How Mass Bends Space
How Mass Bends Space
How Mass Bends Space
A.Findlay, P. Haenggi
From 15.8.2013
Einstein proposed that spacetime is curved by matter and that free-falling objects are moving along locally straight paths in curved spacetime. These
straight paths are called geodesics. Like Newton's first law of motion, Einstein's
theory states that if a force is applied on an object, it would deviate from a geodesic. For instance, we are no longer following geodesics while standing because the mechanical resistance of the Earth exerts an upward force on us, and
we are not in an inertial frame when standing on the ground as a result..
When standing on the earth (in a gravitational field) still we are no longer
following geodesics. Forces cause acceleration Einstein's theory states
that if a force is applied on an object, it would deviate from a geodesic.
Therefore when standing still on earth we are accelerating away from the
geodesic. Therefore the geodesic is accelerating in the opposite direction
to a person standing still on the earth.
Therefore the geodesic is a line of movement , the movement (accelerating) towards the center of the earth.And the closer it gets to the center
of mass the faster it accelerates.
The maximum acceleration is proportional to the mass of the body, and
the maximum achievable velocity is the speed of light.
By what process could a an object be accelerated along a geodesic? By
what process can Matter curve space time? What process limits the velocity to the speed of light? We attempt to find a solution
What is not described and what we will try and show here is how a mass
interacts with space to curve it.
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Section 1 Mathematical analysis .............................................................................................. 13
The expansion of the universe Increased kinetic energy of the masses in the expanded
universe, whilst the total energy of the universe remains constant. ..................................... 13
Dark energy ............................................................................................................................... 15
Dark matter ............................................................................................................................... 15
Section 2 - Specific calculations ............................................................................................... 17
To calculate the mass of the smallest possible volume of space that can be absorbed by a
particle ....................................................................................................................................... 17
For a cubic meter of Space, in 1 second, ................................................................................. 19
For the universe ........................................................................................................................ 19
Proof of compatibility with General Relativity ...................................................................... 22
Proof of compatibility with Quantum Electrodynamics............ Error! Bookmark not defined.
How can we experimentally verify this theory? ..................................................................... 25
About constants......................................................................................................................... 26
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 27
So let us start.
First we will define the universe as being the sum of everything. Therefore
there can be no interaction with anything outside the universe.
Lets make a sketch of the universe to help us understand this
Diagram 1
Time T1
Diameter D1
Time T2
Diameter D2
What can we say about these the universe at these two different times?
They contain the same amount of energy.
Of course inside the universe things are going on and types of energy are constantly changing form, like chemical energy changing to heat, but still, the sum
of all types of energy in the universe remains constant.
So lets have a look at both again after a certain amount of time has passed . At
time T1. And lets have a particular look at two arbitrary objects with mass, a,
and b.
Diagram 3
Time T1
Diameter D1
Total energy E1
Now these objects could be anything, and we can assume that they are not stationary so they will have a kinetic energy, a measure of their energy of movement, initially at a distance apart of d1 for our arguments sake we assume they
are traveling apart at a velocity of v1.
Lets now look at them again at time T2. As the universe expands, they have
now receded away from each other.
Diagram 4
d3, v3
Time T2 such
that T2>T1
Diameter D3
Total energy E3
As we have observed that objects further away (distance d3) recede faster (velocity v3) , we can say that at any particular later moment in time the sum of the
kinetic energy of all these objects will be greater than at the time T1. ie d3>d1
and v3>v1.
So where does this energy come from?
What has changed? Well let us assume that between time T1 and T2 they have
not come into contact and therefore not interacted with anything, then the only
other change is that the universe has expanded. Or in other words the volume
of space has increased. However the volume by which the universe has increased is less than the volume by which it would have increased without mass.
Diagram 5
d3 > d1
v3 > v1
Time T2 such that T2>T1
Size D3
Total energy E3 = E2 = E1
Diameter D3
Diameter D2 > D3 >D1
Therefore the universe without mass will have extra volume whilst the universe
with mass will have a lower volume but extra kinetic energy such that the total
energy of both universes remains the same.
Therefore we think the differences in the volume of space must have something
to do with the increased kinetic energy of the two objects.
So lets make an assumption. For a given volume of space there is a given
amount of space vacuum energy at any time T. An increase in the volume
without energy being added or subtracted would cause a decrease in the density
of the energy per unit volume. If you would take energy out of a certain volume
of vacuum, you would either decrease the energy density, or, decrease the volume or more probably a combination of both.
So in a universe with mass in it, such as ours which is expanding with tme, on
the one hand there is an increase in kinetic energy of the masses and a reduction
in the increase in the volume of the universe as compared to an equivalent universe without mass in it.
Missing space (and hence missing vacuum energy) on the one side and additional kinetic energy on the other side?
Can we presume that the increase in kinetic energy of an object with mass
comes from the object with mass absorbing energy from space? Later, we will
show mathematically that under certain conditions, the missing vacuum energy
and the additional kinetic energy ae equal.
If this was the case, what would be the consequences?
The first consequence would be that if all of space has vacuum energy and this
vacuum energy is evenly distributed, then as the energy density of space tries to
reach zero as time goes on, in order to obey Newtons second law of thermodynamics, the volume of space would have to increase.
So if there is some type of local quantum interaction such as the exchange of a
graviton between empty space and a mass at the edge of the two, then the space
next to the mass would lose energy and get smaller. Does the mass then gain
kinetic energy if it gains velocity relative to space, even though it is gains velocity relative to space in all six directions, up, down, left, right, forward and
backwards? Relative to a stationary point in space such as perhaps the middle
point of the universe, yes.
Would anyone living on an object with mass notice this? Probably at first not,
because gaining velocity in all 6 directions effectively leads to a zero change in
apparent velocity, making the observer think he is stationary. However as the
velocity has increased relative to the surrounding space there would be a relative acceleration. And again the relative acceleration of the object to the surrounding space would be in all 6 directions all towards the centre of the object.
This acceleration towards the centre of an object with mass is indeed felt by
humans when the object is large enough. We have given this acceleration a
name, Gravity.
Not only that, but as the object withdraws energy from the surrounding space,
the energy density of the surrounding space decreases, drawing in energy from
the next piece of space and so on. This then is how space is curved by any
mass. Spaces then flows into mass resulting in
a) moving geodesics
Y axis
Z axis
X axis
Y axis
Z axis
X axis
How does an object with mass absorb energy from the vacuum? Here we speculate that this is via a graviton, but that the entire process is over the Planck
length and time, making the capture of a graviton experimentally for us humans
very difficult. However it does make gravity a local quantum phenomenon, finally linking quantum theory with General relativity. Not only this, it explains
the expansion of the universe and explaining dark energy, and by giving a certain volume of space mass (energy) it provides a candidate for certainly a part
of the missing dark matter.
Note: Although these thoughts are based on a universe the same analysis
could be done for an arbitrary sphere of space, providing that the masses in the
second sphere where very small and the distance between the masses was
very large so that their gravitational attraction (and hence gravitational potential
energy) would be irrelevant. Therefore even if we live in a multiverse or the
universe is infinitely large the same results occur.
= Et2
= Est1 + Em1 + Ek1
= Est2 + Em2 + Ek2
In the case that we choose T2 and the velocities such that any gain in
mass from the increased velocity is negligible we can then set Em1 = Em2
And conclude that the change in Vacuum Energy = Change in Kinetic Energy
Est1 - Est2 = Ek2 Ek1
causing local bending of space time. The fact that space time remains bent
around a mass infers that there is a constant transfer of energy of space time to
the mass. The path of any particles in spacetime due to such an effect and the
rate of change of velocity of the particles would be identical to what we call
gravity. But there is no actual attraction between the masses, they absorb the
vacuum energy at a constant rate and hence spacetime next to them and thus the
effect would be that they accelerate towards each other.
So what would happen if as we suggest, the vacuum energy of spacetime was
transferred to the particles? Then the particles would start to move towards each
other and the space time between them decreases. If this was a constant process
it would look like a force of gravity attracting the two particles, causing them to
accelerate towards each other. So we would have the same effect as a force of
gravity. However there is no gravitational force acting at a distance between
the two particles, and the two particles would be just absorbing energy locally
from its spacetime surroundings.
An objection might be But particles would heat up if they constantly absorbed
energy? No, they would speed up and gain kinetic energy.
Why have we not noticed this change in velocity? It is not obvious but this simple analysis shows that all masses constantly accelerate and change velocity.
We know that our universe is expanding. And we know that mass in our universe should cause a slowing down of this expansion.
Dark energy
If the vacuum energy density decreases over time, but the entire energy of the
universe remains constant, then the volume of the universe must increase. This
would then also explain the dark energy causing the measured expansion of the
universe. This would follow from the second law of thermodynamics.
Dark matter
In areas of high mass (such as around galaxies) the stress caused by the bending of space time due to the mass absorbing energy and increasing their kinetic
energy would result in a net gain of energy around the mass, such that it would
appear that the (energy and hence) mass of the region had increased. So this
would also explain at least a part of the dark matter and the dark matters halo
like distribution around mass.
If this is true and as it seems to logically follow then we should be able to calculate some real values.
The above equations are based on the acceleration of two identical particles
with mass
It follows then that the acceleration of a single particle will then have to be adjusted
When there is only one particle and the acceleration continues anyway, it follows that the total mass in the space is given by
Ms = (Ma)/2 which can be written Ma = 2Ms
The mass of space can then be calculated as follows
Ms = Sp 3/ GT2
Generalising equation 22 we have
M= R3/GT2
An analysis showing that the new theory is consistent with all existing experiments.
As far as we are aware General Relativity is consistent with all existing experiments. General Relativity is a theory of fields. By assuming the energy distribution properties of the vacuum are compliant with the energy distribution of
the fields of general relativity such that the results would be identical to that of
general relativity as a must criteria for any detailed calculations, this theory
would then be consistent with general relativity and therefore consistent with all
existing experiments relating to space time.
G = 6.673 84 x 10
m3 kg-1 s-2
M = 2.176 51 x 10 kg
R = 1.616 199 x 10
This therefore implies that if G increases every year then C will increase every
year and we calculate the increase per year to be 0.011m/s or 11mm/s per year.
This will then be easier to find experimentally than the change in G.
Now you may be sceptical about this because it is commonly thought that relativity demands that C is constant but;
About constants
The Einstein field equation has zero divergence. The zero divergence of the
stress-energy tensor is the geometrical expression of the conservation law. So it
appears constants in the Einstein equation cannot vary, otherwise this postulate
would be violated.
However since Einstein's constant had been evaluated by a calculation based
on a time-independent metric, this by no mean requires that G and c must be
unvarying constants themselves, but that the only absolute constant is their ratio:
Of course we as humans can always decide we like the idea of defining the
speed of light as a constant because that makes many things a lot easier
Unfortunately we would then have to live with the consequence that we then
have to accept that the total energy of the universe is increasing, and we are
creating the increase in energy artificially by deciding to define the speed of
light as being constant
As much as we would like to keep the definitions of the fundamental measurement quantities in physics as they currently are based on a constant speed of
light, the consequence mentioned above unfortunately leads us to to the conclusion that the cost of this would be too high a price to pay.
2) G may change over time. By calculating the change in G with time and
comparing it observed change.
Mu = Ru3/G Tu2
Therefore = Ru3 = Mu G Tu2
As Eu = Mu c2
Then Ru3 = G Eu Tu2 /c2
Thus G = Ru3 c2 / Eu Tu2
This makes sense, as our reasoning suggested 1/G should be the current energy
density of the vacuum As the universe expands, the density must decrease so
1/G must get smaller with time. Therefore G must get bigger with time and G
must be proportional to T squared
As Eu and G/c2 are constants then R3 must be proportional to T2.
Therefore the universes expansion must be accelerating.
About constants
The Einstein field equation has zero divergence. The zero divergence of the
stress-energy tensor is the geometrical expression of the conservation law. So it
appears constants in the Einstein equation cannot vary, otherwise this postulate
would be violated.
However since Einstein's constant had been evaluated by a calculation based
on a time-independent metric, this by no mean requires that G and c must be
unvarying constants themselves, but that the only absolute constant is their ratio:
Of course we as humans can always decide we like the idea of defining the
speed of light as a constant because that makes many things a lot easier
Unfortunately we would then have to live with the consequence that we then
have to accept that the total energy of the universe is increasing, and we are
creating the increase in energy artificially by deciding to define the speed of
light as being constant
As much as we would like to keep the definitions of the fundamental measurement quantities in physics as they currently are based on a constant speed of
light, the consequence mentioned above unfortunately leads us to to the conclusion that the cost of this would be too high a price to pay.
Please note. Although we are aware that papers submitted for publication in
research journals should be placed in the context of current research, with appropriate citations to the literature, we have not used any such information directly. All the information we have used from external sources is referenced
[1] Wikipedia as mentioned in the text