Newsletter Autumn 14 2012

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Helping children be the best they can be Dear Parents, Governors and Children, OUR NEXT HOLIDAY CHRISTMAS

S Our next holiday is Christmas. We break up at 3.30 p.m. on Friday 21st December and we return to school at 8.45 a.m. on Monday 7th January 2013.

REMINDER OF CHRISTMAS PARTIES Just a reminder that all our Christmas Parties are next week, in the afternoon during school time. Your child may bring party clothes in a bag to change into after lunch if they wish, and donations of shop-bought buns, biscuits and crisps would be very welcome. Donations should be given to your childs class teacher on the morning of the party. Reception - Monday 17th December Year 5 & 6 - Tuesday 18th December Year 3 & 4 - Wednesday 19th December Nursery - Wednesday 19th December, in normal session times Year 1 & 2 - Thursday 20th December CHRISTMAS ATTENDANCE LOTTERY All pupils who ATTEND SCHOOL EVERY SINGLE DAY for the last two weeks of term will be entered into a lottery to win a mystery prize! All you have to do for your chance to win is ATTEND SCHOOL EVERY DAY until Christmas. GOOD LUCK! CHRISTMAS DISCO DRAMA GROUP CANCELLED Our Christmas disco is being held on Monday 17th December for the children in Key Stage 2 (a separate letter has been sent home with a reply slip). As a result, there will be NO drama club on this night. After Christmas, drama club is being offered to a different year group, so Y5 and Y6 will not be attending drama until they are offered another timeslot. BREAKFAST CLUB AND THE PANTOMIME We are keeping breakfast club open until the end of term with the exception of TUESDAY 18TH DECEMBER. This is the day of School Pantomime production and the company needs access to the hall to set up. This year we are staging the production twice. The first production for children in Year 3,4,5 and 6 will start at 8.50am promptly, therefore please ensure children arrive at school on this day for 8.30 a.m. as otherwise they will miss out on the fun of this exciting performance of OLD KING COLE BREAKFAST CLUB REOPENS AFTER CHRISTMAS 14th JANUARY Just to let you know that our Breakfast Club will re-open on Monday 14th January at 8 a.m. Please remember that children who arrive after 8.15 a.m. will not be served so make sure your child arrives promptly. If you are available to help Thank you for your support.

YEAR 4 - AFTER SCHOOL GUITAR GROUP The after-school guitar group has now finished until after Christmas, as the six sessions have been taken. If you would like your child to continue or you would like your child to join, please call in at the school office and put your childs name forward. There is a charge of 2.50 per week and this will need to be paid at the start of the term. Only if we have sufficient pupils interested will we be able to afford to keep the group running. Thank you.

EARLY NOTICE OF YEAR 6 SATS We thought you would appreciate early notice of the Year 6 SATs week. In 2013 it will be for the whole week, commencing 13th May 2013. If your child is in Year 6, please dont book your family holiday during this week or indeed the weeks previous to this if possible. As ever, holidays in term time do need to be applied for and could be subject to fixed penalty notice if they are unauthorised. Thank you.

30 MINUTE RULE - COLLECTING CHILDREN EARLY FROM SCHOOL Many thanks to those parents who are trying to make appointments out of school hours. We do appreciate that this is not always possible, but taking children out during lesson is disruptive to the whole class and interrupts the childrens learning. Please remember, however, if an odd occasion should arise when you do need to come to school and collect your child from class during lesson time, this is not a problem but please phone the school office least 30 minutes before you arrive to collect your child - this way we can have them ready at reception for you, causing less disruption to lessons and saving you from unnecessary waiting. CROSSING LITTLEMOOR LANE AND PARKING We now have a Crossing Patrol Warden, so please impress on your children that they should use the warden when they try to cross the road. Again we are asking that you park sensitively when you bring and collect your children, bearing in mind not blocking our neighbours drives or double parking and causing problems for children trying to cross the roads. Additionally, please do not park ON the pavement, as buggies and wheelchairs need the space on the footpath, as well as it being dangerous for children if you try to drive on the path. Thank you for your co-operation. CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR NEWSLETTER We are encouraging the children to contribute to our weekly newsletter with stories, pictures and items of interest they have done in the classroom our outside school. The contributions this week are from Nursery. Look out for more class contributions in the coming weeks

Jack Frost came to visit!!!

We know its cold, but in F1 the change in weather helps us learn about the World around us!
We drank hot milk, to keep our hands warm. We made a spiral patterns, in the frost.
We made a train and went round and around Millie

We melted letter shapes, in the frost.

The astronauts come down from space and bring the frost Elisia

Its keeping my hands warm Tommy

Thanks for visiting Jack Frost!!!

Its melting Lucas

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