Antenna & Wave Propagation

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The documents cover course content for subjects TEC-505, TEC-701 and the OFC & VLSI simulation lab (PEC-753). TEC-505 covers antenna principles and arrays, practical antennas and antenna measurement. TEC-701 covers optical fiber communication systems including sources, detectors, receivers and networks. The lab covers experiments with digital logic circuits, fiber optic links and characterization of optical devices.

Unit 1 covers antenna principles. Unit 2 covers antenna arrays. Unit 3 covers practical antennas. Unit 4 covers antenna measurement.

Unit 1 introduces optical fiber communication systems. Unit 2 covers optical sources. Unit 3 discusses optical detectors. Unit 4 analyzes optical receivers. Unit 5 introduces optical networks.

TEC-505 ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION UNIT 1 ANTENNA PRINCIPLES: Potential Functions & Electromagnetic Field, Current Elements,

Radiation from Monopole & Half Wave Dipole, power radiated by current element, Radiation Pattern, radiation resistance. Directional properties of Dipole Antenna. Antenna gain, Effective Area, Antenna terminal Impedance, In Practical Antennas and Methods of Excitation, Antenna temperature and signal to noise ratio. Radiation Patten UNIT 2 ANTENNA ARRAYS: Two point element antenna array, Horizontal patterns in broadcast arrays, Linear arrays, Multiplication of patterns, effect of the earth on vertical patterns, Binomial array, Chebyshev array. UNIT 3 PRACTICAL ANTENNAS: Effect of antenna height, Polarization, Directivity, Aperture, Yagi-Uda, Parabolic, Horn, Log periodic antenna, loop antenna. Introduction to phase measurement; Gain measurement: Comparison Method, Near field method, Introduction to current distribution measurement, Microstrip Antenna. UNIT 4 ANTENNA MEASUREMENT: Measurements of antenna efficiency, Measurement of noise figure and noise temperature of an antenna polarization measurement. UNIT 5 WAVE PROPAGATION: Modes of Propagation, Plane Earth Reflection, Space wave and Surface Wave, Reflection and Refraction waves by the Ionosphere Troposphere wave. Ionosphere Wave Propagation in the Ionosphere in the ionosphere, Virtual Height, MUF, Critical Frequency, Skip Distance, Duct propagation, Space wave. Introduction to planar (Rectangular) waveguides- Derivation of TE and TM modes, TEM mode. SUGGESTED BOOKS: 1. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis & Design 3rd Edition, 2010, John Wiley (India). 2. Prasad, K.D./Antenna and Wave Propagation/ Khanna Publications. 3. Jordan Edwards C. and Balman Keith G./ Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems/PHI 4. Hayt Jr. William H./ Engineering Electromagnetics/TMH.

TEC-701 OPTICAL FIBRE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION: Demand of Information Age, Block Diagram of Optical fiber Communication System, Technology used in OFC System, Structure and types of Fiber, modes and Configuration, mode theory for circular guide modal equation, modes in optical fiber, linearly polarized modes, attenuation factors, pulse broadening in optical fiber, single mode fiber, mode field diameter, single distortion in single mode fiber, Derivation of material dispersion and waveguide dispersion. Attenuation, Signal Degradation in Optical Waveguides, Pulse Broadening in Graded index fiber Waveguides, Mode Coupling. UNIT 2 OPTICAL SOURCES: LED: Visible LED, Infrared LED, LED structure and configuration, Loss mechanism, Application of LED, operating Characteristics materials for Visible LED. LASER: Principle of LASER Action, Efficiency of LASER Diode, principles and structures, index guided and gains guided lasers, mode separation, quantum well laser, laser modulation. UNIT 3 OPTICAL DETECTORS: Optical Absorption in semiconductors, Types of Photo Diodes, Principle of photo detection, working and structures of p-i-n and APD photo detectors, noises in photo detectors, SNR, detector response time effects, comparison of various photo detectors. UNIT 4 ANALYSIS AND PERFORMANCE OF OPTICAL RECEIVER: Receiver Sensitivity, Photodiode for optical receiver, Optical Receiver Design, recent receiver circuits, System configuration and power budget. UNIT 5 OPTICAL NETWORKS: WDM concepts and principles, passive components, SONET/SDH networks, performance of WDM. SUGGESTED BOOKS 1. Optical Fiber Communications Gerd Keiser, Mc Graw-Hill International edition, 3rd Edition, 2000. 2. Optical Communication System- R. K. Singh, Wiley India, Delhi 3. Optical Fiber Communications John M. Senior, PHI, 2nd Edition, 2002.

PEC-753 OFC & VLSI SIMULATION LAB Design of following ckt using appropriate software like VHDL/ FPGA and OFC kits. 1) 3-input NAND gate. 2) Half adder, Full Adder 3) D-Latch, T Flip Flop 4) Serial in-serial out shift register, Bidirectional shift Register 5) 3 Bit synchronous counter 6) To set up Fiber Optic Analog link. 7) To set up fiber Optic Digital link. 8) Measurement of Propagation loss and numerical aperture. 9) Characterization of laser diode and light emitting diode. NOTE: The institution may add 2 more practical in above prescribed list.

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