Stokes, B WBPresent

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The Sweet Potato

Overall I have learned to THINK about what Im eating and WHY I now consider food for its nutritional value not just for the pleasure I receive from eating it. Ive learned that my body benefits from exercise. Im physically and mentally strong.
keep track of the amount of CHO intake (eliminate white grains & baked goods)



leave a glass of water on bedside table to drink first thing in the morning

always the take legal 15 min breaks allowed at work. Incorporate stretches and exercises

I will seek low fat meatless sources of protein such as tofu

I will build muscle to decrease multiplication of lipids

focus on carbs with dietary fiber soluble and insoluble

I will increase seafood intake to once a week

increase fiber to move fat quickly thru the GI system

walk during (2) 15 min breaks. schedule water in 16 oz Stop eating lunch at my desk. breakfast- lunch- dinner- snack Walk at least 30 min

stay within recommended limits (4565%) eat whole grain breads replace white flour with Wheat

I will increase white meat i.e skinless chicken and decrease red meat (hamburger/lean) once a month

schedule moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise

remember there is water in beverages which count toward intake etc

reduce TV watching and use dumbells for weight lifting while watching

I will increase legumes by addind edamame and kidney beans to salads

find good sources of needed 1.1 g of omega3 and 11 g of omega-6

watch caffeine & tannins intake which inhibits iron absorption

limit the quantity of fruit because (<fat)

Increase tofu intake by marinading & baking it prior to adding to stir fry veggies

(nuts & fish ) measure the belly to avoid dangerous visceral fat that infiltrates the gut and heart

go to the gym after work, Before going home keep a pair of gym shoes at work for walking during breaks and lunch hour

use water filter pitchers to keep water in the fridge

Sweet Potato aka Yam (Ipomoea batatas)

A tropical vine (Ipomoea batatas) of the morning-glory family with variously shaped leaves and purplish flowers. Its large thick sweet and nutritious tuberous root that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable
Nutrient Amount % of Daily Target/Limit
0% limit 0% limit 0% limit 0% limit 1% target/limit 1% target/limit 0% target/limit 0% target/limit 0% limit


Amount 165 4g 38 g 6g

Fats & Fatty Acids

0.3 g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0.0 g 0 mg 0 mg l 0 mg

Total Fat Saturated Fat Monounsaturated Fat Polyunsaturated Fat Linoleic Acid Linolenic Acid Omega 3 - EPA Omega 3 - DHA Cholesterol

Total Calories Protein Carbohydrate Dietary Fiber

% of Daily Target/Limit 8% limit 8% target 29% target 25% target


Potassium Sodium** Copper Iron Magnesium Phosphorus Selenium Zinc

54 mg
720 mg 53 mg 442 g 3 mg 44 mg 93 mg 0 g 1 mg

5% target
15% target 2% limit 49% target 17% target 14% target 13% target 1% target 7% target

Vitamins Vitamin A Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K Folate Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Choline Pantothenic Acid Betaine

38433IU 0.5 mg 0.0 g 26 mg 0 g 1 mg AT 3 g 13 g DFE 0.2 mg 0.2 mg 3 mg 25 mg 1.8 mg 69.2 mg

155% target 40% target 0% target 35% target 0% target 5% target 4% target 3% target 15% target 14% target 19% target 6% target 18%

Serving size: 1 cup

Sweet Potato - History

History - The sweet potato aka yams in the United States. The sweet potato is very nutritious. However, it is not a potato but belongs to the morning glory family.

The origin of the sweet potato dates back to 8000 b.c. in Central America. brought to Europe by 16th-century New World explorers.
Growers: #1 grower in the US is North Carolina followed by Mississippi 2nd, California, and Louisiana. China is the #1 grower in the world Certifications: The American Heart Association (AHA) The sweet potato has been given the seal of approval and certification as low in saturated fat and cholesterol. It is loaded with fiber, folate potassium, vitamin B6, beta carotene (vitamin A). Center for Science in the Public Interest The Institute of Medicine: School Meals sing the praises of the sweet potato as they encourage its inclusion in the American diet. Enjoy: baked, fried, grilled, mashed, or candied In the News: in 2011 and 2012 trials near Pasco, Oregon produced yields comparable to those in Louisiana , North Carolina and California, the top sweet potato-producing states.

Sweet Potato vs Yam

Confusion: Sweet Potato native of Central America - orange flesh required to be labeled as a sweet potato in the US (bottom right) vs. Yam - native of Africa, the Caribbean and Asia white flesh (top left) Variety of sweet potato

Sweet Potato


Sweet Potato Safe for diabetics


Starch Sugars

14.1 g 13.0 g Sucrose Glucose Fructose Lactose Maltose Galatose

4559 mg 1140 mg 1000 mg 0.0 mg 6240 mg 0.0 mg

Amino Acids Amino Acid Score - 82% Histidine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine Phenylalanine Threonine Tryptophan Valine

The sweet potato is safe to consume by diabetics (in moderation) who have to control blood glucose flucations. They have a low glycemic load and are in the medium glycemic zone. GL = GI/100 x Net Carbs

Sweet Potato Planting and Harvest

The immature potato plant called slips is started in hotbeds (mini greenhouses)

in February - March. The plants are transplanted to the fields in April July by heavy duty machines with large blades that furrow rows into the soil. Plants can be started at home in soil (just stick it in the ground) or in a jar of water.You will see roots and vines growing. Some potatoes may mature and be ready to harvest by July but prime time for harvest is September and should be finished in November. Harvest may begin within 90 -100 days or whenever they reach maturity. Sweet potatoes enjoy growing in warm climates. They freeze at 30 degrees Fahrenheit and crops can be destroyed If stored properly, sweet potatoes can last from 4-7 months until eaten
Planting to Harvest -

Farm to Table the industry

Planting - best in loamy, light, well

drained, fine sandy or clay loam soils Choose a variety, Beauregard, Hernandez, Jewel, Carolina Ruby, Porto Rico (to name a few) Rotate field every 2 years with tobacco, soybeans, corn, cotton wheat, cucumbers, peanuts, and rye. Climate: frost free climats with a minimum temp of 77 degrees and lots of water of up to 1 inch per week throughout the growing season Plants should be cultivated (lossening/braking up the soil, removing weeds to promote

Pests Tortoise and flea beetles, weevil, wireworms and grubs

A variety of traps and insectides are used

Sweet Potato Pie vs Pumpkin Pie

In my home it is always Sweet
Potato pie and candied yams at the holiday table. But it seems there is a growing battle and competition is fierce for the Pumpkin pie is some circles. The fued may be based on politics, heritage or both. Rumor has it President Obama agrees with me. He backs the Sweet Potato as the favorite. SWEET!!

You will need a 9 in pie pan and a whole wheat pie crust.

1/3 cup 1 tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon 2 cups 1/4 cup 2 1 tablespoon 1 teaspoon 1 cup

Sugar All purpose whole wheat flour Baking powder ground nutmeg cooked mashed sweet potatoes (2 medium) margarine egg whites, slightly beaten lemon juice vanilla extract non-fat milk

Heat oven to 425 degrees. Put pastry in 9 inch pie pan. Combine dry ingredients. Mix well. Stir in remaining ingredients by hand until well blended. Use electric mixer on low setting to blend for about 30 seconds until well blended. Add filling to pie pan and bake for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 and bake for 30 minutes. Insert a butter knife into the center of the pie. If it comes out clean the pie is done.

Recipes & Ideas

Maple Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Southern Baked Candied Yams

Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potato Production in California -

The United States Sweet Potato Council, Inc. -

The California Sweet Potato Council - AgMRC Agriculture marketing resource center -
North Carolina Sweet Potatoes -
Youtube: USDA -

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