What Is Carbon Footprint and It'S Causes?

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A carbon footprint is the total amount of

greenhouse gases produced to support a specific
activity, and is usually equated as tonnes of carbon
dioxide (CO2) (other greenhouse gases are included as
part of this total and are weighted according to their
carbon content). Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse
gas. Greenhouse gases (GHGs) can be emitted through
transport, land clearance, and the production and
consumption of food, fuels, manufactured goods,
materials, wood, roads, buildings, and services. For
simplicity of reporting, it is often expressed in terms of the amount of carbon
dioxide, or its equivalent of other GHGs, emitted.
A carbon footprint is composed of two
parts, a primary and secondary footprint. The
primary footprint is the sum of the direct
carbon dioxide emissions of burning of fossil
fuels, like domestic energy consumption by
transportation, like automobiles and airplane
travel. The secondary footprint is the sum of
indirect emissions associated with the
manufacture and breakdown of all products, services and food an individual or
business consumes.
The concept name of the carbon footprint originates from ecological
footprint, discussion, which was developed by Rees and Wackernagel in the 1990s
which estimates the number of "earths" that would theoretically be required if
everyone on the planet consumed resources at the same level as the person
calculating their ecological footprint. In 2007, a carbon footprint was used as a
measure of carbon emissions to develop the energy plan for City of Lynnwood,
Washington. Carbon footprints are much more specific than ecological footprints
since they measure direct emissions of gases that cause climate change into the

Electricity generation has the largest carbon footprint, with transportation

taking second place. There are also some large sources of indirect carbon footprint.
Deforestation doesn't directly create emissions, but it eliminates the uptake of CO2
which can no longer be converted to organic material. Then there are also positive
feedback loops that can occur once the climate begins to warm. For instance,

warmer oceans are less able to hold CO2 so they release it to the atmosphere to
cause further warming.
Some of the main sources of greenhouse gases due to human activity
include: burning of fossil fuels and deforestation leading to higher carbon dioxide
concentrations; livestock and rice farming, land use and wetland changes, pipeline
losses, and covered vented landfill emissions leading to higher methane
atmospheric concentrations.
Many of the newer style fully vented septic systems that enhance and target
the fermentation process also are major sources of atmospheric methane; use of
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in refrigeration systems, and use of CFCs and halons in
fire suppression systems and manufacturing processes. Agricultural activities,
including the use of fertilizers, that lead to higher nitrous oxide concentrations.
The seven sources of CO from fossil fuel combustion are (with percentage
contributions for 2000-2004:

Solid fuels (e.g. coal): 35%

Liquid fuels (e.g. petrol): 36%
Gaseous fuels (e.g. natural gas): 20%
Flaring gas industrially and at wells: <1%
Cement production: 3% Non-fuel hydrocarbons: <1%



For the past half-century, the Philippines has run an ecological deficit, with
its population demanding more renewable resources than the nation's own

ecosystems can provide. Although per capita demand on the countrys

productive ecosystems has remained relatively stable, the Philippines per
capita bio capacity has decreased 44%, due to rapid population growth.
Co2 emissions (metric tons per capita/person) in Philippines were reported
at 0.92 in 2008, according to the World Bank. Carbon dioxide emissions are
those stemming from the burning of fossil fuels and the manufacture of
cement. They include carbon dioxide produced during consumption of solid,
liquid, and gas fuels and gas flaring.
The global carbon emission levels have increased twofold from 1960 to
2007 (World Bank, 2011). Furthermore, Martinez-Zarzoso and Maruotti (2011)
found that middle-income to low-income developing countries account for
more than half of such emissions. In the Philippines, the carbon emission
levels depicted unclear trend from 1970 to 2007 although the overall increase
from the same time period showed that such emission levels have grown
three-fold (World Bank, 2011). A 2009 estimate ranked the Philippines 47th in
the world and 15th in Asia with 72.4 million tonnes of carbon emissions, a 2.9
percent decrease from the 2008 estimate (Yale
University, 2010).
Based on the 2010 figures, the energy sector
accounted for 35% of the total global emissions
trailed by the industry sector with 18% contribution
and the agriculture and forestry sectors with the
same contribution of 11%. Other sources were
transport (13%), buildings (8%) and waste (4%).



The leaders of the world recently met to discuss global climate change and its impacts
on all forms of life and the natural and built environment. Everyone can lend a bit of
expertise and the design community in particular has long thought about sustainable
initiatives, energy efficient building, and ways to reuse and adapt buildings and
materials. Here are 5 ways landscape architects can influence climate change through
sustainable measures.

Research has shown that temperature

increases will have an effect on the hydrologic
cycle. An increase in evaporation rates lead to
decreases in precipitation amounts, changes in
timing, and intensity rates. As a result, we are
likely to face longer periods of drought and a
slower groundwater recharge process. We
value design approaches that respond to the
need of higher water efficiency. Through
design elements like rain gardens, bioswales, constructed wetlands, permeable pavers,
rooftop gardens, and many more, we can help rain water and storm water penetrate into

the ground instead of running off.

Shenzhen Bay Tech-Eco Park, Shenzhen, China


Designers can specify local and recycled materials to reduce construction waste
heading to the landfill. In the United States, construction projects account for as much as
40% of the 251 million tons of consumer waste generated each year, and it is estimated
that less than a third of that gets recycled. As Landscape Architects, more efforts should
be made to reduce construction waste by salvaging and reusing on-site materials, which
in turn would help improve air quality, produce less landfill waste, and save old growth
timber products ( i.e. architectural trimmings, posts, support beams, etc.) that in many
cases are no longer available new. By transforming on-site materials into unique artwork
or reformed design features, we hope to bring sustainability and originality into design.


sh Pond Reservation, Cambridge, MA


Green roofs, open space, hardscape

and softscape elements can reduce the
heat-island effect of a building. This helps lower the energy needed to operate a building
and mediates the temperature of the project site. Urban heat island effect is recognized as
a rise in temperature of an urban center compared to that of the surrounding rural area by
as much as five to nine degrees Fahrenheit (F). This unnatural rise in temperature leads to
the emission of more Greenhouse Gases through the high demand on artificial cooling
during peak summer hours, which in turn contributes to global warming even further. To
help mitigate this problem, as landscape architects we can bring urban trees, open green
space, lighter colored paving material, vegetative roof + wall systems, and photovoltaic
shade canopies into our design. Take urban forests, for example. By providing shade
coverage to shelter buildings, air-condition units, as well as outdoor spaces, urban trees
are able to lower the temperature down in the city to measurable beneficial results.
Furthermore, it also mitigates the climate change through its ability to store and sequester
carbon dioxide as well as evapotranspiration.


When it comes to materials, a piece of wood that is harvested, manufactured, and

purchased from hundreds of miles away may be the same price as the one found
regionally. However, the efforts related to harvesting and transportation may result in
significantly different environmental costs. We recognized that our carbon footprint can
be reduced by shortening the transportation distance, and we are cautious about the
choice of materiality in our design. With urban farming, on-site nurseries, and rain water
harvesting, we encourage and promote self-sufficient projects.


Although there are several different types of Greenhouse gases that contribute to global
warming, Carbon Dioxide released by automobiles plays a significant role. This has
encouraged all of us to rethink the way we commute. Landscape architects have advocated
for low carbon alternative travel through designs like complete streets (which includes bike
paths, trails, sidewalks, and bus stations) to encourage sustainable modes of travel. In each
design case, we have tailored our design in response to fit cohesively within the community
to ensure they will be used.


Abesamis, J. , Campos, J. , Castell, C. (2013) Estmating the Effects of
Urbanization on Carbon Emissions: Evidence in the Philippines
Wright, L., Kemp, S., Williams, I. (2011) 'Carbon footprinting': towards a
universally accepted definition. Carbon Management

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