What Is Climate Change
What Is Climate Change
What Is Climate Change
More frost-free days would yield a longer growing season, lessen cold stress and reduce winterkill and open up opportunities for new crops. On the other hand, crops could be exposed to more damaging winter thaws, while warmer winter temperatures could decrease the amount of protective snow cover. Drought and flooding caused by climate change could increase soil erosion due to wind and water. Loss of protective snow cover would increase the exposure of soils to wind erosion during the winter, while more frequent freeze-thaw cycles could also increase soil erosion. Warmer temperatures could lead to increased crop damage from heat stress, as well as an improved breeding environment for a variety of weeds, insects and pests. Droughts, floods and storms could affect the reliability of water for irrigation. There would be an increased likelihood of severe drought and increased aridity in semiarid zones of Manitoba. Drought, heat waves and the increased frequency of extreme weather events (such as hurricanes, blizzards and ice storms) would affect livestock operations.
The most significant anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs) are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Although these gases are found naturally in the atmosphere, it is their accelerated increase in concentration due to human activities, most notably burning fossil fuels, that is the concern. Carbon dioxide is the most common GHG but it is not the most potent: CH4 and N2O have 23 and 296 times the global warming potential of CO2, respectively (IPCC, 2001).
Green House Effect On-farm CO2 comes from burning fossil fuels to heat homes and run farm machinery, decomposition of organic matter from intensive tillage operations and summerfallow, and crop residue burning. On-farm CH4 comes from digestive process of ruminant livestock (cattle, sheep and goat burps), anaerobic (without oxygen) decomposition of organic matter in wet soils, riparian areas, wetlands and manure storages. On-farm N2O comes from nitrification in soil (when ammonium is converted to nitrate in soil), denitrification in soil (anaerobic respiration in soil due to wet soil conditions or high microbial activity where both carbon and nitrate are present) and in the manure storage.
Table 11.1 Greenhouse gases and their global warming potential, agricultural sources and causes. (Adapted from the Climate Change Connection, 2007.) Greenhouse Gas Carbon dioxide (CO2) Global Warming Potential1 1:1 (CO2 equivalent) Agricultural Sources Causes
Tillage Soil drainage Crop residue burning Operating farm machinery Heating farm buildings Digestion of feeds by ruminants (enteric fermentation) Decomposition of manure during storage and application Anaerobic (without oxygen) decomposition of organic matter in poorly drained soils and wetlands Nitrification in soil Denitrification in soil Indirect GHG production due to N losses from leaching, runoff and NH3 volatilization Excess N fertilizer Decomposition of manure during storage and application
Methane (CH4)
Nitrous oxide 296:1 (296 times (N2O) more potent than CO2)
Soil Manure
1 Global warming potentials (GWPs) are used to compare the abilities of different greenhouse gases to trap heat in the atmosphere. These estimates are from the Third Assessment Report of the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2001). Of Manitoba's agricultural emissions in 2005 (Figure 11.2), it is estimated that 43% came from agricultural soils (mostly N20), 41% from enteric fermentation (CH4) and 16% from
manure management (CH4 and N20). These estimates do not include GHG emissions from fertilizer production.
This is achieved through annual soil testing for residual soil nitrate levels. Targeted N application rates will minimize the amount of nitrate that is remaining in the soil after the crop has been harvested. This excess nitrate is at increased risk of being lost to the atmosphere as N2O the following spring when soils are saturated during snowmelt. Additional benefits of targeted N application rates include optimal crop response, reduced crop lodging, reduced risk of nitrate leaching to groundwater and decreased fertilizer costs. Manure is an excellent source of nutrients for crop production and can replace the requirement for commercial fertilizer. Like fertilizer, manure should be applied at rates that meet crop nutrient requirements. Unlike commercial fertilizer, however, manure is a heterogeneous mix of nutrients, organic matter and water. The only way to know the nutrient concentration of manure is through laboratory analysis of a representative, composite manure sample. Similar to commercial fertilizer, spring applications of manure are ideal but are not always practical. Winter applications of manure should be eliminated to prevent runoff, leaching and volatilization of ammonia. To ensure the target application rate of commercial fertilizer or manure is applied, application equipment must be calibrated. The N in manure and ammonium-based fertilizers is at increased risk of being lost to the atmosphere as ammonia (NH3) gas. These losses can result in indirect GHG emissions when the ammonia is re-deposited on land elsewhere and lost as N2O. Injection or immediate incorporation of manure and ammonium-based fertilizers can reduce or eliminate volatilization of NH3. This not only reduces indirect GHG emissions, but it can represent a significant savings for the producer in N fertilizer. Ideally, fertilizers should be applied as close as possible to the time that plants need them. Applications of fertilizers in the spring after snowmelt reduce the risk of losses to the environment during spring snowmelt. During the snowmelt period, denitrification rates can be high if nitrate and carbon are present in the soil because the soil is often also saturated. Late fall applications of ammonia-based N, when soils are cool, are also acceptable as much of the N is not converted to nitrate until the soils warm again the following spring after snowmelt. One of the most efficient methods of fertilizing annual crops is banding the fertilizer at seeding. If banding is not possible, then incorporation as soon as possible after application will reduce the risk of losses to the environment. Some long-season, wide row crops such as corn and potatoes permit in-season application of N, which may be the most efficient time to apply N fertilizer. Slow release N fertilizers supply N more slowly over the growing season when the crop can use it and reduce the risk of N loss to the environment. Slow release fertilizers are more expensive, however, so economics may limit their use. Urease and nitrification inhibitors improve the efficiency of N uptake and are more affordable than slow-release fertilizers. Urease inhibitors prevent volatilization of surface-applied urea and indirect GHG emissions. Nitrification inhibitors slow the conversion of ammonium-N to nitrate-N and have been shown to reduce N2O emissions in some soils. Inclusion of leguminous cover crops or green manure crops in crop rotations could also decrease GHG emissions. The more gradual release of the N from these crops over the subsequent growing season may result in less N in the soil at any one time that is susceptible to loss as N2O following precipitation events. As well, crediting the N from these crops reduces the requirement for commercial N fertilizer for the next crop. The reduction in N fertilizer use means that less greenhouse gases are emitted from N fertilizer manufacture