Modallar yklemin havasn, modunu belirtmek iin kullanlan kiplerdir. Yklemleri her zaman V1 durumundadr. Zaman zaman continuous olurlar. Modals Semi-modals Others : Can, Could, May, Might, Should, Ought to, Must, Would, Will, Shall : Dare, Need, Have to, Used to : Had Better, be Supposed to, be Used to, be Accustomed to etc.
ABILITY1 (Yeterlilik) (present) IMPOSSIBILITY (mkanszlk)
POSSIBILITY3 (Olaslk) (present) REQUEST (rica, istek) [Can I ] OFFER (neri) [Can I] PERMISSION (zin isteme / verme)
ORDER (kzarak birey yapmasn isteme)5 SUGGESTION (tavsiye) DISBELIEF (nanamama) [cant]
She can design well. That cannot be Tom - He is in New York now. Smoking can cause cancer. Perhaps we can meet next week. Can I have some cake please? Can I help you with those bags? Can I leave the class early? Yes, sure If you carry on being horrible to your sister, Sophie, you can just go to bed! (Kzkardeine kt davranmaya devam edeceksen, doru yataa-gidebilirsin-) You can try another store, if you want. You cannot mean that. You must be kidding. (Bunu kastediyor olamazsn. aka yapyor olmalsn) You cant wear that dress. It is indecent. (Bu elbiseyi giyemezsin. Uygun/saygn deil.) You cannot really call this small knife a gun. (Bu kck baa bir silah diyemezsin/demen uygun deil.)
That cannot have been Tom because we knew he had gone to New York. (PAST) (Bunu yapm olan Tom olamazd, nk biliyorduk ki Tom New Yorka gitmiti.)
NOT : Yeterlilik (ability) belirten CAN modalnn kullanlamad yerlerde to be able to kullanlabilir. To be able to sing well was not sufficient enough to make her famous singer. [to infinitive] Will she be able to cope with the work? [future tense] He's never been able to admit his mistakes. [present perfect tense] I'm sorry that I wasn't able to phone you yesterday. [past tense] It's so wonderful being able to see the sea from my window. [gerund]
Cant be doing with ST/ SB : Katlanamamak I cannot be doing with people who complain all time. (Srekli ikayet eden insanlarla yapamam/insanlara katlanamam)
Yeterlilik (ability) anlamndaki CAN modalnn gemii COULD veya WAS/WERE ABLE TO ile, gelecei ise WILL BE ABLE TO ile yaplr: She could design well last year. (PAST) She can have designed well (Yanl) When the new road is built, Ill be able to drive to work in under half an hour. Could ile was/were able to arasndaki fark iin bkz. COULD 2 mkanszlk (impossibility) anlamndaki CANNOT modalnn gemii CANNOT HAVE V3 modaldr. 3 Sadece present zamanl, gelecek zamanda MAY/MIGHT/COULD kullanlr, ihtimalden ziyade imkan belirtir. 4 Bu tr kullanmlarda MAY I tercih edilmeli. CAN modalnn bu tarz kullanmlar bazlarnca yanl kabul edilir. 5 nformal ve sadece kzgnlk durumunda kullanlr. Bir cezalandrma amac tar. 6 Can have V3 diye bir modal yoktur.
ABILITY (Yeterlilik) (Past) POSSIBILITY (olaslk) (Present) REQUEST (Kibar rica) [Could you] PERMISSION (izin isteme) [Could I] SUGGESTION (neri) NECESSITY8 (gereklilik)
She could play the guitar well when she was 7. We could get married by next year. (Gelecek yl evlenebiliriz) Could you lend me 5? Could I use your phone? Yes you could. You said we could watch television when we've finished our homework. We could have dinner, if you like. (Eer istersen akam yemek yiyebiliriz.) Well, you could try to look a little more enthusiastic! (Pekala, biraz daha istekli grnmeye alabilirsin)
IM/POSSIBILITY (olaslk) (Past)
You couldnt have left your bag on the bus, could you? (antan otobste unutmu olamazsn, deil mi?) They told me that they had not received the letter yet. I could have sent the letter to a wrong address. By this time next week, I could have left for Washington. (Gelecek hafta bu vakit itibariyle Washingtona doru yola km olabilirim) We could/might have gone to Spain last year, but we went to Alanya instead. (Geen yl spanyaya gidebilirdik ama yerine Alanyaya gittik.) I waited ages for you - you could've said that you weren't coming! (Aa oldum gelmeyeceini syleyebilirdin)
NECESSITY11 (gereklilik)
c) zel durumlarda (special situation), cmle pozitif ise WAS ABLE TO veya MANAGED TO:
7 8
Olaslk anlamndaki COULD modalnn gemii COULD HAVE V3 modaldr Genellikle fke ile yanl olduu dnlen davrana kar sylenir. Gemii COULD HAVE V3 ile yaplr. MIGHT da ayn anlamda, ayn ekilde kullanlr. 9 MAY/MIGHT/COULD HAVE V3 bir gelecek zaman zarfyla gelecekte ihtimal iin kullanlabilir. 10 Aslnda TYPE III durumundaki IF CLAUSE yapsnn if ksm sylenmemi eklidir. 11 MIGHT/COULD HAVE V3
MODALS Ill write the date of the meeting in my diary, otherwise I may/might forget. May/might I use your phone? May/Might I drive you home? (Sizi eve brakabilir miyim?) May/Might I come in? You may come in if you want. I thought we might/may go to the zoo on Saturday. (Dndm de Cumartesileri hayvanat bahesine gidebiliriz)
POSSIBILITY13 (Olaslk) (present OR future) 14 REQUEST (rica) (present) [May I] OFFER (Teklif) PERMISSION (zin isteme-verme) SUGGESTION (neri, tavsiye)
POSSIBILITY (Olaslk) (PAST) POSSIBILITY15(Olaslk) (FUTURE) POSSIBILITY which didnt happen (Gereklememi olaslk) (PAST)
She did not come to work yesterday. She may/might have been ill. (Dn ie gelmedi. Herhalde hastayd.) By next Friday I may/might/could have completed the report. (Gelecek cumaya kadar raporumu tamamlayabilirim) The plan might/could easily have gone wrong, but in fact it was a great success.
NOT: 1. May/Might I yaygn bir kullanmken, May/Might you eklinde bir kullanm yoktur. 2. MAY / MIGHT (JUST) AS WELL madem yle, yapmaktan bir kaybmz olmaz, yapalm bari anlamnda kullanlr. We have missed the bus. The next one comes next hour. We may as well walk. If no one else wants this book we might as well give it to him.
3. may/might be Ving a) u andaki ihtimal Dont phone him right now. Their new-born baby may/might be sleeping. I may/might be going to Ireland in July. b) gelecek iin olas plan16 4. May SB/ST do ST temenni, dua olarak kullanlr, devrik yapdadr. May God help you! (Tanr sana yardm etsin) May she rest in peace! (Huzur iinde yatsn) I know that he was tried hard; be that as it may, his work is just not good enough. (Biliyorum ok abalad ama basite sylemek gerekirse yapt i yeterince iyi deil.)
14 15 16
MIGHT ile MAY modallar birbirleri yerine kullanlabilirler. Reported Speechlerde MIGHT modal MAY yerine kullanlr: He said he might come tomorrow. MIGHT modalnn ihtimali MAY ile kyaslandnda daha dktr. COULD daha ziyade bir belirsizlik belirtir. htimal sorgulamas yaplan sorularda seeneklerde hem CAN hem de MAY vs. varsa, CAN tercih edilmemelidir. Bu tr kullanmlarda MIGHT I olduka resmidir (formal) . MAY/MIGHT/COULD HAVE V3 bir gelecek zaman zarfyla gelecekte ihtimal iin kullanlabilir. Bu yap continuous yaplmakszn da hemen hemen ayn anlamda kullanlr.
NECESSITY (Zorunluluk-Gereklilik) (PRESENT)17
You must be here by 10 oclock. (=Its necessary that you be here by 10 oclock. ) I must wash the car tomorrow. You must wear these socks. You must not wear these socks. You must not smoke in the classroom. Its strictly forbidden. After that long walking you must be tired now.19 Hes very smart. You must meet him. Must the media exaggerate so much? (Medya bu kadar abartmak zorunda m?)
CONCLUSION (Sonu karma)
John looks very tired this morning. He must not have slept last night. (John yorgun grnyor. Dn gece uyumam olmal). She got here very quickly. She must have walked very fast.
What time have you got to be there? Do we have to finish this today? [present] We'll have to start keeping detailed records. [future] Jackie's ill so they've had to change their plans. [p. perf.]
Comparison: MUST vs. HAVE TO MUST daha ok bireysel zorunluluklar ile ilgilenmekteyken HAVE TO Dardan gelen, resmi, kurumsal zorunluluk ile ilgilenir. Ancak HAVE TOnun her iki anlam iin de kullanlmas gittike yerlemekte ve zellikle Amerikan ngilizcesinde MUST deyince akla ilk olarak sonu karma (conclusion) gelmektedir. Nurses have to wear a uniform. [hastane dzeni] Nurses must wear the same uniform. [birden fazla niformalarnn olmas kafa kartryor] I have to collect the children from school at 3 oclock. [okulun dalma vakti saat 3] I must collect the children. [Eimin ii vard, dolaysyla ben almalym]
If you live in the country a car is a must. (ehirde yayorsan araba bir zorunluluk) a must-do/-have/-see, etc. [informal] olmazsa olmaz anlamnda
The cashmere scarf is this season's must-have. (Kamir earp bu mevsimin olmazsa olmaz) It's a moderately entertaining film but it's certainly not a must-see. (Orta seviyede elenceli bir film fakat kesinlikle bir illaki seyredilmeli deil.)
Zorunluluk belirten MUST modalnn gemii MUST HAVE V3 ile deil, HAD TO ile yaplr: Bill is not here. He had to leave early. Ztt ise DONT HAVE TO veya DONT NEED TO=NEEDNT ile yaplr. MUST NOT yasaklama belirtir. You dont have to wear these socks veya You dont need to/neednt wear these socks. 18 Ztt iin zellikle CAN kullanlr. You can/may/might/could smoke in the classroom. I allow you to do. 19 Ztt iin CANNOT kullanlr. After that short tour you cant be so tired. 20 Gnlk kullanmda GOTTA hzla yerlemekte. Ancak imdilik NOT STANDARD kapsamnda. I gotta go now.= I have (got) to go now. 21 HAVE (GOT) TO present tense iin kullanlr. Baka bir zaman iin tense gre ekimi yaplr.
DUTY, RESPONSIBILITY (grev, sorumluluk) NECESSITY (gereklilik) SUGGESTION PROBABILITY UNHAPPENED EXPECTATION : (PRESENT) gereklememi beklenti. [should be Ving] OFFER, ASKING APPROVAL (teklifte bulunma, onay isteme) [Should we or I]
"Should I apologize to him?" "Yes, I think you should." You should be ashamed of yourselves. There should/ought to be an investigation into the cause of the disaster. This computer isn't working as it should/ought to You should / ought to give him a chance. I enjoyed the first novel, so the new one should / ought to be good. She should be preparing the breakfast now. But she is sleeping instead. (u anda kahvalt hazrlyor olmalyd ama onun yerine uyuyor). It's rather cold in here. Should/Shall I (= Do you want me to) turn the heating on? Shall/should I put these books over there? If you should change your mind, let me know. (Fikrini deitirisen haberim olsun) Should anyone call, please tell them Im busy. (Birileri ararsa, ltfen megul olduumu syleyin)23 In case you should need my help, here is my number. (te numaram, olur ya yardmma ihtiyacn olur.) She gripped her sons arm lest he should be trampled by the mob. (Kalabalkta inenmesin diye olunun kolunu skca tutu.) I was just getting off the bus when who should I see but my old school friend Pat! (Tam otbsten iniyordum ki kimi greyim, eski okul arkadam Pat)
NECESSITY (gereklememi gerekliliksorumluluk-ykmllk) (PAST)
I had a test this morning. I did not do well. I should have studied last night. (Dn gece almam gerekirdi.) My back hurts. I should not have carried that heavy box. (Srtm aryor. O ar kutuyu tamam gerekirdi.) The builders should/ought to have finished by the end of the week. (naatlar hafta sonu itibariyle ilerini bitirmi olurlar / diye bekliyorum You should have seen her face when she found out we were kidding. (aka yaptmz farkettiinde yznn halini grmeliydin.)
EXTRAS a) British Englishte I ve WEden sonra would yerine [FORMAL and RARE] I should like a whisky before I go to bed. (=I would like a whisky) b) That clausedan nce, tavsiye, aciliyet veya nem belirten bir yklem, bir isim veya bir sfat varsa that clauseun yklemi her koulda bare infinitive olur veya nne SHOULD gelir. Bkz. SUBJUNCTIVE She recommended that Mr. Smith (should) take some time off. In order that training (should) be effective it must be planned systematically. Such things ought not to be allowed. [ought not to] He oughtnt to have been driving so far. [ought not to have V3]
c) OUGHT TO bitiiktir. Gemii OUGHT TO HAVE V3 eklinde yaplr. NOT ought ile to arasndadr.
d) HAD BETTER +V1 Tavsiye belirten should gibidir. Ancak daha informal bir kullanma sahiptir.
22 23
Ayrca bkz. SUBJUNCTIVE in THAT CLAUSE SHOULD ile balayan cmle bir soru cmlesi deilse, TYPE I formatnda bir if-clausedur. Bkz CONDITIONALS veya INVERSION (devrik yaplar.) 24 Beklenti anlam vermesi iin gelecei gsterir bir zarfla birlikte kullanlmal. E anlamls BE SUPPOSED TO
You had better wear this suit. (Bu takm giysen daha iyi olur.) You had better not drink any more. You will drive. (imesen daha iyi olur; araba kullanacaksn)
LACK OF NECESSITY26 (serbestlik, zorunluluk olmama hali) NECESSITY27 (gereklilik zorunluluk) (PRESENT)
I can hear you. You neednt / dont need to / dont have to shout. Must I go? No, you neednt. veya Yes, you must I don't think we need / need to ask him. Need I go? No, you neednt. veya Yes, you must. This room needs brightening up a bit. The batteries in the radio need changing. = (The batteries need to be changed.)
IN SOMETHING NOT NECESSARY, BUT DONE (gerekmedii halde yapilmi eylerde) [PAST]
He neednt have taken the umbrella (=He took the umbrella, but this was not necessary)
NOT: NEEDNT HAVE DONE ile DIDNT NEED TO DO farkl anlamdadrlar. NEEDNT HAVE DONE yaplmas gerekmedii halde yaplm olan ilerde kullanlr. Karlatnz: He neednt have taken the umbrella. (=He took the umbrella, but this was not necessary) He didnt need to take the umbrella. (=He did not take the umbrella as it was not necessary) He didnt have to take the umbrella. (=He did not take the umbrella as it was not necessary) It was Sunday I didnt need to get up early. So I slept till 12 oclock.29 It was Sunday. I neednt have got up early but I woke up at 7 oclock since I had totally forgotten that it was Sunday.30
NEED bir semi-modaldr: Hem modal hem de yklem olarak ayn anlamda kullanlr: I need take more exercise. [modal, olumlu cmle] I need to take more exercises. [yklem, olumlu cmle, present tense] I neednt take more exercises. [modal, olumsuz cmle] I dont need to take more exercises. [yklem, olumsuz cmle, present tense] MODAL olarak kullanm gittike azalmakta ve ou balamda yklem olarak kulanlmaktadr. Yukardaki ou rnek de yklemlerden seilmitir. Ayn zamanda ihtiya anlamnda bir isimdir: There is no need for it. (Hi gerek yok.) 26 BrEde daha ok kullanlan bu yap NOT HAVE TO ile e anlamldr. Hem modal hem de yklem biiminde kullanlr. 27 Zorunluluk belirten yaps MUST modaln andrr ve genellikle yklem tarznda yaplr: You need to go rather than You need go 28 Yklem tarznda kullanlr, cmleye pasif bir anlam katar. 29 Gnlerden pazard. Erken kalkmak zorunda deildim. Bu yzden 12ye kadar uyudum. 30 Gnlerden pazard, erken kalkmam gerekmiyordu ama ben o gnn pazar olduunu tamamayla unuttuumdan saat yedide kalktm.
Clare will be five years old next month. The train leaves at 8.58, so we'll be in Scotland by lunchtime. I'll see him tomorrow./I'll be seeing him tomorrow. It won't be easy to find another secretary. There'll be trouble when she finds out. I'll give you a lift. (Sizi ben brakrm) Ask Ian if he'll take the package. (Iana paketi almak isteyip istemediini sorar msn?) The car won't start. (almaz bu araba) Will you give that to Tony when you see him, please? Will you join us for a drink, Evie? If he's late again, I'll be very angry. Will you stop being such a pain!33 You'll go upstairs and you'll go straight to bed like your father told you!34 Accidents will happen.35 Fruit will keep longer in the fridge.36 The product with the better-known brand name will always sell better.37 She's 85 now, but she will insist on doing all her own housework. That'll be Scott at the door.38 That'll be his mother with him. As you will all probably already know, election day is next week.
REQUEST/INVITATION CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (Type I) ORDER with anger or threat32 (kzgnlk veya tehdit tayan emirler)
CERTAINTY (kesinlik) a) ALWAYS (her zaman veya genellikle yle olan olaylarda)
CERTAINTY (gelecekte belirli bir zamanda olacak veya tamamlanacak ilerde)
zellikle gelecee ynelik sz, umut ve tahminlerde kullanlr. Continuous yaps (will be Ving) planlanm gelecek iin kullanlr. 32 inde gizli bir otherwise Aksi takdirde anlam tar 33 Ba belas olmay kesecek misin artk 34 imdi doru yukar kacak ve babann dedii gib uyuyacaksn 35 Kazalar hep/her zaman olur. 36 Meyveler buzdolabnda hep daha uzun dayanr. 37 Bilindik bir markas olan rn her zaman daha ok satar. 38 Kapdaki kesin Scotttr
If you do that one more time, I shall be very cross. I shall never forget you. (sz) So we'll see you at the weekend, shall we (= is that right)? I'm afraid I shall not/shan't be able to come to your party. (kanaat) Don't worry, I shall be there to meet the train. (sz) We shall (= intend to) let you know as soon as there's any news. a) Shall we go out for dinner tonight? Shall I pick the children up from school today? b) Lets go by car, shall we? Shall we hire a car? Yes lets or No, lets not What shall I wear to the party? If he's late again, I'll be very angry.43 The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, unless accompanied by an adult. (FORMAL) You shall go to the ball, Cinderella.
WILLINGNESS (gnlllk) SUGGEST41 (neri, teklif) [Shall I/we] a) SHALL I / SHALL WE b) LETs, SHALL WE? ASKING ADVICE42 [Esp BrE] CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (Type I) CERTAIN ORDER44 (kesin emirlerde)
CESARET ETMEK (ounlukla olumsuz cmlelerde kullanlr. Olumsuz cmlelerde yklemden nceki TO atlabilir.)
She dare not complain. (modal) She doesnt dare (to) complain. (yklem) I daren't/don't dare think how much it's going to cost. Everyone in the office complains that he smells awful, but nobody dares (to) mention it to him. How dare you! (Bu ne crret, bu ne cesaret!) How dare you read my diary!(Ne cesaretle gnlm okursun?) How dare he tell me what to do! Why did he try to cross the river when the ice was so thin? Another boy dared him to do it. Wear the low-cut blouse with your pink shorts - go on, I dare you!
NOT: DARESAY suppose (sanrm, galiba) anlamnda I daresay theyll serve us on the plane. (Sanrm bize uakta servis yapacak)
41 42
43 44
Future anlamnda kullanl olduka azalm olmasna ramen teklif anlamnda hala sk sk kullanlmaktadr. zellikle BrE kullanmnda SHOULD bunun past hali olarak kullanlr. (Will-would, shall-should) zellikle gelecee ynelik sz, umut ve tahminlerde ve sadece I ve WE zne olduunda kullanlr. Continuous yaps (shall be Ving) planlanm gelecek iin kullanlr. Sadece Shall I veya Shall we eklinde ounlukla Britanya ngilizcesinde yaamaktadr. Amerikallar buradaki SHALL yerine SHOULD kullanmay tercih etmektedirler. Genel olarak sadece soru cmlelerinde kullanlr. Her halkarda will de shall de ll olarak ksaltlmakta ve ounlukla da byle kullanlmaktadrlar. Bu kullanmda eskide kalmaya balamtr. Semi-modaldr yani hem modal hem de yklem olarak kullanlr. Negatif cmlelerde modal, pozitif cmlerlerde ise daha ok yklem olarak kullanlr. Herhangi bir eyi yapmaya cesareti olmak (to have the courage to do ST) anlamndadr. Olumlu cmlelerde daha ok yklem olan DARE kullanlr.
FUTURE in PAST [past of WILL]
(gemiteki gelecek)
He said he would be here at 8 oclock. (8de burda olacan sylemiti) She hoped (that) we would come to her party.(Partisine geleceimizi umuyordu.) I thought that he would refuse your invitation. (Davetini reddedeceini sanyordum.) She would not help me. (She refused to help) The car would not start. (It refused to start) Would you please pass the salt? Would you mind if I left early? No, please Would you mind leaving early? No, please If you would sign the register (Please sign it) If youd just put your address on that back of the cheque. (Please write your address on its back.) She would look better if she had shorter hair. (=She would look better with shorter hair.) (If I were you,) I would go on foot. (Yerinde olsam yrrdm) I wish you would be quiet for a minute. (Keke 1 dakikalna sussan.) Weekends we would/used to cycle to the beach. (Hafta sonlar sahile bisikletle giderdik.) I used to have a Mercedes. (Burada would kullanamayz.) Whenever we went to my Uncle Franks house, we would/used to play in the garden.
2.a) With a sentence, present time: [would rather SB did ST] kast PRESENT ama cmle simple past 2.b) With a sentence, past: [would rather SB had done ST] kast PAST ama cmle past perfect NOTE: WOULD RATHER reported speechte deimez.
zellikle gelecee ynelik sz, umut ve tahminlerde kullanlr. Continuous yaps (will be Ving) planlanm gelecek iin kullanlr. 48 Ayn anlamda COULD YOU veya CAN YOU da kullanlr. CAN YOU ancak samimiyet durumunda kullanlr. 49 WOULD YOU MIND ile yapln ricalarda iki kalp vardr. Anlam farklarna dikkat ediniz: [Would you mind doing ST?] [would you mind + Ving] Would you mind opening the window please? (Kapy amanzn bir mahzuru var m?) [Would you mind if I did ST] [Would you mind + Sent.] dikkat IF-CLAUSE simple past tense olmal Would you mind if I opened the window? (Kapy amamn bir mahsuru var m?) NOT 1: Would you mind if I did ST kalbnn if-cmleciinin zaman zaman present tense ile yaplmakta ama bu doru kabul edilmemektedir: Would you mind if I open the window? Not 2: Bu kalplarda olumlu yant vermek iin NO kullanlr. YES cevaplar ricay geri evirmede kullanlr. 50 Sadece gemite yinelenmi alkanlklar iin kullanlr, USED TO ile e anlamldr. Genellikle WOULD ile birlikte bir zaman zikredilir ve modal bu anlamyla State verbs ile kullanlmaz. USED TO her durumda geerlidir. 51 WOULD RATHER kendisinden sonra dorudan isim almaz, yklem veya tam bir cmle alr. He would rather have a house in the town. (= I prefer a house in the town.)
Would you like a sandwich? [Would you like ST] Tom would like a lift today. (Present) Would you like coffee or would you prefer tea? [would like ST]
NOT 2: Bu yaplarn perfectleri [would like to have done] unreal bir durum belirtir. I would like to have written to him. (But this was not possible) I would have liked a day off. (But I did not get it) Im tired. Id rather not go out tonight. Im tired. Id prefer to stay at home tonight.
I would have applied the job, if I had seen the advertisement. (lan grseydim ie bavururdum)
USED TO ise bir semi-modaldr Gemiteki alkanl ifade eder. Olumsuzu Used not to/ usednt/
didnt use to ile yaplmaktadr. En yaygn olarak didnt use to tercih edilir. Didnt used to da kullanlmakta ama yanl kabul edilmektedir. We used to have a railway station. But they closed it down.
BE/GET USED TO ST/ DOING ST52 (alkn olmak, be ksm eitli zamanlarda ekimli olabilir)
Im used to weather in this country. [be used to ST] Im used to driving on the left since Ive been living in England for 5 years. [be used to doing ST] I was used to driving on the left when I was in England for 5 years. I think I will be used to living in this city in 5 years.53 I can get used to seeing your face. (joke) ( Yzn grmeye alabilirim.)
NOT: GONNA= going to, GOTTA= have got to, WANNA= want to
Used to ile used to doing St kalplar birbirine kartrlmamaldr. I didnt use to live in that country. ( to V1) (Bu ehirde yaamazdm.) I wasnt used to living in that country. (to Ving) (Bu ehirde yaamaya alamamtm) 53 sanrm 5 yl iinde bu ehirde yaamaya alacam 31