A Passing Opportunity
A Passing Opportunity
A Passing Opportunity
Sunday, May 29, 2011 Too often, we let opportunities pass us by because we don't realize they've been sent from our heavenly Father. In this sermon, Dr. Stanley teaches us how to be sensitive to the opportunities God puts before us.
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We grow in obedience by having faith in the sovereignty of God. If we fail to believe in the Fathers sovereignty, we will find it difficult to obey Him. Abraham based his relationship with God on his confidence that the Lord would always do as He had promised (Rom. 4:20, 21). Faith comes by hearing the Word of God and responding in confident trust (Rom. 10:17). We will learn to trust Him as we study and meditate on His Word. We grow in obedience by waiting for Gods timing. The Father is very time consciousnot in terms of minutes and seconds, but in regard to our acting in obedience according to His schedule. Throughout Scripture we find Him moving in the fullness of the time (Gal. 4:4). He is neither early nor late. He is always right on time. We continue to grow in obedience by refusing to subject Gods plan to common sense or the reasoning of the world. Some things the Lord requires may look ridiculous from a human perspective. He told Abraham that he would have a son through whom He would bless the entire world. Yet the Lord allowed Abrahams obedience to be severely testedfirst by requiring him to wait nearly a quarter of a century before providing the promised provision, and later by requiring him to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. God knew the motive of Abrahams heart. It was one of obedience. When it came time to complete the sacrifice, the Lord was the one who provided a ram to be used in Isaacs place. We grow in obedience by promptly responding in obedience. If you long to obey God, you will not hesitate when He tells you to do something. Many times we fail to obey the Father because we fear the consequences. Yet He never requires us to do anything outside His will for our lives. Our only responsibility is to obey; His responsibility is to take care of the consequences of our obedience. Our sensitivity to Gods will increases as we obey Him. Along the way, He provides glimpses of the blessings waiting for us. God always blesses obedience. You can trust Him, obey Him, and be blessed. Or you can disobey Him and spend the rest of your life wondering what He would have done had you obeyed Him. Once you glimpse the blessings of obedience, however, the consequences no longer matter.
A Passing Opportunity
Charles F. Stanley Memory Verse: Mark 10:46-52 I. Introduction: An opportunity is defined as a favorable occasion when we have the option of making a decision that could have a positive impact. Times like this are a gift from the Lord. But too often, we let opportunities pass us by, failing to recognize the heavenly Father sent them. So how can we avoid missing what He has in store for us? The Bible teaches us about a blind beggar named Bartimaeus who experienced Jesus love in an unexpected way. We, too, need to
remain sensitive to Gods activity in and around us. That way, we can be sure to not miss what He has planned for our lives. II. Learning from the Story of Bartimaeus A. In Jesus day, people believed that a persons blindness or disease was caused by sineither his own or his parents (John 9:2). But our Savior values everyone, including the disabled. He sees their impairments not as an indication of sinfulness, but as a chance for His Fathers power to be revealed (John 9:3). B. Because it was right before the Passover, many people were walking through Jericho to Jerusalem. Bartimaeus had heard of a man from Nazareth named Jesus, who was known for healing the blind and performing many other miracles. But he didnt expect to have the opportunity to meet Him in person. C. How do we sharpen our ability to identify the opportunities God brings? Observe how the Lord worked in the lives of people from Old and New Testament stories. Also, look at how He works in the lives of others around you. God will work through the Holy Spirit to make you sensitive to His voice. D. Once we learn how God operates, we must choose to walk in faith, as Bartimaeus did. He could easily have believed that it was impossible either to be healed or to meet the Son of God. But Bartimaeus cried out in hope (Mark 10:47), even though others in the crowd tried to hush him. E. Jesus reply to this poor mans plea for mercy is crucial. It demonstrates that He is willing to listen to our cries for help, no matter what condition were in. F. Notice that Jesus asked Bartimaeus, What do you want Me to do for you? (Mark 10:51). Do you realize that Jesus has probably said that to you many times? Like Bartimaeus, He wants you to tell Him what you need. Nobody is insignificant in the eyes of God. He wants to speak to you because He loves you and desires a personal, intimate relationship with all His children. G. In response to Bartimaeuss faith, Jesus healed his blindness. Immediately upon regaining his eyesight, Bartimaeus began following Jesus. III. What Is Our Responsibility? The Lord creates opportunities for us to fulfill His plan and purpose for our lives (Eph. 2:10). But what is our responsibility? We need to: A. Ask ourselves what God has already done for us. B. Recognize that He will not give opportunities without providing all we need to fulfill them through the power of the Holy Spirit.
C. Make a decision to follow the voice of the Lord. D. Persist without giving up, even if others criticize us. E. Be people who take advantage of every God-given opportunity. IV. Conclusion: Jesus walk through Jericho was not just any opportunity for Bartimaeusit was his only chance. It was the last time the Lord would walk that way to Jerusalem before His crucifixion. For us as children of God, there are promising new roads to take every day. But we have to decide: Do we believe the Lord? Do we want to explore what He has to offer us? Take advantage of the unique and exciting opportunities God has planned just for you. My friend, I promise you will not regret it.