a hot tub
on board, don't we? Perhaps tomorrow, Rascal you could teach me how to play pool.
JMo says:
6 days ago
Watched NG...sorry, I can't catch it till the latest showing. I'm not convinced that the stuff matches
(unless I actually see or hear of a police report and forensics). The news she had was a 'police source'
and one guy she interviewed made it sound like nothing was truly official. I have a feeling though, that
they will find out that it matches.
If you read some of the reports that are out, it shows that there were "five" holes dug up in the ANTS
yard. However remember that Casey told the neighbor she had to dig up one of those ?cactus plants? or
something like that because it hurt Caylee's feet? Well, that is why she will say the hole was there and
Caylee must of stepped in it and that is why the dogs sniffed it. Now, of course I don't believe a word of
it, but nonetheless, Casey will say that is what happened. She will also say, yes she wrapped Caylee in
the Pooh blanket, took her favorite horse and some extra stickers to go to Zanny's house. The fact that
the stuff came from the ANTS house proves nothing really. It proves she took those things with her at
some point to drop Caylee at the babysitter (I mean nannies)and 'Zanny must of buried them with
Caylee'. I am telling ya, I think they will have a hard time pinning the murder on her...but certainly
have her on (#1 being crazy) and child neglect for not reporting this after 30 days and lying to the
police about everything, including Zanny. That will be the only thing that gets her at this point, is that
there is NO ZANNY to cover her alibi's. (That's why they are hanging on to the Zanny is all
they have).
Farmchick says:
6 days ago
OMG!!! See what zanex does to you. I told ya the day before was a blur. I already posted about my
nephew, and did not even remember. No more of that shit. YUCK!!!
I havent slept all nite so decided just to get up. (Probably from all the sleep day before)
JMO , I agree with you. I think them linking anything bak to the house does nothing for the Prosecution
as Casey has covered her ass on that one with Zanny having a key. But c'mon you would have to be a
complete idiot to believe this crap that spews from the ANTS mouth.
I am still stuck on Georges suicide deal. Why does he check into a motel, yet the letter is in his car
unfinished.Also, empty bottle of sleeping pills , yet he can walk out of room on his own? Doesn't pass
the smell test to me. Seems like another adversion, (is that the word I'm looking for)/coercion to get the
media off Casey and all the evidece that was released that day. Where the hell did he write the letter,
that it is in his car unfinished?Maybe he is still in the hospital because he is under protective custody
from his wife. Wouldn't that be something. Just keep him till trial. Man that'd be great. I think any
remnants of this marriage are over. I see George moving back to OH> to his family maybe when this is
all done.
I think Casey had that baby all over that backyard in a state of panick. You could tell she was freaking
out by the calls she made.All be it of her own doing.
What if the meter reader actually saw Casey going into the woods and dumping her and just thought
nothing of it till Caylee was missing. Then he decided to check and found the bag. He would of been in
area reading those meters. I'd like to know what day the month of June their meter was read along with
rest of neighborhood. I still think there is something up with Kronk. Police cleared him WAY TOO
FAST!! Like they did not even have time to check him out.I do NOT think he had anything to do with
the murder of Caylee, I just cannot figure him out.
Thhe Ants really do surprise me what lengths they will go to, to think they should be treated SPECIAL.
I cannot believe they think they should be afforded any rights that any other inmate does and doesnt
have.Fame or no fame. They need to recognize why they are famous.
Why does NG reporter say that Peoples mag says Ants now changing their mind. They say now "Dont
Know". Did peoples mag., get a interview with George and Cindy? Is this how they dont work and live
off poor Caylees memory?Maybe Cindy masterminds all these ways of making $$$$ , and George feels
guilty because it IS living ooff a tragedy to their grandaughter and he finally snapped.
Cindy and Casey remind of each other sooo much. They seem psychotic. They think of things that a
normal person would not, hence the circus. Did anyone notice if you put it on slow motion the call
where Casey gets mad and says will someone let me talk, that when Cindy goes to grab the phone from
George, the look on her face was one of I'm gonna kill ya.You would never notice this in full motion. In
full motion she looks like I did the other day on zanex.But put it on slow and you can see she knows
Casey is bullshittin and shes sick of it.
Well, check back later, gnna go surf. Be back when ya'll wake up. I'm starting to feel like a vampire
being up all nite..
Farmchick says:
6 days ago
Anybody notice the states updated witness list includes Cindy, George and Lee. So, what does this say
about immunity?What about them questioning them further?
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Good morning Shipmates, All hands on Deck. Farmchick, I know George is hurting but, I really do not
fell he took a large amount of medicine to do any damage at all. I think it was a cry for help! But if he
had taken a large amount he would not of walked out of the Motel, they would of called 911 for help.
Yes he needs to be away from Cindy, so he can get away from all the brain washing from Cindy that
Casey is nnot guilty. I really feel he is tired of all the lies and wants the truth to come out about what
Casey did to Caylee. This has to be very hard on George & Cindy I have no doubt they both Loved
Caylee with all there heart. But to try to say Casey is innocent and blame everyone else is way off base,
they need to put the blame where it belongs. Crazy did it and no one else.
imacynic2 says:
6 days ago
Farmchick - is a site that I've been on for a while - it is safe - people in the
room usually 24/7 along with hosts monitoring for trouble. I feel safe referring you there if you are
looking for support from people who have been there.
imacynic2 says:
6 days ago
Farmchick - I also meant to say - that you can break the Xanax in half if it is too much for you - that's
better than not taking it - I was taking half of a .25 mg pill and it wasn't as bad then regarding the
sleeping. I also however ended up switching over to ativan, which is much better for me - it takes a bit
longer to kick in, but lasts 8 hours where the xanax is fast acting and then burns off in 2 hours.
But I do think George saw this plot as an escape--a much needed escape from Cindy and her
controlling ways. I thought it was pretty obvious in their last interview with LK that she was
controlling what he said via the hand over his and his lack of eye contact and not even opening his
mouth except when directly asked to do so.
I hope he gets what help he needs--and he does need help. If this stay is voluntary, he's making a good
decision IMO.
JMo is right, it's not my place to judge whether it was a true attempt at suicide or not. Maybe it was, but
I think it was a combination. I believe anytime anyone threatens it or hints at it, whether you believe or
not should be treated as if it was true. I'm just forming this opinion after the fact. I'm glad they took it
George woke up that day - I think that he especially has been in denial about Casey actually killing
Caylee. I feel he thought she would come home and merely was making it through till he would see her
again. Finally the body identified - the search off - what is he going to do now? He knows now -
evidence is emerging - the bags, the tape - goes to the bathroom - checks for the laundry bag - its gone -
maybe he's seen the sticker before - clearly he's had to have seen the blanket before. OMG she really
did it - my daughter killed Caylee. What did I do wrong raising her that she did this . . . life falling
apart - Caylee gone - Casey in jail - Cindy - enough said - they've had problems for how long? What
does he have to look forward to now?
I think George was serious - especially since they still have him - if not he would have been released
after the Baker hold. I think things finally sunk in for him and he couldn't handle it. Just because he
hadn't done it doesn't me he wasn't going to - he had everything he needed. He went to a hotel so they
didn't find him at home - and he said his goodbyes. He may have been waiting for acknoweldgment -
some to say "we love you too".
Of all the Ant's I feel most sorry for him - I think he truly was in the dark - he was just looking for his
baby Caylee. He even did the right thing by testifying - I don't think he ever truly believed though that
Casey could have killed Caylee till her body was found and this evidence began to emerge.
JMo says:
6 days ago
News from an hour ago:
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Once again BO BO HEAD is pulling straws out of that VooDoo Doll, he is really trying to get on the
bad side of Judge Strickland. Casey is not special so this is not going to fly.
Snoopy9318 says:
6 days ago
I'm still catching up on posts, just got on, but I'd like to add a song for BOBO: The I-95 A**hole
song!! It says, "Were you born an a**hole, or have you worked at it your whole life?!" Sorry to be so
crude, but he fits the song to a "T" LOL
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Yes it does,
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Good one, Snoop! And a good one for the ANTS is Warren Zevon's "Lawyers, Guns, and Money".
IMO, it is pretty obvious that what George did was a cry for help...he took his sweet time, he contacted
several people, he wrote a LONG letter, drank beer, ate...he was saying "PLEASE, someone, help me
out of this mess". Which is not to say that he wouldn't have completed the act if no one had found him
in time. I think they should never again say anything against LE, because if it weren't for them he might
have been gone, and they could have just as easily drug their feet and said "We have to wait 24 hours
before looking for him...". After all, Cindy has given them plenty of reasons NOT to help. I give them 5
stars on their professionalism in this instance.
Didn't I see an article a couple of days ago saying that LE intends to question Lee again? Does anyone
know when?
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Oh, you're welcome Proud Mom! And I got the fettucine and cream!
Looking forward to becoming "Fettucine Butt".
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Kate, Yes they do want to talk to Lee, but he is not around. When they do talk to him his Lawyer will
be with him.
You make good points, Cynic. But if he finally began to realize she's guilty, why did he put in his letter
that he knew that she wasn't? Most people put their true feelings in a suicide note. A psychologist once
explained it to me as their way of getting their true feelings out, getting the final word and no
argument. I know it could have been that he was trying to clear her, but I just don't feel it. But I've been
known to be wrong before, and this could very well be another time.
I'm not conceited enough to believe my opinion is the always right one. I like to hear them all. Gives
me more to think about.
I do not care what I eat, I never gain weight. I have actually tried to gain a little.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Not blaming our Squirrels, LOL
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Just been enjoying reading some of your comments.
I was back reading the documents from LE when they first interviewed George, when he was trying to
be honest. I thought it was interesting that when they were going to play the 911 tapes for him, he
asked for Lee to be there; it's almost like he feels totally impotent in that family and the father/son roles
are reversed. And when he started to come to terms with the truth, he actually got sick to his stomach.
That man is under ALL KINDS of pressure.
I find it interesting, too, that all the people dealing with Casey get the exact same treatment when they
start to question her or express doubt about anything she says...she flies off the handle and swears and
screams and clenches her fists...can't they see that this is only a diversionary tactic that she ALWAYS
uses? And then her mom goes back and coddles her, "No, sweetheart, don't walk away". I would say,
DONE AND PAY FOR IT!!" And I'll bet you anything she's used the same M.O. with Bobo Head,
which is why he hasn't gotten any further with her defense than to say "My client is completely
innocent and all the true facts will come out in court". I bet he's scared to death of her!
Rascal, you never gain weight??? I'm SO jealous!!
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
I had three kids that is the only time I gained, and boy did I gain lol, 6 weeks later I was back in my
same cloths and still the same size. Proud Mom send me that recipe please i will try it. I love to snack
on baby carrots and thing like that, hardly ever eat candy or drink a soda. Not really one for sweets.
3 kids and 6 weeks later you were back in pre-pregnancy clothes!?!? 12 years later and I probably look
better in my maternity clothes!!
Did anyone hear whether BOBO took her to court? I've been checking on WESH, WFTV and Orland
Sentinel, but haven't seen anything yet. Well, I did see about the motions on the link JMo posted above.
Does the fact that he won't rule on the motion until Thursday excuse her from court today? Maybe I
read it wrong.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
HLN, just announced George may be out of Hospital tomorrow!!!
Casey is supposed to be in court tomorrow, Oh ty Proud Mom will look on Wednesday page. Yes I was
back in my cloths and I am 6 ft 134 lbs
Proud Mom says:
6 days ago
That should take you to her recipe. Let me know if it doesn't work.
If you're into scrapbooking, she has another one about publishing hard bound scrapbooks. I've been
trying to do our SC pics using it, but having many problems. Will probably go back to the old-
fashioned way. I think you know that technology sometimes kicks me in the behind.
Wednesday, feel free to deny the comment if you're opposed to me linking other hubs.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Book marked it, ty Proud Mom, that will go great with the red lobster rolls.
Getting out tomorrow, huh? That has to be a somewhat overwhelming thought for him.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
I really like to cook but so hard to cook for one, oh yes Lobster I love it. There are times I go to Red
Lobster just to have that, but half to drive 40 miles to do it. I wish we had one closer. So Shrimpies half
to do most of the time. My son will bake me a Cheese Cake soon instead of a Cake for my Birthday.
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
I was just snooping around and found this comment about the Casey/Kristina connection. I had always
thought that Kristina was one of the few "normal" friends that Casey had (although I'm sure C. just
used her) but after reading this, don't know. The discrepancy in the dates doesn't add up...this was from
Scared Monkeys:
"On the 16th Kristina was one of the first people to give her sworn statement. she said casey and caylee
had visited her and her family..(kids) on June 11,12, or 13th. she wasnt sure....but she was sure that it
was after the first assumed date of caylee missing!!!!! Adamant that casey took the baby to her house,
they went to walk around the park...i believe it may have been blanchard park.....ta dah.. a perfect date
with your perfect best girlfriend right?? ehh wrong...Casey on June 20th after caylee died she left dear
little Kristina Chester..."hey girl long time!! whats this i hear about canada? miss you"Thats were i was
like wait an effing second...Yes Kristina had a title on her myspace that said something to the effect of
canada here we come...So thats were i drew my conclusion......Casey did not go to Kristinas house with
Caylee..because if she would have gone Kristina would have showed her the dozens and dozens of
pictures from canada..*she had oodles on her myspace*....ok lets say this girl is a digital queen so she
didnt have a photo album from canada..they "went walking around the park with the
kids".....somewhere in that long ass walk kristina didnt tell her about her oh so recent trip to
canada....??? And if she did....why had it been a long time? why did she miss her? Kristina also left it
off with a little bow...caylee has things at her house, because she and casey babysit for eachother all the
time...BULL....Anyone in here think Casey would take a night off from work and off facebook to take
care of Kristinas kindergarden? i think not!"
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Sounds Like she is trying to cover up for Casey to me!!
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Yeah, I thought so too. Sorry for the long friend had to use the computer for awhile. I'm
gonna go try to find her LE interview, if there is one posted somewhere...
CarambaCarol says:
6 days ago
Ok so now Casey really does have to show up in court on Friday do you think she will make an effort
to make herself look purtier?
I'm jealous too rascal - although your height probably helps. I can barely eat and still not lose weight.
My weights been yo-yoing since I had my first child almost 28 yrs ago. I'm staying away from foods
like fettuccini although I love it and it's one of my family's favorites but if anyone has some lo-cal
recipes I would love to hear them.
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
I would hope so, Carol; at least pull that hair back in a horse tail or something.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Maybe Bo Bo will bring her a heart shaped sticker for her Jail House Blues. Oh and some Duct Tape
for her mouth, sorry do not want to see her smile. The Squirrel made me say that.
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Me niether, Rascal.
Aubrey's Grandma, I don't know what's up with Kristina; it all sounds a little fishy but what doesn't in
this case? And her interview was the shortest ones I've seen (unless there's another one around
somewhere) so apparently LE isn't suspicious of her. What do I know?? Nuttin'!!
CarambaCarol says:
6 days ago
A horse tail-- that reminds when Xing used to call her Toothie face. Aubree's Grandma thanks I just
keep finding them on the internet. 6ft 134 pounds -darn you are just trying to make some of us jealous-
well I cant compare- am just big boned for my height- hahaha
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Well, since we're on the internet and will probably never meet...I'm 5' 10", I have big blue eyes, I weigh
119 lbs. (with six-pack abs), long natural blond hair, measurements 38-22-36, and an IQ of 210.
Anybody wanna buy a bridge?????
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
When I was in grade school I was so tall and they thought under nourished they gave me free milk,
even though I bought one ever day. We never went hungry my parents always had food and lots of milk
for us. So I gave up trying to tell them that, so I drink 2 milks at school.
CarambaCarol says:
6 days ago
Darn Kate are you sure we never met you just described me!
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Maybe we're long lost sisters, LOL!
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Kate sent you something.
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
OK, I'll come clean...I'm only 5'7" and I weigh a hundred and none-of-your-business. When I go to the
doctor and they ask me to get on the scales, I tell them it's against my religion. When I worked at
Hallmark my weight was OK because I walked between 50 and 70 miles a day; but that was four years
and several pounds ago. Got a neck injury so I've become too much of a couch potato since then.
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Look at you go, Rascal! No wonder you're so skinny if you do stuff like that!
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
I looked all over Jackson Ho for a mechanical bull no luck, my kids thought I was nuts, LOL
donagal says:
6 days ago
Rascal are you talking about Jackson Hole WY???
CarambaCarol says:
6 days ago
I like to eat too much but I have to tell you that cheetos and snickers are not part of my daily diet. But
then if you knew you had killed your own daughter in such a brutal way, and you knew that you were
going to prison for life wouldnt you try to make yourself look as bad as possible so you dont become
the new meat for some butchy dyke in prison? But then again maybe fisting is something she might
like. Sorry for those with a weak stomach.
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Yeah, Rascal, don't be talkin' about "ho"s when we're on this Casey hub...
donagal says:
6 days ago
Carol you crack me up, Rascal i'm so jealous!!!!
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Carol, I've never in my life heard that term, but I'm getting a mental picture...and we have 2 prisons in
my town!!
donagal says:
6 days ago
Anyone know what time court is tomorrow?? I have to work but thinking I can maybe bring it up if I
get a sec.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Carol that was part of the life style Casey had, girls were ok also, nothing was beyond Casey. No
wonder George was shocked over the pictures they found on the computer. OK Jackson Ho, Wyoming
is a beautiful town, I went there to go White Water Rafting, and ride the mechanical Bull. I would do it
again in a heart beat.
donagal says:
6 days ago
Do I want to ask??? What is fisting??? Maybe not. I think Crazy would like it anyway.
CarambaCarol says:
6 days ago
this tells you what time in florida you can figure it out from there
donagal says:
6 days ago
Thanks Carol, cool I can watch it before I go alittle, I don't have to be there till 10:00.
imacynic2 says:
6 days ago
Interesting point - I hadn't heard anything about the contents of the suicide note - I had kinda hoped he
had outed Casey in it - guess not eh?
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
George knows what Casey did, that is why I think Cindy helped him write the note.
No one broke into Cindys Computer. So why should I believe anything else from this family.
CarambaCarol says:
6 days ago
I hope that Judge Strickland mowes down everything Joseito says tomorrow. He has been playing nice
til now but I have a feeling he is going to let him have it tomorrow. I dont think Casey is going to be
too happy having to be there. Maybe the instructions from the idiot lawyer are to pout, pout and pout.
Snoopy9318 says:
6 days ago
Etta: LOVE the dog picture!
ProudMom: Could you tell me more about weed barriers? I just bought a house last summer and I don't
know anything about this stuff, but would love to learn!
Rascal: You ARE a rascal!! Man am I envious. My wedding dress was a size 1, but after four children
(two of them bedfast pregnancies) my size is a million! I tell people it's just baby fat (My baby is now
11!! LOL!!)
Snoopy9318 says:
6 days ago
Shift's over! Good to hear from all of you! Hope we're "streaming" together for Crazy's hearing
tomorrow morning!!
Be safe!
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
I think you're right, Carol; Baez has been push, push, pushing things as far as he can go (must've
learned that from his client) and he's liable to get reamed.
CarambaCarol says:
6 days ago
I have to tell you tht when I got the news alert about George Anthony- I just thought well that wifey
had made him write a letter saying it was him who killed Caylee so that the daughter would be off the
hook. Then having convinced him that her life and everyone elses would be better off without him-go
on just kill yourself that would solve everything. But he was too chicken to do it and so he ate the part
of the letter that said he did it - when the cops knocked on the door.....the rest we know
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
OOOO-OO-OOH, good sleuthing theories, Carol! I was always afraid if they gave Lee immunity, HE
would get on the stand and say he did it, then they would all go on their merry way with no
consequences (well, except that they would have to live with Casey again...)
CarambaCarol says:
6 days ago
Strickland is expected to address several issues at Friday morning's hearing, including the status of the
trial date and the defense's motion to inspect the crime scene.
Another motion was filed on Thursday, this time by attorney Mark NeJame. He is asking the court to
toss out a request to have members of Texas EquuSearch appear as defense witnesses. (Texas
EquuSearch Motion)
In a motion, the Orange-Osceola State Attorney’s Office said there is no factual or legal basis for the
defense motion.
Baez claimed that, among other things, prosecutors encouraged the Florida Bar to investigate Baez's
dealings. In its motion, prosecutors denied the allegation.
There was no hearing date set for the request to remove the prosecution.(Prosecutors Objection To
Motion To Recuse)
A spokeswoman for the court said the motion will not be heard at a scheduled
6 days ago
Kate in MO. If you think like me that opposites attract let me introduce you to someone that I have
been told only a mother could love! I can't tell you everything at the first asking but here are a few
tidbits. I am 5'2" 346 lbs. I am cockeyed in one eye (I think my right one) and I exercise daily by lifting
12oz. at a time (miller high life) in 50 minute sessions, followed by 4 scoops of coffee ice cream. My
favorite show on T.V. is Jerry Springer and I love to play operation. HEE HEE HEE HEE! Please write
me back! I said please damn it. Oh yeah, and I have been told that I need anger management.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
They already have the Anthony's statement and videos, I do not look for immunity.
OMG Steve I need to tie my self in this chair when you come on, I may fall out and hurt myself.
donagal says:
6 days ago
Rascal, that we me that asked, we love it there also, have been about 8 times. Have spent 3 Christmases
(is that right??) there. Don't think I've ever seen a mech. bull, that would have been fun, maybe during
their big rodeo they might.
donagal says:
6 days ago
LOL Steve if I wasn't married I'd get ur phone #.
I don't believe any Anthony's will get immunity, not unless they have a hell of a story to tell. They have
had their chance and have blown it.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Donagal, They had one and took it out about 6 months before I went back, they actualy told me where
there was one but did not have the time to drive that far, :-(
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Steve, yer soundin' pretty needy, know, Casey's got that problem, too. Maybe you could
write her at the Orange County Jail???
Donagal, didn't I hear that if they are called to testify they automatically get immunity? Or is that a
different kind of immunity?
Rascal, my family had their one and only family reunion in Jackson Hole (I couldn't go because I was 8
1/2 months pregnant). They seemed to have blast there.
Maybe you could go online and buy your own mechanical bull????
CarambaCarol says:
6 days ago
STEVE omg you sound like my dream man!! You forgot to mention that you live with your MOM.
That would really wrap up the whole package that you are!
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Carol LMAO. Steve did you take Caseys, Cheetos and Snickers Bars when you went down with the
Turnip Truck?
"When George let officers in the room, they discovered two empty pill bottles and a rambling eight-
page letter, in which Anthony claimed to have swallowed some pills. Except George seemed perfectly
lucid--and when brought to the hospital he told a nurse, "I haven't taken anything," according to one
police source. But George's attorney Brad Conway insists it was a suicide attempt--that George took
sleeping pills and blood pressure medication and mixed them with alcohol. Whatever the case, it was a
bizarre episode, one that took place amid starling new disclosures about Casey...."
The new disclosures had to do with the latest documents released and included nothing we haven't
already talked about here.
"But are her parents still completely convinced that she is innocent? When asked that question by
reporters right after George's hospitalization, attorney Conway hedged, "They don't know, they don't
know," he said. "None of us know.""
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Doesn't sound too flattering, eh? Why can't they realize that if they just came clean about what they
know and suspect, instead of defending the little weasel, people would have all the support in the world
for them? But the longer they keep up this charade, the less respect they will get. Of course, it's easy for
me to say, I'm not in their shoes...
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Eww, ProudMom, don't get peanut butter in my chocolate...I HATE those things! (Fortunately one of
the few fattening things I hate).
Marie RN says:
6 days ago
Carol, is that a British squirrel drinking American Beer through a straw in your profile pic? I can't say
for sure, but looks like a party foul involved.
6 days ago
Down ladies, down! It has crossed my mind to send momster my profile but to be honest (now there is
a word) I might be scared to. You ever heard be afraid, be very afraid! Who do you think they are
talking about? My mom got rid of me when I was 18 and have been out on my own since.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Steve, we love you. Yes please do not send your information to Casey, you are right to be afraid.
donagal says:
6 days ago
Just thought this a little interesting reading about Bo Bo Head's "spokesperson". Seems they go by
abbreiated (sorry can't spell) names so no one knows who they really are, afraid of threats.
donagal says:
6 days ago
Yes, Steve don't send Crazy anything, you two are not compatiable, being you are sweet and Honest,
definitly something Crazy knows nothing about.
Deb in Vegas says:
6 days ago
Steve, u r a nut (pun intended)
Carol, what part of England are you in? I was born in Norwich, but I left when I was 8, military family
you know , my mom is English, I have duel citizenship.
I have been reading some of the documents Nov-26-007 in particular. I found emails between Casey
and doorknob375 who I think is Iasse Donov. They are going back down memory lane so to speak and
at one point doorknob refers to Ricardo Morales as Mr Ricardo Morales montoya gonzalez. What is
that about? Has anybody ever heard of Ricardo being known like that before? Was that some kind of
inside joke or something? Had Casey put some other last names on Ricardo before? I thought Gonzalez
was particularly strange especially since this conversation took place only a couple of days before her
arrest. Well I guess we might find out during trial cause he's on the witness list. Anyway it was a kind
of interesting conversation.
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Good grief, Donagal, what kind of a shady outfit is THAT?? Fake names? Fake email addresses? NICE.
Did anyone see that sad news story on HLN where the 93 year old WWII vet froze to death when they
shut off his heat because he forgot to pay the bill?? His wife had died 2 years ago and he had no kids,
so no one checked on him. I think heads should roll on this one...
donagal says:
6 days ago
I was just watching that Kate, I bet heads will roll, they should never turn off electric in the winter!
I thought the same thing about the article, very shady, fake names and if you go to their web site
nothing works on it. I think that Bo Bo head is the only one in the office, he has as many personalities
as Casey!!! That's why they get along so well.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Kate, I guess it goes with the fake Squirrels, Fake breaking into the computer an on and on. Everything
has to be such a secret. Nothing is on the up and up with that group.
Deb in Vegas says:
6 days ago
I meant text messages not emails to Casey
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Proud Mom, I think you accidentally sent me an email meant for Snoopy. Interesting information,
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
Is that normal for attorneys to hire someone to make public statements for them? I didn't know
that...but then, BoBo Head's probably still learning his ABC's, so he needs help.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Bo Bo probably got that person pro bono also, he sure has a nack for that one!!
donagal says:
6 days ago
Bo Bo is now asking for DNA proof that Jesse G is not the father of Caylee, what is he up to now????
One more thing to muddy up the water is my guess.
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
He's an idjut
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Bo Bo has been around Casey to long, Jessee has alredy taken a test he is not the father. I swear is this
entire group nuts. He is a (__!__)
Kate in MO says:
6 days ago
He probably wants to prove somebody tampered with the DNA test, or the tester was incompetent, or
Jesse is the father of Zenaida, who knows? Jimmy Crack Corn, and I Don't Care...
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Jessee took a test when Caylee was first born and it has been proven he is not the father, this was done
from my under standing at the hospital, he wanted that before he would sign birth certificate. That was
donagal says:
6 days ago
He just seems to throw stuff out there, is he accually coming up with a defense or blowing smoke up
everyones a_ _!!! He needs to go back to school just not as a teacher.
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
I certainly would not recommend him. BOZO the Clown would be better
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Steve, whoops sorry I just hit the nail on the head for sure and I forgot and used the sledge hammer.
Will try to find regular hammer and back it out,. Hope they half to drag Casey's butt out of the jail to
get her there, she is determined she is not going to Court.
Kate in MO says:
5 days ago
I would love nothing more than to see them drag her into court in a strait jacket, screaming and kicking,
and be strapped into her chair with duct tape on her mouth.
Deb in Vegas says:
5 days ago
I don't understand this dna on Jesse Grund because according to Casey the daddy is dead right???
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
she named so many who knows
Marie RN says:
5 days ago
OK, call in sick tomorrow to see Casey dragged into court "with physical force if necessary" at 0830
ET. To me, this is the equivalent of the Super Bowl.
Also, the long-missing tampons have miraculously appeared on yesterday's coimmissary order. She
hasn't ordered dthem before. Either she a) suddenly got her period b) just switched to tampons from
pads or c) was told to order them because someone's been reading the blogs and knows it is being
tracked. We'll see what she looks like tomorrow. Wonder if she'll come in covered with a blanket like
the runaway bride, or some other form of disguise?
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
LMAO Marie, I half to see this also.
Kate in MO says:
5 days ago
Let's see, that's 7:30 Central time, right?? Gotta make sure I'm up so I can get a ringside seat. You're
right, Marie...this is alot better than the Super Bowl! I'm serving Cheetos and Snickers at my party.
Please tell me WHY there are still idiots putting money in her commissary account?? NG actually gave
the name and town of one of them...teehee! Bet he'll be changing his phone number soon.
Kate in MO says:
5 days ago
All I can figure is, it's a bunch of guys who are trying to score a conjugal visit.
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Kate, yes 7.30 your time
Deb in Vegas says:
5 days ago
you are so right Rascal, so i guess what the Biaz and crew is saying to us is we admit that Casey is a
lying ass and the daddy is not really dead so we can still entertain the possibility that the real dad might
have done it but not even they have a clue who that is.
Deb in Vegas says:
5 days ago
you are so right Rascal, so i guess what the Biaz and crew is saying to us is we admit that Casey is a
lying ass and the daddy is not really dead so we can still entertain the possibility that the real dad might
have done it but not even they have a clue who that is.
Marie RN says:
5 days ago
Or just to mess with Jesse Grund, because Casey hates him. Put him through more anguish because he
and his family cared more for Caylee than the Ants. Baez and Casey are truly a match made in hell.
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Casey did it no one else, she will never tell the truth that is the sad part.
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago This is interesting
Bo Bo Head friends with Todd Black, his PR Todd Black is a movie producer, what is this lets make a
deal program.
Deb in Vegas says:
5 days ago
Kate, that was funny! LMAO
Kate in MO says:
5 days ago
Oooh, Rascal, that IS some good reading! No entertainment deal, huh?? Ex-con, huh??
Kate in MO says:
5 days ago
Well, kids, gotta get to bed...gotta be in court early, LOL
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
I thought it was very interesting reading. Dam are the lies rubbing off Casey to Bo Bo Head?
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Nite Kate, yes we can not miss Court.
I have the Cheeto's ready and the Snicker bars, oh I willl be sure to mix the Casey Cool Aid in case you
need a drink.
5 days ago
Victor the predictor (ME) thinks that the set a trial date tomorrow with momster there in the front row. I
do not think J.G. is the father but I do think momster had no problem leading him on as long as she
could. All those that do not think she is a sociopath please send her $$ A.S.A.P. All others "soup for
you." Farmchick, hope you had a great day today!! Everyone else as well!!
linn says:
5 days ago
Rascal, you are a brat! LOL. I need to whup you with a noodle! Then put cheesecake on your welts. At
least that would make you look heavier! Dang girl! I am 5'2" and 100 and none of your business.. lol.
That was a good one. I was never this heavy until August when I broke my foot and ankle. 3 months of
just sitting, then even up to now it hurts to go downstairs so I am on the couch addicted to this case.
Our living part is upstairs, bedrooms, except mine are downstairs. Plus could not garden or drive. OK, I
could have pushed myself but for this case and at least I was watching the baby.
Kate, I was commenting on showing up in prison drab at say tomorrow's hearing, yet think about it.
Even if she looks really good during the trial and all her ex friends, b/fs' etc, she will still be bashed big
time while they all hear how she really was! And will be looking at her with total disgust. Then she will
be led out in handcuffs and other jewerly, while she watches her ex friends walk out and go to Club
Fusion.. She does not want them to see her and hear about how and wat she truly is. ALL these friends
knew and loved Caylee. Sure the guys did not always want her over, but that says a lot about them!
They knew the smoking pot and booze would be there. I wonder, did they ever admonish Casey when
she would have Caylee there?Heard on NG Casey might have to have force used on her but she will be
in court. She is still refusing to go. This might be good. I am on CA time. I usually get up at 7, but sad
to say I might get up before 5:30 Am to watch her come into court. If not, all we will get is snippets of
it all. I want to watch her walk into court.
To the poster, sorry brain dead who said to cut the xanax in half, you're right on. I take 2.5 mg a day.
More on bad days, but I do have to wait until night. If I am having a horrific day, I will take just 1 mg
pill and be fine. If I take the same 1 mg on not so bad of a day, I will be fine, UNLESS I sit down!!.
Then I will fall asleep. Farmchick, please consider cutting a pill in half. The got me through a period in
life where, looking back, it saved my life. I am still on them and most likely always will be. Lets just
say an abusive marriage.
linn says:
5 days ago
Steve, you are my dream man! The same height as me, and I weight less.. haha. OK, a couple hundred
pounds less but you would make me look SO thin!! I would have to wuv you just for this.. lol..Alas, it
is not to be. you are just a baby and I can't let myself have a "boy toy".. hahaha. Thought I have to say,
not THAT much younger.. lol. You crack me up!
OK, I lied. I am really only 26, 5'6", have wavy waist length auburn hair, 7UP bottle green eyes, 110
pounds and 34-24-34 measurements. I was left millions my an unknown uncle and really live in a
French castle... Got all that from a romance novel.. hahaha. One reason I quit reading them. Tallk about
a ego buster!
Dena says:
5 days ago
Marie--I thought the SAME THINGS about the tampons. I really think she could be pregnant--why else
would make her so desperate to avoid going to court. I mean, she hasn't seen her family or anyone in
months. I am TIVOing tomorrow so that I can pause and check for a baby bump!
kk's mom says:
5 days ago
maybe they are going "through the back door" to get Gund's DNA using the old paternity test in order
to try and pin something on him. He was not required to give any DNA recently, correct? So, that
would be a way to get it without having him submit to a test. An interesting post on the link above was
something that had crossed my mind: that all this craziness was being orchestrated by someone from
the very beginning. I almost expected someone to show up w/ caylee and say "surprise. . . we were just
trying to show how bumbling the LE is in Orlando". You know, like "The Truman Show"
CarambaCarol says:
5 days ago
Marie I found the picture of the squirrel in a Britiish site so maybe the other beer is from here. You
know these British squirrels they sure like their brew. This one cant make up his mind.
Deb in Vegas I am in Horncastle, Lincolnshire, about 35 miles south of Lincoln and 17 miles west of
the North Sea. Ok ok does Skegness mean anything to you?? Haha
CarambaCarol says:
5 days ago
OOPS I just checked Marie, Old Style beer is made in Milwakee. What the heck did I know am not a
beer drinker- am not a drinker period. But I does like my food.
I won't be home today to watch the court hearing, so would appreciate a link for that too. Thanks! I'm
thinking we'll see a baby bump.... just my GUT feeling.
ALSO -- This weekend I will be cleaning up the page & archiving all of the comments from January.
donagal says:
5 days ago
Morning everyone, up early and dressed for work so that I can catch the show!!! Coffe in hand, anyone
else up yet???
Off subject, did anyone see where the woman who just had eight babies has 6 kids at home?? OMG!!!!!
donagal says:
5 days ago
Also off subject to Carol, do you hear much about the murder trial over there on the Knox girl from
USA? Just wondered what the thoughts over there are, last night they were saying on the news that
there is no evidence and the prosecutor over there is known for making it up.
Back on, 20 mins to go, I'm so wound up!!!! I know alot of you are on different time zones so I guess
your still sleeping, except Wed. who is out the door already!
Dena says:
5 days ago
immmmmmmmmm watching and waiting!! good morning!
Dena says:
5 days ago
ok not pregnant.........where'd she go???
Marie RN says:
5 days ago
She just walked in and out of the courtroom on HLN - wonder if she's coming back...
Dena says:
5 days ago
see how she keeps rubbing her hands together like shes wiping them off? Shes Nervous
donagal says:
5 days ago
sh_t!!!! I missed it, was reading Proud Moms's site. Oh I just saw her, is she in her own clothes??
donagal says:
5 days ago
Yea, I bet she is, I hope they don't set the trial date to far away.
Dena says:
5 days ago
has anyone seen her family there or anyone else
donagal says:
5 days ago
I don't see any family members, Bo Bo must have picked that outfit, not her usual garb she would pick
Dena says:
5 days ago
she would o fleast tried to skip out on the cami underneath it. shes probably going commando though...
donagal says:
5 days ago
I don't know about anyone else but if I really believed my child was innocent you wouldn't be able to
keep me away from seeing them. I think this makes her family look even worse. If you believe your
child nothing is going to stop you from seeing them. Looks like prosecutor and Bo Bo are talking and
donagal says:
5 days ago
LOL, probably
Marie RN says:
5 days ago
I agree, no baby bump - good - it might make someone on the jury feel sorry for her. She's probably
rubbing her hands because they just took shackles off. She looks stupid in that "big girl" suit. Wish they
would have let her pick out her own civvies!
JVM said Linda Kenney Baden is filing all these stupid motions, that is what she did for Phil Specter
and how she got him the mistrial. I hate the Bitch, and I wish they would quit having her husband
Michael Baden as a guest on all the shows at least until this case is over!!
Dena says:
5 days ago
i think i just saw jesse grund in the background on the prosecutor side in a yellow polo shirt
Dena says:
5 days ago
did you see her put the pen down in front of bobo and he smiled? what was that about???
Dena says:
5 days ago
nevermind i dont think thats jesse
donagal says:
5 days ago
I wish they would stop protecting from everyone, she should know how much people hate her for what
she did and that it was WRONG! BAD BAD Crazy. This is the problem all her life seems like, her
parents protect her and make things better, now she is in protective custody, brought to court
underground (i know this is normal, just don't think they should), I think she should see every news
alert about her and be forced to watch NG everynight. I don't believe it would change her but I think
the knowlegde of how much she is hated would kill her!
donagal says:
5 days ago
I didn't see it but I"m sure it's one of her codes
Marie RN says:
5 days ago
That's not Jesse Grund. What is Nejame doing on the Pros. side? He is the Ants old attorney!
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Good morning I have the super bowl up on WFTV Orlando Sentional, I can here the case and see if by
video. She has her hair up and gray suit. I just put second page up on computer.
donagal says:
5 days ago
Did you just hear about the man who pretended to drown 20 years ago so he wouldn't have to get
married!!!???? What the hell. Just say no, that is way extreme.
donagal says:
5 days ago
Nejame is probably working with pros. because he is now defending Tim Miller. I believe he is the
smartest lawyer in them there neck of the woods.
donagal says:
5 days ago
Was reading earlier that Mark F. thinks Caylee's body was moved later to woods, do we believe
anything he says???? I think he one of the reasons OJ got off!
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Nejame is there because Bo Bo trying to get Tim Miller records.
donagal says:
5 days ago
Is the blond woman with the pros or denfense???
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
The one blond older one dark glasses is with Bo Bo , the younger one with prosecutors
donagal says:
5 days ago
ok thanks
Dena says:
5 days ago
bobo got shot downnnnnn. does anyone else think the judge was annoyed with baez? I thought cindy
would have shown up
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
No trial date, Change of venue has not even been filed Bo Bo can have access to crime scene, Judge's
do not like wining Attorneys. Wow I got up early for this lol
donagal says:
5 days ago
Well that was a waste of good sleep! You ladies have a good day, I'm off to work.
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Darn now I have all these Cheetos and Snicker Bars. Glad I did not make the cool aid.
Dena says:
5 days ago
I like Conway. He seems like an honest and respectable guy. So did anyone else notice that whole
putting the pen in front of baez thing while someone else was talking...thats so rude and
inappropriate---thats something you would get yelled at for in school. Shes so childish.
Here are some of my thoughts on the whole Casey getting to attend a funeral of some sort.
--I think Casey is guilty as sin--I think we all do. However, in general, do you think someone who is
suspected of murdering a friend/family membe should be banned from the funeral? As much as I don't
believe this is the case here, one of the major premises of our legal system is that a suspect is presumed
to be innocent until proven guilty through a fair trial. In addition, sometimes mistakes are made and the
person is wrongly convicted (again, I totally don't believe this in this case---just play along for the sake
of american justice) and later cleared by DNA evidence or what not. If the person is really presumed
innocent until proven guilty, then I don't think it's fair to ban that person from attending the funeral.
After all, if it was a mistake, that person truly lost a family member/friend and going to pay their
respects at a funeral isn't something that can be reimbursed. I'm just saying *here comes from the ethics
and philosophy courses that I always hated* that the conclusion does not logically follow the premis of
assumed innocence.
My next point. If Caysee truly is a sociopath or has a borderline personality disorder (largely genetic &
then most likely activated by environmental factors aka crazy cindy anthony), then we are blaming her
for something she could not/cannot control (I admit, this is very debatable). Even based on this, she
SHOULD be accountable for her actions but maybe looked upon with pity.
-----that last point being said, I think she should be punished in prison and have to say that i'm "happy"
she's getting what she deserves.
I haven't had a chance to catch up yet. Picture number 6 gives you a nice side view of momster. I'm still
leaning on the side of pregnant. THOSE PANTS ARE HUGE! What do you think?
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
I do not think Casey is pregnant, she also had chain around the waist and cuffs. From what I understand
they do not use chain around the waist of any one that is pregnant.
5 days ago
Linn, you sound real nice and fine, For someone else! That wavy hair, waist long yada yada lost me!!!
Actually, it made me lose the 84 oz. of the "high life" I was just consuming after my 3 shots of tequilla
and espresso. Nice try beautiful but pick on and pick up someone your own size. Also, I must add at
this time even though it is a sensative subject for me wee sensitive soul, momster is a liar. No shit
sherlock! Her buying tampons might only be a ploy on her part to decieve. She may be pregs?
Pricecheck on the 48 pack of maxipads... what no guy ever wants to hear in the grocery store!!!!
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Oh Steve, you are always in rare form, love staring my day with a laugh.
losingit says:
5 days ago
I just watched the big event. I laughed when I watched her fidgetting in her grey blazer. Bobo probably
said, "Let's put you in an innocent drab jacket that won't make you look like party girl. I'll get my aide
to go buy you an outfit. What size are you?" Hence the size 2 jacket on her now size 6 body. She does
not look good. I've always thought she was quite attractive before. Now with lack of make up, sunshine
and exercise, she looks UGLY. She also seems to have lost her attitude. Maybe she actually realizes
what will happen to her. If she's really lucky, she will spend the next 20 years in her own cell all by
herself. And that's best case scenario. Other than that, she's looking at living forever in general prison
population, or maybe death. It's too bad that Cindy spoiled her and never held her accountable for her
actions. She needed to be locked up years ago. It looks to me that she's been broken. Had this happened
earlier, Caylee would probably still be here.
Marie RN says:
5 days ago
Yes, losingit, Cindy should have called the cops on June 15 after learning about Casey's theft from her
grandparents nursing home account. The great grandmom wanted to press charges, and Cindy talked
her out of it. If she had been locked up that night, she wouldn't have had the chance to kill Caylee.
Think about THAT, Cindy!
On another note, I just checked Twisted's blog. No new post yet, but the Troll is on her message board
trying to to get people to beleive that the ANTs had given out over 100 keys to their house, citing CNN
as a source. She is also posting this under Jo's name (our friend who is on vacation right now.) Several
on the message board think this is a minion of Baez trying to plant reasonable doubt. We'll see if he
brings up the key thing at the trial. Anyway, beware of trolls! Glad Weds has control over this site.
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Marie, Yes so glad no trolls here, this site has been so nice.
losingit says:
5 days ago
Ha ha, 100's of keys. Yeah, cause who doesn't give keys to all our family, friends, hairdressers, meter
readers, babysitters, ex-fiances, shooter girls, co-workers, pizza delivery boys, etc.? I wonder if we are
done hearing about the nanny. That seems to have all disappeared. Casey must have told Bobo the truth
and that there is no Zanny. Otherwise, wouldn't he be looking for her? Like even plastering a comp
drawing everywhere. Now it looks like he will try to blame Caylee's bio Dad. This will be difficult
because Casey doesn't know who the Dad is. But, that's okay, we'll just work our way backwards. Let's
start with Jesse. He's the only person we know IS NOT the father, but we'll start there anyway because
I'm an incompetent lawyer.
Just a sidenote, losingit. I don't think you're an incompetent anything. I know you were using satire,
but I just wanted to throw that out there.
Dena, I imagine momster did ALOT of rubbing her hands together to wipe them off 7 months ago!!!!!!
5 days ago
I think I can confirm the ANT's "key theory" since I am almost sure that they gave me one of them too.
I will send anyone one of my keys not only to my residence but my business as well. Heck, you do not
even have to ask, I will leave 150 of each on the ship a little to the left of Rascal's pool table in a
basket. ENJOY!!
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
The Video is on WFTV also there is commentary by Bill Shaeffer on the Casey case he is a analyst, it is
very good. Bo Bo is spinning his wheels.
Oh yes we give keys to everyone, give me a break. My boys have a key for emergency and that is it.
Now where is there theroy going on that one, NOT!!!!
CarambaCarol says:
5 days ago
What I found interesting today was how the judge let the Joseito camp ground know that he wasnt
going to be waisting the judge's time today with stupid ignorant allegations and accusations. "You have
5 minutes lets see how much hot air you can blow out today" thats pretty much what I heard when the
judge mentioned it to the blondebimbo for the defense. Also being the fashionista that I am -I noticed it
must have been a bad dress up day for some of the people in the court room. Drab bery drab. Casey did
look big- and like I said, POUT POUT POUT she must hve been told POUTING went well with the
outfit she was wearing. I also think Nejame gave Joseito a lesson on how to do things in and out of
court. In so many words he said "Look you sneaky,ignorant litel spic- dont go behind my back and try
to get in touch with my client again or you will know what am all about" And STEVE if you are gonna
give out keys- I would like mine back please- I didnt think you were that type.
Donagal, sorry to have kept you from the first of the action, but I think we should get together on
another hub about the vacation thing. Sounds like you have some interesting stories.
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
I woulld trust Steve with my key anytime, he is a good man.
Marie RN says:
5 days ago
Good Morning, Carol! Yes, Nejame seems to be a class act. Brad Conway also seems to have a lot of
integrity. OK, don't mean to harp on this, but you guys have got to catch "Lie to Me" on fox. It's all
about microexpressions and reading behavior, and they weave in real examples from the media. I just
know you would love it!
CarambaCarol says:
5 days ago
Proud Mom- no but I do recall writing some good letters excusing me from school when I played
hookie to go see the NY Mets back in 1969 when they won the World Series. Ahhhh the days of letter
writing I got so good at signing my mom's name that when she actually signed anything for school they
thought I had done it. Its the only time I swear!
CarambaCarol says:
5 days ago
Hi Marie its 5pm here in England. I cant watch stuff from America unless is streamed- hey did you
notice streamed rhymes with reamed- know anyone got reamed today? Hahaha. This was directed to
that nice man who spent this past Wednesday teaching his first law class in Orlando. Care to guess?
5 days ago
Thank you Rascal! Let's take a Friday Ship Poll. Not pool, poll. What ends first Obama's first term in
office or this case? I will cast the first vote for Obama. By the time they hear all 150 witnesses, the list
may go over 200 from what I heard. That is a whole lot of testimony I.M.O. and a whole lotta tylenol
for BOBO Head!!!
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
I can take one guess Carol, Cracker Jack Dizzy Bo Bo Head. BINGO
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Casey did not have money for gas, so how in the hell did she buy a bunch of keys, oh I forgot she
steals, must have key maker. LMAOROF
5 days ago
Chances are very good that if momster speaks it, it aint the gospel! Just ask everyone that actually
knows her and they will tell you.
CarambaCarol says:
5 days ago
Well Allelluyah brother Steve!
5 days ago
To all shipmates. Spend 2 minutes of your life on this. Go to you tube and type in u@50. The first
offering will be titled "lost generation" Click it. Not only is it brilliant but knowing you folks as I do I
am quite sure you will enjoy!!
The video I was watching of the hearing showed it was supposed to be 35:55 long, but it ended at 17:46
right after the ruling on the Equusearch thing. I'm going to try another video to see if I can see the rest.
Carol did hit it on the head with her synopsis, I believe. Kudos again, Carol.
I noticed a few things: (If any of you aren't interested in my opinions, just skip ahead to next
comment--no hard feelings)
At 6:56, NeJame started his comments to the judge, and I noticed BO BO grabbed a notepad and begin
to PRETEND writing something. Watch his pen. It never made it to the paper. He had a few tics, and
a couple of eye rolls and head shakes, but no writing. I am a student (not formally, of course) of
people's actions. You might call me a "watcher". I watch people's body language-big and small. I may
not be right, but I form opinions on what I see. I saw that he was doing this to try to make it appear
that he just really didn't care what NeJame had to say, and that his time was wasted.
At 7:03 you can see his eyes snap up when NeJame said BO BO's motions were a "Slap in the Face".
His brief expression said to me, "You are an idiot."
Did you notice at 7:14 momster rolling her eyes up and shaking her head? I just WISH Judge
Strickland would have seen that. Total disrespect. But her attorney is acting no different.
At 8:05, did momster yawn or sigh? You'd think she'd be thouroghly rested with 23 hours a day to lay
At around 8:37, watch the grey headed prosecutor. He obviously thinks the idea that BO BO is asking
the judge for a subpeona for him to take to Texas is utterly ridiculous. I got a substantial amount of
entertainment from watching him.
At 8:49, my idea of what the prosecutors are whispering about: "You know that poll we have going
about just how incompetent Baez is? I think I'm going to win it all."
14:00 GO JUDGE STRICKLAND!!! I loved the "There's no need". But BO BO just won't SHUT
UP!! The Judge made it very clear he was done with the issue, and like a 7 year old on the playground,
he has to jab back at anyone who dares to cross the "Almighty hispanic 'attorney' who is the only one
who has tried a case of this magnitude!!"
I loved at 15:35 that the camera man wanted desperately to find out what she was writing on her note
pad. Did you see how close he got? My theory is that she was wrinting a love poem to her dear sweet
BO BO. It IS almost Valentine's you know.
And through the whole thing, "Uh. Uh. Ummmmm. Uh. Ummm." They teach you in middle school
when you make your first oral book report that you DO NOT say "ummm. uhh." It's basic public
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Steve, that video was GREAT, The version Back wards reflects my thought, Family is the most import
in my life and always will be.
ProudMom, I like Bill Shaffer he tells it like it is, and I agree with your comments. The Jury will not
hear all of it, and I do not believe all of the prosecution witness will be called. I sure hope they have
this trial on TV so we can all see it from the Ship.
Marie RN says:
5 days ago
Proud Mom - great analysis. How is it possible to have so many smart people in one place.
Rascal, your neighbors will never freeze to death like that elderly man in the new the other day.
Everyone should check on their neighbors in times like these. Where I live they have a saying "we're
neighbors helping neighbors."
Etta says:
5 days ago
PM, I too was quite amused by the prosecuter behind bobo laughing his ass off. When he was leaning
over to the others I could almost insert my own witty joke. Strickland is my hero!It is getting harder
and harder for him to not smack bobo. The whole hearing Strickland talks about how he wants to speed
things up and the only people who were talking were bobo and the blond. Speaking of the Blond, she
sure tried to spit that huge load of crap out fast. I almost peed myself when Strickland told her she had
30 seconds to finish. At the end when Strickland agreed with the prosecutes that he didn't want to have
listen to bobo whine for 60 days instead of 45...icing in the cake!
Did anyone else notice how much she was smiling - laughing - grinning during the hearing - ridiclous -
If Susan Smith would have acted like that she would have been killed pre-trial - and wouldn't have to
worry about the death sentence. Just my opinoin of course.
Marie RN says:
5 days ago
Jose Baez spokeman not using real name and refusing to release his picture:
I know this was posted on yesterday. Could this get any sleazier? Michael Baden seems like a nice guy,
what is he doing with that no-class bimbo?
Also, did anyone catch Nightline last night? Drew Peterson was interviewed, and his fiance left him
after the interview, calling him a liar.
imacynic2 says:
5 days ago
I just started a Petition to request that Caylee be laid to rest - Please feel free to sign
<div id="peSiteTargetDiv233143153"><a href="" style="display:
block; width: 252px; text-align: center; font-size: 8pt; font-family: Verdana,sans-serif;">Petition
powered by</a></div><script
Not sure the earlier link worked - perhaps we can guilt them into at least laying her to rest.
5 days ago
This just in.... Todd Black is really known as Todd White and by the way he does have a key.
imacynic2 says:
5 days ago
Drew Peterson below
The fiancée of ex-cop Drew Peterson, who is suspected in the disappearance of his fourth wife and the
death of his third, is leaving him after her father gave her a "him or me" ultimatum.
Christina Raines, 24, was packing up and moving out of Peterson's Chicago-area house Friday with her
two children after her father, Ernie Raines, forced the issue, according to "Drew Peterson Exposed"
author Derek Armstrong.
Click here for photos.
Ernie Raines came to Peterson's home in Bollingbrook, Ill., Friday morning with a news crew and the
police and demanded that his waitress daughter leave, Armstrong said in a press release.
The couple has broken up. Peterson, 54, blames her father and the press.
"This is what the media always does to me," Armstrong quoted Peterson as saying. "As soon as the
story got out on Chrissy, I knew it would be a problem for us."
Peterson admitted that his appearance on ABC's Nightline Thursday didn't help the situation.
In the segment, Peterson told the reporter, "I'd be wary of me too" when asked about Christina Raines'
family and said that "when the romance is gone" in his relationships, he tends to have flings and move
The comments sparked a fight between the couple, Armstrong said. Christina Raines returned the
engagement ring and a cell phone.
CarambaCarol says:
5 days ago
I believe that when Casey was smiling at the blondebimbo for the defense she was thinking "oh hello
you are the one who is going to try very hard to save my ass arent you? Oh it is so nice to be wearing
real clothes again- mind you I dont know who you sent out to get these things they do nothing for me.
Ok ok I will praactice my POUTING is this ok? Oh look at the judge I wish I could get under that robe
and show him a few things about judging. OH look over to the other side the other blonde bimbo who
is going to nail my ass for killing my snotty kid. Where is my dearly beloved mom? I dont see her here
nor my wonderful brother who is also going to testesfy against me. God what did I do to deserve such a
family? Oh look finally my blondebimbo is talking a lot look at the way Darling Joseito is looking at
her- I bet he is thinking "gosh I wonder how long it will take me to do all that talking and confuse
everyone like she is trying to do? Oh I wish I could ask her to be a guest lecturer in my class. Oh look
back there in a wheelchair- that must be the guy who thinks he is going to help my wonderful parents- I
wonder what is like to go down on him while he is on that wheel chair? I dont think I have ever done
that- mental note:::::as soon as I can I think I will ask if I can go down on him just for the experience
you understand..... Oh my look at big blonde corrections officer I bet I could do things to her" NOT
once was she thinking about her beautiful daughter- the one she got rid of in such a brutal way. NOT
one tear on that ugly pussy face of hers.
There I feel better now.
Snoopy9318 says:
5 days ago
Marie RN: Where do you get the commissary updates? I looked on the momlogic and didn't see any
updates. I saw Etta was interested in the same thing.
Proud Mom: I'm right there with you. That skanky crazy was smiling WAAAAAYYYY too much. I
think it's time to put her in general population so that they can help her get rid of that giddy feeling!!
Could I get some opinions on what I saw this morning during trial... specifically the prosecution saying
that the trial wouldn't probably happen until the end of the year and possibly next year!! They said it's
hard to say what would come out between now and then! It seems like (and I understand we don't know
all of the info) that they'd be better off getting the smiling bitch nailed now instead of later. What could
they be referring to... "A lot could change between now and then?"
That's my way of saying, "I don't know. Does anyone else have an idea?" Hee Hee. Did you get my
reply this morning?
Snoopy9318 says:
5 days ago
Yes. Thank you. I hope to reply tonight (or definitely tomorrow cause I have to work again.) Thank
Snoopy9318 says:
5 days ago
I'm going below deck. Time for the next shift of maties to hit the deck!! I'll look forward to hearing
your thoughts in the morning! Safe Sailing everyone!
Kate in MO says:
5 days ago
OK, Mark Eiglarsh (or however you spell it) is on HLN now saying that it will be years before this
goes to trial. I knew it...I'll be long gone before she's convicted.
I was disappointed to see her in her Target blazer this morning, but at least, according to the TruTV
reporter in the courtroom, she still had on her jailhouse bottoms and leg irons, so it's all good. I found it
VERY interesting that she had skinned her hair back in a little girl hairdo and wore no makeup...she's
starting to listen to counsel, I believe. I think she's finally mad enough that she's going to FIGHT this
now, kind of like when you poke a sleeping snake with a stick for long enough, it will finally rear back
and sink its teeth in you. And the parts that I saw looked like she was trying to control her
giggling/smiling...I saw her grin briefly several times and then it kinda faded away quickly, like she
Since she gave Zanny a key to her house, it's too bad she didn't think to give her a key to her car, too;
that way none of this would ever have been found out. Oh, I forgot...she left her keys in the car...even
the car thieves didn't want it BECAUSE OF THE SMELL (DARN PIZZA...).
I can't remember who posted (maybe Dena??) that maybe we should feel sorry for her because her
psychopathic personality was not her fault...I must disagree with you (JMO). Nobody on the face of the
earth is a perfect parent, so do we all have an excuse for EVERYTHING we might ever do? It was time
for her to grow up and face her responsibilities, like we all have to, and it was her choice to murder and
throw away her daughter instead. It was her CHOICE, not her DESTINY. Sorry to get carried away
with a sermon...I'm done now! And I understand that Dena was just making a point. OK, I'm calm, now.
imacynic2 says:
5 days ago
Wednesday - I just noticed this - but your squirrel is definately male and endowed.
imacynic2 says:
5 days ago
Wednesday - I just noticed this - but your squirrel is definately male and endowed.
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Todd Black have several name's if you go back to what I posted the link for, he is a very interesting
Character and very interesting back ground. BoBo Head is spinning his wheel trying to blame others
for Caylee's death, it is not going to fly.
Casey with all the happy smiles makes me sick to look at her, knowing all the lies she told and what
she did.
The Blond Bomb She fits right in with her husband, my Squirrels hair looks better then her's. Ha Ha
Marie RN says:
5 days ago
I was out this afternoon and missed Dr. Phil. Nancy Grace had the latest commissary order on her show
the other night. I can't find it online. It did list tampons, though.
kk's mom says:
5 days ago
maybe Cindy sold keys before she got into T-shirt sales?
kk's mom says:
5 days ago
maybe Cindy sold keys before she got into T-shirt sales?
5 days ago
Cindy will have nothing to lose in her mind (or lack there of) by changing her story now that nanny the
babysitter used to watch Caylee sometimes at the house since she will be on the "had a key list."I have
a feeling that the hatred that the ship felt toward grams is about to go up 5 fold in the next year or so!
George, George, run while you can before you are stucjk in a sitch that was brought on by your lovely
wifey. Run fast!
Kate in MO says:
5 days ago
Marie, I saw the commissary list, too...I thought it was quite humerous that she had ordered extra-
strength Excedrin, also. Cramps? Migraine? Ulcer? Or stocking up for a future suicide attempt so she
can get the spotlight back from her dad?
redmark says:
5 days ago
hum can anyone see this comment ?
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
redmark, I can see it.
redmark says:
5 days ago
thanx RascalBrat , I submitted a comment but it doesn't seem to show...:(
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
I did that one time forgot to hit post first, :)
redmark says:
5 days ago
Casey is eating my comment!!!! I tried again..and nothing , can you see it ? can we put a link , is that
why she is eating my comment ? :(
5 days ago
redmark, I could say something like rookie or I remember my first beer, but I won't. Only kidding!!
Great to see you and your kitty have joined the Friday night
5 days ago
I might just post it 2 or 3 more times!!
redmark says:
5 days ago
:( I dont get it, I post , it load saying ''working'' then say ''thanx for submitting blablabla'' but my
comment isn't there . Im on Opera...Im gonna try Safari see if I have the same that
would be my 3rd time . err..if you see my comment many time , sorry Im not spamming just can't see it
from my end .:(
redmark says:
5 days ago
Plz dont talk about beer where I cant get one right now lol
hey CAPN STEVE! of course Im (not rookie) but showing up with the royale kittie (tougth my kittie is
even more cute if it was possible) , I actually read more of you peoples then write or answer cose
sometimes I don't understand stuff but I follow beside when I dont get something I just ask bf and
everything is more clear :) so , yeah I check often to see update I think you are more accurate here then
on any other website cose you all following this case clowsely and I think most from the start . So
thanx you all again for updating here , and again thanx you all for being great peoples and sailor Jaar
lol :-)
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
redmark, I think Casey is to busy eating Cheetos and Snickers, not our comments.
It is funny just sitting here listening to news, and they are even talking about her gaining weight. Now
is she ordering the personal items to throw us off what we were thinking. But with the chains around
her middle this is making me wonder. Steve I was being kind to you not mentioning what the personal
items were. Maybe she is using then for ear plugs. Any thought out there?
Actually, in high school, the football team used them for bloody noses.
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Proud Mom, do not tell CAPN Steve that he will not let the boy's play football, he may half to run to
store, I can see him at checkstand I am in a hurry. LMAOROF
5 days ago
Kate in MO says:
5 days ago
I gotta go to Casey's for my first beer...hope I get back for NG; she's gonna rip momster for the blazer
and bun.
Kate in MO says:
5 days ago
Redmark, the only posts of yours I can see are the ones after you started having problems...
4 days ago
Why is it that she had no family with her today? How is it she can smile and be so giddy considering
her situation and Caylee's outcome? Is the answer on both accounts exactly what she wanted?! A
sociopath if ever there is one.
redmark says:
4 days ago
tried again , doesn't show up . Ok this may sound stupid question but when you post a comment with a
link , does it need to be approved before showing ? or they don't need like an admin approve and they
show up like any other comment free of links ?
Well in any case if it need to be approved deeply sorry cose wasn't my intention to spam
and I didn't know about that :(
Well...I can forget about the link , it was on youtube somebody posted the hearing . And since I dont
have a Tv I missed it , so I tougth of posting the link here in case anyone missed it too .
Also my eaten comment said that , if anyone find that episode of Dr.Phil talking about this case , if you
can be so kind to post it here since I don't have a Tv. I don't usually watch Dr.Phil cose I don't agree
with him , but for this case I'm interested to hear what he has to say .
redmark says:
4 days ago
Maybe her parents are taking some distance from her because they are starting to get the picture of
what's going on here really , or maybe they were there in the back and only the media didn't have
authorisation to take a shot of them sitting , crying or watever . Or maybe , again I maybe mistaken .
They wanted to be there , and bo bo head didn't want them there (for George they have to wait) or
maybe afraid they get too emotional and start making a scene . Or maybe just Cindy didn't want to go
on her own , she need her buffer and her personal slave pet wich in the moment seem in the hospital
after an unssucuful scuicide-run-from-wife- attent .
Sorry for bad english , and hum thoses are just ideas in a blank mind lol ;)
losingit says:
4 days ago
Aghhhh, I'm watching NG and I hate Casey's face so much. She's so ugly on the inside and now she's
ugly on the outside too. I wish I could smack her. I guess I'll just have a glass of wine instead.
Does anyone know if the witness list of which they speak is available for public viewing anywhere?
So Bobo gets to go examine where they found the body. I think it's funny that the property owner
wouldn't just let him go there.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Caylee Memorial Service Scheduled Friday, January 30, 2009 7:30 PM this was just released.
ORLANDO-- First Baptist Orlando will host a public memorial service for Caylee Marie Anthony. A
representative from the church said the service will start at 10 a.m. on Feb. 10 in the main Worship
Center of the John Young Parkway Campus. Specific details about the service haven't yet been
The church's 130-acre main campus is located at 3000 S. John Young Parkway.
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
Well, I bet all of Casey's boyfriends are wondering "Hey, where'd the hot chick go??" So she does look
like Marian the librarian, but we all know who she still is on the inside.
Does anyone else think that the defense intends to plant some evidence at the crime scene? Why else
would they want to go out there this late in the game? That way they can say "LOOK HOW
INCOMPETENT this prosecution team is!! LOOK what they missed...Zanny's birth certificate!!"
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Baez Tried To Sneak Bracelet To Jailed Casey Friday, January 30, 2009 – updated: 6:21 pm EST
January 30, 2009 ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News learned Casey Anthony may have
been slipped some contraband in the suit she wore to court for Friday's hearing. Jail officials told
Eyewitness News they discovered a "Caylee" bracelet stashed in the clothes Jose Baez dropped off this
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Steve, I am sure glad I installed my seat belt on my Office Chair, you know if I fell out because of you
that is elder abuse. But never fear I protected you against that, I am safe now. LOL
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
Oh, I see Capn. Steve's in rare form tonight...hey, put me on the stand, please, please,
PLEEEEEEAZE!!!???!! C'mon, Jose, you hot little jalapeno hunk o'man...(see, Casey's not the ONLY
one who can lie!).
Rascal, I'm gonna go get my MedicAlert just in case the captain brings on a heart attack from an
overdose of humor...
Hey, has anyone seen this and can you tell me if it's for real or not? If Casey DID post it, she copied
some news article verbatim because she is not smart enough to write like that. COPYCAT, COPYCAT!
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Kate, Go back and look at the date it was posted. I do not think it was Casey I believe she was in jail.
But I will give you one guess who did it. Someone close to Casey.
SadieSkye says:
4 days ago
CarumbaCarol--- OMG!!!!! That was INCREDIBLE!!!! You made me lose it with your Casey court
commentary.... So insanely entertainting.... You have a gift... your perfect descriptions really transpire
well through your fingertips.... I too was enjoying my own crazy banter while viewing the
proceedings... somewhat like yours (your was wayyy better) it was sooo hard no to try and decipher
what that whore killer was thinking... you could just seee her taking gentle deep breathes.... trying to
not appear phased cuz that wud be so out of character for her and may draw some speculation... you
were soooo effing spot on.... I raise my pepsi to you!!!!!
4 days ago
Not the momster... Maybe that person should have been as diligent in helping to find Caylee (although
as we all know cause we got brains she was already gone) as she did researching and commenting on
N.G. Perhaps even helped momster find an attorney with a higher win % than the Detroit Lions Any
more of momsters friends out there? I'm waiting.... not hard to find, only to catch! You can not board
the ship but feel free to swim along side!
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Kate, Casey was out I went back, dam she was arrested 3 times she very well could have wrote that.
I believe those facebook notes are from Casey. They've been around for awhile, since before she was
locked up this last time.
SadieSkye says:
4 days ago
HEY GUYS!!!!!!
Listen to this squirrel tale I heard TODAY on the Mike O'Meara radio show (one of my favs for years)
They said on the news segmant that a guy got his Hoo-Hoo BIT OFF by a squirrel (get this)... while the
squirrel was servicing the guy!!!!! ITS FOR REAL!!!!!!!
Too bad Casey cant get one of those squirrels to keep her company!!!! LMAOROF!!!!!!!
And SHAME ON YOU Rascal and Aubree's Grandma!! Nuts--Oh My!! I'm blushing! :-))
linn says:
4 days ago
The media can be so frustrating. From what I saw, her ugly gray jacket was too big. Look at the
shoulders. Yet it was snug on her arms. Can we say super cheap? Also on the media. One reporter said
she was in the jacket and jail pants. The next said navy blue dress slacks, and the final one said
BLACK dress pants. What I saw was the black dress pants. Did you hear the trouble they have to go
through for a prisoner to get "dressed".. It is a huge deal, and no one can understand why she was
"dressed" for this court appearance. Everyone says that it usually, due to the amount of time and trouble
it takes to have a prisoner get in street clothes, is never done for just motion appearances. For her trial,
yes! Remember butthead saying she didn't want to appear at any hearings due to the talk about her
appearance? But really, just how did she get what *I think, was special treatment? I bet you the blonde
defense lady who was also pulling at her clothes, picked out that super UGLY jacket. Even the sleeves
were too long. And someone also said, her hair is not that long to fit in a rather large bun. I was telling
my poor daughter, lol, she is SOOO sick of my play by play commentary, but I was just telling her no
way was her hair long enough to put in that rather large bun without some hair falling out. Also noticed
her hair is starting to lighten up. She was ranting at her mother one time saying "you know I have been
coloring my own hair".. Her hair seems to be almost the color of Caylee's. You can see the lighter
streaks in the front, and when she leaned over and the lights hit it is is lightening up. The super dark
was colored. now my abused daughter told me, the front streak looks gray. I would say NO WAY, she is
22, but Lee is only 25 and is almost all gray. SOOOO are we next going to have to see her in an ugly
jacket with a gray bun? Add no makeup to that, and her dark circles.. hmmmm
We know why George did not show up today, but you would think Lee would have if nothing else. I
heard, and I guess I do believe this could be true, is that Cindy is damned if she does, and damned if
she doesn't. Meaning if she goes to the court the media is all over her and I admit, I could not take it...
but if she doesn't go the go on about why.. Personally I would GO if it were my daughter. Even though
she is sick, and crazy, and evil, she is still her child. Even as heinous as this was, you think after
defending her non stop, she would be there to act like she is supporting her even if she is not. I know
from day one George and even Lee said they could not stand butthead..
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
Well, I just sent the most awesome, insightful post that anyone has ever sent in the history of the
internet (teehee) and my internet went down right after I hit the post button. Guess I have Redmark's
gremlins now. So it's floating around out there in never-never land forever and ever. Oh well,
Rascal, I tried to find out the third time momster went back to the hooscow but all I know for sure is
that she got out the second time on Sept. 16. Seems like she was out until early October, but I can't find
it anywhere. So maybe she DID post that...
Proud Mom, I think Cindy would be very choosey about who she expressed her doubts to. There are
probably very few people left that she trusts enough to say that to, so she's stickin' to her other story for
everyone else. And I wouldn't doubt it a bit that George is starting to come around; he's probably been
receiving intensive therapy and knows now that the truth is the only way out of this mess for any of
them. Now if they could just throw the butterfly net over Cindy and force her into therapy, too...
Linn, sounds like you're worked up about today's events, too. I agree about the blazer; either she
borrowed it from someone or it was in the prison lost and found. And you're right about the bun...she
probably ordered a bagel for breakfast and pinned it underneath. Probably scraped off the poppyseeds
to roll and smoke later, too.
Did you read what Rascal posted earlier about them finding a "Caylee" bracelet in the jacket that BO
BO dropped off for her to wear? I'm very anxious to find out more about THAT!!
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
Isn't that breaking contraband rules or something like that?? They should make one for her that says "I
Killed Caylee".
"Baez Tried To Sneak Bracelet To Jailed Casey Friday, January 30, 2009 – updated: 6:21 pm EST
January 30, 2009 ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News learned Casey Anthony may have
been slipped some contraband in the suit she wore to court for Friday's hearing. Jail officials told
Eyewitness News they discovered a "Caylee" bracelet stashed in the clothes Jose Baez dropped off this
Why do I still crack up at the references to Cheetos and Snickers? AG, you should do stand up. Aubree
could be your sidekick.
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
Yes, Steve, loved the video.
I am in the generation that does not know what a Wii is, so guess I don't have to worry about breaking
my TV or killing the dog. Or getting a butt injury.
I just found a very good tribute to Caylee, I'll post this link and it's about halfway down the page. Get
your kleenex ready.
Maybe you've already seen it, but there were alot of pictures in it that I had never seen. Don't mean to
be a buzzkill, LOL!
CarambaCarol says:
4 days ago
Darnit its almost 9 am here in England and now all of youse are asleep. So I sat here recapturing
everyone's thoughts on yesterday's court entertainment. I thank those who thought I was able to get into
Caseys head. I am willing to bet that based on what we know about her and her ME ME ME
personality I came real close to what her thoughts were then. Funny how we all saw the same thing and
have different interpretations. I thought it was even funnier watching the State s attorneys watching
Joseito. It has to be a source of entertainment back at the their offices. Yes, I am sure there is some sort
of weekly betting game as to what Cheetos for brain can come up with. Someone please let me in to
those law classes so I too can become another Hispanic lawyer wonder! Someone oughta teach him a
lesson in humility. I do think he has it confused- the FAMU law school hired him to the teach the
classes on "WHAT not to do if you become a lawyer" Tha would make more sense. Well we know he is
not an ambulance chaser. So do you wonder what is on his business card? "For a good time call me.
But if you need a real lawyer dont" Sad that all this cheap entertainment is being charged to the Florida
tax payers. Should they demand a refund?
redmark says:
4 days ago
Morning , very early here it's around 4am lol
@Wednesday Morning: yeah I did refresh my browser , even logged off and in and cleaned cookies and
all . But my post with a Link doesn't show up , but other post without link are there I can see them
.Then I changed browser (got 4 installed here lol) and same thing .
@Proud Mom : thanx , i will check his website see if I can have a lookie :)
@Kate In MO: thank you , I don't see Bo Bo Head with that sort of idea . I mean if he was somehow
smart maybe but he doesn't seem like a very smart . Maybe he need to look at the scene because he just
want somehow proof that there are no track (shoes) of casey showing up around that spot , mean she
was floating in the air while doing what she was doing lol
If she is truly a sociopathe , i don't think she trust anyone to confess . As long as she is in the phase of
''Im the victime here , it's all about ME'' maybe Bo Bo head know , but beside him nobody I think .
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
Haha, Redmark, I like the "floating on air" theory. Didn't Linda Blair do that in "The Exorcist"?? I don't
think momster will ever confess either, unless maybe she can get some kind of really good deal by
doing it, but even then, it's doubtful IMO.
Guess I'm the first one up this morning??How unusual! It's 9:30 AM here in the Midwest...where is
everyone????????? Shuffleboard on the top deck, anyone?
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Good Morning Shipmates. I think the reason Cindy did not go to court yesterday she might have been
setting up the memorial for Caylee. I will give credit to Cindy for taking the time to get this done.
Kate I did post a correction that it could have been Casey wrote the article.
BO BO Head knows better then to try to sneak anything in to Casey, so he violated a rule of bringing in
Contraband. I hope he is sanctioned for that, for some reason he does not think he needs to follow rules.
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
Have they given a date for the memorial service yet?
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Kate scroll back up I posted the information for the memorial yesterday, I found it before I went to bed.
14 hrs ago
4 days ago
Momster to confess................... yeah right after one of us shipmates beats Rascal in a 9ball best 4 out
of 7 match. Cindy planning to get the funeral done............ triple kudos! Bobo breaks the rules................
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Steve, I play 8 ball pool. Cindy planed a Memorial service for Caylee. I posted time and place 14 hrs
ago. Yep Casey's Morals are rubbing off on BO BO. haha
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
I was surprised at the mistakes, someone in the law office sure needs to learn how to do up a document
SadieSkye says:
4 days ago
Did someone say 8ball? Now were talking.... when i was ten we got a pool table... In order to hang out
with my 17 yr old brother I had to learn to play... Lets just say I used to go by the name California
Skinny whenever i had a cuestick in my hand... To this day ... (im 40) I love playing unsuspecting
fools... lol.. My friends get a kick out of watching me run the table while knocking an ego or two back
into check.... I never toot my own horn when it comes to pool but I just cudnt keep my mouth shut any
longer once i heard 8Ball..cuz thats my game... lol
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
The Caylee T Shites and Bracelets continue to be sold!!!!
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Interesting story about Cayee's Body being someplace else.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Well just when I thought there was some decency in this family, I was wrong the Memorial is
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
My thought on the cancellation of the Memorial is. Casey is in charge of Caylee's remains and has the
last say on this. Since Casey can not have what she wanted a Memorial at the Jail, is this her way of
being as she called herself a Spiteful Bitch again. OK Mom you did not get me what I wanted, so now
you can not hold a Memorial. Just my thought!!!
Aubree's Grandma says:
4 days ago
The article says the remains have to be released first - has it been released by the authorities yet or is
Casey the one who actually has control? As for the article about the body being moved - this makes
total sense that it was moved, but at what point was it moved? Sounds like it was in the Ant's yard at
some point but when was it actually put in the trunk? And who put the bracelet in the pocket of the
jacket Casey wore? Sounds more like something Cindy would do rather than Baez. So many questions
but not enough answers... By the way, thanks for the links Rascal.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
I think Cindy did it, but Bo Bo Head should of checked everything before he took it to the Jail, since he
is the responsible party that can be blamed. The bracelet was supposedly in a sock. The Authorities
released the body to the Funeral home that is where it has been. Casey is the one that has the authority
to release it now. I am sure the body was in the yard at one point, that is why the dogs hit on the
decomposition there. There is a lot e do not know yet, if the remains were dumped there from the start
or moved later. I am sure we will hear when this all comes out. YW for the links.
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
Well guys my internet keeps going "phhwtt" so I'll be in and out today. Nice to pay $48 a month and
get no service GRRRRRR!!!
Thanks, Rascal, for all the links. I wish Mark Furman would just shut up before he messes everything
up. I thought the forensic people said that the plant growth in and around the bones told that it had been
there since June.
As far as Zenaida's questions, you're right; you'd think as much money as lawyers charge they could at
least hire people who know how to spell (especially the name CAYLEE which has only been in the
news 50 bezillion times since July).
Moxie wants Rascal to come over for her birthday party today...she's 4 YEARS OLD! We sang "Happy
Birthday" to her at midnight and she looked at us like we were nuts.
Well, here goes...I'll try to post this and see what happens!
Proud Mom says:
4 days ago
I heard Bo Bo say in an interview that custody of the remains had been turned over to him. He called
himself "the custodian". I can't remember which station it was, though. It's been a couple of weeks ago,
I think, but definitely since we got back from vacation.
You're probably right about the memorial, Rascal. I can see momster saying that. If she DID sign
custody over to BO BO, I can see him going along with her wishes to spite her mother. So much for her
rant about not having ANY CONTROLL!!!!!!
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
PM, that's a good name for him...he SHOULD be a "custodian".
So if the bracelet was in a sock it was an obvious attempt to deceive...when I heard it was in the jacket
pocket, I thought, well, maybe somebody just overlooked it.
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
Well, DUH...I just figured out that it was smuggled in on purpose...he KNEW it would be found and
the story would make the papers..."poor Casey misses her daughter SO MUCH that she just wanted a
Caylee bracelet to feel closer to her". Kinda like "poor Casey misses her daughter SO MUCH that she
can't bear the thought of not attending the funeral, so she wants to have it in the jail". STUPID ME!! He
did it on purpose for the publicity! He wants to build sympathy for her!!
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Kate, I went threw that internet thing for almost 2 month, but they gave me credit for every day I had
trouble with it, so they were very fair. Happy Birthday Moxie from Rascal.
Well Casey could turn the remains over, if Bo Bo Head is in charge she has the right to tell him turn
Caylee over to my Mom, and there is nothing he can do about it.
Proud Mom, they are not going to do anything to him because, it was not a dangerous item.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Glad she is doing ok, this has to be hard on her with everything else, wish her the best.
We need another spread sheet--this one filled with nothing but BO BO screwups.
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
ProudMom, Moxie sends wet Shih Tzu kisses...good to hear that Farmchick is hanging in there.
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
What's up with BoBo's website? When you go there, it talks about all his "high profile cases" and
shows his picture on CNN, but when you click on the link, nothing happens, it's the same page. Am I
doing it wrong or does he just have a stupid web page??
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Proud Mom, I do not think we should take the entire blog to list his BO BO's Lol
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Late not sure I see enough of that Cracker Jack Bo Bo Head on Tv, so I have never gone there, He has
not had many cases, so that is a crock of BS.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
.Ok here is what Bo Bo has done so far.
Baez represented Nilton Diaz who was arrested in the death of a famous boxer’s granddaughter, who
eventually was found guilty of murder.
Baez represented Mayor George Gant in a trial that took place in 2007.Gant, a doctor, was forced to
resign because two of his patients accused him of sexually viloated them during a GYN exam.
Unfortuantly for the prosecution, their main witness refused to testify and the perverted doc was
cleared of all charges.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
This is funny Bo Bo throws reporters out of his office.
Fine list of clients he's got there. Barring all knowledge of his idiocricies so far in this case, I'd look at
his record and know I didn't want him representing ME!!! But then I don't take alot of
recommendations from cell mates, either.
Allyss says:
4 days ago
I think they must of spelled it wrong on purpose to say see look she doesn't know her or we would of
spelled the name right. Cause come on everyone knows how to spell her name and if not then look it
up, it's not like it is hard to find an article with her name in it on the internet.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
looking for morre links for you all.brb
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Finding some interesting reading for all of you.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
More info on Bo Bo
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Now this one will be interesting I have loistened to Simon on the radio, you can get it right on the net.
he has a very interesting show all about Casey.
Kate in MO says:
4 days ago
Gee, thanks for all the links, Rascal! And Moxie says "thanks" for the birthday wishes from Oregon,
Well, gotta depressed friend is coming over so I have to put on my happy face for her. Keep me
up to date, my people!!
That's about the 37th straw I've heard them reach for other than the non-existant nanny. I thought it
was a cut and dry case and only needed a court day to present the clear facts that will make us all
understand that Casey isn't a murderer. AND THEY were the ones who caused her to be seen in
shackles by not having her in court to start with. If they seriously bring this up as grounds for an
appeal, I hope it's shot down faster than Kate in her adventure of trying out the flying human
cannonball. This guy is EXASPERATING!!
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Proud Mom,, did you go to the one link for blogger news, if you do click on the talk radio and listen it
is interesting. I made my post on this subject before his talk radio show. Yes this is exasperating.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
Yes on the link up above blogger news on the right side it is small just click on the arrow.
Proud Mom says:
4 days ago
The Dennis Griffin show was pretty long, but interesting. I hubbed around while listening to it. Now,
I'll go look for the other one. I read the blogger page about BO BO's webpage. Sounds like the blogger
has the same opinion as Kate. The first link had LOTS of goodies. That's where I found the link to the
bit about one of their basis-es for appeal. Funny how they are already focusing on an appeal. Tells you
they think they're going to lose.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
That is my take also, there is no way they will win. But If they get appeal she will still end up back in a
cell. It was there choice not to have her in court no one elses.
nannie27 says:
4 days ago
Aubree'sgrandma: I think I heard someone on tv say that the bracelet said "Caylee Forever". Not
positive but I think thats what was said.
RascalBrat says:
4 days ago
This is a great link also. talks about braclet. "In Our Hearts Forever Caylee Marie Anthony"
3 days ago
BOBO Head blames the family re. the bracelet. The family is about to hold a press conference and
blame the dead squirrel. I blame the last idiot who had possesion of it. Falls into the lack of experience
catagory once again. When will the madness end? Why can't we all just get along? Hey California
Slim, ya ever play with Minnesota Fats? The show in the Copa Room begins in 1 hour. 2 drink
minimum. If we allow momsters friends to board we could make a fortune since their idea of the 2
drink minimum means 2 per hour. Any unruly people go off the plank without warning!!
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
I watched as a kid he was my Dad'' idol. he was a great pool player. No Steve I am not that much of a
antique to have played with Minnesota Fats, Lol
We have a great group of Shipmates here, np CAPN
"Forever in our hearts"--heart sticker on the duct tape. I see a pattern here.....
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
We know she loves the attention, wait till she gets to prison. She is not going to be love being alone.
donagal says:
3 days ago
Hi everyone, just been reading and doing searching. Interesting little article: ZG lawyer has released
questions, Bo Bo says he has no intention of letting Crazy answer them, will probably end up back in
court. Sorry if someone has already brought this up, haven't gotten through all the readings.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
CAPN STEVE, How did the boy's do?
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
ProudMom go to you tube type in U@50 first on at top is called lost generation
Tomorrow, I'm watching the "Toilet Bowl" on DIY network on the little tv while the hubby is watching
the Superbowl on the big screen. He can't seem to locate any 3D glasses. I'm fairly positive,
considering the title of my show, that I will not need any.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
A friend of mine bought her 3d glasses at Albertson grocery store, You can tell by my post up above
what I will be watching, game day. No I have not seen the religiouse version of that. I spend a lot of
time on here looking for links and reading. And listening to TV.
Tuesday I half to go set up Ebay for a friend so they can sell. Never a dull moment here.
donagal says:
3 days ago
I'm here Proud mom, still reading and catching up, working two jobs right now and keeping up with
two teenagers I've fallen behind! What's up my friend??
losingit says:
3 days ago
Okay, I just have to jump in here. I think I have a lot more in common with you sailors than once
thought. I am pretty darn good at eight ball. In fact, when engaged in a friendly bar game I often yell
out, "Lets's play bank the eight!", even when I'm winning. I am 38. I have a three year old awesome
Shih Tzu named Brian (yes, from Family Guy). He's a good boy and he rarely barks. I used to call
(before I had one) Shih Tzus "Yappy little kick dogs". I hated them. I acquired this one as a puppy, and
he is now my best friend. He's black and white and I keep his hair long. He's soooo cute. I'll try to post
his pic next to my name as soon as I get bacdk home. I'm still living in remote alberta. I'm lucky that
the aircard I bought the other day works here.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
losingit, Kate and I both have Shih Tuz's, and they are like our kids we love them. I raised Shih Tzu's
when I lived in Calif, they are wonderful small dogs. Mine rarely barks either, but she does tire me out
playing fetch, I get tired throwing toys for her to bring back. Rascal is 3 1/2. I keep her in what they
call Teddy Bear cut, easy for me to keep up.
donagal says:
3 days ago
This case just seems to get stranger and stranger the longer it goes on. I'm with you Proud Mom, I
thought this was cut and dry, she would explain everything! Why haven't they asked for a speedy trial
yet! Why can't they bury the poor child? I also believe as someone put earilier that Crazy won't release
the remains to her family, one more way to stick it to them.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
donagal, there is no way they can explain all the evidence against Casey,.
donagal says:
3 days ago
I agree whole heartly with you, Im just repeating Bo Bo when he said when she tells her side it will all
make sense. Still waiting BO BO!!!!
Off subject, just reading about the lady who had eight babies with six at home, all with the same
donor??? She is another nut case!! What is the doctor who implanted her thinking???? Says she did it
because she wanted one more girl. Who is going to take care of all those children???
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
The State Of Calif will take care of them, Welfare and any donations she gets. There is more Bail out
Sounds like losingit, Kate and Rascal could all be the same person. Hmmmm.....Just how many keys do
ya'll have to the Anthony house?
Rascal, you're right, but that won't keep them from trying.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
I promise I do not have there key, lol. That is Bo Bo job to try, but we know how he tried on the other
cases, it was called LOOOOOOSER
donagal says:
3 days ago
Your right Rascal, the taxpayers will pay the price for another young selfish girl, just like Crazy. I pray
for those babies!
donagal says:
3 days ago
They say she has a college degree and went back to college untill last spring, hopefully she can put
some of that education to use to support her kids by herself.
donagal says:
3 days ago
Alright ladies I'm done for the night, you all have a good one and I will be here tomorrow most likely.
Good night.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Nite donagal be safe
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
The main thing is they have fun, not who wins and they are show sportsmanship. That is what I always
tried to teach my sons. HaHa tied up on football the night he was born. Reminds me of someone else.
Hope you took time out to get somone to hospital,
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
She lives with her parents in a 3 bedoom house, I have not heard anything bad about her. Seems to be
good mom.
3 days ago
I was in the room for both my guys. I almost fainted that night. I am not kidding. Everything was
getting verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry, verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry slow. I knew then what the word miracle meant if I
didn't before that day. As crazy as it sounds and as scared as I was, once he came home I used to look
forward to the diaper changes and the 2:00 A.M. feedings! I could change a diaper with the best of
them. Yes Rascal, sportsmanship!! Being a good loser makes you a better winner. And lets you enjoy it
more. Anywho, I really like the People Magazine exerpt that says the police are very very confident
that they have the right person behind bars. Which comes first, day 1 of the trial of the century or The
Detroit Lions first win of 2009? Remember tomorrow Pitt 28 Ariz 24. P.S. Can you imagine bringing
home 8 children to a home with 6 already? The father is a contractor in Iraq. He may also want to
moonlight when he gets there!!
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Steve, it would have never bother me to have that many kids, I love kids. But we had what we could
afford on our on money no one else's. I will remember that score sounds good to me. Yes I am positive
they have the right person in jail, but can not wait to see what the defence comes up with.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
There is a Doner involved, he is the same Doner for the other 6 kids. He is not financially responsible
for them.
I swear, Jose is doing this just so she has grounds for an appeal. As for an appeal because she was seen
in jail clothes?? Are you kidding me? Even OJ showed up for trial stuff in his orange suit. I just so wish
I could really see the judge blast him a new one.
Kate I think, yes!! That scene Friday really did get me mad. But I was laughing so hard at your 'bagel
bun" comment.. lol. I really do not think her hair is long enough to of had that big of a bun with no
clippies keeping the hair off her neck. And good grief!! Florescent lights with no makeup and a jail
gray suit? What were they going for? She has a deadly disease?? That color is not flattering to anyone,
much less a young girl. It was done to make her look serious. could have worked if she could have kept
her teeth behind her lips.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
I have 4 granddaughters, 7 grandsons, I think that will be it.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
George is still in hospital
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Popped in to catch up and say nite nite...looks like we have another Shih Tzu on board..."Brian", haha,
love it!!
So the topic is the 14 kids of the single mom??? Nuts!! I haven't heard anything about a father, AG. I
did hear that she was probably counting on alot of freebies that always come about when you have
multiples, like new vans, new houses, free diapers, etc. Think I heard that on HLN.
Capn Steve's gonna make me walk the plank...I'm a Cardinals fan tomorrow. Only because Kurt Warner
used to play for the Rams when they were in St. Louis, and I like the story of him working in a grocery
store when they finally drafted him, kind of a rags to riches story. Usually my team is the Chiefs, but
THEY REALLY REALLY REALLY SUCK so I haven't had much to cheer for this year. I did,
however, cheer when they fired Carl Peterson and Herm Edwards.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
nite AG hope you feel better.
3 days ago
Aubree'sGrandma, thank you, thank you! In time I will open up a little more and fill you all into the
past 3 years of what has transpired in their lives and mine regarding the ex who is dangerous and
abusive in part due to her own behavior disorders. My goal is to give them the best that I can so they
will be able to relate well with the opposite sex which includes love, honor, respect, etc. I go to court
again on Monday and that seems to be an every other month thing for the past few years. I could right a
book about "the system." But, they are with me and that is what matters right now. I also have a great
family support system that loves them more than anything in this world!!!
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Steve, I wish you the best of luck and God will be with you. I know you are a good father. And i do
understand what you are going threw. You will guide your sons in the right direction in life and that is
what matters. You are not alone, just remember that. God Bless you.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Nite all.
3 days ago
Kate, no plank for you. Mr Warner is a great person, a great father, and a future hall of famer no matter
what happens tomorrow. If anyone didn't know his story with his wife Brenda it tells all who and what
he is about. He took in as his own 2 children from her first marriage one of which was born a
paraplegic with down syndrome. The first night that they went out the babysitter cancelled and Kurt
wanted so much to take the kids with them. They loaded up the kids and went to dinner and the movies.
When her son needed anything Kurt would take care of him. When he needed to go to the restroom he
picked him up out of his wheelchair, took him and brought him back. The kids loved Kurt and that
night Brenda knew that Kurt was the man for her! A year later they were married and Kurt adopted
both of her children. Since then they have added two more kids of their own. Like I said, a great person
no matter what happens tomorrow!
GranNaw says:
3 days ago
just got home and caught up on posts -
Carol - you're killin me girl! That was a really good analogy though!
my take on the hearing Friday -Not any thing I didn't expect. Every defendant has the RIGHT to dress
for court appearances, its just that MOST DON'T for PRE TRAIL hearings because there is not a jury
present and most are not on TV. I think that is why NG and everyone making such a big deal out of the
grey jacket and her bun. Casey looked bad to me. Jacket did not fit, looked cheap, has had No Sun, has
dark circles (maybe nightmares?) has some dark looking tags already on her face to be so young- looks
like her gray hair is showing through- not able to color and touch up in jail I guess - I think these are
the main reason's Casey does not WANT to appear in court. She knows how rough she is looking these
days, she knows it will all be on TV, and IT HAS ALWAYS been about Casey- She CANNOT STAND
IT! Everyone seeing her this way! Her and Cindy are just alike with all their "FRONT" they put on!
Casey - we have a real special room all ready for you at my spa- and a real SPECIAL treatment plan
just for you!
Not surprised at NO TRIAL DATE - this thing will drag out - I don't know about 4 years though Capt
Steve. I expect it to go down in the fall of 2010 - maybe early 2011. I wish it would be this year but
with all the depo's that will have to be taken.... for cryin out loud----we are still still waiting on the
body to be released. Come on, if the defense cannot finish in nearly 2 months with that one thing, do
we honestly think they will do any of this quick? NOT! Baez CANNOT file a motion for SPEEDY
TRIAL- in FL that tells the judge you are ready. Baez is not ready and probably NEVER will be!
We know why George wasn't there- I think Cindy wasn't there because she cannot manipulate the
media anymore - she has been PROVEN WRONG PUBLICLY with the discovery of Caylee's remains
and now has crow all over her face. She is like Casey and she CANNOT STAND IT! She is trying to
figure out a way to back away from and take back all her BS she put out there for months and months,
and just hasn't figured it out yet. I think that is why BC said what he said last week - the "They Don't
Know" Comment. I also think she is hoping that time will make it better so she is laying low. Lee I
think has tried to distance himself for a while, but you would think that SOMEONE (either Lee or
Cindy) would have gone- that is if they really do still SUPPORT her.
@ whoever wanted to know about the Casey Face Book post from Sept 29 - She was out, she was
spending her days at BoBo's office and the word on that tidbit is that one of his clerks or a paralegal
helped her put that together. Someone else wrote it, (copied most of it actually) and she posted it!
GranNaw says:
3 days ago
Oh - and the 33 year old with the 8 new babies- SHE'S EFFIN NUTS! JMHO mind you.
If she really is doing this for the free stuff, or any other reason other than her love for and ability to care
for precious babies, for that matter, I hope NO ONE sends her anything. Now those babies, they need
redmark says:
3 days ago
night everyone who is already in bed , I just wake up and man do I have to catch up lol
On CNN they said about the women who had 8 babies , that she wanted ''one more girl'' , like she was
obsessed or something . Remind me of Angelina Jolie a bit...
Does anyone know what Zenaida attorney can do ? I mean , if she accuse Casey of watever...what will
be the charge then ?
Question : In the pdf file that show Zenaida question , why they say ''To your knowledge'' as in ''if you
do not know that's ok'' , didn't Casey say (or maybe somebody else said) that , casey left her daughter
with Zenaida wich was babysitting someone else kid? so if she drop her daughter to Zenaida house ,
she must have seen the other kid...unless she lied about that time too...
T-shirts and bracelets are still being sold , now that they found a bodie shouldn't they be taken from
shops and such ? I mean , those t-shirt were there to help find her.....weird.
Hey does anyone play white ball ? lol it's the same as 8ball..but in my case the white one is the only
one I can put in a hole..i never miss that one lol
Anyone awake ?
redmark says:
3 days ago
Maybe if they brought the death penalty she will start sweating and confess ? isn't that what they did
with Ted Bundy (I think)...he was stalling and stalling and didn't say a word...then when the judge had
enough and put death penalty he started talking and hoped to stall for more time . Maybe that will break
her if she know that she is going byebye...
Here in CA, Im following the case of the murder of Michaud , the guy is about to go on trial for murder
, raping a corps and eating it I think...the victime was a nice and know lady in her community and left
behind a kid .
redmark says:
3 days ago
Who want my squirrel?
redmark says:
3 days ago
humpff yesterday a ghost was eating my comment and now it's making babies...argh lol
redmark says:
3 days ago
link link hum for the case Im following for the curious one lol
Allyss says:
3 days ago
Ok let me start by saying I really did have some of those purple squirrel nut drinks or something like
that; that u all talk about. If you haven't figured it out by now; captain Steve and other mates I love to
play devil's advocate. but there is none in this case. As hard as I try there is no looking at her (Casey's
side of it) because hell she just sucks. Even if by miracles of miracle she was innocent (which I don't
believe for a minute) she still just sucks as a mom. I do feel that some of her smiles in court and shit are
due to nerves but heck it doesn't matter because no nerves can make up for what a shitty mom she was.
I know Steve has some times banished me to only being aloud to sail beside the ship, but that is ok. I
pride myself as being able to look at all sides. (with the clarification of that I can't in this case) because
there is only Caylee's side and the rest of the Anthonys just suck.)
Excuse me for my ramblings, but Steve I just wanted to tell u what a great DAD I think u are, anyone
can be a father but it takes a great man to be a DAD, and from what I have seen u are truely that man. I
hope all goes well in court tomorrow. I have to get one more thing of my chest while I am buzzing and
rambling, I think our court system is sooooooo unfair to the father's. The father has no rights, if a
women has an abortion, oh well they are shit out of luck, if the mother decide to give the baby up oh
well the mother can decide to not list the father and again the father is shit out of luck, if a mother
decides to keep the baby but the father said from the beginning I am not fit to be a "DAD" not a father
oh well again they are shit out of luck and have to pay support. Now I know this is the simplified
version of this but still no matter how u look at it the father gets the shit end of the deal. I also am
aware that times are changing but in my opinion it should of changed a long time ago. Sorry again
about my rambling but that is what happens when u give me purple squirrel nuts or what ever it was.
P.S oh and Captain Steve you just happen to have a great name , my husband's name just happens to be
Steve also and he is a great DAD, and even if in my worst nightmare we ever happened to get
divorcxed, I would never in a million years dream of keeping OUR children away from him. I once
read a saying that said and I remind all of my divorced friends of this "you have to love your children
more then you hate your Ex" and although I hope to never have to I think that is words to live by, f
course in situations where it against a child's interest to see one of their parents.
Ok I am done, you can now send the deck hands after me to lock me back into my room.
Kate in MO says:
3 days ago
Capn. Steve, thanks for the kudos for Kurt Warner...he is quite a man. I didn't know all those details so
thanks for sharing.
Redmark, I like your squirrel! looks like you've officially joined our ranks now!
I just posted something and it disappeared, so if it comes back, forgive me for repeating myself. I was
talking about Casey being nervous, and I really don't believe she GETS nervous, JMO. She has nothing
to worry about...she has found her dream job - CONVICT. She has 3 meals a day, a roof over her head,
she snacks, reads, listens to music, and all the while, idiots keep putting more money into her account.
Her mom still believes her (at least claims to in public) and to top it all off she's a SUPERSTAR now!
Does life get any better??
GranNaw says:
3 days ago
Yea Proud Mom - I have her some gift certificates all right!
and regarding the woman with the octuplits (or what ever 8 is called) - I am hearing she is single-
always has been??? lives with Mom and Dad in a 3br home - already HAD 6 children, all under the age
of 8, does not work, has been collecting workmans comp or something similar- WTF was she thinking
and what legit doctor would implant at least 8 embryo's???? Personally, to me it looks like she is just
trying to get over- draw every benefit she can, sounds like STATE of CALIF will foot this bill. I think
she is hoping to get a bunch of free stuff out of the deal, but what I want to know is how does she plan
to care for these 14 children LONG TERM? She is obviously another CRAZY person and thinks of
only what SHE WANTS.
3 days ago
Good morning all! Allyss, thank you so much for the kind words. You were never banished by me or
anyone!! Ever. Sometimes the kitchen duty lands on your lap when you do not want it but hey, we gotta
eat ya know. We like your cooking so sometimes we put your name ahead of others to make sure you
are on that detail. You do not want the latrine duty do you? No you don't! Rascal labels that lurker
detail. Anyway... All I can say right now re. "the system" is it is so biased against the father that it
doesn't matter if there has been abuse that number in the double digits (with pictures that do not lie) all
that the court cares about is the ultimate goal of reunifying the children with the mom. No matter what,
no matter how. If I had done what she has done I would be typing this from the grey bar motel which I
doubt I would be able to. The only thing good right now is that they have monitored visits put in place
but my boys do not even want to go on those or talk on the phone. She has gone in the past 6 months
without being with them due to a restaining order that my attorney advised me to get at the end of 08,
but between late 07 and early January 09 there have been 5 documented abuses. She lost her first son
who is 17 to her ex for the same garbage 5 years ago and he lives in Oregon. They have had a pretty
non existent relationship since. That should tell the court something but ???? She is abusive and
dangerous and the fact that she is a bi-polar sociopath doesn't help matters! She was even put in the
hospital on a 5150 call several years ago and by some stroke of luck I found out about an email that she
sent to her family a year ago about taking a bottle of zanax and washing it down with some alcohol.
And the court thinks this is normal? I will let you know what our judge says tomorrow when I get home
but she obviously (from past performance) went to the school of unlimited chances to harm the children
and graduated 1st in her class. CONGRATS!! My family lives this right along side me and have ruffled
quite a few feathers in the process. Who cares! It is all about the kids! My mom knows a bunch of
"important" people, and although I am not a name dropper I will say that it's not who you know, it's
who she knows!
Steve - it sounds like you have a pretty good case against the mother of your boys - I hope everything
goes well in court for you.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Here we go again Bo Bo says he wants change of venu, he keeps saying this and no paper worked filed
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Change of venue Bo Bo like to hear himself talk, show us the change Bo Bo, where you going Mars.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago change of venue
If you look at the top you can actually see what her commmisary records are.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
Did everyone leave? :(
Steve, I want to throw something out to you about your court situation. I don't know if you have this in
your area, but it is a nationwide program that I am a volunteer for. Try to find out through your
attorney, or even by Internet if "CASA for Children" is in your California county. Sometimes, they are
called GAL. Anyway, you CAN request one. The judge appoints us to go in and investigate every
aspect of the case----not for either of the parents, but solely to figure out WHAT IS IN THE BEST
INTEREST OF THE CHILD. We have a court order to investigate ANYONE and every aspect
involved in the child's life, how they are reacting to their current situation, pretty much everything. If I
was the CASA on your case, (and this is pretty standard procedure), I would observe your boys in your
home, with you, with your family, during any visits with the mom, back in your home after the visits,
your ex's home, any couselors or therapists involved--everything. If I thought she was a detriment to
them IN ANY WAY, I would note that in my report to the judge. I would list my observations and
conclusions and submit my opinion about what I think should be done. It's a way to cut through the
bureaucracy and red tape and get to the heart of the matter. I know, for the most part, judges give more
weight to a CASA's opinion in the event of conflicting reports between involved parties, attorneys,
DHS, or anyone else. Because we don't get any monetary reimbursement for our many hours of work,
the judge knows we are truly doing this for the children. My reimbursement is knowing I CAN MAKE
A DIFFERENCE in a child's life. All of this to say, it might be a good resource for you in your battle
for your boys.
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
ProudMMom, That is so great you volunteer for helping kids. Been waiting for this game to come on
and surfing at same time. No news on George yet but I will keep watching.
Wednesday do not start party to soon you might not nake it threw the game, LOL
RascalBrat says:
3 days ago
I did not look what time it comes on but I have it on the right channel so I do not miss it, really is not
anything else I want to watch. :)
So Nat'l Enquirer didn't have some *Bombshell*? If there isn't one, they are usually the ones to make
one up, aren't they?
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Steve I was jumping up and down, it was great!!! no planke for me either lol
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
OK, Steve, next time I'll listen to your game prediction, haha. (sigh)...someday before I croak, I'd like
to see my team win the Superbowl. But since my team is usually the CHIEFS, FAT CHANCE!!!!
Because they REALLY REALLY REALLY SUCK! At least I had something to cheer for when they
fired Carl Peterson and Herm Edwards. Way back in the dinosaur days they did win a Superbowl, but I
was not a football fan then, so I missed it. I'm gonna switch back to horseracing.
Well, this has been almost a completely Casey-free day, so I guess that's ONE good thing. Apparently
not much going on in the Anthony saga today.
Is JMo back from her fishing expedition yet? I miss her stand-up comedy routines.
Well, I'm whipped so I'm going to turn in early tonight. Congratulations, Steeler fans! Don't party TOO
much, LOL...
linn says:
2 days ago
Steve, court is not fun, is it? I had my share of a sort of "not all there ex".. It is just depressing. You and
I, both loved these people at one time. sounds like you don't have to worry. A find dad who is
responsible, loving, and she sounds well, bad and I suppose to be decent here, she sounds troubled. She
has no business with kids. Courts see this and no way do they want more dysfunctional people growing
up. NO WAY would those kids be allowed to go with her. Supervised is all, and it sounds as though that
is not high on her list.
My daughter made me watch the last 2 minutes of the game, meaning what? 2 hours?? LOLOL!! Can
you tell I am SO NOT into sports unless my kids were playing and even then it was hard. Sports, all of
them, are competive games. I am so the opposite. If anything I will always root for the underdog just
because. Or better yet, the team with the cutest players.. lol
I believe it was Aubree's Granmaw?? My son is not gay, not that there is anything wrong with it, but I
kid him that he would turn gay for Brett Favre. He loves him!! And all the GB Packers stuff he was
bought is now being shelved for the Jets.. Glad I did not go into it too much as seems Brett most likely
will retire again.
And I guess my daughter was right? Casey did have grey hair in the front? It could be just light now.
She had hair color like Caylee. A lightish brown. Dark inside, light outside. That is why she died her
hair such a dark color. It is stricking on a person who is young. I would look like Morticia Adams. But
you can see the hair on her head is a lot lighter that the bun which would be the bottom of her hair. So it
is fading, the color. Can't they drug her up so she will quit the darn grins and butthead smiles?? That is
so offensive. I don't know anyone on trial for even a traffic ticket that smiles in court!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Twisted Mystery has 2 new great stories on Casey if you are interested!!!
SadieSkye says:
2 days ago
WoW What a game!!!!!
Steve-- What a prediction!!! another talent unearthed!!! Your stocks gettin hot!!! :0)
Many of my close friends are die-hard steelers fans... so it was very sweet to see several grown men
have emotional breakdowns by the end of the game... Thank goodness they won.. cudnt even imagine
the outcome if the other had occured...c i cudnt even say it... one of my friends (PROBABLY THE
BIGGEST FAN OF ALL) just lost his 35 yr old sister two weeks ago to cancer shed only found out
about barely 6 wks earlier... never children... maybe the sadest funeral ive ever been other
than my fathers who died 4 years ago on super bowl sunday at 4am in his sleep .... probably the last
thing my dad thought about was the game the next day...never knowing hed never see it or us again....
so super bowl is very bitter sweet to me but iknow my dad watches every game right alonside me
whether its the Sf giants or my sons babe ruth game ... ok sorry guys.. but i was wayyyyoverdue for a
ramble... Thanks for the ear!!!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Good Morning Shipmates, Steve you were right on the game, What a exciting ending. I really felt for
Kurt Warner, he played well and that had to be hard to loose so close to the end.
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Hi, all; just checking in. My internet has been off again, so I called them and set up and appt. for
Thursday, then as soon as I hung up it came back on. Never fails!! But think I will keep the appt. just in
Sounds like Steve has an important and possibly hair-raising day ahead. I'll keep him in my thoughts
and prayers, and have the Tylenol ready when he gets back.
It WAS a really exciting game last night, even though it didn't go my way. I don't mind them losing as
long as they gave the other team a run for their money, so it's all good.
It's a BEAUTIFUL day in NW Missouri; it's supposed to get up to 70 by the end of the week. But I
have a feeling winter's not over yet.
I enjoyed Twisted's new articles...that girl has a way with words, doesn't she?? Actually, I think SHE
would make a good prosecutor.
imacynic2 says:
2 days ago
Please sign the Petition to encourage the Anthonys to bury Caylee and put her at rest.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Metor Reader who found Caylee ges new job!!
imacynic2 says:
2 days ago
I'm betting it was getting hard to read those meters with the press following you around 24/7 waiting
for you to transpose a number or some other violation they can catch you on.
Steve - congrats!
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Well this way he does not half to be bothered with Questions, I can not say I blame him.
2 days ago
Thanks!! The unknown can drive you crazy. Like most people , we like to be able to have some sort of
control and when there are things that are left for others to decide it can drive one bonkers. A big load
off my mind to say the least. Off to get the boys from school now and give them the good news without
too much info if you know what I mean.
Kate in MO says:
2 days ago
Well, it's nice that the jail personnel are going to inform BoBo Head that bracelets are not allowed:
"When Casey Anthony walked into court Friday, she was wearing a gray business suit. Attorney Jose
Baez dropped it off at the Orange County jail Wednesday. But Eyewitness News has learned Baez also
wanted his client to wear a Caylee bracelet, so he put it in one of her socks.The jail considers the
incident a closed routine matter and Baez will be notified that bracelets are not allowed. Moore said, if
the item had been illegal or dangerous, the jail would have called law enforcement to investigate."
Considering it was in one of her socks and he's the one who dropped off the clothes, I think it's fair to
"But a body language expert was watching Casey closely, interpreting her outward appearance and
what was underneath.
"Facial expressions were consistent, though, with sadness, with depression," body language expert
Susan Constantine told Eyewitness News."
She didn't look depressed to me.
BTW, Steve, congratulations on your good day in court. I guess sometimes the good guys win, huh??
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Kate, It iwll be interesting to see what Bo Bo Head, Sniffle Sniffles about this week. No Casey does not
look depressed, she looks like a deer in the head lights that is thinking Oh Shit I have had it!!!!
Oh I want to tell all of you that use one of the Swifters to clean floor, please read the warning this
cleaning fluid it used has killed pets. They lick there paws and it gives them liver problems, there is
now a law suit against he company.
donagal says:
2 days ago
Todd Black is aka Gil Cabot, convicted of extorting money from a new anchor. Nice, Bo Bo has
convicts working as his PR.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
donagal, he has used other names also, nice friends Bo Bo associates with.
donagal says:
2 days ago
Yes true, but Gil Cabot is his real name. You know people think of you by who you associate with,
makes me just really think Bo Bo is not just stupid but up to no good. Hey maybe he is scamming
Crazy! Make as much money off her as he can then she is convicted, doesn't seem like he does a whole
lot of lawyering, more like duck and cover.
2 days ago
Thanks Kate. How cold is it there? BOBO Head sure has quite an element hangin around him. Do you
think he asked the jail if a necklace is o.k.? Rascal, all I know is it a good day when momster is not part
of the society we live in. I could care less if she is the happiest girl in the world! Just keep her locked
up for my entire life and all is good with me.
donagal says:
2 days ago
How about a noose, think they would allow a noose???
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Steve, Did you go look at twisted mystery, I put the link up above, I think you would enjoy her thought
on Casey. I sent you email also, congratulations.
donagal, oh a nose ring and belly ring is just what she needs maybe on her tongue also to go with her
tattoos. I am surprised she does not have them, would fit in with her trashy look.
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
Casey was served with papers from Zenida, 29 questions to answer. Bo Bo says she will not answer
them. So that will go back to Court.
Steve - I'm glad things went well for you at court today.
RascalBrat says:
36 hours ago
Interestng Ijust heard on NG that Zenida had New York Plates on her car when she was looking at the
Apartment at Saw Grass. Now I am wondering if that boy friend of Casey that was a Police Office ran
the plates and that is how Casey got the Name and information on Zenida!!d
Kate in MO says:
35 hours ago
OOOH, good thought, Rascal! I had always assumed she either snuck in the office or one of her low-
life friends showed her the card Zenaida filled out. Maybe that's one of the reasons that cop got canned.
Steve, I'm not sure how warm it got here today, somewhere in the low 60's, I think. I had the front door
open so Moxie could lay in her sunbeam, so she was in dog heaven.
I'm afraid Crazy is going to get a mistrial because of all the shenanigans going on with her "defense"
team...smuggling contraband, entertainment deals, hiring ex-cons for PR, secret videotapes of the crime
scene before it was a crime scene...that would really suck. I can hang on for maybe a couple of years,
but if this lasts a decade I might have to give it up.
Kate in MO says:
35 hours ago
Do you think she'll answer Zenaida's attorney's questions, or do you think a judge will have to force her
to? If BoBo was smart, he would tell her to answer the questions on her own so she looks like she has
nothing to hide (ahem). But that's IF he was smart.
RascalBrat says:
35 hours ago
Kate, Only if the Judge orders her to, or she will take the 5th. Try 46 degrees for the day it is still cool
here can not wait to warm up.
Kate in MO says:
35 hours ago
Yes, it's getting cold again now. Wish it would stay one way or the other for's supposed to
snow here tomorrow.
RascalBrat says:
35 hours ago
I had snow Sunday Morning but it did not stick I sure was glad, Son bought a set of studded tired back
in Missouri, they will fit my car so he is giveing then to me for next winter since they will fit my car.
He drove his car instead of his truck because of gas prices. Silly kid.
Kate in MO says:
35 hours ago
Sounds like a very good son!
RascalBrat says:
35 hours ago
I hope George stays where he is and gets him self together, and tells Cindy no more lies.
RascalBrat says:
34 hours ago
Brrrrrrr I bet you are. I love the summer time I can go rafting, fishing and on sons Jet Boat. Winter is
boring, I do not go out much, try to stay well and away from sick people.
Kate in MO says:
34 hours ago
Me Too, Rascal; I think George is the only chance we've got of ever getting at the truth of what actually
BRRR, Aubree's Grandma! It was 60 here about 4 hours ago and now it feels like 6.
Kate in MO says:
34 hours ago
Where is everyone tonight? I figured JMo would be back. Feels like a ghost ship.
34 hours ago
Kate, I do not think George will bring anything more than his take on Caylee's death. Hw may be 80-
90% sure of what happend but only momster can provide the other 10-20%. I think it is high time for
the judge to appoint a defense team for her. Sory about the BRRRY weather out there people. I hope the
judge makes momster answer the questionaire from Z.G. attorney. Did BOBO Head admit bringing the
bracelet? I wonder if he is as honest as his other cohorts.
RascalBrat says:
34 hours ago
Not sure, I know I need to get up early and go set up ebay for someone and show them how to load pics
what fun.
Steve, the jail is going to talk to Bo Bo, but everyone thinks it was Cindy.
Marie RN says:
34 hours ago
Interesting that they said on NG tonight that Cindy actually put the Caylee bracelet in Casey's sock -
My thought is that she is trying to give Casey a little jab. I also am thinking about what Leonard Padilla
said about Cindy telling George that HE had to be the one to tell LE that he was the last one to see
Caylee alive, so Cindy didn't have to admit she stormed out at MN after their fight. It's good to be back
after a tough weekend! We admitted 3 different kids with broken necks/backs from sled accidents.
RascalBrat says:
34 hours ago
I sure hope they will be ok Marie.
Marie RN says:
34 hours ago
they should be fine, they are having surgery to stabilize thier fractures. They are actually very lucky.
What do you think about the Jon Benet case being reopened, Rascal?
RascalBrat says:
34 hours ago
That is one messed up case when they are saying that someone had been touching her sexually before
that night. Something is very strange there. DNA is so much better now, so maybe they will come up
with someone.
puglover says:
34 hours ago
I have not talked to any of you since the last page. I was only there a few times and I had to set up a
new sign in because I could not remember what I was signed in as before. I hope you don't mind me
stopping by for a visit. I love to just read all of your comments than post much.
RascalBrat says:
34 hours ago
You half to see Bo Bo's Pr man , great pic of him in grey suit with numbers on it
Marie RN says:
34 hours ago
Glad you made it over here, Pug. Welcome aboard. Drinks at 11!
34 hours ago
Welcome aboard puglover. Is he or she messy?? The other animals are going to have fun with the pug!
Glad you boarded at the nearest port.
33 hours ago
Forgot yeaterday in all the hoopla to make mention that in my humble opinion those commercials were
horrible! I may have elevated them by calling them horrible however. Only the one Bud spot was so so
but I do not think many people were providing a years worth of vision for their one minute spot. The
Boss was pretty good however.
RascalBrat says:
33 hours ago
I like the Bud commercials I love the horses, now if i had little kids the Boss one is not for them
I covered Rascals eye when the Boss one came on, she is very sheltered.
Kate in MO says:
33 hours ago
Welcome, Puglover! I guess a pug is just a Shih Tzu without hair, so he/she is welcome onboard. There
are at least 3 Shih Tzus here.
Marie, you must feel very fulfilled when you come home from work. Sorry about the injured kids; I
forgot about the ice down there. I have a friend in Bentonville, Arkansas and she said her kids were out
of school most of last week.
I've been snooping around for highschool photos of momster; found a couple (one with Kristina and
Lauren) but can't find much.
You could be right, Marie, about the bracelet being a little jab...even if it wasn't meant to be, I bet that's
the way Casey would have seen it, in light of their relationship.
linn says:
33 hours ago
Steve, go going today! The days of just handing kids over to mothers is somewhat over. i think too, by
the time a couple months rolls by, she will be bored with it all *depending on what is going on in her
life* and the kids are getting older. At times, the judge will ask your boys who they want to stay with.
divorce is ugly. Bad enough, but when kids are involved it is ugly, but so sad. No kid wants to choose,
but I think your boys know you are the stable parent and will never want to leave you. Hopefully, some
day they will get to spend QUALITY time with Mom. Otherwise, they will not want to spend any time!
Hopefully she can get her act together, but those boys will never want to leave you. Congrats!
I heard that Cindy was the one sticking the bracelet in. How about the part "in our HEARTS forever" A
jab or a nothing? I am regarding the heart sticker on Caylee's mouth.. Sick, I say. SICK!!
I do believe LP when he says Cindy ran that house. I heard where she used to bash George and all in
front of family and friends. Sometimes you have to wonder why people stay together. It certainly did
this family no good at all!. Showed the same court video all day. Casey's hair is getting lighter. In a
photo of her holding Caylee as a baby, she has what might be her natural hair color. It certainly was not
the really dark color she colored it. Sad to say, but it was almost identical to Caylee's..
AND I DO think Todd Black is that Gil person. Are they So stupid as to believe their deceptions will go
unnoticed? All it took was for the FBI man to recoginze his voice!Farmchick, I hope you are doing
OK.. Pug, welcome.
And finally, I always write long comments. lol. Only reason for this is I am only on the computer at
night and I read all comments before replying. i have stuff stored in my brain, on top of wanting to
reply to comments. Also one reason I can never remember who wrote what. I would need a pad of
paper and pen.
RascalBrat says:
33 hours ago
Jo, says hi to all the Shipmates.
Kate in MO says:
32 hours ago
Linn, I like your long posts. You must retain more than me, 'cause when I'm finished catching up I can't
remember WHAT the others have said, though while reading them I have it in mind to make a reference
when I post.
Hi, Jo...
I was hoping Redmark would stop by so I could ask her if her squirrel's cheeks are full of Cheetos or if
he's just getting pudgy like Casey.
Steve, my daughter just married a man in March who has custody of his 5 year old daughter and I
figure he must REALLY be a good dad to win out over the mom. I subsequently found out that the
mother (who I like to refer to as the Birth Canal) is under investigation by CPS for molesting her own
daughter. Luckily, she rarely calls for visitation, but when she does, the little girl comes back all
messed up and it takes weeks for her to calm down. My son-in-law offered her a large sum of money to
let my daughter adopt Nicky, and I think she would have taken it but her mother, the enabler, said NO
WAY. She is too busy doing her impression of Casey Anthony to be a mom. The therapists have said
Nicky shows all the classic signs of abuse and have filed it in court, and the Birth Canal is $10,000
behind on child support; in spite of all that she's still allowed visitation. And stupid ol' naive me...I
didn't even realize there were mothers who molest their children...I always thought it was the dad (no
offense, Steve!). Didn't mean to write a novel but this gets me all worked up.
losingit says:
32 hours ago
Hello Puglover. My Shih Tzu's best friend is a pug named Oscar. She (yes, she) belongs to my brother.
He had her at the office last Christmas and when we all left for lunch, she jumped up on a desk and ate
the top layer of a box of chocolates and a huge bag af chocolate covered almonds. I called the vet right
away and was told what I was in for. I spent the next four hours cleaning up Pug puke. But, they are
tough little dogs. That same night, my brother picked up his supper and then was called back to work.
Oscar jumped up on his kitchen counter and consumed a foot long sub covered in onions, green
peppers, all the rest of the stuff, the paper wrapper and most of the napkin. AGAIN A CALL TO THE
VET! Oddly enough it didn't even make her sick. We are all very vigilant with her now. No garbage can
be left out or anything even slightly edible.
So, we think Cindy put the bracelet in Casey's sock. How bizarre is that? If Cindy has half a brain then
I think she did it to be mean. Like a secret message or dig at Casey. I can't be bothered to watch the
video again, but if someone does, it didn't look like Casey was even wearing socks. Was the pair of
socks confiscated too or did she just choose not to wear them? Or, maybe she was wearing socks. IDK
Steve, my fiance wants to sit down and write a book about pretty much your same story. You have no
idea (ya, you probably do) how many men are going through the same thing.
Farmchick, I hope you are taking care of yourself. I'm thinking about you and your family. There are a
lot of new treatments out there right now that sound promising to someone like your sister. Explore
every option, ask questions. I just lost two friends to lung cancer, but it seems like every day huge
progresses are being made. In both cases, it sounded like we are just on the threshold of a miracle pill.
What kind of ship are we on here anyway? It doesn't appear we have sails.
lee says:
31 hours ago
Hello everyone sooooooooooooooooooo whats the latest?? Did CASEY get convicted YET?? bet see is
getting tired off eating them GRITS!!!!!
puglover says:
31 hours ago
Thanks for the visit and hospitality, you guys are awesome. I was trying to find more pictures of Casey
in HS. I thought I had saved some but not those, sorry. I also was looking for the peoples magazine
article online. It says the white shorts Caylee was wearing on the Fathers day video are just like the
ones or very similar to the white shorts found at the crime scene which leaves suspicion that Caylee
died before her bedtime. If this is true then George Anthony must have lied about seeing both caylee
and Casey at 12:00 on June 16th.
losingit says:
30 hours ago
Puglover, doesn't it make more sense that Casey murdered her at night? I've never bean able to wrap
my head around her murdering her the afternoon of the 16th.
I'm sure Casey killed her the night of the 15th. Casey and Cindy faught, George never saw them that
day. He lied. Maybe he saw them leave but it was 12 hours earlier then he testified to. Why would they
all fight and then go to bed?
HannahsNana says:
23 hours ago
Been out of town - just catching up. Cap'n Steve: My grandson Peyton was born on September 21,
2007 and when my daughter asked my son - "Did you name him after a football player?", my said said
NO ( but I know he did- he's a huge Peyton Manning fan - of course - he went to UT!!!!!)
Anyway - lots of stuff happening with the Momster- too bad they can't show her the films of her in
court - she could practice NOT looking like an immature idiot!
If I see Bozo lean close to her, or touch her on the arm or shoulder again, I think I'll lose it! and I saw
on NG, that he's still spouting the "when we get to court you'll all see my client is innocent" crap! Is he
smoking crack? Or just as deluded as Momster is? They are truly a match made in HELL!
RascalBrat says:
22 hours ago
RascalBrat says:
22 hours ago
Lee Anthony gets deposition Notice
Marie RN says:
22 hours ago
Rascal, just read the link you posted. At the end there was this:
More details emerge in memorial service for CayleeFor more than six weeks, George and Cindy
Anthony have been waiting to take possession of the remains of their granddaughter, whose body was
discovered in December in a wooded area within a mile of their East Orange County home. Until
Casey's defense team completes their examination of the body, they will have to wait. So Casey IS
holding up the release of Caylee's remains so they can be buried! Maybe that's why Cindy put the
bracelet in the sock - little message from the grave from Caylee for the Mother of the Year.
Puglover, I think we're pretty sure Caylee was murdered June 15. Lying about the last time they saw
her could be part of the obstruction of justice charge pending against the ANTs, and contributing to
George's guilt.
RascalBrat says:
20 hours ago
Marie, Casey is being the selfish bitch as usual, just dragging the service on and on. She had her service
with sticker on the tape. Maybe the bracelet was a dig to Casey, but nothing is going to make her feel
Cindy knows what Casey did and so does the rest of the family. Now is the time for them to stand up to
Casey. There has been 2 autopsy of Caylee's remains by the defence, this is why I think Casey wants
Cindy to keep suffering to punish her.
Casey looked very frantic in the sleeze bag Motel parking lot to me.
I was supposed to go out to set up ebay for a friend but to dam icey, not driving in this. so waiting for it
to clear up before i head out.
RascalBrat says:
20 hours ago
Legal Analyst "Bar Could Reopen Baez Investigation"
RascalBrat says:
20 hours ago
Press Corps Media Issues Statement Responding To WFTV Story
SadieSkye says:
19 hours ago
Puglover--- My pug "Sadie or Sadielee" is my best friend... Shes like my child...i have a 15yr old son
and a 4 yr old pug.... Welcome puglover.... maybe ill bring sadie aboard. shes startin to wonder where i
always go...
Marie RN says:
19 hours ago
Here is a link to a list of all the folks on the witness list with pictures of many and thier involvement in
the case: All in one place!
Rascal, is there video or testimomy about Casey outside of the motel the night of June 15? I remember
LP saying that she was seen there, looking agitated and talking on her cell phone.
19 hours ago
Scheme scheme plot plot........ The longer Cindy can not control things (the media) the more nuts she
will get. We are onto you Cindy, oh yes we are. You may have those 19 neighborhood schmucks still
drinking your kool-aid out of the stand but us, nah........... we will always be allergic to what your
serving! You want the ship to see you in a different light, make a definitive statement against your
daughter for what you think she did to precious Caylee! Until then........
"Ricardo Morales: Former boyfriend of Casey Anthony. Dated Casey from February until late
April/early May 2008. Now boyfriend of Amy Huizenga who lives with him."
So Amy's got Casey's sloppy seconds! Someone's gonna need a penacillin shot!
Kate in MO says:
16 hours ago
So true, Wednesday...and I think Casey was doing Ricardo while she was "Tony's girlfriend" according
to his statement to the police. She liked to keep EVERYBODY on the hook just in case.
Puglover, I also agree that Caylee died on the 15th. If they had such a bad fight that the neighbors could
hear them screaming, and Cindy tried to strangle Casey, it doesn't make sense that they all said "nite
nite", went to bed and resumed their normal lives the next day. And if they had "made up" there would
have been no reason for momster to do what she did...she would have just stayed on Hopespring Drive,
mooching as long as she could get away with it.
What's the story on Casey being at a motel on the 15th? I hadn't heard that...anybody have a link?
RascalBrat says:
14 hours ago
Marie, just got home. They had a picture of her in the parking lot of he Motel of her on secuitey
camers, it was awhile back that I seen it. But Jo and I looked at it. Casey wss on her cell phone in the
RascalBrat says:
14 hours ago
Casey will take the 5th, well we expected that one!!!!
Marie trying to locate the picture of Casey in the security camera in parking lot, if I can not find it will
see if Jo has it tonight when I talk to her.
losingit says:
14 hours ago
George probably had his melt down due to the fact he is guilty of lying. He knows he will have to go
court and admit that the last time he saw them was as they stormed out the night of the 15th. This
picture of her in a motel parking lot, where was Caylee then? In the trunk knocked out? George and
Cindy need to be charged with obstruction of justice, but I would be happy if they are given immunity
and they just tell the truth. As it stands now, they are going down with her. George and Cindy need to
let Casey go. They need to fess up and admit what Casey did if they want to ever have any sort of
normal lives.
RascalBrat says:
14 hours ago
The picture is at night time and you can not see Caylee, still can not find it but will keep trying.
Farmchick says:
13 hours ago
Hi allI thanks you for all the thoughts. I am doing well. Proud Mom you have been a upllifter, Looks
like I havve a lot of reading
RascalBrat says:
13 hours ago
Hi Farmchick, so glad you dropped by, we miss you! Hope things have settled down for you some, and
still prayng for you and family.
Farmchick says:
12 hours ago
Sorry , by the way I am wAY SHAKING . We go to onccccologist tomorrow know to much what thhat
means as far as how long. justt wanted to check in. I have alot of reading todo. You people are really
lovvvving people. I thanks you for all kind words,It means ssoooo muh to me.I am OK, but a llittle
depressed. I will be stongfor my sis.
Anyway, what is the latest on the Caylee case? Guess i have alot to read up on.]
Proudmom, thank yuou soo much for you concer. It meant alot!
RascalBrat says:
12 hours ago
Farmchick, he will set up program for the chemo, there are a lot of durgs in the mixture then they put in
you. That is what they did for my son, I never seen so many bottles, but it worked and we will all pray
it does for your sister.
12 hours ago
George released!! Momster not talking!!! Lee probobly won't also!!!! Need I say more!!!
RascalBrat says:
12 hours ago
George is supposed to go to another Hospital closer to home.
Momster says she not guilty, that is her story and she is sticking to it. BS
The Church were they are going to have the Memorial for Caylee is wierd for Video, they hope to have
in in the Jail for Casey by Video.
12 hours ago
Well I will............ George off to another hospital!!!
RascalBrat says:
12 hours ago
Attorney for George say it will be a long stay, wonder if he plans on staying till after the trial, thinking
he will not half to testify. They will use his Grand Jury testimony and video's with FBI for evidence.
RascalBrat says:
12 hours ago
Sounds like big brother Lee is not going to answer questions, what is your problem Lee are you Guilty
of cover up. Or wanting to protect baby killer!!
11 hours ago
Lee is in too deep. Actually he might be in deep doo doo with the posiblility of arrest right around the
corner. He may have said things to certain people that are not at all true. e.g. momster has pictures of
Z.G. with Caylee. Brother/Momster has no protection like Husband/Wife. Ratsa Ruck Ree!!!
linn says:
11 hours ago
Kate, lol..Thanks for not minding my long posts. I do try as I am reading to remember who is who and
what the comment was. However, I know I have to mess up. Just hope the person I am commenting to
knows it. I store up all my thoughts on this case, then read posts and THEN try to write it down.
Therefore, my long posts. It is just too much to post, then have to go back to the top of the posts. Again,
I have dial up still! LOL. Takes forever to get back down if i want to repost.
Farmchick, so hope you are doing somewhat better.. Dealing with this for your sister is hard. I did with
my mom. It is draining and so hard to act happy when all you want to do is break down and cry.
However, it can be done for sure. Just again, please take care of yourself or you will start to get sick.
The good old immune system can only take so much. It was like I would get a cold or the flu, get over
it and get it the next day. Hugs to you, and stay strong for your sister and for YOU!
Kate in MO says:
10 hours ago
Farmchick, glad you checked in, and glad you're hanging in there for your sister. I'm sure you are
VERY important to her, more now than ever.
Did anyone ever find the link for the pictures of Casey at the motel on the 15th? I found some
references to them, but not the actual pictures.
Remember in the beginning when LE was looking for evidence that Casey really did work at Universal,
and Lee brought them the bogus emails with bogus names to prove it...I always assumed that momster
wrote those emails herself, but now I'm thinking maybe her brother did it, and that's what he's in
trouble for. When would she have had time to write them? I mean, surely she's not smart enough to
plan EVERYTHING that far ahead, just in case someone questioned her employment...I seriously think
that she thought she could cover her butt the rest of her life with the Zanny stories - "Caylee's with
Zanny at the beach", "Caylee's asleep at Zanny's house", "Zanny took Caylee on vacation with her".
And if it hadn't been for the car showing up all smelly, Cindy probably never would have called the
police. And momster might have gotten away with it for 10 or 20 years, like those people in Kansas.
RascalBrat says:
10 hours ago
Kate, Jo was not on tonight may be playing tourist, Lol. But as soon as I can talk to her will see if she
book marked the pic.
Marie RN says:
10 hours ago
Kate, you are brilliant! I bet Lee did write those emails. Supposedly he was also going to bring in
pictures of the nanny to prove she existed, also. As crazy as Crazy is, it didn't make any sense that she
would send emails to herself.
Rascal, don't wear yourself out looking for that photo of Casey in the motel parking lot. I rememeber
LP describing it just as you said, Casey pacing and talking on cell phone, no sign of Caylee.
RascalBrat says:
9 hours ago
Marie, I gave up for tonight looking, but glad you did remember it. I also remember it being on NG but
it was so long ago. Yep My eyes are crossed now after working this morning and looking tonight, so off
to bed to get some rest, Nite Shipmates.
Kate in MO says:
9 hours ago
Gee, thanks, Marie (blush...)! I think maybe I wanna be a detective when I grow up! But I'm surprised
he didn't bring in a picture of some random hispanic woman and say "This is Zanny!".
Kate in MO says:
9 hours ago
I'm right behind you, Rascal...thanks for looking. Nite, everyone!
Nordie says:
9 hours ago
Farmchick -- have been praying that your family receives the "peace that passes all understanding"
through these difficult and perplexing times.
New to the comment section, have been reading here for quite some time and if you want to know what
happened to all those half finished drinks you left on the deck, am here to confess my beagle Nordie
made me drink them -- even the ones with the squirrel nuts floating around.
Angeleyes`* says:
8 hours ago
Hi all, haven't posted for awhile, but reading all your posts..does anyone remember the date that Casey
was confronted by George about the gas cans?
when he insisted on having them and she was angry and told him she would get them.....
SadieSkye says:
2 hours ago
Nordie-- Welcome aboard!!! I totally feel better now cuz Ive thought for weeks that I mustve knocked
my drink overboard cuz when i came back it had vanished.... Thank Goodness you drank it.. i was
worried i was wayyyy drunker than i thought... Hey Nordie !!! do you like pugs? wud love to have a
beagle/pug mix.. which is the ever so popular puggle!!!! one of the smartest cutest and underated dogs
around.... AHOY MATEY!!!!! :0)
Farmchick says:
6 minutes ago
I woke this morning with knots in my stomach. I cannot imagine what my sister is feeling. This has
without a doubt been the worst part of my life and will go down in my bood "The Story of a Lifetime",
as such.
My sis wanted to go to Dr. by herself and we got really mad (mom&I). Simply because this is gonna
affect our lives too. We hae to know what is going on, no matter the path she chooses to take. To tell the
gods honest truth, I have NO HOPE. I really believe she is gonna pass. We have figured out she is in
stage 3. It is adenoma carcinome non small cell? Am I saying that right? sorry if not. We have been
calling Dr's and getting bits and pieces. I guess they did tell my sis when she left hospital what kind she
had, but she forgot. This is why we feel 3 heads are better than 1.What 1 does not remember, the other
I hae decided to take them on vacation to Disney. My sis has never had the means to do so. I took her
oldest boy when he was about 5, and he's about 17 now. She has a 11 or 10 yr. old that would enjoy.
Any suggestions on what to do with the 17 yr. old in Florida if he doesnt want to do Disney? Maybe he
caN camp out on HOPESPRING DRIVE. Maybe do a video visitation with MOMSTER!
BTW, anyone know of a good counseling program for kids his age (17)? My sis keeps catching him
crying. No one has told him the seriousness of this or the possible outcomes, but like I told my sis, he
has internet.Anything that is good and maybe free? Government run? I am gonna call the local hospital
today and see if they have a support program I can put him in.
I told my sis about all the well wishes and prayers coming her way from you guys and gals, and she
bawled. OOPS! Didnt mean to make her cry. But she is just so amazed at the humanity that still
survives in this world. Enough about me.
Steve, I am so glad things went your way. Usually when it starts going your way, you can pretty much
bank on having them with you. I THINK it was proudmom whom suggested CASA. That is a great
idea. I tried to volunteer with them, but have not heard back yet. They are a wonderful organization,
and good at getting to the bottom of what IS BEST FOR THE KIDS. They carry alot of weight in the
courtroom also.
OK, I heard Casey was wearing her jailpants under the suitcoat.Anyone know? I am just bringing it up
because what if CA brought dress slacks and they do not fit because of PG? I am sure JB knows the
rumor of her being PG and could of told her to order tampons in her comissary to ward off the thoughts
and rumors.
Also, I nevver heard of a photo in the motel parking lot. Would love to see it. Did she kill Caylee there?
Farmchick says:
2 minutes ago
Almost forgot, ...Can a person fly with a blood clot in their lung and being on coumadin and something
else that starts with a L, also blood thinner. It will suck to have to drive.
Farmchick says:
2 minutes ago
Almost forgot, ...Can a person fly with a blood clot in their lung and being on coumadin and something
else that starts with a L, also blood thinner. It will suck to have to drive.