Dukinfield East Residents' Association: General Public Meeting
Dukinfield East Residents' Association: General Public Meeting
Dukinfield East Residents' Association: General Public Meeting
Meeting held on 16th October 2012 Present: John Heywood David Bottomley John Bevan Steve Fisher Kathy Inglis (JH) (DB) (JB) (SF) (KI) Chairman Treasurer Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member
Apologies: Jane Wood, Angela Carr (AC), Jo Cooksey (JC) Preamble to Meeting: JH confirmed that there were sufficient members present to form a quorum, under the rules of the constitution. The meeting, therefore, proceeded to the agenda.
SF John Booth (Persimmons), Ben Buckley (BB) (New Charter) attended a meeting, TMBC did not attend but did send a note advising that unless we wanted to alter the contour of the land or put play equipment on then no planning permission is required. There is still some uncertainty over the exact boundaries of the land with New Charter. John Booth will research the area for utilities and tunnels. SF will forward emails with Persimmons Homes to anyone interested. ACTIONED BY SF Establish a working group, to investigate options with New Charter, Persimmons Homes and local residents. ACTION SF JH suggested that SF and the working group consider a pond and bog area as the ground is already boggy (million ponds project), creating a nature reserve as part of the development. Involve Irvine Chappell in creating this? ACTION WORKING GROUP Other issues: BB has advised that they are currently reorganising and that they plan for a Liaison Officer for the Chester Avenue / Yew Tree Lane area. This is expected to take place at the end of October. Page 1 of 5 ACTION BB
Residents were disappointed with the non appearance of the police & New Charter. JH explained that due to the changing shift patterns the police were unable to attend. JH has been contacted by Zad Latif, Neighbourhood Beat Office, and he has promised that there will be a police presence at future meetings.
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Meeting with NC We discussed our ongoing projects and exchanged ideas; Natalie Craig, suggested investigating the Play Builder Program as part of our Circle area plans. Action Working Group Chris Odell, New Charter's Youth Work Co-ordinator was suggested as a contact. Section106 money: SF work in progress. Action JH
Regarding the small triangle area at the top of Kingsway / Chester Avenue, New Charter to plant Action JH this. STILL AWAITING BB ACTION Passageway between Chester Avenue & Cheetham Hill Road (opposite Kingsway) still requires tidying and the hedges to be cut. BB has asked Green Charter to cut the hedges; this has still not taken place. JH to send email to Les Crowther, of Green Charter, asking why nothing has been done Action JH JH to investigate printing and distribution via the college. JH has spoken to Karen Sweeney about this and we need to advise them of our meetings as soon in advance as possible and she Action JH will see what they can do. KI has still to contact Yvonne Campbell for help filling in the community chest application form for 1000.00 towards the minibus project. The Dukinfield Forum & Drop in centre have agreed 250.00 towards the minibus project, KI is seeking other partners. Update on minibus project KI Some groups are discussing our proposals and there are still has other groups to approach. Applied for New Charter funding, 500, before the AGM, still awaiting outcome, dead line has not expired yet. Lottery funding, Awards for All, JH to apply for funds, max 10k. Action JH
Astley Sports College are looking at a minibus, possibly we could contribute to that rather than fund our own vehicle. Action KI Area of land encircled by Tennyson Avenue, which is a cut through between Broadbent Fold School & Shelly Rise, investigate as a possible community centre/shop. SF under, the Localism Act, suggested we look into Neighbourhood Forum. SF suggested visiting other areas to look at what had been achieved. Still on-going This is not regarded as a primary goal currently Action SF JH advised the meeting we have applied to the Community Foundation for running cost Seed Fund 640. They have responded asking for a copy of the constitution, JH has sent this, if successful the money wont come through until end of October. Cheque received. Review of requirements for running costs for association. Action DB/JH Nick Sayers phoned JH before the AGM, he his liaising with New Charter on the deep clean and also the new bin at the shops. Action JH The area Deep Clean has been put back to early November. Page 3 of 5
Generic posters, A3 laminated, for putting up in Shops & Libraries. Stating our aims & objectives, no urgency. Action AC Web Site Simon Bond has advised that they are now unable to produce the site for us, he as offered to assist us in setting up a site. DB Meeting 10th October at Astley Sports College: L. Ogden, Subject Leader for ICT and Business, year 11 pupils, Simon Bond, IT Manager. The pupils will initially work on our logo to establish a theme, we should see the result of this in the near future; they will then go on to design sites for our approval. The pupils see this as an opportunity to work on a real project that can be referenced on job & college applications. Simon Bond has promised to set up a under construction site quite soon. Map of the area indicating who owns what has been provided by Linda Whyatt (LW). We are awaiting LW to explain what the colours mean. LW unavailable. Action JH Ward Funding JH will follow up funding from Claire Reynolds with DC Action JH Dorothy Cartwright has met with councillor Dave Sweaton, he is supposed to be sending a cheque for 100.00 from his discretionary ward funding. Action JH Dukinfield Forum & collaboration/merger possibilities. Meeting 20th August, limited collaboration options, a merger would be unlikely at present. KI will discuss with then further at their next meeting in November. Action: KI SF advised that there was funding available for empty properties under the localism act, SF is looking into & will report. Still under investigation, act does not come into effect until October 2012. Action SF nd New Charter event Saturday 22 September There is a fun day organised at their offices 11:00 3:00 JH & DB attended, met Les Crowther & complained to him about the passageways. We have become monitors for the Green Charter Team in our area, to give opinions about the standard of work carried out. Any other Business SF advised that a section of the fence panels on the lower passageway between Chester Ave. & Cheetham Hill Rd has been broken; this has been reported, but still awaiting New Charter action SF has put this on fixmystreet.com. Action New Charter DB version 2 of the constitution circulated by JH still says Issue 1 on the last page. Action JH DB NatWest balance remains at 2,025.00 DB awaiting statement, will circulate updated spreadsheet on receipt. We are arranging online access to our account. Action DB/JH AC asked if the style of bins has been finalised, would they be recycling bins. Page 4 of 5
JH not sure, see what turns up. JH has confirmed that they are recycling bins. AC asked about the Playbuilder Program and will look up on the internet. Herby award JH has received a certificate of appreciation from Homewatch Gating SF notice of plans to gate the passageway between Kenyon Avenue to Cheetham Hill Road have been publish. Date of next Meeting Public: 7.00pm, Wednesday 16th January 13, Astley Sports College (TBC) Committee: 7.00pm, Wednesday 14th November, Astley Sports College Action AC
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