Church of England Primary School: Star of The Week

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St Peters

Church of England Primary School

Whats been happening in school this
Newsletter - 12th March 2015

Swimming lessons
The school pool has been recommissioned, so
swimming lessons start again next week. We are still
aiming for a new canopy and changing rooms for the
Summer, but for now the show must go on!
Here are the swimming days:
Monday - Nursery and Year 3.
Tuesday - Reception and Year 4
Wednesday - Year 2 (Ms Stubbs)
Thursday -Year 1/2 (Miss Hume) and R/Year 1 (Mrs
Friday - Nursery and Year 5.
Year 6 start their swimming later in the year. We will
let you know when this begins.

Star of the Week

For being such a
super talk
partner and
helping others!
Well done Thalia

Tadpole Watch
Nursery have been
watching frogspawn
hatch and turn into
wriggly tadpoles. We are
hoping to see some tiny
frogs before we release
them into the school

All children will need a swimming costume, towel

and swimming hat.
We also ask for a 5 contribution towards the cost of
these lessons and the up-keep of the pool, which I
think you will agree is very good value to be able to
have our own school pool. There is an envelope with
this newsletter to send back this donation.

Parents Evening
Fast approaching is parents evening on 25th and 26th
March (4pm to 7pm). School reports are sent home
the week before, so these meetings are designed for
you to drop in and see the class teacher about them, if
you want to. Please keep these dates free!

Family Service Sunday 15th March

On Sunday 15th March, pupils in Year 2, Year 6 and
Quest Club will be making contributions to the Family
Service (singing and taking part in drama/
During this week, that have worked on their
contributions, with the support of James McAdam.
We would like as many Year 2, Year 6 and Quest Club
families to attend.

Tapestry Course
Tapestry course tonight for parent/carers of children in
our Foundation and Reception class takes place this
evening in school from 7.15pm-8.15pm. This is a
chance to look at our new online learning journey and
learn how you can add observations from home. We
hope as many of you can make it as possible.

Forensic Science Day

Next week it is National Science and Engineering
week. This Monday the children will be given the
opportunity to learn about forensic science. From Year
1 upwards, the children will participate in a workshop
where their learning will vary from finger print testing
to DNA analysis.

This week in school

Whats going on soon?

Lost property monster!

Please keep checking this

section for upcoming dates
and events.

We have tonnes of lost property! For the next week I will bring the box out onto the
Next Messy Church at
playground (or leave in the hall if wet). Do come and find your lost articles. Anything left St Peters hall:
by the end of next week will be sent off to the 'Sale Rail' or to charity.
Thursday 19th March

mp3 players
Does anyone have an old mp3 or phone (SIM less!) that they don't use any more? If you
can donate it to the school I want to let the children have music to dance and sing to at
lunchtimes on the playground.

Next Family Service at

St Peters Church:
Next Family Service 15th March, Mothering
Sunday 10.00am

Ukuele Club


"Please note due to a music concert in the hall on Wed 18th March there will be no
Beginners Ukulele Club on that Lunch Time. However the Beginners are welcome to
come to the Advanced Session on the following day."
Thank you. Mr Moger-Taylor

Thursday 12th - Launch of
FSU Tapestry - the new
online learning journey.


Monday 16th St Peters

Swimming Pool re-opens
Please note, it with some disappointment that a few parents are getting frustrated when for lessons
I challenge them about parking in the yellow hatched 'no parking zones' and on double- Friday 20th - SPSA
yellow lines.
Chocolate Bingo - doors
open 18.00
I am sure that this is born out of frustration about parking spaces, which are out of my

control (although parking around the corner is the best idea!)

However, the no parking zones are there for a reason - the children's safety! So please
do not use lateness or busy roads as an excuse, as we all have to follow the same rules.
Thanks for your understanding.

Lost PE Kit
A PE kit belonging to Lois in Year 3 has gone missing. All the items in the bag are named.
If found please contact the school office on 01395 443167 or email

Red Nose Day

Wednesday 25th - FSU

Stay & Play Day
Thursday 26th - FSU Stay
& Play Day
Friday 27thLast day of

Tuesday 14th

- start of


Just to let you know, we are not doing anything for Red Nose Day, as we try to focus on
one charity a term, as decided by the children through the school council. Red Nose day
was considered, but Ebola was chosen instead.

Gardening Club
Contact details

It is that time of year again when the sun is starting to appear and the days are getting
longer. Miss Hume and Mrs Griffiths will be starting Gardening club again on Monday
16th March 3:30 - 4:15. If you are in Key Stage 2 and would like to attend, please email
Miss Hume on There is a limit of 10 children so
get your emails in quick.
Mrs Wyatt, our SENCO teacher, will be leaving us at the end of this term. If any parents/
carers would like to make a contribution to a leaving gift please call into the school
Moor Lane, Budleigh Salterton,
Devon, EX9 6QF.
01395 443167

Headteacher: Steve Hitchcock

Did you know about?

SPSA Meeting
The SPSA are hosting the following up and coming events. If you would like to help at any of the events please email or speak with Jen Mills.

Coconut Shy at Budleigh Food and Drink Festival 14th & 15th March
Knock down coconuts, win or buy a mothers day plant, and enter the prize draw to win a fabulous Mothers Day

Chocolate Bingo Friday 20th March

A week on Friday we will be holding our popular family Chocolate Bingo evening. Bring all the family to play bingo
for great chocolate prizes. Doors open 5.45pm, eyes down 6.30pm. Fancy a bite!? 1/4 pounder and wedges just
2.50. Those who can't make it needn't miss out - we will be selling raffle tickets next week on the stage after
school. Over 3kg of chocolates to be won!

Beer and Skittles Evening 9th May

Being organised by one of the Dads. A games night for adults only at Budleigh Football Club

Budleigh Barn Dance 18th July

Save the date for a summer's barn dance in the Public Hall, Budleigh Salterton

Job Vacancy
We are currently looking for someone to take on the role of First Aider at lunchtimes. Training will be provided for
this position. The hours of work are from 12.20pm to 1.20pm 5 days a week. Rate of pay 7.11 7.88 per hour, 5
hours a week. You will responsible for treating children. This job will require you to be DBS checked before
employment commences. For an application form please email the school office on or call 01395 443167 between 9.00am3.30pm.

Celebration Blog
Please visit our celebration blog on our website;
there are so many more amazing events
happening in school that we cant fit them all
into our newsletter.
Head teacher awards
Spellers, artists and a thinker!

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