Hephzibah & Beulah Issue 05

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HephzIbah & 8euIah (saIah 62v4)

The bImonthIy magazIne Ior KIngdom ChrIstIan UnIversIty.

ssue 5 (]uIy 2012)
As wrIte thIs edItIon WImbIedon has
come and gone, EngIand are rIppIng through the
AussIes In the crIcket ODs and the natIon
antIcIpates the start oI the London OIympIc
Cames, and yet It Is stIII raInIng! What a
summer! As you enjoy the sports oI the summer
take care to exercIse your mInd too! n thIs
edItIon have some personaI news and a coupIe
oI artIcIes dear to my heart.
Support & prayer.
ook news - Cenesis 1-11.
Personal news.
The danger of a complementary view.
The gospel and its connections.
The vision of KCU.
Support & prayer.
want to thank our reguIar gIver Ior the
i15 we receIve per month. May the Lord bIess
and keep you!
I you wouId IIke to support KCU or any
partIcuIar aspect oI the work or my Iuture
mInIstry pIease IeeI Iree to make contact! ThIs Is
a venture oI IaIth (Matthew 6v33).
ook news - Cenesis 1-11.
SInce the Iast Issue oI thIs magazIne
have soId a dozen copIes oI the book In CD pdI
Ie Iorm. had a very useIuI conversatIon wIth
an oId IrIend at Wakeman Trust who suggested
try and get the book dIgItaIIy prInted (costIng
around i500-i1000 Ior 100 copIes). ThIs may
be an optIon II cannot nd a pubIIsher. At the
present tIme the book Is beIng consIdered by
EvangeIIcaI Press. awaIt theIr consIderatIon.
WIth regard to those who have CD copIes have
had IIttIe Ieedback as yet but wouId be grateIuI
Ior any oI your thoughtIuI comments. I any
wouId stIII IIke a CD copy pIease Iet me know.
Personal news.
LookIng back over the Iast ten months It
has been InstructIve to see just how the Lord has
Iead and even more InterestIng to note how It Is
that Cod's pIans are not necessarIIy ours. WIth a
desIre to see peopIe taught the word oI Cod
IuIIy so that they can thInk bIbIIcaIIy Irom rst
thIng In the mornIng, throughout theIr workIng
day In whatever they do, and then when they
rest oI an evenIng, the vIsIon oI KCU Is
undImmed. However the outworkIng oI thIs
vIsIon has not IoIIowed a course that may have
been expected Irom Its InceptIon In 2009 wIth
the rst Monday evenIng Iectures.
Throughout thIs past year have sought
eagerIy Ior the Lord's dIrectIon both Ior my wIIe
and and Ior KCU. EarIIer thIs year we expIored
the possIbIIIty oI pastoraI mInIstry at DumeId
near Derby. That was both an excItIng but aIso a
paInIuI tIme. t was excItIng because truIy IeIt
that Cod had begun to caII me Into a pastoraI
preachIng mInIstry where couId deveIop those
thIngs begun through KCU. t was paInIuI
because oI rejectIon and a reaIIsatIon that
perhaps was expectIng to be abIe to do too
much, too soon. mmedIateIy IoIIowIng the
rejectIon by DumeId concIuded that ought not
consIder that avenue agaIn, and as a resuIt
threw myseII headIong Into gettIng some Iorm
oI teachIng posItIon. had a 'skype' IntervIew
wIth a ChrIstIan schooI In New ZeaIand and a
number oI other appIIcatIons In thIs country and
Iurther aeId, but as was goIng through these
processes It was becomIng IncreasIngIy cIear
that my heart was sImpIy not In teachIng scIence
aIone. t came to a head durIng an IntervIew
when was asked the questIon: why do you IIke
teachIng scIenceZ reaIIsed that actuaIIy hated
teachIng scIence because oI the Immense
mIsunderstandIng the subject generated and the
tremendous conIcts It posed Ior the ChrIstIan
The convIctIon that shouId turn to
preachIng aIone was becomIng overwheImIng. A
number oI IncIdents Ied to thIs convIctIon, but
one oI these was a test oI my IaIth. suddenIy
Iound one Sunday mornIng that was expected
to preach wIthout any warnIng and wIthout
havIng prepared a message. was terrIed! 8ut
the Lord heIped me and Iound Immense deIIght
and thrIII In beIng abIe to speak Ior the Lord. As
nIshed was exhausted but just wanted to get
up and do It aII over agaIn! HavIng come to thIs
concIusIon then Iaced a probIem oI what to do
next. have dear brothers In ChrIst In my
IeIIowshIp whom have contacted Ior advIce and
whom are prayIng wIth me at thIs tIme.
MeantIme am Iaced wIth a pressIng need to
deaI wIth our current sItuatIon. Many oI you wIII
know that we have been In the process oI seIIIng
our house, and It wouId appear that we are
goIng to have to move some tIme at the end oI
EdItor: MIke VIccary 1 oI 6
HephzIbah & 8euIah (saIah 62v4)
The bImonthIy magazIne Ior KIngdom ChrIstIan UnIversIty.
ssue 5 (]uIy 2012)
]uIy or the begInnIng oI August. ThIs wIII heIp us
redress the dImcuItIes we have had In keepIng
the house, but then we must decIde what to do
next. have been expIorIng the prospect oI
returnIng to 8IbIe CoIIege Ior Iurther studIes and
to open myseII to mInIstry opportunItIes. At thIs
tIme am IookIng at eIther a two year course at
WEST (WaIes EvangeIIcaI SchooI oI TheoIogy) or a
two year course at FaIth MIssIon In EdInburgh.
PIease pray that the rIght decIsIon In the
Lord wIII be made!
The danger of a complementary view.
Wednesday mornIng arrIves and troubIe
begIns. wont bore you wIth the detaIIs but what
had pIanned to do was never goIng to happen
as had to Iace a stream oI pressIng dImcuItIes
thrust unannounced at my door. wIII not reIate
aII oI these, yet by the end oI the day had come
to reaIIse somethIng that was oI vItaI Importance
when consIderIng the great probIem oI scIence
and Its reIatIonshIp to the ChrIstIan IaIth.
t aII started when there was knock at the
door. My Iace IeII when caught sIght oI two
gures. A Iate mIddIe aged man (he was oIder
than me - honest!) and a young gIrI (perhaps In
her earIy twentIes). ]ehovah's WItnesses! trIed
desperateIy to Iend them away (poIIteIy oI
course) but somethIng wIthIn me wanted to
decIare that ]esus ChrIst couIdn't be trIed wIth.
Iound myseII doIng most oI the taIkIng, openIy
decIarIng the deIty oI ChrIst and the gIorIous
nature oI the TrInIty. These doctrInes, oI course,
are the centraI ones where ]ehovah's WItnesses
IaII Into error. cannot quIte remember much oI
what transpIred between us. The young gIrI
never saId a word, and the conversatIon was
IrIendIy, but burnIng In my heart was the need
to demonstrate that ChrIst was Indeed Cod and
that He and He aIone was worthy oI our utter
Iove, devotIon and IIIe. WeII they eventuaIIy went
away and as trIed to turn to other matters, the
phone rang! was not reaIIy In the mood to taIk
to someone about doubIe gIazIng or about my
phone contract so was expectIng sImpIy to
respond to whoever was caIIIng wIth a "no thank
you"! magIne my surprIse when the person on
the other end oI the phone saId "thIs Is RadIo
Leeds"! was beIng asked II couId speak about
my IaIth and how It connects wIth scIence on the
LIz green IunchtIme show. 'm aIraId nearIy put
them o as had an appoIntment to meet my
wIIe Ior Iunch! However the woman spoke to
persuaded me to be IntervIewed at 12.20 Ior ve
mInutes so that couId be wIth my wIIe Ior 1PM!
was totaIIy unaware oI the breakIng news that
the 'HIggs boson' had been dIscovered.
ProIessor HIggs had predIcted such a 'partIcIe' In
the 1960s! The thousands oI scIentIsts at CERN
had 'dIscovered' thIs partIcIe and they were aII
ceIebratIng and In euphorIa over It! Strange that!
8ut when your whoIe IIIe Is dedIcated to
expIoratIon and dIscovery then that's what you
worshIp! So was goIng to be 'IntervIewed' about
thIs and how my IaIth wouId respond to the
news. t was so heIpIuI In retrospect that had
had the conversatIon wIth the ]Ws earIIer as thIs
got my theoIogIcaI juIces workIng. When the
tIme came to be IntervIewed aII can remember
Is makIng the poInt that ChrIst's death and
resurrectIon were oI Iar more Importance than a
'bIIp' on someone's computer screen. ThInk oI It!
8IIIIons oI pounds (or euros) and thousands oI
men and women bent on seekIng Ior some
mathematIcaI representatIon oI somethIng that
happened Ior Iess than a spIIt second to conrm
ProIessor HIggs' theory! Compare that wIth the
sIngIe most Important event In aII oI earth
hIstory - the death and resurrectIon oI the
SavIour! Where's the comparIsonZ Our socIety
wIII announce CERN's news and wIII Iaud the
ndIngs oI these scIentIsts but wouId they
announce the Iact that a person was saved by
ChrIst todayZ They wIII not! 8ut It Is oI no
concern Ior the SavIour toId us to expect such
WeII have had my ve mInutes oI 'Iame'!
was gIad to decIare the goodness oI Cod and
to state openIy that scIence was not aII Its
cracked up to be. The probIem wIth such
'IntervIews' Is that they aIways get the next
person on to say totaIIy the opposIte to what
you have saId! suppose that's caIIed 'beIng IaIr
mInded'. t got rIght up my nose though! There
was a person who was cIearIy a scIentIst wIth no
IaIth who decIared that scIence must be IIstened
to. When he was chaIIenged about 'those who
have IaIth' he repIIed wIth the usuaI put down,
that that was ne Ior an IndIvIduaI as Iong as It
dIdn't InterIere wIth 'scIence'. Another man wIth
some scIentIc Interest and some ChrIstIan
IeanIngs decIared that those creatIonIsts who
beIIeved that Cod created In 6 days were gIvIng
the ChrIstIan IaIth a bad name and were
EdItor: MIke VIccary 2 oI 6
HephzIbah & 8euIah (saIah 62v4)
The bImonthIy magazIne Ior KIngdom ChrIstIan UnIversIty.
ssue 5 (]uIy 2012)
dangerous IdIots. was boIIIng! Then another
person came on who cIaImed to be a ChrIstIan
but who had 'soIved' the probIem oI scIence by
statIng that the two reaIms, 'scIence' and 'IaIth'
were dIerent and compIementary. ThIs, It
seems to me, Is a unIversaIIy heId vIew. For
physIcaI truths go to scIence and Ior spIrItuaI
vIews go to the 8IbIe. That Is the essence oI a
compIementary vIew oI thIngs. The rst scIentIst
mentIoned put It IIke thIs. He saId that scIence
Is aII to do wIth 'nature' and the 'naturaI' worId.
ScIence he stated has nothIng whatsoever to say
about the 'supernaturaI'. Now actuaIIy there are
many scIentIsts who decIare that there Is no
such thIng as 'supernaturaI' exIstence. ThIs
scIentIst dIdn't go that Iar but what he dId say In
eect was that the supernaturaI was Ior IdIots,
and the superstItIous, and was basIcaIIy
IrreIevant. The great thIng In thIs man's mInd
was that scIence had Iound 'somethIng', and
that 'somethIng' heIped us understand who we
are! 'm teIIIng you my bIood was boIIIng!
pIcked up my phone to try and get back on aIr
but It was too Iate! 8ut what he saId got me
thInkIng. ThIs Idea oI 'naturaI' and 'supernaturaI'
was generaIIy how many (II not aII) vIew the
worId. 8IoIogIsts taIk oI 'naturaI hIstory' - how
IIIe has 'evoIved' (supposedIy) through tIme.
CosmoIogy works on the prIncIpIe (as does aII
scIence) that what matters Is 'matter' (or energy)
and nothIng but matter Is to be taken Into
account. I you want to add supernaturaI thIngs
then that's ne but they cannot InterIere wIth
'matter' (or energy). Many peopIe mIght beIIeve
In somethIng above the 'naturaI' but the scIentIst
doesn't bother about It. Now what worrIed me as
was thInkIng about aII oI thIs Is not so much
what atheIsts and scIentIsts thInk, but what
most ChrIstIans thInk. You see thIs unIortunate
vIew oI reaIIty as a duaIIty has caused great
probIems In our thInkIng. SeparatIng the reaIm
oI exIstence Into two separate parts - 'naturaI'
and 'supernaturaI' (or 'physIcaI' and 'spIrItuaI') -
has caused great probIems. We shaII consIder
these probIems In a moment.
t may be supposed that such thInkIng
started wIth Rene Descartes, the seventeenth
century French phIIosopher and mathematIcIan
(Iamous Ior the phrase " thInk thereIore am" -
"cogIto ergo sum"). Descartes separated thIngs
Into the two reaIms ('res cogItans' and 'res
extensa'). 8ut the truth Is that such a duaIIstIc
vIew comes Irom ScrIpture! Am sayIng that the
ScrIptures are wrongZ OI course not! We are
made Irom earth and Irom spIrIt. CenesIs 2v7
teIIs us thIs. Man was Iormed Irom the dust oI
the ground (physIcaI or materIaI) and the Lord
Cod breathed Into hIs nostrIIs the breath oI IIIe
(spIrIt). However, aIthough these thIngs are true,
we are not In any sort oI posItIon to separate
one Irom another because we are aIso toId In
CenesIs 2v7 that 'man became a IIvIng beIng' -
that Is, the InIusIon oI spIrIt Into the body Is
now 'one person'. You see the 8IbIe teIIs us that
the onIy thIng that can dIvIde between the two Is
the word oI Cod:
For the word of God is living and
powerful, and sharper than any two-
edged sword, piercing even to the
division of soul and spirit, and of joints
and marrow, and is a discerner of the
thoughts and intents of the heart.
(Hebrews 4v12 NKJV)
PIease note that am not sayIng we cannot
'dIscern' between spIrItuaI and physIcaI thIngs.
That we can do. 8ut what we can never do Is cut
Into a man and dIssect hIs spIrIt Irom hIs body.
The connectIon between the two Is utterIy
hIdden Irom us. t Is thIs Iact whIch renders
scIence at best mereIy approxImate. Descartes
thought that he had Iocated the spIrIt In the
pIneaI body! The Iact that Iater scIentIsts
'dIsproved' thIs caused much embarrassment to
the ChrIstIans oI that tIme. The tragedy was that
ChrIstIans sImpIy accepted what scIence was
sayIng wIthout arguIng that our evIdent duaIIty
(spIrIt and body) Is a Iact whIch can never be
'expIaIned' save by the Lord and HIs wIsdom.
So then a vIew oI reaIIty whIch Is duaIIstIc
causes probIems. t causes probIems onIy II you
hoId them separate. t yIeIds probIems II you try
and assert that the two have no connectIon. And
It causes mayhem when one reaIm Is exaIted to
the excIusIon oI the other. That Is what has
happened In our tIme. The physIcaI reaIm Is the
onIy reIevant reaIm Ior modern man. The
spIrItuaI reaIm Is heId to be possIbIy exIstent
but secondary. I you are 'spIrItuaI' It means you
have 'added extras' In your IIIe apart Irom the
'normaI' experIence oI IIIe In the physIcaI reaIm.
Much modern so-caIIed ChrIstIan thought Is that
these two reaIms are 'compIementary'. Many
modern ChrIstIans want to hoId to thIs type oI
EdItor: MIke VIccary 3 oI 6
HephzIbah & 8euIah (saIah 62v4)
The bImonthIy magazIne Ior KIngdom ChrIstIan UnIversIty.
ssue 5 (]uIy 2012)
vIew because they are aIraId oI scIence, that It
has Iar too much 'weIght' behInd It and we
cannot chaIIenge It at aII. Faced wIth such a vIew
oI scIence they IoIIow the compIementarIst vIew
so that 'IaIth' does at Ieast have some say In the
reaIm oI Ideas. One wrIter ( cannot remember
whom) put It IIke thIs: 'Ior wIsdom go to Athens
and Ior IaIth go to ]erusaIem'. Now many
atheIsts are very unhappy wIth thIs. They don't
want any 'supernaturaI' or 'IaIth' eIement at aII.
DawkIns Is a prIme exampIe. 8ut have to admIt
am unhappy too. You see the Lord ]esus ChrIst,
whom adore, dIed and rose agaIn. Doesn't thIs
rIp through aII oI what scIence says and doesZ
He has command over IIIe and death! Forget
evoIutIon. Forget HIggs boson. ChrIst who hoIds
aII thIngs In HIs hands (CoIssIans 1v17; Hebrews
1v1-3), dIed and then came back to IIIe In a
totaIIy new 'resurrectIon' body. You see scIence
can onIy work on the physIcaI. t has nothIng to
say about 'IIIe'! ScIence Is, at best, approxImate,
because It mIsses so much! ChrIst and HIs word,
on the other hand, deaI wIth the essentIaI thIngs
oI IIIe, where we reaIIy come Irom, and where we
are goIng. ThIs means that what PauI decIares In
CoIossIans 2v2,3 Is so true. He (and He aIone)
has all the treasures of wisdom and
knowledge. ThereIore, am not happy that
scIence has any say at aII! t ought to be
subordInated to ScrIpture. What Cod reveaIs Is
authorItatIve over aII thIngs whether physIcaI,
spIrItuaI or whatever. ThIs Is because Cod Is the
great ' Am' the seII-exIstent One. Modern
scIence seeks to usurp that authorIty by sayIng
that 'the Iaws oI scIence' are 'seII-exIstent'. ThIs
amounts to gross IdoIatry, exaItIng what Is
created to the posItIon oI deIty. 8ut that ChrIst,
who Is Cod, has aII authorIty no ChrIstIan can
deny. Do we work thIs out In our IIvesZ Do we
aIIow ChrIst not just the authorIty over what we
do, what we watch on TV, where we go, what we
say and agree to, but aIso on what Is heId to be
trueZ ThInk about thIs. I ChrIst Is whom He saId
He Is, then no matter what scIence may say, no
matter what anyone may say, II they do not
agree whoIeheartedIy wIth ScrIpture, then they
are vacuous and oI no worth at aII.
The HIggs boson. 'm not sure that It
matters one Iota what thIs Is. We couId dIscuss It
but wont go Into any detaII. 'm not sure that
can! t Is, aIter aII, just a modeI oI reaIIty. Does It
have anythIng to say to you and Z NothIng at aII.
Oh know the physIcIsts have woven a neat web
oI thIngs In whIch the HIggs boson pIays a vItaI
roIe. They say It Is the partIcIe that gIves rIse to
what we caII 'mass'. The thIng Is that thIs modeI
oI reaIIty may be useIuI to us In our tInkerIng
wIth thIngs and In makIng new devIces but It has
absoIuteIy nothIng to say at aII about the true
vaIue and true Issues oI IIIe. n 100 years tIme
perhaps a descendant oI HIggs may come up
wIth a very dIerent modeI Ior reaIIty. Perhaps
thIs tIme (IIke the EgyptIans oI oId, Ior exampIe),
he (or she) may suggest some admIxture oI
'spIrItuaI' and 'physIcaI' eIements Ior the modeI
oI reaIIty. The thIng Is that whatever 'modeI' may
be chosen, It Is aIter aII just a modeI and not the
reaIIty the scIentIst seeks to 'know'. The truth Is
that knowIng what's 'out there' Is utterIy
ImpossIbIe. AIter aII, aII thIngs nd theIr
uItImate exIstence In ChrIst. I the scIentIst
decIared at the end oI aII hIs work that He had
'dIscovered' that the root oI aII thIngs was ChrIst
then wouId IIsten to hIm!
]ust In case you were wonderIng. dId
meet up wIth my wIIe Ior Iunch and we had a
IoveIy tIme together.

The gospel and its connections
CIven that have been thInkIng a Iot
about mInIstry, the term 'gospeI' has been
uppermost In my mInd recentIy. The IoIIowIng Is
a brIeI overvIew oI how thIs word Is used In the
New Testament. t Is meant Ior your edIcatIon.
You must do much more wIth thIs In your own
personaI studIes. Have Iun!
The CospeI.
The word 'gospeI' occurs 101 tImes In
the NK]V New Testament. The rst thIng we
notIce about the gospeI Is that It Is 'owned' or
'beIongs' to someone, It Is the gospeI 'oI Cod
and oI ChrIst ]esus'. Then we note aIso that It
has a number oI other assocIatIons such as the
'kIngdom', 'grace', 'peace' and 'saIvatIon'. There
are a number oI reIerences In connectIon wIth
the gospeI showIng Iorth Its true 'nature'. Then
we nd that IntImateIy connected wIth the Idea
oI the gospeI Is the term 'preachIng'. The gospeI
Is somethIng that must be preached and heard.
Out oI thIs preachIng oI the gospeI we note that
there are dutIes and responses Ior aII as It must
be beIIeved and obeyed. FInaIIy we note that Ior
the church the gospeI Is the means oI IeIIowshIp
and mInIstry.
EdItor: MIke VIccary 4 oI 6
HephzIbah & 8euIah (saIah 62v4)
The bImonthIy magazIne Ior KIngdom ChrIstIan UnIversIty.
ssue 5 (]uIy 2012)
CospeI oI:
[1] CospeI oI the kIngdom (Matthew 4v23; 9v35;
24v14) or gospeI oI the kIngdom oI Cod (Mark
[2] CospeI oI Cod (Romans 1v1; 15v16;
2CorInthIans 11v7; CaIatIans 1v6;
1ThessaIonIans 2v2,8,9; 1Peter 4v17) and the
bIessed Cod (1TImothy 1v11)
[3] CospeI oI
[a] ChrIst (Romans 15v19,29;
1CorInthIans 9v12,18; 2CorInthIans
1v12; 9v13; 10v14; 1ThessaIonIans 3v2)
[b] ]esus ChrIst, the Son oI Cod (Mark
[c] HIs Son (Romans 1v9)
[d] Our Lord ]esus ChrIst (2ThessaIonIans
[e] The gIory oI ChrIst (2CorInthIans 4v4)
[4] CospeI oI the grace oI Cod (Acts 20v24)
[5] CospeI oI peace (Romans 10v15; EphesIans
[6] CospeI oI your saIvatIon (EphesIans 1v13)
Nature oI the gospeI:
[1] CIorIous gospeI (1TImothy 1v11)
[2] EverIastIng gospeI (ReveIatIon 14v6)
[3] Mystery oI the gospeI (EphesIans 6v19)
[4] AuthorItatIve wIth power.
[a] Comes In word and power
(1ThessaIonIans 1v5)
[b] AuthorIty In the gospeI (1CorInthIans
[5] CIoseIy IdentIed wIth ChrIst (Mark 8v35;
10v29; 1CorInthIans 9v23)
[6] The gospeI Is aII about ]esus ChrIst oI the
seed oI DavId who was raIsed Irom the dead
(2TImothy 2v8)
[7] Concerns the word and truth:
[a] Word oI the gospeI (Acts 15v7)
[b] Word oI the truth oI the gospeI
(CoIossIans 1v5)
[c] Truth oI the gospeI (CaIatIans 2v4,14)
[d] Word oI the Lord - the word by whIch
the gospeI Is preached (1Peter 1v25)
[8] New bIrth.
[a] 8egotten through gospeI
(1CorInthIans 4v15)
[b] 8rought IIIe and ImmortaIIty through
the gospeI (2TImothy 1v10)
[9] Can be veIIed (2CorInthIans 4v3)
[10] DIerent]another gospeI (2CorInthIans
11v4; CaIatIans 1v7,8,9)
PreachIng Is centraI to the gospeI:
[1] Must be preached (Matthew 11v15; 26v13;
Mark 13v10; 14v9; 16v15; Luke 4v18; 7v22;
9v6; 20v1; Acts 8v25; 14v7; 14v21; 16v10;
Romans 1v15; 15v20; 1CorInthIans 1v17;
9v14,16,18; 15v1; 2CorInthIans 10v16;
CaIatIans 1v8,11; 2v2; 3v8; 4v13; Hebrews 4v2;
1Peter 1v12,25; 4v6; ReveIatIon 14v6)
[a] To the poor (Matthew 11v15; Luke
4v18; 7v22)
[b] n the whoIe worId]to aII
natIons]CentIIes (Matthew 26v13; Mark
13v10; 14v9; 16v15; CaIatIans 2v2;
ReveIatIon 14v6)
[c] n many vIIIages (Acts 8v25)
[d] To that cIty (Acts 14v21)
[e] n Iresh areas (Romans 15v20;
2CorInthIans 10v16)
[I] Not wIth wIsdom oI words
(1CorInthIans 1v17)
[g] Present wIthout charge (1CorInthIans
[h] DecIare (1CorInthIans 15v1)
[] To regIons beyond (2CorInthIans
[j] 8y HoIy SpIrIt (1Peter 1v12)
[2] Must be heard (CoIossIans 1v23)
[3] You must be 'caIIed' to preach the gospeI
(Acts 16v10)
[4] Worthy oI the gospeI (PhIIIppIans 1v27)
[5] Entrusted wIth gospeI (1ThessaIonIans 2v4)
[6] Those who preach must IIve Irom
(1CorInthIans 9v16)
[7] SuerIng Ior the gospeI]In chaIns Ior the
gospeI (2TImothy 1v8; PhIIemon v13)
DutIes]response to the gospeI:
[1] CaIIed by the gospeI (2ThessaIonIans 2v14)
[2] To be beIIeved In (Mark 1v15; Acts 15v7) and
there Is the IaIth oI the gospeI (PhIIIppIans 1v27)
[3] Must be obeyed (Romans 10v16;
2ThessaIonIans 1v8; 1Peter 4v17)
[4] PersonaI. 'My' and 'our' gospeI (Romans 2v16;
16v25; 1ThessaIonIans 1v5; 2ThessaIonIans
2v14; 2TImothy 2v18)
[5] Not to be ashamed oI (Romans 1v16)
[6] Hope oI the gospeI (CoIossIans 1v23)
WItness and worshIp oI the gospeI:
[1] 8egInnIng oI the gospeI (when It goes out at
rst) (PhIIIppIans 4v15)
[2] PraIse shouId be In the gospeI (2CorInthIans
EdItor: MIke VIccary 5 oI 6
HephzIbah & 8euIah (saIah 62v4)
The bImonthIy magazIne Ior KIngdom ChrIstIan UnIversIty.
ssue 5 (]uIy 2012)
[3] FeIIowshIp In the gospeI (PhIIIppIans 1v5)
[4] ServIce]Iabour In (PhIIIppIans 2v22; 4v3)
[5] Furtherance oI the gospeI (PhIIIppIans 1v12)
[6] DeIence and conrmatIon oI the gospeI
(PhIIIppIans 1v7,17)
UItImateIy the gospeI Is aII about the Lord jesus
ChrIst, HIs person and HIs work. t may be
sImpIe to 'teII' the gospeI to someone, but It wIII
requIre a IIIetIme oI IIIetImes to teII It out IuIIy!
The vision of KCU.
KIngdom ChrIstIan UnIversIty has ve key prIncIpIes.
t exIsts to:
[1] CIorIIy Cod as Author, Creator, SustaIner oI aII
thIngs, and Redeemer oI beIIevers, and to expIore
Cod's unIverse to decIare HIs great worth.
[2] EstabIIsh a 8IbIIcaI basIs Ior aII subjects oI
enquIry and to pursue research aIong 8IbIIcaI IInes.
[3] 8rIng the entIre knowIedge oI Cod to aII
[4] EquIp young aduIts wIth the tooIs requIred
(both mentaI and practIcaI) Ior a godIy IIIe on
[5] Contend earnestIy Ior the IaIth once deIIvered
unto the saInts, and to puII down aII arguments
and vIews that deny Cod HIs gIory.
KIngdom ChrIstIan UnIversIty has Iour maIn 'keys' or
prIncIpIes oI operatIon:
TEACHNC: passIng on the good thIngs oI Cod to
the next generatIon.
APOLOCETCS: deIendIng the IaIth and presentIng
reasons Ior the hope wIthIn.
MSSON: the knowIedge oI Cod shouId be In every
RESEARCH: seekIng to nd what Cod has reveaIed
In creatIon and provIdence.
KIngdom ChrIstIan UnIversIty has sIx IacuIty areas:
[a] nItIatIng good scIence whIch gIorIes Cod as
Creator and SustaIner.
[b] UnderstandIng modern scIence and It's
reIatIonshIp to the ChrIstIan FaIth.
[c] ContendIng agaInst scIence IaIseIy so caIIed.
[a] UnderstandIng IegItImate ways oI makIng a
IIvIng In thIs worId.
[b] DeveIopIng good ways oI InvestIng and
supportIng Cod's Industry.
[c] DeveIopIng rIght ways oI empIoyIng and
traInIng peopIe.
[a] EstabIIshIng good bIbIIcaI methods oI
communIcatIng the gospeI message.
[b] DeveIopIng a good apoIogetIc IoundatIon Ior
'The FaIth '.
[c] EstabIIshIng a reposItory Ior the bIbIIcaI texts.
[a] UnderstandIng the Importance oI 'IamIIy']'cIan'.
[b] ConsIderIng man's vs Cod's methods oI 'ruIe'.
[c] ConsIderIng the reIatIonshIp between natIons.
[a] UnderstandIng the nature oI man and the IaIse
notIons that are around.
[b] DenIng the IegItImate deveIopment oI cuIturaI
hIstory and creatIvIty.
[c] CounterIng IaIse notIons' oI man's 'pIay'.
[a] PromotIng technoIogIcaI and engIneerIng heIp
Ior mIssIon.
[b] PromotIng medIcaI care In aII Its IegItImate
Iorms Ior mIssIon.
[c] HeIpIng potentIaI mIssIonarIes to be ready and
The Rock Is to be IuIIy
Known and
Delighted In so that we may be
Prepared for use and abIe to
Dr. MIke VIccary
Mob: 07951166875
EmaII: thedoc.vIccarygoogIemaII.com
Address: 5 South VIew
Cross HIIIs
N. Yorks.
8D20 7LD
EdItor: MIke VIccary 6 oI 6

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