Digital Communication Part
Digital Communication Part
Digital Communication Part
SAMPLING PRINCIPLES: Sampling Theorem, Quadrature sampling of Band pass signal, Practical aspects of sampling and signal recovery. 7 Hours UNIT - 2 PAM, TDM. Waveform Coding Techniques, PCM, Quantization noise and SNR, robust quantization. 7 Hours UNIT - 3 DPCM, DM, applications. Base-Band Shaping for Data Transmission, Discrete PAM signals, power spectra of discrete PAM signals. 6 UNIT 4 ISI, Nyquist s criterion for distortion less base-band binary transmission, correlative coding , eye pattern, base-band M-ary PAM systems, adaptive equalization for data transmission. 6 Hours PART B UNIT - 5 DIGITAL MODULATION TECHNIQUES: Digital Modulation formats, Coherent binary modulation techniques, Coherent quadrature modulation techniques. Non-coherent binary modulation techniques . 7 Hours Unit - 6 Detection and estimation, Model of DCS, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization procedure, geometric interpretation of signals, response of bank of correlators to noisy input. 6 Hours UNIT - 7 Detection of known signals in noise, , correlation receiver, matched filter receiver, detection of signals with unknown phase in noise. 6 Hours Unit - 8 Spread Spectrum Modulation: Pseudo noise sequences, notion of spread spectrum, direct sequence spread spectrum, coherent binary PSK frequency hop spread spectrum, applications . 7 Hours TEXT BOOK: 1. Simon Haykin, Digital communications, JohnWiley,2003.
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1 . Digital and analog communication systems- K.Sam Shanmugam, John Wiley, 1996. 2. Simon Haykin, An introduction to Analog and Digital Communication, John Wiley, 2003. 3. Digital communications - Bernard SklarPearson education 2007.
MICROPROCESSORS PART - A UNIT - 1 THE 8086 PROCESSORS: Historical background, The microprocessor-based personal computer system, 8086 CPU Architecture, Machine language instructions, Instruction execution timing. 7 Hours UNIT - 2 INSTRUCTION SET OF 8086: Assembler instruction format, data transfer and arithmetic, branch type, loop, NOP & HALT, flag manipulation, logical and shift and rotate instructions. Illustration of these instructions with example programs, Directives and operators. Unit - 3 BYTE AND STRING MANIPULATION: String instructions, REP Prefix, Table translation, Number format conversions, Procedures, Macros, Programming using keyboard and video display.6 Hours UNIT - 4 8086 INTERRUPTS: 8086 Interrupts and interrupt responses, Hardware interrupt applications, Software interrupt applications, Interrupt examples. 6 Hours PART - B UNIT - 5 8086 INTERFACING: Interfacing microprocessor to keyboard (keyboard types, keyboard circuit connections and interfacing, software keyboard interfacing, keyboard interfacing with hardware), Interfacing to alphanumeric displays (interfacing LED displays to microcomputer), Interfacing a microcomputer to a stepper motor. 6 Hours UNIT - 6 8086 / 8088 BASED MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEMS: Coprocessor configurations, The 8087 numeric data processor: data types, processor architecture, instruction set and examples. (6) UNIT - 7 SYSTEM BUS STRUCTURE: Basic 8086 configurations: minimum mode, maximum mode, Bus Interface: peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus, the parallel printer interface (LPT), The universal serial bus USB. 7 HOURS UNIT - 8 80386, 80486 AND PENTIUM PROCESSORS: Introduction to the 80386 microprocessor, Special 80386 registers, Introduction to the 80486 microprocessor, Introduction to the Pentium microprocessor. 7 Hours
TEXTBOOKS: Microcomputer systems -The 8086 / 8088 Family Y.C. Liu and G. A. Gibson, 2E PHI -2003. The Intel Microprocessor, Architecture, Programming and Interfacing-Barry B. Brey, 6e, Pearson Education / PHI, 2003.
REFERENCE BOOKS: Microprocessor and Interfacing - Programming & Hardware, Douglas hall, 2e TMH, 1991. Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals - A.K. Ray and K.M. Bhurchandi, TMH, 2001. 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors - Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware & Applications - Triebel and Avtar Singh, 4e, Pearson Education, 2003. SATELLITE COMMUNICATION PART - A UNIT - 1&2 RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION: Introduction, Ground wave propagation, free space propagation, ground reflection, surface wave, diffraction.TROPOSPHERE WAVE PROPAGATION: Troposcopic scatter, Ionosphere propagation, electrical properties of the ionosphere, effects of earth s magnetic field. 12 Hours UNIT - 3&4 OVER VIEW OF SATELLITE SYSTEMS: Introduction, frequency allocation, INTEL Sat. ORBITS: Introduction, Kepler laws, definitions, orbital element, apogee and perigee heights, orbit perturbations, inclined orbits, calendars, universal time, sidereal time, orbital plane, local mean time and sun synchronous orbits, Geostationary orbit: Introduction, antenna, look angles, polar mix antenna, limits of visibility, earth eclipse of satellite, sun transit outage, leandiag orbits. 14 Hours PART - B Unit - 5 PROPAGATION IMPAIRMENTS AND SPACE LINK: Introduction, atmospheric loss, ionospheric effects, rain attenuation, other impairments.Space link: Introduction, EIRP, transmission losses, link power budget, system noise, CNR, uplink, down link, effects of rain, combined CNR.8 Hours Unit - 6 SPACE SEGMENT: Introduction, power supply units, altitude control, station keeping, thermal control, TT&C, transponders, antenna subsystem. 6 Hours
UNIT - 7 & 8 EARTH SEGEMNT: Introduction, receive only home TV system, out door unit, indoor unit, MATV, CATV, Tx Rx earth station.Interference and Satellite access: Introduction, interference between satellite circuits, satellite access, single access, pre-assigned FDMA, SCPC (spade system), TDMA, pre-assigned TDMA, demand assigned TDMA, down link analysis, comparison of uplink power requirements for TDMA & FDMA, on board signal processing satellite switched TDMA. 12 Hours TEXT BOOK: Satellite Communications Dennis Roddy, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill International edition, 2006. REFERENCE BOOKS:Satellite Communications Timothy Pratt, Charles Bostian and Jeremy Allnutt, , 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2003. Satellite Communication Systems engineering W.L. Pitchand, H.L. Suyderhoud, R.A. Nelson, , 2nd Ed., Pearson Education., 2007. TRANSMISSION LINES AND ANTENNAS PART - A UNIT - 1 TRANSMISSION LINE THEORY: The transmission Line general solution, The distortion less Line, The telephone cable, Reflection on a Line not terminated in Z0, Open and short circuited Lines, Reflection loss, Insertion loss, T and PI sections equivalent to Lines, Constant K LPF & HPF. 6 Hours UNIT - 2&3 THE LINE AT RADIO FREQUENCIES: Constants for the Line of zero dissipation, Standing waves; nodes; standing wave ratio, Input impedance of open and short circuited Lines, The quarter wave Line; impedance matching, single stub impedance matching on a Line. The smith circle diagram, Application of the Smith chart, Double stub impedance, Open and Short circuit impedances when considering dissipation, Quarter and Half wave Lines of small dissipation. 12 Hours UNIT 4 ANTENNA BASICS: Introduction, basic Antenna parameters, patterns, beam area, radiation intensity, beam efficiency, diversity and gain, antenna apertures, effective height, bandwidth, radiation, efficiency, antenna temperature and antenna filed zones. 6 Hours PART - B UNIT 5 POINT SOURCES AND ARRAYS: Introduction, point sources, power patterns, power theorem, radiation intensity, filed patterns, phase patterns. Array of two isotropic point sources, non-isotropic but similar point sources, principles of pattern multiplication, examples of pattern synthesis by pattern multiplication, non-isotropic point sources, broad side array
with non unipolar amplitude distribution, broad side versus end fire array, direction of maxima fire arrays of n isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and spacing.8 Hours UNIT 6 ELECTRIC DIPOLES AND THIN LINEAR ANTENNAS: Introduction, short electric dipole, fields of a short dipole, radiation resistance of short dipole, radiation resistances of lambda/2 Antenna, thin linear antenna, micro strip arrays, low side lobe arrays, long wire antenna, folded dipole antennas. 6 Hours
UNIT 7 LOOP, SLOT, PATCH AND HORN ANTENNA: Introduction, small loop, comparison of far fields of small loop and short dipole, loop antenna general case, far field patterns of circular loop, radiation resistance, directivity, slot antenna, Balinet s principle and complementary antennas, impedance of complementary and slot antennas, patch antennas, horn antennas, rectangular horn antennas. 8 Hours unit 8 ANTENNA TYPES: Helical Antenna, Yagi-Uda array, corner reflectors, parabolic reflectors, log periodic antenna, lens antenna, antenna for special applications sleeve antenna, turnstile antenna, omni directional antennas, antennas for satellite antennas for ground penetrating radars, embedded antennas, ultra wide band antennas, plasma antenna.( Note: No derivations for the topics in this section). 6 Hours
TEXT BOOKS:Network Lines and Fields - John D Ryder, 2e, PHI, 2003. 2. 3. Antennas, John D. Krauss, III (SEI) edition, McGraw-Hill International edition, 2006. Antennas and Wave Propagation - Harish and Sachidananda: Oxford Press 2007.
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1.Antenna Theory Analysis and Design - C A Balanis, 2nd ED, John Wiley, 1997. 2. Antennas and wave propagation - G S N Raju: Pearson Education 2005.
INFORMATION THEORY AND CODING PART A UNIT - 1 INFORMATION THEORY: Introduction, Measure of information, Average information content of symbols in long independent sequences, Average information content of symbols in long dependent sequences. Mark-off statistical model for information source, Entropy and information rate of mark-off source .6 Hours
UNIT - 2 SOURCE CODING: Encoding of the source output, Shannon s encoding algorithm. Communication Channels, Discrete communication channels, Continuous channels. 6 Hours UNIT - 3 FUNDAMENTAL LIMITS ON PERFORMANCE: Source coding theorem, Huffman coding, Discrete memory less Channels, Mutual information, Channel Capacity. 6 Hours UNIT - 4 Channel coding theorem, Differential entropy and mutual information for continuous ensembles, Channel capacity Theorem. 6 Hours PART - B UNIT - 5 Introduction to Error Control Coding: Introduction, Types of errors, examples, Types of codes Linear Block Codes: Matrix description, Error detection and correction, Standard arrays and table look up for decoding. 7 Hours UNIT - 6 Binary Cycle Codes, Algebraic structures of cyclic codes, Encoding using an (n-k) bit shift register, Syndrome calculation. BCH codes. 7 Hours UNIT - 7 RS codes, Golay codes, Shortened cyclic codes, Burst error correcting codes. Burst and Random Error correcting codes.7 Hours UNIT - 8 Convolution Codes, Time domain approach. Transform domain approach.7 Hours TEXT BOOKS:Digital and analog communication systems K. Sam Shanmugam, John Wiley, 1996. Digital communication REFERENCEBOOK: 1. 2. ITC and Cryptography Digital Communications Ranjan Bose, TMH, II edition, 2007. Glover and Grant; Pearson Ed. 2nd Ed 2008 Simon Haykin, John Wiley, 2003.