Germany Case
Germany Case
Germany Case
The German economy is the worlds third largest, and IT alone accounts for more or less one-fourth of the European Unions GDP. With regard to world trade it is second in the world4 . It is the biggest trading partner of U.K., France and Italy, Europes second-, third- and fourth-largest economies, respectively5 . From the 1948 currency reform until the early 1970s, West Germany experienced almost continuous economic expansion, but real GDP growth slowed down and even declined from the mid-1970s through the recession of the early 1980s. The economy then experienced eight consecutive years of growth that ended with a downturn beginning in the late 1992 (Annexure 1). Since reunification in 1991, Germany has seen annual average real growth of only about 1.4% and stubbornly high unemployment6 . The best performance since reunification was registered in 2000, when real growth reached 3.0% on account of global economic recovery and domestic private consumption (Annexure 2)7 . German unification has not been a qualified success in terms of economic integration and GDP growth8 . Private consumption, which accounts for more than 60% of the GDP, rose by 46% for the period 1991-2003. This was insufficient to offset the decline in government consumption and the volatility of exports. Since 2000, even private consumption has been declining due to consumers not so optimistic expectation of the economy9 and their increasing propensity to save. This was partly due to the rise in unemployment and uncertainty of the sustainability of socio-welfare schemes. Helmet Kohl, who was preoccupied with the unification to the detriment of economic growth, was given marching orders and was replaced with Gerhard Schrder (Schrder) on October 27th 1998. As promised in the election campaign, Schrder tried to kick-start the economy with the tax reforms, an exercise with a little success. Subsequently in his second term, he sought to revive the economy by implementing comprehensive economic reforms, titled Agenda 2010.
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Spend refers to consumer spending and investment by companies. ibid Between 1991 and 2002, the German trade surplus soared. From 11 billion in 1991 it increased to around 84 billion in 2002. Imports totaling 665 billion were offset by the export of goods and services totaling 749 billion. The year before, the trade surplus had reached a record 87 billion. Since 2001, unemployment has been consistently above 4 million mark. Reunification with East Germany has been colossally expensive, costing 1.25 trillion since 1990, and still consuming 4% of GDP in transfers ( as of 2004), with the added burden of 20% unemployment in the region. The Economist As measured by the Munich based IFOs business confidence index.
This case study was written by CAnanda Prasad under the guidance of G Srikanth, IBSCDC. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was compiled from published sources. 2004, IBSCDC. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner.
Policy experts believed that Agenda 2010 could be a success only if consumers dilemma to save or to spend, was settled boosting consumer spending10 . Schrder had to achieve this without resorting to too much of Keynesian economics as his fiscal and monetary policy maneuverability was constrained by the euro areas stability and growth pact(SGP) and European Central Banks monetary policy decisions.
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Consumer spending accounts for more than half of GDP. The Social Market Economy concept had two central aspects: 1) Decontrol to a certain degree of market processes, and 2) an institutional framework of government Ordnungspolitik, an orderly structure of rules for the economy, designed to steer market powers and compensate for undesirable effects of liberalization. Although the original concept of Social Market Economy speaks of all social forces as order-giving potentials, the government has, over the course of time, turned into a monopoly of Ordnungspolitik. The overall aim of German economic policy is to secure stable prices, a high rate of employment and a balanced foreign trade along with steady economic growth. The central task of economic policy is to limit unemployment.,10155.23403/rede/Address-given-by-Chancellor-Ge.htm Gerhard Schrders task October 1st 1998, The Economist, He is an enthusiastic supporter of Keynesian demand management and expansive fiscal policy and a favorite of the left wing of the SPD as well as of the trade unions. The German weekly Der Spiegel asked for the whereabouts of Schrder and called for the chancellor to put Lafontaine in his place. Nearly 70% of Germans believed the country needs far-reaching reform to cope with globalization, according to a poll by Berlins Forsa Institute. Labor unions agreed to wages of 3% or less, in line with productivity and inflation, and signed longer, two-year contracts that made it easier for companies to plan and to hold down costs. -Gerhard Schrder: The Accidental Reformer May 1st 2000, BusinessWeek, (Read tax cuts) Chancellors cash crisis, July 14th 2003 -,12498,997949,00.html
The tax cuts cheered companies and consumers alike19 . Germanys business leaders hailed the governments deficit reduction package as a breakthrough for economic reform. The government reformed corporate tax law with a view to creating an internationally competitive tax system Corporate tax was cut from 40% to 25% effective from 2001. Moreover, the government spending cuts amounted to DM30bn ($15.9bn). Most of these cuts came from the labor and social security budget. The rest was spread evenly throughout other government departments. A big chunk of savings came from linking the annual rise in pension payments to the rate of inflation, as opposed to average earnings20 . These measures were supposed to strengthen private consumption and facilitate the financing of investments, both of which are prerequisites for more growth and employment. In the wake of the world economic recovery in 1999 and 2000, German economy also seemed to recover. In September 2000, 60% of the respondents of the economy survey said that economic situation looked good or very good21 . However, Germanys economy, which was dependent on exports, remained vulnerable to external shocks22 . The September 11th 2001 terrorist attack on World Trade Center shook investor confidence not only in United States but also in Germany along with that in many industrialized nations. In this context, German employers who needed flexible hire and fire policy failed to get adequate support from the government authorities, to keep their going concerns going. Budget cuts and tax reforms neither did address the concerns of international investors nor that of German companies for that matter. As a result corporates consistently criticized the structural rigidities in the economy, the high and rising cost of labor and the poor mix of fiscal and monetary policy since German unification. Corporate tax reform has been a stop-start process, leaving companies uncertain about future tax bills and benefits. The level of basic corporate tax is still the highest in Western Europe, at 38.7%, compared with 35.4% in France, 34% in Austria (falling to 25% next year) and 12.5% in Ireland. Though there are ways for companies to reduce this burden, they tend to favor the larger firms. According to Lorenz Jarass, an economics professor at Wiesbaden University, the top 30 listed companies tend to get more credits back from the government than they pay in tax. For example, in 2002, DaimlerChrysler reclaimed a net 1.2 billion ($1.5 billion), while the tax payments of Thyssen Krupp and Lufthansa netted out at zero23 . That sort of favoritism nags the smaller, Mittelstand companies, which insist they are the backbone of the German economy, employing 70% of the workforce, accounting for 46% of investment and creating 70% of all new jobs. There are fewer ways open for them to reduce their tax bills24 . Apart from employers, employees have also been unhappy about the way the tax cuts were structured. Between 1991 and 1997, the cost of employing German workers went up by 11%. And, since 1999, tax cuts put more money in the hands of consumers. Consequently consumer demand was supposed to pick up and lift the economic growth rate. Despite the rise in wage costs, net incomes remained virtually flat because of increases in tax and social security contributions. Income taxes were reduced only marginally and the social security contributions, which amounted to 40% of wage costs, only came down by a fraction. Since Germany had been a country with high income tax rates, but relatively generous tax write-offs the combined result was an effective tax increase for many middle - and highincome earners, who drive the consumer demand up (Annexure 4). Moreover, unemployment continued to increase since 2001, making people pessimistic in their outlook. In May 2002, IFOs25 report mentioned that its business confidence index fell to 96 from 96.3 in April 2002, according to the median of 38 forecasts in a Bloomberg News survey26 . A separate survey of economists showed that household spending failed to increase. GDP rose 0.25% in the months of April, May and June, barely above the 0.2% rise in the first three months of 2002. Unemployment in Germany rose to a three-year high; business confidence among top companies faded and the countrys leading stocks markets index, the Xetra Dax, fell by almost 30% further hampering consumer and business confidence27 . In the backdrop of rising unemployment and poor economic growth, Schrder was expected to lose in the September 2002 elections. However, he was reelected28 . He understood that tax reforms and budget cuts would fail to take the economy much further and that his country needed the long delayed structural reforms to revive the economy. So, on March 14th 2003, he announced comprehensive structural reforms labeled Agenda 2010 (Annexure 5). He indicated
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Tax cuts put extra money in the hands of employers and consumers. German Business Climate darkens July 25th 2002, Companies generate almost a third of their profits through exports, and almost one in four jobs are dependent on foreign trade., How to pep up Germanys Economy May 6th 2004, The Economist ibid IFO Institute is one of the largest economic research institutes in Germany. It is a service-based research organisation with a three-fold orientation: conducts economic research, offers advice to economic policy-makers and provides services for the research and business communities. opcit - German Business Climate darkens German economy barely grew August 19th 2002, His re-election in September 2002 was by a tiny margin, based in large part on his opposition to American foreign policy and his response to the preceding summers floods, not on a mandate for economic change. -
that the objective of the program was to make structural improvements that would save 45 billion euros in federal budget expenditure29 . The program was aimed at cutting spending on health, pensions and social welfare, streamlining the job market, relaxing employment legislation, encouraging people back to work and lowering taxes to boost consumer spending. The chancellors most controversial reform was aimed at the long-term unemployed, who comprised twothirds of the jobless. Under his proposals, those who remained out of work for six months or more receive lower benefits, paid out over a shorter period 12 months, rather than 32. Furthermore, if they are offered a job and refuse to take it, they may lose their benefits altogether. The labor market reforms, part of Agenda 2010, made it easier for firms to hire and fire employees. Moreover, Schrder and Wolfgang Clement, the Economics & Labor Minister, brought changes in working hours30 , pushed back retirement age and reduced holidays31 . This was supposed to absorb the shocks in both the demand and supply side of labor and in turn boost consumer spending. However, the German consumers seemed to remain in a state of suspended animation unable to decide to save or spend.
To Save or To Spend?
Germany is willing to undergo change. Germany is moving forward. Schrder used these words in a policy statement delivered on July 3rd 2003, to describe a new mode of thinking brought about by the Agenda 2010 reform program32 . However, his decision in mid-December 2003, to bring forward the tax reform evidently failed to have the desired effect on consumers of removing their dilemma to save or to spend. The uncertainty resulting from the continued controversy regarding tax, social security and pension reforms impacted on the mood and consequently, all consumer climate indicators were down in January 2004. The survey carried out by GfK33 in January 2004, showed that the bad mood among German consumers deteriorated further. It was in direct opposition to the optimism felt by companies (IFO) and the financial analysts (Zentrum fr Europische Wirtschaftsforschung). According to the IFO business climate index and ZEW, companies and financial experts continue to be positive about the future. The recent consumer low is attributable to the unresolved political debate surrounding the tax, pensions and healthcare reforms. The consumer climate indicator, which had been rising slowly but surely since May 2003, is slightly down for the first time in the recent months. At the end of 2003/beginning of 2004, German consumers were once again pessimistic about an economic upturn, following several months of optimism in 2003. With a value of -1.6 points in December 2003, the economic outlook indicator decreased by a further 4.2 points in January 2004 to stand at -5.8. Consumers did not share the positive expectations of companies, financial and economic experts with regard to the economy34 . Income expectations were down again. The indicator lost 2 points in December 2003 and a further 6 points in January 2004. The sobering development was the manifestation of consumer irritation as to their future financial situation. In the consumers minds, the fear of potential financial burdens outweighed any possible benefits resulting from the healthcare reform. Pensioners, in particular, were worried about having to get by on less money at the beginning of 2004. From January 2004 onwards, pensioners had to pay the full healthcare contribution on company pensions. Even the IFO Business Climate index of manufacturing, construction, retailing and wholesaling in Germany continued its downward slide during the months of January, February and March 2004. It slightly rose in April only to fall again in May35 (Annexure 5). In manufacturing, both the appraisals of the business situation as well as the expectations improved slightly. In retailing the business climate index remained largely unchanged; whereas the assessments of the current business situation worsened, the business expectations for the coming six months improved. In construction and wholesaling, however, both components of the business climate index weakened. The slight decline in the business climate was a result of a worsening in East Germany, but in West Germany the climate indicator rose a fraction. The latest survey results, especially the nearly unchanged business expectations, speak for an ongoing, moderate economic recovery in Germany in the later part of 2004. May be Germany was willing to undergo change. And Germany was moving forward.
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Schrder: Germany Open To Reducing Subsidies 11th July 2003, Analysts say just an hour more work per week would cut production costs by three percent, and have noted that 0.6 percentage points of the 1.7 percent economic growth forecast for Germany in 2004 would come alone from the fact that five national holidays fall on weekends. Germanys comparatively short work week, as well as the numerous holidays and vacation days that drive up labor costs compared to the international market, contribute considerably to the desperate economic situation. The GfK Group, the No. 5 market research organization worldwide, is active in five business divisions, Consumer Tracking, HealthCare, Non-Food Tracking, Media and Ad Hoc Research. In addition to 15 German subsidiaries, the company has over 120 subsidiaries and affiliates located in 50 countries. Ifo business climate in industry and trade -
Annexure 1
Annexure 2a
Labor Office Reorganization A crucial component in the governments reform package, passed in an effort to reduce unemployment, is a massive reorganization of the Federal Labor Office. The office will be modelled after a private placement agency and rechristened as the Federal Job Agency, with responsibility for managing unemployment benefits and finding placements for jobless. The law also requires companies to immediately inform the office if an employee has been given notice and to free up employees for job hunting so they can find other work before they become unemployed. The office would also have the ability to dock benefits for people who refuse to take employment. Merging Unemployment and Welfare The Hartz IV Law calls for unemployment and welfare benefits to be merged and spur those without a job into action. Under the plan, unemployed persons capable of working would be given what the government is describing as Unemployment Benefit II after their eligibility for unemployment runs out. Unlike the current benefit for the long-term unemployed, which pays out as much as 57% of a persons last regular net income, the new benefit would be capped at 345 in western Germany and 331 in the East. A person may not be eligible to receive this second unemployment benefit if they have a working spouse or has assets exceeding 13,000. Tax Cut The third phase of a previously approved German tax reform would be bumped up to 2004 from its originally planned implementation in 2005. The reform will change the countrys progressive tax rate from 19.9% to 15% at the lowest level and from 48.5 to 42% at the highest level. The cut is expected to save taxpayers a total of 21.8 billion. Chancellor Gerhard Schrder is hoping the cut will spur consumer spending and provide a needed boost to the countrys ailing retail sector. The government plans to finance the tax cut by slashing federal subsidies and privatizing government-held properties. Communal Financing German cities are running at a record deficit this year, with a 10 billion shortfall in funding. The governments plan seeks to increase the percentage received by communities of the local business tax from 2.2 to 3.6%. The tax would also be extended to previously excluded freelancers, doctors and lawyers as well as to any interest a company earns or any rent or licensing fees it pays. The government says that the plan would put 4.5 billion in additional funds into city coffers by 2004 and 5 billion the year after. The merger of unemployment and welfare benefits is also supposed to save the cities several billion euros. Reform of Master Craftsmen Law Under a controversial plan approved by the government earlier this year, mandatory apprenticeships and master craftsmans diplomas would be eliminated in 65 skilled trades, allowing ambitious journeymen to set up shop without the prestigious qualification. The changes would only apply to less dangerous work like tile-laying, tailors or goldsmiths. More high-risk jobs, like electricians and opticians, would still be required to go through the lengthy and expensive certification apprenticeships. Social Insurance Reforms Earlier this year, the government commissioned a panel led by Bert Rrup to issue an advisory plan for saving a social system threatened with collapse by a fast-growing German population. The key provision of the Rrup Commission plan, released in August, is to increase the age of pension eligibility from the current 65 to 67. It would also reduce pension levels from 48 to 40.1% of a recipients former income. Workers would not be eligible for early retirement before the age of 64, and the annual cost-of-living increase would be reduced by 0.5%. The government is considering the commissions work as it drafts its own bill for reforming the pension system. The first reading is expected in November or December. Meanwhile, a commission appointed by the conservative opposition Christian Democrats and led by former German President Roman Herzog has also called for the retirement age to be increased to 67, a proposal that has split the Christian Democratic Union internally and led to a rift with its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union. The Herzog Commission has also called for a flat monthly health insurance premium of 264 for all Germans, a move it says would save the public health fund 27 billion. Source:,3367,1432_A_988374,00.html 9
Annexure 4
Annexure 5 a
Expectations 91.8 93.2 95.2 96.3 97.9 99.7 100.9 102.4 102.8 100.3 98.8 97.7 97.8 Source: Ifo Business Survey
Annexure 5b
Trade and Industry -21.9 -19.6 -17.5 -15.2 -14.8 -10.3 -Manufacturing -Construction -Wholesaling -Retailing -14.6 -12.9 -9.7 -5.9 -5.4 0.5
-44.0 -40.6 -43.5 -42.0 -45.4 -45.2 -41.8 -39.8 -39.2 -39.8 -37.8 -39.5 -41.4 -30.9 -29.0 -25.5 -17.9 -20.3 -15.1 -14.6 -12.9 -12.7 -18.0 -15.6 -14.3 -18.1 -22.2 -18.0 -17.1 -25.0 -19.0 -17.6 -23.6 -23.1 -25.1 -24.3 -31.7 -21.7 -21.9