Chapter Four 4.1. Proposition 4.1.1.categorical Proposition: Class of Similar Things
Chapter Four 4.1. Proposition 4.1.1.categorical Proposition: Class of Similar Things
Chapter Four 4.1. Proposition 4.1.1.categorical Proposition: Class of Similar Things
4.1. Proposition
4.1.1.Categorical proposition
• Any categorical proposition has two terms: subject term and predicate
4.1. Components and Standard Forms of Categorical Proposition
A. Components
• Every CP, if it is stated in standard from, has exactly four distinct
components. These are:
• ‘‘All S are P ’’ and ‘‘No S are P ’’ each assert something about
every member of the S class and thus are universal.
• ‘‘Some S are P ’’ and ‘‘Some S are not P ’’ assert something about
one or more members of the S class and hence are particular.
• But categorical propositions have no ‘‘qualifier.’’
• In universal propositions, the quality is determined by the
quantifier, and in particular propositions it is determined by the
N.B: There are four letters that represent the four forms of
categorical proposition: A, E, I & O.
• The universal affirmative is called an A proposition, the universal
negative an E proposition, the particular affirmative an I
proposition, and the particular negative an O proposition.
C. Distribution: it is an attribute of terms (subject and predicate)
unlike quality and quantity which are attributes of proposition.
categorical propositions.
All S are P - All members of S are included in P, and asserts that all members
propositions like Aristotle but for Boole it is not assumed that members of S
actually exist.
However, the two interpretations are the same/ compatible with
Boolean Interpretation:
• All S are P = No members of S are outside p
• No S are P = No members of S are inside P
• Some S are P = at least one S exists and that S is p
• Some S are not P = at least one S exists and that S is not P
4.3.1 Venn Diagram and Square of Opposition
• Venn diagram: it is arrangement of overlapping circles in which
each circle represents the class denoted by a term in a categorical
• Since a categorical proposition has two terms, Venn diagram has
two overlapping circles. Conventionally, the first circle represents
the ST and the second circle represents the PT.
• We use two marks: shading (refers to empty) and marking (refers
to something.)
• Shading is for universals and marking is for particulars.
• Immediate Inference: proposition having one premise and
conclusion is drawn from this single premise.
– From the MSO, if we know the truth value of “A” is true, “O” is false and
vice versa.
– If “E” is true, “I” is false and vice versa
I Subcontrary O
A. Contradictory:
• The same as we discussed under section of Modern Square of
B. Contrary:
• Top linear square between A & E.
• Both have the same quantity but different quality.
If A is false, E is undetermined
If E is fasle, E is undermined. Invalid--------- illicit
C. Sub-contrary
• Partial relationship
Some men are people. -------- Some people are men. (T)
No men are eternal------ no eternal are men. (T)
B. Obversion
• 1st change the quality
• 2nd replacing the predicate with its complement.
• Note that complement refers to a group of anything outside that
Example . complement of “chairs” is “non -chairs”
• E & I are neither opposite nor identical. So, they are illicit in